Richmond Dispatch.(Richmond, VA)...

HAPPY HOLIDAYS. Froptr Pr«puWeitlon for Ft»« Uvlty BUSY BUYERS Gfuiy Trapping tho Streets in Search of rVfmfsAUiS. maav M*», MIM-Mrt*r>*r*f Mair***. Mar- rtaaeaM* Mtatrt, aari Mlsrbi*v*at Mit** Mreaariarlaa *.« Mlaellaa M Maar man*. WHEW TAIT FOidD BlRGlltt. SOME STORES JasM TeaantBsB WltU Pt*Hy Holiday MERRY CHRISTMAS T T! We resume our Un in* of Chrittma*. Tbough the trade ha* treen anything but brisk, the people are now crowding nil their preparation* lor tbe holiday* into the lew day* remaining before tbe great fe«tl- val. Tbe Christina* " boom " has come In real earnest. Our street* are lie-coming hourly more and more thronged with tbe merry crowd, teeking out the choicest and roost appropriate present* and good* for holiday cheer. Our earnest advice te make tunable and timely provision I* at last being heeded by thc old aad tbe young. Tbe merchant* bad bud In hindsnme and lovely stocks, hitherto unequalled, and it I* a pleasure to tee that the? are at length reaping an abundant bant it. The buay havers, a* they trip from «lore to store, seem to drink to a Joyou* Inspiration from tbe lovely dis¬ play of Chrtatma* goods I hit meet them on every hand, and are little conscious tbat lt their Happy smile* and merri laugh that make np the effectivene** of tbe *cene. The fatt-tppmaeblng Christmas i* ob¬ servable In tbe general Joyousness around. Even tbe poor urchin in tho sinai lookt happy as be fcadt his vision witb abundant a of Christmas from thc giiby-iln **, ,1 in,|-aa itidi,va-. Let the In¬ nocent happtne** he unrestrained at such a time, when Joyous and heartfelt piety should Inspire "(dory lie (o dod on high, and on earth jieace lo men of good* wi 11." This ls indeed the otilv time in the long calendar of the year when men and ai omen serm, by one consent, to open their shut- up heall* freely. Hut away willi furlhrr moralizing. Wc have many BtflflM Ifl describe Just teeming with pretty holiday good*. If you will only "take them In." dear reider, you will be oh the right road to the proper prepara¬ tion for Hie happy holiday*. A. Sails A* Co., 101.3 east Main stkket.. A int i; man. now make track. Na (Fe store of A. Sals. jr slylr sud comfort yon dei rc. For lb' re j on xtHI Bud' roods oi*eve. v kind. sm h ss v ( rv one sure roust admire. There I* so much to lie seen and admired in thi* great clothing csUbliditin nt, both in and out of seosnh, ttiat when one enters it at a time like this be is loth to depart. Although the prices ure suited to hird linus,Jrcontemplating the beautiful and ..maible I't. here arrayed. cms purse is rn vi r oaflBSBffSrtunte with hi* desires. Thc store, to Ledi with, is the handsomest in town. Thin. Ihfl great va- mtv of useful pit-nit, temptingly dis¬ played form an exhibit that cannot fail to elicit admiration for man's ornate nnd use¬ ful handiwork. There is but one danger in the contemplation of mich un establish¬ ment, and that is the awakening of de¬ sire* tbat cannot he realized, iv nidi ure apt to prow into MTf, This, however, not M the disparagement of the di«plav; for in- aniiutte bendy cac not tn anywise lie re¬ sponsible for the wrong feelings it may arouse Now, do go to A. Sak* A C'o.'s. It ls the clothing dc|ianmcnt of Santa Claus's bradijiiarti rs, and ls happily in charge of Mr. William Hans and lil* corps of polite and obliging clerks. What ii-ful present* may be selected hi rc in the way of buth- WTtp*. breakfast.ja.-kit*. study ami drcsslng-gowne, lounidng-coats. silk um¬ bu ll**, Bilk mufflers, gloves, quaint - al¬ pin*, and lovely scarfs; not to speak of ready-made and tudor made etothtoff. Ladict can herc affectionately ritalin- upon father or brother, husband or lover, for gift* 11'-toiAi'il or anticipated. Ya ai ter D. Blair k Co., HOD last Mais STREfT. .A time-honored house. BsflSh* lldiid in Itt. Ab ! heri i* metal with thfl true ring. When iv e older ones look back¬ ward at the lily-five years that this house ba* stood, il* pure nnd untarnished reputa¬ tion shine* with the polish ot refined gold. and in pleasing contrast with tin humbug. gt rt and trick* ->> often found In modern trade. For our part we prefer the .' simon pure," iud Bldr & Co. have lt. AH know (heir old and establlsbed brands of .. Mon'.- rose " snd .. It Select." Then thc old dark brandie-. Scotch whiskeys, Montebello and eUicr lii.impfiiLrn - of itu* firm, us well as tbelr sun cured chcwlng-tohaccn. lui|Kirted clarets, tauU-rncs, Old Dominion whiskey (right yean old), iud ali kimi* of fancy gn.iiii", nutt, fruits, undi liristmvs good* generally, are nn*uri>as*ed. Walter D. Blair k Co. alway* buy for cash, and can¬ not lie undersold. Their goods are the pun st, and Hit lin out .|k*i. ntnl you miy rest assured you cannot do better tl... where. Gcorob Gibson', Jit* 1207 Main stkket.. llert'ililbaon, ax ho Itu*/tiif In every kind or pot irry. You'll and blt ol ilauware and or chin i uni a lol lei v In (art. In birque and KM*-"van, In binnie ami l*r*a roii.ry. Hr lt a n.iaii jurrf lutat. stir*, ot nlaw«arf lin! "t pottery. Tbe solutlen of the fact Hint I .die* love .o to visit Gibson's i* that, beautiful teeni- wive*, they arc generally mon appreciative than men of the BtetsMtM and exquisite workt of tri. In tlie presence ol these lovely and wonderful yet fragile monu¬ ments of handiwork, awkward finn must B**uuie an fate aud grace of move¬ ment unnatural to h'm and painful dike A* with fair woman, lt ..might not beteem Ihe winda of heaven to visit ber face too roughly," so with these precious wares. Beautiful In design, re¬ ined la texture, and varied In style and price, tbe stock ot Gibson is attractive to the last degree. He ha* bargain* in ffYflUOfc decorated china, in Bohemian vases and glssBwue, In Luir Ilah toilet- aud dinner¬ ware, In antique hr. **, in royal Draadea and Koglisb sit ila.. In .Lip m..-.. lo on* and hsjs-wsri'. and In basque Sajorm and ornamental bisque.all highly appropriate lor christmi! presents. Do not fail to GIUon-t. J. A. Gsioo, Pack Block, corner Main and Eiuhtb tTSflrrs.. Her little l*ct of r.ultleas if.ouM, Arr m.-do lot, I) I* tiebold; Iso i iiidnella. we arv odd, ffMMaaa ni-l .veli * pair- Is., ut*, symmetrical, and small, l'i*>u H.* irt.und tl.ey Url, Iv rm. Lil* .noa,late, r.l an elfin ball, And Lat. no lu. prill I (lie What it more important than thi* branch of birdnest*, which denis di ret'tty willi man'* undi mUndltiir-and woman'* too, for that. Thi* uniter, ies|iectmg Ibe un BSPflflUBUSUg cl twet, ia, we know, a delicate ooo to Mckie; yet lt ls aa Blblmportttiit one It is tbe I ve ( of nature; bj* Imwb the prime cau»e of mon- rows, and thc dithe tallai of more square flflflS* inp than any other one factor we koon of. Meow me a man's shoe- snakei, and I will Iel! you what tbat man's disniositton I*. Tue next grxwteit misery ot life la to have au IH-atting shoe. Grieg lt ready to turi you all, and make you eotn- lortabie In a great variety of the laUtt Blvkas. He i* making *|s**.-la)tiet tbls - ,. iou in genuine allUttor tiiaditont'-Cmb aerkt and »)w>pptrig-h*g«, together with RSatRmen'* t aubroldcred cloth and reive* .I"WM-ra. He ha* Ireadtsd dipper* tor ladies, a !, ,uH ][t* °' old ,aai«' ¦uote, Ins, «fl sRprrei*. _t or(1,r U) btV(, 0irUtmi< well tbod, you roust cobiuIi Grlgg. .Nowus A Co., wa. ookxbb or Mais AKtl TlSTH NTBBBVa.-- " Jffte farr alib til,* ir abe tmoei am wxirit!. irae.s orlan, la ik«s7tit^i *utd. ' -lan*- ."¦ **"* ¦««. a't'MsBJi .otusn's The pod bath tala. "A (bing ul beauty ia a loy ftwever. He could aot lt be b id tried bave tpoken a more iwetieal truth r.«- tpeetlflg the great Jeweller* st thc corner of Mitn and Tenth .IreeU. Tbelr wagoltcrbt Solden and jewelled tmiturc*. a* well a* tefr more modeat scius of art, are all wrought la such laiiittd aud high ordor of workmanship that they truly be ir ont tbe above truism. Presents tmrena«'d lhere atti prov* a Jot toeever. Mr. N-vw* km sad Mr. Maeomher. with their polite anatatentt Mr. W.tnttoo, seem to bave the knack of pleasing their patron* ind the public gerteralty. Their excdlent latte ia only loo well atleste .1 by their beau* tlfoi aad fashionable display of Inc Jew¬ elry tn thc way ot lue diamond ear-drops, lace-pln*. Rnger-nntr*. bracelet*, and gold watch,-*. They offer, in addition to the*e, for appropriate preaenl*. flue gold chain*, milch- Imxi *, operB-flt**ea. end tbe like. Step up to Nowlsn't and convince yourself ot what we My. Jeana C. SeArus, 1004 Mau* stssst.- '.( v»tly thy hahn a. thy para* can hay, Rat not iii r*«**d In taney; rich, sot taady; P*r Ibr appaiT* oft proclaim* tb* man." Shafer, Ihe prince Imix-rlal of draper*, ha* been an asTeetble aoclety feature In Richmond life for .. lo teeae msoy year*." Not to know bim i* to argue yourself un¬ known ; not (o have vegetated in one of hi* Incomptrahle garnienta lt to have missed one of Richmond-* cbleftesl pleasure*. Hit eye btt not yet lott lu brilliancy, nor bl* deft fingers the cunning which ba* made their owner famous. He still .' dost bnsl- nes* at tbe old stand," and can. with tbe adjoin'' of a prorier adjiitiroent of financial affair* tn I a visit, both lndl*|-eniahle, fit von with truriiicrit* seldom equalled and now RflPfl surpassed." Swing ls believing. Go and see Shafer. Hu ami A. Co., No. 913 Maix btbkbt.. .. Tb* man that hath no Biotic In himself. Hor I. nol mnt'd wlih concord of sweet round*. ls St for lira*ont. stratagems, aad spoil*." Bo wrote tbe Immortal bard nearly three ci lillirie * ago, aud the dulcet utterance- of the '. divine William." ts they were in golden Eui:isnd's glnnoiis Elizabethianero, bave not lost tbelr truth. To give proper expression to music's moving nnmlrei-ione mutt hi vc an .. organ " ot tome tort, and a piano of the best sort. The choice of either I* offered bf the firm whose name beads thi* paragrnph. The wtreroom* of Mctsrs. Ryland A Lee are a* extensive as any In the w'hol( STiitr, and they are representative agent* of st itidntl Instruments that prove hi*llmr Joy* to the musician. A piano or organ to a* musical friend ls a gift worthy of Ibr gods. H. A. Catlin, No. 6 north Ninth RTITEET.. . In I astern land* tbey tali. In flower*. Aad Hi. v '(li Iii s Harland llieir h va*and rares; l.aelil.lossiiin Hist hinom- lu Iii, lr far len bower,, (in lu leave* ¦ mystic lan*flaafl bears." How very tme is thc above exquisite production of thfl gifiod muse; true no lea* of the Occident thin Hu- Orient. And happy are we In having In Catlin one who combine* with a true love of flowers the rare taste nf combining llieiu in ravishing aggregation. Qa to, or for. Catlin If yon wini Eerie and Xlrthcto* rosebuds, Calla lilies, smilax, and Ute thousand and om: thing* Ai-tiii.-iii "thc garden of delights" engineered hy Catlin. fjRBBtm. Tvrek A Co., Ht r.tsT Broad STREET.. " Put .our beat fool foremost." Hie old proverb ¦ave] And well dressed Ihat hot foot should so: lo follow Ulai advice In llieae doubt! ul days Tea rnusl deal with Spence. Tyree A Co. Then MR BS lit'ie pleasure lo in during this festive season if we have resthetic and Inner-comfort present*, yet be so poorly shed as to suffer from cold feel. The present cold wave, with its attendant snow, has already admonished of tho ne- ec»*Hy of kicping well dud our prdd ex- tnmiiii's. Bmase. Tyree .% Oe, will meet your every Avant in thi* jurd,ill ip. In ad* dillon Io the ti'tial stock of boot* and shoes formen, ttrOBB flt and children, thOM ROB* th men oller RR admirable stock of ruhUSff* bocta and unties for ladle*, gentlemen,and chi lin n. You will lind I hem ready to -eivc yon until ll o'clock Tue.-day uight and 'Iii ll Wednesday night. Am.reav Antoni, IffJt Main street.. " All-rheirlng Plenty, with her Una dur horn,*' The ronnie..pla for (iirl-Ims* meru. Betterki Hu sion nt Irleud Antoni, lor l brimin ns nock ur cereiiioi.v. The hom of plenty, flowing over with -ivnte.t confection*, may he found in abundance at Antoni's. Thc isinculent ef- hrvi-cen.c of -icchiiriiio felicity linds herc Aeiy vnilcly of pleasing mid grateful form. Wind multitudinous sweets in Hits ciystallizidlon of confectionary, delect ate thc sinse of sim ll nnd satisfy the WAI RUM for sugary compounds. Lovers of sweet* may hire he madi happy. Head Antoui's innouni-ement of Breath and home-made [.undies, new crop of figs and nuts, and go ind1 buy and BS content. Mons. Spiro Zi telle, the famous master >Mbc ruiA'tne, adds a ('harming restaurant lo" Hie establishment of Antoni. Holiday lunches, dinners, nnd lUOpan ure in order. snd /(telle can lill the bill lo the satisfac¬ tion of Hie epicure or of thc more simple taste. C. II. PaVOU, MttCflBT STREET.. AVI o would snfTcr tb! bUsaaxtT* rite, Vi ihi eaaariMUafl ooali rrom r. h. Pasal Let Hie cheerful Christin is lire* burn I.iijuhtly. I'ih nn the wood or coal,and let thc radiance of the Haine ri lb¦« t an I red Hi¬ lde the joys which surround ll, the warinth of heart kee(ung pace with thc glowing emilers. Huge otters much Christmas fuel, 'lin- ii Ichrntfd coal from Coalbiirg and ri fortiori kindling-wood from AVoodvillc HS will supply you in short order, s.,, Iptak to him. A. E. Jaiinke, IStl Mainstreet.. ..To lbs mi' eek* r. Time's boar*|*aM sh. Hld still run (Told du-l." .l.ihnke MB in truth make the Christmas hours golden, n- anything from hi* well- assorted stock xviii irliiildcn thc tuart of thfl Trcipttiit. lie announces that his stock is tlian it lia* ever hedi before, and Unit ls sayinga croat deni, fur BS ha* alway* lei |it puce AAith the times. particularly ( brtatums timi-. He otters suiouf hi* rjic- ciiiliii * fine gold mid silver watches, Errnch and tau*, duck*, solid iiiul plated silver¬ ware, (t|iera-ti:i-'"C-, lin^-, btaaaiptae. scarl-pins.lockd*. and, in fad,all thc lutest novelties in jewelry. Exibasoe ior Wuhan's Work.Depot No. ::im east BffBBBT..¦ .' V* flfBUf Litll, -: in whose .overeifn itower Lovial.allies Hie si' ri' ot ld* Minni.on Brit**. you alf alwafe aV ing something to entitle IOUIMB lo our bi'-l .ifl'ictioiis, and thi- schema for aa ixcbangc for woman's work ls euc of i beni. Beet svaaui-ad .faa will lie flUaoUMged iu yourirood work. Thc ladles have many rovel, ingenious, and pretty pleet* of "work. Christmas shopper* cm tere lat I* ff sum, oj their wants, anddo a good work. B. ll. Ei.r.Mii. No. lott Main «treet. Erench i- thc BSSfflstet's friend; Bfl servo* hiin ta his ciistnuii'i's tn brilliant Undina, leaving hi* n-piciive vvorth to disclose it¬ self, anil the piirch**!'!' to bc ehooser. Si c his Immense arr ia of nil sorts pf lip ruy pabulum, work- and other boxes, phnto- emph-ulhiims, and pOflhl t-bonks, Erench's paper, writing and otlui¦« l*c, i* superior, sic hmi, and von will probably bri induccil lo effect au arrangement for a transfer of Mimi- of his numerous specimen*. Erench is a good fellow and a fair trader. Here, gentle nader, ive close our Christ- Bras round* for thc year ISSI, if wc have ¦Sven you one valuable hint, wc have not labored in vain. Mn vour Christmas be as merry as we would wiah it, and may the New Tesl tabrrayefldug beswaoi this and our next christmas carol I*' fraught with many blessing*, much happiness, uni abun¬ dant harvest*, tor you. So wishes Ihe Dis¬ patch. lu the United State* there ls now hut one nlivc-grovc aa hose fnilt is Used in thc nian- ufiiiliuc ol oil. That is ut Cannon * Point. (ia. The grove contains 160 hearing BUBS, They were plauttd over a century ago, having indi brought from Spam by the United suite* Minister lo that country. Tbe grove i nilli d this year 200 gallon* of oil in Hine grades. The olives arc first passed through a mill which rushes thc leny, but not the kernel. Thit pulp ts pl icu! In small crocus Iwg*. which are damp¬ ened witti cold water and kneaded like bu ad on un induna! Utile with trough at¬ tached. Tba water washes out thc oil, and both dialn into the trough. The oil betas lighter, float*, .uni ls skimmed off and fil¬ ter! d. This makes tbe Urti quality, which sells for from .?)* lo 110 |ier gallon. The s«tne MUS. ss is gone through with warm or tepid wider, which yieidt a second grade of oil, almost twice the quantity of tbe lir-i, and it sold st from to to IC pVr gallon. A third washing or kneading in warmer water still bringa out the crude ol), in quantity equal to the first, and which sell* ut from f'.'.rsi to 13.50 pt* gallon. Tbe proportion it to per cent, pure, 50 medium or luer- i baiiLtble. aud .Vi crude Dr. W. II. Snook*. 103 east Hroad strecL Richmond, »af» i .. Brown'* Iron Bitter* ls uiiilt'iibtiillv a flne tonic. I sell a greet deal of lt, and my titstouien ipmk of it in I thc highest term*." Those wbo tend tbe great cattlol.erd* on H.. li ut* plain* seldom have other than J Mil-meat lo eat. Tbey cannot afford to kid a tsref jual to get a sirloin, and la that ell- mate tbe balance nf thc animal will not keep Im.g. It I. now pro.maid to stock with German oflfp the irenche* which tbey dig to catch rain-water for theruaclvei and tbelr herd*, and thus tln-v may bave frosh Uah as food wb.ile living on the gr.