ROLE OF NITROGEN AVAILABILITY IN THE TRANSITION …A conceptual model of secondary succession with...

ROLE OF NITROGEN AVAILABILITY IN THE TRANSITION FROM ANNUAL- DOMINATED TO PERENNIAL- DOMINATED SERAL COMMUNITIES Terry McLendon Edward F. Redente ABSTRACT A conceptual model of secondary succession with empha- sis on early seral stages is presented. This model is based on experimental data from 7 years of secondary succession on an induced disturbance site within a semiarid shrubland ecosystem in northwestern Colorado. Annuals dominated the first 3 years of this succession, followed by a 2-year tran- sition to dominance by perennials, primarily grasses and early seral shrubs. Nitrogen (N) availability was found to be a primary mechanism controlling the rate of succession. As N availa- bility increased, the rate of succession decreased. Conversely, as N availability was experimentally decreased, the rate of succession increased. The abundance of annuals and the length of time annuals dominated plots was increased by increased N availability. Conversely, the abundance of perennials and the rate at which perennials became site- dominant was inversely related to N availability. The conceptual model explains these dynamics on the basis of N availability, relative growth rates, lifeform, and decomposition dynamics. The model can also be applied to related problems of ecosystem dynamics such as possible effects of atmospheric and agricultural N depositions on the stability of established ecosystems. INTRODUCTION Annuals are found in virtually all plant communities, and yet they dominate very few. Those communities that are dominated by annuals occur primarily in the earliest stages of succession, especially in secondary succession. Such a widespread serallimitation suggests a basic functional link- age between the ecological characteristics or conditions dur- ing early secondary succession and those of the annual life- form. Consequently, a better understanding of this linkage, and the mechanisms controlling it, should result in an in- crease in our ability to control the degree to which, and the length of time that, annuals dominate a site. This may be of special importance in reclamation of disturbed lands and management of annual-dominated rangelands. Paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Res- toration of Intermountain Annual Rangelands, Boise, ID, May 1S.22, 1992. Terry McLendon is Research Scientist and Edward F. Redente is Profes- sor, Range Science Department, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, C080523. 352 Change in species composition over time is the most ob- vious characteristic of secondary succession. A disturbance site is first dominated by annuals, which are replaced in time by herbaceous perennials, either perennial grasses or perennial forbs followed by perennial grasses. Eventually, the herbaceous perennials are replaced by woody species, either shrubs or trees, on most sites. Although this pattern is common to most ecosystems and has been recognized since the earliest period of ecology {Clements 1916; Cowles 1899), the mechanisms causing species replacement are still not clearly understood. The addition of nitrogen {N) has been shown to be a major factor modifying successional dynamics in a number of ecosystems following disturbance {Carson and Barrett 1988; Heil and Diemont 1983; McLendon and Redente 1991, 1992a; Parrish and Bazzaz 1982; Tilman 1984, 1986), and this effect has been attributed to changes in competitive relationships among species induced by changes in N avail- ability (Miller and Werner 1987; Peterson and Bazzaz 1978; Raynal and Bazzaz 1975). Species with higher growth rates are favored over those with slower growth rates under con- ditions of high N availability {Aerts and Berendse 1988; Berendse and others 1987; Heil and Bruggink 1987), and early seral species characteristically have high growth rates {Bazzaz 1979). Therefore, early seral species, predominantly annuals, may dominate sites by rapidly utilizing the avail- able resource or causing other resources {for example, light) to become limited to slower growing species. These rapidly growing early seral species might continue to dominate a site as long as they can maintain their high production lev- els. However, high available nutrient levels are required for these species to reach their growth potentials and, if resources become too limited to meet these requirements, species with lower nutrient requirements should begin to have a competitive advantage {Grime 1979; Leps and oth- ers 1982; McGraw and Chapin 1989). Central to this explanation is the concept that secondary succession occurs, at least in part, because of competitive displacement of species (Grace 1987). If true, and if degree of competition increases as a specific resource (for example, soil N) becomes more limited, the rate of replacement of early seral species by mid-sera! species should increase as the resource becomes more limited. Resource limitation dynamics may therefore explain, at least in part, the re- placement of annuals by perennials or, in some cases, the lack of such replacement. In this paper, we present a summary of the results of a series of experiments we conducted within a disturbed This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain.

Transcript of ROLE OF NITROGEN AVAILABILITY IN THE TRANSITION …A conceptual model of secondary succession with...


Terry McLendon Edward F. Redente


A conceptual model of secondary succession with empha­sis on early seral stages is presented. This model is based on experimental data from 7 years of secondary succession on an induced disturbance site within a semiarid shrubland ecosystem in northwestern Colorado. Annuals dominated the first 3 years of this succession, followed by a 2-year tran­sition to dominance by perennials, primarily grasses and early seral shrubs.

