S. s~ADVEITUREcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...... itlou baa anae11 aa the...

... VOLUME XLIX. LOCAL AND OTHER ITEMS. -·---- . (TWO OOLLl.U ... nu.] MlSREPRESENTAT10NS'"1!)X- TRAORDl NARY. -= A mc>t1 l oDJO!&blo dancing aaombly ""held lo .:.1.. Patric k'• llall on TD• I•' nl .. ht lut. Aboot 40 couple.woro ;.rul'Ut aod tboroui;bly eo.Juyed tho , ,, .ului;. Jan .. 7.-A remarkable ait- Sbin"'les are scare in town.- 11:itlou baa anae11 aa the resalt of 5 the pubhcatioo i11 London of a ini .. 1 118 801 •DI GI Jl•I ! reprcseDtatioa of the epeecb dell•- ,. rr - sh ll'plug Jllo1tra1td bu tho w1detii ercd b Count Ok a. Io p-Ta · °re · r1rcula Ion of any Wl'Otll• paper In Norlh 1 um .... Good 'DI- s•-w. Well ... .a .. \l t1•· ricm . It orliJlnal {llu1lratlnn• aro 1pecclrca OD th ia ume 11abject e &' U" MNAo llKl.V• .ii\• • .,. llmch'. Send d)rect tn Lbe P,.Ub- bad made bi11 •iewa well-known. It I 11 h ;., thl l>rodut'o J.::&changc, !\ew is quite uident that worde were pat IJrPricea.on application. \ ,,; ,,tor f rco 1a01pl• copy. mto bia mouth which he did not 11ae. ... .. ippl n;: tu ialratod, ua Prodric• Ei::· to the effect tbat he bad urired India lltnlill Slit Jlli ft Jlall rh .1t1t t1•, :Se'" Yorlc, prescotl th• only to rise airiinat Great Britafo. Now 1 . 11 plc1e eod authcnllo wf'ekly r ooord Count Okuma and the Fos:elcaOftice .. 11rrlp:bll and obar1ers. with ra'-o etc., arc beia=bombardcd with cable- i F1rewood, 111 ibo Ame.rlcua trmda. for Eftt- of t: o umplo OOPYIla. -- &'"'Ill -'l' he Rev. ea - 0-00-N-oet wlll RO to SL publicly r:::: Also, Provisions . John'• $ .. turdey morning. On diate or confirm bi1 remarkl. and io TllQM'&a mornf.ng Lbo t!anon will preae1b bu - r anunlc &l aormoo In the Cathedral. Tho reply Count Oka ma aaid : "To-day River e8d. II<' '" J. nrlnton of Ibo Catbecl ral, wlll in my Kobe epeecb I did not aae the , ·nilucL I.ho aorv lCOil ai l:lt. Peul'• Chorch worda \hat were put into my "" 'unday. mouth." It ia apparent that a mi.. FOR S -I .a i:rlppe 11 oxtendlu1t Ila rangea, traaalat ioa of the remarlra hu jaat ,. r.JL. .. nd there h an llmc>11L dally lonraaH la reached England. "Mt riewa OD - '" II• \·lr tlm•. MT. c. L. l\enned,y,er., l• the b 'e loft de --'t lo·"· .. _ .... , ., Pill'l9 ftW T.&111\...:_ \ t• r\· Ill nf It, and amonp; OlbeH 111bJect.- ID l C ra WI - ' &DA V• V&' "' ii re- R. D.Mc!Ue. Etq,, OapL 090r&• well u Aala: my frieodllneaa to on Pir. Track.Rauf IS l'Ar-. rn•. xcra. Ml11 MoB&e, Great Britain are too well known to Co r-- \lc·• r" Franlt li e Rae, . Mooo, Mre. O. make It aeceeaary p1tblicly to Dins' Fanq, For ptfdc:ulars F. lluoo and Mr. A. Uealh. repud iate tbe absa CODatraetJoo ap ... la• to 11 ot people aro Ill, and In 1emo t'"1 _ •·Mee wbolo are prc>11lratod "!Ith 'llllhich baa been placed OD the re- M• RS. Mi.RY HENKESSY. 1 1111• dl..cuo. marks I made at Kobe. I ha•e er entertained a thought which' "" - l>r. W. Paraont, llOU of )fr. Ed"ard..,..could atrctched into eac h a mean- r- l'ar..on .. cam• here by Frld•r'• Lrald' . ,,, fi · f fr om HoDne Bay wbt'fe ho liad boon 1Dg. lod1a o.uena ue a ae Seid or I pm• tlclni:t bl1profC9llOD Uleputyear 01' trade and I urged my people OJ>t:Dly that CUI be 'ballt la a WlreFaoe. ,... Or. Panone bu op.oecl an and cooaiateatl1 to eatu that field and wrstery ln the rftldence of Mn. v. · f · IU ' th f · di Th 'D.-. Wire a- ........... ' "- Hnu, \\ r'ater lroel, and lntende to try ID a1r OD, WI ,, ncD y 8 &'a&&Ua lllllOll torton .. ID bit naUve town. Tbe Great Bntaia, .... tbat II all can 'I.;.. 'ha.I ls D&,QJ'S. worlc ln "Boono Bay, while proOtahla UV &&.,u. , and wu fou"d to ba ardo· 1 oU.NT ROY .. Y SAF• IN PORT oue. The :u:<n.a.JU> welcotOOI t.bo yooog ..-M n.u °' medleo, edd wllbct blm a lucratln prac- tice. I Que«i;a1towo, Jan. 7.-Tbc lonr TWORDiD OF BEADAOHE. overdue C.P.R. atea i mer Piic:cs uMtpaitt+1- oia appllca- tloa. JOHN DAVIS. , Agent for Harbor Grace. Blllbia or tick beadaob• rcaulll from al ateamed alowly ato ¥"ee111 wn liver eotloD and OODIUpatloo to-day and the 11ew1 of ber aafety V1'ctc>n'a Book Store. aoo la qolokl• overcome bl' lbo UH of waa tteeiftd with gladaeu in abip- is attracted by the excellence of this year's Dr. Cbuo'• Kldno:r·Llvor Ptlle. Nerv- She wu lut reported Lt U1Ually accompanied by :-a L. d n....... ..... lb. a.ad we Den, t leepleun- and elt.baoelloA uu e 1zar • OD , a.a an la duo to a run-down Dtr•ooe ,,., lllateh wu kept for ber Oil both 1e TboroAAb cure II obl&lned by aidea of the AUaatic · and ae far bo ldlolc:8 lho eyetem with Dr.Cbue'e south :r, Bermuda. The Moaat Nerve · I Royal left 7, for MAI.AG& RAISINS. I fl:irCall and see our show . . cases ' The nch and delicate lush1ous ness of the flavor, the ten- -Do yon Intend gotUng an onrcoat St. John, three hundred nowt )f 10 wo uk JOU to aeo our t:J.uugarlan em gra.nt1 and a crew of Stoolt of Onrcoattog• lo Black and about one hua men. She waa moo Beavo,., Genoloe Oooda. Style and Worm&D9hJp a certaloty,-.J. &r1t defiDitel1 hted off Old Head & w. MADIO.A.l'f. I of Kloaale,_ f teen milea weal of thi• port. eany then ehe wu pro- PER SON AL eecdfar alo.tl1 aader her O'llfD Mr. W. J. Jan08 went to St. Jobn•a by /ateam that ahe waa Wodo#da:v'• early train and rehu·ruid \- •- by yfttenlay'• train. Mut.r lAroy,--...lDI' ill ere. JanM r.ocompaoJed bll tat.her to St. I Sile tleclilled the belp ol a tqdaat .Jobo'• for th• parpoeeot -1ertaa.&a. ..... t011t\OaM14\'ller' hop FPlld Cc>Ja.,te. _. •- :..i:L.- Biie _ _.._.. 1_ . .._ Mr B.Jtardyof CapeRaywulatowa 111.- - - - tut week OD e TU[l to blll eleler, Mre. boilen, a.ad WU compelled to pat Q.ulntln. lie left for bl• home on Sat· back. Sbortl1 after lcariag the urdaJ, 10 r esu me bll work u wlrateae I Britiih coaat ahe eacoaotercd 'rio- rtom Bay ieot plea. sbe b&ath the Ro bull to nn Mr. If Huth'• DO&l&aoo u beaTJ weather for a f 1&11til Pottal opera&or. lb. Bulb Cbriatmu io.e, wbea tmoMre. Panone, ble with bu boilen 1l'be new for the Fall derness of skin, c<?mmend the Malaga Seeded R aisins as and Xmas Trade. I the only f rutt to use. Animals from an Eliphnnt The price is very even less value, than the down. All tbc Birds out of , time needed by the thrifty house-keeper in removing the stones Ark. Gamea of all kinds. I by the old-f way ; not iO of in· weight. 1 Fire Works-Rockets, ltoman The seeding 1s all done by ry and sixteen ounces All attractively put Fan- .. .,. .: w .. ..;,....,.... 