Salat Al-Mashishiyyah

arîqatu ﹶﺖÒ ۡ ل ﺍرﹺدŶ ŵ ﹺﺮŴ ﺮﹺۡÔ ﺍﷲ نƻ By t O All reali all un King of hi vanis Enco inclu keep Prese Onen hear his r Form You, ALLĀ statio sure and g Muh peac our L And u-l ‘Arûsiyyatu ÒŘ Ŷ و ﹶ،Ò ٌ ول ﺍﻟﺪ ﺎﻣۡ ۡ ŵ ۡ د ﹶﺎ ﺎﻃﹺﻞۡ ŵ ﺍﹸﺣﹺﺲ ول وà ﹶﺎǗ ÙۡÔ وۡ Óó ۡ ۡ ﹶ ﺪﹰ ﺍ ر ﻧﹶ نŶ ﺎﺗ وŶ ﺘﹸۡ ﺎﺕ ﺎرۡ ﺍﻟۡ ﻗﹸﻠﹸﻮۡ ë ﹶمhe pole of th e lah bestow You ties, upon who nderstanding gdom blossom s light. There sh, as it is said ompassing Sec ude me among ps me safe fro ence, encomp ness, pull me o , nor find, nor reality the con mlessly Manife for You; supp ĀĀĀH ALLĀĀĀ on of Ultimate Guidance! [18 greet him abu ammad – You e multiplied b Lord. “Glorifie praise be to Al u-l Qâdiriyyah W ٰ ﹶﻼۡ ﺍﻟۡ ﹶﺎ مÒ ٖ ﺍرﹺﮦۡ ﺍﹶۡ ß ŵ Ŷ ǘ ۡ ﺍﹶ ﹶﺔۡ ƻ ۡ ﺬﹺفۡ و ﺍﹶ و ل وۡ ﺍﻻ و ﺍﹶ و ﹶ،ۡ وۡ Ó ۡ ﺍﹶۡ ﹶﻨۡ ر وŶ ﺎﺗ ﹶﺤﹺﻴ وŶ ﺍﻟﺘ رۡ ﺍﹶۡ ﺍﹶ ﹶمe age & prop h In t ur blessings u om descended is diminished. ornately with is nothing tha d. So bless him cret that leads g his descende om the wells o passed by Your out of the mora r sense, except nflux of my wo est! O Apparen port me throu ĀH [Hold each e Destiny. [25: 8:10]” “Indeed undantly. [33:5 ur Servant, Pro by all even and ed be your Lor llah, Lord of th Worldwide Ass ۡ ﹶﺖà مۡ ﻠﹸﻮ م دۡ وۡ ﺍﻟ ضŶﻠﹸۡŴ ﺍﹶ ﹸﻮŴ ﺍﹶÓóۡ Ǟ و، ٖ Ŷ ﺍﹶ و ﹶ، ﺗ ﹺﻚۡ Ǫ ß õ ٰ ر ﺍﹶÓ و ىۡ ﻘﹺﻴۡ ﹶﺤ ۡ ﺍﻟ، Óó ۡ ۡ ۡ ﺍﺟ و ﹶﻴŴ وۡ رŶ و ﺍﷲ ﻠﹺﻤ د وۡ ۡ ۡ ﺍﹶ ﹶمT h etic scion, o the name of Al pon him from d the Adamic sc . None of us to the resplende at is not conne m with a praye through You nts, confirm m of ignorance s r Victory, and ass of metapho t through it. O orlds through ntly Hidden! H ugh You, for Y ĀĀĀ for twelv 85]” “O Lord g Allah and His 6]” May the S ophet and Me d odd number rd, the Lord of he Worlds. [37 ò튆 ociation (Singa “î òî א ﹶﻨ و ﹺﻖﹸ ،Òۡ ض ﺣﹺﻴ و،ٌ ﹺﻘŜ ۡ Ŷ ۡ ﹶﻴۡ Óٖó ۡ Ŷ ۡ ﻔﹸﻮۡ ۡ ، õ ، ةۡ ۡ ﺍﻟۡ Ǧ Ƽ ﺍﻟ ﹺـ ﺎﻣðۡ ﺍﹶ وà ۡ ﺪﹸ ﻧ ۡ ﺗ ﹺﻨۡ ǀ ﹶﻮ ﺍﻟﺴ د وۡ ٰ ۡ ÙۡÔ ﹶﻤﹺۡ ﺍﹶ، The Saluta ur master & lah, the Unive whom burst o ciences by whi otally compreh ence of his bea cted to him, b er that is wort to You and h me through hi so that I may d strike throu orical Unity, a O Allah make th the realization Hear my call as You; join me t ve slow counts grant us from angels shower ublime blessin essenger, the u s, and multipl Glory and Me :180-183]” Tho bÔÛaòîë‹ÈÛaòÔí apore) אא א a@p ¾ î א אאא Ř ۡ ﺍرŶ ۡ ﻓ ﹺﻴٰ ۡŴ ٖ Ŷ ﺎﻟﹺۡ ﹶﻠﹺﻴ ﹶة وٖ Ŷ ﺒﹺۡ Óٖó ۡ ê Ŷ ، ﺗ ﹺﻚۡ ǫ ǟ Ǧ ÙۡÔ ۡ ë Óóۡ ٰ Ŷ ۡ ﻘﹺﻴ و،Ó و ﹶ، ﹶﻚð ۡ Ǫ ﺎد رۡ Ř ۡ وŶ ۡ وŶ ﺒﹺۡ Ï ۡ ۡ رation of A guide, Mu a ersally Mercifu open the secre ich all creatur hend him – wh auty and the la because