SAARP · Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes: a comprehensive optometric examination two...

SAARP NEWSLETTER Number 126 April 2017 adding life to your years You could take all the joy out of life by always wanting something to be better. WATER IS LIFE – SAVE IT Why is it important? The general rule of thumb is that you should drink eight 250ml glasses of water per day (at least). Interestingly some agencies claim that total fluid intake (water and other fluids) should exceed 3 litres for men and 2.2 litres for women. Best times to drink water: 2 Glasses of water after waking up – helps activate internal organs 1 Glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps digestion 1 Glass of water before taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure SAARP NEWS NEWSETTER – E-mail delivery PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ADVISE US OF A CHANGE OR A DELETION OF AN E-MAIL ADDRESS. Roughly 32 percent of the monthly newsletters are confirmed as received. The summary below may give an idea of the extent of the problems we face. The “35 new e-mail address” in the table is enough for that ISP to block [email protected] with the suspicion that it is a Spam e-mail. We chose members using a particular ISP and tried to contact them all using a cell phone and/or a landline in order see whether they had received the latest newsletter. The results are tabled below: ANSWER COUNT NO 84 YES 79 UNABLE TO CONTACT 42

Transcript of SAARP · Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes: a comprehensive optometric examination two...

Page 1: SAARP · Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes: a comprehensive optometric examination two clear plastic bifocal lenses with hard coating a grey sticker frame Option 3: Multifocal


Number 126

April 2017

adding life to your years

You could take all the joy out of life

by always wanting something to be better.


Why is it important?

The general rule of thumb is that you should drink eight 250ml glasses of water

per day (at least). Interestingly some agencies claim that total fluid intake (water

and other fluids) should exceed 3 litres for men and 2.2 litres for women. Best

times to drink water:

2 Glasses of water after waking up – helps activate internal organs

1 Glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps digestion

1 Glass of water before taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure


NEWSETTER – E-mail delivery


E-MAIL ADDRESS. Roughly 32 percent of the monthly newsletters are confirmed

as received. The summary below may give an idea of the extent of the problems we

face. The “35 new e-mail address” in the table is enough for that ISP to block

[email protected] with the suspicion that it is a Spam e-mail. We chose members

using a particular ISP and tried to contact them all using a cell phone and/or a

landline in order see whether they had received the latest newsletter. The results

are tabled below:


NO 84

YES 79


Page 2: SAARP · Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes: a comprehensive optometric examination two clear plastic bifocal lenses with hard coating a grey sticker frame Option 3: Multifocal





This e-mail from a member may apply to you:

Just thought I would let you know what my experience was regarding receiving the

newsletter. I had noticed for a while that no newsletters came to me. I then

logged on to my mail account via the MWEB site and noticed an inordinate number

of mails appeared in the “junk” folder, including the SAARP newsletter. I put a

whole lot back into my inbox however I’ m sure many other folks haven’t noticed

what their ISP’s ae doing, supposedly to improve your experience


EYECARE – At affordable rates

Spec-Savers offers all SAARP members a choice of optometric benefit packages:

Option 1: Single Vision package deal for R799, which includes:

a comprehensive optometric examination

two clear plastic lenses with hard coating

a grey sticker frame

Option 2: Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes:

a comprehensive optometric examination

two clear plastic bifocal lenses with hard coating

a grey sticker frame

Option 3: Multifocal package deal for R1789, which includes

a comprehensive optometric examination

two clear plastic multifocal lenses with hard coating

a grey sticker frame

Option 4: Comprehensive Optometric Consultation only for R469

This special offer applies only to cash and credit card purchases. For those SAARP

members who are on medical aid, pricing for their optical benefit will be guided by

their medical aid rule set. It is possible for these members to take up the current

Page 3: SAARP · Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes: a comprehensive optometric examination two clear plastic bifocal lenses with hard coating a grey sticker frame Option 3: Multifocal

offer, however, simply by paying the store in cash or credit card and claiming back

from their medical aid.

Make sure to take your SAARP membership card along and present it to your local

Spec-Savers store clerk/optometrist. And remember, all SAARP members

automatically qualify for 2.5 % Spec-Savers loyalty points which can be redeemed

on your next purchase.

