THE CITY OF ROME - Academy Travel · The city of Rome is one of the most enduring achievements of...


Transcript of THE CITY OF ROME - Academy Travel · The city of Rome is one of the most enduring achievements of...

Page 1: THE CITY OF ROME - Academy Travel · The city of Rome is one of the most enduring achievements of western civilisation. The vast range of historic sites, stretching from Etruscan


Page 2: THE CITY OF ROME - Academy Travel · The city of Rome is one of the most enduring achievements of western civilisation. The vast range of historic sites, stretching from Etruscan

Overview The city of Rome is one of the most enduring achievements of western civilisation. The vast range of historic sites, stretching from Etruscan pre-history to the 21st century, creates an unrivalled sense of historical continuity between ancient and modern society. The works of art and architecture to be found within the city are of exceptional quality and priceless value. The juxtaposition of all this in the narrow laneways and piazzas of the old city create a destination of unique character and charm, and one well worth an extended visit. This 11-day tour provides a unique opportunity to gain a detailed knowledge of the history, art and architecture of the city and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of a major European capital, which comes alive at Easter. The itinerary has been designed to peel away the layers of history, from the ancient Roman city, source of the city’s pride and traditions, to the magnificent art and architecture of the Renaissance and baroque city. The tour takes you beyond the usual tourist experience of Rome, with visits to less well-known but fascinating sites, special visits to private palaces of the Roman aristocracy, and the Roman rhythms of life over Easter. Background talks on Rome’s history, art and archaeology deepen your knowledge and appreciation of the sites we visit. Accommodation has been carefully selected. Your base is the four-star Hotel Ponte Sisto, located within walking distance of important archaeological sites, galleries and museums, but also close to restaurants, cafes of the city centre and the Trastevere district. Rooms are recently refurbished and quiet. As well as the programmed sightseeing, there is sufficient free time built into the itinerary for individual exploration of the city and relaxation.

Your tour leader Robert Veel has 20 years’ experience designing and leading educational travel programs and is a director of Academy Travel. He has designed and led many tours to Italy, Turkey, the United States and Scandinavia, as well as travelling to Asia, North Africa, the Middle East, Russia and Canada. Robert's special interest is in Italian medieval and Renaissance history. He holds a Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Education from the

University of Sydney, where he taught for many years. Robert has an intimate knowledge of the city of Rome, its history, art and architecture gained from many years of teaching and tour leading.

“Robert Veel was every traveller’s dream leader. Ever-present to be of assistance, energetic, enthusiastic and entertaining in his talks – a true professional.” Feedback from Academy Travel’s New York: Music, Theatre, Art & Food tour, April 2016.

“Robert Veel was an excellent tour leader. He was well prepared, flexible and offered a fantastic tour.” Feedback from Academy Travel’s Malta and Sicily aboard Seacloud II tour, October 2017.


Tour dates: April 16-26, 2019

Tour leader: Robert Veel

Tour Price: $6,670 per person, twin share

Single Supplement: $1,690 for sole use of double room

Booking deposit: $500 per person

Recommended airline: Emirates

Maximum places: 20

Itinerary: Rome (10 nights)

Date published: January 23, 2019

Enquiries and bookings

For further information and to secure a place on this tour please contact Kathy Wardrop at Academy Travel on 9235 0023 or 1800 639 699 (outside Sydney) or email [email protected]

Page 3: THE CITY OF ROME - Academy Travel · The city of Rome is one of the most enduring achievements of western civilisation. The vast range of historic sites, stretching from Etruscan

Tour Highlights

AN EXTRAORDINARY HISTORY Rome’s history is fascinating and its influence on western culture unsurpassed. Unpack the layers of history over 11 days, with guided visits exploring key moments in the city’s history, from the great emperors who have been held up as exemplars for all to follow, to the geniuses that shaped the Renaissance, and the art and architecture that defined the Baroque across Europe.

PRIVATE PALACES OF THE ROMAN ELITE Rome’s aristocracy have dominated the city for millennia and are responsible for patronising many of the city’s greatest artists and architects. These great families continue to live in the city, albeit behind doors closed to the public. We enjoy private visits to the Palazzo Colonna (including the family’s apartments), the baroque Palazzo Patrizi (including a wine tasting), and the exceptional private collection at Villa Albani-Torlonia.

