S- y fc BOU RBON NEWSnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt769p2w510v/data/0330.pdf · choice of about 8 sightly...

P H p I MILLER and EIGHTEENTH YEAR I 200 WILrli BUY choice of a number Ruga new colors They are big values 350 WELL BUY a Moquette long by 3 feet wide lar 5 kind hearth styles Rug TDW 36 fancy Lamps shapes 25 Copely Prints framed black Etchings water colors pastels 4 Parlor Cabinets Ss mfJf 1 V THE C F BROWER CO THIS WEEK of size new 6 feet Its the regu- - ARRIVALS odd in 100 and Prices BELOW anybodys for equal goods represented ffl CHAMP Editors Owners genuine Rr 400 BUY an exquisite Smyrna size elegantly made designed Rug full 000 BUY choice of about 8 sightly soiled Da- gestan ¬ Rugs price 1200 OUR SPECIAL OF ORIENTAL is in full swing There was never a better opportunity to add these gems of color to the home Money back if goods are not as C F BROWER CO Carpets Furniture Wall Paper ncjszsmsrcs DCfOJ REBUCTI0D ON OUR FALL AND WINTER beautifully OVERCOATS FOR THIS WEEK Our 35 Overcoats for 30 Our 30 Overcoats for 25 Fine Imported Trpiirsjpr and ipfc1- - WILL WILL Former SAMS RUGS m1 n I a j ms miur srin - niHBtinciaMararJiiiiiiiiiiiiiHBHiMhBMra PARIS FURHI3HIHG k TAILORIHG CO H S STOUT Manager J r McGAJTS Cutter Foley1 No it is not claimed that s Honey and Tar will cure Consumption or Asthma in ad- vanced ¬ stages it holds out no such false hopes but does truthfully claim to always give comfort and relief in the very worst cases and in the early stages to effect a cure Sold by James Kenned Druggist j 4 THE STEEL ANCHOR RANGE Hasball bearing grate cant stick shakes easily under all condi ¬ tions Also draw out grate removable and renewable without having to disconnect water box A heavy durable construction best materials skilled workmanship modern and up-to-dat- e in all its appointments A nandsomeiece 01 Kitcnea niruiwre uuuu- - For ing better can De proauceu jnirby tuiec eaao cjjgjlcuvo sale by aUprominent dealers TERSTEGGE GOHMANN CO Louisville Ky BOU RBON PRINTED EVERY TUESDAYAND FRIDAY PARIS BOURBON CO KY FRIDAY NOVEMBER 18 1898 RUDlJlE MILLS ersonals And Other Notes Gathered For j The News Itt ailers Mis Berry Bedford is convalescent j Mrs Mollie Padgett has been quite ill for several days Mr J M Jracraft was in Carlisle Monday on business Messrs James Hadly aud H S BetharMs are on the sick list Mr P J Cracraft and Miss Nora McDonald visited friends in Paris Sun ¬ day Miss Annie Chancelor of Millersburg ip the euesc of her sister Mrs Berry Bedford Mr Ed Owsley of Headquarters was the guest of his paieurs Saturday and Sunday Miss Jane Paynter of near Carlisle is the guest of her sister Mrs Joe Farris this week Mr Hiram Hughes and wife of Blue JLick j were the guests of relatives neit- - last week Miss Magnie E Davis of Paris was the guest ot friends here from Friday until Sunday Messrs Frank Howard and Kenney Houston are eujoing a hunt iu the lower counties Mr Harry Morrison who was a member of Company I is the guest of Mr Horace Rcdmou this week Mr John Howard of this place and son Vick of Georgetown left last week for a mouths huut iu Arkaiieds Mis Rosie Overbey of Paris aud Mia- - Florence Siiapp of jolville were the guests of Miss Lizzie Snupp lasr week The entertainment given here last week by the Ladies Aid Society was quite a success and they wish to thank their mauy frienis for their willing assistance Weak JEyes ar Made btrong1 dim vision made clear styes removed and granulated lids or sore eyes of any kind speedily aud effectually cured by the use of Sutherlauds Eagle Eye Salve Its put up in tubes and sold on a guar-- tee by all good druggists i THF F Nd IRH NOTPR0EANPa fc iMaBfeayJQcte ai - tfsOmj - Little Bad Language In tondon Outside of Petticoat Lane Little rough or rude language is used by the English They even fight with ¬ out swearing and get very drunk and noisy without employing strong lan ¬ guage They love to chaff and guy each other and the crowds and the street