Sacramento daily record-union (Sacramento, Calif.) 1880...

AN INTERCEPTED LETTER. 80METHIKG ABOUT THE AUTHORS' CAEKIVAL. JSau Francisco, September 22, 1880. Dear Mabel, Ray and Fan -. I know you have devoured all accounts of it as dished up by the daily papers here, but I feel sure you are also waiting to hear my private opinion of this year's carnival of authors, It is undertaken at a vast deal of trouble and expense for the further re- lief of six charitable associations, viz : Old Ladies' ' Home (which I have several times mentioned to you), Little Sisters' In- fant Shelter (which means to have a country retreat for its little ones when it is able), Ladies' Protec- tion and Relief Society, San Francisco Female Hospital, Young Women's Chris- tian Association (which comprises in itself many branches of charity) and Dispensary for Women and Children, of a visit to which I wrote a few weeks ago. I feel peculiarly interested in each, since in each I have one lady friend at hast who devotes all her spare hours and energies toward its good. Let us hope they ill all have a well-filled treasury at the close of the sea- son. In the meantime, if you could just be behind the scenes and know the work there is in it! It's something like a church fair and festival, only a good deal harder and longer aud bigger, and you know just about how many headaches and backaches and tired limbs it takes to get up a church festival. I can just tell you that the Executive Committee and the managers of the different booths have worked like Trojans, and have had trials innumerable to nontend with. There have . been jealousies, tempers and civil wars among the participants, and there will be mure before itis all done, so that one must needs have a genius for management to engineer it all without positive break or mar. lam told it lias cist a small fortune out of the expected receipts to get up the carnival, and the het proceeds to each so- ciety would probably be greater should each participant deposit directly in the common treasury the money it has cost him to take part. For some time the principal cofcturoera in the city have been so busy with carnival orders they could scarce find time to deal with any others, and that means that a great many costumes have been produced. Now the plainest costume you can get can't cost much less than $2 50 per night, and nobody wears the plainest costume they can get, of course. A wig alone rents higher than yon would believe, especially if it be _ dressed wig. Then there is car and' cab fare, and alto- gether it . makes ' everybody spend a good deal of money. Many costumes though are gotten up at home, but I have heard a great many people say they couldn't afford to take part, after viewing the matter on all sides. So yon see if we'd nil hand over at once what it c rsia, the charitable asso- ciations would receive equal benefit, but then we wouldn't have any fun, and isn't it just the same again with the church festivals ? Last year a great many mar- ried people condescended to appear, the flower and Walter Crone booths being especially cremt de ... crane, but th ; s year there seems a different class of people. There are not so many pretty women by a good half. There pre more young girls, ami let us congratulate each other on ob- serving that the dressing is more generally decent and respectable. Now and then the ridiculous will 'obtrude itself. Some old woman will appear tricked out like girlhood, some immense avoirdupois step ponderously over the floor inpeasant waist and short skirt, but there is not nearly so much bare skin on exhibition as before. However, on the p"irt of many it seems like a great, vain _\u0084.'.-., and the ' floor is dotted with participants mingling with the crowd, dressed in conspicuous cos- tume and '.;!!.' their appearance of half its effect by the very famili- T: arity of it. This year the booths are given so much larger space that they seem bare ami unfilled, the theater of Shakespeare being so large you can't begiu to hear at one end of it what goes on at the other. Trie principal events of every evening are the grand march, the per- formances on the grand stage, and the eat- in.- of ice cream at the various booths at \u25a0which it is on sale, and it is on sale at nearly every booth, and there are long stretches of chairs and little tables sand- wiched in everywhere, giving the whole place quite a restaurant air. 1was greatly pleased with a tableau on the grand stage The Nation's Homage to the Muse of Music allmusical instruments being held out to the various great composers, Mozirt, Beethoven, etc., and the people kneeling with hands reached toward them in homage. The idea was such a pretty one. This year they have taken up Charles Reade and Hawthorne and Homer, besides having a musical composers' booth an i living pictures by different artists in a . space by itself, dropping out some of last year's. It is great fun trying to pick out the different characters as they pass by in the arch, and well as you know them it isn't always such easy work. The pret- tiest and cunningest character I saw was Jip, carried about in Dora Spenlow's arms, the allot specimen of a black and- tinyou ever saw, and he had long ribbons of blue and cardinal about his neck. Then there was Miss Monflather's seminary, in " Old Curiosity Shop," you know, and very fresh and simple the girls all' looked, a.? if out t.i walk with their para£ol-i end wide hats. There i 3 a dandy tel in the gallery, furnished daintily with red camp chairs, etc., and it ._- called "Camp Sherman." It is the bivouac, barracks, or whatever yon call it, of the Carnival Guard, a little com- pany composed of perhaps twenty young girls in -.sort white kilts, wide red sashes, red jaokets, red stockings, rod caps, and gold cord and tassels. They go through with a littledrill nightlyon the stage. You know I don't approve of putting young girls before the staring eye of the pnblic in any way insohool exhibitions, in Sunday- school tableaux, in Carnival guards, or any- thing else. It is apt to make them too free and bold, I think, though every per- son to bis own opinion At any rate, these score look \u25a0 very pretty marching in company. In one way, if in no other, an Authors' Carnival is productive of goo results. All these hundreds and hundreds of people go to hunting up char- acters and studying authors, and commit- ting to memory the beautiful dialogue and the immortal lins, hitherto, in many casts, a dead letter. A culture and an education will thus («e received, . baps a literary taste which otherwise would never bars been acquired. A sprightly lady told me, ami laughed at the ridiculousness of it her- self, that in her booth she didn't believe there was a single participant who had read one of the author's books until their (arts were assigned, and this was an au- thor, who, to my mind, best upholds the dignity of American letters, an American writer whose genius- is so marked that one puts him apart, as it in awe, from all others who on this continent have ever essayed tho pen. On the opening night the Executive Coiimittea were ranged upon their stand to full view of the l'avilion, waiting to receive the President. There was Mrs. Burling, Mrs. Spear, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. - Br.rstow, Mrs. Soulc, Mrs. Easton and others, and very grand and stately they looked, whispering to each other and waiting. Everybody crowded as near as they could get, because from this stand the President was to open the carni- val. , Alittle old man just before me had placed bis little old wife in front of him, and kept his hands on her shoulders to protect her. When the rumble of the ''President's approach was heard the little old man took off his hat respectfully, the pink skin of his head gleaming through his thin, white hair, and elevating his thin, little voice, . he said enthusiastically, " 'Bah ! 'rah !'rah !" and smiled to him self to think how bravely he had done it. In the meantime an impressive intro- duction was going on between Mr. and Mrs. Hayes and Gen. Sherman " and ' the ladies on the stand. They all shook hands and smiled and said something, and then President Hayes came j over to ; the corner and waited for silence, and we all hushed, 1 expecting a | speech/: y y ' "-.Which . ' is T Mrs. Hayes ''" asked the old wifeof me anxiously. *' Is it the one in the white bonnet ?" and when I said " yes " she took a good look at her and nodded at me in ; a minute with a smile in her eyes that betokened satisfac- tion. And Tindeed \ the . face under the " white bonnet " grows in sweetness and kindness itseems to me every time I see it," and I don't know as I wonder much now at the folks who have talked of " sweet Lucy Webb." Well, Mr. Hayes, as I was saying, came over to the corner and we all sh-td oue another -to hear him,: looking for a flowery address of some ' length, ; you see. But all he said was : '' Ladies j and gentle- men, I have the honor of announcing that the Carnival is now open," 2 and then he laughed and we laughed because it was so short and sweet. ; . Well, you must see that I could : keep on I till j midnight because there's a very great deal more to be said, but if you can't come down and see for yourselves ' I shall write again soon. In the mean time have I you read Sarah Jew- ett's "Autumn Holiday"in the last num- ber of Harper's Magazine t Well, and isn't it charming and doesn't it smack of " Deephaven '-." I wonder now. if she's Miss Jewett, the actress. -I do believe she is, and I am yours, ivCarnival Red. - Kate Heath. MAXIMS OF JAMES A. GARFIELD. I would rather be beaten in right than succeed in wrong. Present evils always seem greater than those that never come. Luck is an ignis \u25a0 fatuus. You may fol- low it to ruin, but never to success. The American people have done much for the locomotive, and the locomotive has done much for them. . The hope of our National perpetuity rests upon that perfect individual freedom which shall forever keep up the circuit of perpetual change. Finally our great hope for the future our great safeguard against danger— is to be found in the general and thorough edu- cation of our people and in the virtue which accompanies such education. I feel a profounder reverence for a boy than for a man. I never meet a ragged boy in the street without feeling that I may owe him a salute, for I r know not what possibilities may be buttoned tip under his coat.*! Imagine if you can what would happen if to-morrow morning the railway locomo- tive and its corollary, the telegraph, were blotted from the earth. To what humble proportions mankind would be compelled to scale down the great enterprises they are now pushing forward with such ease ! I look forward with joy and hope to the day when our people, oue in heart, one in their aspirations for freedom and peace, shall see that the darkness through which we have traveled was but a part of that stern but beneficent discipline by which the great Disposer of events has been leading us on to a higher, and nobler na- tional life. There are two classes of forces whose action and reaction determine the condi- tion of a nation the forces of repression and expression. The one acts from with- out ; limits, curbs, restrains. The other acts from within ; expands, enlarges, pro- pels. Constitutional forms, statutory lim- itations, conservative customs, belong to the first. The free play of individual life, opinion and action, belong to the second. If these forces be happily balanced, if there be a wise conservation and corelation of both, a nation may enjoy the double blessing of progress and permanence. SA N FRANCESCO MARKET REVIEW. Kll'Lr . lr /OR TUB SAI Si-UUfi. t' RECORD-PSION.] Sas Francisoo, September 23, 18S0. Busino?s improves. The Herald to-day says : Thers are unmistakable signs manifest of an im- proved state of business affairs throughout our city. Our leading marie devoted to trade and traffic are tilled with piles of oda in transit, and our streets are crowded with loaied drays gong hither and thither with merchandise of every description. The accumulations of available capital are still large in every sense of the word, though the handling of the immense grain crop give* a most agreeable outlet at rates th t are very favorable to the holders. Busi- ness haa acquired a somewhat easier position in many respects, and there ii a more general disposi- tion to accommodate than has been the case earlier in the year, so that we can Bay there is a hopeful improvement th-et is quite encouraging. Quite a number of grain charters have teen written during the week and at constantly advancing rates. There bare been some new reoharters ma :e at a bigprofit. Several shii* to ar.