RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library with thousands of ......!hat l.

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Transcript of RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library with thousands of ......!hat l.

Page 1: RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library with thousands of ......!hat l.



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Page 2: RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library with thousands of ......!hat l.


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JOHN LENNON-will , the fearless foursome hear the call~

DRIFTIN' ALONG EXACTLY fifteen Ynrs a.,;o, 1n

J&33. a :touni: American rO<.'k'n ' roll i-:.roup bei:an r(':W(din!; lor

a bntall 13?.fil Called A1'LAN1'JC. The lir-.,up ;;i rouscd jntere-st on a 11at 1<i11:1l l);l,$ i:; and in 1939 bro ke bli.: with a 101>•lcn hit, called ·•oance Wi1h M c" - the rerraJn bell1,i.: w;1rhl,:d b].' a youni< singer called Rt n E. Kin;;.

Under Kini.; 's 1eader15hip u1her .,;uccesses f()llowed jm;ludi~ '"'l'hts .,1ai,: ic Momenl" a nd "Sa\'e f he L.~st Dann: F<>r Mc" . Just when lh'-' group Jooli.e-d .set for continued success came lhf! ~hl)(:k dl·1,arturC' Of Kiili: 1() s,e,ek :I -',Olo ('<'irl,'l'C,

somehvw. (h.1ri1u:: thii. per iod o! umtS.t m llu:- i.: rou1), the standard st!I 111 Ille t·arh· was main•

tained and th!: unit l:Je< more sophls1lcated .-ind followed throu~h w1111 elMSic-S of the calibre or ··o n 8rl.)adw~y•• and " Upon The Roof" in 1962.

Then, tta$1ed}.' Mruc;k. Rud,-· ·uwis. who h3d .ta kl•n O\'Cr .is lead si~ er. dted .su<.ld(mb·, D<.·soite Olis shatterln-' bh)"'' lh t· i;roup con• t inued .and ~ \'Ct>' able voca lis t i; tes>-l)t(l in10 the \'acancr created by l..(!wb·s unfortuna te demise -(ine, Johttn)' Moore . wm1 a few subUtt chanoes Jn !:ltYle Ille 1.:n)11p s till manai;ea to w:ilk Qff w1tll lhe 1jt1e or No. I VOCill C roup,

In 1964, nu,: C..moos " Under The noardw.ilk ., be<.·ame one 11f U-1e bii:.i:est :;dlin i.: records of the )'t!ar in Am<.'rica and bec:une anotht' r t·>.1:ssk for n u•: DRIFTE RS.

Of tate. the Drifters' popularit~· has seemio.:I>' w.ined. Possibly, the

RECORD MIRROR. Wee~ ending Juno l. 1968

• • • want to let off steam? Any 0

0 questions on the scene? Any

LJ L3 SU problems? Then drop a line to MOIRA or JAMES, letters dept .

' ' • An RM reader pleads for musical progression • • • WHEN pop music eomes in for cru1c·1sm, it is attacked on

the grounds that its audience are usually too ready to feel and too reluctant to think. Pop has Improved in the past U\·e years, but It's still generaUy tn1e t.hat record-buyers do not trouble to select music '\\'hich requires their who)(> attention and concentration.

1'be Beatles ha,•e shown ho"' much be accomplished In contempo.rary ,·ocal music;, and whUe they had the in· cllnation to write and perform subtle, complex works lik<' "J am the \\'alrus", "Eleanor Rigby" and "Within You, 'With• out You''. they lntlueueed their fans and some other com· posers to support their efforts for su~rtoc pop. Now George Harrison reveals that their ,uuslc iS like~y to return to Its old slmpllcily, 'W'hkh means &hat it will automath;aUy lOOst~ lt.s capacity to endur..~. the timelessness "'hich the abo,·e· mentioned songs ha,•e. I think this would be tragic for th<' progre.ssh•e side of pop - espt:eially Ir they value disc:: sal('S - figures abo"·e their extraordinary musleal ability.

Beatles and George Martin - ror the s.ake of youth. re, conside.r! - C. A. OVf.R\", l Masa,•ellon A"·enue, MIii HIii. Londoo N.W.?.

>·ca rs ot ex1>enence ha\'e allow(!(l the m 10 ~come too soohl<:1t1cated for today·s public:. one thlnl! i!l certain, however. tt1a1 the inc;c,m, oarable ormers will <:(mlinuc "·' outli\'e their « unenloor:,ries for a Ion,, Llm(i II) l'Qlnt!,- Mich.ll•I D . Grlmts. 54 Ulll\\'.aiter Ro11id, South• m.eM, llr-Li toJ.


TH E Are1h:1 F rainkli11 success SlOT)' did rt'l Sl.irt. like many ne-op!e t h ink. with

Atlanuc records. It te)!~n m:iny ~ears a ~o when. ht ht;r mid tetns. she recorded "Te>cla>· I Sin~ t he mues '' £<,r c.,1umbfa . La ter on she w as 1(1 hav<.' .i U.S. Top 20 emr~• with '·Rock•A·Bi:e Your Haby .. , l!o on t,> record lh1: immortal " Tn· ,\ Little T('nder11(:l>$" .ind ha\'(> the s11eable v.s. ,-.,P HlO cntr ies :mch 3~ " R111111inJ.t Out Or Fools " and " C':·111'1 Vou Just See Me" . Her Cotum!,i;i al bums lla\·e sold

he3~•Jb1 ir1 the State:;, \1)0. W!lh O\'t•r nine a\1-,ums released on this label it makes quite :i soU(l sales total. Bei~ a ~ o. I Ate t11a Frank• hn fan ror many rear!i I have ('()J.

lec:ted 12 of her album$. To m,-· nun(l 1t 1t:,s nr.\•e r been lht• sound !hat l.<. sellini: Aretha, but Aretha lliat is .!icllinJ.: tht' sound, ACteraU.' othe r U.S. s tars h3ve t·ham;E'O r«ordin~ com panies after a Joni-: sta>' w1Ui the11· ·'f<11uu.!f•r " label wuhOut much succr.s$., Wt• a.rdem r-ranklln £an$ :,rt: ha1,P>' H> see lier become a houst•ho)d name. We C31l m>w bC •·i:.r -OQ~·ed u1>" With l ier la lt$t "mulli rt't'Ord.?d ' releases. nut take :.iw:t)· t11t• bad• inj!. t11e '1ul.>bC<.I ·•extr a.~" .tnd what ha\'(! we ;:Ot? 1'hc wonder ful \'OC<II <:h()rd,._ <.1f •• 1n1ly m.i..:nitk ent s in;:er. And sw~ t memories of bre.:"one da>·s and past r·l'snkm, master, pieces. ~·hen the songs Areth;, rE'<'Orded " 'ere me soni:$ $ht IO\'t!d the mosr.- 1-'et er n . Ral'•lt!>', '1'•l$• can:,•, t"ld A,·en11e, Brad• (onl R11ad, Gt1l$c:I" ) ', Nc11r Lt't'd~. Yorkshire.

BLUEJEAN BOP I AM Just wrilioe: to sa)' bow

sick and tired I am of read• ioi,; about peo11te who keep

rt-fornni,.:" to l_.iverpool groups as a "thlruf ' e>{ the oast. Honesll)'. me way Pt'tll)le d1ct:ite 'who' ts J.!Oin.i: to be 'In' . au(I ' who' IS J:<>i~ to be ·rubbish . fast makes m>· blood boll. How can w-ey sa>· such Stui;>ld, -.:hildisb t htnCS, when there are such smash1ni: l,.ivtrtiool people ilrou.nd like 1ht Swin.i;im; Blue Jeans:- The;y are STILL one of the most \'ers::i tlle at1d poUsheCI i.:·roum; around on the ~ccne toda)' . '"1c>' ba\·e a ~rt;a~ sl.a1,:e present.'I• tioo and are Jh•t! of the nl¢t$t. :.:tnuJne pe,opte .,n the whoie 1)011 st'ene. 3nd (or me, ~•ou can keep a u n,e ()\her bii;-heade4 ,: i:outts~ '. '. '. ·me Swiruaru; lUue Jea11.>:; should be heJPOO back on their w••>· into the (·botrts . where the>· lfo:itn·e to be­so come -Oil all you rans, gh·e them th::tl h1:J.oing hand . .ind wnen IIWII' new record 1s rele:i~d. J.tQ ..:o .;.o out to buy I t. .;rid lx•lt UP 3 11 >·ou knocker$. )'11u Just follow me new stupi<t t~nds like sheei:,.-1'1iss t:l!ia Hei:C, l? Kt'arlt)' Road, Rigber ('ntmpsa.U, Manrlles1er ll.

FRESH FACES? W ITH rt!en:n~ 10 Mr. Brighi•

mans letter C()nccrmn,g £emat\' $inger~. Olay 25tll>, J

coutCln't agree m<ire with him. ·I rny~)f, ha \te ()n release. a ntw record "Pl.i}' The Drams To The Er.<I" 1)n R.C.A. an(1 to get te le• vfaion exposure on 11 is \'1r tu:1lh· imposslblt~. It's not a Q.uts t ion t>f tale111 ;,.i; he says. bu\ ;.1 question of w h.; >'OU know. Ttlc\·is ion pro<111ccrs ShCIUld rta.lise lh<tt the Plll)lic WOUid lik"· :o. see new, fre$h faces instea<I Clf the s :imt Old ones. At thi.s rate, t here will i,..., no new female s1.ars at all Clodash R<Klg,tn. '11 l'hartirnood Court. W:ll".Sd..-n L3nt, London, N.W.J.


I In brief ... I Diana Cox, 19 Hoed.tan,

ltOedtan. 8rtgbton • Sussex. HIiiy Joe Ro)·aJ has a new record " Don' t You ne Asham1,:d" Just out on C.B.S. label. It's a truly fO.n • t astic disc sod is well worth three mJnutes <>f .1ru·bod)•'s listeoJn,g ume. Woul(I an,1 (an, of ))illy Joe. ao>'· where ht tl1l~ world. please write to me. I c"n S.Ul)PIY in!(). () II Oilb· Jt>c, and IA'OUld al'lT>red.ite helo in sPre\ldto~ the 11ame ot Royal.

Ste,·e , Bn11lliford. 30 Ma~h J..ane, B.irlon--On,lfumber, Lines. - Will l:in fr()m Liverpool Univers lly a.rid Noel aod George from Luton, plea!H; write- to me. we :ill met at t he .\IICldle I:!.irth when the 8}•ras .:l!lpe.ircd a od l ike 311 the best POOPie. the)' read the R.M, •

Mkk Coombes. • Toland Squart', R(lelltll'OPt(llt Lane, London. S.W.1S - have two Dusty S1>rini;:ficld L.P .'s 11nd smgJes which I am wiUing t i) SWOl'l • r St'Jl. Also. I ll:lW! <>lhcr PoP singles or EIVis. Kh'lltS. 8-ratles. Tremeloes, etc. !• r s.ik or swop ror any u11w.inttd singles or L .P .'s 1.>f Motown artistes. 1! t in$ is P<>ssibk. H not. C()Uld )'Ou Please write a nd ~tate whatevel' you have to Offe.r. Doth L.f•:s and sh,,r;ll"S a rc in $;ood eoMltl{)o.

Tom Mabbeu. 0 SI. J&1Jhu1·s Farm Rd., west Nor,\·ood, London, S,E.27 fn((irmation, photos. l) io ;i:r :.phiet:;, 1 n le r v I e w s etc .. uri:: (•ntly needed for book "The l.kautitul H)' rd!i". An>·1him; al all about the fi)'rd;; ..,..,,uM be mo..,;t :i111)rf!i;i;a,t!ve1y received, csi>eclalt;• fr(1m "Perfumed Ga rdeners". .ind J will reu::-n 31l)'th!tis: .sent to me on reQ.uest. !?LEASE help m(' HI fulfil 4 four•}'t;,ar-old ;ambitl<>n,

Kar Scewart, 20 Jtotbcllc Cou:-t. Aroout S<111are , $ltt>110, E ,l. -Wllh an<>th l.'r. and. I hope, mor1,: s uccessful Rock" ncvi ,:.,iJ upon us, isn't 11 :,l1(1u1. lime somebod)' tho:u:ht about iss:uin.e :i 10111;,:­<t" ·aite(l L.l'. b)' !he l.i l.C ,lQhnny Kt-dd, a 11..,,un· th;ti his rans: were denied durini.: hi!; lifeume.

DEW LABELS fflUSHROOffllDli ONLY a few yea rs 3~(1. ,._ youni; m<Vl kfl the American Nav~·. T'h:\t w3S in 1964, .1nd in onh·

£1',u,· ye:.1.s he. h;i.s es tablished him• self be~·our,d an doubt :i.,; Eur()pe' s 011e D . .J. 11:is name is " EtnPt!ror R osko" and in Eurap.e as .. President Rosko". ms origin• alfty ha$ ~1.ruek horn..- to man •· Radio t listeners, and )'et $Ull he only Ms one. s ln~Je hours ome. tJnbelievablc as It ma~· s l-cm. he ro,e slrai8ht into the ranles or the Brst Ove O.J . ·s Of Britain. Rosk<> puts o\·er a uniQ.llC ~how ll.'IOOMU('h as the reoords he ftat.urcs are no\ everyday material. Such a tremen • dous personality. wllh such ;i

((JIIOwing he must sure!•' C'Ommand more than one s.JngJe hout's• t ime. - Rosko Ran.-er .John Wood, Zj$ Harrow$ 1~2ne, VarcUt>·,. Bir• minJ;ham 2,;..

J{t;no· Starling, s,.; nowJands, Wd\\')'h Carden CiCf , Rerts. -Cl\n an}·one hEJlti rne to ol>tain the roll(lwit,g t.. P. : "ltlt$ 1"rom Tht Ha.via~ Twenties" (M.C.M, C 92ll. I have tried f(lr two )'Cars to obtain thi;, record :ts it iS deleted, J will P:tY 30$:, for it. or but· any 1,.P. 111.,. r(>ader wishes l(l <;lu)l)sC. 1 am not a sQuare but, l like some older mu.~lc sor:ne \im(ls, DEW re,;ord labels contjnue to mushroom - in fact,

it's difficult keeping up with the mass formations. But. two especially interesting new organisations were announced last week: Les Reed's ChaPtc: One label;

and S.N.8. Rec'ords, launched by actor David Hemmings and Simon Napier BeU.

Les Reed speaks first: • "Star.ting Chapter One is a 'natural developm.ent for me .. The publishing companies have gone well and so has the \\>'essex Studios ... so I've now hit the ambition of creating a new record company. I've alway$ wanted to make a really big new company.

"We're released through the world by Decca, who have been very lucky to. me - 38 big-hits in the past few ye~n;. Our first single is · by the March Hare, who I found wo~kmg at QuagHno·s under the name. of the Undergrads. Lead sing~r Paul is a "ery good-looking boy, good on standards - the~· II come through as a mixture of standards and ro<:k. . .

"Next out wm be Jason Cord. who already has a ternf1c fo l1owing in Birmingham. Good stage act: and his group has been renamed the First Chapter. And there is Johnny Gun. who has a standard•ish sort" of voice. 1·m looking for And)· \Villiams-type material for him.

" Rut I'm me:,s1 lntl't'ested in new ta.l<'lll, not <.'$tat,Lisht!d mtmes; Ther.t!:~ lll('nt.v Q{ nc;w m1.rt1t!s a round If ~-,,u hue the time ,o look. In V.ak>s, n $ ridiculous Yoo could find a dozen Tom Jonet.·s U ~'Oil look - maybe no! \1·nh \he ~ood looks, but cercaloJy with rne voieie.

" Mos11>· PU dc.-1 with the st;iodard•tYPe artistes, not tJi-e groups, 1'he re·$ ti youn$t producer, Oa\'t<I B:ilfo, who iS well. u.p <m lh(' a.ct11:il ~1'().up $<:t!1}e, And there fs ·re<1 1':;ayk)r, a marvellous musu; rnn and bloke - 111: s worked ;,i lot with me. ue·s f(,u.nd Johm,y G1.1n and a '":"1.'at nc,1· o r~an1St cwc·re 1hi11kin.l! up a l)amc for hi.m rii.:bt oow), so Ted will be very muc-h tn~·~lved, A11d wh~n the offl<.'es are ready, J ackie Rae will be 1he re in an adm1ms1r a• m·e POSition - and !ltso wr ltlnP. son,tS.

"We all want t() be op,e1unind1ic1 ;\hOut all l)'pe5 of mu$k. But defi flileb' !lie 1;1llJ)h.lSi$ WIii be OU Ill'\\' t31l~rlt - 111.,iyl)e tbe odd o<.·ca Siot1al bh: :i:une ' i( ()t'1(' W i\$ Qffer<ld, bm not the ~encral run ot a r Ustes who ha\'t hetn reeonlin~ for a Joni: time.

" 'l'ht March Hare record Is s tarting to move. And ;,i Jot o£ producers we re \•en· impressed when we pla)'ed J:ison C•>«l's 1it'fll .it ou1· l:mnchlni;: ceremony,"

Les fieed is makln,: 1>rMtres$ •. • fas1. And now fol' SJmon Napier Bell and S NS Records. O.avid H()lllllllll,l!S,

currenHy one of ()U1' bU$1est :ind mQSt sui:c;x.'$$ful .film actors, (·ha.Hed 1himis ,:,ver with Simon' .111d \1¢¢ided th.t\ it was moot irnp(lnanJ to have a d•)istr llnk between 1hc two maior forms of popular entertainment -1l1at is tUms and music.

Oa\' id, who has a t'in~e•·. In se~•eut dUte,'ent busltl('$$CS (h\Ch1dini:: 1he

LES REED wich luscious CHAPTER ONE supporttrs.

manai.:ement 01 l)OXersJ, nas nad a <·•osc- c-c.mnt"1;t1on w11h . the: music business s ince the s1art of his me teoric: t·arccr wht:n he was :;111$:ln.: ~-11h nenJamtn Brl11en·s opers ~rouo in "'furn Of The Scrtw'.'·. I n Amcm,:a: he m:iac ::in :ilbum for M<iM. mostly of his own compoi;1t1ons 1rnd 110'\\ h~'II b(' a.I)!(; to wrhe ;ane1 1'ee01·d fo r SNU,' .

Simon 11,, .~ t>e-en o1$SO('ia1C., wllh bolh wo·rt(1$ - ~nd recent!>' be~n cornbioiru.: the two \)).' writ irtu ;.111d ilrnrnr:-1J1~ mm musu~ <•S well ;}$ J)I O· ducm~ pop records a nd mana.1dn~ \'arious ar1is~\'s. . .

so 1he new label 1s: bem.i; run 1n assoc:tatton wnh. the H~•mdale ~rouJ) 1lf <:<>mi:ianies, whkh Include $et•UPS fc>r mm producuon. arustes· a.gen~·>·· public rtlMi<>ris .ind!l>!tment, Altt3dY lhe advanta i:.;es or b_anni.: these <.•ompanics u·orkin.1t to Ilic same e11t1 ha.s hec11 ShOWI) by Jml!»Y Wmston, ex-Small Face or.1tanist, s im.:ln'= wilh th<.' AAet1Cy Side at1(1 1m­medJateJy beitut chosen tor s leadJnl( tllm rolt:, • . ..

Rec-ords to be released '." Well. the fjrs t two are "~o Nttd To f:;x pl311~. by 1he r·1amma Sherman, C irls from Liberia: and ' 'You C<m't Oo Th:it , b>· Alld>• Elll!lo».

And 3?.3hl these ai•tistes .ine belmc considered for mm parts and so!ne l)f lilt: act<,rs ;ind acu·e.~ses 3s.~ocl31ed wi1h Hemdsle a re Jn the ronnm~ fq r re( ordim.: c•>ntr;,i::ts .

'l'\vo new sct -u,,i;, then. 'l'wt> ;iml)iliQuS ~et•ttPS. Only rem;)m$ for me 10 wish them both 1he bes, of ludo:, .

- p ,J.

c. A. Ho!Uc:k, lSt, Pllton Ph,e.t, E:3Sl St., WalW()rth, LOnOOn, S.E.ti. - I h;l\'e pies or the Wailers. 8e.itles. Herd, Love Af£a.1r. nee Cees. ·rrems. Lulu ;ind many more. some cQme from American maa-a• i ines. I wilt be grateful to .in)·ane who can sen(I me 1)1¢111™ of the ~lonkee!i which I will swop f oi: any o( the .mcntioneti etc. I es:pee1_.m., want pies fram abroacl.

Jillie MIiier, 21 BP.ecbt.roll Gar­dens. Wembley Paric, Mld<lx. - I :im 3 fan or the Herd. and I would like another Herd to be m y pen-1>at . If anybody would llk1,: 10 wr ite to me would the>· plc.ise send their tetterS lo the a(ldress above.

Anne- Dirllert. 41 SfJ'm(l,Ut ~d .. St. Albans:, Hcrts <Tt'I, 52679) -If you a re tntere.,tt.-<J in going to see 8obby V<w perform on Saturd:!ly ,fub· 13 a\ the Cranberry F<>ld Inn a l,•en f•Lt::ASE tQntact. me a,s soon a.s P0$$1ble, rt has been de• Clde-d that. we should Y.O to D.irl'·e11 by Cl)ach instead Of r3Jl a.s the C'OSI is cheaper - only ~2s. by return. If you Jive rl<'ar Dar.,.,·en and would not want to tra\•eJ from London bul WOUid su11 like to s:o and see him ri-err<> rm let me kn<>w as I want f(lr reser• \ •ations.

ONLY6/-oowN FOR3 L.P.s (.Balance 6/· weekJJ), Aft"r 6/, down. Utt 3 LPs, fresh froi:n tti,~ mattn, are POS1td '° )'OU, an,,·ht re ln G.B. J1;1st send " · with a 0$1 ot Utle!i, State >·our 31"e. Under 17 not aeoopled. PRINT yo11r fuU names and HOMS addren. Cooo11 Couri f1eb tortt not supplied. Any POPular L.P. lndadlog all IJEATLBS, SiONES. MONKEES. DYLAN, BEACH 80\IS, £LV1S, J. HENDRIX, OTIS REOOINt.,

FOUR TOP'S, SUPREMES and all TAMLA MOTO\>\'N STARS. ne,·e af'1: s-ornc. suggudons:-

111$k)ry ol OTIS REDDfNC. GrtalCU Hits of DIANA ROSS at1d TRE SUPREMES. BEATLt:.S' MAA1Cat ~bskrY Tour £ . (•. CREAM Disraeli Gears. BEACH BOYS Wlld Hont'J'. J. JlENOHIX Sma!ilt Jilts.

THE G. A. LONG PLAY CENTRE (Dept. 97(}), 42-44 GT. CAMBRIDGE RD .. , LONOON. N.17

Page 3: RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library with thousands of ......!hat l.