people who drive horses and peddle goods and hang about the corners are a great deal wittier than most of us give them credit for being but they seldom resort to bad language I never heard much of it until I went to Petticoat lane and I know a woman who has lived here two years and been constant- ly ¬ about town who tells me that in that time she has only heard one oath from an Englishmans lips The worst word I heard in Petticoat lane was bloody That however is the worst word 1 could have heard in English opinion it is the foulest word there is 1 have only heard one man use it and he did not speak it He was very angry and he spelled it I am telling you this because 1 know that at home in America we associate it with the English and put it in Eng- lishmens ¬ mouths in our anecdotes as if it were a matter of course that it should be used to give a local color to an English story Americans come here and make use of the word for the comic value that they attach to it and yet 1 assure my readers that if they tried to think of any really disgusting term they had ever heard and made use of instead they could not more startle or shock these English ears English sailors have brought the word bloody to our shores sailors and prizefighters and stablemen and only such persons cling to it here What we consider a very much fouler word has a vastly wider circulation but is not considered as bad as bloody All this is very strange and requires a native to explain it especial- ly ¬ as bloody is merely the contrac- tion ¬ of the oath by our Lady which was more or less commonly used in the ancient days when this was a Roman Catholic country The people who try to swear without swearing who in our country say hully chee and by cripes all use the word blooming over here I cant very bloomin well make you buy this bloomin thing but Ill ave j bloomin try at it is what I heard a street fakir say to a orowd the other day There is no harm in that at all and it is much more typically English than the word bloody besides being decent It is funny what mistakes nations make about one another Over here the very smart thing in reporting the speech of us Americans is to make us all and always call ourselves Amurri cans It may be true of us This whole nation believes it But I never heard an Amer ¬ ican so pronounce the name of our coun ¬ try and yet Ive got a quick linguistic ear which is a thing the English utter ¬ ly lack Julian Ralph in Providence Journal N MILLERSBURG i News Notes Gathered In Aud About The f Rurc Ernst Butler is able to be out Miss Blanche Darnell visited friends in Paris Tuesday Robt Caldwell gave an entertainment last nignt atfEvviDg There are a number of cases of measles in this precinct Robt Barnes and wife returned Tues- day ¬ from Mason county Jas T McClelland returned Wednes- day ¬ from Columbus Miss Arthur Bong of Midway is the guest of TD Judy and family Mrs H TBatterton and son Chas of Eminenc7are guests of Mrs John Iugels jr - Mrs BellejArmstrong guest of berjfsister Mrs for tha pastXveek has been the Anna Brady Misses Sadie Hart and Fannie Mann of Paris were down Tuesday to visit Mrs W MfMiller Chas Mason keeps a full line of vegetables fruit8 candies poultry game fish oysters It Mr and Mrs G D Martin and wife of LexingtoF are here to attend the faueral of Ep Foster Mrs Joe fed aud Mrs Jos Yancy of Mayslickwere the guests ot John Peed and family Tuesday Mr G Wpiclntyre and Mrs Chip Howard attended the funeral of Mr David Hoodlat Elizaville Tuesday Jonas WeilJ bought forty seven head of the bestcattle in the county for fa ure delivery fiom Win M Layson Mr W VgShaw went to Newport to attend the vjedjlintr of Mr Jake Peoples of Berry anatMiss Davis of Newport Mr J HfZftt Secretary and Treas- urer ¬ of the IlTexiugton Brewery and Mr T A Shea Paris agent were here Wednesday on busiuess N H MbKinney dentist can be found at hisjrooms over the U S Milli- nery ¬ Store No charge for examina- tion ¬ j It Mr Jake Martin and family of