-ive have also been chartered at £3 and upward. The ship Jabcu Howes for Liver- pool direct, got £3 7s 6d, while the British ship Pi- zarro has been rechart*retl to Cork, U. X., at £3 12? .A. At the close ti.e American ship 1t-l'.pae has been chartered to load Wheat for Liverpool direct at 70 shillings, '25 lav days : OINERAi MEEOHAKDIRK. EMS AKD B-IQOIBO—On the 17th there was an of- fering of 28,00% of which 5,000 sold at -:\u25a0 and the re- mainder | otllllha- e been hid at .--jc. bince hen the mart et reem-i to have st tier,, d up a little, and at the clp*e 8!c to So app- ar to be the general asking rates The China steamer wh th i rri.iril on the 20th hrou6 -ht I no Wheat liaga. Wool Bags are Quoted 1 47|c to 52.C ; Potato Gu use, lie apiece; Hop Cloth, tttgUo 9 yard. Transactions for ihe week embrace about 3,000,- --uOO Wheat Hays, parti on iperulativi; account, _- ing tho holdinfs of a former member of the combina- ti n. Bread— Tbe "price list of the California Cracker Company for lo s in cases, containing 25, 60 aod 80 11* each are as follows : Macaroons, 3^; ; Crnckn 11, -ire ; Oi.ngTces Cake and Dots 15c; Itananas, Cocoanut Cakes, and Egg Jumbles. 14c; Nle-Na.cs. Uie; Alphabet, Assorted Krtra, Excelsiors, Ginger Nut*. Medallions, and Numerals, 12c; Assorted Fruit. Ginger Cakes,' Jenny Und, La Grande, l.einon. Milk Fancy, Overland and Seed I lakes, 10c ; Pearl, 9o; Santa Clara Extra, nre: Boston, Butter, Cracker Meal, Cream, Graham, Lunch. Oyster, Picnic Extra, Santa Clar., Wafers. Water and Wine, .c; Galetta Picnic and Saloon Pilot, 7c ;Soda Extra, 6c : Soda, ."- . Pilot Iliral-e; II ot, in; Ship Bread, 3;c ** tlb- BRICK— Bith, 40ia4Cic $ dozen; English Fire, BJS; Calif om a Euildi g descriptions, (5 sfell thotua d. BROOM irt— Souse Brooms va- y from $"_! 2*l for a com- mon article no to &l '.', for •',- ... it made and the best materia! : ... ill or btable Brooms; $4([is; Ship Brooms, e'2 V dozen. Candles— Tho product of the local Candle factor! s is Quoted as follows: San Fran- cisco Cistal wig. 14-oz, 15e; Bia lie Add, 1 14-07, 13Jc; Star, i-t '.. l:o; Eagle, r \u25a0• oa, lie; Hoffman's 12-oz. 10ic: Mission Chemical Wax. 14-oz, li '-iv18c : Solar Sperm. 14-oz, ItwXi'jttl Adamantine, lIJ-<'/.. 11 Cllic; Globe, lOJ-oz, al<?10c; Bay Improved Wax, fall weight, ltKSl&jc: Stearic Acid, fullweight. 14^ 141 c: Solar, lfcht weight, Iljfrtll'c. ("astern brands vary from Oc to 20e ; Sjienn. 'iir-ii c ¥ tb. C'AseGoop.-*— Tahle Apricots German Piunes, Green Gage Plums, Epg Plums, Golden Drop PI m-, Damson Piums, aesorteii Plums, Bart et. P. ars. Quinces, Mus- cat Grapes, A; pies, Ll-ukln) ries and assorted Fruits, in ?!-ib cans, $1 IS * dozen : Table White and Black Cherries. Gooseberries. Strawb irit-ri, Raspberries, Cur- ran.s. Nectarines tnd _Urmon C.inj, White Heath Cling and Yellow ad Wrire I', ache?, same sized cans, $3; lie Apricots, lllaokberrl a, Cherries, Ap- ples, l'e.che , 1.1 ..-. Grape* and assorted lie Fruit . same sized i.a, Jl 75; Pie fctrawberrie and Cur- rants, same sized cans, gl; Table Apricots, Pears, Peaches, Cherries and asscrtod Plums, in . IT. cans, g7 ; 1. Aprieo s. . lie?, assented 11 ras. Apples, Crapes, Cher rs, Blackberries and assorted Pie Fruits, in S-ui < ana. $5 ; Jams and Jellies of allkinds, In 2-lb cans, $3 f dozen. - -.- Cement. 1 r uni and Lm-Sosendale, '0; Portland (fore-go). 44 : Calcln-d plaster an . Golden i...-. Raster; Ifi :_>."-i; Santa Ores Lime, $1 25iitl 50 tibbl. ... '._..- . . Cuiookt— California, 41@«c ; German, 6i_?7o W tti. Corrr-E—Cu ren-. latee for good to choice Central American rr&deeare U_."r.i>ic; Ground Colfe., laivt SJc^lb. Coai_— We quote Mount Diablo. '; v ; Coos Bay. *6 ;6«i7 : Seattle, S6 50vf7 50 , Vancouver. ?7i38 ; Wellinjon,jo ax-.'j; Anthradtcf^fll; Cumberland, 812W13; foreign Steam Coals, »C ttxit.SV ton. Cordaoe— we quote : Sis 1, l|-lnch and upward. He; l'-' lljc; 6 and S-Uiread. 12c; Sisa- bale rope, and 4 threat lie ; San Fr.iucis.o laid Manila, 1(inch and 4 ward. 14»c; l_Mhnad, _ Ise ; 6 and 9- thread, 15 jo: Bale Rope, 14;c; Tarred, 14ic; La h yam. !4ic V »\u25a0. - In.iir-.- Alum. 3iC"Nc; refined Borax, 12@15c; Blue Vitriol, :-if\ t: Brimstone, 4o for roll and Sic for California refined : Cream Tartar. 40194jc; Mtrie Add, l'Jii.riec ; Tartaric Acid, 55«*iXic: Sulphuric Add. 2j«j4c.. - ... .i-i... Dry Goods— Brown Shirting Is johbtne at 6c to 7 Jc : Sheeting. B}<<j9lc;" Brown Drilling. SlfeSJe; Print*. 7c Wyard. .• Ft'H-A cargo of 120,000 Ochotak Sea Codfish ar- rived i ester.lay. - Dealers qnote Pacific Codfish at 4jc in:'<>-3i bdls, 5c for > elected in li* !tr c see. and 6e for boneless ; Eastern Codfish, 7i£7Jc £ lb ; Eastern Mack- erel. $1 «m si for So. I in li-tb kit», and $< 25 or Mess In 15-11' kits. Oregon Cann- d.- almon are etui nominal at $1 _stgl M; sacra i ento River Canned S.lmon, fail catch, tl075 to $1 10 In dor. Mt. t;- s. l.f-ATin.i; We quote: Sole, 23(<*;25e ;Harness, 30@ 37Jc ; Skirting. 30<_r37»c; Calf Skins, 70^*1 10 * If. Wax and Butt Leather. lw.rJOc ?r)foot; Bridle, r»4-«7 Vside; Kip Skins. r*,;'..rrr7 "P ,\,,z n. I.' Miri'i:- Caito rates are as follows : Pine in a rough state, 916 ; Pine i. Hiring a- d Stepp ng. $"450 ; Kedwood, $16 for rough, and £23 for surfaced- Re- tall prices are as follows: Pine rough state, 20; Fire Flooring and Stepping, i jo ; Redwood, (2o for rongh and $30 tor surfaced; Rustic $30: Flooring, $17 M; Tongue and Grooved - Beaded, $37 SO; Picket*, $30 or fancy, and $16 tor rough pointed, and $11 tor fsynar- ; Shingles, $2. ,rv •".-_-".: ; -~ v - _ | Malt Liquors— ing bra ds of English Ale and Porter are quoted at $2 75@3 75 for quarts, and 23 oenta advance lor 2 dozen pints. -Matches— Block deaciipti na, $1 75@1 85, accord- ing to quantity ; Eastern Parlor, $2 75 %l .rose Jleta , B—Th market is more Bonds 1 tha lit wis a few days ago. the range for all kinds of Ironbeing $X> @32 ; Sydney Pig Tin, sllc ; Pis Lead. 4{c ; Bar Lead, C@ti>c ; Sheet Lead, ac ; Lead Pipe, 8c Sib ; Tin Plate, i.-ii to %i box. -— .:-"\u25a0'\u25a0 "-_&:.-.-, .>.-.gv'-'i*«l_h Nails—luu-keg lota, $4 25 ; smaller'ota, $150* kec. California Castor, $1 for No. 2 tnd $1 10 for No. 1 ; Calif a Lins ed, 75c for raw and \u25a0 80c fo.- boiled ; China Nut, 64c ; R--tined Cocoanut 65c ; Con- tin iital Petroleum, 15 1 degrees, in fautet cans, 324 c; do, 110 degrees, in fauoet cane, 2 c; do do, in plain tans, 18c ; do, iv bulk, I6c;Downer's Kerosene, 160 degrees, in faucet cans, Stile; Whale, o'ra-i., . Spent, 31 iriirfdl 15 for crude ; pur _> w ntt-r a rain d Lard, 7ec in bbls and 75c in tins : Pofsel Olive, i:,at 25; Plug- tuol Ol Te, $5 50t<'o SU ; Buret do, $6 sotg6 75 ; extra fine kinds, &i(-t9 V dozen q . arts. \u25a0 -\u25a0 Paints— Various branus of ; White Lead a^ll 'at to 10c ¥*• -'•• -------- - -------- \u25a0'- :\u25a0 -• \u25a0-\u25a0'-: PArVEE— rnia Straw Wrapping, 80c ¥ ream. : l'r der California Blasting, &> lio $. &,- , eiia-nt, 50c for No. 2 and 75c for No. 1; Vulcan Blasting, 75c for No. 1, 50c forNo. 2 and 35c $ lb for No. 3, with the usual discount as to quantity. . Quicksilver— in rket :'s quoted at 40c firm, with fair demand fo-export. <..'\u25a0\u25a0..:. IUCE—The steamer f rum H ngk n onihe _\u25a0\u25a0 h i: ..: br ii^ht I.OO'-i.'-'oO lbs We quotr mixed China from first,is at 4jc ; Ha- aiian Table is job ingat 6;a6jc. - Salt—Liverpool fine is quotable at _Sls<stl7 ; Carmen Inland, #14 1 for oodnie and $20<_.'-_2 for fine : California, $6 50@1 1 for coarse tnd Si4<rf22 }.' ton forline. - \u25a0- - .-' . --'?-' "- : \u25a0\u25a0-'--._>'-\u25a0- -'- .-- --. Colgate's Pale, 84 c; other brands of Pale, 50 6c ; Colgate's Chemical Olive, elvy eic ; other brands ot Chemical Olive, 7in9c $ tb. .-.-.-\u25a0- -• . . . - ; Spices— We \u25a0 vote Cassia at 18@19c ; Cloves, 4Qt& il-c: Nutmegs, botttyuc ; Pepper, HiJJISc ; Pimento 18(aT9c Sib. - *' . Spirits— California pure, $1 171 forNo. 2, and $1 25 firNo. 1. ' -:\u25a0'• ---:-' ...--.-.\u25a0-.--.-\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0.''\u25a0.\u25a0;'-'-" I St.. r.t-u From 6c to 10c will cover all brands and grades. "- -..._-. SuoAit— ' ince August 2Crth the rates for local refined ,r dea h ye been as _ follows :circle A Crushed. Fine Crushed and Cube, 1 ie ;Pow- dered. 12.; c; fancy txtra do, 13} c; Granulated, lie for dry and 'ljc for moist : Golden C and L Do- rado tl, luic ; extra Golden C, 10Jc ; Mariposa C, lujc ; ha fbbls and _ilAr-lb bxfl, ie more ; small bxs, _.c more. No orders r- ceived forless than 25 bbls. '\u25a0 :. \u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0*-' I Syrup— Product of local refineries Fell as fol- lows: Bbls, 62_rc; hf bbls, 65c; kegs, 70c; 1-gad tins, tOe; Hawaiian Molasses, 25(tf;i0c & gallon. \u25a0 .'\u25a0\u25a0- Tea- Good me . ium grades of Japan being quoted at ... a37 c Vlb. -•: - ----- .. . . __ Whisky— We quote high proof, $1 3 (ftl 50; low i-r ri. *1 75(82 50 ; various brands of Bourbon, $2 25 <t£s SO 33 gall, according to aye. - - - - ,; Wise— Receipts of California Wine at New York hy Panama s earner in August tr mounts I to 102,6(111 galls, aga nßt 57.9 0 iials came mo th last yea-. The demand is good. We quote lota in bottles as follows ; 1 Angel- ica, $4 87 to ib . 0 ;Claret, $3 llSitiJ 50 ; Port, ?j(gl0 ; S i rry, *sttf=> 50 ; White, $ : 5005 50 *l doz. Woodenwarj— s, »i 50 for painted and V dozen for varnished ; Tabs. $1 50 in mat o' thre-,or $3 to if-1 $ dozen, according to size and finibh. Woolen Or ions— owing is a pa tial list of prices of goods made at tht local factories in this city : Shawls, fancy eh c. and solid colors, . 5x35, 810 to V doz; Guilts' Travel! - g Shaw (,72x144, B.ft> is doz, with a large vari ty between th. extremes ; - White and Blu; Mixed Knitting Yar , SI •>' ; Scarlet, Blue and : eal Brown. *1•21 $_ yard ; Waterproof. $l<j«l 20 $ yard ; Overthiit , SltKo W ; Jaiktts, sawlo v doz. :.x. \u25a0 i'K lour- —The I.t st Whei t charters for Liverpool d met ar. 67 i6d for a tins w.otleu ship of 1,600 tons, and 72s fid for a fine iron ship of 1,400 tons. There are lour ilisengag dchips in port, all wo den vessels, and throe of them engaged in the coast Coal tr tie. -,V: HOTELS Am) "\ SESTAUBASTS,. "t STATE HOUSE, Corner Tenth and X Streets. Sacrament*. p#**;\u25a0 :.-: \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0.-,-\u25a0 ; --.-;-.• '.. ss&mjgml, Hy. ELDRED, PROPRIETOR— Board sad lodg in? at the moet reasonable rates. ' Bar ami biiuard rooms attached. Street oars pass the doer every five minntes. « - "\u25a0•\u25a0 :- tW Free omnibus to and from the House. tplm Wy TYOUNQ AMERICA OYSTER ~ AND '? CHOP HOUSE, _». . \u25a0* No. 45 Second street, bet. J and K. J^J* (* J ' Eastern and California Oysters in 'very^O*J'Jr style Meals at all hours. Imported \^«4Sr. Wines, Ciyais, Etc -.'\u25a0' J. I'OBAN. Prop. - alt-tpln-. 1 1 \u25a0TT TONEY'S ***fe S~\ OYSTER i CHOP HOBSE, £%*>& q\(»J Ne*. 74 and 76 J Stbsit, Qi.^^g \u25a0V^SttJ/r Between Third and Fourth.' «B&***"»* Newly refitted. Private Rooms for Families. - Eastern and : California OYSTERS la every style. . -. :.