RECORD MIRROR, Wtek tndina June I. 1968


I LONG camo Mary and 1hc Assocla­lion hand in hand And Mary wcnl and the Association stayed nnd more records uppearcd followed by goJd discs. And the AssociaUon stayed and lhclr reputation g rew and they

became an established group. In America. And the Association's records come across

thc:- Wide Atlantic and everybody said thc.i,•'re good, they're very good.

BUT. The Association have never, till now, had

a chart record in England. Which is a shame, a very shame.

The f{roup was over here recently for a i;hort while- they stopped off for one con­cert and tt televbion appcnrnncc on lhc woy biu: k from the Music Festival in Rome. and I conversed with Associa tion drummer, Ted Blucchcl Jr.

" W<''rc basically a 'live· group as opposrd to a recordln~ g roup," said Ted, ·'and I think wu sell our records on the strength or our stage a<'t. Which is probably why we ha\'en·t had :i hil in lhis country. w c•vc never don" a live tour he re. and so. aparl from the records. 110 one really knows us. We're just dol11K one concert over hero this tiine­more to see how we go down than anything else, I think we' ll definitely be doing a lour here. but it won't be this year-unless we can get over here towards winter or some­thing,

"Ifs a funny thing, but wc·vc got this reputation as a vo~:il group, whereas wo·re far more hung up on bcl:lg accepted as good musicians. Personally I think we·re far better Instrumentalists than we ure singers. anyway. We' re more inte rested in J>Utti ng on a good s tage show than spending nll our time in the studios mak bg records. We like to be uble to make the sumc sound on stage and on disc, and this is one or our' main selling points in the States."

The Association take their music seriously -which Is good because their music is cood. But they're very serious people any. way- talking to Ted nt the group·s rccep, tlon wns not. talking music or pop, il was talking philosophy and life In generul. According to Ted. the American way o( life lrns a lot to do with the American way or music.

"America now Is fast reaching I he end or its Ji(e. Millions or year'S ago, there was a place called Atlontls that reached a certain 1>-0int when civilisation could go no further -machinery had started to develop a t a much fas.tor rate thun llfu. And when It reached this stage, the whole of Atlantis destroyed itself, because cl\•llisallon could go no further. The continent sank under the sea. I believe that America Is In the same position now, and by the year 2000 it will destroy Itself as At1an1Ji did-perhaps not in the same way. It mny explode or something!

"I think lhat allhough most people In Amor ita don·t realise this sort of threaten. Ing dis.aster looming over them, it's created an atmosphere. The sort or otmo5phcrc lhat•s resulted in the hippy urt forms, and or course, the hlppy mo,•emcnt Itself. The underground is really only people trying to survive In a civlllsatlon that basically Is nothing to do with people. America is ,•ir­tuaHy a fully au1omatcd country where the human e lement Is ignored. and It's the hippies ~•ho, although I.hey probably don't know exactly why they're doing It, are trying lo keep the country uJlvc.

"l'm not a visionary or anything-I didn't see all lhls In a dream. Originally J read a.bout the theory, hut thinking it ovar it seems completely logical. And the perl'On who wrote that America would destroy ltselr by the year two4 thousand wa.s n very highly respected visionary-and most of his pre. dictions have In tact come true. So I don 't see why he should be wrong this time,

"But even if he is wrong, the atmosphere is definit.ely one or !mpcndlng dlsaster-and music has bel"Omc a very important purt o( life, because it's a very humon thing. As a ·group. music to us Is very important, it's our living and we take 1t seriously. But -and lhls goes for lhe whole or the Assocla. lion-we're basically thinklna people, and music is -Only part of our lite. We preach love, 3ing songs-and philosophise In our spare t.ime."

And lhat Is the Assoclallo,. But they do make good records, and . . . who knows? Perhaps America wlll

explode soon. or sink under I.he sea. DEREK ,BOLTWOOD

Grand Ole Opry -British style! ANY doubts as lo lhe

po p u I o r i t y or American Country Music in the Britbh

Isles were dispelled on Sun• day, May 19, when f'olk Voice held their third Festival of American Coun• try Music at Cecil Sharp House. Country music nets from the length and breadth or England be• selged the concert hall wllh • splendid variety of old and new sounds. 'l'he Festival was split into two parts - Modern Country during the afternoon and Bluegrass and Old Time from !'.i.30 unt.H tho Rnale .

Harmony Opening the Modern Sec•

lion were The Rhythm Ranchers who ran through a selection or popular tunes and displayed a good reeling ror country har• mony on the old Lefty Friz, tell hit, "The Long Block Veil". The Ranchers set n high standard with their Interpretations of standard country material and their abilHy to " tone down" lhe amplification. t\lany other modern outfits. whilst pre, sen1Jn,; 1>olished acts. were marred by over-t:nthuslastic s tct•l-.r;uitarists and crashing dru mmcrs - Jan and The Southerners suffered con­siderably from this major fault and, at Umes, Jan's

excellent voice was com­pletely inaudible.

Other electric oountry bands who earned a good response from the capacity audience were: Dave West and The Ramblers: BUly Harris (who deserves to be recorded): and Tho Night• life: and the undisputed star or the ft.rst half, Little Ginny, who brought the house down with her ver• sions of "Little High Horse" and "Out Behind The Barn" -Ginny stood knee-high to a grasshopper and toted a guitar twice her size.

One Hnal criticism or the arternoon·s proceedings was the rather poor com• perlng - all •ery fine when the show was running smoothly, but when per• formers arrived late there was Just an ominous silence. Why no jokes and professional patter, fellas?

The ti \'enl.n~ session. consbtim: of tradl lional American mu.sic proved 10 be a wellllh ur talent 1h11 rtnlo!td f rom Olu~ra111 IIIUKl(:hrns Hh 1'he BhJt);'ru, R•mbleni. Thtl Ch1y Counl Y Tr avellt'rll .ind Tt1e StoneY Rldi:l" Boys, 10 010 T lm1.' outftls iind solo arh .. ~ I~ such ilS 'Mlc: Soutm>rn Hambl ecrs. Pet~ Saycira. TM' Rlw1Jmc:rs, th<: lnlmitabhi MalCol)lm Pl'IC(l .inel 11n enlllru: ,w.iw 1:.1ent In 1he shape ur l>~ve Plane. 111·hl) i>e-rforined four num­bers. 1,;acklni.: hlmst:lf 011 four scpanitc lr1.'11rum eniA: the auto, huri,. AJll)ah11: hlan Muu111aln Dul• clmtir, Jiod,ampllfi~CI ~l--itl •WUllllT,

Comperinl( dur lt11<1: U)e second thOW W:t<!t handled b)' 011;vo Travis


a nd Brian Gofbey. Later on In ttle evcnlnac, Jnlan (;olbeY ctuoeel With btnJO 11;Ct. Peto Sl&nltY and bro1.utl'll AOme mu11Jc-1 M:Ood humour to the Ftstival With lht lr amutln51 rtndlllon ot •··111e Arhnus Traveller".

Seal~d In the J.ujte nudlcntt were sueh 11trt1<lnamws H Miki i nd Griff, Murray Kal!ih, Jlnllh)' Hn,thorne cwoo •lso pla>'ff dur­lrh( l ht second half). Ian Gran1 cProducer or " Country Met1:1t Polt " J, and American banJo pl1ycr. Tom P•leY,

The entire ~ncert wu re­torded b)' p I c t w I C k Inter• natlona.1. for releHe ;u1 a double album Patti.we cm tl'ltlr Hall• mart label. Producer. Don Todd. (If Pf(k wkk, WJl!I re.11ions:l t l a for 1he recordln.ii arraruiemenlli :m,1 h• hoPtea w securo • v .s . rt lta!!e for the .ilbums. Apparenlly, au applause and 1n1roou<:tl<ln!l are to ~ le:rt In, •·herever p0sslbJe, 10 give the d111c an .uthenuc ••Opry" flavour, C:ooel luck. Don, H't iabout time ,omethlnK con• s1roc1ive wa.s done!

0(ltPIH! one (Ir tw-0 !lf!l backs tbal are IIH!,YUjb)t' with 3 ('On• Cl.'rt of !Ills st&o, lhti orooucen. J im Mus hall and Mike $1nro. .scoroo a decbllvc victory in t.hti batt.le f-O t the .irccotunce ot <-•.mn• try mu~tr. I can't wait for lht next Pet1Hval of Amulcari Cou11try Music ln October - lol's hope by thttl om-, lhiruts ore n:ull>' movlr11c for U1e 1o: rc1u counlr>' 11ct• who :ir11>earN:1 on May Ii

Hr1an Chalktr, Uctl

It\ all been brouaht to liJht now. Thu buty, professional and hlehly melodic tune (which topped the American charu) by those well respected youna lads. the ASSOC IATION­wu actually ominously concern&d with a particular mind Hfectine subsunct thouaht still to be found in even today's stnslbl• society. MARY wu a JOINT! Yes, that innocent but cuchy word MARY in the underworld means JOINT . Not Sunday joint, but JOINT. ALONG ome MARY. aec itl Maryr "But we're off chat sctnf now" say the guys .. .



Manufactured and Distributed by CBS Records 28/30 Theobalds Rd London WC1 01-242 9000


Page 4: RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library with thousands of ......!hat l.

• RECORD MIRROR, WHk •ndin1 fun• I, 1968


MICKY WEDDING Monktt Mick ey and sultry S,1,mmy wtrt sun lut week ,u tht ,ice of their first mtetlne, BBC's Top of tht Pops where Sam1ncha used to bt chief record spinner. Rumours of in en1r1gemen1 to bt announctd ffoutd about but nothine was actually uid . It wu hinted, however, thu a certaln murimonial happenina may u ke plu• in the Autumn.



TIit-: Move •re to re-lease a reroluUonary .. mlnl,album .. on June %1 . The r l"Cord, rallcd '1'·he Move Lh·e At 'l'he

Marquee", wm be': lhe some slie as an E.P. bul wlU play at 331.

The dlsC' "1 111 r etail at normal F..P. prlrc. a nd playing time l.s elghl~ n mlnutt.s. The n,·e track~ on th.- r c<<>rd arc:: "S<• \ '011 \Vant To Be A ttoc:k ·n• roll Star": •·strphanl r Know i. \Vho,.: .. Somethlna Rise''; ... ll'II H<" Mc' '; and "Sunt,:hine Help Mc"'.

Desplle rumours drrulaUng ret<"nlly, Car l Wayn~: announced laSI w..-k that he wlll d ellnllell' not be leo,•lng lhe Mo,·e. AU th(• problen1s "'Uhln the g roup have bf'en rt:solvr.d, and, he st1tl'd, th(•y a rc!' quite ha1>PY to r(•maf11 a rour,ple('t'.

On July 19, the Movt s tart a n Am~rlcan tonctrt lour until Au&'\ISl %fl. During the lour they wfll be pho1tng a t two major pop festivals. l mmcd lale l)' aflcr 1he tour, thr group will ,:o to l .os Angeles wh.-rc lh<")' wlll mca•t the ir r<"c:onllng manngcr . Denny Corde ll, to record sing-Jc and 1- f•. mattrtal.

HERD· FOUR WEEK TOUR IN AUSTRALIA PROMOTl::fC Tim Urodatat ts ('1.11Tfn11y MJt,IIO.lblJ lo t•llc t be llt:"1 l(l

AUJ lnUA l or A h,ur ll'tf'k lour In Ja.ll»at)' " " · TIie 14Hlr • ·Ill ('O\'fr IIW " '"'°I" nl i\ulrtlln and Nf•• 7..calabd, 11.Dd ma,• •ISO

lntlude lht t'ar Eul. ;t, nf''<I' urr ... nw-n1 wi t.b PhUlpt, llrcortli, I I.I lb(- Htrd N'('(H1b

•rt ·~ he -,hfn tlm111ti.nrou,; r('ld"4! l:n lf11 Eur• 1~an t'OWllrlfS. lmmt(ll• lllt'J)' lktr\ CIIIC'f lbC' t op lf'D Ill lhls ('(IUlllr")'. 1'11.1$ f'OUlCli ltllo ('ffCfi lllh l't'lday wt1t1 ti~ Conllnc-ntal rflC'UC' Of 1i.,1r t'·urrC'nl hJC r«.rd, "I O;m' t wan, Our 1.o,1n,; Tn 0 1,".

The Herd laJI " "f'tk flnhbcd work on • 11ro1u0Uon•I Alm fur thb teC'ord. .and b1,·r now -,, tul('d rf'(•ordln• lllf'lr ftt!W •lbu.m 111 "'"'" I, lhN' ( Or l'CkOC' 111 l•h• July nr f'arl)· 1\11101,;1,

WAHOO WASHED OUT. . • NEWIES BY MANFRED, MIAMI'S allen,pt to tmltatt- Monterey with the ir Und er •

ground Pop Festh ·a l, held ·'Oh Saturday and Sunday, did no& r r ally tome off - de.!iiplte Jlml Hendr ix and the Expc rhmcr arrh•lng before a 12,000 plus crowd on Saturday by helkoptc-r.

Tb~ Idea wa.s two days of continuous blues and rO('k. from 12 noon 10 1.2 midnight. On Saturday h • •orked although the crol'·d that barefooted hs l''ay lo Che ract-track nmut· dldn"t get full va lue front Arthur Brown. Arthur's Crai.y World had to cul Its.ell short bttause of over -runnln.g, the rac t that Hendrix rollowed him and ~llaml'• laws that rorbld music aflt'r midnight on Saturday.

The next day howeve-r the rain started. Amadngl)' {or l\llaml which l!I an Amt.rtcan sunspot, there was a tremendous downpour • •hlch wa~hed out the t "etcth•al.

After thlt the. argun1ents started betwee n promoters and n1,111agers. Subject •·•s money an4 payment there.of. Somt­performtrt were paid but the Mntert promoters lnJJlstf'd on ;.ome of the taking,. ~tn1 place,d ln afe ket-plng. They called In Wells Farso!

Apart from Jtmt, lht. Motht-rs of ln,·cntto n, Chuck Berry, Btu" Cheer, John Lee Hooker and local group, appeared . Arthur Bro•·n app('ared without makeup on his afternoon, daylight, s tint.

Th..- Foundation,- ln,·aded th..- ullrahlp FtUmore East In New York for t"'O concerts and d id quit<' Wl'II considering ... They turned up In forrc to dig Booker T and the MGS 1naklng a rart- Ne• • \'ork appearanc" on Sunday • . •

Soul Brother No, I James Brown •~ emerging more and more • ~ a Ch•II Rights Rgure. ,\fter the \\'a11hlugto n Riots 11 was Bro• 'n who l,p~•rNI on TV •.1kln~ hls Bro thers to cool tt. Now he has a New York concert cal.led the National Soul f't'1fillva l. with par t o f the pr<>t!tedi going to youth and commu nity organisations - lndudlng the PoUee Athlelk League! Afle r th.,- j hOw a f 'ood Train WIit d lslr·lbute to thf s,oor In , ,arlous pov,rty In New York c lly.

IHs new sing le: 1 two part \'('r§lon on Ktng of "'Amerlt• Is My Home> ...

Tiny Tim Is •$ years old. Hf' wear, ,·e ry Ion.~ hair and sings In a high falsetto. lie UkS very old s.on,:s as his n'8lC'lr1al. allhough oe<aslonally d11ts PoP S<>ngs, lnclud lng • lngfng both part,; of Sonn,• and Che r matrrlal. He plays a ukelele a , he sings and a lwa,•s carrte..s a handbag w-Uh him. He ealls. breathlessly, everybody Mr. or ~l bs - ••and that dear ~t r. Bing Crosby re<'orded this tn .. . " Uc Is an u ·kl baseball fan of thl' Dodgt'rs and was f'Jectcd from the trround reeenll)' for urging l ht m on wllh a victory song. To BrlU.t1h ears hf' ~ou nds llkc a co111bln1Uon or Whispering Paul l'tcOowt'II , Mrs. l\llllrr .. ,onathan and Darlt"nt" F.ct"'•ards.

But he d ot•s hu't 111 1 ... 1' that's sold 100,000, called "Goel Bies._: Tiny Tim". a singlt- 0 "rlptbe Throuah The Tulips .. clh nblng the rharts. And he pac:ked tht" •'"Ulmore, San •·ran• dsco where th, h ip and the beautiful called for more and hr I~ , er,, mur h In d<"mand for top TV shO"''S.

\'011 don't really laugh at him btcausc tw c:ome~ o,•t r \'HY lnnocc.nt and slm:Nr. But hl''s M..•t to be Amt'rlca'lii 1168 IH)Vtll)'!

I.ore.I Sult h "•Ith hi~ s.tnant Horace the- Butle r and his ltotls Horce paintNI ax a Union Jark i tarled on a promotio n tour ,u•ros-s Am<'rlca for a magalln<' . . . Frank Zappa hu: boug ht To rn Mhc's h ou se: In Laurt•I Canvon, California, whf'rr l~f'lr llurctun 11,·e s . . .

1910 CO·, LOUIS AMOS(: l htt new 1in1ltt belllll

releaud C)ll 1h" Wffk e-udlnic J un,c 7 •rt l)nU from

Whhl,inA: Jtek Srnnh, J otm M•)'Jll's Rluf'•. Erma F ranklin, Tht Barron Kn1Jth1li. LOuis A.rmt,lron,. TM J.!lln'f'ltHH, J o l1n f'nd and hls P layboy Oa.n<I, Utn l-!, K._111,,t . Manfrtd M anl'l, ltlC> Prult.t1.11n c o and Trtnl L,optt.

AU lht ,,...., ,1n1tlu ICI be r e,, leased llut.1 week are H f 11UoW1: O«CA t,ynd.1 Clarte - "'lhln I n M Y HHrl: Jimmy Powell "Suur 8111>e": Primo Sc•Ja and hlt A~rdt•n Hand "'Blut Slut-1": John Mayal,' 11 Bhttl• brea.Urs - " No Reply": DEllA.M Wlll$Uln111 JAC'IL SrnJll1 - •'()o)y Wllt,rft I J...lrf"; 1.,0SOON e:r m• t'ninklb, - "Open Up Vour SOul", Ullb (.i.o)defl - " A Loltf r.Jak tn' Good": Ct-r1e and Otbbe - "L.ov1n se.a,on"; COI..UMlUA K im and .. Kf'II)' ··11opplnou 11"; Tht l:h1rron KnlJl:hlS - " l Ntver wm Mar-11'": T1i,e ~lll~rl - " A.II Lonie M Thfre't uwe··: Tht WaJha 111 C r-.:en "Sorry Mr. G r-ee n " : PARLOPHONE n~e Taaes " Ttlcre·, A 8hnd M•n Vl11Yinl(·' . STATHSIOE f'Hhlon" - ··1.0.u . A l.lfHlme Of Love"; Lou.1.i Ann• "rons - " Suns:hlnci or .t..o,•e".


SO NS 11nd l,overs' nu,n1111,or, P'tul s ,.n ilb, 110c. to Amciriu 1 n f x l Wt11nnthl' 10 n •1eo1t1He del:111b

for UM< .croups nrst promou.on•I vbh 10 lh•l CoUt'1r)' In l•tt $ti), lernber . 'Ille YUIil ,. to Wl(lUd(' t'OI· 1.-ae, TV, radk> •nd rK"OrdinK dun.

0,, J UI)' ft lht.' •roup JtO 10 l(@l•nd fo r a month. and th«ir r1 (lw sirilf)e " 10 ~ n-Ma.1ect on J 1..1ne n - al• th,ou,th no Ill le h -- t~tn dt('idt'd \IOOn •• Ytl ,


As r~>OrlC'd ,,. the Tlmtll 1•~1 Sat\ltdi )' , M~ry J•ne, lhc Amer-1.ean nk!k n.rne: for m..r1•• . ,. •ltO lh tt Utl~ Of ~hnlt'r Gantt»·• Velvt l o,~u·a new 11n1114' .

" Tk Ulle Ls r.o CO·ln<.'lden«-. Alon,cNdtt lht 1,1~ 1.1•1 "boy m(.~b

11lrl" therne, the a.ooic .auon,pl6 to re<TUIV • wrird, dh ~anHlk.i ~l.lallO' r~m lnllCftlt Of Ulc fttlin1 111duc.d b)' • mokinic 0,01" u ld • si>01Ctr• rn • n ror EbtN't G• ntr,-,


AS a rnul1 Of a 1c1n1-lon a_p, pear-an(e m•dc- by l...onJC John 8aklrr In lloU.Jnd lour mornh•

IUCO, John II In Amll•rda,n at thf

TAMLA TM "1an•eJetlU - " ll~N! I Am Ht bJi" i U.81..L l.ern4nacle Chaude " San Dernadlno"; C.R.S. John f'red II Hi~ rlo-bO)' Hand - " Sh lrlt)'"; Rain.>• Du et -" What 0 6 Yoo Thin.It": T1ut 8)' PaJIM Ot('b. - "The l.HI (";ood. bye•·: Spirit - " Unc-Jt JaC'k": ATI. ANTJC ll~l'l £ , K.Jna - " Don't 'f'a.t-0 Your 1.o,·e Prom )le": PHILIPS l.uls Albf rlo 0.1 ParHa Y 1M f'Ui.llUIYOJI - "La ~IICI, d id"; The Dutch - .. Wh1I b Soul": Monta11 Jaunu - " Tbe Ott1\UH!.r .. ; FONTANA 'lantrtd Mann - "My 11 J aclt": Clive we,uat e - " 100 ua~•" : Kdlh UllmPJh:ad - " Tc-nemtnt Tra.aC'Cl1": MB RCURY P retdom -··Wtitte WIii You Re 1':)n111ht" : M,(;,M , BUI Med"y - ••t C.n' I fohlee ll Atone": M,0 ,)1, St1,1dk) Ore l, tOr btioal Sou-ncllnck) " l.ara·11 Tlwme": Nie;\.,. Huokln. -MNlll')' Of Toi) Po1>s ("Ctodert1Ua Rockalflll,' ' ttc·.,: PVt-: Scnia• -" Lavt.n(ler Poocorn": t:thr,a Cam• l>itll - " K\U T(lfllOrrow C000b)'4' .. : MOIU Anditrsori - " Cha r1itt I$ )I~• Oarlh1a": , .. v~ INTgRNATIONAI. 1910 Yru1hcu rn Co, - " Mli>' J Take A Giant Step on10 Your Hearl)'": llEPR1S£ Trlnl L<le>4!l - " Mental Journc-r" ,

mommt 11hcnin 11C contracts ror a 1elevillC1n se.rlH .,, • ·h lth l'le ts to 11u U hOII,

The 11e rtf$ ill 10 f lUI VI thr aul-umn, •nd John WIii commutt' bclt,..ttn I.Melon :tnd All'l& for 1h41 dunlkln vr th t J:hOW,


SAROLTA IS '° rccurn lo Hw1° JC.UY at ti~ «id (If JUltf , lO

~u1rt • 1our of lht lroo C\lrlllfl COUOlrws. ~ for(! le•VIIU(. hOWf'Ytr ' she ..-ul comploctr hl:r nn11 u• 1n ill lhlt ('()11t1trY for 1.11and ft e(Ord\.

lbe O.lbu1n fOlU.f'U f(lflJl!I b )' the ~e Get.'S and Jat'\te Edw•rds, and " 10 be produced by Oave a.talC!ft or th~ Tn ffh: . WIIO proch1t c<I h•r nnmt ,111.gtti "Open Your U•nda, ..


