
HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy ship! A Regional Newspaper Scnlnj; WAR BULLETIN CntrNGKlNO, Feb. « OtPj — Toky« ioAij bretdoil • rrport (or hewc c«n- ■unpUoQ tb*l %hnfe Antrtran Hret ef 19 bklUnhlpt. ]t aJrmn rurkn and :o bf«T7 cralwn » u mKi(cd In (be B«w SolonoM bilUe. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, FKBIU'ARY 1. 1D13 PRICE 5 CENTS SEA BATTLE MANEUVERS OPEN NAZIS ON VERGE fl . ON SOUTH PRON nr ROGLR GRKENT AsvK-UtH r m s War Editor Axis irooitt by tl\e letis ot U\ou:.' Biirti »rre sppamiUj' on Uie \trsi of > ’’niack tfa Ou:ikrrf)ue" lodn] Mid jomr reports ilpclarrd Ui»l Ru.v> slan ftarliliM Mid planes were al- rradv ima,'.hli\j al Otnnan Irtitu- pori.t as Uie Invnilrrt altemplfd i srn-bonif r.wape trom the CaucaMr lo Uie Crimra prnlnsula. Uiini Sovltv iliipaiclita Miid up- »nftb of CiO.OOO Otnuan Uwpi anil itirir iitclUlcs. Jammri Into a iia- IU1- coa.'tftl atrip In the »eitcm C.iiiriMis, wfre In Imuiliifnt dnn£< nr brin; MiMi apart b)'4lu.ulan co iiniii' Jrlvlnj lo*»rd Ihf t Aiov. Soviet headquarters rriKirletl ill red armies werr now only 30 mllei from tlir creal Ocrnmn ba:.e at Roj- tov, wlioi« fall u-ouW cut off the land "eicape corridor" of Hitler's fiucailaii arwle.'. after capturlnc itir lo»n of Kacttlniukaj’n on the Sitk-nostov railway. Hriii Slorr Abrad TJie r«l army. Mepplng up llj jMt • 11 alQiic the front, has cut tlic railroad north ot Kurjt. captured the atratrglc Uk- ranlnn fity of Kupyansk ami nar- rowed the circle about Rmiov, So- viet authorities nniiounccd. Two romniunliiur.*.. recorded In London by the Soviet radio moni- tor. detailed how the RuwUni hail *m«he<I to Zololhukhlno. miles north of Kursk on the rallw|jr to Orel, thus reaching ■point on the Ihir where the nails launched Uic 1042 .'prlnc offen-'lte that carried thetn to Uielr mllltar}- catiuiirophe at fitalinErod. The advancc repmentrt a 110- mile ealn in the ainter ofJetialve from the Soviet .MarUnR point north- west Of Vorone»l>. BatUcrrent Ctil The Germana’ JSO batUefront also was cut liv-ih« Uknine wlUi the capture of Kruny Uman. mrailrx>ad Jimtlon about S3 m llu aoulheast- of Kharkov and 1i m llti northwest of Vorojatllavcrad on the raUrwt that, connects the two larje cllle*. Todiy'a mid-day communique aald that six stronKb-forUfled lowns were eapture<l In the continuing offen-'lve about Krainy IJiii t 300 Oermanj killed Roosevelt Meets Brazil’s Chief sieppinr on hfi return (o America, rmldent RooaereU made an iRiprcUon lour of the army, nary and »fr forces of Ihe L'niled States and nratll al Natal. Here «ll)> Pretidenl nelullo Yarc» of Rraill (clrlllan. rear teal) FOR peers as a Drailllan officer polnLs. (U. h. antij photo from OWI) fisht for c • plac whlli . . ,-llle.v-noi Identified- . .. cuplM by TOlis u-t.a o( Votonnit. Soiiih of Roitov. where the cap-, lure cf Kushchevka wa.% proclaimed 1*.M nlsht. the Gern in be sending tanks and motorired r>«i «. MISSING PLANE IN O IN ALASKA KETCmKAN. Ala.vkn. Feb. 4 OJP) —Tifo pa.v.eniers from the prlvnle ptant mlvMns Mnte Ji\n. * on a 5e- BtUc-KeUhlknn flljlit ha\e been brouBht here by n cew>.st KUart bpni and » rescue pariy wa.v beins orjnn- iied today to brlns out three oiher men believed still nllve near Uic J«.epli II. Tippltls. an eiiiptoje of ihe civil aerwnautlc.v authorliy at Anchtwas*. and I^rcy CwtUng. n Morrison - Knurtscn con.strucUon company mechanic, were fotmd on a lanel}- beach by a pjiro! boat. Tti*-* men rrix>rtfd that Su.';an niatcr. anoUier CAA employe, died Jan. “ frtmi la-a of blootl from In- jurlfA received when the plane riui Inio a mountahi near Dc»ade»adra • ■ «b mllei. Ironi li Ho:h .'iinivc condition fror ioiiltira.siem Tliry said Uie Harold Olllam from since he to seek help. ikened their monU) In the Alaska wilderness, •eteran Alaskan pilot, had not been heard eft Uie plane Jan. 10 . , , . . . .........Robert Ge- bn. AlM.kat\ .swptrlnttiiOeni lor Mor- rUon-Knudxeii. mid Dewey Men- (inrf. an Alitrkan mllroad offlciul Alljes Sink 16 Axis Mediterranean Ships Hr The AuoclaUd Ttesi III sea ntiti air blows pavinjf Ihc way for hoavy limd n.ssuull in north Africa, the alh'e.s uniiounccd today the dc.slruction of M — ptirliap.s 10— nxi.s supply whip.s in the narrow mid' .Mcditorrniicnn npproachc.s to Tuni.sia, wlierc tiie German. Italian defense line wn.s tc.stcd anew for wcnk .spol.-i. British forces cJiptured it heiirht known ii.s iiill G18 in a renewal ol s'x niilc' of lioti Aradn in tlm Jcix:! Man.sour area, midway between .Mcdjcz cl Bab and Hobaa, nn allied communique .‘^aiii. It do.^cribcd the Kiiin, liowever, ;t.s a “limited stic- TOV-'GU UVF. Nt-W YORK, Feb. <-Jolm ^tur- ray. faclnK n iltorderlj' conduct chorse In niRliV court, heard hli wife te.Mlfy lie had botlen tliclr four' Mur ny loW tiie n home llle b<-cn dlfflnil!. c hla le lov icd II .Miikna.«iy to the prbonrr nii lulla Alllra bomber.% of Gabes mid enr M»kji.-Lv.-.y. and f< tlmci slnrr the 511 l\iulsln they Io. m. they stint (lo'An. r.alcl fix nxLi plan to eight allied iil; •I reporicd that (he K force which cnp- iIuK in a rnllc e.v.t le rail Hue Liroudi icked Uie :iy po: n.l Till KORTHAMr'i'OS, Feb. 4 - Mlct.-.lili)miui Hiirel Welrh. ii Wave st-Atlanrd at .Mount liolynke collfse, received i\box of rookle.s from the folks b n ck home In Houston, Tej. W’llh them «(ui n of hour.*, npent over hot. s le cooklf.i? Her Revocation Asked Of Freight Raise Oh Farm Products WASHINOTO.S*. Feb. i 0 official of the acrlcultural m administration ursed the Inlcntate co.Timerce commission today to re- \-cke r*tt Branifd Uie rail- roads a year ajjo on the ground they would liamper the food production prosmm. Tcstlfyliis »V a hearlns. I-'Tederlck V. Waush.iRsslstant administrator, aid hl£htr freight rates would in- C7ta.<e the farmer's markeUne «uia which the govemmtnl U tr>'ins to keep (loan as much as poislble dur- ine Uit Bar. Wausli. iusEMtlnc the r»ll«ach siood lo ealn even under Uie_pf^ vlous rales, declarrd the Increase granittj at an unfortunate time. Dur;n« the next jear. he added, the earrten am be helped by increased I _________ _ production and a shortage of oUier pip, »ud wlw vv, trJtuportatlou such u motor trucks.' to leave his Job. Pf;NAI.TV FAHIIAOUT, lil^i blueJnrkrt-N i<l Ihe GILLYGIMl’ER CHtCAOO, Frb. 4 (U.P.)-The little man down on the farm who po.iedly eatws everj'thlnR lo go wrong h « been called 1,000 names, but tlie besi Is ■Qlllyclmper." the Prairie Farmer mnsarlne announced '.oday.. This name ua.—seledcd from imong J.eoo enuies In a contest conducted by the Prairie Farmer to select a name foe Uie nsrlculiural gremlin «ho has been sabotaging the farmer's food production pro- gram. It's the ••Qlllyglmper" who prompts bossy to kick over the milk bucket, who blows out the lights In Uie brooder on cold nights, who ■hlspers to Uie old sow to He on her' the farm rom iSfax, n Americ The Brltl-.h rii:hili 3 be nuMinK for It. correlnted .