e'WfoUnd.a.and Amorican Not...

- .. This powder never A milnel of pul- ity . and econo- mioo.l than the ord inary kinde, aotl cannot · be aold in competiti qn with the multitude of 10,\Y teet. abort wefgbl;. alum or ph oapbnto pO\Ynert, &ld (llll!J i1t callt-ROYAL BA1Uso PowD&n Co., 106_\Vall-Atreut, N.Y. Apl21. l.Y -8&w ScuoON!!I t'-A floe oo"' aohooner nf 60 tone arrived here lrom Hcl\rfa ConiC'nt on ' l1tura•b.y 1au. Sbe i• · uamed tho Flttltci ,. g, be- Ions:to Mcnra l,aloreon & Foate' r, and ia to Le in the fla he ry and \r:uliog buelneu in th e Straits by Mr A. Oooo ao. The Fltet:ri ng was b uilt during tbo winter by At: Ueid or tbe abo\'e place . Sho i• a nice model , it t ll orou gbly fl\ etenod, woll tim- be red ood pl nnl.ted, ar;d in ' evory way reftecta credil oo Mr. Ue id for and !aitbful work. The m11ater ·builde r \\' :It Mr. Thomas Caf\l. We wiah. bim 1nd her enterpriaiug ownera every aacoeu. lr -- -From Holyroo'd we loun that oowa waa re· ceiYed there on Wedn eaday lul Joy's aoboooer Gei i ual Gm·d o 11, LowiP, muter, wu iu Colt net, io queat of bait Sh[l b.siled for 860 qUa. We le&ro thlll the J 'J. Bur111, " Capt . Boland, wu at Cape Broyl e oo Tlii m day, witll 800 qtla. -To TU R D eAF-A pot 11oo ourcd of De aloe!l and ooiaea i o t btl ll eo.d of 2:3 atanding by A aitnple r emedy, will acnd a dcsc ripti.:>n of it FR££ to !loy Peraon wu\l applies to NtCUOLSON, 177 llcDooi all Street, Now Y orlc. . -The 8o tt11e of· Aaemb i1 i• to be prorogoen thia e\'eni og The 1uui on· baa bee n to greator le o@ lh than wn s loten dt!d ; but this coulli cot he obviated, owiug to the maoy impurta ot matto ra tbnt bave co01e up be· fore it. -Me1ars. C. \V. R oll.!l di Co 'a new schooner !Jao State, le ft hore oo T huredny Cor t ho of Udle hl e. whore she will be in fish· iog nod tradi ng. Tb ia is, we believe, th o first atte mpt of that firm to establish this trad e iu loMiity, a od we tro at tbllt it may load to 11. aucceaaftil iuoe. Mr Aodn iw wbo baa for a number or ye&rl been en gaged In 11 aimilu bu aloeu on tbe Labra dor OOil&t , taltce charge of Ute Bay State aa man&fler. -Oar Labrndor fteet are fa st becoming acnrc&r a nd ecarcer- -a numiJor of veuel a bnl"iog left for tbe ooaat W ed uuday I an To -doy aeveral craft have eailed, an d oo Mnndny tho r e. watotog portion will, if fnvorl\bl e wioda offer, take their drpartutc. Thla eeuon the fleet have lett a fortnight earlier lhan aaual, end tile gato thna acquired will ena!llo -all to devote more time to mt.klog prcparl\tione for t.b e vorage on the oout, and let ua bopb, mty moro auoceuful fhbery operation• tb e re. Thi1 le&• 100'1 outfit. we uader•taod, le la•tcer tb&o tb"t of prnio11.1 yellre, "''t ie oo th o northern part of tht! cout, wbt!re of lata yel\rl the fl ahery.llaa been more luoratiYe thao on tbo otbor portion• of tbe abore. Our people oeed to redouble their ef- fort• io order to co pelO fu o rably nntlona iu 61bery w rk-both io catch aod Tn tho a;aaltiog of tbe •oya . , Th at .thi• year'• 1 opera- tlona may lead to a euco afal uaue, aod be pro · dno!.lu of much aood to o oouotrr aenerally ia but Ule eo'bo of tbe praye of 111l well-wilhera of Lhw colooy aod people -Oar contemporary tne gp!maid always to times. .It hu lately iaued an olabortlto aur rte ment-tbe Indunrlal tho spring trade. This ia tj_Ued witb a variety of interesting rading matter, dluob of it original-snob u a '' biltory of . the N ewfoundll\nd ll'i abery," by Jnclge Prowse-; tbia oontaint a. mua of oeeful information. artio161f also appear 011 Dipl1therU1 l)llr Lc1crtl j Lobtter. Paokln1; and, luL ba• not bJ anr meanl' I-.•. J-- of lnterat .to Newfoand- lauderw ; and u 10me noW. taktn ,from the OOIODial Record• ot 1812, in b1 tbe bon. Hr. Jaa,ioe Pin'an' t, D O.L. We mtat U\ac. the r•nlt ot t.he of oar ooo• · fempolV1, rn/j .Tort •• ; .. ., - ihe Brittah ' GoYtrlliDoa• cleaJ tine QNeted ·' , Oooterence a& •.Beru,· b._, ; eodta. aa: . ;Lotw , . .r . . i6e SOntch GoYorom.nt 811\ liM P'iatd a aecoud tt•lti1luJl in l ue ' fJo\1 .. o' Coaa•obi.- Urop pt oli' p<.; l• U. , Canida 11r &- vory J yN£' 1.-:-J\ abutru Pe. Do ., barat; QYer two t: uudred ;_>eraoo• were drawoedt The enhre towo, excep' Ewo booaea, wat awo1a awar. . \ ' The Cl'loadlao crnlaer Viqilaiat aaiced Uae Am- eri04n aohooner (or !ebloi lb· 1boro Cape North, ,Cnpe Bretbn. · A dutr uoti•e a-ale hu ooonrhd on the Can. ad iao !a kM ; m!lnJ are r•portecl. , lite hu · .Porl-an-Prlnce, l¥d PJ'OCI:aiJlned ltim"U , earthqu•k baa oeolirred ib the nortb of Franee ··•oll _ u.J.1 of ...... Eitzht million dollars capital will bo nqnired tC? forni11 b four ateamera for a fut mail llqe betweeb CannJn Aod gns:tl ;' od. !IIAB.Rt.AG¥ l At St. John '• , OD tho H .nlt., by lbe n .. . w. M·r. Wllllft ru ' R\·noa. to Loalta fl, diiiJlhtlr of Oaptata l:i. Bowden, of ' H. IL ' Oolloaae. l, "' At tbo 111010 plaCI, OD tbe i8 uU., tho Ile'f. J. Parklna Jnnt61 Topp, of Dlaodlord. l:og ., tu Mlu llary Wey. of Urlga1. .At Rl• erlwuu.l , St. J ohu'a, by Fatbor. lifiD, Mr. Palrlck Oon. DoDAl'llla llay, to .UI11 ll nry Lnrklu, of tbat clty, · On the A 1J rll, dt11oo Y.ltelou Cbarcb of Sl . Jnba lha F.VMigt' lit t, UJ WIOn, bytll u n ...,. Father Bron&,Calb- "rlua 11 .• l,laug hlor vt tho Ia to ti to pheu Wbllo, of l:iL John's. NOd., to D. Cropp4'r. nl Hollon. At 8l Patriok'a Uburch, Munlrtftl. by the Rn Fa.tbar Dowd , uu the 18tb utt. , Jr UDN Alullally, to Aoalo .Lar- ki n, both of t)t.. Joh n' a. ' . f . aocl Jano 8rd, ,1889, · Traiaa orlH be tJli aa follow• . da111; (Sun- d•7• escepted) · :- f ,. I L.-ve . st. -Tohnt! "' \0 a.m., arrive a' Harbor GraGe 8.80 q ... 12. 11> p.m., arrive at St. . . .1-. Oa 1'HURSDf\iY n•Jl.iDllil 6.46. ao extrl\ train w! ll leav• St .Tolu(a for KeWsrewa. Ue- tor"in$r wjll 9. 80 1 arriving .a,t lO.t>q f- 11).:- ' · On Y morolnlf·at 6 00 "' extra train will ,,.,, Bt .Tohn'•1,!"W""'l'"; Rotmi oo '*ill leave Kelli ' 7.80 at St .TObn'a 8. 64 rn. · Ou SATUltOAY IIY at 6. t 6 an ex trl\ train will leave St " Jo a for Harbor Grace, ar riving at Witbo 0.30 !\ad Hal'bor Gra.ce 11 -p. tn. R t) tarnl8 will leave Harbor Grace MONDAY mor11 'J'a· nt 4. 00. Witbourne 6. 1\6,• Salmon · 6 TOP,aall 8.06, 1\t St . John'e R. M A.m. Roand Trip 'J'in kqta •ill he eold each TH •. DAY at Exouralob mtea, (or returning oo all traiaa 1 tbe and two follo"ing d11y1 oolr . " Excurrl on T lckc ll will bo IIOld at St . .John's ror DEATHS. .the S:\'rUROAY trl\lo to 1\lletatiooa, At Obarl olloi(IWD. P. e. I .• Mil) ' ht.. JuUI\ A. .. from Holyrood tD 'Rnrbor Gra.oe, ROOd for 22 yeara 1 a ulltlvo or Oar boooar,N6d., beloYod daugbter returnlog on all t.rafba the following MONl>AY ot Al 11rk aU( ) lluy A. Plb. · At . 0 Atalfna. , on · the 27th ultimo, of bra Ia fa-tu, ' , . :. THOMAS NOBLE. J obn old01t eoa of llr. Tho1. ·; . • lJ.anager for Rtceie:tr. aged 1 yo-re. .. t 29 1 "' ' 011 the Ulb o(' Aprll, "lt OhtllhAtn, E n alaad 1 Jamea. D D\ <fr McDowell, late I:J ergeau'' H. 1&. Bo:rat -.:-..-----4--------- Newfooodl:wd Oo.'e ad Iloyal 8ewblt1 Berf0leot 1 N • [ C E " lfotl ;o r aa"'· 1 . : , • • y I "' tiSosa IU tho Eat a to of the late PASI!IBNGEBS. . Per. S. S. C IUpitln frnm Hali Cax-)tre A lhcbr, Mre Horuor El y, F<tunlps, · A llaoby, liC' ru or El y, Allworth, D1 F irulmonl , J 0 Oaboon, Plue. Oloveland, llo\1 nl ng For Llvorpobi-Mre G '1' Rendell, 1111 11 b Reudell, MI .. Eatber lJaro, Hra Ja1 l:ilott aod dtuu:hr .-r Uow; 18 fu IIOOI'ltlf& P GIU.. t ti&rbor Gr ace, dooeued , may be eaae preaeot tbelr aooounta duly . atteatud, ·fu tnt; and th 0 ao inde bted to anld Eatato " m11 q f1Aymeat to !'. 'G \V R HLERLlHY, , 'h &aeator GILL's Eatate 'J\l[AEJONZO. Bay H.obcate, Mayt, .IR89,Sio. Regular MoNTHu MEETING Notice ! of Lv d "e " liartior Grnoo," No. 47ts. F. & A. M, ON nod after 6th day of Ma,t, lt s .. IV ill tnko vtaoe at the Maaoulc .. : hll on M> .lla will be deapntchod THURSl>AY eveoin1r next, 6tb J UNE, at &igbt J1or Salmoo.ier a.nd St Mary'a Monday and o' cl oolc . Thursday Morni:nga, cloaing at 9 o'clock. (Uy o:J er of tbe R W M.) For :htty Harbor. Bay lltill.l, Witleaa Bay, P D KNIGHT. Mobile,. Toad'a Oove. Oape Broyle, Caplin SecretarJ Bay, F.enyland and ReneW., ,Monday. ---- -- --------___;. Wedn.eaday and Fridq ll!ominp, ololing GOVERNMENT NO fiCE I at 9 o'clock, J 0 FRASim, . l' oll·fua•ter Otuerol ' f1E NOEits will bo reoei•ed at tbla Office General St Johb'•,t anti\ Tuunsou, the AuooST, a StJth April, 1889 f Suitible STE.umR not 120 burtheo, oompoaito build to piJ io PlAce ntia Bay, aod further Weet &I be Olfreed ou. The Steamer ll)Uit bave a gaarauteod apeed of Teo lcuott, and hue accomll)odatloo for Twelte Saloon aud f. itteenSteerago Paueoaen, an4 apace tor a crew of Te,, Ooot1'40l t.> bo for Seven yeare from tile cc.m - mencemeot of tbe aerviee. Teodera to alate t.be rate par anonm. Fruigbt ao d Money to beloDIJ to Coo&notor. Goteromeot t.lo not blud $hemae1Yes to accept tile loweat,or .acy Tender. M. Coloni41 Secretary Colonial Secret•ry'a Oflloe,t ... May 27th, 1889 f Jl . . Under the pr.l ro nig o' df the Hev Fat h11r Lnbelle. in 18SH, under th o Ac t of Quo. heo, 32 Vic .. ohnll 3U fo r tile bcucftt o( th.l) i. Oll'0.'\11 Socictiee of Col - ooizll tiou of th e pro \' iuce of Qn ebt o. · yew The 2'h Mo nt bl)' ·IJ \.lll l t(l_k:o pl ac' W.ElDN:ESDAY 1 June, At :3 pm. .t VALUE Cnpit 11 l Pri zc- 0 110 l! cn Ettn to. worth , $5,00.0.00 ,t Renl l!:atate .. : ........ r 1 do \ ..;. ,; . ........ , ·.l l 'i do . .. . , 1 1 000 4 do .. ... ....... ' · OUU). 1 1 000 10 ttltt\l EstAtet •.. . .. ......... ... 8 8,00Q 1 30 !;eta ......... ... ... :1(10 0 ()('() 60 tlo 1 ......... y .... 100 6,000 2v0 Gold \Vatcbea ... . .. ....... 60 10 00<. OClO Silnr \VIlt ob ee . .. . ... : .. .. ; .. 10 10, 0( 0 ll"olle' ... .. ....... ... ..... H :"& .11000 TIQKETS .• .. - 11:0&- 0 f'l'e rs llrO m•do to All to pa.f lbeJr iwa caah, leas a oo mmisaiO n f of 10 p c. ' ·• . Wi nner&' nnml!i uo t puyl ithed nLborlzcd. · 4 S. E. l.E F E3'iRE, Seoretary. 19 s .. }:vn(>l!llltPOL. Monlre:t l. Ca. ···N e'WfoUnd.a.and Fisheridtf.· THE .... Amorican Not & Twino · ·.i. would call attention to th:3ir Manufactures for the sea- f' of 1889. OUR S,.f J\NDAl{.D I-IE R RIN.G . \ . . .. NETS, 40 to GO Rnns mnde from the " Shepnrd Gold .liedal" 14/G Twines, now almost adopted in th e Maritime Pro vinces. CO l >, Ct \.PLIN & HEi{l{ING Mercfumt ancf Fishc J•rhan can depend upon getting n from. US t·h,it will fi sh well, hnudlc easily, anrl wea . 1" 1 ;r The Bank are now using largo qua ntities of .. "AniERICAN" BRAND OF LINES . . lightly and evenly tarred. .. ' . \.'!i •• COTTON NETTI NG iu Sh eet s, f ot· Win tet· \York and Rcpltirs• .. ·, I ,.'" •' SHEPARD GOLD MEDAL " • r. soft, Half-Patent nnd Patent, all sizes. 1 •• WE n1no'v prepared to supply all the nboye, gooQ.s at and our Newfoundlund patrons can rely upon .LOWEST RATES. respondence solicited arid samples cheerfully gwen. . . , ·:,·: : ESTABLISHED 1842. · CAPirA'L .. Philndelphia. 1S76, Fi..h- . · Highest n.wnt•ds at Boston, 18 69, .cries Exhibition, 1883. . 1 : ), . •.••

Transcript of e'WfoUnd.a.and Amorican Not...


This powder never varie~ A milnel of pul­ity. elreo~tb and wboleaomcne~o~.-More econo­mioo.l than the ordinary kinde, aotl cannot· be aold in competitiqn with the multitude of 10,\Y teet. abort wefgbl;. alum or phoapbnto pO\Ynert, &ld (ll ll!J i1t callt-ROYAL BA1Uso PowD&n Co., 106_\Vall-Atreut, N .Y . Apl21.l.Y

-8&w ScuoON!!It'-A floe oo"' aohooner nf 60 tone arrived here lrom Hcl\rfa ConiC'nt on 'l1tura•b.y 1au. Sbe i• ·uamed tho Flttltci,.g, be­Ions:• to Mcnra l,aloreon & Foate'r, and ia to Le enga~eed in the flahery and \r:uliog buelneu in the Straits by Mr A. Ooooao. The Fltet:ring was b uilt during tbo pa1~ winter by At: ~&mea Ueid or tbe abo\'e place. Sho i• a nice model, it •cll -built-bei n~ t llorougbly fl\etenod, woll tim­bered ood plnnl.ted, ar;d in ' evory way reftecta credil oo Mr. Ueid for ~nod and !aitbful work. The m11ater ·builde r \\':It Mr. Thomas Caf\l. We wiah. bim 1nd her enterpriaiug ownera every aacoeu.

lr ---From Holyroo'd we loun that oowa waa re·

ceiYed there on Wedneaday lul tba~apt Joy's aoboooer Geiiual Gm·do11, LowiP, muter, wu iu Colt net, io queat of bait Sh[l b.siled for 860 qUa.