We offer free visual acuity testing for both distance and near (for each eye) as

well as intraocular pressure testing for each eye. These are done at our Spec-

Savers practices. If you'd prefer not to wait for the screening, best to call ahead

of time and schedule an appointment.

We also offer free cleaning of your spectacle lenses, as well as adjustment and

repair of spectacle frames. These will be facilitated at your local Spec-Savers

outlet, where possible. Note that all repairs to spectacle frames are done at your

own risk.

If you have any questions regarding the details of the offer, where to find your

closest Spec-Savers store, or any general feedback, please email

[email protected] or contact Ms Madelein Le Grange on (041) 506


RETIREMENT – How is yours funded?

We do not have the figures for South Africa but the information below, from

America, makes frightening reading.

Where America’s retirement income comes from

Social Security 33%

Other 4%

Savings and

Investments 10%

Pensions 21%

Post Retirement Work


USA Retirement Income

Social Security 33% Other 4%

Savings and Investments 10% Pensions 21%

Post retirement Work 32%

Page 4: SAARP · Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes: a comprehensive optometric examination two clear plastic bifocal lenses with hard coating a grey sticker frame Option 3: Multifocal

At SAARP we are privy to many stories of members running out of retirement

income. The figure of 32 per cent “Post retirement work” is sobering. Fully one

third of America’s retirees have to work to make ends meet.

You may not be able to do much about your situation but you can advise your

children and grandchildren to seek professional advice re retirement while they

still have sufficient time to accumulate the wherewithal that retirement requires.

RETIREMENT IMCOME – Equity release or Reverse Mortgage

This very interesting excerpt comes from the UK:

Almost a decade of ultra-low interest rates, combined with loss of trust in

financial institutions after so many miss-selling scandals, makes most of us

reluctant to buy savings products.

Putting money aside for a mortgage deposit makes little sense to youngsters whose

only real hope of becoming first-time buyers is to visit the bank of mum and dad.

Conversely, home ownership is seen as the most reliable store of wealth: many plan

to fund retirement through equity release from their houses, rather than striving

to save, at miserable rates of return, out of current income.

The Spectator, 6 April 2017

This concept has not really got off the ground in South Africa and SAARP is

heavily involved in ensuring that, if and when it does, it is monitored and controlled.

If you have any questions contact Paul Rosenbrock 021 592 1279 [email protected]


YOUR MIND - Spring-Clean it

It may sound trivial, but if your brain is in serious overdrive, it can be highly

beneficial to get your mental house in order. After all, it’s hard to be

productive when you have a million different thoughts swirling around in your head.

Brush out the cobwebs from your brain with these three simple steps.

1. Unplug from negative news

Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, or simply the 24-hour news cycle, it’s almost

impossible to go even five minutes without hearing or reading about something

awful happening in the world. It’s an incessant flow of negativity that can mess

with your head. For decades, psychological studies have shown that people become

significantly more anxious, stressed and depressed after watching negative news

reports. Step away from your screens. Take a 24-hour break from media. That

includes Facebook. Your stress levels will thank you.

2. Make a list. Make many lists

Page 5: SAARP · Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes: a comprehensive optometric examination two clear plastic bifocal lenses with hard coating a grey sticker frame Option 3: Multifocal

Lists are akin to a Container Store for your mind. By writing out a to-do list –

whether it’s a “to-do list” for the week or the year – you are preventing your brain

from being filled with everything you need to do and remember. With so many

things vying for your attention, it can be impossible to stay focused. List making

definitely has a visual impact that’s easy to underestimate. But writing down what

you’d like to accomplish each day — and ticking items off as you go along —

increases the likelihood of achieving your goals.

3. Make your bed

A study found that those who make their beds every day are 19 percent more

likely to get a good night’s sleep every night than those who don’t. Apparently,

fresh sheets are important, as well. Most people say they sleep better in a bed

with clean sheets. And sleep, of course, is the brain’s best friend. Not only does

sleep clear out and recycle your brain’s toxins, research shows that sleeping less

than seven or eight hours a night may lead to cognitive decline, memory loss and

possibly even Alzheimer’s.

So what are you waiting for? Get cleaning!




Probably no other household product has more uses than good old-fashioned baking

soda, which was originally developed by the ancient Egyptians to use in painting

hieroglyphics. In modern times it can be a remedy for sunburns, bee stings and

upset stomachs. It can also be used as an underarm deodorant, a mouthwash and to

put out a fire in a pinch. Of course, baking soda eliminates odours in the

refrigerator and elsewhere.