-.queerc of the few irt of the light for more iilnnc.i llian The conimmilque c.s were destroyed lne.^ inlsslnK. Fald ra» forcr;. app.irei int Paid linn frunt, inland they Had reputed ilrr-ntUck. OUSE VOTES 10 ABOLISH OFFICE OF RECLAillON nr IIAKOLI) F. OKnORNE HOISE. Feb. 4 i,?')—Tlie house of epit-rttuallvti today pav<« U ' inlmouslv a propaial to aboILsh t. ifftre of stnte reclamailnn cor :il.'vloner and Mibstlliiie therefor r to livid orilee eclnmntlot or NlK yes •nie incr , lnlroduce<l by thi if •■■evernl "admlnlsirntlun' men; irrs siipporteii hy the ninjotli lartv and understood lu have tl ipproval of Gov, C. A. Uoitolf^en. Umler terms of the mewure it ■nvilneer would be appointed by tl • for « slx-y«a oiilrf be required (o be a qualified Titration or civil engineer with a iiowletlge of Irrigation, problems, Tlie .state reclamation department , liCnded at present by a eoniml.v ;,lnner, a^ nre most other state de- irinient,i, subject to removal with eD' clmnge of Adniliil-'lratlon. Antl-nuitllng mil The houie. moving rapidly Miead I A crowded calendar, nlw p.v.'ed irrr llve.^lock bllLi, Including Uic i-cilled •'nntl-rustlhiK bill". ' K In the state brand li;.‘:pector Uie jtlM now perfonnert by varloi oie agencies nnd county offlcei id giving liUn wide authority i ipcrvlse brands and llvestoc tales. companion meastires provided fc le Issuance at reeular Intervals t sute brand book, with .seml-ar ual supplemenli. and for repeal < ; shipment with spectlon 0 in the »tt KlA p^^_^ed ut\R»lroo\isly the hou-'-e wan a memorial alrcAdy ap- proved by Uie senate calling upon congress to llberallr.e allocations of farm, machinery to Incrrnr-e food ijToductirttt lo: Uie »ar effort. ^ Clarifies (;«de The liouse sUte affairs committee today Ititroduccil a lenslh li\S for Mtcnslve revlilcii! public utilities laws of the ipplled to motor carrler.v R«p. D.. .4lin\ l <C.n>in»d r.,. I. Uly bill c Knox Baek From South Pacific Frank Knot (crnteeK ueeetar; o( the Mivy. uvd Admlewl Chest Mmltz. rseirie fleet eommander, retomed le Pearl liatlxr frvm i toor nf Ihe south raellie during which they were under attack twlc by the Jip«. Tspl, Frank Beatty, aide to the secretary. It at the fsi left. Tlie group li In a nsvy landing boaU (Offlelal V. S. nasy photo Area’s War Tin Drive Will Start Feb. 8th OFO nin>ciire*l iitjick In Tiinl A Cnlro ficaisK p(\ t whole I.lbyi luid fllthou advaii the a s In :h It body ot Qen. Sir Der ComcO'’s force apiwr tng up behind PLsldn. the frontier. 4 Ships Si Four ; munlqUP reported :tlvUy nlons nlslnn border front, mentioned •Merdiiy tl'O nrd L. Mon itly 1 li pil. n fiiim iiie e bottn nllleil Iwmb- I rniiged Uii Jicrn Italian :upply line, destroyed ; two of three more Los Angeles Area Outbuilds Axis in Plane Production LOS ANGELES. Feb. 4 OJTy-Tlie- odore C. Coleman, nircroft official, today said Ilic. Los Aiigeles area alone Is bullcjlnc as m uiy planes as Hitler boasted hU nazl slaves would produce during tUC, and will dou- hftt record 'next year, leman urgKl extensive planning wnstnictJon of airport faclUUes and Increased aid next year to small ilrcraft companies. Coleman, new Chamber of Cora- nerce aviation comlnlttee chalnnan, idded Uiat local airplane plants pro- duced twice as many planes last year ha Old Japan, and predicted t dDUblljig of Uiat (l(ure In 1S<3, WAsmNGTO.v, troleiim Admliih.i Iclces loday r.niil I ^lO^^ ot tl^c plear.M •le entire coiinlr lodlflcatlons fnr producing jirc;i'. Ickes wrus n.vkrd A.sked for Uie pleasure try. Icke.1 sn •'1 do fnv, Uie whole e. flcalloii.s g right for I upplles "Y“ A hu;;i' sti ilribiiliiiK to ,iielc(l ■■ ily .MERVIN SIIOEMAKKR 'am of war-c.Hscntial material.', wliicli has been va.'^lc throURh MurIc Valley kitchens, will bo I the war effort Monday, when colk-clion of tin bepiin by .soft, drink bottiir (■ •■ i of the beer indu.stry. Hcr:.cliel Cobli ^V ln Falls Ctv.i and rcprc' Potato Support Boosted by U. S. To 92 Per Cent \VASHIN(;T0N. Feb. 1 /P) — The iiRriculture dc- )arlment rcjKirlcil today il .voultl .support farm pricc.'< if potatoc.s jjrown Ihis year it 512 per ccnt of the purity in.stcad of 00 per cent - prcvi LSlv ann Farmers arc licinB ur«cd to plant 17 per ccnt more land to potatoes for war ptir- Geisler Raps at Flynn’s Accuser liOLI.YWOOD. IVb. 4 tJ.r> ,:iiry .l. rry Glolrr clpnouiicr<l e:ir-o!d Kalterlrc todn ; Krrol Flynn ot slat the hope rhr would a refomialory for ji illegnl oi)erntlon. ' Mountain Cowboy Saves Herd In Snow by Feeding Foliage A determined iiiouniaiu r ■ho refuic<i to let nve feet i lop him w i« i:rc(llte<l tod: ivlng the ^tcVVy lirothcrs < ■alls ft pav.lble Jin.OOO la-j e al Uielr Stanley ba.vlii r He Is Dill Sullivan, alioilt : l-law Ot Duve WllUams. inclier. Sulllvim i.aved the bound Uerefordi by fecdlni treelop foliage when the fl depth of snow made It ImpoiJlble to haul hay. Eunlvan, nccording. lo Geyer and .MertUleVey. felt mLglvlngs on a right »**rly two weeks ago, when I {rwkk slorin brought, llshtolng, ;hunder and high wind along wlUi I fall of snow tliat measured two feet In 24 hours. Employed by the McVeys to core for their stock, he knew.It, meant trouble fa: the lU head of catUe at ihe norUi end of id I tJie ,' ipft-1fool T lif' the lory of hoi the problem was broughv “ouUlde" Wednesday by Mert McVey, who re turned from a trip Into the snow, bound Stanley basin by uie of thi Sun VaUey "snow lank. ' whleli car. rled tff'o toru of oil meal cake foi the calUe. _____ Tlie "snow ■ Hmk." one of two Ir the cnllre United Slates, was de- ^elo|^ed by the U. S. forest jer\lc< and consists of a oiie-traek "ovei .'.Bid Cejrr McVey. re- broiher's story. ".So lie •.M l nnd .-.uvfj the cljiy, top; from quaking asp and furnL'li^ the stock irUhmenl to last until 1. He rcalli' saved the pnny hei tlie Qi; bottllm American, Enemy Forces Feel out Pacific Positions Rr Ihe AivKialed Prr^ American and Jiii'Hiiesc w«r.'<liip.s were reiKirted imincuv- erinK today for a titanic .sliowiinwn battle in the Solomons area a.s U. S. army .troop.s registered new jjain.H on Cuadal- canid and Flyin;; Fortre.'^se.s sniasbi'ii ut the bi>r enemy base of KaliaiiL critical dcvi-hipment.s at the — .navy dtxliiriiiK merely that i Military* secrccy hid the R U i PLAN FO S M A R IAX , IS ONOER PROB nyfRANCIS .M. LE .M,\Y WAS1I1NGTO.N-. hVb, 4 iJ', Chalmian Doiighton. D-. N.-C.. the hoti^n wajs nnd menn.-i coinml •e todsy vigorously challenRcd co ■nllons of Beard-iley Bunil. »i>o ir of a fklp-n-year U* plan, th -s Idea ttould Improve the "flnai al well-being of the Kovemiiieni E)oughton, voicing opixisltlon ly plan for all-out forglvcncKs of ^ar of lax liability for Individual income ta.xiiayecs to pul them on a p»y-B.'