-at inte¬ rior plains. Mr. W. I. Wilson, 9001 Venable *treet; Biebmond. tay*: .. lirowo't Iron Hitter* ls the best remedy for dyspepsia and general debility, lt greatly Unctlted me," YOUNO DEFAULTKB SENTENCED. TwtMU'Uttt Maaaib* In ffrla*e far HM Urrarb at Tra**. A Philadelphia iipectei tay*: Thoma* P. Ma«nley, the clerk in Fidelity Trust Cora- psny'i employ wbo wss Indicted for the theft from the cooiphny's viuft ot ten ooe- ttioitaand-dollar bond* of tbe Lehigh- Vsb ley railroad, pteaded gnlltv to the charge In Judge Ftolelter'i :ourt ot Quarter Jsettlon*. The bondi hid been taken by the clerk snd deposlUd, lix of them a* msr- gin with Koon* A Tunli, brokera, through whom he had been carrying on speculative irantactlons In ttockt. He confeaaed tbe larcenv to Vice-President Old, of tbe com¬ pany, snd the remaining bond* were In bl* clonk when tbe confe**lon wt* made, snd were found there. Of the tlx bondi left with the brokera three were told by Ma- cotilev's order before the theft wt* ackoow- i dged. The brokers, however, purchase 1 them liack from the person* to whom they bad been told, and returned thc six te thc tni«t company. Mscsuley entered thc company s employ at a boy. Ile wat bright and wa* rapidly advanced. Ills -dary wa* fl.000 a year. He had learned conveyancing and earned from fffHrO to f-000 a jcar more ont of thc busine** he did for peraons interettcd In the (*tate«i ol which thc trust company had charge. He licgan speculating In a -mull wpy, but a*smUM so bold Hint be frc .ucntly carried from 1,000 to 1,500 shares of stock. Ile recently began selling the market short, ind wi* caiighi in a tight place by thc rise in Jersey Central, and took* the bonds to relieve himself. If hlsipectilfitions bad not been interrupted bf the accidental ifltes* Hon of the theft they would hive resulted In a profit, it I* *aid, of 118,000, us bfl got ihort of stocks Just before the recent breik. Before impodng sentence tbe ('ourt asked the prisoner whether bc had untiling to say. "I hive nothing to say," answered Macauley In a ihamefnccd wiy. " 1 had no Intention of keeping the bond*. I expect¬ ed to return them." The Court sentenced him to an Imprisonment of twenty-one months. In entering Judgment the .fudge said : .. Yours was a position of great tru*t. Thc *afcty,of the money and valuable* de¬ posited in Ihe lnslltu'ton In which you were employed depend* on the fidelity of those who »dminlster the trust. There- fere your act not only Involve* thc conti- (knee of the public In others, but ls likely to make all jicrson* doubt thc safety of *uch an institution. In addition to Hid, your ad wu* likely to involve your fellow- clerk*. There" is In this case nothing to extenuate the otb ncc. It wa* an offence against every one with whom you were brought In official contact. I say nothing about the fact that it might involve thc re¬ spectable (K-ople to Avhom you sold or ph dged the property. While I commiserate your position, I certainly must do my duty in giving you s punishment commensurate with this crime" Marimley is appirently very delicate, and some of ins fiiends said that they did not believe he woflld survive thc pun'lthment. BUS UH JOHN MACDONALD. liuiterttiK Addrrasrs Presrnied i.. th* Cana¬ dian Frrmier. A Toronto (Ont.) BBfltnfll says : The for- liith anniversary of the political life of Sir .lohn Macdonald, Premlerof thc Dominion Government of Canada, was celdiratod herc tO-dsf with u grand political demonstra¬ tion, which was participated in hy all the li .illino Conservative MMShflH of the (lov- ernment and many delegates from different I arts of Canada. The gathering waa very large and must flats afforded great gratifi¬ cation to the chieftain of theCosuefTstlre I :iiiv in Canada. In the Opera-House Ifl thc morning, before an immense audi- dice, ho e.ns presented with cmgr.itnil¬ ton' addles*. * bf (lt legate* from difl'er- eut perte af the Dominion, including one from Premier BorejUSf in behalf of Manito¬ ba, and one from the Northwest Territo¬ ries. The City Council also presented him with.'tn address, congratulating him on the honor of having bad the decoration Order of thc Bath bestowed BB bini by Queen Victoria during his recent visit to England iiilfl bis restoration to his former good bdilih. This evening he was entertained ut a splendid banquet, in company with Sir David Macpherson, Lieutenant-Governor Robinson, and thc Icadin.' member* of the Dominion and Provincial Governments anti the Canadian Senate. Sir John has been thc acknowledged leuder of thc Conservative party in Canada for nearly forty years. MILLERS ASK PROTECTION. During thc uftcrnoon bfl had a conference, with representative millers of ( anada in reti renee to duties on American wheat and flour. The millers represented to him that tbe duty on American flour brought into Canada was fifty cent* per barrel, while thc duly on w heal was fifteen cents per bushel, or au equivalent to sixty-seven eenLs per burrel on flour. In this way, they -tated. thc Canadian Government di«criiniiialci in favor of American millers who Uiflhed to export their surplus flour into Cana¬ da, to the extent of seventeen cent* (mr barrel. Thc American competition in thc Canadian flour-mark.t ooueeqoeat upon Hil* was causing immense loss to Canadian mills, l.iany ot which will have to ipjpofld operations shortly unless relief is given them. Sir John shoived he could not re¬ duce thc diitvHi wheal imported ben from thfl United state* to grind. :i< it would in¬ jure thc Canadian fanner*: and he con¬ cluded the bes! way to overcome the ditli- < ti it y would bfl to increase the duty mi American lour brought into ('mada from lilly (inls to seventy-live cents er gi per barrel, Herc ami Tlicre. A prominent wheat-raiser Bflffl ths Ooreffumeul and ort rata estimate* of the wheat crop of ISM were much over¬ rated, a circumstance that ha* had it* share In depressing thc price Ile Mfl tint thfl flCffSfgC Of ii<\t year will not be over CO percent, of what it was in issi. Mr. Julius J. Herzog, -Jilli Venable stree!. Richmond, say*: "I have sold Brown's Iron Hitters for thc list three pears, asd Bbau given general -.iti-faction to my patrons." Thc compromise negotiations on the franchise lull, the World iLondon) -till in¬ sists, beean with Mr. nlai-toiic and thc Omi n. were continued bf Her Majesty and the Duke of liichi'i'uit). and were brought Into shape at ('onion Caritta during the visit ol Lord s..!i*bury and Lord Cairn*. Mr. W. II. Ladle. 1115 Main street. Ki. lill end, sals; " I have Used Brown's Iron Hitter* tot dyspepsia, neuralgia, and ncrAoii* ili-orilcrs with gnat satisfaction." Il is said that lhere arc but two piece* nf the Hiildenite (the North Carolina gemjnoiv in the South, flfld these ure iu thc flhlpfl of n pair of car-iing-. Thfl dem inti for the -tune in Europe is so great that Professor Hidden, who owns um! oparatM the only mini", siiuls them abroad a* fast us they are mined. Mr*. Annii' M. Hall. Mtg MS) Broad street,, Bflffl I "My physician ordered Brown's Iron Hitters for my son iv hi, fl suffering from chills, and it promptly and effectually relieved him. It hu* my n rateful recommendation.'" Lady Hillyer, who died a short time ago in I.noland, was the widow of un admiral and thfl mother of two admirals of Hen Brlt- ish navy. Sin- was nincly-six years old, lind tbe I'rinet- of AVnles uml the" I Mike of Edinburgh hail promised to dine with j her on her hundredth hlllhauj ll she reached lt. Mr*. Eannie O. filBBIB. 2CI2 Clay street. Richmond, Kays .. ..Fur days I could scarcely eat a morsel, and then' suddenly a craving for food would possess me This state of thing* lujurcd my health. Brown's Iron Hitters cured me." An Easton. P.v.. telegram sty*: Dr. Henrv DetAvilhriodiiy celebrated hi* elghly-ninUi birthday by a family gathering. Dr. Dat* willer is said to be the oldest homer- iprtlnr pkfflkllli in active practice. He ha* prac¬ ticed in this section since 1817. He was born lu Switzerland In 1705. He was thc first to administer homo-opnthic runt-dies in the State, ind in 1834, at Allentown, w'th a number of other* now deceased, formed Ihfl first honiu-opatbic school In the world. He was a personal friend of Dr. I lulim m um. Mr. J. E. Lay, Us south Pine street. Richmond, say*: "I have taken Brown'* iron Bitter* for dyspepsia, and pronounce lt a very superior ionic. I have recom¬ mended lt to my friends, who arc equally wi ll pleased." Eveu tbe blood loyal bas had no exemp- Hon trom tbat terrible disease, leproav. King John, of Great Britain, bad a ton who died from lt. and lt was even In the blood of Baldwin IV., from whom wts descended 'thc Plantagenet.*. It attacked him while he wat yet a miaor, and though he strug¬ gled bravely, ..«aa allow ing manv a bitter pang witb a smiling face." tbe diteate had to ravaged blt constitution tbat at tbe age of twenty-three be was compelled to sur* nuder bl* crown, and died two year* liter. King Robert Bruce lt tbown to hive been mother roytl leper, at I* proved by the ti alimony of maur andeut bi*toriant. Mr. J. A. Golden, 601 west Seventeenth street, Richmond, tay*: "I consider Brown's Iron Bitter* superior to any other tonic preparation. Thc demand for lt la to gt-eat tbat I can hardly keep myself itip- Kled. Mv customer* bave unbounded faith ibis popular remedy." SUSQUEHANNA'S MW MOBBBBY. twa Sessttal Unritr af ta* Unas wt Tb!**** .triaemu. A Btnp-bainton tpecial of the lltb mys: Detective Robert Pinkerton yeaterdsy cap- lured George A. Procter, Ibe suppose", leader of a gang wbo, about the middle ot June, 1888, abaUacted from tbe vault* of tbe United btate* Expire** Company at Suv quebannt, Pa., a webae* containing be¬ tween 130,000 «nd tte.000. Tbe money waa tent bv the Marine Bank of New York to thc First National ot Buaqucbsnn. for ute in lmying tbe men at tbe .hop* In tbat town. When or how it wa* taken ha* remained a myitery, and lt wt* thought that the men who bad .. worked " the vault htdetcaped with their booty. Tbe Job wis evidently done by *keleton-kevs, sa no trace of violence waa ditcovered In the morning, and nothing wm In any way displaced. A package similar in appear¬ ance to the one containing the money waa lilt, and it wa* thought for tome time that the exchange hui been made while the cash wm en route from New York. Proctor, who had been employed at the time thc robbery oecurn-d a* foreman of the boiler- shep at'Susquehanna, renigned his position and went to Canada. It WM suspected that be had b"cn connected with the affair, but he could not lie taken on the proofs at hand fmm Canada. lie wa* let alone, and finally came over to Whit, ball, N. V., where he wa* known to have * ticket for Europe. He wa* then arrested and brought via the Albany roiil to this elly, anu thence taken to Montrose, the county-seat, where he was, after an exami¬ nation, incarcerated in Jill. From thc fact! now "'i-ought to light lt I* claimed that other men will tte. arrested, and lt ls also intimated tbat they are employd* of tbe Eric railroad. Thc Pinkerton men seem confident that they have " a dead-sure thing" on this mysterious, puzzling case. Proctor is well known along the Erie road at an expert on lock*. New Zealand is an excellent country for sheep-raising, barring the fact that the ani¬ mals are compelled to flOBUMSI for the grass supply with a vast number of rab¬ bit*. Tbe bett destroyers of the itselcss rabbits arc weasels and stoat*, hence a re¬ cent sbip sailing from Southampton carried L's) weasels and 500 Moat*. As the«e ani¬ mals feed only upon small meat*, lt w .* found necessary to take 2,400 pigeons along to give them ; and a* the pigeon* must lie kept, lt was also necessary to take sixteen quarter! of corn along to feed the pigeon*. Chester. England, ls supplied with water from the River Dee by a compiny which has two pumping stations near each other, a mlle anil a half above the city. A 'Jl-ineh pipe conveys the water from the river across thc meadow* to a receiving well, whence it is pumped by two hoiLtontal compound condensing engines, with steam cylinders of 14 ind 2fiinches diameter and 80-inch stroke, operating pumps of lt| Inches diameter. Thc boilers supply siiam at 120 (round* pressure, and are titted yvith McDougall'* mechinlcal stokers, which are to arranged that all smoke ls consumed In the furnaces. The ivater is lifted seven¬ ty-five feet to a subsiding reservoir, and then flows over filter-beds conttinlng eight feet of sand mid gravel. There are seven filters of a combined area of wDMSm square feet, and after passing them the water is collected in a tank, whence It is pumped into a wrought-iron tank holding 2CS.000 gallon*, on a brick toorar li tnt high. Thc pumps are al tl'tack di¬ ameter and 00-inch stroke, operated hy a (.air of differential engine* with *t"atn-cv- limier* of IS and ;Wi indies diameter ami Rt taChm stroke. Thc *feaiii-prc--i!i'c i- SJ pounds. Thc tinily supply i- about 2.0 in.- 000 I'nited State* gallon-", and there an- thirty-five mlle* of mains. Mr. E. I*. Jones. (HI flflflt Cflfff Richmond, says: "My brother, while trari liing South, contracted malaria. He Bafd Hrovvn's Iron Hitter*, and lt made a complete cure. It is a great remedy." I ll I*.M. *. IAIII1I I Ot' -lill. T II'BIG COMI'ANYS EXTRACT OF MKAT-FINF.sT AM) CHRAPRBT AU:aT- FLAVoltlXi STOCK Villi soi i's. VIAHK- DISHES. ANHs-ACCKS. Animal - ile, e,000.- 000 Jars. LUi'H. CoAIFANVs I \* ri! ACT Off MFAT. An MMB. .'i* a success BBri .iltoon lor which nations should reel Krate it'..*'.Sec .'Medical Press,-' "Laiirit,"4r. ReaaMS only with the/nc limitr of Baroii Llel'lir'sslfniiilureln hine Ink BOO*! thc l.iial. The title " Daron LiehlK " ami photo.-ra ph h:iv- Ing been lars-cly u-ed liv dealer* with no con- nisrtlon with Baron I.lclnif.flie pulilic arc In- r>'iuird Bari Hm Uateff < Maana*" aaa of¬ fer the article with Baron Llchl/'.* aiiarantrf tt RI mil timers. LILI'Hi COMPANY"* KXTIt.A! T ol* MEAT. Ta lie had or all st, r.L.ti* r*. (.nicer*, am) Cheint-t-. BSta aflSBM lalM liiltcd Stale* (wholesale only). C. IiAVHi .t Cu.. 0 Fen.Impil avenue. London. Finland. BM 17-*sx.V.*t MRI. SAB AB LAN* 'ASTER,:uu WEST MAIM ITRBRT. RlebsAXrari, *ays: " I kia ;i Hrown'* Iron Hitter* cu.t nilly on timid, rea Iv Tor sn errert". nev. -ii.ii ii- inrinu. ur .sir Hfii. mil ir "i. eic, ami would advise ntlurs t,, parwit 7.H.J*1 le 19 I1i.lrv20.2n,''."..27.' IIRIO* lll.llKIM'. t . A O.IHK IIECOYEUY. lt .ive- u-i:rfm iii*»i«tnr i" ..-itt Hu-th* mer¬ ci nut wini w a. n portas latina M lb* pnia. of death limn sn ailink of I'li.-imi -in . ha* enlim!] tin.I l.v lin use of lin. WILLIAM HALL'S BALKAN POR UH. I l Mis. NaiuralL I. leela siitiiiui for lin- bunill .i.'ii'i froai bUbs ihli itniedv tot the lunts and threat; mil Ifl , I iilluitv t.. Una statement we ir* actuated liv ne* lift- nit nhiie larseflsetton, iraaUBfl Buri alben may '.'¦ lanetlted lu a similar manner. ile^ii-d'ilSwll (TOysl'MI'TlON..I have a positive rcm- <1\ |..r th* aUtve dlsea-e; li) Its u-e tli.u-nlfl! .,t I- i. nf la* wont .ind and oi lon* Uandi nt hive leen euri d. Indeed, -o rtronf ll my faith In li- cfflc'icv that I will -end TWO BOT TL KS lill Kn.(Tether with ii A ALI A HI. I. 1 111. xl WK on Ibis di e.i*e. tn any sufferer. UlveeBprSM lad ix.-t etti ci ii'l'l OB. I. A. SI.Of CM, Oe l-todfla_181 I'eiiT si reel, New Tor*. ADlES.-Pcnnvroyal Fills (..( Tildie- J ter'- F.iifrtlah"i arc worth their vt. ;.-lit Infold, lull is-utl' ular-. *c ( hi'iit Bier ( li. ml. xl Co., i'A li Madison r«|uan'. riiilad, Ipili.. atig'J-Tu.'f'h.S.'iA-ltilSCt rpo PHYSICIANS. ITMCM ULOlMTK OF Cor.AlNK, Ihe newly di-coAcrfl mid AloMHUKI I. LOCAL .AVF.sTHF.TlC. A .mall .|uantlly list rc.'clvc.l and for tte* bj at. III. All.', liriii'id-t. no'.'!! corner .1 Mutti md Braid street*. MIL EUGENE Kol'l'LE. Mo EAST BROAD ST HK FT, Hiclimoud. aara ..Hn.wn** Iron Hiller* ls a spieudlil Ionic My family luxe used ll with good resull*. and for mt ll hat worked wonders, lt hs* my ready ap- de 12,l(',l8,2l;,'JL2.'..27,3oJal HIMAIHAMS st SVMI'I 1 KOOXa T HE ONLY l'LACE IN TOWN Willi! BASSM ALF, liliN'M-ss'* ST.HT, (TLM- H.A( Il k IAMBI HKFK are UPI CONSTANTLY ON DltACGHT l* CHAIM.KS KIKKIl'S. I0M Mais BBBflflt, PUMA shah.ns BflLlUM;. Mr. F.iKrn ha*just hat) halli Hie handsomest rcrrtreralor In ihe noulh. The putilic kcihtiII) Hiv in tl to ins.a ct it. The BAH ls supplied willi ClIolCF. LIOI'OHr and Hie HILLIARD SALOON willi thc LSI -1 'lARI.I-s. CHARLls KL'KRB, u* 11-lm_1002 Main sinai- HENRY II El SEE. SALOON, HI.STAl KANT, AND BIL¬ LABO KOHM. NO. 1 SOS Al viv sniKBT. WINKS, Liol lilts, ami (ll. Alis of ihe (lilia ¦in.iii, I. pi cn-! ,i,Uv on hand. RESTACHANT aid LCM H-.iUNTFK att.iplletl wit's the htxs Ihe market afford*, which I* served In tlnt-d i* alvie. The ln-sl-appid riled and is.u1li|H"l HIL I IA rt-BOOM In the iHv. LocaUou central. Po Ills- and attentive alt, mlania. de 2-Um (* EOltUE EHRET'S LAO (CR HI I; AT V. L. (HMillAlAN-. corner .'"vrulh and M tr-hall tl reeta. retAtOrStlj MIL H. C. TAYLOB, 909 EAST MAIS sTRFLT. Richmond, says: -Brown's lr<.t Billers has been used In my rimilv rt.r neilin- aii.l w, nkneii* with great sucre*., lt ls the best Iron pirpaiallcn eaiaul." de 12.1il.l*l2n.23.2S,27..mial _w_v.^v. "»*M>D ANS (SOA I.. CUIEAI' JOHN IS GONE, BET CHE AF > TUON ls left behind to rnrnl.h his friend, and public all kinda or I DAL and Wool) at Ult lowest prices f/or cash. He keeps all slat-, or AN TIHtAt 1TP. f'ltoAVNIIILL SPLINT. POI A- HONTAH.snUCLoVSR HILL LI'MP forfratrts All kinda of XNUIKK-COAL. OAK and PIN! WlMlD-LO.NO.SAW'FH.sndaiPLir. Yard and ofB**, 1714 east Cary. T. 877. if. c. TIlo.N. 0* 10-Sw_ BEST A ff TH KA CITE EGG. to; STOAF. 16.25: Ll MP s|'|,|VT, B4.75 HAIL SPLINT. *4.6o; SOFT LUMP, SU.Bo POI AI|ONTAsL(-.<P.*3.7J: CLOVFR HILL, tl.'.'.A. coull I'ISiF. *i per hill ord: OAK S2.60; HOtrT COKE AND FMil S IX'O AL. al It'Wtad piueafor raab, Yard -Broad, above Klba depot or Idol Cary ttreet. TideplHin* IS3. 