r'!.fv «To'' DOflJCTEO, GBÖtiD-nrODlLj, ',,,, Vn«°on ...€¦ · I'lili,'-rV.tperintendeni...

fOT ßUTIXG Eon HAMPER A BROTHERB. - locTHACira heavy prit« hases or hem. «TATB HAVE NO «'"NNE--TI..N- WITH THE '" ',,, ,N-s or tue rrr.i.isiiiN«; ROI se rccnt tioKO.InlIons of Frederick Bouthack. , estste «i.-.iUi- o* No '"' Broadway, for :' r'!.fv in the neighborhood of EIghteentb-st. ami ''''' have excited considerable Interenl \jZÏ real satata n,'M ,,> "'a'40n of ""' '«agnl- ""«To'' t'i».' tranaaettoi-a Involved. Many eott- v '.f, «rose ss to the Identity of the net-sons m -**fL fisrosl Mr. Bouthach was working, but J*Mr ',,,, definite ronolusloii has been rearlwd. *' ' ,,.. m0sl plausible Of the théorie« snlvaii ,-.l Vn«°on.' thai Mr, Bouthaot» was repreeenttng the bll«nlns hou»e ol Harper I Brothers, who de- ,,!1 ' |, KM rumored, to follow lbs example or aelrcomoetltor« and move uptowi Vor aa-f ¦ "'''.'" v an'' mur>* tB* »."».s of Har- aad Franklin Square ha\e been s«i rtosaly rer* lat-.i In the minds of the vast reading publie. .tat« of this elty. l>". of the entire Western tiot alón' j (nai anything lui Indicated a separation (tT0 would in- sure to awaken a pain; of *V ' v Tribune reporter railed at the publish- BOvisé ol Harper A Brothers yesterday, and ksd s ni«"1'' "' ''"' ,,,m wnur relation there i«ii»..^n Mr Bouthark'a operatlona and bis " '" ,!an« '''.' future ". ".¿"«h»'- ..¦!... waa the reply, "Mr, Bout* .ice.» no1 represent us, nor have we " fnten'i" ,,; moving out of Franklin aay._" j heard that Mr. Bouthac« was probably i",u.rlt pro, uptown for a publishing bous.- of ''¡¡i «so Bui A ::> "n,v a rumoi of whleh there wu« '", ronflinio-. do not tldnk of any Chicago r(...«h,.. .. would desire to come here, except [. ,.{.',, ., 1«. not be.lev« It is Md'lurg. Fur- . her than ih ' have heard nothing of Mr South- .(k'i real '. negotiations." %'^ < tla nut be seen lasi night, , v.i OVK / i\ /;,.) .1/ iv KII.I.I i> ^lü,, nn., Nov. is« Edward Fits*.*! l atv-flv« - "'''. °- New-York, «ras fi'iin I dead ^IH klg« rara th« fool of Was! m irnlng He ram« here Saturday ..'i,, ., -. hi« aunt, Mrs. Catherine Call, «im w*. ill. He was «"im; '" th« station to i ik. ih« ,ej,n.; Bundaj nicht, and doubtless fell ,r)., .|, rldi -, »trlklng on bis head The distance fill» fall tweaty fe -i. ¡mil when tin- bodj rara« found then was a big bruise on the top of hla head. vviL'.r.r had a livery «-.all!.- In New-York City, an,l i.-..,. sons snd on- daught« r Tin /'V.'i loi: TVBKIAH SVFFEBRR* T¡1(, »0| ,,-; 1-;-... has been received h-ic from lh-. \ i State* Minister to Turk«) legation "f th« rimed Btat« « Constantinople, Nov. i. isím ,. \ ¦- ,,-r Esq. I'r--: i'-ir -, Chatnbc of <'..m- ñv n N< »v-York: a,,' y letter of October 13, Inclosing first of v'.h-,-- of the New-York Produce Kxchange Bank, na.k of j-.tidor.. for (583 IT- Sd being of »ubBirlptlons bj mbers of the \cw V- »amber ol Commerce for relief oi sul «jurer* her« hi earthquake. Is received. 1 as ni-' -.-.. I I will I'tmfei -with ii>" Rev Dr George HELP FOR A GOOD CAUSE. WHRRS MEN nXD A DETRKCR TOOM "HE PERILS 111 IT THRIATRN THEM. Ko.-.i observers say ilia; the practice of hard drinking in growing .«-.«.a lily !..<.:< union* Intelli¬ gent, self-respecting men, who, while nol pos¬ ing ;i- apostles ..f reform. Bee tb«- foil) of ex¬ cess, ana govern themselves ae« »rdlngly. Vei ill» time when people can gel along without an oc ¡«slonai stimulant is a- distant as . vei it max come when iii.*:i«.. i- banished Hi- earth; when the bod) worn with work and exposure, und threatened b; insidious peril« shall need no help in i'-.-ttinií back all the old- time elasticity and vík..i Ii will not come before The season of snow and slush and ley winds Is not fur away. It is the lime when the human system is cruel 1) tried by changes ¦. lei lure from ov, rheated room« to the pier !ng ait. \\'h.itevei braces the body, tone« Ihealumach un«) keeps the blood stirring naturall) « «In better than cure colds, it will ;.;eveni In Duffy's Pine .Malt IVhiake) are found ih- qualities necessar.« to produce this result, ll kept many a man ..ti his. f.-,-: hi:.I at hi« Work when, without It. he would hav« b i. pi and helpless. Nobody familiar with tin- proper¬ ties of l.uft'y's Pur« -Ma «">..' confound« ii wl the whlske) in common use, f«»r .. i- nul s bever¬ age, bin a medicine. As su -h. it has a pis on Ihe t, .-.-I«. ..|i. t '- shelf of family remedien, and the bi »ad-mlnded physician orders it for the patient whose - ..f vitallt) H low. Where dlseas« i-^ a companled by a waste "f tisane«, a stlmulani i- always re« ommended, for it give» the bod) a chance to bu.Id ni.. Duff) s pure Mall Wh'.ske) d.-s thi- work perfectly. Washburn. of Roben College, In making diairlbu Mon of fund. .,id feel confident th«! ),.- w\] II such lii-, tlon .i" tu effect tin- moa I good Ti.i- ls the tit--! contribution from America, s ml In view of th« r.«. : that help ii«- com« from all othi Irl«« i" .pilte Kijiiifv lug lu \ w TKRHKLI. l-o.s i ilAMT! I. GRXXH 1/ BHtHKI I Uit ¡; 1.1 / / ; Washington, Not 19 'Poatmaster-Oeneral Blss« w.i to-day, and to-morrow If :!.- weathei main« fine, he will re«umB hi« duties .,- -i,.- Posl office Depart men Mr. Blaaell ha* «lmosl recover« 1 from his long llínes«, bul oblige«! to he carel il n ben In lb« op 'ii all AVPEBIXTRXDEXT BYBXRA BAA v/./'/.. :¦,/1 I'lili,'- rV.tperintendeni Byrne* hai b niffere; m neuralgia for moi than .i year, an I, whl - hi - -ldora betra) « any fe»Hng of pall I. ., .- '. o;i:i" lie I in s.« v, II o sep « ¦rol h wh« n a skei mai uIJ ha n up. ii.- :,\¿ hours ,.f work a tlon lime had the effect of IncregBlnc hi« trouble, and last week ira« advised t-> tak« lorn« rest ,n hi« home a: No. 17 \\e«i Fifty-elghth-flt. II« v\ .~ -. auvent fi «.entrai itfl. . yesterday, bul II wa* «aid ihere that ln< condition had Improved, and he v..,- -m.. -, ffl - '.. la.« fiotrls _ HOTEL MAJESTIC. Central Park, Wast, Ti'.i t. Ti»' St.. Kew-York. Tl..« magaII si ..; situs'.»«! in on* «f the An»»: r«-».ii»-,t p.jr;|.,n« .f th* city. o!T-n mo«l .¡»»'rabl* iforo- m Sail i. for fan II«« who wl»l. la «v.->,d tbs care» of housekeeping, ¦. r*>. »n i:«i<i- .. Room« ar.d aultea may i- «..-.i-»i f,,.-...... unrnrn «'-'1 '«>' tii- ..»j. m for i «hortsr period Mesla «ill t.« MTfai er. In« Am-r'.'-'.r sn-1 Enropsan p'»n» RI HARO H BTEARNB, Managing Dir» DOflJCTEO, GBÖtiD-nrODlLj, riFTIl IVE AND 120 ST. NEW YORK. »m». p o riKCST LOCATI UN IN NEW-YORK CITT. A »eletl I urne ! permanenl ur.1 fann-n: ¿Jr»:» ci ISINE AXb APPOINTMENTS L'NSt'RPASSED. JOHN l. CHADintTK P. - ' . ¡FEÎ Síf- OBÖtROE« ,rn« I Hicks st»., BRi tOKLTN HEIOH1 i r.QI'AI. TO HES1 IN NEW-YORK at «»«..half the | T1KIE NEW CRftSttNM, .-.Til IVE. AND I'm ;; -. SEt,E«T A M II-Y ll"'i EI. IN ». QI'IET RESIDENT LOCALITY lo - .\;s EN si ITE OF T.V« iK MORE. SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS AND VENTILATION PERFE« T. ISINE ENSFRPISSED SHEA BR« »S Manager« VDVERTIBEMENTS AND .L'BSCRIFTIONi l"OH THE SEW-VOHK TRIBt-'NE Uli.I. BE Ht: > E1VED IT THE I'l'TOWN OFFICE Ko 12« B 2d ' 11 t-. -. and ADVER¬ TISEMENTS al Ih* fullj»In« B ¦( ¦¦ "" ¦- -'« Etgh'h «vs.. :.. Twentj ttiird-». 152 Btsll : P un' ave., .... Foiirteentl >.'¦" Third-«»«., .60 Y irt; -«-v.- ,.(i ». i A30 Tl Ird-ave., n-ir Six. y-flr«. -»i :. s HIRRETT HOrSE. 11R, »ADWA. i ID l.i.N«; > 'RE ..'' IRR SELBíT FAMILY Il'H'i-il. ("ENTR IL I ILL TIIRA. TRES A.M. SriOI'IMNO KISTRUT; -¡1'K« > I. It PERMANENT '.I ESTS FUR .'ill: WINTER. IIOOPEI1 .' IM RKK H PROP El. \ ENDOME BOSTON, Is il .. BOSTON lVi:vs IOKK in« Kl «.. Broad«'a« Ta 14* .ti ... In J^ rlinliiiK «m. ft««.- IM« «1-s'rsl'l«- r.M.m«. imr- moter.it- ST KTt*HOt.AS -. «I 1 Fi.m I) II."1. 4 Washing! ,n Pia . American plan $" M Eu-np-an plsn fi V-* -Isvstr.r I DVERTISEMENTS AND BIBSCRIPTIONS lui: -I THE NEW YORK TRIBl'NE »VIM« BE RE »'ED \ Till ri"\\ \ i.l Ei. E. N .'i-' B, ' fir»,», .... lUVI <EMENTS «i His : s-i H ill Eighth a««., a. < hiid-si 152 I' .; 'li .iv - .i .:,:.- «.' n l-ave. ¡ TB '¦_.: Tl ,«*> Ens- »v. |IM »V. I :. si I; l .;..; Thli I av< 20 W .".: \\'.-« i". - ii i ., ,. i .:> Tl IrU 2 "'.' 11 Ir.l on hsttvsen On» : sn ¦¦¦ Irsd-and Ihlrtssnili -.. It the TURM M H rTi'l '-» Ka« One-tni r, t-ii.l tvviit» flft, si :-|.¦ | |, ,. -.. MO \V- ....,...,-.!.. ¦;. - p O !.. i- Isra El« .'. Bedford ... ,¦¦¦¦» (, m .,i régulai (TI » rate» Em ' ' ., -n .nt» ni»-, v. Y sei bMbbSbM AM) ( «.HKItl.lv A Ml is 1.,,-kn.o ind «1 r i v Ins % : , :. -..IK--!. ..ii-ii iik.- new; >¦-¦'¦¦ in .% ,.i elegant Brewater -;- la ii MERCHANT, B is 0 Trtb -.:- ¦_ ¦fftKV ¦- 'KR IV.rlla .1 íir.ii. o open f a a-n SLEIOH, B o. '¦' Tni- v, >'--n *nund anl ¦' th -i ¦-.- IMMEDIATE, Box IS Tiïh «. ,i". .'HI .m» off! ¦¦ VAN vI'lAN ired aaddl« I one of IhkIi vi >'"-n anund anl ¦. th im. lt'iK-KS BOARDED m ih" WIlloB Qlen Farm A,1.(Ire** l>r <>. «'. JACKtON, P. ( B x ;«1 .l.imaiea. U I. l.; PARTY going at »111 k .s.,-. i- 1750: n»e.t two illver-plat« 1 *i,r\ < -.:.. ,.;- -.- ¦-.- atund* \ top aui rev, Itgh», BtyllSh, pole ai .1 »l 1400; prl« SI«-'. PRIVATE SI .RLE, 10 W«»*i Itth -' I -' Cm REAL ESTATE EOR s\i.K. AN i:N'K1.i.i.nt INVESTMENT. Sea .-... ». ¦: ip irtment-hou*. « ipei loi !i«t!u. M t.. beautifully finished: rent» % V«. -..!,¦. « :.'«. ,..,.,, PVPV a ONOER, Mît 3d-ave. RIVERSIDE DRIVE, eoraer I0gth-«t..Ar- «l»tic bobâtantla1 \iiin. le** th.in Sioo.- r>oo ea*v t-rm«: «"nd f.-r circular. ATLAS IMPROVEMENT OO II Wmadwav, CITY BKAI. ESTATE TO LET. . ¦> LET IV M'iRKI.»Ti»\\ X.- S-ij.li... with '*r«re ihm II Wit relllng; a *,,.«. im rtunftj t -r »i-, I ,. ng I . ' v BY .- ' HENRY JOHN» »N a CO M N .1 ItKAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Country. aOENCY Muntclair .R"»ld»nrM. all ktad* f'.r aal" '.r r. nl f.jrr.Nheil houa*a. TVB3S A TAYLOR, 5 Beekman-at N. Y KL ITS TO LET-talaraliliril. AlWtTMIiNTS T. > LET SI N '*¦ ** gal all Ugh lassos. A] n pr« ml«»« %l'l.i.\;.ll> FLAT.-. ».:. -. I-I« Seven and ha«h I .--- Ml '. .loi ¦.!,!. .¦. an firm<*iied HOrtM to let. Ci.initrv AM' >N«S THE INES Prl iti ' iwi I will :- it to .:. alrable lei gant!) furnished - »i deeirabl: i Ms llBBB-av».. « -m heal fi i:; |¦« lef^l .. lutred. Appl) lo A M BB M' SHAW Lake« I . privat« -<.¦¦..-. owner . on 11.*). SO Broad*a New York MIM'ELLWEOI V AM-i;'-:~-'i\.*, Invitation« or *.-. b] refer »n-.-* V. Kl v; Uns 10 1 M3 Ht adara« «TREE FLORIDA EXCURSION Pin «tpald bj OBO ti «7HOPIN, 1 ng. 1 rtOB, anl St. Augu» t'l'it' i.-': i:hivi-, in vi it*, branche« don«: res« r. .: i. prices i **l reference! given; ' .¦¦ alsired t, different shape«, etc JOHV SCHNABEL .SÊA Weal 41»'-*' roa «ilk. AT tgEDUCXD rtXKWR. gal **<v>nd- hanl »pod »nd iron Werktag «aachlSMNi; f»l!> guaran tirad; machin« ry bought and «sthaigcd. GEOP.OE P. EDDT. lit* Ma.i!- «WBrWl AT UTTLeFÏ TOOL «/TORE Y ..).¦:.¦ .I. N»« ï ;ik, workahop m.r-i.in.-iy (foot powerj ?. rre#; w-.»A rarvlns toola. acroll .a*» tk-ahjni pré trin'-y wr-od»; Incubator» ,*:"' ¦.* in («M-rntlon. ATTENT1 iN! SLAVING MACHINES! all 'he leading make* Í.1 per month; Intent 'mpiM\. marhlne*. |2'i up; exelinns».! r*1'xl, ¦¦;,-.! RAI'sSfll'S. -..ir.l 3U- .* * v> -. < >r"n . venlnr«. kJXBLlN'l won!. Res« quallt) pined« ¡.*«ei in you« cellar (SSO pei load f'U an.l .,, i".,t. i i'i illv }'* Al Ir« FAIR 1 4!" A i, M A ins 12 um»* Inlaid, de.-o- »»t»d cw. |arf) ,. Jlo», H,.)) |30; »»el i, ¡43 Broadwa) Bo <m 12. Olre IS ... ,K,«er enslne of I C, T «M ¦»*: >-i.i heavj bulUI; in flral-cla*« of i: F HEAO- *J*SI'>I. BOX Swtaa playing 15 latest :,-.., .,,n..r,'* » nmnms ordni in^ui HARO, riMïriflcer! ,,t,, .«¦» ' nothing llh» ¦' »v^r -.;...«. in Kow-Tork; «heap. :wi vt«.^ gtv.i .. *Vtt "l nid n,-.« «¡ife». >.-,.'»* nn "a«v 'frtni. K,f,.. exe|,.nK<"l moved and re- J*li><! \V n. BUTLER. T'J DsjaSW Si J*Sf Broadway T2.,''A!'";' yu '""»-' hair switch»» $1: ."kinds of human huir mad« to order. ¦watou-ln« 25. .1 HVMAN. ssn H-- 2J**;,'» Fulton»! 77!i Oaiea-BV«., ¦»ookly,.. m Newark-av*.. Jens y City. _ BVURBflg «MANÍES. *h 'VVl>"i'Mr:\'T of »i«i.«*iii m ». i B.ie.1^,'1 "¦¦'""''¦ t'lrii.K cnmaan iiacor chLTI w" ¦*«**-». » m;«!! "f .-ihintv and ," t"'*"1 "' "< »eer.-lurj and MB »ai.J. .'.. f:"'"^. l-.aie.i .in of pRy, a! »nV *«ii.ir> invetrtmeal «ecsired b) prop. ku»lne«.'r''' ,,'''"' '"''"'. .'""'>.'¦." "-«"Ire.l, «he« «? ,\\'" ,":«' elo«<»Bl aeruiln) Ad< J»"» SOLE OWNER, Trlbum «.m..- tu"r,*,MK1,IATK LOANS' »^d,- on rural- PUbll.l, "'"- '"' r,l,'"\ i'. ''"-I..H.-I.I' h.e .,r Kundin. . A«Mr«B« Room Ü. .leff-,,,,,, _'r'K. i and .', <\,un .s«,u.,ie. Brooklyn. JV'^" '*l,ul' '" -".' 'willi ho.se" ai t.*e,í*c":' ¦'"', """i'''- triol-, separata «ad».. fl»«ap r-iii Inquire :>M I'al!- . '*'*¦ '-"'. <-in, K .1 no agent*. OcÎÈ** WAXTKl. lo »pen BBBrbie pialiw. » ,,"'l':'l iiov-ln, nngiiallflei) <«t«^IIVI "' '">. "*..*. i»Hr.,a'l. .uv»n- e*l|*n. or ,|;;!,rr>'|r'K and *lilpp,ns un*x- aUEaifîvPr''ï». -»»«sbauattbl» DONALD AfcRMAN. 20«; Broadway (Room 12». tk&"3&&w.I Ad Ire.s .in, .7- N¿V l',A 0O»T, Box 7<ir, ninshHtni.'n. &*y*-Syy ¦."' '¦«¦.iy .»""- «oca .-.«lr»«» ** '«;. 1-III--I. and i-keap rent. ' . Ne*.