RO\' HARPER. wllo U a t prescn1 In N'orwar \&11';'118 1n th " Vnlvtrt.U)' Of 0,10 rl1WII(' h:AII•

ll'al. r·e1um1 an Whll Mond•)' , June 3, to C'.'Oslll.Jr With T,,t1t.tUIOHUru.) Ru .at lh11 • Royal f ' t:tllval Han.

Stephan O ro11m1u'I, Dntd oo·wi.e and JOhn Pieel 11r~ • llo c. the bUI.

STATUS QUO ,...,UK StalUI Q\IO"a Amui,c,an \'bH .I. atar tina oa SC'pt.cmbC'r II, W to

be nt~ndcd by four do-a .o

19-ycH~old Tricia Madden - p ict ured a fttr w innlne the th lt o f A.a.dlo Ont's ' 01sc Jockty Dtrby Dolly' , with thrtt top malt d isc focktys. w ho art, from top: David Simonds. Tony Blackburn and Don Mou.

ANDY'S CONCERT CKS Hecords ha~ bet'n tnundat.-d "1th t-nqutrl('S: about the sung 'M'hkh rc-cC'h·cd the grcotrs t ovation at all th ree And)' WUll1ms' conttr1~ at the Albert Halt Inst week : Ctn 1'he Summer time) 'Vou Don' t \\'ant My Lo,•e. Andy sang the song Sf:Vl-!N tlme-s, ontl' In Japanese.

"Tht, phone~ ha, ·c hardly 111opped ringing " 'Ith pe,ople a!ikln$t "here they ca.n buy th<' rt't"Orc:I," said a CBS spoke!i:man.

Tht song Is: In fac:1 a,111llable on an EP first rtlensed three years ago, ralll.'d Andy WIiiiams' Fa,·ourltes - Voh1111t One (JU'6054), whtch Is s tltl avall1ble.

tbal I.he llf'(lUp ('11.n rKOrd OV(:r lh~t.

Only Jub u; , St:it~ uuo an• to llllfl a tou.r bf'hlnd the lrnn (.'\lru1ln , w, P<lla:nd, Clecho.l<ivak.l•, 1nd Dul, ;:a.rla, wbere lhty will be aP~ar• VII( ttl t'llbah",I and on t~ltvlakln


A 1•rt:AJHNG 011 Ow.t r $pnr~ ­Ueld'I «-ltVIIIOn 1how on J1,1111,r

) wlJI be the J lmt llendrb ~ ~Pf:rientt, On Jw,e 14. t}g11y ,coe, 10 Amene a to 1nNt hf':r 1&1iCtnt Harold Ona.on, 10 complete bust~ n(!p clJ11«1aaiOl'la for tc.levlJloo and cabaret WI that C'OUnlr)' .

on J u ly I, Dw:t)' uaru Mr seuon •t I.he Talk or d1to To wn.

• . new •Vla le Imm Ci111 Rt11C'll , " Where 11 Tomorro w". to hie ru1h r,elu11td on Jun. 7 .


T'IP. Po1.1n d a. 11ona lt.r il C'lln <'\'llinti ·heir proposed wor ld tour, and 1n1.1,.-nd to rtm,m to Britain hn•

mcrdiattlr altt1' l httr Am4!tl('/ln tour, Wbi('fl 1,'l'tds • 1 San Pnn<u('o en J un., U.

'fhe icroop • •II 11ar1 wor·k on rt'• ('(lrdin tif trnclt• for a new 11,ucle 1111tn00laltb· they n t u rn. Tite worlO 1our w,U b'f PCl8llM>r'lt-d tUIUI latt" ~t'Pl~m ~r or 0<-IObn. and WIii t:itk(' pl;i~ pr ior to thf'lr Mex ican \'Il l! laltr this )' t-ar .


T'I I!! Seel.en hav" bt.iffl 111.icn1•d for thetr l \,'COl'ICI Cllb:ite l .. .,. punnre . , l ht TAik of I.hf'

T O'<ll"Tl, Thu • 11uon b 10 IUt f~ 1r • ttlea 11.nd atuta on Juno 10. Im• rnt:dlatdJ' 11..rter tbclr ('()rl~r t tour

On June t•. u~ Sfth n ,11r 1n"ir own 00C 2 colour IPC'('lilltubr. cal lNI '"nl• t;Nt ~n Down Unck'r" whiC'h WH Ulln-,d durlru t thf lr AUJtU1i1n ,·i1i1 IHI J t'tf

Thia T11ur1d~y lht' ttrO'J:p 11ar-1 record~ic l.b41lr n~w LP 1.111d~r Ot~ dlrttlioo of MK'k k! Motl


THE Amtn Comf'r l f"t! 10 1)1.alrc­l.belr I.tu.rd Ur-ituh cona-rt 10ur Of thLJ )'tU In 0(1<1bf'r . Olht.'t

111,natet • ·t10 m111 be illPPt'ilrlm: on Ute tour art II.~ and Tina 1\Jrn~,. die MO\'f. o1n d Sklc• Bute-rt)'.

On Jt111e , . 1'1c • rOlC>'» m~,lkf'r 0oo Atdm . n W:11 to Ne w VOrk IO 4JtalH <h:l•U• OI An~ Corn('r'a lhrN Wttk tour Clf lht: S llllf'I In ~Pltn'lbe-r .


T'I K U!n,on T ret" C'UI a n,w 11:nrle wHh tht lr orod~r. Andy f'11lnn•111hcir Low I.hi~

Wet.IC. Tb(' s in(i l~ , t'alled " II '• $o Nice' ". 11 to be rd~ut'Cl °" J1at1• 14 The MtOl,lp .,. •• PttS('nl n,11k lnc atnn1emtnt1 for lhe n 1tor-din1C or their live E. P .. " Currant Duns". to be nileH4'd prk>r 10 the ir (;('rtnu wlalt on JulJ' 15



Tbe prtee for CIH atlN. • Cl nrtlw mtDIJ II ... .,,, • •rd

pre.paid tor au Sttllom. AdYtrllWaM!DI" attwJd bf 1ubmUkd bJ Tlliund.1111 ., lat weell: ptteffdlas pul1Uu1a.11. AU IMh' t rlbun~•·· are tlll:lkN I• appro\'IJ by Ille .-IIAtrt.

e record• for 1ole R ECORD BAZA.Ml. M,000 rrom u.. Write IM UslJ, HO~. Arnie: Str-eet. Clu_,ow. ALWOUND JlH(;OROS, Do .a <'Om• 1>&c:tt rankt Of OJ~ Beat ,no '°"' rr-cordt, Mall order or c•H at •• GI, Yt'utem Rd .. London., W.t. Rt.UBS A SOUL. ROC'K ANO ROLL aucuon. WelJ,llnown artmtt-Un, known arllsl tt, Old blues,-new bluff, (ltl!,:lnal rotlt.arolden llOUPs, all tan• cuuc,uy rate. St.nd 11111te •.•. f'. fOI' complete Jlst.-Due Miles, ,1 Oevon1hlre HIii Lant, Toll-.rnh1m, London, N.17. QI C&MS " AM ERll' AN ARTISTS OSLV" AUCTION: R T/ lbnlt tu=-.·, : t../R'C'h•td (MYAU~ VaUCI)') , Cocbnn (Slh'ctr), 0 111•)'. l.OWIJ , nu~, : 1n,por100 t..r .·, - Vr-M d:t Kime. J / Rnd. IIIHI)' Smith, T~ Taylor . MUIM n,own~. Vtn1Wfll D/Wud: LARGE $ ,A.It. - R).1$, 40 That:k~UY A\'C,. Loftdi,n, N.17. IM?"1 COI.LBC110N for Aucl iQn 1'.hny on red. R Ii fl. Da.lhdA, S ,A.t: A, Smilh, & Park Creu-e:nl , Wo lvt:rha,nplon.

ANO'nl B R GRl?AT AU("'TION, L.P's \'alt11$, J AChtirl4!)', Rit'h,' BM-s 10 In ., TWIii)', lfak-)', etc-.. t.t-wu " I 'm f'cflln ' $Orn'." c:1Uo)', My D•be. Sllppln ' abd ~lldln", Many mon ,.,a! a • ·• ma w .,wlct Road, Dlrrnln 11h•m II H.OCK AUt"TION, E'L\' IS: SUN ti$ • t11 ts·•• Scrumin ' Jay John.II)' ·o· KN-ft, 11(1( Todd.)' 'I, R• dell, J lv••• •tonu. Glll-ci1 .,, ., ti• each altd a:e, 1111-o e1c., ti(', S.A,B, P . M. Chalme-rs, l)ol'ffl('fl, Holm• bury SI Muy, Nr. Oorklruc, Surrtr.

Cont inued on page II

Page 5: RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library with thousands of ......!hat l.

RECORD MIRROR, Week endlne Jvne I, 1968 s

~ -,


., .... :J.., \

\< ~ ,,~, ' - .... • • •

TRAFFIC-by Lon Goddard.

Fan club's Poem Corner supplies odes to Lulu

1,ULU'S OFFICI AL f 'Ai'/ CLUII Address: 236 Long Ch1ulden, Remel

Hempstead, Rerts. Secretary: ~1rs, Ellubeth (Belly) BJ1cklt. Founded: Nol'ember 1'64. Current membership: 1,100. Sub,cript1on rates (per yca.r) ; U.K, 5s.

o,•erseas tOs.

REr.lARKS: Formed some, • rour years ago at the tlme or "Shout", Lulu

and the Luvvcrs' Officia l Fan Club (as It was then called) was oriulnally managed by sister of one of the Luv\'ers, Margaret Neilson. ln November 1964, however, with Its membership total around the 30 mark, It was taken in hand by 1he present secretary, Betty Blackie. and put Rrmly on the rond which has led it to figure In yet another or Britain's truly remark­able Ian club success stories.

Quite the most amazing aspect of Lulu's Fan Club is the fact that, materially nt least, it has attained Its stHl-soaring membership figure (wh ich has a lmost quadrupled within the past 12 months) entire ly on the .strength or one so1itary selling point, namely, its 4•6 '"'KC, six-weekly newsletter. .

Neally duplicated on pastel-coloured foolscap paper, the newsletter combines two fu II pages of news with an excep­tional number or exclusive features, lnc1udlng a Poem Corner (devoted to odes In pra ise of Lu lu , wrltte.n by members) and the so•called Get Togethers column through which members -may con­tact teJlow fans living In their lucallty. With these and other more familiar items. such as raffles with autographed LPs and small 1>ersonal articles donntOO by Lu lu herself. os tho prizes. and the Pen Pol and Swap Corners, the newsletter is an invaluable and enjoyable source of in• formation for each and every Lulu ran.

1\he only other item cu rrently offered by the CJut, (apart from thl' membership card) is Hs rctl and gold leatherette· lapel badge, priced at 3s. J'111 II the Club Is a little less than prolific in lhe material supplies deparuncnt, the deficiency is well-ba lanced by the ract that whether answering queries, compiling the news, letter or arranging a meeting between Lulu nnd her funs, Betty Blackie drawfoi upon n vast fund of personal experience and friendship which d ates from the day. some 15 years ago. when she and Lulu fi rst became neighbours in their nat ive Glasgow,

Due largt.l) lO lilt' worldwide .fUCCe&II Af .. Tu Sir Wllh l.ovo", lh(I Ct11b nl)W has an (WCII"'

LULU-warm, frlendly, adorable.

lncrea.slna rw!-rct.ruue or overseas members, P-.r• Uttl!arl)' frtun Urael and U1~ United S1a1e11 (a branch c atering speclall)' tor Ltilu' s American taos hn, In ract, Just been lnau.l(UrAhtd), But the orie Krcat atron.&hOld or Lulu devotees (and hon~ ot meh " '4'tll,Ulltfled' ' ChltJ mttm~r• Jl-3 Drlaft 11,uce, or 18 e:mnu no•d. l,.onclon W.4. , who wrlle!I In pral$0 or the lntorma!Jon ae.rv,ce, •nd secrot1rY R(!!IY'i Oedlcation) UI r1aht h• re in Britain, or, more 1Pttll\cally, Nnr1h of 1hc Border in Sc:01l11nd. where Jive lhfl v~s1 ma;orily ot the Club·a mos , a.vld 5ltP00rt(!tS.

Of tht&e, h iJI p,erha_ps IOOR•ffn>l n>: member Oavld Preai!Oll, of 5Y K11Uocbmyl(!, Caldel'\l'ood to. East Kilbride, Lan:irllt•.. WhO ~st sums UI) lh~ re~lms ot all Lulu's SCottl..llh f i ns.

Ot!elat·C!.C Oavld: .. (H!lnij • mt mb~r o r LOIU'I l'an Club iit, ror me, • ,1u-ea1 honour.

•·No1 o,nb• doca th(' C'lub noUty Is mtmIH•,·• of • ll Lulu'& entuucemonta, bolll lnrRe a11d 11mall. ii a.lso helps us In many otht:1' way1 10 fe(l l that we ar~ In dirtcl cori lac1 wilh her.

" HavlnJt me t l,.uJu before her i,;: rea1 l tl'P tn fame and kr,owlruc her now as an lnternalion11 su1r. ,11 a reelh'l!t simply . out of 1hl11 world, And I t:in honet !IY say, whether $he IS In lhe eomp;i1,)' 01 the Beach BO>'S, th~ Monke,c.s, Cone Pitney. or an,· other f.imous n1.111e. 1hc Is e-ver lhe SM.Ille warm• he1ned, frlondl.y jllrl whom I wlll a lwa)'s Adore.

"'Eve.r)' booour whtctl c:omea L11lu'1 way." l)a\'ld r;l)tl<'hl(l(!S, "On!)' makes m• more IU'Olld lhAt I belonic to her P•n Club; 11nd I feel boun(I II) md1: 1h41 SUXKflUlon thal anyone who hu e\'CI' h4u11•d ol l.ulu should have no hesitation In wrltiruc 10 Beuy Blackie and be-comlruc • m~mber r iicht away,"


·HE '.' underground" in England is a collection of da rk damp platforms and jostling crowds and mlles and miles of tube trains weaving In and out of tunnels. The " unde rground" in America is a groovier thing, nothing to do with tube tra ins, more to do with beautiful people and beautiful sounds. A way of li fe that

reached its peak with flower•power and weekend hippies but still survives in a more genuine form. Especially on the music scene.

In England lube trains are underground traffic. In A,ne rica, Traffic is "underg round".

And Traffic have just returned from America. "If it hadn't been for the underground moven1ent, we'd never have made

i t in the States" said J in1 Capaldi. "There's a distinct barrier between the teeny.bopper groups and the underground groups - groups like J efferson Airplane and the Electric Flag. And the great thing is that we were im-1nediately accepted by them.

"Muskally over there It'~ like the early days of negro jan-all the grou1>s Just. live for their music. and Jam sessions are a pretty regular thing, with everyone gelling up on s tage to hnve a blow. The extent of your music does.n't really seem to ruatter, Just how well you play and what you know. If you want to make sounds by tapping an ashtray, then you join in. We did one concert-it wa.1 a !liOr t of charity thing-

' out In the street, play Ing from the · back of a truck. It was great because dUl'c rent group members got together and played. If a musician says to you: "Let 's get together 11nd hnvc a blow", you do Just that. A Jam session can go on for hours-you don't talk or anything. You Just play.

It's not the same in England-t suppose there Is an underground over here, but il'f9: not as largo or ns effective. It's on ly natural really, because America is so much larger anyway. Bu t the thing is thRt over there the hippies arc genuinely hip, They may be a bit freaky - but they're very sincere. It's not just a t.rendy fashion .

"The atmosphere is ·so different in America. Over here the kids dontt really need an underground so much-the English have a lol to idenll£y wltb. Our tradition go0$ back centurle•. But In the States they haven't got such an e.Stabl ishcd tradition, they're a very new coun try still. So the kids ore nil searching for an identity- and this breeds a sort o f unrest that's resulted In the whole u.nderground movement. 1'here·s a big vogue for people lo study the old rcd,indian civilisation, for example, and draw paraUcli, hs.twe-cn themS(!:lvcs and these orlg1nul Americans.

" But It's good, because great 1hings come out of an atmosphere like that -there's some really greal music being 1mndc in America at the moment. I'm sure that something really fantastic is going to happen in America very shortly. I don't know what-pc.rhaps it'll explode or some• thing. There's thal sort of an atmosphere over there.

•·so aJlhough we're not rea11y a part of the American underground-we weren' t born into it-we' ve become very involved in it , nnd we\' :! loornt a lot from it. When we- Ont went out there-like the Cream when they first went to the States-we did a straight



President PT 196'-4

stage act. You know, a collect.ion or dlJrerent numbers with u puusc between each one. But before long we'd started running numbers on, and expanding numbers, and having 16-.minute breaks and that sort of thing. J thin k we've become a Jot more l n v o I v e d with our music, and we've s traightened our Ideas out a lot.

''I don't think we' ll ever make another single, By that I don't mean that we won't be releasing singles. But we won't ever go Into the recording studios with the idea of m.aking a hit record - a commercial single that's specifically aimed at the charts. Albums; are for more impor tant-you can put so much more into them. Ce.rtaln tracks may be released as singles, but they won't be recorded as such.

'"The album we're working on 01 the moment will probably be released as o double album. One record of tracks put down in the studio, and the other from tho numbers taped at the cottage, I ·don·, think s tudios arc important cithcr-lhcy'rc far, too complleatl'd, Just a place lor manu• facturfng hit records. Eventually we'll record everything at the cottage on oti.r own tape recorders, and just have pressings mode rrom our tapes. Then we'll only be put• ting down exactly what we play, and not a sound that's been manufactured by the studio engineers.

" We're going back lo Amer ica-and hope we. learn a lot more. I'd like to stay over there for a while, and then come back to this country and t ry and put across the same sort or things th4l the underground groups are doing there. It's so totally different. A concert over there Involves the whole audience-they don't just sit there lis tening, wanting to bo entertnined, They're a part of the whole scene.

"Tl's not that audiences here are basically different-Just 1hat they're not being given the sort of atmosphere, or the sort or show that Involves them. \Vc·d like to try and bring this atmosphere back from the States if we can. Don't get me wrong-It's not Lhat we haven't got good musicians in England. Just that we haven't got as many of them as America-like I said , Amcrlca·!'.i a much larger country, with a lot more or everything. Over here, what there is or the underground mo\'ement is still a part or the general pop scene, whc.reas over there it's almo•1 completely s;,paratc. I think the run impatl o r the underground is still 10 come." DEREK 801,TWOOD

OlrmJn.a.b•m lntc-:m11lionAI JAZZ FESTIVAL Summ~rf)eld Pal1'

Monda)', June 1, p.m. S ALf:NA J ONBS



1 Johnri,· Patrick - Urcncla SCOH ,Kee '"'"""' - Andy Hammon Adu.llS I /• O n Advanct 4/-1 Cb.Udren le 0 ./l.P.s I/• l'ton, l..ewls'11 UuU St .. Olrmi1:11ham 4

Ca r Puk 2/6d.

Page 6: RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library with thousands of ......!hat l.

6 RECORD MIRROR. WHk tndina June I , 1968



CAPTAIN BEEFHEAR.T (It h) and THE MAGIC BAND. Their ne,n LP h a double alb1,1m set to be luue on Verve , THE CLANCY BROTHERS wlt.h TOMMY MAKEM-,11 their LP's are bl& stllers ln Britain and Amtrlca .

People Tal·k About ... AND TOMMY MAIEM O NE of the first things that strlku you about

the Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem is their honesty and dedication to the music

• OST people who play PoP mualc and •cem lo be successful (Judging by the convenUonal c.riteria ot succcu) ,cem lo have a IJtUc musical talent and plenlJ, of &lorloua superlatives

hun& on to them by their manager/ publicist/record com­pany-that cast of thousands every money-making pop act grows around them.

Captain Beelbeart and lhe Magic Band are made QI sterner stuff. Their conventional success lJI not very p-ea\. They have never had a hit record of any sort aeywhere, they have never played at the Albert Hall nor the Shea Stadium nor the Royal VarlelJ, Show, th~y have (to my know, ledge) no thriving fan club, oendln11 out rk:bly•ln!ormed monthly buUetins, and, lhclr face, arc unknown to n:.aders of mqazlnes like '18', 'Jackie' and 'Fabulous•.

Y<I Bcefheart'a Magic Band are undoubted!J, succeuful. They are one or the besl•known Ame.rlcan groups in Brltaln and wherever they play, masted audiences attend. And what ls truly lmPortanl- people talk about Beefheart, and many or them wonder what he's all about

The Captain (r .. l name Don Van Vliet) was roused from a state or sleep to talk to me, and aurreunded by lhe newly­wakened Magic Band (lhrce aware musicians) I learned more about lhe group whose first LP "Safe Aa Milk" Is counted among the best underground records !or years.

" We try to tell tho klda to watch out" said Don. "!l's somelhing that started years ago when I was about si.W..n and I was stopped and aearched by a cop because he didn't like the way I looked. ThlJI la in a Cree country. It's getting closer to '1984' when a television set In your room wlll reirlster a change In your facial expression . • The kid1 have to watch !or the men In iirey llanneb, and thlJI gcneraUon of young people Is completely different to any other genera, Uon. They are more aware, and this b&s been cauaed by their attitudes. mlnd-cxpandlng drugs, and most Important of all tho mu,lc they IJJiten to. Music Is the most lrnPortanl medium of all of the art forma because for the kids It Is tho easiest to understand-It get., threugh to lhem.

"You can write a poem. ant.I use the word ·yellow•. OK. But If you put music to It. you add anolher deplh to the word yellow, ond this conjours up pictures In the mind­and !hat's where It's all at, in the mind. 'rhls ts why Dylan put his poems to music. and very successfully too. I can admire Dylan-he's a God in the States.

"The impgrtant thing to the group is t.o communicate. There's really only one song on the 'Sale As Milk' LP that •tarts to put across this Ml'SSllMe, and that's "Elcctrlcit,y". II you aske-d that g\ly downstairs what r meant b)' clcctrlclt,y. he'd think about lho plug In tho Wllll. Our next LP will be lull of these type of song.5. Ncx-t to t.olcputhy, music is the best

PHOTO SERVICE y ou can buy any black.and-white picture

In the Record Mirror marked "RM pic­ture". Just write to us, telling us the date of the Issue, the page, and the artJste ( or cut out the pie rrom the RM) and we'll send you back any nuniber or copies you require. Sizes and prices as rollows:

6j In. wide by 8j ln. deep - 6/ 0d. 8 In. wide by 10 In. deep - 8/0d.

