By Leyanna Clark, Ryan Casey, Saloni Bijronia, Tassneim...

Islam By Leyanna Clark, Ryan Casey, Saloni Bijronia, Tassneim Salem

Transcript of By Leyanna Clark, Ryan Casey, Saloni Bijronia, Tassneim...

IslamBy Leyanna Clark, Ryan Casey, Saloni Bijronia, Tassneim Salem

The founding of Islam

-The prophet Mohammed introduced Islam in 610 C.E after experiencing an

angelic vision

-The Qur'an was given to Mohammed through the angel Gabriel from God

-Though introduced in 610 C.E, the history of the Islamic faith goes back much


-When Mohammed introduced Islam, it was received with hostility

-He and his followers then emigrated to Medina

The 5 pillars of Islam1. Shahadah- "there is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his


2. Salat- pray 5 times a day

3. Zakat- give charity to the poor

4. Sawm- fast during Ramadan

5. Hajj- annual pilgrimage to Mecca


• The statement of faith; anyone who can't recite it wholeheartedly is not a Muslim

• When they recite the Shahadah

--That Allah is the only god, and that Muhammad is his prophet

--That they personally accept this as true

--That they will obey all the commitments of Islam in their life

• Reciting this statement 3 times in front of a witness is what anyone needs to do to become a Muslim

• They're expected to say this statement out loud with full sincerity and understanding of what it means

Salat• Gives Muslims their timetable of the day

• A prayer ritual, repeated 5 times in a day

-Salat al-fajr: dawn, before sunrise

-Salat al-zuhr: midday, after the sun passes its highest

-Salat al-'asr: the late part of the afternoon

-Salat al-maghrib: just after sunset

-Salat al-isha: between sunset and midnight

Zakat• The giving of ones wealth to charity

• It is regarded as a type of worship and self-purification

• It is a systematic giving if 2.5% of one's wealth each year to help the poor

• The benefits

--obeying god

--learning self-discipline

--behaving honestly

--freeing oneself from love of possessions and greed

Sawm• Fasting during Ramadan

• All adults must give up food or drink of any sort ,smoking including passive

smoking, sexual activity

• Muslims who are physically unwell, 12 years or younger, old, pregnant,

traveling etc.. Are excused

• If an adult does not fast they must make up the days or donate

• Eating during ramadan is eating a large meal before dawn called suhur

• The end of ramadan is celebrated with Eid

Hajj• Once a year, Muslims gather together at Mecca despite their ethic group,

color, social status and culture, to praise Allah together

• It is a ritual that is designed to promote the bonds of Islamic brother and sister hood by showing that everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah

• They were simple white clothes called Ihram

-they perform acts of worship and renew their sense of purpose in the world

• The Mecca is an extremely holy place to Muslims, that no non-muslim's are allowed to enter

The doctrine of Islam

1. Believe in the One Allah.

Allah is one and eternal. He is also the creator of the universe

2. Believe in the angel.

3. Believe in the prophet.

4. Believe in the revelations of Allah

5. Believe in the judgement and hereafter

After death everyone will go to paradise or hell

6. Believe in the predestination

* Muslims do believe that Allah wrote the bible and the Torah. However, they also believe that today, those books have been changed.

Islamic Holidays• Ramadan- is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar where Muslims fast

during daylight, the Qur'an was first revealed as well the gates of Heaven are open while the gates of hell are closed and the devils are stuck down there hehe

• Al-Hijra-the Islamic new year is the 1st day of the month of Muharram, it marks the day when the Prophet Muhammad moved from Mecca to Medina

• Eid al-Fitr- not only celebrating the end of fasting but thanking Allah for the help and strength he gave them through-out the previous month for self-control. Begins with the first sight of the new moon. It is also a time for forgiveness and making amends.

• Eid al Adha- commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allahs command to sacrafice his son Ismail. Allah sent a lamb for ibrahim to slaughter instead of his son. Since then, Muslims sacrafice a lamb on this day.

Major Movements• In 655 spread begins

in North Africa.

• In 711 Muslims enter Spain

and India.

• In 1000 Muslims spread

throughout Europe and Africa and was spread further through the

continent because of increased exposure to trade.

• In 1099 Europeans take Jerusalem in the Crusades, but the Muslims soon took

it back.