«rk-»t . lL.lK.kcn, N J. stVHiarcSS riiiMKi. FROM 130.060 TO $50.000 vvmi."-! in I ,. «urine usine« of »il«, »I ind Ing, a m.m ..r i .-..-.. iaki .ii.us- -t offlc« «nil 'i-mi i¦¦...¦.. Ail I.--« s. U, I'M I.KNEE. 134 VVe»i TSd »1 N'es V.'k fllv HOOD .MEN' wanted who r«n handle lie '. ¦-¦ >i«ain house h»at«i manuf« lured; ru I; aeller; liberal commission« PEER¬ LESS HEATER CO -11 Dey-»t., Sea Y..,k G.' CHANCE FOR «¦ I PITA f. ¦. two Roo.1 patent* Tor aale oi to work on ama ...iliv: tall ind ee« modela; trill esehsng« fol a loi DK ARDEN, 221 t h sv.-. BCHuOI, lui; "SÄLE «i.i -. ol gn .1 wilt «lone: established eight yeara; «scellent locality: line r-la« nf pui.iis lerm» i-ash OWNER, R.» ;i 1.242 Broadway WII.I. CAY mi.- i.i.h for »... ¦I ..-« elothing, dry«.I«, groceries clt) «¦i « ...iii-v busln« s^ ii 'i entlal Call u, ILDERMAN, S2S 'I.u », WANTED la M.Ooñ flSOOO «i n ... CARRIES, It. \ '.'.* R«pl :- Ml« h 200 CEE CENT profit realised lak I, its ... in sum« of 1200 12,000, miipiv secur« Address SK'i RITY Bo« t Trlb in« Office $10.00(1 IN PROSPEROI'S Iron « manufa irlni neen mäkln« Ig money: no debt« mg ««t«bll»hed 'all ..: m'l writ« CALI «v\ m ¡:.«i E 20 li'i«. wii.t. ci y i,. :.,«s but. .. Clt) Hull S'-", heap real ... --" M *i gome« v «1 l.ls. f|( -, gO.000 AS NE :i«Ei. i»!«»«« now] niable i| Ineresi tig 11. .- n i|>.lv no .J.-t-«- office oi outd SAFE INVBr . $.". uoo \\ a NTED Imn business, paylni large pr .('.« lo pe ... t -,,-.:- in«e»in en. *. .re .. t,i-u,ars »' ly p -'i' I. In itupany II rl ««In i HEN »rl, $i m». \ ;. ... Ir, ...:. |s r. I.-..I .- n New-' every I .... m---' \ w Tribu, ""' Il RYISHKD Rooms TO-LET. a LARGE sunny n fron! hall r ..-. -¡, .. -. «..,. «in Pia« e FR1I 11 i IMIL1 v. .- gem «.'.Mi >.'. MADISON-AVE (150 rorn« Megani »rn« n.l flooi 1> '"rd: .". -, i. flrst-cla** II WEBT 22 H . nevvh tl"-.: bath ,.i a ri. ¡.n h*» resta irsni 12 WEST I2TJI-ST il .: :- ., ftiri n .,-. ..- suit« i r l*i n,« in priva, douai - .- ..... S ¦ ¦¦ iwo ¦ l^- tti ««ver ,. .. 12TH-M'.. US '.' EST furnl » 1 "L "«¦« rool iii Utable f .i IWo gentlemen; slao it her«: reference» ítrril s-;.. I4S WEBT ne.-ir Mroadws] Large room«, e«-ii. » i-t- r .r ..r.«- or Iwa gestlentei gentleman «nd wlf«; h -, d water, i.ath: reference 74 west fao-BT.' On» dellghttul. warm BOM] bands,.me|»- ftirni«t¡e«l tlnar, . n «mie m «Ingly; privat« bail, t.i<-».>«:'»«i i.plioiia): ' iv,-ne family. 147 WEST illST BT JlMt r-ii i.i-f..1 »"run heat, modérai« prices; Southern exposure; fir nenileiii-n only; privat« family, references $4 LARGE ROOMS; hoi a: Üd water bs'li: hOU«ekeeplng or K«ntl<-iii»n. 2M '¦".I-at. "....' LEXINU'TON-AVE Extra larg« ;. furnlahed front, «uan room« «.f si: sisea snd description« fm (hose on:j wish¬ ing a home In a beautlfull) kepi, ñrat« Itou»* refefeaee« exchanged 12VTÍ. ST ¡5 west Bach pariorl n»«Tij furnlahed; hoi snd eold water; .--.erv con¬ venu ni e; with f iding bed; .: <l«-nii»t. Ai>\ EltTISl.MENYK AND siuscrttr TlONfl FOR THE NEW YOKE Iltli; UNE WIM. BE RECRIVED AT THE ll'THWN OrrtCE. No, 1.Î4L' Broadway, M d'.'-r north of Thirty flrst-si. an.l Ali VKRTISEMENTS at the following lirar..'. n«M: 2*14 K,*hth-ave 7«Ki Third-av« n.rner Forty a«venth-«l i.'«i» East Forty- ¦eventh-al i-rnri Third-«vr; ISO Rssl I2'.'h »t ne»r Thlrd-ave i OM Tid'd avs.. n»ir sixtv-fli«'-«. 1.70« Pint-sve.: 10« we», rorty-seeond-al io:t Cotdmbtu av« riHMSHKI) HOOM1 WAltTBD. YOI'NO LADY wtoihe« tarnished room partial bosrd li retinad family, between I7«h an i 30th »la rater«aces. HOME, ¡ft.' Ea.-' I Eli »I. HOARD AMI ROOMS. \ :',i WEST BIST ST ll.iii'!»-.m'«iy fui nlshed Bow H separate!) also alngl ro n. for semientan; board; ref« rei BRIÔHT si NNV ROOMS, with oi wlihou board; ai-., parlor for phyalclan; refei hanged; privat« tamil] Mfl P/e« UM h BRONN PARK HOTEI* 2S minute« fi ,m Ora ad Central; r.-aeonibie term«, wm, SINCLAIR, VVIlll«m«tirldge. N V. 1,\1:<:E. tin« room«, overlooking North Washington Bfloare; rseellenl laMe; ief ,.,.v ,'i| Win- -1. I Place MADIBON-AVK., MB7 opposlt« Ml. Mor- ri« Paik. i-Mitio,' Lara« and ».-....;. . fiinish-i| oi unfurnuihed; privat« ¡ii-iium family, no children. n I--T 74TI1 ST Select board; Souther« .am,: i.'«-I-II.-x. CASHIER, l'-'.ffl e It » 2.1*?! , «MTU si 40 RAST Large, handeom« ,..,,, ,..,- ,..) tl.,... n ltd«; ref¬ eren« es ' "i ,i\M"i TINO room», with board; I ' ,,a. «'.«.«.iv '1'-^' «|""""B" i",.!.l."iV-:", sven ".nveni.in«.. refe.ence.«. ..«.» I.»m ,;.m at 'i IVKMT SSD-BT. Dealrabla rie.m*. with \7Jrv «i-i-...mii-n« »r>" rl»*»:. .n""1 family-; wparlo« labU; highe-t rsfirsasis given and ieo.ulre.1. 11TH-ST 2h EAST, near 5th-ave.--Quiet. Vsrrn louse; deslisble. Inrgc room; rea- «unable »mur .raiie-msn,. an excellent ..,,-. <-.,- ¡TRUEST l.aiK» fourth «lory l,s,,,:,.;: i.tlen.!«.«e; r«l.n"l »urroundlnl». Wd-HT ÜÄ U EST. - It«v.m» with boarc .. 'in-' fasMJj «aw '"".>« «*«Pl'< ¦» «M family for »««ht >e«r«. lUIMtl) AMI ll'i'inv All ST.. 24 WOT H, ... : -, ":: _. WEST BIST st 87TH HT IS H KS'I !'. - n -' sq .' lei « lili f l| I .¡o.I refcreni -- i- MTH ST.. 1*1 WEST nm* very plea«B1 . '...>;-.,. «rltti :.:. 11 ... i< innj ale«« i. 7.2' EAST .".- v B* Madlaon-av« ¦ In* ae, ired. .-.Mil WES I ,. .,.!..--' .Till BT IIS in -T lui ;.. 11 r 11» \\ r I y furo a.. . il « 1. .,1.1 refer« 1.4TM SI 11« M 1- .1 l.sl S . I fun r .. n DRKSSMAKI*.«.. BRESSI i.- ï. alau Fi« mini «i' .. NEW Mo.I. l.hESSil \KIN«I ' " . R * I KING í Alt isTI« l'i:i>MAi,l\.; fa*ld.,n*. ¦''¦ - . ROI 47 ,: .; '' TCRÎERR l-'H-N.-AI K M ¦. n si .,. n i' st*i .. ,. .. u »v*nlna style«; el /.., ; v.- i, lerat« | '...;*".¦ («.ut this out i M m.' it an i- irn ..¦'. . 110 lalloi II I* I:-*,»« ., >,,... EISEND VRh ''¦' We« 21 liKSMMI: ,.] r, ,,i v '.'He- ¦ i: I II ,,. - I- in i ;. dAI'A.V DREflSM IKINU all lale«i ,|, mad« «ti.«tumi r I ... i.ins drwsw » fam «ral Bt modi -, .ut KENNEDY - 12 llth-a ÜREHSM »K ER Fl la«* it n n pi -.v nu all it Ion ¦ i.i Ivati famll) *i Una h«n -. .i ,- Bleep lunie A«Idr, a Mr* A I" ILPH W'evi 25th -. rear hou«' "l RE8SMAKKK Expei >,,-¦ i.latomi .i .,.. i!-,.,. desire* more engagement» in in" as, famille* .. .mu -. pei lonal referen« ..- 11 2*>t Stl a <. SEAL GARMENT)« leifv.-i »n.Pal --I Into faahi ,..hi. capea »nd Eton J«. Mr« B Mtl. i.i:. IIS Wi :;'....,-*i m HroadwB'', !at« with Ounthei H .n», f, a»». HELP WANTED. Male. IVEBROWLENF, AGENT.» "Eyebrow lene" aua« ¦ ipld km,« i-, ih< hroara and eyelashes and retalla for fen and fl p. r bottle; agenta a-ant« In -y and uniry. R m :;. 12a v. u 2nd it AÍ1EÑTS WANTED A handsome Imita" un gold and idai Inmn » aien fit 01 double urea «ted, ¦¦, nil .; ¦. ilgi guaranteed weai ihr« 11 ample *. i.i ,.,, 1... ...|.- .,! ;... arg. pi -, «ei|. men \.. l;i |: \i|.. ,. -, ¡{au 'M ;. ¦. ENTRY l'LBRK about yesra .Id wimieii ir, .. manufacturing aiatloner) Louse, mus' be quick and rn .i figure* .ir-.-i i;.,'»i penn 1 . encei 1: i- s Trlb in« OBI« - THE N'EW-TORK EMPLOYMENT s. riETY llncorpor.. 1. -'7 CLINTON l'I.A' E, h-is repreaentatl .¦- nf |i»i Irad whom H can rtrommend, having thoroughly it« ,1 n,.. hara« lei an 1 ability 01 i, appltcaai Th« »ei k ¦.¦ I* fi. ¡1.i- ,iil employes. Te|e|,hon« nnmber. 1..11.I« Q nit .It..«:, correspondence o- Belted. Re, JOHN H DEVINS, president; lOHN SEELT waim. ti a*« retan JOHN r. TOWNS-END it. 11 .01 WANTED A 11 ...:.,iii.'l.i-. öw| " .1 ., eiiuni.mt in a kmi «t ..:- manufactory «)H«eK... \ Y. A.lilr--» KNIT <;ni«l>S, ibun« orne* t help \\ avi i:n.- t'entBl«.. gT BARtjrilOLOMEW'S PARISH I10CSE, ANNEX, -'11 II '-! 4.-1 .' ... bo« t nl*h nenographer« B«vern*aae», Janitor«, «.,1 hine-i, domestic servants, mala and ;u.|e !erk* for the hull.lav *eu«.,n. refer- ..,,.-».., f.n Investigated ALEX LAXO 11 i.v Superintendent. WANTED. Oerman S», dial mind chlldr« n w l'K »AI N, IB -'¦> Weal '.nui---. WANTED« n.-' ' » '".'' !¦"'.¦ * «mall f.inil-. mUSI n»l - r. <uA v.,.,,; '..'i Wesi 141th it. W \N"J i:t> Intelllgegi >«j ng lad) learn st«rn< graph) 'n reportei «ai ii**i«' i" p atUoa when p 7-j World Building ADVERTISEMENTS ANI> SI'RS«*RIP TK.Ns pon -run new-york trib INK WILL BE RE.*EIVEn AT THK I'PTOWM «ikfi« ¦!¦:. N<> 1-i- Broadway, Id door norlh of Thirls ll-l -1 I ;-1 ID VERTISBMENTS at ihe |,,!l ,»m« Branch OSscMl 2W F.l-hih-sve 7»V) Thlrd-avi einer Foitv »evei,th-*l. IM) Essi Forty- ie\enih*t.. orner Thlrd-aM ISO Ea 12.MI1XI near Third-;.«'.-. 1 DM Third .. - P'.ir Si\!y-nrsl*t 1,70S Fir»»-ave.; MV \\ .-«t K.,11.. t'-c in! rt ID2 CtriuaaaBJS-a. WORK WANTED. stale. I V.'M II IHTI'NO ? \ - v .... . 11foi Barn»« ,;. ting ,t um 38 21 Park Row. IN EN I'l 111 li. niKKEEFER J AI ref.i sn -, 11. it IX» », Newark, \ j. I HEN i.,:\i in with many j ir« i. .. .... ,:-., AI »llllE« -¦¦ ll v H M \ \ : v 4. r, A., d< .. en Id Ire» j :.t West l.Vi I YOt'N«! MAN r v II (1 ., II 1 LEWIS v 301 .. .v ,.i in- ,.... i-RAi ;.-...-. n .. in p.OIIRER .«. ,: r v " »- ei r .»¦ menl m«ino». I ;«.. K k I > , II ... s ¦ I' v S C «.I ... . A ;l,.' 3 111, Fli - t!"V l«. <: » -, M EIKIAR llll HIRE .'¦ »NHEÑ " s»ii.,e' years' ..;..¦¦ Is of ...rix.ra - .. n « S'ORToN 'lui. -lt. e «It,El' ENillNEEII .. ... ;... *.l ndei stand« . ins ".«I e|eel high« at referen Id n p*« SH ('«UtllESIIlÑOEÑT It« ..-...,. g. ni le ... lirit.lN '.".." ". l'TTER .i- ,«v ..n'- pos| .. ._'.. »ddr-an Y ROO ERS ::.: l'hllmb-lphl» ER «a as a phoi «.i i.iv. p.ip. r rulte, >.¦. M v ».. Nep ... Col, N ^ i.lti H «T.ËRK .¦.-¦¦¦ i . i, ibl oum "I i.e. and Ring» r-. ..\ pe, lei .. desires lu mal.ha, .;. i referen« es Addre«« NIELSON. I « Weei Il M un, fern .t> S i. lit [VER ». oung mai led ,. «; ., bread wag,««. ii ,i nted N.-« v,,,,,; ,:, ikivn lu l< -.. i- BEHRENS, :ti.:i Raa To- «I._ EXI'ERÏ man foi real »täte ..it,. ..i;«-« lot ... Inda man f«»r lothlng, or other employment; and bond. BYRON 290 JM-ave. ELE<TRK1A-N ¡"ndei md» |i innln« ¦¦i tailing and " In« uf i- en l< plant» ... w. take »rge f el» plant. it yean' esperienc I. , ZIMMERMAN r.7 I'.-'o. Ia-ave. llrookl n BNiilNEER Bj middle age man II rensed Ihoroughl) bu»l :. Address P \ Bo« 17. Ti il.i.'i- »Ai ENOÍNERH l.!¦ n-«-.I Ihoroughly undei o- referem - Id dres <: vs. it.» 2S, Tl i,..m. «>m. FIN ELY edm led I nisi» orth» man of 28, hand) with loola, would like ill un n nl an kin ; ren »a given I-:. 1. l'.Rl'SSOVl 1.4m Ave,. A FRENCHMAN IS w< educated, wanta io i:he French lahguag* lessons In pi «rale famll best reference« in 'he "-. Answer FRENCH, ¡Cil Culumbu»-avr FÎ'RNÂCE-MAN H. un experienced, - bei ..i,,! Indus)ii<aii man, In Aral lass piUs-e :-..«i».-. good references MU Rui 7«'J '.'«-.' Ho a Iway. '«JERMAN IMRRK'AN .... «rouid Uli» 7 )..i. al vom» mechanical huatne*s; hand] »rlth oil LOI'lg RULING hu Ih ktvn IIABnTiks M »KEB ;.n.I j-ii ig* nal an pall -. ui wall iim.iii. .,! haï 1. m «n .: w. \'.. ISA tthlKe *i.. Astorl .1 «7ÑITOII It) a tnialworth) s«.- n~ eoliple «III, v-.ir« of .xp,-i l.-ri,-e. Ma.I «es ¡n la*l 1.1,1. s; Ii is: I moBlali i- ANDERSON :.c M riun-ai JANITOR Yuung married man, 21 k. Isiulor. pfllnlei .un) paoer han«», es i,..,,(¡.. «rlth mía IIENZE, 4«; Kast ptn M top Bool M VIIINMT. eleven yeais' esperten«** ill Like «i,IriK '"' an\ kind ot work. It. ."., II Cbarl«a-ai.. t»p .1 iN «rani» light position. mp mure «n ..i.je. than *...*..«. «rscsiteni referen«-* K BIB Kg. IOS n.,-. noth-si PORTER. *<. By a v, sag "M.iv.l man porter waltei footman oar« f..r saarsaa WALKER SB We»: 37ih-»t, BflsHhaaa'« hell _mj_ PORTER »'"1 PACKER By »ooag nun BBpl Of lefeience» Ad Ii,-»« EXPERI EN« I'-'l'. BoS S". Tilhune ItptBWS Osa«?«, 342 Broad «ray._ "l'iiK'1 Kit 01 \\ AT« IIMAN Hi » .'.un* num. 22. la »trt. ily aober and willin« f si.l.,«» refeien. » P. KELLY. «.". Bast 4«'.h-»t. 1 WOHK WAITKD, ~7 m.,. . POSITION <.f private «ecretarjr or eon- .i lerk. b) .1 i.-iim man. 3«: 7 year« In former rapacltj .. Am* of üMliigiii«li~.| r-iio»i. in ,,..,..i....i unexceptionable reference» is to haravtei and ability. MADISON. Bo« «. Tut..in-' PORTER v mng man wl« i ' .n -.« si» h ramit) A KEIMES, .';:'., POSH ION a manufi n lug line « inte . mai - 1 man; 10 business expe, ,-;, r (1rs, las» ,1) refe i' T i. ... PRINTER Hi .,¦ ¦ ,. sd man; 12 -. »lead) ... pref. '«¦¦«..».- II S*2 v PAINTER, K....1 workman deaire» Rutel «al estate ... f bio) oik pain.-i mo lernte wage» l PAINTER, -A»; Kim « ... n V PAPERH I NU ER and PAÏNTEl) «lev oi .,,. fln, lass work. W MOK «¡AN 1*1 E...1 llftth »I SALESMAN or MANÂQÊR (;. . fourteen year« ..>.;.-n-ii.- »« «a:- or ii.Hiu»-. m any rtty; a p!»'e wp-i- í » and brain« ar« appre« 'a:-1 Ad! li ¦- Bl'StNESS. ,::,i Whl »hall », > ,1« ¦'¦ ilÊ'i ::v ,v ÜT, -, u.,!.-- pi r»i i' onfld« ¡o al ikln« ir» -. --¦. '- II, n in |, «I too ¦.-.¦ r .i to ¦. i uni« m of ...-. - and In m muí, .- ¦ A Idre.» r « (|.s J3 Trii..in- Uffli BHIPPl.Nt. I1.ÊRK No: yeara' refel ence; go ..I , tpsi |. "ii-.. Irea« W Il.t.tN«! Ha ,4 .- ,. H vi -M IN.- By a ears' ..«.,.-! n a»« house; -<!... i. Itsi \\ : kofl BAI -M IN travetl si * a y ; ;.. referel | i i MO RE, .-'. it»« III SIIIHi'lNÜ l.r.l'K If all .m ...... lio WHITE «:« v i'PIIOLSTERIN«. wiiKE »;,r.«".| al your -- !«-i - on fui n''.I, ¦ -. », »Id». 1. V. FOX '.IV We-t SOth-at., ,,-i «. - I- - 1*11« ii.-'ll',lii:H tlr«i .