-. ;. -.;.._ .:-.-\u25a0 M -4-.ilm_ \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0: \u25a0 \u25a0 . NEW INTERNATIONAL HOTEL' XTOS. 320 *0 •*< X g STREET, BETWEEN*. , 13 Third and Fourth, Siicramcnti, JAMES LAN- SING, Proprietor— Best family hotel in the citr. Over ISO well furnished looms. Hotel open day and night. Board and lodging from $1 to *1 5* per day. Street ears |«ss the door every five minutes. :\u25a0'.:.\u25a0 \u25a0 s4-lm.*iswits RAILROAD HOUSE, FRONT STREET, No. 81, BETWEEN X.AND L, ' Sacrameuto. Meals, 45 cents ; Beds, 25 cents. Board and Lodging at 1,. w rites per week and' month. J. K. JOHNSTON, Proprietor. sl.4plm- ARCADE HOTEL SECOND STREET, BKTWEEN J AND X, SAC- \j ramento. r ju24-tf Til.-i-i GUINEAN. '*r-T'.-jr. MECHANIC!-' EXCHANGE. DEUTSCHES G.ISTH.AUS, NOS. 18, «0 ANDM I street, between Froat and Second, Sacra* - mento. Moult, Vi <<citS«; «..-eN. M e»^nt». ' . jy22-tf jaiv SCHMID.Proprietor. EEAL ECTATJeTeSSUBANOE.-'' ~~ s»w. OADWAt_i:.SK. caaa. B. rAKI_.-<NS. CADWALADER St PARSONS (Successors to Edw. C-^dwaladerX .-.--.. .-\u25a0\u25a0-- REAL ESTATE AM) INSURANCE AGENTS^ Mi. CI J .-V.. 1.8.1' tW Roal Mats Bought -•. I Sold on Commio-doB. AOK.VI9 tOt TBI UNION OF SAN FRANCISCO, ROYAL, \u25a0*; r.r, -5 . HAMBURG BREMEN, ' NORWICH, UNION AND T.*NCASHTRF, FIB INSURANCE COMPANIES; and the - . MUTUALLIFE INS. CO. OF NEW YORK. ..-*. .\u25a0\u25a0 - ' , \u25a0- sB-4ntf '. ,-. '..-.-. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.. INSURANCE NOTICE. OFFICE OF INSURANCE COMMISSIONER OF the State of California, San Francisco, Au 0 -: 1 30th, ISSO.— To all whom it may concern : The Faneuil Hall Insurance Company, of Boston, Massa- chusetts, baring this day eurreudered its certiii- cato of authority previously panted, thus with- drawing from business in this State, notice of such withdrawal is hereby given, p rrsu nt to the require ments of Section .<:-'> of the 1' litical Code. Said Company is bo longer authorized to do business in this Mate. .'. C. HAYNAR9, ' an3l-lm Insurance Co«mii>siotier. | W. P. COLEMAN, REAL TATE SALESROOM, «iSTSECT Keal Estate Bonght Jt Bald on Ceramist. lon. 'vTrT-;.',... Agent for the LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, FIREMAN'S FUND OF SAN FRANCISCO FIRE COMPANIES.— the N.Y. LIFE INSURANCE (-QMPAXY. Jn3o-4plm UNION TNSURANCE COMPANY, SAB FRANCISCO. j Fire and tluriue. CAPITAL, fullypaid..... _STr.n..-M.e Losses promptly adjusted and paidin gold coin. CADWALADEK i PARSONS, General Agents Sacramento Uiv'n, No. 61 J street au!3-4rtf .. awßmmsmimm^Bnm^mmmnr*,^ .i__-r _we__—-___-__i-_-.--— tmammamm fP-BNITUBE > -BEDDm&. ETO. JOHN A. WILSON, IMPORTER, MANUFACrrUI*RR and Dealer in ' »*^®ss?/' rinevvKwrmuAßßßMHc, l-S^^L. No. 11l J street, bet. Fourth aad Fifth tW A New and Complete Stock atßedueod Pric Country orders promptly attended to. sl-4plm W. D. COMSTOCK, CORNEU FIFTn AX» X STHEET9.Q -—% FUEN2TURE & BEDDING, WHOLESALB AND RETAIL. au2B-4plm fMnhWe, VAN HEUSEN & HUNTOOM'B so. ;\i J STHEETj Prices alway the Lowest and the Best Assortment. au2l-tf . "MISCELLANEOUS. """ CHRIS. W£ISEL & CO. Vos. 218 and 220 L street, Near Eljrftth. T>CTCHERS AND PORK PACKERS. £R"Wi S3 Choice Han ... Bacon, I.ard, MessTfcJ^^^ Pork, Clear Pork, Pigs' Feet, Spare Ribs, rCSsJ^s at lowest market price. Highest price pud for grain-led Hog 3. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.- gfe-4ptf PIONEER L.VE«Y STABLE. f. D. 5CR1YKR... ....... .......Proprieto 1 HACKS ON CALL AT ANY HOUR |fc^_ day or night. Coupee, Ptaetone, Krickawsyu, Bsj-ouches, Bngglos, with the S^Kf bestroailsters to be found in myItvory stable on the joaatfor lire. Horns kept in livery at roasoaa-ble - rates. Stables on Fourth street, betwean I and \u25a0 - "-: '\u25a0\u25a0'-'. -.. '\u25a0 <\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0 ml -Iptf . \u25a0;: .-' \u25a0'.:\u25a0 . Sacramento Planing Mill, SASH AND BLIND' FACTO!*.Y, OORNSR OF I'ront :.^d <J site g \u25a0 Saeramonto. _ - \u25a0.- -yyj Boors, Windows, Blind*. Finish of all kiaiir,, Window Frames, KoMiDga o every description, .-ad Turning aAfenVELt.. HOTCHKISS A STALKER. \u25a0 " anj?-4nlm The JPioxeeb Box Factory »tUI Ahead of all Competitor aoo ss: 33 Vy&s to. oza i\u25a0;\u25a0!'.\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 rorjftn or ';.. : yW-V'r. Front and M streets ftaera .-v-w.o - \u25a0 ;,'r ..... . Irt^rrtf \u25a0\u0084'\u25a0- - NATHAN'S CIGAR STORE, ¥7* STREET, NEAR CORNER !'• SECOND. HAVANA,KEY WEST AKDNEW YORK CiCARS. tW A Complete Line of TanKee Netlona . and Smokers' Materials. ' The Key W^-st Cheroot, a - cents— the best in the town. AARON NATHAN. A Specially in Photographs of all Leading Aotreeees. .- \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ... s2-4plm - . .-\u25a0:.- Chinese and Japanese Bazaar.- SAN LUNQ & CO., *Jl, MANUFACTURERS OF * ALL KINDS OF -*-»-!- Ladles' and Children's Underwear, Men's - White Shirts, Overalls, etc; Chinese and \u25a0 Japanese Fancy Goods, Fans, etc . PRICES RE- DUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES All orders promptly attended to at the lowest rates. , No. 628' J street, bet Fifth and Sixth. Sacramento. I au?%-4plm *^ ftgwcTUß m IJMJMi,-—\u25a0—^j« ' J. FRANK CLARK," \u25a0 ..-'\u25a0 *of3mßa-*PAwri*it-*-*^': : No. 1017 Fo'-urib st., !»«. J end ii* .T \u0084 AW. a comolete stock in stor«, * OsoatZT *— —^^-^M.iJ.''^i£iiii'l ''** o ''- Jnl-tplie i i A. J. VERMILYA COUNTY CORONER AND J UNDERTAKER -No 108 J straet, between Fourth and Fifth. Alwajs on hand a large assortment of Metallic and Wooden Caskets, Burial Case? and Coffins. ; IThroods - furnished and Funeral Wreaths Preserv a. t*u>.^Y o dera will receive prompt attention on snort nctic and at low ratea. .- anl4-4nl" 'r-yy. ~. NOTICE." ~"~ _'".:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 rr r-.y; .: .i.'rrr. jr...... ..'* . '_-.:. "PURSUANT TO ; A ' RESOLUTION ADOPTED .«* at a Session of the Board of Railroad Com- missioners of the , State of California, held |at the m office of said Board, in the city and county of San Francisco, State of California, on TUESDAY, the 14th day of SEPTEMBER, 1880. T ,~i ;," -;«B|l "Said Board will hold a Session at Saeramealo, Sacramento county, California, on the lßlh day of OCTOBER, 18S0. r._«,:v c:'-- ; ' V' V , 7^^'' :;' v _,' : ' Said Session? will commence at 10 clock a. M. of said day, and continue in Session at the discretion of said Board. : ,3.8. CONE, . ..-.: President of the Board. r . rsiAL.l Attest: W. R. Asnscs, Secretary. -,-, yy r .... ........ \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0.\u25a0.;,:.\u25a0 819-law2w3 \u25a0-..':•:\u25a0 -. ' . <-'- \u25a0\u25a0 . THE STREET CARS. '"} M :, -;_-,t ; '_T; :-— \u25a0- .-\u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0.- . THE s ostreet CARS : WILL i run . from I Tenth and Xstreets to Agricultural I'ark.stli-U M .'-.\u25a0-'. '.'-'\u25a0.--': r .-\u25a0-\u25a0:...--:.\u25a0 : - \u25a0':- I DRY GOODS. Ull fe&rsSJy':'. ~~ ---7 y - -\u25a0--. v ' 'i * ; s va \ PATENTED JUNE 13. 1876. FOX SALE liV _3. JCiX-g-Bfl-L-BkJg £s CO. FALLS WINTER FASffIOHS DRESS pOODS! ALL SHADES IX | BROCADED VELVETS. "-"':--''", ALL SHADES IV I POLKA DOT VELVETS ALL SHADES IS y- PLAIN AND COLORED VELVETS! ALL SHADES IS W"Turk Satins! POLKA DOT AND BROCADED SATIMSI * HAKDKE&tniF.F St ITS !— ALL SHADES IS SATIXg ! v 3. LIPMAN & CO., Fifth and J sts., Sacramento. Samples and price sent to any port cf the country Bil-3plia .2-"V NOW READY JC. H. STEVENS SCO'S fALL IMPORTATIONS , DRESS -GOODS, t SILKS, 'SATINS and VELVETS, Brocaded and Plain. Brocade Trimmings to latch. NEW CLOAKS! DOLMANS and ULSTERS ! Prices tiie Very Lowest. \u25a0 IW eemembee" Ot*B \u25a0: SHOE DEPARTMENT ! . - -\u25a0:..:- \u25a0 -\u25a0-:\u25a0---- \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0. FINEST STOCK OF. "\u25a0';'* FRENCH KID SHOES, IN ALL . THE NEW STYLES! . ' '\u25a0.' ...- \u25a0 ... - -y- -'...' . CHILDREN'S SOLAR-TIP SHOES, THE BEST MADE y Send lor Sample* and Price LUte to C. H. STEVENS & CO., Corner Eighth and "J; streets. ""*; r ; B2l.2mfcßwl»w*iV '\u25a0' y.&sb WILLIAM B. *I. lI.SU \u25a0. (Late with Floberg), N r O. 190 J STREET, NEAR SEVENTH, **, \ Watchmaker and Jeweler. Importer Vfv*. rad Dealerin Watches, Snverware, Jewelry, jtTj'«W etc. Repairing a specialty, tinder Robert t£*j^t Harsh. Ail country orders promptly attended to. yyyr dyis-iptf* STRAITON &STORMS "Owl and Red Robin" •oooaaooooooonoooooooooooooooosonoo CIGARS- 00000000000000000000000000000000000 also Oliver & Robinson's Celebrated " 31- O." - tW People wbo smoke these CIOARS will live longer, make more money, wear better clothee, drive faster horses, and marry prettier wives than any other class of men. We have taken treat care in selecting the above CIGARS, as well as many other brands we carry in stock, and can offer superior inducements to the trade in this line. Sample orders solicited, and we are assured they will be acknowledged by larger orders. y HILL, LUHES & GO, WHOLESALE GROCERS,' '.'''-. Corner a! THlrd mud Kstreetu, Saeramentr. NOTICE ffl BSAPS GROWEES T The Johnston Brandy/ and Wine CO M P AJN V V ILL BE BEADY TO BECEITE &;''JE&'-;;-^'';'K-\E-.;S On and after tbe ISth instant. - '2IW We will pay the CASH MARKET PRICE.: , 0FF1CE.. :.......:... N0. 1016 SECOND STREET. DISTILLERY.... FRONT STREET, BET. S and T. Tsl3-3p2w ' JAS. I. FELTER, Secretary. FRIEHD ST ERR I LUMBER COMPANY. > MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND BE. I tail Dealers jln ' every I kind and variety of BUILDING " and ' FINISHING TIMBER - anc LUMBER. tW Cargoes, . Car-ioads y and \u25a0'\u25a0' Special I Orden promptly filled, and shipped direct from - tht OREGON, REDWOOD and SUGAR PINE MILL.' of the Company. General No. ISIOSsoosb Strrst, otaeM l Branch Yarb, i Corksk ' Ttnttrra ajto 1 Strsbti, ' aul3-2nlm y - DENTISTEY. ____ IV. ODD, DENTIST— No. 317 J atreet, between|«H» Third and Fourth. Artificial Teeth^ffl* inserted on all bases. Improved Liquid Nitrous Oxide Gas, for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. - |824-tf] : ' .- \u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 DB. tt'. U lI A111,. 1 DENTIST— NO. 005 J S*n?El^,g-|ra_i ' between Sixth and Seventh, over Kat-SSjyn-J zai.Mtein &Bradlev'^ Millinery Store. : sl7-lptf - H. 11. NEBSDR, DENTIST, 415 J STREKI, BETWEEN team Fourth and Fifth, Sacramento. Artt-tflfiJß 3';ial Teeth inserted on Gold, Vulcanite and al. bases. Nitrous Oxide or LauL'hinir Gas administered for the oainlens extinction of Teeth. . * _: si 1-1m DBS. BUEtt£B A HOI Tlltt'OßTH, DENTISTS, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF «-"** Seventh and J streets, in Bryte's new vB3j!& suildingr, up stairs. Teeth extracted without pais •y the use of Improved Liquid Nitrous Oxide Gas. ,: [a-IS-lnl'nl WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY J. B. KLINE. (Late with Wachhorst, and successor to Floberg,) ; ¥\7* ATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, „^ VV No. 60 J street, between Second and «£&, rhird. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Silver- 'iji %. #are, Jewelry, eta Repairing in all its*v,ii^2i •ranchea a specialty, under MR. FLOBERG. fs3-lplml .•\u25a0'\u25a0-• ANNOUNCEMENT! Another Splendid Story ! Upon the close of the grand serial, "SET IN A SILVER SEA," now running in the WEEKLY UNION, we will begin the publication of a beautiful historical ;'-";\u25a0'"; -\u25a0\u25a0•**•-'-'*' -a* . . : , ,\u25a0"\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 v ' ' '\u25a0 ">"'-,\u25a0' : "' .\u25a0' ; -' \u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:- :VV-- y. ,2 .\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . - •.,: . r:\u25a0 y - . romance, founded upon the exciting incidents of the '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-"\u25a0 \u25a0 .