RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port...

RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended A RICSO1,UTlON of the Port Commission of the Port of Seattle, amending Salary and Benefit ICesolutioil 3609 to include Administration of Voluntary Separation Programs. WI-IEREAS, the Port of Seattle Salary and Benefit Resolution No. 3609 was adopted December 15,2008; and WHEREAS, the Port of Seattle Salary and Benefit Resolution No. 3609 did not contain a provision for Voluntary Separation Programs; and WIIEREAS, in response to economic conditions the Porl of Seattle now wishes to impleinent a Voluntary Separation Program for fiscal year 2009. NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE I?' RESOLVED, by the Porl Commission of the Port of Seattle that: Section 1. Salary and Benefit Resolution No. 3609 is amended to add the following section: 1X. A1)MINIS'TRATION OF VOl,UNrI'ARY SEPARATION PROGRAM l'he Chief l'xecutive Officer is authorized to establish and implement Voluntary Separation Programs as needed in fiscal year 2009, and amend benefits provided for in the Salary and Benefit Resolution as necessary to execute the provisions of any Voluntary Separation Program. The Con~mission shall be notified of any amendments to benefits prior to implementation of any Voluntary Separation Program. Section 2. Foriner Section IX EFFECTIVE DATE is renumbered Sectioi~ X. 'l'hc amended Salary & Benefit ICesolution IVo. 3609 is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

Transcript of RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port...

Page 1: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended

A RICSO1,UTlON of the Port Commission of the Port of Seattle, amending Salary and Benefit ICesolutioil 3609 to include Administration of Voluntary Separation Programs.

WI-IEREAS, the Port of Seattle Salary and Benefit Resolution No. 3609 was

adopted December 15,2008; and

WHEREAS, the Port of Seattle Salary and Benefit Resolution No. 3609 did not

contain a provision for Voluntary Separation Programs; and

WIIEREAS, in response to economic conditions the Porl of Seattle now wishes

to impleinent a Voluntary Separation Program for fiscal year 2009.

NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE I?' RESOLVED, by the Porl Commission of the Port

of Seattle that:

Section 1. Salary and Benefit Resolution No. 3609 is amended to add the following


1X. A1)MINIS'TRATION OF VOl,UNrI'ARY SEPARATION PROGRAM l'he Chief l'xecutive Officer is authorized to establish and implement Voluntary Separation Programs as needed in fiscal year 2009, and amend benefits provided for in the Salary and Benefit Resolution as necessary to execute the provisions of any Voluntary Separation Program. The Con~mission shall be notified of any amendments to benefits prior to implementation of any Voluntary Separation Program.

Section 2. Foriner Section IX EFFECTIVE DATE is renumbered Sectioi~ X.

'l'hc amended Salary & Benefit ICesolution IVo. 3609 is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

Page 2: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

A1)01"1'1<1) b>. the I'ort Commission of the Port of' Seattle at a t.cguIar meeting

. 2009. and d ~ ~ l y a~~tlicnticatcd in

open session b>, the signatures of' thc Co~nmissioncss voting in Ilvol. thcreo f' and thc seal




! I


1 I

Page 3: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl





Page 4: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

l< l~~SOl,L~' l~lON NO. 3009 -- ! IS ~\bllCh'I)I~~l) I ' i ~ g c N o .


( ' c ,~~\ .c ; . . s io~l ol ' Si~lar! liarcs 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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1~11l~'O\ ccs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0

Page 5: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

.................................... .......... . A Authorizatioi~ to Amcr~d 13encfit Program ....... 1 1 ..................................... . 13 Basic 13enclits l'rovided fhr Non-rcpresentcd liinployccs 1 1

.............................................................. . I Social Scc~~r i ty (FICA) Jnsi~rr-unce 12 ........................... . 2 Industrial lnsurancc or Otlicr llutp Disability Benefits 12

................................................................ . 3 \ Jnemployrncnt Coi~~pensation 12 . ............................................................................................ 4 Wlilitary I , cave 12

..................................................................................................... 5 . I-lolidays 13 a. ineligible Employees ................................................................... I ?

........................................................................ . b 1:ligiblc L~mployccs 13 ....................................... 13cnelits i'rovided Eligiblc and 11RS-retired lmployces 16

................................................................................................. I . I<etircrncnt I6 2 . C:olnpcnss"tcd I , cave ................................................................................... 10

........................................................................... a . Civic lluty I.eavc 17 .................................................................. b . I'x~cndcd Illncss I. cave 17

.................................................... c . I .on g-'I 'erm Sick I , eavc A c c o u ~ ~ t 17 ......................................... ti . i3crcavernent i,eave ....................... .. 18 . .

................................................................................ c . I'aid 'l'ime Off 18 ............................................. ( 1 ) Scheduling of Paid 'I'imc 011' 18

(2) Limits on Accumula~il~~g I'aid 'l'imc Of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 ................................................................ (3) Icatcs of Accrual 18 ................................................................ (4 ) Cash Out Option 19

........................ ( 5 ) Puylncnt fi, r Accrued P'I'O a1 'l'crmination I9 ............................. (6) Payment f i x Accrued P'I'O upon Ilcatl-I 19

............................................................................... 1'. Atvardcd 'l'irnc 20 g. Sliarcd I, cave ........................ .. .................................................. 20 11 . 'I'hc Family Care Act (1:CA) of' 2002 ............................................. 20

3 . 1;amily and Medical Leave Act (F'MIA) of 1093 ...................................... 20

.......... ............................................................... 4 . Insurance Benciits ....... 20 ................... . a Medical lllsura~lcc for lxmployees or Commissioners 21

............................................. . b Medical Insurance for Ilcpcndcnts 21 c . Medical lnsurancc I'rcmilrin 1Ccimburscrrient for I'ort

. . ( :o~~ in~~ss io i~c r s .............................................................................. 21

................................................................................ cl . I , if'c Insura~lcc 2. 7. c .'I el-rn l)isak~il.itj~ lllsilra~lcc .................................................... 22 1 .. 1 ) ~ ' ~ l t i t l Ins~lrai~cc ........................................................................... .22. g. l)cntal Insurance I'rcrniu~l~ Rcimbursemen~ lor

1'01-t Commissioners ....................................................................... 22

....................... . IX A1)MIN lS'1KArl'ION 01; VOI. UNrl'AIZY SEl'AIL4'l'lON I'KOGRAMS 22

Page 6: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

I<I~,SO[.[ 'rI.lOY Y O . 3600 - / I S ~ i k 7 l < Y l ) l ~ ~ l )

I S C C I > I ; I S o l I i c ~ ~ \ isc [JI .O\,I(IC(I. I tic li)llo\\ i ~ i g i l c l i ~ l i ~ i o ~ i s ~ I I I ~ I ! Lo l l i i s l<e .<ol~~l I O I I

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Page 7: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

and VII1.C. iCcl'cr to thc JIliS web site or broch~rrcs fils specific inlbrniation about any lin~i~atioiis on wol-king ;~iicr rctircmcnt.

