SAINT ATHANASIUS THE GREAT · 2014‐2015 8:30am‐12:00noon 12noon‐3:pm and 8:30am‐3:00pm...

Metropolis of Boston SAINT ATHANASIUS THE GREAT GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH ORTHODOX STEWARSHIP PROGRAM 4 Appleton Street, Arlington, MA 02474 A Rich Man is not one who has much but one who gives much. For what he gives away remains his forever.” St. John Chrysostom March 2014 Dear Parishioner Wise Men offered gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the Christ Child. These wealthy scholars and priests of the East endured danger and traveled a great distance to offer their treasures to Christ. What a beautiful and meaningful example of stewardship they set for us, helping us to understand the blessing of properly using and sharing God’s gifts. We thank you for past support of Saint Athanasius as we know there are many worthy causes for your donations. In this our 50 th year (19642014), we hope to make another leap forward to grow our ministries for another 50 years. This year, with the support of our members, we hope to initiate ministry programs in the areas of Youth, Seniors, and Outreach, to those we know that are home bound and sick, as well as those in our community who are in need. We invite you to please fill out Stewardship card on the back of this letter and return it with your information… We ask you to please to participate and share your financial blessings this year as a pledge or donation. In the following months, we will initiate our plan to visit/meet with all of our parishioners to share the current vision of our parish leadership and seek your participation in realizing this vision. Just like the five loaves and two fish that fed the 5,000, we too offer what we can and what we have – however great or small our gift. When we do this prayerfully and with humility, God will take our gifts and multiply them in order to feed His people. Please take the time to make your offering today and enable our Church to continue to enhance the spiritual growth of all the Orthodox Christians entrusted to our care. You donation in this our 50 th year, (19642014), will be respected and put to good use. Whatever you can do to help us meet challenge, this will be appreciated and cherished. May our Lord richly bless you in every way! We offer you our personal thanks for your love, support, and dedication to our Parish in the work of salvation. Me agape and gratitude, Rev. Fr. Nicholas Kastanas A. Paul Tsitsopoulos Theodore A. Speros Parish Council President Stewardship Fr. Nicholas M. Kastanas Parish Priest Parish Office: 781-646-0705 | Fax: 781-641-4700 | Fr. Nick Voicemail: 781-673-2002 email: | web: | Fr. Nick email:

Transcript of SAINT ATHANASIUS THE GREAT · 2014‐2015 8:30am‐12:00noon 12noon‐3:pm and 8:30am‐3:00pm...

Page 1: SAINT ATHANASIUS THE GREAT · 2014‐2015 8:30am‐12:00noon 12noon‐3:pm and 8:30am‐3:00pm **Registration for 2014‐2015 school year has now begun and an “Open House” is


Metropolis of Boston



ORTHODOX STEWARSHIP PROGRAM 4 Appleton Street, Arlington, MA 02474

A Rich Man is not one who has much but one who gives much.  

For what he gives away remains his forever.” ‐ St. John Chrysostom 

March   2014 






Dear Parishioner  

Wise Men offered gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the Christ Child. These wealthy scholars and priests of the 

East endured danger and traveled a great distance to offer their treasures to Christ. What a beautiful and meaningful example of 

stewardship they set for us, helping us to understand the blessing of properly using and sharing God’s gifts. We thank you for 

past support of Saint Athanasius as we know there are many worthy causes for your donations.  

In this our 50th year (1964‐2014), we hope to make another leap forward to grow our ministries for another 50 years. This 

year, with the support of our members, we hope to initiate ministry programs in the areas of Youth, Seniors, and Outreach, to 

those we know that are home bound and sick, as well as those in our community who are in need.  

We invite you to please fill out  Stewardship card on the back of this letter and return it with your information… We ask 

you to please to participate  and share your financial blessings this year as a pledge or donation.  

In the following months, we will initiate our plan to visit/meet with all of our parishioners to share the current vision of 

our parish leadership and seek your participation in realizing this vision.  Just like the five loaves and two fish that fed the 5,000, 

we too offer what we can and what we have – however great or small our gift. When we do this prayerfully and with humility, 

God will take our gifts and multiply them in order to feed His people.   

Please take the time to make your offering today and enable our Church to continue to enhance the spiritual growth of 

all the Orthodox Christians entrusted to our care.   You donation in this our 50th year, (1964‐2014), will be respected and put to 

good use. Whatever you can do to help us meet challenge, this will be appreciated and cherished.  

May our Lord richly bless you in every way!  

We offer you our personal thanks for your love, support, and dedication to our Parish in the work of salvation.  