W e le&ro thlll the J 'J . Bur111, "Capt. Boland, wu at Cape Broyle oo Tliim day, witll 800 qtla.

-To TUR D eAF-A pot 11oo ourcd of Dealoe!l and ooiaea io t btl ll eo.d of 2:3 yearc~ atanding by A aitnple remedy, will acnd a dcscripti.:>n of it FR££ to !loy Peraon wu\l applies to NtCUOLSON, 177 llcDooi all Street, Now Y orlc. .

-The 8ott11e of· Aaembi1 i• exp~otad to be prorogoen thia e\'eniog The 1uuion· baa been prolon~oted to greator leo@ lh than wns lotendt!d ; but this coulli cot he obviated , o wiug to the maoy impurtaot mattora tbnt bave co01e up be· fore it.

-Me1ars. C. \V. Roll.!l di Co 'a new schooner !Jao State, left hore oo T huredny Cor t ho ~traits of Udle hle. whore she will be ooga~cd in fish· iog nod trading. Tbia is, we be lieve , tho first attempt of that firm to establish this trade iu t~at loMiity, aod we troat tbllt it may load to 11.

aucceaafti l iuoe. Mr Aodniw P~~.reoua, wbo baa for a number or ye&rl been engaged In 11 aimilu bualoeu on tbe Labrador OOil&t, taltce charge of Ute Bay State aa man&fler.

-Oar Labrndor fteet are fast becoming acnrc&r and ecarcer - -a gr~at numiJor of veuela bnl"iog left for tbe ooaat ai~oe W ed uuday I an To-doy aeveral craft have eailed, and oo Mnndny tho re. watotog portion will, if fnvorl\bl e wioda offer, take their drpartutc. Thla eeuon the fleet have lett a fortnight earlier lhan aaual, end tile gato thna acquired will ena!llo -all to devote more time to mt.klog prcparl\tione for t.b e vorage on the oout, and let ua bopb, mty l~ad t~ moro auoceuful fhbery operation• tbere. Thi1 le&• 100'1 outfit. we uader•taod, le la•tcer tb&o tb"t of prnio11.1 yellre, "''t ie oo tho northern part of tht! cout, wbt!re of lata yel\rl the flahery. llaa been more luoratiYe thao on t bo otbor portion• of tbe abore. Our people oeed to red ouble their ef­fort• io order to co pelO fuorably \fitb~lber nntlona iu 61bery w rk-both io catch aod Tn tho a;aaltiog of tbe •oya . , That .thi• year'• 1opera­tlona may lead to a euco afal uaue, aod be pro· dno!.lu of much aood to o oouotrr aenerally ia but Ule eo'bo of tbe praye of 111l well-wilhera of Lhw colooy aod people

-Oar contemporary tne gp!maid always eodea'fon~ to ~e times. .It hu lately iaued an olabortlto aurr tement-tbe Indunrlal .Ad~m'ti6er-(or tho spring trade. This ia tj_Ued witb a variety of interesting rading matter, dluob of it original-snob u a '' biltory of. the N ewfoundll\nd ll'iabery," by Jnclge Prowse-; tbia oontaint a . mua of oeeful information. artio161f also appear 011

Dipl1therU1 l)llr Lc1crtl !~cl~a~riea j Lobtter. Paokln1; and, luL ba• not bJ anr meanl' I-.•. ~me J-- of lnterat .to Newfoand­lauderw ; and u we~U 10me noW. taktn ,from the OOIODial Record• ot 1812, ~n& in b1 tbe bon. Hr. Jaa,ioe Pin'an't, D O.L. We mtat U\ac. the r•nlt ot t.he eot~n]!rite of oar ooo•

· fempolV1, &be.:O~ rn/j ~-a .Tort ••; ,~... .. ., .· -

ihe Brittah ' GoYtrlliDoa• cleaJ ~Al ·~·alllpe tine ~·n QNeted to~Bebiicia ~. ·' , ~hG S.~o~" Oooterence a& •.Beru,· b._,; eodta.

aa: .;Lotw , . .r . . • i6e SOntch Ldc~l GoYorom.nt 811\ liM P'iatd

a aecoud tt•lti1luJl in lue' fJo\1 .. o' Coaa•obi.­Urop ptoli'p<.;l• U. , Canida 11r&- vory ~ ~, J yN£' 1.-:-J\ r~ccr,\'olr abutru J~l.uato\!n. Pe.Do .,

barat; QYer two t:uudred ;_>e raoo• were drawoedt The enhre towo, excep' Ewo booaea, wat awo1a awar. . \ • '

The Cl'loadlao crnlaer Viqilaiat aaiced Uae Am­eri04n aohooner Matt~ , WUJelt~ (or !ebloi lb· 1boro a~ Cape North, ,Cnpe Bretbn. ·

A dutruoti•e a-ale hu ooonrhd on the Can. adiao !akM ; m!lnJ w~olu are r•portecl. ,

lite hu oaptu~d ·.Porl-an-Prlnce, l¥d •PJ'OCI:aiJlned ltim"U r~ro•laiontll p~Jeot. , •

:A~n earthqu•k baa oeolirred ib the nortb of Franee··•oll ~ _ u.J.1 of io~laod• • ......

Eitzht million dollars capital will bo nqnired tC? forni11b four ateamera for a fut mail llqe betweeb CannJn Aod gns:tl;'od.

!IIAB.Rt.AG¥ l At St. John '•, OD tho H .nlt., by lbe n ... w. On~luom,

M·r. Wllllft ru ' R\·noa. to Loalta fl, diiiJlhtlr of Oaptata l:i. Bowden, of 'H. IL ' Oolloaae. l, • "'

At tbo 111010 plaCI, OD tbe i8 uU., ~ tho Ile'f. J . Parklna Jnnt61 Topp, of Dlaodlord. l:og., tu Mlu llary Wey. of Ur lga1. • •

.At Rl• erlwuu.l, St. J ohu'a, by ~be Ro~. Fatbor. lifiD, Mr. Palrlck ~·oouoll,lihallowe.t Oon. DoDAl'llla llay, to .UI11 ll nry Lnrklu, of tbat clty, ·

On the ~7th A 1Jrll, dt11oo Y.ltelou Cbarcb of Sl. J nba lha F.VMigt'litt, UJWIOn, bytllu n .. .,. Father Bron&,Calb­"rlua 11 .• l,laug hlor vt tho Ia to titopheu Wbllo, of l:iL John's. NOd., to Cb~trl,., D. Cropp4'r. nl Hollon.

At 8l Patriok'a Uburch, Munlrtftl. by the Rn Fa.tbar Dowd, uu the 18tb utt. , J rUDN Alullally, to Aoalo .Lar­ki n, both of t)t.. John' a.

' . f . ~

0~ aocl ' if~r M.~DAY. Jano 8rd, ,1889, · Traiaa orlH be tJli aa follow•. da111; (Sun-d•7• escepted) ·:- • •

• f ~ ,. I

L.-ve .st. -Tohnt!"'\0 a.m., arrive a' Harbor GraGe 8.80 p.t,n;~-

J.eawo ~l!Ubor q ... 12.11> p.m., arrive at St.. . tolm!a6.81i~;.lll·• .1-. • Oa 1'HURSDf\iY n•Jl.iDllil a~ 6.46.ao extrl\ train

w!ll leav• St .Tolu(a for KeWsrewa. Ue­tor"in$r wjll le~'ii&olllgrewa 9.801 arriving .a,t Bt.{.Tohnt~ lO.t>qf-11).:- ' ·

On FRIU.~ Y morolnlf·at 6 00 "' extra train will ,,.,, Bt .Tohn'•1,!"W""'l'"; Rotmioo '*ill leave Kelli ' 7.80 ~~Thlog at St .TObn'a 8.64 • rn. ·

Ou SATUltOAY IIY fa~• at 6. t 6 an ext rl\ t rain will leave St "Jo a for Harbor Grace, ar riving at Witbo 0.30 !\ad Hal'bor Gra.ce 11 -p.tn. R t)tarnl8 will leave Harbor Grace MONDAY mor11 'J'a· nt 4.00. Witbourne 6.1\6,• Salmon ~ · 6 ~6. Relli~ewa 7.~~. TOP,aall 8 .06, arrltfo~ 1\t St. John'e R.M A.m.

Roand Trip 'J' inkqta •ill he eold each TH U~s • . DAY at Exouralob mtea, ~ood (or returning oo all traiaa1 t be ~me and two follo"ing d11y1 oolr . "

Excurrlon T lckcll will bo IIOld at St . .John's ror DEATHS. .the S:\'rUROAY e•onlo~e trl\lo to 1\lletatiooa,

At Obarlolloi(IWD. P. e. I .• Mil)' ht.. JuUI\ A. .. n~red from Holyrood tD 'Rnrbor Gra.oe, ROOd for 22 yeara 1 a ulltlvoor Oarboooar,N6d., beloYod daugbter returnlog on all t.rafba the following MONl>AY ot Al11rk aU() lluy A. Plb. o~ly ·

At . 0 Atalfna., on · the 27th ultimo, of bra Ia fa-tu, ' , . :. THOMAS NOBLE. Jobn old01t eoa of llr. Tho1. ~oper,(8ohoolmut4r), ·; . • ~~ lJ.anager for Rtceie:tr. aged 1 yo-re. • ~ • .. t 29 1 "' '

011 the Ulb o(' Aprll, "lt OhtllhAtn, Enalaad1 Jamea. D a~ D\ • <fr McDowell, late Q.uut~;-mutor I:Jergeau' ' H. 1&. Bo:rat -.:-..-----4---------Newfooodl:wd Oo.'e ad Iloyal 8ewblt1 Berf0leot1 N • [ C E " lfotl ; o raa"'· 1 . • • • : , • • y •

• • • I "'tiSosa ~,...... IU tho Eat a to of the late PASI!IBNGEBS. ~ . Per. S. S. CIUpitln frnm HaliCax-)tre A lhcbr,

Mre Horuor Ely, ~·· F<tunlps, · Mou~ A llaoby, liC'ruor Ely, Allworth, D1 F irulmonl , J 0 Oaboon, Tb~ P lue. Oloveland, llo\1 nlng For Llvorpobi-Mre G '1' Rendell, 111111 b Reudell, MI .. Eatber lJaro, Hra Ja1 l:ilott aod dtuu:hr.-r ~fu Uow; 18 fu IIOOI'ltlf&

P ~4 lbvu GIU..t ti&rbor G race, dooeued, may be loCJ'b~td eaae preaeot tbelr aooounta duly .atteatud, ·fu tnt; and th0ao indebted to anld Eatato " m11q f1Aymeat to

!'. ' G \V R HLERLlHY, , 'h &aeator GILL's Eatate

'J\l[AEJONZO. Bay H.obcate, ~6tb Mayt,.IR89,Sio. •

Regular MoNTHu MEETING ·po·srb~ Notice ! of Lvd"e " liartior Grnoo," No. 47ts. F . & A. M, ON nod after ~10NHAY 6th day of Ma,t, lt s .. IV ill tnko vtaoe at the Maaoulc .. :hll on M>.lla will be deapntchod THURSl>AY eveoin1r next, 6tb J UNE, at &igbt J1or Salmoo.ier a.nd St Mary'a Monday and o'cloolc. Thursday Morni:nga, cloaing at 9 o'clock.

(Uy o:Je r of tbe R W M.) For :htty Harbor. Bay lltill.l, Witleaa Bay, P D KNIGHT. Mobile,.Toad'a Oove. Oape Broyle, Caplin

SecretarJ Bay, F.enyland and ReneW., ,Monday. --------------___;. Wedn.eaday and Fridq ll!ominp, ololing


o'clock, J 0 FRASim,

. l'oll·fua•ter Otuerol ' f1E NOEits will bo reoei•ed at tbla Office General P~~Qftlce. St Johb'• , t

anti\ Tuunsou, the 1•~ AuooST, fo~ a StJth April, 1889 f

Suitible STE.umR -~o__;r__;S_,!;..a_:_le-_~ o-r__:.T_o_Le-t.: not exeeedin~e 120 to~ burtheo, oompoaito build to piJ io PlAcentia Bay, aod further Weet &I tt~ay be Olfreed ou.

The Steamer ll)Uit bave a gaarauteod apeed of Teo lcuott, and hue accomll)odatloo for Twelte Saloon audf.itteenSteerago Paueoaen, an4 apace tor a crew of Te,,

Ooot1'40l t.> bo for Seven yeare from tile cc.m­mencemeot of tbe aerviee.

Teodera to alate t.be rate par anonm. Fruigbt aod l'aua~te Money to beloDIJ to Coo&notor.

Goteromeot t.lo not blud $hemae1Yes to accept tile loweat ,or .acy Tender.

M. l!'l!:NELO~. Coloni41 Secretary

Colonial Secret•ry'a Oflloe,t ... May 27th, 1889 f Jl . .

U nder the pr.lronigo' df the Hev Fath11r

Lnbelle .

Ettl\bliah~tl in 18SH, under tho Ac t of Quo. heo, 32 Vic .. ohnll 3U fo r tile bcucftt o( th.• l)i. Oll'0.'\11 Socictiee of Col ­ooizlltiou of the pro \' iuce of Qnebt o. ·

ye w

The 2'h Montbl)' ·IJ lo~ \.llll t(l_k:o plac'

W.ElDN:ESDAY 1• June,

At :3 pm.



Cnpit11l Prizc- 0 110 l!cn Ettnto. worth ,



,t Renl l!:atate 1\'0t~t: .. : ........ 1~.S5·· ~ r 1 do \ ..;.,; . ........ , ~. ·.l ~

l 'i do . ... ~....... 1.;~, , 11000 4 do ~ ............ ' · OUU). 11000

10 ttltt\l EstAtet •.. ... ......... ... 8 8,00Q 1

30 ~urultn ro !;eta ......... ... ... • :1(10 0 ()('() 60 tlo 1 ......... y.... 100 6,000

2v0 Gold \Vatcbea ... . ......... 60 10 00<. OClO Silnr \VIltobee . .. .... : .. .. ;.. 10 10,0( 0

l l"olle' Sat~ ... ......... ... ..... H :"& .11000 TIQKETS • • .• • • .. - 11:0&-

0 f'l'e rs llrO m•do to All wJn~or& to pa.f lbeJr iwa caah, leas a oo mmisaiOn fof 10 p c. ' ·• . Winner&' nnml!i uot puylithed uul~u ~~lly

nLborlzcd. · •.~ 4 jf~ S. E. l.EF E3'iRE, Seoretary.

om~.:~. 19 s .. }:vn(>l!llltPOL. Monlre:tl. Ca.

···N e'WfoUnd.a.and Fisheridtf.· THE ....

Amorican Not & Twino··.i. would call attention to th:3ir Manufactures for the sea­

f' ~on of 1889.

OUR S,.fJ\NDAl{.D I-IER RIN.G . ~ \ . . .. NETS, 40 to GO Rnns mnde from the " Shepnrd Gold .liedal" 14/G Twines, now almost cxclusi~~ely adopted in the Maritime Provinces. ~

CO l >, Ct\.PLIN & HEi{ l{ING SEIN~S. Mercfumt ancf FishcJ•rhan can depend upon getting n Sei~e from. US t·h,it will fish well, hnudlc easily, anrl wea1· satis(~ctorily. . 1" •


The Bank Fishcrme~ are now using largo quantities of o~~ .. , ~'


lightly and evenly tarred. .. ' . \.'!i ••

COTTON NETTING iu Sheets, fot· Win tet· \York and Rcpltirs • .. ·, I ,.'"

•' SHEPARD GOLD MEDAL " r~s, • r.

soft, Half-Patent nnd Patent, all sizes. •1 •• ~: . WE n1c· no'v prepared to supply all the nboye, gooQ.s at sho~ ~ot1ce

and our Newfoundlund patrons can rely upon .LOWEST RATES. ~pr· respondence solicited arid samples cheerfully gwen. . . , ·:,·::

ESTABLISHED 1842. · • CAPirA'L $350~0001'· .. Philndelphia. 1S76, Londq~ Fi..h-. · Highest n.wnt•ds at Boston, 1869,

.cries Exhibition, 1883. . 1 : ), . •.•• ~}

. HouseofAss~rnbly ...... o- . .

(IN BRONZE) n. ON .. .


GENERAL laauauae UompaaJ.