80LB AGBR'l l'OB 1'BWl'OUBDLABD: rer W .. A. MUN N. Who1,sa1, Only. from S4c to 50o per package. ' JOBHOODY, · :-: WINTER - GOODS ! FOR . SALB. and Mre.Oeorpl'uMU.wbo laed bM1l tha la . OD t'Ull IO 8L Joba'a "°" ,_ daya; weat &lld latlhde 45 liortb. rttonied by Tllandan &nAa. Mr. '1L ea...!•e .room ad utlmatelr. and Mre. PanoU IDlmd ... YIU for •- 1 .. ,.._ 1 ., 1 ., -.-.11"'- . Tornto ftre• 'Tlae7 ceedecl 111 o .. __ & -• A ofate&m, I. I. 1•11£, •11 lllE, .. a& Qaelt bil uM1ld- that the captalll nlllCt&Rtly 1 I' .. .,.. ec1_;J f'r.1JC&-w.., aa.1on'I editwubMtto..ni.t1ae OVTY. Wooday..... _ea ..... _0011aeo&ed C09at.tbeatamerwaa ....... na Alla---·- £"M Men's, WQmen's and Children's Winter Clothing. Rubbers a nd · Boots. Stock of Blanke.ts to arr ive next week. , . - " •Ith 11r. u.i•mede10wt7llltooort. A OBOIOB ARTICLE.; Cbate .... , ......... ,. aapsau4 CNW an alf well. Clo ,ths, Tweeds and General D ry Goods. -- 6 \j S. ,• 11 THE FLOUR QUALITY." The sub-title, " The Flour o uality'.:' is given- to Buda Flour by its u sers before they hav bceu using it long, and they never take it away agaitt. --THI SALE BAS D00.LBD-- thia ycat, showing that Buda Flour is rapidly eoming...lnto its own. "nae Flour oC Quality" is put up in lined, dust ·prooC ban'8lt; and in sacks or ftrying siza If you want repeat ordc:n for ftour, why, }Uw..bandle "Buda• . Flour, "The Wodd's Best,"'' Sterling," " Ne-. .. or any o( oor 70 and 8o % patenll. Waan FOil PAllTlCUl.ARS. J.B. HARTY, Picton, N.s., · Sales Manager for the Maritime Provinces, Prorince or Quebec, Nmoundland, Weat Indies. CAR LOTS, 48SORTED OR STRAIGHT. Steer Bros., St. John's, Sole Aaenta for Buda ia Newfoundland. G. .. JONES & :00. - Parties having Fish ' to · sell . , will find a market ·for it at ' Messrs. A. . G. Jones & Prjces quoted on applying to WM. 1 -BJJTT, Water St. West, Hai:bor Grace RON, ' ,,, Premfses, formerly those of the late Capt. W. Butt apd the Messrs.Pumphrey, Water . · No. 9t. 1907. For. One Cod &3.,it One in Seine, CaSt Nets, Boats Sails, &c. Also, Block.a and other Gear for veseels or different sizes. '-• 'arbor Brace St., neai; N oad St. A. G.JONES & Co. ...... .. .. .. r , . To ouR CusTolERS AND THE TRADE WM. BUTT, Manager, Harbor Grace. NEWFOU.NDLANO. GBBN D, At the R.-0. Caelael &• .. Apply to MRs. P. WALSH, Otterbury, Rive rhead, Harbor We wish to extend our good wishes for a New Y ear, and at the same time our sincere thanks for their patro nage for the year 1907. Our aim is to . extend to all courteous treatment, and to place in th eir hands goods of ste rling merit, that will 01eet the , approbation of the consumer which wm mean an incr eased turnover for R. D. McRae & Sons them and ourse1VC$. A feature of our business this season )l6 11d•J tut. bY ... 115 Rix-be , Mr. lllof111d •71 ._ ll rttoD, to Mill Brtde Ryaa,-or r . \n•l1tw Power, of thl8 io'tna.n- .. 11 9&11 lA•L. 1>7 ..... .- Mar vod, f.dwant Allan Saow,of Ba7 Ito rll, to !Wbeeca AUD L)'ou, Of .Bu'9- u .... t. Al Cboreb, oa WedDftldaJ lMt, I l•· Jtq·,C.Catp!'Dlar,Jlr. LI .... ,. 1-hu\o', •1! KoaUl Side, lo llill 11917 oru.i. toWa. Al ('brlu C borebJ,!)11 di' aame Rev. l'. t'a.rpeow, Mr. Albarl Shep 111 .. Minnie HJggiDI, botb o \he Mil Side. DIED. At Hp l 11rd' • Bay, on th•2lllh Nonm· bt r, :\luy, nnly dao1bi.r of Henry aod t :mma (. 'oombl, aced 14 yeaf9. Al Ibo Stlo th Slde, OD Satllrday tut. l.lh·, wife of John w. Sheppard, aged ZS Hi.,, ltevlng two cblldren. On -.uod ev lut.,>fter e loog illo .... Jon11hen George, "ed 80 yeare. . \t tuverbead, on Frtda7 lut, JOb!IJ •<•n nl Pai.rick ,Mollowney, )•·•n . .\ t t 'arbonoar,oo Tbur1day lut, "ate or Mr. siepben B. Pike, ag ... 1ll yr:ua. A IU\ ·erbead, OD Wedneaday lut, .!!!:.: rd OaJton, glld 78 yeva. PROFESS!ONAL CARD. I I. \V. PARSONS, 4M.D. OFFICE HOURS- 4 .9 to 11, a.m. ; la to 3, 7 to 8 P.IU• OFFICE-One door cut or Mr Thomas Ross'• shop. Water Street, Harbor Once. Latitude 48' 30 ' 15• North. Longitude S3° 02' 20 West. N OTlCB IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fog Al4rm oa -Green Il1and. olf the entrance to the harbour d Cetelim, will not be totmded frofll Jaoury, aatif tt.e Cl In the or about the lut of April Aao\Wlr hereafter, WfTHOUT r\mTHD KOT1C., thi• Alarm will be djscoatipqe4 dllring 'the abo.,. specilied period. ELI DAWE, Minilter Marine and Fisheries. Department of Marine and YIJheries, St. John 1 1, Newfoundland, Decem- ber 211t, 1907• OARD: Grace. Jan. 'o8. ZEPHYR. 38 t ons. BLANCHE, 46 toni OYAMA, 23 t ons. CATHERINE 'P., 27 tons. GEORGE, 38 tons. ' P.H. COWAN 120-122 WATER ST. , S T. joHN's. is the addition of a line of boots named STORM KING, i a boot withwbich no rubber is n eeded. This boot is made exclusively by 'us and is specially constructed to withstand t water. For sportsman, guide, and people that must travel in all conditions of w6ither, it will meet their requirement s. Place your orders with , us early and avoid .. . . . . . .... . . . . . . .. .. . . ... .. .. . IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS. . Provision s, Groceries, · Cadiz Salt, Tar, Pitch, Fi.Bheey Supplies, &c. i the. inconvenience pf the spring rush .• lrr&or Brace Boat and lanufacturlng Co. Ltd. Factory . and Sa.J esr ooms-L;Marcbant Street t Beach Pi%m.ises, : Ha rbor ........ .......... Business at Gra<!y, THE 6000 Feet Picture Framing .. GROCERIES AND &ROVISIONS c.·,. ' A gr eat variety in all t he LATEST PATERNS-3 cts. AT J. J. HEN NESSY'S. to 40 cts. a foot. . MISS M. T. OOLB.ERT R oom Mouldings in White Enamel and Oak. of all grades .. tedo that 1 1he id• aoUwl SlU'J)lled by · JOHN DAVIS. White Enamel Curtai n Poles-"' /• and 1 rL Inch Cut to Codfiah, B ng, eto. Frwt of all kinds . prepar tea..., m\\I c, a.n 1'+ 72 · · d Prod fall k' d fi•e Pi.a.no lest0D1 at ber home. Grace. any length up to 12 feet nes uoe o . JD s. . -Water Street. Harbor - Acat for NewfouDdlJDd. - Also, a few hundred feer of White Enamel Plate or Bric- S tioaery of all kinds. wholesale k retail . on appll"tloa. - - a-brae Rail. Just the thing .• for cosy comers. Hs.rdwar! and Crockerywa!'.8. Paints of all colours. oal'I eoe-. IJi ifi=Bu. Framed Pictures in abundance, and an assortment of PIUDta, Olis, Toooooo &-1 of the best . n. Framed Novelties suitable for Birthday, Wedding or Christmas , Leather snd Le . n nd <?u't Barness. G 1 nod C1:u-rtnges for hire l\t o.l\ t1mes. •• 1 1 - Rope 11.nd Fishing ):mpleme nta. A)so, a. good etook of .. .. p R: T. PARSONS ( patent;nedicines. Pruwon0ilnlwsyft1 a'thand. ..... --=:,...:•:7'.:::.. it = t:i 1a I Water sweet, Barbor Grace. '- All in atock v markd aHOtDUtprica. I J : / . .

