Rev. Douglas Cunningham, Administrator


Transcript of Rev. Douglas Cunningham, Administrator

Thoughts on Baptism

Rev. Douglas Cunningham, Administrator

The Baptism of the Lord

P.O. Box 711 Whitney Point, New York 13862 Parish Halls: WP(607)692-3357

M(607)849-3630 (607) 692-3911 Fax: (607) 692-7171

As announced or by appointment

Please contact the rectory to make arrangements.

Whitney Point: Monday-Thursday, 9AM-Noon

Email: [email protected] Website:

January 10, 2021

I walk into the church for weekend Mass. There they are in the front pews. Two smiling young couples, some

older faces and the baby, dressed in the long , white gown. A Baptism! Mass will be long—probably 15 minutes

longer, I think. Ugh!

I like to think that I’ve grown in wisdom and grace as well as age since having those thoughts. I’m not sure

just what did cause the 180 degree turn around—maybe it WAS wisdom and grace but now I have an entirely

different perspective on the Sacrament of Baptism.

I look at that child now and pray for him/her. “Oh, Little One, you have no idea how important this day is or

what it truly means. Original Sin has been washed away and you are now a Child of Grace! The Spirit of God has

come to you to direct and guide you in the steps of Christ all of your life. It unites you with Jesus in the most intimate

way, bringing you into the Family of God with the right to call God ‘Abba, Father.’ You are receiving a commission

to bring light to the world, to serve God by serving His people. This is your first step ---a constant sharing in the

Divine Life of Christ!”

I pray for the family, especially the parents that they will truly know and appreciate the significance of this

day, that they as the ceremony confirms, will be the first teachers of the Faith for this new little Child of God. May

they have the wisdom and knowledge to carry out the challenge and the privilege!

Thoughts of Baptism also make me wonder what goes through the mind of an adult who, by his/her own

choice, seeks Baptism. While the child cannot understand the significance, the adult surely can. What is in their

thoughts as the water washes away their Original Sin AND all the sins of their past life? He/She starts anew on this

journey with Christ. How will it change his/her life? WILL it change his/her life?

I will never forget one Easter Vigil. The priest baptized 3-4 people of various ages. One was a woman, whom

I’d guess to be in her late 30s. She never stopped smiling! She was dressed nicely, although not in white. She wore

the Baptismal garment given her by the parish at the ceremony. I did not know her, but the only word I could think of

was “radiant.” The perfect word for someone who has just outwardly become a Child of God!

Jesus accepted Baptism from John. He did not need it! He was sinless. By immersing Himself in the waters of

Baptism, He put Himself on the side of sinners and assumed the burden of our sins. It was one more way of sharing in

our humanity and its timing launched His ministry of service to His Father and to all humankind. And the Father sent

the Spirit as an outward sign that He was appointed Savior of the world. Linda Caminiti

Responsorial Psalm for today, January 10th:

You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.

CCSSCCSSCCSSCCSS----SP’s 50/50SP’s 50/50SP’s 50/50SP’s 50/50 There were twelve

participants in our 50/50 for December and the

winner was Linda Caminiti, winning

$60.00. Congratulations! Thank you to all who

participate, proceeds are split between winner

and our parish’s Capital account. There are extra 50/50 envelopes at the

entrances of our churches.

The Creed: I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Gloria Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,

Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Please Take


If you attend

another church

on Sundays,

please check if

they are taking



Thank you.

2020 Hope Appeal-Thank you to all who have donated! Your gift helped us together as a parish to take this opportunity to feed the hungry, counsel the sorrowful, and inform the next generation of God’s gracious plan for our salvation. If you have not yet made your final payments on pledges, we ask that you do so today.

2020 HOPE Appeal Goal for CCSS-SP: $18,591.30 Pledges To Date: $15,192.50 Balance Remaining: $ 3,398.80

Go to and select our parish Pick of the Week: Watch: Reborn - Episode 1: A New Creation

This week, as we contemplate Jesus' Baptism, dive into the mystery of the Sacrament of Baptism!

Through our Reborn series, you will come to understand the deeper meaning behind your Baptism!

Learn: Lectio: Mark, Episode 2: Prepare the Way of the Lord Jesus couldn't have been baptized

without a baptizer. Join Dr. Tim Gray as he explains the opening verses of Mark's Gospel that

depict the ministry of John the Baptist — the man who would baptize Jesus.