FIRE AND LTh.,E. A".1 BS~A.BLISHED .A.p. 1837


1~3 OtlNNON STRE~, l.o~DoN, E.C

Capital : £ 1,000,000 Stg ·lnaurancea effected on almost all kinds nl

property i11 Ne...Coundiand at IO\'\"e&t poasii.Jl!" nteL


.~!gmt lor 1lC1D(ou.ndland. E. B. THOMPSON, Agt>nt.·fO L' Uaa·Lor Grace·


IY.iedical Balla~ ESTABLISED IN 18.3.5. --

WHOLESA.LE & RETAIL. ---The 8 11baoriber has ngaig nddud to hie Iorge and varied St.oclc, a few of the newest le"ding P atent Medicines and Sundries, u follows:

G ree11'1 .August Flower, Warn~r's Safo Cur£~, Lime Fruit Juice. Boschea's GermAn Syrup Eno'a Fruit. Salt, H olloway s Corn Cure, Can.er'a Little Liver Pills, Wiat&r'a Balsam of W ild Cherry,


Tauasnu. Ma7 9. ( Coalin«L)

The Hoaae reiol,ed "-elf i~to oommltlee of tho wb.)le oo the RaUwa1 Beeolutioua. Mr. Godd"o In the chair


~ J~N~Dber) e;z=· ..... .... Qf ...._. ~* ~S.otle iaceriot ofc&b~ ob~. I ba ftlr .... S,VOO.OOO -"­of lae ~ laDd. 1M t.OOO aqoa~IDllea 'of Umber I&D4 u4 tbei.OOO ~UN roilu o( wlo­tral laad wbleb oaly tfll& *• operatiooa of flclll­ed laboar to aa.ke &Mea Wab11 .remaaera&in. We p~ .. aJI W.. NtOaroee wbtob ba.,. m-df' oU.eroountriH p~t aod proaperoua, and it u~eda only the doveloph,l efteota or raii""J en.ttrpriM~ to dieoover ..abaodao' mton" of nialug tbca CQm · muolty into a bappy ooadltloo of prdaperit.'1. The areat tbloa waoling ror tbeproaperl~.J of this lalanrl Ia oommaoiQ&tiob ·witb tbo inUnior 1\od the WeatCout. Tbne' IIM wrept up Jn . tbo folda of an t"ntl(ul futurity all which ahouh.l make a countr7 rich. 'After •peaking froru per­aon~~l ClbterYAtfon of the •aat natural w~altb io agrioahnral, timber ud mineral Ianda which this country po11eaete, &.be bou mtmher 111ld he •oold ad•ooato with 1\ll tlto'eeoray of wbiob ho i1 cnpl\· ble the imcoodiate \l'too•loo of t ho railway to n ,\1118 Uay. wbic:. he belieYed will npen up to capilli! ond labor thqee YUt Dli&DI Of WOahiJ. P ertinent referqnce wu nut made to th11 a~:fl ­cultnral c.1pabihtlea of tbt valleya of cbe Gtm•ltr, <>ambo, 1\ncl Exploitr, &.? the vu~ atro:choa of n::raoohnral ll\nd oo tho \\'eat Oout: an ll nlen to tbe matter of the climate. 1\Dd thst of minioa. T ll6 ancecu tunt bat att.eoded tninln~t 1H Lillie

reapond from &hair DMUI .

tbt lara• ''uiio ~' Jlle DHIIMilliiiiDID.IIIo .. A.& a... 16. ~ oar

are dariog foar moolba &be ~r.

- . . ' 'I

oolnaod..ho•iDJidm ""-~ilbia1 mark, for· arwr gi•ioa ta.o .. ~fAr. Potter .b"" bepll &o .,.., btii 'JNU ... ia ddecl. ~Bu' JOU, LaClyt:Sanah,kDow aodoan prove

thAt I am inooceot, ' ho •1• k) Wr after a lon;r panae .of thooabc.

rep't.-e.la .a lou of ,a~ leu' lli.~ per day or at;JOu.OOO for lbe period aem.a •.l'bia is o~t a wild, etate1ueot, bot" fair \)lltlioa of lbo cue, He did lio' tlllak there 0o1o be two •tfteu u co c~elt daty iu rotation to chi• m"tte~ Dar~ •iDJf tbe put three yeara io the uodue ~ of tbe people we h:LYe lou cnore than wo:lld ray tho aubtldy oo a r•llway to Hall'e"Bay. Tbe ~ocfua ia a till eolog ou and .. a .r~~ult at tbe preeeot moment h ia ' difficult to ·obt_alo roen for tbo baukera or io work at reuonable ntea on tbe wbllrves; and we most r)allu that unleu t~ia exorlua ia atopped 6nanoll\l rulo Awaita de. fle would a ain the Govtlfo1oeut to carrying out nlihu.y tlXteoaioo ou bonu\ princlplee, but ho " ill uot topport t.holr preeeo• propo .. t. becauao ho looked upon it ae.a fraud-at a echeme M· pecinlly rrnroocJ to tide Lhe GoYirnment 0\'~r tbe oomlus.c eleotlo'o, Fraud i• etAmved upon tho faco of it. [ n Cl)nOlll.liOU, he bad only to aad that h~ \till nlone,lu()port wba\ bo bellued to b'o flU IJoneat.UOOtr30t made byeu'>atAot\Al pHt~el who will ~lvo 1\ .atisrnotory i :llltaotee rC'Ir build­iug 110d opl'rnting 1\ line or railway to Hall'a Day.

(To In contioutd.)

U$y dnrio~ tho pU\·reu ab.owa whAt pouibi!i· Mr. POTTE6 OF TEXAS liu exiat in connection wit6 tbla indnatrj:' At ~ • the pruenl tlwe all our cnloeral worlclos;e nro the reaul\ of random dlecovoriea Wbat may we oot expect, then, when oar rolnerel wealth ill lAid bare to proapectore by the facilitlea 11fforded IJy If

- -++-. BOOK III.-- .l. WOMAN'S BATT LB.

railway cuuinJZI? H~t believell chat \\"enre mere· Cl:IAP.L'ER XVIU-(Continu.ed.) ly no the t brabold nf mloiu2 cJiaoovery, ar\(.1 thnt when ayatemaelo aod eeieotltlo enquiry haR e)(· p lored tho loterlor, Wb 'ball bo ooo: nf the ~'""t· ea~ mloioa oeotrea of the WMid. For tbe put 1hrt!o yoara be bad beeu a11iduoualy alLrUltll(linJ! in r"''or of the exteoaiOJl of the railroA•I to the north ; on no occuioo, had t.e ever leFt na o p · portuoily or vresslo..: thla maUer npon the le.: i~· lntnre to pan. Tbe nnly induc~IUent whiclt 1•·•1 uim into politlct in 1892 !~' Ill tile de•ire hot hnc.l to ur~r~ thu policy. of rallwl\\' excen1iou 10 th·• hllst or his humhlo ability. ~llch aeulou l)urin::

' tlae lnaL tbreo yeMI wllou he had bron:;ht thll m&tter before tlle houso he hod been opposed by u ery hen. member tilt~ng opposite. Xot only dill they \'OtO ~~~·lnat tllo leaolutiona ho au bn.it. t~d. bu~ the publlahed deblt~l will ahow thAt

1 YPa,' tnurmurs L·v ly Snru\1 , h&lf &llrca:sti· CfllJy, 1 l Jll'fSUrne thnt. \~oMS ll Jt a\rd QOCI\m&nt to "et from my fnthtr 1' TlaPn a\ r~tpid look ttt ~.o por~tietent nnd dutorruine~ P otter mMkPa ll~r .. Ju1ire her father'11 acu teoeAI in aeoing it wu-1 "" l~t· for him in 1S57tosencl th ia rec"ipt to '·•I' u.I'Tuxlls th11n to httvo London ogant.a run· iu:: .. r~ ... r Jlim a .. dtendorina him thi .. ~y poundR f,.,.n , S 11111 my J:>,.t lie, A hoy on I y se\·en Jtttra hci•H'I' ath ·ert isn.l f\)1' nil u \'er Engl.md as con~ cwctl'tl '"i t h 11 gr.'l'.t cl'icne' i "nd be, tho close­ti,.:a J J ou.,s Ste,·eru. M toniuhing the agt~nts t,y •·dnsiuc; tLo LDOuey.

l:lo::r f,, ther1.t acuteness mnlce& her have con-

6ah•nc" in h~•· own. t:lhe Ol\ l'tllessly hi uta : ' 1 pres11 mo t lu\t.'s all the proot' yon huve I'

• \Viay yoq, ain't that enough~' returns P •l· te1·. •1 tiJhed t ho.L out. of my trunk ln!tt night to bt iue; it O\'er t.o you.'

Ua•ru L uc.ly Ann~rley cril'e to herself : ' 'fhn1 1 ~ Guu I' ~nd thRn u11k11 tLioud : 1 W hu t tied ynu in~wl to dD with it 1 1

• I know that tbfrty ynn •10; ) ahe retnma poinLedly, • a jnry oonYioWd :Ralph! ~rot t1f atealinq ae•enty of t.hoae mar~ed ooJoll, end ·made hi._. a ooovicL 1'

Here Pot.t.er mu~Len: ·1 Ralph Rrroll' and uema to be Jf'e&lling aomet.l!ing, (or he now auddenly ori~ ou': • I-1 remember the man now I GoOd Beaven !'TM OZ.,.}: yt>Ur taiMI' UJai paying back t.Ddge to tltal morning I Then by J upit.Pr I B•lph E•·rol iaainnoc:tnt. a leo I Your father wu potting them in his d&ek ! Thar'd Leeo big money stolen t:ef'ore-and tlary marl(ed to de~L thoft I Then your father, Ladv Annerley; he wa11 tho thief of 'em all ! Y 01;r nohle ffttbPr, Holtl Gent~• oaity, put lai1 crime• 6n bocl• cf tu I' With thia he givealu:r " look that mukes tho woman beforf' him cringe; then mnttere aa in & ,ciream ~·And Errol 11ufTort~d the prieonehip ami tht {l"nal ttetLleruen t, and poor honea~ little Sammy Pot1..c1 \V&I mt.de an lnf~tmoua h11 hsconder.'

1 tlow will you prove all this'' ane~n he1· liulyebip. .

• How I by protluoing- ' • Your only wriUen proof' ie hutn t ! ' H e re Pottec· ft· l~~tena Iter by otyin~ :' By

yo11 l oh ill fA my I by you I' nod half draws a pi,.tol1 hut puts it bock nnd look£ at her, mu~· terin~ het wc>en his clt>nchetJ teeth : 1 If you Wt\ r II Ill An ! 1

• Yet~ I' l'lli\Hns S11rth tleaparately.' • .yon'~ ucurder mo All \ 'OU .Hd youL· o~ber VICtims I

• Mad11m l ' ~~~ye Mr. PoUer solecnnly. with a profound how, • in my time t hll\'e killed 101\IIY men, but taC\'Cl' mu.rde1·ecl one. . B ut at you wnr one, l1d.exPc:ut~> you wilb.uo cUeturb. ing conscience I As i t is, I'll tell t.he JUry on yon ! • This ill enid with Lis old-time frnn•i: r juunt.int!M, Lut i11 ~he lt~st. speech he a.Rkea 10

tlai11 int.erviEw us a Texun. A ftt! r ~h i&, us ahA holdR np the awful cer·

ta int.y of .F.nglish j ustice 10 hill eyee,lbe tbi?~' of bie dttu~:h t.ec·, cmd the more hurable 11p1r1t of tho office I.Ja~·. St~mmy P otts, comes t o ths {h<:- euttiL' Sumpson P otter.

F10m thut t.imo ou shiJ croalcea l1im with uwfnl fttc ts tlnd chiug11 lte hud forgotlt:n.

• 1 inteu.te I to lr~tme and give it to you, t h.\t. J ••ll 111 i0h t place it on a pr.de~~!nl in your f ~t l h~'l 'K !101101'. '

H e mntter11 to hue·: 1 I'll swear to the jury yonr f11tiJer lonued t ho coin11 to me I '

1 Y ou won'~ "et a olumce t 'PrisonorR are not "' permitted to testify in English court11 I'

• Grt:nt Rcott I I forgot thllt ! ' • F.u· my fullcer1S honor let me m:tko n Let ..

tt·•· II :it' of i e. Crtn 11 'ttsks Ltcly :3au ult, f .. t.:l· oinu~in~ him l•y lhH' beuutiful eyes.

1 Bt>sides,' hero her \'Oico is very tilow, cut­tius;c nnd saro.tstio, 'ISir: J onua Ste\·enll wu11 for t Nflnty- tive yenrA R gl'tut banker.

W retb'a Liquid M al t E x tract, Hazelino )(other Gra\'e.a' W orm Extenninat.or, Liebig'• Extract of M eaLt , Drnionge 'fnbing. Pear'a &ap, Pear's Su1Hing Stich. White Enamel (for filling teeth,)

' thry expressed thecuaclf'ea "" etrona oppouen t:!l or flliJWIIY ffO!I reU 00 nnytermB. 'J'i;e )tOVCrnlOCII~. as n part.y. b've d•u iog each nf the Jl"'~ th roo 11e1U1ioua reoorc!ert their emphatic refaL\1 tn p~o · cccd with r111lwny work. :::inch b~insz lhe eM~. whn ~ confrdonco can ~ placed in their prca-nt profcaciona1 Seu&ible men ean only fl'j:.ud thia tul 1\11 uleotioo dodife. O nly t.lfo dnyt n:.:o t ltu Attorney Generlll mo"ecl the reaolutlon,. and th:\t 9er.J c.lf\y the tender& which h"ld been in tbo hl\titl• of the gourameut for moa tb11 "·ere lllh upon the tf\ble. Althousth' tbe " overr.ment bod h!'l'U ft•~. ed •feb before to Jay tbeae tender" beforo t h~· leaielature t hey had refoeed to do , ., on tho ~:round or iuupedicocy. After notice of the r u. eolutions hlld beeo given. they stood f\rat oo the order paper, and oo each day of meetin~: eo~Yc IXCUie ror tlllt poltponernent of t!telr MU•iUcr.l tloo wu iiren. Although our pnt:eoco w'.a weMied by tb011o repeated doll\y&, •o;e cli.i out a<1opt the policy of obatroctin11 the pni' lie bJsi: oe11 which lay opoo to us. we \'VIlited on c· ~pt·c~­i ng tltftt we abould, io time, recei"e a full < ;:. plno:Ltloo of tbe aovamment"a policy. nnd tll llt tlte 1 eaolutione wou!d foreshat1ow a acbcme or wor" of which we could approve. Art r n·nit· iug weuk nrtllr week we hue been di$11~Jpo1ored. It woulrl IS !1prar from the rom,r!<s \1! t!tu lion. Alloruey Gcl'eral that tho ~:o ,·e ~ncoent nr" 'o!

Mr. Doa~o et grM' leoacb rnle•ed the apoech dl!llvered by tbe boo Attorney General when in­troducioR tho reeola tlooa no .. before tbo chair. Amoo~r maoy other t.bloaa. tbe bon IDemtlsr Aid tha\ "'e reauluUooa wer8\.pUt forward to clecelve the pobllo on' Uct '"~ of an eloocioo abd to recouolle dl1co .. ant elemeota •io the Go­vemmnt party Tbl' may tHly be termed an emcmzenoy doeumeot. \ To those oppoeeJ to rallwaye-.:tentloo it bolda out tbe proruiae. wo will almply make a aaney to H11 ll'e H"Y· and to tide. 01 over tho election uut. fall~ commence Jlradiug toward• Random and after lbe eleotioo ia o•er cloee down tlle ~ork. To thl' auvooatos or extenaioo by contract i~ bold out the promise or eo immediate auney ef the proposed linr, nnd tbllt next. year a contrao~ wi!l bc entered iuto. To tho•• who 1\re in fnonr of the goYernmont uodertaltiog the work of extf\OIIon it hold• out tlle promleu of manlpolatlol( 6•e milliooa of dol­lara M 1Le rato of 9~60.000 par,yur. The hoo. member tben rc(or•ed at eome length tC'I ll~ e til·

lnl\rkl made aneu~ tho ntacltruan conlrl\ct, <.:or­boncJr brftncb,. and P lAcentia Rnllnny. llo th ou~tht it would havo been better for the Go· nromeot If the boo Attornoy Gentral lutrl not ml\de noy ·reference 10 the Ulsokrnnn contrllcf, Cl\fbonear Branch or l'lacont il\ lll\ilwfty. )lc ff\iled lo aee wba~ bearholl tlluo maltera havo n~ton the l{UCttiou before ul!, 1\nd hu can only 1upp010 that thu hou Attoruey Gcuer11l introdnc· cd theee qoutiont • ·lth n vic~ to de,·lating ar­•ootion rrom the ml\ln qnel!tion', CoRflnuin~. he reml\fkod that he ilit1 oot llpproach thia IUI•ject of an cnterpri1e which protnilll8 QreM benefi ts to tho c.ommunity with feelioga of deepoudenoy iu tl'ference to oar preeeot coudilioua. Ou th11 contrary, be woul j apcu tb11 lau~;uQge of confi · dtoco, hopts aod aert-aatnred reaonrce . 1\1 a country we h11ro beeo fi\\'Oil red with M largo 1\