if ther thy of You, fr he is Your Sup s account, and y drink from t ugh me at the and drown me he Supreme V n of the First s You heard th to You; come s] “Indeed H Your Presenc r blessings up ngs of Allah, H unlettered Pro lied also by th ercy, beyond a ousand fold Pe í‹İÛa pý– א ، ﺍرۡ ۡ ﺍﻻ وۡ ﹶﻜۡ ﺍﻟض طۡ ۡ ۡ ﺍﻟ ß ﻟﻠ ﺍﹶ ﺍﹶ ŵ ۡ ƻ Óó ۡ Ŷ ۡ ۡ ǟ ﺍﹶ و ﺪﹺ،ۡ ﺣﹺﻴۡ Óõ ۡ ﻘﹺﻴ ǘ Ŷ وǪ ۡ Ŝ وﺂ،Ǣ زê ﺁد ﹶﺮ نŶ ۡ ﹶﻴۡ ۡ ƻ و Ĉ ï à وŶ ﻟﹺ و، ÙۡÔ ﻠﹺۡ ۡ Al-Mashis mmad ‘Abdu - ul, the Singular ets, from whom es are made po hether in the p akes of the Wo e were no inte om You, as be preme Veil rai d let me know the fountains false so that in the Essence Veil the life of m Truth. O Begin he call of Your between mys He, Who ordai e Mercy & end on the Prophe His Peace, Gree ophet – and up he inconceivab all which they eace; thousand ﹶﻠۡ Ŝ و، ﺍرۡ ǘ ﻻﹶٰ Ǡ ، ٌ ﹶ ﺣﹺﻖ وۡ ۡ ﹶﺐŴ ۡ ÙۡÔ ۡ ۡ ﺍﺣ وÓ ﺎلۡ و ﺍﹶۡ ۡ و ر و، ۡ ﹺﻲò ۡ و رةۡ ﺁء ﻧ ﹺﺪŶ à ۡ ǰۡ ﺍﻟۡ ﹶﻴ ضà ۡ ﺍﻟŵ ۡ ﺍﻻ Ó ﺍﻟﻨ ﻟ ﹺﻚۡ و، نƻ ٌ sh - s Sal ā m ibn M rly Compassion m stream forth owerless, and past or the fut orld of Domini ercessor, every efits his statur sed before Yo him with a de of excellence I may destroy e of the Ocean my spirit, his s nninglessly Et r servant, Zach self and anyth ined the Qur’a dow us, whate et. O you who etings, Mercy a pon his family le number of attribute. And d fold Peace; m ۡ ŜŶ ۡ ۡ ﹶﻘ Ŷٰ ٌ ﺎﺑ و ﺍﺳﹺﻄۡ ﺍﻟۡ ﹺﻢÒۡ ﺍﻟ ﹶﻢۡ ۡ ۡ ﺍﻟ ﺍرﹺد ۡ Óóۡ ﺸﹸ ﻠۡ Ŝ وﺔ، ﹶﻢۡ ۡ ﺍﻻۡ ﻤﹺﻌć ضǠ ۡ ﺬﹺی ﺍﻟ ن Ó ﺍﻟﻨƻ Ą ر و ﻧﹶ و نۡ ﹶﺼﹺ ﻔﹸﻮś ة Mash ī sh al- nate h the lights, in blessings upon ture. The Gard ion overflow w ything to be in re. O Allah ind ou, between Y eep and intim e. Carry me on oy it. Plunge m of Unicity unt soul the secre ternal! O Endle hary – grant m hing other tha an for you, wil ever our outw believe, show and Grace be u y and compan the perfect an d peace be up million fold Pea www.t ƻ م ۡ ﹶﻢ ﹶﻠۡ رۡ ٌ طۡ ٖ Ŷ ، ۡ إ ﹺذ، ﺎﺑ ﺣﹺﺠ و عۡ Ǣ ﺍﹶ و، ŵ ۡ ﺍﻻ ﺎرۡ ë ۡ ß ﺍﻟﺤﹺﺠۡ ﺍﻟ ŵ ﻧ ﹺﺪۡ ۡ ﺍﷲ ﺍﷲ Ŷ نۡ ﹸﺼś ۡ ﻧﹶۡ ﺍﻟ ر رasan ī al-Idr ī n whom rose u n him before w dens of the Spi with the outpo nterceded for w deed he is You our Hands. O ate knowledge n his path to me into the se til I neither see t of my reality essly Everlasti me victory thr an You – ALLĀ ll return you t ard condition, er blessings on upon our liege nions. Upon hi nd blessed wor on the Messen ace in our Hear ß ﻟﻠ ﺍﹶ ŵ مۡ ŵ ﻔﹸۡ ﺍﻟŴ و إ ﹺﻻۡ ﹶﻴۡ ŵ ۡ ﺍﻟ زﹸ ج وۡ ﺍﺟ و ﺎﻃ Ą و ٰ ۡ ī s ī up the whom ritual ouring would ur All- Allah e that Your eas of e, nor y, and ing! O rough ĀĀĀH to the , with n him e-lord im be rds of ngers. rts.


