Saint Patrick's Church, 16 February 2020 FRANKIE VALLI ... · Wednesday 19 February 10.00 am Mass...

Saint Patricks Presbytery, 2 Watts Street, Rochdale, OL12 0HE Parish Priest: Father Robert Lasia Parish Administrator: Kate Cottam Saint Patrick's Safeguarding Reps: Mrs Monica Walczak, Mrs Pam Kershaw St. Patrick's E-mail Address: [email protected] St. Patrick's Phone Number: (01706) 644412 St. Marys Phone Number: (01706 378261) Salford Diocese Web Address: Salford Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees, Registered Charity Number 250037 HOSPITAL CHAPLAINS Springhill Hospice 01706 649230 Royal Oldham Hospital 0161 627 8796 North Manchester Hospital 0161 720 2293 The Christie Hospital 0161 446 3097 Father Starkie, Fairfield Hospital 0797 935 1744 Sister Maureen Fairfield Hospital 0161 624 1933 FRANKIE VALLI TRIBUTE NIGHT 25 April, in St Patricks school in aid of the Children and Families Group travelling to Lourdes in summer. Hot supper available. Tickets £10 (available next week) Telephone the parish office or 376644 to reserve a ticket. PETER STARSFIELD as Frankie Valli HELEN FARRELL singing music from the 60’s and hit shows ANDY EASTWOOD Singer and multi-talented musician JIM NICHOLAS COMPERE Safeguarding - children using the TOI- LET/BABY CHANGING facilies must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Thank you. Please contact the hospital chaplain if a relative or close friend goes into hospital and tell them their name and ward number so that they can pay them a visit. If there is no reply, please leave your number - someone will call you back. Parent and Toddler Group in the parish room in St Patricks school, every Tuesday, term-time only, 8.45 am to 11.30 am. Come and try this small, friendly play group. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The World Day of Prayer service, which has been pre- pared this year by the women of Zimbabwe, will take place at the Salva- tion Army, Newgate, is on Friday 6 March at 2 pm. Everyone is wel- come. Please come along if you can. Leco Divina on Tuesdays 7pm from 25th February at St Mary's Church, 40 Featherstall Road, Lileborough, OL15 8DW. Pray with the Gospel and listen to a commentary in preparaon for Sunday. Contact Helen Jungmayr on 07966 527133 for further details Saint Patrick's Church, 16 February 2020 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A Prayer for the Sick and Housebound - Father, we ask you to send your help to those who are sick in mind and body. In our care may they see your love. Bless those who cannot be with us today, they are in our thoughts and prayers. May they be given courage and strength. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. FILIPINO AND ENGLISH MASS IN ST PATRICKS CHURCH THIS AFTER- NOON, 2 pm You will recall the talented Filipino choir who performed here previously. They will join us again to celebrate Mass this afternoon. All welcome ST MARYS PARISH CENTRE GROUP A new group, Reach Out and Talk is starting in the Parish Centre soon. The group will meet once a month for lunch, activities and a speaker, Fr. Robert has agreed to give a talk about his time as a Prison Chaplain at the first meeting. If you would like to know more about the new group please speak to Angela Bradley at St Marys. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION If you would like your child to be bap- tised here please pop into the Sacristy after Mass for an application form. Three-session preparation courses begin on 17 February at St Marys (even if your child is to be baptised at Father Arthurs Golden Jubilee, next Saturday February 22nd Mass at St Marys in the presence of Bishop John Arnold at 12 noon; all welcome. NO MASS AT ST PATRICKS NEXT SATURDAY. Reception at Littleborough Cricket Club, admission by ticket only (£5) - potato pie, cheese and onion pie and dessert. Tickets available from Jenny on 07904 953567 Thank you for this weeks Sanctuary Lamp, which has been donated in memory of FRANK CALDECUTT whose anniversary occurs at this me. Thank you for our altar flowers which have been do- nated in memory of MARY KERSHAW who died on 2 January 2020. Marys funeral took place here on 16 January. RIP Vocations Weekend for young women (20s and 30s), run by the Faithful Companions of Jesus Theme: Discernment and Vocation Date: 28th Feb - 1 March 2020 See notice board for further details. Stay for the weekend or just come along on Saturday for the day. There will be opportunity for prayer, reflection and input, chance to ask questions and to meet others who are also won- dering where God is calling them.

Transcript of Saint Patrick's Church, 16 February 2020 FRANKIE VALLI ... · Wednesday 19 February 10.00 am Mass...