ART AND MUSIC As well as its own unrivalled collections, Rome is a major venue for visiting international art exhibitions. Time has been set aside in the itinerary to visit exhibitions at venues such as the Quirinale Stables and Bramante’s Cloister in the heart of Rome. Rome also has a vibrant musical culture and we plan to attend concerts at Renzo Piano’s Auditorium building as well as more intimate historic venues.

THE DOMUS AUREA The Domus Aurea, the subterranean remains of Nero’s palace, have induced wonder for centuries, following their rediscovery in the 1400s. It’s just one of a number of difficult to access and less-touristed sites on tour that show you the many sides of Rome’s history, such as the 1st-century palace under the Palazzo Valentini, the catacombs of Sant’Agnese, and the house and studio of Giorgio de Chirico.

CARAVAGGIO AND BERNINI Explore the life and works of two of Rome’s most famous artists, from daily life in the paintings of Caravaggio still in their original locations in the city, to the mythic dramas captured in marble by Bernini. Appreciate their masterpieces in the Galleria Borghese, which has the largest single collection of each artists’ work, along with masterpieces by Titian, Raphael, Canova and Rubens.

Page 4: THE CITY OF ROME - Academy Travel · The city of Rome is one of the most enduring achievements of western civilisation. The vast range of historic sites, stretching from Etruscan

Detailed itinerary Included meals are shown with the symbols B, L and D.

Tuesday 16 April Arrive

The tour begins this afternoon when we meet in the Hotel Ponte Sisto. Please consult your individual travel documents for arrival at the hotel. After meeting Robert Veel, we undertake a walking tour of the neighbourhood surrounding the hotel. Tonight there is dinner in a friendly local restaurant near our hotel. (D)

Wednesday 17 April From Etruscans to Metropolis

Rome’s early history is a fascinating combination of myth, legend and history. This morning, after a talk in the hotel, we visit the National Etruscan Museum. The collection is housed in a Renaissance villa built by Pope Julius III and contains some of the most significant discoveries of Etruscan art, including the life size Apollo of Veii, the Sarcophagus of the Spouses and one of the earliest inscriptions in Latin. After a break for lunch in Monti – a thriving neighbourhood of boutiques and small restaurants in the historic Suburra district – we continue exploring Rome’s deep past at Palazzo Valentini. Beneath this baroque palace are the well-preserved remains of a Roman house, dating from the 1st century, which were discovered when the area was being rejuvenated in the early 20th century. After our visit, we continue our exploration of the layers of the ancient city with a walking tour of the Ghetto and Capitoline, which takes us from the legendary location where Romulus and Remus met the she-wolf to the great building projects of the Republic and early Empire. (B)

Thursday 18 April the Arrival of Christianity

The transformation of Rome in the Middle Ages is most clearly felt in the changes to its art and architecture. While the spread of Christianity did bring new ideas to art and architecture it was, however, also a source for preservation and continuity. Today, after a talk in the hotel, we visit Sant’ Agnese fuori le mura, a complex comprising the ruins of a gigantic basilica from the period of Constantine, Christian catacombs from the 2nd-5th centuries, a 9th-century church with beautiful Byzantine-inspired mosaics, and Santa Costanza, a fourth-century mausoleum-church for one of Constantine’s daughters, with fine 4th-century mosaics. Returning to the city centre, we break for lunch, and

Above: The Ponte Fabricio, a 1st-century Roman bridge connecting the city to the Tiber Island, which is still in use today. Below: The 6th century BC Sarcophagus of the Spouses, just one of the wonders to be discovered in Rome’s National Etruscan Museum Bottom: The view along the ancient Theatre of Marcellus, whose upper levels were converted into a Renaissance palace, looking towards the Portico of Octavia, one of the great building projects of the Augustan period

Tour start & finish time

The tour starts on Tuesday 16 April at 4.00pm, at the Hotel Ponte Sisto, Rome. The tour ends on Friday 26 April at the Hotel Ponte Sisto, Rome, after breakfast.