Me agape and gratitude, 



      Rev. Fr. Nicholas Kastanas           A. Paul Tsitsopoulos        Theodore A. Speros 

Parish Council President                        Stewardship

Fr. Nicholas M. Kastanas – Parish Priest

Parish Office: 781-646-0705 | Fax: 781-641-4700 | Fr. Nick Voicemail: 781-673-2002 email: [email protected] | web: | Fr. Nick email: [email protected]


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[Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the 

document. Use the Drawing Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.] 

2014 SAINT ATHANASIUS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH CONFIDENTIAL FAMILY INFORMATION FORM    Please complete and return this form to the Church Office 

4 Appleton Street Arlington, MA 02474  

Name:  ___________________________________________ 


Address :           _____   City:          State         Zip      

Home Telephone:             I would like bulletin  via mail  ___     via email    ____ 

    Member        Spouse           


Mobile Tel:                       



Work Tel:                       


Please complete and return this form to the Church Office 

Please check  those items in which you or a member of your family has some expertise or interest. 

Place name or initials of the specific family member after each item checked. 

 Bible Study         Youth Work       Real Estate  Management 

 Teaching         Sunday School     Medical/Nurse 

 Greek School/Little Halos     Church Choir      Art/Design Services 

 Visitation of Elderly/Infirm     Soup Kitchen      Youth Ministry 

 Scouting         Finance       New parents 

 Computer ‐ software      Legal        Ushering / Welcome 

 Web Design         Mechanical / Plumbing   Reader (in liturgy) 

 Computer – Hardware/Systems    Electrical        Architecture 

 Outreach to Community     Evangelism       Festival    

 Publishing/Marketing     Construction      Other ________________________________ 

 Gardening         Office Work                _______ 


Family Name ______________________________________________________________ 


We would like to pledge $___________ Monthly 

We would like to pledge $___________ Semi Annually 

We would like to pledge $___________ Yearly 

Please accept our donation of $_________________ enclosed for support the efforts of St Athanasius in its 50th year. 

You can also pledge at 

Children   / Age 






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ANNOUNCEMENTS                                 2014‘PastPresidentsLuncheon’



Greetings from the Church Ministries, as we are off to a great start for 2014. As VP ofMinistriesmycorefocuswillbetoenhanceandenrichourgrowingministries.Iencourageyou to step up and champion a ministry that interests you. Currently we are seekingvolunteerstoleadourtechnologyministry,anareawheretheChurchneedsyourideasandexpertisetoimproveourITinfrastructure.



PlowingMinistry.Wearegrateful toMr.ArthurGillis fromRegalManagement, forhis hardwork and dedication during this very busy and demanding snow season.Thankyou!




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Aswepreparetocelebratethe50thAnniversaryofourparishchurch,SaintAthanasiustheGreat, in 2014, a commemorativealbum is being created. Photosof families andvariousministryactivitieswillbefeatured,alongwiththehistoryofourcommunity.


You can reserve your space in the album using the form in this bulletin or online


PleasecontactGeorgeMakredes,withanyquestions ThankfullyandGratefully,


Email:[email protected] 


IOCC Callingallundergrads,recentgraduates,andadvancedegreestudentswhoareinterestedincareersininternationalreliefanddevelopment! ApplyNowFor2014IOCC

InternshipProgram—ApplicationDeadlineExtendedtoMarch10!Theprogramprovidesauniqueopportunitytogainfirsthandexposureto theoperationsofanOrthodox

Christianinternationalhumanitariananddevelopmentorganization.Summer internshipsareavailableintheUSandGreece(mustbefluentinGreek).Fordetailedinformationandtodownloadanapplication,




AlltheChristmassingingabout‘Letitsnow!’cametrueinJanuaryandespeciallyFebruarythisyear.However,despite the cold and the snowweall enjoyedsomeveryspecialdaysduringthiswinter,includingtheGodparents‐GodchildrencelebrationonSunday,February9th. It’s traditional that for this event the children write personalized notes to theirgodparents,butthisyearthankstotheinternetwewereabletoalsoreceivemessagesfromgodparents to their godchildren. After the heartwarming candlelight prayer service inChurch,godparentsandgodchildrensharedmessages,hugs, andcake in frontof the20 ftlongboardwheremessagesandpicturesweredisplayed.We thank all of the families fortheirparticipation to thismemoriescreating event, aswell as to the CatecheticalSundaySchool teachers (Mary,George,Loula, Val, Tina)whoprovided flowers, balloons, suppliesandsetuphelp for thisevent.We finally thank theNickAlex family fordonating thecakeweallenjoyedforthisevent.