ICligihlc Einl~loycc: A l;ull-tin~c or Part-'l'ime Ei~1ploycc who is hircd fix an indclinite duration and is eligible for bcncfits as provided in Sections VII1.B. and VI1J.C. f'ligible Employccs can be: (a) 1~~111-Time Employees, (b) I'art-Time Einployees who work at least 2 1 hours per weel<, (c) Probatiollary l~mployees, and (d) Limited Duration k;rnployces.

l{:mergency l l irc 1t:mpIoyee: An Employee who who is hircd for up to 90 days.

15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion o r Lliat individual's nglit to worl< in thc United States in coir~pliancc ~ v i ~ l i tho lrriiriigration and Na t~~ra l i~a t ion Coi~trol Act, who pci.lorms pcrwi~al services lor the Port, arid recelvcs a paycheck fi-om the Port payroll system with cnlployii~cnt taxes withheld, Employccs of tcniporaiy agencies 01- independent contractors arc not lirnployees.

Escmpt ICinployec: An I'rnployee who is employed in a position that is not eligible for overtime pay pcr tlic provisions o r the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Washington Minimum Wage Act (TVM WA)

b'ull-'l'iine ICinployec: An l'lnploycc who is regularly scheduled for 75 or 80 hours oS work per bi-wcckly pay period.

Incligihle LSinploycc: lncligiblc I:mployces are: (a) Ernployces wlio work less than 21 hours per ~ . c e k indciinitcly, (b) On-Call Employees, (c) Seasonal Einployccs, (d) 1:mcrgcncy llire I~iilployces, a i d (e) Irllerns. Such I~niployccs arc provided with only the bcncfits described in Section VIJ1.B.

Intern: An I<inploycc who is hired in accordance with Llic Interii Progra~n Guidelines.

1,iinitcd Ilnration ICmployee: An Employee who is hircd for inorc than 90 days [or a job with a planned cnd date.

Non-l<xcmpt 1Cinployce: An I4,rnployec who is employed in a position that is eligible for ovcrtilnc pay per the provisions ol'thc Fair I,abor Standards Act and thc \Vashington Miiiil~iuin b'agc Act (WM WA)

Non-repi-csentcd 1~;mployec: An Ei-nployce in an I<xcmpt or Non-exempt I'osition not rcprcscntcd by a collcctivc bargaining agrcenicnt.

On-(Jill1 ISrnploycc: An Employee who does not liavc a regular work schedule and work llours can vary lyo~ii wcck to week indclinitely.

Part-'l'iinc ICrnployee: An l<mployee who is rcgularly schcdulcd to work at least 2 1 hours per week indcfinitcly, bul less hours than a Full-'l'ime Employcc:

l'robationary ICrnployee: A newly hired or rehired Eiiiploycc who has riot yct successSully corripletcd the six-month probationary period and is expccted lo establish a

Page 8: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

' l 'hc t 'o l lo~t . i t ig p ;~ ) . gr;itlcs ant1 s:tlarv ritngcs f o r a l l iohs o f thc I 'o r t o f Scat t lc a r c

h c r c l ~ v c s t t l t ~ l i ~ h c t l :

Page 9: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

Grade 4 5 42 4 1 40 39 3 8 37 36 35 34 33 3 3 3 1 3 0 29 3 8 27 2 6 25 2 4 2 3 22 3 1 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2


3.0% Range Adjustment Effective January 1, 2009

Hourly Midpoint $140.56 $104.47 $99.05 $93.86 $88.94 $84.23 $79.73 $75.50 $71.43 $67.54 $63.88 $60.35 $57.03 $53.83 $50.81 $47.94 $45.17 $42.56 $40.07 $37.69 $35.43 $33.28 $3 1.20 $29.84 $28 55 $27.33 $26.19 $25.06 $23.99 $23.00 $22.06 $21.13 $20.27 $19.43 $1 8.65 $17.91 $1 7.20 $16 48 $15.84 $1 5.23 $14.66 $14.06 $1 3.53

Minimum $219,278 $162,981 $1 54,518 5 146,426 $1 38,743 $1 31,391 $124,371 $1 17,780 $1 1 1,423 $105,359 $99,645 $94,146 $88,959 $83,987 $79,268 $74,783 $70,473 $66,398 $62,517 $58,812 $55,263 $51,929 $48,672 $46,566 $44,538 $42,64'7 $40,853 $39,098 $37,440 $35,880 $34,418 $32,975 $31,610 $30,323 $29,094 $27,944 $26,832 $25,721 $24,70'1 $23,751 $22,874 $2 1,938 $21,099

Annually Midpoint $274,092 $203,7 17 $193,148 $1 83,027 $173,433 $164,249 $1 55,474 $14.7,225 $1 39,289 $131,703 $124,566 $1 17,683 $1 11,209 $1 04,969 $99,080 $93,483 $88,082 $82,992 $78,137 $73,496 $69,089 $64,896 $60,840 $58,188 $55,673 $53,294 $51,071 $48,867 $46,781 $44!850 $43,017 $41,204 $39,527 $37,889 $36,368 $34,925 $33,540 $32,136 $30,888 $39,699 $28,58'/ $27.41 7 $26,384

Maximum $328,907 $244 453 $231,777 $219,629 $208,104 $197,087 $1 86,557 $176,670 $167,135 $158,048 $149,468 $141,219 $1 33,439 $135,970 $1 18,91 1 $112,184 $105,690 $99,606 $93,776 $88,199 $82,895 $77,883 $73,008 $69,830 $66,788 $63,960 $61,269 $58,656 $56,141 $53,820 $51,617 $49,452 $47,424 $45,474 $43,64 1 $4 1,906 $40,229 $38,5/1 $3 1,050 535 627 $34,301 $32.916 $31,649

Page 10: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl
Page 11: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

appropriate gradc for each job. I t shall also be used to determine the exempt and non-excmpt status of each job according to thc criteria of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act.

1:ach lob authori~cd in Exhibit A has been evaluated via the Job evaluation system, cxccpt tllosc 11otcd in Scction Ill.('., and each evaluated job has been assigned a grade related to the salary range s t r ~ ~ c t ~ ~ r c set forth in Scction 1II.A. I-Iuman I<csourccs and Ucvelopmcnt staff' shall, oll an on-going basis, c v a l ~ ~ a t c new .jobs and reevaluate existing jobs, taking into account any changc ill mental, physical or social requirements, etc., or changes to salary levcls within the appropriate geographic market, which could result in placerncnt in a different salary gradc and range 'I'hc Director of Human Kesources and Devclopmcnt, undcr thc supervision ol'the ChieI'Executive Officer, shall have the final approval authority for all job cvaluations and title changes cxccpt for that o f [he Chic~'1':xccutive Oflicer. 'l'his authority shall include re-evaluation of existing jobs and cstablishincnt and evaluation o r new jobs.