Transcript of S. s~ADVEITUREcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...... itlou baa anae11 aa the...

Page 1: S. s~ADVEITUREcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...... itlou baa anae11 aa the resalt of 5 the pubhcatioo i11 London of a ini .. 1118 801 •DI GI Jl•I ! reprcseDtatioa




. (TWO OOLLl.U ... nu.]


-=A mc>t1l oDJO!&blo dancing aaombly ""held lo .:.1.. Patrick'• llall on TD• I• ' nl .. ht lut. Aboot 40 couple.woro

;.rul'Ut aod tboroui;bly eo.Juyed tho , ,,.ului;.

~okio. Jan .. 7.-A remarkable ait- Sbin"'les are scare in town.-11:itlou baa anae11 aa the resalt of 5 the pubhcatioo i11 London of a ini ..

1118 801 •DI GI Jl•I !

reprcseDtatioa of the epeecb dell•- • ,. rr - shll'plug Jllo1tra1td bu tho w1detii ercd b Count Ok a. Io p-Ta·°re · r1rcula Ion of any Wl'Otll• paper In Norlh 1 um .... Good 'DI- s•-w. Well ... .a ..

\lt1•·ricm. It• orliJlnal {llu1lratlnn• aro 1pecclrca OD thia ume 11abject e &' U" MNAo llKl.V• .ii\• • .,. llmch'. Send d)rect tn Lbe P,.Ub- bad made bi11 •iewa well-known. It I 11 h ;., thl l>rodut'o J.::&changc, !\ew is quite uident that worde were pat IJrPricea.on application. \ ,,;,,tor f rco 1a01pl• copy. mto bia mouth which he did not 11ae.

..... ippln;: tu ialratod, ua Prodric• Ei::· to the effect tbat he bad urired India lltnlill Slit Jlli ft Jlall rh .1t1tt1•, :Se'" Yorlc, prescotl th• only to rise airiinat Great Britafo. Now 1 . 11plc1e eod authcnllo wf'ekly rooord Count Okuma and the Fos:elcaOftice • • • .. 11rrlp:bll and obar1ers. with ra'-o etc., arc beia=bombardcd with cable- i F1rewood, 111 ibo ~ort.b Ame.rlcua trmda. ~Qd for Eftt- of -..,..1Pa&M;:.-~ .,.""'ti~lflitllllil~tili!I t: oumplo OOPY• Ila. ..__airer·~ -- &'"'Ill

-'l'he Rev. ea- 0-00-N-oet wlll RO to SL aaki~\h~:t ~ publicly r:::: Also, Provisions . John'• $ .. turdey morning. On ~Sunday diate or confirm bi1 remarkl. and io TllQM'&a ~ mornf.ng Lbo t!anon will preae1b bu -ranunlc&l aormoo In the Cathedral. Tho reply Count Oka ma aaid : "To-day River e8d. II<''" J. nrlnton of Ibo Catbeclral, wlll in my Kobe epeecb I did not aae the , ·nilucL I.ho aorvlCOil ai l:lt. Peul'• Chorch word a \hat were put into my "" 'unday. mouth." It ia apparent tha t a mi.. FOR S .t~LB -I.a i:rlppe 11 oxtendlu1t Ila rangea, traaalatioa of the remarlra hu jaat ,. r.JL. •

.. nd there h an llmc>11L dally lonraaH la reached England. "Mt riewa OD • - '" II• \·lr tlm•. MT. c. L. l\enned,y,er., l• the b 'e loft de --'t lo·"· .. _ .... ,., Pill'l9 ftW T.&111\...:_ \ t• r\· Ill nf It, and amonp; OlbeH 111bJect.- ID l C ra WI - '&DA V• V&' ~~ "' iire-R. D.Mc!Ue. Etq,, OapL 090r&• well u Aala: my frieodllneaa to on Pir. Track.Rauf ~WD IS l'Ar-.rn•. xcra. Mo~b Ml11 MoB&e, Great Britain are too well known to Co r--\lc·•r" Franlt lie Rae, . Mooo, Mre. O. make It aeceeaary J~ine p1tblicly to Dins' Fanq, For ptfdc:ulars '.\11111n.~Hn F. lluoo and Mr. A. Uealh. repudiate tbe absa CODatraetJoo ap ... la• to 11 nndr~• ot people aro Ill, and In 1emo t'"1_ •·Mee wbolo fetoUle~ are prc>11lratod "!Ith 'llllhich baa been placed OD the re- M•RS. Mi.RY HENKESSY.

1 1111• dl..cuo. marks I made at Kobe. I ha•e a~·

er entertained a thought which' "" - l>r. W. Paraont, llOU of )fr. Ed"ard..,..could ~ atrctched into each a mean- Tl.a~........ r-

l'ar..on .. cam• here by Frld•r'• Lrald' . • ,,, fi · f IR~~.. I~ from HoDne Bay wbt'fe ho liad boon 1Dg. lod1a o.uena ue a ae Seid or I pm•tlclni:t bl1profC9llOD Uleputyear 01' trade and I urged my people OJ>t:Dly that CUI be 'ballt la a WlreFaoe. ,... Or. Panone bu op.oecl an om~ and cooaiateatl1 to eatu that field and wrstery ln the rftldence of Mn. v. · f · IU ' th f · di Th 'D.-. Wire a-........... '

"- Hnu, \\r'ater lroel, and lntende to try ID a1r ~mpet OD, WI ,, ncD y 8 ~· &'a&&Ua lllllOll bl~ torton .. ID bit naUve town. Tbe Great Bntaia,....tbat II all can 'I.;.. 'ha.I ls D&,QJ'S. worlc ln"Boono Bay, while proOtahla UV &&.,u. If'~

, and promllln~. wu fou"d to ba ardo· 1 oU.NT ROY .. Y SAF• IN PORT oue. The :u:<n.a.JU> welcotOOI t.bo yooog ..-M n.u °' medleo, edd wllbct blm a lucratln prac-tice. I Que«i;a1towo, Jan. 7.-Tbc lonr

TWORDiD OF BEADAOHE. overdue C.P.R. ateai mer ~UDttoRoy-

Piic:cs uMtpaitt+1- oia appllca­tloa.

JOHN DAVIS. , ~ Agent for Harbor Grace.