Nitrogen (N) availability was found to be a primary mechanism controlling the rate of succession. As N availa­bility increased, the rate of succession decreased. Conversely, as N availability was experimentally decreased, the rate of succession increased. The abundance of annuals and the length of time annuals dominated plots was increased by increased N availability. Conversely, the abundance of perennials and the rate at which perennials became site­dominant was inversely related to N availability.

The conceptual model explains these dynamics on the basis of N availability, relative growth rates, lifeform, and decomposition dynamics. The model can also be applied to related problems of ecosystem dynamics such as possible effects of atmospheric and agricultural N depositions on the stability of established ecosystems.


Annuals are found in virtually all plant communities, and yet they dominate very few. Those communities that are dominated by annuals occur primarily in the earliest stages of succession, especially in secondary succession. Such a widespread serallimitation suggests a basic functional link­age between the ecological characteristics or conditions dur­ing early secondary succession and those of the annual life­form. Consequently, a better understanding of this linkage, and the mechanisms controlling it, should result in an in­crease in our ability to control the degree to which, and the length of time that, annuals dominate a site. This may be of special importance in reclamation of disturbed lands and management of annual-dominated rangelands.

Paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Res­toration of Intermountain Annual Rangelands, Boise, ID, May 1S.22, 1992.

Terry McLendon is Research Scientist and Edward F. Redente is Profes­sor, Range Science Department, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, C080523.


Change in species composition over time is the most ob­vious characteristic of secondary succession. A disturbance site is first dominated by annuals, which are replaced in time by herbaceous perennials, either perennial grasses or perennial forbs followed by perennial grasses. Eventually, the herbaceous perennials are replaced by woody species, either shrubs or trees, on most sites. Although this pattern is common to most ecosystems and has been recognized since the earliest period of ecology {Clements 1916; Cowles 1899), the mechanisms causing species replacement are still not clearly understood.

The addition of nitrogen {N) has been shown to be a major factor modifying successional dynamics in a number of ecosystems following disturbance {Carson and Barrett 1988; Heil and Diemont 1983; McLendon and Redente 1991, 1992a; Parrish and Bazzaz 1982; Tilman 1984, 1986), and this effect has been attributed to changes in competitive relationships among species induced by changes in N avail­ability (Miller and Werner 1987; Peterson and Bazzaz 1978; Raynal and Bazzaz 1975). Species with higher growth rates are favored over those with slower growth rates under con­ditions of high N availability {Aerts and Berendse 1988; Berendse and others 1987; Heil and Bruggink 1987), and early seral species characteristically have high growth rates {Bazzaz 1979). Therefore, early seral species, predominantly annuals, may dominate sites by rapidly utilizing the avail­able resource or causing other resources {for example, light) to become limited to slower growing species. These rapidly growing early seral species might continue to dominate a site as long as they can maintain their high production lev­els. However, high available nutrient levels are required for these species to reach their growth potentials and, if resources become too limited to meet these requirements, species with lower nutrient requirements should begin to have a competitive advantage {Grime 1979; Leps and oth­ers 1982; McGraw and Chapin 1989).

Central to this explanation is the concept that secondary succession occurs, at least in part, because of competitive displacement of species (Grace 1987). If true, and if degree of competition increases as a specific resource (for example, soil N) becomes more limited, the rate of replacement of early seral species by mid-sera! species should increase as the resource becomes more limited. Resource limitation dynamics may therefore explain, at least in part, the re­placement of annuals by perennials or, in some cases, the lack of such replacement.

In this paper, we present a summary of the results of a series of experiments we conducted within a disturbed

This file was created by scanning the printed publication.Errors identified by the software have been corrected;

however, some errors may remain.

semiarid shrubland ecosystem in northwestern Colorado that investigated the role ofN availability as a primary mechanism controlling the rate of secondary succession. We also present a conceptual model, based on our experi­mental results, that we believe explains how N availability functions as a successional control mechanism. Particular emphasis is given in this paper to the seral replacement of annuals by herbaceous perennials.


The discussion and conceptual model presented in this paper are based primarily on the results of three experi­ments: two field experiments conducted in the Piceance Basin of northwestern Colorado, and one greenhouse exper­iment utilizing seral species from that site. The first field experiment was begun in 1984 and investigated the effect of added N on secondary succession dynamics of a mechani­cally disturbed sagebrush community. The vegetation and top 5 em of soil were removed by a bulldozer and the next 35 em were mixed. Four 500-m2 treatment plots were estab­lished in each of four blocks of the disturbed sagebrush com­munity and one 500-m2 plot of undisturbed sagebrush com­munity was included within each block. The blocks served as replications, and there were five treatments:

Treatment 1: Control-disturbed but not fertilized. Treatment 2: Phosphorus-disturbed and fertilized with

triple super phosphate at 100 kg P/ha/yr. Treatment 3: Nitrogen-disturbed and fertilized with

ammonium nitrate at 100 kg Nlha/yr. Treatment 4: Nitrogen + phosphorus-disturbed and

fertilized with both ammonium nitrate (100 kg Nlha/yr) and triple super phosphate (100 kg Plha/yr).

