RPPR Online in the eRA Commons Public Access Compliance at My NCBI.

NIH Progress Reports: Really! Paper Permanently Removed RPPR Online in the eRA Commons Public Access Compliance at My NCBI

Transcript of RPPR Online in the eRA Commons Public Access Compliance at My NCBI.

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NIH Progress Reports:Really! Paper Permanently

RemovedRPPR Online in the eRA Commons

Public Access Compliance at My NCBI

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Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)

The RPPR resulted from an initiative of the Research Business Models (RBM) Subcommittee of the Committee on Science (CoS), a committee of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). One of the RBM Subcommittee’s priority areas is to create greater consistency in the administration of Federal research awards. Given the increasing complexity of interdisciplinary and interagency research, it is important for Federal agencies to manage awards in a similar fashion.

Federal Government Standardizing All Agencies’ Progress Reports

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NIH has required use of the RPPR for SNAP awards and Fellowships since May 1, 2013.

NIH began requiring RPPR for Multi-Year Funded (MYF) awards Feb. 1, 2014.

Non-SNAP Reports that include a Budget began requiring RPPR Oct. 17, 2014.

Only exceptions remaining are SBIR/STRR Phase I Final Year (Phase II Fast-Track Application) and Final Closeout Reports

Implementation Dates

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Create an RPPR in the Commons

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Choose RPPR under Action

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Initiate Button turns into Edit

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Processing is like old eSNAP

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1) Cover Page 2) Accomplishments 3) Products 4) Participants &

Other Collaborating Organizations

5) Impact 6) Changes/Problems 7) Special Reporting

Requirements 8) Budgetary


Eight Components of RPPR

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Signing Official and Administrative Official need SO status

Recipient ID = internal tracking number

A - Cover Page

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Cut and paste info into text boxes

NOTE they have character limits

Attach pdf files Only section that is


B1 – Specific Aims B2 - 2 page limit of

Achievements B3 – Optional for

Supplements B4 – Optional except

for training, fellowship and career awards*

B5 – Optional B6 – Future Plans

B - Accomplishments

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For all projects reporting graduate students and/or postdoctoral participants in Section D., provide a statement whether your institution has established a Policy and actual Individual Development Plans (IDPs) have been created for those participants.

Do not include the actual plans

Individual Development Plans

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And by Products they mean

Publications Also report about

things like inventions, patents, technologies and resource sharing

Major change in how to submit for both online and paper reports

Non-compliance will lead to them holding on the next year’s award notice

C - Products

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The NIH Public Access Policy ensures that the public has access to the published results of NIH funded research. It requires scientists to submit final peer-reviewed journal manuscripts that arise from NIH funds to the digital archive PubMed Central upon acceptance for publication.  To help advance science and improve human health, the Policy requires that these papers are accessible to the public on PubMed Central no later than 12 months after publication.

2008 Law Requires Public Access

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All of your papers that fall under the NIH Public Access Policy, whether in press or in print, must include evidence of compliance in all of your NIH applications and reports.

1. Determine ApplicabilityDoes the NIH Public Access Policy apply to your paper? Is peer-reviewed; And, is accepted for publication in a journal on or after April 7, 2008; And, arises from any direct funding from an NIH award active in Fiscal Year 2008 or


1. Address CopyrightEnsure your publishing agreement allows the paper to be posted to PubMed Central in accordance with the NIH Public Access Policy.

2. Submit paper to PMCSubmit papers to PubMed Central (PMC) and approve public release. Enter your journal name into the box on the right side of the screen to determine how your paper will be posted to PMC.

