SalesAlerts Quick Tour

SalesAlerts Quick Tour Contents SalesAlerts Quick 1 After Install. 2 Registration 2 First Check 3 Receiving Alerts 3 Configuring updates 4 Categories and Users 5 Pausing and Resuming 6 Searching Items 7 Opening 9 Window shortcuts 10 Favorites 10 Hot Items 11 .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. Adjusting Floater 6 .................................................................................................................................


This is a quick User Guide for SalesAlerts for Salesforce users.Click here for more information:

Transcript of SalesAlerts Quick Tour

  • 1. SalesAlerts Quick TourContentsSalesAlerts Quick.............................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................1After Install. ........................................................................................................................................2Registration ......................................................................................................................................... 2First Check .......................................................................................................................................... 3Receiving Alerts.................................................................................................................................3Configuring updates ...........................................................................................................................4Categories and Users.........................................................................................................................5Adjusting Floater .................................................................................................................................6Pausing and Resuming ..............................................................................................................................6Searching Items .......................................................................................................................7Opening ..................................................................................................................................9Window shortcuts..................................................................................................................... 10Favorites.............................................................................................................................. 10Hot Items........................................................................................................................................... 11

2. SalesAlerts Quick Tour Page 2After InstallRegistrationAs a rule after the first application start up the Registration window appears automatically, failing which it can beactivated by starting Changes CheckManual changes check, will open the Registrationwindow, if you have not registered before.Before using Sales Alerts, you are to make sure yourEdition enables you to do so. You will need ProfessionalEdition with API, Enterprise or Unlimited Edition. Checkthe title bar of your browser to determine whichSalesforce Edition you are using. The title bar includes theEdition name.On first registration you will be prompted to fill in yourpersonal information that is required for our supportservice to identify you along with other SalesAlerts users.Be sure all of your personal information is kept safe andconfidential, and under no circumstances iscommunicated to third parties or disclosed.Not to fill in all required fields manually, you can click one single button and use the copy of your info,which is also safe.When you click this button, the info for the fields below will be taken from you personal profile.Saving you time!Right after registration Sales Alerts will request about the changes made over a set time period. 3. SalesAlerts Quick Tour Page 3First CheckFirst changes check, may take long time SalesAlerts receives profiles of records open to you startingfrom today and back in time until the number of records exceeds 30 000. This coercive restriction is introduced to keepthe application efficiency on a comfortable level.Animation of the icon in tray will tell you when Sales Alerts is checking changes.When first check is over, the icon will again revert to static.Depending on the speed of your internet-connection and number of records open, first check may take up to 30 minutes.Receiving AlertsAs changes become available, Sales Alerts will update the Recent list in the main window. If changes were made inthe categories and by the users indicated in your settings, a semi-transparent window with the changes detailswill appear (by default SalesAlerts is set to show the floater for all categories and users in your company except you you are supposed to know what changes you made on SugarCRM). Click the floater to open a page with a record madeon SugarCRM for preview and edit, depending on your settings.We call this a floater. It appears for a few seconds, if any of the selected users have made or modified a record inone of the selected categories. You can manage the floater display from settings. You can temporarily stop thefloater when you are busy and it disturbs you.Every new or updated record is reflected in the Recent list over a set time period from the moment it was madeor modified. When the set time is up, the record disappears from the list. Alarm-clock to the right of the recordwill tell you that the record enters the Hot Items list. 4. SalesAlerts Quick Tour Page 4 Two lists show changes made by your colleagues and you. Using buttons on the task bar and the right-click list menu you can manage its display. When the floater disappears, point the cursor to the list to any time see what has been changed, even while offline! Missed floater? Point to the element to see changes details just as they are displayed in the floater window.Configuring updatesSalesAlerts is designed to work silently when you are working. Select the General tab from Options to set up mainproperties of SalesAlerts behavior. 