-you-eani luked Ruml. who Li chalrmaji of the New York federal re.serve board, w h r If his contention.', were correct "you don't sell thst lo all biisliies.i people ;1 debts by their rsV quesuons. Sets More Money TJie big, Jovial batikw. eoqtcrtUe<l Uu? r^UlOf thr tax clock i.e iCjir a]ifAd.'and skipping oiis year ot UA' blUly, would bring more money InW the 'trtasiifT Utan Uie present «j». tem does. Ho liad also told the comtollKi Uiat "much conftulon" liad been caused by dlscu.ulons of "forgiving' a jear's taxes. He contended his plaji wMJld not Involve "forgiving' Uie worti meant that'there would a .'ear when taxpayers ni.%de >mrr,ts and the treasury got Needed by AprlJ 1 ■Nothing could be fnrti; * iniili.'- Ruml conlentled, •cl thftl withholding taxes irome.s should l>e mndc >t later Uinn April 1, believe the aveniKe tnx- lew of thr needs of our r from lubii nt a (ir'bt 1 was abl IS ps.'iKi the debt o I-fU-lilloR all o « r 1 flul.l. neiiu 'of the can .Irtlnnlng fluid Ihe can. Firm* less siiacc lent and detln- i-rebv decrr.vslng inrrr-vtng plan I'g. tLs are valuable ' lip of approxl rnt nUh gradi ;ie-lia:f per ceni is tin and steel ;,ed 100,000 grtji; D4I, and only 44 , «. Q.I— effor e freak siorri s rllng a neces-sltated by . .;d 250 miles to reach a place only about 41 miles away, ttlih Uie "snow tank” carried on a truck. Headed by Mert .McVey. Uie [larty consisted also of Orla Illcks nnd Elden Hogge. Sun Valley em- ployes who went wllli the "snow tank." and Jasper Dean, ft MeVey employe. Hogge la working for tlie Union Pacific al WeUer since Sim Valley Is tloied. Hlcka stHl Su charge of lh« buses. Tliey left Ketcnum Uie morning if Jan. 37. traveling by way of ;arey. Arco. Mackay and Challls to Stanley, which .was as f»r |s they could. CO bv truck. Tlie "loow tank" as put Into operation Uiere for le remaining :o miles of the trip. 'Hie men slopped for » few hour? i C.h<I ki>4 .» r.i. «. C*l»> S> Italians Admit Damage in Raids Italian broadcai.l by U.P. 111 New York)— 11 heavy bombers raided on the nonliem coast of id attenipied a raid on an ilr and naval Iw.'^'. a com- of the Italian hl.:h com- mand announrrd iotlay. ,,,. communique said Uiat IB per- sons were killed and 41 wounded In the Palermo raid and that eoruld* erable damage was done lo build- ings. American planes attacked In anvea n \he ' davlighl raid. Tliey a-er* challenged by Italian fighter planes ind anll-alrcmft fire and four of ;h* nildera were shot (Joan, llw ximmurUque u ld. i l A R i , SOLOIER DESERTERS HELO pnntitiitcd n ‘rccoiiimi.ssaiice in -forcc'’ — lie .same term api)lied to ojicn- n^ phasi‘,s of the ktc.- i I baltle if tfie Coral .sea. of e^iralnt \Va.'lilnsion official quarters said air and surlare engagemenls "arc con- tinuing" and Indicated Uial the,two tg armadas had not yet Joined Lt ilPflMve battle. U. S. naval .'pokeMnen said boUi drs were "sparring for poslUon." Tokjo llkett^^e ha<l little to »ay about the continuing operaUotis, and Its intestS«yr--a.< broadcast by the Qcrmsii rullo, fell back on a totally inconflnned claim that a Jnpaneie tUck c iiemy I al lor if Santa Isabel L'lond last Monday resulted In the slnklns ot illlcd cruiser,'heavy damags t^ her cruiser, and Uie desirucUou of 13 planes. K tu Guadalcanat £ant.\ Isabel bland lies north of lusdalcanal. A Tokj-n broadcast had prevloasly (WMertrd tlist Japanese bombera last Friday started attacks on American iTvrihlps Which resulted in the .iink- ng of li-o bntUe^hlis and three Tulsers off Rcnnell Island. 100 lilies south of Guadalcanal. V, S. navsl quarters declArcd that :htse Japanese .claims .were •jy^jrrrued’ aa' ,li«i -the «icm/ iiacl ^fered boUi naval 9nd aerial lowej.' Geo. Douglas MacArtlvur'a Iicad- quarten reported lhat a four- motored Uberator bombed a Japan- ese wanhlp In Wide bay. south cf RabauL wlUi unobserred resalta. Strike at Rahaol Flying Portrenes alruek at Rnhatil iw lf for the fifth coasecuilvc rUsht. flying Itirouiih h eav y clotid-s lo lioiind the Iwe and harl»r where tmiig forces of Japane.'c warshlpi ,nd other ve.vels have been reported One of the Fonre.vs plmc.s on a laJnvllIe bland fioloi t fir< norUie, •aglns ;y troops day he GlUr p that ills vard Id he had eivllstcd Iv Uie marlnej In August. lOU. ant served about a month before desert- ing and going to work on a defetin Job, Vhr.i he became tired of working, lie (old the dilef. he sow a corporal's chev.;cnia on his alee' . and made hLs way' through the countri' 0,1 a veteran of Midway, Tlie anesV ol lliislies. who irwa u.Mng tlie name of Charles Poster, was partly due to his being recoc- nl:ed by someone who remembered seeing him In Jerome Iasi summer,. th« chiff uiil. First S«l. IXiiymond WalU. 31. an army drtrrter from Bobo barraclCT.. used hts COTTfcl natiie.' but he madt the mUlake ol aljnln* It lo appniX' imately IlM vorth of cbect< hare and In Ehothimfl « i» n be «UetT«dIy dldnX have the monejr lo the bank > ccrer thun. Chief OUlttte hUd stint Walls' arrest hers it hat bera learned that be haa left c&ecks In other communities, and U)a(-:he sened 60 dan In the Ada count; Jail 00 > Owck'chwie. Oas:\ala airdrome Britain, | OnOu:icI,iksnal, t;,6, ai , ima.ihing tJipueh .'Uff Japant ilstaiiee aere officially rei»rt«l con- :lnulng Ihelr .ndvnnce we.M of Hen- •Itim xlr SltW aSUT noneji rher and killing CO enemv loldler?. Oilier DeTelopmtnt^ Other far Pacific »nr ric^clop- Durma J'rtinl — Xlria-h headqiuir- ers rei'Orted that Field M irihal 6lr Archibald P, Wnvell's legictu. drlv- ig back Into Utinna Jrom India, ere nialntainlnj steady prrisuro 1Japaneje lines at nalliedauni:. !S lies northwest of ihe bi: enemy ise at Akjab nn llie b.vy of Bengal C0O.M , nnd at Domislk. Tlie communique decUred. how- ever, tlnl Ihe Jajiane.-e were sclld- •Ijtl'ifrt pyttlnj up sWV ■nd figl bom I RAP bombers tacked the enemv at [ts'.hed.iung and f«t fires In a night alUart on Akj-ab. Chln»-A Clilne.-e aimy siokr?- an declared that Jaiuii, hit by a manpower sliortaee and alarmed nt lllcd succf.ves. was jcndlns ad- lllonal "gun-fodder Thai iroop.s“ to elnforce three Tliailand dlvblotvs n Ihe Yiinnan-Durma fronUcr. •here flghUng ccnUnued. Fruit Men Open Annual Sessions DOISE. Ids.. Feb. 4 <UJ’>-Frult', rowers were on hand today to at- tend Uie opening ses,-.lon of the 48th annuU Idaho Sute Hortlroltural as.socUUon conference here. Speaken scheduled Included: 'Dtwty Eowman. Env!n<itt, prcsl- cnt of the ar.soclaUon.' Ilarvejr Schwtndlman. Idaho FUls, s l k t e c«nml.\jlener of agriculture, and w . WUde. »tai* OPAirtc* offuar. EntotnoloclsU a n l aaUtorUlea on bortlculture were to'dlKUa w t J » e fr^lt pt<^getlga jind . cootnl &i.. Inilt diseas------ - wuUitKd ACTION IN BUBXA NEW 0 & £ I.'A b . t OU»>R(Q-»I air font Bltf'hetnn nUM.autbe- dauRi, •pprexlmai•I]^» mlMi M ttb of Akyab (n *eit«» Banu. twice yestenla; U«,J*reninftaD :bavbet< njdMt Akrib Uit bl^bt. » Brmatv'. 'ijeadiiiarten eormaanJVJe jaJd.}?*'*. dc.