Blllbia or tick beadaob• rcaulll from al ateamed alowly ato ¥"ee111 wn •ln~p;ltb liver eotloD and OODIUpatloo to-day and the 11ew1 of ber aafety V1'ctc>n'a Book Store. aoo la qolokl• overcome bl' lbo UH of waa tteeiftd with gladaeu in abip-

_..Ev~ne is attracted by the excellence of this year's Dr. Cbuo'• Kldno:r·Llvor Ptlle. Nerv- piD~circlee. She wu lut reported o~eadacbo Lt U1Ually accompanied by :-a L. d n....... ..... lb. a.ad we Den, t leepleun- and elt.baoelloA uu e 1zar • OD ~m.,.,r , a.a an la duo to a run-down Dtr•ooe ,,., lllateh wu kept for ber Oil both 1e TboroAAb cure II obl&lned by aidea of the AUaatic ·and ae far bo ldlolc:8 lho eyetem with Dr.Cbue'e south :r, Bermuda. The Moaat Nerve · I Royal left A~werp Decem~r 7, for


fl:irCall and see our show • . . cases ' The nch and delicate lush1ous ness of the flavor, the ten-

-Do yon Intend gotUng an onrcoat St. John, N.B~with three hundred nowt )f 10 wo uk JOU to aeo our t:J.uugarlan em gra.nt1 and a crew of Stoolt of Onrcoattog• lo Black and about one hua men. She waa moo Beavo,., Genoloe Oooda. Fl~ Style and Worm&D9hJp a certaloty,-.J. &r1t defiDitel1 hted off Old Head & w. MADIO.A.l'f. I of Kloaale,_ f teen milea weal of

thi• port. eany ~. then ehe wu pro-PER SON AL eecdfar alo.tl1 aader her O'llfD

Mr. W. J. Jan08 went to St. Jobn•a by /ateam ~•l-•lled that ahe waa Wodo#da:v'• early train and rehu·ruid \- • •-by yfttenlay'• train. Mut.r lAroy,--...lDI' ill ere. JanM r.ocompaoJed bll tat.her to St. I Sile tleclilled the belp ol a tqdaat .Jobo'• for th• parpoeeot -1ertaa.&a. ..... t011t\OaM14\'ller' ~ hop FPlld Cc>Ja.,te. _. •- :..i:L.- Biie _ _.._..1_ . .._

Mr B.Jtardyof CapeRaywulatowa 111.- - - -tut week OD e TU[l to blll eleler, Mre. boilen, a.ad WU compelled to pat Q.ulntln. • lie left for bl• home on Sat· back. Sbortl1 after lcariag the urdaJ, 10 resume bll work u wlrateae I Britiih coaat ahe eacoaotercd 'rio-IA!~'~'.f.bR.att.r,::~ lhi,0~~ rtom Bay ieot plea. sbe b&ath the Ro bull to nn Mr. If Huth'• DO&l&aoo u beaTJ weather for a f 1&11til Pottal Tel~apb opera&or. lb. Bulb Cbriatmu io.e, wbea tmo• ll'ir~0,;~:a~ Mre. Panone, ble with bu boilen 1l'be

Ev~thing new for the Fall derness of ~he skin, c<?mmend the Malaga Seeded R aisins as and Xmas Trade. I the only f rutt to use.

Animals from an Eliphnnt The price is very r~sonable, even less value, than the down. All tbc Birds out of , time needed by the thrifty house-keeper in removing the stones t~e Ark. Gamea of all kinds. I by the old-f as~i,,90~ way ; not iO ~k of ~he lo~ in· weight. 1 Fire Works-Rockets, ltoman The seeding 1s all done by ~~ne. ry and sixteen ounces

8:c~:ia. T~C:~~:~ ~~ c~;iJO~ru~t~~ia~J;;~\e All attractively put

and~c.ke.BciZM. Fan- ·---~.._ .. .,. "'.).. -~·-·on .: w .. ..;,....,....

fn~ ~dll~ 80LB AGBR'l l'OB 1'BWl'OUBDLABD:

rer ~, ~~t~ 8!1~ W .. A. MUN N. Who1,sa1, Only. from S4c to 50o per package. '

JOBHOODY, · :-: Manager~· WINTER - GOODS ! FOR .SALB. and Mre.Oeorpl'uMU.wbo laed bM1l a~wu tha la ~tilde .

OD • t'Ull IO 8L Joba'a "°" • ,_ daya; weat &lld latlhde 45 liortb. rttonied by Tllandan &nAa. Mr. '1L ea...!•e .room ad utlmatelr. and Mre. PanoU IDlmd ... YIU for •- 1 .. ,.._1.,1 • ., -.-.11"'- . Tornto ftre• SID-'•~· 'Tlae7 ceedecl 111 o .. __ & -• A hn~oJoncl trTlll~.SNa&lJ',aad.n- ofate&m, httbe~waa I. I. 1•11£, •11 lllE, .. ~ret a& Qaelt • ~& bil uM1ld- that the captalll nlllCt&Rtly 1 I' .. .,.. ec1_;J f'r.1JC&-w.., '° aa.1on'I editwubMtto..ni.t1ae -o~•BSAT.R OVTY. Wooday....._ea....._0011aeo&ed C09at.tbeatamerwaa....... na Alla---·- £"M

Men's, WQmen's and Children's Winter Clothing. Rubbers and· Boots.

Stock of Blanke.ts to arrive next week. , . - "

•Ith 11~1-•=lon1. 11r. u.i•mede10wt7llltooort. A OBOIOB ARTICLE.; Cbate ....,.........,. aapsau4 CNW an alf well.

Clo,ths, Tweeds and General Dry Goods.







The sub-title, " The Flour o uality'.:' is given- to Buda Flour by its users before they hav bceu using it long, and they never take it away agaitt.

--THI SALE BAS D00.LBD--thia ycat, showing that Buda Flour is rapidly eoming...lnto its own. "nae Flour oC Quality" is put up in lined, dust·prooC ban'8lt; and in sacks or ftrying siza If you want repeat ordc:n for ftour, why, }Uw..bandle "Buda• . Flour, "The Wodd's Best,"'' Sterling," " Ne-. .. • or any o( oor 70 and 8o% patenll. Waan FOil PAllTlCUl.ARS.

J.B. HARTY, Picton, N.s.,· Sales Manager for the Maritime Provinces, Prorince or

Quebec, Nmoundland, Weat Indies.

CAR LOTS, 48SORTED OR STRAIGHT. Steer Bros., St. John's, Sole Aaenta for Buda ia Newfoundland.

~A. G . .. JONES & :00. -Parties having Fish 'to ·sell.


will find a market ·for it at ' Messrs. A . . G. Jones & C~'s

Prjces quoted on applying to

WM.1-BJJTT, Water St. West,

Hai:bor Grace

RON, ',,,

Premfses, formerly those of the late Capt. W. Butt apd

~ater St~ the Messrs.Pumphrey, Water . ====~====================================:::;===== •

· No. 9t. 1907.

For. Sale~ One Cod &3.,it

One in Seine, CaSt Nets,

Boats Sails, &c. Also, Block.a and other Gear

for veseels or different sizes.

'-• 'arbor Brace ~;,;;q;;;.;·111~:.a~~;71;1 St., neai; N oad St. A. G.JONES & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . r , .


WM. BUTT, Manager, Harbor Grace.


At the R.-0. Caelael &• 101111~ ..

Apply to MRs. P. WALSH, Otterbury, Riverhead, Harbor

We wish to extend our good wishes for a prosp~rous New Y ear, and at the same time our sincere thanks for their patro nage for the year 1907. Our aim is to. extend to all courteous treatment, and to place in their hands goods of s te rling merit, that will 01eet the, approbation o f

the consume r which wm mean a n increased turnover for ,· R. D. McRae & Sons them and ourse1VC$. A feature o f our business this season

)l611d•J tut. bY ... • 115 Rix-be, Mr. lllof111d •71 ._ llrttoD, to Mill Brtde Ryaa,-or r .\n•l1tw Power, of thl8 io'tna.n- .. 11 \·~11erday 9&11 lA•L. 1>7 ..... .- • Marvod, f.dwant Allan Saow,of Ba7 Ito rll, to !Wbeeca AUD L)'ou, Of .Bu'9-u .... t.

Al \'hri~t Cboreb, oa WedDftldaJ lMt, I l•· Jtq·,C.Catp!'Dlar,Jlr. LI .... ,. 1-hu\o', •1! KoaUl Side, lo llill 11917 ~·-•or1by oru.i. toWa.

Al ('brlu CborebJ,!)11 di' aame cla~, Rev. l '. t'a.rpeow, Mr. Albarl Shep

111 .. Minnie HJggiDI, botb o \he Mil Side.

DIED. At Hp l11rd'• Bay, on th•2lllh Nonm·

btr, :\luy, nnly dao1bi.r of Henry aod t:mma (.'oombl, aced 14 yeaf9.

Al Ibo Stloth Slde, OD Satllrday tut. l.lh·, wife of John w. Sheppard, aged ZS Hi.,, ltevlng two cblldren.

On -.uodev lut.,>fter e loog illo .... Jon11hen George, "ed 80 yeare.