abf\ru of bleuing11 1\1 ever fell ro the lo t of any communi~y. Rtference """ thtn mllrlo to tlal! aobjeot of the flaherlee. both o•J• I, s~nl , uud her­rinJC. tho total auoual value of whtch 111 nbout $7.186,000. Our agriculturnl 1\ud mioernl ro. aourcu.aoa our timber l&oda, were uext expntistcd oo. Suub (anid the hoo nteanber) ia the round a· tloo oo which wo may proceecl to bui:rt up n proaperons aod cooteoted GOIRIIlllDily. Furlh~·r, "e b:\Ye the aoll aad climate .but adapted. uot fo r the railing for exit'rlii iiOO or the ~o~rel\~ atftplet. but for tho euppor& of a rrulO(Ill nnd in· duatrioua yeqmaury. Wo wool oothioj:. lHH wh11t we ore able ourlel\'el with uutorprito, energy r\nd the wieo applioatiootolo.cApital to acqni1e. \\'iLit aucb wealth In aod 1\round it, thi11 o.-,lony ahonld be ooe or l ir e riche1t of the £lriti&h pOll· eeuiona and ita people the moat protperoua aud conte nted. Uut tbe renree i• the cnao. Witll· ih the lnu roar yea•• tbousaode or our " bes~ Llood bnvu left tbe lalaod to aeek employment cleewl.ero, 1\ud tbe drain is etill ~Zoi u.: on. Our people nre not proeperoue, they nro nne contont­erl. 'fbe proof lie• in tbo fact thl\t they ore h11atenio1C away from lhe colony. If wc nllow llal\t 6,000 of theee wero abl e.bodiect men, nnd J:Ut them down to the low Vl\lue or 6l:J0 pet head if "" aiiO* that to btl lht~ir Vl\luo ltJ lf111 culuuy, tben we IJaye !oat by thie exodua $180,000 per nnuum for tho lut throe yo"'s• ao amouut an111 -oieot to pay thu aul.laldy ou n line of raihrny from tll:a oiLy to Hall'e Ony Let ua aak our­ad vea what ie the O.II!IO of- t Ids exodus. The cacee, he eubmlttcd, ia to be found, In the flrst pl11cc, in the rellnnco or our people upon ono in. ctuatry. the 6ahelie.a. When lh tlro i• "flllllng off In the fiaherioa, I hen there ia abaolute wan~ fn ruanyloCAilr· .. aad lmpoveritbmcnt tbou~rllooJ. th .. ll\nd. Tbl o un neoeaaarlly be 10 whoro llaure is not 1\ rliYerally of emplovmont, n'nd wutru a people nre depOnllent llp<tll one brnuch or lncln•· try for 1\ livelihood. Our present im~nrtriPhed coodi,icn Ia in " great me11auro line to " run­ceeeioo or bad tlaberiee; thit, combined with the extravagance of the (.;uvcrncneut. hne brongM Ill to tns cootlitioa in whi::h wo 1\rp round to .day. Nearh· the whole or our e:rpnrta 1\1 ise from tbe tlaberiua; H wl! tllkt them "" iudicatln:: tho earo. luy power of our people, "'l' thall he able to rot m 1\D idea of the oonditJou of lhe l;~bonrini olueea, 11nd we •ball eee npon whl\t an nnl'ertoiu rol!nda­tiou they are endoavoriull to build up their pro­•perlly. Tho boo. ruecober \h .. u ciled tho total YC\I11 o .nd tb• ttruouu~ per be11d uf our e;rportafor the lut. 6Ye rura. 'fhcae H11uru di!IUOnatl!a&e clearly thtl loaofficl.eucy or•the tl•llorll'S to ai~·~ lhe wanta or " r11pldly increl\sing popnlation, and rhe Rbeolote uece111ty of nor openinll ltp -otller empfo:-ment: Hour ftaheriu romllio tt••ionary, aud from tbia date they yh:ld nun million nf dollart our people will be mu!lb worae off then tbey are to-day, owlog to tbe iooreau or populll· tlon. 1'ha uroh•R• pn btad would tbeo be ool7 129.12 ~r 17 80 ltu ~bao t.o·day No mao cab conttmplate •hla aapect of affsira whbont arrl-r­loa at tbe oonoloaloo &hat othe~ tmploymeoti mutt ~ opeoed on& to oar people, Ho& we nre brouaht r"a• to face witb 4thtt~ al'ltmlua.oon,dl· tione. Wblle tlt• l}roloaa or oar pfople b:.•e beeu deoreulor ytat b7 Je&r. tbt public expeqdl· ture, the publlo deb' a.od tuatloo buu been in· crpalor. tilhoe tbe preen• Government came intopowartbey baveloortalltd taxatlo' a82p.~ par ,._r. If we 1"dd to the etat.ci pabllo. deb• tbe Aroo•a' of tbe.llabtry Award .xpeudettl by, the preteD& IOflrDtDIDt.ic •Ill afve 01 lj,8$151•

'H.IU, u &he aouaal ••ouol of t&Ml.ubiTo debt of the oolODJ to-day, ao in~u.of I ,taa.90t78

T un lu~nPRt olJ gen~leman bows to het· "'ith h.ac!c wC'OUA ).:1'1\Ce, nnd t hiR grt!>\t Engh11h l~tdy tukeii trom l1is hund tue cbcnment and m ut., u•a s : 1 To uu ~cnero~i.ty cousistll in !oa·,;utting Li •e kindut:.~s. 1\l.y futlu!r '"otdu witsL his nlso fu•·l.!u~ten ! 1 TB I-:~ SU& DUllNS UP I ~ A LtoUT&D

r ." VI!1t UPON TUt: T.lDt..t: NEAR llB!l TU£ ONLY

v.n'::n:~or. THAT 8TA~toS BETWE&.S TOIS POOR


Dnrinro tl1nt tiiDil tho busineill world koowe th11t 11: ne,·er lent one penny without un · doubted nnc.l 1\luple s~:cul'ity . 'Do you sup· pose tue jury woulc.l believe on your mer~ word, ugttinst n reco1 d of a lif~t·litot! , that he lonnetl thirty pound& to ll 1ta1'11ing o/Ji~ boy I Oh no! Old GenetOJiity dicl nut Jo buineu IN

THAT WAY I' Sho emphasi%ell thi5 laa~ by a. nost.y li~tle li\ngh.

Benzine (for oleanaing purpoaM,) lbtt.on'a Family Syringes. Lemon Syrup, Raavberry f:;y111p, Dr. Wilaon'a He1·bille Bitters, J ohuon'a Anodyne Liniment, Tamar lndien (for coati veneNI), leao'a Medicated Sager (for worms), Gaarcl'a Hair dye, Trioopborous T eabet:t Tooth Powder, lJ arrayra Flaicl Maguesu, Beef hon and Wine, Northrop 4k Lyman's VeaetaLio Discovery

do do Quinine Wine, Xelloq'a Aathma Remedy

do Catarrh Snuff. DdY'• Elixir, Hop Bitt.e•• Dt. W&lbr'a Vil~eaar Jlitte ra

( P atmaa'a Cotu Extl"aotor .. Keaduc'a I n.fto• Powder'

Nonbrop & Lyman'a Eanulai_gr • A~'l parilla. P u tuct9 Ji;mull4ion

do Obetr:y F ectoral PIGroe'a " deu M ediCtll-Diaoovery

do JlU gative Pellet• ' 'da. Na l In;eccora

... Ydltl'proof urai;•~ A pl'ona do ~ nge Ddga do Rilia ; : r c!.Jildren teelbing.) 1

.B'.U nd S~rup S&fedaaan'll eeLiaiU$t r uwJer• ~ Tubing fo~ Feeders ~::• Hair Viaor, E ay Rum

'a Halt .Restorer, UhUd'a Truuea A&balt.'a rna-, Minard'• Linimen' Oil••"- Oarbollo Soap, Fuller'• E.rtb . DrW•twy, Dried &ge, Vried Tbymo W rllbt.'l U DferaaeDted Wine Batdook..Blood Bltten ·~• Uo4 U\'er OU and

· -. · •• at 8Praee. AneQ'•RUtq.~ J adlcna'• Oolcl PalDt, J U.... "~' O.yenne T..o•ngea I • U

., - ..... --AU9-- • . " --.-..B,PIPD,AKBD8,PUI'UM;~R'!

. • mJ CJiofaei BBUI&. uratr)' oo•pnlcJecJ . ....

. elaoe tile WtiUa~J HoYCriwll& wn• OLI• of petwtr io 188J. Wt tltlt *' lbe · aoeul u­~dltora hu been fn..,.....MbeftiJof lt60, • OOCJ .,. '"' ; tiMlt to-.char tile espeadl'"re Ia ttM.HG 87 J• ez~ of abet of 1886 r &t;_.1.lte

abtfe debt Lia bteD 1101-.J 'at &bt rate ~ akMt:a'WifUNd

Inion that the whole or tho rof;)OI\!iil'ility Ill

ml\tlcr n:ete with them. ~very member of th is bonae moat reeogoi1e his equal 1hnre in tho reapoualbllity that attoobee ~o the cou~ idcrAt ioo or .tb11 lwpurtaot quutloo. Let us romea.ber that we &re •b• repreaeotath'll or the people, nud thnt in that ~paoity It b our duty to ~o: lve the clenrut and beat consideration to 1\ rul\l ~er which 10 ·materially affec11 thoir · ioterea~. We h11vo only beeo allowed twentr.foor ho11 r~ to oonaidor !be tender• .. poe in fur tbo coo­atrucUoo of Ule railway to the North. Wo- aro unable, thereforo1 th l(in tha• cooaidentiou &;oJ tbe aame &h ~t t t louy uuqoeetlonably call for. AUer ao,oe otbtr obe.::uliooe, tbs bon roemba umarked.: we o 1" coiDo to tho propos., I tn:L ' " by tbe <.ioYil'llm ·u•, 111 tho rct•~touou• hufore n~ h it eapte&ed &h" l thu coiC'Itt)' ahall horrow flvu million dollara at tho rate of •460.000 per yur fOT lhe 'oobatraotloa of ~be railway to liall'i Uny. sod tba' the work ab. tl ellteod over a 1 per iod of ten Jean He wu oppoeed to tho Goveromeo t. aa~ertaklof auob a work, beoauae wo h.l"" d i•· oOnred, by our ooooention wltb the P Jaceut il\ rallway1 that. we otonoe tiaild u ·ohellply aa we oan get otuert to do worlc for b7 eubaldizlog tbam. In the aecood place, be beliefe4 ,that bulldlo~r the ra.il••> oor.el•u meana ()olboial baukrupte' and invite• union with Caoa~a upoo ber OlfD teriDa. The qoeatioa of our n Jsl ht mllllooa o( dollara for the cooatru:tiou o tbe, lioo mua, an anoual obaraa of & lenat 1~0~.000 for lotlrea' alooe aod invotn• a fur.­t!Jor chuae of at leaat.l120,000 ptr J tnr for n1&1ntaaaoce 1\Dd oporallur. Io other wol'd' a Goverumeut line co H•ll'e Da1 would eotatl1ao ahn~al expandhure of at ftut tSllO.OOO. Of ooilue aa ao otren 'o tbi.l &latttt woo'-1 b' tbt arinqal earulo~J• ' of tfc .. liut. bat au&b woold no• ·t,'u •llrJt•raeunleu11o oouuectiou whb tbeex~o· 1iu~ ollbuaOwat. 1\tttlem~nc of the lao~ look pi~~~ ~ eobem• for aua6 •oa!Cl ba~ tb be wortltd coocurrepU,Y. •••t '"'' "ool~ •otal) a fanber heavy upendl;oro. ' Wo how from the &eodera btfoll Ill . lb" all of tbll wprk •OlD be -~ let ..... OD/.001 bJ ..... fd .... a•mpady to the amdtiu'' of aboul ,tao.ooo per tnoom. Aacl ftirllaer, by •l*dilial" ~H.puJ n ll~w ell.-~ meaaurw of oor ltablluld.· :nllt wotlld too& be ontl~"'* ...,. ... ot.tbelolonJ. ~He bt·

be •u OOI'hO&- 111 ..umloa th ...... IX• .... _,_: ~- GpoD e~!.MinOII.oD lflll h•

Olh" 4\t M'tftu.; P••r "-·"··- ........

w hi lo ue ~""'~" at her uncl suya. AS t.Le In t. ol<illl'!\ f111i liJI 11 thrt il00r : I ~(y del\t', you're jnsL lii:r ycu1· Jl'atd clttddy-both noi.Jlo I'

1 .\'oiJ ir. /' a~hll cries to lticu, nnd liaero is 1\ wihloe~R in laet· oyo du\t 111ttk~ hl r. Pot~.er ll8•

looilthed, f>r Khe i:~ in hoa· 10ind Cltrsing her self as thij most infamoua thing on oarth; but thel'e ia triUtUIJb io her look alao. Sbe knows that thOL'O ial but. onll salvation for t.b& mtln at.anding !Jefore hf'lr, h~ must fly, and thinks joyously; I o:uuluy Wol l never knOW my t11t 00r oommit.tetl l ite o• i1ou thht. m11dA Mll fAther 11 coc\ viet, and thttt ( kne'"• ftnd yet made him, innoeerct "" ho wna, ugain 11ulfer t.he ehttme t\nd :~go11y of oxrlu;' und llltlt of oll , ~b11.t tho .eJ .. dc r Enol c.\11 ue,•er provu 110 unJnst con\'lc tion, o.n.d the ouu1 11he lovM i11 aepar.tted fL·om Ethel Liucoln fore vee·.

She. eontaiveM t.o t.urn t he oonverution upon BC'Ime light ubject., howe\·er ,· thinking tt II the t ime how eho tll\c·e toll ~his old mlln who looks at her adcnir:ngly t.ho awful t.biog ahA h·lll

dono to him eo that bo oaay escape in time; Lut..lua11 uu oppoL·tuniLy,for he haa got. upon tl1e snbject of ltia d i,oghter, .and ia tlu.nkini L:ldy .A\:met·loy foL' he~· kindneaa to tlmt Joung lady.

At l h is motnent Lub!Jins knoclca at. the tloor, and llhe going to, it, hot· fatoe out\llges to ao ashy p~llor, for,ltc aononncoa tbat Sersean~ Br:\Okett ill uownstllira to ape•k to hor u ahe reqveatcail. She auutterll w her ~erv~tu~ to keen t.~o de~eo~ivo helow, and now abe U. .forced t.o telLPot~'l' tullt he uu1.1~ fly.

She coo1ea to him at\d hnrdedlyaa~a : ,There it an E ogllah police o!Boer below! Tllke my advio6 I Oo qolokly wi~bou~ cite toan ~t~ein& yon I'

• Why t 'returna'P~tes, a~riDg at. ber, for bes .manner ia eign~a,ant~

' Beoeuae bt wlll a.-ra.._ 70ttl ' 'A.rrea•,.. 1 'l'ba&'• etanUns I' ma~tera tb,

Texan, 'ttilln~ to 1 be ·•nre -hill piltoli~ are all

riqbt. ' Art est the Honorable Saropeon Po~· 'ter J ' He ro~t.a •hl4 t.iL .. lC lt wer\ in­ortdible, •o~ ~h• tlame of baUle beaio. to Jiali~ lJP thil ey.,_

Here Lady AnnerleJ b\aa .dOWIJ, piatoJI Jl/inaploa .PMIII" but"WW•~.r.

~~;;;;~~~Yii~~~·~~·~· , ~~~~~ -.~..-... , ...... ~ .. ~-~~ .~---~~~

(T" bt continued)

0 liaten ! if withiu 'I'OUr bo1ne Somo gentle one II radin~t:

Take w11rning, ere ll eo rn1noo1 come, Your hopplneu io•adiog.

F"r 1\11 tllo anfferlng ehe eodurea h neadleu . d id yon know it:

The • ~·norhe Preacrlplio'l ' oore.­Uoceaaing praiaet abow it.

'holy • n household ble11ing' is this IJl&nelooa epe:>i6o-Dr. Pierce's Fnvorite Prll:teriptioo-for thu illa of womno. Who that aeea a dear hce ~trowing ea.ob day moro etloereal I.Jnt. f will rejoice 1.o learo tbat the "ife or dftogbter may' Jet ba anved1 aod the family circle preaerve~ unbroken 'I Don't dupalr, but try it, eYeu if the doetort lAY there ie • oo cure.' lt Ia the only tnedioioe eol tl by drngl(llt•, for woman' .. peoullar w•kneuu aod aihoeota, uo tler a po1ilivo JUaraotel trom the 10anu!aotarer, that It will gi•e aatlefootloo Ia nery oaao, or mouey wall bo refunded. Read glllrllo· tee on bottle-wrapper.

. From L. J . Bacino, Eaq., ot La Mioerve,

]ll[ou treal. I Hulog osperienced tho moat ~r;atlrylng nao Itt

from the oao of DR. WISTAn's li.\LU)l or WILD CmmnY, I am iudocod to expre11 tbe greAt coo· flt.leoee which I hne In lte effiCIIO)'. For lliue mooLbe 1 wu U'Oit oru~lly afBicteC: with a aenre and obatiolltc oouqb, IICcompo&aied with acute paio io the aldo. wbiclt d id not leana:e, Snrumer t~r Wia.ler. 'fhe tycnptome locreued ~lamlogly. aud eo reduood wa1 l that I could walt but a few etepe without restiuu to rei:oYer from tho palo and fatl~:uo wbioh 10 ell~4t ao tlertlon oo­naaloned. At tbia j uncture 1 o0mmouced taklo~.t tbo•Haleam, from w,lcb I found ltrfmtdio!. rtlitf; aod aftu bulna 11ted lou~ bottln J wu oom­pletely rHtored to health. l bnt al4o u11d tle U"luw lu wy famiiJ. •od admlolatend. lt to coy ot.lldren, with tb• liApplut ruulta., I aqa eure tbat ehah Oanadlaoe u ou the Balaam oao but apel\k In Ita favor. .U Ia a prt~docr wbtob bat only to be trfed to be aolritowledled • tbe n · aardy par :t«<lt~. '

60 QIJltl and ll a .botll•· Sol.J b7 • deal ere ~otonenll1, and by '1', MoMardsJ A Co~ *St Jobu'•, NOd _ •

Goldel''s Patent Victoria Anchor and Oil Buoy.

fijJ"Urdera fur the lluoya to be b•d of J OilS

Medals . Awarded 1 ~l t:s:-< & r.o. Rarbor Grnce. · __ _ _ ·1 F. W. GOLDER, Inventor, 1st - The • Yl C l'UI~I.\ :\ :'\CIIOit" is not t:ll- 1 Late officer o/.A. A. T . Co. S. S Minia,

peci11.lly 11.daptcd fo r any pnn:rulnr , bu t n·ery cla.u I 0D11~1rtetpfttnl ofdt~- Goldt":l!Fe~ahl a~d I I f 1

r: E th D ., 1p oma ur mo eu at 11c: •u tnt• n v.:uc 11. rom t "' , ,-cat ~ . t .•trrn to e ory. 1 r: h'b' · .t · l 88S

:?ncl - lt w pencdce 1111 o t hers. ns it bae rooro .:r 1 111011

• ~c · ·

~~:;,:;r.pOlC'('f than ll llJ othe r t.\·c:l ty pe r cent. I GOLIIElt'S f lt~lOHU I• A TENT OU BUOY :lnl-It cnonol be foulfd by c:1bles o ve r it or Award~d A Gold Medal at the Barcelona

· ·aptLy ite owu I Exhibition 1888 l th_-It .•torc& in. on~·fourth tho room o o deck And now nserl by tbo lar~e Uect


of eailinll, for­,,r rn •.l. ~uly PWJI!Ct lllg abo u t n f o.)ot froru t he e ign nnd bnnkin~ Veaee la out of thia port. It r ,·. ~···l s tl1d e wh e n s to \Yt:J. I hM gi"~n ~cucr•l entisfactioo , tes t imonials cow­

•th - Ir can btl le t ~,;o Sto..:k a11d Flnl:c from the ing in dail y. r'. hv m cnns o f 11 ·1 um blc r . l'o cocA:-billi•uJ, --- · '· .' •a>·tl.• or iron o o ~w necCRs:trj·. I TESTIMONIALS.

