Reserch on thrillers

My research on thrillers movies and their opening titles. Made by Daniel Gilmore

Transcript of Reserch on thrillers

Page 1: Reserch on thrillers

My research on thrillers movies and their opening titles.

Made by Daniel Gilmore

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My research on films such as psycho.We had also made a short opening credits video to see what it would be like creating our own film. As you can see below we had to create 6-10 photos and edit it to give an strange atmosphere to create suspense and worry in the audience. We had taken 7 photos and we had edited them to give them a darker colour as it was a very bright day. We wanted to create a sense of worry and disturbance in the audience. The film was quickly thought up however we had thought up a scenario where everyone in a school have dispersed and there is a student trying to figure out why they have disappeared. (15/09/16)

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My research on films such as psycho.We had also made a short opening credits video to see what it would be like creating our own film. As you can see below we had to create 6-10 photos and edit it to give an strange atmosphere to create suspense and worry in the audience. We had taken 7 photos and we had edited them to give them a darker color as it was a very bright day. We wanted to create a sense of worry and disturbance in the audience. The film was quickly thought up however we had thought up a scenario where everyone in a school have dispersed and there is a student trying to figure out why they have disappeared.

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I found this interesting because it only gave me information on how you could potentially use camera shots to give the films realism or a particular angle to give a sense of the film that other films might not give you however because it was only one scene from the selected films it made it hard to understand the concept of how the character may be feeling. I decided that the only way i could fully understand a film that showed how humans actually think and how the creators can show the full potential to how someone may think i would have to watch a film. Luckily my teacher Mr Lister had allowed me to borrow the film "Crash" in 2005. I found this film very fascinating as there were a group of people that the creators had picked with very specific characteristics. All these people didn't know each other and in the end they had all interacted with each other. I think that the film shows how people may think under certain circumstances. For example there was a point in the film where a shop owner had his show raided. This was because his door was broken. He had blamed it on the locksmith he had called earlier that day who said that he needed to replace the door. Later that day he took a gun and tried to assault him as he thought it was his fault. Luckily the gun was filled with blanks as the wordsmiths little girl had jumped in front of her dad to protect him. This sends off a very powerful message as the viewers wouldn't of believed that a man also with a family would be able to do this. It shows how humans all make mistakes and that there is no difference between how people may think because at the end of the day we can all be capable of horrible things such as murder, it just depends on the situation and that luckily a lot of people aren't put in the position where they may feel like that's the only option.