- let - I mod. -..-,' r n pets laid peraol WINTER. ::in v. .-¦ ... WANTED i « ing man marrb-d. «if sp| «i.,i. . » >'i I a work of o. I. it'.l port« or -tab!». I KFFE 31« E -. ¦'¦'« -' rt'ATi'HMAÑ It ti ... i ..¦o v. n- « itn la»i tnplovei i ill' it LE* BRANT Sit East ".¦'. ».. it ÎTi ll\l vs n « ... da« ... .p les soldier ........ v 11.4 |...i;. IIS »il - H W »N'TED llv a H '.-.¦' .-, - 2.1. i IV. ', .' .'.¦; M VN .- :.:: « >e»ri . ) ii ite »nil turna , nds f ..... ... ¦. . n i c ¦. i ni ; n »1« a 1. -, ,,. -i -, .!- »n fut- 1 ri: » NK K '>:v. "leí l'OINO MAN Ï1 I .. .... II- i:,;." K '-¦ I i'oisu ma: ¦ , |V.» T.. «I ' J M IN. Oe ,. n ., \ I1KH«1M v\\ 2uct i:..- T - Yi'i-CN«! MAN, 21. « i. l'OOEL 140 .... j M v ........ I Agurei I ' , I. Tol'NH MAN 11 . v, ref ... - . « - ti S I. I MAN. « MAN i .. lie; | v, un in; « .. . - av. > MiN » Ist» - .. posltl In ... trenerallv ¦¦ i JAMES MAS .. \ -, w oiiK \\ i vi i:i>. Fruíate \ IIIOIII . M ¦. II" l; l a!, l'.i '. . 4 1.41., Hing her bu sued. ¦' ..' fmeni i,,i.i INl'NU '«: Bve., i,- ir «3d «t ¡'N'OLISII I.M'N »tale !. M KNOUIt M'Ill H m Ope- - M ¦'._' ¦¦ ¦¦ STENOORAPIIEI 'TPBW .' -I ..-..I -:.|. .»,.- Il l; -.' ¦. \l '.:, .:' s'' KNOUIt I, PII Ell and M PEVt KIT ER llv I i rajraphei « -. >rl bel -'. Mil «;i-:\«'\ 15. >'.- STKN041RAPIIEB an l :'i i'KV. i¿i !R >;.. 11-.>. -1 ieslre* up) ,K ,,r i. . ¦a -il.) k uul foi dli latl in« referen ¦ given, «'a .< TI l'I.'A RITEII II w --i «-.' l «¦ B m « KTENOiIKAPIIKB I: ni moderat. isla nu . 'i-' »»p»i . « k rTH'K vliil.lTV. j:. Vandatn ». Tt PÉWRÎTER It', .i >i c ¡it Wim,-« $.', ., areel Brill fumlsll .. Rcl «.ir gen« rail .; -, ufl «irtdr» . \\ ILLINO, v 10, Tribune ilffl, .. "i. it Nil la i. «rial »s a »Unal M -i.- an pp>H lunli; fo I-., ¦ trad* « ,:i ii.-Kin hhii *mall >. ag*i I, Ilobokea ..-.-. i»,»-. Domestic BITVATtOXI WANTED, Mnle. \ VOI'NiI ¦.' ired ms «. " In pi it« fan n b irdlni bous« «-BB glv* «.I reference, .'ill ,,r address j \\ wii.sun. Ml w ,: Koom Bt'TLËH m \ »LET.- E:i| hi ihor- uiifhl) underatand* mil,,* and shool Ins thins», a.i ell ..... «« i: im.". Weal Ulth ¦«. Ill Tl.l'.l: a.,,i W ¿ITEM li. «ii,m- ,,,,.j ¦ii,- UK-1 man, In ¦ private family; riij ui rountr) «.I rel.i, -- w'M | im STH( »NU 7«M :'. a- BI'TLRR In prl ..-.. fsnilh indei stand« tie business; 4 \..ot' referen.-* from las) plai » SM R'esi ..I-- . "i:l Tl.KU ¡:. color, d b ill. it« referen .-. UK Weil «I-i ¦' 7íf*TÍ.7:it U. «n .t. ¦. !4<i :r'J i:.< .;. m ri.i.i: B) ihorougl I) etp« ñi man In *i ---i ¦¦. t. «Ingle, irt« lemperat» *»i elleni el en --. lasl . m ;.,. *| ,¦.,-, |m ... - A.hl « JAME« ion W.-»» 12 il "HITLER iiii.I VALET B) .. youog <i»i ,1 .U, It) III .Ill,ti 1 VJ.il- -- M l.i'.l: 244 Wesi :tj.i il 2.1 " Ht TLEH Kngllsh; tait flrsi ils« ,.-f.., « ,<»»; Ihol uUfhl »pel len« .!. ¦irU-tlj « i..- Industrious and reliable A I lie*« WILLIAMS IIS W«»l Md «t. ,;i TÏ.ÉB and VALET F.nglûh, .«t si ,he.| fioiu England ". ughlj -m »ri¬ led: a| :'l hslghl :, !.-. Addresa F S l»S, I 843 i:, id* ay. CoT«*îlMAN B) i »Ingl» Pi .. r -i las« cil] i- reren«« A.hlr. «* 11«« Kasi SSth-ai « i.\i-iiMAi*: B. » single r r,, »i cla .-. ihurough inda lu* bualneai I '-ai-' In la«« place; employei an i. . ¦.>.,, i-lty i ««uni i M .".« M kei -' COACHMAN Eagllsh: married; n.. fam. Il> ; Ihnroughl: understand! ar* of ^».. lien -us e-iiii.iisi.iiieni. tint t.,--« city ief. ei-i,.e r., ,,hjei-i|.,n la country. COACH. man :!.:¦ \\.m f,4ih st. (*OA«TIMAÑ i:-- lh<S 'Ughl) ipaW« m,n ..f i,i,| esperteaca; relerenc« »s la Hiialltl, alh'li and .hararier fr.,m well known Americas famille« who ran be *een. »ul,I ll'ie to I.I.I.IUI .-mill-.-, m. n. In a CartatlaS f-imil). AiMü«» «'. 8. Till Allisteilam «ir, COACHMAN. Colored; 13 o-nv city ref. erenee. A,hires* II I' 1W1 KBSl iIVIi- at., prívale (table j ". OAt'UMAN M\ a »'!l"i and l'uniWorth) man, 2S year«' nr»i-il.i»s Il y l«f»l«SK«: I IbtMPoaghl) undtrsiands his luiiu-». an refsr personell, la p»*i -mpiuyers. 21.1 Wsat &«vh-st I DOMESTIC SITI ATIO*S WANTED. Male. COACHMAN 1!v a young <~ül.,r»J man. thoroughly undi rstsn ling the of tin- i»..-, mill rarrlaaes: v-iy haady «batst the bou-e. n-fi.i in driver; >,tii<-tly i«-!iip«"rat», c yesra with ,.i-«en« employer, .1 t.n A.ldi-»-, EDWARDS, i la Board!, «t Tr. 11 st, «nj Am- m-ave. _ .«.v HMAN H* »ober, honest man : Ihoroughl) .ipal.l- of tdLins barge ,,f ge iilenian'a .-. bllahmeni; Mrat-rl««« Iddretw C. s. Bos 14. I.L'tJ broad« .v COA« TIM IN yoiini olor« I man .--. wiiiiii« «ad obllglni i- -' -ii'«- from v Ire«» 343 West nth al in > I. H ibt .'.I_ i'OACHMAÑ By i I--I-. ibl« middle- »ged n m. hi family; ihoruiishiv compa- tent; willing and obliging; luntry pre- fetred lirai «aa ) references H. I. It .x :CI. Rempatead. I. I COACHMAN H i--,«- -..i,- iing mar- Frenchman ^7 »peaking Fran sad English; understsnd« csr» of Mue hoiae«, hsm»»< ai i rarrlase»; Bret-elae« retar- Al.ii-.» A T. Ilempstead t.. I. COAi'HMAN .Indi -- her. Will- ii g, obi in ta certify, «"a'.: lies« Cl KLK I'll 3 «m UM IN ilRIMlM »ingle ..... r-arefii! disengaged on ¦ g tu WO ro anv .... ...¦; l! V| V \ ... ,.. a snd reliable; 4 -. - .i- -. /. im »f r nlh r-'ln« Eut Ad 1res» ..>¦ UM IN '--'i --. l'OA.'ilMAN '¦¦ 'ill olllpe- inar.; «ingle: sal » paît Î years. Ad ilt\'S«iN, !4u Ea« ïî .'oÀi'IIMA.N -. « ii- ii n -, irlvi ¦v refer. :. v¦. . PF/1 ERS« »N IV4 l.ei s .; \\ ,-. ilKirUM > K nun." ...-i .-.-.» n'en l'oA« TIMAN k driver: S M 227 'uAl'Il MA Si i : llnglT 34: n (| .-: . - : K , i, It, I-'. . ..M-KM AN 32 I .- ,,. r «i um « -, ,. l'sEFCI. \I iv 1 ng . ¦ and use- fut man; k in ¦-. ut lei itai di . f genin-nian'* ¦-.. :-r.. -- i 242 11, * lw«) .'OAl'HMAN Singl» v ,-:: « personal efei i-- -i .: Iti \ ;.. 'IM'MM IN. 1 | jK».1 "N. t. . Addresa 'l :;o,; |d H M iv n. »ingle I ¦,. «ad ill» hoi ...... Il .MM.- M i'iiO'IIMAN It i . . Kan s - bu« ..i ad- ..-- VI ;-i «Oth-a, niVIIMAN ¦..-: .1 I-.* r.-.. ,._ -i ..»..,. i.i.i_ i ... v .iv v \ i.. , .' x»a ... ..-. Itf WILL i » M .;.'. COACHMAN ai 'it'." 'M roughl) n. -. - snd pea ran willing -. »Tifien a'l.l |«»r. ..... M i'«SRM U'K, ¦¦:.- :'.«.- M v \ lilt«Mill II .. Mi-! .,, .- ,'i'j« lin.I I .. II- . «id'lre .' il ... Il," L'!.' 111 ..... -,\l \v XI- II.V . j \\ 21 « N MAX.- »liable. », «fruid f hard Burl i . » \ Bu lo ni ..- ... v. UMAX .-i «Ei ¡NU M *" t ind ear« ol i '! 4HI.K v ., .- ... .-.1 sins in n «i t..,- ii :- .- V.I . in VI, M \\ ilHO«)M ' ,. . ..'.-er, 1 I... .. I ¦ V I, i: || I ; v I I I V I , ; . I! .... f ......... WAL '. dill« I i'OAi'IIMA.N L, I'lllllI I .-I I KIM II a ... V Mi'.- Ill -. I'MAN KM PI "'¦ MF.VT --..' I MTV. UB - o Be. ' v Ft MjElt .«-- .ind vegeta* ' - rood lal KnilKHT ..,,... an 20th-si U CARDENÊR and FleORIST II. ., n,..- .. ll esperl« iv » In age«, v.i Ii»*. «luTT.-.-ll I.LK, ¦':.'¦; 0.1 il v RDENRI« ai BKFPI.-MAN U. a tldel «taltal* a'l until n ifrahi ... « ii sag»« < i 'fer» »« Addi« " l'. S42 l.l Il \t¡|.I:\KI' l! il': .llllll , Il ,.i;.iii.-- m Jll II» ..: ..¦-.,..:« ' tut ,iin ¦.. n ,o ) «car»' ..- ..i .' ni « r n B HT Kaai lOlh-at. . KDKNEtt «pert grower of alt « »«...a bles ind ño* 'i"-!' rstand« .n>- .f I »f« U .:; Kan IStli - O «ÍRDENER It« ¦ « ni -, la*1 Km i'- .u i'i.I Ameii in vp-ii vlth yreenhi.uae*, ,.,s,-«, all flowers mi.I \ »s»i «i.i.-» in «m «««Ion. HAIR, SSI ::¦! i\e, HARDENER snd I'SEFt'L-MAN Bj ä «lint. Protestan«; nndsratanda car« .f p alt o, m i, piai.-. lis. it,, i,. r irnace, sic.. b»ai referen, -? A D., It--. 3 i 21. i) OARDENER R> ;, man who und . and« Hi., rare .f ' n .-. poultry, .¦.»-., elc di la « .1 referan« « T. S., .«'.. Of A. Ni !l. |o(i (¡r.-etni ,, |. it Ult« "iM i:i ,i anbei nêsl an relish!« m.m «;.. »I personal reference«. Addreai UKiH.M. IT t: il ¡St OARDKNEB Flr«l i-lasa gard« nei and Hot lit: 15 yeara' experience nil branches; « u ÍRDENER, HI Hi\- lngton-ai, OÁRDKNEÍ« n married man, » tiaa'a thorough knowledge ..f hi« bu*ineaS; !-< hand) with looli and capable of ih.ins all i.|.iir« ,.-, a place; management «ad ear« -1 fa m, etc. ; Ib a careful und re. liable m .o, u| i,.on yeara' »xperletl -. Al i4i: *1 Tribun» >fl HARDENER Married; competen! In all hea; i;i ..|,l, on«..«, forcing «f r«sT*> ...;¦- si mu noun«, in bi.««loti; man¬ agement ..f ilock: Clt) ref.-i-ei, OAR- BENKIt i' . in fl trial 111 Ebb] ¡Mtl il wc-i-: Desire* engagement; ei^i,. i«) i.. in hospital, «Bnitartum snd priest« practbe; ie|.is muderat« Call ,i Bddreaa M HSR, 2«s West l*Mth-Bt. Nl'l'.Hr: and ATTENUANT >¦< rhronle In- .', U!,.-V, 'PI loliatlle refei enees; I hoi >ugh laasaetn B'llllrlg ia4) useful, Sober shaves valets 'uu'l« teim» modérai» Addres* PROTESTANT. Bur. ISS .t.- r ad« ay. SE«*OND-MA\, ;.*.-l -'«. height S f«et. uuderatandi lil* baslnesa; neal snd agr««. abl« -xi.-li-:i! i.-ferei,..- «- to character an.I sblllt) AMKKK-AN lui W«r»l Hd-sl rSEFI'L-MAN ANh COOK..By French. man; la t*k.- »ntlra charg« of bachelor«' all family. Addreai CHARLES LELEItX. IU nth ave. I'íiri I. M iN l' i-iiia-ni Oerman neat ,ii |..-..;.,b e ni t afraid of work. In restau laio. pnvat» r.iiiiii. .., boardlng-bou««; m di ata « i«.- UROCERY, ISO Kalt :;-. - ÜSEFl'L-MAN Bj mTiMle-Bgsd American man oil flrlf«, i'*.»!he, man useful man, lanli i. or to take mr» of stack; wife Si hoiasBlllfp«« .,r a»*l»tant; linlel. board Ing-housa or privat« family; etty ur «asm* try; «.««I reference« Aawresa «'. at M. I'.i k II u-. Kloi.il I'.ok. N-^h _ SEFI l. man" h aing man, S3, in pri¬ vate farilk .a'. Wall "ii table, tots! sb ¦l.i ,,'\ ,,; country; r«f«r«ao«, jonks. :i«i Ebb) .'!.: «i 4KKII. MAN wlshe» u f»B m»re furnaces lo alten.« I.. fir«!-«'lus* referenie». Ad- *-aSB a.. H OAI.WAY Wat 2T<h-«t. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Male , ISEI-'EI.-MANTo work »round house; .an varnish furniture and paint; <">der- aUllda »team h»ater anJ furnai-e«; w Ming. Sober ami obliging; >it>' referen.-e» U. 1.. II 113 IM sve_ t'SEFI I. MAN waata wart at anything; »idling and obliging, not afraid of w->k: be«t reference« K.. MB W«St «fflfc-St. SEF1 l.-MAN -B) truaiworth« young man In |i-.vate farnilv underslaiid« .are of ailver, bis»»»«, window» and furnace«: ...i- gentleman'« clothe«: exi-eiient rliy r-f« erencra E II. W, llov 1 LCI Broadway. '; -KITT. M \\ '"«p.,I»« fir«.- W attend or i.ili-i »nk In pitva'e family ui i...»r.i. Ing-houa» food refertmce. ROBERT OREEN -lu Wssi ,'iitli »i.___ VALET B) a young EngItahman val«-t ., attendanl to invalid g»ntleinan; efflilem lu atl dull»«; London references Hi,.1 ..n- yaar'a Boatan B. A. I.f2t Broad¬ way. _ VALET or 8E«70ND-MAN B) Fran h man willing and ..bilging. unjer«tand» hi» .lulle» very well; jio...l r»f-t»n« »« M A ROE LIN EBRARD, 1 ft «Va« I BtRh-St. WAITER.- Young loloi-d man In flr»t- ¡a*» pii« jie family Hi»' I»»» elti refer- - - Iddrees J II 2 «»S3 Sd-av«, DOMESTIC MU iTini» WANTED. Female. A VI-ITIN«! govern«-»«. «iig.i»'d moir.i-g«. so-- piano lesson« afternoon» «f«»i '1 lock; * «uperlor : hnk|U« gu«r«nt»ej; lilldr n and l,»slnn»r» lnt.-i->:-.'. by pl^-j» -«j.t methods; lu n-«u esperten*-« Ad di»»» t'NEXCBPTIONABLE TEHTIMOff- IALS TrlbUM I gene), ISS Ea»t 4*th-»l A A I..A..Bt'TCLÎFF'B Intern«: on»1 Employment 4g»ti. v S2B Ith-sve., -.-j. Rellsble help, both ma!' «lid fe¬ in « - fi i o v ,,i ., ...m :i \ A Vol'NO ORRMAN «Toman having a. led .1« K-« -. r.«--» In a faiiiüv fot (i i'eg » » h j poslilofl companion r .i an in- laay. ¦¦. (.. laekeeper; u.» high- »«i i- ommsndatlon» will fumlahed; -r- .<-. I,» *».-n »' No. Ill» W*«< «:. 11 A WIDOW wiih 4 children desire« a .:. at ..m - :-jhT:k ij-.o., V. r: ». Trlb n.». a KESPKCTÂBÏ.K « iriisn w«ñ.'« work by III» da'. !>-» '" r»fe, »r V lie«» ll«i ,:.-. Wd-»t., ihird II, k hi id «'«l» » N 'ItTIIEHN LADY <'f »»peilei»-'-' d7" - i pi« lion ¿i« housekeeper or *s»i»- «.-it In h H ithern hotel or travelling is« lha (\milng «eaaon; compensate n derate; leferencea, Address Ms» 15. _Mt. Airy. North ''a«.-! n.. COMPANION. SERSE or I'Ol'RIER.-By mi English woman; thoroughly «\p»n- I si -«1 a ...I Untat«!, «aller and packer; IilKi»l\ recommended, Y B, F., Tnl.une urt". .".¡Ia.mukI'.MAll. tn~d WAITRESS B « hoi In privai» family; objection .. ling >.>«>. reference, .">:!1 We», isth-at. COMPANION SECRETARY B) who « ishea is go abraad, to a lady: «r-laiv no I¦:. referen« -*. BLAIR. Ad- ver,,sing (IB », ï,l«>ï 31 a .-.. COMPANION..A lady of reflnemeni . ¦ position ¦« mother'« «»»iatsnt or com pan Ion wilting and i-ompetent; »jest rwf- s I'll losing CERTAINS o in» Up equal to n*»v »peclsltv «if fancy lacea; cleaning gusr« ,.-.. .i «... | delivered fre» of ri «n «hori n at Ire; fane) waahlng m «i ironing lone it reeldenre ,«. iteelred; prl » n.. d-'£.'e. M'» Rl« l»T, liai Weal .'7' i-al »fn -i Fa« CHAMBERMAID By a refmed von, siil. '. to is« 1.* no«'«lr« work and plain .-».in», tarn »Ve*« :.. .,n- nithi up. CU wil'.KM «||. an WAITRESS Hy a girl: g "..I refel -i- - Csn b* n 101 (.-... CHAMBERMAID »nd WAITRESS K von. a « neat sew '-"."« Easl l.V ..- CHAMBER* UI» .V. B) v«lin| woman f1r*t-e|«»a ... ii.»i inai.l a »Id pi iln »ewlng hsa be« if» rncea Call a' preeen -i. ployer'», V ilBth -. CHAMBERMAIÍ» .' V. A ITC ESS B) a gh .... ,u* In ii» oiiniry, In a pi «..» r.i'.