Treatment 5: Undisturbed-not disturbed nor fertilized.

Each year, ten 0.5-m2 quadrats were randomly located and clipped at each pf two sampling dates (early and late summer) beginning in 1985. Current-year aboveground bio­mass was harvested to ground level by species, ovendried, and weighed. Harvested material from the years 1987-91 was analyzed for N concentration by the micro-Kjeldahl process. The addition of P did not have a significant effect on seral dynamics overall, for any lifeforms, or for any ma­jor species. Therefore, control and P data were combined as a single treatment (control), the two N treatments were combined as a second treatment (N), and the undisturbed community served as a third treatment.

The second experiment tested the effect of decreased N availability on secondary succession. AnN-availability gradient was established on unfertilized plots that had been disturbed in 1984 but which had been kept free of plants by hand weeding. In November 1987, these plots were seeded with a mixture of early and late seral species to minimize any possible migration effect. TheN-availability gradient was established by adding N to one plot per block (high avail­able N, same rate as in experiment 1), sucrose (1,600 kg Clha/yr) to another plot per block Oow available N, achieved by the sucrose increasing microbial biomass and thereby decreasing available N, Lamb 1980), and one plot received neither N nor sucrose (intermediate available N = control). Sampling began in 1988 and was conducted at the same two dates as in the first experiment. At each sampling date, 20


quadrats (0.25 m2 each) were randomly located within each plot and canopy cover was estimated by species within each quadrat. At the end of the third growing season (September 1990), samples of five major seral species were collected from each plot and analyzed for tissue N concentration, and soil samples (1-20 em composite) were collected and analyzed for total N. The five species included two annual forbs (Kochia scoparia, Salsola iberica), one perennial forb (Aster canescens), one perennial grass (Agropyron smithii), and one shrub (Chrysothamnus nauseosus), and formed the seral gradient

Salsola -> Kochia ->Aster-> Agropyron -> Chrysothamnus

based on temporal position of dominance or subdominance of each species.

The greenhouse experiment measured the effects of an N-availability gradient on above- and belowground produc­tion and tissue N concentration of seedlings of five seral species: one annual (Salsola iberica), two perennial grasses (Sitanion hystrix = early seral, Koeleria pyramidata = late seral), and two shrubs ( Chrysothamnus nauseosus = mid­seral, Artemisia tridentata = the late seral dominant). De­tails of this experiment may be found in Redente and oth­ers (1992), and more complete descriptions of the methods and results of the two field experiments may be found in McLendon and Redente (1991, 1992a, b).


Annuals dominated control plots for 4 years following disturbance (fig. 1). Migration and establishment were primary factors the first year. Aboveground production was relatively low and composition variation among plots was relatively high (table 1). However, annual forbs were the dominant lifeform on all plots. In contrast, aboveground production was high the second year and most of the pro­duction (57 percent) was by Salsola iberica (table 1). Sal­sola decreased dramatically the third year and was replaced as site dominant by Bromus tectorum. Total aboveground production decreased to approximately half the level of the previous year and decreased at the same rate the fourth year (table 1). Transition from site dominance by annuals to dominance by perennials began the fourth year, with pe­rennials becoming almost as abundant as annuals (29 per­cent and 44 percent relative biomass, respectively). Bromus tectorum and the biennial legume Melilotus officinalis were the most productive species the fourth year, producing 58 percent of the aboveground production of the seral commu­nity. Five years after disturbance, perennials became domi­nant (64 percent relative biomass), with shrubs and peren­nial grasses approximately equal.

The addition of N significantly altered this seral pattern. Plots receiving additional N remained dominated by annu­als through the seventh year (table 2). Aboveground pro­duction of shrubs was lower on N plots than on control plots each year of the study, species richness and production of perennial grasses were lower after the second seral year, and production of annual forbs was greater after the first year (fig. 2). The first-year seral community on N plots was similar to that on control plots. Species composition of the second-year community on N plots was similar to that of

Shrubs Perennial Grasses 80 45

~ 70 ~ 40 c

~ ....... 35

I 60

Ia 50 30 E E 25 0 40 0 m iil 20 ~ 30 Q)

> 15 +=I i as 20 10 15 c! a: 10 5

.Q 0 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Unds 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Unds

Perennial Forbs Biennial Forbs 16

~ 14 ~

12 b en 81 10 E 0 8 iii CD 6 ~ ftS 4 a; a: 2

28 ~ 24 ........-en Ia 20 E

16 0 m 12 CD

> +=I 8 C\1 as a: 4


0 a a

85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Unds 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Unds

Annual Grasses 70~----------------------~






: ~ l_:i.:':;_.:,:' .. ::_:i:·:i:_.::i:_.::;:_.:_;:_ ... ::;; __ ::,~_.:_:;'_.:_::_ ... : o~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~a~

~ .......