V . 11'1 1,1,lN C, VA(lAN'1' POSlT'1 ONS AND l'liANSFlCRlilN(: 1'0Sl'l'IONS ANl)/Olt 14;,1'l l1IJO\' l<:[Cs

,I. Autho~:i/~d I~os i~ ions : 1 hc Chief I'xccutivc Ol'licer is hercby authori~ed to recruit 'ind fill i l ~~hor i / cd positio~ls (cxccpt thaf o1'C'hiel I+,xecutive Olficcr) LIP to thc full-time- ecluivalcnt nurnbcr o f positioils authori~ed and to set salaries within tlie salary gradc rangcs as oullil~cd below. 'I'otal Port non-rcprcsentcd positions shall not cvceed the total of numbers authorizcd in the budgc~, cxccpt the Chief llxecutivc Officer is authorized to f i l l additional positions, provided that funding is available in the Cornrnission-approved budgct. Also, prior to terininatiori or rctircment ol ' l~mployecs whcre overlap is clearly essential for cffectivc continuity, the Chicf I<xccutivc Ofiiccr may authorizc filling an extra position to provide for a transition period. I'o promote organizational cSl'ectivcncss, the Chicf Executive Ol'ficer inay rzuthori~e transl'crs of positions and/or J<inployccs from one work unit to another. l'his includes rcallvcatinp additional resources, up to onc Full '1 ime Ixluivalerit, to thc C'omi~lission Of'ticc. l'hc Chicr1:xecutive OI'liccr inay carly out rcorgani~ation of fuunctions, work units, and stalr assignments. 'I'hc Chicl'1:xecutive Officcr may authorize non-competitive placcmcnts in sclectctl circuiristariccs.

13. Selection Criteria: Sclcctions of appointees for new hires, transfers, or proii~otions shall, to the extent I'easiblc, conibnn to current job cvaluation critcria and appropriate compctcncics lor each authorized job; liowcver, ill the paramount interest of developing a strorig pcrsonncl base, I lurnan Ilcsources ancl 1)cveloprnent Management shall ensurc that consideration be given to ccl~~ivalcnt cducatioti, cxpcricncc. special abilities or job knowledge ill lieu of that 1)roviclcd in posi~ion spcciticatioi~s.

C : Inlcr_~l;iJ J j t c r t l & ~ ~ ~ : Upon mutual agreement and in coordiriation with Human l<csourccs and I)cvclopn~ent Staff, inanugcrs may work together to au thor i~c and coordinate Ir~unslers ol 1:inployces for the purposes of'cross training, devclopincnt, and thc f~~lfillrncnt of orgalu/ation goals. In such instances, thc kmployee's same title, gradc, pay, benelits and FLSA status arc typically ma~ntained during the temporary internship. Intcn~ships arc designed to be a niinirnurn of'6 months in length and last no more than one year.

Page 12: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

I ) . I ) I - (> I I IO~ I~~ I~ ;~~ I t i c rc ;~scs : I) I~oI~Io~Io:I ;~~ I I ~ C I . ~ ; I S ~ S 111;1! hi: ;I\\ :11~1c:( l \ \ ~ l i c ~ ~ a11

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! ~ c ~ ~ . l O l . ~ i i a ~ l c c col i i l7; l1. iso11~ \\'it11 0111~1- IIIIII~I(~!~ccs ill [ l ie s;11iic \\.ol.k g1.0i11) ~ 1 1 1 ~ 1 [ I ic c x t c ~ i t t o \v l i ic I i

I l ~ i ~ l o c c is r c c 1 0 I I I ~ I I - I t i c s . I ' ~ .o~ l io l i c>na l incr.cascs \vi I I I>c l>;lsccl

i ) t 1 IIIL: ~ I ~ O I ~ ~ O I ~ O I I ; I I i ! ~ ~ i c l c l i ~ ~ c s i t i c l ~ ~ d c ( J it1 t l ic I'ay /?)I. l ) c ~ ~ l ~ o ~ - ~ i i ~ ~ ~ i c c l ~ r o ~ ! l ~ ; l l i i t l i ~ ~ t ;\I-c ill c l * lkc t at

[111ie I I ~ L , l ~ ~ i ~ l ~ l o ! ~ ~ ~ c is l ~ ~ ~ o t i ~ o ~ c c l ,

Page 13: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

llndcr spccial conditions and with appropriate doc~unentation, IJuman Resouices and I)cvelopliicnt managcmcnt rnay authorize a pronlotional incrcasc outside these guidcliiles for 17~~1p10yccs posscssi~lg exceptional clualifications or cxpcricncc, or for internallexternal equity rcaso11s.

I!. - Six-month - - -- Increasg: - - Employees are eligible for a pcrlormancc-based illcrease Lollowing six moliths of satisfactory work pcrhrmancc in thc sanlc job with a higher salary grade and range. Six montli increases will be made based on the six month iricreasc guidelines included in the I'ay l'or Pcrli)rmancc program that arc in cfl'cct at the tirile tlic Employee con~plctcs six rnontl~s i n their new job, or that ~vcl-e irl cllect at the tinlc the Employee started their rlcw job, whicIic\icr is higher.

1: J'robgionary 1ncrc;lscs: 1:mployecs \vho have shown satisfactory work pe11'orm;incc (luring thcir probalioriary period (thc first six months oi'coi~tinuous cn~ploymcnt as a iicw hire or a rchirc iri ail autkiori~cd. eligible position) arc eligible for a performance-based probationary illcrease. Probationary increases will be made based on thc probationary incrcasc guiciclincs included i l l the Pay fin I'erformance prograin that are In eS1'cct at the time the 'Ijn~ploycc colnplctcs thcir probationary period or that were in effect at the time the 1:inployee started their probationary pcriod, \vliichcver is higher. An Ernploycc on an approved leave of I-tbscncc in excess o l two weelts during thcii. tirst six n~onths of employment will have their probationary pcriod cxtcnded by the amount of time in excess of two weeks.

. Ad....nis&rlnx Sa la ry~c rcascs or Allowar1ccs for Positioiis Whicl~ Fa11 Outside the I < i ~ c s : lllnployccs whosc salaries fall bcloul the riliniillun~ of the salary range h r their job shall have their salary automatically increased to tlie new minimum of the salary range. 1:niployccs whose salcirics cxcccci the maximum of'the range lbr their position will liavc their salary adjustcd to the maximum oi' the range in accoi-dance wit11 Port Policy 11I<-2 1, Salary Atlmiriistration Policy.

I I . I'cnqgrag-y ilssi~;nn~cnts: In coordination with I lun~an Kcsources and 1)cvclopmciit staj'I' and by rilutual agreement with I:n~ployccs, managers niay rcclucst that staff temporarily perform responsibilities that are at a higher level to help nlcct business needs. Such assignments vlicn provide intensive development of an Employee's skills arld abilities

ln adtlitio~i to the developmental opportunity afl'orded, Employees may be awarded temporary 1-iy ii~crcascs il'thc 1'cinpoi.ary Assignmel~t will be at least 30 days in duration. 'l'he amourit of thc incrcasc will bc dctcrriiiricd by Lhc manager in consultation with tlic l l un~an Resources and I)c\ iclopn~c~~t stall' 11'11ic temporary pa) increase is awarded, the i~ic~.casc will be proccsscd alter tlic 1:lliploycc liab bccn pcribrining thc assignment for 30 days, but retroactive to the day [he assigilmcnt bcgan A 'I cmporary .4ssignmclit recluest should be submitted only lor Employees who arc acttlally pcrforining thc higher lcvcl work. Thcsc assignments arc typically duc to a vacancy, cxtcndcd abscncc ot'anothcr Employee, or arc project-related. 'l'he pay adiustmcnts are not intended h r crr~ployccs who are in a learning or training capacity. 'I'einporary Assignment pay incrcases illay liot take an En~gloyee's pay to a level that exceeds the maximum of the cul-rcnt range.