Lex- ington ¬ andMr Byron McCarthy and wite of Parish are guests of E C Foster a ad family - The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will sell turkeys chickens hams salads cakes breads bf all kinds etc the day before Thanksgiving I Wallace Shannon sold Jonas - iWKUbueauui kj-g- -i u wlh rbffif tvS8TKSBf m Wednesday by special train The spelling bee to be given by Bap- tist ¬ Church ladies will take place in Bryans Hall on next Saturday night A quilt will be presented to the best speller Admission ten cents Mr Alfred Vendering Mrs John Vandering and son Mrs Elizabeth Ashbrook and Miss Lizzie Ashbrook of Cynthiana were guests of Mr T D Judy and family Tuesday Dr C B Smith H H Phillips Jas Woolums Owen and John Ingels and W V Shaw returned Wednesday from with 109 birds and many rabbits Died E C Foster age 76 who has been in the milling business here for 25 years died Wednesday from stomach trouble He leaves a wife and ten chil- dren ¬ from two marriages The remains will be burried here at the cemetery to- day ¬ at ten a m Woman Triumphant or Conquest of 1950 will be given at the Opera House on Tuesday Nov 22 by Robt Caldwell a sisted by the young ladies and gentl -- m n of this place proceeds for the benefit of the Silver Service of the bat- tleship ¬ Kentucky 2t The Eagle Kiugr of All Birds is noted for its keen sight clear and distinct vision So are those persons who use Sutherlands Eagle Eye Salve for weaK eyes styes sore eyes of any kind or grauulated lids Sold by all dealers at 25 cents Coughed 20 Years I suffered for 25 years with a cough and spent hundreds of dollars with doctors a ad for medicine to no avail un ¬ til I used Dr Bells Pine-Tar-Hon- ey This remedy makes weak lungs strong It has sayed my life J B Rosell Grantsburg 111 Wheat Sacks FOR SALE CHEAP Wheat stored on reasonable terms and highest market price paid for Wheat Call on us at Paris Milling Coe office B M RENIOKvCp P S Farmers would do well to store their wheat near home Wanted to Buy 300000 bushels of wheat I will pay the highest market price in cash or I will furnish sacks and store your wheat in an elevator and buy your wheat when you are ready to sell at the highest mar ¬ ket price Those who held wheat last year made big money Store your wheat and get the profit E 0 TRETWELL Agent 5jnly 4t Prfris Ky NEWS MONTHLY SUFFERING Thousands of women are troubled at monthly inter- vals ¬ with pains in the head back breasts shoulderssides hips and limbs But they need not suffer Weil kjkismmb These pains are svmotoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected The men- strual ¬ function should operate painlessly WhfiSWrf makes menstruation painless and regular It puts the deli- cate ¬ menstrual organs in condi- tion ¬ to do their work properly And that stops all this pain Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine of Carduiwill relieve her It costs roo at the drug store Why dont you get a bottle to day For advice in cases requiring special address giv ¬ ing symptoms The Ladies Advisory Department The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Tenn Mrs ROZENA LEWIS of OonavlHs Texas says I was troubled at monthly Intervals with terrible pains in my head and back but have been entirely relieved by Wins 01 Cardui There are eggs and eggs The egg of yesterday looks feels measures and weighs like the egg of last month but theres a difference in another respect and that difference is worth money Its just so with laundry The difference between good work and poor is slight to the unpracticed discernment but its a difference that counts every time Its a differeuce that changes your laundry bill from an expense to an investment We do good work it will cost no more than poor work but its worth double the difference Boubbon Steam Laundry to uatiJtujBaLAuH romfierS Robortson directions EXAMINE Hinton8 r i - - hosecomferteSfttJWT tf - - We keep up with tlie times and you will find large selected line of Reefers and Boys