-i.:.. plain «ewlng. n j Ii '"i j.m, Wea. Sïi - i! »MBERM UI« *. Bj i tier ma Id « do «¦ « ng a llllng and ... In ng go »1 ref. I. K... I 22" BroadWa« « IIÁMBERM Ui' a i'.- " -. m n.: » add «.¦ » will .v .-¦.. Ing. a good . ling a:.., ., /, .:« «-' 2 i -ii« '-.i re« « ¦- »'« |jkl Addre»« \ D B2I i >i <k I-', si la»« Uei m in .u .. .. .,., ,n cook ' M dinner pa, tie», aeelx. Addre«« Mi*. KELLER. I.Ml 1- B<« «.. ,K. *i B>- a ng « >m»n In private inderaiand« »II kin if eooklng: --«. »im waahlng can lake full ¦rg« ' kin hen Iddres* MARY DERN, j m ., postuin ,. \....i-,-i«-\ .n «i» jiiJ EAI'NDREBB tlv rapabta v inei an l'i. leaianl ref« ;,la Swediah girl FLOYD'S, I.2SS Road a near .Tid«t. elation. -i ¡K Ci Fren I Idle ««» no LI», lion s « Ne« Ï » eren .. good plain cool tin ALICE 223 '', .-. u m 'K ii. Pi .. ,-. s «A' 126 la .m »v young a IA« ...' EN, i»«a i,-.. ave i".i i' «l J-- .'..-. ' .r da« «. 4-7 w iv» '.Iv .t v . « - ..... ing ,«. ¦ 'all Mn MALM HERO ::.'.-' 4H - ipwta, ".K ''II IMBÍÍRMAÍD.-B« two girl« in private 1 » «» - Iddr»»« I. IONES, -TJ.% |\ e«| STth-»! i. «tv !¦',« ». la«» in .v ,,iilJ ,i » -' .- v r-s» M H a :'.,« Dig We» 12 I.AI NUREMS \ . i | m M lie, u hum -i n. inenda »Ither 'i ii.M J7 v\ .-«. m ,-.. ... . .v ¡I »MÙERM UI' Ac-Bv two gl i | .... 11 .-.¦.- aalt re«» clt) int. v 4 .....; «; , -i 'K .-. i ;. tpe «table «-ornan .- -.« ,.'.. an., I one I . »re: ».;i r», .n mended 'all ¦* ójv*. ii. l> 117 West I2d ii ... .k r-, »l -:. ...k m»- ,. '. he p .. - 4 ve.ii«' nrst-elaaa m reference; thor. ighl) undertianda hei business; I»», »m pi --: ...«. be »»-n Address '."Jt* w-»- |:c.i: -' lop Baoi i » .;; lio i Herman. in «mall fan Tail 341 Eu«' Bin «i "i Hal COOK Flrst-cla»«; underatand« ¦ ..I famll) i-ooklng; el«) referen »-. t"-."« Ea«l 46 COOK. -Help with waahlng: reference* no . Fla«, T7«li «t. in.iU WUTHE.-S inj CHAMBERMAID" .Two competent Bwedlab girl», togelbe.-, sepal ate; ...k will a»»Wf washing refer .., .- Mr» MALMURRU, 153 tth-ave - .«in« (iv rompeieni i-ook; no olj«-«-ii«jii to a board ng houae; i.e^i référencée; «-an ' r two 'l.i a MS Weal BSth «t., iin'K Knglich Prol»«t«nt; »j«;i and Iron ¦mall íj in v clt] .»iJ». i'aü ..'Uo w »«i gtth-«i COOK Profeatani --una woman »se»i |et|. plain -MiU reliable, rlran nice plu. « country; city referen,,.. :i:u Ka« vu -. bascmeni COOK AÑD ' LAI'NDRESS Uy reliable young wotnsn; good hies,I an. id», uit maker; <-uv reforenr* j-ji .. SSlh «i l flight ha.'k. niiK Rlderty «¡-unan woman: wash an.I ,,.,!, .., laundry work; ure« m,,re foi good lióme; l,-«i references. Mi«. FAR lit:I. ÏIM We«r «i-.M-*r . 2,1 tli.or. ~> IIUIHTIAN Alt' TO EMPIeOTMENT su ir.TV. 21 Blhle House, supplies nur«-« trained and untrained; matrons, houaekeep. ..ii«, stenographers, etc. Dom*«tlc I>»|.ar: men: .',.. Hihle HoUS*. «ilpplle* all xi« I-. ,,r domestic help. DAT s WORK tu respectable «on«n >.J «as.iMi !r>i«i ani hous*c'.esB«r Niks I.IEBENOW, SO! Waal ISBth-st., n-inpu- wolf i"i.. _ FIRST '"t 4SS LAUNDRY wan!« star« family, ladias' ant gem's washing; 19 rem* «tosan; cúrtalas, to cent« a pa'r 4:t«i Kg« 17th »t QOVERNltaa \u s Oermsa nursery governess, »peaking Preach. Itsllsn anl Rngllsh '.i groB'n hililren. or a* nisi,I to young lady; hlal.lv recommended A«Mr»B« v. Ilka We». felb-St. i;oVKHxi-:sy -Roman <-a-.t"i u.'. i-artai nine. \ Is:una gov«rn*Sa, wish»» »ncas« u.eii!. Mm» FRENC, Dltsaa's, au; Ho.ad wa\ lli.rsKw H'tK Hi « '«aWmaw-Americas woman tor general hoasfWorit in conn- iry: be« ref«r«Be* SM Isi ave. iup «joor. HÖISKWORK or >;«iK it. n»,t SÍ-.,i. ii girl; i-apabt* laundr««*; country or «By, ur. gth-av». OOVERNEBS A young woman govsrs- e,* tu leaiti French, Ocrman an.i music: nm»t be a good »»wer, city referen.» rr- guliej. Apply i East T4UI «t after .. Ii k. llOt'SEWORK. H. » rasp« rtable sin ?7,7 hun,-«m!. In rial. m. lefer-n. .«. WILL. IAMB. 12'. Went 2">tli «t._ HOt'SEWORK ii. a ytmag »-nm,i i-, ,ia Seneial hull». ».., I. v«e|| i., «mnieiidsd. Apply Mr» HATWAED, 24d We»t tath-W Hoi'SKWoHK By a yoaag «in Ist7*i> Uniled. to do dght houseBork. Applv at 1«5 Kasi lO-at^t.. Srs< floor._ IIOI'SE'wORK l!v a young «-onian, Kng- llsh. to il.i ge-u-rai h.iuiew.irk; good, plain rook, good references. E. v., <ar» of li.olev. 13) Weit 53d St. il. iCSrKEEPKR. Suparlnfadtag lu.uaeT k»»p«r; four >»srs' experience .. ,», West .'.îlh-*!.. lak»a charge of »-nanti, menu*, »iippl'e« bill»; all Ih* l.iisui. rs of t-oB- ,i.i,Una the house, wishes slmllat post'ion. testlnt'.nlala «nd best leferrncea. Addresa S. B. P.. SSI West 45ili-it., or call after nooa DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WAXTBD. «Venial*. MRS. L 8EELT. «8 WE8T an-ST.. FORB'CJN AND I^JMESTIC MALE AND FEMALE EMPLOYMENT BUREAC. ALL REFERENCES aTRICTLT INVESTIOATEO. .Vrvant* breaking engagement* Will , h* dii-.il«i»d from offl. « and forfeit «II . cm te fe« paid. Brooklyn unto». Sid Fulto«-««-. Corner Hanovsr Place. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbL»'. MRS DR WITT WILSONS t EMPLOYMENT Bl'KEAtJ. I 330 0th-ave.. I AllSBSIIy with Mr«. L. Seeley. I K.relgn and Domestic Help t of all kind«. I A!! orders promptly tided: iperlat at- I '.ntlo-i to eaUAiry orJer»; references sra : »trletly Inveitlgsted and en file. : htOCSRKKKPER By «n American In a prtvata tan, !.. mem,ilion in or out of iliy: m«*t reliait« refereac* l it B., 21 Bin. House. HOCSEKEErER .,- QOMFANION tly American ,a.h «>i to tea. h children; Kew-Vork refer«nc« Aa>iaB Mr»» P., Sfi Washlngton-al Morrlatowa. N. .1. H"1 SÊKEEP~BK II .. BwedlBh ¡ady"; city referencs Mra KORN, 2i;i East MtJ il R«,,, HÖiVework By a young Seandtaa-e- 1.1:1 gilt; g.ivl .00k washer «ml ,.r»-; citv or country: botH ,,1 privat« family: lS*B 41« «ill-ave. SPWORK Two «'ail 1.lia-, «i«:»,« WM*«7 PU«'». 'O ,1.1 Rene'III BOlk of B ll..ll»e '«- gethei 01 sepatah Iddreaa MARIA, 2Î. u Mm u HOI SEWÖRK h. a "alii si assistant houseworker, ... nnr»e m a l-.il.l van-e«, up; pity m u uni'. lîSJÏ BtQ-ave., JA«.*QPIN'S, IIÓt'SEWOftK -A~«i 1 and ih-si W»i«h Hill » i', .1,, l.ousewoik Of *s COBÉ aB-l laundress alan acr-uMoWted !¦> «alnas and cliamberwBrk city or euaatry; retar« - .in: .;. .1' « H0CSEW«5RK He ., iñiddl« aged Freâsî woman ran milk good geiMtal Sgf» \»ni. city .,- eoantrt goad references LATIRLE. 2.'. W'.«i ;i.-,Hiii. HOI'REWORK v ..,|.,i.-.i wotnan wi*h»- place ... d, general hnuaework iti »mall faiiilh Addie«« IDV TI't'KER Bos I T.ihun» L'ptown OnVe 1242 Broadway. IEWORK girl wlahea ... ,lo h- u*»- » irk. «'»11 l«<¡ Baal Id-si i.«|, iloor. ii.ii .-i-:\-,iitK.--H. a ing gtH b«'«iv i.o.l. J: willing and ..biu/inif. ZM East 4.VI.-«- llbrsKWORKER H . ci.,nah!, »-- pei-l.n, .J (([il genera! Imusewiii ker ; best ,-felem-. IIS Aii.-1-..-ain a. 2d floor, r»ar. _ ïi« .1 si:t< t;i:i*i:t' superintending i.--i*»- l;eep»i four v»*r»- expetlenc» at 5 West E>7th-»l mi.'« harge «ervaats. menus, ..iipplle«. bills: atl the business of con- .lu'-in« he h..u«e «rtslte* «mular paaJtteai testimonial« snd best referen«««»*. Ad-lress s. H. P., 22« v.-«: ittlcst., sr all aft#r- BOB, HOrgEWORK.-Bi lid gilí; w»l| recommended: «ttustlon in »mull tanvtr in country. HOCSEWORK. '.. Pstchaa Pi«c*. iv-.i I0th-M., s«ar «(have,, fir»t no ¦-. _____ TlOl'SEKEEt'KI'.. Ii. He.man l».lv. Mrs. TRMKN, 210 Eaal SOI »t,_ KITCHENM AID a lad) wlah«* to >*e- lunmend i-ery hlghlj her kltcheamaM a S, -.1- v. IS :- Ing n.'¦. he. BUB* she i,..t nee.1. |b «inter. Inquira of Juni¬ or. 101 Park-ave. _ I.At'KDRESS.- v ,.-,-¦ ih'e girl wish«« a iltuatlnn n-«i«i wli chamberwortl and i,e«. ,¦.-»¦ referme«.. im WaM atbth'Bl. LACNDRESS. 4 young woman wishes a -, istloi - i lain laundress and »»«1st In It hen. in boarding house. lits D. »WEENY Ml We»l Slit-it. I.AI'NDRKSS First la**. In a prl' it» famll) go« -I i Itv references, «'alt fn: S , « st 211 :'¦-' Mst-st. I'ÑDRESS, i- '- »' Ptl -n ,-.,.. reference« ..', do Hie til,.! f cloth«**: n«.i :«. Bid .' « JACtlL'lira ..... «Ih-aV « ¡A'Ni.'tESs. it- laundress. Herman, f..r Mondav and ¦puesday; pocA referen«* Mr«. KKYjtER :::: a * i vi'Y s MAIP ¦".' ¦ North «'¦ rmta itand« i-- *: V*>A rtre**- ...... | need «Wi -. WOOM .,, m in Air-;'..in famll H .. i. .:.,-. «earn» ... I* w-i-,'«-.l. i-»«. r.re.ence». AddrSSB A \-\ US, 13ll Bi idwa) _. I U'Y'S MAID B ." . ii -.- -, ... - ind pack*«; B III iik a".I nUlglnS be«l ItJ i.-f-i-n.-s. M I: 2li Wert 2.VI. »' LADY'S MAIL U> s.-~li*h w man: good Bean --¦ * sn I packer; u, n .,-- ,i.- u ,t> referen« e. I K 24.', \\ «1 28th .' LADY'S MAID ind SEAMSTRESS B) an sapei .. o per* n, »peaking French and English; .v,,-:!.i car» foi growing chlldr«»; be,« .-f reference iddreaa FRENCH. 21 BBS« lions* IAHVS MAID lo mpetenl French Protestant, *p*aklns t>iaii«ti und «*.er- ir,m: good * am»'!»-» an,I i|r»»«mak»r: «" ¦¦ reference« >-.i!i si 1C4 W»et :!«i'l.-s- Mllh ,--. ¦¦ .1 ¦. hah" -l -«<-! embroldei v. oan SB« k cltj referen - I. «' Bos 1«'. I.9M Broad» . MVIH ., .1 KKAMSTRESH l: :..i K'«* li*h gli ¦ go. -I ktv-wl- «.'ii» >.r drersmaking «...! of elt« i-fe-- tddreaa C M <: Bos .'." 1.2«. II- ,.'n. MÎDDLE-AOEU colored wman fo« da«'« work i « «: BENNETT, ".2« W»»i t.'. h «¦ ring n -. r j. am - lo growing children or mal.l ». M.-.-ir i..',' g.H«l lewer and go .1 cltj i-f .-.-i ? ". u .-, ' imll T. T <ar« Mrs L M «St» Wei Mi:«!. v- r ¦¦ in ' « all ng to **»'*' srlth chantar*. ,. ,nd sewlni »feral I I P T.. OUI West _ Ni'riSI-, Si It-, .i » >. pia » ..,, infai t'i nurse m mini hlhli. n snd a -.-¦ w-iih upsi.i « v. ,.,.. v.-, »¦ referen - sad doctor's 4 IS West IT" -' Ing Smith"! hell M'RKI Belli ' gtrl SS nur»* ill Ind« of «I .«¦ .«« iinderBtaaata .-a-e ||| kind« Of U'"e-feei|in«; I clt, ¦'..n. I. i^ril addreai likl Ea«' 127-h. '.. m'a bell NI'RSËRY ipivERNKSS leOfBJ vp«-f. ...-.-. ihm iiighl« i-o :-,-i.iti.is the cue nf 'hlldren. qua« ipabl» of taking -ntlre i f -.ret* henv-.-ti ih« age« "t n ¡md in highest reference given fi.-m former employer« M i¿ II 4nô Park a.e \ I.».- ,;.¦-., Aniei u ,n gi:I t, ,k* i-ar, of rhUdran snd as*:.«t with h',u«e- I .. "."..-. i I'.'- '.¦ .;. F.. D. Kl'RSK i. mpetenl Infant'« nur»e; willing to a««1-! wi-'i chsmber work or pan »ewlng; 4 rears' referenc» Pi« ca'.t a1 ¡MS) 2.'av. M H«K -Oerman girt! Ii. mind children nd do ligh' hour*work: »le.p i¡.,me. 2.12 Reth-ft. M'KSK « v |. ,-¦ n .,- r':iir-« nurSS Ii, prívale famll] t«« .».irs' ref,.|..n.» r-,.,,1 last place. L'a .- K. M *»*> W-s- 4'', II S'l'RSK or CHAMBERMAID l!\ a smart young girt, lately landed: ran tie w«tt reco.nmended. Addre«* MISS M AKTIV. «:.-.' 2.1-nv... Kl'RSE -By « competent Protestant, «i lake «ailre charKe of young chlldireai ii»r»onai leferene. Address or .all îii \Vt*i ...11 it_ RKLÎ ABLR i'iiim DJ ih« dar: th s'« i*»« Isandress; g».«l cook; can do say kind of hoa«ework; capabl« and ;rii«t- :?".,« We«- «KHtvit SEAMSTRESS :in I diessmaker, i lllll|l»ll1, w.ll a»«l>« with chamberwork; 7 »cars' .eferenc»» all at 22" West 1«Ph-«t SRAMSTRESS «nd DRESSMAKER liv a competent »»amatree« and ilr-»«m;ik»r; assist rhamherwork: 7 v»ai-«' i»f»rencee. '.»II at r.!7 Weal Irtth-et._ _ SEAMSTRESS .ml MAID Inders',ind« dresamaking thoroughly; Brsi run« refer. enees: can he seen 10 to 12 "i and t «. 4 p in < nil Tu«Sd«y, L'.l We.-t .Vith. St., our Mr*. «Tl»»». __________ SKAMSTHES- U% a ..-pe tab!« <!¦ rmss woman Brsi nasa «esmstraas m pri¬ vate famille« ai«.- «.¦.». rttrtalaa sad par» i tarea Mrs. ,'. 1.840 3d-«v«_ SRAMSTRESS B) ¦ lung womaa »n pri¬ vate fiiniiv ii«-«' i.."« eaaaMtraas, un- derstand» dr.«sarnaking; »Tiling "> sssist chamber* «>ik. '.'Iii We». ?.i»ih-»i. SEAMSTRESS 'Mn .ill »nd ft; msk»s hlllren's «To.he»; »< illln* to <11 I «ht (liamhi-rwoik: :i'.. veai»- r«f»r»aca. Sln- i-'uian h-n. liai Am«terd«m-«ve,_ VISITING OOVERN'ESS I!v North «Ter- man i«dv tsarfees Human. Engii»h. French. pl«n I.I ye« a' »xn-rlence. Ad- dress v. «;.. 120 W»»t Mth-st._ WASHINO. a rtrsi ,-- d laundrasa With iiiiHiiipa*»«-'! fj.-t'.ltle« and references »telles Ken!»' »lid family vvael'.ne by week or donen. «)p»n »i- «livin» Address Mr». JOHNSON, 131 We« *Rh_< _ WASHINE r»»p.-.t:ibf» woman la s.. ..ut *v.i«ht!ip or cleaning; bast ief»r- »ii». Mrs MI1.I.»:k 314 Ea»t 3S«.h-«t.. .M (1..,.i. M ASltlN«: By ¦ >¦. »pe.-table colored «olían t.. ., waahlng ..t saws: su."i laiindi».-«. M. FIELD«, Ml W.«»t 25th-«t WASIIINU. *.-.-Uy a r»»pe- table woman t«i do waahlng end house .leaning, or ¦a-.- charge or a tía'. Addle«« «06 Aav aterdam-av«. m i- WASHIKQ..Family and geatl«m«s's snags» in«, lie per do7«n: o|«en-alr d.ylng. Mi«. < llltlSTIAN. 311 Weal ¡Klth-at. WAITRESS. H> » capable >..ung 'sw-de*. I'h girl; «an csrve, serves wine and wstta In «'yle. JA.Ql INS. UU2 «th-ave._ WAITRESS, irr -Hy a «ilored girl wait* le»», chambermaid, tiouaewnrk. Addresa WALKER. ;iai West 41».-»t Taylor'« ball. WAITRESS.-By a young girl: willing to sa»l»t with rhamberwork: willing and iildlgln«: gre-i reference«: city or country. Address H. M P.. Hox 20. 1.242 H may WAITRESS^By it~young girl competen« waitress undcrstanda carving, wine« and »ilver; belt New-York City référença; wlñ- ing and obliging. AdUrnaa N. K, M., Be« 21. 1.242 Browdaay.