TheannualteachingDivineLiturgyiscurrentlyscheduledforSunday,March30th.Thisisaunique opportunity for everyone including teachers, students and parents to experiencetheDivineLiturgy in a uniqueway that helpsusunderstandbetter thismost important

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celebrationofOrthodoxLiturgical life.Asalways,wewould like to thankFr.Nickfor thisgreatteachingopportunityheofferseveryyear.


PreparationfortheannualSt.JohnChrysostomOratoricalFestivalhasstartedandstudentsinthe4th‐12thgradesshouldhavereceivedemailswithinformationandinstructions.Thisyear’sParishFestivalwill takeplaceonSaturday,March22nd in ourparishauditorium.The District Festival is scheduled on April 5th, with our parish hosting the event.Introduced in 1983, the St. JohnChrysostomOratoricalFestivalprovidesGreekOrthodoxyouththeopportunitytowriteandspeakabouttheirfaith.Please,encourageyourchildtoparticipatein thisspirituallyrewardingandeducationalactivity.We thank our2ndgradeteacherMrs.TinaPavlakis‐Bowlingforherexemplaryleadershipincoordinatingthiseventand extend our thanks to all the teachers, parents and students thatwill practice,contributeandparticipate!


OnMarch 3rd we’ll also embark on our forty day Lenten journeywith destinationHolyWeekandthegloriouscelebrationofPascha/Easter.IntheCatecheticalSundaySchool,andhopefullyathome,as teachers,parentsandstudentsalike wewill learnandpracticethespiritoftheLentenseasonandenjoythe‘spiritualviews’ofourLentenjourney.EachofthefiveSundaysinLentwillbringusanewopportunitytocelebrate,learnandfollowthelifeoftheSaintsasweproclaimourfaith,havequiettimewithGod,carryourCross,struggletogrowingoodnessandrepentfromoursins.


The next staff meeting is scheduled for SundayMarch 9th, immediately after the end ofclasses. And letus notforget thatwiththe calendar turned toMarch, weare lookingforwardtothefirstdayofSpringonMarch20th!



ThisisthetimeoftheyearwhenourstudentsarepracticingfortheMarch25th celebrationthatconcludeswiththeBostonParadeonSunday,April6th 2014.ChildrendressedinthetraditionalGreekcostumescommemoratethisGreekEthnicHoliday.Manytimes,studentsare in need of such costumes and so we are asking families who have such traditionalapparelthattheirchildrenhaveoutgrowntokindlydonatethem. Yourgenerositywillbegreatly appreciated. Please contact the church office at 781‐646‐0705 if you havecostumestodonate!!!





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The month of February began with our students attendingtheLiturgyforthePresentationofourLordintheTempleonFebruary 2nd. Curriculum themes for February includedGroundhogDay activities and exploration of the concept ofshadows, as well as Valentine’s Day and related crafts andactivities. February was also dental health month. Thechildrentalkedabouttheirteethandmouth.Ourstudiesforthe month of February were concluded with the custom ofΑποκριές and theGreekcarnival that takesplacebefore thelentperiod. Thebooksthatwereadwere:TheCatintheHat,One fish two fishRedFishBlue Fish,HoponPop,TheLorax,TheFootBook,GreenEggsandHam,ICanAddUpsideDown,FoxinSocksandHappyBirthdayToYou.

On Thursday, January 30th, 2014 Little Halos hosted a wellattended parent/teacher workshop on “Second LanguageAcquisition and Cultural Identity”. Dr. AnastasiaGalanopoulos,presentedthelatestresearchonthistopic.


*([email protected],[email protected]‐968‐5013)







**Registration for2014‐2015schoolyearhasnowbegun and an “OpenHouse” isscheduledfor,March19,20,&21,2014at10:00‐11:00am.


For more information andregistrationmaterials, call theschoolat781‐646‐1322 or781‐354‐9232.

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JOY is off to amidyear start as a group effort. Lisa Paganis,whoworkedextremely hardorganizingand running all JOY events for the past few years, ismovingon toworkwithGOYA.ThecurrentteamisLoulaBoretos,ArgyroTsiaras,OlgaPatoucheasandJaneAwad.We thank Lisa for all her hardwork and dedication. Please be on the lookout for flyersannouncingourfunMarchevent.




St.Barbara’sPhiloptochoswelcomeseveryonebackafterawinterbreak.WewillbebackontrackwithourmonthlyGeneralAssemblymeetingstoprepareforabusyspringseasonwithmanyeventsandvisits. Pleaseconsiderjoiningusandseewhatwedo! PleaseseeourSAVETHEDATEbelow to plan.I look forward to sharing time and fellowshipwithmyfellowPhiloptochossisters.