Transcript of ·...

Page 1: · HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy



Buy an extra war bond '

for a gallant navy ship!

A Regional Newspaper Scn ln j;

W AR BULLETINCntrNGKlNO, Feb. « OtPj — Toky«

ioAij bretdoil • rrport (or hewc c«n-

■unpUoQ tb*l % hnfe Antrtran Hret ef

19 bklUnhlpt. ]t aJrmn ru rk n and :o bf«T7 cralwn » u mKi(cd In (be B«w SolonoM bilUe.




AsvK-UtH rm s War EditorAxis irooitt by tl\e letis ot U\ou:.'

Biirti »rre sppamiUj' on Uie \trsi of > ’’niack tfa Ou:ikrrf)ue" lodn] Mid jomr reports ilpclarrd Ui»l Ru.v> slan ftarliliM Mid planes were al- rradv ima,'.hli\j al Otnnan Irtitu- pori.t as Uie Invnilrrt altemplfd i srn-bonif r.wape trom the CaucaMr lo Uie Crimra prnlnsula.

U iin i Sovltv iliipaiclita Miid up- »nftb of CiO.OOO Otnuan Uwpi anil itirir iitclUlcs. Jammri Into a iia- IU1- coa.'tftl atrip In the »eitcm C.iiiriMis, wfre In Imuiliifnt dnn£< nr brin; MiMi apart b)'4lu.ulan co iiniii' Jrlvlnj lo*»rd Ihf t Aiov.

Soviet headquarters rriKirletl ill red armies werr now only 30 mllei from tlir creal Ocrnmn ba:.e at Roj- tov, wlioi« fall u-ouW cut off the land "eicape corridor" of Hitler's fiucailaii arwle.'. after capturlnc itir lo»n of Kacttlniukaj’n on the Sitk-nostov railway.

Hriii Slorr Abrad TJie r«l army. Mepplng up llj jMt

• 11 alQiic the front, has cut tlic railroad north ot Kurjt. captured the atratrglc Uk- ranlnn fity of Kupyansk ami nar­rowed the circle about Rmiov, So­viet authorities nniiounccd.

Two romniunliiur.*.. recorded In London by the Soviet radio moni­tor. detailed how the RuwUni hail *m«he<I to Zololhukhlno. miles north of Kursk on the rallw|jr to Orel, thus reaching ■ point on the Ihir where the nails launched Uic 1042 .'prlnc offen-'lte that carried thetn to Uielr mllltar}- catiuiirophe at fitalinErod.

The advancc repmentrt a 110- mile ealn in the ainter ofJetialve ■ from the Soviet .MarUnR point north­west Of Vorone»l>.

BatUcrrent Ctil The Germana’ JSO batUefront also

was cut liv-ih« Uknine wlUi the capture of Kruny Uman. m railrx>ad Jimtlon about S3 m llu aoulheast- of Kharkov and 1i m llti northwest of Vorojatllavcrad on the raUrwt that, connects the two larje cllle*.

Todiy'a mid-day communique aald that six stronKb-forUfled lowns were eapture<l In the continuing offen-'lve about Krainy IJiii

t 300 Oermanj killed

Roosevelt Meets Brazil’s Chief

sieppinr on hfi return (o America, rmldent RooaereU made an iRiprcUon lour of the army, nary and »fr forces of Ihe L'niled States and nratll al Natal. Here «ll)> Pretidenl nelullo Yarc» of Rraill (clrlllan. rear teal) FOR peers as a Drailllan officer polnLs. (U. h. antij photo from OWI)

fisht for c • plac whlli. . ,-llle.v-noi Identified- . . . cuplM by TOlis u-t.a o( Votonnit.

Soiiih of Roitov. where the cap-, lure cf Kushchevka wa.% proclaimed 1*.M nlsht. the Gern in be sending tanks and motorired

r>«i «.


KETCmKAN. Ala.vkn. Feb. 4 OJP) —Tifo pa.v.eniers from the prlvnle ptant mlvMns Mnte Ji\n. * on a 5e- BtUc-KeUhlknn flljlit ha\e been brouBht here by n cew>.st KUart bpni and » rescue pariy wa.v beins orjnn- iied today to brlns out three oiher men believed still nllve near Uic

J«.epli II. Tippltls. an eiiiptoje of ihe civil aerwnautlc.v authorliy at Anchtwas*. and I^rcy CwtUng. n Morrison - Knurtscn con.strucUon company mechanic, were fotmd on a lanel}- beach by a pjiro! boat.

Tti*-* men rrix>rtfd that Su.';an niatcr. anoUier CAA employe, died Jan. “ frtmi la-a of blootl from In- jurlfA received when the plane riui Inio a mountahi near Dc»ade»adra • ■ «b mllei. Ironi li

Ho:h .'iinivc condition fror ioiiltira.siem Tliry said Uie Harold Olllam from since he to seek help.

ikened their monU) In the Alaska wilderness,

•eteran Alaskan pilot, had not been heard

eft Uie plane Jan. 10

. , , . . . .........Robert Ge-bn. AlM.kat\ .swptrlnttiiOeni lor Mor- rUon-Knudxeii. mid Dewey Men- (inrf. an Alitrkan mllroad offlciul

Alljes Sink 16 Axis Mediterranean Ships

Hr The AuoclaUd Ttesi

III sea ntiti air blows pavinjf Ihc way for hoavy limd n.ssuull in north Africa, the alh'e.s uniiounccd today the dc.slruction of M — ptirliap.s 10— nxi.s supply whip.s in the narrow mid'

.Mcditorrniicnn npproachc.s to Tuni.sia, wlierc tiie German. Italian defense line wn.s tc.stcd anew for wcnk .spol.-i.

British forces cJiptured it heiirht known ii.s iiill G18 in a

renewal o l s'x niilc' o f lioti Aradn in tlm Jcix:! Man.sour area, midway between .Mcdjcz cl Bab and

Hobaa, nn allied communique .‘ aiii. It do.^cribcd the Kiiin, liowever, ;t.s a “lim ited stic-


Nt-W YORK, Feb. <-Jolm ^tur-

ray. faclnK n iltorderlj' conduct chorse In niRliV court, heard hli wife te.Mlfy lie had botlen tliclr four'

Mur ny loW tiie nhome llle b<-cn dlfflnil!.

c hla

le lovicd II

.Miikna.«iy to the prbonrr nii lulla

Alllra bomber.% of Gabes mid enr M»kji.-Lv.-.y. and f< tlmci slnrr the 511 l\iulsln they Io.m. they stint (lo'An. r.alcl fix nxLi plan to eight allied iil;

•I reporicd that (he K force which cnp- iIuK in a rnllc e.v.t le rail Hue Liroudi

icked Uie:iy po:

n.l Till

KORTHAMr'i'OS, Feb. 4- Mlct.-.lili)miui Hiirel Welrh. ii Wave st-Atlanrd at .Mount liolynke collfse, received i\ box of rookle.s from the folks bnck home In Houston, Tej. W’llh them «(ui n

of hour.*, npent overhot. s

le cooklf.i? Her

Revocation Asked Of Freight Raise Oh Farm ProductsWASHINOTO.S*. Feb. i 0

official of the acrlcultural m administration ursed the Inlcntate co.Timerce commission today to re- \-cke r*tt Branifd Uie rail­roads a year ajjo on the ground they would liamper the food production prosmm.

Tcstlfyliis »V a hearlns. I-'Tederlck V. Waush.iRsslstant administrator, a id hl£htr freight rates would in- C7ta.<e the farmer's markeUne «uia which the govemmtnl U tr>'ins to keep (loan as much as poislble dur- ine Uit Bar.

Wausli. iusEMtlnc the r»ll«ach siood lo ealn even under Uie_pf^ vlous rales, declarrd the Increase

granittj at an unfortunate time.Dur;n« the next jear. he added, theearrten am be helped by increased I _________ _production and a shortage of oUier pip, »ud wlw vv, trJtuportatlou such u motor trucks. ' to leave his Job.


blueJnrkrt-N i<l Ihe

GILLYGIMl’ERCHtCAOO, Frb. 4 (U.P.)-The little

man down on the farm who po.iedly eatws everj'thlnR lo go wrong h « been called 1,000 names, but tlie besi Is ■Qlllyclmper." the Prairie Farmer mnsarlne announced '.oday..

This name ua.—seledcd from imong J.eoo enuies In a contest conducted by the Prairie Farmer to select a name foe Uie nsrlculiural gremlin «ho has been sabotaging the farmer's food production pro­gram.