-.--..\u25a0-\u25a0 ...- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0 -- y. ;\u25a0 2. \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0'.-\u25a0•\u25a0--.\u25a0 --r \u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0 . -..-.*.'-.-... \u25a0" \u25a0 T ""'"'"\u25a0\u25a0". '--:.' ; \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 ; ' T -'"\u25a0\u25a0- . . ."\u25a0.-. Stock-Gambling period. The story is one of thrilling interest, entertaining as a story, valuable as a revelation of the effect of a Wmm^ •_ 7V'' : -^ . \u25a0 . VVV-VyVU V " STOCK BOOM" upon individual life. -^v.----- \u25a0;-.-:--"<-- .-\u25a0 \u25a0 -- .--'..- - ."\u25a0 .-r \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0...'\u25a0*-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0':-. All Postmasters and News Dealers are agents for this paper. It is the best Kews and Literary Paper, and has a y ;: \u25a0 t- .ji.- ; ;; '- v. - LARGER CIRCULATION than any paper published on the coast. It is found everywhere —on the Farm and \u25a0\u25a0-•«,'\u25a0 v.- \u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0', nw /\u25a0*\u25a0•',\u2666\u25a0 '* « in the Miner's Cabin, and its circulation is constantly and rapidly increasing. Send it to your friends. It ' - - costs only $2 50 v per- annum \u25a0 '\u25a0 .\u25a0•'.-"\u25a0 " , . \u25a0 .\u25a0-'.'\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' ' \u25a0\u25a0 '.\u25a0..:.,'.' \u25a0\u25a0'..... :\u25a0\u25a0. .. . '\u25a0\u25a0 : Address : WEEKLY UNION, Sacramento. _____mm—mmmmMm_________________m_m___________mt_—mm v AUCTIONS. AUCTION SxLLE The Finest Stallions in California, DJ. SIMMONS * CO. WILL ' SELL ON ] . . SAI URDAY,September irth, at IS o'clock sharp, at the Race Track, the bullion \ : : - 'TTv-T I Vfy'Vy '\u25a0:. CEOKtiK Uy PATCHEN, ' ; " A handsome Dapple Bay, 17 hands high, weighing 1,380 pounds. Has taken the Premium for Family Colts at six successive .District Fairs, comprising eight, counties. "\u25a0, Stood for eeSsop for $65. Can be seen at Stall 92. . "t Also, at same time two Fred Low Colts, four and five years old. •-_•* . . ' y2-.--.\u25a0 . :. . \u25a0:\u25a0: \u25a0 .; -...-., Also, other fine Thoroughbred Stallion-, and Mares. ._ Sale positive. D. J SIMMONS, Auctioneer. : -.\u25a0-:--.- _..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ...-'-. T ' r sS4-St - \u25a0 _\u25a0.- '-\u25a0' _A.UCTIOIff -S-______k._l___i.2a ' ELESAST HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ! i.,»«f: «('.« PIANO. Bodie Brussels Carpets, . Etc., Etc. D. J. SIMMON* Jt CO ...... CTIONEEBS WILL SFLI OH TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, At 10:30 o'clock, at the Jr.k-gant Residence, . No. li'.ts Second sirect, between L aud M, Two Elegant Parlor Sets, in Gilt and Colored Keps. Two'EU-gaut Parlor Sen, in Velvet. Kn>e<viioil aMielnve l'iano, bteinway, maker. Bodie Brussels Carpets. thirteen Black Walnut and Mahogany Bedroom \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0: Sets. --.'- .-.--\u25a0' .'V'-r'-VV -222- 7 yy*: Spring and Hair Mattresses Kiegant bedding, of ail descriptions. Toilet and Japan S- ts. \u25a0\u25a0; :' Stair Carpets and Oil Cloths. Black Walnut Extension and Marble top Tables. Curtains and Cornices. Crockery and Silverware. Wardrobes and Sideboards. Aud a general assortment ol Parlor, Bedroom and Kitchen Furniture. •_- \u25a0 . saie Positive \u25a0\u25a0'. 823-ot \u25a0 "\u25a0 . D. J. SIMMONS, Auctioneer. PLAZA- AUCTION HOUSE, asrea. SOS J bTBEZT, BET. .".IXTn i.ia TENTH. r»EO-'! .V SALES IDATS, TUESDAYS AND I, SATURDAYS, at 10:30 o'clock a.' a. sharp. tW Furniture, Horses, Buggies, Harness, Watches, Fistols and Household Goods Bong-tit and told. BELL & CO., Auctioneers. \u25a0' ' '". r.r Sl-lm \u25a0'•".. SHERBURN & SMITH, GENERAL AUCTIONEERS. No. 333 Ii St., feet. Third and Fourth* Also, Dealers in all kinds of Second-hand Carpets, Stoves, Etc. WE WE CONSTANTLY ON HAND TDK largest assortment of Parlor and f:._droom Furniture of any Auction House in Northern California. We also deal lankly inNew Crockery, Glassware, Plated ware and Tinware, Table Cutlery, etc. Our Crockery is all bought at auction in sin Fnneisco.on its rival on grain ships fromEngland, and our Glassware is bought of the manufacturers in Pittsburg, Pa., at the very lowest price. We are thus prepared to sell our line of goods as low as they can possibly be sold. The fact of our being Aucfonce rs cu'.s no figure with our retail trade. We sell at private sale all the time. Hotels, Restaurants and Bar-keeper* will look to their own interest by examining our stock. - au3o-tf ' _2_»_^LrE , XE,O3S3TX:E3a . " INDUSTRY J.^LBMOOfs, zr i "K.3S3s*rc:"3Bi: BOOT AND SHOE MAimFACTUSER, AT X ETA 11, NO. 515 J STREET, BETWSCH Firm A.D SIXTU. ; SACRAMENTO. IW ALL KINDS OF READY-MADE **» Ladies', Misses' and Children's CS-^IS-jl" J_ts 3_S SJ , . Slioefi, Slippers, Etc. Al__so— MEN'S FRENCH CALF BOOTS Box-Tood Oaiters and French Tie», Made to Order ': .'.'-j in the Very Bent Style. Prices Lower than Any Other House. - \u25a0'-<;- yy- tW Bcpslrlvit Neatly and Proniplly Done. \u25a0\u25a0 s«-SpImMWF MONEY TO LOAN. THE SACRAMENTO BANKHAS MONEY TO loan, In sums of ten thousand dollar and uuder, at lowest current rates, upon improved ro»l Hta ' -V'i-2rr - \u25a0 tW Allcommunications addressed to the SACRA MENTO BANK will receive prompt ttention. :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0'-.: BIS-tlplm --•-'\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 S. GOLDMAN, VHOLTS Ua AKD EST AIL GB OCB 23., Northwest cor. Kerond and J streets. IN OIDfR TO FACILITAIETRADE, I WILL send, on application, PKISTEp PKICE LISTS, Subject to tte Dally Changee in the Price Of Goods. . THE BEST OF NEW JAPAN AND CHINA TEAS. tWTl'.e Finest Selection of ('onto Rlea nnd Java ('tifTee*, and all other Goods belonging to a First-class Grocery Honse. .... -~: * - S. GOLDMAN, Corner Second and J streets, Sacramento. \u25a0\u25a0-.-. \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0 . \u25a0 - sIS-3nlm FOR SALE, qa 1 ACRES OF GOOD GRAZING AND FAIK FAKHIVC LAND, ' i IN FRESNO COUNTY, AT $2 PER ACRE, BY Cafiwiilailr r dc rnrmons, T . s242plm \u25a0'.\u25a0 -; Third and J streets, Sacramento. OffICEEEINIuiS' \u25a0' t -J FIAJTOS! v Vo. 890 J 5treet.......... ..Saeramento. WAKKROOVS : ' No. 23 Ihipont street i-: -'\u25a0 San Franclsca L. K. HAMMER, 'OLE AGENT ; FOR ) THE PACIFIC COAST. Pianoe sold on installments, if desired, and for rent. | Old instruments taken in exchange for now.' Orders for toning carefully attended to. anSO-lplm FOR SALE OR LEASE, Grand Hotel \ Property J SITUATED ON .THE. CORNER OF FRON. I and X streets, Sacramento city, directly op- posite the steamboat landing, and near the railroad depot. The best location in the dty for a hotel ' and business property. Will be sold low, withfavor- able terms as to payments, er leased for a term of years at a low rental. Inquire of CADWALADER & PARSONS, No. 81 J street, Sacramento ; or 8. P DEWEY, 308 Pine street, San Francisoo. I auJ2-3p'.f | «_,__-_o^«._w_r»...-rrr--_.v.r..^^rrri^^.-r_- r~ _-;__. -_-rr-^.r^.r"v.r.-i... a ri^.v-'r...>trjr-.rw_&^.*t GHANB WIDOW BF.OOTT MATINEE ON SATURDAY AT 2 P. M. Scats can he reserved now without, extra charge at Weidmann A Hromada's Confectionery. . George W. Stoddart T...T.....1......Mana5rcr A NNOONCEMENT.— THE ATLANTIC ANNOUNCEMENT.— THE ATLANTIC GARDENS have heen renewed and greatly improved. The Dancing Hall connected with the stage for theatrical prerforinances has been enlarged, and will be let lor Parties, on reasonable terms. 820-1plm A. J. DIETRICH. Prop.iet«r. FIRST ARTILLERY BAND. ORCHESTRA MUSIC FURNISHED FOR §• Balls, Parties, etc. Leave onlers at £"9. HtadquartTF, No. 720 rt street ; F. A FISCH, LjiA. No. 1205 Gstreet. Leader, E. W. DAVIS,No. ' 1324 I street. -','.V iIS-tl \u25a0 STEINWAY & SONS' PIANOS. AHEYMAN, 30 LE AGENT, I-^SGSKTW /"_» street, bet. oxth an.l Se-.ti.-.h, SiKrSSiB ippoeite Court-house. PIANOS TO J J M I LET Pianos sold onInstallment*. \u25a0 ° * 3 \u25a0 ' g i.9irlr_n :y.r.. VITICiIFIZI'D lEON-STONE SEWER PIPE Terra Colta Chimney Pipe, Tops, •,:*'; CAPS, VASES, FLOWER POTS, FIRE BRICK, j Fire C ay, etc.; GUINEAN'S PATENT SPRING FILTER, Bundock's Butter Cooler. rySTONEWARE-S* Or ALL PESCRimOKB. __BCOj3__B"^T &n SSIVSTX^nBT, No. 311 J Ktreet Sacramento, Cal. -. s7-3plm SWEETSER & A LSI P, REAL ESTATE AND INSURAKCE ACEMTS fotjury rablleandComrulsßlontrol S>ce«U. ' Real Estate Baujrht and SoM on Commission. £a-Honseg rented and rente collected.'*"** Asrente for the following Insurance Companies : IMPERIAL.. ...of Londot LONDON ..of London NORTHERN.... :.o London QUEEN.................. of Liverpool SORTH BRITISH ASP MERCANTILE { < ' £TNA.. .........of Hartford, Conn Ascresate Capital, $54,716,803. CW No. 47 Fourth street, between J and X, Sao r»m»nto cornerof the alley, r.. . s^-lptf .AG. GRIFFITH'S V I . \u25a0-\u25a0 . PENKTN I Sfl GRANITE WORKS ;^ L' PESBTJS' CAL. - ;" Jft—^UnH r*pnF. PEST VARIETY AND . B~2m_-E) JL r Largest - Quarries ton ( tlu Pacific Coast. Polished Granite Monuments, Tomb- stones and Tablets made to order. y Granite BallUlDg Stone Cut, Dressed and Polished to order. sll-lpOm Tbeßeat 6-Hole Bance VV-VV^S^^JJ-V'' .. ra raa world is "y - *^iS?i23i^^^r? THE GARLANDI :^^^^p|| . L.': I. \u25a0 "LEWIS * CO., £• ""^^rs s^ 133 A 134 J Street, \u25a0• .'^.^-iSSSa** au£l-3Ptf -.- -.gggjg * >>>J «g^ STAR MILLS AND MALTHOUSE. -'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 Ml Kf. ' A . LAGES, \u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0.' "\T"OS. 60, 52 AND 64 FIFTH ST., SACRAMENTO J3l < dealers In Produce and Brewers' Supplies Manufacturers of Malt and all kinds of Meals, etc. Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Cracked Wheat. Graham Flout Buckwheat Flour, etc. New Grain Bags (or sale. y 817-lptl ; GKENEBAL fIOTIOfcS. Vy 'v A snre care for every dl-ease arixins from impure blood. We think the facts wiil warrant us ' in paying there havo never been other blood purifiers equal to BRISTOL'S SARSAPaRILLA AND PlLLS— they act so gently and e»fsly, yet SO thoroughly. " ; - ' s-S-lt Caleh a Tarter, And when cnuirht. scrub well with SOZODONT. D in't spare it. Brush for dear life. It you destroy it, all the better lor you and your teeth. It will destroy the health of 'the mouth, its beauty, and your sweet breath. : 523 StTnS'iu Xoil'e.— Flllopo Komi has no Interest In the ranch on the Jackson road, near Brighton, nor in tbe Vegetable Wairon. : s-23-3f FELICE LA.GOMARSINO & CO. : Dr. ha Mar's Seminal Pills cure all eases of Seminal Weakness, Low of Vigor, Hoc .uma! Emissions, Impotency, Nervous anil Physi- cal Debility, and all that class of complaint* arising from Excess, Indiscretion or Abuse. The old find in this remedy A FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, and the young a safeguard and protection. Dr. La Milt's ffmren Pills restore the Sexual Organs, debilitated from whatever cause, to their pristine vigor. Price, $2 60 per bottle. Sent C. O. D. by express to ar.J address, secure from enervation. Address all order? to A. HoBOYLK-SOO., Druggists, P. O. Box 1,952, San Francisco. auGtf AMUSEMENTS. Metropolitan Theater. FOUR NIGHTS-ONLY FOUR, COMMENCING WEDVESDAT... ......... SEPTEMBER 2911 l FEOM THE ATLANTIC TO TUE PACIFIC. The Grandest Dramatic Micros in Amuse- ment History. The Greatest of all Character Comedians, MR. NEIL BURG SS, In his original creation,' WIDOW BEDOTT. Inhis own dramatization of the Widow Bcd-'tt pa (>-•!>, entitled '.. : i TDK WIDOW AND EED E X, A Farc'cal Com dy in 3 Acts, supported by Mr. I'I .DK..E tsTODIIAKT as the Elder, AND TUX CELEBRATED ORIGINAL CAST FROM NEW YORK. >•.:*-:\u25a0£ Sixty consecutive performances in New York. Forty-five consecutive performances in Sac Fran- cisco, to bouses crovrt'ed rom pit to dome.