Transcript of r'!.fv «To'' DOflJCTEO, GBÖtiD-nrODlLj, ',,,, Vn«°on ...€¦ · I'lili,'-rV.tperintendeni...

Page 1: r'!.fv «To'' DOflJCTEO, GBÖtiD-nrODlLj, ',,,, Vn«°on ...€¦ · I'lili,'-rV.tperintendeni Byrne* hai b niffere; m neuralgia for moi than.i year, an I, whl-hi--ldora betra) «


- locTHACira heavy prit« hases or hem.

«TATB HAVE NO «'"NNE--TI..N- WITH THE'" ',,, ,N-s or tue rrr.i.isiiiN«; ROI se

rccnt tioKO.InlIons of Frederick Bouthack., estste «i.-.iUi- o* No '"' Broadway, for

:' r'!.fv in the neighborhood of EIghteentb-st. ami''''' have excited considerable Interenl\jZÏ real satata n,'M ,,> "'a'40n of ""' '«agnl-""«To'' t'i».' tranaaettoi-a Involved. Many eott-v '.f, «rose ss to the Identity of the net-sons m

-**fL fisrosl Mr. Bouthach was working, butJ*Mr ',,,, definite ronolusloii has been rearlwd.*' '

,,.. m0sl plausible Of the théorie« snlvaii ,-.l

Vn«°on.' thai Mr, Bouthaot» was repreeenttng the

bll«nlns hou»e ol Harper I Brothers, who de-,,!1 '

|, KM rumored, to follow lbs example or

aelrcomoetltor« and move uptowiVor aa-f ¦ "'''.'" v an'' mur>* tB* »."».s of Har-

aad Franklin Square ha\e been s«i rtosalyrer* lat-.i In the minds of the vast reading publie..tat« of this elty. l>". of the entire Western

tiot alón'j (nai anything lui Indicated a separation

,° (tT0 would in- sure to awaken a pain; of*V '

v Tribune reporter railed at the publish-BOvisé ol Harper A Brothers yesterday, and

ksd s ni«"1'' "' ''"' ,,,m wnur relation therei«ii»..^n Mr Bouthark'a operatlona and bis

" '",!an« t« '''.' future

". ".¿"«h»'- ..¦!... waa the reply, "Mr, Bout*.ice.» no1 represent us, nor have we

" fnten'i" ,,; moving out of Franklinaay._" j heard that Mr. Bouthac« was probablyi",u.rlt pro, uptown for a publishing bous.- of''¡¡i «so Bui A ::> "n,v a rumoi of whleh there wu«'", ronflinio-. do not tldnk of any Chicagor(...«h,.. .. would desire to come here, except[. ,.{.',, ., 1«. not be.lev« It is Md'lurg. Fur-. her than ih ' have heard nothing of Mr South-.(k'i real '. negotiations."%'^ < tla nut be seen lasi night,

, v.i OVK / i\ /;,.) .1/ iv KII.I.I i>

^lü,, nn., Nov. is« Edward Fits*.*! l

atv-flv« - "'''. °- New-York, «ras fi'iin I dead^IH klg« rara th« fool of Was!

m irnlng He ram« here Saturday..'i,, ., -. hi« aunt, Mrs. Catherine Call, «im

w*. ill. He was «"im; '" th« station to i ik. ih«,ej,n.; Bundaj nicht, and doubtless fell,r)., .|, rldi -, »trlklng on bis head The distancefill» fall a« tweaty fe -i. ¡mil when tin- bodj rara«

found then was a big bruise on the top of hla head.vviL'.r.r had a livery «-.all!.- In New-York City,an,l i.-..,. sons snd on- daught« r


T¡1(, »0| ,,-; 1-;-... has been received h-ic fromlh-. \ i State* Minister to Turk«)

legation "f th« rimed Btat« «Constantinople, Nov. i. isím

,. \ ¦- ,,-r Esq. I'r--: i'-ir -, Chatnbc of <'..m-ñv n N< »v-York:

a,,' y letter of October 13, Inclosing first ofv'.h-,-- of the New-York Produce Kxchange Bank,

na.k of j-.tidor.. for (583 IT- Sd beingof »ubBirlptlons bj m« mbers of the

\cw V- »amber ol Commerce for relief oi sul«jurer* her« hi earthquake. Is received.1as ni-' -.-.. I I will I'tmfei-with ii>" Rev Dr George



Ko.-.i observers say ilia; the practice of harddrinking in growing .«-.«.a lily !..<.:< union* Intelli¬gent, self-respecting men, who, while nol pos¬ing ;i- apostles ..f reform. Bee tb«- foil) of ex¬cess, ana govern themselves ae« »rdlngly. Veiill» time when people can gel along without anoc ¡«slonai stimulant is a- distant as . veiit max come when iii.*:i«.. i- banishedHi- earth; when the bod) worn with work andexposure, und threatened b; insidious peril«shall need no help in i'-.-ttinií back all the old-time elasticity and vík..i Ii will not come beforeThe season of snow and slush and ley windsIs not fur away. It is the lime when the humansystem is cruel 1) tried by changes ¦. leilure from ov, rheated room« to the pier !ngait. \\'h.itevei braces the body, tone« Ihealumachun«) keeps the blood stirring naturall) « «Inbetter than cure colds, it will ;.;eveniIn Duffy's Pine .Malt IVhiake) are found ih-qualities necessar.« to produce this result, llkept many a man ..ti his. f.-,-: hi:.I at hi« Workwhen, without It. he would hav« b i. piand helpless. Nobody familiar with tin- proper¬ties of l.uft'y's Pur« -Ma «">..' confound« ii wlthe whlske) in common use, f«»r .. i- nul s bever¬age, bin a medicine.As su -h. it has a pis on Ihe t, .-.-I«. ..|i. t '-

shelf of family remedien, and the bi »ad-mlndedphysician orders it for the patient whose -

..f vitallt) H low. Where dlseas« i-^ a companledby a waste "f tisane«, a stlmulani i- always re«ommended, for it give» the bod) a chance tobu.Id ni.. Duff) s pure Mall Wh'.ske) d.-s thi-work perfectly.

Washburn. of Roben College, In making diairlbuMon of fund. .,id feel confident th«! ),.- w\]II such lii-, tlon .i" tu effect tin- moa I good Ti.i-ls the tit--! contribution from America, sml In viewof th« r.«. : that help ii«- com« from all othiIrl«« i" .pilte Kijiiifv lug lu m«\ w TKRHKLI.

l-o.s i ilAMT! I. GRXXH 1/ BHtHKI I Uit ¡; 1.1 / / ; ;¦

Washington, Not 19 'Poatmaster-Oeneral Blss«w.i to-day, and to-morrow If :!.- weathei r«main« fine, he will re«umB hi« duties .,- -i,.- Posloffice Departmen Mr. Blaaell ha* «lmoslrecover« 1 from his long llínes«, bul I« oblige«! to hecarel il n ben In lb« op 'ii all

AVPEBIXTRXDEXT BYBXRA BAA v/./'/.. :¦,/1I'lili,'- rV.tperintendeni Byrne* hai b niffere;m neuralgia for moi than .i year, an I, whl - hi

- -ldora betra) « any fe»Hng of pall I. .,

.- '. o;i:i" lie I in s.« v, II o sep «¦rol h wh« n a w« skei mai w« uIJ ha n up.ii.- :,\¿ hours ,.f work a tlon lime had theeffect of IncregBlnc hi« trouble, and last week h«ira« advised t-> tak« lorn« rest ,n hi« home a: No. 17\\e«i Fifty-elghth-flt. II« v\ .~ -. auvent fi«.entrai itfl. . yesterday, bul II wa* «aid ihere thatln< condition had Improved, and he v..,- -m..

-, ffl - '.. la.«


HOTEL MAJESTIC.Central Park, Wast, Ti'.i t. Ti»' St.. Kew-York.

Tl..« magaII si ..; situs'.»«! in on* «f the An»»:r«-».ii»-,t p.jr;|.,n« .f th* city. o!T-n mo«l .¡»»'rabl* iforo-m Sail i. for fan II«« who wl»l. la «v.->,d tbs care» ofhousekeeping, ¦. r*>. »n i:«i<i- .. r» Room«ar.d aultea may i- «..-.i-»i f,,.-...... unrnrn «'-'1 '«>'tii- ..»j. m for i «hortsr period Mesla «ill t.« MTfaier. In« Am-r'.'-'.r sn-1 Enropsan p'»n»

RI HARO H BTEARNB, Managing Dir»


»m». p o

riKCST LOCATI UN IN NEW-YORK CITT.A »eletl I urne ! permanenl ur.1 fann-n: ¿Jr»:»


. ¡FEÎ Síf- OBÖtROE«,rn« I Hicks st»., BRi tOKLTN HEIOH1 i

r.QI'AI. TO HES1 IN NEW-YORK at «»«..half the |

T1KIE NEW CRftSttNM,.-.Til IVE. AND I'm ;;-. SEt,E«T AMII-Y ll"'i EI.



SHEA BR« »S Manager«


> E1VED IT THE I'l'TOWN OFFICE Ko 12« B2d ' 11 t-. -. -¦ and ADVER¬

TISEMENTS al Ih* fullj»In« B ¦( ¦¦ "" ¦- -'«Etgh'h «vs.. :.. Twentj ttiird-». 152 Btsll

: P un' ave., .... Foiirteentl >.'¦" Third-«»«., .60Y irt; -«-v.- ,.(i ». i A30 Tl Ird-ave., n-ir

Six. y-flr«. -»i :. s

HIRRETT HOrSE.11R, »ADWA. i ID l.i.N«; > 'RE ..'' IRR



H« El. \ ENDOME BOSTON,Is il ..


lVi:vs IOKK in« Kl «.. Broad«'a« Ta 14* .ti ... InJ^ rlinliiiK «m. ft««.- IM« «1-s'rsl'l«- r.M.m«. imr- moter.it-ST KTt*HOt.AS -. «I 1 Fi.m I) II."1. 4 Washing! ,n Pia .American plan $" M Eu-np-an plsn fi V-* -Isvstr.r

I DVERTISEMENTS AND BIBSCRIPTIONS lui:-I THE NEW YORK TRIBl'NE »VIM« BE RE»'ED \ Till ri"\\ \ i.l Ei. E. N .'i-' B,-¦ ' fir»,», .... lUVI<EMENTS «i His : s-i H ill

Eighth a««., a. < hiid-si 152I' .; 'li .iv - .i .:,:.- «.' n l-ave. ¡ TB

'¦_.: Tl-¦ ,«*> Ens- »v. |IM »V. I :. si

.¦ I; l .;..; Thli I av< 20 W.".: \\'.-« i". - ii i ., ,.

i .:> Tl IrU 2 "'.' 11 Ir.l on hsttvsen On»:sn ¦¦¦ Irsd-and Ihlrtssnili -..

It the TURM M H rTi'l '-» Ka« One-tni r, t-ii.ltvviit» flft, si :-|.¦ | |, ,. -..

MO \V- ....,...,-.!.. ¦;. -

p O !..i- Isra El« .'.

Bedford ... ,¦¦¦¦» (, m .,i régulai (TI » rate»Em ' '

., -n .nt» ni»-, v. Y sei

bMbbSbM AM) ( «.HKItl.lv

A Ml is 1.,,-kn.o ind «1 r i v Ins% : , :.

-..IK--!. ..ii-ii iik.- new; >¦-¦'¦¦

in .% ,.i elegant Brewater -;- laii MERCHANT, B is 0 Trtb

-.:- ¦_¦fftKV ¦- 'KR IV.rlla

.1 íir.ii. o open f a a-n

SLEIOH, B o. '¦' Tni-

v, >'--n *nund anl ¦' th -i

¦-.- IMMEDIATE, Box IS Tiïh«. ,i".


.m» off! ¦¦

VAN vI'lAN ired aaddl« I one of IhkIi

vi >'"-n anund anl ¦. th


lt'iK-KS BOARDED m ih" WIlloB QlenFarm A,1.(Ire** l>r <>. «'. JACKtON, P.

( B x ;«1 .l.imaiea. U I.

l.; PARTY going at »111k .s.,-. i- 1750: n»e.t two

illver-plat« 1 *i,r\< -.:.. ,.;- -.- ¦-.- atund* \

top aui rev, Itgh», BtyllSh, pole ai .1

»l 1400; prl« SI«-'. PRIVATESI .RLE, 10 W«»*i Itth -'



AN i:N'K1.i.i.nt INVESTMENT. Sea.-... ». ¦: ip irtment-hou*. « ipei loi

!i«t!u. M t.. beautifully finished: rent»

% V«. -..!,¦. « :.'«.

,..,.,, PVPV a ONOER, Mît 3d-ave.

RIVERSIDE DRIVE, eoraer I0gth-«t..Ar-«l»tic bobâtantla 1 \iiin. le** th.in Sioo.-

r>oo ea*v t-rm«: «"nd f.-r circular. ATLASIMPROVEMENT OO II Wmadwav,


. ¦> LET IV M'iRKI.»Ti»\\ X.- S-ij.li... with'*r«re ihm II Wit relllng; a

*,,.«. im rtunftj t -r »i-,

I,.ng I.'vBY .- ' HENRY JOHN» »N a CO M

N .1



aOENCY N» Muntclair .R"»ld»nrM. all

ktad* f'.r aal" '.r r. nl f.jrr.Nheil houa*a.

TVB3S A TAYLOR, 5 Beekman-at N. Y

KL ITS TO LET-talaraliliril.

AlWtTMIiNTS T. > LET SI N '*¦ **gal

all Ugh lassos. A]n pr« ml«»«

%l'l.i.\;.ll> FLAT.-. ».:. -. I-I« Sevenm« and ha«h I .--- Ml '.

.loi ¦.!,!. .¦. an

firm<*iied HOrtM to let.

Ci.initrvAM' >N«S THE INES Prl iti ' iwi I

will :- it to .:. alrable lei

gant!) furnished- »i deeirabl: i

.¦ Ms llBBB-av».. « -m healfi i:;

|¦« lef^l.. lutred. Appl) lo A M BB M'

SHAW Lake« I . privat« -<.¦¦..-.

owner . on 11.*). SO Broad*a New York


AM-i;'-:~-'i\.*, Invitation« or *.-. b]refer »n-.-*

V. Kl v; Uns 10 1 M3 Ht adara«


1 ng. 1 rtOB, anl St. Augu»

t'l'it' i.-': i:hivi-, in vi it*, branche« don«:res« r. .: i. prices i **l reference! given;

' .¦¦ alsired t, different shape«, etcJOHV SCHNABEL .SÊA Weal 41»'-*'

roa «ilk.

AT tgEDUCXD rtXKWR. gal **<v>nd-hanl »pod »nd iron Werktag «aachlSMNi;

f»l!> guarantirad; machin« ry bought and«sthaigcd. GEOP.OE P. EDDT. lit* Ma.i!-«WBrWlAT UTTLeFÏ TOOL «/TORE M» Y ..).¦:.¦.I. N»« ï ;ik, workahop m.r-i.in.-iy (foot

powerj ?. rre#; w-.»A rarvlns toola. acroll.a*» tk-ahjni pré trin'-y wr-od»; Incubator»,*:"' ¦.* in («M-rntlon.ATTENT1 iN! SLAVING MACHINES! all'he leading make* Í.1 per month; Intent

'mpiM\. marhlne*. |2'i up; exelinns».!r*1'xl, ¦¦;,-.! RAI'sSfll'S. -..ir.l 3U-.* * v> -. < >r"n . venlnr«.

kJXBLlN'l won!. Res« quallt) pined«¡.*«ei in you« cellar (SSO pei load

f'U an.l .,, i".,t. i i'i illv a«

}'* Al Ir« -« FAIR 1 4!" A i, M A

ins 12 um»*Inlaid, de.-o-

»»t»d cw. |arf) ,. Jlo», H,.)) |30;»»el i, ¡43 Broadwa) Bo <m 12.

Olre IS ... ,K,«er enslne of I C, T «M¦»*: >-i.i heavj bulUI; in flral-cla*«

of i: F HEAO-

*J*SI'>I. BOX Swtaa playing 15latest :,-.., .,,n..r,'* »

nmnms ordni in^uiHARO, riMïriflcer! ,,t,, .«¦» ' nothing llh»

¦' »v^r -.;...«. in Kow-Tork; «heap. :wivt«.^ gtv.i ..

*Vtt "l nid n,-.« «¡ife». >.-,.'»* nn "a«v

'frtni. K,f,.. exe|,.nK<"l moved and re-

J*li><! \V n. BUTLER. T'J DsjaSW SiJ*Sf Broadway

T2.,''A!'";' yu '""»-' hair switch»» $1:."kinds of human huir mad« to order.

¦watou-ln« 25. .1 HVMAN. ssn H--

2J**;,'» a» Fulton»! 77!i Oaiea-BV«.,¦»ookly,.. m Newark-av*.. Jens y City.


*h 'VVl>"i'Mr:\'T of »i«i.«*iii m ». i

B.ie.1^,'1 "¦¦'""''¦ t'lrii.K cnmaan iiacorchLTI w" ¦*«**-». » m;«!! "f .-ihintv andJÍ ," t"'*"1 "' "< »eer.-lurj and MB

»ai.J. .'.. f:"'"^. l-.aie.i .in of pRy, a!

»nV *«ii.ir> invetrtmeal «ecsired b) prop.ku»lne«.'r''' ,,'''"' '"''"'. .'""'>.'¦." "-«"Ire.l,«he« «? ,\\'" ,":«' elo«<»Bl aeruiln) Ad<J»"» SOLE OWNER, Trlbum «.m..-

tu"r,*,MK1,IATK LOANS' »^d,- on rural-PUbll.l, "'"- '"' r,l,'"\ i'. ''"-I..H.-I.I' h.e .,r

Kundin. .A«Mr«B« Room Ü. .leff-,,,,,,

_'r'K. i and .', <\,un .s«,u.,ie. Brooklyn.

JV'^" '*l,ul' '" -".' 'willi ho.se"ai t.*e,í*c":' ¦'"', """i'''- triol-, separata«ad».. fl»«ap r-iii Inquire :>M I'al!-


'*'*¦ '-"'. <-in, K .1 no agent*.

OcÎÈ** WAXTKl. lo »pen BBBrbiepialiw. »

,,"'l':'l iiov-ln, nngiiallflei)

<«t«^IIVI "' '">. "*..*. i»Hr.,a'l. .uv»n-

e*l|*n.or ,|;;!,rr>'|r'K and *lilpp,ns un*x-

aUEaifîvPr''ï». -»»«sbauattbl» DONALDAfcRMAN. 20«; Broadway (Room 12».

tk&"3&&w.I Ad Ire.s .in, .7-N¿V l',A 0O»T, Box 7<ir, ninshHtni.'n.

&*y*-Syy ¦."' '¦«¦.iy .»""- «oca.-.«lr»«» ** '«;. 1-III--I. and i-keap rent.

' . Ne*.«rk-»t . lL.lK.kcn, N J.

stVHiarcSS riiiMKi.

FROM 130.060 TO $50.000 vvmi."-! in I,. «urine usine« of »il«, »I ind

Ing, a m.m ..r i .-..-.. iaki .ii.us- -tofflc« «nil 'i-mi i¦¦...¦.. Ail I.--«s. U, I'M I.KNEE. 134 VVe»i TSd »1 N'esV.'k fllvHOOD .MEN' wanted who r«n handle lie

'. ¦-¦ >i«ain house h»at«i manuf« lured;ru I; aeller; liberal commission« PEER¬LESS HEATER CO -11 Dey-»t., SeaY..,kG.' CHANCE FOR «¦ IPITA f. ¦.

two Roo.1 patent* Tor aale oi to work onama ...iliv: tall ind ee« modela; trillesehsng« fol a loi DK ARDEN, 221 t hsv.-.

