Report from the Lecce’s Offline Group Rome 6-Feb-2006 The Achievements The People Future Plans.

Report from the Report from the Lecce’s Offline Group Lecce’s Offline Group Rome 6-Feb-2006 The Achievements The People Future Plans

Transcript of Report from the Lecce’s Offline Group Rome 6-Feb-2006 The Achievements The People Future Plans.

Report from the Lecce’s Report from the Lecce’s Offline GroupOffline Group

Rome 6-Feb-2006

The Achievements

The People

Future Plans

Software TimetableSoftware Timetable

Before Jan. 2004:– A Geant3/Zebra based simulation producing (to different

degrees of sophistication) the hits in each of the three subdetectors.

– A C++ based program for the simulation and the reconstruction of the data collected with a large prototype of the LXe calorimeter, using the Rome framework

– A small number of Kumac macros, running under the Paw environment, for the reconstruction of the showers of the large prototype mentioned in point 2) above.

January 2004 – October 2004January 2004 – October 2004

Lecce invited to join Detailed study of MEG software

requirements Proposal to MEG Approval by the Collaboration Lecce joined MEG

November 2004 – June 2005November 2004 – June 2005 First release of MegRoot (344 classes > 4000 methods)

– Framework Architecture derived from AliRoot Data Model: MONARC All Container Classes ready

– Fast Simulation: Event Generator for Signal VMC for production of hits

– Digitization Naive for Calorimeter and TIC, detailed for Drift Chamber Simulation of waveform from FEE

– Reconstruction Pattern Recognition and Kalman Filter in the DC

– Interface to RDBMS

– Farm Manager Initial studies

Software Workshop: Martignano (LE), 20-23 June 2005

June 2005 – October 2005June 2005 – October 2005 Major steering from established plans

(collaboration request)– Cancel the plans to migrate the simulation from the fortran

into MegRoot– Completely remove the digitization from MegRoot and leave

its implementation to the Tokio group, within the Rome framework rather than the MegRoot framework

– Implement of the reconstruction and calibration packages for the LXe Prototype

October 2005: Milestone met

November 2005: MegRoot project cancelled

Leaving MEGLeaving MEGLecce joined upon approval of the Offline ProposalNo scientifical reasons for cancelling MegRoot (all

milestones were met, adequate manpower was provided)

These decisions should be taken collaboration wide

The Offline GroupThe Offline GroupCorrado Gatto Staff 100 YStefania Spagnolo Staff 20 YSergio Grancagnolo PostDoc 100 YClaudio Chiri PhD Stud. 100 YGianfranco Tassielli PhD Stud. 100 YGiovanni Siragusa PhD Stud. 100 YAnna Mazzacane PhD Stud. 100 YGiuseppina Terracciano Fellow 100 YDaniele Barbareschi Fellow 100 YEmanuela Cavallo ISU 100 NVito di Benedetto Student 100 YTotal 1020

Partecipant Profile % FTE INFN Assoc.Marco Panareo Staff 30 YPietro Creti Staff 30 YGianfranco Palama Staff 50 YTecnicians Staff 180 YTotal 290

The Splitter GroupThe Splitter Group

Total at Lecce: 13.1 FTETotal at Lecce: 13.1 FTE

Milestones (from BVR Jul-2005)Milestones (from BVR Jul-2005)2004 2005 2006 2007

Test MilestoneAssemblyDesign Manufactoring




½ Minifarm

Computing Model

LPT Analysis


½ Minifarm

Backup SlidesBackup Slides

The FutureThe FutureInvitation to carry over the IV Concept studies

(Nov. 2005)Aiming at IV Concept approval (Bangalore

2006)Proposal at FNAL (Dec 2005)IVCRoot released (Jan 2006): tracking,

calorimetry and jet reconstruction

The FutureThe Future

MegRoot ArchitectureMegRoot Architecture

The People InvolvedThe People Involved Detector experts:

– LXe: Signorelli, Yamada, Savada

– DC: Schneebeli (hit), Hajime, Chiri, Spagnolo (Pattern)

– TOF: Pavia/Genova– Magnet: Ootani

•All <100%

•All 100%

Montecarlo:– LXe: Cattaneo, Cei, Yamada

•All <100%

Core Offline:– Coordinator: C. Gatto– Framework: V. Di Benedetto– Evt Generator: A. Mazzacane– FastMC: A. Mazzacane– DC Digitization: G. Tassielli– DC Pattern Reco: C. Chiri, S.

Spagnolo– DC Reco: F. Ignatov– EMC Digi: V. Di Benedetto– EMC Reco: G.Terracciano– Calibration Classes & Interface to

RDBMS: D. Barbareschi– Magnetic Field: E. Cavallo– TIC: G. Siragusa– GFM: S. Grancagnolo

•Lecce: 11 people

•Novosibirsk: 1 people