Transcript of Sacramento daily record-union (Sacramento, Calif.) 1880...

Page 1: Sacramento daily record-union (Sacramento, Calif.) 1880 … · tiest and cunningest character Isaw was Jip, ...



JSau Francisco, September 22, 1880.

Dear Mabel, Ray and Fan -. Iknow

you have devoured all accounts of it asdished up by the daily papers here, butI

feel sure you are also waiting to hear my

private opinion of this year's carnival ofauthors, Itis undertaken at a vast dealof trouble and expense for the further re-

lief of six charitable associations, viz:Old Ladies'

'Home (which Ihave several

times mentioned to you), LittleSisters' In-fant Shelter (which means to have

a country retreat for its littleones when it is able), Ladies' Protec-tion and Relief Society, San FranciscoFemale Hospital, Young Women's Chris-tian Association (which comprises in itselfmany branches of charity) and Dispensaryfor Women and Children, of a visit to

whichIwrote a few weeks ago. Ifeelpeculiarly interested ineach, since in eachIhave one lady friendat hast who devotesallher spare hours and energies toward its

good. Let us hope they illall have a

well-filledtreasury at the close of the sea-son. In the meantime, if you could justbe behind the scenes and know the work

there is in it! It's something like achurch fair and festival, only a good dealharder and longer aud bigger, and youknow just about how many headaches andbackaches and tired limbsit takes to getup a church festival. Ican just tellyouthat the Executive Committee and themanagers of the different booths haveworked like Trojans, and have had trialsinnumerable to nontend with. There have

. been jealousies, tempers and civil wars

among the participants, and there will be

mure before itis alldone, so that one mustneeds have a genius for management toengineer it all without positive break ormar. lam toldit lias cist a small fortuneout of the expected receipts to get up thecarnival, and the het proceeds to each so-ciety would probably be greater shouldeach participant deposit directly in thecommon treasury the money it has cost

him to take part. For some time theprincipal cofcturoera in the city have beenso busy with carnival orders they couldscarce find time to deal with any others,and that means that a great many costumeshave been produced. Now the plainestcostume you can get can't cost much lessthan $2 50 per night, and nobody wears theplainest costume they can get, of course.A wigalone rents higher than yon wouldbelieve, especially if it be _ dressed wig.Then there is car and' cab fare, and alto-gether it.makes

'everybody spend a good

deal of money. Many costumes thoughare gotten up at home, but Ihave heard agreat many people say they couldn't affordto take part, after viewing the matter onall sides. So yon see ifwe'd nilhand over

at once what it c rsia, the charitable asso-ciations would receive equal benefit, butthen we wouldn't have any fun,and isn'tit just the same again with the churchfestivals ? Last year a great many mar-ried people condescended to appear,the flower and Walter Crone boothsbeing especially cremt de ... crane, but th;syear there seems a different class of people.There are not so many pretty women by agood half. There pre more young girls,ami let us congratulate each other on ob-serving that the dressing is more generallydecent and respectable. Now and thenthe ridiculous will'obtrude itself. Someold woman will appear tricked out likegirlhood, some immense avoirdupois stepponderously over the floorinpeasant waistand short skirt, but there is not nearly somuch bare skin on exhibition as before.However, on the p"irt of many it seemslikea great, vain _\u0084.'.-., and the


dotted with participants mingling with thecrowd, dressed in conspicuous cos-tume and '.;!!.' their appearance ofhalf its effect by the very famili-

T: arity of it. This year the boothsare given so much larger space thatthey seem bare ami unfilled, the theater ofShakespeare being so large you can't begiuto hear at one end of it what goes on atthe other. Trie principal events of everyevening are the grand march, the per-formances on the grand stage, and the eat-in.- of ice cream at the various booths at\u25a0which it is on sale, and it is on sale atnearly every booth, and there are longstretches of chairs and littletables sand-wiched in everywhere, giving the wholeplace quite a restaurant air. 1was greatlypleased witha tableau on the grand stage—

The Nation's Homage to the Muse ofMusic—allmusical instruments being heldout to the various great composers,Mozirt, Beethoven, etc., and the peoplekneeling with hands reached toward theminhomage. The idea was such a prettyone. This year they have taken upCharles Reade and Hawthorne and Homer,besides having a musical composers' boothan ilivingpictures by different artists in a

. space by itself, dropping out some of lastyear's. Itis great fun trying to pick outthe different characters as they pass by inthe arch, and wellas you know them itisn't always such easy work. The pret-tiest and cunningest character Isaw wasJip, carried about in Dora Spenlow's arms,the allotspecimen ofablack and- tinyouever saw, and he had long ribbons of blueand cardinal about his neck. Then therewas Miss Monflather's seminary, in


Curiosity Shop," you know, and very freshand simple the girls all'looked, a.? if out t.iwalk withtheir para£ol-i end wide hats.There i3a dandy tel in the gallery,furnished daintily with red camp chairs,etc., and it ._- called "Camp Sherman." Itis the bivouac, barracks, or whatever yoncall it,of the Carnival Guard, a littlecom-pany composed of perhaps twenty younggirls in -.sort white kilts, wide red sashes,red jaokets, red stockings, rod caps, andgold cord and tassels. They go throughwith a littledrillnightlyon the stage. Youknow Idon't approve of putting younggirls before the staring eye of the pnblic inany way

—insohool exhibitions, inSunday-school tableaux, inCarnival guards, or any-thing else. Itis apt to make them too freeand bold, Ithink, though every per-son to bis own opinion At anyrate, these score look \u25a0 very prettymarching incompany. In one way, if innoother, an Authors' Carnival is productiveof goo results. All these hundreds andhundreds of people go to hunting up char-acters and studying authors, and commit-ting to memory the beautiful dialogue andthe immortal lins, hitherto, inmany casts,a dead letter. A culture and an educationwillthus («e received, .baps a literarytaste which otherwise would never barsbeen acquired. A sprightly lady told me,ami laughed at the ridiculousness of ither-self, that in her booth she didn't believethere was a single participant who hadread one of the author's books until their(arts were assigned, and this was an au-thor, who, to my mind, best upholds thedignity of American letters, an Americanwriter whose genius- is so marked thatone puts him apart, as it in awe, from allothers who on this continent have everessayed tho pen. On the openingnight the Executive Coiimittea wereranged upon their stand to fullview of thel'avilion, waiting to receive the President.There was Mrs. Burling,Mrs. Spear, Mrs.Brown, Mrs.

- Br.rstow, Mrs. Soulc, Mrs.Easton and others, and very grand andstately they looked, whispering to eachother and waiting. Everybody crowded asnear as they could get, because from thisstand the President was to open the carni-val. , Alittleold man just before me hadplaced bis little old wife in front of him,and kept his hands on her shoulders toprotect her. When the rumble of the''President's approach was heard the littleoldman took off his hat respectfully, thepink skin of his head gleaming through histhin, white hair, and elevating his thin,little voice, . he said enthusiastically,"

'Bah ! 'rah !'rah !" and smiled to himself to think how bravely he had doneit. In the meantime an impressive intro-duction was going on between Mr. and

Mrs. Hayes and Gen. Sherman"and


ladies on the stand. They all shook handsand smiled and said something, and thenPresident Hayes came jover to;the cornerand waited for silence, and we all hushed, 1

expecting a|speech/: yy

'"-.Which .'is T Mrs.


asked the oldwifeofme anxiously.*'Is it the one in the white bonnet ?" andwhenIsaid


"she took a good lookat

her and nodded at me in;a minute with asmile inher eyes that betokened satisfac-tion. AndTindeed \ the . face under the"

white bonnet"

grows in sweetness andkindness itseems to me every timeIsee it,"and Idon't know as Iwonder much now atthe folks who have talked of

"sweet Lucy

Webb." Well, Mr.Hayes, as Iwas saying,came over to the corner and we all sh-tdoue another -to hear him,:looking for afloweryaddress of some



you see.But allhe said was :

''Ladies j and gentle-

men, Ihave the honor of announcing thatthe Carnival is now open," 2 and • then helaughed and we laughed because it was soshort and sweet. ;.Well, you must see thatIcould:keep onItilljmidnight becausethere's a very great deal more to be said,but if you can't come down and see foryourselves


Ishall write again soon. Inthe mean time have Iyou read Sarah Jew-ett's "Autumn Holiday"in the last num-ber of Harper's Magazine t Well, andisn't it charming and doesn't it smack of"

Deephaven '-." Iwonder now. if she'sMiss Jewett, the actress. -Ido believe sheis, andIam yours, ivCarnival Red.-

Kate Heath.


Iwould rather be beaten in right thansucceed in wrong.

Present evils always seem greater thanthose that never come.

Luck is an ignis\u25a0 fatuus. You may fol-low it to ruin, but never to success.

The American people have done muchfor the locomotive, and the locomotive hasdone much for them. .

The hope of our National perpetuityrests upon that perfect individual freedomwhich shall forever keep up the circuit ofperpetual change.

Finallyour great hope for the futureour great safeguard against danger— is tobe found inthe general and thorough edu-cation of our people and in the virtuewhich accompanies such education.Ifeel a profounder reverence fora boy

than for a man. Inever meet a raggedboy in the street without feeling that Imay owe him a salute, for Ir know notwhat possibilities may be buttoned tip

under his coat.*!• Imagine if you can what would happenif to-morrow morning the railway locomo-tive and its corollary, the telegraph, wereblotted from the earth. To what humbleproportions mankind would be compelledto scale down the great enterprises theyare now pushing forward with such ease !

Ilook forward with joy and hope to theday when our people, oue inheart, one intheir aspirations for freedom and peace,shall see that the darkness through whichwe have traveled was but a part of thatstern but beneficent discipline by whichthe great Disposer of events has beenleading us on to a higher, and nobler na-tional life.

There are two classes of forces whoseaction and reaction determine the condi-tion of a nation

—the forces of repression

and expression. The one acts from with-out;limits, curbs, restrains. The otheracts from within;expands, enlarges, pro-pels. Constitutional forms, statutory lim-itations, conservative customs, belong tothe first. The free play of individual life,opinion and action, belong to the second.If these forces be happily balanced, ifthere be a wise conservation and corelationof both, a nation may enjoy the doubleblessing of progress and permanence.


Sas Francisoo, September 23, 18S0.Busino?s improves. The Herald to-day says :

Thers are unmistakable signs manifest of an im-

proved state of business affairs throughout our city.