BCHuOI, lui; "SÄLE «i.iI« -. ol gn .1 wilt «lone: established

eight yeara; «scellent locality: line r-la«nf pui.iis lerm» i-ash OWNER, R.» ;i1.242 BroadwayWII.I. CAY mi.- i.i.h for »...

¦I ..-« elothing, dry«.I«, groceries clt)«¦i « ...iii-v busln« s^ ii 'i entlal Call u,

ILDERMAN, S2S 'I.u »,WANTED Oí la M.OoñflSOOO «i n ... CARRIES, It. \ '.'.*

R«pl :- Ml« h200 CEE CENT profit realised

lak ;¦ I, its ... in sum« of 120012,000, miipiv secur« Address SK'i RITYBo« t Trlb in« Office$10.00(1 IN PROSPEROI'S Iron «manufa irlni neen mäkln« Ig

money: no debt« mg ««t«bll»hed 'all..: m'l writ« CALI «v\ m ¡:.«i E 20li'i«. wii.t. ci y i,. :.,«s but.

.. Clt) Hull S'-",heap real I« ... --" M *i

gome« v «1 l.ls. f|( -,

gO.000 AS NE :i«Ei. i»!«»«« now]niable

i| Ineresi tig 11. .-

n i|>.lv no .J.-t-«- office oi outdSAFE INVBr .

$.". uoo \\ a NTED Imnbusiness, paylni large pr .('.« lo pe... t -,,-.:- in«e»in en. *. .re ..

t,i-u,ars »' ly p -'i' I. i« Initupany II rl ««In i HEN


$i m». \ ;.... Ir,

...:. .¦ |s r. I.-..I .-

n New-'every I .... m---'

\ )¦ w Tribu, ""'

Il RYISHKD Rooms TO-LET.a LARGE sunny n fron! hall

r ..-. -¡, .. -. «..,. «inPia« e

FR1I 11 i IMIL1 v. .-

gem«.'.Mi >.'.

MADISON-AVE (150 rorn«Megani »rn« n.l flooi

1> '"rd: .". -, i. flrst-cla**II WEBT 22 H .

nevvh tl"-.: bath ,.i

a ri. ¡.n h*» resta irsni12 WEST I2TJI-ST il .: :- ., ftirin .,-. ..- suit« i r l*i g« n,« in

priva, douai - .- .....

S ¦ ¦¦ iwo ¦ l^-tti ««ver ,. ..

12TH-M'.. US '.' EST furnl » 1"L "«¦« rool iii Utable

f .i IWo gentlemen; slao ither«: reference»ítrril s-;.. I4S WEBT ne.-ir Mroadws]Large room«, e«-ii. » i-t- r .r ..r.«- or Iwa

gestlentei gentleman «nd wlf«; h -,d water, i.ath: reference

74 west fao-BT.' On» dellghttul. warmBOM] bands,.me|»- ftirni«t¡e«l tlnar, . n

«mie m «Ingly; privat« bail, t.i<-».>«:'»«ii.plioiia): ' iv,-ne family.147 WEST illST BT JlMt r-ii i.i-f..1»"run heat, modérai« prices; Southern

exposure; fir nenileiii-n only; privat«family, references$4 LARGE ROOMS; hoi a: Üd water

bs'li: hOU«ekeeplng or K«ntl<-iii»n. 2M'¦".I-at.

"....' LEXINU'TON-AVE Extra larg«;. furnlahed front, «uan room« «.f si:

sisea snd description« fm (hose on:j wish¬ing a home In a beautlfull) kepi, ñrat«

Itou»* refefeaee« exchanged12VTÍ. ST ¡5 west Bach pariorl n»«Tijfurnlahed; hoi snd eold water; .--.erv con¬

venu ni e; with f iding bed; .:


Ai>\ EltTISl.MENYK AND siuscrttrTlONfl FOR THE NEW YOKE Iltli;UNE WIM. BE RECRIVED AT THEll'THWN OrrtCE. No, 1.Î4L' Broadway,M d'.'-r north of Thirty flrst-si. an.l AliVKRTISEMENTS at the following lirar..'.n«M: 2*14 K,*hth-ave 7«Ki Third-av«n.rner Forty a«venth-«l i.'«i» East Forty-¦eventh-al i-rnri Third-«vr; ISO RsslI2'.'h »t ne»r Thlrd-ave i OM Tid'd avs..n»ir sixtv-fli«'-«. 1.70« Pint-sve.: 10«we», rorty-seeond-al io:t Cotdmbtu av«

riHMSHKI) HOOM1 WAltTBD.YOI'NO LADY wtoihe« tarnished room

partial bosrd li retinad family, betweenI7«h an i 30th »la rater«aces. HOME, ¡ft.'Ea.-' I Eli »I.


\ :',i WEST BIST ST ll.iii'!»-.m'«iy fuinlshed Bow H separate!) also alngl

ro n. for semientan; board; ref« rei

BRIÔHT si NNV ROOMS, with oi wlihouboard; ai-., parlor for phyalclan; refei

hanged; privat« tamil] Mfl P/e«

UMh .¦

BRONN PARK HOTEI* 2S minute« fi ,m

Oraad Central; r.-aeonibie term«, wm,

SINCLAIR, VVIlll«m«tirldge. N V.

1,\1:<:E. tin« room«, overlooking NorthWashington Bfloare; rseellenl laMe; ief

,.,.v ,'i| Win- -1. I Place

MADIBON-AVK., MB7 opposlt« Ml. Mor-ri« Paik. i-Mitio,' Lara« and ».-....;.

. fiinish-i| oi unfurnuihed; privat«¡ii-iium family, no children.

n I--T 74TI1 ST Select board; Souther«.am,: i.'«-I-II.-x. CASHIER, l'-'.ffl e

It » 2.1*?!, «MTU si 40 RAST Large, handeom«,..,,, ,..,- ,..) tl.,... n ltd«; ref¬

eren« es'

"i ,i\M"i TINO room», with board; I'

,,a. «'.«.«.iv '1'-^' «|""""B" i",.!.l."iV-:",sven ".nveni.in«.. refe.ence.«. ..«.» I.»m

,;.m at'i IVKMT SSD-BT. Dealrabla rie.m*. with

\7Jrv «i-i-...mii-n« »r>" rl»*»:. .n""1

family-; wparlo« labU; highe-t rsfirsasisgiven and ieo.ulre.1.11TH-ST 2h EAST, near 5th-ave.--Quiet.Vsrrn louse; deslisble. Inrgc room; rea-

«unable »mur .raiie-msn,. an excellent

..,,-. <-.,- ¡TRUEST l.aiK» fourth «lory

l,s,,,:,.;: i.tlen.!«.«e; r«l.n"l »urroundlnl».

Wd-HT ÜÄ U EST. - It«v.m» with boarc

,» .. 'in-' fasMJj «aw '"".>« «*«Pl'< ¦»«M family for »««ht >e«r«.

lUIMtl) AMI ll'i'inv

All ST.. 24 WOT H,




":: _. WEST BIST st

87TH HT IS H KS'I !'. -

n -' .¦ sq .' lei « lili f l|I .¡o.I refcreni -- i-

MTH ST.. 1*1 WESTnm* very plea«B1 .

'...>;-.,. «rltti:.:. 11 ... i<

innj ale««i.

7.2' EAST .".- vB*


In* ae, ired..-.Mil WES I



.Till BT IIS in -Tlui

;.. 11 r 11» \\ rIy furo a.. . il «

1. .,1.1 refer«1.4TM SI 11« M 1- .1



Ifun r .. n


i.- ï.

alau Fi«

mini «i' ..

NEW Mo.I. l.hESSil \KIN«I ' " .


Alt isTI« l'i:i>MAi,l\.;fa*ld.,n*.

'¦ ¦''¦ -.

ROI 47,: .;

'' TCRÎERR l-'H-N.-AI K M¦. n si .,. n

i' st*i .. ,. .. I« u »v*nlnastyle«; el /.., ; v.- i, lerat« |'...;*".¦ («.ut this out i

M m.' it an i- irn ..¦'. .

110 lalloi II I* I:-*,»« ., >,,...


We« 21liKSMMI: ,.] r, ,,i v

'.'He- ¦ i: I II

,,. - I- in i ;. dAI'A.V

DREflSM IKINU all lale«i ,|,mad« «ti.«tumi r I ... i.ins

drwsw » fam «ral Bt modi -,.ut KENNEDY - 12 llth-a

ÜREHSM »K ER Fl la«* it nn ,¦ pi -.v nu all itIon ¦

i.i Ivati famll) .¦ *i Una h«n -. .i ,-

Bleep lunie A«Idr, a Mr* A I" ILPHW'evi 25th -. rear hou«'

"l RE8SMAKKK Expei >,,-¦

i.latomi .i .,.. i!-,.,. desire* moreengagement» in in" as, famille* i«.. .mu -. pei lonal referen« ..- 11 2*>t Stla <.

SEAL GARMENT)« leifv.-i »n.Pal --IInto faahi ,..hi. capea »nd Eton J«. k«

Mr« B Mtl. i.i:. IIS Wi :;'....,-*i mHroadwB'', !at« with Ounthei H .n», f,a»».


Male.IVEBROWLENF, AGENT.» "Eyebrowlene" aua« ¦ ipld km,« i-, ih<

hroara and eyelashes and retalla for fenand fl p. r bottle; agenta a-ant« In -yand uniry. R m :;. 12a v. u 2nd it

AÍ1EÑTS WANTED A handsome Imita"un gold and idai Inmn » aien

fit 01 double urea «ted, ¦¦, nil .; ¦. ilgiguaranteed weai ihr« 11 ample*. i.i ,.,, 1... ...|.- .,! ;... arg. pi -,

«ei|. men \.. l;i |: \i|.. ,. -, ¡{au 'M;. ¦.

ENTRY l'LBRK about 1» yesra .Idwimieii ir, .. manufacturing aiatloner)

Louse, mus' be quick and rn .i figure*.ir-.-i i;.,'»i penn1 .

encei 1: i- s Trlb in« OBI« -


l'I.A' E, h-is repreaentatl .¦- nf |i»i Iradwhom H can rtrommend, having thoroughly

it« ,1 n,.. hara« lei an 1 ability 01e» i, appltcaai Th« »ei k ¦.¦ I* fi.¡1.i- ,iil employes. Te|e|,hon« nnmber.1..11.I« Q nit .It..«:, correspondence o-Belted. Re, JOHN H DEVINS, president;lOHN SEELT waim. ti a*« retanJOHN r. TOWNS-END it. 11 .01

WANTED A 11 ...:.,iii.'l.i-. öw| " .1 .,

eiiuni.mt in a kmi «t ..:- manufactory«)H«eK... \ Y. A.lilr--» KNIT <;ni«l>S,

ibun« orne* t

help \\ avi i:n.-

t'entBl«..gT BARtjrilOLOMEW'S PARISH I10CSE,ANNEX, -'11 II '-! 4.-1 .' ... bo« t

nl*h nenographer« B«vern*aae», Janitor«,«.,1 hine-i, domestic servants, mala and 1«

;u.|e !erk* for the hull.lav *eu«.,n. refer-..,,.-».., f.n Investigated ALEX LAXO11 i.v Superintendent.WANTED. Oerman S», dialmind chlldr« n w l'K »AI N, IB -'¦>

Weal '.nui---.

WANTED« n.-' ' » g» '".'' !¦"'.¦ *

«mall f.inil-. mUSI n»l - r. <uAv.,.,,; '..'i Wesi 141th it.

W \N"J i:t> Intelllgegi >«j ng lad)learn st«rn< graph) 'n reportei

«ai ii**i«' i" p atUoa when p7-j World BuildingADVERTISEMENTS ANI> SI'RS«*RIP

TK.Ns pon -run new-york tribINK WILL BE RE.*EIVEn AT THKI'PTOWM «ikfi« ¦!¦:. N<> 1-i- Broadway,Id door norlh of Thirls ll-l -1 I ;-1 IDVERTISBMENTS at ihe |,,!l ,»m« BranchOSscMl 2W F.l-hih-sve 7»V) Thlrd-avieiner Foitv »evei,th-*l. IM) Essi Forty-ie\enih*t.. orner Thlrd-aM ISO Ea12.MI1XI near Third-;.«'.-. 1 DM Third .. -

P'.ir Si\!y-nrsl*t 1,70S Fir»»-ave.; MV\\ .-«t K.,11.. t'-c in! rt ID2 CtriuaaaBJS-a.


stale.I V.'M II IHTI'NO

? \ - v .... . 11foiBarn»« ,;. ting ,t um 38 21 Park Row.IN EN I'l 111 li. niKKEEFER d«

JAI ref.i sn -, 11. it IX»

», Newark, \ j.I HEN i.,:\i in with many j ir«

i. ..


,:-., AI»llllE« -¦¦ ll v H

M \ \ :v 4. r, A., d<

.. en Id Ire»j :.t West l.ViI YOt'N«! MAN r v

II (1 .,

II 1 LEWIS v 301..

.v ,.i in- ,.... i-RAi ;.-...-. n..

in p.OIIRER .«. ,:

r v



ei r .»¦ menl m«ino». -¦

I ;«.. K k I >

, II


s ¦ I'v

S C «.I

... .

A;l,.' >¦ 3 111,Fli


t!"V l«. <:»


M EIKIARllllHIRE .'¦ »NHEÑ " s»ii.,e'

years' ..;..¦¦Is of ...rix.ra- .. n « S'ORToN 'lui.

-lt. e

«It,El' ENillNEEII .....

;... *.l ndei stand«. ins ".«I e|eel

high« at referen Id n p*« S H


..-...,. g. ni le ...

lirit.lN '.".." ".

l'TTER .i-

, «v ..n'- pos|..._'.. »ddr-an Y ROOERS ::.:

l'hllmb-lphl»ER «a as a phoi

«.i i.iv. p.ip. r rulte, >.¦.

M v ».. Nep ... Col, N ^i.lti H «T.ËRK .¦.-¦¦¦ i . i, ibl

oum"I i.e. andRing» r-. ..\

pe, lei .. desires lu mal.ha, .;. ireferen« es Addre«« NIELSON. I « WeeiIl M un, fern .t> S i.

lit [VER ». oung mai led ,.«; ., bread wag,««.

ii ,i nted N.-« v,,,,,; ,:, ikivn lul< -.. i- BEHRENS, :ti.:i Raa

To- «I._EXI'ERÏ man foi real

»täte ..it,. .¦ ..i;«-« lot ... Indaman f«»r lothlng, or other employment;

and bond. BYRON 290 JM-ave.ELE<TRK1A-N ¡"ndei md» |i innln«

¦¦i tailing and " I« In« uf i- en l< plant»... w. take »rge f el» l« plant. it

yean' esperienc I. , ZIMMERMANr.7 I'.-'o. Ia-ave. llrookl n

BNiilNEER Bj middle age man IIrensed Ihoroughl) I« bu»l

:. Address P \ Bo«17. Ti il.i.'i- »AiENOÍNERH l.!¦ n-«-.I Ihoroughly undei

o- referem - Iddres <: vs. it.» 2S, Tl i,..m. «>m.

FIN ELY edm led I nisi» orth»man of 28, hand) with loola, would like

ill un n nl an kin ; ren »a givenI-:. 1. l'.Rl'SSOVl 1.4m Ave,. A

FRENCHMAN IS w< educated, wantaio i:he French lahguag* lessons In pi

«rale famll best reference« in 'he "-.

Answer FRENCH, ¡Cil Culumbu»-avrFÎ'RNÂCE-MAN H. un experienced,

- bei ..i,,! Indus)ii<aii man, In Aral lasspiUs-e :-..«i».-. good references M URui 7«'J '.'«-.' Ho a Iway.'«JERMAN IMRRK'AN .... «rouid Uli» 7

)..i. al vom» mechanical huatne*s; 1»

hand] »rlth l« oil LOI'lg RULING huIh ktvn

IIABnTiks M »KEB ;.n.I j-ii ig* nal anpall -. ui wall iim.iii. .,! haï 1. m «n

.: w. \'.. ISA tthlKe *i.. Astorl.1 «7ÑITOII It) a tnialworth) s«.- n~

eoliple «III, v-.ir« of .xp,-i l.-ri,-e. Ma.I«es ¡n la*l 1.1,1. s; Ii is: I

moBlali i- ANDERSON :.cM riun-aiJANITOR Yuung married man, 21 k.

Isiulor. pfllnlei .un) paoer han«», es

i,..,,(¡.. «rlth mía IIENZE, 4«; Kast ptnM top BoolM VIIINMT. eleven yeais' esperten«**

ill Like «i,IriK '"' an\kind ot work. It. ."., II Cbarl«a-ai.. t»p

.1 iN «rani» light position. mpmure «n ..i.je. than *...*..«. «rscsiteni

referen«-* K BIBKg. IOS n.,-. noth-si

PORTER. *<. By a v, sag "M.iv.l man a»

porter waltei footman oar« f..r saarsaaWALKER SB We»: 37ih-»t, BflsHhaaa'«hell _mj_

PORTER »'"1 PACKER By »ooag nun

BBpl Of lefeience» Ad Ii,-»« EXPERIEN« I'-'l'. BoS S". Tilhune ItptBWS Osa«?«,342 Broad«ray._

"l'iiK'1 Kit 01 \\ AT« IIMAN Hi » .'.un*num. 22. la »trt. ily aober and willin«

f si.l.,«» refeien. » P. KELLY. «.".Bast 4«'.h-»t. 1


~7 m.,..

POSITION <.f private «ecretarjr or eon-.i lerk. b) .1 i.-iim man. 3«: 7

year« In former rapacltj .. Am*of üMliigiii«li~.| r-iio»i. in ,,..,..i....iunexceptionable reference» is to haravteiand ability. MADISON. Bo« «. Tut..in-'

PORTER v mng man wl«i ' .n -.« si» h

ramit) A KEIMES, .';:'.,

POSH ION a:¦ manufi n lug line « inte

. mai - 1 man; 10business expe, ,-;, r (1rs, las» ,1) refe

i' T i. ...

PRINTER Hi .,¦ ¦ ,. sd man; 12-. »lead) ... pref.

'«¦¦«..».- II S*2 v

PAINTER, K....1 workman deaire»Rutel «al estate ... f

bio) oik pain.-i mo lernte wage» lPAINTER, -A»; Kim « ... n VPAPERH INUER and PAÏNTEl)«lev oi .,,. fln, lass work. W MOK

«¡AN 1*1 E...1 llftth »I


fourteen year« ..>.;.-n-ii.- »« «a:-or ii.Hiu»-. m any rtty; a p!»'e wp-i- í

» and brain« ar« appre« 'a:-1 Ad!li ¦- Bl'StNESS. ,::,i Whl »hall », >

,1«¦'¦ ilÊ'i ::v ,v ÜT, -, u.,!.-- pi

-¦ r»i i' onfld« ¡o al ikln«ir» -. --¦. '- II, n .¦ in |, «I too

¦.-.¦ r .i to ¦. i uni«m

of ...-. - and In m muí, .- ¦

A Idre.» r « (|.s J3 Trii..in- UffliBHIPPl.Nt. I1.ÊRK No: yeara' refel

ence; go ..I , tpsi |."ii-.. Irea« W Il.t.tN«! Ha ,4

.- ,.

H vi -M IN.- By aears' ..«.,.-! I« n a»« house;

-<!... i. Itsi \\ : kofl

BAI -M IN travetl si * ay ; ;.. .« referel |

i i MO RE, .-'. it»« III V«SIIIHi'lNÜ l.r.l'K .» If all n«

.m ......

lio WHITE «:« v

i'PIIOLSTERIN«. wiiKE »;,r.«".| al your-- !«-i - on fui n''.I, ¦ -. »,

»Id». 1. V. FOX '.IV We-t SOth-at., ,,-i

«. - I- !¦ -

1*11« ii.-'ll',lii:H tlr«i .- let -

I mod.-..-,' r n

pets laid peraol WINTER.::in v. .-¦ ...

WANTED i « ing man marrb-d. «if

sp| «i.,i. . » >'i I a >¦

work of o. I. it'.l port« or -tab!». IKFFE 31« E -. ¦'¦'« -'

rt'ATi'HMAÑ It ti ... i

..¦o v. n- « itn la»i tnplovei iill' it LE* BRANT Sit East ".¦'. »..

it ÎTi ll\l vs n « ... da« ...