0*4 C. H. PACK, MIPS EMILY (LAYBINE. FORD'S I'OTF.L.RIrbinoiid **yt: -I bava reoHTatt areal N-Bcfll by u.'nc Brown's Iron Bluer* lui f*i*rra: detlllty. Ifsoa* fWllT reatorts) say ItpatUt.' ile lSel AlASOtSI MAIilWal a A SAFEGUARD. The Ats! rapidity wlui wM*h tllfht Cohli and C(Mtfa*freq*cnt|y drvelup Ind. lae srxTcsl mrtla- dir* of Om throat and Imf. I* a co a-Mention which should Impel every prn.lcnt person to keera al hand*, ahoowbold retaady a bottle ol A YUH'S CHKKKY PKCTOHAL. N'f'ltiln* else five* roch bum*,Hat* relief and worki *o sore ¦ rare In all affections or Ulla ria**. Tbat rm I net. 1 physician, Professor P. Sweclaer, of lb* Maine Medical School. Hm ali ». M-.. ¦>) S Medical sell ore hs* proftuccd no other aa.. ityne expectorant so rrood as AV Firs eil Kif HY PEI TOR AL. lt lt Invaiialde for dlscaae* of thc throat snd lunjr*." The tame opinion I* np rewed hy liv well- known Dr. la J. Addison, of ('blear". UL, BBB ta yt: 1 hare never found. In lhlrly-«T* year* of*on- llnuocs iludT tnd prartlc* of mrsllclne. any ur p*r»tlonuf so areal Taine a* AYER'* CHERRY Pl ( TOR AL (or treatment of di-easet of th* throat and lunrs. It nol uni a breaks up rold* and curra. atTrre roiijrh*, hnt ls mr re f ffi*. tire than any thin* else In n H. vii* even Ihe most serious bronchial and pulmonary afferilon*."* AY KU'S CHERRY PECTORAL ls nol s new for popular confl len**, fun a medicine which li lo-day aavlnrthe lives of tbe third generation who have rome Into heine -nea ll wai Drat offered to the public. There ls nor. household In which ihi* lnT»lu»M* remedy lia. onr* hts-n Introduced where exiT been alwrnloned. and titer.' I- n"i .' Brrtnfl l*tw hast var riven lt » proper trial for any thru' or Inn* dl-taae siwcpuhle of enre wno .ia* uot Itecn made well by lt. A VI. It's CHUBBY PfCTOBAX ha* In nnm- berlcsfi ln*!tnc*s emed oi-stinale *i«e*of chro.itff Hr .... billa I, irnAB.iis. nnd even tVtnM pinn lo¬ ni*, and baa -.alfi man* patient* In Hu- tr sta**-* of Pnlmnrnirr I o snmpiloti. Il Isa mr.ll- rln* IImI only rrs|iilres to la-i»**n In smxll dna**, plcisiiitt. to the taste, ami i* In every house wheretti.eeare.*n. ;i* tli*r*1* norhinjr sn pood a* UKIt's CHERRY PKCTOHAL for treatment of Croup and AVIioonlnf-Cona-h. Ut. sc ire all plain fiu-ta, which *an h* Terlll»d hy anylNKiy, and should li* remembered liv ercry- l.ody. AYERSCHERRY PECTORAL. ratrARKD BY DR.J. C. AYER A" Co.. LOWFLL. N Ass. Mold hy all Hrutrai-l- dc 20 MRS. L. LYNCH. GIG EAST HBO A I) STREET, richmond, ta)'«I '. Previous to ihe u** of Hrown'* Iron Hi I tera I wx- ut'eily ml*- erahl*. ll promptly restored my health, and I tana -Uv ra-fommrud it." d* 12.18.1«.20.2S.2'..27.:U).lal MAT* HRS. jr.WII.RY. Ar. AT T E N T 1 O N !-WAT( HEs.ygL JFAAH.RY. SRO BILVKRWAB*.. 5p_L LAIK.F. AM) POLL As-orUl|. NT. *_____ PRICIsON EVERY ARTK I K IV STORR Iti.- Dl'CED 15 TO 20 CEN Ti Catt exsmlnr. .nd I.' CONVINCED that you cannot do helter In (he city. 4. T- ALLEN A (ai., de 14-tl)e24ln Fourteenth ami M itu -trr,1-. M RS. C. SALE, IM 1MNE STREET. Rlrhinond,says: .'I consider Brown's Iron linters a (rood Ionic. It greatly strenirHiriied me, and to Ihe weak learnedly reeoBtmendlt.'1 de lM.lS.l*i.2().2:i.o.'i,27,T0JBl pICHMOND PERPETUAL BL'ILD- 1NC,. LOAN, AND TRUST COMPANY, No. 1200 Main strut fflBUUU Planter! Hank). Liri kn L. Bass, President; .1 .liv .1. AA'kii.iit, A'ici -I'p-lili nt; Willi am Um flsarata.CsbMm. HON! \ li VMIil'v RIA .> TATE on fa* roraiiti'lerms. reluroahle lu moullily iii.taliaf nts, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. DEPOSITS RRCKIVKP In (his department, ind ISTKMKBT A I. Lo AV FD at IteriUofflptl renitim t*>r annum. Security undoubted. oe « w St ARTS. ANTED, HEN ANO WOMEN Iii START A NI VA Hl'Si.NFSS AT THEIR Holt ls.(turill learned In an hour. No pnidlltif. Ten rent* to fifty cent* an hour tnide darline or evaalBf. Hand lOe. far SO ¦sbibmm utfi puk ure of food* to commence work on. Adttrtai de 20-li*_UAi. FAY. Rutland. VI. WANTED, A PLACE ON A ffABM, or In the cltv. hy * man and ld* wit.- i,. r- man; »us an object. Aarim* m.,i.iv..\.w Market Hotel. Sixth and Marshall .tn-rt*. Rn-li- liiond. Va. t|i"2i'-2t* $9 WANTKD-l UI'.lsTMA-idl l<. HALE-CORD REASONED PINK WOOD, 1X00. HAI.F-coRD SEASONED OAK WOOD, -j 50. Hut lt lid Irv lt. and you will Inv mort of lt. RFTAILFRs, IT SUITS YUH TRADE TO A T. Hey now, and flailafl ch'stnia-. ind Biak* votir frlMois "iiil'oit.iiii- ami hapnv. PtJELOP ALL KIMI* it* I't-'d Bl lil. heil lui I ch.":.a* the .¦h.i.|.-i ai fi.h.a coal-yard ipili iikr'sj, Broad ind lim- -tr.,rta. otder by bl. ni.tildi ra-p. til-card._il* lS-lW ANTED. Pl RC II ASE RS FOR ino laird, ol KALIilliN Ali'li -. Ap¬ ply lo E. IIOLZINOKK. 1418 Main street. And in iv store articles by Hatarday't boat. rle|0-Sl* WANTED. A DUI Gd li UKOE TWO TV Ai Alt*'I XPERIENI ::. Ma** come w.-H net nimiTidetl. State af* asd sultry SI peeted. Add*.-, I. X. I... 11,1X64. ,, t(VTa.ThSSa3t*_ WANUI). PUBI ll Wi!- I-H.* COT- TOB-SBBU vu- al. CLOVRR, TIMOTHA. ORCHARD-!.HAV* h,.| MILLET ¦RI ll. SHH l.'V Kando A is. EXTRA and SI'PFRFINF H'lfR. ll.l.AFII.iiO A CO., no lt-eod_111 south Twelfth *n.. t. WANTED, FOR THE YEAR 1885, A i,ooD. SOBER. INDUSTRIOUS W*HTE VAN lo uoltlx oN TRUCK-FARM KKAR ATLEE'S sTA I ion. ll UfOVER ( ul v IV. A A. Mauled man preferred. Mat* come mil r.ui- mended. Applyto 0. C. SMITH, Atlee's, Hanover county, Va. de 16-Tn' S*"|»_ TE7ABTE0, A MAN IN RICHMOND lt I" t ike an office iiiul nure tnt a inxii'if.c- tiit.r lo si-l.t. an ENTIRELY MW LINK ol' (,i ailis. PIPPI DOLLARS per wot* Smalt eapltal re* i.uottl. Address, with, li, a loft, w I Art'n ,M .|.Ul-s,:it WANTED. AUEN'IS In lh: ll i AND DEALERS GR1 VT ELECTRIC LAMP. Batap-ei fit.c.o. ll., lo a. v li -p..n .|l.h p r-oti. -illili"ct to *x.ittiiia- r OB. A.idie -- H UL .A I AA LUI. nCU Wc-t BillllliliT-' -Irect. ,i, ls-st li.iib ire, Ali. WARTED, A YOUNG MAN oEGOOD tine allon *nd m. ral - lt TEACH A Pl Hi. i< s, ii, hil. tialary. ISO per mouth. Ai- |,lTat<.i.c, to AV. ll. I! HUI AM. ll. Il'.-ti NeW -"in's V.l. iisTc i:. walch al. jut BAST BROAD STREET, BlebBtoad, s.,v.: -I bad virv issi Ht ali ii milli my physician orJarad Brown's Iron Bitter*, riv* nonie* of lt cnn tl mr .-iiii:t ly. I i-Kiiit -tu- tfi'oiunii'nd ll." _de 1'-».1);.1h.oii,'.»:L2''.27 SO j il LOST. M lt I A li'. A5ID FOI All. Id si on* lill, linn IN i ST t HT, A VllllTF-.ANO-lll.AI Kt SKTT FR-DiK.. La** seen tn (arv sire, t i.-tr Iwillll:. A li'tral nward alli !*¦ paid If left at J. M. CONRAD A 9oH*S, de 20 *Jt«_1211 Curr sire"!. ry WE NT Y DOLLARS REVVAUD.- 1 stolen from mt- sralde aa tlie ( liarhta Itt road. D.cemUr ISlb.abcavj BUGGYMARN --, ii. ii ri a new. nickcl-pliite I. wlih Iron Inn will Fire fl ll for th* rcc.icrvo' Iii* har.iv-- slid ttlO f> r the I'oiiAiclloli of the Ihlef. norm ano SMITH. IIiNKii'oCoiNTy. Va., lie. emil, r ID, ls-|. deRii.|i»_ LOST, LAST MIGHT, OM MAIN HE- 1 AV IN -1X1 N 1 ll .ind NINTH sTKK.TS. a'DO ,-SIvlN I.LOVF inewi. (dur late* limn,' audrray fi r top. A sutlsbl* rewartl will ht inti Ii.r Hsinurnlo JOHN li. D.AHNKY.nt Purcell. LaddS ("'.. de 20-11* t-uti atti*. TpiW KENT, IM. A' ¦>.*.* 1'os^KSSlON JANLARY 1*T. MW MAIN-STREET STORF. mir Niiitlt «lrni. not ofi'upted hy H. L. Sdamon -,v. sTOHi: anti KIOR Al.K-l.oli Ho. ll04tat* Cair stria 1. near Twelfth, now occupied Itv AV. Bk Lew is A ( ¦>. HROAD STREET STORE near S-v.-nlb sfr-et. NKAl AI.AlN-slltr.l.T bTOII lc ir NuiCl Mr*** BOARDINU-IIOl'SE, Eourteeotlt street neir blain. NF.AA -TORE. 120« east Cary -TiitK snd DWFI.I.INO Ho. 12 hoi il, Four- Itelith ':. . I. -lold mid DWFLLINl, r.irner Nim'.., nh aol Alni', "trcts. . (,l ii S GROCERY corner Second ind ( wal J.AMFs RIVER DRF.ATI.RY AND 8BO! NH*. PIIOFKssIonaL OFFK Ks. 4, J. TROMPS IS BRoAVN* co. de 20-31 _Real titan: Atr-nt*. pioiTltENT, ri AVERY DFsIRAHLF. li(,AR-FAi TORY. For pani, ubirr, apply to H. HO-tMlKRi;. MUmS 1S17 Carx «ir,-i. I'OR RENT. A DB8IBABLB FLAT, JU coiiilailn* of four rooms, two lars* clo,- tLi tts, hsth-rtatm, with hot ami aoid waler, and **r- ranu" n-m:.s|ao, A LARliE HANDsoHFI.A- PIRNlsllH) ROOM. Board If d**iretl. Re(er- t'liceseiehanfed. Applv at 322 MOUTH THIRD STBEET._de ill il* FOR RENT, THAT HANDSOME#*__ MAA BRUK DETACHED DAV 1.1.-Bli INO No. 821 weil Ortce ttreet. Tau norn.: h"l and cold waler; ronklna-rauge, ami all ni I. r Iinpn venn ul-. A|iplyto F. A.J.I I.OITON, de l«.,a.d.'lt No. 1401 Rai. .ina". Mb». m. g. mcclellan, looa HROAD STREET, Ulrhmood. nays: -I axed Brown's Iron Biller* for dvtorpsla, weak- ne**. *r. with cnl'n-saHsfae-1 ,,n. ll ai." illy lui¬ pi ot cd and strensihed mr. lt tut! my nearly *p- liruval."_dtrl_l_lfll_lS.2il,23.25.27 JnJal BOOK AJIDtlOBPBINTIRO NEATLY BlgCUTED AT Tit* DISPATCH PRINT- L/AAAO aVW| axvw-wt airnou MAAtrt-Tltte maa. ' " By Fr*»k D. Hil! * Co, and X. W*. Bow*, Real Ert*M Afent* and Auction***!*. noMMWaiONKIllFsALK OF VALr- 1/ ABLE PAR ri ll* H'SRico'ioitTTY. DH I'HPtAPEAKE AND OHIO RAH.ROAD, TllltfTbEN MILES THOM RICHMOND. IUPBOVKD AMD IT-tTUPROVE > HEAL ES¬ TATE. ia thf. city or ki- HAiovn. OM VE-tAlU.K STREET Nt; yr Pl MK. ARD fcll.HTKENTH STREET HETWErsN* MAIN AND CARY STREETS. AT PUBLIC Al'Cii'iN. The Ptnel Hospital, xrho sara, ira P. M. M lei's committee; TbC -lille Rb r. M. Iirirl's rimmltree, B. Brlel, Jr., and Hm Uriel. Ut Urine of t decree of Circuit Court Sf Henrie . county In Ihe »bore ml!* entered OcloherBl, I SH*, we will proceed lo iel! at putin* unction. 04 th" nremlttas. In the order below mentioned, the r.,:iowl."i* REAL ESTATE-to-wll: 1. ot* FRIDAY. DM exrnrr. 19. issi, at 13 o'clock M., on the premises, th* F ABAI sit- natl*! in ll*nrl-i, county, on BM (iio<iiic.ikeand Ohio ralInsid, Hilrl*en mlle* trotti Rleli-.ioml, at Flko station, eontalnlnf 210 l( it Es. morn or leas. The imi.r.iverii-itt* are poor.lint soil .-neal and well d lpn tl for trm-klna. Thi* firm I* lrnm«- iil.uelT on ih* WilbaiiisbarK luke, and. havinc depot on the place, lt very eonTeiilent rorsul|i- 1'inr- S. OX SAT! RI) AY, DBOBMnaa 20,1881, atto'clock ff, M..on Hie premise*, the SMALL BRICK TENEMENTS. Ntl**. 2.110 md 23 D' A .li¬ able street near Pink <lreel. Each bo***eontaiai three room* and brick klW'hen of two nairn*, uni th* hons*** occupy 35 7-12 feel of fimntid ny ISO Pel', nnd limn*.nm. It afterwards a VA. ANI' lol OF OROCNDoti west *lde«f link b Venable and Carrlnpton meet*. 40 feet by 113 3-12 reel, will ne divided. 4. OW MONDAY. DRCEMr.F.n 22. 18S|, at* o'clock P. M..o. rhc axre*.!*** ih* Hilt'":**. TTIREK-sToRY BUICK TKUKUENTb. Bo*. 10. 12. .ind 14 souUi Kbrliteenrli la tween Allin (in I Cary atreus, now occupied hy Messrs. Cir. I-A Parker. Hark tenementcnnl-Aiii* *ix rooms. This property I* now meier irood rrulal. Lot (roma til Maali u-12 rei. Tr.KMS: OneInni'Hi cash; tlie hilince InHirn espial Instalii ents ll *lt. twelT*. :in.| (tf tr.iti'li.. 11.les for dc:', ri'd pivtiiiiit* l ti- niven, saith 0 pt i' c*.|. laleresl added, and Ht* till* r.- lal neal until the purefii-.-moitr) 1, pud Bari acm- xeyaucc ordricd by Hie Court. .kuin il yoi no. James n. di nlop. .1 AAl, - A-KIK. Special Cun missioners. Is THK cnniiT OgOBf or TH*) ('Of "ITV nf ll KN BICO. > Dc. Ulla 1*. ISSI. I ThePlnel Hospital, who sues, Ac. .Plain.HT-, ¦gainst ff. M. Briers committee.Defendant. and The «tme..Plalntlll-. analBM ff, ff. Ilrtil's committee, IL Uriel, .!-.. and Mirv Uriel.Oi'lfifl.itii-. I hereby certify Ihat the band Nnalrfriol Bp*. .¦I.l Com"iiil**1oiier* J. H. Yo in*-, .lame* N. Duti- l.ji. and .lame. Caabit, ly fatsxrat off 35 lb. October. lss*. In ihe alavve causes ha* been duly riven. HItch under my hand thlsSth .1 <y of INafssmber, 1884. GEORGE W. CARTER. deO_Clerk. T)KIIMOND HA/.AAH, .*> -^ NOS. 14118 AMI 1440 FRANKI.IN STUB'ir. Our repnUr sale will take pince TO-DAY at 10 o'clock, when w* will offer I number "f Hool! IHHtsKs AND MILLS, fretii which -el,ellon- may !*. narie We jre re- 11111 «tt d t>. natue. In addition. I BAY HORSE, 1 BAY MARK, 1 SORREL HORSE,Iv* year*old; 1 I.ARl.F PLATFORM EXPRESS-AVAOON, 1 I.VRl.K SHOW-WAGON*, ill INHilLE BET OP EXCELLENT IIAK- \ I s* for th* above wa_,..n. dc '.TO_F. H. ('(MIK. An Honer ll) E. li. ('"'W. Auctioneer. SPECIAL AND aTi'K ACTIVE HALE* AT AUCTION OP A LARGE AND DK- MRAHI.E COLLECTION OP STRICTLY FIRST-CLASH li a t.c A li li TOILET- ANO T FA ¦SET'S. 1 .iii.* lb* lab -I and atna! desi ru¬ ble pain tn*. The stitt A W'll li* on exhlitltion TO¬ DAY at the store No.,21! Ninth stoat, AVilklu- i.ii -11'a k. i be aaeUoB iatM win eomrai bm oa lATURDAT AT lOo'iint k A. Al. wi. tri oi ar K P. AL. and r,ii,lune cae! da* tl anna hours until th* whole -lick I* disposed of. The spisi il .1 tenth.u ..I oa public lt called to His mle, ta Hie foorii bm ih* -ii..- sold heie '.ti, year Bfo. and are worthy lbs attention of Ute pablle. K. R, COOK. (le 20-lt .Am "I'M. ist. ATCTIOV SitLCS.taliire Day*. III.I.l-. MA>-,|oiik.':ill. Atoll"" ¦:. No. 10 OOtl rna -tot. PEBKMPTOBT SALE OF A LAU'.I 1 I ol' Off H k.nitirk. MATTRESSES, -ToVKS, CROCKIRT, s|loV,.<A'l.s,CARPETS, Ac. AT Al. 11'iN. latendlnf to rwaaov* byJaaaary 1.1 f*..*». 1 win sell si Btv .nu'i"ii-riaen,. t<, clo** I'on.irniiieiil-. hy order ot 11 aaiflaai "ii M0NI1.AY. Dr. iaiiimi ¦.'.». 1884. :.t 10 a. al. .1 nest .uni des) 1 able itortiaenl of Hoi -lb: iii Mi ARTICLES,! min ( HAMBEU-Sl'IT*. ll ARDROHl -. DIVAN'S LoCNi.i:-, (Hills, BEDSTEADS. Ul I' 8, AVA? HSTANDS, TARLI- s, MATTRESSES, CHAIRS, SHOWCASES. Ahii'T-. COOKING- (inti UFA l"IN(,-STOVES. CROCKERY', li. TURI -. DKSKr-.Sc .Sc. Theaiienti.iii of all in wini! I- respectfully ask. I, s- lite «-. Mil ri:nar be sold. ir. vi-. ca*b. iv-. M.Ai DOUGALL, dtSO-ll* Ainiioii". r. c liv \. AA. How. Real K-l il- A (iMM!-s|(iNEK>rsALE(H'' VALUABLE AA'F.sT-FND BUBURBA.* PBO- PKi:r\ ir tin: NoRTHAVE-T CORNER OP BEVERLY ANO VVA-IIIM. TO! STREETS. In execution ol' :i dui. c at Hi" (irciill Court of Ibnri... roiintv. inlhe -nu of re. Ail- hnin- a ml.-1 h.-r-."ci, 11 red December 10. issi, we, tin until r-iinn ri ipecial corni mi rt, * III ll ai ulli't|oll,,'ll Ihe pren,1 a 00 THURSDAY, Dbi Banu I is. i--t, ai Skjn'ii.rel P. M.. Hm Mi ra property, which fronts los, r..t on ii, v. riv street I formerly Har- v li i. am) rtitt- bael .'j,' :- .-t in AA nhl niton street. I In r. I- * KR.AMKO HoC-K on a part of th. land,, willi lite judicious'av ol' -..'ne in uni. would make « comfortable borne, or would r* it will. Thi- Will hen fine o|i|at|iiiiilly for ii t'ciiiu- uiriilvi invcstnirnt. Tm roperty will rj*t*tD-dl Tided tad told In par- eels te.'bur n. nt lan and iiuvev, whlrk ctn gow nc its ii at the oiT.ce ol lin'.rit i-r,nu I will la- .viii' itt d"li Ihclav of-ile. Tkiivi-: one t',,ur|ii i-:i: ti tin,e.- ,t -ix and twelve lin uti.s for note* Wi h llllet'c-l sddeil, lind tin title retained nulli '"Uh Hie noie-t-h-il' be paid. lollN H. YOUNG, hill carter, lp .-I il ('oiniin--ioner*. In Till, cnn it Cocas Of sta or ||k.n- It lt ll. |), I vu lt. |0, I--I -TlptM Vs, I'l.AlN- 1111. Vs. AA it ti v tts V. D vi s., lu: ii ni- vs ¦- I hereby cenlfv In* bond raqulredol Special Commissioner, .lohn ll. A on mr mid Hi I Carter, by deers*of inn, Deeember, IBM. ea*er*d lu Ute .hove -lilt, hits Isell dlllA .'I A ell. umler my hand Hil- Udh Dcr*nih"r, USA GEORGE W.CAUTER,! postponement. TheahoAc -nie ls ic.unit of the had w.ailier until il rsi, av. l.t. -ts-.' 't | l, IBM, at half-past 3 o'clock P. M. ions lt. YOUNG, HILL CARTER, de ld spceial I'.itnmlsMtoii.'-. Hy 1). Hill & i.Auvtloueers, 1108 MiU.i stri-t. ITOP.BUGGT ANDllABNESS, VEB1 A LIT ll.l. (-I.D. MADE MY BOSHER, vi AUCTION..On MoNDAl. Hi ivihki: '."Ju, ut ll o'. I,"k A. M.. Iii li-ont-.r .Liui. * Mfdou.-tll'-i -ion. Governor -tr., i. we -vii tell a irood TOP* Hl i.i.Y iiml ll ARM -- TritMs: 1 ash. Al AIM R HILL. TAZEWELL El.Li: CT. Kxei-nt 'tsaloha ... Moflott,d' I. I IMI.- Al it ii.,I t.xt t Am Hone. i. lt l'l-tt A RARE OPPORfl M I V FOR AN INVE-rMKNT. Piir«u,ii.t lo fleet.f lin (ircitit Court of (iloiict-ti r count), rendered u tnt Hovembvi term |IBB4) lhere .1'. lu lb* chiiferv dependlnr, umii r Ihe *iyieof Datoi nfl otltera ¦*. lie-ins ami ole rs. i-inn di m public anetloo, al l.l.'iici -na l "iirlli'u-.', BB IAN! ARA :,, 1885, (Ihat brio,.' Couiitv (' .uri-'lin.i Hut SPLENDID l-l ATE know -i a,-- RosKAVELI..- -Itu ire lt*. mediately on York river, lu i.l.ti.. -t> r county, of which.),-tah L. ll*m. dual sktswd.and antin- Inf, a.-t-or linir lo the LaudU.aik ot the county, 1,152b AC'RKi*. A I. Alll.K IIUII'K Sf AN-ION-Ilol'-K aad Ol ilrcissiirv oilll.iilldlli.'-. a* Well ll Stael tin-Hint fciuinir. muk* lt one off Ibe moat denrabb) f.irn,. In Fii-tern \ Irvlnl.a. Il :. one Of lb* tim-*'. *r:t«lti(r fin m-In ibis aeclii'ii of the stiu,.. '-Rot*well" is apia.f historical note, aa vv.-il i- oneliitr n-i ciillv very vahiiihle. Tkiivis: Ca-h eiouiih M p*V Hf I .- « ol' tall Slid sale; baBMM ni a. emili .d'one, two, an! linc vcar: the Bwrcbaaer to ex,- -alt band for Hie def rr. d I'lvmuit- ivtt'i rr ,..d p. rv.nil s.-e,,- rttv. mid the lille ii tallied till all Hie purni- niouiy l* paid. Al AHYI's TONES. Spacial Conimis-!,,,, *. Mr. rr*il. Dean* live. 0* th' place, and wilt .show ll to any one dcir"u- to purchase. ( lay-Hank wharf, WDM* -1. xiii limes a week, lavery Batt Koaewtdt. M J. no J'.»-sa4w I..lohn S. Cooke, e'eik af tlie ( ircull iuirt lor the count* ol Clout c-'e."iiml >LiP- of Airirtu! i. di cerilfy that Maryu- Jouf*. .special eoatmlauooer In the sun ot lienn-iiiul oihuia a/:tinst iii-itus anti other- for lb* -.h .¦( Hie lrn-1 of lind ill I " R. sewell," hs. rTiciltcd » ts'lid a* «j,-c|.xl ¦. tn ii.i.' aa rtqBited hy the d<-etl for Uta ssh ol >ald land. .IOIIN S. COOKE. Nov,mler 211, 18S4. 1 I.ak. de B-su 3 w^_ H> I hi "tilln/ S. t'ose .111 John T. loaldin. Real Mflfll Am-UnitecM. Ali TIUN sam; ot/ A uk Al liHi. HliLDlNii PLOT IN THS OUOWIRG VV I -f I nil-Ha i. ji.r .ftt'e norries in li we shall .ell I.t auclloti. upon Hit-prtaul-. tifsday. DsA*7aa*aualA i-*i, ar 4 o'clock P. M.. thu BEAITIECI. PLOT Ol I. ANDon ihe sstuHirast-"rner of ll .rv le and i art.-i >lrtr>*.(o sitt'-.tlvidcl into Innl lin/ I,,i- i, th* wanta oT purchasers. Thlsolfirt a BBB ll ppm tunlty Tor those who .lv-lr« M BB remote from Ita smoke .xml Instle tri the city; wher* thc air ind trrniry encBanllna: where, up-m hrlx e sprint ninrnluj(s, iou can be awiaeued fruin vm liiinl'i r- by the tweet sariafleS of the in,>.-talotr bird. Come one. come all. a.* Uti* will ta* tn* la, *ale of th* year ni thia popular se.