Our leading marie devoted to trade and traffic aretilled withpiles of oda in transit, and our streets

are crowded with loaied drays gong hither andthither with merchandise of every description. Theaccumulations of available capital are still large inevery sense of the word, though the handling of the

immense grain crop give*a most agreeable outlet at

rates th t are very favorable to the holders. Busi-ness haa acquired a somewhat easier position inmany respects, and there iiamore general disposi-

tion to accommodate than has been the case earlierin the year, so that we can Bay there is a hopefulimprovement th-et is quite encouraging. Quite anumber of grain charters have teen written during

the week and at constantly advancing rates. Therebare been some new reoharters ma :e at a bigprofit.

Several shii* toar.-ive have also been chartered at£3 and upward. The ship Jabcu Howes for Liver-pool direct, got £3 7s 6d, while the British ship Pi-

zarro has been rechart*retl toCork,U. X., at £3 12?

.A. At the close ti.e American ship 1t-l'.pae has

been chartered toload Wheat for Liverpool direct at

70 shillings, '25 lav days :

OINERAi MEEOHAKDIRK.EMS AKD B-IQOIBO—On the 17th there was an of-

feringof 28,00% of which5,000 soldat -:\u25a0 and the re-mainder |otllllha-e been hid at .--jc. bince hen themart et reem-i to have st tier,, d up a little, and at theclp*e 8!c to So app- ar to be the general asking ratesThe China steamer wh th irri.iril on the 20th hrou6-htIno Wheat liaga. Wool Bags are Quoted 147|c to 52.C ;Potato Gu use, lie apiece; Hop Cloth, tttgUo 9yard. Transactions for ihe week embrace about 3,000,---uOO Wheat Hays, parti oniperulativi;account, _-ing tho holdinfs of a former member of the combina-ti n.

Bread— Tbe "price list of the California CrackerCompany for lo s in cases, containing 25, 60aod 80 11* each are as follows : Macaroons, 3^;;Crnckn 11, -ire; Oi.ngTces Cake and Dots 15c;Itananas, Cocoanut Cakes, and Egg Jumbles. 14c;Nle-Na.cs. Uie; Alphabet, Assorted Krtra, Excelsiors,Ginger Nut*. Medallions, and Numerals, 12c;Assorted Fruit. Ginger Cakes,' Jenny Und, La Grande,l.einon. Milk Fancy, Overland and Seed Ilakes, 10c;Pearl, 9o; Santa Clara Extra, nre: Boston, Butter,Cracker Meal,Cream, Graham, Lunch. Oyster, PicnicExtra, Santa Clar., Wafers. Water and Wine, .c;Galetta Picnic and Saloon Pilot, 7c ;Soda Extra,6c :Soda, ."- . Pilot Iliral-e;IIot, in;Ship Bread,3;c **tlb-

BRICK— Bith, 40ia4Cic $dozen; EnglishFire, BJS; Califom a Euildi g descriptions, (5 sfellthotua d.

BROOM irt— Souse Brooms va- yfrom $"_! 2*l for a com-mon article no to &l '.', for •',-... itmade and the bestmateria! :... illorbtable Brooms; $4([is; ShipBrooms,e'2 Vdozen.

Candles— Tho product of the local Candlefactor! s is Quoted as follows: San Fran-cisco Cistal wig. 14-oz, 15e; Bia lie Add,1 14-07,13Jc; Star, i-t '.. l:o; Eagle, r \u25a0• oa, lie; Hoffman's12-oz. 10ic: Mission Chemical Wax. 14-oz, li'-iv18c :Solar Sperm. 14-oz, ItwXi'jttlAdamantine, lIJ-<'/.. 11Cllic; Globe, lOJ-oz, al<?10c; Bay Improved Wax,fall weight, ltKSl&jc: Stearic Acid, fullweight. 14^141c: Solar, lfcht weight, Iljfrtll'c.("astern brandsvary from Oc to 20e ;Sjienn. 'iir-iic¥ tb.

C'AseGoop.-*— Tahle Apricots German Piunes, GreenGage Plums, Epg Plums, Golden Drop PI m-, DamsonPiums, aesorteii Plums, Bart et. P. ars. Quinces, Mus-cat Grapes, A;pies, Ll-ukln)ries and assorted Fruits,in?!-ib cans, $1IS*dozen : Table White and BlackCherries. Gooseberries. Strawb irit-ri,Raspberries, Cur-ran.s. Nectarines tnd _Urmon C.inj, White HeathCling and Yellow ad Wrire I',ache?, same sizedcans, $3; lie Apricots, lllaokberrl a, Cherries, Ap-ples, l'e.che ,1.1..-. Grape* and assorted lie Fruit .same sized i.a, Jl 75; Pie fctrawberrie and Cur-rants, same sized cans, gl; Table Apricots, Pears,Peaches, Cherries and asscrtod Plums, in.IT.cans, g7;1. Aprieo s. . lie?, assented 11 ras. Apples,Crapes, Cher rs, Blackberries and assorted Pie Fruits,in S-ui < ana. $5 ;Jams and Jellies of allkinds, In2-lbcans, $3 fdozen.


Cement. 1 r uni and Lm-Sosendale, '0;Portland (fore-go). 44 : Calcln-d plaster an . Goldeni...-. Raster; Ifi:_>."-i; Santa Ores Lime, $125iitl 50tibbl. ... '._..- ..

Cuiookt— California, 41@«c ;German, 6i_?7o W tti.Corrr-E—Cu ren-. latee for good to choice Central

American rr&deeare U_."r.i>ic; Ground Colfe., laivtSJc^lb.Coai_— We quote Mount Diablo. ';v -«;Coos

Bay.*6 ;6«i7:Seattle, S6 50vf7 50 ,Vancouver. ?7i38 ;Wellinjon,joax-.'j; Anthradtcf^fll; Cumberland,812W13; foreign Steam Coals, »C ttxit.SV ton.

Cordaoe— we quote : Sis 1, l|-lnch and upward.He; l'-' lljc;6 and S-Uiread. 12c; Sisa- balerope, and 4 threat lie ;San Fr.iucis.o laid Manila,1(inch and 4 ward. 14»c; l_Mhnad, _ Ise;6 and 9-thread, 15 jo: Bale Rope, 14;c; Tarred, 14ic; La hyam. !4ic V »\u25a0.

-In.iir-.-Alum. 3iC"Nc; refined Borax, 12@15c;

Blue Vitriol, :-if\ t: Brimstone, 4o for roll andSic for California refined :Cream Tartar. 40194jc;MtrieAdd, l'Jii.riec ;Tartaric Acid,55«*iXic: SulphuricAdd.2j«j4c.. • • - ... .i-i...

DryGoods— BrownShirting Is johbtne at 6c to 7Jc:Sheeting. B}<<j9lc;" Brown Drilling. SlfeSJe; Print*.7c Wyard. .• •Ft'H-A cargo of 120,000 Ochotak Sea Codfish ar-


Dealers qnote Pacific Codfish at 4jcin:'<>-3i bdls, 5c for > elected in li*!tr c see. and 6e forboneless ;Eastern Codfish, 7i£7Jc £ lb;Eastern Mack-erel. $1 «m si for So. Iin li-tb kit», and $< 25 orMess In 15-11' kits. Oregon Cann- d.- almon are etuinominal at $1 _stgl M;sacra iento River CannedS.lmon, fail catch, tl075 to $1 10 Indor. Mt.t;- s.

l.f-ATin.i; We quote: Sole, 23(<*;25e ;Harness, 30@37Jc ;Skirting. 30<_r37»c; Calf Skins, 70^*1 10 *If.Wax and Butt Leather. lw.rJOc ?r)foot; Bridle, r»4-«7Vside; KipSkins. r*,;'..rrr7 "P ,\,,z n.

I.'Miri'i:-Caito rates are as follows:Pine in arough state, 916;Pine i.Hiring a- d Stepp ng. $"450 ;Kedwood, $16 for rough, and £23 for surfaced- Re-tallprices are as follows: Pine rough state, 20; FireFlooring and Stepping, ijo;Redwood, (2o for rongh

and $30 tor surfaced; Rustic $30: Flooring, $17 M;Tongue and Grooved - Beaded, $37 SO; Picket*, $30or fancy, and $16 tor rough pointed, and $11 tor

fsynar- ;Shingles, $2. ,rv •".-_-".: ;-~ v

-_|Malt Liquors— ing bra ds of EnglishAle

and Porter are quoted at $2 75@3 75 for quarts, and23 oenta advance lor2 dozen pints.

-Matches— Block deaciipti na, $1 75@1 85, accord-ing toquantity ;Eastern Parlor, $2 75 %l .rose

Jleta ,B—Th • market is more Bonds 1 tha litwisa few days ago. the range for all kinds of Ironbeing $X>@32 ;Sydney Pig Tin, sllc ;Pis Lead. 4{c;Bar Lead,C@ti>c ;Sheet Lead, ac;Lead Pipe, 8c Sib ;TinPlate,i.-ii to %ibox.

-—.:-"\u25a0'\u25a0 "-_&:.-.-,.>.-.gv'-'i*«l_h

Nails—luu-keglota, $4 25 ;smaller'ota, $150* kec.California Castor, $1 forNo. 2 tnd $1 10 for

No. 1;Calif a Lins ed, 75c for raw and \u25a0 80c fo.-boiled ;China Nut, 64c ;R--tined Cocoanut 65c ;Con-tin iitalPetroleum, 15 1degrees, in fautet cans, 324c;do, 110 degrees, in fauoet cane, 2 c;do do, in plaintans, 18c ;do, iv bulk, I6c;Downer's Kerosene, 160degrees, in faucet cans, Stile; Whale, o'ra-i., . Spent,31 iriirfdl15 for crude ;pur _> w ntt-r a rain d Lard, 7ecin bbls and 75c in tins:Pofsel Olive, i:,at 25; Plug-tuol Ol Te, $5 50t<'o SU ;Buret do, $6 sotg6 75 ;extrafine kinds, &i(-t9 V dozen q.arts.



Paints— Various branus of ;White Lead a^ll 'atto 10c ¥*• -'••

-------- ---------\u25a0'-:\u25a0 -• \u25a0-\u25a0'-:

PArVEE— rnia Straw Wrapping, 80c ¥ ream. :l'r der California Blasting, &> lio $. &,- , eiia-nt,

50c for No. 2 and 75c for No. 1;Vulcan Blasting, 75cfor No. 1, 50c forNo. 2 and 35c $lb for No.3, withtheusual discount as toquantity. .

Quicksilver— in rket :'s quoted at 40c firm,withfairdemand fo-export. <..'\u25a0\u25a0..:.

IUCE—The steamer frum H ngk n onihe _\u25a0\u25a0 h i:..:br ii^htI.OO'-i.'-'oO lbs We quotr mixed China from,is at 4jc;Ha- aiian Table is job ingat 6;a6jc.

-Salt—Liverpool fine is quotable at _Sls<stl7 ;

Carmen Inland, #14 1 for oodnie and $20<_.'-_2 forfine:California, $6 50@11for coarse tndSi4<rf22 }.' tonforline. -


—-.-' .--'?-' "- :\u25a0\u25a0-'--._>'-\u25a0- • -'- .-- --.

Colgate's Pale, 84 c;other brands of Pale, 506c ;Colgate's Chemical Olive, elvyeic ;other brands otChemical Olive,7in9c $ tb. .-.-.-\u25a0-

-• . . . -;

Spices— We \u25a0 vote Cassia at 18@19c ;Cloves, 4Qt&il-c: Nutmegs, botttyuc;Pepper, HiJJISc ;Pimento18(aT9c Sib.

- *' .Spirits— California pure, $1171 forNo. 2,and $1 25

firNo. 1.'-:\u25a0'• ---:-' ...--.-.\u25a0-.--.-\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0.''\u25a0.\u25a0;'-'-"

ISt.. r.t-u From 6c to 10c will cover all brands andgrades. "- -..._-.


ince August 2Crth the rates for localrefined ,r dea h ye • been as _ follows :circle ACrushed. Fine Crushed and Cube, 1 ie ;Pow-dered. 12.; c; fancy txtra do, 13}c; Granulated,lie fordry and 'ljcfor moist :Golden C and L Do-rado tl,luic ;extra Golden C, 10Jc ;Mariposa C, lujc;ha fbbls and _ilAr-lbbxfl,iemore ;small bxs, _.c more.No orders r-ceived forless than 25 bbls. '\u25a0 :. \u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0*-'ISyrup— Product of local refineries Fell as fol-lows: Bbls, 62_rc; hf bbls, 65c; kegs, 70c; 1-gadtins, tOe; Hawaiian Molasses, 25(tf;i0c &gallon. \u25a0


Tea- Good me .ium grades of Japan being quoted at... a37 c Vlb. -•: - ----- .. . . __Whisky— We quote high proof, $1 3 (ftl50; low

i-r ri. *175(82 50 ;various brands of Bourbon, $2 25<t£s SO 33 gall,according to aye.

- - - -,;

Wise— Receipts of California Wine at New YorkhyPanama s earner in August trmounts I to 102,6(111 galls,aga nßt 57.9 0 iials came mo th last yea-. The demandis good. We quote lota in bottles as follows;1Angel-ica, $4 87 to ib.0;Claret, $3 llSitiJ 50 ;Port, ?j(gl0;S irry, *sttf=> 50 ;White, $:5005 50 *ldoz.