.p les soldier........ v 11.4

|...i;. IIS »il - HW »N'TED llv a H '.-.¦'.-,

- 2.1. i

IV.', .' .'.¦; M VN S« .- :.:: « >e»ri . )

ii ite

»nil turna , nds f..... ... ¦.


n i c ¦. i ni ;n »1« a 1.

-, ,,. -i -, .!-

»n fut- 1ri: » NK K '>:v. "leí


.. ....

II- i:,;." K '-¦ I

i'oisu ma:¦

, |V.» T..

Y« «I ' N«J M IN. Oe,.

n ., \ I1KH«1M v\\ 2uct i:..- T -

Yi'i-CN«! MAN, 21. «


l'OOEL 140.¦


jM v ........

IAgurei I '

, I.

Tol'NH MAN 11 .

v, ref...

- . «


tiS I.




i ..

lie; |v, un in; « .. . - av.


MiN » Ist» - .. posltl In... trenerallv ¦¦

i JAMES MAS.. \ -,

w oiiK \\ i vi i:i>.

Fruíate\ IIIOIII . n«

M ¦. II" l; l a!, l'.i '.


4 1.41., M« Hing herbu sued. ¦' ..' fmeni

i,,i.i INl'NU '«:

Bve., i,- ir «3d «t



M KNOUIt M'Ill H m Ope-

- M ¦'._' ¦¦ ¦¦


.»,.- Il l;-.' ¦. \l '.:, .:'

s'' KNOUIt I, PII Ell and M PEVt KITERllv I i

rajraphei « -. >rl bel -'. Mil«;i-:\«'\ 15. >'.-

STKN041RAPIIEB an l :'i i'KV. i¿i !R>;.. 11-.>. -1 ieslre* up) ,K ,,r i. .

¦a -il.) k uul foi dli latl in« referen ¦

given, «'a .< TI l'I.'A RITEII IIw --i «-.' l «¦ B m «

KTENOiIKAPIIKB I: ni moderat.isla i« nu . 'i-' »»p»i I« . ;¦ « k

rTH'K vliil.lTV. j:. Vandatn ».

Tt PÉWRÎTER It', .i >i c ¡itWim,-« $.', ., areel Brill fumlsll .. Rcl

«.ir gen« rail .; -, ufl «irtdr» .

\\ ILLINO, I« v 10, Tribune ilffl, ..

"i. it Nil la i. «rial »s a »UnalM -i.- i« an pp>H lunli; fo I-., ¦

trad* « ,:i ii.-Kin hhii *mall >. ag*i I,.« Ilobokea ..-.-. i»,»-.


\ VOI'NiI ¦.' ired ms «." In pi it« fan n b irdlni

bous« «-BB glv* «.I reference, .'ill ,,r

address j \\ wii.sun. Ml w ,:Koom 1«

Bt'TLËH m \ »LET.- E:i| hi ihor-uiifhl) underatand* mil,,* and shool

Ins thins», a.i ell ..... «« i:im.". Weal Ulth ¦«.

Ill Tl.l'.l: a.,,i W ¿ITEM li. «ii,m- ,,,,.j¦ii,- UK-1 man, In ¦ private family; riij

ui rountr) «.I rel.i, -- w'M | imSTH( »NU 7«M :'. a- .¦

BI'TLRR In prl ..-.. fsnilh indeistand« tie business; 4 \..ot' referen.-*

from las) plai » SM R'esi ..I-- .

"i:l Tl.KU ¡:. color, d b ill.it« referen .-. UK Weil «I-i ¦'

7íf*TÍ.7:it U. «n .t. ¦.

!4<i :r'J i:.< .;.

m ri.i.i: B) ihorougl I) etp« I« ñiman In e« *i ---i ¦¦. t. «Ingle, irt«

lemperat» *»i elleni el en --. lasl . m

;.,. *| ,¦.,-, |m ... - A.hl « JAME« ionW.-»» 12 il

"HITLER iiii.I VALET B) .. youog <i»i

,1 .U, It) III .Ill,ti 1 VJ.il- --

M l.i'.l: 244 Wesi :tj.i il 2.1 "

Ht TLEH Kngllsh; tait flrsi ils«,.-f.., « ,<»»; Ihol uUfhl »pel len« .!. i«

¦irU-tlj « i..- Industrious and reliableA I lie*« WILLIAMS IIS W«»l Md «t.

,;i TÏ.ÉB and VALET F.nglûh, .«t si

,he.| fioiu England ". ughlj -m »ri¬led: a| :'l hslghl

:, !.-. i« Addresa F S n « l»S, I 843i:, id*ay.CoT«*îlMAN B) i »Ingl» Pi

.. r -i las« cil] i- reren«« A.hlr. «*

11«« Kasi SSth-ai« i.\i-iiMAi*: B. » single r

r,, »i cla .-. ihurough inda lu*

bualneai I '-ai-' In la«« place; employeian i. . ¦.>.,, i-lty oí i ««uni i M .".«M kei -'

COACHMAN Eagllsh: married; n.. fam.Il> ; Ihnroughl: understand! ar* of ^»..

lien -us e-iiii.iisi.iiieni. tint t.,--« city ief.

ei-i,.e r., ,,hjei-i|.,n la country. COACH.man :!.:¦ \\.m f,4ih st.

(*OA«TIMAÑ i:-- lh<S 'Ughl) ipaW«m,n ..f i,i,| esperteaca; relerenc« »s la

Hiialltl, alh'li and .hararier fr.,m well

known Americas famille« who ran be

*een. »ul,I ll'ie to I.I.I.IUI .-mill-.-, m. n.

In a CartatlaS f-imil). AiMü«» «'. 8. TillAllisteilam «ir,

COACHMAN. Colored; 13 o-nv city ref.erenee. A,hires* II I' 1W1 KBSl iIVIi-

at., prívale (table j". OAt'UMAN M\ a »'!l"i and l'uniWorth)

man, 2S year«' nr»i-il.i»s Il y l«f»l«SK«: I

IbtMPoaghl) undtrsiands his luiiu-». an

refsr personell, la p»*i -mpiuyers. 21.1Wsat &«vh-st I


Male.COACHMAN 1!v a young <~ül.,r»J man.thoroughly undi rstsn ling the m» of tin-i»..-, mill rarrlaaes: v-iy haady «batst

the bou-e. ;« n-fi.i in driver; >,tii<-tlyi«-!iip«"rat», c yesra with ,.i-«en« employer,

.1 t.n A.ldi-»-, EDWARDS,i la Board!, W« «t Tr. 11 st, «nj Am-

m-ave. _

.«.v HMAN H* »ober, honest man :

Ihoroughl) .ipal.l- of tdLins barge ,,fge iilenian'a .-. bllahmeni; Mrat-rl«««

Iddretw C. s. Bos 14. I.L'tJbroad« .v

COA« TIM IN B¡ .« yoiini olor« I man.--. wiiiiii« «ad

obllglni i- -' -ii'«- fromv Ire«» 343 West nth al in

> I. H ibt .'.I_i'OACHMAÑ By i I--I-. ibl« middle-»ged n m. hi family; ihoruiishiv compa-

tent; willing and obliging; luntry pre-fetred lirai «aa ) references H. I.It .x :CI. Rempatead. I. I

COACHMAN H i--,«- -..i,- iing mar-Frenchman ^7 »peaking Fran sad

English; understsnd« csr» of Mue hoiae«,hsm»»< ai i rarrlase»; Bret-elae« retar-

Al.ii-.» A T. Ilempstead t.. I.

COAi'HMAN.Indi --

her. Will-ii g, obi I« in ta certify, «"a'.:

lies« Cl KLK I'll 3«m UM IN ilRIMlM »ingle

..... r-arefii!disengaged on ¦

g tu WOro anv

.... ...¦;

\« l! V| V \ ... ,.. a

snd reliable; 4-.

- .i- -. /. im»f r nlh r-'ln« Eut p» Ad 1res»..>¦ UM IN '--'i --.

l'OA.'ilMAN '¦¦ 'ill olllpe-inar.; «ingle: sal »

paît Î years. Adilt\'S«iN, !4u Ea« ïî

.'oÀi'IIMA.N -. « ii-

ii n -, irlvi¦v refer.

:. v¦. . PF/1 ERS« »N IV4 l.ei s

.; \\ ,-. ilKirUM> K nun."

...-i .-.-.» n'en

l'oA« TIMANk driver: S

M 227'uAl'Il MA Si i : llnglT

34: n (| .-:

. - : K , i, It,'¦ I-'. . ..M-KMAN 32 I .-

,,. r

«i i« um « -, ,. l'sEFCI. \I iv 1 ng.¦ and use-

fut man; k in ¦-. ut lei itai di .

f genin-nian'* ¦-.. :-r.. --

i 242 11, * lw«).'OAl'HMAN Singl» v ,-:: «

personal efeii-- -i .: Iti \ ;..

'IM'MM IN. 1| jK».1 "N.t. . Addresa

'l :;o,; |d -¦ H

M iv n. »ingle I¦,. «ad

ill» hoi ......

Il .MM.- M

i'iiO'IIMAN It i . .

Kan s - bu«.¦ ..i ad-

..-- VI ;-i «Oth-a,niVIIMAN ¦..-:

.1 I-.*r.-.. ,._ -i ..»..,. i.i.i_ i

... v .iv v \ i.., .' x»a

... ..-. ItfWILL

i » M .;.'.

COACHMAN ai 'it'." 'M roughl)n. -. - sndpea ran

willing-. »Tifien a'l.l |«»r.

.....M i'«SRM U'K, ¦¦:.- :'.«.-

M v \ lilt«Mill II .. Mi-!.,, .- ,'i'j«

lin.I I ..II-.«id'lre

.' il ... Il," L'!.' 111

..... -,\l \v

XI- II.V. j \\ 21 «


MAX.- »liable. »,

«fruid f hard Burli .

» \

Bu lo ni ..-

... v. UMAX .-i «Ei ¡NU M *"

t ind ear« oli '! 4HI.K

v ., .-

... .-.1 sins

in n «i t..,- ii:- .- V.I .

in VI, M \\ ilHO«)M

' ,.. ..'.-er, 1

I... ..

I¦ V

I, i: ||I ; v I I I V I , ;


I! .... f .........

WAL'. dill« I


L,I'lllllI I




V Mi'.-Ill


I'MAN KM PI "'¦ MF.VT --..' I MTV. UB- o Be.

' v Ft MjElt.«-- .ind vegeta*

' - roodlal KnilKHT

..,,... an 20th-siUCARDENÊR and FleORIST II. ., n,..-

.. ll esperl« iv » In

age«, v.i Ii»*.«luTT.-.-ll I.LK, ¦':.'¦; 0.1 il

v RDENRI« ai BKFPI.-MAN U. atldel «taltal* I«

a'l until nifrahi ... « ii

sag»« < i 'fer» »« Addi«" l'. S42 l.l

Il \t¡|.I:\KI' l! il':.llllll , Il ,.i;.iii.-- m Jll II»

..: ..¦-.,..:« '

tut ,iin ¦.. n ,o ) «car»' ..- ..i .' ni «r n B HT Kaai lOlh-at.

. KDKNEtt B¡«pert grower of alt « »«...a

bles ind ño* "« 'i"-!' rstand« .n>- .fI »f« U

.:; Kan IStli -

O «ÍRDENER It« ¦ « ni -,

la*1 Km i'- .u i'i.I Ameii in vp-iivlth yreenhi.uae*, ,.,s,-«, all flowers

mi.I \ »s»i «i.i.-» in «m «««Ion. .¦

HAIR, SSI ::¦! i\e,

HARDENER snd I'SEFt'L-MAN Bj ä«lint. Protestan«; nndsratanda car« .f

p alt o, m i, piai.-. lis. it,, i,. r irnace,sic.. b»ai referen, -? A D., It--. 3 i 21.

i)OARDENER R> ;, man who und. and«

Hi., rare .f ' n ,« .-. poultry, .¦.»-., elcdi la « .1 referan« « T. S.,

.«'.. Of A. Ni I» !l. |o(i (¡r.-etni ,, |. itUlt« "iM i:i ,i anbei nêsl an relish!«m.m «;.. »I personal reference«. Addreai

UKiH.M. IT t: il ¡StOARDKNEB Flr«l i-lasa gard« nei andHot lit: 15 yeara' experience nil branches;

« u ÍRDENER, HI Hi\-lngton-ai,OÁRDKNEÍ« n married man, » tiaa'athorough knowledge ..f hi« bu*ineaS; !-<

hand) with looli and capable of ih.ins alli.|.iir« ,.-, a place; management «ad ear«-1 fa m, etc. ; Ib a careful und re.liable m .o, u| i,.on yeara' »xperletl -. Al

i4i: *1 Tribun» >flHARDENER Married; competen! In all

hea; i;i ..|,l, on«..«, forcing «f r«sT*>...;¦- si mu noun«, in bi.««loti; man¬agement ..f ilock: Clt) ref.-i-ei, e« OAR-BENKIt i' . in fl trial 111 Ebb] ¡Mtl ilwc-i-: Desire* engagement; ei^i,. i«)

i.. in hospital, «Bnitartumsnd priest« practbe; ie|.is muderat« Call,i Bddreaa M HSR, 2«s West l*Mth-Bt.Nl'l'.Hr: and ATTENUANT >¦< rhronle In-

.', U!,.-V, 'PI loliatlle refeienees; I hoi >ugh laasaetn B'llllrlg ia4)useful, Sober shaves valets 'uu'l« teim»modérai» Addres* PROTESTANT. Bur.ISS .t.- r ad« ay.SE«*OND-MA\, ;.*.-l -'«. height S f«et.uuderatandi lil* baslnesa; neal snd agr««.

abl« -xi.-li-:i! i.-ferei,..- «- to characteran.I sblllt) AMKKK-AN lui W«r»l Hd-slrSEFI'L-MAN ANh COOK..By French.man; la t*k.- »ntlra charg« of bachelor«'

all family. Addreai CHARLESLELEItX. IU nth ave.

I'íiri I. M iN l' i-iiia-ni Oerman neat,ii |..-..;.,b e ni t afraid of work. In restau

laio. pnvat» r.iiiiii. .., boardlng-bou««;m di ata « i«.- UROCERY, ISO Kalt:;-. -

ÜSEFl'L-MAN Bj mTiMle-Bgsd Americanman oil flrlf«, i'*.»!he, man a» useful

man, lanli i. or to take mr» of stack; wifeSi hoiasBlllfp«« .,r a»*l»tant; linlel. boardIng-housa or privat« family; etty ur «asm*try; «.««I reference« Aawresa «'. at M.I'.i k II u-. Kloi.il I'.ok. N-^h _

SEFI l. man" h aing man, S3, in pri¬vate farilk .a'. Wall "ii table, tots! sb

¦l.i ,,'\ ,,; country; r«f«r«ao«, jonks.:i«i Ebb) .'!.: «i

4KKII. MAN wlshe» u f»B m»re furnaceslo alten.« I.. fir«!-«'lus* referenie». Ad-

*-aSB a.. H OAI.WAY S» Wat 2T<h-«t.


Male ,ISEI-'EI.-MANTo work »round house;.an varnish furniture and paint; <">der-

aUllda »team h»ater anJ furnai-e«; w Ming.Sober ami obliging; >it>' referen.-e» U. 1..II 113 IM sve_t'SEFI I. MAN waata wart at anything;»idling and obliging, not afraid of w->k:

be«t reference« K.. MB W«St «fflfc-St.SEF1 l.-MAN -B) truaiworth« youngman In |i-.vate farnilv underslaiid« .are

of ailver, bis»»»«, window» and furnace«:...i- gentleman'« clothe«: exi-eiient rliy r-f«erencra E II. W, llov 1 LCI Broadway.'; -KITT. M \\ '"«p.,I»« fir«.- W attend

or i.ili-i »nk In pitva'e family ui i...»r.i.Ing-houa» food refertmce. ROBERTOREEN -lu Wssi ,'iitli »i.___VALET B) a young EngItahman a» val«-t

., attendanl to invalid g»ntleinan;efflilem lu atl dull»«; London referencesHi,.1 ..n- yaar'a Boatan B. A. I.f2t Broad¬way.


VALET or 8E«70ND-MAN B) Fran hman willing and ..bilging. unjer«tand»

hi» .lulle» very well; jio...l r»f-t»n« »«

M A ROE LIN EBRARD, 1 ft «Va« I BtRh-St.WAITER.- Young loloi-d man In flr»t-

¡a*» pii« jie family Hi»' I»»» elti refer-- - Iddrees J II 2 «»S3 Sd-av«,


Female.A VI-ITIN«! govern«-»«. «iig.i»'d moir.i-g«.so-- piano lesson« afternoon» «f«»i '1lock; * «uperlor : hnk|U« gu«r«nt»ej;

lilldr n and l,»slnn»r» lnt.-i->:-.'. by pl^-j»-«j.t methods; lu n-«u esperten*-« Addi»»» t'NEXCBPTIONABLE TEHTIMOff-IALS TrlbUM Igene), ISS Ea»t 4*th-»lA A I..A..Bt'TCLÎFF'B Intern«: on»1Employment 4g»ti. v S2B Ith-sve., -.-j.

Rellsble help, both ma!' «lid fe¬in « - fi i o v ,,i ., ...m :i \

A Vol'NO ORRMAN «Toman having a. led.1« K-« -. r.«--» In a faiiiüv fot (i i'eg » g«

» h j poslilofl *¦ companion r .i an in-laay. ¦¦. a« (.. laekeeper; u.» high-

»«i i- ommsndatlon» will h» fumlahed;-r- .<-. I,» *».-n »' No. Ill» W*«< «:. 11

A WIDOW wiih 4 children desire« a .:.at ..m - :-jhT:k ij-.o., V. r: ».

:« Trlb n.».

a KESPKCTÂBÏ.K « iriisn w«ñ.'« work byIII» da'. !>-» '" r»fe, »r V lie«» ll«i

,:.-. Wd-»t., ihird b« II, k hi id «'«l»

» N 'ItTIIEHN LADY <'f »»peilei»-'-' d7"- i pi« lion ¿i« housekeeper or *s»i»-

«.-it In h H ithern hotel or travellingis« lha (\milng «eaaon; compensate

n derate; leferencea, Address Ms» 15._Mt. Airy. North ''a«.-! n..

COMPANION. SERSE or I'Ol'RIER.-Bymi English woman; thoroughly «\p»n-

I si -«1 a ...I Untat«!, «aller and packer;IilKi»l\ recommended, Y B, F., Tnl.uneurt"..".¡Ia.mukI'.MAll. tn~d WAITRESS B

« hoi In privai» family; n« objection.. ling >.>«>. reference, .">:!1 We»,

isth-at.COMPANION SECRETARY B)who « ishea is go abraad, to a lady:

«r-laiv no I¦:. referen« -*. BLAIR. Ad-ver,,sing (IB », ï,l«>ï 31 a .-..

COMPANION..A lady of reflnemeni .¦ position ¦« mother'« «»»iatsnt or com

panIon wilting and i-ompetent; »jest rwf-s I'll losing

CERTAINS o in» Up equal to n*»v

»peclsltv «if fancy lacea; cleaning gusr«,.-.. .i «... | delivered fre» ofri g« «n «hori n at Ire; fane) waahlngm «i ironing lone it reeldenre ,«. iteelred;prl » n.. d-'£.'e. M'» Rl« l»T, liai Weal.'7' i-al »fn -i Fa«CHAMBERMAID By a refmed von,

siil. '. to is« 1.* no«'«lr« work and plain.-».in», tarn »Ve*« :.. .,n- nithi up.

CU wil'.KM «||. an WAITRESS Hy a

girl: g "..I refel -i- - Csn b* na« 101 (.-...