... o- lt cauoot poSdlbl y fc•ll the /i> ·e.(I)O/ or I Tl f II . ·.n . I r ,. • H ;·r. -~ the bo "'' wbi l~>t bcin ·, s ecured I >O o OII' Jn l{ t l.'& ll o nra s are rom -..ap~. AW· • :· •

1 - It is easie r to cat ~nod fol · J 1 tl 1\:I)(S. or I he uankiog eclroone r Eppie,aod Copt

a~,. ·>th t>r anchor. 1 an 1 ou: .an


Ht:uso~ . o f thtl echo:ner &lina. botb of Har-~ · . . bor Grnco ·-

,, _I he Fluke cnn be tnkw out nod rep/need' "tn I 1 d tb V ' t • 011 B , . . ,.. ,_ . "' - H\YO nee e rc orsa noy n ~ . .• ,v mtoutea .':lpnr~ ~ ln .. es c.'\n boJ snpplu~rl 1 l'l d · ,~,. u "'"ch lll of !JI'UII ar/r:antnge by eouding own be~ t .e P'"dt sedneo_o w nlat eng.$te In ~o .u_aok Flab· o! . , ze ' ery. nn • unn~t t 1e vPry heavy atorma eonouo-

te rcd, hal'o fo und iL t o be all that Ia rleaired aod :• :h - ' l'hia .\ nch or np to live hnnrlred weijlht

c"' hO! tlwroughl!J r<'pairw by aoy urdiJiar·y black- lvbat Ia claim~d for It -wbeth'er laylolf to or ,,,uh. wne rel\l tho co:nmoo nouhor ie totallv rm:- r<~oning, in ht'avy eon , or rldloi at anohor on the ,0

, whea oace b roken. 8ank11--there i1 perfect 111fety while yon hue tbe Oil lluoy aOo&t.' / 1 would oot oow be with·

lOth -The st1clr o f tho "VICTOIUA A~ · out It 11t aay coat. You oanoot eatimnte tbe. l'! I O R'' ia lea tlaau Ollc-half a.a lonsr ns tho 1tock aavlng by Cho uae o f the Oil Buoy. of the cornmon anchor, 11ad iC needed in a lwrr!i ::; f~PHEN BA W KINS, c1111 be t hrown over tcithout •tuck, nnd it 1vill bb ----fuu od ju•t as avallnble. No anchor of tbo day !s I h!l.ve UIIC!l t he Pnlcot Oil fluoy tbia aeuon .oo ao e!laily cluzrul nf chai11. the Haake nnd c<~o tellify to ita uaerulnell, nrrd ~- ~.-The VICTUitlA ANCHOR 111 the only would oot cMe to be without it, aalt often aa"ed

11ncl~ or o f tbe day fit f or ge, tlemrrr'l yach11 wbero my veuel wbiltt riding at anchor. hnlJwg power comb ined witll ligl•tnell nod neatnu.t ROBERT HUDSON · i! the tkmand t Scboooer &linr

\\' kDt~U.,u, AprillOlb. · (COlfli~u~.).c . .

mtt "' half, ri•~ fonr o'cloolt.J or lrou. A.t .\louroil tbt~ P.titio•~ him • t,'h.)"hg for tl•• re ... ter ry aut'fwu r~ai.L

uid IIIia . wu " petidon or •portauo., aa~ti!•K u i~ due• Yl\lnllhht bmnoh .of «!Or tlil••r-~~•ellln ila ret uha"'owu-eloae

•rp to thv . of the auet flahurJ: If propl.lrly r•roteoterl, he fttlt conllllent. thftl,,.in a Yery few ) eare !Ia producu Ill' ill Cully eqt!fl in V.lu11 t:1u Vl\lue of t~e yitld of thl\t .fl1bery. 'fhe petilioa ie nutneroualy ar.d inftuentblly al~n~d by nlmoat ~ury one Olll;IJ(etlln tLe lobeter p11oltin~ buaintu 1u !be colony. nod the tu1antruhr iu fnor of t bo v bJeo"t tb r therefore dcae~''' fuvorable J•eru uy 1: e ,. . ., not nee of l1t"'i ~olernnly . witbout hu-in~ fillfl J:i tit 1\ • but with re~ard ro the Lobster o t Jut year, it waa pauou u~ollcr 1 aeullnr clrenmat11uces. hn vlrau been ::lven notice ••! ~.arly In the aelliQo by the hon. member for l.a [ ~~~e lo 1he loG' tll bonae, y e t. owlnJ! to difficul riett

·l'rll!o~ out o f Fn•nclr olnima l t ,.,, not. pauPd IIDIII JUit bl'fOJO tiiO l'rOfOI(alion or the legialfl­~ure, anrl_ then ln. n t&o hurried mnnoer, olrnoat rudl'cd wllhout dJaeuaaioo. He belio•ed the act •bat then becAme law baa J;h·en tt\l!lflloliuo to n'o nue r.ouceroed in the lobster O.ahery: that tbere ra a g<'ocrnl outcry ogainat ita n uani1Rlnlllv to the fur tbe r11 nce of the iotereeta of those who hnve t he !'roapcrity o~ rhiil fiPh t'ry Ill henrt, aod to ita pro· 1 er proaecntton, and It nfforde oo protection to tl!e 6abery. The 6:reRt troutole at preten t ia t he t.hffion lty of gutting men to ehip for eo 8bort n 11ea1on 111 that. eodiog ot tbe comroeocement of the cloae time at preeeut pruoribed tor lobate• '· lJ(:nce he recorumended atroogly to the ntrentin n of_the H?n•e the neceuity of 111ter!og the l,aw in t h_ra ~arucu !ar, and he truated eo me lellillllt ion '111'111. we en10ted tO meet tbo f iewl ol tbe llll'IDO• riahats.

lloo. U. Bownn:o fully 11~reod with '111 t bat has bre~.uid u~ !hie matter by t he hon jlentle· m11~, 1 be petsllooera atate fairly IUld opfnly tbesr reas~na fo r ol •jo.'oti~R to the esiatlog lnw, pauecs aa a waa in n hurrted maooer lut ae .. ioo ~od point out tbe pro,·ieione which they. in th~ ~oter~st of tho lobster fishery, made applicable to rt. _li e {:\Jr. U.) hnd n d11°.1Dct recollection , r the nurrto:d ru11nner In whrcb the present law was p.tsJ.-d l1•et y~nr, which _precluded tbe opportuni-'Y of u~llt o"· rnc upon It tbat amou nt of c11refnl cOJ~sid~:ration _which 10 importon t a measure re­qmred. Uut 1t bad to btl patacd at rbe tim!' nnd ~elitionera IIOIY do not nllk for nuy new lnw: but arolply \hnt one wboao proYieinur~nre iuimicAI to tbe wel!.be iug o~ the lobster fishery. may be ~llo"e~ to _remi!.JU !II Rbey11oce for" periorl. rlur­mg wbtcb, sn nij probability, we 1h11ll hr.t"O rhe Rd\•&nta~o o f ~ho llble ."~aietance of tho li,bc ry ~urcl\11 10 wak rul( '!uqumee, collecting inforron­u on Ruu formu h.tiuc reRulationa n•oat henf'fioinl f.Jr the g overn,.nee o f this fi•brry. Mr. Nielsen ba~ clearly proven to us nlready tb't we o 111 u•1· ten~lly s upply t he dimioulton caueed by lobtter fiab1n~. by t ho ext·roiac of 1\ l ittle care upon the 1 ar~ o r those enJ~nj:ed iu calcbiog tbe tlah. io col ­ltctrn)lthc I'IJII\fu und hn•iull It placed inn l oh­ster hntcbery, wb~ru thftt 10hioh ia now Wllllt.:ll would become n molt vtduni.JIIl tourco of supply for tbe mai_ateoauce of t!lic fie lo e ry. Ho thou~:ht. the refore, 1t 1vou1tl utl wi&ll to allow the existir"" l11w , wbich ie fouud to b e uoanitoble, to lie i~ ll~ey~ncf", so. t hn.t t ho whole rnnller may be de:\ II wllb 10 11 et:Joor tllo aud prnctioul maouur by ,tlJj ~ahery ':9Dltniuion ~iucu the lobater p•ck. iog suduatr~ cowrnenced. 11 fe ...- yeRrs ngo. it bne aa­eumed unmenee proporr io ue. r.url bl! lout.ca fo r. ward with atroo11 l.ope tbllt withio a nrylimited period or time It will !ftr t'lceerl in annual Vlllue the- returoa from tlie •cnlft~hery, nnd be of \'Utly Ulore general benefit to tha oountry. Tbia o nin­ion ia bu .. d u pc.n tho f"o~ that the lobeter tbhl'• y afforda employrool iH 10 11 luge nnmber o~ld nreu and you nJt boya. who enrn good wagea It, 11nd w!to would otberwi•e earn li~sle or not bfC dur­ing tb" ordiuary flahins: aeaaon . Y.nn at 1 he amall rate o l 8eUnly centa per hundred lor tlut tleb, by attention nnd indnatry. they may toake larl(e Wll(et. T he nble-bodiecJ portion or t he population oan follow the ordinary brand1e1 of oodUehln~t, le .. riog tbe old men aad boya to at­tend to thla bnslJ:!ell. whioh al,o fll•ea employ­~~ot to many femalea. whioh it or lneatimr~ble adnntage In ootharbora where tho opportunltiea for tbern to eR• n rnnr•ey nro ao ftw.

Hon, C . .Uowtinm presen ted a petition frow ~be Arbor Society:

Tbe Houao. then ndjouroed until to·morrow.

• 'l'nunso•r. April lltu. The llooae met at hnlf.pu~ tour <~ 'clook. On ·motion of bon. C. llowr lug tbe J>lltition

from the Ar be r ~ocltty w111 r e11d. Hon. C. Bnwutso aairl thi• ptHitioo ""' handc:rl

to hlw to prcaeut to tbia honorable Bonte. tlll ri

be thouj(ht thll pra)er of it w111 10 uuae18eb arul. dealrablo t 1rat it cnunot ' fail to reotire favor11 ble coua!C:e~atloo . There can be acu~~Y"DY dcubt Of the t:eceu!ty, II perltiOtlefl poio& OUt, tha' OUr foreat tren, and larae forut1l eboald be p'ro­teot~d Ill muob Ill pouible llf.& Dlt &ba ranaea of tirea wllloh hue ·done 10 muoh to deapoll anct reoder deaolate Jarae trilllt• or the CIOGDtrJ, eocl wbloh are, to a areat etteot, pr .. tt~tlble. The oblef praJtr or the pttltioo i• tbat oar bttHr olue of 'ornamentaL treu I be. ulrl be· llltd· lo pliatlor, oroamtntlor e·nd bellatlrylog town• ~urt ••t&le­mo·utl of tbe oolouy, at Ia ayatematjoally done elee,rbere. aoo tbilt a dAf e~~ y,,.r ·be det'o~ed &o that parpoae. ,Very few peopl~ arP ••,re of "-e lure nrloty of beagtlfol forut trJe.a that 11re hldlrtooaa to thtlll~od, wbfob mlaht bt u'iliJerl. U pedUann {lraJ, for parpo~N~e of CIOIPfOrt IJDd oraa}Deotatroa. ' Tbly farther .U tba&, to lloen· Ill lined for Iandi .for oaiUYI\tloD, a conditio!' ~ODid be fD .. ,ted obllglUJC trle fl~ft\Me 't~ N• •t9• • 1»0rtloo of tbe tree• apoa hta · boldine; t~eir arpmeot belntr tiJ.t to ,,.."'H wonld fonu, ln Utu ,...,., '"*' ··ud llaelter for

of tlie

.. , ' (f ,

tb th~:&itsire of thtt pe•iiitf'nn~rl!n ~v., o,;, fo; . I E~ - 1

1'1'~~ nn•l -·~.Rda rrono ,, .. rrk· llt!fu~·lutl ""'-i ~I:Mr~ B ST IN TRE .w-........... u... l~ l'rubcil!••baoerot ·•f uur tuwu•. l,ly !h~ \''"'''il1:: Great Owei.otsklo.~a of, o~u .. 1nentr•l .uur11 ~ shu aoluuy ~~~. J ohn'• Out,J.c~ a.mecUe• ~ :'to~•l }.lo :tl\1\ly lnlt•r••Vl''il O.J plahrinat Ita tJrip· ' • • : : ' . .;. ~ CJpal atfeeli, Auoh .•• ((ocbrnaie St;e;( Md other•. B11y 'D~ 1Jt4r a_n}l n ~If uld, Foe,. 4lid wit!.t u•tr•, bt!ttllr cl'.'" of , •uuh·e tr~•. ,.0,t ,," t~rr6/;/is c?"duw~'· be:~g .co~rm, ac!d Ml,.,•~ . . .. :-;. h,.operl the objt!ct p11tltloller8 l~•·u hl •lett will pliur.J•JUll'fJ11f llil. V!U"ttlluJ (.;alUJIIn&-{lcMidi'tjj . . · ( ~t~ uttnincJ . • . • 1 I!IIYtt u~11i1 your \,;UTtCUMA ltt)I" DIU lu ~Jo .. • ,f;'" J lou tbo i•{ltstDitNT aon·onnoe~ thl' ' he hl'd 10• cu~:1 "'"""" '' l"?YIIa to ~ euoc:c~r~; .~.. ' ; J:• ,

~IYiftl, a rn~WJ;I» ~ith u,., b,ill tfeo'omJJnuyiu~ it~t Hnt,. w"! In tho cue ~r a bny ~ y~r a~ a .h_!.~ . ·• •::. IIKklng that tho Cauucil ueeut to tile lt\l\'unuu o!t.i. Uhi f•c" luul ~,iJy wur.t tu. ~ ~er;rll)l~n- .... .-·: llill. . . druou, Lho furmur b.:au,.:coauplll~l~ oo~rl'ao.ulit

01\ mo1ion of b'c.n, 'Colnn;al Hucr.:tltry, the, ·a:'":'· 1 took hlrn I~ tll~t Mo~~a.a .. ~: ltevenue Uill 1• na the n rl'ot! 1\ firftt tiroe, to bll lS)'rtU~I . hut be duJ uot up.,ron any •. , ~~i'·~·i · r..,rui n •~con•l titnt! to-morro .... , . n•_lvle~!li to sry th11 CunOUlU. RltllltUl~~.J. ·• . H.ou M . • \lu:Jruc:. 11uuu1111 t 10 OJJtioe, brouulrt dr: · H~ tou·k· _oue nod on~ b"l.f Ut>tt~ , ., ~~ ·. l<t a bll! to rept!nl thd lu b.srur n~hEry eto., .which, OllilA lb:S'lL\ !::ST. when lua akto , -~ 1\1 ~ ~~ "" m'lrroo . wu r" '"' a h rwt tiruu; lo be rl!uli 11 11!1 could ~e. ""J Ia t.o-day. 1 uud lh C ltrl•, a•·cnnt.l uure to- ruorrow CUUA on . ••Ia ao res aod the 011flCt11tA '·t;oa')t In

Thu lluuae then ::djnu.rn cJ until Tu11ellay ooxL :-aslrin!C, !:im . . _llu Ia .uow t\'o yeara of lfee,, aud

T UESO.\Y, April 16th. llon the PuP.Sitlt:ST nnnouucdu tb •t ho: l111ll re­

c~iv_e lllll .. l\1:1'1 from the ( Jouae or rh eernbly. ~tl\lll l lt tlutt t lun hrl\nOh hn.l pu"u.J tho: Co~tnOtl'" hlllt'Uoi •11Citll •HI thu Bill r, ... thll l'rc \'tmtion uf I :ruulty to Auirn11 lt1 : lllt!.J t lt l\~ it hnrl I>IIUed cor­l>~io chnptefl M thll Bill for '''" lle,·ieJOn ""~ <.; .. na<> IJ<!nliou uf lhtl <.:nloui .. l ::itntutell, nutl a lli tl 1 ei:Jti r:~: to thll qunllftcntiou of tdootion nl mo•u .. Lc r• for tbe llonen nf Aaacmbly, to which ourl· c urrencu WI\& rPquetted J\leo " meuns:e • re­•tueatiull th'ij C u unoll to withdraw ce rtni n o C rheir nmendmenta on th o Hil l fo r t be Protectiou u f D~N.

ee::ond Bead.in6f ot Reve.nue Bill. lion <.:o r.nliJAt. ::iJ::CIIETAIIl". in rnovi n 11 ~h e "e .

oouu rudirtR of thiB Uill, uill iL ooutalued llJJ IY 1 hree chans:e1 u pon tue provlsior..a of t hu HI' I'· onue Act of IRst y cl\r. The flral 11ltcrallon hn a r.,ferl!noe to the r1 ut:· on bread. In tilt.: Ac t J •l\ll ~:d inot ~t>Minu hi~on it o f n " nrly nil l: ind' Willi Pn hrut '" u oiuty .. r t w.· u ry crull p,.r c ..-l : l•ut thtt 1;11 ) rot"" ltdoro rh o tl tJn~" mnkl'l a"" · ~iucrion, nutl !' 1 "1'"~0~. wllllu ouuti uuin~ : I•" t':t·

Utiu~: Juty OIJUU ll tl! Urct\U of lhe ltiuJ c:ullt'.J hn~r1 eh iJt"' biscuir, tc impoeu ll f>OII bread or !tis· c.u111 o f nil other k iuua in wbicll b!;!tt., r. epices, J,.~C • are used, twenty per ceot. ad valorem Tht: noxt ehRnt.:e hna r efereuce to machinery Ptecuu c n 11 iuc- . b•Jilere, wnto:r wheels, enws, &c.', \\ l11oh will here11ft1 r be 11ubjeot to n llu:y o f teo per cent. ad 11alorcm. Thi,o duty ia p ropoted, na he (C. ~- ) unduratoud. io order to prot~ct. to n certAiu ext~n~. mncl•iuiatll in this country who ho: ret o ­roru _wCrll CO IDJ.IC.Ied to pay ·J u ty un psrr I nf .nnchmery Julporred by thl' lll; whilo complotu ouan~fnotu1ccl 11rt icles wer~:, to t ltcir prrj ••d rco oulmttl ed nuder t ho frco liat. T hu ta ble of t: X·

t'lllptiona on 1he hill ia n l~o ol ~crl•c l rn rne..t 1lci~ Chi\UCO in ln•t y enr S 1\(' t , 1111 rl II 1JrOVi11iOII is II lii ') iu8crtt!~ for thu free uJ m .asio u o r ,.1) RrltCi o•S il~>p<>rtctl fo r t he II~U or tile ~l nuic i psl Council. I hue IH' rl' tl: ll 111dy I•Ui u •8 in wluc'• tloia Io iii

Jifhrs from the l:cveuuo Act o r lh&t )C<Ir ; And loe l.:e~r.:cd to tuO\'t t hilt i t be now rt'nd u aecouJ ti me.