~ E 0 m Cl) >

"oR C\1 1i) a:

Annual Forbs 90 80 c

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Unds 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Unds

Figure 1-Relative aboveground annual production by lifeform during 7 years of secondary succession on control plots within a disturbed sagebrush ecosystem and within an adjacent undisturbed (Unds) por­tion of the same ecosystem. Means (16 replications for undisturbed, eight replications for all others) with the same letters are not significantly different (P < 0.05).


Table 1-Aboveground annual production (g/m2) by major species during the first 7 years of succession on control plots within a sagebrush ecosystem in northwestern Colorado disturbed in 1984 and for an adjacent undisturbed portion (Unds) of the same ecosystem

Year Species 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Unds

Shrubs Memisia tridentata 0 •1 2 2 2 86 Chrysothamnus nauseosus 1 11 11 5 21 20 21 2 Gutierrezia sarothrae 1 2 10 13 1

Perennial grasses Agropyron dasystachyum 0 2 2 2 4 4 6 Agropyron smithii 1 1 4 9 12 16 18 2 Koeleria pyramidata 0 1 2 8 Oryzopsis hymenoides 2 4 6 8 12 20 2 Sitanion hystrix 0 2 1 1 Stipa comata 2 3 6 5 6 18 7

Perennial forbs Aster canescens 1 3 5 3 4 Erigeron engelmannii 0 0 . 1 Phlox bryoides 0 0 0 0 0 6 Sphaeralcea coccinea 1 4 1 1 1 2 3 1

Biennial forbs Me/ilotus officina/is 13 5 32

Annual grasses Bromus tectorum 11 71 142 38 23 12 42 2

Annual forbs Chenopodium berlandieri 37 0 Descurainia sophia 1 5 2 0 1 1 Kochis scoparia 3 10 8 3 6 5 13 Lactuca scariola . 2 4 9 3 . 0 Sa/sola iberica 26 229 17 1 3 5 7 Sisymbrium altissimum 5 25 9 1 0 0 1*1ndicates a trace amount (>0.5 g).

Table 2-Aboveground annual production (g/m2) by major species on nitrogen plots during the first 7 years of succession within a sagebrush ecosystem in northwestern Colorado disturbed in 1984

Year Species 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991

Shrubs Memisia tridentata .,

0 1 1 Chrysothamnus nauseosus 1 3 1 11 5 Gutierrezia sarothrae 0 1 0 0 1

Perennial grasses Agropyron dasystachyum 0 0 0 1 0 Agropyron smithii 3 4 4 1 7 Koeleria pyramidata 0 0 0 0 0 Oryzopsis hymenoides 2 1 3 2 2 Sitanion hystrix 0 1 2 1 Stipa comata 1 1 2 2

Perennial forbs Aster canescens Erigeron engelmannii 0 0 0 0 Sphaera/cea coccinea 3 1 1 1

Biennial forbs Melilotus officina/is 3 24 3 8 0

Annual grasses Bromus tectorum 11 83 197 26 21 9 64

Annual forbs Chenopodium berlandieri 8 1 0 Descurainia sophia 0 15 12 1 13 5 6 Kochis scoparia 17 134 275 51 94 51 165 Lactuca scariola 1 7 7 7 1 0 0 Sa/sola iberica 90 385 36 9 20 2 3 Sisymbrium altissimum 12 29 10 5 0 0 0 1*1ndicates a trace amount (>0.5 g).











Shrubs •••

C\1 0 1 "t I' , .... ..,I' 1"""\ .19 r==J AI =zed AI t•u!A I J•oo•IA, J I

E 85868788899091 ......... s S 14 ~ Perennial Forbs I *** ·- 12 u -6 10 e a.. 8 "'C c:: :;:, e C)

~ 0 0 I 1••••1)£1 1'"'\<"1 t•"K>! I""Y'4 ""'DIJ tu•tyl tu•o.<J I

~ 85868788899091

1a :::s c:: ~



0' !"""! 01 I"""] Of [' .. JOC l"""IO I f"""Y' I l'"'"t'\ J C''"f\ 4 f

85 86 87 88 89 90 91

~N't ~ 1rogen








Perennial Grasses •••

0 I r=?A I !•··•Y\ I lu•J\ A fh•\ 15' t•ut AJ tu""J/\1 , ... ,., 1 1

85 86 87 88 89 90 91








Biennial Forbs **

• • •• 0' r.-.-.-.vy .-.-... -10' ,.-.-.-.n,d , .•. o1 '