-tl-.n. Tillie.: Ka-y and announced at aale. CHEM NINO fl BOsEaml JOHN I. I.ODDIN, de 17_Aaetlatvasr*. Omi Bur Linc.xstkk fl i.i sr,/ STOCK IlKOKBKS. < AT THE HEliCEST OE THE CITY riBE INStR.ANi F (UAH'ANY. W* w|l .I ll st .itietl .ii, at rh- Rh limoiid stock Exchltiire mi TUESDAY. Ilecemlsfr 23d, .1 12: l i o'l-ia-k, 58 SHARKS H Hil Ali IN H. KRKDFRK Ks|l| '|{, ani) potomac Railroad gi* ak- ANrFFDll I'M'. FM. *lo( K, SECURED HY MORT!,AWE AND^EXEAH'i ERoM TAXATION. 14,(ISO RH TIMON D. FRKDKRK KsRt'Rii ANI POTOMAC RAILROAD I'lVIDKND h. RIP. df DJ LANCASTER * Ll CAE, ATCTIOM RAIJDS-^ariarn mare. .-^v^^-^,*rs/-^* By i newuinr S Rota. Real Estate Agent*. An-Honcer*. and Broker*. Re, I non ri Tenth -tree*. AICTION SALtTliF TfTO SEW, NEAT. AND WELL-CO_*STRi;*:TI.I> ffBAME DWELLING* ON THI NORTH LINE Off DiiH-nv NEAR. LAHKESTRRET^Byre- nie-iof tba owner*, we will sell hy aueUoo, »poo inn premises,on MONDAY. OBCBatniB 22, 1884. al* ¦.'¦if. k P. AL. Hi* DIAM.1.1 NOS locatf-d and described abor*. Each dwciim* ctintain* foar rooms. Their ls a Walt of excellent water fur Hie u*e oT the tenant*; alto all conT.'Blent flflfl* homes. Each |..t hi* . fn*al of 18 0 lit feet on Doha, n .ire t. br a depth of ISO feet. Th* bv**- Hon sud construction of this propertv commend. H., if t.. all In d'n -I of a home or InvestmenL Tr nus: Easy and made known on d»y of sale. CHEWNINo AROSE. de 17_ _Aui-Ufitifser-s. ^ Bv J. Thomt -sn Hrown .% io.. Real Lttate A rents and Am tlontver*. 1113 Main ttreet. 131'BLIC AVCTTOB 01* HRH K IIOCsE Air. mr ON NORTH sE( (IND STREET. PUoPFRTV THAT WM.I. PAY ll TO 15 PER CENT. twill ii' at po'-''.- auction, on 11 FSDAY. Dti'BMHBB 23,1884, at 4:30 P. M.. that BRICK HolsE AND LoT on west in* af north second st reel and on* t'tv.r ...utti of coota «tr** house a siitMtaollal one. and ba* Tour rooms; ls oe cu fled hy a (total it unit. Til* lol rronl* 3 4 iWt .1 inches, with * d*p*b af S7, lo alley li) feet wide. lin- |, the kind ol' prone.1v i.tucli desiri, I be¬ cause of ll* ic asl Income on InTi'.tineut. TBB>I*: On* fourth ca-n; balance In tis, twelve, and eifhieen month*, "inti secured bv '.rust- deed. .1. tilliVIP.-i.N BROWN A CO.* de 17 Au.-t'O n-t-r* K tl I.KU VII I IMS ( HIEsAl'EAKK AND (Hilo RAlL- ' AVAY.-Sl lIEDli.E IN EFFECT HF.CEM- DER I, 'SHEAVE RICHMOND. 8:20 A.M. For Newport*. Nrw*.i)ld polm Con.- fort.aiid Norfolk. Dally extent sm,. dav. Oh'a three hour- lal twenty, *Tt- minute* Hleliiiioiel to Norfolk. 0..15 A. At. For »ll stations and lexington. Ky., I., nl-ilili. anJ finiiiina t. Mill el. .. pi sumiay. Qnktttal line I., x. Inirtun. Vu tnnkliif '..ste* Innis roi staunton. 3:*I5 P. M. i harlotieavHIeaccommodation (mil¬ li rttlly, rxcept Miinl.iv. stop, at all station-. 3:*5 P.M. k.r Newts.r' * Nita* nhl Point, ami Norfolk. Es pre s eic*pl sun,lav. «:25 P.M. For LonlsvHIi' mid i In.innitl.u- nretlng for all pnin's lA',-t. Nortb- wet. a"d BOMB*****. Flirt exit.Vst dally, Doc* nol rttvnfbr Ioctl bari. net*. Pallas** sha Rn li. neild t/. I iudnii..tI an.I WaallliiglOfl amt i hurl, ttl lilli lo I oulsvl lt .ARRIVE RH Tl MONO. IHO A. M. Frtimch.iiioit. .vii, eiceptsunday. 11:35 A.M. From Norfolk, old I*, lit. .sn \, w pon'- Nen*, except **mi.Itv. 3:25 P. M. Proa* Louisville. (in,inn ul. .md Bil local i-'inis,except Sunday. 8:15 P. M. Ftom NorfoRf.Old Pol it, rad Sew. rort'iNew«.'l.atlv exei et sunday. 0:15 P. Al. Fpiii l..>ni-vuie and cincinnati. F-'i*t lliieil.itlv. Depot! Sevtiiteentli Bad Hroad -t'eet*. Tl.ket-oltVc*: 100O Main ,tret i and Chi"*, peake, md Ohio Ku ll ts .i v di i ,i H. W. FULLER, 0*BITal Piisaenifer Agent, c. AC. sttiril.(,. ne al Al,,,.uer. de ! IHI'lKllltl Ot' SIT Viii HS. fYBLT ONE DUI,I.AU ^ N KAY PORTS NKAAS. HOBPOLK, ARD PolM-MOl TIL AND ONLY DIRECT Roi TE WITHoCT THANSPER OR ( ll ANiiE Off ANY KIND. only *i.5o To old point COMffuRT. ONLY 76C. TO (I. AHEM.i\ 1. ssectnil-clisa tickets still lovvir. VIRGINIA STEAMBOAT COMPART*! .1 AMI s-MA KR LINE FOR Ni aa roi: s ni vi -. n.iI'E'.i.K. p. nt is MOUTH, ANO .1 AA1I -- UIA 1 B 1. AM'- IN'.s DI"K I. CONNECTS AT NORFOLK CLic-ELY MIHI li AA LINE FOR OLD POINT, HAL tl "ORE, ANI) THE NORTH sAMr AFTERNOON. AT NEWPORT'S NIAAs WITH STEAMER ACCOM AC FOR svtliHHKI 11, AND AT CLAREMONT WITH All. an lir ano DANVILLE RAH KOADPOH WAVERLY VNl) ALL STATIONS, Ti! RKTRi RICRMOUDQB Nol.'H'l Iv To VI A VMM.A. *l..'.". ONI.A AI.I.-AA A Iii: ROI JAMES RIVER HY DAYLIGHT. CHEAPEST BOUTR. RATES Alli ll Ll -s ni an HALE CHARGED 'iv ASA OTHER ROUTE. FAKE TO NORFOLK, »l-No LlMI I. WAY-LA NDINi; FARES from 25t. lo ll. -. ""iid-fla- 'i vd. -lill lom r. El EG AN Air A' - UN L'ROPI AN li. AN. The clcifinily-rebull! uni Bill -'.eu.or A bi EL, (carrylna I nii.-d state* ai.iii.i /.. i (ilTPORD. Commander, leavet Richmond en rv MONDAY. AAEDNESDAY. VNUFRIDAV ni 7 I. M. (STREET-CARS CoNNF.. IN Eli.I. TIM.) for iiiaiva-iiiiiiiai ol.ic,-. Return si .m.-r I. av. s Norfolk, Port-.Ulh. .uti N.«- j.ort- New- on alternate dart, arriving at Rnii- moiiil Bbl ill 4 ff. M. Throaflh ticket- ob ..n seamer aad it Gar- her- Aftney, luou Malo tires t. I'agg.tgr ch. kui through. STATE-ROOMS I'Ni, t(,r ll lilli HAY Oil NI..11 I. KR Elli HT. Kreiirtit received uaUy tot Norfolk. Port nv nih, SinUhtii 'o, Bampton, and VI av, riv ; VA aahlucton, D.c.; Mrwksfra.Washlniton.andTi S.e., md ail point* lu Ka .tern North Carolina; a o. for I a-imi shore of VlrflnU. ind all refularlaudiiura Ol tami river, at ' O'l'E- I'Kllr*, .md through hlll-lssi.fd. L. II. T'ATI Al.-' ll-lilielflcilt. .. 1 Ni. H tl Ala. "I's LINK," tfPSki BETWEEN RICHMOND AND CLAREMONT AM" Al I. INT ERM. Ill A ll, LANDIRGE. Th. fa I .'ind I., i.e'linl -tiii'inr ..EAL I'iptaln GILL, it v bu ivhatf, In th* dock. i""t of iwetitx.a-ond -mei. ut B:*5 A. M evert TU ES¬ DAI Till BHDAY. and BA ilitDiY, stopping .it .ill I,i.'lin. -, Fr< laid received al LOW SST KATH rteai 19 M. even M..NDAY. AA r ON--HAY. ml FRI- DAY ; illili 1:80 K. M.. TUESDAY*, rilRCS-j hw- .mi SATURDAYS. Tb* GEM hat first- Clans |,, -.c.. r .o. "lui ¦.! 'Hoi.-, and trrlv. , il ih -tin ill.-ii nt 4 P. Vt.; return nf, arlin - in Bleb. mond.11-30 P. M. If. V. o'A IV OLD DOMINION -I B AM-llll' ;>*«_ COMPART. fiTTfN Koli NEW YoHK. Thl« .-iimiiany will dltpatcb one ol Ihrlrti kradld Itt amer* i.l'A'ando ROANOKE, uv. HA'ITAN.OLD DOMINION.'".-I Rb HMoND. \ il:**, ll KtdlAY, PR ID AY, and bl'NDAY. lor hom .of sui ii n.' sea advertisement belo* Steamers b in Sew York tci-daa -, ihur-- DAYs. and SATURDAYS ai :i P.M. from Pier-IS IK* Bamber). North river, fool "i n. it h -ir*eu Tbej bart iplendld al.i, itsBM.«, and halli-rtadii-. II. fare, nc eniimdatloi.!. an allentlon- ar. unsiirprts-i'l. fire to Hew Y'ork (Including meill¬ and bert In, Tl"; roand-i pUcketsfls); -i. -,.«,. v% mi >tii.-isictii u. »7: without sui.*lsicur,-, to. Fl tl(blt for points lui,,: d Near A ors. forwarded with dispatch, mid no cbatfl* BUrif xe pt txtiiu-rs Incurred. Frek-ht received tni-.1t 6 o*«|oel p. M. dally. For further laforni lUon apply to GEORGE W. ALLEN SCOwAflBatf, iv'29 ofllce.cof .1: 'kell*. t?0B BKvV YOBK.- in" nil ."* I. Dominion Steam hip Comnaoy't 'jw**^. proiift'l . .Aaa k t'"Ho wm/ ar lil INlioII E. Captain Kima, FRIDAY. Dei ember .*. o'clock A. vi. ROANOKE, Captain COUCH, 8CNDAT, Da. 21 .1. a! li oe',,, k v. Al. ol.O DOMINION.(apuiu SMITH,TUESDAY. D...i-.i. : id .ii y ... tock p. m. I rr rived muil 0 oVIoel P M.Tb ."..'.' vi. tatardai.and lo I lock P. M. 1 ll, s,| IV. Throughhlllt ¦( lading -trtici and ."¦ warded witb dispatcli i" ill pom * north ra**, .uni wad ; lita lu fiwetfn p "rt-. I'ii-i n/ir a<-¦ iiifi tn >tt - na,tirol- td. I ii. tn fare i" Nea Y"rk i.lui ina meal* ami berth), flu; roiunl-lrip tick.'-, tl- -'¦ r : Kith slit. I-truce. 17; Without -nlf.l-1- if*. ».>. li,-, -T- Lavin-" i:,i.i,, by tie li.:t- i.-."ikf ind ohio railwi il M: 'i M.(*ln Hew. port*. News) and tb* Richmond ind rVtertburf tnilroiitl ni 1IA0 A. vi. u MONDAYS, TUES¬ DAYS. WEDNESDAYS, snd SATURDAY S will malu.¦oeettoa at Noitroi k wu., rtaaati r liuvlt ir th.Ke tlay*. por frelfht or panage aitpiy to GEORGE W. Al lt N fl CO.. Anent*, .!. 17 Company'* Wharf. Roebettt. 1)11 IL A DELI* ll I A.IMdl'WiJk MOND AND Noltl'oi.K STEAMSHIP CO MPA V Ts A.i-oil. .1 |MHa* *¦!. S v. ry TCI shay ai.d FRIDAY al i'J M.. and every SLNOAl ai 5 A. M Fnlirht for Tiies.lavs'»ml Friday-'tteann-rt re* c, ivetl till 1 Iii. A. VI.; (or sn div,' -te.vtner lill P. M. Saturday- -itulit nceivtal daily iii i ff. flt ffBIWaSA Fur further Inform itlf n. apply to I. AV. M<CARRICK, General s.»iU.em Arent. olri.i- R.M-k. Ct. W. P. CLYDE Ai 'o., no 3d i.eneral Ar-nt*. F OH HALTIMOKE. POAVIIATAN LINE-DIRECT STEAMER. Until runtier noUce Di* attainer ALL IA NCR wi ll tall every SATCRDAY »t 12 AL. from POAAil A TAN IMK' Twetity-iourthand Dock ttreelt, (tirrel for Ralilav r*. Through hill, of lading *l*P*sl and * a,.|s for¬ warded with dl-patch p. Doini* North sud WtstL Freight received dally until 5 P. M. Por rurtherlorormalloii. apply I" AA*. O. KNIGHT, AgenL D. J. WBISIOIB, SVllcltln* Aleut. de ii MERCANTILE AI.INI Y. C. P. CLABB. Pres, E. E. R i m~,i nt, Ttvaa, (EsUbllthed 1840.1 fpiIE BRADSTREET MERCANTILE AGENCY, TUE BRADSTREETCOUPANY.PaoraiBTOHI. EXECUTIVE OFFICES. J7», 211, AND '48.1 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. MM In all thc prim Utsl cius*. of ine United Stairs and Carada; lu London. EnirUud; alto a Continental and Auatialla* ci>rn-*p»ii*it-uce. VOLUMES ISSUED yt il: I I.IM.Y. Sheet.or Cbanfta* tcmt-weckly. Conttanl reri- lion* ind jirtiuipt. eollBcatlou tn au.'.w-rl'a-rt. Naun | of reliable lawyer* who nun uiieirtioiu a aptetallT. lt* ramlrtrallftnt tra greater and tts busin*** lai.t r than anv -l-nllar i.rsaiilaai.on lu th* world rouducbrd la one li terrat and antler one injnage- uicnt. You arv resiact,olly Invited io iua. tn If lu mnmI of *uy agi uc) lo lest lu ablbty tu terit you. UK HMONDOPPICR-NOa lits MAIN STREET. J. H. WUtTTT. as T aupvrUitoatatfAb MR. II. T. SMITH, KOItD s HOTEL . SH-hmoiid. *a»s: "I bad i.nliri.. . i-t ,. ,oatarraenre suffered pun*. se*v .. awl maw., Brown'. Iron Hitter, .lacdllr *p-o..;*,l my .__,... nial St »B<I mad* Bte well and ..early l-l, ol,.,. rrrowimt nd IL ' de I'J.lfl.lK'.O.'i »..'-...:;. ,: KA I LUMAD MME*. ATLANTIC* COA8T LINE. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG RAILROAD TIME-TABLE, nt f.rrr.rt november 2. im*. f7:30 A.M.j .10:40 A. M .2:*s P.M.! fS*35 P M.j 19-AO V. vt. USO A. M. 5:46 P.M. 0:1(5 A. M. Mia. I 'rtin. 11.40 A. M. II."'./!,.,,;.. $'.je I*. M. I ai Af, 1. fl:.* 1 P. VI > lo:35 I*. M rhro'iirli tr, ,,. 10:40 A. M -nt 1 7:lS P. M. -.",.,.A v TRAINS NORTH AV tlio. Les re P. I* rabnrr. . 5:00 A. U. J- ll. A.M. .',T AM. I *., A.M. .his p. m. Sill. A.M. 4:0n P. M- A rn re Richmond. .VIS A. M. RSM M 10:00 A. AL Mixed tr, 10"d.*> A. Ml 12:45 P 'I 1 iris P. M.iTbr m.'-. S.16 A. M. Sat* Itv v l.-fl P M. si,..)., .Dally. TDalty (evc*pt*,BBflBTi. STOPPING PLAi E.*. No*.4o»nd4» mate so stop*. Rte, I ' ¦¦ (h.-ter. No. 46 ,|«i|*i al Alan. I..-- o Blutr.i .iitrall*. «ad i h. aler. N.-.IT. »t ll 'tin'hawter. Centralia, amt is.- S 20. t», ll ll. ind 11 slop .1 .11 -I, .! * .a and 7 slop at all stations ex. rpi ff** PIT.lll.tV CAR'S* RA li E. On train* No*. 40 and 4". -..s ni .-. Bari charlo*!..n. On lr,ia- '. , and 43. .beting eira bet w eva ll i Jarlsonvlll*. Ci Trvl I Ni I, tad I- BRpesfB tiri wei ii New York mi THE ONI,A ALL-RAIL LINK l'» RORPOLK ll:av*. aiikii e. Rlrl,m..i,.|' sir-:49 A. M.| Norfolk "-.' C. P. M. n . 18:16 A.M.| Richmond T'J 15 P. M. Norfolk. ffrll P. M 1- i'. V Train* *S ind M mik. ... « (rein Faimtllle, Lrarbhartr. sad roath I-iiH«.at,i| w»y-,tali"ii-of " * I er. railroad J. R. Kl NI ff, -mar i.l. T. ai ! vu u- * i.i ii. ral Pa* t un t. _ RICHMOND AND D\N\ ILLE UAH,. ItOAU ( oAtl'lNl. CoNHI Ns|D~M'!IEDI I IN BEEK T SUNDAY. o< POSER lAUSt Thrnigi Through !'. I ron P.riiiti M' N... .Mi. In N ..32 Rally. Oalty I. nv. ttl. h'n.l.t..., Arrive at.. Hll-keville... h. t VI |. ( hast (Kt.. Flvcr,.rka... Clarktrill**.. suthrrlili'a... Danville. '..t*. naboixi'.. Raleigh.. Siilini. Salisl.itrv.... (h*rhlite. spurt'nhy.... l.r.eiiville.". A llama. lilli P. M P. M P. Al P. Al P. A! P. Al P. vi i: i.i V M. A A| P. M P. M P. M _____^_^_______^_^_^_^____________________ A. ll Train Xo. 80 nie agu aaa l ill -ta¬ tt "ii-, cn mai ll. at Kev -V Hie " fl i-f o .11 H. and M. railroad; .1 Bulbarli*'* with Milton and sutberllii Nariovt-,, .mg, railroad it Milton, at 1.'tor III fi'.'- ti -ti lt 1: Pal ltbury for .ul point. aa- n lina railroad; at Atlanta for all p. SfUthwesl- Train No. 62 (thro". st Salisbury, lilt* Uatsiro, ll Id-vlH*. .. . T hon, ,-v HI*. xi-.' m. ind < Danville and ( tiartotle, and all -ii', oi- Ifl-hu.omi and Dai.vlll. ci.naectlnf al -ntl,, r- lln'a wini Milton and suUierlln San v .. rullroad for Milton; al Green* avro'for ab point* on -it iii Brunch and \ ,\ div i.i.iu ; at Chi ;."!.. Wlih 'iirl'-lit ,,|uai -it ni v rallfosd dr v F '..I i-l i |a.iii|,, iin-i all |»-liii. In .Tram No. 80 on Richmond and Ab ck. run- duli except -un ll Tr ali.*t rom Ut! li .dimondat 7:00 A. M. aifl 4 58 P. VI HON All! IV .I NII.R SERA II E. (.lally . X. rpi sunday.! Tra!a* Leave Richmond at. li nu P. M. Aline H.,ti Air. ( n i; Leave RETURNING. ^^^^^ CoslBeldat.S-OS A. BL Bon Air. ..-.I a i| Arrive Rlebm.1 . - ll A. a. AH rtmUrBBsMtatrrtralnritnpi* B vir. Pl'LI.MAN-i vi: -I Rt ll . Oe Train lo.Ren Tera aari ah. li gt.,n .ml Danvllh on Trail No. IB- lAi-hltigptn and Angn-la, Washington and N. w Otieaila. linaine HauAiiie. returning. Danville andRlcbraoadoa Ifili. N... B I, TicketI sold I" xii |m Int-- -.iiiHi - nilu x.l.snd -, iiUtw. t. md Lag. .ag. i. rki Un No lay-over chet:* flrt-n on local tlrk*4*. vi. -I Al UIITER, Gi in ral Patacnger Ag. iiU ,-t ll IAS. Traine Ulai, ig.-r. A. I., mir.*.General M.naur. oe Vi THE YORK-KIVEH LINK BALTIMORE. Steamers ri,i Hil- lin* steve Alt i Point f,,r Ral tiiaorc dill I), titi pt -UH'l-l),. .-(r.ii-rtit UcbtUl* Haltlinore.....fl 5C LBAVB RICHMOND (RICHMOND and nisvn.i* RAILROAD Villi.INI A-II'U I DEPOT! DAILY E\i PT SUNDAY AT (.un p. M. AKHIA | AT BALTUfORI vi- a. al, conn.-,-t lng wini ..inv iran i North and West, id,- oi. Paw r daily ly, x.«-i,i,.|-v .. -..n rio. Ricbrao'd 11 0 P. fri. I M a. vi * | -, f, ai. .Anv. i- Al . Point -.i... P. Al 7- f AA! IU*, p. A', Paran ager t tl U'ett Pa lex. "pl -IIIUI.XA with .sI'Mlini, for'llii . th. Noiti.. I night ir-itns hil mg Richmond ll roiiiili-.t.i'i d. p" al 4 (n t. vi ind - Il >'. rt. will hu., tut--, og, r couches .Ht -t Vi '.. il Richmond o .*... A R. p*.-*....-. IO p. M.. sud e.00 P. M. (lr- igl.t PW licker.. Tim*-Tabb.-*.aeri ill tn'or cali on x. aa i,Allin KA O- I"' 0 Main aid lick, t Ag. til at tue He loo I.l Om villa avpot s|.,i, »nd Bi rths -.cur. I "i Application kt iSUtriaUt, M. SLAUGHTER, i.. a. ral Pa**. N... 7 Fi mi. soi ii vi- Traffic Manurer. _ ph HJluND IND a L I. BU ll .a s Y lt HAILI.'--All. SITH- DI I.l. Off TRAIN* IN FIE I ." TOBI ll 1-'. IASA TRIER DAILY TRAIN! (EXl EPT -1 NievYI bli RMOND AND LYN. HBUBG v M.-ul. lil''*]_ .No. I. .No.). .No.*. * Leave Richun»id Arri* 8:20 A.M I H ff. vi niuo .Volta" Ile] ll !V P. vt 7 .. i". m I |«* p. %, r,~) t-40 P. vt |i -. h. vi l) a M, lc XII . Cui'n P. M fl: I.*, .'. ai. 5*4.1 S vi , 7 KO p Vi, ARRIVE KU HMoNI'. fl: 18 p. M Mail mi cx.cpi sand**.) lian A.M. Al "ll HOD A I loN lal I) o X-VCH I tv.I 7:i 0 A.M. Nil, ll li X lill'Ss lull) v., t Moa* 'li).I ( NNKt TioN-s. At Ricnnioml with arva uri .intiways atid Rlrn- I, i, ¦., tc' -I, rg sad Pot'inic rill" l.yi.cht.urg with A irglnla Mnlltnl -iUiv. Norfolk and arutera railroad ; st CUft'in F..rg» »ni, i i,|. tk, aa Ohio iailw.iv a: Leitngiua wlih llalllll" r. ana! Oleo mir-il. fUetvtafoor mttaehmi f" fight Hjpr.m ta Lynclibury. Trains inarki "I . d.tllT O' *pf «'ind.y). Ticer.- told p. nil BolnU. ¦>.:. .¦¦ ¦ 12 'fl Hain -in-et. 101 o Alain, ant .1 ,-. 1 Al- lexiiaiiy di l-l, t lal,tn au-1 , .1. I.'. VI Al 'MURDO, at 12 li*n.ral P*«*eng*r xnl Rbbttaxi tgcti! 1. ICU MON D, PBBDEBICKSBUBO AND I'oloAl Ai i: Alt ROAD THRot' ALL-RAIL PAST-ffREIUHT LIN! To ANDIRON! Il Vl.TiNloHh., lilli, lilli.. PULA. NFAA Volt ,. ash I '-rEKN AND WET) PERN lill ONLY TWILTR HOURS BETWEEN Rilli MOND AND lt ALTIMORE IN RAI il DIRK (loN. i orre-is'iidiiigly i|uirk lime lo oilier p..nt*. Through bill, ol l.dlug lar.e,: al low C. A. TAYLOR. IT I_General ru '.lil Ag. i. RICH MOND, PBBOBBICKSBL'BO AND POTOMAC KAIL H O A .oiuint m ing NOVEMlltR 2. 1SS4.eaal.-ru .ta..- lara lime! *:00 A. M., leave* Kyr.l-Sl.ict -urn daly; aiop-inilV al Ashlan! Ju it lion. AH . f rd. ia 1 from .licks..!" ..ion. 11:07 A. M , leaves. Hi rd ai* y i*l« ta pi sunday.I. -h. ja-r from Chart*!* ton to VYaalllngloll. 632 P.M.. leave. HTrd.-ir.,t Halloa 1*11*. Bl*«l*r fruii 'O N*w A..L. IOtSO A. M.. arnvr, il Kyr.!--ir-i Ra*. Slc*l*r f.w.u N. » l TS lo J Allie. 8.SS ff. M.. arrive* at Hyrd-sircetttatloti dally ; Stop* al I rr.lrrl kslmrg vt ami Junctioa. sleeper rrmu vi i.k- logion lol arlen u. . TO P. M, aoiv * al Btrd-strxil ditly (etrepl Suinlava). . l.-.-ia-r fr, ul Al i-i,union to J.wkv.avlllr. ASHLAND TRAlNn ot- nirry siniixV* |.U0 P. M., aev'wniBiwtlaiitin. leave* Br.«d-sir,. I station ; arrive* al Ashland al 5 P. IL SO* P. M..leaT,« tlha; arrlxeri a* Aao i a a (1*1 P. M. 7:30 A M., arri ve, at Elba; leave* Atl.Uud al 0:43 A.M. S:65 A BL, aconnn.-tallon, amara at Krna I* Slrrsrl aUtion ;, t Ashland al S A. M. 5 SS P. M.. amt.. ai Elba; i*.t«* A.h . .. tel ff, M. CA. TAYLOR, lieneral Ticket Ag«»fc fl. T. Uv, M V lilt. Geueral .uorrinlen'ls:*'. MUS. J. VtMHLEY. Itl SOl'TlI ElKsl* STREET. Klrhmood. any. - 1 it*.<l Hr twa** Iron Hitter* tat g.t.eral drhditv aad w.jka**. with aut-t-eaa. lt also b. urtlfsl toy tlitlil. I rr- t-oiutnrii.l ll to all mother, an I.UIloaUr cull lr.' i. M ia,10,l*i,i0,»3>2a^7,K'J*l