Woodenwarj— s, »i50 for painted and Vdozen for varnished ;Tabs. $1 50 in mat o' thre-,or$3 to if-1$ dozen, according to size and finibh.

Woolen Or ions— owing is apa tial list of pricesof goods made at tht local factories in this city:Shawls, fancy eh c. and solid colors, . 5x35, 810 to Vdoz; Guilts' Travel!

-g Shaw (,72x144, B.ft>is doz, with

a large vari ty between th. extremes ;- White andBlu;MixedKnittingYar ,SI •>' ;Scarlet, Blue and:eal Brown. *1•21 $_ yard ;Waterproof. $l<j«l20 $yard ;Overthiit ,SltKo W;Jaiktts, sawlo vdoz. :.x. \u25a0

i'K lour-—The I.t st Whei t charters for Liverpoold met ar. 67 i6dfora tins w.otleu ship of 1,600 tons,

and 72s fid fora fine iron ship of 1,400 tons. There arelour ilisengag dchips in port, all wo den vessels, andthroe of them engaged in the coast Coal tr tie. -,V:


"t STATE HOUSE,Corner Tenth and X Streets. Sacrament*.p#**;\u25a0 :.-:\u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0.-,-\u25a0 ; --.-;-.• '.. ss&mjgml,Hy.ELDRED, PROPRIETOR— Board sad lodg• in? at the moet reasonable rates.

'Bar ami

biiuard rooms attached. Street oars pass the doerevery five minntes. « -

"\u25a0•\u25a0 :-tW Free omnibus to and from the House. tplm



AND '? CHOP HOUSE, _». .—\u25a0*

No. 45 Second street, bet. J and K.J^J* (*J 'Eastern and California Oysters in 'very^O*J'Jrstyle Meals at all hours. Imported \^«4Sr.Wines, Ciyais, Etc -.'\u25a0' J. I'OBAN.Prop.

-alt-tpln-. 11

\u25a0TT TONEY'S***fe S~\ OYSTER iCHOP HOBSE, £%*>&q\(»J Ne*. 74 and 76 J Stbsit, Qi.^^g\u25a0V^SttJ/r Between Third and Fourth.' «B&***"»*

Newly refitted. Private Rooms for Families. -Eastern and :California OYSTERS la every style.. -. :.-. ;. -.;.._ .:-.-\u25a0 M-4-.ilm_ \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0: \u25a0


, 13 Third and Fourth, Siicramcnti, JAMES LAN-SING, Proprietor— Best family hotel in the citr.Over ISO well furnished looms. Hotel open dayand night. Board and lodging from $1 to *15*per day. • Street ears |«ss the door every fiveminutes. :\u25a0'.:.\u25a0 \u25a0 s4-lm.*iswits


FRONT STREET, No. 81, BETWEEN X.AND L,'Sacrameuto.

—Meals, 45 cents ;Beds, 25 cents.

Board and Lodging at 1,. w rites per week and'month. J. K. JOHNSTON, Proprietor. sl.4plm-



r ju24-tf Til.-i-i GUINEAN. '*r-T'.-jr.


DEUTSCHES G.ISTH.AUS, NOS. 18, «0 ANDM•Istreet, between Froat and Second, Sacra*

-mento. Moult, Vi<<citS«; «..-eN. Me»^nt».

'.jy22-tf jaiv SCHMID.Proprietor.

EEAL ECTATJeTeSSUBANOE.-''~~s»w. OADWAt_i:.SK. caaa. B. rAKI_.-<NS.

CADWALADER St PARSONS(Successors to Edw. C-^dwaladerX.-.--.. .-\u25a0\u25a0--


tW Roal Mats Bought -•.ISold on Commio-doB.AOK.VI9 tOt TBI



. MUTUALLIFE INS. CO. OF NEW YORK.•..-*. .\u25a0\u25a0

- ', \u25a0- sB-4ntf '. ,-. '..-.-. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-..


OFFICE OF INSURANCE COMMISSIONER OFthe State of California, San Francisco, Au0-:i«

1 30th, ISSO.— To all whom it may concern : TheFaneuil Hall Insurance Company, of Boston, Massa-chusetts, baring this day eurreudered its certiii-cato of authority previously panted, thus with-drawing from business in this State, notice of suchwithdrawal is hereby given, p rrsu nt to the requirements of Section .<:-'> of the 1' litical Code. SaidCompany is bo longer authorized to do business inthis Mate. .'. C. HAYNAR9, '

an3l-lm Insurance Co«mii>siotier.



KealEstate Bonght Jt Bald onCeramist. lon.'vTrT-;.',... Agent for the




j Fire and tluriue.CAPITAL,fullypaid..... _STr.n..-M.e

Losses promptly adjusted and paidin gold coin.CADWALADEKiPARSONS,

General Agents Sacramento Uiv'n,No. 61J streetau!3-4rtf ..

awßmmsmimm^Bnm^mmmnr*,^ .i__-r _we__—-___-__i-_-.--— tmammamm




»*^®ss?/'rinevvKwrmuAßßßMHc, l-S^^L.

No. 11l J street, bet. Fourth aad Fifth

tW A New and Complete Stock atßedueod PricCountry orders promptly attended to. sl-4plm






so. ;\i J STHEETjPrices alway the Lowest and the Best Assortment.

au2l-tf .


• •

CHRIS. W£ISEL & CO.Vos. 218 and 220 L street, Near Eljrftth.T>CTCHERS AND PORK PACKERS. £R"WiS3 Choice Han... Bacon, I.ard, MessTfcJ^^^Pork, Clear Pork, Pigs' Feet, Spare Ribs, rCSsJ^sat lowest market price. Highest price pud forgrain-led Hog3. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.- gfe-4ptf

PIONEER L.VE«Y STABLE.f.D. 5CR1YKR... ....... .......Proprieto


HACKS ON CALL AT ANY HOUR |fc^_day or night. Coupee, Ptaetone,

Krickawsyu, Bsj-ouches, Bngglos, with the S^Kfbestroailsters to be found inmyItvorystable on the• joaatfor lire. Horns kept in livery at roasoaa-ble-rates. Stables on Fourth street, betwean Iand

\u25a0- "-: '\u25a0\u25a0'-'. -.. '\u25a0 <\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0 ml -Iptf . \u25a0;: .-' \u25a0'.:\u25a0 .

Sacramento Planing Mill,SASH AND BLIND'FACTO!*.Y, OORNSR OF

I'ront :.^d<J site g \u25a0 Saeramonto. _ -\u25a0.- -yyj

Boors, Windows, Blind*.Finish of all kiaiir,, Window Frames, KoMiDga oevery description, .-ad Turning


" anj?-4nlm

The JPioxeeb Box Factory

»tUI Ahead of all Competitor

a o o ss: 33 Vy&s to. ozai\u25a0;\u25a0!'.\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 rorjftnor ';.. : yW-V'r.Front and Mstreets ftaera .-v-w.o

-\u25a0;,'r ..... . Irt^rrtf \u25a0\u0084'\u25a0-



HAVANA,KEY WEST AKDNEW YORK CiCARS.tW A Complete Line of TanKee Netlona .

and Smokers' Materials.'

The Key W^-st Cheroot, a-

cents— the best in the town. AARON NATHAN.A Specially inPhotographs of all Leading Aotreeees..- \u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0 ... s2-4plm- . .-\u25a0:.-

Chinese and Japanese Bazaar.-SAN LUNQ & CO.,


ALL KINDS OF-*-»-!- Ladles' and Children's Underwear, •

Men's- White Shirts, Overalls, etc; Chinese and \u25a0

Japanese Fancy Goods, Fans, etc .PRICES RE-DUCED TO SUITTHE TIMES Allorders promptlyattended to at the lowest rates. ,No. 628' J street,bet Fifth and Sixth. Sacramento. Iau?%-4plm

*f̂tgwcTUßm IJMJMi,-—\u25a0—^j«


J. FRANK CLARK,"\u25a0 ..-'\u25a0 *of3mßa-*PAwri*it-*-*^'::

No. 1017 Fo'-urib st., !»«. J end ii*.T\u0084 AW. a comolete stock in stor«,

*OsoatZT*——^^-^M.iJ.''^i£iiii'l ''**o''- Jnl-tplie


COUNTY CORONER AND J UNDERTAKER-No 108 J straet, between Fourth and Fifth.

Alwajs on hand a large assortment of Metallic andWooden Caskets, BurialCase? and Coffins. ;IThroods

-furnished and Funeral Wreaths Preserv a. t*u>.^Yo dera willreceive prompt attention on snort ncticand at low ratea. .- anl4-4nl" 'r-yy.~. NOTICE."


_'".:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 rr r-.y;.:.i.'rrr. jr........'*. '_-.:.


.«* at a Session of the Board of Railroad Com-missioners of the ,State of California, held |at the moffice of said Board, in the city and county of SanFrancisco, State of California, on TUESDAY, the14th day of SEPTEMBER, 1880. T ,~i ;," -;«B|l"Said Board will hold a Session at Saeramealo,Sacramento county, California, on the lßlh day ofOCTOBER, 18S0. • r._«,:v c:'--;

'V' V,7^^'' :;'v _,'

:'Said Session? will commence at 10 clock a. M. of

said day, and continue in Session at the discretionof said Board. : ,3.8. CONE, .

..-.:President of the Board. r.rsiAL.l Attest: W. R. Asnscs, Secretary. -,-, yyr .... ........ \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0.\u25a0.;,:.\u25a0 819-law2w3 \u25a0-..':•:\u25a0 -.'. <-'- \u25a0\u25a0 .

THE STREET CARS. '"}M:, -;_-,t;'_T; :-— \u25a0- .-\u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0.- .

THE sostreet CARS :WILLirun.fromITenth and Xstreets to Agricultural I'ark.stli-U M

.'-.\u25a0-'. '.'-'\u25a0.--': r .-\u25a0-\u25a0:...--:.\u25a0 :



fe&rsSJy':'. ~~---7y



'i *;s va \


_3. JCiX-g-Bfl-L-BkJg £s CO.




| BROCADED VELVETS."-"':--''",









3. LIPMAN & CO.,Fifth and J sts., Sacramento.Samples and price sent toany port cf the country

Bil-3plia .2-"V






Brocaded and Plain.Brocade Trimmings to latch.


Prices tiie Very Lowest.\u25a0 ——

IW eemembee" Ot*B \u25a0:


. --\u25a0:..:-


-\u25a0-:\u25a0---- \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0.

FINEST STOCK OF. "\u25a0';'*


'\u25a0.' ...- \u25a0 ... - -y- -'...' .


y Send lor Sample* and Price LUte to

C. H. STEVENS & CO.,Corner Eighth and "J;streets.

""*; r ;B2l.2mfcßwl»w*iV '\u25a0' y.&sb

WILLIAM B. *I.lI.SU\u25a0. (Late withFloberg),


\ Watchmaker and Jeweler. Importer Vfv*.rad Dealerin Watches, Snverware, Jewelry, jtTj'«Wetc. Repairing a specialty, tinder Robert t£*j^tHarsh. Ailcountry orders promptly attended to.yyyr dyis-iptf*



• CIGARS- •00000000000000000000000000000000000


Oliver & Robinson's Celebrated"31- O."

-tW People wbo smoke these CIOARS willlive

longer, make more money, wear better clothee,drive faster horses, and marryprettier wives thanany other class of men. We have taken treat carein selecting the above CIGARS, as well as manyother brands we carry in stock, and can offersuperior inducements to the trade in this line.Sample orders solicited, and we are assured they willbe acknowledged by larger orders. y


Corner a! THlrdmud Kstreetu, Saeramentr.

NOTICE ffl BSAPS • GROWEES TThe Johnston Brandy/ and Wine


&;''JE&'-;;-^'';'K-\E-.;SOn and after tbe ISth instant.

-'2IW We will pay the CASH MARKET PRICE.: ,


Tsl3-3p2w 'JAS. I.FELTER, Secretary.



'every Ikind and variety



LUMBER.tW Cargoes, . Car-ioads y and \u25a0'\u25a0' Special IOrden

promptly filled, and shipped direct from-

thtOREGON, REDWOOD and SUGAR PINE MILL.'of the Company.General No. ISIOSsoosb Strrst, otaeMlBranch Yarb, iCorksk

'Ttnttrra ajto1Strsbti,'aul3-2nlm y



DENTIST— No. 317 J atreet, between|«H»Third and Fourth. Artificial Teeth^ffl*

inserted on all bases. Improved Liquid NitrousOxide Gas, for the Painless Extraction of Teeth.- |824-tf] : ' .- \u25a0



DB. tt'. U lIA111,. 1

DENTIST— NO. 005 J S*n?El^,g-|ra_i'

between Sixth and Seventh, over Kat-SSjyn-Jzai.Mtein &Bradlev'^ MillineryStore. : sl7-lptf

-H. 11. NEBSDR,

DENTIST, 415 J STREKI, BETWEEN teamFourth and Fifth,Sacramento. Artt-tflfiJß

3';ial Teeth inserted on Gold, Vulcanite and al.bases.Nitrous Oxide orLauL'hinir Gas administered for theoainlens extinction of Teeth. . * _: si 1-1m


DENTISTS, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF «-"**a»Seventh and J streets, in Bryte's new vB3j!&

suildingr, up stairs. Teeth extracted without pais•y the use of Improved Liquid Nitrous Oxide Gas.