Most consumers change insurers because they have been offered a cheaper

premium elsewhere. Yet it makes far more sense to change your insurer for better

quality of cover and service.

As such, policy holders need to understand the detail of the cover differences

before they decide to move.

So, before changing insurers it is essential that consumers establish:

Page 6: SAARP · Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes: a comprehensive optometric examination two clear plastic bifocal lenses with hard coating a grey sticker frame Option 3: Multifocal

The new insurance provider's reputation for service excellence. Check

especially the claims paying history of your prospective insurer. Sometimes

friends or other clients refer you and are able to provide first-hand

experience of a company's track record in this regard. It is important to

find out.

The termination procedure of their current cover, how long it will take, when

the debits will cease and when cover will terminate.

How long the new cover will take to activate, and when the first debit will

take place.

What is covered by the new cover that wasn't covered by the old cover, or

vice versa? This is found in the small print. The exclusion detail is very

important to read as policies can vary greatly.

Who is covered? Is this stated clearly in the policy? Some policies only

cover the owner-driver, others nominate other parties while some

specifically exclude other parties.

By Chris Freebury, Consultant, Business Development, Alexander Forbes.

Alexander Forbes is one of SAARP’s Service Providers.

I have personally run checks re the above and I can safely warn you to heed the

Afrikaans idiom, “Goedkoop is duurkoop.”


DSTV - Pick their own channels?

M-Net CEO Yolisa Phahle has revealed that DStv is looking at giving subscribers

the option of choosing and paying for the specific TV channels they want.

She said it was a challenge for the company to work out if consumers will end up

paying more if they select their own channels, though. If this was the case, “people

may be unhappy” as they could pay more for three channels than they would for

100 channels.

She said the segmented bouquets currently on offer allow for cross-subsidisation,

but it is their responsibility to give subscribers what they want.

More expensive to pick your own channels

She went on, “We understand that some of our customers are of the view that

they’d save money if they could choose a genre-specific package like sport, or put

together their own package with only the channels they want. Unfortunately, this

view is incorrect.” Content rights were “extremely expensive” and its business

model was structured on the basis of a number of predetermined packages.

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“In this way, we are able to offer customers a wide range of channels, with the

variety they seek, at various price points which are attractive and affordable to a

variety of potential customers.”



WWII Pilot - Jackie Moggridge

On International Woman’s Day, 9th March, Peter Dickens of the South African

Legion reminded us of a very special South African military veteran. Jackie

Moggridge joined the Hatfield Ferry Pool on 29 July 1940, being the youngest of

the female ferry pilots, aged 18. She safely handed over 1,500 aircraft during the

war, 83 different types and 200 more than any other ATA pilot. In November 1959

she was awarded the Jean Bird trophy as Woman of the Year. She flew Lancasters,

Spitfires and many other planes as an RAF pilot during World War 2. She logged

over 4,000 miles in flying over Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Jackie,

we salute you as a pioneer of women the world over.


EXPLOITS - And why you should care

What is an exploit?

An exploit is a program or piece of code that finds and takes advantage of a

security flaw in an application or system so that cybercriminals can use it for their

benefit, i.e., exploit it. Cybercriminals frequently deliver exploits to computers as

part of a kit, or a collection of exploits, that is hosted on websites or hidden on

invisible landing pages. When you land on one of these sites, the exploit kit

automatically fingerprints your computer to see which operating system you are on,

which programs and you have running, and most importantly, whether any of these

have security flaws, called vulnerabilities. It is basically looking at your computer

for weaknesses to exploit—not unlike the Trojans did with Achilles’ heel.

Software companies understand that the programs they develop may contain

vulnerabilities. As incremental updates are made to the programs in order to

improve functionality, looks, and experience, so too are security fixes made to

close vulnerabilities. These fixes are called patches, and they are often released

on a regular schedule. For example, Microsoft releases a cluster of patches for

their programs on the second Tuesday of each month, known as Patch Tuesday.

Page 8: SAARP · Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes: a comprehensive optometric examination two clear plastic bifocal lenses with hard coating a grey sticker frame Option 3: Multifocal

Companies may also release patches for their programs ad-hoc when a critical

vulnerability is discovered. These patches essentially sew up the hole so exploit

kits can’t find their way in and drop off their malicious packages.