CHAMBERMAID »nd WAITRESS Kvon. a « neat sew '-"."« Easl

l.V ..-

CHAMBER* UI» .V. B) v«lin|woman a» f1r*t-e|«»a ... ii.»i inai.l

a »Id pi iln »ewlng hsa be«if» rncea Call a' preeen -i. ployer'»,

4« V -¦ ilBth -.


gh .... ,u* In ii» oiiniry, In a pi«..» r.i'.-i.:.. plain «ewlng. n j Ii '"ij.m, Wea. Sïi -

i! »MBERM UI« *. Bj itierma Id « do «¦ « ng a llllng

and ... In ng go »1 ref. I. K...I 22" BroadWa«

« IIÁMBERM Ui' a i'.- "

-. m n.: » add «.¦ » will .v .-¦..

Ing. I» a good . ling a:..,., /, .:« «-' 2 i -ii« '-.i re«« ¦- »'« |jkl Addre»« \ D B2I

i >i <k I-', si la»« Uei m in .u ..

.. .,., ,n cook ' M dinner pa, tie»,aeelx. Addre«« Mi*. KELLER.

I.Ml 1- B<««.. ,K. *i B>- a ng « >m»n In private

inderaiand« »II kin I« if eooklng:--«. »im waahlng can lake full

¦rg« ' kin hen Iddres* MARY DERN,j m ., postuin ,. \....i-,-i«-\

.n «i» jiiJ EAI'NDREBB tlv rapabtav inei an l'i. leaianl ref«

;,la Swediah girl FLOYD'S, I.2SS Roada near .Tid«t. elation.

-i ¡K Ci Fren I Idle ««» noLI», lion s « Ne« Ï »

eren .. good plain cool tin ALICE 223'', .-. u

m 'K ii. Pi .. ,-. s «A' 126 la.m »v young a IA«

...' EN, i»«a i,-.. avei".i i' «l J-- .'..-.

' .r '« da« «. 4-7 w iv»

'.Iv .t v. « - ..... ing ,«.

¦ 'all Mn MALMHERO ::.'.-' 4H a« - ipwta, r»

".K ''II IMBÍÍRMAÍD.-B« two girl« inprivate 1 » «»-

Iddr»»« I. IONES, -TJ.%|\ e«| STth-»!

i. «tv !¦',« ». la«» in.v ,,iilJ ,i » -'

.- v r-s» M H a :'.,« Dig We»12

I.AI NUREMS \. i | m M lie,

u hum -i n. inenda »Ither a»'i ii.M J7 v\ .-«.

m ,-.. ...

. .v ¡I »MÙERM UI' Ac-Bv twogl i i« |

.... 11 .-.¦.-

aalt re«» clt) int. v 4.....; «; ,

-i 'K .-. i ;. tpe «table «-ornan .-

-.« ,.'.. an., I one I. »re: ».;i

r», .n mended 'all ¦* ójv*. ii. l> 117West I2d ii

... .k r-, »l -:. ...k m»- ,. '. he p .. -

4 ve.ii«' nrst-elaaa m reference; thor.ighl) undertianda hei business; I»», »m

pi --: ...«. be »»-n Address '."Jt* w-»-|:c.i: -' lop Baoi

i » .;; lio i Herman. in «mall fanTail 341 Eu«' Bin «i "i Hal

COOK Flrst-cla»«; underatand« ¦..I famll) i-ooklng; el«) referen »-. t"-."«

Ea«l 46COOK. -Help with waahlng: reference* no

. Fla«, T7«li «t.

in.iU WUTHE.-S inj CHAMBERMAID".Two competent Bwedlab girl», togelbe.-,

sepal ate; ...k will a»»Wf washing refer.., .- Mr» MALMURRU, 153 tth-ave


.«in« (iv rompeieni i-ook; no olj«-«-ii«jiito a board ng houae; i.e^i référencée; «-an

' r two 'l.i a MS Weal BSth «t.,

iin'K Knglich Prol»«t«nt; »j«;i and Iron¦mall íj in v clt] n« .»iJ». i'aü ..'Uo

w »«i gtth-«iCOOK Profeatani --una woman »se»i

|et|. plain -MiU reliable, rlran nice plu. «

country; city referen,,.. :i:u Ka«vu -. bascmeniCOOK AÑD


LAI'NDRESS Uyreliable young wotnsn; good hies,I an.

id», uit maker; <-uv reforenr* j-ji ..

SSlh «i l flight ha.'k.niiK Rlderty «¡-unan woman: wash an.I

,,.,!, .., laundry work; ure« m,,re foigood lióme; l,-«i references. Mi«. FARlit:I. ÏIM We«r «i-.M-*r . 2,1 tli.or.


ir.TV. 21 Blhle House, supplies nur«-«

trained and untrained; matrons, houaekeep...ii«, stenographers, etc. Dom*«tlc I>»|.ar:men: .',.. Hihle HoUS*. «ilpplle* all xi« I-.

,,r domestic help.DAT s WORK tu respectable «on«n >.J«as.iMi !r>i«i ani hous*c'.esB«r Niks

I.IEBENOW, SO! Waal ISBth-st., n-inpu-wolf i"i..


FIRST '"t 4SS LAUNDRY wan!« star«family, ladias' ant gem's washing; 19

rem* «tosan; cúrtalas, to cent« a pa'r4:t«i Kg« 17th »t

QOVERNltaa \u s Oermsa nurserygoverness, »peaking Preach. Itsllsn anl

Rngllsh '.i groB'n hililren. or a* nisi,I toyoung lady; hlal.lv recommended A«Mr»B«v. Ilka We». felb-St.i;oVKHxi-:sy -Roman <-a-.t"i u.'. i-artainine. \ Is:una gov«rn*Sa, wish»» »ncas«

u.eii!. Mm» FRENC, Dltsaa's, au; Ho.adwa\

lli.rsKw H'tK Hi « '«aWmaw-Americaswoman tor general hoasfWorit in conn-

iry: be« ref«r«Be* SM Isi ave. iup «joor.HÖISKWORK or >;«iK it. n»,t SÍ-.,i. ii

girl; i-apabt* laundr««*; country or «By,ur. gth-av».OOVERNEBS A young woman a« govsrs-e,* tu leaiti French, Ocrman an.i music:

nm»t be a good »»wer, city referen.» rr-

guliej. Apply i East T4UI «t after 1».. Ii k.

llOt'SEWORK. H. » rasp« rtable sin ?7,7hun,-«m!. In rial. m. lefer-n. .«. WILL.

IAMB. 12'. Went 2">tli «t._HOt'SEWORK ii. a ytmag »-nm,i i-, ,iaSeneial hull». ».., I. v«e|| i., «mnieiidsd.

Apply Mr» HATWAED, 24d We»t tath-WHoi'SKWoHK By a yoaag «in Ist7*i>Uniled. to do dght houseBork. Applv at

1«5 Kasi lO-at^t.. Srs< floor._IIOI'SE'wORK l!v a young «-onian, Kng-

llsh. to il.i ge-u-rai h.iuiew.irk; good, plainrook, good references. E. v., <ar» ofli.olev. 13) Weit 53d St.

il. iCSrKEEPKR. Suparlnfadtag lu.uaeTk»»p«r; four >»srs' experience .. ,», West

.'.îlh-*!.. lak»a charge of »-nanti, menu*,»iippl'e« bill»; all Ih* l.iisui. rs of t-oB-,i.i,Una the house, wishes slmllat post'ion.testlnt'.nlala «nd best leferrncea. AddresaS. B. P.. SSI West 45ili-it., or call afternooa


MRS. L 8EELT.«8 WE8T an-ST..



aTRICTLT INVESTIOATEO..Vrvant* breaking engagement* Will ,

h* dii-.il«i»d from offl. « and forfeit «II .

cm te fe« paid.Brooklyn unto». Sid Fulto«-««-.

Corner Hanovsr Place.

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbL»'.MRS DR WITT WILSONS tEMPLOYMENT Bl'KEAtJ. I

330 0th-ave.. IAllSBSIIy with Mr«. L. Seeley. IK.relgn and Domestic Help t

of all kind«. IA!! orders promptly tided: iperlat at- I

'.ntlo-i to eaUAiry orJer»; references sra :»trletly Inveitlgsted and en file. :

htOCSRKKKPER By «n American In a

prtvata tan, !.. mem,ilion in or outof iliy: m«*t reliait« refereac* l it B.,21 Bin. House.HOCSEKEErER .,- QOMFANION tlyAmerican ,a.h «>i to tea. h children;

Kew-Vork refer«nc« Aa>iaB Mr»» P., SfiWashlngton-al Morrlatowa. N. .1.

H"1 SÊKEEP~BK II .. BwedlBh ¡ady";city referencs Mra KORN, 2i;i East

MtJ il R«,,,HÖiVework By a young Seandtaa-e-

1.1:1 gilt; g.ivl .00k washer «ml ,.r»-;citv or country : botH ,,1 privat« family:

lS*B 41« «ill-ave.

SPWORK Two «'ail 1.lia-, «i«:»,« WM*«7PU«'». 'O ,1.1 Rene'III BOlk of B ll..ll»e '«-

gethei 01 sepatah Iddreaa MARIA, 2Î.u -¦ Mm uHOI SEWÖRK h. a "aliisi assistant houseworker, ... nnr»e m a

l-.il.l van-e«, up; pity m u uni'. lîSJÏBtQ-ave., JA«.*QPIN'S,IIÓt'SEWOftK -A~«i 1 and ih-si W»i«hHill » i', .1,, l.ousewoik Of *s COBÉ aB-l

laundress 1« alan acr-uMoWted !¦> «alnasand cliamberwBrk city or euaatry; retar«

- .in: .;. .1' «

H0CSEW«5RK He ., iñiddl« aged Freâsîwoman ran milk I» good geiMtal Sgf»

\»ni. city .,- eoantrt goad referencesLATIRLE. 2.'. W'.«i ;i.-,Hiii.

HOI'REWORK v ..,|.,i.-.i wotnan wi*h»-place ... d, general hnuaework iti »mall

faiiilh Addie«« IDV TI't'KER Bos IT.ihun» L'ptown OnVe 1242 Broadway.

IEWORK -« girl wlahea ... ,lo h- u*»-

» irk. «'»11 l«<¡ Baal Id-si i.«|, iloor.

ii.ii .-i-:\-,iitK.--H. a >« ing gtH b«'«ivi.o.l. J: willing and ..biu/inif. ZM East

4.VI.-«-llbrsKWORKER H . ci.,nah!, »--

pei-l.n, .J (([il a« genera! Imusewiii ker ;

best ,-felem-. IIS Aii.-1-..-ain a. 2d

floor, r»ar. _

ïi« .1 si:t< t;i:i*i:t' superintending i.--i*»-

l;eep»i four v»*r»- expetlenc» at 5 West

E>7th-»l mi.'« harge oí «ervaats. menus,

..iipplle«. bills: atl the business of con-

.lu'-in« he h..u«e «rtslte* «mular paaJtteaitestimonial« snd best referen«««»*. Ad-lresss. H. P., 22« v.-«: ittlcst., sr all aft#r-BOB,HOrgEWORK.-Bi lid gilí; I« w»l|recommended: «ttustlon in »mull tanvtr

in country. HOCSEWORK. '.. PstchaaPi«c*. iv-.i I0th-M., s«ar «(have,, fir»tno¦-. _____

TlOl'SEKEEt'KI'.. Ii. He.man l».lv. Mrs.TRMKN, 210 Eaal SOI »t,_KITCHENMAID a lad) wlah«* to >*e-

lunmend i-ery hlghlj her kltcheamaM a

S, -.1- v. IS :- Ing n.'¦. he. BUB* shei» i,..t nee.1. |b «inter. Inquira of Juni¬or. 101 Park-ave. _

I.At'KDRESS.- v ,.-,-¦ ih'e girl wish««a iltuatlnn n-«i«i wli chamberwortl and

i,e«. ,¦.-»¦ referme«.. im WaMatbth'Bl.LACNDRESS. 4 young woman wishes a

-, istloi - i lain laundress and »»«1stIn It hen. in boarding house. lits D.

»WEENY Ml We»l Slit-it.I.AI'NDRKSS First la**. In a prl' it»

famll) go« -I i Itv references, «'alt fn: S, « st 211 :'¦-' Mst-st.

!» I'ÑDRESS, i- '- »' Ptl -n

,-.,.. reference« ..', do Hie til,.! f

cloth«**: I« n«.i :«. Bid .' « '¦ JACtlL'lira..... «Ih-aV «

¡A'Ni.'tESs. it- laundress.Herman, f..r Mondav and ¦puesday; pocA

referen«* Mr«. KKYjtER :::: a *

i vi'Y s MAIP ¦".' ¦ North «'¦ rmtaitand« i-- *: V*>A rtre**-...... | need «Wi -. WOOM

.,, m in Air-;'..in famllH .. i. -¦ .:.,-. «earn» ... I* w-i-,'«-.l. i-»«.

r.re.ence». AddrSSB A \-\ US, 13llBi idwa) _.


. ii -.- -, ... - ind pack*«;B III iik a".I nUlglnS be«l ItJ i.-f-i-n.-s.M I: 2li Wert 2.VI. »'

LADY'S MAIL U> s.-~li*h w man:

good Bean --¦ * sn I packer;u, n .,-- ,i.- u ,t> referen« e.

I K 24.', \\ «1 28th .'


sapei .. o per* n, »peaking French and

English; .v,,-:!.i car» foi growing chlldr«»;be,« .-f reference iddreaa FRENCH. 21BBS« lions*IAHVS MAID lo mpetenl FrenchProtestant, *p*aklns t>iaii«ti und «*.er-

ir,m: good * am»'!»-» an,I i|r»»«mak»r:«" ¦¦ reference« >-.i!i si 1C4 W»et

:!«i'l.-s-Mllh ,--.

¦¦ .1 ¦. hah"-l -«<-! embroldei v. oan

SB« k cltj referen - I. «' Bos 1«'. I.9MBroad» .

MVIH ., .1 KKAMSTRESH l: :..i K'«*li*h gli ¦ go. -I ktv-wl-

«.'ii» >.r drersmaking «...! of elt« i-fe--tddreaa C M <: Bos .'." 1.2«.

II- ,.'n. a»

MÎDDLE-AOEU colored wman fo« da«'«work i « «: BENNETT, ".2«

W»»i t.'. h «¦ ringn -. rj. am - lo growing children or mal.l ».

M.-.-ir i..',' g.H«l lewer and go .1 cltj i-f

.-.-i ?". u .-, ' imll T. T <ar«

Mrs L M «St» WeiMi:«!. v- r ¦¦ in a« ' «

all ng to **»'*' srlth chantar*.,. ,nd sewlni »feral I I -«

P T.. OUI West I«_

Ni'riSI-, Si It-, .i»

>. pia » ..,, infai t'i nurse m minihlhli. n snd a -.-¦ w-iih upsi.i «

v. ,.,.. v.-, »¦ referen - sad doctor's4 IS West IT" -' Ing Smith"! hell

M'RKI Belli ' gtrl SS nur»*

ill Ind« of «I .«¦ .«« iinderBtaaata .-a-e

||| kind« Of U'"e-feei|in«;I clt, ¦'..n. I. i^ril

addreai likl Ea«' 127-h.'.. m'a bell

NI'RSËRY ipivERNKSS leOfBJ vp«-f....-.-. ihm iiighl« i-o :-,-i.iti.is the cue nf

'hlldren. I« qua« ipabl» of taking -ntlrei f -.ret* henv-.-ti ih« age« "t n ¡md

in highest reference given fi.-m formeremployer« M i¿ II 4nô Park a.e

\ I.».- ,;.¦-., Aniei u ,n gi:I t, ,k*

i-ar, of rhUdran snd as*:.«t with h',u«e-I .. "."..-. i I'.'- '.¦ .;. F.. D.

Kl'RSK i. mpetenl Infant'« nur»e;willing to a««1-! wi-'i chsmber work or

pan »ewlng; 4 rears' referenc» Pi«ca'.t a1 ¡MS) 2.'av.

M H«K -Oerman girt! Ii. mind childrennd do ligh' hour*work: »le.p i¡.,me. 2.12

Reth-ft.M'KSK « v |. ,-¦ n .,- r':iir-« nurSS

Ii, prívale famll] t«« .».irs' ref,.|..n.»r-,.,,1 last place. L'a .- K. M *»*>W-s- 4'', II

S'l'RSK or CHAMBERMAID l!\ a smart

young girt, lately landed: ran tie w«ttreco.nmended. Addre«* MISS M AKTIV.«:.-.' 2.1-nv...Kl'RSE -By « competent Protestant, «i

lake «ailre charKe of young chlldireaiii»r»onai leferene. Address or .all îii\Vt*i ...11 it_RKLÎ ABLR i'iiim DJ ih« dar:

th s'« i*»« Isandress; g».«l cook; can dosay kind of hoa«ework; capabl« and ;rii«t-

:?".,« We«- «KHtvitSEAMSTRESS :in I diessmaker, i lllll|l»ll1,w.ll a»«l>« with chamberwork; 7 »cars'

.eferenc»» all at 22" West 1«Ph-«t


competent »»amatree« and ilr-»«m;ik»r;assist rhamherwork: 7 v»ai-«' i»f»rencee.'.»II at r.!7 Weal Irtth-et._ _

SEAMSTRESS .ml MAID Inders',ind«dresamaking thoroughly; Brsi run« refer.

enees: can he seen 10 to 12 "i and t«. 4 p in < nil Tu«Sd«y, L'.l We.-t .Vith.

St., our Mr*. «Tl»»». __________SKAMSTHES- U% a ..-pe tab!« <!¦ rmss

woman a» Brsi nasa «esmstraas m pri¬vate famille« ai«.- «.¦.». rttrtalaa sad par»i tarea Mrs. ,'. 1.840 3d-«v«_SRAMSTRESS B) ¦ lung womaa »n pri¬

vate fiiniiv a» ii«-«' i.."« eaaaMtraas, un-

derstand» dr.«sarnaking; »Tiling "> sssistchamber* «>ik. '.'Iii We». ?.i»ih-»i.

SEAMSTRESS 'Mn .ill »nd ft; msk»shlllren's «To.he»; i» »< illln* to <11 I «ht

(liamhi-rwoik: :i'.. veai»- r«f»r»aca. Sln-i-'uian h-n. liai Am«terd«m-«ve,_VISITING OOVERN'ESS I!v North «Ter-man i«dv tsarfees Human. Engii»h.

French. pl«n I.I ye« a' »xn-rlence. Ad-dress v. «;.. 120 W»»t Mth-st._WASHINO. a rtrsi ,-- d laundrasaWith iiiiHiiipa*»«-'! fj.-t'.ltle« and references

»telles Ken!»' »lid family vvael'.ne by weekor donen. «)p»n »i- «livin» Address Mr».JOHNSON, 131 We« *Rh_< _

WASHINE B» r»»p.-.t:ibf» woman las.. ..ut *v.i«ht!ip or cleaning; bast ief»r-

»ii». Mrs MI1.I.»:k 314 Ea»t 3S«.h-«t...M (1..,.i.M ASltlN«: By ¦ >¦. »pe.-table colored«olían t.. ., waahlng ..t saws: su."i

laiindi».-«. M. FIELD«, Ml W.«»t 25th-«tWASIIINU. *.-.-Uy a r»»pe- table woman

t«i do waahlng end house .leaning, or¦a-.- charge or a tía'. Addle«« «06 Aavaterdam-av«. m i-

WASHIKQ..Family and geatl«m«s's snags»in«, lie per do7«n: o|«en-alr d.ylng.

Mi«. < llltlSTIAN. 311 Weal ¡Klth-at.WAITRESS. H> » capable >..ung 'sw-de*.I'h girl; «an csrve, serves wine and wstta

In «'yle. JA.Ql INS. UU2 «th-ave._WAITRESS, irr -Hy a «ilored girl wait*le»», chambermaid, tiouaewnrk. Addresa

WALKER. ;iai West 41».-»t Taylor'« ball.

WAITRESS.-By a young girl: willing to

sa»l»t with rhamberwork: willing andiildlgln«: gre-i reference«: city or country.Address H. M P.. Hox 20. 1.242 H may

WAITRESS^By it~young girl a« competen«waitress undcrstanda carving, wine« and

»ilver; belt New-York City référença; wlñ-ing and obliging. AdUrnaa N. K, M., Be«21. 1.242 Browdaay.