The motion was put nod carried, nnd tho bill rc"ll n Pet:oncl ti111e : to be cnmmiued to -m orro w

lllOl:'\<i TO SAVL A Ll I' E. A Geoqpn Ut'IV811l1Ptr ui-ea tlii ii CCO Utlt or the

heroism o f .John l'o tter. R tlln year nld boy who rMIIl n ho r~ll '"dv.: ruih· ~ to .\boon fnr rlt., r•nr­uose or cull inc ,, ph1·~•ci A n to ll ltl!ud leis 10ot l•cr who \\'Ill believed to be dyiu~t with colic l'h~ doctor could ho t bu found, hu t n kind drns::dat ~3Ye lito lnd n ho'l lc of rned :ciuu und orderllJ Li111 to hurry lturuc. The b rnvc lnd rode bome. d e . iivere•l tbe ru_edjoin_e_. 11nd t ll ~n fainted fr?m nllr· I'Oul t::tl•nueuou . 1 hu tnedrCHIIl ou red l he aiclc won.nn. nncl t he boy is well . h ia ooly nect'l · ury to 111y th nt the precious rnerl1 clne Willi P 1::1:11Y 0AYIS' ;• A IS KILLI::lt. "'hich uu•er fnila to oure diaorder• ~~ tbtl atotuach,



Sofierera are nut L!l·l1crnlly ll"' M O t h11t t he~c Jiaearee Me oontagiona: o r thaL tht~y ar~ dne to the lJrCIICIII)d Of liviu;.: parui tt'l iu thu lin ing membr111'1'e of sire noae 11od ouetnchtnn tubes. Mioroeco pio rt'aearch, however, h ne pro•l'd t hi11 to bu a ft\c t , nnd t hll resul t ra tl.at n aimpltl rernedy hna be~n fo •. mulnted whereby catarrh. Clltnrrlr:tl rlel\rn~:lls 11 nll l:11y ftl vcr nru pororl\nt>ntly CC:~tl<l in frout 0 1111 •o thrru • ltn!JI" 11ppli cn tion~ ro11de 1\t horuo by the fJ"tiun t ODCd i tl twc• Wlll!k&

~. U.-For 011tnrrhul lllscbnrgo• pecuhar to fo­rnlllea l whltt~s) thia re'tled y ia B .-peciflo. A pRtn· pillet uxploinwg thia now trontmtlnt Ia sent o n receipt of teu oeuta by A, II. Drxo~ & SoN. SO:! Wen K ing S t., Toro nto Cauada.-Scientific Am,riru~

Hollotray'• Oinlmtnt and Pill.t.-Notnhlet Faota -lntcneo. hent IIUQ:rlhllltl the annoyance of· akin cJiae111o. 11n.J cu~ournuca tho denlopo.1ent o! f~­h• ile rlit<mll.lra; wherefore tboy ahould. aa thoy ~1y, ..tftl reutov .. d by theaa deter~teot and IJUrify. roll prep11rot!ona. In atomeoh eomplaio11. liver lltfl'ot.!ont, paint and 1p11ma of the bowela, Hoi· :o11ay'a Oint1aen~ well rutJbed oter t lte afeot.ed par~ Immediately · gl•d· the great eat enae, pre· untt cou~restion nuJ lu1l•1nwntion, ohedtt tbe tbrei\I\!Dinlt d il\trhma nnd.a vtlrta iuoipleut ohoiPrt\. 'the p ourer !uh•uirauta of Jnrl(e oltiea will Hod tll e~e remedi~,a to btt tbelr beat friend when ao.J ptllll• ooe· raau, or wbeo from ,uokn:-wn OIIUMII,

ernpdooa. bolli, abactaau, or ulceration• betoken tl)e preteOCI of uinta Or iiUJIUr}IIU Wlth111 tbe &Jitem, and ••II for lOJtaDt aod otfeotl•e ourath·e medloltrel.

11 1111 rr;:ht. I he other cue wat a dile"ae ot the Acalp. 1Yirioh wna curud by wubiaJC wittl the <.:urrcuru . !:iOAI', •wd r ubbio~ 10 the . <.:v.r•9UIIA, ?!•" bottl.t of <.:u rtCUIU ltt:SOLV£~T bei~W ~aed. 1 uey hnvctyro \'tJ<I auceeaafnl in ever;- oui "!here 1 b11vo " '.lv reud t he. n&d ~r tl!e•n. Jt ia aurprlaiQJl huw rnptclly ft r.hrhl wtll tm pruve n'orier "tbtir t.;:,umen ~. I r"~ouuuuncl \ Item for nny di11en11e of t fro sk111 111 I.Jctn~t thll b~:H iu tbe world. ;Tbil i11 my u:tperit-DCd, :1ud I RIO rertrly to atlll)d by my llntcroent. , JOH~ Jt. UEU,U

A tueric:~n llnueo . llo::anab.rr~th, 'N Y. An l14lboarn.ble Skin Dl.aoase Ouzel!:

I hnve btJun rdll•ctlld since lltat Maroh· .fltb a ~k ru ol i o~~ nat: lhu tloctnrll cnliMI r.;, z 101~. My · ~uocJ. wn• OO\•.,rod whit acn'•lf ttnd wo·~·· nnJ tl.tu J~oh_JU;.t nod lmruiut.e WU.) nlmuet unbearable. :S I!I! I 11~ } uur l.:t.:TlCCil,\ ltt:lteoa:s ao bi"bly ro­~ommuuded, cnnoludetl to lliYe ·t hero a trls:l, Ul• lllj.! thtl CtrrtCCIIh. ftllO l.:t.:TIOUI!A SOAP externally, 1\ nd lt P. 'IOt.Vl:.)(T rn reroall y fo r four m •lntha I c>tll n oyo~o: ll cur.-d , 111 ur11t1 tn<le for wbiol• l i~11kt t ltil f:>U ulic tt tOh•ul loll t , •

M rs <.:L .\ It.\ t\ Flfl·:tH;R~GK.'. Umr"l llrool:, ( \ ao ' .

Cut.lcura. Re::nediea ~nre e"orr l ;>ccr"s o t tort nrin;c. hurnil intlnjl. it I t,' ~· unturu~, IICa ly, r11cJ l•ilnj•ly diae~tdt:l of the li«ru. IIC1\I p , nn d l>looc.l , with lou of bnir, nad all hn w ou , blotche_• . erupt ions . 11orea. aoalea, and crnar l!, 1rho~h_cr 111nple, ecr,fuloua, or ooulllqioua, whl'll phyarcr~ n• un. l all lwo w11 r l'metliea f~ttl. ~uld ~:verywhere . l' ricos. t:U'nCUIIA. 7~c; SOAP,

:J:,c. : lt ESuLn:~T. Sl r;u. Pr<~IJIHUJ hy t hu P OT· n :ll Otwo A:SD C rt t: liiOAL CourOtrATION, l:iotton. ~.::11:11d f,.H · I l o w to Curo !:ik •u Diaeaeea' 64

pn~ .. ~~- 50 il lu~rrnt ionR no1d 100 lt! ~t i runnift),, •

RABY'S !:i~r" nrHI :Sc . .IIJ pr~:survo:<l nuJ I.Jnuti· tied l.:y C l:TICU I: .\ !:iu AI'. Absolutely

pn rl.l. .

&P~! ~~'''~'~'~'"'~~~.~riNb~~~ ~ uew. c leJ.!nut , and iufcs!l ible Antidote t o l't~rn. l nfl~trutuntiou . ar" l W eukueu. th-4t Cuti­~uro. A o · i-Po.i n Plaster . Tbo fint a .. d only ru ttlltl tl\nco ua pruu- ki l lin~ plnstcr .

Queen Insurance Company: CAP ITAL-£2,000: 000 Sterling




LON!)~)N. '

TWE~TY-1-il:O.lu ANNUAL REPORT, £he Reports nntl .<\cconnta to" the year

1886, preRented to the ~uut·eLolden llt the A nnunl :\!eAting, 90 Tbur11day 6Lh Mlly 1687, showed in thu '

FIRE BRANCH, Tl111t the Premiums for 1SR6, after JedllO•

Ling Ha-immmttCOII, unrountt!u t!.l £601,6,9. nnd thA Loslie& to £:l~3,4!>4; Ol' lSS. 70 per cent.

IN THE LIFE BRANCH. 'l'hut .Now Polioie11 Lnd been iuued for

£268,090, yielding in premi11111 .£9,91l5. and t hat the totul nett. prtiuiu111 income wa11 £82 r 374. Tl•nt the I" 'YIOilfltll t.o pohoy holde:S were £ 43,741, nnd tlrut tho Life tund' Wd inorens&d by .£40,QD3.

The Balance ttt ~PJit o t Pro6t and Lou after nddin~ .£23,000 to the Fire l<'und, w~ shown to runount to .£13~,196 lOa 4a . and w11s di11poaed of n11 follows :-


.e27,00ts CS 0 P'or Dividend and Bonua 16,701 17 0 Added to Reserve J'und t.Dd 90,489 8 4 Oa!i_ed forward.


Tw._; .FUNDS \'f e~e shown tbet·enftel· to stand u Collowa :-Cnp•~'ll Paid up .. : ...... ..... ; ... tl8,Q,OS9 HttserV(!I •• • ••• • •• :.J• • •• ... ••• ••• .... 4-40,.Sb Life ~coam ulntion .r·uod ... ... .. • . • 66'1 016 !'_n~~lty l•'nnd ... ... ... .. ... .... ,. 2:4:20» lOlAL FUNl>S lN liAND ..... : .. ;~1.~~6.06»


Genp-al Jigeotfor 1Vfol 8ua-Ao&n.

A· T. DRYSDALE. , ~arbe'r1Graot





................... ~TANDA.RD, JUNE ,1, 189 •

"' '~-.~~ cli.aoharge ; bat u Lilia ou~r.n wonld'"bP. •erx coeflly,-(,.• it wonld h~.-e mostly to\, ~n­'atrncted t.Lrooglt e<olid rock, and ptnt in top : n~l)-it ia II;'ISfll~ ~t 1a teruporary OJ\Lo- · fllll 11houlu be -dieobuged at t.be !lftil way wbarr, which, it it ntiD'Ialed, wiil not cause Any nuiaanca, and ruay liel·ve for &%\nny yeara t.o come Another temporary out-fall at Teuiel"A Co\ e will be necelllftry,l&8 from Qu.•~m f::hreet the grade liea too low to be drained by the intercepting aewf'r in \V llter f:itreet, Enat. lc. 1t provided that thU. fllttet: outfall may be diapenaed wltb, when required, by auhtltitnt­ing a pnruping-engine or other lifting app•ra­tua to raiae the aewage t.o the level ot the aewer at Qlleen. Btreeb flowing enat. The re· port then dl~ldea the eLreeta into areas, de· acriblng the oonneotiona and devoription of pipe• •..o be uaed, ao av to aeonro a perreot drainage of the aew•ge of the city, "nu t.o diacb.ngo at the Railway wlutrf

paaied bJ. a ,. .. bbri electrioal n••r""'"'­enl hO'n,et .,re.l&tlllltk b7 u .. J~t .. ·in.r bottle factorr u.S a atabtll oo.,a aud two bol'ltl " 'ere laatetl lbree bonra aorl inches. l>Mpalohl!l feom! weetern Panoaylt.1nla, eutaru


8AllJ~DrtJ.UNJof· l. ;88;:--''''' •

. STILL THERE t Ta pNnlllng epldemio, diphLheria, doea

- •• nant tc? Jearn. yet abow muob ai~ of aba&eO'Ienl at St. John'•; many penou ,. onntlnat to be aeiud with it i and there S...poh mortality am'ong partioullulr tht

. . JOGthCut part or Lbe J)()pulation. Bixtr-nine MW oMel were reported for las~ weelc, and, woge .-.an all. nine ueatha ; there a&re lH

. llliJ uder treatmeut-makioi a total of 120 patiaaca.

RDergeLlo mcaauree are being t.alten to cur­taU the r&VIJM of tte fell deatroyer. On WfC!Dttday all the acboola of the Oit.y wet-e otoeed, in aooordance with the l'egul~&t.ions of \he Bo.rd of Health. A Bill, too, for gran!.· lng additional powera to Rtamp out the infeo· &ion. wu le&tely before the Assembly; 110 that Do\hing will be tert uodone to rid St: J ohn'a of ~e preaenoe tmd eft'ec:a of the " noisome pearilenoe." It ia (aa our contempol'ary the JI~NN.ry llptly remRrka) • uaeleu wasting time and ftft'or' in bewniliol mial.akea ·ill the past which were inevitable under new IUld llnex pectfod circumat&ncea, or in culing blamt~ on lndividuala. The pRat cannot be hJoaalled, 11nd \he oonaeguenoea of actiona follo\v inevitttbly. The great maLter now it to uae wise, unit:sd and peralat.ent effort. to root out the diaen11e1

and at once make ap our minda to u poaaihly prolonged oombat. From atreet to atreee amu

• from bon-e t.o honae we ahnll ha'"e to ptwme · the foe, and uao evttry means that 11cieuce Ctut

auqeet, and aldll and cure carry into effect. All pri,·au. and peraoual intt>r&atll mus t Le 11et uide ; all wretched purtizan fttn ling11 11n<l apite. ulllllt be atifted in l hu p reattucu of t it he great t&ntl prt~llliatg Ullnger. Tht> t~utlt o ritieK who ~&re now ttrmeJ with full power11 to 11ct ntnat Le lllllltuiu_,J unJ eeconJcJ in thei r ef· furta. \Ve mu11t La 11t rnce hopeful unu ooon~gcou11, nn•l iuatetlu of giv ing way to LUnd, unre"aoninl-', oowu·d ly punic, fllit.blully Ultl llttt rigle t ILellllll for" ue fi I'CI'rtnae, nnd W O

ru~ty ft:el aunt ed tltut P ro \·iJence will bdp Llu>l'e wlao help themaeh·e~~.'

A correspondent hu eent in for in11crtion iu the STA!\DARD the fvllowin1: cxtruot. T hP Jolllo) iMhing of l oiOir til t his cr it ical limo is parti~ulttrly opportune. It i11 to he hoped tbt&t IL m .. y Lti found 011 lnf.dl i\ ,lo n re DeJy, RO

amccu.ful ll mode of treutmont for t ho dolnger­otu• di~~ete se, u i, clniwed. Tbo l:lX Corpt beara Ll•e lu~ud iug-


A Solution ot Powdered Sulphur Said to be an Int'allible B.emedy.

A priut who hM ha.J sad opportuoitiu of wit· neAeillll the raYRcell of daphtherin rt.>q ueete ua to publiah aud uhe "' much prominence u poa ­"ble to the raot that lhe drud olaeaae can be cared. lle oooloaed a olippiu~r from s ViotoriR peper, In wbioh & oorroepood11ot .. Y• :

Sboald ,~0 or any or jOIIr family be a~taolt ed •ith dipiHher[a, do ool be alarmed, u it I• euily aud optedlly oared witboot a doctor. When it wu raainiJ In .En~rlaad a few yeara a~:o, 1 acoom. .,-nled Or. Flelde on ble rouode. to wltneu the 10-~lled •· wonderful onree" be performed, while lbe pat\eote or other• were dropplnsr on Rll 1ldea.