Transcript of Richmond Dispatch.(Richmond, VA)...

Page 1: Richmond Dispatch.(Richmond, VA) resume our Unin* of Chrittma*. Tbough the trade ha* treen anything


Froptr Pr«puWeitlon for Ft»«Uvlty


Gfuiy Trapping tho Streets in Search ofrVfmfsAUiS.

maav M*», MIM-Mrt*r>*r*f Mair***. Mar-

rtaaeaM* Mtatrt, aari Mlsrbi*v*atMit** Mreaariarlaa *.« Mlaellaa

M Maar man*.



JasM TeaantBsB WltU Pt*Hy Holiday


We resume our Un in* of Chrittma*.Tbough the trade ha* treen anything but

brisk, the people are now crowding niltheir preparation* lor tbe holiday* into thelew day* remaining before tbe great fe«tl-val. Tbe Christina* " boom " has come Inreal earnest. Our street* are lie-cominghourly more and more thronged with tbemerry crowd, teeking out the choicest androost appropriate present* and good* for

holiday cheer. Our earnest advice te

make tunable and timely provision I*at last being heeded by thc oldaad tbe young. Tbe merchant* badbud In hindsnme and lovely stocks,hitherto unequalled, and it I* a pleasure to

tee that the? are at length reaping an

abundant bant it. The buay havers, a*

they trip from «lore to store, seem to drinkto a Joyou* Inspiration from tbe lovely dis¬

play of Chrtatma* goods I hit meet them on

every hand, and are little conscious tbat lti« their Happy smile* and merri laugh thatmake np the effectivene** of tbe *cene.

The fatt-tppmaeblng Christmas i* ob¬servable In tbe general Joyousness around.Even tbe poor urchin in tho sinailookt happy as be fcadt his visionwitb abundant a of Christmas from thc

giiby-iln **, ,1 in,|-aa itidi,va-. Let the In¬

nocent happtne** he unrestrained at such a

time, when Joyous and heartfelt pietyshould Inspire "(dory lie (o dod on high,and on earth jieace lo men of good*wi 11."This ls indeed the otilv time in the longcalendar of the year when men and ai omen

serm, by one consent, to open their shut-

up heall* freely.Hut away willi furlhrr moralizing. Wc

have many BtflflM Ifl describe Just teemingwith pretty holiday good*. If you will

only "take them In." dear reider, you willbe oh the right road to the proper prepara¬tion for Hie happy holiday*.

A. Sails A* Co., 101.3 east Main stkket..A int i; man. now make track.Na (Fe store of A. Sals.jr slylr sud comfort yon dei rc.

For lb' re j on xtHI' roods oi*eve. v h ss v ( rv one sure roust admire.

There I* so much to lie seen and admiredin thi* great clothing csUbliditin nt, bothin and out of seosnh, ttiat when one entersit at a time like this be is loth to depart.Although the prices ure suited to hirdlinus,Jrcontemplating the beautiful and..maible I't. here arrayed.cms purse is rn vi r oaflBSBffSrtunte with hi*desires. Thc store, to Ledi with, is thehandsomest in town. Thin. Ihfl great va-mtv of useful pit-nit, temptingly dis¬played form an exhibit that cannot fail toelicit admiration for man's ornate nnd use¬ful handiwork. There is but one dangerin the contemplation of mich un establish¬ment, and that is the awakening of de¬sire* tbat cannot he realized, iv nidi ure aptto prow into MTf, This, however, not Mthe disparagement of the di«plav; for in-aniiutte bendy cacnot tn anywise lie re¬

sponsible for the wrong feelings it mayarouseNow, do go to A. Sak* A C'o.'s. It ls

the clothing dc|ianmcnt of Santa Claus'sbradijiiarti rs, and ls happily in charge ofMr. William Hans and lil* corps of politeand obliging clerks. What ii-ful present*may be selected hi rc in the way of buth-WTtp*. breakfast.ja.-kit*. study amidrcsslng-gowne, lounidng-coats. silk um¬

bu ll**, Bilk mufflers, gloves, quaint - al¬pin*, and lovely scarfs; not to speak ofready-made and tudor made etothtoff.Ladict can herc affectionately ritalin-upon father or brother, husband or lover,for gift* 11'-toiAi'il or anticipated.

Ya ai ter D. Blair k Co., HOD last MaisSTREfT..A time-honored house. BsflSh*lldiid in Itt. Ab ! heri i* metal with thfltrue ring. When iv e older ones look back¬ward at the lily-five years that this houseba* stood, il* pure nnd untarnished reputa¬tion shine* with the polish ot refined gold.and in pleasing contrast with tin rt and trick* ->> often found In moderntrade. For our part we prefer the .' simonpure," iud Bldr & Co. have lt. AH know(heir old and establlsbed brands of .. Mon'.-rose " snd .. It Select." Then thc old darkbrandie-. Scotch whiskeys, Montebello andeUicr lii.impfiiLrn - of itu* firm, us well astbelr sun cured chcwlng-tohaccn. lui|Kirtedclarets, tauU-rncs, Old Dominion whiskey(right yean old), iud ali kimi* of fancygn.iiii", nutt, fruits, undi liristmvs good*generally, are nn*uri>as*ed. Walter D.Blair k Co. alway* buy for cash, and can¬

not lie undersold. Their goods are thepun st, and Hit lin out .|k*i. ntnl youmiy rest assured you cannot do better tl...where.Gcorob Gibson', Jit* 1207 Main stkket..

llert'ililbaon, ax ho Itu*/tiif In every kind or potirry.

You'll and blt ol ilauware and or chin i unia lol lei v

In (art. In birque and KM*-"van, In binnie amil*r*a roii.ry.

Hr lt a n.iaii jurrf lutat. stir*, ot nlaw«arf lin! "tpottery.

Tbe solutlen of the fact Hint I .die* love.o to visit Gibson's i* that, beautiful teeni-wive*, they arc generally monappreciativethan men of the BtetsMtM and exquisiteworkt of tri. In tlie presence ol theselovely and wonderful yet fragile monu¬ments of handiwork, awkward finn mustB**uuie an fate aud grace of move¬

ment unnatural to h'm and painfuldike A* with fair woman, lt..might not beteem Ihe winda of heavento visit ber face too roughly," so with theseprecious wares. Beautiful In design, re¬

ined la texture, and varied In style andprice, tbe stock ot Gibson is attractive tothe last degree. He ha* bargain* in ffYflUOfcdecorated china, in Bohemian vases andglssBwue, In Lu ir Ilah toilet- aud dinner¬ware, In antique hr. **, in royal Draadeaand Koglisb sit ila.. In .Lip m..-.. lo on*

and hsjs-wsri'. and In basque Sajorm andornamental bisque.all highly appropriatelor christmi! presents. Do not fail GIUon-t.

J. A. Gsioo, Pack Block, corner Mainand Eiuhtb tTSflrrs..

Her little l*ct of r.ultleas if.ouM,Arr m.-do lot, I) I* tiebold;Iso i iiidnella. we arv odd,ffMMaaa ni-l .veli * pair-

Is., ut*, symmetrical, and small,l'i*>u H.* irt.und tl.ey Url, Iv rm.Lil* .noa,late, r.l an elfin ball,And Lat. no lu. prill I (lie

What it more important than thi* branchof birdnest*, which denis di ret'tty willi man'*undi mUndltiir-and woman'* too, for that.Thi* uniter, ies|iectmg Ibe un BSPflflUBUSUgcl twet, ia, we know, a delicate ooo toMckie; yet lt ls aa Blblmportttiit one Itis tbe Ive ( of nature; bj*Imwb the prime cau»e of mon- rows, andthc dithe tallai of more square flflflS*inp than any other one factor wekoon of. Meow me a man's shoe-snakei, and I will Iel! you what tbat man'sdisniositton I*. Tue next grxwteit miseryot life la to have au IH-atting shoe. Grieglt ready to turi you all, and make you eotn-lortabie In a great variety of the laUttBlvkas. He i* making *|s**.-la)tiet tbls - ,.

iou in genuine allUttor tiiaditont'-Cmbaerkt and »)w>pptrig-h*g«, together withRSatRmen'* t aubroldcred cloth and reive*.I"WM-ra. He ha* Ireadtsd dipper* tor ladies,a !, ,uH ][t* °' old ,aai«' ¦uote, Ins,

«fl sRprrei*. _t or(1,r U) btV(, 0irUtmi<well tbod, you roust cobiuIi Grlgg..Nowus A Co., wa. ookxbb or MaisAKtl TlSTH NTBBBVa.--" Jffte farr alib til,* ir abe tmoei am!. irae.s orlan, la ik«s7tit^i *utd.


-lan*- ."¦ **"* *° ¦««. a't'MsBJi.otusn's

The pod bath tala. "A (bing ul beautyia a loy ftwever. He could aot lt be b idtried bave tpoken a more iwetieal truth r.«-

tpeetlflg the great Jeweller* st thc corner ofMitn and Tenth .IreeU. Tbelr wagoltcrbt

Solden and jewelled tmiturc*. a* well a*tefr more modeat scius of art, are all

wrought la such laiiittd aud high ordor

of workmanship that they truly beir onttbe above truism. Presents tmrena«'dlhere atti prov* a Jot toeever. Mr. N-vw*km sad Mr. Maeomher. with their politeanatatentt Mr. W.tnttoo, seem to bavethe knack of pleasing their patron*ind the public gerteralty. Their excdlentlatte ia only loo well atleste .1 by their beau*tlfoi aad fashionable display of Inc Jew¬elry tn thc way ot lue diamond ear-drops,lace-pln*. Rnger-nntr*. bracelet*, and goldwatch,-*. They offer, in addition to the*e,for appropriate preaenl*. flue gold chain*,milch- Imxi *, operB-flt**ea. end tbe like.Step up to Nowlsn't and convince yourselfot what we My.Jeana C. SeArus, 1004 Mau* stssst.-'.( v»tly thy hahn a. thy para* can hay,Rat not iii r*«**d In taney; rich, sot taady;P*r Ibr appaiT* oft proclaim* tb* man."

Shafer, Ihe prince Imix-rlal of draper*,ha* been an asTeetble aoclety feature InRichmond life for .. lo teeae msoy year*."Not to know bim i* to argue yourself un¬

known ; not (o have vegetated in one of hi*Incomptrahle garnienta lt to have missedone of Richmond-* cbleftesl pleasure*.Hit eye btt not yet lott lu brilliancy, norbl* deft fingers the cunning which ba* madetheir owner famous. He still .' dost bnsl-nes* at tbe old stand," and can. with tbeadjoin'' of a prorier adjiitiroent of financialaffair* tn I a visit, both lndl*|-eniahle, fitvon with truriiicrit* seldom equalled andnow RflPfl surpassed." Swing ls believing.Go and see Shafer.Hu ami A. Co., No. 913 Maix btbkbt..

.. Tb* man that hath no Biotic In himself.Hor I. nol mnt'd wlih concord of sweet round*.ls St for lira*ont. stratagems, aad spoil*."Bo wrote tbe Immortal bard nearly three

ci lillirie * ago, aud the dulcet utterance- ofthe '. divine William." ts they were ingolden Eui:isnd's glnnoiis Elizabethianero,bave not lost tbelr truth. To give properexpression to music's moving nnmlrei-ionemutt hi vc an .. organ " ot tome tort, and a

piano of the best sort. The choice of eitherI* offered bf the firm whose name beadsthi* paragrnph. The wtreroom* of Mctsrs.Ryland A Lee are a* extensive as any In thew'hol( STiitr, and they are representativeagent* of st itidntl Instruments that provehi*llmr Joy* to the musician. A piano or

organ to a* musical friend ls a gift worthyof Ibr gods.H. A. Catlin, No. 6 north Ninth

RTITEET... In I astern land* tbey tali. In flower*.Aad Hi. v '(li Iii s Harland llieir h va*and rares;

l.aelil.lossiiin Hist hinom- lu Iii, lr far len bower,,(in lu leave* ¦ mystic lan*flaafl bears."How very tme is thc above exquisite

production of thfl gifiod muse; true no lea*of the Occident thin Hu- Orient. Andhappy are we In having In Catlin one whocombine* with a true love of flowers therare taste nf combining llieiu in ravishingaggregation. Qa to, or for. Catlin If yonwini Eerie and Xlrthcto* rosebuds, Callalilies, smilax, and Ute thousand and om:

thing* Ai-tiii.-iii "thc garden of delights"engineered hy Catlin.

fjRBBtm. Tvrek A Co., Ht r.tsT BroadSTREET.." Put .our beat fool foremost." Hie old proverb

¦ave]And well dressed Ihat hot foot should so:lo follow Ulai advice In llieae doubt! ul daysTea rnusl deal with Spence. Tyree A Co.Then MR BS lit'ie pleasure lo in during

this festive season if we have restheticand Inner-comfort present*, yet be so

poorly shed as to suffer from cold feel.The present cold wave, with its attendantsnow, has already admonished of tho ne-

ec»*Hy of kicping well dud our prdd ex-tnmiiii's. Bmase. Tyree .% Oe, will meetyour every Avant in thi* jurd,ill ip. In ad*dillon Io the ti'tial stock of boot* and shoesformen, ttrOBB flt and children, thOM ROB*th men oller RR admirable stock of ruhUSff*bocta and unties for ladle*, gentlemen,andchi lin n. You will lind I hem ready to-eivc yon until ll o'clock Tue.-day uightand 'Iii ll Wednesday night.Am.reav Antoni, IffJt Main street.." All-rheirlng Plenty, with her Una dur horn,*'The ronnie..pla for (iirl-Ims* meru.Betterki Hu sion nt Irleud Antoni,lor l brimin ns nock ur cereiiioi.v.

The hom of plenty, flowing over with-ivnte.t confection*, may he found in

abundance at Antoni's. Thc isinculent ef-hrvi-cen.c of -icchiiriiio felicity linds hercAeiy vnilcly of pleasing mid gratefulform. Wind multitudinous sweets in Hitsciystallizidlon of confectionary, delect atethc sinse of sim ll nnd satisfy the WAIRUMfor sugary compounds. Lovers of sweet*may hire he madi happy. Head Antoui'sinnouni-ement of Breath and home-made[.undies, new crop of figs and nuts, and goind1 buy and BS content.Mons. Spiro Zi telle, the famous master

>Mbc ruiA'tne, adds a ('harming restaurantlo" Hie establishment of Antoni. Holidaylunches, dinners, nnd lUOpan ure in order.snd /(telle can lill the bill lo the satisfac¬tion of Hie epicure or of thc more simpletaste.

C. II. PaVOU, MttCflBT STREET..AVI o would snfTcr tb! bUsaaxtT* rite,Vi ihi eaaariMUafl ooali rrom r. h. PasalLet Hie cheerful Christin is lire* burn

I.iijuhtly. I'ih nn the wood or coal,and letthc radiance of the Haine ri lb¦« t an I red Hi¬

lde the joys which surround ll, the warinthof heart kee(ung pace with thc glowingemilers. Huge otters much Christmas fuel,'lin- ii Ichrntfd coal from Coalbiirg and ri

fortiori kindling-wood from AVoodvillcHS will supply you in short order, s.,,Iptak to him.

A. E. Jaiinke, IStl Mainstreet....To lbs mi' eek* r. Time's boar*|*aMsh. Hld still run (Told du-l."

.l.ihnke MB in truth make the Christmashours golden, n- anything from hi* well-assorted stock xviii irliiildcn thc tuart of thflTrcipttiit. lie announces that his stock tlian it lia* ever hedi before, andUnit ls sayinga croat deni, fur BS ha* alway*lei |it puce AAith the times. particularly( brtatums timi-. He otters suiouf hi* rjic-ciiiliii * fine gold mid silver watches, Errnchand tau*, duck*, solid iiiul plated silver¬ware, (t|iera-ti:i-'"C-, lin^-, btaaaiptae.scarl-pins.lockd*. and, in fad,all thc lutestnovelties in jewelry.Exibasoe ior Wuhan's Work.Depot

No. ::im east BffBBBT..¦.' V* flfBUf Litll, -: in whose .overeifn itower

Lovial.allies Hie si' ri' ot ld* Minni.on Brit**.you alf alwafe aV ing something to entitleIOUIMB lo our bi'-l .ifl'ictioiis, and thi-schema for aa ixcbangc for woman's workls euc of i beni. Beet svaaui-ad .faa will lieflUaoUMged iu yourirood work. Thc ladleshave many rovel, ingenious, and prettypleet* of "work. Christmas shopper* cmtere lat I*ff sum, oj their wants, anddo a

good work.B. ll. Ei.r.Mii. No. lott Main «treet.

Erench i- thc BSSfflstet's friend; Bfl servo*

hiin ta his ciistnuii'i's tn brilliant Undina,leaving hi* n-piciive vvorth to disclose it¬self, anil the piirch**!'!' to bc ehooser. Si c

his Immense arr ia of nil sorts pf lip ruypabulum, work- and other boxes, phnto-emph-ulhiims, and pOflhl t-bonks, Erench'spaper, writing and otlui¦« l*c, i* superior,sic hmi, and von will probably bri induccillo effect au arrangement for a transfer ofMimi- of his numerous specimen*. Erenchis a good fellow and a fair trader.

Here, gentle nader, ive close our Christ-Bras round* for thc year ISSI, if wc have¦Sven you one valuable hint, wc have notlabored in vain. Mn vour Christmas beas merry as we would wiah it, and may theNew Tesl tabrrayefldug beswaoi this andour next christmas carol I*' fraught withmany blessing*, much happiness, uni abun¬dant harvest*, tor you. So wishes Ihe Dis¬patch.

lu the United State* there ls now hut onenlivc-grovc aa hose fnilt is Used in thc nian-ufiiiliuc ol oil. That is ut Cannon * Point.(ia. The grove contains 160 hearing BUBS,They were plauttd over a century ago,having indi brought from Spam by theUnited suite* Minister lo that country. Tbegrove i nilli d this year 200 gallon* of oil inHine grades. The olives arc first passedthrough a mill which rushes thc leny,but not the kernel. Thit pulp ts pl icu!In small crocus Iwg*. which are damp¬ened witti cold water and kneaded likebu ad on un induna! Utile with trough at¬tached. Tba water washes out thc oil, andboth dialn into the trough. The oil betaslighter, float*, .uni ls skimmed off and fil¬ter! d. This makes tbe Urti quality, whichsells for from .?)* lo 110 |ier gallon. Thes«tne MUS. ss is gone through with warm or

tepid wider, which yieidt a second grade ofoil, almost twice the quantity of tbe lir-i,and it sold st from to to IC pVr gallon. Athird washing or kneading in warmer waterstill bringa out the crude ol), in quantityequal to the first, and which sell* ut fromf'.'.rsi to 13.50 pt* gallon. Tbe proportionit to per cent, pure, 50 medium or luer-i baiiLtble. aud .Vi crude

Dr. W. II. Snook*. 103 east Hroad strecLRichmond, »af» i .. Brown'* Iron Bitter*ls uiiilt'iibtiillv a flne tonic. I sell a greetdeal of lt, and my titstouien ipmk of it in

I thc highest term*."Those wbo tend tbe great cattlol.erd* on

H.. li ut* plain* seldom have other thanJ Mil-meat lo eat. Tbey cannot afford to kida tsref jual to get a sirloin, and la that ell-mate tbe balance nf thc animal will notkeep Im.g. It I. now pro.maid to stockwith German oflfp the irenche* which tbeydig to catch rain-water for theruaclvei andtbelr herd*, and thus tln-v may bave froshUah as food wb.ile living on the gr.-at inte¬rior plains.Mr. W. I. Wilson, 9001 Venable *treet;

Biebmond. tay*: .. lirowo't Iron Hitter* lsthe best remedy for dyspepsia and generaldebility, lt greatly Unctlted me,"

YOUNO DEFAULTKB SENTENCED.TwtMU'Uttt Maaaib* In ffrla*e far HM

Urrarb at Tra**.

