Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

Session 3: Results of the Study on Mul0ple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks Ron Chua Asian Institute of Management 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference June 7-8, 2012 Hyatt Hotel & Manila


Mr. Ronald Chua of the Asian Institute of Managment shares the findings of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 8.

Transcript of Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

Page 1: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

Session  3:  Results  of  the  Study  on  Mul0ple  Lending  and  

the  Challenges  Faced  by  Banks  

Ron Chua Asian Institute of Management

2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference June 7-8, 2012

Hyatt Hotel & Manila  

Page 2: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

Mul-ple  Borrowing    among  Microfinance  Clients  Results  from  an  Area  Study  

Prepared  by    Ronald  T.  Chua  and  Erwin  R.  Tiongson  

April  18,  2012    

Page 3: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

SUMMARY  This  is  a  heroic  a?empt  at  a  summary  

Page 4: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks


•  This  is  not  naConally  representaCve  •  This  is  from  cross-­‐secConal  data  that  mask  the  changes  over  Cme  

•  The  data  are  subject  to  error  •  Data  are  from  mulCple  sources  and  not  fully  consistent  

Page 5: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

Summary  and  Concluding  ObservaCons  

•  Mul-ple  borrowing  exists,  it  exists  in  various  forms,  and  is  not  small.  Though  the  data  sources  cannot  be  fully  consolidated,  they  suggest  the  following  incidence,  along  several  dimensions:  o 5  percent  if  mulCple  borrowing  means  taking  out  mulCple  loans  from  the  same  MFI  

o 14  percent  if  mulCple  borrowing  means  borrowing  from  several  MFIs,  though  there  is  substanCal  variaCon  across  MFIs  

o 77  percent  if  mulCple  borrowing  means  borrowing  from  one  MFI  as  well  as  from  any  other  source  of  finance  

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Summary  and  Concluding  ObservaCons  

•  Mul-ple  borrowers  take  out  mul-ple  loans  for  a  variety  of  reasons.  Some  report  that  a  single  loan  is  insufficient  to  pay  for  a  major  consumpCon  expenditure  or  to  invest  in  a  business  acCvity.  Some  are  aUer  the  auxiliary  services  a?ached  to  various  loans.  


•  We  are  unable  to  find  a  dis-nc-ve  sta-s-cal  profile  of  mul-ple  borrowers.  There  is  some  evidence  to  suggest  that  they  are  older  and  are  on  longer  loan  cycles,  but  otherwise  there  is  (to  date)  no  strong  staCsCcal  links  between  mulCple  borrowing  and  individual  demographic  characterisCcs  as  well  as  characterisCcs  of  the  loan  itself  (size,  loan  cycle,  reported  loan  use).    

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Summary  and  Concluding  ObservaCons  

•  There  is  no  evidence  that  mul-ple  borrowing  is  associated  with  delinquent  payment,  at  least  not  among  the  acCve  clients.    

•  This  should  be  interpreted  with  cau-on.  This  indicates  the  average  observable  outcome  to  date.  We  are  unable  to  say  anything  meaningful  about  the  likelihood  of  falling  into  delinquency.  There  are  large  differences  in  the  availability  of  informaCon  on  missing  payments  and  the  data  are  not  fully  consistent  across  MFIs.  Furthermore,  the  sample  represents  a  parCcular  urban  community.  It  is  not  clear  whether  this  relaConship  holds  more  generally.    

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SELECTED  RESEARCH  FINDINGS  1.  Branch  Client  Data  

Page 9: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

Branch  Client  Data:  Selected  Results  

14  percent  

Incidence  of  Mul-ple  Borrowing  •  On  average,  14  percent  of  MFI  clients  •  SubstanCal  variaCon  across  MFIs  (4-­‐26  percent)  

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Branch  Client  Data:  Selected  Results  

Incidence:  Within-­‐MFI  Mul-ple  Borrowing  •  “Within-­‐MFI”  mulCple  borrowing  also  exists,  i.e.,  mulCple  loans  from  the  same  MFI  •  Most  cases  appear  to  be  known  to  the  MFI  •  Some  may  not  be  known  (borrowing  from  several  branches)  

•  On  average,  where  they  exist,  within-­‐MFI  mulCple  borrowers  represent  5  percent  of  all  MFI  clients  

•  Some  overlap  with  mulCple  borrowing  as  defined  previously  (14  percent)  

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Branch  Client  Data:  Selected  Results  

Number  of  Loans  •  Most  mulCple  borrowers  have  loans  from  only  2  MFIs  •  About  15  percent  of  mulCple  borrowers  have  loans  from  3  or  more  MFIs  

Page 12: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

Branch  Client  Data:  Selected  Results  

Share  of  Outstanding  Loans  •  Loan  sizes  tend  to  be  uniform.  As  a  result,  the  share  of  loans  accounted  for  by  mulCple  borrowers  tend  to  be  proporConal  to  the  incidence  of  mulCple  borrowing  (14  percent)  

•  However,  among  mulCple  borrowers  who  also  take  out  mulCple  loans  from  the  same  MFI  (within-­‐MFI  mulCple  borrowing),  their  share  of  all  outstanding  2nd  or  3rd  loans  within  the  same  MFI  tends  to  be  large  (40  percent).  

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Branch  Client  Data:  Selected  Results  

Correlates  •  In  general,  no  strong  evidence  linking  mulCple  borrowing  to  specific  lengths  of  membership,  loan  cycles,  client  age,  and  other  demographic  pa?erns.    

•  There  are  some  suggesCve  pa?erns.    •  MulCple  borrowers  with  two  or  three  loans  tend  to  be  on  longer  loan  cycles.    

