Ruths stroks



Ruth Chapman, friend over 30 years, Air Force, R Bush, G Bush Sr. Bush Jr., clinton operating HSBC, her strokes 1996 and concussions, accosited by a 'witch' also, of Genovese, and Bush retarded subspecies 'satanic' 7,000 B.C. religions operating, and operating her strokes w Dr. Bushes, at Veterans Hospital, with Meyers LLP in DE to MO, her loans, her employment as 'security' standing, with hundreds of memory losses a daily and more strokes, witness and in 2009 to 201 May in DE, witness on video to all state employees crimes with Bushes and loans and other frauds and continued threats daily, and sending her away with all legal files, court crimes by Genovese, Bushes, Elena Meyers, and locking Susan up again, federal felonies.

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