85 86 87 88 89 90 91


lAnnual Forbs 600 ***





100 0 I , ... ,AI , ... , O,J , .... ,"' r•urzg ·--·vn r··"n? r···n J I

85 86 87 88 89 90 91


Figure 2-Comparison of aboveground annual production (g/m2) by lifeform between nitrogen (N) and control (C) plots during the first 7 years of secondary succession within a disturbed sagebrush community. Means are of eight replications per treatment per year. Significant differences between treatment means within the same year, based on paired-t tests, are indicated by asterisks (* = P < 0.1 0, •• = P < 0.05, ••• = P < 0.01 ).


the control plots and was also dominated by Salsola iberica, but total aboveground production was 70 percent greater. Seral communities on N and on control plots became in­creasingly dissimilar after the second year. Whereas shrubs and perennial grasses became increasingly important on control plots from the third year, annuals continued to domi­nate N plots. The third seral year, Bromus tectorum domi­nated control plots but was the second most important spe­cies on N plots. The annual forb Kochia scoparia was the single most important species on N plots from the third year and increasingly dominated N plots from the fourth year (43 percent, 58 percent, 61 percent, and 61 percent relative biomass, 1988-91 respectively).

Therefore, the net effect of N addition was to arrest sec­ondary succession, at least for 5 years (third-seventh seral year). Secondary succession patterns on control and N plots in experiment 2 were similar to those of experiment 1. Third-year control plots had less annual forbs and more an­nual grasses and perennials and greater species richness than N plots (fig. 3). In addition, plots receiving sucrose had more advanced seral communities than either control or N plots, indicating that a decrease in soil N availability, caused by the increase in C to the decomposer subsystem, increased the rate of secondary succession.

The results of these two experiments indicate that the rate of secondary succession within the disturbed semiarid shrub­land that we studied can be manipulated by controlling N availability. An increase in N availability slows the rate of secondary succession and a decrease in N availability in­creases the rate. Annuals are favored by increased N avail­ability and perennials are favored by decreased N availa­bility. Similar results have been reported in other studies (Muller and Garnier 1990; Seastedt and others 1991). How­ever, two remaining questions must be answered before a conceptual model of the process can be developed: ( 1) How do such changes in N availability occur in natural systems? and (2) What is the plant response mechanism that is af­fected by these chariges in N availability?

Nitrogen availability should have been relatively high the first seral year and it should have remained so until the be­ginning of the second year of our studies. Most of the below­ground biomass at the time of disturbance remained within the soil following the disturbance and should have been de­composed and most of the incorporated N mineralized by the beginning of the second year. This, plus the atmospheric N deposited within the soil from 1984 to mid-1986, would have increased the available soil N pool. Since incorpora­tion of this N into plant tissue was relatively low the first seral year because of low primary production (table 1), N availability should have remained high until the beginning of the second year.

Although available soil N levels were not measured in 1985 or 1986, they can be estimated. Available soil N (N03-N + NH4-N) levels within the 5-35 em soil profile of the undisturbed community are approximately 4.94 g/m2

(9.89 ppm, Stark 1983; 10.64 mglkg, McLendon and Redente 1992b). Root biomass within this soil zone may have been approximately 400 g/m2 (Artemisia tridentata community in southeastern Washington, Rickard 1985), with a tissue N concentration of 1.4 percent (McLendon and Redente 1992b). Assuming a decomposition rate of 50 percent (Berg and Ekbohm 1983; Birk and Simpson 1980; Buyanovsky



~ 80

>-g. 60 c:: tU u ~ 40

~ Q)

a: 20


Q) ~



(.) 9

~ 0 c:: tU u 6

.~ ca ~ 3



Annual Forbs


Perennial Forbs

N C S Annual



Perennial Grasses

N C S Species




Figure 3-Aelative canopy cover (percent) of life­form groups and species richness on nitrogen (N), control (C), and sucrose (S) plots. Values are means of 12 observations (four replications x 3 years). Con­fidence intervals (P < 0.05) of the means are given by the vertical lines.

16 8l ·a Q) a.

12 CJ)

0 Q)

8 ~


:J z

and others 1987) between July 1984 and June 1986, this would have released approximately 2.8 g N/m2 into the upper 30 em of the soil profile. The site received approxi­mately 53.7 em of precipitation from July 1984 through May 1986, which would have added an additional 0.1 g N/m2 to the soil, assuming an input of 1. 7 mg N/em of precipitation (Schlesinger and Hasey 1980). These sum to 7.8 g N/m2•

From this sum, N incorporated in tissue production during 1985 must be subtracted. Aboveground tissue incorpora­tion on control plots in 1985 was approximately 1.45 g N/m2

(McLendon and Redente 1992b). An additional 0.19 g N/m2

may have been incorporated into belowground biomass (0.13 root:shoot ratio for desert annuals, Forseth and oth­ers 1984). This would have left a balance of 6.2 g N/m2 at the beginning of the second growing season (assuming no N losses to the atmosphere or to lower profiles, no net sym­biotic or nonsymbiotic N fixation by microorganisms, and no net N release from decomposition of litter between September 1985 and May 1986).