A Philadelphia iipectei tay*: Thoma* P.

Ma«nley, the clerk in Fidelity Trust Cora-psny'i employ wbo wss Indicted for thetheft from the cooiphny's viuft ot ten ooe-

ttioitaand-dollar bond* of tbe Lehigh-Vsbley railroad, pteaded gnlltv to the chargeIn Judge Ftolelter'i :ourt ot QuarterJsettlon*. The bondi hid been taken bythe clerk snd deposlUd, lix of them a* msr-

gin with Koon* A Tunli, brokera, throughwhom he had been carrying on speculativeirantactlons In ttockt. He confeaaed tbelarcenv to Vice-President Old, of tbe com¬

pany, snd the remaining bond* were In bl*clonk when tbe confe**lon wt* made, sndwere found there. Of the tlx bondi leftwith the brokera three were told by Ma-cotilev's order before the theft wt* ackoow-i dged. The brokers, however, purchase 1them liack from the person* to whom theybad been told, and returned thc six te thctni«t company.Mscsuley entered thc company s employ

at a boy. Ile wat bright and wa* rapidlyadvanced. Ills -dary wa* fl.000 a year.He had learned conveyancing and earnedfrom fffHrO to f-000 a jcar more ont of thcbusine** he did for peraons interettcd Inthe (*tate«i ol which thc trust company hadcharge. He licgan speculating In a -mull

wpy, but a*smUM so bold Hint be frc .ucntlycarried from 1,000 to 1,500 shares of stock.Ile recently began selling the market short,ind wi* caiighi in a tight place by thc risein Jersey Central, and took* the bonds torelieve himself. If hlsipectilfitions bad notbeen interrupted bf the accidental ifltes*Hon of the theft they would hive resultedIn a profit, it I* *aid, of 118,000, us bfl gotihort of stocks Just before the recent breik.

Before impodng sentence tbe ('ourt askedthe prisoner whether bc had untiling tosay. "I hive nothing to say," answeredMacauley In a ihamefnccd wiy. " 1 had no

Intention of keeping the bond*. I expect¬ed to return them." The Court sentencedhim to an Imprisonment of twenty-onemonths. In entering Judgment the .fudgesaid : .. Yours was a position of great tru*t.Thc *afcty,of the money and valuable* de¬posited in Ihe lnslltu'ton In which youwere employed depend* on the fidelityof those who »dminlster the trust. There-fere your act not only Involve* thc conti-(knee of the public In others, but ls likelyto make all jicrson* doubt thc safety of *uchan institution. In addition to Hid, yourad wu* likely to involve your fellow-clerk*. There" is In this case nothing toextenuate the otb ncc. It wa* an offenceagainst every one with whom you werebrought In official contact. I say nothingabout the fact that it might involve thc re¬

spectable (K-ople to Avhom you sold or

ph dged the property. While I commiserateyour position, I certainly must do my dutyin giving you s punishment commensuratewith this crime" Marimley is appirentlyvery delicate, and some of ins fiiends saidthat they did not believe he woflld survivethc pun'lthment. BUS


liuiterttiK Addrrasrs Presrnied i.. th* Cana¬dian Frrmier.

A Toronto (Ont.) BBfltnfll says : The for-liith anniversary of the political life of Sir.lohn Macdonald, Premlerof thc DominionGovernment of Canada, was celdiratod herctO-dsf with u grand political demonstra¬tion, which was participated in hy all theli .illino Conservative MMShflH of the (lov-ernment and many delegates from differentI arts of Canada. The gathering waa verylarge and must flats afforded great gratifi¬cation to the chieftain of theCosuefTstlreI :iiiv in Canada. In the Opera-House Iflthc morning, before an immense audi-dice, ho e.ns presented with cmgr.itnil¬ton' addles*. * bf (lt legate* from difl'er-eut perte af the Dominion, including onefrom Premier BorejUSf in behalf of Manito¬ba, and one from the Northwest Territo¬ries. The City Council also presented himwith.'tn address, congratulating him on thehonor of having bad the decoration Orderof thc Bath bestowed BB bini by QueenVictoria during his recent visit to Englandiiilfl bis restoration to his former goodbdilih. This evening he was entertainedut a splendid banquet, in company with SirDavid Macpherson, Lieutenant-GovernorRobinson, and thc Icadin.' member* of theDominion and Provincial Governmentsanti the Canadian Senate.

Sir John has been thc acknowledgedleuder of thc Conservative party in Canadafor nearly forty years.

MILLERS ASK PROTECTION.During thc uftcrnoon bfl had a conference,

with representative millers of ( anada inreti renee to duties on American wheat andflour. The millers represented to him thattbe duty on American flour brought intoCanada was fifty cent* per barrel, while thcduly on w heal was fifteen cents per bushel,or au equivalent to sixty-seven eenLs perburrel on flour. In this way, they -tated.thc Canadian Government di«criiniiialciin favor of American millers who Uiflhedto export their surplus flour into Cana¬da, to the extent of seventeen cent* (mrbarrel. Thc American competition in thcCanadian flour-mark.t ooueeqoeat uponHil* was causing immense loss to Canadianmills, l.iany ot which will have to ipjpofldoperations shortly unless relief is giventhem. Sir John shoived he could not re¬duce thc diitvHi wheal imported benfromthfl United state* to grind. :i< it would in¬jure thc Canadian fanner*: and he con¬cluded the bes! way to overcome the ditli-< ti it y would bfl to increase the duty mi

American lour brought into ('mada fromlilly (inls to seventy-live cents er gi perbarrel,

Herc ami Tlicre.A prominent wheat-raiser Bflffl

ths Ooreffumeul and ort rata estimate* ofthe wheat crop of ISM were much over¬

rated, a circumstance that ha* had it* shareIn depressing thc price Ile Mfl tint thflflCffSfgC Of ii<\t year will not be over COpercent, of what it was in issi.

Mr. Julius J. Herzog, -Jilli Venablestree!. Richmond, say*: "I have soldBrown's Iron Hitters for thc list threepears, asd Bbau given general -.iti-factionto my patrons."Thc compromise negotiations on the

franchise lull, the World iLondon) -till in¬sists, beean with Mr. nlai-toiic and thcOmi n. were continued bf Her Majesty andthe Duke of liichi'i'uit). and were broughtInto shape at ('onion Caritta during thevisit ol Lord s..!i*bury and Lord Cairn*.

Mr. W. II. Ladle. 1115 Main street.Ki. lill end, sals; " I have Used Brown'sIron Hitter* tot dyspepsia, neuralgia, andncrAoii* ili-orilcrs with gnat satisfaction."

Il is said that lhere arc but two piece* nfthe Hiildenite (the North Carolina gemjnoivin the South, flfld these ure iu thc flhlpfl ofn pair of car-iing-. Thfl dem inti for the-tune in Europe is so great that ProfessorHidden, who owns um! oparatM the onlymini", siiuls them abroad a* fast us they are

mined.Mr*. Annii' M. Hall. Mtg MS) Broad

street,, Bflffl I "My physicianordered Brown's Iron Hitters for my soniv hi, fl suffering from chills, and it promptlyand effectually relieved him. It hu* myn rateful recommendation.'"

Lady Hillyer, who died a short time agoin I.noland, was the widow of un admiraland thfl mother of two admirals of Hen Brlt-ish navy. Sin- was nincly-six years old,lind tbe I'rinet- of AVnles uml the" I Mike ofEdinburgh hail promised to dine with

j her on her hundredth hlllhauj ll shereached lt.Mr*. Eannie O. filBBIB. 2CI2 Clay street.

Richmond, Kays .. ..Fur days I couldscarcely eat a morsel, and then' suddenly acraving for food would possess me Thisstate of thing* lujurcd my health. Brown'sIron Hitters cured me."An Easton. P.v.. telegram sty*: Dr. Henrv

DetAvilhriodiiy celebrated hi* elghly-ninUibirthday by a family gathering. Dr. Dat*willer is said to be the oldest homer- iprtlnrpkfflkllli in active practice. He ha* prac¬ticed in this section since 1817. He wasborn lu Switzerland In 1705. He was thcfirst to administer homo-opnthic runt-dies inthe State, ind in 1834, at Allentown, w'th anumber of other* now deceased, formed Ihflfirst honiu-opatbic school In the world. Hewas a personal friend of Dr. I lulim m um.

Mr. J. E. Lay, Us south Pine street.Richmond, say*: "I have taken Brown'*iron Bitter* for dyspepsia, and pronouncelt a very superior ionic. I have recom¬mended lt to my friends, who arc equallywi ll pleased."Eveu tbe blood loyal bas had no exemp-

Hon trom tbat terrible disease, leproav.King John, of Great Britain, bad a ton whodied from lt. and lt was even In the bloodof Baldwin IV., from whom wts descended

'thc Plantagenet.*. It attacked him whilehe wat yet a miaor, and though he strug¬gled bravely, ..«aa allow ing manv a bitterpang witb a smiling face." tbe diteate hadto ravaged blt constitution tbat at tbe ageof twenty-three be was compelled to sur*nuder bl* crown, and died two year* liter.King Robert Bruce lt tbown to hive beenmother roytl leper, at I* proved by theti alimony of maur andeut bi*toriant.Mr. J. A. Golden, 601 west Seventeenth

street, Richmond, tay*: "I considerBrown's Iron Bitter* superior to any othertonic preparation. Thc demand for lt la togt-eat tbat I can hardly keep myself itip-

Kled. Mv customer* bave unbounded faithibis popular remedy."


twa Sessttal Unritr af ta* Unas wt Tb!****.triaemu.

A Btnp-bainton tpecial of the lltb mys:Detective Robert Pinkerton yeaterdsy cap-lured George A. Procter, Ibe suppose",leader of a gang wbo, about the middle otJune, 1888, abaUacted from tbe vault* oftbe United btate* Expire** Company at Suvquebannt, Pa., a webae* containing be¬tween 130,000 «nd tte.000. Tbe money waa

tent bv the Marine Bank of New Yorkto thc First National ot Buaqucbsnn. forute in lmying tbe men at tbe .hop*In tbat town. When or how it wa* takenha* remained a myitery, and lt wt* thoughtthat the men who bad .. worked " the vaulthtdetcaped with their booty. Tbe Jobwis evidently done by *keleton-kevs, sa

no trace of violence waa ditcovered In themorning, and nothing wm In any waydisplaced. A package similar in appear¬ance to the one containing the money waalilt, and it wa* thought for tome time thatthe exchange hui been made while the cashwm en route from New York. Proctor,who had been employed at the time thcrobbery oecurn-d a* foreman of the boiler-shep at'Susquehanna, renigned his positionand went to Canada. It WM suspected thatbe had b"cn connected with theaffair, but he could not lie taken on theproofs at hand fmm Canada. lie wa* letalone, and finally came over to Whit, ball,N. V., where he wa* known to have *

ticket for Europe. He wa* then arrestedand brought via the Albany roiil to thiselly, anu thence taken to Montrose, thecounty-seat, where he was, after an exami¬nation, incarcerated in Jill. From thc fact!now "'i-ought to light lt I* claimed thatother men will tte. arrested, and lt ls alsointimated tbat they are employd* of tbeEric railroad. Thc Pinkerton men seem

confident that they have " a dead-surething" on this mysterious, puzzling case.

Proctor is well known along the Erie roadat an expert on lock*.

New Zealand is an excellent country forsheep-raising, barring the fact that the ani¬mals are compelled to flOBUMSI for thegrass supply with a vast number of rab¬bit*. Tbe bett destroyers of the itselcssrabbits arc weasels and stoat*, hence a re¬cent sbip sailing from Southampton carriedL's) weasels and 500 Moat*. As the«e ani¬mals feed only upon small meat*, lt w .*

found necessary to take 2,400 pigeons alongto give them ; and a* the pigeon* must liekept, lt was also necessary to take sixteenquarter! of corn along to feed the pigeon*.

Chester. England, ls supplied with waterfrom the River Dee by a compiny whichhas two pumping stations near each other,a mlle anil a half above the city. A 'Jl-inehpipe conveys the water from the riveracross thc meadow* to a receiving well,whence it is pumped by two hoiLtontalcompound condensing engines, with steamcylinders of 14 ind 2fiinches diameterand 80-inch stroke, operating pumps oflt| Inches diameter. Thc boilers supplysiiam at 120 (round* pressure, and are tittedyvith McDougall'* mechinlcal stokers, whichare to arranged that all smoke ls consumedIn the furnaces. The ivater is lifted seven¬

ty-five feet to a subsiding reservoir, andthen flows over filter-beds conttinlngeight feet of sand mid gravel. There areseven filters of a combined area of wDMSmsquare feet, and after passing them thewater is collected in a tank, whence It is

pumped into a wrought-iron tank holding2CS.000 gallon*, on a brick toorar litnt high. Thc pumps are al tl'tack di¬ameter and 00-inch stroke, operated hy a

(.air of differential engine* with *t"atn-cv-limier* of IS and ;Wi indies diameter ami RttaChm stroke. Thc *feaiii-prc--i!i'c i- SJpounds. Thc tinily supply i- about 2.0 in.-000 I'nited State* gallon-", and there an-

thirty-five mlle* of mains.Mr. E. I*. Jones. (HI flflflt Cflfff

Richmond, says: "My brother, whiletrari liing South, contracted malaria. HeBafd Hrovvn's Iron Hitter*, and lt made acomplete cure. It is a great remedy."

I ll I*.M. *. IAIII1I I Ot' -lill.


DISHES. ANHs-ACCKS. Animal - ile, e,000.-000 Jars.

LUi'H. CoAIFANVs I \* ri! ACT Off MFAT.

An MMB. .'i* a success BBri .iltoon

lor which nations should reel Krate it'..*'.Sec

.'Medical Press,-' "Laiirit,"4r.ReaaMS only with the/nc limitr of Baroii

Llel'lir'sslfniiilureln hine Ink BOO*! thc l.iial.

The title " Daron LiehlK " ami photo.-raph h:iv-

Ing been lars-cly u-ed liv dealer* with no con-

nisrtlon with Baron I.lclnif.flie pulilic arc In-

r>'iuird Bari Hm Uateff < Maana*" aaa of¬

fer the article with Baron Llchl/'.* aiiarantrftt RI mil timers.


Ta lie had or all st, r.L.ti* r*. (.nicer*, am)

Cheint-t-. BSta aflSBM lalM liiltcd Stale*

(wholesale only). C. IiAVHi .t Cu.. 0 Fen.Impil

avenue. London. Finland. BM 17-*sx.V.*t

MRI.SABAB LAN* 'ASTER,:uu WESTMAIM ITRBRT. RlebsAXrari, *ays: " I kia ;i

Hrown'* Iron Hitter* cu.t nilly on timid, rea IvTor sn errert". nev. -ii.ii ii- inrinu. ur .sir ir "i. eic, ami would advise ntlurs t,, parwit

7.H.J*1le 19 I1i.lrv20.2n,''."..27.'

IIRIO* lll.llKIM'. t .

A O.IHK .ive- u-i:rfm iii*»i«tnr i" ..-itt Hu-th* mer¬

ci nut wini w a. n portas latina M lb* pnia. of deathlimn sn ailink of I'li.-imi -in . ha* enlim!]tin.I l.v lin use of lin. WILLIAM HALL'SBALKAN POR UH. I l Mis. NaiuralL I. leelasiitiiiui for lin- bunill .i.'ii'i froai bUbs ihliitniedv tot the lunts and threat; mil Ifl ,

I iilluitv t.. Una statement we ir* actuated liv ne*lift- nit nhiie larseflsetton, iraaUBfl Buri albenmay '.'¦ lanetlted lu a similar manner.


(TOysl'MI'TlON..I have a positive rcm-<1\ |..r th* aUtve dlsea-e; li) Its u-e tli.u-nlfl!

.,t I- i. nf la* wont .ind and oi lon* Uandinthive leen euri d. Indeed, -o rtronf ll my faith Inli- cfflc'icv that I will -end TWO BOTTLKSlill Kn.(Tether with ii A ALI A HI. I. 1 111. xl WKon Ibis di e.i*e. tn any sufferer. UlveeBprSM ladix.-t etti ci ii'l'l OB. I. A. SI.Of CM,Oe l-todfla_181 I'eiiT si reel, New Tor*.ADlES.-Pcnnvroyal Fills (..( Tildie-

J ter'- F.iifrtlah"i arc worth their vt. ;.-lit Infold,lull is-utl' ular-. *c ( hi'iit Bier ( li. ml. xl Co.,i'A li Madison r«|uan'. riiilad, Ipili..




Ihe newly di-coAcrfl mid


A .mall .|uantlly list rc.'clvc.l and for tte* bjat. III. All.',

liriii''.'!! corner .1 Mutti md Braid street*.

MIL EUGENE Kol'l'LE. Mo EASTBROAD ST HK FT, Hiclimoud. aara

..Hn.wn** Iron Hiller* ls a spieudlil Ionic Myfamily luxe used ll with good resull*. and for mtll hat worked wonders, lt hs* my ready de 12,l(',l8,2l;,'JL2.'..27,3oJal






CHAIM.KS KIKKIl'S.I0M Mais BBBflflt, PUMA shah.ns


Mr. F.iKrn ha*just hat) halli Hie handsomestrcrrtreralor In ihe noulh. The putilic kcihtiII)Hiv in tl to ins.a ct it.The BAH ls supplied willi ClIolCF. LIOI'OHr

and Hie HILLIARD SALOON willi thc LSI -1'lARI.I-s. CHARLls KL'KRB,u*11-lm_1002 Main sinai-



WINKS, Liol lilts, ami (ll. Alis of ihe (lilia¦in.iii, I. pi cn-! ,i,Uv on hand. RESTACHANTaid LCM H-.iUNTFK att.iplletl wit's the htxsIhe market afford*, which I* served In tlnt-d i*alvie. The ln-sl-appid riled and is.u1li|H"l HILI IArt-BOOM In the iHv. LocaUou central. PoIlls- and attentive alt, mlania. de 2-Um


ATV. L. (HMillAlAN-.

corner .'"vrulh and M tr-hall tl reeta.retAtOrStlj

MIL H. C. TAYLOB, 909 EAST MAISsTRFLT. Richmond, says: -Brown's lr<.t

Billers has been used In my rimilv rt.r neilin-aii.l w, nkneii* with great sucre*., lt ls the bestIron pirpaiallcn eaiaul."

de 12.1il.l*l2n.23.2S,27..mial

_w_v.^v."»*M>D ANS (SOA I..

CUIEAI' JOHN IS GONE, BET CHE AF> TUON ls left behind to rnrnl.h his friend,

and public all kinda or I DAL and Wool) at Ultlowest prices f/or cash. He keeps all slat-, or ANTIHtAt 1TP. f'ltoAVNIIILL SPLINT. POI A-HONTAH.snUCLoVSR HILL LI'MP forfratrtsAll kinda of XNUIKK-COAL. OAK and PIN!WlMlD-LO.NO.SAW'FH.sndaiPLir.Yard and ofB**, 1714 east Cary. T.

877. if. c. TIlo.N.0* 10-Sw_BEST A ff TH KA CITE EGG. to;

STOAF. 16.25: Ll MP s|'|,|VT, B4.75HAIL SPLINT. *4.6o; SOFT LUMP, SU.BoPOI AI|ONTAsL(-.<P.*3.7J: CLOVFR HILL,tl.'.'.A. coull I'ISiF. *i per hill ord: OAKS2.60; HOtrT COKE AND FMil S IX'O AL. alIt'Wtad piueafor raab, Yard -Broad, above Klbadepot or Idol Cary ttreet. TideplHin* IS3.

0*4 C. H. PACK,

MIPS EMILY (LAYBINE. FORD'SI'OTF.L.RIrbinoiid **yt: -I bava reoHTatt

areal N-Bcfll by u.'nc Brown's Iron Bluer* luif*i*rra: detlllty. Ifsoa* fWllT reatorts) say ItpatUt.'

ile lSelAlASOtSIMAIilWal


A SAFEGUARD.The Ats! rapidity wlui wM*h tllfht Cohli and

C(Mtfa*freq*cnt|y drvelup Ind. lae srxTcsl mrtla-dir* of Om throat and Imf. I* a coa-Mentionwhich should Impel every prn.lcnt person to keeraal hand*, ahoowbold retaady a bottle ol A YUH'SCHKKKY PKCTOHAL.

N'f'ltiln* else five* roch bum*,Hat* relief andworki *o sore ¦ rare In all affections or Ulla ria**.Tbat rm I net. 1 physician, Professor P. Sweclaer, oflb* Maine Medical School. Hm ali ». M-.. ¦>)S Medical sell ore hs* proftuccd no other aa..

ityne expectorant so rrood as AV Firs eil Kif HYPEI TOR AL. lt lt Invaiialde for dlscaae* of thc

throat snd lunjr*."The tame opinion I* nprewed hy liv well-

known Dr. la J. Addison, of ('blear". UL, BBBta yt:

1 hare never found. In lhlrly-«T* year* of*on-llnuocs iludT tnd prartlc* of mrsllclne. any ur

p*r»tlonuf so areal Taine a* AYER'* CHERRYPl ( TORAL (or treatment ofdi-easet of th* throatand lunrs. It nol uni a breaks up rold* and curra.

atTrre roiijrh*, hnt ls mr re f ffi*. tire than any thin*else In n H. vii* even Ihe most serious bronchialand pulmonary afferilon*."*

AY KU'S CHERRY PECTORALls nol s new for popular confl len**, fun

a medicine which li lo-day aavlnrthe lives of tbethird generation who have rome Into heine -nea

ll wai Drat offered to the public.There ls nor. household In which ihi* lnT»lu»M*

remedy lia. onr* hts-n Introduced where U«exiT been alwrnloned. and titer.' I- n"i .' Brrtnfll*tw hast var riven lt » proper trial for any thru'or Inn* dl-taae siwcpuhle of enre wno .ia* uotItecn made well by lt.A VI. It's CHUBBY PfCTOBAX ha* In nnm-

berlcsfi ln*!tnc*s emed oi-stinale *i«e*of chro.itffHr .... billa I, irnAB.iis. nnd even tVtnM pinn lo¬

ni*, and baa -.alfi man* patient* In Hu- tr

sta**-* of Pnlmnrnirr I o snmpiloti. Il Isa mr.ll-rln* IImI only rrs|iilres to la-i»**n In smxll dna**,l« plcisiiitt. to the taste, ami i* In everyhouse wheretti.eeare.*n. ;i* tli*r*1* norhinjrsn pood a* UKIt's CHERRY PKCTOHAL fortreatment ofCroup and AVIioonlnf-Cona-h.