Tb• remedy to lie eo ravid moat bo eimple. All b1 took wiiiJ llim we~ powder or aulpuur aod • quill, and with tht~•e be oared every patient tritboot e1ceptioa. He put a tAbleapoooful of Ooar of brtmetona Into a wlntt~l1111 of water and ... ,ed ,, with bie HojJor, lnatead or II epooo, &I

tb. ealphor does not readily 11malgamate with water, Wbau the aurphur waa well mixed he pn I& aa a aarale, and Ia ten mio•tee tbe patient wru oo& of dao11er. Uriwatou It lila ever,. epeole1 of faoaoe In man, beut and pinna In " few min· Qt.ee, Inetcad of apittlna on& tbo gerale, be re­oomm•ada the tWAilowloa of h .

'' lo th• ntreme oaet• lo whloh he had boeo oalled j~ io the aloft of time, 41beo the fUOJrlll ta &oo arl1 oloeloa to allow the lllfllllnlf, he blew the I bar tiJronah n qalll Into tho throat, ud whea t faaan• bad aunk •to allow of It, tllen the garal i· He hu oner lo•t a patient fhroaah dlpbt eriL If 1\ patieot CADIIOt liArilt, ftlre a lin oo• • pot It ~a ebonl, and eprlokle • apooofol or t of r brlmetone at a time upoa h, le& t e aaffer , lobale h, holdiua th• b.S ..abou._H aadMfnaana will die. If plea· dfaiiJ Ollcl;t~bolo room l'llftY be tilled almoat &o 1oirooadoa, the patlont oao walk about, to . h&lfDJ Ute famu, wltb door and wlndowa ebat. Tble ·tnodo of famljlaUn~r • room with aulpbar baa often cared moe& Ylolea& attaoke of oold Ia ... •-s. ob-. ero, d aay tJme, and 111 reoom. IDelldtclla OUH of ooaaamptloa -.ad aatbroa,"

An Important Document·.

It is importAnt t.o remark that Mr. Harvey holds the opinion tbllt no pipe ·eewat· in a street ~bould be of leaa diameter than ei~bt inches I We are apt to think that four inches would euffice ; hut it may be relicti upon tbat Mr. Har.,ey il4 right, Mr. Har.,.ey quotes extonaivoly from qualiHed auth.oritics, in Rur· port of e fficiency t'llthet• thon oheapnel>S. He urges thAt n:>ne hut the ben ml\terinl should be usetl, une..l Rr:znea wiHely thut, Ul\ tnL\ltll'iRI will havb to be imported, the ft·eigh~ woul<l Le the 81\mf' on infel'ior aa on the beat,

An approximate oeLimato of tho ct'at of tte propoaed ayatem ia all thAt coul•l bc g iven, AS thet'O m11y he unfOreseen uiftloultictt croppin:t up in ~bo pro<.-e11 of working. Mr. fl•u\·cy gives partlonJare of OOit of UXCI\ \'1\t.ins;, of lny · ing pip~ ot ht•iolc-•ewera, m:•n·h()leR, ll uwh, tRnka, e tc., for 11110h work in o81·t~&in A m~ri CI\n cities, whiolt ahou le..IIIPf\'e fUI n guid~ to tho St . • Jolnt'K lfunicipo1l Council.

We have hut room to t.ouch vetv h :iefi v on thi11 excellent •·cpMt, which •·ctlects t hn h·i ~h­~>st c red it on t he City F.n;!inuer. W e jidg.­fr,..,tu ir.. rern~rol thut the Munioi p·d Co,tncil lu1ve heen fort11 na1t.e in Hecnrinl! t he servif eR, '"~ Eu:;inoer, of 11 perlllln A O well l t·11 incd and t horoughly C.Jn1petent eu1 M r. Hut' \'Pf .

ThAt tltore is imperAth•o noee..l f<> r n com !'IotA anel iulpro\'ed ay,tem nf 118 \\' t>rng" fu•· St J ohn'w, auoh aa it outlinAJahc ""• i1 now more than ever llelore nhundantly eviJ ent. The prevailin'l epidemic ' which hiUI h~.m fur aorua time p811t pre~~ent ~tt the city fllrlltllhe~ nll the proof required, and dnnt OII!Il l'lltA.~. hE.' y ond 1\ e..loubt, thllt long yent"M n:.:•> t.h A nfoe·e­s~tid indispen1tr1hltt work ahoultl h"vo heen undertaken, and carried to coo1 pletion . Rnd that. been dont>, WA are peraundl'1d tlae fll t.n li ty l:ltPiy obtaining among the lie(!eg of t hu ftl e tropoli11 would have been lllt'goly avo1ted ; indeed, it is "question if e\·er tho ml\lig nant diaease wonlu have talcen 1\ foothold nt. nil. Dnt beuer late than never I The s~. J olt~t't~ Municipal Counoll are deserving of much com m11ndation for their prBilloworth y en It> a vor to tt!Toru lue Capital Oity th fl 11ign:d utl vuu . tnge of t\ complete, effeoti ve II,Yit.ont of ae wm·· 11gP The great and marked t eneti t of this will aoon be evident; it is IIIIMUI'odly A work the full voluo ot whillh t.o the public health cannot posaibly be over e&tim.t ted.

:&'D.OK Ald. Q'C'AlrrJDBS.

WhAt t.'tt Ka.U l'&»'ra S&y. Bv the forelan mail wbioh wu received here

by Thuraday'a train, we "er& plaoed i11 pone•· aton of our UID&I bndl(et of Amerlo11n, C11uadion, 11nd Proviocisl p1per11. We lflell.n therefrom s few lteELI of lotere1t for the reAder.

Firet u nsrarrt1 th11t fruitful lllthjer.t of oom­men~tllo wenther. On the 11 til, 12th, 11nd ann 111 lAte 1\1 tile 16th MAy, anow had vieited aeveral portlot~a of the Uolted ~holea. In the northern part. ef Cllllforola oo the II ret- namet.l date there wu quite a f~ll of tho wintry prot.! not. And then Mioneeota, DakotL \VI1ouneio and llllchigan on t he 14tb 11od 16th were ciao ruorl'd wltb the •• white robee "-from three to 1ix

' loobu or snow lying on the grounrl. Tbie wa' beli11ved to be or Mrent '(lllae to the crop•

The other aide : t:hlo1~0 from the 4.• h to tho 11 th May ezperleooed the aeveu d 11ya or hnttnt we(lther 6\'er kno•n lt. tbllt city M that aeMOu of the year. On the 1 J th 11 furiou11 etorm a wept Over the b11ked olty aod broke tbe drou~rbt 'l'hu ltorm while at ill bel~rbt r•¥ed wltb tho rury of a tornado. h oame olf the praule, whit , a tre. moodoaa roar. aod 1en' true. obimoeve11nd a! ~rue tlyidaln every direction. Ia Uarlleld pllfk Ofer 100 tre11 were uprooted. l>aatlln~o: Jl 11 htoin~r and terr18o ol1p1 of thaoder oreatod oouahtrll&· lion to tbe etroete. Uabe and oarrl111:el were do. mollabed lo rooa••1• •od the pollee bncJ their baode foll•topp•oa bor~e• wblob were plu n~-in~ lA ever1 dlrtfotloo. Mtu1 bulldinge were eol cJo Ore br tho llghtolur. wbloh aoeroe•l to 1111 tile atreete, and Ule eleotrloal d11pl•y wu tiaulio~r. ltepor11 from the ooau"r wera t~ tbe elfeo~ thu

- ·.t ~ d d ,A RdD •• St. Johnl bDI bt~G- 10 ar:!otb~:~~~:a-:ob ~:~li10u~0:!1t~~n~~ the lltb' a

''K\Daflttal ... to Mnu Ul • C01J1 of the .Report oyolooe aame do•n tbe Wllll bauk 'Or the ' Dill• on I & Propoeed s,atem of Sewerage, for the moloea river. Keepior ., • hh:h llltllu~ 'UDtll Oit7 ot 8" J'ohn'•· Thw dOoament we hav' Court a•eoae wu rhohed, It etraek the wbule· J'¥4 with more ~an ordiJlil"7 iotereet, . aale tto~e of Warfteld 4 Howell. The whul tore

_ _,_. ~ ••~ badt1 frlpteaed · •

report ~:re.t.d&taaae frr.m lhe lou of life were aleo ,Nl!•tvedf woro ~wept away bf tLu Llleyli•e bavina beea A wotber aod ber au•~•u• from the aUirtn Ia tbe llg'btaloa atrllok the bonae tbro~ ohlldreo were kllled. her child, a mooth old, waa foGO~ oolojared- Ia 'he atm• of Ita dead moLller. · • ' .. . , -Oo tho 20th Ma1 a thick fog bad apread a\·or New York ba1. 1t we• eo denae 111 to 'prevcn~ tbe imeneoae fteet of ocean ateamera wbioh wore coDlpelled to • up to t ho chy. Artor eared awoy, and nn\'i~tl of the tlo· layed 1 tbo largest nnamn,,u - · Tboee Carmer& pule. tue oaterpillara.h• ve viait ­ed loui11n• and Malee. Oo tho 20tb t ho 11t riped 110d pocket I(Ophere Wnt had nbonuded throu11h· ou~ tho wMt , tlaruf\tene.J to become n Co rr uicl ­ablo pen to fnranera iu l own, nod it became. ue· ceuary to corumeuee " " ar of cxtermioatiou to preveut ft rapid euoroRolllncnt 011 the crora A a will be aeon by yeaterdAy'a public tolel( raao n plague of caterpillua In Maioe eto~ped tho rail· way tralue-10 r.hicla: were they on the tr11olr. A newapnper deapntoh tel!• 111 that ou tho 22od :\hy n remnrk•blo inosdoot h11ppel'ed to the C11 u· Roliuo Pacific lul!wAy, uu:- Milo, noar the Btlllll )iue-being 110 lcaa tll&U tue biOC" in$l o f the hue on th"t II.Oct ion b7R ~ig11otlo nrmy of 1m:1!1 ur"y caterpillare. Thof flret mnde thei r oppeunuco oo SnturdAy ohzht, Bad were met by a t11uo keer,er who wu hnrrylo~: home on leia " ~t i~~:er," aa t io u rntlwsy bicycl t 11 naoted. The ioeucta were pour- I iu;{ 1\Cro.a • he line hentl uu &1'111 \h io " pur feet atrnnm, 1\ tn ile wide and 1\n inch deep. T lory w~re A 11qtti rrui u~: loidooua man nnd emi ttccl R

\'ery OfT<!II&iVIl odor. IJ o tried tO vuaia !: is WI\)'

throa~th thew, bot lluiu~t crusher\ they tul\dc thu rl\ilaao s lippery that hid wheola elipiJOd uud tho mnohine r ~tfmte•l to ul;)vo. lie h"d to pu•h it over hair" antle by hA•ul. T he fofl o ,. iu:;.cooru iog tho .lown freight, bounJ for U.mgo~ . met thu ri\·cr or aulleC t8. l'hoy wert! 111ill m:~rclt iu:.: 11crou the trl\ck in at ill lar~er numbere, ltoi u:.: OYOr t\VO ooilol wiJu 1\lld fro rn t\\'0 t o fuotr iuoloua tldok. The ooginu aoJ wl evttn car3 o••uo to n au.ld.:~u etaodeiill. aod it tooL: ten ho•tra to llC t Lloo tmin norou the apace oocnpied lly the r:r. y t~rn e l( rnoea . Sectioo men uudtlrtook to awucp thelll off wi.th alder baebea, \)ut the alit:hte1t touob or tbe tWil(l WOIIId oruah tlol'm •ncl lubri . cato 1 h11 rRila, and the mllld furn·od like uoul( ll upon tbe drivioa whe1.1l1 Conrae anuel wA1 llllc10f. but it did not a vat\ muotqa••cl ::>uperiu 'Jo:ut V"n. zil 1nl wired, •nd hu ordered out un.,thti: l•11::> . tnotiYo froeo Seboi1. O u bor :trrivnl luu•o b~~-t" l • 11 eeriea oC cl.Jar~tee slonll tbe aootiou, "''lrich on.•• had been lib~tra l ly apnnkle~ with aaud, tmt the ftoimAI lifo was eo tluok tlll\l tho vnriC>u! allempt~> \\"eru uoauoceaa£ul, And H Wl\1 uot u .. til lut11 nt roi tch t aud tbll 1,0 h11d g<.~uo dowo Llt:H tho cr<lup . iog thinl(l deeiatod io thei r rn~~ reh. \\' ith t!l~su tburd ba:.l OOlDtl clout.l:t of moJq11itoei. 11 11d tho:y \·cry m(lttSritllly 11iJ"'d tue other ioaeo:e by !Jitch. ing molt vigoroualy Into the men, ,..,eauinJ;I y rlrawtuJ.C Lloud from 1\ll nAtionl\li ttcB ali ke, unol thd ai)(b' of 11 awo11tinsc. ••vearinll rAil way 11\borcr franti0311y braodi•hio~:~ alder bou)lha oVtJr Iris he11d whh ooe hand, whi l11 with lho uther be eor~opec.l Olltc rpilh&rl, Will lau:;ba blo in thu ox· treeoo N1'1tl.tiog lilte It wae evor known htru· about• bofore.

At Londoo, on the neoiog of the 28rd whUe the Grand Old Mao-Giatletooe-wu orouiou P ioadlllt Juootloo, be wu kuooi.;od dowo b.J a cab turn log luto the atroe'- He wu immediately r11aleted to h11 foot liy epeotaton. Fi odiu~t lolm­eolf unhurt he raa •fter the 0:1b, wh ich he •to;>­ped Atul detained oatil tbe driver "'"' talccu in rn cu,toaly by the police. He 11tteoded the Houao of Comruona tbe follo •iol( olabt, apparently W11ll.

Tho I h i Hast CT.rouicle retnt\fkll : l111t foil Lion. ten•pt Pik!t of_tb,.e ~ritieb army and a !JIIrty ot Norlft'¥ nn eealeu located ~homael vea on tll u loouly. Jc•ul"te and uninhabited hll\od of Spirt: . btr)COtl with t ile In tention of epouding t he 11: iu t11 r iu t!r ll Ar~IIO rcaioo, the lieu tOUI\Ill to Cllko o l.l ­ICtY.,tluhil nuJ ~he aealera to try tboir luck at thoir c.Lllirr tC ~oth ioa baa been board frorn lbe:n eir:eo, though i ~ ia Almolt tiwe that the1 were Ltc11rd fl''" " · T ho reanl t of their wiuter"a ex. ~llril'IICd ill to1i1 rtwfcn it J-:oked for" llfU tO IJ ith con oiJ,u·nul~ ln terl!&t by tuOid who t11ku •~oo~ In Ar'll ic exploration• a ud dillt:O\'Orlea. Ouring t hu hut wo11ther It ia 11 uood tlwe to r11:1u i-.boat tht! rroz.tu region• of t lru t!a:tu whore untll rt io1 lock c•l il• Olll! tlterual embrrtou uf Ice. It i' tci \)o hop~tll .tha& Lh1uteoaut P ike will eoou aeud a loui bi• report. •

Again: h 1..11 ooly a re- yuruino3 cotton eeed wu buret, u a . tb~ng hulog uo t nlue. It wae tl!IIOI) YeNd thot au oil could be e:r.trnotod Iron,

. h YRI nalllo for lnllrloatlo~t parpoeee I a :.ddilion to tbi• it waa dl•ooured tbd tbe oil could b~t uae'tl profttabl71r. the Aduharatloo of llrd1 'auel to auoh an et..,ot f• i t u"d for tllia p urpoee, Lloat uo• I' \• itnp011lblo to h•l1 n pur• ar\iolet of lard eioept ll.l Jb• led. w. rear that thll lort of iltlll~tlr uolol to be practlaod 00 • lar~ter 10318 lu t'to future, aa we rea-:1 witla alarm Lila~ t he re Ia area~ aothh7 ID ~ulhlial( oqf&oo aeei oil mUle tbrou)lhout the Sou(h•ru that .... and · a do:11:1o milia, 10 o.liL 81.000.000 or •nore, bAVII been or· ¥1'olud iu P,.bllad•lpLia, to be bull,t to th11 ionth, •

) I • I~ 11 _vauJ fn ooatiT undertaldniJt of tbi• otf tbe roor and oscried •• &bree or to:~r blooka. .. ..__:...,._ to -•e oaatioaal~,· and DOt ruth Stytra) other I'OO(e were looteald. Tbe p6ople

bM&ilt apcm & iJttlm wit on• oertft.1 ina .Io Illiuole oa .the ume da1 a heu1 etor~o •qatrr. The MaoJalpal OOanell U:eretcde awtp,' UtroDJb tbo ooantfJ doln)l C\meh.htrabl• ..... ia amapn1 th&' Mr. Obul,. J'. dama,f. A I"'MJ of tobool obllrtr'n wbo had

A oew ooloa~on eohe~t ll . uuder •aJ: A aortbe'u iyaclio&k baa pnrobued 80,000 IIJSfH (>f laud lo .Norfolk Cotuur, '(&., aod. CarritllCit .. d Camclen Couauea. Nor&L Carollua. E tereo tboa~~ud IONI of lead trill be dlrided oft Into ,.,.. or art, acra ellob. 'l'hia laud •• all aliaret.l, ahould · prooeed tci .,.,. piOD\okiar • ..,. . At.cto ... " aila.cbt lo ta