Aboveground primary production on control plots in 1986 was 404 g/m2, which incorporated 5.7 g N/m2 in aboveground plant tissue (McLendon and Redente 1992b) with perhaps an additional 0.9 g N/m2 in belowground biomass (0.15

root:shoot ratio for Salsola iberica, Redente and others 1992). These two values sum to 6.6 g/m2, which exceeds the esti­mated available soil N pool in the upper 30 em of the soil profile. If these estimates are reasonable, the second-year seral community would have depleted the available N pool to a depth of 30-35 em.

Vitousek (1983) reported that only 13 percent ofN within ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) litter in a mesic oldfield community was returned to the soil within 5 months. Pastor and others (1987) found that after the first month, N in lit­tle bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) litter in Minnesota was immobilized for at least 18 months. Decomposition of, and N release from, Salsola litter is probably slower be­cause of the semiarid climate at our site and because most Salsola litter is not deposited at the soil surface but remains well above the surface for 1-3 years. Decomposition rate increases as contact with the soil is increased (Holland and Coleman 1987). Therefore, little of the N incorporated with­in the Salsola litter the second seral year probably was re­turned to the soil by the beginning of the third growing sea­son. The result would have been a significant N deficiency in the upper 30-35 em of the soil profile, the zone most

annuals depend on (at least as seedlings) for their N supply. This could explain why annual forbs, with their high N re­quirement, did not dominate control plots the third year. In support of this hypothesis, annual forbs did dominate those plots the third year that received additional N.

An annual did dominate the control plots the third year, but it was the grass Bromus tectorum. This species has a very low tissue N requirement. We measured the tissue N concentrations of 39 species at our study site over a period of 5 years (McLendon and Redente 1992b), and Bromus tec­torum had the lowest values (overall mean of 1.11 percent) of all species except one (Opuntia polyacantha). The abil­ity of Bromus tectorum to begin growth early in the grow­ing season gives it a competitive advantage over most asso­ciated species (Eckert and Evans 1963; Harris 1967) and at our site would have allowed it to preemptively utilize what­ever small amounts ofN may have become available through decomposition or from precipitation. The high N-use effi­ciency of this annual grass (table 3) would have given it a strong competitive advantage over the associated annual forbs, and its rapid growth rate would have given it at least temporary advantage over associated young perennials in

Table 3-Aboveground tissue N concentration (percent) and N-use efficiencies (g aboveground production/g N content of aboveground tissue) of major seral species during the first 7 years of succession within a disturbed sagebrush ecosystem. Values are means of eight plots per year for 5 years for control (C) and for nitrogen (N) treatments and four plots per year for 2 years on the undisturbed (U) treatment

N concentration N·use efflcienc~ Species u c N u c N

Shrubs Artemisia tridentata 1.39 1.82 2.39 72 55 42 Chrysothamnus nauseosus 1.51 1.77 2.11 66 57 48 Gutierrezla sarothrae 1.53 1.75 2.14 66 57 47 Opuntia polyacantha .46 .84 na 218 119 na

Perennial grasses Agropyron dasystachyum 1.03 1.29 na 97 78 na Agropyron smithii 1.02 1.19 1.83 98 84 55 Koeleria pyramidata 1.04 1.31 2.09 96 77 48 Oryzopsis hymenoides 1.08 1.23 1.67 93 81 60 Sitanion hystrix .88 1.31 1.95 114 77 51 Stipa comata .99 1.21 1.90 101 83 53

Legumes Astragalus diversifolius 1.59 2.20 2.41 63 46 41 Melilotus officina/is na 2.38 2.60 na 42 38 Trifolium gymnocarpon 2.38 1.94 2.06 42 52 49

Perennial forbs Aster canescens 1.50 1.80 2.56 67 56 39 Erigeron engelmannii 1.47 1.61. na 68 62 na Phlox bryoides .85 1.35 na 118 74 na Senecio multilobatus 1.31 1.38 na 76 72 na Sphaeralcea coccinea 1.55 2.19 2.67 65 46 37

Annual grasses Bromus tectorum 1.09 1.11 1.51 92 90 66

Annual forbs Chenopodium berlandieri na 2.16 3.19 na 46 31 Descurainia sophia na 1.87 2.54 na 53 39 Kochia scoparia 1.01 1.67 2.57 99 60 39 Lactuca scariola na 2.05 2.43 na 49 41 Sa/sola iberica na 1.81 2.81 na 55 36 Sisymbrium altissimum na 1.84 2.48 na 54 40


preemptive utilization of N and soil moisture (Link and others 1990).