Page 1: Saint Patrick's Church, 16 February 2020 FRANKIE VALLI ... · Wednesday 19 February 10.00 am Mass at St Mary’s with children from St Mary’s school -all welcome Thursday 20 February

Saint Patrick’s Presbytery, 2 Watts Street, Rochdale, OL12 0HE

Parish Priest: Father Robert Lasia

Parish Administrator: Kate Cottam

Saint Patrick's Safeguarding Reps: Mrs Monica Walczak, Mrs Pam Kershaw

St. Patrick's E-mail Address: [email protected]

St. Patrick's Phone Number: (01706) 644412

St. Mary’s Phone Number: (01706 378261)

Salford Diocese Web Address:

Salford Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees, Registered Charity Number 250037


Springhill Hospice 01706 649230

Royal Oldham Hospital 0161 627 8796

North Manchester Hospital 0161 720 2293

The Christie Hospital 0161 446 3097

Father Starkie, Fairfield Hospital 0797 935 1744

Sister Maureen Fairfield Hospital 0161 624 1933

FRANKIE VALLI TRIBUTE NIGHT 25 April, in St Patrick’s school

in aid of the Children and Families

Group travelling to Lourdes in summer. Hot supper available.

Tickets £10 (available next week) Telephone the parish office or

376644 to reserve a ticket.



singing music from the 60’s and hit shows


Singer and multi-talented musician



Safeguarding - children using the TOI-LET/BABY CHANGING facilities must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Thank you.

Please contact the hospital chaplain if a relative or close friend goes into hospital and

tell them their name and ward number so that they

can pay them a visit. If there is no reply, please leave your number - someone will call

you back.

Parent and Toddler Group in the parish room in St Patrick’s school, every Tuesday, term-time only, 8.45 am to 11.30 am. Come and try this small, friendly play group.


The World Day of Prayer service,

which has been pre-pared this year by

the women of Zimbabwe, will take place at the Salva-

tion Army, Newgate, is on Friday 6 March

at 2 pm.

Everyone is wel-come. Please

come along if you can.

Lectio Divina on Tuesdays 7pm

from 25th February

at St Mary's Church, 40 Featherstall Road,

Littleborough, OL15 8DW.

Pray with

the Gospel and listen to a commentary in

preparation for Sunday.

Contact Helen Jungmayr on

07966 527133 for further details

Saint Patrick's Church, 16 February 2020 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Prayer for the Sick and Housebound - Father, we ask you to send your help to those who are sick in mind and body. In our care may they see your love. Bless those who cannot be with us today, they are in our thoughts and prayers. May they be given courage and strength. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

FILIPINO AND ENGLISH MASS IN ST PATRICK’S CHURCH THIS AFTER-NOON, 2 pm You will recall the talented Filipino choir who performed here previously. They will join us again to celebrate Mass this afternoon. All welcome ST MARY’S PARISH CENTRE GROUP

A new group, Reach Out and Talk is starting in the Parish Centre soon. The group will meet once a month for lunch, activities and a speaker, Fr. Robert has agreed to give a talk about his time as a Prison Chaplain at the first meeting. If you would like to know more about the new group please speak to Angela Bradley at St Mary’s. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION

If you would like your child to be bap-tised here please pop into the Sacristy after Mass for an application form. Three-session preparation courses begin on 17 February at St Mary’s (even if your child is to be baptised at

Father Arthur’s Golden Jubilee, next Saturday February 22nd Mass at St Mary’s in the presence of Bishop John Arnold at 12 noon; all welcome. NO MASS AT ST PATRICK’S NEXT SATURDAY. Reception at Littleborough Cricket Club, admission by ticket only (£5) - potato pie, cheese and onion pie and dessert. Tickets available from Jenny on 07904 953567

Thank you for this

week’s Sanctuary Lamp,

which has been donated in memory of

FRANK CALDECUTT whose anniversary occurs at this time.

Thank you for our altar flowers which have been do-nated in memory of MARY KERSHAW who died on 2 January 2020. Mary’s funeral took place here on 16 January. RIP

Vocations Weekend for young women (20s and 30s), run by the Faithful Companions of Jesus Theme: Discernment and Vocation Date: 28th Feb - 1 March 2020

See notice board for further details.

Stay for the weekend or just come along on Saturday for the day. There will be opportunity for prayer, reflection and input, chance to ask questions and to meet others who are also won-dering where God is calling them.

Page 2: Saint Patrick's Church, 16 February 2020 FRANKIE VALLI ... · Wednesday 19 February 10.00 am Mass at St Mary’s with children from St Mary’s school -all welcome Thursday 20 February

WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK Joan Taylor, Peggy ThorntonJohn McGrath, Linda Barrett, Sister Alphonsus, Jackie Henry, Diane Lynch, Peter Galvin, Tom Fleming, Louise Cross, Eileen Bull, Maureen Maguire, Michael Howarth, Pat Butler, Colin Evans,

Kathleen Taylor, Sioan Brown, Marian Mut, Marie Jubb, Josie Cross, Margaret Thorpe, Sean Wylie, John Maguire, Kazia Andruszko, Mark Richardson, Ben Anthony Joseph, Alice O'Neil, Pat Quinn, Patricia Kerton, Don Sumner, George Ife, Eleanor Cooper, Elaine Walsh, Christine Wildman, Maureen Barker, Ann Walsh, Jane Mason, Jean Dell, Joan Adshead, Ean Burgon, Peter Wright, Joan Pumfrey, Ellen Paige, David Schofield.

WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHOSE ANNIVERSARIES OCCUR UP TO AND INCLUDING 16 FEBRUARY: Eduardo Valentim, Artur Valentim, Naria da Conceicau, Gillian Patricia Barker, John Stanczyk, Mary Royds, John Burke, Edmund Ashurst, Francis

Doherty, Catherine Gallagher, Marion Schofield, Tom Kilgallon, William Lloyd, Agnes Flood, William Henry Tinsley, Vincent Lyne, Mary O’Brien, Bernadette Claire Mortimer, James McNiffe, Jane Christina Tinsley, Josephine Mary Lewis, Ellen Hodgkinson, Margaret Moran

WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE RECENTLY DIED: Sister Stella, Brian Lill is, John Kelly, Francis Simpson, James Gavin, Michael Howarth, Baby John Joseph, Josef Pidliswyj,

There are no meetings this week.

Minibus Trips Please ring Kate to

book a place (644412). Once booked please try not to cancel. No charge is made, but a bag will be passed around for you to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of run-ning the minibus. Friday 28 February, departing 10 am, Skip-ton for Market Day (3 places available)

Thursday 5 March, Formby Beach (gentle walking) Anthony Gormley sculptures, (departure time TBC dependent upon low tide times) CHANGED FROM 6 MARCH (BETTER FOR LOW TIDE) (5 seats left) Tuesday 10 March, lunch at the Eagle and Child, Ramsbottom, 11.30 am (10 seats left) Wednesday 18 March, Heskin Hall Shop-ping Village, Heskin (nr Chorley), depart 10.30 am (4 seats left) Monday March 23, Buxton Opera house for the backstage tour (takes 1 hr 15 mins) and then time in Buxton for lunch/shopping, returning at 4 pm approx. (6 seats available)

ROTA 23 February

Readers Caron, Diane, Bridie

Children's Liturgy Lucy, Caron

Gift Shop Mary, Teresa

Counters Jim

Would you like to donate a Sanctuary lamp in memory of a loved one? These lamps burn continuously for 7-8 days, and cost £5 each. We will acknowledge

your loved one in the newsletter, just as we do for donated flowers.

CHILDREN’S LITURGY TRAINING DAY Saturday 28 March, 10 am to 3 pm at the Cathedral Centre, Salford, M3 6DP

RETREAT DAY FOR ALTAR SERVERS Christian Heritage Centre, Stonyhurst, Clitheroe BB7 9PZ Age 8-11 on Saturday 18 April 10 am to 3 pm Age 12-17 on Saturday 16 May 10 am to 3 pm Consent forms required for altar servers’ days.


Monday 17 February 10.00 am

Mass at St Mary’s

Tuesday 18 February 10.00 am

11.50 am

Mass in Alice Ingham school —

everyone welcome Funeral Service at Rochdale Crematorium for


Wednesday 19 February 10.00 am Mass at St Mary’s with children from St Mary’s

school - all welcome

Thursday 20 February 7.00 pm Mass at St Patrick’s

Friday 21 February 10.00 am Mass at St Mary’s


22 February

12 noon

Mass at St Mary’s in the presence of Bishop

John Arnold to celebrate Father Neary’s

Golden Jubilee.


Sunday 23 February

9.30 am

11.15 am

5.00 pm

Mass at St Patricks

Mass at St Mary’s

Mass at St Patrick’s

If you did not pick up a Hope in the Future leaflet last weekend, there are spare copies at the back of church. These leaflets give contact details if you are interested in at-tending training sessions at the Diocese, as well as providing points for personal reflec-tion/discussion over the coming weeks. As a reminder, for week 1, we are asked to con-sider the following: Personal reflections questions How do I prepare to listen to God’s Word each Sunday? Do I ever look at the Scripture readings in the week before Mass? Practical questions Do we have enough readers to give variety in voices? Would introductions to the readings help our understanding?

Thank you to everyone who supports the Gift Shop at the back of church and to Irene Turner, Gift Shop Co-ordinator, and all the ladies who volunteer their time to run the shop after Mass each Sunday. This week they presented us with a welcome cheque for £1000. This mon-ey will help us with the cost of two new windows in the meeting room and parish office in our presbytery. The current single glazed, wooden win-dows, which are almost 100 years old, are rotten. Replacement of both will cost £2,730.

Thank you for last week’s offertory collection of £418, which also con-tained an anonymous donation ‘for the homeless’ of £100. We are also grate-ful for a late donation of £20 to the Jimmy Cricket proceeds and for the contents of the poor box and Mary’s Meals - this week £30 and £25 respec-tively.

Gift shop open after Mass - cards, gifts, diaries and calendars