It's the ••Qlllyglmper" who prompts bossy to kick over the milk bucket, who blows out the lights In Uie brooder on cold nights, who ■hlspers to Uie old sow to He on her'

the farm

rom iSfax, n Americ The Brltl-.h rii:hili

3 be nuMinK for It. correlnted .-.queerc

of the few irt of the light for more iilnnc.i llian The conimmilque c.s were destroyed lne. inlsslnK.Fald ra»

forcr;. app.irei int Paid linn frunt, inland they Had reputed ilrr-ntUck.


HOISE. Feb. 4 i,?')—Tlie house of epit-rttuallvti today pav<« U' inlmouslv a propaial to aboILsh t. ifftre of stnte reclamailnn cor :il.'vloner and Mibstlliiie therefor

r to livid orileeeclnmntlot or NlK yes •nie incr , lnlroduce<l by thi

if •■■evernl "admlnlsirntlun' men; irrs siipporteii hy the ninjotli lartv and understood lu have tl ipproval of Gov, C. A. Uoitolf^en.Umler terms of the mewure it

■nvilneer would be appointed by tl• for « slx-y«a

oiilrf be required (o be a qualified Titration or civil engineer with a iiowletlge of Irrigation, problems, Tlie .state reclamation department , liCnded at present by a eoniml.v

;,lnner, a^ nre most other state de- irinient,i, subject to removal with eD' clmnge of Adniliil-'lratlon.

Antl-nuitllng mil The houie. moving rapidly Miead I A crowded calendar, nlw p.v.'ed irrr llve. lock bllLi, Including Uic i-cilled •'nntl-rustlhiK bill". 'K In the state brand li;.‘:pector Uie jtlM now perfonnert by varloi oie agencies nnd county offlcei id giving liUn wide authority i ipcrvlse brands and llvestoc

tales.companion meastires provided fc le Issuance at reeular Intervals t sute brand book, with .seml-ar

ual supplemenli. and for repeal <

; shipment withspectlon 0 in the »tt

KlA p _ ed ut\R»lroo\isly the hou-'-e wan a memorial alrcAdy ap­proved by Uie senate calling upon congress to llberallr.e allocations of farm, machinery to Incrrnr-e food ijToductirttt lo: Uie »ar effort. Clarifies (;«deThe liouse sUte affairs committee

today Ititroduccil a lenslh li\S for Mtcnslve revlilcii! public utilities laws of the ipplled to motor carrler.v R«p. D.. .4lin\l<C.n>in»d r . ,. I. Uly

bill c

Knox Baek From South Pacific

Frank Knot (crnteeK ueeetar; o( the Mivy. uvd Admlewl Chest Mmltz. rseirie fleet eommander, retomed le Pearl liatlxr frvm i toor nf Ihe south raellie during which they were under attack twlc by the Jip«. Tspl, Frank Beatty, aide to the secretary. It at the fsi left. Tlie group li In a nsvy landing boaU (Offlelal V. S. nasy photo

Area’s War Tin Drive Will Start Feb. 8th


nin>ciire*l iitjick In

Tiinl A Cnlro

ficaisK p(\t whole I.lbyi luid fllthou


the a s In

:h It

body ot Qen. Sir Der ComcO'’s force apiwr tng up behind PLsldn. the frontier.

4 Ships SiFour ;

munlqUP reported :tlvUy nlons nlslnn border front, mentioned •Merdiiy tl'O

nrd L. Monitly 1 li pil.

n fiiim iiiee bottn nllleil Iwmb-

I rniiged Uii Jicrn Italian

:upply line, destroyed

; two of three more

Los Angeles Area Outbuilds Axis in Plane Production

LOS ANGELES. Feb. 4 OJTy-Tlie- odore C. Coleman, nircroft official, today said Ilic. Los Aiigeles area alone Is bullcjlnc as m uiy planes as Hitler boasted hU nazl slaves would produce during tUC, and will dou-

hftt record 'next year, leman urgKl extensive planning wnstnictJon of airport faclUUes

and Increased aid next year to small ilrcraft companies.Coleman, new Chamber of Cora-

nerce aviation comlnlttee chalnnan, idded Uiat local airplane plants pro­duced twice as many planes last year ha Old Japan, and predicted t dDUblljig of Uiat (l(ure In 1S<3,

WAsmNGTO.v, troleiim Admliih.i Iclces loday r.niil I lO ot tl c plear.M •le entire coiinlr lodlflcatlons fnr

producing jirc;i'.Ickes wrus n.vkrd

A.sked for Uie pleasure try. Icke.1 sn

•'1 do fnv, Uie whole e. flcalloii.s

g rightfor I



A hu;;i' sti

ilribiiliiiK to ,iielc(l ■■


'am of war-c.Hscntial material.', wliicli has been va.' lc throURh M u r Ic Valley kitchens, will bo I the war effort M onday, when colk-clion of tin

bepiin by .soft, d rink bottiir

(■•■i o f the beer indu.stry.Hcr:.cliel Cobli

^V ln Falls Ctv.i

and rcprc'

Potato Support Boosted by U. S. To 92 Per Cent

\VASHIN(;T0N. Feb. 1 /P) — The iiRriculture dc-

)arlment rcjKirlcil today il .voultl .support farm pricc.'< if potatoc.s jjrown Ih is year

it 512 per ccnt of the purity

in.stcad of 00 per cent- prcvi LSlv ann

Farmers arc licinB ur«cd to p lant 17 per ccnt more land to potatoes for w ar ptir-

Geisler Raps at

Flynn’s AccuserliOLI.YWOOD. IVb. 4 tJ.r>

,:iiry .l. rry Glolrr clpnouiicr<l e:ir-o!d Kalterlrc todn

; Krrol Flynn ot slat the hope rhr would a refomialory for ji illegnl oi)erntlon. '

Mountain Cowboy Saves Herd

In Snow by Feeding FoliageA determined iiiouniaiu r

■ho refuic<i to let nve feet i lop him wi« i:rc(llte<l tod: ivlng the tcVVy lirothcrs <■alls ft pav.lble Jin.OOO la-j

e al Uielr Stanley ba.vlii r He Is Dill Sullivan, alioilt : l-law Ot Duve WllUams. inclier. Sulllvim i.aved the

bound Uerefordi by fecdlni treelop foliage when the fl depth of snow made It ImpoiJlble to haul hay.

Eunlvan, nccording. lo Geyer and .MertUleVey. felt mLglvlngs on a right »**rly two weeks ago, when I {rwkk slorin brought, llshtolng, ;hunder and high wind along wlUi I fall of snow tliat measured two feet In 24 hours. Employed by the McVeys to core for their stock, he knew.It, meant trouble fa: the lU head of catUe at ihe norUi end of

id I tJie ,'

ipft-1 fool


thelory of hoi

the problem was broughv “ouUlde" Wednesday by Mert McVey, who re turned from a trip Into the snow, bound Stanley basin by uie of thi Sun VaUey "snow lank. ' whleli car. rled tff'o toru of oil meal cake foithe calUe. _____

Tlie "snow ■ Hmk." one of two Ir the cnllre United Slates, was de- elo| ed by the U. S. forest jer\lc<

and consists of a oiie-traek "ovei

.'.Bid Cejrr McVey. re- broiher's story. ".So lie

•.Ml nnd .-.uvfj the cljiy,

top; from quaking asp and furnL'li^ the stock irUhmenl to last until 1. He rcalli' saved the

pnny hei tlie Qi; bottllm

American, Enemy Forces Feel out Pacific Positions

Rr Ihe AivKialed Prr^

American and Jiii'Hiiesc w«r.'<liip.s were reiKirted imincuv- erinK today for a titanic .sliowiinwn battle in the Solomons area a.s U. S. arm y .troop.s registered new jjain.H on Cuadal-

canid and F lyin;; Fortre.'^se.s sniasbi'ii ut the bi>r enemy base of KaliaiiL

critical dcvi-hipment.s at the

— .navy dtxliiriiiK merely th a t

i Military* secrccy hid the



WAS1I1NGTO.N-. hVb, 4 iJ', Chalmian Doiighton. D-. N.-C.. the hoti n wajs nnd menn.-i coinml

•e todsy vigorously challenRcd co ■nllons of Beard-iley Bunil. »i>o ir of a fklp-n-year U* plan, th -s Idea ttould Improve the "flnai al well-being of the Kovemiiieni E)oughton, voicing opixisltlon ly plan for all-out forglvcncKs of ^ar of lax liability for Individual

income ta.xiiayecs to pul them on a p»y-B.'-you-eani luked Ruml. who Li chalrmaji of the New York federal re.serve board, whr If his contention.', were correct "you don't sell thst lo all biisliies.i people

;1 debts by theirrsV

quesuons.Sets More Money

TJie big, Jovial batikw. eoqtcrtUe<l Uu? r^UlOf thr tax clock i .e iCjir a]ifAd.'and skipping oiis year ot UA' blUly, would bring more money InW the 'trtasiifT Utan Uie present «j». tem does.