Page 5: THE CITY OF ROME - Academy Travel · The city of Rome is one of the most enduring achievements of western civilisation. The vast range of historic sites, stretching from Etruscan

Top: A mythological scene from Raphael and school’s frescoes in the Villa Farnesina Above: The local markets at Campo dei Fiori Below: Velazquez’s Portrait of Pope Innocent X, which inspired Francis Bacon’s screaming popes, in the Gallerie Doria-Pamphilj

then visit San Clemente, an 11th-century church, beneath which is a 5th-century church, a Roman house and a mithraeum, a place of worship for the arcane eastern cult of Mithras in Roman times. We conclude our exploration of medieval Rome at Santi Quattro Coronati. This little-visited church was originally a fortified abbey on the edge of the Caelian hill, and contains Carolingian-inspired architecture, 12th-century frescoes, and Rome’s oldest cloister. In the evening, we enjoy an Easter musical performance at the church of St Paul within the Walls. (B)

Friday 19 April Renaissance Walking tour

The Renaissance came to Rome on the back of artists and architects from around Italy seeking glory through the restoration of Europe’s most famous city. We begin our day on the Janiculum Hill, visiting Bramante’s delightful ‘Tempietto’ of 1502, which marks the place where, according to legend, St Peter was martyred. The tempietto was sponsored by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. Nearby is the vast ‘fontanone’ of Paul V, flowing with water from a restored Roman aqueduct. We visit the Villa Farnesina, the magnificent riverside villa of Renaissance banker Agostino Chigi, where Raphael, Pope Leo X and other notables enjoyed life out of public view. Crossing the Tiber we visit Campo dei Fiori and view the fine Renaissance edifices of the Palazzo Spada, the Palazzo Farnese and the Cancelleria, and visit San Luigi de Francesi, to see Caravaggio’s dynamic works in the Contarelli Chapel. In the mid-afternoon we have a private visit of the Palazzo Colonna, where one of Rome’s oldest and most distinguished families have lived since the 1600s. Evening at leisure. (B)

Saturday 20 April Baroque Masterpieces & the Domus Aurea

More than any other period, the baroque architecture of the 17th century left its mark on the city of Rome. After a talk in the hotel, we explore a range of sites this morning, from Bernini’s St Terese of Avila, to the highly innovative churches on the Quirinal Hill built by Bernini and his rival Borromini, and the Trevi Fountain. After a break for lunch, we visit the Galleria Doria-Pamphilj, where one of Italy’s great families display their art collection ― with works by Titian, Caravaggio, Bernini, Velazquez and Raphael ― as it would have been seen in the 17th century. In the later afternoon, we turn to one of the great sources of inspiration for High Renaissance and Baroque artists: the Domus Aurea. Since its discovery in the late 15th century, the underground remains of Nero’s palace have been a pilgrimage for artists, looking to understand the style of the Roman emperors for their own works on the walls of the nobility. Return to the hotel; evening at leisure. (B)

Sunday 21 April the Capitoline Museums

This morning we walk to the Capitoline Museums, located on the hill of the same name. This was the world’s first public

Page 6: THE CITY OF ROME - Academy Travel · The city of Rome is one of the most enduring achievements of western civilisation. The vast range of historic sites, stretching from Etruscan

museum, designed to show off the Pope’s celebrated collection of ancient Roman art and history. Housed in fine renaissance buildings, these museums contain some of the most famous pieces of Roman sculpture, such as the Capitoline Wolf, the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius and the Capitoline Venus. The museum is located above the site of the ancient temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus which sat above the forum, and recent renovations have made the foundations of the temple visible. This afternoon has been set aside to visit an exhibition at one of Rome’s leading galleries, such as the Quirinale Stables, the Victor Emmanuel Monument or Bramante’s Cloister. If you would prefer to attend an Easter mass today or tomorrow, your tour leader will be happy to help with your arrangements. (B)

