Sales Deck

We make people happier about being at work We want to introduce you to Motivosity today and help you understand why we exist. We’re successful when your entire employee base is happier about being at work.

Transcript of Sales Deck

We make people happier about being at work

We want to introduce you to Motivosity today and help you understand why we exist. We’re successful when your entire employee base is happier about being at work.

• Founded: 2013 by Scott Johnson, the founder of Workfront

• Part of a life effort to make our time at work count for something meaningful

• 10,000+ users and growing fast!

• Focused on the human elements that make work a good place to be

Just a brief background: Motivosity was founded in 2013 by Scott Johnson, the same person who founded Workfront. Workfront, now 750 employees, is all about making people productive at work. Motivosity is all about making people happier about being at work. They are like the yin and yang of workplace goodness. Scott has made it his life mission to find ways to make our time at work (which by all measures is the majority of our waking hours) count for something more than just a paycheck.

Where does Employee Engagement happen?

All of this being happy at work, feeling like you’re part of something special, wanting to give your all so that the team can succeed is wrapped up in the idea of ‘Employee Engagement’. Let’s think about that for a second… where does Employee Engagement really happen in your company? Between HR and the employees? Between the CEO and employees? No. Employee engagement happens between managers and employees.

Managers account for 70% of Employment Engagement results

Engagement happens at the front-line and is dramatically influenced by managers. You’ve made a huge investment in your front line and you’ve trusted that your managers will safeguard that investment.

Gallup - 201682% of managers stink at motivation

147% higher earnings per share than the competition

Lower retention, lower productivity, lower quality

The managers that are supposed to be safeguarding your investment in people often times are the ones responsible for driving good employees to look elsewhere. To be blunt, 82% of managers suck at motivating people. Great managers motivate employees, build relationships, and maintain high accountability. This problem continues in companies because managers get hired based on experience, job knowledge, and metrics rather than their ability to be good leaders. The problem gets worse because managers are measured on numbers, not engagement.

free soda and pizza parties don’t lead to satisfactionFredrick Hertzberg

• Company policies

• Work conditions

• Salary

• Working for a jerk

Recognition •

Personal relationships •

Achievement •

Growth •

P �What leads to


Sometimes HR steps in with a culture initiative like free soda. Sometimes managers have a pizza party at the end of a quarter thinking that checks the boxes on being a good manager. We know from work psychologists like Frederick Herzberg that these things will only eliminate dissatisfaction — but it will never increase satisfaction. And since its not in the nature of executives and managers to reliably do the ‘satisfaction’ drivers, we can’t fix this problem without giving them some help! So… let’s give them some help… PS - did you know that your employees will work for 10% less salary if they feel like they are adequately recognized? Fun fact.

Let the employees do the things that drive engagementSystematize engaging behavior














The help is Motivosity - a software platform that addresses the key areas that drive employee satisfaction and operationalizes reinforcing behavior so that it’s consistent across the company and not just in pockets here and there. Motivosity will become the go-to place for people to recognize each other and connect better to the company and to others outside of their work silo.Managers are busy with meetings and numbers and stuff. We can’t expect them to notice all the little things people do to help each other, but we can expect that from the front line and their participation will drag managers into the process as well.

Taking the leap…

- Insanely easy to implement

Like… you could go live tomorrow successfully

- Not just another system 98% user adoption with no begging, bribing, training, reminding, or threatening

- Guaranteed success Six month money back guarantee - the CFO might think this is a ‘cost’, the CEO might think this is all fluffy garbage. They’re both wrong and you can prove it risk-free.

- Be the hero When was the last time you got profusely thanked for implementing a new software?

There are some things you need to know about Motivosity. By the way… we’re so confident that our software will exceed your expectations in terms of improving morale, team spirit, and productivity that we offer a six-month money back guarantee to all of our new customers. Some things just have to be experienced to be fully understood and we want to make that a no-risk leap of faith for you.


Diana Alvis Director, HR

Spice and Tea Exchange

Jeff Selander Chief People Officer

Health Catalyst

Austin Miller VP, Human Resources


“It feels good to say‘thank you’ in a public


“I truly believe there isvalue and hard ROI from

maintaining a culture.”

“I don’t see [issues]here because employees

say thank you!”


Here’s the good news: we’ve fixed the problem with a solution that has been game changing for the companies, their managers, and their culture.

Here are 3 executives that have experienced 98% adoption rate of our platform — and have amazing cultures as proof.

Recipient of top 40 Global ‘GREAT’ workplaces

Motivosity has played a key role in helping us establish and maintain our culture as we have grown rapidly.  It helps our team members reinforce our cultural attributes and operating principles on a daily basis.  It's nice to have 3rd party recognition in awards like this one from Gallup, but the real value is in great employee retention and engagement.  Thanks for all you do at Motivosity to help us use our culture as a huge asset! -Tom Burton

What are your thoughts?

We’ve talked about some results you can achieve with Motivosity… better team unity, more goodwill, and higher productivity. If we can deliver on that, how much of a priority would it be for you to look seriously at using Motivosity?

At this point, start figuring out who is who. What is the role of the person on the phone? Why are they on this call? Do they need to do a preliminary eval? If they like what they see, will they champion a group meeting? Who else needs to evaluate the software, who needs to make the buying decisions, who approves budget, and when everyone can get together for a group demo? For a group meeting, figure out who the stakeholders are and what their commitment is to next-steps. Don’t end the meeting without a champion and a next step.

Challenger responses:

*no budget until next year - if your air conditioning went out this afternoon, would you wait until your next budget cycle to get it fixed? So… managers can wreck morale worse than a hot office and the cost of this software is less than an HVAC repair

*status-quo is good enough -

*middle of other initiatives -

*how about six months from now? -

What are some of the outcomes you’re looking to drive with an employee recognition system?

We’re going to show you the software, but we’d like to know what some of the issues are that you’re hoping to address with an initiative….

What are your concerns about…

Peer-to-Peer bonuses Public recognition Dollars for recognition Finding budget Resources needed for implementation Anything else?


We’ve just gone through a platform that has 98% user adoption rates — unheard of in the industry.

Because peer recognition is still a relatively new concept for most companies, you may have learned some new and unfamiliar concepts.

The most common ones are the ones here.

Knowing what you know about your organization, do we need to further explore any of these items?

Are there items that are not here, that you think we need to further explore?

Show:You’ll notice… {solution}Which results in… {benefit}

Before we move on, tell me how this aligns with what you envisioned.