10 ln. wide by 12 In. deep - 10/6d. All colour pictures captJoned RM are now available to readers as a 10" x 8" Cull colour

print at t:1.10.0 per print JUllt write to "RM PHOTO SERVICE, 20 Gerrard Street, London, W.1."

rorm of communication. \Ve act kids in Britain ~ho stand and watch our act and aCterward1 uy to ua, 'Don•t change a bit'. We want to have eora that will listen lo us. I can't eapress these Ideas properly In words, I'll have to play you our new LP when It come, thro·, that's bc\ter. and points towards the aim, the Ideal. There aren't many other groups trying to do Ibis, putting across Ibis type of message. The Byrds? No. Ibey only hinted at It when they rebcct Dylan. Nor the Beatles, although they have certainly brought some fresh air on the scene and done a lot of good. But ·she loves you yeah, yeah'? They're better now-a bit better. The Molhers Of Invention? Yes, lhey"re nearer lo It than al\jlone else, but as I say, I haven't heard many olher groups.

'ANYONE OVER THRTY ... ' "Anyone over thirty Isn't capable of und<!ratandlng what

this Is all about, and this la the big gap between the genera­t ions. The kids of lhirteen nowaday-he ones who sco us-­they're lhe kids who are really going to get this meua,c. George Orwell who wrote 1984 knew what wa• going to hap• pen, and now thi.1 is nearer, but it was pretty near even when he wrote 1h11 book. People are brought up In a com• plotely protected atmosphere, but it lsn"t for their good, It confines them. they're restricted by these convcnUona. Ll.k·e If a guy wears grey ftannel and those square gold-rimmed glaues, then he's OK for PresldcnL Also he'll have a few million, so everyone'II so.y, ' He mutt know what lt's about If he's got that money.' As for actor Ronald Reagan . . . I can Just see his wife-she's tho real governor-caylng to him 'Comb your hair THIS way, dear'.''

I said goodbye to the Captain and his Band after remember• Ing !heir first British ally Peter Meaden to them (It was Peter who Introduced the Band to John Peel who haa done so much for them) and wandered off, hoplnv that some of their mesMge would get threugh to you. without the aid ol poetry, or music, or telepathy.



that has brought them world-wide acclaim. I met Ibo group recently at the Royal Gardens

Hotel, whe·rc they. arc staying prior to their lour • of t: ngland and Scotland. It was • weary foursome

who greeted me lha t a.Hcrnoon-an arduous B.B.C. TV recording session had taken Its toll-but we mana&ed 10 find enough limo for a chat about t.he current folk •cene. t"lrmly e•lllbllshed both here and Stateside, Paddy, Liam, Tom and Tommy have some prclly sc.alhing observations to make regarding the American rolk scene. " It's finished," aald Tommy Makcm. "Everybody's going 'PoP' these days and the kids are getting more country music minded.'' Just to substantiate that remark Tommy gave me a copy of his !IOIO CBS album, "Tommy Makcm Sings Tommy Makem", which Is very much In the cou.ntry music vein.

Al prellClnt, tho Clancy Brethcrs and Tommy Makem are busily recordfng several shows for the B.B.C.: they Include The Billy Colton Show and a 50· minute colour programme "Talk of the Town ... In addition to the.y have radio dales, recording sessions and a lour lined up-then It's holiday time and a complete rest from the hectic life that has grown round lrela.nd's top folk group.

PRAISE FOR BBC There has a lways been considerable doubt as to

whether the 8 .8 .C. aro able to present a successful television programme centred around folk music. bul I.ho Clancy'1, o.spcclally Tom. full of praise for the way ln which they are left to their own devices regarding song maJcrlal and prelSCntaUon. " The B.B.C. people are lhe best," Tom added, "they knock the Americans, especially those In Hollywood, into a cocked hal You should have seen the scripts they handed u&-they payild a bloke twenty thousand dollars to write a T .V. series around us and It was muck, sheer muck ; they haven't got a clue."

.. You know," said Liam, dishing out the hard stuff, "thf!i Americans somc1.lmc11 don 't quite know how to take us at fi rst. \Ve pla.yed lhe Farquar Country Club down In Los Angeles some while back and the

audi('ncc jl wcr(' all at whal a hlo sang and : fuundl11 nd 1

upprtda te many c,M!s days:·

JuS'I r.bou llllO lhe pr ('Jtll ii a d oysters c1t 1

tor has lefl

Stones colour Herd r.ountry music Simon And Garfunkel Dave Dee etc. Tom Rush

THE CASUALS Jesamine r22184


DENIS COUlDRY Rain, rain, rain r 121s

Pa J. Proby

& s•E THE CHIMBI Penny for the wind r 12186 POP ENSEIII ROLAND SHAW Walk away, Renee & Ills Ol'cblstn & Chlnls ~¥~[ c=e~:U~p ( IIS(ll81[ ' SKI

I want to be happy r 12189 IE

(from 0tcca album 'LOOK OF lOY[' SKL/LK 4"'4) t 12788

Page 7: RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library with thousands of ......!hat l.

RECORD Mllt.ROR, WHk •ndinc June I. 19'8

' ' ~· -•~:i

:,;JI ·-( ' I

-~ p


-. • )II',.

• -.... ,

' '( ..... '. ~~

r and Mrs Pete Townshend sat there puuHna what th<? hell we ,out-and then we had them with us and ..Sy marvellous night we h•d-tho.y just sang-it was Kr<'al. The people In New• are a ,:reat <'rowd to play to. Uu:y really the old songs-I guess ll's bc!-cou~ Jn

1 they camt from lrtland bark In the o ld

1t then the panJu1 or hunger began creeping 'OC'ffdln1:s and '-''C dec.lded It was lime to lay and · (•at. f lert Paddy contemplating twenty-five shill ings for s ix. Tom. looking l JOCk, Liam saying cheer io 10 the Rum


ell IE l/ll( 4933)

and Tommy Makem craddng Jokes about frilh farmers. It made a refreshing change to talk to a highly SUtcffSfUI folk gTOUP who have remained un, sPoiled by so calh."<l progre-ss and are Intent on sing• ln1t folk sona1 ' tho way they lhould be •una'.

Some or the concert d•tc• for the Clancy Orcthcn Include. The Royal Albert Hall on May 13th, t"alrfleld Halls, Cro)sdon, Mo.y 5th and Glasgow Odeon. May 8th. /Iller the tour ond holiday• It's back to th• recording studios for two albums and a posslblc trip 10 Puerto Rlco. Alont with Pete Sc,cger the Clancy Brothers must rate as the umbassadorS of folk music.



LUE Horizon ls aiming to b«Ome lhe ftnt Brltbh record labe.l lo IIRn an 'American-based Negro bluos or R & 8 arU..l to an cxtluslve ro· cording contract.

This Is just one facc,1 of producer Mike Vernon's current visit lo the Statoa.

Mike, the mnn who masterminds record, Ing• by John Moyol~ the Savoy Brown Blues Band and Ton Years Arter ror Decca and Peter Crcen's Fleetwood Mac and the Chicken Shack for C.8.S'a Blue llorlion subsldla.ry told me: "f shall be recording n,·c or sb: LP's by American artlstes ln Chicago and I shall al50 be taplng Interviews with various top-Uno blues and R&B artis tes for a f)OSSlblc documentary album.

Oeftnltcly set ror L.P. sessions vete rans Sunnyl,>nd Slim and St. Louls Jimmy.

Ml.kc Is spendlna the Ont week of his month-long lour In New York then moving on to Chicago before returning to New York for a further week to complete arrangements for the leasing of Blue Hori.on recordings. lncludlnK a tlC<!tWood Mac album. lo Epic Rerorda.

" f shall be havin& a good look round the U.S. occne for talent to sicn with Blue Horiion. Ono a:roup f*vo alttady been recom• mended to 11 Ullle Jimmy a.nd the ThrUlers.

"Nobody occms to know much , about them but &ddie Boyd, who already records for uA In Britain, saya they arc, a ICU. Ill the momonl they Just play the dives and Juke Joints on South Side Chicago,

".t;ddie says they have a ,·cry modern. rocking R & B sound which genorales great excJtcmcnL"

Eddi<,, whose new album "'/1138 South Rhodes"-named after his home address In Chicago-has been released by Blue Hori.on, spearheads the label's policy of recording top Amerlc.en artlstci as well 1.s home tak!nlL

fl was Eddlc·s admiration for the guitar feel or Peter Green whli h largely led him lo return to Britain to cul lhe Blue Hori.on set.

"Pelor's a areal blucsman. He'a a N"lll"O tumed Inside out. Ourlna the session I fell Just as though I was working back home In Chicago;• said Eddie.

With the U.S. rc,loaso of the fiNlwood Mac album-which went to number 1hr In the Brllilh L.P. cha.rU-Amerlcan fans wlll have the chance to hear Peter's talents for thf'msclvcL Moreo,-cr. a U.S. tour hu been lint'd up for the boys In June.

During his visit, Mike WIii be lining UP further U.S. releases Cor British artistes through Epic and ironing out laal,mlnule arrangements for the FteetwOOd Mac tour.

'"The group will be playing Well Coa1t dates. lnc:ludlna the Fillmore lludllorlum, but we are hoping to arrange some dates In

' , ---•' ' ' -I I

I \



EDDIE BOYD-hh new slnt l• it " Th• 811'',


other are.a, as well. It would be marvcUou.s II the group could get exposure lo a Negro audience II we11;· said Mike,

Though he Is hoping to cul I lot of record• and do a lot o f bualness. the lrlp is also supposed to be something of a holiday for Mlltc.

"When I return lo Britain. f shall really be gttt.lna down to It. I've got album sculon.! lined up for John Mayall, Savoy Brown and Ten Yean /Iller for Cetta and a lot to put in 1he can for Blue Horizon.

Slnger-planl•t Champion Jack Dupree. who I• now llvlnk In Halifax. will be ~rdln« an t.P. for Blue Horl'(()n as well as a com• mer<iat R & B slnale with backing by the Black Cat Bones. Mike will also record Ou•tcr Bonnell, a one-man bandl

Mike added: .. We've ,pent a lot of time looklna for British ta.lent but I think most of those with anyt.hina worthwhile to add to the blue,· acenc h ave already been found. though ono •unknown' 'tfho has really Im• prelsed me Is 15-year-old Danny Korwin who plays a real mean guitar with • group called "The Bolltthouso·:·

With the Rol.lln11 Stones· return 10 • h(lrd R & B formal. neetwood Mac's scnsallonnl suc~ss and all thls activity rrom Mike Vernon, we could wen see a return to tho r1vln11 R & B scene of four •~o. after all il would be a logical follow-up lo lhe roek-rcvlval.


new olbums reYiewed by Normon Jopling and Peter Jones new olbums review

FRANCOISB H.A1tDY •"SIIIII• "'°"' IA'Ve" fM1rM, Affll MONO MAL 711').

PVIK tint .. mPeCI ten uM"la ,.-,ir. ror thil ~dflt H•rd,. LP , w·Mch lndllOn btr I rst

hit • .,. ... , IA-I Ol t«ns Ml Lff PIUtills'' All l'loW1th htt PtHffl1 fan. ,,111 hn• •IJ o( .... 1rM'lu, thh l.P W11 doubt&Hs, •ll to lbrf ftMIN' nwal record bu)-1T.

••• V AJIIOUS A.RTIITR:I •• PUll:1tk ,._._, Utlfftn MOHO BUit Ill)

A Pl.&ASINO ' 'VartcH.IA Art.kttt" LP btr•. wtt.h rHI loll <'Om.WI ovt lor • ch .... The

trldr •ktctiOl!I Iii Sood. •nd ~ .,.,.. Setotblr,\'I l•DtQtk "l'rance l)lt,MS" •nd Tom Pn.loi,•· Of11'1.1•1 find NOltr, " &MU• or w, ..... A dirvt r LP 100. MC'...ase it will enc.urq,e bu.)'ffS lO UPW• tti. other recotda bf aome Of ~ .,11,1-.

• * * *

TIIS: ( '.HIC'llE.N S HAO( "fffl.J ... pt..-r,., ~y f'a("ljff AN IINIIJ' T• ltn-it"' - Tllir lAHH; ~•- W'lll1tk' ~ : W.. T ..... Tn.lft <'.-in llHtl1 Saa•H• l•>: Ktu or ,.... WK.d SN SN llab) : ~nt ,,_ l M.~ 1k HIH" ; Wf'IMJ,NI Vtdl YM Al•"t N9 f"oMII ; w.a1 VH u:4 1 .. a."1 Hldil f"W IH ...... MONO 7-aMS•

f J"VU( tofff "6 1hh LP lo, aur~I)' I. (OM Of lhe beat Brhlih a lb1.1n.

fronta ftt ..ome nm.. l a!aidt, 1tw W-. fwmat c,,ontlnun •'(Nt., • nd l he r1U1itr C'IJIIII voe•• •I pit..,_.,. ... v c.rt• nN wM.h lht J,rf'\y INIIH &\>ilf of Ute l(t'OQP. A bh 1-, 1t)'llllhtd 1ft Nrt~. bwl N MMM ,II lw lr•t'IIII a lt'ffllel~ 1th'IClft,l)tle r.­~ ltlrou1'11 - "' K IM Of T ... WOf'ld" • ad " P'fn&l Tifflll I Mel The Ulu~" .... in!ilH('t'. SPtti• lbl lolllff, bl.II It 'll be l11lcrc-.Ocw t.o /off w'h,flhff ttier. 1.PCtHb t .. th(,.~ ,.,,_ dM IM! U.A. bkffo1 IUlffin

• • *

Page 8: RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library with thousands of ......!hat l.

8 RECORD MIRROR, W••k endlna Jun• I, 1968

new albums re•iewed by Mormon J opling ond Pe ter Jones new olbums re•iewed by Norman Jopling ond Peter Jones new albums re •iewed by Norman Jopli

JOHNNY CASH- Fascinated with Amt rkan heritaae .


NANCY Wll ... "iON "WtlCCH'.1141 To M y (Ave" - In TII.- Htll Of The Nl&hl; Ml>' I CM'ICI In'?: Aftlfl £)'et: 11 Nenr Rnuu·M My Mh1,d ; l'm Atwn• Dnullc In San f'randJ CO (AJICf I Don't Drink Al AU): T'hellHl J'ro«n "1101('1": F or Once ln My I.Jfe: y.., 0.111'1 Know M• 1· Wbr Tr,, To ChHH Mt: Now: We come To My Lovt: 04e To Dlll'e Joe {Capllo l STRIU't,;() ST IUO

THE rom.Ptn,a1M>" for onh· e levt-n t radtt on ht're ts t he extra Iona - and woe,lath•e

- nrsktn cl Bobb'- Gtn,,,.-. "Odt To 0111:,, Jc,:e". NIM'Y'• t .mooth , )'ti iUb\b' aoulhil VOC'lb are Ml UP ·••lml • amall N>mbo Ind 1111'11 ~atrinics batkdrop wl'll( h Is most e-«ecuve. w,,:y. 1a1e-nl1tit mmtc and r• Uter Hlf.lndvl1tnt I think . but 10 ob'YIOIUIY 41nJor· able a.nd Hltrtalnln•. Hard to pick • ar,ectal ltad, OUI, for t be album l~ consl!nent. * * * * BR.ENDA I.EE "Rdectktn~ In

Blue•• - 114trt'• Thal R1ln1 Oa1; You'll Nt!\'er Know: Uabr w,.1n·1 You Pkl1.u1 Came Ho1m1: can·, Help FtUina In Lo,,•c: I'll Only ttiiu Him w~n I Think or Him: Am I Hh1e: If I Had \ ' Ou ; Ck>lie To YCH11: Ulllti Gtrl IJhw: I Will Wah 1-'or Yw CMCA MUP Hf).

A BALLAD 1.elcdton frorn Ortind2 1M here. Ucr ,•uke h .. me.I• lowed with tier HO, and 1lw

c-enainlr i.ou1Kls mort ld\111 than on lhe ballads llke "l'PI Son y" i ht w•• 11».:lnw NYC'n ye1,.,_.or IO u,:o, Strk lly for hCtr alrtaidr-fl."lab­Ushe(I Jans H this I.Ate•nb:ht nun,c )S aJwa)'S JOfM'Whal aP«lllb,1. NIN. Sltitm•fUltd &Hlftl(CI IIH'nt•, 1t1bllt too, But onS1 ten avera,:e ltMlb tuc-b , whkb ll aio~lh.ilUl Uh J'I/· fi,r an LP is hnl Ml nn, WhH II come5 to value,,ror,mont>'

• * * R OY nuno "Al NewJMtrt" tPn

M ONO NPI, 1n1u

R BCOROF,O In Ntw s>ort , tioulh Wale" lfooltd )'OU), lhlK Ill neverthel~ Cl 1>11Perb jau.

p 1.11no • lburn, rto>''• 1nterpr1rn11on11 or varlvu.11 tune,. Ind 1b1on1u10 t t"l1UJical 1>orlC'-C'Uu11 WII.I VIC' .lllt' :trl)'Mr WIIO bu)'" lhl• t,.P. Tt)' "Hh&t!Jo J:llud,f ' or " J ot111 ur,,wn·11 Uolly''. Ills bac:ktru, ai:roop, drurnmtr Chrb, K11rat1 aind buJi Dave arc tl)t'II on

* * * * T Iii:! P l_,lU,SUHt! YAUl .. Tb(

t•to.wre t,"1lr"' cUNI MONO UNI., IIO)

FJRST LP from •tCA' lt wblkllu y U:-0 11btl " • • e ll produtt4 tolk-lolllll:t.d album from a

1troup who ~nd llkt- • C'1'0JJ: betwttn Uw S«-ktni lad l b(! ·••mH •lkl P• PI) 'Tlwt t! ar-« M>lt~ comt-dJ' moffl(int& btrf' and plenl)' of cood b11rmon1e-:.. The iOUnd t.,;n't too dtillnc:UV't. but for lh0$e • M Ith · lb~ bnOd of mind ICIOUP!I, lbl) i5 nke-.

* * * •


J'AUL ANO BARRY RYAN • '._Paial And RlrTJ' Ry1n" - M.ama, k eep Yon 811 M oulh Shut: RNmr111 Of Quc11Wns·'y I Can'I Malle A F~nd: Are ou Rnd:y For Me; J.f,Mtth In Succu1Uen: Golde• O• lc: Wh1 8ab1 Wlu: TIie SH' I Jn The Siu': One Pat kt1 Of l't,:are.1.te1; 811 0 ,...111; UUle Miu S•mlbhlt; We A.NI Goln1 Homt: IMGM MONO r •u

A VARl~D Hlfd.Jon or aon1• on this 1 • .r. with b allads. bot.trs. u.P ouite •·en. The:r

fa ns w llt d ill Ud11 LP. ~ I I doubt II It • Ill be a 1'111 - , 111 arran,eu on hn~ lite La Reed, MIU l,u ndn. JOhnllY Har,-t.s and Ivor n umoncte 1nd lht arran1cm•ntJ 011cn t arn t he material aftd v ocals on lbf we.h r ltuns. Tbe eov•r ii vuy Off•t>\llllnt,t, ~INC llh I 711(1, L P. A Jo i ol hH I OM tnto thJ1 L P . and d fffnH mo« , a i.• uu, n II wUI prob-ably aet. * * * ROTARY CONN•:<-'1'10N

eu,u,ttlltn" Amen• Tnnll1: Turn Me On: Plila Lad)' Jane; LIiie A Rollln' Seul M1n: Sur,.-um Men1n:

"Rolll'J' Rapid

l"lOl$e: Stone: o..,.,,

Want To Ha,·c To Do 11; Nolst : Mtmor7 Baltd; 'l'df'.J1d1y: Ro1arr Cc,nnt"c1ktn MONO CHL UJ8)

mack Hub)'


A VS KV lnterfflin r L P, The ~ ,•er is almoo more a t the ,~1d1 thi n 13 lhc .aund.', 1r 11, Ont a nd lrlp IWO lnStf.ld or side one and s l4e


•• d lft'tttnt • • • Ind the u i i •lmo!fl r:omplelfb o r11111• 1, Ufll'\l:f,, rn('.nt ,w lK a l Jtast, Ttlt" b&JIC SOUDCI bi a k ind ol etbc-ruJ but ctom.lnent batt.lM With 1trl.n1ll. Nun, e-verr• t blftl, and gome IWffl a lmost 511gary vocab. l ntrud l.1'18 o«Uion• 1ll1 . Tbt worab ve M amu and Papu.y and tM UflM t mtnll att ~rct:Utnt. CUta,lnly lartiJ Of P,<Ntres• SIV• POP 1-hwkl tr)' to bes. bor-row or t,uy • COPY of thta. IM cu.ttoslty •ah,e atont Is eaetllt nl .

* * * * BAHRY UOOTH AND HlS ORCIIF.STllA " Dlvenlont' ' (PJe: MONO NPL 11111>,

BA.R RY ha, an a.areeable vokt, and ttl&se 11.&hl-heart ed toll, tunti1 ,ire m ostly aelf-oenncd

Gltliet whkh will amuM and enter, taht the U11ener. The blC.'ldnK• 111rt soi>h~ tkatt"d enoui::h to enJUre • b lac mar\el for thl.. album. 'nM! lm1,ce11 created br his voke -often 1 <1e.1d i:i .1.n-and lhe prt11n a.n1 lyr k'• are nut.ryln,c.

* * * * THE MUSIC EXPl.0S101" " A U lll t Hit o· So.ii" (IAiM on STER EO S HI' WI), ,

A ROCK•BASBO IUOU.P • ·ho tut It la U1• Stale wilh lhtlr ,·ibrant " A Lhtle 811 o · SOUi"

This LP fOIIOW'$ I.bat Pl,1ltrn, arid for thoM k ids wbo rorcl t he pa.JYLn• of l he .-hhe n & 8 sctnt, thb Is THE LP. Whlci\ 1S v~ry ,rood of tis t)'pt, wUh fnffl~ • t roc.c KUil ar work and p0wetfuJ, com• Ptl tnt YO('ab.