Art In Islam• Calligraphy is a very important art

form in the Islamic World

• Its aniconic; it doesn’t represent human or animals

• Early examples of art were the domes on top of the mosques.

Rites And Rituals->Birth Rites

• When a Muslim baby is born a Muslim call to prayer or adhaan is whispered into the baby's right ear by his or her father

• The baby's first taste is supposed to be something sweet so parents bring dates to rub on the babies gums

• It is a practiced carried out by the Prophet Mohammed and is believed to kick start the tiny digestive systems

• After seven days the baby's head is shaved to show that the baby is a servant of Allah

• Muslims weigh the hair and donate the equivalent amount in silver to charity.

Rites and Rituals->Wedding Rites• Majority take place in mosques

• They sign a contract as well

• In Islam, marriages were not seen as a soul mates type of ideal rather that they are social contract which brings rights to both parties

• Also if such contracts are broken either party is entitled to divorce.

• Men were allowed to have more than one wife, in which he had to love each one fully and not hurt them

• Many parents take in charge of the marriage which results in an arranged marriage

• It is forbidden in Islam for parents to force or trick youngers into marriage

• A mahr is money present as a payment to the bride which is hers to keep and use as she wishes. It is also a financial deal with the wife before marriage.

Wedding Rites Cont.• The Ceremony-

• The actual wedding is known as a Nikah which is a very simple ceremony where the wife does

not have to be present as long as she sends two witnesses to a drawn up agreement

• The ceremony is normally reading the Qur'an and exchanging vows in front of the witnesses

• Marriages must be declared publicly

• Usually by a large feast called a walimah that is specifically announced for the fact they are

getting married

• The couple sit on "thrones" and receive gifts or money

Prayers/Worships-Ritual Washing• Wudu-Ritual Washing- performed by Muslims before prayers

• Hands-start in the name of god and begin by washing the right then the left hand three times

• Then the mouth, nose and face from forehead to chin

• Arms- right arm first then the left arm cleaned both three times

• Then the hair .

• Feet-like the arms and hands, the right foot is first washed, and then the left, both three times

• This is done to be presentable in front of the god.

Prayer/Worships-Prayer Movements

• Men must be dressed in clothing that covers from the naval to the knees. They also must cover their torso and shoulders.

• Women must be dressed in clothing that covers the entire body (including their head) except for their face and hands

• They start by facing the qibla, which is the direction of the ka 'bah. In north America this is north east

• Then they make your intention to pray.

• They raise their arms to their ears and say takbir Atul ihram (Allah is the greatest)

• When they finish, (at this point they are sitting down) they turn their head to their right and say "peace be upon you" then they turn to their left and repeat the same thing

• The whole prayer is in Arabic.

Women In IslamWomen were considered transferable property.

In modern day women are given the right to have an education, to vote, and to gain property.

Women now can accept or decline marriage proposals and to complete the marriage contract the man needs her approval.

Women can spend their money anyway they like and they are not obligated to share their money with their spouse.

Major turning points1. The Battle of Badr which was the fight between the meccans and

prophet Muhammad. This was the first military victory for the Muslim and this showed they were a viable force and the political positions strengthen.

2. The Battle of Tours was a fight between Frankish leader Charles Martel and a massive invading Islamic army led by Emir Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi. During this battle Emir Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi died and The Frankish won. This stopped Islamic spread and persevered Christianity as the controlling religion in Europe

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam difference

topic Christianity Judaism Islam

Founders and

early leader

Jesus, Peter, Paul Moses,Abraham Muhammad

Different sects

of religion

Three main



Protestant, and

Roman Catholic

Orthodox, Reform,


Conservative and


Main Locations Europe, North

and South

America, Africa

Israel, Eastern

Europe, USA

Middle East,

North Africa,

Southeast Asia

Bibliography• Origin Of Islam (2017). Origin of Islam. Retrieved


• Timeline of Islam (2014). Timeline of Islam. Retrieved from

• What is Islam, and what do Muslims believe? (2017) What is Islam, and what do Muslims believe?

• Appendix II: Sects in Islam (2017). Appendix II: Sects in Islam. Retrieved from



Bibliography• Reem (2012) Important Events: The Battle of Badr retrieved from

• “Compare Christianity, Islam and Judaism.” 10 Apr. 2017. Web. Accessed 27 Oct. 2017. <>