'l'cmporary Assignments arc gcncrally expected to last no longer than six months and approval fro111 lluman Kcsources arid IJcvclopmcnt is required to extend thcir duration bcyond six months. 'l'cmporary Assignmciits arc limited to a maximum 01' 12 months of' cluration.

Page 14: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

\ ( o l i \ el.s1011 oI:S;II;II.> J<;ILCS. ' I o co l i \ c1.1 I I O L L I . ~ ! . s ;~l;~i.ic.s 10 ; I I I I I ~ I ; I I s;~l;l~.ics.

111i11:11~;!. tlic' I I O I I I . ~ ! I . ;ILC 1)) I O i O I1oi11.s ( Ii11. ;I ' 1 ) Iioi11. 11;1!. ~>c'l.iocI j O I ?080 Iio111.s ( l i ) ~ . ;11i SO 110111

1);1! l K ~ l ~ l O ( t ) .

,,\ 11 I~ ; l i i p lo~cr ' s \\,ark scl~cciillc: sliall consis[ ol' tlicir. ~io~.rl l ;~l c l a i l ~ . a ~ l t l \\:cckly \\!(>I k sc:lictli~lc

c I 1 1 1 . i r 1 ~ ;I t \ \ ,o-\\,cck ~J;I!, pcl.ioci, !\ 1.111 I - l i ~ ~ i c I ~ , ~ i ~ l ~ l o ! ~ c c ~ s \ \ o1.k sc:l~c(Iiilc is citl~cl. 7 T 01. 80 Iioi11.s

\ 11 I..:ii 1)lo!~cc's \ \ ( ~ . k d;~!. sll:ll l cotisisl ol' llic 1ii1111hc1. 0 1 ' 1ioi11.s I ICCCSS; I I .~ li)l. tlic I ,:nlplo).cc lo

\ \ o I ~ c;~cIi CI~I!, cli11.111p :I t ~ i - \ \~cck l !~ I,:I>, p ~ r i 0 ~ 1 SO ~ I I ; I I tlicir t ~ t ; ~ l I I O ~ I I ~ S t l ~ ~ I J ~ I ! C C ~ L I ; I I S 7 5 01. SO l~ ' i~II - l~~i ic ' I,:~~l>Io!.ccs pi pic all! \\,or.k t~c t \ \ . cc~ i 7 . 5 ;111d I0 IIOLII.S e;1e11 cl;~!.

Page 15: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

Ovcrtirnc: 1"ull-time and Part time Employees whose jobs arc classified as NOII-exempt sllall rcecivc ovci-time compcnsatioll at tlic ratc of one alld o~ic-lialf times llicir straight-time hourly ralc of' pay for hours workcd in cxccss of their rcgularly schcdulcd ~ ~ o r l < week (maximum of 40 hours) within the Port payroll wcek (Sunday through Saturday). Overtime should be prc-authorized by thc Employee's supervisor or manager. Employees who work unauthori~ed overtime l ~ a y be subject to disciplinary action.

Port designated holiday hours will be counted as "hours worI<cd" for pusposes of' calculating overtime in thc event thc Employee does not work on the holiday. Paid 'l'imc Off, I<xtcl~dcd Illness or any olhcl- type of'paid leave will not be counted as "hours worked" for thc purposes ol' ca1culati1i.g o\lertimc.

t;rnployecswwilI reccivc compensation at the ovei-tirne rate -- in addition to hollday pay or anotl~cr day off within the currcnt pay pwiod -- for all hours worked, when recluired, on a holiday (as del>ned by Section Vlll.B.5., klolidays), regardless of Lhc numbcr of hours actually worl<cd in the holiday work week. Plcasc see thc following cxamplcs:

l<xan1plc # I _ - 13oliday (Monday) is on thc 13mployeeys regulal-ly schcdulcd work day. they take the day off arld then work an extra day later in the week.

1 Sunday Monday _ - PA I i'uesday 1 Wedncsdsv I 7 , s 7.5 I 7.5 7 5 4 -- I -

- - - - - - - 1 1 lo1 idey ] ~ ~ c ~ ; u l a r 1 llegular

l:xamplefi2 l loliday (Monday) is on the I.:mployce's regularly scheduled work day, they work on the holiday and takc another day off during '~hc wcclc,

$unday - - - 1 Monday - - - luesday - --.- I Wednesday - - - 1 Thursday b i d a y l Saturday ) . .- _ I _ - _ : _ . - . 1 - I-. - - . . L - - - A . 1

Regular 1 Oucrtjrnc .- -- b legu la r - - 1- 1legul;ir - --- Holiday --- - - - 1- - I

1:xarnplc #/fi:! Iloliday (Monday) is on the Employee's rcgularly scheduled work day, they work on the holiday and do not take anothcr day of'l'during the wcck.

Friday k t u r d a y I t , -- ---

I - - ~ i ~ ~ i i ~ ~ - ~ v e r t i i ~ I e i

and 1 lolidiiy I - --

Page 16: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

1 0 1 1 csc111p1 l ~ ' ~ i ~ i > l o ! ~ c c s s l i ;~ l l ~ ~ c c c i \ c Slit 1'1 l ~ i l ' l > ~ ~ c ~ i ~ i i ~ l \ \ I ic11 I I S I I ~ ~

l ) ' l ( 1 . I : I . ;II~(/,oI. I loii(l;i! p;~!, 111 I ICII 0 1 ' [ ~ ~ i i c \\ol.k(:(I. ( ' : ~ s l i ~ ~ c l O I I ~ I ) I ( 1 . I ( \ . 01. I lolicl;~!~ [I~I! 111 :~ ( l c i i~ io r i IO 1i111c \ \ ,o~.kccl ( \ \ I icri 110 1 1 0 1 i ( Ia j , c l i ~ ~ o 1 . 1 ' i s [;1kc11) i11.c paici ;II [ l ie l ~ : ~ ~ i p l o j c c ~ . s t>;~sc I.;I{C

I ) . I';IJ,I.o~ l : I . III~/O!.CCS sIi;\t 1 bc I X I I ~ o ~ i I,'r.itl:~!. or1 ;I hi-\ \ .cckl! basis. I~ .~ i ip lo ! .ccs arc ~ ~ c c l t ~ i ~ . c ~ l LO c o ~ i ~ p ~ c [ c ;I l)it,cc[ 1)cposit . A ~ ~ ~ t i o ~ . i ~ , ~ l t i o ~ i l i ) ~ . t i i 11po11 l i i ~ ~ c i 1 1 1 ~ l L O k c c p SIICII i ~ ~ t O ~ . ~ i i ; ~ [ i o ~ l ~:III.I.~III so I l i i ~ t c l c c t ~ ~ ( > ~ ~ i c l ~ ~ ~ ~ c l i c c k clcposi[s c a ~ i he 11ii1cIc i ~ ~ ~ l o ~ ~ i : ~ [ i c ~ ~ l l y to l l l c I. ~ i i p l o ! cc 's t i cs i y~ ia lcc l I i l i i ~ ~ i c i a l i ~ i s t i t u t i o r i . ' l ' l i c 0o1.1 stial I Iia\,c t l lc 1.igllr ;~nc l oh1 ignt ior i 1,~". I<( 'it' .IO:JS .;?OO t o ~ . c c o \ ~ c r ' all!' a l i l ou l \ l s p;\id in cr.l.ol..