. \t tuverbead, on Frtda7 lut, JOb!IJ •<•n nl ~lr. Pai.rick ,Mollowney, aged~ )•·•n .

.\ t t 'arbonoar,oo Tbur1day lut, ~·!!.i "ate or Mr. siepben B. Pike, ag ... 1ll yr:ua.

A IU\·erbead, OD Wedneaday lut, .!!!:.: rd OaJton, glld 78 yeva.



4 .9 to 11, a.m. ; la to 3, 7 to 8 P.IU•

OFFICE-One door cut or Mr • Thomas Ross'• shop. Water Street, Harbor Once.

Latitude 48' 30' 15• North. Longitude S3° 02' 20• West.

NOTlCB IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fog Al4rm oa -Green

Il1and. olf the entrance to the harbour d Cetelim, will not be totmded frofll 1~ Jaoury, ·~ aatif tt.e ~ag Cl ~ In the ~ or about the lut of April Aao\Wlr hereafter, WfTHOUT r\mTHD KOT1C., thi• Alarm will be djscoatipqe4 dllring 'the abo.,. specilied period. •

ELI DAWE, • Minilter Marine and Fisheries.

Department of Marine and YIJheries, St. John11, Newfoundland, Decem­ber 211t, 1907 •


Grace. Jan. 'o8.

ZEPHYR. 38 tons. BLANCHE, 46 toni • OYAMA, 23 tons. CATHERINE 'P., 27 tons. GEORGE, 38 tons. '


ST. joHN's.

is the addition of a line of boots named STORM KING,

i a boot withwbich no rubber is needed. This boot is made ~ exclusively by 'us and is specially constructed to withstand t water. For sportsman, guide, surveyo~. and people tha t must trave l in all conditions of w6ither, it will meet their requirements. Place your orders with ,us early and avoid

. . . . . . . .... . . . . . . .. .. . . ... .. . . .


.Provisions, Groceries, · Cadiz Salt, Tar, Pitch, Fi.Bheey Supplies, &c. i

the. inconvenience pf the spring rush .•

lrr&or Brace Boat and S~oe lanufacturlng Co. Ltd. Factory. and Sa.Jesrooms-L;Marcbant Street t Beach Pi%m.ises, : Harbor Gr~.

~ ........ ~ .......... ~;~;.!,.~...8..;.;1"!:.~::.J ~Branch Business at Gra<!y, La~rador.

THE 6000 Feet Picture Framing .. GROCERIES AND &ROVISIONS 'HERLDCl-~'llJ8 c.·,. ' A g reat variety in all the LATEST PATERNS-3 cts. AT J. J. HEN NESSY'S. <>~G-A.NEI to 40 cts. a foot. .

MISS M. T. OOLB.ERT R oom Mouldings in White Enamel and Oak. TEA-e~alty of all ~st grades .. ~ga tedo atouuo11u~ that

11he id• aoUwl SlU'J)lled by ·JOHN DAVIS. White Enamel Curtain Poles-"'/• and 1 rL Inch Cut to Codfiah, B ng, eto. Frwt of all kinds.

prepar tea..., m\\I c, a.n • 1'+ 72 · ~ · d Prod fall k' d fi•e Pi.a.no lest0D1 at ber home. ~rbor Grace. any length up to 12 feet ~u nes (U~ uoe o . JD s. . -Water Street. Harbor G~c:e. - Acat for NewfouDdlJDd. - Also, a few hundred feer o f White Enamel Plate or Bric- S tioaery of all kinds. Confeotio~ery, wholesale k retail. ~Term• on appll"tloa. ~ - - a-brae Rail. Just the thing .• for cosy comers. Hs.rdwar! and Crockerywa!'.8. Paints of all colours.

oal'I eoe-. llal~ IJi ifi=Bu. Framed Pictures in abundance, and an assortment of PIUDta, Olis, Toooooo &-1 Cigaret~s of the best ~ea.

"~~ ..=!.~ .n. --~ Framed Novelties suitable for Birthday, Wedding or Christmas , Leather snd Le. ntber~o.re. Ca.~il\~e nnd <?u't Barness. ~~'t ~' ~Bptr- G ·~s •

1 ~Ilor1:>e11 nod C1:u-rtnges for hire l\t o.l\ t1mes. •

~"t.:,T. ••• E"--~~ • 1 1- • Rope 11.nd Fishing ):mplementa. A)so, a. good etook of

·5\· ~.hkr.:;•=·J \~ :-ri'Pi."~ .... p R: T. PARSONS ( patent;nedicines. Pruwon0ilnlwsyft1a'thand.

..... --=:,...:•:7'.:::.. it= t:i 1a I Water sweet, Barbor Grace. '- All in atock v markd aHOtDUtprica. .,..-~~ '~ I J



. .

Page 2: S. s~ADVEITUREcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...... itlou baa anae11 aa the resalt of 5 the pubhcatioo i11 London of a ini .. 1118 801 •DI GI Jl•I ! reprcseDtatioa

, ... •




Verdict for Dr. Piei:ce .t.QJ.tlift TB•

Ladles' Home JouroaL 5m4iaC truth alter a Ila. Il la ID old

lll&cslm tba\ •a II• will tnvol aenn luauea •hllo truth Is 1otUn1 li.s booU on.• and no doub\ hu6dnld1 of tbousaDdt or sood J*>PI• road tho uowarnn\C.'d •11!1 n111Jlcloua ati.ack upon Dr. R. V. Pierce and hli•Favorll.o J>roscrlplJon •published lo the }(ay (100.) number or tho Lad!ea' Bomo Joumal, with lta s:roat black di• play beadlQP. who never aaw \he hum· bto, rrovcllng retraction. wltb II• l11con· aplcuous hoadlnr. published two montbl laW. Il 'll'U boldl)' ch~ lo thealand· eroua and libelous article &ha\ Dr. Pl_ .. Favorito PrcserfplJon, for tbe cure of womao•a wcaknOllel and allmeutl, coo­btnod alcohol and other barmrw I~ ent.s. Dr. Pierce prom,t11 brouchi ault llfllDI\ tho pobUJ.bcn or tbo Ladles' Homo Journal, for C!C0.000,00 damaces,

Dr. Plcrco alleced that Mr. Bok, th• edl!Ur, mallGlousl)' pa.bllahed \be an.lclo oon&alnln1 uch falta and der111Datof)' matt.er wl the lnten' of IDjarllllJ hi.I bualn urthermol'f'. \hat no alcohol. or other ortoUJ. « babl~onnlna, dnap are. « er ••.te- eon&alnad la Illa • F&• vorlle irooo •; that aald medicine It mad I m native medk:lnal rooia and

no harmful lnrredlCJltl wha\o thn )fr. Hok'• malicious 1t1tA!·

WCtt wholly aod ablolu&el r1IM.


Diamond weddings' are very rare inQeed, yet there bu been cele­brated in the little Hungarian vil­lage of Ieonbolri the anniversary of a wedding wlilcb I\ 11 decl&lf(l occuned just 100 yean airO\ e&Jll the News Tribune of Deuoll. All the country ie lnteoeely lnten11\ed, ud the Emperor bu aeked the au­thorities lo forward to him parlioo­lare eo that be can pensonally con-

The c:oncluctor pauin1 from the hea!e'i imide of a trolley car to the iq tempentme of the platform-tbe ~ ..... ins an hour er ao in a h•tM fMd1dinl and ~ wa1kina apimt a Wtiba wind bow the difficulty of awidins cold.

Scott• .s Emulsion ........... tbe body ao that .it can bells clan.- of cold from chupa of


He aal within the farm·bOUle door· In 1ummer ~wlllgb\ fair,

And the eetUng IUD thrt• a halo bright,

.Above \be 1llver hair.

Tbe burden ofllie four-eoore Jtarl Upon \be old man liea, .

But pa\i~oe Jite ln hla folded ban de

And peace in hla quit& e711.

He bad &oiled all through life'• day,

Ana. yet bad \alteo naught, SuooeH .had-tollowed \be ohoeen

few-Llfe'e prize fell uueoughL

Th• Magic of.the ~DI IUD Befote bl• vialon u .. ,

Bnl be MW beiond it.golden gat .. Intl> life'• mj1teriee.