* * * *

ew LP's-Solomon King,UnionGap, Johnny Cash, Bill Haley, P J Proby, Geno Washington and Vikki Carr

<:ARY PUC'X E TT ANO THE UNION GAi'' " G• ry Puckf'H And Tht Unk•I\ 0•1• fc-at11rhll Voonic (': lrl '" Yo11n .- C.lrl; l,.ad y Madonna : Kl ,11 )Ir, C.ttcldbn·: Thf' .. .,.,,..u...- o r Vo11: 1>tta1n11 Of Thf' R'\ t r ,·d ay JIOll.~f'•Uc-. rm l,n,lift,11: Vu11: Wom• n l\'t1nta.n ; Holk')': Thi" Mlallty Oulnin: l\' a.11 T111 Tbt 8 11.n ShlM ,. On " ·· ISWfof't SWHI H•b1>: s•M'f' You·,·e BHn Goiw: Say l 'ou 0.n"I Nf'NI M t' (CRS !lilONO m.n ;

A N LI' rmhed nul lo lalf'h on lo thetr f'l'latl • ll!l)t)lnfc ~"

w1u, " Vounte <:trl" - a isn. their provkM.I_. ~lfUSIC " Wu man Woman .. fbcllc r lhan "(;trl"> l, herT, and l b111.,,; a "'°w,er. mnn1n1dul balla d. II°) II PIIY l hol.lah l hl!,I lhtrt' an 110 m111ny "covt red" oop 1un-e" her f' , Cf'rla lnb' I~ lndu.don of " Lad)' M11d o nn11" , " MUIMy Uulnn" 11nd "Sw11'4tt S wct" I ll • by" dcit racl rrvm !ht, QUlllilY, The- prOdvcUon bnl nut11lanOht1i1, nrid the whuJe 1htn.1: I" lttn >· b(l.1,IH'r. bul lhtin ni, one t, 11<1lnw 10 t 1mec:1 • Cat)l iam Hef-f • J1ear1 rrom tl11Um , RC"t.1 1rac:b, apart from lhe ,-ln1th111, ,re the J;tenUt " Wah TIii The Sun Shlneit On You" ti.nel Ille p la ln ll~~ ''Sf.)' Vnu Oan' I Necid Mo" .

* • • SOI.OMON KING "~'hf' Wun M>"

Rlnc"-Slti4- Wu r,, M>· RIAJ: Kappy AJal'II: S lraqt"·r In Paradl~: Oollb)' 84'rtHdel De M)' t .o,•111 Alwar1 And El·u ; WMn Wt Wttt Vwn.a: Hua N a.1Ua; 011it Mott MOllllbl.ln To CUmb: \\' bile CUlb o, Oonr: TIN- 8rfitU And I: Arrtttnkrtl Roma tCohunbla MONO S-X GM),

Tm '. Lnunt.NI' Mr. Ktt1Jt' h &a ~ OOWtrfl.ll TOt('e, which Is Itron.a ao(I IUnt'fUI, T he ('Un tnt blx

ballad t rtnd will doublltN encom • ~- thll LP. whlc-h ha.s bffn U • cello nUy recordNI an(! put to-

111 t1 lhcr, )IOAt Of I.hf tltle-s WIii ht ru nJH11.r • ncl t.he 1l t ln11-nlled back, lnw.1 • rt OK.



pu,,.. .,.. ottlltut ra ~ . 17 l.n G Mato,r. K , u Co11e:el1CI for IH•• and ottlille.lra No. JI lti l ' M.1 ... r. K U 'I b,- 1tlotart" ,o I'. I. C. f GnmmopliMlh STEREO Ul7'PI.

I 'M &twa,-a aarprttff tllal Nm• . •a.k:en • N I ••«- d au.k al

li'lf'eH more .,.,.. UIH IIW-r die: II w..W m•l e • ,aea.shll tll,HCC fro• """t ., Uw t!III • ,-.,.r• ltlf' IJ.m m -,:k- wr1Uen. TIW M'Ned moYf'IM:• I of Wt ll• sua Ama..,_, N H.a rt' s Pl._ CCMl(tlW N•. JI I• llieawll)' llJtd ln "Ehl,. Mad.&,:an"', now •howlq II tllir Atadf..fflf OM ttotma. 11·11 t MU•tlll1 M.tHk, alru,dy tooPI• • •ll Ole claPk:ll dMU111 •• 8rlUI• and Anwrlta. II )'OU enJoy 11141' Alm. '"" '"' IM t rl,(lftll A-OUndtra-ck. •••• PLATT ANO s c n uocs " Ch• n• ln'

1'1fflf11'" - f'Ollf l\.lownl.aln Bruk• down: OU• ·n In thll Flood: Budd)' Oc,n'I Holl So Slaw : Mr, T1mbo11rlnf' )11111: Oon'\ Tblnk Twlt't ll'i AU Hl.11111 1111,r AU ,,,.,. nower, COnf": Ode' To Ulllie JIM": Feur Stro111 Wfnd•: 8to• ·ln' In Tllit Wind: 11 Aln'I Me Babt : Tids Land 1.1 \'our l.ud (CBS uun.

M\JCII of I~ wlory vi lhe POPUiar t olt Mrws and hf.rotnH

ftaturt'd JI.ere rcfttet on to Flatt and Snwuc,, 1nd th~. t heJr moa:1 al1morow l,P . DYJan. nonnte: a.nd (:1ydt, and BIUY Jot all 1hlh0 lhrowth, a nd althota51b PIIH aoo S,c,U)(w,1 don' t dtMrl the-Ir countrr tt.)'1~. lhJ.s la undoub1tdlY 1helr mo.,1 eomnwrclal l,P . Plenty of banJo. 1,111 \111.r 1nd their o l(l• ~CM:nd vOC11t-c,

* * * • \IARIOUS AH'r1STB8 "Si ar 5p,c-,c.

111cul11r"-Hla h 11mr--Pa111 Jonr-s; Vi.ton11-CUf11' Hlt hardl IAtl't 'li JWil A Dntkf'n llr11rt- CHla lllat k : Thr RI~ And 9 111 o r Fllns·tl 1J:un1-Sll•dow11: From H11ssl1 With Uwe - Mt1t M Ott l"OI .A T l!IIC" Of Hont,'­Atkf-r 6Uk: 1 (Who lla\'t Nc,thln,i:) -Shhlf'Y Ua,,;~,: ~lt11,. Ntop , Stop - HC1lllt 01 ; Wlnl'h("1lh'r C11tht-tlrl-l-Mrt, MIii~: t ' ana lJarra Wlrra e anna- n e u Uarrb: The Juvc-r­Krn Ooctd: Walk " ' llh Mt--Skke.111: 1 .• .0)' C:odlwa- Pt-ltr and (;C1rdon : Ron,; or Pkardy - Vin~ HIii: Woln ir son ~tnullt• ln-Pnink Ilk-Id; 'nl.J-flu11," CMwa1 ,UN !lilON O HU,

A U , of 111(, prO<'ffd.l trorn 1hb ·•va,k>u,: utbte," LP Jto to UMI CKt'- l l'lf UnltNI Natk>M'

Chlldtf'n'• 11\in,d, Qulle a Y&ried s.etttllon of tucks hfn. bul 1 <"~n· t (IUUe Jee 14) Whlcl, marlltl U1e al• b u m •~ mun1 to aot>eal 10. How, ever. f do MPe II R iis well,


P . ,J, PROB\' "8t lle1•c It Or Nol" - When 1,o,,e lllJ P ustd \ 'CIU Uy: l'nl Comln• Home : <.l\'4' Me Ti1n" l. Tum ncr Aw1)': Marr ln 1'be w111rn1AM: H's VcHar Day T64ay: I S:b•U Ue " t ltuf:d : Cr>· 8ab11 Wlu' Dab)' Wh,: r,-r Go l M>1 En.:11 On \'ou: I A.poloah.­H.aby: JIM!)' In TIie Junk.r aNI 11,ibf'rty l ,RL .. 1)

A SUPRR I.AT IVK llbum trom ProbY - tn0$Uy lr; l bf' t or-tut'td bi. . Yotttd b.l.Uad

Ytln. But lhere IN aut"prhft -.. ,uav In The Junk1ard" Js • blt1HY U lf-wrtnen I nd prGduttd Item wU.h I01id1 0( ,.,1rno.pher•, and his r41rwltrfn1 ol " I Shill U. Released" dOes full 1111:t ice lo lhc­Oil•n numb4r. Ht 00.1n'I " I'm Comlna Hom," 11k t Tom Jone:s:. bul lht-re' i room ror bc'>lh YcrOH1j . 11111 f .in11 WIii ma thll• s lrnna lv

* * • * VIKKI CARR "Vlkll..1" - ('11n' I

Take M>' EJf!J Off You: A Mllltvn Vun Or So: For Onu In Mr LUe; TIie fl~I Me: S. M1tt.b In l,ovt, Wl1.h Voo1 One Mor~ Mount1Jn; Tllb Ill T1W! n.-mi Thl l J1tk Built: A.UJe; A Hit Of I..OYf'I ('.o IVOlS); Nevrr My lAWel DJ' The Time I Gt'\ lo Pbofnl• fl.Aber()' LRI. .-11, VJKK I 1$ • 11nst'r - )'OU

k now lhi,I u )'GO bu)' or.e o f ht.r a1bum1 Y<Ml' ll aet

som ethlna 1eood. Tbe VO<'als IVf' wll.h Juli tnouah ._motion to ma.kt e\'et>'\h lftl plWJ'lna. aad lbe a.rra.n&tmtntS are a:ubduM and MN. alw1y1 Ut'Ol'ldl r)' to u .. vonlll:. 1be sona-.1 ate 100d. a r.d for me-, I.hi: II rtat btd with htr hOrl-n:ndftl4' t• n l Of J im Webb'• " DY Ttle Time I Cel To PhOenilr" ,

• * * * BlLL KALEY ''Rip II Upl"­

New Roel TIMI Jo4ntl Move U 0• Over; Ho• Men)': See You La1er AIUaator; 1be Beal: SptaM: Fero• Cup,s Of Col n: Tbe SllilnlJ RK ll'n' Koll: swar Wltll Mt.: 11'1 A Sln : Bwn Thal Caadte: Rod: LcmlOPd: Rtp II Up (MCA MUP SIi>.

SOME of lhe onro n•I Halt )' rock here, lnc ludJnll hll bhc l-lna1e hH11 "See You Lalu

AJUga1or ." " The Sa ints Rock 'n' Roll." Better than the LP IIJ:Uecl on •terble ArC'h w llh a lot o f In• tf"relHNt arranaements and Qu lle ~ p,ouM1Jn1 bell on lk>rnf!' or the t.raekt , like tht everVttn " Move 11 On Ovtr:· Good •ulla r worl: 100, aDCI Qult f' • t ruh aoun-d throu1bou1,

**** J OHNNY CAS H " Ftom Sta To

Shfll iftl ~a·· - Prom Sn T• Shinlllf Su: TIie Whlrl And 'At S1,1d; C11I Oad~b l'Nm 1'1Ni Mlae: TM Pre:un p..,,,,.Au•dred,PolllNt· J<"• C•Uon l'k.llu: TH Walb Of A PrbOn: fte Matter­pltte; YH AM TfflM!l'He; Another 'fo Sin,: Tlte ... um Aff'OW• Mad : C1HU Clifton•, Puun, Slallen: S btlmpln" s , 11111•; •"rom Su To Sllin1n' Su fCM 1117t).

CAS H'S fllllt inatw,n w llh tti. Amer.can herll1u: c tui.1 p ro­duced ,evera1 l .P'•· a nd ht

wrote .11 nd a rul'U(ed o,•c,ry1hln11 on this lntt: rellini.:: • lbu m , Deep VOCll5, Ila.rd OOtln try "°un d1 O.hd lnlel"Cltl• 1nar 50ng11, some of w hich are m0tt corn)' than o ther• Good s tee,·c M ies by J ohnny - thl~ m a, hf a hll album.

**** 808818 OENfflV "Tie Otlla

s..-eeie•• - Olllou Rlvtr BoCIOD:t; Big Best Man: Rtu .. tl: Patt._ m.a.e Farm; Morata· Glon-1 Su• IDln: TMa«e Road: Ptnftlf Pfl· 4h1Ju.m: Jenre 'Ltlabe .. : Jldtt.. lloal: l,,oalalua Mui C•t1nrd. (Ca,pltol ST 1:f(J).

T HE huat.r vok'e of cJtUa awetl• Dobb1e Oft an LP Whkh lO!: cvtn better h t r flnt. Ttl•

M>nu a ll ttue 1hat Southern tlnoo.r a mixture oJ' ttle wkle,,eyed lnno­cenct and the decadent planlallon lmanit. Vet )' a1moaot1erk: with tha t ., "BIiiie Joo•' 11ulU1r t hrou1hou1, a nd some we ll uSt'd alrtnu. "10JII)' be,1 baU.adJI.

* * * * INl-!Z ANO f'IIAIH. IP. POXX

"C:rea1e1n IIIH" - ~IOC'kln' Rlrd: 1 Ain't Goin' f'fl t That: Vou Ar..: 'rbt Mb; J-laNI To Gt.I: VOii F ired M y lltar ladteo CI.S S••.5-J.7) (:(.uni Thr Oar11: \11,·1 f'nn 01111: trr l• t,o-•~ In Vietnam : Llk t' Ullle Chll• d ttn: I flfl l It CUIN'!Cllon a-nttu.

T IIIS IS a mllllUdlhll HIie. be· C'• U~ (l,f lhO mc-re len lrK lr:J on this: PllnY LP. onl:r one fl

re.ttt0r• e<1 " MOd :lni:b lrd" > w» • hil for the duo n. Olhff U-AC'k" a rt S,Olid stltll, UUl'K'h)' aDd Wt!II p,t,rfurm-ed a:nd lhOutd app,t,al to the R • (l croWd. I lik: NI " Yoo Are The Man" and .. Vaya Con 0101:• but lht rt mw1 be few aoul fan, rlth tnOUl(h 10 buy lhb LP whkh lt d«idf'dly not nlu~ for nl(lntY.

** *

BILL HA.LEY ''Rock The Joinl" ­R~k ~ J(l lnt: Roc:kln' C"h1lr On 1'h11 Moon: F1rc-w t ll SO IAna GMd• brc-: ~ al Rock Ori,•e; PHC'lurf!d; S t<ll> n u liM Round ThC' MuJbt-rT)' Bu-'• : Ctn >' Man ('rau: ra1 A C1kf'; U Vf' It Up: Watella Gf.lnlll Do: I ' ll Bf' Tnlt: Dan«: Wllb A Dolly fWUh A Hole In Hf"r Stffll. in.IC) IMlrb"' Arc-II MAL 11'),

ALTHOUGH Ibis Ml was rttorckd tn INZ Cfor the US Alihtrf' label), lheY bf.Ir lhe •int.Hf'

hatlmarl: or .ddt'i r..c-or<lfid for Jkun.\Wkk $0mt t.h:.hl )'f'-U \< Prf"• V'M)Usl)' All 0( lngnd.MM• an htrc up.bu1 counlrY, clear VO<'al.S and a bubbly. bouncy QUIIU)' ralher than lhe PC>Undlll6': bl)t bHt • *.


T H E tlllto Ind ii rld lruc hOth on 1he Amer ican top fin,, bu1 llm ' I dolnu H)'thfW< hett, The

1,1) la a c,.i1ect.lon Qf enchan1ln1< l rbih 11<1mt• . • •llh a nor.taluie and s11blle navour runnlnR thromthoul. Not u b lal an1 a , l he Dubllnc:r11 or the Clancy B.rothenr, bu1 Own Is mort of a rustic couotr)' QullllY hett. w ith )Cffl tlO IOUAdl thN>IUCh• ,,u 1, but lhc>' c1.n • Hllr liven thln11• UP-llk:e In t.he lu11Y ' "The Oranl(f And Grttn" and ,.Briditet F l)'n.n."

**** CANNED Hl!:AT "Boo&k WIU1

CHMd Hui" <LiHr1r MONO LBL UltsB).

0 -NB of Uto.M strant;e JaCIIUPt: 1bit ban man~f"d 10 combine R ft O with paydttdella. •M

tome very w, i:rd sounds PffV•Clt lhb LP, especla11y 1:n " On TIMI Road " Thtre ar-e compa.,t. &Otts w-lth artiite_. U:lte sum Han,o, Muddy Watu•. but there b Jilli th ll lnskhous drU.lC•IIIIO qu~lltY Whk-h crHPJ In. althoui,:h " AmPhf!• 1amh't An.n ie' ' la more or ltss •tn hi!II roclr. lt1 tere);UftJl , oroi:: r t.11• .,IVtJ (?>. btll wh• ther " wm lead anywhere I can't oredfet.

**** VJ:;HA LYNN ";n1 M)'

Soun,nln" - Aln411lJ M >' Stuven.ln; Olad Ras l>oll: 000·1 Worry 'Boul Me: S1ar1 FeJJ On Al•bun• : I'm Bt1lnnhq: To Ste The Lll:111; I'll Pra1 For You: ht My Llllle Red Boot: Red Sails In TIit Sunset: n ... , HU\'ell For LIUle Gb'111 TUI Tber~ Was Voe; WMtt Hnc All The Pknrtn Go1W; Noll' II Tllf' Hour IM1nk For J)llllilUT MPr lff8) ,

'T'H&St: lntck$ were rtt0rded in .I IN4. but Vtra 's YOke Ind

stYlt at• Nrta l.111)' u t:lnttN and clear aa liley we:re in Mr pu le • a.rtlmt ~us. 1'be voice mlOt Mr "Tbe Swee1heart Of T1't f'orcts" ('(Imes 1crou weu, HP«'laUy on lhe oldie ou.m btr-s Ille " Amona: fltr !klUTtnirl", " Red Salb In ne Sun­.. , •• , Ttl&, l,P i:t bound 10 ~ a mammoth selttr w ilh the Mum., &nd Oad,1.


c:t<NO WASHINGTON ANO T"1;{ ltAM JAM UAND "Slflt n , S hlf1e rs, Plnn r ,CHc-k:.lna Msmu"- Waltr; HI Ill Ha ul: Und4'n.tan(Un1: AJI I Nttd: S:br Sbut A Hol• In M>• ,;oul: Out'. Sf'r• Sf-.ra: T~ll II II h: Dllf'rtnl S1Nltn: )Utba~I; fl f.011• Ho ld) 0n T • Mr lA\'f' fMlfb k- AN'h MAL 1:11) .

T ll 1.S bauialn••Pr1N LP C0n1 alru NVt.r-al of Gmo·• airuckt and EP uuu. tum.Ptd t~ethC!r

quite well. Jlor 1010m • ho onb' bU)"I LP, and not tirullt$, or those Who W-101 10 trp,l_&('f WOl'IMIUt 4$$. lhls b klul. Produttd b)' J ohn SC'h~. 0.1t tr~t l: 1111 "Ml(hat'I" fOIIOWt'd b )' "!\11« SMI A Hok In M1 Soul " • • *

PAUl.. )lt,.;VERF. ANO :r111,; RAI08 1lS " Goln' To MemPIII, " -RM1• k14• Oo•n 8road•·.,.: Ever)' Man N.-td; A won,u: ,.,., Way: One Nl.1hl Stancl: 8001 M• n: IAYt' Yoo 80: I OCln'l Wanl Nobod)·; nn A t.osu Too: Nn Sad 8(1Rgill: Cry On M,- SlltulAtr: Ptatt 01 Mindi Goin ' To Mc:mu•IJI: fC8S MONO Uffll.

ONE of Amerk'.a·s 1op teen Arou~ 1urn l hC'lr hand IO UM'! MtmPhll ~Ul'ldi, TM tOJUtl

all In lhal uunchv raucous ve-in IDd hlVt fOlld badllMI U d arranaementa, bul d t:IPlle t he! woallh oc priJte on the •lff\'e notes this al.bUm Isn't a s JtOO<I a.s thtlt usu• I C'U\I, and l hat mattk", ,olid SI U)' fffl II lacklm: ht"N. Onl, one lnt k " Ptue Of Mlncl" R&Al,LV OJ> 1'1rt"I tl'le R • 11 fffl, which 15 a plty, bttauw 1.hll accomplished jtNIUP «r1.a1n1, tap1ble of dotnt btlltr


HAT<'H '"TM Two Of U• .. - I Muu Know; Pl2r II Asaln: Don't Stop Now: Mornh1.1 Dew; Werl: Son.,: T fil ank YMI .. Fo, Lo~lna Mt: Roule IC: LMn& II u, A11i11; TIie Foot On Tbt HIii: TIiie Joler: COUnl n Glrl AMI A Cl\1 Ma.n; The ho Of u , (Pye MONO NPL 11214).

A WELi. prO(l'llCtd a nd performed LP here. TMlr voices blend nlC(!IY, With lhe a«enl (ObVI•

OU$!)') on J1Cklt 't , The smooth arran1<emt rHs a rt not In Ute lcu t corn>·, anG t.he duu have plck4!d 1omo cood oo,pular ton~.•. Tr,· "The Fool On T he Hill" or "Work Sonit"', b ut I dkSn' t d lJt their •·counlr)' r.1,1" t oo much

*** THF.M "Now and 'Them" fTowu

ST STP.neo Slit),

SENT to iu, Iron, the Slalts, t his 11 a vlrH~toundlnc ~at 1.P

With those '--ood rttOrdltJ~ tt<"hnk.i1aes ano ..:1mm lO s one uauauy tX~ls fron, Arntrkan l(MU~ The 1r1,h unil JtOUnd nl("f'. •tld allhOUJl.h lbt -.OUDd'I u r1-11nchy u wh,cn Yan ttlQrrlAon was t heir ludtr, t.M)t do mah a ICood l(t l)UP toUl"ld.. Best track l$ lhio nurnmoth ··Nqu are Rooin."


AN e-• me.rnber of tht RM JICJff' ( °'41 l>tHI) would e.nJoY LALO SCIIJ t'RY.N'll " The RIM And Pa lJ Of 'Mle 'fh ird lteltl'I" (M OM MONO C 8019) w hich 1111 a d ram11iuc J>k,C<' o f 11corina, 1nt1

musldanJ:y Interpretation ol the Naz.I ltitm e, tum~d on clas.,;lc~t mour, . Ununtr COfltra&1. RCA have 1uue-d the Q rlslli.W LQ1,cla 11 ca, , R .eontlnc of " I Do? I Doi •• (STEREO s ir 11138) - C:<IUlaJm1 lklna• I.Ike " M>' Cup Runne lh Over" and " Nob<Jdr·• P erfeel ", f"o r Ntw Vor-1ters In London, who w1,h 10 be 1't'rnlnON1 OI hetmc:. tht r t- ·1 " Jauhauen Suite" (Verve Yl,P flOI) by JAZ.Z INTKRACTIONS ORCH8STRA. COol modern JU I lhrouN.bOUI.

Nt-w country fa nt1 • •IU " ·e~me • new pach l(t from Cb-S Ullf'd " 111Ja •• Countr)' MU51C" (CDS PR 20) whlcb l.nclu de-.s 1rack1 b)' JOHNNY CASH, J UNB CAnTim, STONS WALI. JACKSON' and many, man>' moni fir)(" ,-:ta.r, from lhe U.S. Columbia c-at.alO«ve. II YOlt Wini )'CMtr ('-c)UJ)\t)' musk a Utile more rom,ntk, 1ry " Counlry Hill 1.11 C•ndlcl1~1" by GEORGE MOR GAN tLoodOn H.AB ISSSI whkh fta turu 50f'lk familiar aonp slven a romantk bu1 M\'tnh t.kfl C'OUntr)' ttt.atmf'nt. TRNNB&SBB ERNIE FORD no• mahl rtll110vl albt.U1U con• 1t1tt•UY, and tits lates.1 i, "Our Cardtn Of Hymn," ln • bldl be liftp wllh MARILYN HORN&-on Capllot ST JIU STEltt:O. Some unusual LatiM Jnu d orc-htstral t,.a tmtnl# ot aovhb-tk1te11 modern sorntL like · 'Tbe t.ook Of Love" and " E1t1.nor Rlabr' on ··Sl)~des Of Tod• Y" by PAT WILLIAMS Off Verve VLP 1211.