overcoats at Price Cos and at the right price Wr S Anderson Of Peck P O Pike Co O Recommend WrightB Celery Capsules To the Wright Medical Co Columbus Ohio Gents I have purchased a box of Wrlghth Celery Capsules from James T Blaser drug- gist ¬ AVaverly O and used them for Stomach Trouble aud Constipation I was unable to do anything for nearly two years I ased three boxes of your Celery Capsules and they have cured me For the benefit of others so afflicted I wish to send this letter Very truly yours W S Andeksom Sold by all druggists at 50c and SI per box Send address on postal to the Wright Med Co Columbus O for trial size free mmmmmmmm Two Dollars and iifty cents will buy THE PARISIAN the best welt extension sole kid shoe you ever looked at Made of nice soft kid has stout but flexi- ble ¬ soles and is strictly a reliable shoe Button or Lace Sold at Clays Shoe Store Cor4tu Main Paris Ky GEO W DAVIS DEALER IN Furniture Window Shades Oil Cloths Carpets Mattresses JEtc Special attention given ing and Repairing Main Stueet n to TJndertak- - Paris Ky S- - - K V Established FEB i 1881 W O TUBBORN OXiDS A stubborn cold is easily taken it sticks to some people all winter and very often develops into bronchitis or consumption You should cure a cold promptly by taking Dr Bulls Cough Syrup This celebrated remedy is ac ¬ knowledged to be most efficient and reliable for all affections of the throat and lungs It cures a old at once DrBulls Cough Syrup Promptly cures Stubborn Colds Doses are small and pleasant to take Doctor recommend it Price 25 cts At all druggists TEE1II EXT11ACTFD n NO GAS NO COCAINE A simple application to the gums used only b me and acknowledged by the public to 1 e the best and easiest and absolutely free from any after effi cts Catepnoric treatment for painless filling Set of teeth 8 00 - Upper hi d lower 15 00 Silver fillmus 50 cts up- - Gold filling 100 up Gold ciowns 500 PainlesH extraction 50 cts J K Ml 1 1 5 321 Main bt Paris Ky opp Court house Hours 8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 p in Telephone 79 HHKHHKHKEHBHBBmflBIB TialSaWgiWiMifcW VKHHHnlH mmr FOR PLEASURE ADLAKE CAMERA 312 toc3L 33 5 It is the easiest camera Makes the best photographs Never out of order Takes 4x5 plates that all deaera keep no matter what make get em anywhere The after expense is least The Pleasure is mos Sent express paia anywhere in the United States A careful book on it sent if you ask ADAMS WESTLAKE CO 110 Ontario Street Chicago Educate FOR A Z38s5w 9ks Book Keeping Business SituationMffjjgjgw PHONOGRAPHY MB M E7lfll MTC VBk p PH frmir mSIbt Type Writing Telegraphy Address GENERAL WRSMITH LEXINGTON KY For circular of hiB famous and responslblo COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KY UNIVERSITY Awarded Medal at World Exposition Refers to thousands of graduates In positions CoitofFoIl Business Coarse including Tui- tion ¬ Books and Board in family about 90 Shorthand Type Writing and Telegraphy Specialties BThe Kentucky University Diploma under seal awarded graduates Literary Course free if desired No vacation Enter now Graduates successful In order to have your letters reach us address only GENERAL WILBUR R SMITH LexingtonKyl Note Kentucky University resources 00000 an had nearly 1000 students in attendance last year Important Change on The Frankfort St Cincinnati Two New Trains No 2 train will leave at 930 a m and arrive at Frankfort at 1120 a in No 8 leaves at 430 pm and arrives at Frankfort at 810 p m No 1 leaving Frankfort at 7 a m arrives at 840 No 5 leaves Frankfort at l15vp ui and arrives at 4 p in f The very best companies com- pose ¬ my agency whicb insures against fire vind and ston Non union W 0 HINT0N Agem For Rknt A six room residence oi High Street adjoining the Din Tnrrv y residence Possession givpiiimuifMiiMte ly Apply to J T Hikton Use Paris Milling Co s Purity flour for sale by all grocers Ask for it Take no other y fc x- - FvtStis J w- - fvW - X F 4r r 3- - I O jr fci II 3