•  MulCple  borrowers  also  tend  to  be  somewhat  older  

Page 14: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

Branch  Client  Data:  Selected  Results  

Delinquency  •  There  is  no  evidence  that  mulCple  borrowing  is  associated  with  

delinquent  payment,  at  least  not  among  the  acCve  clients.    •  This  should  be  interpreted  with  cauCon.  This  indicates  the  

average  observable  outcome  to  date  and  does  not  at  all  address  the  possible  impact  of  economic  or  income  shocks  and  whether  mulCple  borrowers  can  fall  into  delinquency  as  a  result.    

•  There  are  large  differences  in  the  availability  of  informaCon  on  missing  payments.  The  data  are  not  recorded  consistently  across  MFIs.  

•  May  reflect  business  opportuniCes  in  a  parCcular  urban  community.  The  economics  may  differ  in  other  communiCes,  including  rural  communiCes.  

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SELECTED  RESEARCH  FINDINGS  2.  Household  Survey  

Page 16: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks













Credit  card


Family,  friends



Government  banks


Private  moneylender

Lending  investor

Private  commercial  banks



Percent  of  Indebted  Households(By  source,  in  percent  of  all  households)

Household  Survey:  Selected  Findings  57  percent  of  households:  at  

least  one  outstanding  


Only  6.8  percent  of  

households  are  MFI  clients  

Page 17: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

Household  Survey:  Selected  Findings  

No  debt43%

Single  debt25%

Multiple  debt32%

Distribution  of  Households  (By  level  of  indebtedness)

This  chart  refers  to  all  households.  Of  the  MFI  client  households  alone,  77  percent  are  “mulCple  borrowers”,    all  sources  of  finance  considered.  

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Household  Survey:  Selected  Findings  

2  loans29%

3  loans38%

4  loans9%

5+  loans24%

Multiple  Borrowers  among  MFI  Clients(By  number  of  loans)

2  loans47%

3  loans25%

4  loans16%

5+  loans12%

Multiple  Borrowers(By  number  of  loans)

These  charts  show  mul-ple  borrowers  by  number  of  loans  (all  sources  of  finance  considered)  •   For  mulCple  borrowers  as  a  group,  52  percent  have  3  or  more  loans.  •   For  mulCple  borrowers  MFI  clients  as  a  group,  71  percent  have  3  or  more  loans  

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Household  Survey:  Selected  Findings  

One  loan  is  insufficient  to  start  or  expand  business.


A  recent  shock  (illness,  death,  job  


Part  of  the  loan  was  used  to  pay  for  

tuition8%Part  of  the  loan  

used  to  pay  off  existing  debt


One  loan  is  insufficient  to  pay  

for  a  major  consumption  

expenditure,  etc.46%

Multiple  Borrowing:Self-­‐Reported  Loan  Use  

Page 20: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

Household  Survey:  Selected  Findings  How  Many  Times  Did  You  Miss  Payments    

The  Last  3  Months?    



Twice  or  more10%

All  Indebted  Households



Twice  or  more13%

Multiple  Borrowers

There  is  no  evidence  that  mul-ple  borrowing  is  associated  with  higher  delinquency,  compared  with  average  indebted  household.  •   Caveat:  based  on  self-­‐reported  informaCon  •   This  is  from  cross-­‐secConal  informaCon  or  informaCon  from  a  single  point  in  Cme  

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SELECTED  RESEARCH  FINDINGS  3.  Focus  Group  Discussions  

Page 22: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

FGDs:  Selected  Findings  

•  ParCcipants  consisted  of:  o MFI  members  known  or  who  have  admi?ed  to  having  loans  from  at  least  one  other  MFI  

o  Branch  staff  •  MFI  clients  were  selected  by  MFI  staff.  Only  criterion  was  that  they  have  borrowed  or  have  current  loans  from  at  least  two  MFIs  

•  Each  group  consisted  of  8  to  12  discussants  

Page 23: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

FGDs:  Selected  Findings  

Profiles  of  FGD  parCcipants  •  A  number  of  parCcipants  are  center  chiefs  or  group  leaders  in  the  MFIs  

•  Have  had  many  years  of  borrowing  experience  •  Long  Cme  residents  of  Commonwealth  (one  had  been  resident  in  area  for  30  years)  

Borrowing  behavior  reported  •  Borrowed  sequenCally  from  several  MFIs    •  Borrowed  simultaneously  several  MFIs  

Page 24: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

FGDs:  Selected  Findings  

On  prolifera-on  of  lending  sources  •  Clients  observed  that  there  has  been  an  increase  in  the  number  of  

lenders  in  the  area  recently,  as  recent  as  the  past  year  (2010-­‐2011)  •  Clients  appreciated  the  availability  of  more  choices  •  Some  cited  concerns  about  their  own  inability  to  repay  so  

expressed  preference  to  stay  with  one  MFI    

Reasons  for  borrowing  from  mul-ple  sources  •  To  maximize  benefits.    No  one  single  MFI  offers  a  whole  range  of  •  Obtain  sufficiently  large  consolidated  loan  from  several  MFIs  as  one  

MFI  loan  is  not  sufficient  for  their  needs  •  To  meet  emergency  needs  •  To  try  out  other  sources  •  To  stagger  payments  (mulCple  loans  from  the  same  MFI  are  paid  on  

the  same  day;  mulCple  loans  from  mulCple  loans  can  be  staggered)  

Page 25: Results of the Study on Multiple Lending and the Challenges Faced by Banks

Lenders Identified by FGD Participants

FGD  1&2   FGD  3&4   FGD  5&6   MFI  Staff  

8   10   8   45