Votumt thrff of " Collon Club 01,,1" from DUKE EU,fNGTON ANO HIS ORCHESTRA Is now n1Hab$e on Ace Of Hurts All 111-nltt slffn u uR&al and lhlf w ill uusry C'OIIK'1ots, On the umt label (Aee o , Heart, AH 111) I.a " J,u At Oberlin" b f tht DAVE BRUBECK Quu 111. ruturlna PA UL O&SMONO -rec:orded In Northern Oh io rn 1"'3, thl!I r e1>re11c:n1s Unibcck at his bt':&t. Recorckd some lftnf ear'ller Cln 1929, 1n l aco wa, " Th~ Ace Of Rll)'1bm .. by " JA8U0 SMITH and hi& Hh)'dnn Aces (Ac-t' or Hear1,1 All 165>~ne of the forem ost mu1lcliins of hlli da)' , Nice cuver •nd ,~-ve DOlet, 100. 111 eom pl41 te con1rast-OAVID ANO 1tlA RlANNt~ OALMOUJl.-"ful 'rho Arc" (COlllmbha sex 6240 s ·f E R EO>, with a oleulru: mh:turo of old and nc• · 50nus­M,rla11ne's vol«. ·~ 1'UII)' llOl ll~lhlni:. If )'OU dhr clu&lcaJ IIIU!il(' and )an m"" )'011 rnay tM! lnU,i'•ilcd In "'Oac-k Ort Vll,M!-s" b)' CLAUDE GVtl.HOT C{'.C'>lumbll sex 6'UO STf:REO• and U11s IS IDtt'.resUng c:aough, espectall>• con,JOerh,11 t•o"'' ,nan)• Janmf'n 1urn lo Baeh. SBt'ONC, tl'T'\ ' SOUND and " L<tv• h Ulue-- (Oolutubl• SCX '243 STEREO) c1tmoni1r11e Mllmc ,·cru1llC' aound:s on i uc;h numbers as " Mr. Tambourin e Man", " S•n Yrantil<'O" 1.n<1 1111." lltlt ira( k-lC004 rover ,;tio1. WO. I doll'I lhlnk lha l MEl,l.-OW FRUITP UU,ZESS ca n be 100 st:rloul In lht tllle Of lhtlr " Music For Me-dit1tk>n'' LP tCo)I.Jmb1a sex ftU s1·~ n t:O> but Ut(' soundS produced ts advanced a1uff a nd vc,r)' lla'le.nat1Je.

Ha waiian ICKIDCb have atw1ys t!Uortd a "°"""• from Modern Art to Muik • .a.nd "'Tbe WAIKIKIS COiden 1111.a·• OWM C 806'1 shc,u)d reftttt Iha In '*"'· Citru,lnl r lM South Sc-a IU.nta WU.h mo~ lhan a 11.nx• of l'OC'lr: soulKI o e:1Un11 and adttntvrous ROBERTO MANN bas hl1 lht chart$ btfo rt. and cou.ld do with ' "The. C real Love Thcmct" (Oeram St.IL 1011 ~'Tt.!R BOl­aomc or the 1lm-e1tt.s ktve '°""' a rc hero, hKludlnar " 0 SOJe Mio" a.nd ··11ear1s And Plowers". CAMF.RATA'S vuaion of " Man Of La M.illCh-1" I.I on Buonai VI.S ta BV ,000 1 nd comes w ith • ru.Jl-clnu.r IIIU!IUIIC!d booklel- JCood 1<111a,. lll'1ould be I b l.le recotd.

Page 9: RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library with thousands of ......!hat l.

RECORD MIRROR. Week endlnt June I. 1968

MATT l\10NRO Tht. Muslt VI.UH: All Th•t

Rem.aln!I ,c,p1101 CL U.SSl) . Strln3 lntr,i. lht-u ene or tbo11t mood)' uhl ball111h that lhtt CliX's so wtll. Bui 1h41 l•N>bltnl h tha t lhlll l )'Pt'. or C:1111-l ",ob" il(l(J n ' I lhO)'li tTll.!ilf'r, TM odd one brub throorh ; 11,e rnt i11,1 seem IG vanb.h. Tbb Is Nrl1tn)f da&sy. with a aooo , 1.o,1-llnc ,,ern, 100 tht'. hlJlh•,.oH vool PC!rlormanct. Do btlp~ 11 clldi:11. l;'J lp ; S lmllar nialer111l. CIUlJ' idowrr.


THE KOOBAS The F lrtit Cul Is T11c Ott~st:

Walllna Oul 1Celumbb 08 I UI). 1 tUIYt • I Wlli)'II ha.d fa ith In lhc Xooba.s rtall)' makin.11: II blJ, 'Ibis. of COWl"$t, Ila, 1lre•d1 nn·ed • wa1 Into UM: charts Via r. 1•. Arnold, buc II '"Iii lhf' l•d• weu, with a ,•uy 1tron1 11mospb~rt. 1#11a:h lead VOite. ~•'t-tf'd 1ul111r -al'ld a Nllndy Intl °' lemoo tbal KOi mt: llflint, \'err w•r U t>trformed. filp : Ont al lho11e Jtrt.)'. ft11 t. " 'Orded pl('tt$ - ob, ..


Tl111EBOX Besrin•: A Woman Thal'• Wallin«

(04irani OM JM). I tip lhl.$ ont wHh p,erh•»s UI O\'tr• p lhnl11.tle aporoad1 bul lhit. bo1• afl! M> 1000. a.nd 1c, m1oldanly, that thtr deffl'vt! a brtaklhr&tlllt. Crtal lead nltt o n a 1le1w,bumlnc introd11c-Uon and lhtD IC IICJetd., llP, with a ,reallh c,1 idt'ai lnA'lmmtnlally, and the .onJJ:, afler a toUPle of Plays, \'C'(J' uk:able llldtt'd., A lood nle»tie. Fllp1 AJall,. nl«.b' 1>erforn1r(I with • bh1Nll1-ttraa1111a,


GEORGIE FAME o, The nm• I CM To PbMlnbl

fCarll•) i For Your P'd'Hur• (her) (CRS UII). And :rour actual Geortl(l: '"' an i;th.malt11 and lt:I\Umental, wlU1 • buk 6' 1trlll1s behind and • per(ormanc-e- tll.a.1. raw bb YC'f)' lHtl. Whltb b VERY ~SIi Ue btnd1 notes las a·, alyle. vyln, with a hau_atln• IMll'I of MIiie Smllh Pr9• ducUon for tlllef h0it01n. A mtnUon, what's mort, for ana111er

Kellh ManMntJd, Thb ls da~s lltuff. flip: Penntd b>' Georde, lhls ls • • hirdr b luuy numbe.r, tea1urln• plano and 1>latnth·eness.


PAUL MAURIAT Lovt In Evt.rr Room: LIi SOuN:f:

tPhll!Ps BP lf71). "IA>\'t' IS mue" ' . • f!XU'ndtd IIOW' lo all o,•~r 1h111 h!M1•111. M, Maurlat and bl.11 U N:lfnl ord1es1ra did "'f'll With the-Ir l.u l tlnJrte, of count, and the p~sU•e coukl nib otr on lhl$, Personally I tblnk tt•s e,•111r)' bit h a()Od , with lhOs.- momen ts ot " '"'"" piano. and the i trlnu- a.1111 evn,thfna • , • endl1111: wllh • fad.­tin.l,ih, Tunt1ul Indeed, Flip: Mandolln-t >'Pe' sounds aoo • falrt y Stronir, but nol oul.$1• .ndln.J. 1htrt1f'.


OTIS REDDING The llllPP)' tOom Oum):

Open T bC! Door (Stu IIOJU.tU, A khld Of nco "f'a•Pa-Pa•f • rh::• f rom OUs. Abool on t • l tnlh a.s ,iood Ill "Ooct Of 1'bc nar", bot doubi.ess the R 1, U crowd wlll bu)' lhlt. lhOU.l h II won•1 11:tt the b..l.ab placln.K of h is Lui , rut hll. ll' II ltOt uual r•ui,cb)' SIU.X blll'k.1111 , n.l('t and blUC!I )' , and bl~ \'CI ICe b vlat11ll\•c 1,!llOIIJ(II Iii soun1I aood - II'• Jufl thal lh(' llU!ll Hn ' I Siron,. Fll11, f rom hliJ; ftl\" ' LP l$ rather II l(l'VW-On•)'4tll nu.mb<"r " 'llh Ol b l(' 1 ·au aboul Ilk• lrlah1 and lrlbulaUoru; ot io\'t, n.tltrr I lhlnk Cban ll lil~ .... CHAltT Ct:HTAINT'li',

LULU 84y: Sad Mt.murlt s\ <Columl:ll•

OR 8411), J'I'~ now drtklfd - Lulu shc,ukl .!IUdt ffll'T.\' Cr n,or(' 10 lhlM u,ptem»<,, bt•-bashln,:, blSh-twina:lrt.11 sor1 of materlal. It tult11 her ho:1 ftnt. 1111.t .Otll b a , u.rprlJlng amaJum of Geo• Slrphen1 and the Hn"a:rd and ffl allley 1n m and 11 SHI Ute the 1,U'OVC'rbfal bomb fNIJH llle o ft'. G~al DOwerlnr arran J e­mienl: IN!tntndous sen.,e of o«uton and 1-ble from La1u·i wtt romlli. Ob,lo11s1, a \'(f'}' blf hll. And l'n, alad, Jtllp: A Marl London IIOllK, Potnlln• il\ll tha t nGbody ll('IUIU)' •etd• sad memorStct. Bui m•rely -~. a• • l,0-JIJ' ,


DICKIE VAl,ENTINE: Mona LIH; Wall For Me (l'billPs UP 1kt), Great sense elf tl)'le be-re on a ur.eful revival. Dickie could so eulb llnd llfm4elf back 111 the ch-1ru wllh thht - and ti(! cena.lnl)' de-serves

IC * * * * EOWlN HEB: l 'v~ Bttn LovlnJ Yeu; Call For MT 8.ab)' (Dfftoa F 12711). Blues•tinaed voice he~ on a rather sentim(!ntal &trons song, 1be arransement Is 10-110, I 1hoo.at11, bul there ls 1u'ea1 w•rmlh In &dw1n·• vote.a. * * * *

ROSETTA HIGHTOWER: Prtlb' Rc-d WilluonS. How Can \ ' ct• Misll't'tl The One YGII IA\'e (ToUI ff Ml). Ex•IC-ad ttnger Of tbe Ortoo, and OM ol rn y Re('(lrds of the. Weelt. Shto ,...,1y S'W'it'.111, this lad)'. and blend, beauUfully wtth 1 '-irl~ sttlion behind, Brusr Md brUh, Groat.

***** ALLAN J EFfi'&HS: 1\lra B•d TIW n1M; LNII Awa , (Pll.ltip11 llP H'NI).

IHl&hl)'•IOU!ed new ballad11er. Doubt Ir lh-t son, WIii malte " · but AU..n'• pr6'Hllonall•m (OOtd euil,y C'lk'k. Slr1rt8,1 added. • * * *

CJUtlS McCL UREi Tbt Aftl'ftr Te EYtr)'lllil111; Medlt.aUon (l'eb'dor HUt). Ahnlher Ret-ord ol !ht Wee11:, C111'11, with a aently lilUna batlllnK, tln(ls lre111cndou.1r welt. ·nt• 1orwc laht tlme to rl'&ilttr but once lhert It ne\'er deparui from 1he mind. Strorut ballad performanice a.lJ round.

***** GOSr£L GARDEN: Flndera KHPen: Juat A Tur (Camp IIHN).

S~uncb a Prtll)' unuaul J.Orl nr Une•ttP on lhil llveb he.• l•belter, &noua.h hapi,,e-,u 1n make ii " 'f)rlh wmmendlruc, * * * *

THE AQUA.RIAN AG£: l t,llt 1''1rcb In A Cardboard Bea: Good Wlurd MN'IJ Nau1bty Wbard <P.,l()Olleot R ITtO). Very off,.beat a.nd ambHJou, pertorm:ince, earnt ruc a Record Of the Wott 1u. and whh a:reat aound11 C)f • 'A'IOO vartetY. Mus-i lltte11 o rtfUllY. IOIIU, but ii'• worltl thO' effort.

*. * *. THE SANOrEBBLES: If Veu Dldn'1 Hor Mt 'lbe Ylrtl Time: f""Jower

Power <T1•1uil ff $OM. A ver)' u C1lln~. 1oul-Ja dl!n performance, !)tit sonhHlmeii o~ producuon and arranaemen1 tctl.8 a bit 100 lnvolv~ tor mo, Bui lbo c:scltcment. fine. * * * *

FLAMMA SHERMAN: No Nt'td Te Exolaln; 8aua Love tSNH Ust), Pro int1lnK <kbu.t ror a new label - four Liberian tauca with a unique llOrt of harmonic understaJWSJng, Ntee use of •tNnMt - and 1h1J 1101U¢ cou ld be a VH)' &17.eahle hit. I llke 11. * * * *

MAX HYliHAVES: M)' Cup Ru.anelb O\'tr: Wbt.d: The t:hlldkn An: Adec--p (P-rt• 17SI-J). AMther Sood person11Uy performanee f rom Mu . he~ In his u,11.111 rtlued atY~. but on a .on,i wh ich t11u mud1 more content than some of hll Pl'C!l'louS bl1ck-a. l rate him u a performer on about• dnun dl.ffieren1 levl!-1$, Very warm. 1h11. * * * * *

DEAN AIARTIN: uummln1 ArwDd; "•~ (l\nr1se IS:Jlt). With yer IIChUII Dloo. ono nt \'(lr 1u10• •·· Thia iJ catch)' t!hOOlh, and the eon, IUll.1 h is t)'pe o4 voice so won. 1h11 ii could easily make the charts, Or 1>01• s:lbt,· i;i.nk al.mo51 without ,race! * * * *

11NV T1M, TIPIOt Tim•· Tik" ,-.up,; I Got You 8ab(I mcor1st n s IIISI). With hit 11end•UO lllllt,bay Vl')IC41. Tiny T irn ia a Kimmie\ l>Uri! and Ml.mple.. mo1111y timple if you Ok m·e. l can't' rate thti chanc-e11 here, But II '$ a ll rather amuintc, * * * *

JANIR JONE$i ('harUe Smllll: NobOcb't P1:rtee, <PJe 17"6) , I actual!~· 11:now ~m•bo<IY c11U.ed Charlie Smllh, bul thig one l!I unusual. J :mi1" s lng:s- o f the ,cen1 who becomes a Uththol.l..$e lte,eper In order rn s tay ' "'';tY Imm hlK bird. Odd. Dul nicely performed, * * * *

T UF. BELOVED ONES: M1 Year 11 A Day: Slit. And I (CHS 3331). 6anked 1,1p StrlnA-1. and a 1orur which coul<l make Pt"Oaf'ell, sch·en SllPOOrt Group d o It nlctl)" bu1 Ml w llh that t:Pe-Cl;al &i,ark tJtt l soiies-ti; an l l'\!ltanl h ll, * * * *

CUPIDS INSPIRATION: YHkrdt) Has Ciollt' ; Dream cNem~ J.\tll) , Or,e of my R(tcords o4 the Week. A new &libel . oew KrouP, atnck1 l)f C()m• inerdal a.osie•L with II v Jbr a1>c)' that real!)' reactN!"J ou1 a.od srabt you. Cnuld be a Ant-time hit - that i:.. If Ju111ce 11111 prevall1111h. 0 (1()<1, nil)' llne, lead voic-e he-re. • * * * *

T URB$UOLO 01-' PUMSURE: Rllln, Rain, llaJ11; lie Could Nc.,·tr U),•e l'ou l.lke I Oo t Otco F 11711S), "J'tlou.l(h thlll !JOH 011 a bit, I round ffi)'litlf 1:vent 1111ly llOiflK 11lon.!( wllh It - JCl\'en real (M(l,Jay 11u,op,ort It could make ii. Mid•temPO and rel)l'tilh;t, * * * *

MAR'rY WIL0£1 AbC!r-U\'('rtnJ': Atlee l.n Blue tPIIJUps UF Hit). Good fl ld Mart)', Jfnx in111: a 1own·11 pral.tts thl• Ume, 1.nd 1111ur1pJnx hla d lstlfk.'U\'e 11o1yle on 11. * * * *

KEVIN WESTLAKE ANO GAHY FAHRi f::ver)'day: G rctn tllthrma.ladft UIIN11, A Int Of clua aboUl lhl~ one, J.tllrlln" tl(lllll)' them b11llchna Ult! emotion. Carn predict lr'II be • hit &ll auch, b u t I ont'e au .In commend C, Gomel.Sky for hit prOd\lc-tlon 1000.11, * * * *

llAINBOW F FOLLY: Drh·e Mr Car; Co Glrl O'ar'lol!hone R 5101). An LP track, 1.nd a good one - Mroup c learly hal lcle.S and ilyJe. Probably no, a ct11m entry, I ' d uv. bu t • comouLs1ve bl1 of l1&1enin.i:c, * * * *


A stunning new record released this month

phase DECCA

the most exciting sound experience on record 0 PFS 4142 a.lso available In mo no LK 4930 12~s1e,eo o, mono LP record

e SHU 83"7 Q HAU 1347

12~1loreo or mono LP record

Page 10: RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library with thousands of ......!hat l.


l"lul II, t;odlc:y. 111, 8 Norfolk l)rh•~. Hlt<'(ltf'!I, Nr. Oonc:Htc-r, Yc,rbl'lirf', Slar!i :uul llobblrs -Tornados. Fortunts, Monkets, Con-11le FrandJ, Utbri. Starnp (Olltc:Ung , •lrb. lhtcnln.ic II) INIP fllU!I IC.

I •

1tu d111 Ahltr. 18, 81 Vlctorla. Koacl North, So1.11tu.o. fllUlllf, Star11 and Hobblu - Paul 1md Harry Ryan, F.lvb, Small FaC'it!I, Hunk JOblJWn. •Mod' C'IOUH•s, <lanctn1 wllb Short glrlll.


Harrit' Hruwn, IC, l ll tt>ere1011 A\lt'. , Lfrenl04JI I~. S1t1r~ •n<I ll(lbl)ln -More, lier- Gee~. ltlonkc:f!l! , \vtlo, Storti'~. Jt Ums, r t-c:ordi;, bcH)k~ or IMll)!I ,

Ed McKf'own, fl , 24 Oal:Sy HUI (;.,c1e11s, Newry, Cu. Down, N. h >e l.llnd, SIU!l and llt>bble•-C&W, Fulk , ltoC'k•Sou.l, D>·lan, lluctc Owrnll, Hoatr l\lUltr, K.lns C'u.r-ti11, Llstc11ln1 10 C11rolir1t North. «Ad· Ing 1rnd wrillnt ,

MallhCW OWtll, tt. 3 1 PtnJ)'IIUI, l't1n111adoc. r1tm11rvon.!ril'l lre. N11tlh Wah-s, S111r11 and llobblts - Sahdie Sh11w, Kee G«'$. EM$ p,....sle)', Kfnk.s, oave Dt~ & Cu. Astron•1my. football . rradhll m::¥1'SP1J~rs ahd .. ,,,.

U t )'ln NkhoU,t, 1', n Jtney Road, c; ll111~ltr. Entcland , Sia.Mi and llobblclll lmpren ~os . 6Yrd!t, Orlft('rtl, Otlt'h Bon , Fltttwood Mac:. llo"'e ra cln1 , d.anC'lllll, old cau. Amerlran N'COMs, ('kHhtll.

J1:rcm)' Snm,'dl'II , 2fl, 11 l 'h f' t : ra11ie, Harll)fl)rd, Norlhwlt h, C'htlihlrt. S Ull'i a11d Hobbtes -Taml11·Moww11-Go rdy, Sta11:•Alla11, 111.:. Oyl1n. WeJl c ua, t. D,i11tl11.1, 1111111111, h•nnl~. fo,01b:1II.

'rhor SolbtrJ. 19, Skarpholvt.>gen J , S(/l \'#1\1, IIIUllAr, N<trway. Sllllrll II IHI lfobble.-Joh 11 Mayall UIU~ • b«-llkt'tll, Oil~ llNldln1, Artlh1l 1:-ra nkll.n. Jot Te:c, Crtam, J eff Het'k. IJSltninC' to John Ma>·a11·i­Hl11ftl a lone( Hrok tn WlnJ!O.

Mlthlld C'l'lll<bi, 17, All Saint, fll)USf', W11\'1~r)f. )' RII IHI, E lhmd, Y11rkxhlre. Star11 .and llobblC'II -i •m and Oavt-, Pere>' Skd&t, Cllft', llulle!i, l.ovin' Spoonful , 011.,. Pl•r· 11,. 3irMHlkf!r a.nil ll•oenl111 10 1 t>t o rd~.

DouglH \llnc:ent Rude, 17, Caba 1•0111111 ,112, $1n1os -S1m l' a1110, l)ra~ll, Rtars an,t ttob1,1e11-oea11es. lltt• ma.n'N llf!tnllts . AS:iiOClatlon. Sa11d• i,lpers., nober11.1 Carlo,, S1am1~ t'01· lec:Un•• OX, ln~•rtrordlnJ ,

Hart)' \la•i:lli, II, Sanlltcmi'llaau 6', Watscnaa, lloU1md, Slars and Hob• btes- Uutld , Supremes, Sh~. Golckn •::arrl.nas. Otis lltddlmc. Girls . lilln&, •t• ncln•• reulttln r ltl· 1e r, rr1,m 1irl11, !ikltlns.

na,•ld Lock. It•, u T,.dder Hoad, n rkl1emary, nosm:irt, Hanl!I. Slar1> 111111 IIObblt'i,.- J.41lu, Oee Gec!I. Man• frr.d M.11tm, Shn(ln Ot11trcf', D11b• IID4Trll , t::n~ 1111s IUf'.


RECORD MIRROR, W eek endina June I , 1968

11•, 11II happenln.s Jur CUS rt'itording group Pandamonlum-or U II 1sn·1 It ,oo.n Wlll be. Tbetr new releue "Cbocol11;te OuJ", b beln« (lfOlhOltd b)' Ton)' Hall ANO Roser Euterb)', reckoM-11 to 1M1 1wo of the best promotion guy11 in the bu.s1nc11. and tbac mu,u -'"t' I.he ll"OOP a head $tart Roger l!S alllo eo,.1n1.nqer ol lbt Jl'01111, wllh R, Ponton, ,and I Chink M arlin CurUs, Bob Pt111Wn. MLcJt C:lu11 an(I Steve Chipman, lhe four b()Jll who m a• e up the P11nclan1einl11m, are In htr • very, ,•uy bus)' dmt .