Ho liad also told the comtollKi Uiat "much conftulon" liad been caused by dlscu.ulons of "forgiving' a jear's taxes. He contended his plaji wMJld not Involve "forgiving'

Uie worti meant that'there would a .'ear when taxpayers ni.%de

>mrr,ts and the treasury got

Needed by AprlJ 1■Nothing could be fnrti;* iniili.'- Ruml conlentled,

•cl thftl withholding taxes irome.s should l>e mndc >t later Uinn April 1, believe the aveniKe tnx- lew of thr needs of our

r from


nt a (ir'bt 1 was abl IS ps.'iKi the debt o I- fU-lilloR all o«r 1

flul.l. neiiu 'of the can .Irtlnnlng fluid Ihe can. Firm*

less siiacc lent and detln- i-rebv decrr.vslng inrrr-vtng plan I'g.tLs are valuable ' lip of approxl rnt nUh gradi ;ie-lia:f per ceni is tin and steel ;,ed 100,000 grtji; D4I, and only 44 , «. Q.I—

effore freak siorri s

rllng a

neces-sltated by

. .;d 250 miles to reach a place only about 41 miles away, ttlih Uie "snow tank” carried on a truck. Headed by Mert .McVey. Uie [larty consisted also of Orla Illcks nnd Elden Hogge. Sun Valley em­ployes who went wllli the "snow tank." and Jasper Dean, ft MeVey employe. Hogge la working for tlie Union Pacific al WeUer since Sim Valley Is tloied. Hlcka stHl Su charge of lh« buses.

Tliey left Ketcnum Uie morning if Jan. 37. traveling by way of ;arey. Arco. Mackay and Challls to Stanley, which .was as f»r |s they could. CO bv truck. Tlie "loow tank"

as put Into operation Uiere for le remaining :o miles of the trip. 'Hie men slopped for » few hour?

iC.h<Iki>4 .» r . i . «. C*l»> S>

Italians Admit Damage in Raids

Italian broadcai.l by U.P. 111 New York)—

11 heavy bombers raided on the nonliem coast of

id attenipied a raid on an ilr and naval Iw.' '. a com- of the Italian hl.:h com­

mand announrrd iotlay.,,,. communique said Uiat IB per­

sons were killed and 41 wounded In the Palermo raid and that eoruld* erable damage was done lo build­ings.

American planes attacked In anvea n \he ' davlighl raid. Tliey a-er* challenged by Italian fighter planes ind anll-alrcmft fire and four of ;h* nildera were shot (Joan, llw ximmurUque uld.


pnntitiitcd n ‘rccoiiimi.ssaiice in -forcc'’ — lie .same term api)lied to ojicn-

n^ phasi‘,s of the ktc.-i I ba ltle if tfie Coral .sea.

of e^iralnt\Va.'lilnsion official quarters said air and surlare engagemenls "arc con­tinuing" and Indicated Uial the,two tg armadas had not yet Joined Lt ilPflMve battle.U. S. naval .'pokeMnen said boUi drs were "sparring for poslUon." Tokjo llkett e ha<l little to »ay

about the continuing operaUotis, and Its intestS«yr--a.< broadcast by the Qcrmsii rullo, fell back on a totally inconflnned claim that a JnpaneietUck c iiemy I a l lor

if Santa Isabel L'lond last Monday resulted In the slnklns ot

illlcd cruiser,'heavy damags t^ her cruiser, and Uie desirucUou

of 13 planes.

K tu Guadalcanat

£ant.\ Isabel bland lies north of lusdalcanal.A Tokj-n broadcast had prevloasly

(WMertrd tlist Japanese bombera last Friday started attacks on American iTvrihlps Which resulted in the .iink- ng of li-o bntUe^hlis and three Tulsers off Rcnnell Island. 100 lilies south of Guadalcanal.

V, S. navsl quarters declArcd that :htse Japanese .claims .were •jy^jrrrued’ aa ' ,li« i -the «icm / iiacl ^fered boUi naval 9nd aerial lowej.'

Geo. Douglas MacArtlvur'a Iicad- quarten reported lhat a four- motored Uberator bombed a Japan­ese wanhlp In Wide bay. south cf RabauL wlUi unobserred resalta.

Strike at Rahaol

Flying Portrenes alruek at Rnhatil iw lf for the fifth coasecuilvc rUsht. flying Itirouiih heavy clotid-s lo lioiind the Iwe and harl»r where tmiig forces of Japane.'c warshlpi ,nd other ve.vels have been reported

One of the Fonre.vs plmc.s on a

laJnvllIe bland fioloi t fir<


;y troops

day he GlUr p that ills


Id he had eivllstcd Iv Uie marlnej In August. lOU. ant served about a month before desert­ing and going to work on a defetin Job, Vhr.i he became tired of working, lie (old the dilef. he sow a corporal's chev.;cnia on his alee' . and made hLs way' through the countri' 0,1 a veteran of Midway,

Tlie anesV ol lliislies. who irwa u.Mng tlie name of Charles Poster, was partly due to his being recoc- nl:ed by someone who remembered seeing him In Jerome Iasi summer,. th« chiff uiil.

First S«l. IXiiymond WalU. 31. an army drtrrter from Bobo barraclCT.. used hts COTTfcl natiie.' but he madt the mUlake ol aljnln* It lo appniX' imately IlM vorth of cbect< hare and In Ehothimfl « i» n be «UetT«dIy dldnX have the monejr lo the bank > ccrer thun.Chief OUlttte hUd

stint Walls' arrest hers it hat bera learned that be haa left c&ecks In other communities, and U)a(-:he sened 60 dan In the Ada count; Jail 00 > Owck'chwie.

Oas:\ala airdrome Britain, |

OnOu:icI,iksnal, t;,6, ai , ima.ihing tJipueh .'Uff Japant ilstaiiee aere officially rei»rt«l con- :lnulng Ihelr .ndvnnce we.M of Hen- •Itim xlr SltW aSUT noneji rher and killing CO enemv loldler?.

Oilier DeTelopmtnt^Other far Pacific »nr ric^clop-

Durma J'rtinl — Xlria-h headqiuir- ers rei'Orted that Field M irihal 6lr Archibald P, Wnvell's legictu. drlv- ig back Into Utinna Jrom India, ere nialntainlnj steady prrisuro 1 Japaneje lines at nalliedauni:. !S lies northwest of ihe bi: enemy ise at Akjab nn llie b.vy of Bengal

C0O.M, nnd at Domislk.Tlie communique decUred. how­

ever, tlnl Ihe Jajiane.-e were sclld- •Ijtl'ifrt pyttlnj up sWV

■nd figlbom I

RAP bombers tacked the enemv at [ts'.hed.iung and f«t fires In a night alUart on Akj-ab.

Chln»-A Clilne.-e aimy siokr?- an declared that Jaiuii, hit by a

manpower sliortaee and alarmed nt lllcd succf.ves. was jcndlns ad- lllonal "gun-fodder Thai iroop.s“ to elnforce three Tliailand dlvblotvs n Ihe Yiinnan-Durma fronUcr. •here flghUng ccnUnued.

Fruit Men Open

Annual SessionsDOISE. Ids.. Feb. 4 <UJ’>-Frult', rowers were on hand today to at­

tend Uie opening ses,-.lon of the 48th annuU Idaho Sute Hortlroltural as.socUUon conference here.

Speaken scheduled Included:'Dtwty Eowman. Env!n<itt, prcsl- cnt of the ar.soclaUon.' Ilarvejr

Schwtndlman. Idaho FUls, s lk te c«nml.\jlener of agriculture, and w .

WUde. »tai* OPAirtc* offuar. EntotnoloclsU an l aaUtorUlea on

bortlculture were to'dlKUa w t J » e fr^lt pt<^getlga jin d . cootnl &i..Inilt diseas------ -w uU itK d

ACTION IN BUBXA NEW 0 & £I.'A b . t OU»>R(Q-»I

air font Bltf'hetnn nUM.autbe-dauRi, •pprexlmai•I]^» mlMi M ttbof Akyab (n *e it«» B anu . twiceyestenla; U«,J*reninftaD :bavbet<njdMt Akrib Uit bl^bt. » Brmatv'. 'ijeadiiiarten eormaanJVJe jaJd.}?*'*.dc.