Transcript of S- y fc BOU RBON NEWSnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt769p2w510v/data/0330.pdf · choice of about 8 sightly...

Page 1: S- y fc BOU RBON NEWSnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt769p2w510v/data/0330.pdf · choice of about 8 sightly soiled Da- ... guage They love to chaff and guy each other and the crowds and the street








200 WILrli BUYchoice of a numberRuga new colorsThey are big values

350 WELL BUYa Moquettelong by 3 feet widelar 5 kind



TDW36 fancy Lamps shapes25 Copely Prints framed black

Etchings water colorspastels4 Parlor Cabinets






of sizenew

6 feetIts the regu- -


in100 and

Prices BELOW anybodys for equal goodsrepresented


CHAMP Editors Owners



400 BUYan exquisite Smyrnasize elegantly madedesigned

Rug full

000 BUYchoice of about 8 sightly soiled Da-


Rugs price 1200


is in full swing There was never abetter opportunity to add thesegems of color to the home

Money back if goods are not as

C F BROWER COCarpets Furniture Wall Paper

ncjszsmsrcs DCfOJ




Our 35 Overcoats for 30Our 30 Overcoats for 25

Fine Imported Trpiirsjpr andipfc1- -





m1 n I a j ms miur srin - niHBtinciaMararJiiiiiiiiiiiiiHBHiMhBMra


H S STOUT ManagerJ r McGAJTS Cutter

Foley1No it is not claimed thats Honey and Tar will cure

Consumption or Asthma in ad-


stages it holds out no suchfalse hopes but does truthfullyclaim to always give comfort andrelief in the very worst cases and inthe early stages to effect a cure

Sold by James Kenned Druggist



THE STEEL ANCHOR RANGEHasball bearing grate cant stick shakes easily under all condi ¬

tions Also draw out grate removable and renewable withouthaving to disconnect water box A heavy durable constructionbest materials skilled workmanship modern and up-to-dat- e in allits appointments A nandsomeiece 01 Kitcnea niruiwre uuuu--

Foring better can De proauceu jnirby tuiec eaao cjjgjlcuvosale by aUprominent dealers





ersonals And Other Notes Gathered Forj The News Itt ailers

Mis Berry Bedford is convalescentj Mrs Mollie Padgett has been quite illfor several days

Mr J M Jracraft was in CarlisleMonday on business

Messrs James Hadly aud H SBetharMs are on the sick list

Mr P J Cracraft and Miss NoraMcDonald visited friends in Paris Sun ¬


Miss Annie Chancelor of Millersburgip the euesc of her sister Mrs BerryBedford

Mr Ed Owsley of Headquarters wasthe guest of his paieurs Saturday andSunday

Miss Jane Paynter of near Carlisle isthe guest of her sister Mrs Joe Farristhis week

Mr Hiram Hughes and wife of BlueJLick j were the guests of relatives neit- -

last weekMiss Magnie E Davis of Paris was

the guest ot friends here from Fridayuntil Sunday

Messrs Frank Howard and KenneyHouston are eujoing a hunt iu thelower counties

Mr Harry Morrison who was amember of Company I is the guest ofMr Horace Rcdmou this week

Mr John Howard of this place andson Vick of Georgetown left last weekfor a mouths huut iu Arkaiieds

Mis Rosie Overbey of Paris audMia- - Florence Siiapp of jolville werethe guests of Miss Lizzie Snupp lasrweek

The entertainment given here lastweek by the Ladies Aid Society wasquite a success and they wish to thanktheir mauy frienis for their willingassistance