Total aboveground annual production decreased by ap­proximately 50 percent again the fourth seral year and then stabilized at approximately the annual production level of the undisturbed community (table 4). The fourth year was the first year that annuals produced less than 50 percent of the total annual aboveground prQduction on control plots, and perennials produced over 60 percent of total annual aboveground production on control plots from the fifth year (table 1). Perennial grasses have low tissue-N concentra­tions, which should give them competitive advantage over annual forbs under conditions of low N availability. Once established, perennial grasses have advantage over Bromus tectorum, in part, because their perennial and more exten­sive root systems give them a competitive advantage below­ground (Bookman and Mack 1982). We believe that by the time decomposition and mineralization return significant amounts of the N incorporated in the second-year (Salsola) and third-year (Bromus) litter (perhaps by the fifth seral year) perennials have become sufficiently established to effectively exploit these N resources, as well as moisture and other soil resources, as they became available.

Therefore, we suggest that incorporation of large amounts of available N in the biomass produced by annuals and a subsequent slow rate of decomposition and mineralization cause a decrease in available soil N early in secondary suc­cession. Differences in growth rate, tissue-N concentration, and growth habit then result in changes in competitive ad­vantage among species as N availability decreases. We be­lieve these dynamics are the primary causes of the replace­ment of annuals by perennials during early secondary succession.


We have developed a conceptual model of the role of N availability as a mechanism controlling the rate of second­ary succession and in particular the replacement of annu­als by perennials (fig. 4). This model is compatible with experimental results obtained from 15 years of research on the dynamics of a disturbed semiarid shrubland in north­western Colorado and is currently being tested in experi­ments in shrubland communities in other areas.

The available soil-N pool is initially high following most disturbances in most ecosystems. This allows annual forbs

Table 4-Summary of aboveground seral dynamics on control and nitrogen plots within a sagebrush ecosystem in northwestern Colorado that was disturbed in 1984 compared to an adjacent undisturbed community

Year 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991

Undisturbed Major lifeform:1 Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Shrub Major species:2 Artr Artr Artr Artr Artr Artr Artr Number of species: 21 15 19 na na na 17 Abvgmd production:3 203 75 149 na na na 129 Tissue N (percent): 1.32 1.34 1.37 na na na 1.34 N incorporated (g): 2,669 1,025 1,881 na na na 1,714 N-use efficiency:4 76 74 73 na na na 75 Precip-use efficncy:5 76 24 49 na na na 52

Control Major lifeform: A Forb A Forb AGrss Mixed PGrss PGrss PGrss Major species: Chbe Saib Brte Brte Brte Chna Brte Number of species: 12 14 19 18 19 18 17 Abvgrnd production: 92 404 222 121 103 104 175 Tissue N (percent): 1.60 1.44 1.46 1.54 1.47 1.43 1.24 N incorporated (g): 1,449 5,724 3,247 1,884 1,461 1,469 2,193 N-use efficiency: 63 69 69 65 68 70 81 Precip-use efficncy: 3.4 13.0 7.3 5.2 3.4 6.5 7.1

Nitrogen Major lifeform: A Forb AForb AForb AForb AForb A Forb AForb Major species: Saib Saib Kosc Kosc Kosc Kosc Kosc Number of species: 9 12 13 12 10 9 9 Abvgmd production: 146 692 445 120 161 84 256 Tissue N (percent): 2.60 2.62 2.19 2.17 2.43 2.32 2.28 N incorporated (g): 3,793 18,129 9,741 2,607 3,928 1,944 5,834 N-use efficiency: 39 38 46 47 41 43 44 Precip-use efficncy: 5.5 22.2 14.7 5.1 5.9 5.3 10.4

1Ufeforms: AForb .. annual forbs, AGrss .. annual grasses, PGrss .. perennial grasses. . . 2Major species: Artr .. Artemisia trldentata, Brte .. Bromus tectorum, Chbe .. Chenopodium berland/en, Chna .. Chrysothamnus nauseosus, Kosc "" Koch1a sco-

par/a, Saib ... Sa/sola iberica 3Abvgmd production .. aboveground annual production (glm2). 4N-use efficiency .,. g aboveground annual productionlg N content of aboveground tissue. 5Precip-use efficncy .. g aboveground annual production/em precipitation received.



.... Shrubs ·---, Dominant lifeform: I Annuals I .... I Grasses


N requirement:

Structural CHO: Internal N cycling: Litter production:

Decomposition rate

(structural CHO): Decomposer bacteria:

Decomposer fungi:

Mycorrhizal fungi:


High Low Low




Low Low

...... ......


Intermediate Intermediate

Intermediate Intermediate

Moderate Intermediate



..... ......

..... ......