Page 2: · HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy

PncD ’I'wo TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Thursday, February 4,1913


........ ........................,ciiilnr imla'.lrlcjlilld ll!r Ihl o! "nn!l-(!Hrrr»l)'e"« aiim>jiuT(1 Uo day-’.Ji'. WMC. U’hni t'krcl

ttrir'for mni oil neither iLii. ii;i cnict.''l

-n-.r cniv bt;lr:vl roiirluston rri'-li mil IMnl ii.< nrrc-.l.arj

loot lf> ;rrvlc'(ir ivhrtlirr or'not thflr

Jolj hx-, bpfn IL-tr<l Iioll-ilcltir-

Dniff • -l i-irrin ■ »fr rfrI.vAlfyInK nmrrifd mrn tn f.v-fiiHal indaM 10 3-D. Miirrlwl nirti in llir 3i

!irr t>rliiK put In 3*n r.ariUr-', lit whrllicr they iiic

1;<THovifvrr. n 3-D n

III) lir all'I 1' priivr ihnt hr n

iiployt. '•nrci-'- •n<lv fnr

inrtticllon if lie can p.iM tlic pliy.slcaJ cxanilnalion

TrmiKrary Drlaj^^•'TIic rltcc; or a J-U rt.v.'iflcMion

for th&'.e In Imlir.trlcs bul nol nrccvjvr>' mrn U only n tein- iwnry jieloy In Induction, pcrheps

• to Jlx monUis," nn officiallid.

nsfcrsHo:\cvfr. uiiy man «lio .. . from hli prwfnl Job to an f.wfntlal indnMry In *lilth Jif bccomM a

’''Hi fnr'htr <le-fcrrnrnl.

Wnr Manpou-fr Chief Paul V. McNiiit hM jald Ihnt 10 out of rvpr>- H men will b< lii the BmiKl forcps by Uir yfar's rncl. Thcrr nre nil p.'tlmstcd 15,000,000 pliy.'lcalli' fU men ngfd 18 Uiroujli 37. of whom tnorr th.m one-thlrtl nlrtadj" tire In uniform. .


WASHIS.GTON, Feb. 4 OIR -Ra- llonlns aulhorlile.i n.ilcl today llial 37 cwtem ulnte. and the DLilrlet of Co\umUti «ouV4 "J\»\ fcrape tJiroiijh" the crt^U prrlod o(' tW» vlntfr'.i tufl oil and Ka.iollne ahort-ftcT.

It »TLi Iramfd thal Lhi* petrolfiitn admlnLMriitlon for war Is phnnlnj to accumulate larRC oil .-.toelts In ihc «l»nKrr thl.i -Minimer In nn ef­fort to avoid another slioriage next xiliiirr. ■»

Til? crbU, or "humi»." of thLi ^imrr.-: .ihort:ii-e now haf> W n rc.irlifd and will conllniic for the next MX wreti, ofllclaU . .lUl. Tetro- Jtuni y.oct', alreudy danseroiL'.ly lo«> are expected to eonllniif to full until w.miier nrathcr. But iinle'J :.ud(Jeii, unexpected new rinvliw oc­cur. cfflclab believed tlini e.viern arra-\ uould Ije nble to 'kci by,"

Officials nclmltte<l tliai tlie en.nt la JIvIHk oil a hnnd-lo-ntoiitli luM.?, iJiortajr.s 111 the niomi-nt being man crlUcnl in Sew Ensland.


Near Miss Is jNearly Fatal

For‘L’RiderNl;w Y O aK . rtb- * (Ufj - Carl

Sci;r;Ce, 32, lJiou£hl today Uiai a u i i t>e aome lalfrlonnof i pcctauon man in clevawd truin for k n'.an to Aloioet mlu.

almost mlised tlie 7

llr. Kni'l iS’util) IUnt«Urnct. one-Unie ho»om pal «f Art.ilf lllllfr and ansiirtanlrrr of ll ic mil miivrmrnV now afth the alllril »ldr bjr clrliit ttif i;. S. •tale dr- •liartmeiU liiilde Infornialloti on illllrrlim.

S E IF 0 R E 6 .2 5D.ite nlid tliiie nl tlir

nii/il Twin KalLs cr«nnnin biiiit]iirl liiive rictlnltcly fi>r 7 p. in. Tluir;,r!a>,Cliiilrdiim lliirold 1-uki-,Junior Chamber of Ccmmercr nwardj cfiinmlttee iinnoynccd.

Tlie iinniml prtJenlaUan of cJvlc lionom ttill hr lirltl ol the Park Hotel, An iimletfrinlned nuinbtr nf

will f e K»:d'nrd key.i tor communUy Bcr\ipe

riiirlne lt>42. .‘ielrctlon of lent.'—wlione tianie.i will r.ccrcl until tlic mointiu of p:c;ci> t.itl()n-l.v nt)'* bclnK mncie by a reprr.-.rntntlve Falb ccjnmlt- lee tiot aiJ^oclalrd ivltli ihr Ja>ccpj.

TlcKeti for the b,int]iiei will be -itrlctly llmlt«l to lo. , CIulrn'..i:i Mc>:ey .iiald. Tlif;.e will not so on sale until Wrclne.-dav, Feb. 10. Mr. Uickey will act a.-, tickrt chairman.

Selection of Ihp chief . pc.ikrr •— - ........ win be an-

h\»>«o\V. ,

otiO . UIEooVo

Jerome County’s Selectees Named

JKnOMK, Tfb. 4-Tlie Jerome rnunty ;,electlve .'.enlre board today announced the followlnj rc;U- trnnt. had been .lelected ror the February call;

Alll;.on A. Plor-v William Kidd. Jr., RdfijelUI. loercfr. Alex K, Etuman- (rout. EllKTt R. Allred. Dorinld It. Jensen, Jleiiry W. Jlandy, William D. Eliler, Cliarlf.i Einrr'on. Frrd n. Arnnld, Hex Arirn nillmer. Ccr- [inn il. Hiiiuly. Wr.lnnnio!!,nu-'sell O, riniii'fiii. Wayne J. Car- ;.on. Hhrldon D. Jone.i and Ue Junior Coiil.'dii.

Trnmfer,' li;rhulr> Ciirtli Jullin Oreeiir. I.rii Ollford and C.irl E.1- wln Ilkclnr.. .

Otlo U<v-kier, D.ile Trrry and Triimnn Wllkr.'! Im\r already en- lIMPd,

biU:;cfS Ui v-'erjl ai*r.^-;ri cr. .’.ir.r J

Cerjci;(ia:r\l C’.eU'.e j: ' :'

Ccili-le «7». Ki..-. s.nir»iu j :j j . £i-_: Va_.-

and OU.-VFcrt lUU t i i ' . l i . S-'-.v;.- Uar-^ocla IT C-f .r .i A 8i7. Xfs Pcrces l“ Hf, : j i i l i u ; ctc^ jsr-r: } j:S3.Sf3; Fp.-. &rU.r.a.330; 0;oiM iarj Torjue r;tfrrr-“.e5 J1.8J7; W;.- B.<f:

»r-d \Ex;wr.l:iu;« iL. :

e.e Ue:;efi--J c! ihe :sc f:s--a; j r i T . r r , a;ncur.;fd to:

CorjcU>i»;c<i V.e a*rrv' Fori HiU K H iJ l. r..-.--..- ak-rncy*. B-i.ti.v. WC8.3T:; Ctck FUiiicid ai«r-;T IM-T'.', J k:;ap W13.CT;; fv i; IV;i aock Boy J:M33J. T?:-.r- »3:o.«3: Kai;*5 HAT): Vintah Wind river H4123S.

Gooding Soldier Earns Citation

GOODINO. Fri- i-5^ the fLT. MUie ci CKw ceive » tliiUcr. f;r Mailer Sit. Gecrxt T. !

Mr. arJ Mrs. C. T. &

tlcn'. fry Cel. \Vil_

I i.-*an yesteftlay. Dejixraltly cIj I I Lie an Wr brake hoae betweeti . . 1 can. .*ie rode almcat a mile before

, tiic tram auipped #t a i,Ul!on. lie awayed danseroiuly cluse

Uie imrd ralL from wlilcli the in r-jrl.pd up 11.S |X)»er, 'Hie Uilrd mtl cameC a atroncer cliar^c than any r'le.- rlc cllalr. One brmh uicatjii: It would havf killed him.

Daznpf B«ad Rtd l iu back bumped agaliul the

roai£)cd and crois ties. Jlli lunds fel: as if they were paralyzed, biil :f he had lei go. the nlieela would have croimd him to death.

iichelde and hla nclshbor. Ru­dolph Uoedefeld. both of whom work at the Sperry Oyroscope plant, ar-

Bl the auuon logeUier.8«htlde

the doorj clo/ed. 11c wu:, too late. The doors were ela td and the U'ain WM pulling out.