Weak JEyes ar Made btrong1dim vision made clear styes removedand granulated lids or sore eyes of anykind speedily aud effectually cured bythe use of Sutherlauds Eagle Eye SalveIts put up in tubes and sold on a guar--tee by all good druggists


THF F Nd IRH NOTPR0EANPafc iMaBfeayJQcte ai - tfsOmj -

Little Bad Language In tondon Outsideof Petticoat Lane

Little rough or rude language is usedby the English They even fight with ¬

out swearing and get very drunk andnoisy without employing strong lan ¬

guage They love to chaff and guy eachother and the crowds and the streetpeople who drive horses and peddlegoods and hang about the corners are agreat deal wittier than most of us givethem credit for being but they seldomresort to bad language I never heardmuch of it until I went to Petticoatlane and I know a woman who haslived here two years and been constant-ly


about town who tells me that in thattime she has only heard one oath froman Englishmans lips The worst wordI heard in Petticoat lane was bloodyThat however is the worst word 1

could have heard in English opinionit is the foulest word there is 1 haveonly heard one man use it and he didnot speak it He was very angry andhe spelled it

I am telling you this because 1 knowthat at home in America we associateit with the English and put it in Eng-lishmens


mouths in our anecdotes asif it were a matter of course that itshould be used to give a local color toan English story Americans come hereand make use of the word for the comicvalue that they attach to it and yet 1

assure my readers that if they tried tothink of any really disgusting term theyhad ever heard and made use of insteadthey could not more startle or shockthese English ears

English sailors have brought theword bloody to our shores sailorsand prizefighters and stablemen andonly such persons cling to it hereWhat we consider a very much foulerword has a vastly wider circulationbut is not considered as bad as

bloody All this is very strange andrequires a native to explain it especial-ly


as bloody is merely the contrac-tion


of the oath by our Lady whichwas more or less commonly used in theancient days when this was a RomanCatholic country

The people who try to swear withoutswearing who in our country say

hully chee and by cripes all usethe word blooming over here Icant very bloomin well make you buythis bloomin thing but Ill ave jbloomin try at it is what I heard astreet fakir say to a orowd the otherday There is no harm in that at alland it is much more typically Englishthan the word bloody besides beingdecent

It is funny what mistakes nationsmake about one another Over here thevery smart thing in reporting the speechof us Americans is to make us all andalways call ourselves Amurri cans Itmay be true of us This whole nationbelieves it But I never heard an Amer ¬

ican so pronounce the name of our coun ¬

try and yet Ive got a quick linguisticear which is a thing the English utter ¬

ly lack Julian Ralph in ProvidenceJournal N


iNews Notes Gathered In Aud About The

f RurcErnst Butler is able to be outMiss Blanche Darnell visited friends

in Paris TuesdayRobt Caldwell gave an entertainment

last nignt atfEvviDg

There are a number of cases ofmeasles in this precinct

Robt Barnes and wife returned Tues-day


from Mason countyJas T McClelland returned Wednes-


from Columbus Miss

Arthur Bong of Midway is theguest of TD Judy and family

Mrs H TBatterton and son Chasof Eminenc7are guests of Mrs JohnIugels jr -

Mrs BellejArmstrongguest of berjfsister Mrsfor tha pastXveek

has been theAnna Brady

Misses Sadie Hart and Fannie Mannof Paris were down Tuesday to visitMrs W MfMiller

Chas Mason keeps a full line ofvegetables fruit8 candies poultrygame fish oysters It

Mr and Mrs G D Martin and wifeof LexingtoF are here to attend thefaueral of Ep Foster

Mrs Joe fed aud Mrs Jos Yancyof Mayslickwere the guests ot JohnPeed and family Tuesday

Mr G Wpiclntyre and Mrs ChipHoward attended the funeral of MrDavid Hoodlat Elizaville Tuesday

Jonas WeilJ bought forty seven headof the bestcattle in the county forfa ure delivery fiom Win M Layson