The problem with patches is they often aren’t released immediately after a

vulnerability is discovered, so criminals have time to act and exploit. The other

problem is that they rely on users downloading those “annoying” updates as soon as

they come out. Most exploit kits target vulnerabilities that have already been

patched for a long time because they know most people don’t update regularly.

How to protect against exploits

First, make sure you keep your software programs, plugins, and operating systems

updated at all times. This is done by simply following instructions when reminded by

those programs that updates are ready.

Second, invest in cybersecurity that protects against both known and unknown

exploits. Several next-generation cybersecurity companies,

including Malwarebytes, have started integrating anti-exploit technology into their



PASSWORDS – Your protection

This website will tell you how secure your passwords are:

EMAIL – Warning words

Three words to look out for in e-mail subject headers that should set alarm bells

ringing are:




They are invariably linked to some scam.


THE WEST – How our civilisation could collapse

A systems scientist at the University of Maryland, uses computer models to gain a

deeper understanding of the mechanisms that can lead to local or global

Page 9: SAARP · Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes: a comprehensive optometric examination two clear plastic bifocal lenses with hard coating a grey sticker frame Option 3: Multifocal

sustainability or collapse. According to this there are two factors that matter:

ecological strain and economic stratification.

The ecological category is the more widely understood and recognised path to

potential doom, especially in terms of depletion of natural resources such as

groundwater, soil, fisheries and forests.

Under economic stratification elites push society toward instability and eventual

collapse by hoarding huge quantities of wealth and resources, and leaving little or

none for commoners who vastly outnumber them yet support them with labour.

Eventually, the working population crashes because the portion of wealth allocated

to them is not enough, followed by collapse of the elites due to the absence of

labour. The inequalities we see today both within and between countries already

point to such disparities. For both these scenarios, the models define a carrying

capacity – a total population level that a given environment’s resources can sustain

over the long term. If the carrying capacity is overshot by too much, collapse

becomes inevitable. That fate is avoidable, however. If we make rational choices to

reduce factors such as inequality, explosive population growth, the rate at which

we deplete natural resources and the rate of pollution – all perfectly doable things

– then we can avoid collapse and stabilise onto a sustainable trajectory but we

cannot wait forever to make those decisions.


THE PAST – Civilisations which have collapsed

History is full of examples, from ancient Mesopotamia to the Soviet Union, which

show that whenever societies reach unsustainable levels of resource consumption

and allocation, they collapse. A recent research paper funded by NASA highlights

this same premise. According to the authors: “Collapses of even advanced

civilizations have occurred many times in the past five thousand years, and they

were frequently followed by centuries of population and cultural decline and

economic regression.” It concludes that, “We are next in line.”

SAARP’s SERVICES – For your benefit


Members have saved up to R13 000 per annum on their SAARP policies

Choose from Auto & General, SANTAM or Alexander Forbes


Find one near you at and click on Clubs

Page 10: SAARP · Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes: a comprehensive optometric examination two clear plastic bifocal lenses with hard coating a grey sticker frame Option 3: Multifocal


Get discounted top class holidays at amazing prices


Choose from Guardrisk or Alexander Forbes


Funeral insurance at reduced rates


First Car or Holiday Autos


Discounted executor’s fees could vary from 20% to 50% off the legal maximum


Warwick Wealth


Affordable Spectacles


Your e-mail address guarantees a free monthly e-newsletter

SAARP, its suppliers, publisher, printer and contributors do not have any intention

to provide specific medical or other advice but rather may provide readers with

information in terms of its rights under the Constitution of South Africa.

Information provided here is not a substitute for professional advice of any

nature, more particularly medical advice, care, diagnosis or treatment, neither is it

designed to promote or endorse any medical practice or treatment, programme or

product. It is placed on record that SAARP does not endorse or recommend any

product advertised or mentioned in the editorial content of the Bulletin or website

or the like. Additionally and similarly, SAARP does not offer professional advice in

any area, including, but not limited to, law and finance. In all cases, should readers

require advice, they should consult a properly accredited and qualified specialist in

the field.