Thank youforallyourdonationsforthisproject!The Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos will bepreparing our church’s contribution and deliver totheBedfordVA. Thispicturedisplayswhat itemswillmake up a basket for veteranswho are starting freshand will begin living on their own. This basket willcontain a collection of basic necessities for their newhome.


Our Philoptochos welcomes donations/gift cards topurchase these items, or they can be purchased on your own. Veteran’s display in thechurchhallexplainsadetailedlistofwhat isneeded. This isanon‐goingproject,andwecontinuetowelcomedonationsfortheMaycollection.


PleasecontactKathyVanKuilenburgat978‐663‐3936 [email protected] orStellaKazantzasat781‐646‐0705inthechurchoffice.



Friday‐Saturday,March14‐15–PhiloptochosRetreat inContoocook,NHat theRetreatCenter–SPACEISLIMITEDandonaFIRSTCOMEFIRSTSERVEDbasis.


“TheLentenRetreat forWoman”willbeMarch14‐15. Sisters,Mothers,Aunts,Daughters,andofcourse,Friendsarewelcome. ThisretreatwillbeattheSt.MethodiosRetreatHouse,inContoocook,NH. SuggestedDonationis$50/person,whichincludes1night lodging,3

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meals,andRetreatprogram. Pleasecompleteandmailtheregistrationforminthisbulletin.


Sunday,March16 –Wewill be serving coffee to the residents at theHellenicNursingHome,pleasemeetafterchurchtocarpool–Everyoneisinvited











Ifyou have questions aboutPhiloptochos or any events, please feelfree tocallKathyVanKuilenburgat(978)663‐3936orbyemailat,[email protected]



OurHomeless andNeedyministrysupports anumberof peopleby sharing foodcertificates fromlocalsupermarkets. Pleaseconsiderdonatingagiftcertificateinordertohelpothers…



Wewould like to thank everyonewhohas been involved in ourSt. Athanasius theGreat Parish'sefforttoprovidemealsatthePineStreetInnoverthelast24years.Weareinvitingallwhohavevolunteered throughout that time for a group photo to be included in the Church’s 50thAnniversaryAlbum.PleasejoinusintheChurch'skitchenonFridayMarch14that6:15pm.Please bring your friends and familymemberswho have participated. Thank you for yourcommitmenttoourchurchandespeciallythosewhomweserve!


We continue our long tradition of preparing and serving ameal to the 100women guests at thePineStreetInnonamonthlybasis.Whetheryouare lookingtomakethisamonthlycommitmentorwouldliketomakeaonetimevisitweencourageyoutojoinus. PleasecallRandyFassas617‐966‐1452formoreinformation.



 Allbulletinsubmissionsforthebulletinmustbesenttocchamallas@gmail.combythe15thofthe preceding month. It is the responsibility of each ministry to submit theirannouncements;weencourageeveryonetoberepresentedeachmonth!

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Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos Fourth Annual 

Lenten Retreat for Women Sisters, Mothers, Aunts, Daughters and of course Friends! 


Friday, March 14 – Saturday, March 15, 2014 St. Methodios Retreat House 

Contoocook, NH  

Elizabeth Metallinos‐Katsaras PhD RD, Dept. of Nutrition, Simmons College, Boston 



Women's Health and Nutrition‐‐ How can the Traditional Greek Diet Keep us Healthy 


Come enjoy the grounds of the lovely retreat center, experience the retreat, share a meal and make some new friends 


Please Join Us!!  

Suggested Donation $50 Includes: One night lodging in the Retreat House, Three meals, 

and Retreat program  

Arrive Friday Afternoon between 4 & 6 p.m. Depart Saturday Afternoon 

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Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos Retreat REGISTRATION FORM 


 NAME:       ADDRESS:       CITY, STATE, ZIP:        PHONE:      

 E‐MAIL:       PARISH:      

 Rooms are double occupancy and first come first serve basis.  Singles are available depending on attendance numbers.  

Would you like a Roommate?       Name of Roommate (If you would like a roommate but do not have a name we can assign someone):      


Do you need a room on the first level? (There is an elevator to 2nd  floor)     

Would you be willing to give a ride to other attendees from a mutually agreeable meeting place?       

Would you be interested in a bus that would leave from a central location (i.e. Weston Church?) at an additional cost?     