Low High High Low





Available soil N: I High .---..... ~ I Intermediate I ~ I~........Lo_w _ ___..l

Figure 4-Conceptual model of available nitrogen dynamics and decomposer subsystem redevelop­ment during secondary succession in a disturbed sagebrush ecosystem in northwestern Colorado.

to dominate early seral stages because of their rapid growth rates, which allow them to accumulate large quantities of resources. Although perennial seedlings may also be pres­ent in these early seral communities, the accumulation of soil resources by rapidly growing annuals effectively denies these resources to the perennials, thereby limiting their growth early in succession. However, annuals cannot deny all resources to perennials. Therefore, perennials do in­crease in biomass and relative importance over time. AB they do, they eventually dominate the site, but the rate is slow as long as available N remains high.

Relatively high levels of available N are required to sup­port the high biomass production that allows annuals to dominate the site. Annuals are effective accumulators un­der conditions of high available N (table 3), in part because of rapid growth rates; thus annuals possess a significant competitive advantage over slower growing perennials. AB available N decreases, annuals do not have sufficient N available to sustain the rapid and abundant production of biomass required for them to dominate the site. Since pe­rennials have lower N requirements per unit biomass than annuals (table 3), conditions of lower available soil N affect them less. AB a result, growth rates of perennials are nearer their optimum, resulting in increased competitive advan­tage to perennials. Similar relationships involving growth rate, lifeform, N availability, and seral position also exist within perennial species characteristic of mid- and late se­ra! stages (fig. 4).

However, for N limitation to be a possible control mecha­nism in secondary succession, there must be a naturally


occurring process that could cause such limitations. We believe that there are at least five:

1. Incorporation of N Within Biomass Produced by Annuals-Annuals produce large amounts of biomass in relatively short periods even in semiarid zones. Annual­dominated early seral communities on control plots within our system produced as much as 300 g/m2 aboveground biomass within 60 days. Annual N incorporation within this tissue exceeded 6 g/m2 on some plots.

2. Slow Rate of Decomposition Early in Second­ary Succession-At least two factors slow decomposition. First, annuals typically have high shoot:root ratios; there­fore, most of their production becomes aboveground litter, which has a slower decomposition rate than belowground litter. Second, as available soil N levels decrease because of incorporation into the biomass of annuals, less N is avail­able for decomposers and immobilization exceeds mineral­ization (Pastor and others 1987). Because of these two fac­tors, mineralization ofN during early secondary succession may lag 2-3 years behind incorporation.

3. Incorporation of N into Perennial Structures­A£, perennials increase in abundance, a smaller proportion of the N incorporated by the seral community returns to the decomposer subsystem via litter in a given year.

4. Decrease in Litter Quality-AB succession pro­ceeds, litter produced by the seral community decreases in quality because mid- and late-seral species have higher C:N ratios and are higher in structural materials such as

lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose than early sera! spe­cies. This decrease in litter quality slows decomposition and delays mineralization of N contained in the litter (Buyanovsky and others 1987).

5. Competitive Advantage of Perennials as Soil N Becomes Limited-Perennials become increasingly more competitive for limited soil N because of four characteris­tics: (a) greater structural development (for example, more extensive root systems), (b) lower N requirements per unit biomass (table 3), (c) greater ability to supply a portion of their N requirements from internal sources, and (d) in­creased directing of soil N to perennials because of increased mutualistic coupling relationships between perennials and the decomposer subsystem.


Our results indicate that the transition from annual­dominated to perennial-dominated communities during early secondary succession is controlled, at least in the semiarid system we have studied, by N availability. An increase in N availability slows the rate of sera! change, allowing annuals to dominate longer, and a decrease inN availability increases the rate of change, allowing peren­nials to dominate sooner. Annuals dominate primarily be­cause they have more rapid growth rates than perennials and are therefore able to more quickly accumulate avail­able soil nutrients and moisture and perhaps also reduce perennial growth through shading. Such a high level of production requires high levels of available N, but it also reduces the available soil-N pool by incorporation in above­ground tissue. Decomposition of this aboveground litter is much slower than production, and, therefore, mineraliza­tion is slow and immobilization increases for several years. During this time, perennials increase in importance and dominate the site since they are better able to tolerate these low N-availability levels because of their lower N require­ments and their greater structural development (for exam­ple, greater root:shoot ratios, rooting depth, and mycorrhi­zal fungi infection). Perennials have lower N requirements than most annual forbs because of lower tissue-N concen­trations (especially grasses) and perennial storage between years.

Bromus tectorum has the potential for extending the dominance of annuals on semiarid disturbed sites longer than would be otherwise possible because of its low N re­quirement and its early growth characteristic. This appears to be most significant as a factor in seral dynamics on those sites where resource availability, especially soil moisture, has a single maximum early in the growing season. On sites where availability of soil resources is not characterized by a single maxima, or where that maxima is later in the grow­ing season, the effect of Bromus tectorum on seral dynam­ics should be relatively minor after the third or fourth year following disturbance.


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