The Ari Mo,•r.rnenl hn r been tosrlher aJj • JTouu for onl)' 18 mon1h11, bul lhdr r•le ol Pl'Ol!l'ttu hu been hnprenh•t . Bf:lllde11 wlnnJns pJenQ" of ran 11upport an•ttnd tbc- c-lub1 11nd b•Hroofflll, ll'lt:Y colleck':i1 U,IOI In lb~ "Otseo,·rrh:s 01 Tomorrow•· r.ontr.,t a1 a London club anf1 ,rahwll a O~c-u ttr.ordlna r.Qnlrut, Their llr111 dlw " I Lov e, tk-1111 In Lon• WUh Yoo" Wl.ll written by -111tar1s 1 Harr)' Wtdlakr. a.nd t'OU)4 Wf>II add to dlelr P t'Ol:t'CH.

Sht"tl Prt.U)' - llnd 5be',i Pltll)' fl;OOd, stte·s R11Stlla Hightower. OUI here on "rrdl)' Ht:d Halloom1" on tb~ Tou l labfl. ICJI • mt,m,re of R It R a.nd POP, I• all 11ummt.r)'. b lt'OOd for dancing to. too, Vol«!! ulf •re oroducNI br lll adellnt l it.II 11nd Ko G•m~r. In point or 11th111I facl, RUSf.Ua wu for sevt•n nan ltAd J1!nicu w'lth the Orlon.,;, bul Is , ... w bM4'd ln l.ondoo - 11.nd It was \ltekl Wickham WhO slantd her 10 lh~ Tout labtl, An Amc-rica11 11ound, t)ut m ade ror thL, maid 111

, nr1111n.

,John 8t1anl, I'm told, IClll sun • 11htne trteP lnto n,oiit of the songs he wrllea. He come, f"rum TooUng, l.n Soul.ll Lond11n, lrfl 11ehool a l II to wo,k In advertb-ln1. ha,•t11c prtv1(>Usl1 learned vlotln and Kullar. He wroc-0 "Otar Old 1ttr.s. Bell" for the ShadowlJ, I.hen look up 11toduc­l111 l lld., ruanagt_:d b)' um Phllllp.s, U t.JIIU1lh ' md IIP wllh Mike Leander Wl,O Jl lf ned him ht M CA. He' s a quiet man, Jc;l'ln -ltul h t' kick.,; up p Jcnly of fuu as 11 lllt:lnbl'.t' of lhe Hunt11: Sab<lttul'!I A!l:l.Otlallon. Ill• dr.bul dhc : "I Rrinic The Sun'., hl11 own 11ona .

W,e'\'t' ¥1' rllle.n bcJo,·e about Lllf' IUJCt,mlua l'hlf:t.ilr.lphla Sound bul we hn('.n 't wrlttl'n abo111 Uot,l)y W t.I.I$, who tom.-~ fro m 1.ha.1 ,,11rl ,,f lhf' S11111es and , .. l1ilchl)' UWl)h'r.d iri ht lp lng lhl' liOURCI lilODJl , Il l-I record h "Lt-1'!1 Ctil>P A <~rocw r.". a da.nef' d lAc Vl.ll Ht:11e11n tlt•curds. Our !10111 bntlhc r Robby look$ SCI lo rollo YI o t~r PhJJ11dclphians U:ke Patti l .a Uf'Uf', J a)' and tbr. Ttc:hnJQUf'lll and J lfllDl)' Smllb lnlo lbc bl,¥•\lldl,ers. lh1ckln • ltleu 1111 hl!I disc: Im: hb bn1lher Ho1CO(' .ind lht l)('IJOnklll, who hil lb'-,: U.$. ,·hart,; wllh " l,11 IAI Mt an, I Utve Yuu".

12 great

self-penned tracks

from this exciting

American group

0 SHZ 8359 0 HAZ 8359

12• stereo o r mono LP rocottl

l Olld On A•con,I• di• l 1U1n o l

l h• O•cct " K O•d c o.,,p•nr l !m,ttd 011(.CA H011111

A,lbe11 [mbtnk,..•111 lo11don SE 1

Page 11: RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library with thousands of ......!hat l.

RECORD MIRROR, Wttk end;ng June I. 1968 11





25 SOHN WESLEY HUDING 26 l 8ol:I D>1t.ll (CBS) SCO'JT No. 2 • S Seo« Watllu (f'lllilfls> SOUND OF MUSIC

28 ~ S.ulld'IJ'a,ell 1:RCA>

•Tue TALK o•· 'ntE TOWN• 11 Diana Rfft I.lid Tk SUf,ttnteS (Ta,n&a M.wown1 Ul!'S'J' OF fllE BEACH BOYS VOL. I

21 8,~11, Bou tCaoHoO OTIS REDDING IN EUROPE 1$ Otb Rtddblf (Siu:) 2 IN 3 n EUhu fl Abt ()farlm ,.,... .. , ons BLUE II Otbi Reddin( l,\lll1tUt) DOCK OF THE BAY - 0115 Re-d4hlf (54u) GREATESTllll'S




FtlOM ME TO YOU l Bta!Jes «Pt.rlCll!bMt) DOYOUWANT1'0 KNOW A SECREI' .i l'IU.1 J. Knmn • The o.-.., .. ,p.,.._....,. SCARLET O'HARA

AIR MAJLED FROM •ew YORti GR BATBST Hffl ' Sl#llffffla ( M11IOW11l


U T~At!Ns (Ta.11111 X.lcurn) nocron ZHIVAGO

I Jtt Harm ~ Toa, !lltt<han ,._, 4 LUOKY LIPS 1 YOUNG GIJIL 26 ·nMF. •·oa U VJNG

;:s cu .u~lati.n u>n1 1 MRS. &ONNSON 26 LOVE IS AU. ABOUND"

I IS} St.N • Ciaf'f'Wll:ri U O t) -rr.n, (Sma.U1) ·-- 27 SUMMERTIME BLua• 2 TIGHTEN UP• J (1·1 Attllk Bril (Al.l1•u,n

lt Ill) IUac ('IIIN,r (PIIUll!f)

3 A UAU'IUVL 28 A MAN wtmOUT MO.BNIN(i• LOVE-3 (81 R• .«18 ( Mla11Ut) • (J) Engel>tn IIY.• Mf'dl-11

4 m E GOOD, m a BAD (Pt,rNt)

AND mEUGLY 29 FIJNEY Sftl!B'I'" • (I) ffuo M .. cc ...... ni Ul(:A) n , .. Anhu.r Conitt' ( AM:O)

5 MONY, MONY• 30 I l,0V£ YOU ' (&) ,-._,, JIIM-' . flit U (J) Pto,,lt: ICUIW) SMa6tlll (a.lene)

ANGEL OF mF. 6 YUMMY, YUMJIIY• 31 MORNING• 1.1 f f) Oltilo £un-" ,o.acWah) 0 Cl) MtrrGtt Rllsll t8tll)

7 COWBOYS TO GIBL8 $ tt) lnlnifttr& tGIIIIA,lit') 32 SOUL SERENA.DB•

8 MACUTIIUII PAIIK ,t (U) Wlllk: MIUlilel Ifft)

" m Rl~INl Harm (DUlllliJILO 3 3 I WILL ALW AYS

9 SHOOJIE.D00-11£. flUNK ABOUT YOU 000.DA,DAY• i:J tt) New C .. 0tt, Sb


8£All11FUL DAUGHTl!a 30 7 l~ible Slf'la.\ 9,..41 tEkUn)

31 6 Fl.(l&TWO()D MAC 4 Pfltr Gf'ff•'• n«Jwood Mac I BIIIIC lfiNba) 32 7 IIISTOIIY or OTIS BEDDING 33 2 Olk R-,1111' fAU.u&k)

8 WVB ANDY " ,..., wmwu ,c:a.~, 34

9 JUNGLE BOOK , Sc,11t1dUKk (Wall l)b.nty) • 10 SMASH errs 9 Ji•l Ht.clfU E..Ptrlt!M'e 36

11 ~OF m E BEACH BOYS VOL. I 37 2' &.cit. Bot'$ (Ca)MWIO

12 WILD HONEY • •• &tuti e.n ,c.., .. 1)

13 GBEATBST 1111'8 39 1• Fo.r Ttcr,5 (T .. ,b 111114-WIII 14 GU T t1lOM A FLOWER 40 TOAGAIIDEN

2' S..MIH(I; (MGM) FOUR TOPS LIVE c~•--lffll• Mo4o'lnl)

U E•~IN:rt ff~tlNik (~U)

REACH OUT 3$ F•ur T"'1: IT ...... bi MOWWnl LAST WALTZ k B .. tlbffl RIUIIPf'f'd.lJl,t,k (~Ca) GOLDEN llJTS :)i D~" (Alb1ttld LADY SOUL - A.rtJti• ...,..kltn (Atlanlk) ROCK AROUND 111E CLOCK

I NII H•lcr (MCA) IIOHIZON'fAL SJ Ree <:.tu CPofy\lllr) IN IAPAN - C .. Rtdlud (C..lll• llol• I FRE!Mll El!LBIIS lt l"'I ff'tllll!H) MOYB J4 MOI'~ ( R~OI t,,no.,11,,on,t)






10 11

12 13

4 CIJ.fJ Rld11t4 (c;olll.lDbll) 2 CAN'T GET USED TO LOSING YOU · S AJtdy Wllll•lhll 3 TWO KINDS OF TBABDIIOPS ' OtJ Sbuo• (LolMkttt) 4 WHEN WJLL YOU SAY I LOVE YOU U OW:, Flin tl>ffcal

5 IN DRBAMli 1 Ro>< Ottl>licia CLNlllon)

YOUNG LOVERS 6 t Paiul a Pluh. (PIIUIP4) DECK OF CUDS 13 W'IIII: Nlrttlldak ~ ) NOBODY'S D,ilUNG 7 BUT MINB H Fru11: UldG U;•--IM• • 8 LOSING YOU H BN'M• 1t»Cruerwld) HOW DO Y DO IT?

9 8 Gtn>' A.1111 TJtt r1ttm1M:n

I 171 l .'n.111111 C•it ICUS>

HONEY .J If> &81:>tt> G9tfl•IHINi' 1Ulli.- Afflllt) MAN WrrHOUT LOVE 2 "· f:airltbt.r1 H1tms,ttdlllltll , ..... , WONDERFUL woaw S (1'7) 1..0Uk Ann'1NIIIC ISl&lt:Sldt)

LAZY SUNDAY .f r7) S,aall Ftetf (leeeilllit-..)

I DON'T WANT OUR LOVING TO DIE C ••• 11ml (F .. t••a)

RAINBOW VAU.EY t (? ) Lci.t Ar11.f- tCBS.1

JOANNA 1:J m SNtt .... u ( P.iu~ I







• • 34

THINK Jt t21 Arttlta Pu1111• 11. 11'81Jlklrl

HAPPY SONG - II) (HI, fttilld.~ CSlul

I ENMF ER ECCLES 21 u•) . H•llk~ lf"1rl11pboM)

HEUA HOW All£ YOU 21 (II) £.a~)'IM,11,< (Ulllld Ara.&e)

SOMEWHER& IN m l? COUNTRY 211 t i) G-t.n,r PltatJ 1Statc:ddie)

81.,UE EV&S - OI 00. PartrWsc (C .. llJIIIII.I)

HURDY cllaov MAN - 01 Ol)'"on IP)<tl

RAINBOW CHASER ' (I) S&c'1e Woadtr (


• TIME FOR UVIN'" - · ,o ,\1MN:'b1Uo. OVanM:"r 6f'Oll .l

u D11.-01'an (Pye)


- (Colulllla.) TAKE n1£SE CUArNS l''ROM MY BEAllT


18 rS) l>i11t11W" Wllrwltt ( P)<e IM,) 35

U 43J NlJ''tal lllll.lllWI)



36 1J 17) M1n ·1n Cne 6-T18111Ttfflll("-&a)

mlS GUY"S IN LOVE Wffll YOU 37 n ( I) Htrb At,,t.n IA • )I)

H ONEY• l flt) B•bY C.ld~" ( U.a..t Arlina) 38 UKETOGETN

LADY IIADONNA• t'J (I}) 8HtlN (Ca .. Uol)

HOW'D WE EVER GET nus WAY " en A.nd:)' Kim 1S1ttd)

IF YOU DON'T WANT MY LOVE 34 m R/11:itn JOll,a ((;Mlllllbla>

SWEET INSPIRATION• U (9) Swtt'I lnwlnrklnt (AUNCld

' IACft of Htanll) 16 TOM J ONES U VB AT



18 VALLEY O>' THt: DOLLS zt Dhlllllt- W1rwlotk (Pye let,)

19 SHEll-00 II C~lla 8.)a,cll (P•r;opllOolltl



SIR J ORN AL01' OF MERRIE ENGLAND John Renboum (TransaUanUc> MEMORIAL At,BUAI £ddi.e Cochran (Liberty) OOJN' OUR TJHN<> Booker T. & The MC"5 (Slax) LOVE THAT

- RI)' C,"lla.,tea&MV) 15 PROM A IA TO A


A FOOL OF SOMEBODY - Frftd:le ud &bit Dru..ier, 12 (c.lll!IIMa) • 17 HE'S SO PINE II 'ht C..._. fl&a&nllllt)

18 SAY I WON'T BE 13 mEBE U S&mlldfil!J r Pllll lM) PIP£UNE

WHEELS ON FIRE U 0> Jil!Ht Orl!H'OII Rriu AU.,ff tMumdMt) 36 SIMON SAYS 7 ( Il l ltlt f'rull1't1n1 ('Q, 37 tPn lGLJ SLEEPY JOE U 0) Ht.mull'J Httm.ih 38 tC(tlu-lri)


::o (9) RIii Ha.lo· (MC:A)

SUMMERTIME BLUES U 1,1 Bdtdlc c-.tho.11 tU~n,\

DEBORAH J.1 141 1)1UllflU,MlnlJ Re, ....... , CIIY LIKE A BABY 21 11 h n.11 TOP• (8,tl[I


KNOW YOU• • R.EACH OUT OF THE 1$ fS) S.-nll1 & ()ur Gaall ,_ DARKNESS•

HITS t 1' T•1111 .l•.1111'5 iO«ca}

2 1 aamse MOTOWN CHART BUSftllS ti \'llciollt ,\rtlfU~5 tTa•lA ¥..,_WIIJ

Hert Kaem,pft.rt (Pob'dor) J ,\MES LAST (;.OES POP James Lui <Poltdor) • OIARY OF A BAND, VOL- 1 & 2 John Mayall (De«.a) 7931 SOU'l'H RIIODES

19 14 • Jt Cb&neaJ"I (LollllM) HAJlVE~'T OF LOVE 15

S 01) Andy "'t.lAJII.I IC'flSi WHJTE HORSES It (I• J1eb IPhOl:PtO 40 IIELUl.E HEU.JU.:

~ lit) Pall\'r 0.lls tP,-~)

UTl'LB GIIEl!N APPLES -· - (I) f'r1ffld #I I.OWlf

31 <U ArTllla fraall.1111 l\.' trvt/l'Clft.atO

(A.tlulk) 40 FlllENDS• I COULD NEVER LOVE tt ()) Buell BO)'S IC .. llilol )

ANOTHEll• 41 I WANNA UV£-211 (4) T'tmt:.LatlOftJ (Cord)') .a U) Ckl, c,...,bdl •t.•n


111 1$1 flobby \'n• (Llbuly) U fU) "&o.V T.,_ I MaJa.> 'rlH~ UNICORN• WEAR IT ON OUR 9 (9) TlMl lffllll ~VU5 43 tOK<a) FACE•

19 00 YOU KNOW fflE U fO Otlb •CMtO

WA y TO SAN ,ost• 44 o o;;s YOUR MAMA t• (71 0 1-- WtrWS(ck KNOW A80VT' ME• .._..,,

'4 IJ) ~-7 Taylor & Tht 20 0.81JIAH• V•-•tn (c.-d:)') 21 (?) T'6nt JMeS (l'Af'NII) J~LLY JUNGLE

21 TAKE 11ME TO KNOW - H) l~fflotl f'totfll ( IIUddAIU HEIi" UNWIND H ltl .-..ny Sltdt1t 46 ··- ~ 111. fltJ'Slt'Yfllll (M ... llmtlPI

22 IPI WBRE A UN ITF.O CARPE:NTER• - H I PffdW.ll • Hub mun 2' (5) n,ur T$s

Eddie B()yd \\1tll Fleet"'O(ld Mac (8tue


1 THJNK u Art1iu r,u.,._ (AclaD.Uc SNJM) 11

2 TIUBUTE TO A KING 12 ll WIQl1... Beil ($ta.t .. Iha)

MELLOW MOONUGHT II a., Docker t.0.•••o D



- Bt11IIIJ' Ht:11 ff>N)


1 mlS IS SOUL I Vuilu 4tlb&tll f ACl .. 111: Nat,

u M•u:~ w ,,.~ - 'o\'Usoa Plitt~ll 2 CbKI (C'RI -,H) (AIIAnCk 51,t 1'J}

I.A.DY sout· .J Amba FN1111U11

4 N<mllNG CAN STOP 14 DO YOU KNOW fflE u11 .. t1c w, NI)



17 • 19





14 (0 Trundoci ffffSI

U.S. MALE IS !J't EM~ Pl'tik, ( ftC:A Vld#)

41 !O 1101 Ro-ccr Mllln lf'lttHp,1)

IT'S MY TIME s, 14> lh'trt, · ~ . IW•mn Broll,)

IF I ONLY HAD TIMf. 42 11 IUI Joh• R<:1,.ft' lMC'AI


JUMPING JACK f.l~ASH - IU Roll•nc Stnw.,< fOttC11)

DEU.LAII 21 uu Tc.m JO"ti. me«•)

BABY COMt: BACK 31 fJ• FA lllk (P~df'ftl)

WHEN WE WERE YOUNG 211 n.1 Sol1111tun Ki1111 (c.llJdol• )

l PRETEND U U) Uo UTon.11111 t COIIIIIIA!la)

AIN'T NO'rlllN' BVT' A IIOUSEPAJITY 1$ 01) Stll.,W11111P~f.l IRHl'O•>

U 011 Honer 1S1n (Dfnm l

43 U)\'I N" THINGS Jj m Mamt•lld,e (('6 51

44 FOREVER CAME TODAY ll (l) 1)111• 1 RM$ • 111• Su:,Reu cT..aa Motion)

SON OF HICKORY HOL.LERS TRAMP - 111 0. C'. Sm.Ith 1tns1

46 SHOO-Bl?-000 J 7 (4) S!C' l 'ic lOndt.r 11'a-.Ja Mo40Q)

47 LADY MADONNA t• Ill\ flfftl\':\ l l'llr111ohOQ,t.


IIIE WAY TO SAN I OSE • G-t~ C'liudlu a. 0~ Wtrwkll

3 7 0115 ftcod}al 1Slu !»NI) 24 CONGRATULATIONS

H 1~) Ltrn.. 1'11)f'l1C ( Pytc f llt,)

49 PF.(;GY SUE/RAVE ON IS 04) l.ifllMI (;ap 1(,'oluml>La) - m Ju1n 8"""11. t&~> Clf>' SC tel ) - 1P)oe .brl. '1N lSUT)

24 fllE HAPPY SONG• CHOO CHOO TIIAIN U (S.I OU$ RHIIJ~ (\'oft) - H.t S.l10fll, (¥ab) 25 SHE'S LOOKING GOOD• 1' m wu,.,. Ptc~~,, @ rM soaav ( All•C'e) - (I) ~ lfllllllU O'ldlb' Gl'MYfl


I O. C. Smltlt. tCBS :SUS) • ::us: ~,\JN

4 HISTORY OF OTIS REDDING I Otlt RtM-. ( \'ofl 1111"11 f l&)


Ii (Ill n ur R~ llud I C:0111~1•)

F RIENDS U IU ff.tllf'II IJH>I (('1111ill1h • TRJBVT'E TO A KING

- II ) WIPLl l'II BeP IS1u)

6 TH£ CHAMP - 1\..,_, T11o.-, .-H Mo!Uwks 'PHIU Pill TH) fSla a M l N7)

I Ett• JaaN (Cllieu Cltl. -)

6 BLUEBF.AT SPE(,1AL - A bh•e dot den,,tes new entry.

• A11 ,.,.,t•rh:k dcnole-s rtf.'ord released In Bril-ain. 7 SOUL SEBDIADE 17 GO NOW S WI.lie llflC.tW: H lt$t lt BMIU

$ \.'•rtou, Artl$l411S


Nt·,·er Ch·e- You VP - Jr'tn· HUUt>r (Mercun') l'U Never Oo You Wrong - Jo,e ·1·ex (Dia.O · Broold)'n noads - Nell Oiam,md H)NI)

tl..oHM RI, H111) 18MI C11r 8C tts)


(C.UMe OIPl)

- BooM:r 1'. A Tbt MG', ,sen m ... , · ORITlSH BUJl6UNG UNDER

Rl)YS- l,IIIQ <Columbia)

Pa)'inK TIH; C'C'l~t To Be Tb~ s.i-s -H. U. Kiog mtueJ1wa,·)

Tip Toe- Through 'l'he Tullos - Tiny Thu (Heprl!ie)

A HOUSEPABTY 1, 111e Tul"ftltr 1 &llotrlao,.,,en cauic.. l •t•1 ( l..clMoa at. HUI)

m E HAPPY SONG • 11GH-n:N UP - 04n Jk,(W:11, - Artlrilt BtU • fte Drtlb fScu ...... ) Ullutlc 534 lli$l

8 VALLEY OF mE DOU$ ' O.onnt, Wanrlek ( Pn lal. NPL IIU()

ons IN EUROPE - ()II, Rddlnc (Siu st, HS)

Anyont For Te.nnls~rearu (P(IIJ'd.,r) Soul Strenade-Wlllh; MfltheU (l,ondon\ Now-Val Doonlean (Pye)

, Aln'I N<.tthin' Likr The Real 'lblng

I (iot Yau D•be - Etta Jame11 (ClldeO Love In Evuy Room - P aul ~,taurlal (Philipi-> You Don·, Know Whal You M~an ·r& Me -

0 LOOKING POii A POX J Clare- Cllr1ff •


I G<1I' 10 GREATEST HITS 1,r..,,._. Manin Ca)'e and T'ammi Terrell tTamla Moto'il'n)

You Aln'I (.Oln' N(IWhtrt-lh·rdi. (CBS) \·~ Wrong Wllh My World-f•. J. Pr(lb,· <Libfn)')

Ccmtim.te<l front. page 4

GREAT ROCK, 'ft & B, and BLUES AUCTION. HundreCJS of r.irc delt-· t ions .1nd imp,orts, Send S.a.e . Jor lislS to: 41 Sperrln Close. Huckskin 2. 8sslnirstoke, Hant~. AUCTION 1.NCI.UOING "1'hc FOOi". S.A,J-.:. 29, Cardlft Road, Norwich NOR 22G. ROCK/SOUL/POP 111$8-GS, Deh~liOnS, 1-:srh· Orirters, Romer-o. Larayettcs, l).rown, etc.-S,A.E. 9, lltlberl Road, Che~m, Sur-re>·. lt36•ill ts·s, L,f"s lncluding rare de• tc;1ion:; a,•all:.l)Je. overseas enquirJes welcome. Stn(I S,A.E. for liSI o r call al 16 U.-h::hllln R6ad. Liri&lidt'. BedfJ, BREAKING UP COLLECTION. lrnn Thom~s. Orih(:r!I, Burke, Cb:mdlt:r' elC. ~nd S.A.£. ror IISI. 29 Jubilee Road, Downie)', H11~h WYC't.lmbl~, D11d1s. CLEARANCE: AMERICAN R€· COHOS: S for 218. St;nd S ,A,E. for lhils. 12 Wtllkley s1.ree1. London. E.2.