,: [a-IS-lnl'nl


(Late with Wachhorst, and successor to Floberg,) ;

¥\7*ATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, „^VV No. 60 J street, between Second and «£&,

rhird. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Silver- 'iji%.#are, Jewelry, eta Repairing in all its*v,ii^2i•ranchea a specialty, under MR. FLOBERG.

fs3-lplml .•\u25a0'\u25a0-•


Another Splendid Story !

Upon the close of the grand serial, "SET IN A

SILVER SEA," now running inthe WEEKLY UNION,

we willbegin the publication of a beautiful historical;'-";\u25a0'"; -\u25a0\u25a0•**•-'-'*' -a* . . :, ,\u25a0"\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 v ' '

'\u25a0 ">"'-,\u25a0' :"'.\u25a0'

; •-'

\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:- :VV-- y.,2 .\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . -•.,: . r:\u25a0 y • - .

romance, founded upon the exciting incidents of the'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-"\u25a0 \u25a0 .-.--..\u25a0-\u25a0 ...- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0

--y. ;\u25a0 2. \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0'.-\u25a0•\u25a0--.\u25a0 --r \u25a0\u25a0.

\u25a0 . -..-.*.'-.-...

\u25a0" \u25a0 T ""'"'"\u25a0\u25a0". '--:.' ;\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 ;'

T -'"\u25a0\u25a0- . . ."\u25a0.-.Stock-Gambling period.

The story is one of thrilling interest, entertaining

as a story, valuable as a revelation of the effect of aWmm^ •_ 7V'':-^ . \u25a0 . VVV-VyVU V"

STOCK BOOM" upon individual life.-^v.----- \u25a0;-.-:--"<-- .-\u25a0 \u25a0



•.-r \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0...'\u25a0*-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0':-.

AllPostmasters and News Dealers are agents for

this paper.

It is the best Kews and Literary Paper, and has ay ;: \u25a0

t- .ji.- ; ;; '- v.-

LARGER CIRCULATIONthan any paper published on

the coast. It is found everywhere —on the Farm and•\u25a0\u25a0-•«,'\u25a0 v.- \u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0', nw /\u25a0*\u25a0•',\u2666\u25a0 •

'*«in the Miner's Cabin, and its circulation is constantly

and rapidly increasing. Send it to your friends. It' - -

costs only $2 50 vper- annum\u25a0

'\u25a0 .\u25a0•'.-"\u25a0 " , . \u25a0 .\u25a0-'.'\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' '

\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0..:.,'.' \u25a0\u25a0'..... :\u25a0\u25a0. .. . '\u25a0\u25a0 :

Address : WEEKLY UNION, Sacramento.




The Finest Stallions in California,

DJ. SIMMONS * CO. WILL'SELL ON ].. SAIURDAY,September irth,at IS o'clock

sharp, at the Race Track, the bullion \ ::-'TTv-TI

Vfy'Vy '\u25a0:. CEOKtiK Uy PATCHEN,' ;"

A handsome Dapple Bay, 17 hands high, weighing1,380 pounds. Has taken the Premium for FamilyColts at six successive .District Fairs, comprisingeight, counties. "\u25a0, Stood for eeSsop for $65. Can beseen at Stall 92. ."t Also, at same time two Fred Low Colts, four andfive years old. •-_•* . . ' y2-.--.\u25a0.:..\u25a0:\u25a0: \u25a0.; -...-.,

Also, other fineThoroughbred Stallion-, and Mares.._ Sale positive. D. J SIMMONS, Auctioneer.: -.\u25a0-:--.- _..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ...-'-. T

'r sS4-St -

\u25a0 _\u25a0.- '-\u25a0'

_A.UCTIOIff -S-______k._l___i.2a



•«('.« PIANO.

Bodie Brussels Carpets, .Etc., Etc.


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,At 10:30 o'clock, at the Jr.k-gant Residence, .

No. li'.ts Second sirect, between L aud M,Two Elegant Parlor Sets, in Gilt and Colored Keps.Two'EU-gaut Parlor Sen, in Velvet.Kn>e<viioil aMielnve l'iano, bteinway, maker.BodieBrussels Carpets.thirteen Black Walnut and Mahogany Bedroom\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0: Sets. --.'- .-.--\u25a0' .'V'-r'-VV -222- 7yy*:Spring and Hair MattressesKiegant bedding, of ail descriptions.Toilet and Japan S- ts. \u25a0\u25a0; :'Stair Carpets and Oil Cloths.Black Walnut Extension and Marble top Tables.Curtains and Cornices.Crockery and Silverware.Wardrobes and Sideboards.Aud a general assortment ol Parlor, Bedroom and

Kitchen Furniture. •_- \u25a0 .saie Positive

\u25a0\u25a0'. 823-ot \u25a0 "\u25a0 . D. J. SIMMONS, Auctioneer.


J bTBEZT, BET. .".IXTn i.ia TENTH.

r»EO-'! .V SALESIDATS, TUESDAYS ANDI, SATURDAYS, at 10:30 o'clock a.' a. sharp.

tW Furniture, Horses, Buggies, Harness, Watches,Fistols and Household Goods Bong-tit and told.

BELL & CO., Auctioneers.\u25a0''

'". r.r Sl-lm \u25a0'•"..


No. 333 IiSt., feet. Third and Fourth*Also, Dealers in all kinds of Second-hand

Carpets, Stoves, Etc.

WE WE CONSTANTLY ON HAND TDKlargest assortment of Parlor and f:._droom

Furniture of any Auction House in NorthernCalifornia. We also deal lankly inNew Crockery,Glassware, Plated ware and Tinware, Table Cutlery,etc. Our Crockery is all bought at auction in sinFnneisco.on its rival ongrain ships fromEngland,and our Glassware is bought of the manufacturers inPittsburg, Pa., at the very lowest price. We arethus prepared to sell our line of goods as low asthey can possibly be sold. • The fact of our beingAucfonce rs cu'.s no figure with our retail trade. Wesell at private sale all the time. Hotels, Restaurantsand Bar-keeper* willlook to their own interest byexamining our stock.



,XE,O3S3TX:E3a ."







Ladies', Misses' and Children'sCS-^IS-jl" J_ts 3_S SJ,

. Slioefi, Slippers, Etc.——Al__so—

MEN'S FRENCH CALF BOOTSBox-Tood Oaiters and French Tie», Made to Order':.'.'-j in the Very Bent Style. Prices Lower than

Any Other House.-


tW Bcpslrlvit Neatly and PronipllyDone.\u25a0\u25a0 s«-SpImMWF


THE SACRAMENTO BANKHAS MONEY TOloan, In sums of ten thousand dollar and

uuder, at lowest current rates, upon improved ro»lHta ' -V'i-2rr


tW Allcommunications addressed to the SACRAMENTO BANK willreceive prompt ttention.

:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0'-.: BIS-tlplm --•-'\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0


GB OCB 23.,Northwest cor. Kerond and J streets.


PKISTEp PKICE LISTS,Subject to tte Dally Changee in the Price

Of Goods.



tWTl'.e Finest Selection of ('onto Rlea nndJava ('tifTee*, and all other Goods belonging toa First-class Grocery Honse. .... -~: * -

S. GOLDMAN,Corner Second and J streets, Sacramento.

\u25a0\u25a0-.-. \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0 . \u25a0




IN FRESNO COUNTY, AT $2 PER ACRE, BYCafiwiilailrr dc rnrmons, T. s242plm \u25a0'.\u25a0 -; Third and J streets, Sacramento.

OffICEEEINIuiS'\u25a0' t -JFIAJTOS! v

Vo. 890 J 5treet..........—



No. 23 Ihipont street i-:-'\u25a0 San Franclsca


Pianoe sold on installments, if desired, and forrent.|Old instruments taken in exchange for now.'Orders for toning carefully attended to. anSO-lplm


Grand Hotel \ Property J

SITUATED ON .THE. CORNER OF FRON.Iand X streets, Sacramento city, directly op-

posite the steamboat landing, and near the railroaddepot. The best location in the dty for a hotel


and business property. Willbe sold low, withfavor-able terms as to payments, er leased fora term ofyears at a lowrental. Inquire of CADWALADER &PARSONS, No. 81 J street, Sacramento ;or 8. PDEWEY, 308 Pine street, San Francisoo. I auJ2-3p'.f |«_,__-_o^«._w_r»...-rrr--_.v.r..^^rrri^^.-r_-r~_-;__. -_-rr-^.r^.r"v.r.-i...



Scats can he reserved now without, extra charge atWeidmann AHromada's Confectionery. .George W. Stoddart T...T.....1......Mana5rcrA NNOONCEMENT.— THE ATLANTICANNOUNCEMENT.—THE ATLANTIC

GARDENS have heen renewed and greatlyimproved. The Dancing Hall connected with thestage for theatrical prerforinances has been enlarged,and willbe letlor Parties, on reasonable terms.

820-1plm A. J. DIETRICH. Prop.iet«r.


ORCHESTRA MUSIC FURNISHED FOR §•Balls, Parties, etc. Leave onlers at £"9.

HtadquartTF, No. 720 rt street ;F.A FISCH, LjiA.No. 1205 Gstreet. Leader, E. W. DAVIS,No.


1324 Istreet. -','.V iIS-tl \u25a0


AHEYMAN,30LE AGENT, I-^SGSKTW/"_» •street, bet. oxthan.l Se-.ti.-.h, SiKrSSiBippoeite Court-house. PIANOS TOJ J M ILET Pianos sold onInstallment*. \u25a0

° *3 \u25a0'

g i.9irlr_n:y.r..


lEON-STONE SEWER PIPETerra Colta Chimney Pipe, Tops, •,:*';


SPRING FILTER, Bundock's Butter Cooler.rySTONEWARE-S*


__BCOj3__B"^T &n SSIVSTX^nBT,No. 311 J Ktreet

—Sacramento, Cal.

-. s7-3plm


fotjury rablleandComrulsßlontrol S>ce«U.'

Real Estate Baujrht and SoM on Commission.£a-Honseg rented and rente collected.'*"**

Asrente for the following Insurance Companies :IMPERIAL.. ...of LondotLONDON ..of LondonNORTHERN.... :.o LondonQUEEN.................. of Liverpool


£TNA.. .........of Hartford, ConnAscresate Capital, $54,716,803.

CW No. 47 Fourth street, between J and X, Saor»m»nto cornerof the alley, r.. . s^-lptf

.AG. GRIFFITH'SV I . \u25a0-\u25a0 . PENKTN I



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Pacific Coast. Polished Granite Monuments, Tomb-stones and Tablets made to order. y

Granite BallUlDg StoneCut, Dressed and Polished to order. sll-lpOm

Tbeßeat 6-Hole Bance VV-VV^S^^JJ-V''.. ra raa world is "y - *^iS?i23i^^^r?THE GARLANDI:^^^^p|| .

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STAR MILLSAND MALTHOUSE.-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 Ml Kf.

'A.LAGES, \u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0.'

"\T"OS.60, 52 AND 64 FIFTH ST., SACRAMENTOJ3l < dealers In Produce and Brewers' SuppliesManufacturers of Malt and all kinds of Meals, etc.Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Cracked Wheat. Graham FloutBuckwheat Flour, etc. New Grain Bags (or sale. y


; GKENEBAL fIOTIOfcS. Vy'vA snre care for every dl-ease arixins

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And when cnuirht. scrub well with SOZODONT.Din't spare it. Brush for dear life. Ityou destroyit, all the better lor you and your teeth. Itwilldestroy the health of 'the mouth, its beauty, andyour sweet breath. :523 StTnS'iu

Xoil'e.— Flllopo Komi has no Interest Inthe ranch on the Jackson road, near Brighton, norin tbe Vegetable Wairon.:s-23-3f FELICE LA.GOMARSINO & CO.

: Dr. ha Mar's Seminal Pills cure alleases of Seminal Weakness, Low of Vigor, Hoc.uma! Emissions, Impotency, Nervous anil Physi-cal Debility, and all that class of complaint* arisingfrom Excess, Indiscretion or Abuse. The old find inthis remedy A FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, and theyoung a safeguard and protection. Dr. La Milt'sffmren Pills restore the Sexual Organs, debilitatedfrom whatever cause, to their pristine vigor. Price,$2 60 per bottle. Sent C. O. D. by express to ar.Jaddress, secure from enervation. Address all order?to A. HoBOYLK-SOO., Druggists, P. O. Box 1,952,San Francisco. auGtf


Metropolitan Theater.FOUR NIGHTS-ONLY FOUR,



The Grandest Dramatic Micros inAmuse-ment History.

The Greatest of all Character Comedians,

MR. NEIL BURG SS,Inhis original creation,'

WIDOW BEDOTT.Inhis own dramatization of the Widow Bcd-'tt pa

(>-•!>, entitled '.. :iTDK WIDOW AND EED E X,

A Farc'cal Com dy in 3 Acts, supported byMr.I'I.DK..E tsTODIIAKT as the Elder,


YORK. >•.:*-:\u25a0£Sixty consecutive performances inNew York.Forty-five consecutive performances in Sac Fran-

cisco, to bouses crovrt'ed rom pit todome.