Page 17: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

1 . Social Security (FICA) 11lsu1-ance: All Non-represented 13mployces arc covered by law undcr the Fcderal Insurance C:ontribution Act (1:lC:A). Employee and employer contrib~~tions and the wage base shall bc the amounts designated by law. The Police and Fire rlepartmcnt non- evaluated, non-represented inanagemcnt staff is covcrcd under thc Police and ]:ire Ilcpartmcnt 1;1CA altcrriative plans.

2. Industrial Ir~surar~ce or Othcr Duty Disability Benefits: All Port Ii~nployccs cxccpt Enforcement Officers7 and Fire I:ighters7 ( f , l :OI;l~) , l'lan One ICirelightcrs are covered by the Port undcr its sell-- insurcd industrial insul-ancc plan. which provides the sa-me covcrage as the Statc Workers' Compeilsation Act. Certain olher supplcincntal covcrage for duty disability conditions only may be providcd to protect the I'o1-t f'rom contingent liability (i.e., 1,ongshore and I larbor Workers' Act); to lncct rccluircmcnts of law; and/or to maintain competitive protection lcvels for certain I'mployccs or classification of Employees. For cxamplc. use of accrued cxtcrlded illness lcave as a supplcrricnt to Workers' Clornpensation is provided as established in Poit l'olicy 1-lR-5, Leave Proccdurc,

3. Unemployment Compensation: All Port Employees residing in Washington Slate arc covcrcd i i ~ r uncmploymcnl compensation bellefils undcr the Washington Statc limployine~~t Security Act. LJnemploymcnt colnpcnsation co\eragc shall bc provided 1i)r l'mployccs residing in other status to the extent thal coLJcragc is available 'ind that l'ort 1:mplo)~ccs arc eligible.

4. Military Leave: With appropriale ~nilitary orders, 1:mployces callcd for annual active duty training periods in [he ~nilitary (including weekend rcscrve drills for I'mployees who norinallq work .~veekcnds) shall be allowed up to twenty-one (2 1 ) worlting days per Fcderal fiscal ycar (October through Septcmbcr) of miIitary lcave as provided in and liinited by RCW 38.40.060.

Iilnployccs on swing or graveyard shifts shall rcccivc Paid Administrative I,cavc (in lieu of working) for thcir shift iinmediatcly preceding the start 01' military leave. If the 1:mployee's next scheduled Port of' Seattle wol-I; sllili starts lcss than 12 hours after the cnd of militar!~ leave, the Employee shall rcccivc Paid Administrative ldcavc (in lieu of working) for thc number of' hours rccluircd to provide the Employee with a 12-hour break. [:or exainplc, if military lcave ends at 4:00 p.m. and the l<~nploycc's work shifi begins at 10:00 p.m., the limployec inay rcccivc Paid Administra~ivc 1,eave in lieu of working from 10:OO p.m. to 4:00 a.m.

C'ompensation during the period of such a lcave shall not exceed that which woi~ld bc recluircd to cover the number of hours rcgulurly schedulcd. 1;or absences that e ~ c c e d tmenty-one (21) worlting clays, Ilmployccs may use Paid .fiinc Off (1"lO) in accor.dancc with the pi.ovisions of the addendum to Port Policy, 11R-5, I .cave. -1'ime oi'l' without pay shall be allowed at the 1:mploycc's recluest.

Page 18: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

Not.n1;11 1)atc of Ohsct.v;~ncc for .

h l o n c l ; ~ ~ ' l ' h rough E ' r i t l i ~y Schct lu lc - - I r.S. St;l t'f I l o l i t l i ~ y s ' l ' l i ~ ~ ~ ~ s c l i ~ ~ ~ . .I;IIIII~~I.! I . 2000 + Nc\\. - Yci~t. 's I Iolici:~!/

1 h loticl:~!~. .I~IIILL:II;!, I 0 h ~ l ; ~ t . l i l ~ I , i~ l l ic :~. Ki t ig, . ] I . , I):I!

I:~l i l?lo! ccs \ \ .or .k i~ iy ( ~ ~ r s i d c n l ' l l i c I lnirccl Sra~cs 111:1~. obsct.\.c. i1po11 i t

~I~J~I 'O\, ; I I 1,y 1 1 1 1 1 l i ; 1 t i I<CSOLII.CCS ;111d I)C\~CI~I~IIICI~I ~ / ~ ~ I I ~ ; I ~ C I I I C I ~ I , [ l ie I

I 11cI igi l?lc l ~ , l ~ ~ ~ ~ l o ! ~ c c s SII~II I. i I' I . ~ C ~ L I I t.cci l o \\.ol.l\ 011 ;I l~ol t ( l i l !~. l)c p;~icl a l 111c o \ cr l in lc rate 0 1 ' [ ) L I ~ i11 addi t ion l o I i o l i d i ~ pay. i I' i i ~ ~ ~ ~ l i ~ ~ ~ l ~ l ~ .

Page 19: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

klls on Saturday, the prcccding Friday will be considered the holiday.

(2) I<mployees Working in a Seven Day Operation: When the actual holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the actual holiday will be considered "the oSficial holiday" lor those Einployecs scheduled to work that day, not the designated holiday date on the preceding Friday or follotving Monday

( 3 ) Full-l'imc I<mployees: If the holiday cannot be scliedulcd as a day OK, any other day within the pay period may be schcduled as a day off. Voluntary Paid 'Time OSSday may not bc taken until the holiday has been taken. ?'he holiday hours paid shall be based on [he 13inployce's nonnal work schedule and will not exceed one regular work day.

Non-Exempt Employees shall receivc overtimc compensation lbr the nulllbcr of hours they arc required to work in addition to holiday pay at their rcgular rate of pay.

Days oft'in lieu oS holidays shall not be carried over into olher pay periods.

li'the holiday Sills 011 a Non-[Xxcmpt 13rnployee's day oSf and another day off within the holiday pay period cannot be schcduled, the employee will receive a straight-time pay cash-out of'thc holiday bascd on the Employee's normal schedule.

TSa day off within the holiday pay pcriod cannot be scheduled, Ilxempt limployees will receive straight-timc pay up to their Sull-time schedule and n ~ a y take an "a~rardcd timc" day oi'f'~iithin three months ot' the holiday that uras worked.

