Results & analysis

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  1. 1. Results & AnalysisBy Kamara Burrows
  2. 2. Music Website SurveyResults
  3. 3. Q1 & 2Q1. Do you visit Music Websites?100% of the people who complete my survey watchmusic videos, which means there is a wide audiencefor our video.Q2. How old are you?The majority of those who completed mysurvey were aged between15-25
  4. 4. Q3 & 4Q3. What is your favourite Music Website? AndWhyThe most popular music websites that came upwere:MtvChris BrownBeyoncCapital ExtraAll musicThese are some of the reasons why:MTV because it is a popular website and there isa channel as well which influences/persuades meto go onto the site.Chris Brown because it has a combination ofboth images and information. Everything is verycurrent, the theme and colours are great itfollows the theme of his new album.Q4. What do you think is mostimportant on a music website?The results show that the audience feel that images and text are as important as each other.However they dont think a listening tool is important which will help a lot when it comes todesigning our own website.
  5. 5. Q5 & 6Questions 5 & 6:These questions helped identify if people arevisiting music sites regularly and whether ornot they explore new sites. The results showthat people visit music sites 1-2 times a weekwhich isnt a lot however the majority ofpeople explore new site which s helpful for us,and will help us find our demographic.Which one applies to you?How many times do you visitmusic websites in a week?
  6. 6. Q7. What isvisually appealing toyou on a music website?The comments left on this question were pretty unanimous, hereare a few:Colours and images. Sometimes themes if they match the artist.Colours/themes that coincide with an album or an artists brand.This is helpful as when we have decided on what song and artist weare going to use we will then try and meet the needs of theaudience by doing the above.
  7. 7. Music Video Survey
  8. 8. How many music videos do you watch?1 or 23 or 45 or 67+100% of those who took mysurvey enjoy watching musicvideos, and watch onaverage 6 videos a week.Some of the favourite videoswee Chandelier
  9. 9. What makes a good Video.Likes/DislikesLikes: Narrative This was mostpopular, withperformance andconceptual tied atsecond place. Recognisable location A video that a message Shots of lip-syncingDislikes: Videos that focus onmoney and othermaterialistic andunrealistic things. Clich concepts typicallove stories andsinging after a girl orboy is not favouredwhen it comes tomusic videos.
  10. 10. Cd/DigipakSurvey
  11. 11. Q1. Do you buy CdsThis was surprising that 100% of people who took my survey buy Cdsas the music being downloaded and streamed online is higher thanever and less people are still purchasing Cds. However this is great formy research as it means we still have a huge market.
  12. 12. Favourite CdsFavourite Cds:These can give me ideas of what we are going to include inour final product.Reasons: Creative Unique Consistent
  13. 13. Cd Art WorkThe survey shows that people do care about the art work and if it isnot appealing they wont buy the cd. The results show that the artwork must in the slightest relate to the theme/genre of the musicand a continuous theme throughout.