T.be' extraordinary coople are Should failure fall \o the lo~ ofone,


gratula\e tbe couple: •

named Sutbmarl. The husband And Lo anothQr pin? le 120 years old and \be wife 116. Should one of\ win hi1 deuen He wae a farmer. They have bun- 1¥1hh drede of d8!'cendanteln and aTOund Frdm on~another'e pain? the village. A ecore of yean ago N ana.w' fro •L di-there wu a celebration lo honor of

0 ... ~er came m -• .. tan\

the m'an'e lOOth birthday, and ap- ~~wer \be moontalu told, plloaUon wu m•de to the Hun- Botettff.U.e Undereuue& raye garim goternmen\ for a pension. Crowned bis white loob with H WU granted aner the r~I of ld &he vlllatte bad beenexaml and ,go • \be man'• age verified. Fo 1ean And eUll before him tht dalaled la\eT \be woman wae allO gran\ed fleld1 a penlion. • 'l'belr gentle m-.,e Dreaoh

The old couple live in a mod .. & And all around him &beliUleblrd., cottage and are well looked after The ·Fa&ber'1 lo•e 1'111 a.oh. by relaU•ea. They are nMrly blind and Yer, de&!, and 1leep P~ puaed l:~&be quiet D8¥1Y all of \be time. Tbe man, ~ne, ho*•"r' 1Wl enjo,1 hla pipe and AD4 Minder memo oke, a 11 .. ot wine, aDd nel\ller la bed- For me&hlnb, th• q Of Be&ban7 ridd8D. • • Slill llnpn with ooanbJ folk.

1''' a mup tao& that ID all And hewbowalked lnBdtD'llbade th•Jt&n • 17 Ja\ttnner left the And by blae G-"Uee.

~ -rill~ &DCI bow notb1D1 of &be .. ~ Wadel ~of bilabolp. Drew Dtu uad &ouohed ihe .._,, Tli~ -WeN boClr'DotD th.. aid beali, I ia..a Uftii ..oGlltlD~l7- ID -..cl- Ancl 19' bS. MnU& tree. 16\t: ~:f'!r..:t:. ll!t·th ·. GIRL BAYS BBB 18· oneit.hladNdth -~ c1aJ .., TWO BBINOS IN ONE. .-i•"t::t Ill bJ .. -.n&lri ~ - . JiP. ~ ID 1119. 8man '»dnrd 11eGte. a

r..~:nnT..:.t.Gn m'fe1,=~-==~ ~ .u .. tJe L-=..t Qo:.eume, ~i~!:I: """'--~ ... ,_ •..

SP BAY. t.:3 ..._In Hatial( DOW a lnt-clul pUnaer, oar. eM Sa ll0clD4

quality cl work ii.at aood • the ... J1ij1 iiad Jlfc11. Tia• Dla"1olau ~o older too llDAll for aa to baadl6. ~ f'Qr •time muler .a.. U..~


~ssnranct aBa' 11. 1i.ocmm.1


tloD \bat lb411 na IDl&De, but &bey la.. oMD1ed their 01J(DIGm .a DOW be&i*I &hat &Jae oatt ia one of the::i remarkable \hey ban .. Ml\wl ..

• !lo•aaunm Ourr.u.. .... ...tS,000,000 BJa Tou.t. lnmrm> h1rDe u.-

M • MoGel"li tweD\J•MTfD yuil old, bu& appeal! &o be no more than \w.nty. She wu married when b~\ 1lxteen and diTOrOtd three yean ago, dnce wblola Um• 1he bu been u. .. mng abooi Uae oountry, working ae a maid aad a& olher \lmee aa a nane. She bu written for several magulo• on· der the nom de plume of Alexan· der Wat.on, but 1ay1 thal the In­come derived from her writing• did not wanant• her devoUna her e.nUre llme Lo ii, io ebe took op

w.t.m>e o.r ......... _ ........ 9,760,000 8&g ....-Vu. llrooo UPW'.De °' 860,000 -m -- .

The GUAB.DI.A.1' holng a SnM!lue ~U.h Tma.ranoe Oom~y, oa'en &11

I &hoiM! ad't'Ul\airM mOllt. d.U.ble to I.D-

I smen, Th., un<toobted 1iabWty, !nor,

• able '9mU and J>IOIDP' HWement OD ola1mt for IOI&.

'Iha Undenlped baTIJig been ap­poin~ Acen'- tor NewfouDdland are Dm:iued io l..ue Pollclee aplmt io. f,y ltire.

~ I

T • .t II. WDl'Xli,Bt.Jolu{.... A. G. llUNB, .l!.ll:loa GaAa11, w .B. Bt1'l"I.8uh-~

hontework. > She becomes two different kinde

of a woman ln a ehorl lime. Npw­ebe is docile and \alk.e intelligent­ly on all 1ubjeota, &nd again eh• becomea almoet eavage. She oan. qoote many pages from &he JIT•~ eat acieoti6c. romantic, religloua and phlloeophlc wor'ke.

Hr11. McGee explaioe theee mood• by a&Jing ebe bu a dual rreoQal• ty. She uye :-"Si.nee wu • ohild I have dreamed and though\ of prehistoric Ume and \blnga. As a child 1 osed to wander for\h in &he woods and find a ca .. , w.bere I. woold eit al!ld eee cave men will. elcne hatchets drag1lng in grea~ beans whlch they would prooMcl le> devoor." \

lmalt'I LiBllnt CUl'Blllllt811)8l

fiom \he

lrlendl L9' 111 walk 1 aig ly friend :

Fors•' the crooked pa\h1 behind uanow, •

Prell on with 1teadler purpoee on oar brow,

To beuer deeda, O frleDd.

L.r m -wAlk aladly lrlend : Peiobailoe 10me pea&.r good Lhan

•• baT•known, Ia nltln1 f'or 111, or aome fair bope

flown • Bllt.ll 19& f811lrD, 0 fi.l~ I !Al 111 walt humbl1 frllDd:

81lp& Dot &b~ b..n'a - bloom· ~ roua~ar,..;

'l'ka~ bl-. are~' balf IO

A HAPPY NE\V YEAR TO YOU. Bo 111-1nU7 d;Dr. M~rM'• Iu4Jan ;(e'. - ·

~'.. l'llla ...nh oat 11114 drlH away th• New mercie11, ew bleaeing• new - of ~that all penona Urin& 1'-'"" •L ' Jn a~a.w •ben feY•r and asae, and -au -.... -Y way. ·all oUaer blllo• ~ are pre,,.ltnt. New courage, new hope, and new will llnd \b•1 aboald neter tie wt\hout • · ;tlrength for eaoh day·, them. From two to four pllla uc1a 111ght N •~ f b L oD eotns to bed, will l.D a ehor& tlm•, ew no- o \ anaegivlog new drl•a. awa7 th• elokly 1eUow look et cborde or deJlgb\; I

blilloaa penou, and l!rlAI &o tb• Ir New •'Ae in .i.y h Ii 1 abNb a beantltol stow of SMrf• ot ,.. ... C a ce, new a • b..a\b. Dr. Morff'll fodlan lWOt P1Ua \are \o raise ; ara llOld by all dcalera ln medicine. · New frolta for \by MaateT, new gar-

Tb , ment.a of praln; • .wtUa • e",':!t"p~':~i8!no~~oma •tar.. New gift. from Rt11 tr1>a@ure1, new

emllee from HJe face; . WBERB TSE BILE IS NEEDED. New ·~reame from the founlain of

blBUloua.,.._too maob bll~ In the ln6nlte grace ·· oo4. Oou&t~Uon-too lUUe bile lo N tbe lnlelUD-. When th U•er ta awak- ew mn for lbe crown, and new

ened to MliOD ~ Dr. 0 ..... Kidney· . \oken1 or love~ . ~~er Pilla IUUten till• m thebloOd ' New ~leame oftbeg'lonr tha'a-11. - PGGn U lnlo llr• teetlnes.; 'th• "J • ..... nnllta aoJHOltDI o t.1111, purer \ ee above· ~bet~~ ~.P 1; lmproYed di&•· New light of Hie countenance full

on. new 'V .. vr _.. ,ciocf tiaaitb. and unprl~ ' -.:-?• ......... Arm7 relle't'ad. tbon· All th .... be \be joy or 'be new llf'• n,::-lamllWia.la lloa&Nal oD Obrlltmu · ID OJarllt. _ .. ,


4.dnllial..Slr Francie Leopold M'CJintock, who bu paa111d ~way in ~ndon aL the age of 88 yeare, wu one of onr moat famoo11 Polar


