Research Task - Indie Music - Tara Rendell


Transcript of Research Task - Indie Music - Tara Rendell

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The opening sequence of this music video explains the situation automatically which shows a bride crying, this suggests that it’s a wedding that has ended up going sour. The band itself appeals to teens to young adults and this video allows the audience to engage and understand. Another reason why it might appeal to this audience category is because marriage is something that is special to the women audience.

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The setting used shows that its for the younger generation due to the seaside/beach being linked to childhood and holidays with the family. The use of character being a wealthy father who is the ‘bad’ character in the video plays as a stereotype and countertype in the views of the audience profile. The audience have ideals in which they want to achieve in the future which can be what appeals them to this video.

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A variety of camera shots that are used in the video are very urban and modern. Pan shots that are used throughout the video gives a sense of realism and feeling from the video. The shot shown in the picture, being a mid-shot, suggests that the male character has the power which is something that may appeal to the audience due to the desire to have a strong male role model.

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On the video, there seems to be some contrast in colours almost a filter, this could represent an invitation to the audience age group due to the knowledge of technology. Also, the video attracts the audience as the bands main singers are in it which may be the reason why some audience viewers watch it, and they are relating the sand to something that may have occurred as a child. Also, its different and contrasts with the song.

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The clothing that is used throughout the video attracts the younger audience as they were more likely to wear it compared to an older audience. The scene that is being shown suggests that it is more for the younger audience because they are more aware of the society and behaviour, furthermore they have the ability to understand emotions of the video better than a different audience.

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This shot is a shallow focus which shows that the male is in the foreground and in focus while the ‘bride’ is running away and the view is in the background, this suggests that although you think things are going to work, they wont necessarily work out the way you would like. This appeals to the audience as the ending is unpredictable and makes the audience question the video.

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This video fits to the indie genre as they are a quirky and relatively new band who are exploring their audiences to fit with their music. I like the realism of

their video and the pan shots throughout the video make it possible to understand the emotions that are being given. One thing I dislike about this is

that there is not much editing which gives the video a lack of energy.

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BORN TO DIE – LANA DEL REYThe opening of this song shows painting on the walls and ceilings which then tilts down to the artist, this use of scenery is useful to attract the audience due to the desire to be successful and aspire to the artist. The artists music is primarily based at the youth culture due to the realistic videos and the understanding from their view.

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BORN TO DIE – LANA DEL REYThe lighting used suggests a sense of tension and dark relationship which occurs from this long shot. The youth who is the main audience viewers can relate to the dream relationship and that age and this video is something that they would want to be when they are older. Similarly its appropriate to the older youth generation who can relate first hand to the situation which is shown by the photo.

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BORN TO DIE – LANA DEL REYThe use of props is very important in this shot and it’s something that the youth are aware of and have knowledge about. This shot especially attracts the young adult audience as they are viewing something that they cannot relate to first hand but can understand the meaning and the representation of ‘the bad boy’ this could also show an everyday scenario which occurs in school.

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BORN TO DIE – LANA DEL REYWithin this scene the lighting and editing complement each other. This convention works well to explain love within a story and how it can be unwanted and forced. The youth will be attracted to this video due to the realism and the ability to understand to action which is occurring. Another reason is that the editing draws the attention as its clever and not what they expect.

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BORN TO DIE – LANA DEL REYThe use of scenery within this shot shows the depth in which the story can go and represents that there are things hidden and kept secret that only they know. Another representation is that life is fast pace and needs to be taken second by second, this is represented by the car. Youth can relate to this as they have a fast pace life and want to slow down and enjoy the ride.

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BORN TO DIE – LANA DEL REYThe long shot which is used here, lacks mundane realism however leers the audience into viewing more as they want to see what happens. The white dress in the black area suggests a heavenly or innocent figure which is trapped within a hell or a hole… something too deep which they cant get out of (a relationship?). Youth culture really follow this sort of video due to the storyline is something that is easy to understand and allows the audience to feel what the artist is feeling.

