
Representation s

Transcript of Representations

Page 1: Representations


Page 2: Representations

WhoThrough previous planning and research we have decided to model our artist based on Birdy as they both have similar features and styles. Both are young, white women with brown ombré hair that is naturally curly. Both choose a naturalistic make-up look and simple, but fashionable clothing. For styling we want to follow the indie genre we have chosen but have our artist in simple clothing with some things that make the overall appearance more dramatic e.g a strong lip colour. We have chose to use this artist as our icon to follow as not only does Birdy sing within the same genre but it is her song that we plan to use for our music video. This will make our lip-syncing look more realistic and believable which will in turn, make our music video appear more professional.

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WhoAs the main part of our music video will be of just the girl we don’t want to feature the male’s face or a long shot of his identity. We want it to appear as though he is just a memory and therefore there will be no direct focus on the representation of him. Instead, we want to focus on the relationship between the two and have taken inspiration from music videos by Christina Perri, Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran as to how the couple should interact. All make reference to the notion of looking in regards to the boy admiring the girl and in most the boy seems to appear as significant between the two. We want the relationship to be believable and noteworthy as to make the audience question what went wrong. Therefore, how we represent the couple is very important as we don’t want to include anything too intimate as it may appear fake or unrealistic so instead we just want to include little references to the pair to indicate the relationship.

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WhatWe want our video to take on the idea that our artist is reliving a memory and so we are including flashbacks. We want our video to represent a happier time in her life that she is looking back on in comparison to where she is now. We will need to consider this through the use of colour and styling as to how to represent this. As well as this we are including shots of our artist singing in the studio and we want this to represent the professional element of the artist and, as a different scenario to the story. Our video will mostly consist of our female artist however there will be shots of the couple. Although we want these shots to be the least weighty in the music video it will be important to portray our story. Despite the fact our music video has an emotive storyline we want our music video to be positive and enjoyable to watch. This will be portrayed through our use of shots and match of rhythm.

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WhereWe are considering two types of location for our music video, an outdoor forest setting for the story and a stripped back white studio for the performance.Some other videos have included these settings and we want to take the representation from them in turns of how they have used the backdrop effectively. We want to make our music video realistic as though it could be an everyday location but with something more special about it. This will come as a result of the status of our artist.

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WhenThe music video for the song we are using is set in the 80’s and so the mise-en-scene fits with this theme. This is not something that we want to recreate through our video as we want it to be more up-to-date which means we need to consider alternative mise-en-scene to the initial video. As both our artist and the influential artist mentioned previously follow current trends and so we believe it would make sense to follow the up-to-date period in our video. However, as part of our video is flashbacks there will be elements of the past within our video that we will need to signify in some way. This could be through the change in colour or styling or evidence of another day. A major thing that we need to consider when making our music video is the time of day as part of it will be shot outdoors. The current season means we may not have enough time to film our music video after school hours and so we may need to set aside whole days to film our video to allow for continuity. Also, it depends heavily on the weather as to the availability for when we are able to film.

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WhyWe chose to do this song because we had a lot of ideas in relation to the lyrics when we first listened to it. The song formed a lot of creative response that allowed us to think up a variety of potential story lines we could use in our video. As well as this the song was the perfect fit with our genre and the idea our who we wanted our artist to be.We believe that the indie genre will fit well with who we are going to use as our artist as well as the song choice. Furthermore, we are both interested in this genre and listen to songs similar therefore we should be able to identify common factors in addition to including elements we enjoy watching.Due to the having no budget we believe we should be able to create an effective, professional music video within this genre as well as with the choice of song. We are reliant on the setting and the simplistic styling of our artist to match the tone of the song that will make it look like a realistic music video.