3. Include PMC-ID in Citations Include the PMCID at the end of the full citation in your application or report.

How to Comply

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My NCBI uses your same log in as the Commons

Journals usually post the articles in PMC PI’s can also upload the approved manuscript

(not the copyrighted pdf copy) in NIH’s manuscript submission system - NIHMS

My Bibliography acts as collector/sorter place where you associate a paper with specific grants both your own and other PI’s

The Commons echoes and you can choose which one to include in the RPPR

MY NCBI and PubMedCentral (PMC) ID

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NCBI Login – Use eRA Commons ID/NIH login and password

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My NCBI How to Document


Details on using My Bibliography

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Add References using PMID

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Result provides info that allows you to confirm that it is correct

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Use Menu to “Send to” My Bibliography and Save

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From the home page, click on Manage My Bibliography

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Click on the drop down arrow next to Display Settings

Under the View column, select the button for Award

  Under Grouping, select

None  Click on Apply

View list linked with Awards

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If the list is too long, you can filter it by selecting the appropriate filter (grant number) on the right side of the screen. Remember to check all boxes under Publication Type and all boxes under Paper-grant associations so that everything is captured.

Select Awards to simplify list

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Choose your Publications in C1

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You can submit if Non-Compliant, but then you have to do PRAM online to fix

Wait until the last day to submit to see if will clear in Pub Med Central in time

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New Commons role = PACR Public Access Compliance Monitor Role

Three months before due date download list, sort by the upcoming grant numbers and forward non-compliant report to PI’s

User Guide availablehttp://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/utils/pacm/static/PACM-USER-Guide-Dec_2012.pdf

Be Proactive and warn PI’s

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D - Participants & Other Collaborating Organizations

Add/New Button

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Use “Add/New” button to add people and to save the info even after using “edit” button

Can use Commons User ID to quickly populate info

Effort is not accurate. Enter whole numbers and round up or down.

Internal tracking should be the correct effort for the coming year.

DO NOT enter people with less than one cal mo. of effort (<8%)

D1 = Effort Reporting for last year

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Only attach Other Support if something has changed

Put a Cover Page on top of the attachment that explains what has actually changed

D2 – Changes in Other Support

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E1 – E3 will not be applicable for most awards – choose “Nothing to Report”

E4 - If you have a Subaward to a Foreign country, then you enter the amount obligated to them for just this last year. • Do not put in

cumulative.• Do not put in the

upcoming year amount.

E - Impact

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F1 – Not Applicable

F2 – Fill in text box:◦ Describe only

significant challenges that may impede the research, and emphasize their resolution.

F3 –Attach pdf files to explain any changes to Human Subjects Vertebrate Animals Biohazards Select Agents

F - Changes/Problems

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G1 - Address any special reporting requirements specified in the award terms and conditions◦ Attach a pdf file as

needed G2 and G3 Not needed G4- Human Subject

Enrollment Table If not present, then contact

your NIH Program Official

G5 – Only add training for NEW people

G6 – Human ES Cells G7 – Vertebrate Animals G8 – Performance Sites

Like Personnel Effort page, use the “Add/New” button to start and save info

Grantee should be Primary G9- Foreign Component

◦ Whether paid or unpaid

G - Special Reporting Requirements

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G10 – Carry Over of unobligated Balance greater than 25% - fill in text boxes: $ Amount Explanation why How the funds will

be used

G11 – Program income, usually No

G12 – Change in sites that would lead to change in F&A, usually No

G - Special Reporting continued

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SNAP Awards will still not require a budget

Other opportunities use an online R&R budget, ex: T, P or U grants

H - Budgetary Information

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Special types like K (Career), T (Training) and STTR/SBIR have special instructions

See NIH’s RPPR Guide:http://grants.nih.gov/grants/rppr/rppr_instruction_guide.pdf

Subawards will have separate budgets and then you add if needed and manually enter into Consortium line item – the system does NOT calculate for you.

Non-SNAP Awards will use SF424 R&R Budget like in applications

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Check for Errors

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Fix Publication Warning

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View and save a pdf

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Route to Department or to SO

Route to Signing Official if it is complete, error free and approved by your departmental administrator.

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RPPR Website http://grants.nih.gov/grants/rppr/

NIH’s RPPR How-to Document http://grants.nih.gov/grants/rppr/rppr_instruction_guide.

pdf Public Access Compliance Website

http://publicaccess.nih.gov/ MY NCBI How-to Document


Useful Websites

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Questions?Contact Leanne Scott

Director, Sponsored ProgramsBaylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX

[email protected] or 713-798-6978