(4) Part-Timc P:mployces: Part-'l'irnc F,mployccs nlay receive coiripcnsalion Sor he holidays on a pro rata basis of a ii~ll- tilne schedule; i.c., a 22.5 -hour En~ploycc inay receivc pay for 60% oi'the holiday hours provided, or 4.5 hours per holiday. When the nurnber oi'hours ~ lo rked varies each week, an average based on the most recent four-tveek period or a proportionatc nu~nbcr ol'hours based on a prcdctermincd schcdule is used to determine the holiday pay.

I'art-'l'ime k:mployecs. cither exempt or non-excnip~, who receive paid holiday hours on a pro-rata basis, inay take ofT one oi. their regularly schcduled work days and cither inakc up the h o ~ u s shoi-tf'all through P'l'O or work a partial day.

- 1 4 -

Page 20: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

I f ' tl lc l~olicl;i!; I i l Is (111 a ~ i o t i - c . ~ c ~ i ~ p t l ~ , ~ i ~ ~ ~ l o ~ ~ c c ~ s cl;ly 01.1. lt11ci anotlicr- day oI'l'\\.i t l ~ i r ~ tl ic l lo l iday pay ~>criocl cannol t)c

s c l ~ c d i ~ l c d . tl lc l:~ill,lo!;cc, \\.ill ~.ccci \ ,c :I st~.aipl l t- t i t i le ~ ~ u y

I I' ;I (la! 0 1 ' 1 ' \ \ 11111 11 tl ic 1 1 0 1 ikl:~! p;l!, pc~,iocl ci1111io[ t>c

scl~ccl i~lc~c;. I :YL, I~ I~J: l~~~~ ip lo !~cc :s \ \ i 1 I 1.c:cci \ c s t l . ;~ ig. l l~ L I I ~ I L *

I~LI! I I [ J L O LIICII. I'IIII-11111~ SCI~C(I I I IL~ i111(l I I~~I ! I~ILC i l l 1

..;\\\ :l~.(lc:il ~II~IC," l l , ~ ! 0 1 ' 1 ' \ \ i ~ l i i ~ i ~ l i ~ . c ~ , ~ ~ i o ~ i t l ~ s 0 1 ' ~ l i c , 1101 i(l;t!f

[ I i i ~ t \ \ Y I ~ \ \ o ~ k c ~ l .

( 5 ) ' l 'crn~inating I~:nlplo!~ccs: A ~ c ~ . l ~ ~ i n : l ~ i l ~ g I~ ;~ i i l> loycc \vllosc

~ i o r l i i a l last da! (111 tl lc pa!,r,oll is ;I I)o~.t-dcsig~i:\ tcd Ilolit laj,.

sliall r.ccci\.c l l lc hol ida!~ pa!, i I' tl lc l ~ ~ n p l o y c c \vo~.kcd a I'LIII sh i l '~ or ~ ~ s c c l an cc j i ~ i \ , ; l l c t~~ ;111101111t o I 'O ' I '0 ttlc \\,ark ci:1>,

pr.ior. L O l l ic l l o l i c l i ~ ~ ~ ,

( 6 ) IZmplo!~ccs on .4pprotfcd I,c;~t,cs: t~~~~i l> lo!~c:cs 011 11111xiicI

lc ;~\ ,c ol';it>scr~cc 01. (111 clisat>il it!, I c ;~ \ ,c \ \ I i ic l i c o ~ i s [ i l ~ r t c s

i~ l ; \ ( : [ i \ .c s l i i ~ i ~ s s ~ ~ c l i ils I)III 1101 I i ~ ~ i i t c c I to I , l ~ O l ~ l . ' /)la11 0 1 i c

~ i t s ~ ~ l ~ t lit!, lc;l\,c. Io11p-tc1.111 c l i .wl)i 1 1 l!, lc;l\,c. ;111ci ~{LI[!,-

d isabi l~l: Ic ;~\ ,c (\\,ol.kcl.s' co~i ipcnsat ic in j . i11.c 11ot c l ig ib lc

Iic,lid:\!. 1>;1!,. 1 Io\\ .c\ 'cr. to tl ic c s t c l ~ t tI1:it cs~c~ lc icc i

illness s i ~ p p l c ~ l ~ c ~ ~ t s i11.c I ~ c i l i g paid ii111.il1g tlic I io l iday \,vcck

Page 21: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

shift afier a holiday(s) shall receive pay for the holiday(s) within lirnits stated in this Resolution.

1 . Ketircmcnt: l?mployccs (other than IIRS-rctircd l*;mployccs receiving a pcilsion fi-0111 iln)i Sliilc oS L&'ashington J)I<S pension plan) will bccornc ~ncmbcrs of the Washington l'ublic Employees' Retircrnent Systc~n (1'1:ICS) Sro111 datc 01. cmploymcnt ii'they arc hired in an cligiblc position and are cligiblc for lncmbership as dcflned in KCW 41.40, Fire fighter and l'olice inanagcrncnt personnel, il'cligiblc undcr KCW 4 1.26, bccoinc mcmbcrs of the Washington Taw Enforccinent Oflicers' and Fire 1:ightcrs' Rctiremcnt Systcm (1,F;OFF). Refer to appropriate retirement membership handbooks for diffcrcnces bctween PI:RS Plans 1 , 2 and 3.

I;:ligible E~riployecs hired in otherwise eligible positions under RC:W 4 1.40, who arc cxcludcd ii-om membership in P1:RS because of non- citi;/en. nonresident status, may bc provided ti-om date of emplojt~ncnt with on individiial pension or annuity arrangcinent which wiil providc benefits similar to those providcd undcr l'liKS, Plan 'l'wo. 'l'kic l'ort Auditor is authori~cd to csccutc any and all documents and to take any and all action necessary to impleincnt such an arrangcinent.

l'artial scrvicc credit ~ 1 1 1 be grantcd to mcrnbcrs ofPEI<S working in cligible positions lcss than "threshold" hours. In PF'RS 1 this means that I:~nployccs who are cornpcnsated I'or less than 70 hours in one month will receive 1/4 rnonth service credit for that month, llnder PERS 2 and 3, l<rnployccs who are cornpensated for at least 70 hours in one month, but less than 90 hours, will rcccivc 1/2 inoiith service crcdit. PkICS 2 and 3 llml.7loyecs will rcccivc 114 month scrvice crcdit if they cornpcnsated for lcss than 70 hours b ~ r l tnore than Lero hours in a inorith.

2. Compensa tccl 1,eave: Sec Poi-t Pol icy 11R-5, I,cavc Proccdurc and thc addendum to 1'olT Policy I lli-5, 1,eave lor provisioris covering all forins of paid and unpaid leave.

a. Civic 1)uty Idcave:

( I ) Jury Duty: A11 Eligible or DKS-retired I'mploycc who serves on jury duty shall rcccivc full rcgillar compcrlsation less any compensatioi~ (excluding lnilcagc a i d rncals paid by the cour-t) received for s~lch service during the period of' lcavc.

