Rogers theory


Transcript of Rogers theory

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Martha Elizabeth Rogers (May 12, 1914 – March 13, 1994) was an American nurse, researcher, theorist, and author. Rogers is best known for developing the Science of Unitary Human Beings

and for her landmark book,

An Introduction to the Theoretical Basis of Nursing

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• Rogers' theory is known as the Science of Unitary Human Beings. Its primary tenets include the following:

• Nursing is both a science and art; the uniqueness of nursing, like that of any other science, lies in the phenomenon central to its focus.

• Nurses long established concern with the people and the world they live, and encompasses people and the environments.

• The integrands of people and the environment that coordinate with a multidimensional universe of open systems points to a new paradigm: the identity of nursing as a science.

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• The purpose of nurses is to promote health and wellbeing for all persons wherever they are.

• She described the irreducible nature of individuals as being different from the sum of their parts. She theorized that the identity of nursing as a science arises from the integrity of people and the environment that coordinates with a multidimensional universe of open systems. The purpose of nurses, then, is to promote health and wellbeing for all persons.

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• Rogers' model provides the way of viewing the unitary human being. Humans are viewed as integral with the universe: the unitary human being and the environment are one, not dichotomous. Nursing, therefore, focuses on people and the manifestations that emerge from the mutual human/environmental field process. Change of pattern and organization of the human field and the environmental field is propagated by waves, and the manifestations of the field patterning that emerge are observable events.

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• The identification of the pattern provides knowledge and understanding of human experience. The basic concepts of the theory include

1. Unitary human being

2. Environment

3. Homodynamic principles.

• Rogers felt that historically the term ‘Nursing’ most often been used as a verb simplifying ‘to do’, when nursing is perceive as a science. Nursing is a humanistic science dedicated to compassionate concern for maintaining, promoting health, preventing illness & caring for rehabilitating the sick & disabled.

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The basic characteristics that describe the life process of human include energy field, openness, pattern, and pan-dimensionality.

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Energy field• The energy field is the fundamental unit of both the living

and non living. This energy field "provides a way to perceive people and environment as irreducible wholes". The energy field continuously varies in intensity, density, and extent.

• Rogers identified the unique focus of nursing as “the irreducible human being & its environment, both identified as energy field”. She identified two energy field of concern to nurses, which are distinct but not separate, the human field or unitary field human being & the environment field.

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• The human field can be conceptualized as one person or a group, family or community.

• Rogers maintained that each field, human & environmental, is identified by pattern, defined as “the distinguishing characteristics of as energy field perceive as a single ware, 1990.”

• Because human & environmental fields are in target with each other, they can’t be separated. They are always in mutual process.

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OpennessThe human field and the environmental field are constantly exchanging their energy back and get forth. There are no boundaries or barriers that inhibit energy flow between the fields.

Pattern Pattern is defined as the distinguishing characteristic of an energy field. "Pattern is an abstraction and it gives identity to the field".

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Pan-dimensionality• Pan-dimensionality is defined as "non-linear domain without

spatial or temporal attributes". The parameters that human uses in language to describe events are arbitrary. The present is relative; there is no temporal ordering of lives.

• Pan-dimensionality reality transcends traditional notions of space & time, which can be understood as perceived bound aries only.

• “Paranormal” that are in Rogerian nursing science, manifestations of the changing diversity of fields patterning & examples of pan dimensional awareness.

• Rogers described pattern as changing continuously while giving identity to each unique human environmental field process.

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Unitary Human Being• A unitary human being is an "irreducible, indivisible,

pan-dimensional energy field identified by pattern and manifesting characteristics that are specific to the whole and which cannot be predicted from knowledge of the parts" and "a unified whole having its own distinctive characteristics which cannot be perceived by looking at, describing, or summarizing the parts".

• The person has the capacity to participate knowingly and probabilistically in the process of change.

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EnvironmentThe environment is an "irreducible, pan-dimensional energy field identified by pattern and integral with the human field". The two fields coexist and are integral. Manifestations emerge from this field and are perceived by the person. HealthRogers defined health as an expression of the life process; they are the "characteristics and behaviour emerging out of the mutual, simultaneous interaction of the human and environmental fields". Health and illness are the part of the same continuum.

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Nursing : Nursing as a scienceThe theory asserts the independent science of nursing because an organized body of knowledge which is specific to nursing is arrived at by scientific research and logical analysis.

Nursing as an artRogers claimed that the creative use of science for the betterment of humans and the creative use of its knowledge is the art of its nursing.

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Assumptions about people and nursing• Nursing exists to serve people.

• It is the direct and overriding responsibility to the society.

• The safe practice of nursing depends on the nature and amount of scientific nursing knowledge the individual brings to practice

• People needs knowledgeable nursing.

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Homodynamic principlesThe principles of homodynamic postulates the way unitary human beings are perceived. The fundamental unit of the living system is an energy field.

ResonancyResonancy is an ordered arrangement of rhythm characterizing both human field and environmental field that undergoes continuous interchange in the human environmental process.

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HelicyHelicy describes the unpredictable, but continuous, nonlinear evolution of energy fields as evidenced by non-repeating rhythmic ties. The principle of helicy postulates an ordering of humans' evolutionary emergence.

IntegralityIntegrality is the mutual, continuous relationship of the human energy field and the environmental field. Changes occur by the continuous re-patterning of the human and environmental fields by resonance waves. The fields are one and integrated, but unique from each other.

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SEPARATE THEORIES IMPLICIT IN SCIENCE OF UNITARY HUMAN BEINGSRogers clearly stated her field & belief that multiple theories can be derived from the science of unitary human being. They are specific to nursing & reflect not what nurses do, but an understanding of people & our world.

Nursing education is identified by transmission of the theoretical knowledge & nursing practice is the creative use of this knowledge..

• Theory of paranormal phenomena

• The theory of accelerating evolution

• Theory of Rhythmicity

• Practice

• Research

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1. Theory of paranormal phenomena• This theory focus on the emergence of paranormal

phenomena suggests that experiences commonly labelled ‘paranormal’ are actually manifestations of the changes diversity & innovation of field to patterning. They are para dimensional forms of awareness.

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2. The theory of accelerating evolution• The theory of accelerating evolution suggests that the only

‘norm’ is accelerating change. Higher frequency field patterns the manifest growing diversity open the door to wider ranges of experiences & behaviours, calling into question the very idea of ‘norms’ as guideline human & environment field rhythm are speeding up.

• Rogers hypothesized that hyperactive children’s provide a good example of speeded up rhythms relative to other children.

• An evolutionary diversity continuous to accelerate the range & Varity of difference b/w individuals also increase the more diverse field patterns evolve more rapidly than the less diverse one.

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3. Theory of Rhythmicity• Rogers third theory, Rhythmical correlatives of changes was

changed to “Manifestations of field patterning in unitary human being.” This theory deals with the manifestations of the whole unitary human as changes in human sleep walking patterns, human field motion, perception of time passing, and other rhythmic development.

4. Practice• Rogers identified non-invasive modalities as the basis of nursing

practice now & in the future. She said that nurses must use “Nursing knowledge in non-invasive ways in a direct effort to promote wellbeing.”

• Rogers consistently identified the need for individuals, community based health services in cooperating, non-invasive modalities.

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5. Research• Rogers maintained that both qualitative & quantitative

research methods were appropriate for Rogerian science based research with the nature of the question & the phenomena under investigation guiding the selection.

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