Ut. sc ire all plain fiu-ta, which *an h* Terlll»dhy anylNKiy, and should li* remembered liv ercry-l.ody. AYERSCHERRY PECTORAL.


Mold hy all Hrutrai-l-dc 20

MRS. L. LYNCH. GIG EAST HBOA I)STREET, richmond, ta)'«I '. Previous to

ihe u** of Hrown'* Iron Hi I tera I wx- ut'eily ml*-erahl*. ll promptly restored my health, and Itana -Uv ra-fommrud it."

d* 12.18.1«.20.2S.2'..27.:U).lal

MAT* HRS. jr.WII.RY. Ar.



Dl'CED 15 TO 20 CEN TiCatt exsmlnr. .nd I.' CONVINCED that you

cannot do helter In (he city.4. T- ALLEN A (ai.,

de 14-tl)e24ln Fourteenth ami M itu -trr,1-.

M RS. C. SALE, IM 1MNE STREET.Rlrhinond,says: .'I consider Brown's Iron

linters a (rood Ionic. It greatly strenirHiriied me,and to Ihe weak learnedly reeoBtmendlt.'1

de lM.lS.l*i.2().2:i.o.'i,27,T0JBl


No. 1200 Main strut fflBUUU Planter! Hank).

Liri kn L. Bass, President;.1 .liv .1. AA'kii.iit, A'ici -I'p-lili nt;Willi am Um flsarata.CsbMm.

HON! \ li VMIil'v RIA .> TATE on fa*roraiiti'lerms. reluroahle lu moullily iii.taliaf nts,


ind ISTKMKBT A I. Lo AV FD at IteriUofflptlrenitim t*>r annum. Security undoubted.oe «



Holt ls.(turill learned In an hour. No pnidlltif.Ten rent* to fifty cent* an hour tnide darline orevaalBf. Hand lOe. far SO ¦sbibmm utfi puk ure

of food* to commence work on. Adttrtaide 20-li*_UAi. FAY. Rutland. VI.

WANTED, A PLACE ON A ffABM,or In the cltv. hy * man and ld* wit.- i,. r-

man; »us an object. Aarim* m.,i.iv..\.wMarket Hotel. Sixth and Marshall .tn-rt*. Rn-li-

liiond. Va. t|i"2i'-2t*

$9 WANTKD-l UI'.lsTMA-idl l<.

HALE-CORD REASONED PINK WOOD, 1X00.HAI.F-coRD SEASONED OAK WOOD, -j 50.Hut lt lid Irv lt. and you will Inv mort of lt.RFTAILFRs, IT SUITS YUH TRADE TO A T.Hey now, and flailafl ch'stnia-. ind Biak* votirfrlMois "iiil'oit.iiii- ami hapnv. PtJELOP ALLKIMI* it* I't-'d Bl lil. heil lui I ch.":.a* the.¦h.i.|.-i ai fi.h.a coal-yard ipili iikr'sj,Broad ind lim- -tr., rta. otder by bl. ni.tildira-p. til-card._il* lS-lW

ANTED. Pl RC II ASE RS FORino laird, ol KALIilliN Ali'li -. Ap¬

ply lo E. IIOLZINOKK. 1418 Main street. Andin iv store articles by Hatarday't boat. rle|0-Sl*

WANTED. A DUI Gd li UKOE TWOTV Ai Alt*'I XPERIENI ::. Ma** come w.-H

net nimiTidetl. State af* asd sultry SIpeeted.Add*.-, I. X. I... 11,1X64.

,, t(VTa.ThSSa3t*_WANUI). PUBI ll Wi!- I-H.* COT-


¦RI ll. SHH l.'V Kando A is.EXTRA and SI'PFRFINF H'lfR.

ll.l.AFII.iiO A CO.,no lt-eod_111 south Twelfth *n.. t.


VAN lo uoltlx oN TRUCK-FARM KKARATLEE'S sTA I ion. ll UfOVER ( ul v IV. A A.Mauled man preferred. Mat* come mil r.ui-

mended. Applyto 0. C. SMITH,Atlee's, Hanover county, Va.

de 16-Tn' S*"|»_TE7ABTE0, A MAN IN RICHMONDlt I" t ike an office iiiul nure tnt a inxii'if.c-

tiit.r lo si-l.t. an ENTIRELY MW LINKol' (,i ailis.PIPPI DOLLARS per wot* Smalt eapltal re*

i.uottl. Address, with, li, a loft, w IArt'n ,M.|.Ul-s,:it

WANTED. AUEN'ISIn lh: ll i


GR1 VT ELECTRIC LAMP. Batap-ei fit.c.o.ll., lo a. v li -p..n .|l.h p r-oti. -illili"ct to *x.ittiiia-r OB. A.idie-- H UL .A I AA LUI.

nCU Wc-t BillllliliT-' -Irect.,i, ls-st li.iib ire, Ali.

WARTED, A YOUNG MAN oEGOODtine allon *nd m. ral - lt TEACH A

Pl Hi. i< s, ii, hil. tialary. ISO per mouth. Ai-|,lTat<.i.c, to AV. ll. I! HUI AM.

ll. Il'.-ti NeW -"in's V.l.

iisTc i:. walch al. jut BASTBROAD STREET, BlebBtoad, s.,v.: -I bad

virv issi Ht ali ii milli my physician orJaradBrown's Iron Bitter*, riv* nonie* of lt cnn tl mr.-iiii:t ly. I i-Kiiit -tu- tfi'oiunii'nd ll."

_de 1'-».1);.1h.oii,'.»:L2''.27 SO j il

LOST. M lt I A li'. A5ID FOI All.

Id si on* lill, linn INi ST tHT, A VllllTF-.ANO-lll.AI Kt

SKTT FR-DiK.. La** seen tn (arv sire, t i.-tr

Iwillll:. A li'tral nward alli !*¦ paid If left atJ. M. CONRAD A 9oH*S,

de 20 *Jt«_1211 Curr sire"!.

ry WE NT Y DOLLARS REVVAUD.-1 stolen from mt- sralde aa tlie ( liarhta Itt

road. D.cemUr ISlb.abcavj BUGGYMARN --,

ii. ii ri a new. nickcl-pliite I. wlih Iron Innwill Fire fl ll for th* rcc.icrvo' Iii* har.iv-- slidttlO f> r the I'oiiAiclloli of the Ihlef.

norm ano SMITH.IIiNKii'oCoiNTy. Va., lie. emil, r ID, ls-|.deRii.|i»_LOST, LAST MIGHT, OM MAIN HE-

1 AV IN -1X1 N 1 ll .ind NINTH sTKK.TS.a'DO ,-SIvlN I.LOVF inewi. (dur late* limn,'audrray fi r top. A sutlsbl* rewartl will ht intiIi.r Hsinurnlo JOHN li. D.AHNKY.nt Purcell.LaddS ("'.. de 20-11*

t-uti atti*.

TpiW KENT, IM. A' ¦>.*.*1'os^KSSlON JANLARY 1*T.

MW MAIN-STREET STORF. mir Niiitlt«lrni. not ofi'upted hy H. L. Sdamon -,v.

sTOHi: anti KIOR Al.K-l.oli Ho. ll04tat*Cair stria 1. near Twelfth, now occupied Itv AV. BkLew is A ( ¦>.

HROAD STREET STORE near S-v.-nlb sfr-et.NKAl AI.AlN-slltr.l.T bTOII lc ir NuiCl

Mr***BOARDINU-IIOl'SE, Eourteeotlt street neir

blain.NF.AA -TORE. 120« east Cary snd DWFI.I.INO Ho. 12 hoi il, Four-

Itelith ':. . I.-lold mid DWFLLINl, r.irner Nim'.., nh

aol Alni', "trcts. .

(,l ii S GROCERY corner Second ind ( RIVER DRF.ATI.RY AND 8BO! NH*.PIIOFKssIonaL OFFK Ks. 4,

J. TROMPS IS BRoAVN* 20-31 _Real titan: Atr-nt*.

pioiTltENT, ri


For pani, ubirr, apply to H. HO-tMlKRi;.

MUmS 1S17 Carx «ir,-i.

I'OR RENT. A DB8IBABLB FLAT, JUcoiiilailn* of four rooms, two lars* clo,- tLi

tts, hsth-rtatm, with hot ami aoid waler, and **r-ranu" n-m:.s|ao, A LARliE HANDsoHFI.A-PIRNlsllH) ROOM. Board If d**iretl. Re(er-t'liceseiehanfed. Applv at 322 MOUTH THIRDSTBEET._de ill il*


INO No. 821 weil Ortce ttreet. Tau norn.: h"land cold waler; ronklna-rauge, ami all ni I. r

Iinpn venn ul-. A|iplytoF. A.J.I I.OITON,

de l«.,a.d.'lt No. 1401 Rai. .ina".

Mb». m. g. mcclellan, looaHROAD STREET, Ulrhmood. nays: -I

axed Brown's Iron Biller* for dvtorpsla, weak-ne**. *r. with cnl'n-saHsfae-1 ,,n. ll ai." illy lui¬

pi ot cd and strensihed mr. lt tut! my nearly *p-liruval."_dtrl_l_lfll_lS.2il,23.25.27JnJal


L/AAAO aVW| axvw-wt

airnou MAAtrt-Tltte maa.' "

By Fr*»k D. Hil! * Co, and X. W*. Bow*,Real Ert*M Afent* and Auction***!*.





ia thf. city or ki- HAiovn.OM VE-tAlU.K STREET Nt; yr Pl MK. ARD



The Ptnel Hospital, xrho sara,ira

P. M. M lei's committee;TbC -lille

Rbr. M. Iirirl's rimmltree, B. Brlel, Jr., and Hm


Ut Urine of t decree of Circuit Court Sf Henrie .

county In Ihe »bore ml!* entered OcloherBl,I SH*, we will proceed lo iel! at putin* unction. 04th" nremlttas. In the order below mentioned, ther.,:iowl."i* REAL ESTATE-to-wll:

1. ot* FRIDAY. DM exrnrr. 19. issi,at 13 o'clock M., on the premises, th* F ABAI sit-natl*! in ll*nrl-i, county, on BM (iio<iiic.ikeandOhio ralInsid, Hilrl*en mlle* trotti Rleli-.ioml, at

Flko station, eontalnlnf 210 l( it Es. morn or

leas. The imi.r.iverii-itt* are poor.lint soil .-neal andwell d lpn tl for trm-klna. Thi* firm I* lrnm«-iil.uelT on ih* WilbaiiisbarK luke, and. havincdepot on the place, lt very eonTeiilent rorsul|i-1'inr-

S. OX SAT! RI) AY, DBOBMnaa 20,1881,atto'clock ff, M..on Hie premise*, the SMALLBRICK TENEMENTS. Ntl**. 2.110 md 23 D' A .li¬

able street near Pink <lreel. Each bo***eontaiaithree room* and brick klW'hen of two nairn*, unith* hons*** occupy 35 7-12 feel of fimntid ny ISOPel', nnd limn*.nm. It afterwards a VA. ANI'lol OF OROCNDoti west *lde«f link bVenable and Carrlnpton meet*. 40 feet by 1133-12 reel, will ne divided.

4. OW MONDAY. DRCEMr.F.n 22. 18S|,at* o'clock P. M..o. rhc axre*.!*** ih* Hilt'":**.TTIREK-sToRY BUICK TKUKUENTb. Bo*. 10.12. .ind 14 souUi Kbrliteenrli la tween Allin (in ICary atreus, now occupied hy Messrs. Cir. I-AParker. Hark tenementcnnl-Aiii* *ix rooms. Thisproperty I* now meier irood rrulal. Lot (romatil Maali u-12 rei.Tr.KMS: OneInni'Hi cash; tlie hilince InHirn

espial Instalii ents ll *lt. twelT*. :in.| (tftr.iti'li.. 11.les for dc:', ri'd pivtiiiiit* l ti- niven,saith 0 pt i' c*.|. laleresl added, and Ht* till* r.-

lal neal until the purefii-.-moitr) 1, pud Bari acm-xeyaucc ordricd by Hie Court.

.kuin il yoi no.James n. di nlop..1 AAl, - A-KIK.Special Cun missioners.

Is THK cnniiT OgOBf or TH*)('Of "ITV nf ll KNBICO. >

Dc. Ulla 1*. ISSI. I

ThePlnel Hospital, who sues, Ac. .Plain.HT-,¦gainstff. M. Briers committee.Defendant.and

The «tme..Plalntlll-.analBM

ff, ff. Ilrtil's committee, IL Uriel, .!-.. and MirvUriel.Oi'lfifl.itii-.

I hereby certify Ihat the band Nnalrfriol Bp*..¦I.l Com"iiil**1oiier* J. H. Yo in*-, .lame* N. Duti-l.ji. and .lame. Caabit, ly fatsxrat off 35 lb. October.lss*. In ihe alavve causes ha* been duly riven.HItch under my hand thlsSth .1 <y of INafssmber,

1884. GEORGE W. CARTER.deO_Clerk.


NOS. 14118 AMI 1440 FRANKI.IN STUB'ir.

Our repnUr sale will take pinceTO-DAY

at 10 o'clock, when w* will offer I number "fHool! IHHtsKs AND MILLS,

fretii which -el,ellon- may !*. narie We jre re-11111 «tt d t>. natue. In addition.


\ I s* for th* above wa_,..n.dc '.TO_F. H. ('(MIK. An Honer

ll) E. li. ('"'W. Auctioneer.


MRAHI.E COLLECTION OP STRICTLYFIRST-CLASH li a t.c A li li TOILET- ANOT FA ¦SET'S. 1 .iii.* lb* lab -I and atna! desi ru¬

ble pain tn*. The stittA W'll li* on exhlitltion TO¬DAY at the store No.,21! Ninth stoat, AVilklu-i.ii -11'a k. i be aaeUoB iatM win eomrai bm oa

lATURDATAT lOo'iint k A. Al. wi. tri oi ar K P. AL.

and r,ii,lune cae! da* tl anna hours until th*whole -lick I* disposed of. The spisi il .1 tenth.u..I oa public lt called to His mle, ta Hie foorii bmih* -ii..- sold heie '.ti, year Bfo. and are worthylbs attention of Ute pablle. K. R, COOK.(le 20-lt .Am "I'M. ist.

ATCTIOV SitLCS.taliire Day*.III.I.l-. MA>-,|oiik.':ill. Atoll"" ¦:.

No. 10 OOtl rna -tot.

PEBKMPTOBT SALE OF A LAU'.I1 I ol' Off H k.nitirk.


AT Al. 11'iN.

latendlnf to rwaaov* byJaaaary 1.1 f*..*». 1 winsell si Btv .nu'i"ii-riaen,. t<, clo** I'on.irniiieiil-.hy order ot 11 aaiflaai "ii

M0NI1.AY. Dr. iaiiimi ¦.'.». 1884.:.t 10 a. al. .1 nest .uni des) 1 able itortiaenl ofHoi -lb: iii Mi ARTICLES,! min

( HAMBEU-Sl'IT*. ll ARDROHl -.


Theaiienti.iii ofall in wini! I- respectfully ask. I,s- lite «-. Mil ri:nar be sold.

ir. vi-. ca*b. iv-. M.Ai DOUGALL,dtSO-ll* Ainiioii". r.

cliv \. AA. How.

Real K-l il- A


PKi:r\ir tin:


In execution ol' :i dui. c at Hi" (irciill Court ofIbnri... roiintv. inlhe -nu of *» re. Ail-hnin- a ml.-1 h.-r-."ci, 11 red December 10. issi, we,tin until r-iinn ri ipecial corni mi rt, * III -¦ ll aiulli't|oll,,'ll Ihe pren,1 a 00

THURSDAY, Dbi Banu I is. i--t,ai Skjn'ii.rel P. M.. Hm Mi ra property, whichfronts los, r..t on ii, v. riv street I formerly Har-v li i. am) rtitt- bael .'j,' :- .-t in AA nhl niton street.I In r. I- * KR.AMKO HoC-K on a part of th. land,, willi lite judicious'av ol' -..'ne in uni.would make « comfortable borne, or would r* itwill. Thi- Will hen fine o|i|at|iiiiilly for ii t'ciiiu-uiriilvi invcstnirnt.Tm roperty will rj*t*tD-dlTided tad told In par-

eels te.'bur n. nt lan and iiuvev, whlrk ctngow nc its ii at the oiT.ce ol lin'.rit i-r,nu I willla- .viii' itt d"li Ihclav of-ile.Tkiivi-: one t',,ur|ii i-:i: ti tin,e.- ,t -ix and

twelve lin uti.s for note* Wi h llllet'c-l sddeil, lindtin title retained nulli '"Uh Hie noie-t-h-il' be paid.

lollN H. YOUNG,hill carter,

lp .-I il ('oiniin--ioner*.

In Till, cnn it Cocas Of sta or ||k.n-It lt ll. |), I vu lt. |0, I--I -TlptM Vs, I'l.AlN-1111. Vs. AA it ti v tts V. D vi s., lu: ii ni- vs ¦-

I hereby cenlfv In* bond raqulredol SpecialCommissioner, .lohn ll. A on mr mid Hi I Carter, bydeers*of inn, Deeember, IBM. ea*er*d lu Ute.hove -lilt, hits Isell dlllA .'I A ell. umler my hand Hil- Udh Dcr*nih"r,USA GEORGE W.CAUTER,!

postponement.TheahoAc -nie ls ic.unit of the

had w.ailier untilil rsi, av. l.t. -ts-.' 't | l, IBM,

at half-past 3 o'clock P. M.ions lt. YOUNG,HILL CARTER,

de ld spceial I'.itnmlsMtoii.'-.

Hy 1). Hill & i.Auvtloueers,1108 MiU.i stri-t.


MoNDAl. Hi ivihki: '."Ju,ut ll o'. I,"k A. M.. Iii li-ont-.r .Liui. * Mfdou.-tll'-i-ion. Governor -tr., i. we -vii tell a irood TOP*Hl i.i.Y iiml ll ARM --

TritMs: 1 ash. Al AIM R HILL.TAZEWELL El.Li: CT.

Kxei-nt 'tsaloha ... Moflott,d' I.I IMI.- Al it ii.,I t.xt t Am Hone. i. lt l'l-tt


Piir«u,ii.t lo fleet.f lin (ircitit Court of(iloiict-ti r count), rendered u tnt Hovembviterm |IBB4) lhere .1'. lu lb* chiifervdependlnr, umii r Ihe *iyieof Datoi nfl otltera ¦*.lie-ins ami ole rs. i-inn di m public anetloo, all.l.'iici -na l "iirlli'u-.', BB

IAN! ARA :,, 1885,(Ihat brio,.' Couiitv (' .uri-'lin.i Hut SPLENDIDl-l ATE know -i a,-- RosKAVELI..- -Itu ire lt*.mediately on York river, lu i.l.ti.. -t> r county, ofwhich.),-tah L. ll*m. dual sktswd.and antin-Inf, a.-t-or linir lo the LaudU.aik ot the county,1,152b AC'RKi*.A I. Alll.K IIUII'K Sf AN-ION-Ilol'-K aad Ol

ilrcissiirv oilll.iilldlli.'-. a* Well ll Stael tin-Hintfciuinir. muk* lt one offIbe moat denrabb) f.irn,.In Fii-tern \ Irvlnl.a. Il :. oneOf lb* tim-*'. *r:t«lti(rfin m-In ibis aeclii'ii of the stiu,.. '-Rot*well" is

apia.f historical note, aa vv.-il i- oneliitr n-i

ciillv very vahiiihle.Tkiivis: Ca-h eiouiih M p*V Hf I .- « ol' tall

Slid sale; baBMM ni a. emili .d'one, two, an!linc vcar: the Bwrcbaaer to ex,- -alt band forHie def rr. d I'lvmuit- ivtt'i rr ,..d p. rv.nil s.-e,,-

rttv. mid the lille ii tallied till all Hie purni-niouiy l* paid.

Al AHYI's TONES. Spacial Conimis-!,,,, *.

Mr. rr*il. Dean* live. 0* th' place, and ll to any one dcir"u- to purchase.

( lay-Hank wharf, WDM* -1. xiii

limes a week, lavery Batt Koaewtdt. M J'.»-sa4w

I..lohn S. Cooke, e'eik af tlie ( ircull iuirt lorthe count* ol Clout c-'e."iiml >LiP- of Airirtu! i. dicerilfy that Maryu- Jouf*. .special eoatmlauooerIn the sun ot lienn-iiiul oihuia a/:tinst iii-itus antiother- for lb* -.h .¦( Hie lrn-1 of lind ill I" R. sewell," hs. rTiciltcd » ts'lid a* «j,-c|.xl ¦. tn

ii.i.' aa rtqBited hy the d<-etl for Uta ssh ol>ald land. .IOIIN S. COOKE.Nov,mler 211, 18S4. 1 B-su3 w^_H> I hi "tilln/ S. t'ose .111 John T. loaldin.

Real Mflfll Am-UnitecM.

Ali TIUN sam; ot/ A uk Al liHi.HliLDlNii PLOT IN THS OUOWIRG

VV I -f I nil-Ha i. ji.r .ftt'e norries in liwe shall .ell I.t auclloti. upon Hit-prtaul-.

tifsday. DsA*7aa*aualA i-*i,ar 4 o'clock P. M.. thu BEAITIECI. PLOT OlI. ANDon ihe sstuHirast-"rner of ll .rv le and i art.-i>lrtr>*.(o I« sitt'-.tlvidcl into Innl lin/ I,,i- i,

th* wanta oT purchasers. Thlsolfirt a BBB llppmtunlty Tor those who .lv-lr« M BB remote from Itasmoke .xml Instle tri the city; wher* thc air

ind trrniry encBanllna: where, up-m hrlx e

sprint ninrnluj(s, iou can be awiaeued fruin vmliiinl'i r- by the tweet sariafleS of the in,>.-talotrbird. Come one. come all. a.* Uti* will ta* tn* la,*ale of th* year ni thia popular se.-tl-.n.Tillie.: Ka-y and announced at aale.


de 17_Aaetlatvasr*.Omi Bur Linc.xstkk fl i.i sr,/



.I ll st .itietl .ii, at rh- Rh limoiid stock Exchltiiremi TUESDAY. Ilecemlsfr 23d, .1 12: l i o'l-ia-k,58 SHARKS H Hil Ali IN H. KRKDFRK Ks|l| '|{,

ani) potomac Railroad gi* ak-ANrFFDll I'M'. FM. *lo( K,



ATCTIOM RAIJDS-^ariarn mare..-^v^^-^,*rs/-^*

By i newuinr S Rota.Real Estate Agent*. An-Honcer*. and Broker*.