Monday 22 April Pasquetta at Tivoli

Easter Monday ― Pasquetta in Italian – is one of the country’s most important public holidays and is usually celebrated by feasting, strolling and enjoying the country life. Today we make our way to Tivoli to visit the 16th-century gardens of the Villa D’Este. Thwarted papal candidate Ippolito D’Este retired in style, commissioning Rome’s greatest antiquarian to create a pagan fantasy world of grottoes, fountains and gardens. For centuries these were the most famous gardens in Europe and they influenced rulers from Paris to St Petersburg. We then stop for lunch at Ristorante Sibilla, overlooking a famous ancient sanctuary and temple of the Tibertine Sybil. After lunch, we visit Hadrian’s Villa, created in the 2nd century CE. The villa reflects the emperor’s love of luxury, his extensive travel and his refined taste, and today its ruins are among the most romantic, set among olive groves with views across the valley. Return to Rome in the late afternoon; evening at leisure (B, L)

Tuesday 23 April Villa Albani-Torlonia & Villa Borghese

This morning we have a private guided visit to the Villa Albani-Torlonia, one of Rome’s most exclusive villas with an exceptional private collection of antiquities, which the family have been building since the 1600s. We then head to the Galleria Borghese, set in the Villa Borghese Gardens, today Rome’s principal public park. Here Cardinal Scipione Borghese and later generations of his family amassed a fine collection of ancient sculpture, which sits side by side with some of Bernini’s earliest sculptural masterpieces, such as his Apollo and Daphne, and five masterpieces by Caravaggio. We return to the hotel, stopping to visit Santa Maria del Popolo, to view Caravaggio’s masterpieces in situ. evening at leisure. (B)

Wednesday 24 April Romantic to modern

By the 18th century, Rome had become a major destination for the artists and writers of northern Europe, who sought firsthand knowledge of the ancient world and the relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle that came with it. Today we explore the centre of

Above: “Marforio,” a Roman river god in the Capitoline Museums, who used to be one of the city’s famed ‘talking statues’ Below: The Fountain of Neptune, one of the more than 50 baroque fountains in the gardens of the Villa d’Este at Tivoli Bottom: Caravaggio’s The Calling of St Matthew in St Luigi dei Francesi, the artist’s first major commission to be seen in public

Page 7: THE CITY OF ROME - Academy Travel · The city of Rome is one of the most enduring achievements of western civilisation. The vast range of historic sites, stretching from Etruscan

Rome’s literary and artistic culture at the Spanish Steps. Our tour includes visits to the house museums of Goethe, Keats and Shelley, and Giorgio de Chirico, each of whose works helped shape how we understand the city today. In the afternoon, we visit the Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna. Little visited by tourists, this excellent museum contains masterpieces of 19th and 20th-century Italian and European art. After a break in the afternoon, we have a wine tasting and private visit at Palazzo Patrizi. (B)

Thursday 25 April From the palatine to the papal Apartments

“Go thou to Rome, — at once the Paradise The grave, the city, and the wilderness”. ― Percy Bysshe Shelley, Adonais, 49.

Few places live up to the writings of romantic poets as Rome does, with the beauty of its ruined past and the greatness of its seemingly never-ending reinventions. This morning we visit the Palatine Hill to wander among the ruins of the imperial palace, and the history of settlement that extends back to the legendary foundations of the Eternal City, and for a guided stroll through the Roman Forum. In the afternoon, we visit the Vatican Museums, where our visit includes areas closed to the public, including the beautiful Niccoline Chapel, whose frescoes by Fra Angelico are the first Renaissance artworks in Rome. In the evening, we enjoy a farewell dinner at Antica Pesa, a fine historic restaurant in Trastevere. (B, D)

Friday 26 April departure

The tour ends this morning after breakfast in the hotel. Transfers to Rome’s airports and railway stations are available for those who have booked their international flights with Academy Travel. Please consult your individual travel documents for details of your continued journey. (B)


Hotel Ponte Sisto (10 nights)

The Hotel Ponte Sisto is located in a renovated historical palazzo in a quiet part of central Rome. Within a few hundred metres are a range of attractions, and Campo dei Fiori, around which many boutiques and fine restaurants can be found. It is in easy, gentle walking distance to the Trastevere district, with its many restaurants and shops, and the Ghetto, a quiet inner city neighbourhood with a relaxed feel and good local restaurants. The recently refurbished rooms of the Hotel Ponte Sisto are well-equipped and relatively spacious. The hotel has an internal courtyard garden, a rooftop terrace and good public areas. The hotel’s website is

Above: Giorgio de Chirico’s The Unsettling Muses, from Rome’s National Gallery of Modern Art Below: The Niccoline Chapel Fresco by Fra Angelico, Rome’s first Renaissance masterpiece, commissioned by Pope Nicholas V for the private chapel of the popes.