USED <fULL· l'ftlCt-:0) I •. P.'S fro n1 12$, td, Satisfaction guaran1eec1. S.A.E. for ll$1$, 2 SutvC)'Or's Place. Por1madoc. caems.

S.-n, & O.i,·e (AUantid

HOCK, Ol.1)(8S, Recent !UIS rtOO-l Is . eatl1. S,a,e, for llsls-i7a M:uu,r R():"1(1. Wallasey. Che$hil·e.

COSPli:L SAJ.E tPcatock ,• bird) . CHEAP. S.a .e. 11'1 G()Spel. 21 V:ile Avenue. 8n.(hlon. $ 1.1AAE!x.

e penfrie nds FRENCH pe,nfrlen4s, .ill .igea from 12 10 21. Send a . .i.e. (or tree de• u 111.-Ansi10 French Correspondence Club. Burnlo)'. UN01-; n 21? PenpaJs .inY'1'here. S.a.e. ror tree delalla, - Teenage Clul), r:'il.lCOn House, Burley, 503

MARY Bl.AIR RUR 6AU. lntro•dUt· llon!I enowhere. De<alla free. -43/52 Ship Scrccl, Brighton. 623

INTRODUCTIONS to m!w friends or the OPPCISile ~it a.rram;rd b~· 1)(1/Jt, Mcnibcn: agrd 16 upwards e,·tn·where, Write ror deuus, st.itlns age: Mayfair Intt'Oducth)nx <Oeoar, mtnt 9). 60, Neal S tree l, London, W.C.2,

TEBNS / TWENTIE$. ~nfriends. Home/ abroad. M.F.C, 9 Tho· Arbour P'arnblll, Ke.J1hley, Vork1blre.

l'ENPR16NOS al hOme and •broad, •tnd S.a,ci. tor free de1ans.-Euro• ou.n Frfendslllo SOcJetY, Burnltr. ...

fAa..auc $Ml'NI) - .... ,. I.« (t~, CR.'o UNI

!Taal. TML UNO

ROMA.NC£ Oil PENFRIENOS, En11and / Abroad. Ttiousands or members, Oet,1ll3 World .Friendship Bnterprlsu, MCi4, Amhurst Park, N, 10,

JEANS INTRODUCTIONS, HI Qute11 Street Exeter. 17 to 10, WorJdwldo s.uccelisfut romance.s. FHEI:: LIST OF PEN PAJ~S stDd a s tamped addressed en• velope 10 W()rld Wide Frlendshb• Club, 40 Cemetery RQ;1d, DEN• TON, Manchester , Lanes. (Hta1e­aee). PENFfUENDS, H.OME & ABROAD. male ot1ly. S,A,E . to: T. P . s., CN.38), Chorle)·, Lanes.

PENFRIENOS FOit LON£L\' people. S .A,E . Opal Penfrlend Chll,. ttouesford, Nottingham.

e Miscellaneous DISCM08JL£ S O U NOS H OW Reasonablo prices. Profes.Mona1.-01,2'14 1373 (t-\.·enin1ts.1.

e songwriting LYRICS l\'ANT'SO by M1J!IIC f'Ub. llsttlni' House - H SI. Alban·• Avcnut. London. WA,

fo:AltN MONEY SONGWRITING. Allli11:h'1J:: free OOOk tell:; how. l,,S.S.. 10.11 R. Dryden Chambers. lt9 Oxford Street, London, w.1. DIRECTORY 250 MUSIC PUB­L1$HERS, Ss. Dept 2J, 27 Den­m;1rk St .. London W.C.2.

e a nnouncement• PlllL WOOt>: Oue I() the over­whelming response to an instrt iOn or my photograph on the REAOERS' CLUB f•AG£, ( May 18th), It IS 1aldng me S<>mc.: time t<> reoJy 10 them au. I would Like to thank everybod)' whO wrote 10 me and I shall be repJyit1k to them :\11 as quickly ,ts I cafl, tsR£ATHLf.:SS DAN IS NOW IN Ml~MP1U$l f\(ay not return for s ix montM. Any ur{(Cnt (()rresl'l()ndcnce please forward to: Michael Coff<!Y, SI Psrk A\·enue, Rogel'$1one, New­POrt, Mon.

e fan clubs no YOU I.IKE GRAPEFRUIT? It so send a s.a.e, 10 Dee Meehan. 94. Baker St.. London, W.l ,

GEORGIE FAME F'AN CL,IJB.­Seeretary, 47 Gerrard Street. W.1 .

KENNY BAJ.,l. APPRECIATJON SOCIETY. - s.a.c. to Mis., Pat. SanOers, 18 CarUste Street, London, W.l.

LO\'£ At,·J,' Alfl: S,A.E. to Sue, eto Harold Davison Ltd., 23S/241 ReGen1 St., London. W. l, 6.1.ASTIC BAND Pan Club (for, mcrly "SiJvers-lone Sel"), S .A.E.: Anita, Valley House, Overton, wrex• ham, Denbighshire,

SOULFUL. UNTOUCHABLE, EX· ClTINC, Tins is .. SUE' ' with artistes s uch a., BOB & EARL. OONNIE £LUEllT. & THE FASCINATIONS. who .:,, rrjvc in Hrilahl on June 211d . Por delaUs of lhe SUE APP. SOC. send an S .A.8, to: SUE, IS Cran• t<>ek R0<4d, London, £.l7.

e for sole Bi\Rl:': WALLS? tr $0, brb:ht.::n wH.h J?iant (40 in. x JO In.) persCtna lily pbotoSTapbs. J ulie Christk, Ste,·c.: McOuecn, David MCC~Uum, 0.1vid Jlemmin~ . Charles nronsoo, Jean Paul 8elmondo. l!ec Mar,1 in, Martin Luther Kini;; a1$0 Bonnie & Cl>'dc.:, 7s. 6d. each plus 2s, p.p, per <>rder 10 Abstract S~•le.11 C<1mpany. 8 Kingfisher Orh•e, s outh )leflrtee1.

POSTERS, POSTERS, POSTERS rro~ l s. 6d, to J5s, eat.h. Ps}'Che• ae11c- And man.y other kind:;, C11t••· 101'.NC of several hundrtd .:,,vailable, Send ls. to I •. T.P. <Dept RM) , 30 Baker Strttt, J..ondon. W.J. PlllNTEO NO'ft:PAPER, onJy l9/ 6ld. per t.>or. Samples free from Jack.Son. 40 Han·ey Lane, NORWICH.

e publications INCREDIBLE Pop, Soul, R oc.k uuu.lns. TIie e:islest, cheapes1 \l.' 3>' to find re-cords >'Ou need -()Id l>r new. RECORD MART MAGAZINE (o1nuistie Piekl..-d issue. ls. 4<1. J>.Ll. 22 Stevens Way, Chig­weu. E.ssex.

e re cords wanted WE BUY LP's •s•s. Write or call. 11e North End Road, Kensington, London, W. 14, POP .U'll, 78'$, t ... P'$ (1950-68J Yi';t.nted. Up lo $/ . p.tid for i'OUr d t• letcd 45's, Send any quanUtf ror eash by return.-Moore, 16 Leighton Road, Ltnslade, Bed$.

11S, PAID FOR UN"'ANTEO (Full­priced) L,P. 's . Records cxehangcd­S.A.E. ror oeuus. 2 Surveior·s .Place: Ponmadoc, Caemit.

Page 12: RADIO and BROADCAST HISTORY library with thousands of ......!hat l.

12 -

~ It's true, frjcnds. Aflcr many

Yt!BU of bcln~ Britain's oldest eslublishcd ran club, the some­what extravagantly n am c d Ectsatic Lovers of Vince lngolt's SinglnR ( Elvis for short) has disbanded lor good .

Pausing only to remove his bicycle clip1., disappointed f:CstotJc ,Lover Ron Platt. c lu b secret.ary and 11st surviving member. said yesterday: ''Ye.s, the end has fina lly come. We were h~nglng on In lhe hope that the rock ' n' roll revival would caHy Vince lngott ba ck into public favour. but a.s he is a whispering ballad -sin ger, there wa.s little hope, Even my sister. Ada, the only other member of ELVIS, has recently turned her adoration towards younger and more modern singers like Bing Crosby and Louis Arm• strong·, The end waJ1 marked by a movin g ceremony in which Mr. Plult placed a black wreath bearing lhc words 'lngoU, Ingot! Rahl Rah ! Rah !' around his noc:k und jumped of! Beachy Head, Instead ol the customary R.1.P. upon his gravestone. Hon hns a sked for the letters V.1.P. This, of course. stands lor Vince lngolt's Pal.'ln these days of llcklc fans and passing fancies 1uch unswerving devotion is something lo behold. (Just what I'm not quite sure, bul aomethlng for crying out loud!)

Few of you who read the national press can have ml5"Cld the publicity fo r Tony New-. ber,t's film now In production in sunny CorsJr,a. It is of cours(', entitled: "Can Engel, bert Humpcrdink Forget Mercy Beacoup and Ftnd Happiness Amongst A Pile or Old Ken Dodd Singles?"

On location I met Tony, who Is ,tarring. directing, operating tho camera, making the tea, sharpening the ' pencils , and h11mplng 4 cwt bah,• ol spaghe tti lrom place to place while whistling the mlddlc,elghl ol "The Railway Children" on B.B.C.1. He also wrote the script. (But not ot the same time) On the beach WC ta lked. D.C: Tony, arc you e njoying m·&king this

movie'! TONY: Whnt you mean CEHFMBAFHA·

APOOKDS? D.C: h: Lha t wha t you call the movie for

short? TONY: No. That's a lown in North \Vales. D.C: Is il? TONY: No, It's whal I ca lled the movie for

short ... but not for tong. I fractured my mouth a flcr saying only lhr~ llmts. I couldn't speak tor a month. SO we've rcwrillcn ii as a silent wes tern. I ploy t he shcrriff of Broken J aw.

D.C: Tell me Tony. whnt is the film really about?

TONY: Ifs about 9,000.000 dollar-, over budget

D.C: Bul what is the •tory'I TONY: Well, It s tarted off a s the adventures

of a bus full of retired shoe makers on their annual outing . . . but we abandoned that idea.

D.C: But why abandon • brllflant Idea like lhe a dve ntures ol a bus lull or rel.Ired shoemakers on their annual outing?

TONY: Face It man, It was Just • load of old cobblers. So WC dceicled lo put In some sex.

D.C: And I understand you now have a very, very se1:y picture.

TONY: Yeah man! Sexy! Pow! I'm absolutely certain that It'll be sexier than even Mary Poppins.

D.C: But Mary Poppins wasn' t sexy at a.II. TONY: I know. That'• why I'm so aboolutely

certain. Al one ti~ mind you. we were going to make It I biblical ,tory, like Ben Hur, with Christian martyrs and lions, but the lions wcr(' loo expensive. They kept eating up all lhe prophets.

D.C: So you decided to make It sexy? TONY: Yup. And we made our first big

mistake. We ordered 350 beaullful dolls from a model 11,gency.

D.C: And what happent'((? TONY: We got 3:50 models. Three Inches 1'111,

perfect In every detail, but useleH except in very long , hots.

D.C: Dul Tony, looking around me even now I see you've rectified the problem! All these dozens ol ooautllul 11lrl• In bath, Ing costume! Arc they e xtras?

TONY: What the bathing co1tume1? As far as I'm concerned. yes! But they have laws everywhere ...

D.C: I mean. are the girl.a working on your picture?

TONY: No such luck . They' re the producer's kids.

D.C: All of them?

TONY: He's one ol lhe biggest producers In Hollywood, baby. Some are by his fi r s l mairi.age, some by his second, some by his third , and some by marriage$ he hasn't even caught up w ith yeti

D.C: He gets married a lot? TONY: He's the only guy I know who get•

a discount from the registry office. D.C: Lel's act back to the fllm, Tony. I be·

Ueve it's about a man's sc.arch for himself. TONY: Right now It 11, yes. D.C: And a°"' this man find himself? TONY: Yes, he does. Tums out he's been

hiding In the re lrlgerator a ll the lime! He opena the door and the little light goes on and there he Is. So lo prove himself to himself he challenges himself to a ten mile marathon. That's a pretty racy scene.

D,C: And who wins? TONY: He does of course, who else? D.C: Ye•. ol counic. S illy of me. TONY: But from thl1 moment on, I think

I've 11onc of! the Idea. D.C: But 11'1 brlUlant! TONY: Nol Sitting In a refrigerator? That

oort ol thing leave• me eolcl. D.C: So what will you do right now? TONY: Same as every night Round up the

girls and rehearse tho orgy 11Cene. D.C: ls there an orgy &ci,ne In the mov~

then? · TONY: No, But baby the rehearsals are

fabulou1? Why d on't you Join me? D.C: LOve t o! Oh and by the way, good

luek with Ct:Hf'MBAFHAAPOOKDS! At whl<h p0lnt our Interviewer fractured

his Jaw. And unlll you've tried chatting up 75 bikinied blrd1 with a fractured jaw you don't know the meanlni of pain or fn.istra· tion, or both.

In • 511vage, penetrating, stupid column like this, the, opportunity to be nl<e dona't comes up often enough, ICl this wttk rd Ilk• to mention I few of the peopk> and things I DO Ilk&. .

I like the Orange Blcyd,. I think their disc

RECORD MIRROR. Week •ndlna Jun• I, 1968


T t; NTATIVE lille ol ~lonktts first lull­length movie is " Untitled", and their

new single will I)(> " D. w. Washburn"/"lt's Nice To Be With You" ... a gold disc lor Cream LP "Disraeli Gears" In US ... Timi Yuro re-signs wilh LIOOrty ... fn lhe States. Jadde Tre nl und Tony lla tch'1 .. The Two Of Us" covered by Eydie Gorme and Steve Lawrt'nce . . . not surprisingly, Srott Mc• Keni le's "Holy Man" dO(!.!m't look like being a hit . .. their next - " l...a dy WIiipower"

· - Union Gap; "Your Time Hosn•, Come Yet Baby" - Elvis Presley, "Eleanor Rigby" -Ray Charlt••• "Hang-Ups" - Robby lfltflcld ... Face 's disc of the week is Joe Simon's .. ( You KN1'1) Me) Hnnging On .. on Monument.

Suprem e•· nex1 "Some Things You Never Gel Used To" not o lfollancl,Douer,lfolland song - mo~ d l5("()nt ent In Motown camp? ... British g roup the Amboy Dukes lipped to have their second US hll with "Journey To The Centre Of The Mind " .• . Mamas and Papas latest US LP is .. Papa5 and Mamas" whirh ha~ an unusual cover - next Julie Drlsroll l.P will be "Open" ..• Captain B•elh• art's "new" A & M •Ingle Is many y<-ars o ld - their new label In Britain e nd America l~ Verve . . . old Vee Jay mate rial to be Issued on Joy, President's cheap lube l . . . tallor ,madc lor the rock revival - Tony Hall'• new office te lephone No. - lw.18/ 9 . .. SanteUs "So Fine" (NOT lhe orl"lnal, Chrb !HnnlnK please note) hardly worth ro-iBSu ina, but Beulc Banks' "Go Now " (which IS the orlglnnl, Cbrl• Den­ning please note) well worth It ... Q21 -Who (originally) tu t - <•) "Ca ndy", ( b) "Candy Girl", (c ) "Candy Mon", (d) "Candy To Mc", ( e) ''The 81?"

will be I hit (Sorry fella,, that's put the kiss or death on It) . I like Roger MIiier's "Lilli• Green Apples ... I llke atmost anything Rog~r. • ~tiller does. I even like thfng• he doesu' t do, (Singing .. J-ltllo, How Are You•• for He doesn't do that. but It's a lo••ely r .. ord).

\\fntch out for CRS', torthroming " ROC'k Ma.thine" promotion, ond JtCA's ' 'Group• quake" . , . A20 - Bobby "Blue" Bland ("Cry", "Cry, Cr y, Cry", etc.) ... great idea tor re-issues from EMl- two old hlls by dlf• lcrcnt start on o ne disc - commences with "Al The Hop" (Danny and thr Ju niors) b/ w " Pcraonalily" ( l.toyd Prlre) . .. !.till attlv<­ln the Stales - the TTenlers . • . B<?ac:on r ecords "Let's Copp A GrOO\'t" by Robby Wells dcS<'rvez to be a hil on the s lrcngth or the promotion co1>les sent ou t . .. Dylan ract: lhc la<'cs or the Bea lle~ can be seen at the top of the tree (upside down) on the "John Wc11lcy Hardina" a lbum . artcr lhe rc,rclcasc of h is hit "A Little Piece Of l..eathrr", Donntc Elbert's new single oul here lhrough Polydor is lhc old l t lcy' t itle "Thi• Old Heart Of Mine" . . . black-clad rock singer at the Red Cow. Hammersmith Is In fact Lee, ol the World 01 Coun try Music Rnd l,ee·s Record Stall fame ... .

I like U.S. Male because It make• Elvl• sound agai n art~r au these year».

I like Marty on B.B.C.J. God bless Feldman. Junkin. Took and Chapman, long may they relp.

I alto Ulte ladle1e In tiny bathing <'Os lume"· All)' o•enT

DOMINIC GRANT hH • durb disllnctlve vo.ift, deep •nd emotive, and llJa debut baU•d " l 'v• Deen Ttlere" CMerc:ury Ml-' 1032) 1h0wa t on!liderable promia,e. Another new boy; DAVE ANfflONY, on "Ra«1 With The Wind" (Mcir cur)' M F 1031). · • •In delivered Wllh a EJr. touch - nice t,,rJcs and anan.e­ment. From SHELLY MANNE. the theme from "Oaktarl " (AUanllt' 5114180), whJeh he al.lo wrote -IMlru~nu.t with umu;:ua1 tffetl3. AQOthtr wn:.o,i of thot clld Troaa bit " Wild Thln111," by THK 118.Mr lllJi THRR:H CP••· One p()i,' 070), done witb auU• ble • tr ol •klk!bN Hd uraenrr. AU Shah•

.$Ptul.&b and ,OU)' Ind fuO••: "SlraUotd • oa • Avon•· cra.,e OM POP' NI), by RONALD llfNGR and the Coftttrt Ordllt'stn - Jtk't,ly -· 'l1le old S..m Cooh ni,m.,., " A Cll.a.llft Gonna Come.. fClant CN JO aell a na,beat touch,up from KEH PAUER - quite Uftlal:1111, FRANK M URRAY aJ.Nlll U.rnHtl)' Of the ' ' Ml.~I)' ROlUni M kilandtl"

CK.In« KC 1"7•), a nk-e ~mplt ·arranp:mtnt a.l'Jd riaht for tM Olrilh •P«'i• lt)', S.mpft tud., 001 • Jo a d.n,~. from the album "CHal l.o•~ Thtmts .. : " Wonckrf'ul OM", by fl:OIIBRTO MANN aJld bi& Otchfftu - buutll\lJJ:, rtt«ded, From the SllAXMPE.A.RP..S: ••somethinl To IJelk!Vt In" (RCA Vtctot INS) with OhOM-c'alJ Intro a oct droniruc lm:lru~nla.1 unlll • raUier calchY •oc•I Une come, In. ROY DRIJSllY s l,.._ "THCh Me LUt141 CPl lklrtn" IMtrtur)I MY 1022) wllh deep 11lnN'rUy , (ounlt)I· ,ilyM', and the 1<>1\1' str\&C'k me •" bc,lna u ther nice,. TflE MARIANN~. on " A11 For Nariornittea ... have an uooaual 11<>na and Mlke Vldc•r• hH done, • 1:ood tob on the arran&t'• ment (Columbia DR 8420).

JIM ED BROWN ain1s ol " 'Mut F.n9my.. (RCA Victor IIN) In C'OUntry 5lYI•. with s teel ,ullar etc .• and u~ enemy hi l ( luaU:y a bcM>rer •• I undtn tand. From TMK E XOTICS: ••.oon·t LHd Me On' · (Columbla DD 8418>, a powerful ,iort Of be.alt-r, wilh ora an and enlhlUIHUC vocal. THE ltOKlt.'i. wlt.h . _,,,. Worb 01 Ba..rtbok>,lnew" (RCA VIMOt lffC), have Whtl IIOUndl to mt • llltl)' hJI .ORI -IT'IGII 11111usu11I.

STBVB HA.RT, on "Now I Know II"• You I Lon'' <CBS ,_, dOH • conunendable performan<e but tta ll7 the m.terUI donn' t .eem .-tronc enotiJ:h to break throuth, t"rom f'REDOIE NORTH: "I Han A Dream" iPru~nt PT Ill>, • soulful aort OI atralght ballad. a:ood

bul not 1004 «ntXIJlh. And now: T1le OMSK RlJblAN £ NS£ M8LB, d61nai th4-lr llhow,,tappln.s aftd bill., l oPPIAI " Willow Tre,e" <CBS ,s,ot). nry ~uh.1111. 100 , • • aod r.owheH·• M'1' as as It all may lffm. STELLA AND IIAM BOS, wllh " Windows Of Tbc Wo rld" !CllS ,SOS), I.tam UP halppll)' w l!h nllu add~ •nd IM whOle an-ne ~ rrkoncu,. mato and tolli:.10 . Ever ,o emoU,onal, In PAr1.ll, l1 PA'MII-! l.ANE arid Mr " Paper Drums" CP1>1Ydor MIM> • • , th~rtt·s enouah penonallt)' Skit acrOl\.11 In thl~ Ont IQ make It • POlenllal hll,

ONE STOP Arrl11lnt1 This W••lr


12/ tld. Inc. l"osf ...

DYLAN lleglSlere,t a t Ille G.P.O. u • aewt,aper

Prtnt.t by Paptrt &Dd PublcaUOIU tPrin .. n) Ud., (T.U. ), s wu CloM·, 8...-UT)'. Oxon. to.- Cardfottt PutllilMl"I Ud .. Ill Shaftt-sbut)' AW.DUii, Loodon, W,I. (TtltPhOnt: C.ntrd 7tC211/4) SOit DMlfibvU .. Asntl for C"al BtUal.11, Sumdp, DaWlliOII 6 Co, Lid., IJ&.ICI Ne• Kent Road, LolliSoe. S.IU,