Re, I non ri Tenth -tree*.


ffBAME DWELLING* ON THI NORTH LINEOff DiiH-nv NEAR. LAHKESTRRET^Byre-nie-iof tba owner*, we will sell hy aueUoo, »pooinn premises,on

MONDAY. OBCBatniB 22,* ¦.'¦if. k P. AL. Hi* DIAM.1.1 NOS locatf-d anddescribed abor*. Each dwciim* ctintain* foarrooms. Their ls a Walt of excellent water furHie u*e oT the tenant*; alto all conT.'Blent flflfl*homes. Each |..t hi* . fn*al of 18 0 lit feet onDoha, n .ire t. br a depth of ISO feet. Th* bv**-Hon sud construction of this propertv commend.H., if t.. all In d'n -I of a home or InvestmenLTr nus: Easy and made known on d»y of sale.

CHEWNINo 17_ _Aui-Ufitifser-s. ^

Bv J. Thomt -sn Hrown .% io..

Real Lttate A rents and Am tlontver*.1113 Main ttreet.




twill ii' at po'-''.- auction, on11 FSDAY. Dti'BMHBB 23,1884,

at 4:30 P. M..that BRICK HolsE AND LoT on west in* afnorth second st reel and on* t'tv.r ...utti of coota«tr** house a siitMtaollal one. and ba* Tourrooms; ls oecufled hy a (total it unit. Til* lolrronl* 3 4 iWt .1 inches, with * d*p*b af S7,f.atlo alley li) feet wide.

lin- |, the kind ol' prone.1v i.tucli desiri, I be¬cause of ll* ic asl Income on InTi'.tineut.TBB>I*: On* fourth ca-n; balance In tis,

twelve, and eifhieen month*, "inti secured bv '.rust-deed. .1. tilliVIP.-i.N BROWN A CO.*

de 17 Au.-t'O n-t-r*



DER I, 'SHEAVE RICHMOND.8:20 A.M. For Newport*. Nrw*.i)ld polm Con.-

fort.aiid Norfolk. Dally extent sm,.dav. Oh'a three hour- lal twenty,*Tt- minute* Hleliiiioiel to Norfolk.

0..15 A. At. For »ll stations and lexington. Ky.,I., nl-ilili. anJ finiiiina t. Mill el... pi sumiay. Qnktttal line I., x.

Inirtun. Vu tnnkliif '..ste*Innis roi staunton.

3:*I5 P. M. i harlotieavHIeaccommodation (mil¬li rttlly, rxcept Miinl.iv. stop, atall station-.

3:*5 P.M. k.r Newts.r' * Nita*nhl Point, amiNorfolk. Es pre s eic*pl sun,lav.

«:25 P.M. For LonlsvHIi' mid i In.innitl.u-nretlng for all pnin's lA',-t. Nortb-wet. a"d BOMB*****. Flirt exit.Vstdally, Doc* nol rttvnfbr Ioctl*. Pallas** sha Rn li.neild t/. I iudnii..tI an.I WaallliiglOflamt i hurl, ttl lilli lo I oulsvl lt.ARRIVE RH Tl MONO.

IHO A. M. Frtimch.iiioit. .vii, eiceptsunday.11:35 A.M. From Norfolk, old I*, lit. .sn \, w

pon'- Nen*, except **mi.Itv.3:25 P. M. Proa* Louisville. (in,inn ul. .md Bil

local i-'inis,except Sunday.8:15 P. M. Ftom NorfoRf.Old Pol it, rad Sew.

rort'iNew«.'l.atlv exei et sunday.0:15 P. Al. Fpiii l..>ni-vuie and cincinnati.

F-'i*t lliieil.itlv.Depot! Sevtiiteentli Bad Hroad -t'eet*.Tl.ket-oltVc*: 100O Main ,tret i and Chi"*,

peake,md Ohio Ku ll ts .i v di i ,iH. W. FULLER,

0*BITal Piisaenifer Agent,c. AC. sttiril.(,. ne al Al,,,.uer. de !

IHI'lKllltl Ot' SIT Viii HS.



only *i.5o To old point COMffuRT.ONLY 76C. TO (I. AHEM.i\ 1.ssectnil-clisa tickets still lovvir.


FOR Ni aa roi: s ni vi -. n.iI'E'.i.K. p. nt isMOUTH, ANO .1 AA1I -- UIA 1 B 1. AM'-






VI A VMM.A. *l..'.".ONI.A AI.I.-AA A Iii: ROI




-. ""iid-fla- 'i vd. -lill lom r.

El EG AN Air A' - UN L'ROPI AN li. AN.

The clcifinily-rebull! uni Bill -'.eu.orA bi EL,

(carrylna I nii.-d state* ai.iii.i/.. i (ilTPORD. Commander,


ni 7 I. M. (STREET-CARS CoNNF.. IN Eli.I.TIM.) for iiiaiva-iiiiiiiai ol.ic,-. Returnsi .m.-r I. av. s Norfolk, Port-.Ulh. .uti N.«-j.ort- New- on alternate dart, arriving at Rnii-moiiil Bbl ill 4 ff. M.Throaflh ticket- ob ..n seamer aad itGar-

her- Aftney, luou Malo tires t. I'agg.tgr ch. kuithrough.STATE-ROOMS I'Ni, t(,r ll lilli HAY Oil

NI..11 I.

KR Elli HT.Kreiirtit received uaUy tot Norfolk. Port nv nih,

SinUhtii 'o, Bampton, and VI av, riv ; VA aahlucton,D.c.; Mrwksfra.Washlniton.andTi S.e.,md ail point* lu Ka .tern North Carolina; a o. forI a-imi shore of VlrflnU. ind all refularlaudiiuraOl tami river, at ' O'l'E- I'Kllr*, .md throughhlll-lssi.fd. L. II. T'ATI Al.-' ll-lilielflcilt.

.. 1 Ni. H tl Ala.



Th. fa I .'ind I., i.e'linl -tiii'inr ..EAL I'iptalnGILL, it v bu ivhatf, In th* dock. i""t ofiwetitx.a-ond -mei. ut B:*5 A. M evert TU ES¬DAI Till BHDAY. and BA ilitDiY, .ill I,i.'lin. -,

Fr< laid received al LOWSST KATH rteai 19M. even M..NDAY. AA r ON--HAY. ml FRI-DAY ; illili 1:80 K. M.. TUESDAY*, rilRCS-jhw- .mi SATURDAYS. Tb* GEM hat first-Clans |,, -.c.. r .o. "lui ¦.! 'Hoi.-, and trrlv. , ilih -tin ill.-ii nt 4 P. Vt.; return nf, arlin - in Bleb.mond.11-30 P. M.

If. V. o'A IV


Koli NEW YoHK.

Thl« .-iimiiany will dltpatcb one ol Ihrlrti kradldIttamer* i.l'A'ando ROANOKE, uv.HA'ITAN.OLD DOMINION.'".-I Rb HMoND.

\ il:**, ll KtdlAY, PR IDAY, and bl'NDAY.lor hom .of sui ii n.' sea advertisement belo*

Steamers b in Sew York tci-daa -, ihur--DAYs. and SATURDAYS ai :i P.M. from Pier-ISIK* Bamber). North river, fool "i n. it h -ir*euTbej bart iplendld al.i, itsBM.«, and

halli-rtadii-.II. fare, nc eniimdatloi.!. an allentlon- ar.

unsiirprts-i' fire to Hew Y'ork (Including meill¬

and bert In, Tl"; roand-i pUcketsfls); -i. -,.«,.v% mi >tii.-isictii u. »7: without sui.*lsicur,-, to.Fl tl(blt for points lui,,: d Near A ors. forwarded

with dispatch, mid no cbatfl* BUrif xe pt ..iu.iltxtiiu-rs Incurred.Frek-ht received tni-.1t 6 o*«|oel p. M. dally.For further laforni lUon apply to

GEORGE W. ALLEN SCOwAflBatf,iv'29 ofllce.cof .1: 'kell*.

t?0B BKvV YOBK.- in" nil ."*I. Dominion Steam hip Comnaoy't 'jw**^.proiift'l . .Aaa k t'"Ho wm/ arlil INlioII E. Captain Kima, FRIDAY.

Dei ember .*. o'clock A. vi.ROANOKE, Captain COUCH, 8CNDAT, Da.

21 .1. a! li oe',,, k v. Al.ol.O DOMINION.(apuiu SMITH,TUESDAY.

D...i-.i. : id .ii y ... tock p. m.I rr rived muil 0 oVIoel P M.Tb

."..'.' vi. tatardai.and lo I lock P. M.1 ll, s,| IV.

Throughhlllt ¦( lading -trtici and ."¦

warded witb dispatcli i" ill pom * northra**, .uni wad ; lita lu fiwetfn p "rt-.

I'ii-i n/ir a<-¦ iiifi tn >tt - na,tirol- td.I ii. tn fare i" Nea Y"rk i.lui ina meal* ami

berth), flu; roiunl-lrip tick.'-, tl- -'¦ r :

Kith slit. I-truce. 17; Without -nlf.l-1- if*. ».>.li,-, -T- Lavin-" i:,i.i,, by tie li.:t-

i.-."ikf ind ohio railwi il M: 'i M.(*ln Hew.port*. News) and tb* Richmond ind rVtertburftnilroiitl ni 1IA0 A. vi. u MONDAYS, TUES¬DAYS. WEDNESDAYS, snd SATURDAY S willmalu.¦oeettoa at Noitroi k wu., rtaaati r

liuvlt ir th.Ke tlay*.por frelfht or panage aitpiy to

GEORGE W. Al lt N fl CO.. Anent*,.!. 17 Company'* Wharf. Roebettt.

1)11 IL A DELI* ll I A.IMdl'WiJkMOND AND Noltl'oi.K

STEAMSHIP COMPAVTsA.i-oil. .1 |MHa* *¦!. S v. ry TCI shay ai.d

FRIDAY al i'J M.. and every SLNOAl ai 5 A.MFnlirht for Tiies.lavs'»ml Friday-'tteann-rt re*

c, ivetl till 1 Iii. A. VI.; (or sn div,' -te.vtner lillP. M. Saturday- -itulit nceivtal daily iii i

ff. fltffBIWaSAFur further Inform itlf n. apply to

I. AV. M<CARRICK,General s.»iU.em Arent. olri.i- R.M-k. Ct.

W. P. CLYDE Ai 'o.,no 3d i.eneral Ar-nt*.


Until runtier noUce Di* attainer ALL IA NCR wi lltall every SATCRDAY »t 12 AL. from POAAil ATAN IMK' Twetity-iourthand Dock ttreelt,(tirrel for Ralilav r*.Through hill, of lading *l*P*sl and * a,.|s for¬

warded with dl-patch p. Doini* North sud WtstLFreight received dally until 5 P. M.Por rurtherlorormalloii. apply I"

AA*. O. KNIGHT, AgenLD. J. WBISIOIB, SVllcltln* Aleut. de ii


C. P. CLABB. Pres, E. E. R i m~,i nt, Ttvaa,(EsUbllthed 1840.1






MM In all thc prim Utsl cius*. of ine UnitedStairs and Carada; lu London. EnirUud; alto aContinental and Auatialla* ci>rn-*p»ii*it-uce.


Sheet.or Cbanfta* tcmt-weckly. Conttanl reri-lion* ind jirtiuipt. eollBcatlou tn au.'.w-rl'a-rt.Naun | of reliable lawyer* who nun uiieirtioiu a* ramlrtrallftnt tra greater and tts busin***

lai.t r than anv -l-nllar i.rsaiilaai.on lu th* worldrouducbrd la one li terrat and antler one injnage-uicnt.You arv resiact,olly Invited io iua. tn

If lu mnmI of *uy agi uc) lo lest lu ablbty tu terityou.UK HMONDOPPICR-NOa litsMAIN STREET.

J. H. T aupvrUitoatatfAb


SH-hmoiid. *a»s: "I bad i.nliri.. . i-t ,.,oatarraenre suffered pun*. se*v .. awl maw.,Brown'. Iron Hitter, .lacdllr *p-o..;*,l my .__,...nial St »B<I mad* Bte well and ..early l-l, ol,.,.rrrowimt nd IL ' de I'J.lfl.lK'.O.'i »..'-...:;. ,:




nt f.rrr.rt november 2. im*.

f7:30 A.M.j.10:40 A. M.2:*s P.M.!fS*35 P M.j19-AO V. vt.USO A. M.5:46 P.M.

0:1(5 A. M. Mia. I 'rtin.11.40 A. M. II."'./!,.,,;..$'.je I*. M. I ai Af, 1.fl:.* 1 P. VI >

lo:35 I*. M rhro'iirli tr, ,,.10:40 A. M -nt 1

7:lS P. M. -.",.,.A v


Les reP. I* rabnrr.

. 5:00 A. U.J- ll. A.M.

.',T AM.I *., A.M.

.his p. m.Sill. A.M.4:0n P. M-

A rn reRichmond.

.VIS A. M. RSM M10:00 A. AL Mixed tr,10"d.*> A. Ml12:45 P 'I 1

iris P. M.iTbr m.'-.S.16 A. M. Sat* Itv vl.-fl P M. si,..).,

.Dally. TDalty (evc*pt*,BBflBTi.STOPPING PLAi E.*.

No*.4o»nd4» mate so stop*. Rte, I ' ¦¦

(h.-ter. No. 46 ,|«i|*i al Alan. I..-- oBlutr.i .iitrall*. «ad i h. aler. N.-.IT.»t ll 'tin'hawter. Centralia, amt is.- S20. t», ll ll. ind 11 slop .1 .11 -I, .! * .aand 7 slop at all stations ex. rpi ff**

PIT.lll.tV CAR'S* RA li E.On train* No*. 40 and 4". -..s ni .-. Bari charlo*!..n. On lr,ia- '. ,

and 43. .beting eira bet w eva ll i

Jarlsonvlll*. Ci Trvl I Ni I, tad I-

BRpesfB tiri wei ii New York miTHE ONI,A ALL-RAIL LINK l'» RORPOLK

ll:av*. aiikii e.Rlrl,m..i,.|' sir-:49 A. M.| Norfolk "-.' C. P. M.n . 18:16 A.M.| Richmond T'J 15 P. M.Norfolk. ffrll P. M 1- i'. VTrain* *S ind M mik. ... «

(rein Faimtllle, Lrarbhartr. sad roathI-iiH«.at,i| w»y-,tali"ii-of " * Ier. railroad J. R. Kl NI ff, -mar i.l.

T. ai ! vu u- * i.i ii. ral Pa* t un t.




Thrnigi Through!'. I ron P.riiiti M'

N... .Mi. In N ..32Rally. Oalty

I. nv.ttl. h'n.l.t...,Arrive at..

Hll-keville...h. t VI |.( hast (Kt..Flvcr,.rka...Clarktrill**..suthrrlili'a...Danville.'..t*. naboixi'..Raleigh..Siilini.Salisl.itrv....(h*rhlite.spurt'nhy....l.r.eiiville.".A llama.

lilli P. M

P. MP. AlP. AlP. A!P. AlP. vi

i: i.i

V M.A A|P. MP. MP. M

_____^_^_______^_^_^_^____________________A. ll

Train Xo. 80 nie agu aaa l ill -ta¬tt "ii-, cn mai ll. at Kev -V Hie " fl i-f o .11 H.and M. railroad; .1 Bulbarli*'* with Milton andsutberllii Nariovt-,, .mg, railroad it Milton, at1.'tor III fi'.'- ti -ti lt 1:Pal ltbury for .ul point. aa- nlina railroad; at Atlanta for all p.SfUthwesl-Train No. 62 (thro".

st Salisbury, lilt* Uatsiro, ll Id-vlH*. .. .

T hon, ,-v HI*. xi-.' m. ind <Danville and ( tiartotle, and all -ii', oi-

Ifl-hu.omi and Dai.vlll. ci.naectlnf al -ntl,, r-lln'a wini Milton and suUierlln San v ..

rullroad for Milton; al Green* avro'for ab point*on -it iii Brunch and \ ,\ div i.i.iu ; atChi ;."!.. Wlih 'iirl'-lit ,,|uai -it ni v

rallfosd dr vF '..I i-l i |a.iii|,, iin-i all |»-liii. In.Tram No. 80 on Richmond and Ab ck.

run- duli except -un llTr ali.*t rom Ut! li .dimondat 7:00

A. M. aifl 4 58 P. VIHON All! IV .I NII.R SERA II E.

(.lally . X. rpi sunday.!Tra!a*Leave

Richmondat. li nu P. M.Aline

H.,ti Air.( n i;



CoslBeldat.S-OS A. BLBon Air. ..-.I a i|Arrive

Rlebm.1 . - ll A. a.AH rtmUrBBsMtatrrtralnritnpi* B vir.

Pl'LI.MAN-i vi: -I Rt ll .

Oe Train lo.Ren Tera aari gt.,n .ml Danvllhon Trail No. IB- lAi-hltigptn and Angn-la,

Washington and N. w Otieaila. linaineHauAiiie. returning. Danville andRlcbraoadoaIfili. N... B I,TicketI sold I" xii |m Int-- -.iiiHi - nilu x.l.snd

-, iiUtw. t. md Lag. .ag. i. rki UnNo lay-over chet:* flrt-n on local tlrk*4*.

vi. -I Al UIITER,Gi in ral Patacnger Ag. iiU

,-t ll IAS. Traine Ulai, ig.-r.A. I., mir.*.General M.naur. oe Vi



Steamers ri,i Hil- lin* steve Alt i Point f,,r Raltiiaorc dill I), titi pt -UH'l-l),.

.-(r.ii-rtit UcbtUl* Haltlinore.....fl 5C



AKHIA |AT BALTUfORI vi- a. al,

conn.-,-t lng wini ..inv iran i North and West,id,- oi.

Paw r daily ly, x.«-i,i,.|-v .. -..n rio.

Ricbrao'd 11 0 P. fri. I M a. vi * | -, f, ai..Anv. i-Al . Point -.i... P. Al 7- f AA! IU*, p. A',

Paran ager t tl U'ett Palex. "pl -IIIUI.XA with .sI'Mlini, for'llii .

th. Noiti..I night ir-itns hil mg Richmond ll

roiiiili-.t.i'i d. p" al 4 (n t. vi ind - Il >'. rt.will hu., tut--, og, r couches .Ht -t Vi '.. ilRichmond o .*... A R. p*.-*....-. IO p. M..sud e.00 P. M. (lr- igl.t

PW licker.. Tim*-Tabb.-*.aeri ill tn'orcali on x. aa i,Allin KA O- I"' 0 Mainaid lick, t Ag. til at tue He loo I.l Om villaavpots|.,i, »nd Bi rths -.cur. I "i Application

kt iSUtriaUt, M. SLAUGHTER,i.. a. ral Pa**.

N... 7 Fi mi.soi ii vi- Traffic Manurer.


ph HJluND IND a L I. BU ll .a s Ylt HAILI.'--All.



vM.-ul. lil''*]_.No. I. .No.). .No.*.



8:20 A.M I H ff. vi niuo

.Volta" Ile] ll !V P. vt 7 .. i". m I |«* p. %,r,~) t-40 P. vt |i -. h. vi l) a M,

lc XII .

Cui'nP. M

fl: I.*, .'. ai.5*4.1 S vi ,

7 KO p Vi,

ARRIVE KU HMoNI'.fl: 18 p. M Mail mi cx.cpi sand**.)

lian A.M. Al "ll HOD A I loN lal I) o X-VCHI tv.I

7:i 0 A.M. Nil, ll li X lill'Ss lull) v., t Moa*'li).I

( NNKt TioN-s.At Ricnnioml with arva uri .intiways atid Rlrn-

I, i, ¦., tc' -I, rg sad Pot'inic rill"l.yi.cht.urg with A irglnla Mnlltnl -iUiv.Norfolk and arutera railroad ; st CUft'in F..rg»»ni, i i,|. tk, aa Ohio iailw.iv a: Leitngiuawlih llalllll" r. ana! Oleo mir-il.fUetvtafoor mttaehmi f" fight Hjpr.m ta

Lynclibury.Trains inarki "I . d.tllT O' *pf «'ind.y).Ticer.- told p. nil BolnU. ¦>.:. .¦¦ ¦ 12 'fl

Hain -in-et. 101 o Alain, ant .1 ,-. 1 Al-lexiiaiiy di l-l, t lal,tn au-1 ,

.1. I.'. VI Al 'MURDO,at 12 li*n.ral P*«*eng*r xnl Rbbttaxi tgcti!


THRot' ALL-RAIL PAST-ffREIUHT LIN!To ANDIRON! Il Vl.TiNloHh., lilli, lilli..PULA. NFAA Volt ,. ash I '-rEKN



DIRK (loN.i orre-is'iidiiigly i|uirk lime lo oilier p..nt*.

Through bill, ol l.dlug lar.e,: al lowC. A. TAYLOR.

IT I_General ru '.lil Ag. i.


.oiuint m ing NOVEMlltR 2. 1SS4.eaal.-ru .ta..-lara lime!*:00 A. M., leave* Kyr.l-Sl.ict -urn daly;

aiop-inilV al Ashlan! Ju it lion. AH .

f rd. ia 1from .licks..!" ..ion.

11:07 A. M , leaves. Hi rd ai* y i*l«ta pi sunday.I. -h. ja-r from Chart*!*ton to VYaalllngloll.

632 P.M.. leave. HTrd.-ir.,t Halloa 1*11*.Bl*«l*r fruii 'O N*wA..L.

IOtSO A. M.. arnvr, il Kyr.!--ir-i Ra*.Slc*l*r f.w.u N. » l TS lo JAllie.

8.SS ff. M.. arrive* at Hyrd-sircetttatloti dally ;Stop* al I rr.lrrl kslmrg vtami Junctioa. sleeper rrmu vi i.k-logion lol arlen u.

.TO P. M, aoiv * al Btrd-strxil ditly(etrepl Suinlava). . l.-.-ia-r fr, ulAl i-i,union to J.wkv.avlllr.ASHLAND TRAlNn

ot- nirry siniixV*|.U0 P. M., aev'wniBiwtlaiitin. leave* Br.«d-sir,. I

station ; arrive* al Ashland al 5 P.IL

SO* P. M..leaT,« tlha; arrlxeri a* Aao i a a(1*1 P. M.

7:30 A M., arri ve, at Elba; leave* Atl.Uud al0:43 A.M.

S:65 A BL, aconnn.-tallon, amara at Krna I*Slrrsrl aUtion ;, t Ashland al SA. M.

5 SS P. M.. amt.. ai Elba; i*.t«* A.h . ..

tel ff, M.CA. TAYLOR, lieneral Ticket Ag«»fc

fl. T. Uv, M V lilt. Geueral .uorrinlen'ls:*'.

MUS. J. VtMHLEY. Itl SOl'TlI ElKsl*STREET. Klrhmood. any. - 1 it*.<l Hr twa**

Iron Hitter* tat g.t.eral drhditv aad w.jka**.with aut-t-eaa. lt also b. urtlfsl toy tlitlil. I rr-

t-oiutnrii.l ll to all mother, an I.UIloaUr cull lr.' i.

M ia,10,l*i,i0,»3>2a^7,K'J*l