5. SalesAlerts Quick Tour Page 5 Over what time period do you need records? SalesAlerts will use this time period to put records in the Recent List. It is accepted for the last record creation or modification date. How often do you want SalesAlerts to check your It is recommended to check changes as often and as intensively as you work and as many colleagues you have. If a pop-up window of SalesAlerts happened to interfere with your work, you can reduce the number of categories and users of to receive notifications, as well as change the display mode of the floater window or hold up its display on the screen for a required time period, to be able to concentrate entirely.Categories and UsersIf pop-up floater windows appear too often to show not-important information, it is time to set up SalesAlert. By default you are subscribed to all categories of your Possibly, they are too many and you do not want to see the floater on updating some of them. If thats the case, remove the flag next to the name of that category. The floater appears only for the changes made by selected users. You may want notifications only from the users of you group. 6. SalesAlerts Quick TourPage 6Removing the flag doesnt mean that SalesAlerts will not receive changes in relative categories from relative users! Thefloater window will not appear for these changes, but they will still enter the Recent list of the main SalesAlertswindow.Adjusting FloaterYou can move the floater along the screen like any other window. Next time it will open in the place where you moved itto. Use setting to manage the floater displaying, to set the size and opacity degree of the floater.the less transparent the floater window, the brighter and more appealing the text is;the bigger the text, the larger and more appealing the text is.Pausing and ResumingWhen you are busy, you can switch off the floater display for a time, from 5 minutes to 1 week to concentrate on yourwork, so that SalesAlerts do not disturb you. In that case all changes will silently enter the Recent list without hinderingyou on the screen. 7. SalesAlerts Quick Tour Page 7 Click this button if you want to hold up floater displaying.If the floater is not displayed on the screen, use the main SalesAlerts menu to stop the floater display.You can intermit and again start up the floater whether it matters or not, to you.Searching ItemsDifferent ways of fact access to records is one the main SalesAlerts characteristics. 8. SalesAlerts Quick TourPage 8 You can easily find any record, even if it is not in the Recent lists and you can only remember a part of its title. The found record can be opened on for record or edit, or you can put it in the Favorites list to be able to come back to it at any time. If at the moment of search you are in the Recent list, then the default operation will be to open a record. Click the button or press Enter to open a record. Hold on Open to activate the Add to Favorites list.Switching over to the Favorites list will result in default action changing and displaying of buttons of the searchwindow. 9. SalesAlerts Quick TourPage 9 In the Recent list any found record will be added to the list by default. Activate the Open button to open any record found in the Favorites list.Opening salesforce.comAll records you see in SalesAlerts can be opened in your browser: by clicking floater by double clicking any element in the Recent or Favorites or Hot Items lists by selecting from the Search panelIn SalesAlerts you can easily define if you normally open records to read or edit. 10. SalesAlerts Quick Tour Page 10 Selected mode will be used by default to open objects Use the contextual menu for fast selection control. The contextual menu provides more opportunities for selection.Window shortcutsThe border between the documents shortcuts on the desktop and links to your records disappears fromSalesAlerts. Just drag required elements from the Recent and Favorites lists onto your desktop or into any Windowsfolder.You can move records to the desktop or into Window folders. icons will help you to distinguishthem from the documents links.Tags work just like any other links double click will open any web page that you need to read oredit.FavoritesUse the Favorites list for fast access to records important to you, no mater even if anybody has changedthese records. The Favorites list enables you to manage the list and the elements in the list in the same way as theRecent list with the only difference that records enter and disappear from this list only on your own initiative.Records that you see in the Recent list can be added to the Favorites list by: 11. SalesAlerts Quick Tour Page 11 dragging the record from the Recent list to the Favorites list. using the "Add to favorites" item of the contextual menu in the Recent list selecting the "Add to favorites" option of the contextual menu in the Favorites list from the search items windowRemove items of little importance from the Favorites, and it will be easier for you to keep track of important items in thislist.Use the option "Remove from Favorites" in the Favorites list task bar to remove items of little importance toyou.To remove items from the Favorites list use the contextual menu opened to make records in the Favorites list.Hot ItemsDo you want to see the list of your contacts that have birthday or evaluate the number of Opportunities to be closedduring the following week by you colleagues? Are you able to do all this without going into Open theHot Items list and you will be able to find the list of events scheduled for the week. 12. SalesAlerts Quick Tour Page 12A ballon like this indicates of the Hot Items list to be not empty. Click the ballon to open the list of events.Select Show Hot Items from the Sales Alerts contextual menu at any time to open the Hot Items list, even whileworking off-line.Records in the Hot Items list get updated at every synchronization. You will be notified of an event, even if theitem is made 2 minutes before synchronization.Press Open, double click the record or use the contextual menu to open any item for record oredit.Select the time space for Sales Alerts to remind you of your Hot Items, or refuse any reminders further duringthe day.