Mr W VgShaw went to Newport toattend the vjedjlintr of Mr Jake Peoplesof Berry anatMiss Davis of Newport

Mr J HfZftt Secretary and Treas-urer


of the IlTexiugton Brewery and MrT A Shea Paris agent were hereWednesday on busiuess

N H MbKinney dentist can befound at hisjrooms over the U S Milli-nery


Store No charge for examina-tion


j ItMr Jake Martin and family of Lex-


andMr Byron McCarthy andwite of Parish are guests of E C Fostera ad family -

The ladies of the Presbyterian Churchwill sell turkeys chickens hams saladscakes breads bf all kinds etc the daybefore Thanksgiving


Wallace Shannon sold Jonas -

iWKUbueauui kj-g- -i u

wlh rbffif tvS8TKSBf mWednesday by special train

The spelling bee to be given by Bap-tist


Church ladies will take place inBryans Hall on next Saturday nightA quilt will be presented to the bestspeller Admission ten cents

Mr Alfred Vendering Mrs JohnVandering and son Mrs ElizabethAshbrook and Miss Lizzie Ashbrook ofCynthiana were guests of Mr T DJudy and family Tuesday

Dr C B Smith H H Phillips JasWoolums Owen and John Ingels andW V Shaw returned Wednesday from

with 109 birds and manyrabbits

Died E C Foster age 76 who hasbeen in the milling business here for 25years died Wednesday from stomachtrouble He leaves a wife and ten chil-dren


from two marriages The remainswill be burried here at the cemetery to-


at ten a m

Woman Triumphant or Conquest of1950 will be given at the Opera Houseon Tuesday Nov 22 by Robt Caldwella sisted by the young ladies and gentl --

m n of this place proceeds for thebenefit of the Silver Service of the bat-tleship


Kentucky 2t

The Eagle Kiugr of All Birdsis noted for its keen sight clear anddistinct vision So are those personswho use Sutherlands Eagle Eye Salvefor weaK eyes styes sore eyes of anykind or grauulated lids Sold by alldealers at 25 cents

Coughed 20 YearsI suffered for 25 years with a cough

and spent hundreds of dollars withdoctors a ad for medicine to no avail un ¬

til I used Dr Bells Pine-Tar-Hon- ey

This remedy makes weak lungs strongIt has sayed my life J B RosellGrantsburg 111


Wheat stored on reasonable termsand highest market price paid forWheat Call on us at Paris MillingCoe office

B M RENIOKvCpP S Farmers would do well to store

their wheat near home

Wanted to Buy300000 bushels of wheat I will pay

the highest market price in cash or Iwill furnish sacks and store your wheatin an elevator and buy your wheat whenyou are ready to sell at the highest mar¬

ket price Those who held wheat lastyear made big money Store yourwheat and get the profit

E 0 TRETWELL Agent5jnly 4t Prfris Ky



Thousands ofwomen are

troubled atmonthly inter-vals


with painsin the headback breastsshoulderssideships and limbsBut they neednot suffer


These pains are svmotoms ofdangerous derangements thatcan be corrected The men-strual


function should operatepainlessly

WhfiSWrfmakes menstruation painlessand regular It puts the deli-cate


menstrual organs in condi-tion


to do their work properlyAnd that stops all this painWhy will any woman suffermonth after month when Wineof Carduiwill relieve her Itcosts roo at the drug storeWhy dont you get a bottleto dayFor advice in cases requiringspecial address giv¬

ing symptoms The LadiesAdvisory Department TheChattanooga Medicine CoChattanooga Tenn

Mrs ROZENA LEWISof OonavlHs Texas says

I was troubled at monthly Intervalswith terrible pains in my head and backbut have been entirely relieved by Wins01 Cardui

There are eggs and eggs The eggof yesterday looks feels measures andweighs like the egg of last month buttheres a difference in another respectand that difference is worth moneyIts just so with laundry The differencebetween good work and poor is slight tothe unpracticed discernment but its adifference that counts every time Itsa differeuce that changes your laundrybill from an expense to an investmentWe do good work it will cost no morethan poor work but its worth doublethe difference