“The Salutation of Al-Mashish” [salatu-l mashishiyyah] is a sublime Sufic benediction upon the beloved Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, composed by the venerable pole [al-qutb], Mawlay ‘Abdu-s Salam ibn Mashish al-Hasani al-Idrisi, may Allah be pleased with him. Pls see:

Transcript of Salat Al-Mashishiyyah

Page 1: Salat Al-Mashishiyyah


Òلت يئ ش

ك ل ب ارد و


ر يا ≈ ر غ

ن اهللا ى ع

ت نا

By t

O Allrealiall unKingof hivanisEncoinclukeepPreseOnenhearhis rFormYou, ALLĀstatiosure and gMuhpeacour LAnd

u-l ‘Arûsiyyatu

Òا ض ل ، و ق Òة فق د ال ت ش و

ال لجامع الدو ا من م لم بغ لباطل فادم ال ب ال احس ا و

ايا ا ول يا ظ غ ب و ل بي

ا د ش ا ر ن ن ا ات برك و ت حم

ات اتم ك المبارن ي قلوب م ال ف س

he pole of the

lah bestow Youties, upon whonderstanding

gdom blossom s light. There sh, as it is said

ompassing Secude me amongps me safe froence, encompness, pull me o, nor find, nor

reality the conmlessly Manife

for You; suppĀĀĀH ALLĀĀĀon of UltimateGuidance! [18

greet him abuammad – Youe multiplied bLord. “Glorifiepraise be to Al

u-l Qâdiriyyah W

ال ز الخ اعج م ف Òت ارہ م يض انو ف

م ل ن ≈ ا ا ة اسل ف عر اہ م ى ا ي ع قذف ب

ع ال اجد وسم ول يا او ق االو

حل ، و بينك وا ن ئ لنا من امرح ر و تحيات وام بنا الت ات رم الف الف سال

e age & prophIn t

ur blessings uom descendedis diminished.ornately with is nothing thad. So bless him

cret that leadsg his descendeom the wells opassed by Yourout of the morar sense, exceptnflux of my woest! O Apparenport me throuĀH [Hold each e Destiny. [25:

8:10]” “Indeed undantly. [33:5ur Servant, Proby all even anded be your Lorllah, Lord of th

Worldwide Ass

دملوم الت ع ز روت بف ب ض الج

ل و ا الل ا يا ا ف ، و اق ، و ك ت ن ا ب

ال ا ال ار ى وحقيق ت قب الح

، ك ع بي اجم ويئ ة و حم ك ر م ال س ت اهللا ولما د ك عد و تر لوم الف س ال Tف سhetic scion, othe name of Al

pon him fromd the Adamic sc. None of us tothe resplende

at is not connem with a praye through Younts, confirm mof ignorance sr Victory, andass of metaphot through it. Oorlds through ntly Hidden! Hugh You, for YĀĀĀ for twelv85]” “O Lord gAllah and His 6]” May the Sophet and Med odd numberrd, the Lord ofhe Worlds. [37