(2) Subpoenaed Witness 1,cave: Wheri an 1:ligible or 1>RS- rctircd k;mployec is subpoenaed as a witness ~indcr circumstances which arc dctcrmincd by I-Iuman Kcsourccs and Dcvclopincnt Managcrncnt to be rclatcd to or involve

Page 22: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

I : l i g i t ~ l c a l ~ i l I I I < S - ~ ~ c ~ i r ~ c t l I~:1i11>1o!.c;os s l ~ ; ~ l l ; 1 - 1 I c ; i \ c a[ r l lc

I.;I[c: 01. O.O? :OS l i o i l r ~ C I . s l r ; ~ i ~ l i t - t i111i: I ~ O I I I ~ l) ;~icl . ' I l ie ;I~~:III;IIS

s l i ; ~ l l cor i i l i i cncc l'l.0111 t l ic c l ; ~ ~ c o I ' c ~ i i ( > l o ~ ~ r i i c ~ i l ~111c l s l l :~ l l riot c ~ c c c c l

t l ic c'cl~~i\ '; l l i :r it ol 'h \ \ ork d;i!,s p o l !.c;lr. 1 ' 1 Ic:;~\,c, c l i i ~ l l h c clscil o t ~ i y

;IS ~ ' c r n i i l t c d I,!. t l ic I ll< 5 l . c ; ~ \ , c I'1.occt1111~c rid I I [ < - I .c; l \c.


1 - ' I c 1 1 1 1 c I I \ \ c O l l l l l : 1': l l l~>lo!'cc~. oll1c1. lI1;111 I ,1.:01"1:

I ' l ;~r i I l i ~ ~ c l i g l i t c ~ . ~ . \ \ 110 Ii;1(I s ick le;l\:e c ~ e ~ o ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~I.C;IICI. tIi;111 00 days prior l o . I i ~ n c 2.1. 1084. rna! hc e l ig ib le l o LISC sick Ica\ lc i n

l i e O I - 1 1 1 1 sick I i c c o ~ r r i \i~'i~11(11.;1\\:;11s 1i.o1ii tIi;11 ;IC~:OIIIII

Ilia!, hc: riiaclc o i l I! i l l l l i c c \ . c l i l 0 1 ' i~ l o n g - ~ c l . i ~ i i I l ~ i c s s \ \ , l i ic l i

c s l i a ~ ~ s l s t l ia l I:,~iiplo!~c:c's c\rrc~l( lccl i l l ~ i ~ s s ~ICCOIIIII. 01. i ~ i 1 . 1 1 ~ e \ c ' 1 1 1

; I I~ i r i ~ r i i c ~ ( ~ i ; ~ t c I':~liiil!, ~ i i c ~ i i t ~ c ~ ~ ;IS ~ l ~ ~ l i t i c ( 1 ;IIN)\ c \~II'IGI-. ;l S ~ I ~ I O I I . ~

i l l r icss \ \ , l ~ i c l i i.cclrlil.cs 1l1c I ~ . ~ i l l ~ l o ! ~ c c to I J C ; i l ~ ~ ~ ~ l i r I;)III. 0 1 1 1 i o r ~ ~

d ; ~ y s . Scc 1)ol.r I'olic!, I I l l - i . I ca\ .c I ' ~ ~ , c c d l ~ r c l i ) ~ cicr:l~ls. I 0113-

~c1.111 s ick Ica\,c i s no [ p q , a b l c i l r l c ~ . l n i ~ i a l i o t i .

t3c1'ca\,cti icnt L ,cave:\~cri icr i~ I . c a \ ~ c shal l o r i l y he i ~ s c d as

~ > c r l i i i l ~ e t f by P o r l I 'o l icy 1 I[<-5. I , c a \ ~ c P l . o c c d ~ ~ ~ . c . Su~c l i l e a \ ; ~

s l ia l l no t ~ . c s i ~ l l i n ce,~ i ipct~sat io l i l i l r riior-c I l lar i ~ l i c IILIIII[TCI. 0 1 ' 110 i11.s iri LII~!, IIOIIII~I I \ \ ,ork \ \ ,cck.

Page 23: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

and DRS-retircd Einployecs may reclucst and use 1"l'O in accordance with I'ort Policy, 1 1K-5 1,cavc Proccdurc arid the addendum to Port Policy, HTC-5

lixcmpt limployecs who work less than their regularly scheduled hours i l l a pay period shall use P'1'0 for situations that arc consistent with thc provisions of this section.

(a) k3inplovcesLiired Befbre 1=/98: P'l'O accumulation shall bc limited to 2,000 hours efikctive January 1, 1999. Thc liniit will decrcasc by 100 hours each successive .lanuary until January 2014, when it will decrease from 600 to 480 hours. 'l'hc limit for 2009 is 1.000 hours.

Balances ~ \ ~ c r ~ h c limit will be cashed out at a 100'X) ratc during the iirst pay period ot'thc payroll year. Accruals ovcr the lirnit will be cashed out quartcrly.

(b) E ~ ~ p l o y e e s 1 lircd On o r p f 1 ~ 1 2 / 2 0 / 9 R : P'J'O accumulation shall be limited to 480 hours. Accruals will cease when the limit is reached and will rcsumc only when thc balance is below 480 hours.

(3) lCatcsuf & c r u i j : 1-ligi blc alld 1)RS-rctircd Emplojccs shall receive P'lO accruals_based rlpori a pro rata sliarc nf'a full-ti~nc work scheclulc. P'170 is cal-ncd as fhllows:

(a) 19.6 Days Prl.O: 13ased on thc first day of employment from the first iilll month to and including the thirty-sixth full inonth of continuous employment, Eligible and Dl<S-retired Employees shall accrue P1'0 at the ratc of .07538 hours per straight-lime hour paid (.07538 x 1950 annual hours = 147.0 hours; .07538 x 2080 annual hours - 150.8 hours).

(b) 21.6 I>gys P'I'C): I2rom the thirty-seventh full morilh to arid including the ciglity-lilurlh full mollth of contiriuous employment, Eligible and l>RS-rctircd L<mployees shill1 accrue 1'1'0 at thc ratc of .09462 hours per straight-lime hour paid (.09462 x 1950 annual h o ~ ~ r s = 184.5 hours; .09462 x 2080 annual hours = 196.8 hours).

(c) 27.1 Ilays Prl'O: From the eighty-fiflh full inonlh to and including the one-hundred thirty--second full

Page 24: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

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scr.\,icc l i ~ i i c nl'tcr. l l ic l u s ~ clay \s.o~.kccI. o r take11 i l l a

co~ i i l > i~ ia l i o r i o l~c ;~s l i arid s i : ~ ~ icc t i t i ic l l i c ~ L I I . I T I ~ ~ 1.i1tc 0 1

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Page 25: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

illncss, inj~iry, impairment, or physical or meiltal conditioil which Iias caused, 01- is likcly to cause, the Iin~ployec to take leave witllout pay or terminate his or her cniployment. Donated leave is not "canlcd" by the rccipicnt and thercfore docs not earn the Employee service credits for pension calculations.