Recommended Donation:  $50 per person 

 Please make check payable to: Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos  Return Forms to:   Diane Stamatopulos 

3 Pond Street Peabody, MA 01960



Any questions – you can reach Diane at 978‐530‐1064 Or Email:  [email protected]                REGISTERATION DEADLINE: March 5, 2013 

Directions are available on the website: 

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 The Anastasia (Ann) and George C. Dimitrakis Memorial Scholarship was established in 2008 at the St. Athanasius the Great Greek Orthodox Church with a generous gift of $100,000 by the late Ann Dimitrakis, in loving memory of her spouse, George C. Dimitrakis. George and Ann Dimitrakis have long been faithful stewards and communicants at the St. Athanasius Church. The first scholarships were awarded in June 2009.  St. Athanasius the Great Greek Orthodox Church has established the Scholarship Awards Committee for the purpose of administering this scholarship. The Awards Committee, in its discretion, will award a scholarship(s) to that high school graduating senior(s) who achieve(s) exemplary rankings according to criteria established by the Awards Committee. The amount of the award(s) will be based on the scholarship fund’s return on investment, as determined by September 1st of each year, and as distributed by the Trustees of the Scholarship Fund.  Please visit the parish website at ( for all application materials and application instructions. Application information is only available online.  Eligible applicants must meet all of the following requirements: (1) be in their senior year of high school; (2) complete in full all application forms (typed) and provide all requested information; (3) family must be stewards of St. Athanasius the Great Greek Orthodox Church for three successive years (if one year has been missed, applicant’s family has the opportunity to become current for that year); (4) must have been accepted to a full-time course of study at an accredited 4-year college or university. Applications will not be reviewed if each of the aforementioned requirements has not been met.  Applications are available on-line ( and must be submitted in full by Friday, May 16, 2014. Only complete typed application packages will be reviewed by the Awards Committee; it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all materials have been mailed to the Awards Committee. Please mail complete application packages to the Anastasia (Ann) and George S. Dimitrakis Memorial Scholarship, c/o St. Athanasius the Great Greek Orthodox Church, 4 Appleton St., Arlington, MA 02476.  The awarding of the scholarship(s) will take place on a Sunday, June 15, 2014. The disbursement will take place after October 17, 2014, and only after the student(s) has provided to the Awards Committee an official confirmation of enrollment from the Registrar’s Office of the university/college.  Awards Committee Dennis P. George, Jr. Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou Kyrou Emmanuel V. Meimaris, Esq. Dr. Valerie Relias

Dorothy Zevitas M.Ed. Rev. Nicholas M. Kastanas (ex officio)

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It’s All About Who You Know !



We’re looking to reach out to former parishioners now residing outside of our ministry area, and hope you can help in that effort. Some of these people may be old friends and acquaintances, either from the neighborhood, or from your Sunday School, GOYA, Greek School, JOY, YAL, Altar Servers, Choir, Philoptochos or Parish Council days.



All parishioners, past and present, have participated one way or another, towards our parish’s progress. As such, we’d like to learn of their whereabouts and doings so as to make them aware of the many special events being planned for this year’s 50th

Anniversary Celebration of Saint Athanasius Church.  


Please take the time to think about someone you know who has moved far off, or not so far off, and let us know.



Send any e-mail or regular mailing address information to Nick Ypsilantis at [email protected]  Time is of the essence, and so, we look forward to hearing back from you!






[email protected],

Thank you ! The 50th Anniversary Committee

 St. Athanasius The Great Greek Orthodox Church

Four Appleton Street | Arlington, MA 02474 | (781) 646-0705

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‘Join The Celebration’

 Dear Parishioners and Friends,  

If you’re planning on having your family’s photo in the upcoming 50th Anniversary Album, we urge you to make an appointment today with professional and renowned photographer, Areti Bratsis.  Areti has made room in her schedule to be available at the church on  

1.) Saturday, March 15th from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm, and on  

2.) Sunday, March 16th from 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm  


It is recommended that you call her soon at (508) 698-0150 to arrange your preferred sitting time.  Areti has graciously offered her services at a special rate for our parish. The fee for a sitting session is only $59.00  Some of her work can be viewed at her website:  You are welcome to call Stella at the church office with any questions at (781) 646-0705, or email your questions to [email protected]  







George Makredes, Album Chair Fr. Nicholas M. Kastanas

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Awillfinds away.— OrisonSwett Marden



FOODFORTHOUGHTWe are not here merely to make a living. We are here to enrich the world with a finer spirit of hope andachievement‐andweimpoverishourselvesifweforgettheerrand.~WoodrowWilson








Volume Twenty‐Five, Number Seven, March 2014