ò튆@ @

ociation (Singa



تنز ، و ق Òا ق لححياض ة، و ق و

ا م ك ي ل ك منك ا ق حق ب س ح ب

ا وف حف ، حمال مة، ح حد رح الو

ج ب ـ ال امع عوك لك ي ب ايد و

نكآ ا نا من لد ت لوات ل ص

د الس العد فع و الع The Saluta، الف لم

ur master &lah, the Unive

whom burst ociences by whiotally comprehence of his beacted to him, ber that is wortto You and h

me through hiso that I mayd strike throuorical Unity, a

O Allah make ththe realization

Hear my call asYou; join me tve slow countsgrant us from angels showerublime blessin

essenger, the us, and multipl

f Glory and Me:180-183]” Tho






ت ق ار ي ال فم ج ر ز ب و ال م

ة تليق ك صال بح و نسب ب ق

، ا ك ت ى ح برح ي ع ق

ج ت حقيق ، و، و ك لك ي ب

اد ع بنآ م رسل لموا س ولم ع س و حب ص

مد هلل ب الح ation of A رguide, Muḥa

ersally Mercifu

open the secreich all creaturhend him – whauty and the labecause if therthy of You, fr

he is Your Sups account, and

y drink from tugh me at the and drown me he Supreme Vn of the First s You heard thto You; come s] “Indeed HYour Presencr blessings up

ngs of Allah, Hunlettered Prolied also by thercy, beyond aousand fold Pe



، ار ت االنو وقلكوت اض الم

وط ل وس ص الملحقم ا الل ك

ع يلل ب ى س ا وحيد، و لت حقيق وح

ا يآ، و ≈ ز ى من لرآد≈ ا

ي وا عل ل منوا ص ع صى اي و و ل

ال ، و ل Al-Mashisالمرسmmad ‘Abdu-

ul, the Singular

ets, from whomes are made po

hether in the pakes of the Woe were no inteom You, as be

preme Veil raid let me knowthe fountains

false so that in the Essence

Veil the life of mTruth. O Begin

he call of Yourbetween mys

He, Who ordaie Mercy & endon the Prophe

His Peace, Greeophet – and uphe inconceivaball which they eace; thousand

ق ل ف ا ، و ار ال ي حق، ال ال او

يلذ ا ق م ب كيك يد لك ب

ضل احمل ف ومن اوحال ا

و ر ي، و و اة رآء عبد≈ د ن با ض عليك الين ا ا الذ مي

اال ك النب سول ل س ، و ى ان shم ع

-s Salām ibn Mrly Compassion

m stream forthowerless, and past or the futorld of Dominiercessor, everyefits his statursed before Yohim with a deof excellenceI may destroy

e of the Ocean my spirit, his snninglessly Etr servant, Zachself and anythined the Qur’adow us, whateet. O you who etings, Mercy apon his familyle number of attribute. And

d fold Peace; m

ا ت االن ق ش ق منا س ك و اب

ة لذ ط لوال الواسم لك Òا م الق العظ

الف ارد و من م ل ش ا دية، و

م حيا اب االعظ معت ب ا س م ي ب

ض ی ن الذ ى النب ايي � ع

س ر يك و ب ن ≈ وفون ص ا عم عزة

Mash īsh al-Ḥnate

h the lights, inblessings upon

ture. The Gardion overflow wything to be inre. O Allah indou, between Yeep and intim

e. Carry me onoy it. Plunge m

of Unicity untsoul the secreternal! O Endlehary – grant m

hing other thaan for you, wilever our outwbelieve, showand Grace be uy and companthe perfect and peace be up

million fold Pea


ل ع نم ص م ى مدركفلم ي م

نوط م ذ ،و ب ل إ، حجابك اال ك و

ع ا ، و ا ل بار االحد ح ي ب ي

م الحجال الل ن آ د ع ن سم ا اهللا اهللا هللا ا

ون ع كت ل صد عبد≈ م ح ا م نب الع بك ر ن ر

Ḥasan ī al-Idr ī

n whom rose un him before w

dens of the Spiwith the outponterceded for wdeed he is Youour Hands. O ate knowledgen his path to me into the setil I neither seet of my realityessly Everlastime victory thran You – ALLĀll return you tard condition,er blessings onupon our liege

nions. Upon hind blessed woron the Messen

ace in our Hear

مالل وم الفو ال و إعليك

ل الجي ج ب ز و

ل اجع وباطن اهللا

ل م كو ئ يدن س

بح نس

īs ī

up the whom ritual

ouring would ur All-

Allah e that Your

eas of e, nor y, and ing! O rough ĀĀĀH to the , with n him e-lord im be rds of ngers. rts.