Listen: Changed Forever: The Sacrament of Baptism by Fr. Mike Schmitz Renowned Catholic

speaker and priest, Fr. Mike Schmitz, explores the beautiful gift of the Sacrament of Baptism. In

this talk, Fr. Mike provides a wonderful presentation on the waters that give new life:

Changed Forever: The Sacrament of Baptism by Fr. Mike Schmitz

Your Empty Bottles and Cans

With Deposit Returns help fund

The CC of St. Stephen-St. Patrick’s Youth Activities. They can be deposited in

the bin at our Whitney Point

Church parking lot. Thank you for your


Please Pray For Our Following Friends and Family in the Military: 2ndLt. Trevor Jones, PVT2 Averi Hull, Major Corrine Miller, Sgt Megan Ballard, Joshua Lilley, PV2 James McGill, Sgt Heather Fox, Brett Hayes, A1C Brendan Schneider, LCpl John Larkin,Jr.,

USMC, A2C Derek Lescord, SSG Jacob Rau, Devon McGill, SSgt Michael Hetzler, Major Caleb Miller, Daniel Morehouse USMC,

Sgt Nicholas Stone, LCDR Paul McDonald, Major Joy Thomas, Major John Thomas, USMC SSgt Dan Votra, SSG Steven Gross,

SSgt Justin Blaisdell, LCDR Maria Lescord, LCDR Marvin Joel Scott III, 2ndLt. Emily Steele USAF, OS3 Jonathan Schneider,

Sgt Zachary Reardon USMC, & our pastor, LtCol Douglas Cunningham. If you have a friend or family member serving our country and would like their name mentioned weekly in our bulletin, to be kept in our prayers, please contact our parish office.

Weekly Stewardship Report: Sunday, January 3, 2021 Regular Collection: Envs: $2,292. Loose: $742.50 ……………………..Total Regular Collection: $3,034.50 Other Income: Solemnity-Envs:$135. Loose:$39. Christmas-$110. Because of your contributions, we were able to pay the following bills this week: Donation-$100. (NewMinistries) FuelOil:$869. Phone:$51. Salaries-$1,300. ………………………Total Paid This Week: $2,320. Thank you for your TIME, TALENT & TREASURE! Bills to pay next week:$2,300.

New 2020-21 LECTOR WORK

BOOKS and ministry

schedules are in our church sacristies.

If you would like to be on the ministry schedule and have received training or would like to receive training, please contact Justin VanTassel at [email protected] or 607-343-9577.

Whitney Point Marathon Lector: Gene/Matthew Jordan Kathy Cusick Next Sunday: Ingrid Jordak Linda Caminiti Eucharistic Ministers: Cathy Shoemaker, Margaret Fabrocino Eric Barry, Geoff Tyrrell Next Sunday: Kathy Bensley, Peg Orzel Cindy Barry, Don Barry

If you know someone that is ill, facing surgery, or some other kind of difficulty, and needs our prayers, please call Dottie Angel at 656-9230 or Pat Canfield at 849-6978. They will lead the Prayer Chain we have at The CC of St. Stephen-St. Patrick Church. Supporting each other with the Power of Prayer is the best medicine.

If you are not on our Prayer Chain and would like to be, please call our Parish Office, 692-3911.

Our bulletin & OLPH’s can be viewed online at Our face book page:

Please notice additional announcements on our church bulletin boards.

If you know of parishioners that have not been able to come to Mass because they are ill, hospitalized or homebound, please let the Parish Office know so our Hospitality Groups can provide contact with them through visits and cards, or any spiritual needs such as communion, and perhaps they would like to receive a copy of our bulletin.

WP Ecumenical Food Pantry: M-Th & Sat, 10am-Noon, No Evenings. Closed Fridays, Holidays, & when school is closed for inclement weather. Closed 12/24 & 12/31/20 Food Pantry Chairperson: Roger Calice December’s Pantry Need: Peanut Butter & Jelly Clothing Bank: M,T&Sat, 10am-Noon (Closed until 2021) Mobile Food Pantry: Currently cancelled coming to our Whitney Pt Church lot.

Daily Mass Schedule & Intentions

Today, Jan. 10 8:30 AM Whitney Point…for Weston C. Benedict…by Diane Cline

for Steve Hanzlik…by Dorothy Hanzlik

for Garry Crysler…by Dorothy Hanzlik

10:30 AM Marathon…for Lois Herold, 3rd Anniv. …by Dawn Odinek

Tuesday, Jan. 12 8:30 AM Whitney Point…for Lorraine Hunt…by Ron & Jackie Burroughs

Sunday, Jan. 17 8:30 AM Whitney Point…for Michael Thayne…by Ann Thayne

for Lonnell O’Donnell…by Paul O’Donnell

10:30 AM Marathon…for Emilio Reyes…by Jean Drury

Please check website, face book and answering machine if there will be a Communion Service or Mass at

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church this Sunday or any other changes.

Readings for the Week of January 10 through 17, 2021:

Today: Is 55:1-11; 1 Jn 5:1-9; Mk 1:7-11 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Mk 1:40-45

Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Mk 1:14-20 Friday: Heb 4:1-5,11; Mk 2:1-12

Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Mk 1:21-28 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Mk 2:13-17

Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Mk 1:29-39 Sunday:1 Sm 3:3b-10,19; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a,17-20; Jn 1:35-42

Mission Statement for The Catholic Community of St. Stephen - St. Patrick We are a Roman Catholic Community of faith, welcoming the strength found in diversity. We are committed to using our time, talent, and treasure in proclaiming the Kingdom of God through prayer, fellowship, and service.