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The 18th century Temple of Aesculapius in the Villa Borghese gardens

Page 9: THE CITY OF ROME - Academy Travel · The city of Rome is one of the most enduring achievements of western civilisation. The vast range of historic sites, stretching from Etruscan

Tour Price The tour price is $6,670 per person, twin share (land content only). The supplement for sole use of a double room is $1,690 per person. A non-refundable deposit of $500 per person is required to secure a place on the tour.

Tour Inclusions Included in the tour price

10 nights’ accommodation in the four-star Hotel Ponte Sisto

All travel in and around Rome via taxi or private coach All land excursions by private coach All entrance fees to sites included in the itinerary All breakfasts, lunches and dinners specified in the

itinerary and indicated by the letters (B, L and D) Background talks and detailed tour notes Local guides where necessary Services of an Australian tour leader for the duration of

the tour

Not included

International airfares, taxes and surcharges (see below) Travel insurance Meals not mentioned in itinerary Expenses of a personal nature

Air travel OPTIONS The tour price quoted is for land content only. For this tour we recommend Emirates which offers flights into and out of Rome from most Australian cities. Please contact us for further information on competitive Economy, Business and First Class airfares. Transfers between airport and hotel are included for all passengers booking their flights through Academy Travel. These may be group or individual transfers.

Enquiries & bookings For further information and to secure a place on this tour please contact Kathy Wardrop at Academy Travel on 9235 0023 or 1800 639 699 (outside Sydney) or email [email protected]

Weather on Tour April is a very pleasant time to travel in Italy. Spring has arrived but the intense summer heat. Expect average maximum temperatures of 20º – 23ºC during the day, and minimums of 12º - 15ºC at night. It is reasonable to expect passing showers on a few days. Layering is the key to successful wardrobe choices and don’t forget a waterproof jacket and an umbrella.

Fitness Requirements of THIS tour


It is important both for you and for your fellow travellers that you are fit enough to be able to enjoy all the activities on this tour. To give you an indication of the level of physical fitness required to participate on our tours, we have given them a star grading. Academy Travel’s tours tend to feature extended walking tours and site visits, which require greater fitness than coach touring. We ask you instead to consider carefully your ability to meet the physical demands of the tour.

Participation criteria for this tour

This Grade One tour is appropriate for travellers in good health with good mobility. You should be able to comfortably participate in up to three hours of physical activity per day on most days, including walking at an easy pace, sometimes on uneven terrain, climbing stairs and standing in galleries. You should be able to: keep up with the group at all times walk for 2-3 kilometres at a moderate to slow pace with

only short breaks stand for a reasonable length of time in galleries and

museums negotiate stairs and bridges get on and off a coach, ferry or boat with steep stairs

unassisted move your luggage a short distance if required

A note for older travellers

If you are more than 80 years old, or have restricted mobility, it is likely that you will find this itinerary challenging. You may have to miss certain activities and may not get the full value of the tour. Before submitting your booking form, please contact Academy Travel to discuss your situation and the exact physical requirements of this tour. While we will do our best to reasonably accommodate the physical needs of all group members, we reserve the right to refuse bookings if we feel that the requirements of the tour are too demanding for you and/or if local conditions mean we cannot reasonably accommodate your condition.

Page 10: THE CITY OF ROME - Academy Travel · The city of Rome is one of the most enduring achievements of western civilisation. The vast range of historic sites, stretching from Etruscan

About Academy TravelEach year Academy Travel organises around 60 journeys to Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia and the Americas, each focusing on a distinctive historical, artistic or cultural theme. The aim of every Academy Travel journey is to combine the pleasures of independent travel with the benefits and shared enjoyment of a group. Academy Travel is an Australian-owned travel company, founded in 2004. The company’s staff includes both academic experts and travel professionals with over two decades’ industry experience. We also have our own office in Rome which organises our tours in Western Europe. This means we have direct control over the selection of hotels, restaurants, coaches and local guides, guaranteeing superior quality.