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Lana Del Rey’s music fits perfectly into the indie genre due to the emotion and relatable aspects in which youth can understand. It also has that unique and edgy sense to it which most teenagers like as it’s a trend. The editing and lighting that is

used in the video is really clever and represents ideas that may have been over looked in other videos. Something I dislike about the video is the lack of camera

shots, although there are a few they tend to repeat shots in a different scene which tends to lose the emotion slightly.

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REPTILIA – THE STROKESThis shot is a close up of a neck of a guitar, this shot is appropriate for the song because its all about the music rather than a story. Youth audience that like music may find this appropriate for them as the band focuses on the music rather than the small stuff and a large and popular video. This would attract a sub-category of youth as its not the ones that are attracted for the video.

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REPTILIA – THE STROKESThis shot is a close up again but of the lead singer face. This can be intimidating as during this scene, the singer doesn’t break eye contact. The colour of the wallpaper behind him can his views and opinions on subjects that are being mention, or it could be in contrast to the male in order for him to stand out more. This music video attracts the audience as they can watch the band perform professionally but realistically.

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REPTILIA – THE STROKESThis shot allows the audience to view each area of the band, the product placement and a popular youth brand which is shown introduces a new audience that would like to view the video. The audience would increase in size due to the popularity of the shoes, and if they are in the video they will more likely appeal to the genre of song in the future.

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REPTILIA – THE STROKESColour is used effectively in this shot as the bright colours used grabs your attention and makes you watch it to see what it was. This scene is used to interest audiences that may not normally be interested, to place instruments that may fascinate the audience can cause the audience to become larger due to popularity of the music video therefore the music.

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REPTILIA – THE STROKESThe editing used is very basic however, was very popular in the time it was made. Split screen engages the audience into watching the video as it shows a variety of shots. The youth would watch this video as the colours are appropriate to the youth and the band are a older but similar age so therefore is more attractive for the youth.

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The strokes manage to capture the real genre of indie however in a different way to other videos. The use of just close ups and the band represent the reality and the difference they are compared to other genres. The audience can watch and engage in it due to the ability to

show some difference compared to other videos within the same genre. I like the fact the coloured background is blue and is basic which

makes all the attention about the band and music rather than the video.


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The band uses London as the prime location to film, this can engage the audience of teens to young adults because they live in the area and are more likely to go and view the city. This fits with the indie genre because it is unique and isn’t the usual video that occurs for this type of band.

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The use of switching between a planned London visit with a concert shows diversity in which the band can change and become appropriate to any type of audience. This video fits the genre of indie because it shows the independence of the band and how they can become as popular as they are now. It also shows the diversity of the band.

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The location of this represents the age of the band that also attracts the audience. The area they are in is an urban layout with a young attraction to the shop. Also, the lighting used also allows the younger audience to relate as the shops they attend. This video supports the indie genre because its aimed at the younger audience which will be more aware of the indie culture to the older generation.

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The colours used automatically think of danger or love but the colour red is represented a rebellion and not to follow the norms of life. This follows the indie genre due to the followings it causes the audience to do and experience. This video does engage the audience because it doesn’t follow the rules and shows that everyone can be somewhat rebellious and defy the rules put in place.

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The camera shot used is normal for a indie video as it is seen as a change from the normal pop videos, something slightly out there and rare in the pop culture. This extreme close up engages the audience because its different and can be represented differently from different perceptions. As the eye is the main singer from the band it also means that people engage as they want to see the band and how they perform and be as everyday people.

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This mid-shot shows the diversity of the band as the location is in a street which can become a representation of individuality and the use of different characters throughout the video shows that the band is respectful and a friendly band. This video suits the genre well as it shows the variety and change of the band. The audience can engage within the video because it’s an everyday situation and is relatable also, it will influence the audience to go up to London and visit.

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I like this video because it’s a relatable video for the younger generation and have several meanings which represent things that the older

generation would not understand. I don’t like the layout of the video as there are only a few concert sections within the video and preferably I

would like to see more.