We experience our unity at the Eucharistic Table of the Lord, and our direction from the Word of God.

Parish Council Parish Council Parish Council Parish Council PARISH STAFFPARISH STAFFPARISH STAFFPARISH STAFF

Chairperson - John Mihalko Director of Faith Formation - Cecelia Carstens, 323-5114

Vice-Chairperson - Dan Burke Ministry Coordinator-Peg Orzel, [email protected]

Secretary - Peg Orzel Church Organist/Music Director - Jennifer Cafferty

Maintenance - (Please call parish office w/maintenance concerns)

Parish Business/Office Manager-Mary Wied Bulletin Deadline: Tuesday, Noon - Phone, Mail or Email, [email protected]

Year of Vocation - Stories of Call The Scripture readings between the Baptism of the Lord which ends the Christmas Season and the beginning of Lent usually present the “call.” accounts, where Jesus calls the first disciples. Jesus calls his disciples to “Come and see” (John 1:39) From the readings this

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, we hear God calling Samuel, and then Samuel responds, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” God is always calling us, beckoning us to be with Him. God calls us in many ways, but it takes the discerning ear and the discerning

heart to hear. Are you listening for God’s voice?

Yarn Needed! If anyone in our churches

has extra yarn they no longer need. The

WP clothing bank will take any kind and

any amount. There are boxes in the back

of both churches for you to put the yarn in.

Thank you.

Our Whitney Point Sunday Mass will be accessible at 8:30am on Sundays.

Subscribe to the Catholic Community of St Stephen-St Patrick Youtube


Today, January 10th, our 1st Eucharist candidates will have their Rite of Enrollment Ceremony during our 8:30am Mass at Whitney Point. Please keep them in prayer as they prepare for their First Communion this year.

Vocation View: In the moment

of our Baptism, we were claimed

by God as his own and set aside for a very

unique purpose. Ever since then, God has

been giving you graces to help you figure

out what that purpose is! Has the Lord

been preparing you to live out your

calling as a priest or consecrated religious?

Call Fr. Jason Hage (315)470-1468 or write:

[email protected].



Prayer Chain - If you would like parishioners to know who is in need of prayer because of

sickness or surgery, please call our parish office, 692-3911. If you would like to be added to the

prayer chain, as one to notify other parishioners, so you are aware of the sick in our parish please contact our coordinators, Dottie Angel at 656-

9230 or Pat Canfield at 849-6978, and you will be called or emailed when a request is made.

Come and Visit with Jesus Did you know that every Thursday evening for one hour, you can come and spend some time with Jesus? Eucharistic Adoration

is just that; a chance to be within His presence and talk to him one on one.

Come for a short amount of time or stay for all of it. Every Thursday, at 7pm,

in our Whitney Pt Church.

A Family Perspective A Family Perspective A Family Perspective A Family Perspective The gospel today points to Jesus’ humanity; like us He needed

RECOGNITION (“You are my Son”), AFFECTION (“My Beloved Son”) and

AFFIRMATION (“With you I am pleased.”) In our families it is easy to focus on irritating behaviors and take for granted all the positives. This New

Year take a lesson from God the Father, be an AFFIRMER and not a BLAMER.

The Sanctuary Candle Burning

for the month of January January January January in our Whitney Pt Church

is In Memory Of:

Catherine & Leslie HoldenCatherine & Leslie HoldenCatherine & Leslie HoldenCatherine & Leslie Holden by Ann Thayne

in our Marathon Church

is in Memory Of: John Ryan John Ryan John Ryan John Ryan by Marie Ryan

Gospel Reflection-If you are interested and

willing to share your thoughts on the Gospel

passage for the front page of the bulletin,

please contact Peg at [email protected].

We write on a rotation basis about once

every six weeks. Dates are scheduled well in

advance so you have time to prepare.

Whole Community Catechesis

Readings and Questions for Discussion

Reading 1- Isaiah 55:1-11

Isaiah calls upon the people to return

to the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm -Isaiah 12:2-3,4-6

A prayer of praise for God's salvation.

Reading 2 - 1 John 5:1-9

The Spirit of Truth testifies on behalf

of Jesus, God's Son.

Gospel - Mark 1:7-11

Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist.

Adults: To whom have you been guilty

of showing partiality?

What can you do to correct that?

Children: How can you help others

feel part of your class’s group’s

games and activities?

This Week In Our Parish

Today, Jan. 10th 8:30am Mass at Whitney Point Church - 1st Eucharist Rite of Enrollment

9:20-11:00am - Faith Formation Classes - Whitney Point Church Hall

10:30am Mass at Marathon Church

Tuesday, Jan. 12th 8:30am Mass at Whitney Point

Thursday, Jan. 14th 7:00pm Adoration - Whitney Point Church

Sunday, Jan. 17th 8:30am Mass at Whitney Point Church

10:30am Mass at Marathon Church