11. 'l'lie Family Care Act (FCA) of 2002: The FCA gives limployees in the State 01' Washington the right to use Extended lllness or Paid 'T'imc Olf to care lor an i l l child or a seriously ill family inembcr. FCA 1,eavc cannot be used on an unpaid basis. l'rocedurcs are outlined in the addendurn to the I'ort Policy I I l l 5 ,


3 . Id'arnily and AMcdical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993: -1'he l:Ml,~l gives cligible I :n~~~loyccs the right to take paid or unpaid leave for a pcriod ol'up to 12 workweeks in any 12 monlhs i'or certain farnily and medical reasons.

Addilional information about eligibility recluirements and leave procedurcs are outlined in the addendum to I'ort Policy, I II<-5, 1,eavcs.

4. Insurance Hencfits: Coverages listed in Sections a, b, d, e and S below apply to liligiblc and DRS-rctircd Employccs as dclincd in Scction 1. 1:or pu~.poscs oi'mcdical and dcntal insurancc bcnclits as dctailcd in a., b., and I: bclo\v, Port Commissioncrs inay elect to bc included in the delinition of I<ligiblc t lmploycc or they may elect reimburseincnt by the l'ort [or their medical and dental insurance premiums at a cost not to'cxcccd that providcd for Port Employees.

For purposes of life insurance benefits as detailed in Life insurance, Port (:ommissioners are incliidcd in the definition 01 Illigiblc Iimployee. For p~wposcs of optional Employee-paid accident insurancc, Port (:ominissioncrs are includcd in the definition of Eligible Employee.

1:mployccs may be rccluircd to pay all or a portion of thc insurancc premiunis. llniployccs arc responsible lor ~iotilying ttic Port by an approved ecnrolln~cnt mcthod ol'their cligible dcpcndcnts. Any extra costs associated with a lack ol'notiiication sflnll be tllc 1)nlployee's responsibility.

' I 11c f'ort retains the right to modify or terminate insurance benciits al~dlor to modif). thc cosl chargcd to I'mployecs or dependents for such covcragc.

a. Medical Insurance for 1:mployees or Co~n~nissioncrs: On the first ol' the month rollowing date oi'hire, Ill igi blc and L>I<S-rctircd 13mployces shall be cligible [or surgical, I~ospital, and major medical insurance coverage. Port Coinmissioncrs who so elcct shalI rcceivc thcsc benefits on the lisst of the month following onc calendar non nth as a Port Commissioner. This insurancc bcnciit shall be providcd in such amounts and in sucli manner as arc established in contracts with insurance companies andlor agcilcics

- 20 -

Page 26: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

h ~ I c d i g a l I 1 l s ~ 1 ! ~ ; 1 1 ~ c c j ~ r ~ c 1 i l i ~ 1 1 1 i I<CII~~~~~II ;~CII ICI~[ l i ) ~ . 1'01.1

( ' c ~ ~ i i ~ i i i s s i o ~ i c ~ ~ s : 1'01.1 ( ~ ' o l i l ~ i i i s s i o ~ i c ~ . ~ 1i1;1! i;Ic('[ I . ~ I I I I ~ J I L I . S ~ I ~ ~ ~ I I I [I!.

111~; 0o1.1 I:)[. ~iic:dic*al i11s111.;11lcc ~ I . ~ I ~ I ~ I I I ~ ~ S 1 I i c~ i i sc ' l \ cs ;111(1 101. c l i g i h l c (ICIJCII~I~IIIS ;II'[CI. o11c 1 ' 1 1 1 1 C;II~IIII;II. 11io111Ii ;I\ ;I

( ' o ~ i i ~ i i i s s i o r i c r . I < c i ~ i i t ~ ~ ~ r . s c ~ l l c ~ i ~ Ilia!, I lor e:xt:cc'(l ~ I i c ~ i i ; ~ \ i ~ i i ~ ~ ~ i i j ~ ~ - c ~ i i i ~ ~ ~ i i 1i)l. 1111' 1110~1 t - o s ~ l ! ~ I ; \ I I I> I -o \ . I ( \cc~ I)!, 1 1 1 ~ ' 1 '01.1 t01.

l ~ , ~ i i p l o y c c s ~ \ ~ i ! . I i s i ~ i i i l : ~ ~ . I ' a ~ ~ i i I y ~ i i c ~ i i h c ~ . co\ :c~. :~gc,

I sl i ;~l l h e c l i g i b l c l i ) ~ . dc l i ta l i ~ i s ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ r i c c co \ , c~ .agc . I )c l>c~l t Ic r l ts :11'c p

Page 27: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl

delined in b., above. Port C:ommissioners inay elect to enroll thelnsclves and their eligible dependents in the Port's group dcntal plan on a one tiine only basis afiel one calendar month as a Port Commissioner and shall remain on the group dental plan until the Commissioncr no longer acts as a Port Comlnissioner. The eligibility arid other conditions of covcrage are established with thc insurance company or agency selected by the Port to provide such bcneii 1s.

.& -- llental Insurance Premium Kcimburscment - - -- Sor - Pact - Coi~~inissioncrs: Port Commissioners 1-1:,.1y clcc: rei~nburscmci7t by [he Port Sor their dental ii~surance premiums and Ibr tile premiums ol'thcil. cligiblc dcpcndcnts after one i i ~ l l caleiidar month as a Commissioncr. licimburscincnt may not exceed the maxiinuin premium ror the inost costly plan provided by the I'ort f'or rmployees with sinii1:ur I'ainiIy incmber coverage.

Illc ('kiicl'1:xcc~llivc Of'ticel. is a\rthori/cd to establish anti implemunt Voluntary Scpa~.ation I'rogsamb as ncudcd, and amcncl bcncfits pro\~idcd f o r in thc Salal-3, and 13enclit I<csoll~tioti as ncccss;lrJr to ctccutc the pro~~isions ol'aily Voluntary Separation I'rogran~. 'I hc Commissioii shall be notilicd of any amcndi~~ents to bei~elits prior to implcmcntation of any Voluntary Separation I'rograni.

'1'fllS I<ESOLU'I'ION shall be eflkctive January 1, 2000 through Ileceinbcr 3 1, 2009. I klc ('hicf ICxecutive Olliccr is authorized to t'dkc necessary action to nlake all terms, provisions, and colldilions contained hcrcin eSSectivc as of January 1.2009. Notwithstanding the (oregoing, 11lc post I ~ C S C ~ V L ' S the rigkit to il~liend or terminate any lZn~ploycc welfare benefit plan and/or salary psac~icc.

'l'hc intcilt of this ~.csolution is to administer pay and bcnefits in accordance cvitki Statc and 1;cdcral law. Sliould any past ol'this resolution require a change to pay or benciit adrriiriis~ration practices by rcason ol'any existing or subscqucntly cilactcd legislation such changcjs) \ \ f i l l be iucorporatcd without t l ~ c nccd to amci~d this licsolution.

131: 1'1' Xi'LlI<'I'IiER IZESO1,VEl) that all prior rcsolutions dealing with these subject mat~ers, including b~rt not limited to Resolution No.3592, are hereby repealed.

Page 28: RESOLUTION NO. 3625, as Amended - Port of Seattle · 15mployce. An iridividual lor wIio111 the Port is i-cquircd to exai~iiiie doculilcntaLion or Lliat individual's nglit to worl


'[&Ld/ GAEL. TA!?LF?Oh