. eigel's ~zplonn. Only tbi1 yearJ the \ lftle\h annlvenary or the aepa.r· · tare of hil famoue expedition in 1-.rch ot the Brebne and Tenor, · the nuele bearing Sir .John l!'rank· Un'• Jll-fated ezpedlllon, wu cele't brated and the brave eallor ex· plorer. honored by the RoJal G,eo· graphic•l Socle\y. Lady Frank·


11.n, hoping even in despair for her bueband'e safety, collected Cande and equipped tbe Fox, ·a small yaob\, of 160 tone, wbiob ehe pro vleioned for a two yeare' abeenoe, and on .July l, ,deepalched It on ite mournful errand, under tbe tried and ca-pable charge of Commander M'Clintock. Second in command wu Lieui. Hobaon, and Captain Young (now · Sir Allen Young), acted u navigation officer. It w

By Ile strengthening and regulating llCtion on the etomacb and bowels puts an end to lNDICEsTION,

rcl.lcvcs pnin 3Dd

. ' Cures Windy Spasms


On the 1chr. Mt1tt.ie Brundage at T. wharf, 'Boston, a fe" da7e ago, there wae shown a lobster of mon elroue eize and weight,• which wu caugb\ by one of tbe older men of the crew while the veuel wae fieb· lng off Cape Porpol1e.. The lob· 1ler ie an lil!d one, but activ~t and 1'U able lo defend itself whn iU olawa allbough it bad been out of the water for several daye. It wae weighed before a~eral of the daal en In one of tba iforee, and pulled down tbe ecalu to 161 poun'de good weight. It ie about. 8l feet in length from the tl'I! of the claw• tn the tip of the tail; and the largP olawe meaeured about 15 inches rn lenglb and five inches aorosa. The man who caugbl It eold it to an Allan\io av.enve 1l-0re for fL50.


...Uaalehle, ~ qtl..M.('O .. ). ....... .a.to

................... ..6.80 -·--... .4.80 JadlA ............. ~-0 ~ ............ .JL&(•

~~.-...UOl.oll!ll ......... t.00 '° 4.ljl)

Jf'oi.;L .............. .260 ..... _ .. __ • ..IJ)G

par &&-.. -WlO *'"· ~ ""'---..10.00 • o.L la&a.oll. &o.18.110 • per laD;lwdwooct ~ 68.00

Sonwood ~.-.co ~

CObalm~ll ••• ~&o6 !.() Ma aecoilt;tpa&enra~ to 6 m

poli8 patenc. -··-·-~• '9 a.oo JCamu paCelltl---. ............. .6.li() lO 6.NI llaDltolla and Oa<ario..-. •• ..6 80 to 6 ... '-0 W wb~ per OID' ..5.20 to 6. IO

,_Jlef brl., me.a-. •••••••• Ul.60 to 19.00 U 1"ork ....... - ... •"••••~00 to 21.l O

, per bd.. tam. m• .. .9&.00 to !?S.QO Par bean. ........... _ •••••• 17.00 to JS.00 Beet, ~rl ······-·:· ....... 14.00 to J5.ll() Ham, lb., Oanadi.a.n..... JG 1.o ~ Ham, per ., Belf11t........ 28 rp 30 Ham, per lb., ~ptoo'a...... 23 Bacon, por lb .................. 16 to 2.i Obeeae, per lb.................. 18 to J!J But.tar, per lb., Calladiau,.. !?<'.>co :J.') Oleo, per lb..................... .JS to ::.? Mol&tia, biluu., per gal.. ... 0.EO to~ Sugar, Ugh\ rown, pcrcwt 6.l0 1.o .H() Sop.r, wan Led, per cwi ... 7.30 to 7;-13 Sligar; loaf, per OW\. ......... 9Ji0 to 10.00 8J"Oad, per bag, No. L ......... .. ....... 4.tlO Bread, per ba~, .No. !? ................... 4 30 PotAtocs, P .E.L .. .... , ...................... 2.00 .P~toeei_local ....... - ..................... 1.so Caii-ota, r .El . ...................... ..,. .... .2 80 BecL, per brl ....... - ........... 2.8) to 4.00 Peae, per brl., ronnd ......... -1.90 tn 6.10 Pf'aa, per I brL, rouod ......... 2 00 L(\ 2 75 Pea.a, per 6rL, 1pUL ............ G 90 to 7.((1 , Pcu, per i brl., 1plit.. ........... s.oo t.o 3:;0 Pu1, grocin, per lb ....... N .................. -:lf ) Calavances, per lb ............... ;, .... .Sij!~ / I Oatmeal\ pe\' lirl .............. -' !?OU> 7. &IL, per o1id . ....... _ ........... LUO to Kezqtene oU, per g&llqo ...... 0.16t ..:!O Tobatco, per lb ..................... Cl:? to 70

rt!ODUCE, PRUIT, rl'C.

Sa7 J per ton ........ n .................... 32.CO Fode er, per ton ............... 18.00 t.o ll0.00

·Oate, per buahcl .............................. &J Bran, per 100.lb. uok .................. 1.-IS Oattle feed, ll»lb. aack ........ ....... 1 .7~ Com, per aacll: ........................... , .. 2.00 Cornmeal, per brl ............ . _a.GO to W 01llon1, per cue ........................... :!fO ~1 per dosen, local ..................... ~ Bt•m.m, partriege 111d wliorta ........... :~J Raiame, per box ..... ~ ......... 2.l!O to :!iO • Raiains, pcibox1 California ........... 1 • .111 Curraota, per OWi. ........................ liA•l OrangH, rr! caac .................. P. .... 3.i•I Almeda rapea ......................... ,,.,.;j

North Sydney,~ ................... ·1 ~lb dydnoy ............. ........... .... 1 Victoria ...................... ........... . GlaceBay .......................... .. .ti


Juniper ..................... ..... 2;; .1 1 ' •I ::4bjnglea, ceda.r, No. l, pr. M .. I " • •• Sb!-Dgll?I, fir, No. ! ....................... _ •• elnglea, pine, Xo. 1 .... ......... .... ,

ha ...... _ ....... _ ..................... • J

J;'n.linge .................... , .... .... 1.. • llJ '..·•I

Spruce board, No. l ......... Jt-. 1 t , ~··· 1 Pf?Cll plAnk, joia~log, elucl· dtng and acanl hog ... ... :.'l).W 1 ~ ,.1

J -i~. p. & L apmc:e Dooring ........ . ~ •• 1

Jt·!"· p. & l. ap'ce Ooorl nJt .• :!llJ ~ 11 • l t ·m. p. & &.. ap'ce Oooriog.~lt" ; .. :.: 11

• 1

_if O bOlrd (Cllc:ar) ......... ,..lJ(J.fMl 1 •. "' • ardwood plan.k ...... _ ..... 30.0ll to :·;,1<1 The above quotations aro "'" :, • 1!•.

Eichan[e on Lon~on ~d Lim~oo~

a gallant but apparenUy bopeleu au.empt: Where a dozen other. vee· aeli, fully fouud an<l manbed wl'h all tne talent that the Admiralty oould command,)lad failed, wu it likely that tbi1 cockboat wonld eucoeed 'I Yet M'Clin\ock and Hobson eet out on thelT perilous papage with calm and self reliant a11urance. For ~any montb1 tbe Fox enfrered the rigore of an Arotio winter, and tbeg, when all seemed hopeleu. 1nooel1 dropJ>4!d in the way of tbe expeditlop In Febru· ary, 18561 M'Cllntock found fonT F.ekimpa, who admitted that their tribe poeeeaeed a number ot..emall arUclee taken from a wreck ab.an· doned by some while men several yea't,IJ· before, and a number o( lpo®S. forks &nd butlc111 clearly bel~nglnir to Franklin's men 1fere pm:cbaaed from \hem. In a mo­me11t hope sprang anew in the ex• plorere' breaatl, and parly after party made heroic at\empte to die· cover clue1 to \be fate of the.ex· plorera. Hob1on made the great· eat discovery of all in a Un bo x be· aide a cairn-one poor torn 1beel of paper-the l.,l n1Cord of the ex­pedition, made af\er tbe Erebus and the Terror bad been abandon· ed, in the lee, and Ion~ after tbe merofful death of Franklin bim· eelf in 1847. Thie one of the bold-

LOCAL JUTEd : ::Jlng-$L7ti! ; sight, ~::- 1.