Page 11: SAARP · Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes: a comprehensive optometric examination two clear plastic bifocal lenses with hard coating a grey sticker frame Option 3: Multifocal

Contact us at SAARP Tel: 021 592 1279

Fax: 021 592 1284

Call us and we’ll call you back to save your phone bill

e-mail: [email protected]

Or see it all at



Bette Nash, 81, is probably the oldest full-time flight attendant in the USA. “I

never set out to be the oldest. I just started in 1957 and never stopped. Things

have changed a lot in the airline industry over the years. I see it as a challenge.

When something new comes my way, I just tell myself, that’s the way things are

now, I’ve got to learn to adjust.” She now flies with American Airlines.


The Amazon rainforest produces more than 20% of the world's oxygen supply.

It also pushes so much water into the Atlantic Ocean that, more than one hundred

miles out at sea off the mouth of the river, one can dip fresh water out of the

ocean. The volume of water in the Amazon River is greater than the next eight

largest rivers in the world combined and three times the flow of all rivers in the

United States.


Social media would certainly be a less cheerful place without Twitter’s chirpy

logo: that powder-blue profile of a floating bird forever frozen in mid warble. But

who first had the phonic imagination to fashion an onomatopoetic compromise

between the language of feathers and the language of men? ‘Twitter’ (or

‘twiterith’ as it was initially crafted in the second half of the 14th century), first

trilled from the quill of Geoffrey Chaucer in his translation of Consolation of

Philosophy by the 6th Century philosopher Boethius. Predating both ‘chirp’ and

‘warble’ by a century, ‘twitter’ is one of over 2,200 words for which the Medieval

poet is credited with having inked an inaugural usage. That it’s the same author

who wrote the poem The Parlement of Foules seems entirely appropriate.


The Anglican priest who confirmed my wife (ex-Presbyterian), and who baptised

our children, always maintained that he would know that he’d got the message

through to at least one person if, after announcing “Christ Is Risen”, a member of

his congregation leapt to his or her feet and shouted “VRYSTAAAT.”

Page 12: SAARP · Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes: a comprehensive optometric examination two clear plastic bifocal lenses with hard coating a grey sticker frame Option 3: Multifocal


Arsene Wenger the Arsenal FC manger believes "retirement is dying" for people of

his age. Wenger, 67, has been criticised by some fans after Arsenal slipped to

sixth in the Premier League following four defeats in their past five games. But

Wenger said: "I will not retire. Retiring is for young people, for old people

retirement is dying.”


Dearest Daddy,

I am coming home to get married soon, so get out your cheque book! LOL.

I'm in love with a boy who is far away from me. As you know, I am in Australia, and

he lives in Scotland.

We met on a dating website, became friends on Facebook, had long chats on

WhatsApp, he proposed to me on Skype, and now we've had two months of

relationship through Viber.

My beloved and favourite Dad, I need your blessing, good wishes, and a really lovely


Lots of love and thanks,

Your favourite daughter, Lilly

My dear Lilly,

Like Wow!

Really? Cool!

Whatever . . . .

I suggest you two get married on Twitter, have fun on Tango, buy your kids on

Amazon, and pay for it all through PayPal. And when you get fed up with this new

husband, sell him on eBay.



These have been doing the rounds for many years but some still make me roll in the

isles. They are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts.

Attorney: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't

know about it until the next morning?

Witness: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

Attorney: The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?

Witness: He's 20, much like your IQ.

Page 13: SAARP · Bifocal package deal for R1189, which includes: a comprehensive optometric examination two clear plastic bifocal lenses with hard coating a grey sticker frame Option 3: Multifocal

Attorney: Were you present when your picture was taken?

Witness: Are you kidding me?

Attorney: How was your first marriage terminated?

Witness: By death.

Attorney: And by whose death was it terminated?

Witness: Take a guess.


A letter which has been passionately awaited should be immediately supplemented

by another one, to counteract the feeling of flatness that comes upon us when the

agonising delights of anticipation have been replaced by the colder flood of


Victoria Sackville-West


According to natural selection

Mankind has been tweaked to perfection.

But such theories don’t work

When you think of the berks

Who tend to win general elections.

The Spectator Magazine


“Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” Hemingway Didn't Say That: The Truth Behind Familiar Quotations (O'Toole,

Garson) Sadly, all too true - I've not seen too many good character traits revealed by

sportsmen on Television . . . . Ray

Ray Hattingh

PS In the early days of flying the aircraft designers were also the test pilots. This

had the automatic advantage of weeding out bad designs.

adding life to your years