Sago - Perth Bible College...PETER DAMEIBISANDBABYJQSIIUA workintheJvliddfefastwithJvlushms...

F Name Sago _ I ALM (Befievers JZl[[£ove 5\/lustims) is a -|-6| etwork connecting ckurckes, inofiviauafs Ckristians and organizations who love M°b - flvlusfims, who want to share the good‘ Email news ahout Jesus with tkem and are Post committed to Encouraging, fquippi? ' anof1)iscip[ing Jvlusfim Backgroun Befievers. BALM contact ofetaifls: Biff 9345 1672 hafmgoert//i@gmai£com Church_ ___ __ I would like to register for: MQSQUE VISIT Friday 20 May 9:00 - 15:00 BEING BALM Thursday 26 May 18:30-21:00 l I BEING BAHW BA'LM ;3T 28 May E] A Erief introduction to Isfam ancihow to ' I share yourfaitk with {Muslims frieniis. Meals are included :3/Ve can run this prgigram for your Churck I or Coffege youave interest peopfe. BEING BALM Slegufia/L is not heing run at tkis time. However this is our usuaffyprogram aimeciat tkose who know iittfe oflsfam hut want to know what Isfam is anofkow to share the gos]9e[witk Jvlusfimfrienas. BEIN G BALM Ehstended is aimeof at those who are cfiscipiing 9\/lus[im Backgrounoffieiievers or are active in reaching Jvlusiims. MOSQUE VISIT is an opyortuni? to see 5\/lusfimsyray at the Mosque an to ask them ahout what tkey heiieve. Tkere wiffhe a hriefing hefore visiting the Mosque to hetter understanofwhat to expect. I am interested in connecting to others Christians working with Muslims in Perth through BALM BJNLM BBIN G BJMLM dBuilding and£gu1;pyoing dBelieve'zA who 0411 Oflove dlmlimb VISIT 9:00 - 15:00 Friday 20 May (Briefing, Visit Mosque, Debriefing) meet at 7 Kexby St, Balcatta 18:30-21:00 Thursday 26 May North Beach Baptist Church 10 Groat St, North Beach 9:00-15:00 Sat 28 May North Beach Baptist Church 10 Groat St, North Beach

Transcript of Sago - Perth Bible College...PETER DAMEIBISANDBABYJQSIIUA workintheJvliddfefastwithJvlushms...


Sago_ I ALM (Befievers JZl[[£ove 5\/lustims) is a

-|-6| etwork connecting ckurckes, inofiviauafsCkristians andorganizations who love

M°b - flvlusfims, who want to share the good‘Email news ahout Jesus with tkem andarePost committed to Encouraging, fquippi?

' anof1)iscip[ing Jvlusfim BackgrounBefievers.

BALM contact ofetaifls:Biff 9345 1672 hafmgoert//i@gmai£com

Church_ ___ __

I would like to register for:

MQSQUE VISIT Friday 20 May9:00 - 15:00

BEING BALM Thursday 26 May18:30-21:00

ll I BEING BAHWBA'LM ;3T 28 May E] A Erief introduction to Isfam ancihow to

' I share yourfaitk with {Muslimsfrieniis.Meals are included :3/Ve can run thisprgigramfor your Churck

I or Coffege youave interestpeopfe.BEING BALM Slegufia/L

is not heing run at tkis time. However this is our usuaffyprogram aimeciattkose who know iittfe oflsfam hut want toknow what Isfam is anofkow to share the

gos]9e[witk Jvlusfimfrienas.BEING BALM Ehstended

is aimeofat those who are cfiscipiing9\/lus[im Backgrounoffieiievers or are

active in reaching Jvlusiims.

MOSQUE VISITis an opyortuni? to see 5\/lusfimsyray atthe Mosque an to ask them ahout what

tkey heiieve. Tkere wiffhe a hriefinghefore visiting the Mosque to hetter

understanofwhat to expect.

I am interested in connecting to othersChristians working with Muslimsin Perth through BALM

BJNLM BBING BJMLMdBuilding and£gu1;pyoing

dBelieve'zA who 0411Oflove dlmlimb

VISIT9:00 - 15:00 Friday 20 May

(Briefing, Visit Mosque, Debriefing)meet at 7 Kexby St, Balcatta

18:30-21:00 Thursday 26 MayNorth Beach Baptist Church

10 Groat St, North Beach

9:00-15:00 Sat 28 MayNorth Beach Baptist Church

10 Groat St, North Beach

PETER DAMEIBIS AND BABY JQSIIUAwork in the Jvliddfe fast with Jvlushms

andJvlushm BackgroundBeheversThey [ong to see more andmore

Christians andChurches in 1’erthmaking the most o their opportunities

to Love Wlushms in wordanddeed


BEING BALM is a conference to Connect

with 9\/lusfims, to Equip Christians in Z



J45 Isfamfinady dawns as a key issue forthe church in the 21st century, flustrahlanChristiansfindthemsefves aware of.7\/lusfim neighhours, codeagues andrefatives. Sadfy a[most nothing in theirexperience or education haspreparedthem to understandandre[ate toMuslims andshare the gospefwith them.Austrafian Churches now have moreJl/lusfim BackgroundBehlevers than everhgore. yet there is awareness ofi eir Midis» minisirieifocu; ii ‘M up t ese hrothe rs and

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the Christian community working

Reaching fll/lusfims andDiscipiing fll/lu.s['im‘lBackgroundBetievers, and to Jvlohiiise the |

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Bill 9345 1672 A


Course MaterialsAllows you to attend all

conferences in a given year.-$10 DiSCOUl'\‘l' if you haveattend any BEING

conference in a previous year$10 per dayIncludes MealsDonation for

Peter & DamarisDonation for

BALMLate Fee $10

(If recieved less than a week beforethe conference you are attending)


Payment (1-3)

2) Checks payable toBALM

3) Bank Transfer toBank: BankWest

Name: BALMBSB: 306031

Account Number: 0524156& and email to balm.perth@gmo|l com

Post form toBEING BALM

7 Kexby stBalcatta

Peter 0426 259 059 X WA 6°21I

I 1) Cash on the day