OOIIIGI~ u4 ICNDa el &beCD ..,. l»lo•• a batldred f_.a, Am. '"'' .. ,. eedoail, ·IIDn. . ·rn. pd ,, ...

a.taou.-..~.-t~·IIIIWIId·•riM --~-,~4~~tl=~.· ... •• .... .,...lltoQM ucl )luDe

;~~!~ ~tt:Jj=·

&Del t. u (erdte ••1 Ia o ~otdl C.rollraa.. d .. ~ or 1o · lie• .tcwk

. ioca.t. &.~c1 other ttems. oot. Wbat of tbat? Nol Boa·

but tbe ooQ)blnecl tritim;lh of. iu the goverameat of• el&ber a

a coma.ltceo of meo. Neither or would t.o)erate the ~oteromiD& or

i'raooe fa approDohing oa. of the oriaea that oec:ur at iotoc:val•. ba~ the

nooar mu\er woo'L bo Boalanger. ·rho Com· mnolat may Lriumph for a time, thou follow • Cte.IIU', but. he will oot be Boulaoaer. Tbo C!oiJlt• d o! Parla Ia tbe IDIW, eveo If be baa to wah for twrnty 7eM1. Aa to a Frauco-Gei'Ufao war, Fraac~ will oot take the loitiatln. Her mil· llooa of tbouannde koo~~r too well •bat "'" •neana. Tbe rut dao~eer Ilea lo the uciLAbie, lrrhabJ.t ohar11otor of· tbo German Emperor, whose vlolene oaturo at aar momeot mar ebake Ea ropo by a bnr11t of war, France la far atronaer and bolter prepared tban 11 auppoaed. JJer atrenKlh Ia partlo'hlarly greaL In artillery. O.r · Lalnly no nation In Eo rope can command floaooiAl

iir ~ ol o~ aa'bsori~~';h';~i;h to bave ~ ft.&.JID.&.&D mall.cl toJth6m tH Labrador 4un,a,rtJwOOIDlng aummer will but require to MAd us their umu and Labra . dor ad,dreaa lllew ~rlb•e can hnve the paper eeo.t to ibem ou the coast !or the allDUJler montb.a. · 1

rca131lrcea eq cal to bore. '


L'ro T H£ 1W1TOn OF TOB STANDAIU> J Dt:At: Srn.-. W c wish ~o emphatically contradict a aLate~

mont mudo nt tho meet ing of t.he Boord of Ht'ulth, leeld hPt'tl on Th•n·srilly lllat, to Lhe ~:!Teet. thnt "L!a · .: .rri e~ge, (uaeJ byl ua), \Vhiob con v.-yecl t o L • .:. ·utHtory the deaJ body of u

child who d iet! from d tpht.heria, on it11 retom t het·el ro ru took up Mr. Ooar'a ohildrcn f~r a drl\·u.'' This ir nllt correct.

l'J. PARSONS , C1ulertak~.

J OHN DAVIS, Cabman. H nrbor Gmce, J11ne 1, 1 8~9.


Girl'e Friendly Society, Port-de-Grave.

The Annunl MoetiDil and Dletributioo of Prizes of the Port-de·Grll't'o Hranoh ot the Girl'• ~'rieod ­ly Socioty w11e I! old In tttht 'aettleme9t on Tae•· dl\y, tho :28eh ult. T llero w111 no euly aervice nnd celobratiou of Lhe Holy Commuoioo tn St. Lu" t~'a Church, wbuo a aoodly numb~r uf tbo oonfll'e~n tion wue prucut. Art.e r tbo ~ iceoo Crtlt~U, tha venllrsble Rural Dean 11•u·e ItO ad ­drcu til tho Society from tho ~~o•orde. " mootberll ono of Auotloor." lie enforced hie rem"rk• hy 11101,.. i ul! l~<lt wl11l1t thuy Were 1118UIOOrR u! t l1 e (.;hu·ela (If (.;hriat, by tboir auoct11tioo they w~:re

loou11u 11111 cl o11c r for mutulll aid And irnorovo .' encnt. li e thou ealebrnted lloly C.>mmumou, ftu i. :eal uy his ourate, Uev. L1urouce A111or, who !111 , tllktHa the deepest iotercet io the w~tlrll r" 11 nrl pro1. r ut~ or 1 tala youoll Society T he offertory WI\~ ol.,votuJ t v tr·e Siclt F und or the nr~taniutiou ,

l u thot 6\'uadug qui te a baodaorco repas t Wl\11

prt!parutl fur t ire memllora nud a lew io\'ited fril!ools iu tile ni!O~ little eohool. room at Sbip·e l lu•ul llesi •h ·l tho clergy of tho miuloo, tho Hl' v . • 1. ) 1. ~oel . ol Ha~or G rRoe, •nd Hev. W . \\' c;\Vl•r, ut ti.t lmou Cove, aoel hie wiru were in­\ it col to btl prcaont.

Alter tea. t he ltnu l Dean elated that it jlll\'C

him cr1111t eolen~u ru to meet the members ooco 1110re nl 1 hei r amuuRI 1(1\theriog, 111 t ble was pro­lllbly the lll9t occuton oo \f hioh he woul d pre­aaJ ... hict l{r;-nt ~~~~~ And failing strength bavio;c led him . to clch:i.ltl n:•nn rctiri u:.; from ACtive miuii · teraal worlt . II <~ rem.u kod upon tho uonuimity whoch hMd ch~r:.Nt!riZt!li t hof OOIIdUct Of t lott m~mhcr11 . t~n ol I""Oo·e•l .. d t u 1hatribu1e tbo ptltet.

Fur 1 ~1•t nu ~ wua·• lo t toct written en minatiou lo ll oly Sorivturu, t!te llrat prize !1111 to' SuranOR Mor~:au T id" Wilt n bc>ll lltiful little ~rhinu ­CII•n pro~en tecl l.y ~Iiiii W eat of :it. J oho 'a. 'l'be praz~ for ui.:a uua eumloation in the same wl\l a hArrrl •ouau 11110hl'l, ~t i \'l'n by the Uev. L . Amor, '~luoh waa 1\w.ml ~ fl to M11ry E. Andrew• The ap.-ca""'"' of u~e. l leworlc bsd been forwarded to St . • Juh 11' .. fur Inspection. Many of the oompetf. tora lallcJ obt,.foed nearly equal tnarka, and thei r \irn'rl; \UII hi~thly apokeo of by thcee who had o~ •na iucd it . Alii\ p leaeiotf feot the pri.zee for tl.t ia brRncb or wc.rk in tho capital bAd been awnrded to Po• t-de-Grll\'o ~Lirle. Three prizee W11re a iven . T he tiut "•• woo bt Ann Dawe. 'I'h le w111 a handsomely Douod vo lume of the Oirl'a Own Aooual prassntod by Mra. L lewell,o Jonu . 1'11e aeoond wu obtaiuod L7 U ol t) G. Ribbard1 and wu 1\ prutty ln ltetand l(lfeo by Miu Aunie Onr· vey. the Soolor Auool.uo. l'be thi rd pri1e "'41 a ail ver thillllllc, the Rift of Mu. Ambra.e lley · jlll ttl , nnd "'" ~ wou by Lnviuia ~lorg11u. T ho next ""nr.la ~ cru for rei(UIIH nttuot.l11uoe. T hroe ~:irl • ha•l not mistod oue meta tlofl frorn Deo. 4th 'o tho end of April ~ch received on elegsot llulo plueb P""'"· a ivon by Mr11 Floreuo~t llar­voy K IIU 2.\ire. \V, H Warren. T ile reolpiun re were 'l'ryplll'Ua AndreiVII, Aun Uawe. 11nd Annie Oa .. ·o. ,\ls ry J "ae Booue had attonderl boat (rom Bl\renceo, nnu obtnioed a j)Urao from Mlu llolueo. nnotller oC ·the AllooiAIH. ·' l7roa~ eo· hurina•o "'"' i.!le iVtl u each came forword tore·

-----We belittfO tbal on Mooda7 nut the tarly

oloelnflteafOD of tbe bnahl ... 11om "ill bcj!io­~e rcub ooueqneal oo tJle oulfh for tb£ Oeberr belns o•er.- . • -- .

--Coooolllor Oaraell. of St. Joh1a, wu Ia town on 'fbor~a7 Jaat. Be retarnud oo Friday If Mr. Caroellll to be' taken u e reyrt seotatlfa member of tbe Coaaoil, tbe bo~ o•uet bo a 11 •olld 11 ODe •

- Tbere will be no IOfYice to -QJorro w Ia tho Proabyteri.u~ Church here-owlog to the ab1enee at the General Auembl7, of the regular rnioiater' Rev: W . J. TbJmpaoo, and no aopply beio& nailable.

-Tut W n J::CJCED " Bono:~~ A. "-A small part or t he O&rjlO waa aned oo u l r4rte in n dama~ed atate. Tbo c!lriJO wu formed of 180 tooe of co31, 80 toni d aalt, to~te tller witir ~ MDIIII lot or goode ; ruoat of tbeao were su ed. 'fbe \rrtck waa i'old io the Commercial l{oom, St. J oho'a for 22 dollara. '

-Ooe of tho !.hat of the Bey Roberts Lobr&. cJor fi11et-tho brl~aotioe M atilda, Capt. ~lereer - left oo T horadny moroln~ lett, for Loog Tk k:t and [ ron Houod leland, where be in Ieoda to II&· tion hie cre\\1 lo proeeculc the fieuery dalraaz tltie aeuoo. Capt ~l ercer nod bia peopiu Lau our beet wiabea for a good voyage.

-DAILY 'I'RAI S pnn PLACENTIA-Oo and ~Cur Muodn1 next , Plncentio ie to ha\·e a dnaly ,,~ 10 each wsy. T ho tr11io "'·i ll leave I'Jaceoti11 ou the moroiog of each week dl\y 11t 11 a.m., and \\ bu. bourne ( formerly Harbor Groce J uoction) at:! p.m. A epeciRI trllin ftliC> ie to leu c Placeuai1

at 8 p m., on l:iatoruay , and 4 a.m., ou Mouday, coooeotiog witb thb ,daily traiu at Wbi tbouroe. -.....--

- T bero \\'ere O\'cl r tbirty etowo·• •.r• oc 1be atesmer Beta, wlricb 1\rri\·ed [rom ~t. Jobo't Nfld , yeeLerd11y. Wheo tho abip renchc,l ue; wberf they all j11mpod ne!lo re aod maJd otT. A bon~ 11 o'olod.. lut niglo t ono of tbem tu roed up at tho pol ice ~lllltoo for IO<ll( io~:e . He u iJ be WAB going to DridfCOWI\tOr to work on 1:.e rail .,.ay. - llalifar papu, .Uo!J 22. __ ...__

-The ~ew£ound l iUJd nnvvie•. wbo Mri, ed by the B eta ye11erday, to work oo tue ~. o Central railway. were for warded to thei r deationuoo io the aohoouer l 'antty yeste rday afte rnoon. the sohoooer heine towed hy tho Ulj; .1 . C. ll'l.at-t1. -1/a/ifar JIGJ>U, May 22.

- - l'ho aumn1cr arran~en:cn t of tbo tirut·I!\Oit o' the ~ owfouurlland Rail ll'&yootuuteocu oo ~loo· day nPxf. Tue trAin leavea bore at 1 2.1 ~ , .m, and St. J oh u'" 11t 10 a.m., on that d~y. I::xcar· sioo r111ea oro giVen on T bnn day. good for a.trnt aocl t wo rollowin~: dnys. Tbe firat IIJecial • ill arrive bcro on S:1turdny night oext. ~l11.i lt clou At Po1H O JDce here a t ooou.

-l:iomo in telli~cnce hns been Intel} receindl of tbu 'ltato of tho L.'lbrador ooaet. l he steamer lnyraham arrb·ed at Til t Core oo T bursdl!ly rrom !'-.fJ"lll!d h laoda 11nd repor tl! q uautitie• or ice ou tho co111t frum Grey lalands uowo . Sb~ ,,, orul mcotloil tho / ctlaud bound to Grady, au two eohoooen croulolli:Hroita Ia lot and aootber 11 Quirpoo. Capt Crou , however, ia or op!oiou t h~t tbie wiod will pat ice off aod allow·"Tet• aela to ge t aloog.

- E. Crulee, tho mate of the II Mille:- Ho·ID~~:, ~~o·tlob arrivud yesterday from Xewrountllnud aod Captt Urctoo porta, loa& leis left eye ou 'funeday Iali t while •t Uay St. Georj!O. He was ooglljltd nailing n piece of bo11rd oo to tbe ~o{:"'Y aod one or the oaiJa DOt goiOf,' In U lt 1bould, ile bit au extra blow wltb the loammer, when the oail lJrok11 aud a pleoe eew up nod Imbedded lteell ic · hia left l.'fe ball, the •l~tb t of tbe eye ranolnl! oat almoer io:medi11tel1.-Ha/ifcu popu', May 20.

-VRSS!L JN Dmnw.-PhUadtlpAio, ,l/oy ~t -'l'be Hrl: leh atearuer St. Fillan1, from Rio Marion, rcporte that ou 2Srd iU\C., a' 7 a.m~ when two miles E S.E of Dol~ware Cape. ehA ai~o: hted ao uukuowu oeep two-muted echoooer Hying aignale or diatreu . Tho ateaener rllu du«D 10 her, but e-wing to the auoog brone blowioJ aml tho shallow water abe wae opabla to ~~~ oloae ef!ouab to reoder aoy anlat.aoce. Tb• crow '1\"er~t 11t tbe purnpe. T ho aahoooer eppeared to be leakiog badly.

-HER Cuoo Olf FmE-Liwrpool, May :!3-'fho eteamer E milano from ~ew Orleans, oerore reported with bar cargo of oottou oo fire. weol into dock yaalerday . . It wee tbeo fouoct that tbe lire ••• atlll raging ft.noely betweeo deoke, 1od ap~n rtU\Ofl~sc the bnt4betl fJamee bant forth 'J'bt ft're brlr.d" after worklnl( for boun aacceed ei:l .1o iabdalhll tbe fiN. Tbe oott.oa Ia beloa remoud from tbe et,amer u qulolrlJi u po11iblt. About half &be oareo it cia~.

Cf'l¥8 l,or jlift. 'J.'bu rullowinl( ,.. Ullmee were Aile houourubly meotlonod. lu Scripture uatoinll• tion : £ tiz'lbeth Morxau, Ana Dawt!, &r~b D•we. aud F11ony l>f'Wt! lo • .,ico IIO«~·l'rJt!bt~ An•lrewe, Eatlh:r Porter. M. E. Morji'ab, Luinl• Morszi\Jl, Anoia Da"•· ~- F. Oawe. M. J . Daw& nnd A unfo Ridout. · Six membere b"d beau roar~ r litd , 1ad reo .. ivett a haadaoene coloured oerti6-cate One u•t mber alao reoelnd bon111 10oney ~ ~ J'l.ebeq. , ror ltD{ttb j>r Lima iu aenioe, aod oue a praailum -;-l'lte u. u. n. F. Co.'• aoboootr Thro~o'/.,(r, ou -her uaoDey MYlOit · c N Ill 1 . At tbe oouohlfion aQine rematlu were adt.lreie· apt. e • [Ill' D at 8t. -'~*'''' oo '.1'han da7 ed w tiXo td&dlbtn by, lto• . J. M. 'Noel, •bo for • aappl1 of btl" ' 8be bad, 800 qlU:, the rf'

eult or awo b:altln~t of berrltsa conJ,:rata .uetl th1110 on th~t trreae ltiOOHI or th•lr Tbe bl~t.r•~• trip for the .. ~a arriYed at SL yau'a work •• lld polut.ad ou~ b7 w•J of tllOOIINIO• J .. I W·-~ • moat tho ohjeot to be obt.aJoed b7 Q)Qtaal lovt~ o,.a 1 00 .uaeadar •••alar-M•r• Jamtl and labour. 1 Fox 6 Soot IObOoner 4ro~At.. Caplltielly. frolll

Tlte .:retn:Under or the tttulbtJ wu apea' bJ Fleotlab O.p whh 900 _qoiatala of 8eb. T ills iu

1llatenio" to Lhe. followlo&aon~ta and readluaa c , ::: .;::::•.,.:: • ..:!'~ baaklo1 ~.~~~,.., b•~ LJ_ liu D .. ~ • u • ... , u. .. -•-" ooaaraMU~Oa t e ou,_liC_IU.6 .~wttll~ ......... • ,. .. NIM" o,. n-rYeJ ea~ lo "D41., \btlr 9tiHl aoh a die· BtcltatlouP ............. : .............. M,.. MoldeD taaee. Tbe.~ lef& Oft \be lard 6larob aod donlt-'T!uw J6ll, &Uor Bo,. ...... Rew'. L. Aaaor ..,oatcl ute beta bait &hree ·~ 1110 bat ror Headl!1w .............................. K.e•. ~V. Wea•er the Dumerou iolberit ·•blob &aK7 TAI UleJ. Hfr«., .... ~M'-. B. 4Ddreft eale ••lpdoQ. ' •tcachult·•· :-; ............ ........ • J. M. Noel. A aood. fON8 Cborua-~ltl.~ ,._, .. vltJII.-.. •••••• .1 • .1.

At ~he ofoee _...,,... ..... wen lauded ••lglll0111fct.,ln1.._411e " '(OCt ~ WM ~pllad ~ Itt.

I ~it! ....... llli4 ... 5MioD..t;