Years of experienceAcademy Travel was founded in 2004 by a team with decades of prior experience in small group travel. On average, our tour leaders have over 11 years’ experience, some with 25 or more years. To ensure quality, we have our own office in Rome, Italy and a network of trusted suppliers around the world.

Great itinerariesAcademy Travel works hard to create itineraries that provide a balanced experience – walking tours, museum and gallery visits, live performances, city and countryside. We’re proud to be constantly innovating, from opening up new destinations, creating tours around festivals and special exhibitions, to providing unrivalled depth in our residential tours.

Like-minded groupsOver the years we’ve been in operation, we’ve developed a loyal band of Academy Travellers, some of whom have travelled with us more than 10 times. They say the small groups (maximum 20, average 17) and distinct themes of our tours attract like-minded travellers and create a relaxed, convivial atmosphere.

Long staysFeedback from our clients consistently tells us that creating itineraries with three and four-night stops, or even longer, is far more appealing that rushing from place to place. Wherever possible, we plan our tours around a limited number of stops, making your travels more relaxed and more meaningful.

Special EventsA private viewing of the Sistine Chapel? Tickets to a sold-out concert by the Berlin Philharmonic? A world-famous art fair? Access to private homes and gardens? Behind-the-scenes visits? Many of our tours feature access to places and events that are usually not offered on most group tours.

Expert tour leadersWe work closely with a team of academically qualified and highly experienced tour leaders. They don’t just ‘rattle off the facts’ – they help us plan our itineraries and, on tour, freely share their deep knowledge and genuine passion. Most of our tour leaders are still teaching at an advanced level and many are still undertaking academic research.


Page 11: THE CITY OF ROME - Academy Travel · The city of Rome is one of the most enduring achievements of western civilisation. The vast range of historic sites, stretching from Etruscan

Level 1, 341 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Phone: + 61 2 9235 0023 or 1800 639 699 (outside Sydney) ACADEMY TRAVEL

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Page 12: THE CITY OF ROME - Academy Travel · The city of Rome is one of the most enduring achievements of western civilisation. The vast range of historic sites, stretching from Etruscan


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DEPOSITS A deposit of $500 per person is required to confirm your booking on a tour. Final payment of the tour fee, insurance and any additional travel will be due 60 days before departure.

CANCELLATION FEESIf you decide to cancel your booking the following charges apply:More than 60 days before departure: $500*60-45 days before tour start: 25% of total amount due44-15 days before tour start: 75% of total amount due14 days or less before departure: 100% of total amount due*This amount may be credited to another Academy Travel tour within 12 months of the original tour you booked.

UNUSED PORTIONS OF THE TOURWe regret that refunds will not be given for any unused portions of the tour, such as meals, entry fees, accommodation, flights or transfers.

TRAVEL INSURANCEAcademy Travel requires all participants to obtain comprehensive travel insurance. We offer a comprehensive policy with a reputable insurer if required.

PASSPORT AND VISAA valid passport is required for all international travel. If you do not hold an Australian passport you may require a re-entry permit. Some countries require a visa to be issued before you depart Australia. We will advise you of all passport and visa requirements, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you meet passport and visa requirements before you depart.

WILL THE TOUR PRICE CHANGE?If the number of participants in a tour is significantly less than budgeted, or if there is a significant change in exchange rates Academy Travel reserves the right to amend the advertised price. If this occurs you will be given the option of canceling your booking and obtaining a full refund. If an Academy Travel tour is forced to cancel you will get a full refund of all monies paid.

WILL THE ITINERARY OR AIRLINE CHANGE? Occasionally circumstances beyond the control of Academy Travel make it necessary to change airline, hotel or to make slight amendments to daily itineraries. We will inform you of any changes as soon as they occur.

FINAL PAYMENTFull and final payment for the tour, airfare travel, insurance and any additional travel you book is due 60 days before departure. Payment may be made by bank deposit, cheque, cash or credit card. Please note there is a surcharge for payments made by credit card.

Academy Travel reserves the right to decline the booking or terminate the holiday of any traveller.

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AUTHORISATIONBy submitting this booking form, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions above and on our website, and the inclusions and non-inclusions listed in the detailed itinerary for the tour.


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