Boubbon Steam Laundryto






r i- -


- -

We keep up with tlie times andyou will find large selected line ofReefers and Boys overcoats atPrice Cos and at the rightprice

Wr S Anderson

Of Peck P O Pike Co O RecommendWrightB Celery Capsules

To the Wright Medical CoColumbus Ohio

Gents I have purchased a box of WrlghthCelery Capsules from James T Blaser drug-gist


AVaverly O and used them for StomachTrouble aud Constipation I was unable todo anything for nearly two years I asedthree boxes of your Celery Capsules and theyhave cured me For the benefit of others soafflicted I wish to send this letter

Very truly yoursW S Andeksom

Sold by all druggists at 50c and SI per boxSend address on postal to the Wright MedCo Columbus O for trial size free

mmmmmmmmTwo Dollars

and iifty centswill buy

THE PARISIANthe best welt extension sole kidshoe you ever looked at Made ofnice soft kid has stout but flexi-ble


soles and is strictly a reliableshoe

Button or Lace Sold at

Clays Shoe StoreCor4tu Main Paris Ky


Furniture Window Shades OilCloths Carpets Mattresses


Special attention givening and RepairingMain Stueet n

to TJndertak--

Paris Ky

S- - -


Established FEB i 1881



OXiDSA stubborn cold is easily taken itsticks to some people all winter andvery often develops into bronchitis orconsumption You should cure a coldpromptly by taking Dr Bulls CoughSyrup This celebrated remedy is ac¬

knowledged to be most efficient andreliable for all affections of the throatand lungs It cures a old at once

DrBullsCough SyrupPromptly cures Stubborn Colds

Doses are small and pleasant to take Doctorrecommend it Price 25 cts At all druggists



NO GAS NO COCAINEA simple application to the gums used

only b me and acknowledged by thepublic to 1 e the best and easiest andabsolutely free from any after effi cts

Catepnoric treatment for painlessfilling

Set of teeth 8 00 -Upper hi d lower 15 00Silver fillmus 50 cts up- -

Gold filling 100 upGold ciowns 500PainlesH extraction 50 cts

J K Ml 1 1 5

321 Main bt Paris Kyopp Court house

Hours 8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 p inTelephone 79



ADLAKE CAMERA312 toc3L 33 5

It is the easiest cameraMakes the best photographsNever out of orderTakes 4x5 plates that all deaera

keep no matter what make get emanywhere

The after expense is leastThe Pleasure is mosSent express paia anywhere in the

United StatesA careful book on it sent if you ask

ADAMS WESTLAKE CO110 Ontario Street Chicago


FOR A Z38s5w


Book Keeping Business


MB M E7lfll MTC VBk


PH frmir mSIbt

Type Writing



For circular of hiB famous and responslbloCOMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KY UNIVERSITY

Awarded Medal at World ExpositionRefers to thousands of graduates In positionsCoitofFoIl Business Coarse including Tui-tion

¬Books and Board in family about 90

Shorthand Type Writing and Telegraphy SpecialtiesBThe Kentucky University Diploma under sealawarded graduates Literary Course free if desiredNo vacation Enter now Graduates successfulIn order to have your letters reach us address onlyGENERAL WILBUR R SMITH LexingtonKyl

Note Kentucky University resources 00000 anhad nearly 1000 students in attendance last year

Important Change on The Frankfort StCincinnati Two New Trains

No 2 train will leave at 930 a mand arrive at Frankfort at 1120 a in

No 8 leaves at 430 p m and arrivesat Frankfort at 810 p m

No 1 leaving Frankfort at 7 a marrives at 840

No 5 leaves Frankfort at l15vp uiand arrives at 4 p in f

The very best companies com-pose


my agency whicb insuresagainst fire vind and stonNon union

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