- I ng-41.82; ai1itli1, Fl.-. 1. Tmdo Ho:\ il"'··

eet and most eucceeaful of Polar en· -An opera comr.•Jl:J hi New York lerpri1e1

1 wae not. forll'Otlen b,y tbe • 0 f.a&ed St. Panl • 11•11 for a couno

nadon, and Sir F. Mrcuntock wae en rtatnmentll ln Jone n.ut. glven the freedom of London. Sir

PROM R. FELLOWJ\fi~'l. Franoie, who made four Arnlic voy· • ..!!_P "'· H. agee in all, waa, aner the Franklin

"AUboua~ i ban aenerallJ' a .. , exhiblUon,Commodore at Jamaica,, ob~tion to 111,tn& mOcllclnea, I caf'bat 1865-8; A8mlral Superini.,ndenl ;Ii ID Jn.Uce u Dr. Wlttar•a Ballam of POTt.amonth Dockyard 1872 7 •

d 0h!lf1'1 lbat 1& i. • remedy of au· Commander·ln-Ohief North Am' 1lafior nlQl. lor pukaon&r)' dJ.Muee. I' • haH mllde UH of thU preparation for erlcan and West Indian Sta\lon, M•eral :1~ and ll hU?PrO•ed to be 1879-82. Sir Francie who wu born 't'lrJ rellablt and emcMlfont ln the D d )'- b d ' treatmen$ or ., ... .,.. and Joqs.etandln al on a •• a. many bonore be-oou~bL I bow or one paU•nt. nowt~ 1towed on blm, including DC L ~~~~_!.!tl~lb, wbo bu ta.ken thl1 LL D., FR 8. and wu an Eld~; ·--1.- wao bot for lteuee,Ioon· B th fTri'i H llder, would not no• be ll•lJI•·" ro er o n ly ouee. ~ llOo. aa4_}1 per bol\l .. Sold b~ Tl~ -i~-,~='" U4 b7 T. Ko Murdo lllirt'I J.lllllftl ?hi prpt ii C8J1

Clia.mberlain~s ~tieh Remedy ac:ta OQ Natme•a plan.· Colds are qulckJy cured by ~ and all danger from pncu=Onff ls avoid· ed. It Joosena the cough re­l~vf:a the lungs; opens tho a~c:re­hona and ~ tho .system to a he&Jth1 C¥l1Mlit.IOD.


. .


.:oak's Qtton1 Root Compo~n ·. 'l'b•oob" I&!• oJl'l!cl ua I mo • mC\Clklne on wbkb " om n r depend.. ~In 1wud.-cr­atl"O'llL<tb-~o. I. for ""''' ,.. 1119. ll pubox: No ~.I •;fff& a&roni:<' r for ~1 I ·~.sa pu box,·'°''' f · "'4 fJild.. A-1: tot Coi.>I ton l ocu ()omoonnd: ta~· aub .. IUU..

lie Cook Modlo ln• 1Co.. &11oo1, I!•.

-Qt~eJlarbot@rau ,S;tnnb.n:J

- A!(D­OONOEl'TJON B AY A DY F.l!'f ''

11 prlntod and poblfabed O\'t T \' Ir evening, at lho 81'.\lf t>AnD 01n·" ' IOrla SL, Harbor Oraco, by :\lunu ,\ •

SohecrlpUon R1tea:-$"-OO pl'r rn• " : t l.00 per bait year; to fnrolgn ~uh· t • eu Uie ratu wlll bo $2.M),

• Ad•eht•lng Rau.•...&I r.tll'' • •r for Ont ln1ertfnn; l"·ortt:f re• · • r • for each conUnuaUon. ~pl'CIAI 1 •< flVM Clr mo,. month .. . 'lb~ nun 1 1 ,(niertlout ol lld•eruumonu rao•• bt IPffSAed b;y the adnrttaer •


.. .

Page 3: S. s~ADVEITUREcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...... itlou baa anae11 aa the resalt of 5 the pubhcatioo i11 London of a ini .. 1118 801 •DI GI Jl•I ! reprcseDtatioa








COtflaiMS IA1 aUttU o/ Fl'UA Lall B'e/. Cilnlh o/ /,,,,,, ad A.-. Old SJ-W. SMn-, Wiw.



Member of tM Mt'8io 1rail&' A~

of. Gnal Brilaill,

~HESLE!s ·W~DS The Oldest. !,~te.bijshed ·


~othing Shoddy kept

Dr. Morse's Indian BoOt


Mon umen tB, Headstones, Tablets and ·suoh like Work, . ..

'!an be suited by fddreulng the Proprlelor'ot lheabq'fe·named Worb.

WOutport lettera ot enquiry promptly &nnrered, ~ ... 1:Lt.i:a of ,pri'J11 and etylH furnished, and •tiafa.ction uw.red to '' 1etomer1t ....

. '

.TltB iiAitlkJ.& GRACE 8'Jl1NDARD


N9, 9f.

mL IISSitili BE P~liIBiIE:, ,, t


• I

Teeth ex~ abeolately with· oat pain b7 ~of Titalbed air or perfect anaeathetlb. ·

t>entl•t. Dalal Parlor• aacf .. dtHf­

Oppc>lite T. lMturdo & Oo'e. abop


.-BzclUlin right to UM the tamoua Hale Method oC PtJ.Dl­Den\lnry ID 8,, .TohD'• and Barbor G!'IMlll.1111



" li&NJtT Rn%tT, (Oppoa.ite Star of the Sea B!l11)

Telephone '266. ST. JolllC's


Apple Trees for sale for Sprlng Delivery, 1906 •

. Choicest Commercial and Domestic varieties, bllrdy and· suitable fo~ New foundki\d, iD extra fine three aDd four year old trees, s to 7 feet io height well bnwcbed IUld rooted.

CUSTOM TAILOR. ~Fil, 1tyle and and Workman·

ehlp guaranteed ... Cu torn work of all kinds exeou·

ted ot lowes\ pricee and wi\h det­patob.

Mea.aure Qards supplied OD ap. pliCAtlon / • .


• >

Page 4: S. s~ADVEITUREcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...... itlou baa anae11 aa the resalt of 5 the pubhcatioo i11 London of a ini .. 1118 801 •DI GI Jl•I ! reprcseDtatioa


. '

. :


. ...r-

. £orlaGrippe I~~ .



. I ' ~ [!AVIS~~i

Choice Pale.i:,mo·

Grocerie.s, i :Provisions, i · Lemons.

~ .

Choice - r Leather, .

-AT- .. -JoSep'h Ross'.S ·water St., Balbor Grace.


~ ·NOW IN 'STOCK. ~ 200 boxes Re4.Sins, '100 cases Currants, • \ 50 barrels i:Mess Pork,· 50 barrels Ham Butt Pork,

100 sacks Cornmeal, 25 barrels Cornmeal, 50 boxes Sunlight Soap, 100 sacks Oats. -AND A FULL LINE OF-

=~~-Or~~ Yue~:~~!.~~·7 AGENCI ES, Nol"Wlch Fire Assu'/t.oci Co. ' .

Canada Life A.uurance Co., Canada. Sbenrin-\~liams -Paiot Co., Canada.

.Munn & · Co., Harbor· Grace.

Reid.Newfouudland Con,.pany. The Cheapest, Quickest, Safest ' .

and most conyenient way to ship Preight to all parts cf the World.

Only Most Modern:· Methods Used ~!8 ensurin1 the Shipp~ and Consignee the· r.~i: ... ]tu ~ount of Loss and Damage. ·

Freight t'8Ceived d&ily except Sundays. . For further parttowars apply to General Freight Aget:-.

Re~d: Newf~undland Company. I


'~CA.MP I [!}[!}[!}[!}

COFFEE. :' ~ ~

For Purity and Delicacy of Fla~:ai./( 1 It is Unequalled. 1

~ [!J~[ffi] c::=-= ,:'. A. MACNAB & CO., -=::::J. ~

St John's, Wholesale Agents.

:U9ard, Scantling, :Pry Good:" Dey GoeQA, Grcceries, Hardwarn.

Lumber of Goocl Qtrnlity"° now in tock. -ALSO-

F nll nssortme~ts of Dry Goo~1 Pro,· i sioni.; G 1·acl'l'ic'. 11::i.!­wnre, Mnttrasse , Croc~e1·ywf"'"· Furnitun • .. '.'.l ..

Harbor Grace