I5e Uai solns loo la. V to jtov. arid p;u.".»ecl over the platform between ci.*s and manaiietl to wrap hla arms a.-.a JcgS’ about the lioae.

Orden It Orden Bordefeld. 'vho had walled, aliout-

ed for someone to pull the enitr- ernry cortJ. A guard pull«j hira back a.-:d told him to thui up. It Schekle had ml.’ued the h«e he waa already dead, and If he had caiiRht the ho'c and the ixnln were stopped by ihc rmercency cord, he would be crash­ed between two suddenly stopping

Sihelde traveled on. liluh oi tridte that spanned a creek offered another hnmlnenl po&slblUiy of death.

the next sUUen. tiull ton r.pped. blackened and dared, he

.illed hltRself up. got Into a ca ide to the train's last Hop. Boedeleld found him sIttlnR Uiere 1 a bench, loo scared 10 talk

M i E i v s r a K - ^ 5 ^ 0IN B A L K i/H E A S j-KC iir. r : j.

ANKARA, Pfb. 4Mlnhl- r Wln to.-i C;:i:r\-;;i;ri ci.::. ^fcrrnce wlUi Treslden: •"oca r . .hu:. reaulted in a wa\r of anx:*:?) . . ..... and fear Uirouehout U;ereltjble reports sakJ luUy. ! ^ '

iliiljarla e.-peclaJi.v v.j.-, tr;x-r-eO i ,to have l>een hard' tut Uca'i-c - had been playlns u? to Turk-.. •

S that Itl;v


hlshlr iTj:rt»r.-.i: c: •-'■t complete'.,'-

sroi;p aziu-.'t t-V L'Ur.d cf W ii - T'f-'a.iv

of j .-ur ,Vi a.-; •

th«ety ref'.'-.-tir.jc,;r

n Official vlilt by H, H.

I .T.;e dlstfjct covemor'x ofliclul vl.'i. ■ It wtl cane T->b. 17. and Uisi date >,ai, been wt a« charter nisht for

. I ’cx-al club. II will be a liidle.V I.' 1 r.;;^A pro.-rram. Jsy Merrill will ,

. c.‘ij,',-;e of ihr program, and oUier I f.VTW.iitecj wi;i bn announced laier. I r;-:;;. for Ihr dL'trict icovernor'a at-

' ■ I :r;i,iknce wprr announce<l by Ilarrj' ; I c!e;vj:y dlstrlcl govcni

oUe of llKhtnlng ilcvelopj :inre-[>ower to run an elRhl- cinc fin for 150 hour*.

FRtK t o n ig h t :

TlltN MIOUlNtt S fN , MOV, T lt.V »=4 Wttv




PLUS— 6 Short Subjecls— H o a r Shew



Comeij rf K«»ieO Crad?.' 15


\riXL.* New* aaa Na. > 'Tb* Sm rt Cade*





-rLv .i- -w-ropular Science

& OlhtT Sutrtcli

n o w : E n d s F R ID .W



-“CASABLANCA”OtKoinkad* et Ihe Worid

ihe meetins bciweei;Churchm on TiiriL-U j<j.Inc Ihal Turkey w;us c-.>n Gennany wii.i la,l:;i t.’:'-

Hulsar.' beileve, ».i t;i t lr conference. U::ii T'O-'icy ~jy fee i-iiiru3tfd with the chief ro e i UalrUins, IL wa.i said.

Hun;:t»ry aL-o »a.' lierplypre.'JM by;c'. It 'sr.dlrntetl. It RBVe Uir flra'. rr-T cf tl- niectlng first place cn I'j rso; news proKrain.N IWtrut! of lead;:; with the Gemi;m hUh ccir.r^iz coinmiuilque ai usual.

"■*! La;?? ’J;-* tr .IC ii iJ ■;.i r.


Wendell Company

Needs 2 RecruitsWENDELL. Feb. i—WiUi a aix;-

niuin ilrcngtli of only 77 ir.en per- tnllted. only iwo more enllsta; can be Uiken In the Wendell t p.iny of ilie Goodins coimty tulion. IVK. Capt. Lelloy Schcu* wriler ha.i announced.

Oilier men may allend iht Tu»^- day lllKlil drill Aesaioiu. however. an<l t>e uviillable to replace aer. who nre dlnchurstd from ttee lo time, he nd<led.

Captain Scliouweller liJtfd •.he following non - commissioned cf!l*

R v e.

s .uv .im x x ix j«T rrvTJTTKV'SKT. rtC. ♦—'Tie R-^rri

Lcyil Ccict -K iCvt?I i 'e N"ntT:; Ss.':«


«r3.- C?U.-t=-r C-.-i;.': XMi.T' Sn--: Tv >:Rcttrf. &.1L.C. rvy;-;r..G«r,~fCr'.h i : : i Trri. Sh-'c*,. .■.t7>.Tr».X


: o s ANOtZXS, Ft*. 4 rof>_ ; a Texa: haxi.t ’.rsed .'xtr.nce people

.'.*d cw:.T.;;;ed ■ nsurder. bat r-.-Cvcr bif:;f\Td hlai,

A::t7 Btr;c« Qcro-ci vas slabbed t.-' oeath dunr.c a Quarrel in a C-;-rTm,x.U C»:il. ho:ej it»vn, Har-

>r\ crit 's* Ar,;t " V-Cd evTj'&od.r I me! «

P^l ei! L^al n&!el Oisl I liad a' he m l 'Out no one Jie;:r\T se. M>vl o! U:eni gave

, a e =:.-ir;c.v,'r-.r.a:L', n»:rtr.jt.Tn W.ched a nde

C. D, UcFiddrr., emtian army rr:ru-!e«-r He tald McPaddtn aboul •vhe ?.U';n;, McFaddrn just

7ttUfn;:y wjd.kfjt nn d.-lv- .T.i narr.r.itoa then dropped off

sleep , ; . i,. .. «cr»A2er. pallrd up to h rt-stau- Tvr.t v ia »rr.i in fee a .•aack. He

a newjpaper about . ih f iJ iL- i. Be re*d. too. • dasenp- U.V. o: L'le aiaiTT,

' He ;en hii seal half finuhed. r»r- to his car and drer# off at R. rr.iirs an h,->ur. hoplns that a po*

anrjt Mm and Uke Earr_-.t;.-n 0.T hti handj.s

■ S::! ap>»tTr,Uj- there *tre no ■j.'r—rr.

^p p-u;>d up to the un- r.-cr. hr;c^-.j jail, with Harrin£ton

S-i the at Cie >11 re-■ to !e; >.J7. L-..• .\ ; Vv- •.•:e polijrman puUed up................. n.-r. awoke lUmnston

i;;e a.-fe.vt. Hsmnstcin a v-.v.Irvj.-n arvj <N&;umely

.>-.;r'rC;ej hu tKCfrpraix, which tAl- ■-;fi with found on «Ine

, s:aw« a U:e C:arm5r.t hotel rocen.

Work Goes Ahead On Kimberly GymKI-MBEIU-Y, Pcb. 4-Acilon by

Uie Kimberly *chool board in con* Junction with a courtesy move by Uie ViTA will avert damage lo liis unftni.'hed

The WPA work oji the buildtn* tinL'iied Saturday under the Wash- InEicn order to halt all projects. But WPA h*J loaned Uia tools and equip­ment to the sdiool dbtrlcu and Ui# board h u hlrtd a foreman who has -•ecartd workmen lo carry on until tSie \in«*T«iidri baVaiitt ot bonl money ks exhaiuted.

Officials Indicated thst under thb pTDcram work can probably go ahead ftr one end iialf to iwo monilis. Th« crew concenirale on Uie bulld- Ins irtletlor.

m a Wlcklnnd. who has been WPA'supervisor of tlie . Job for a par aiyl a' half, was e nployed by IP board a.i fa-eman..With a root already on llie stnic- ire. nnilow flaa will go In by the



ta ll « ln tN ■ntwt tl MdMQ

a t> l> o ff and

€osfel\oKTFI 8:00 P.M.



I 30-Fe. R o ll *I WAXED I I PAPER I

^ 1 HU«r««A’|J

f i t t f / r frf Vafue h Fin* Suilontrfl40-SHEETS & 40-ENVELOPES





Ljm llfJ J Q Q


r« f Cot^r

3 0 o h u l ' s

Ca»cara Qaini


r ;* . . .16^

O irltm */

SO BOOK m a t c h e s

S<i/, for horn

. . = 9*




(Limit H e.M ) . mm.-


7 ' 14 " 3=

Page 3: · HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy

Tiiur.sciay, I'cbruary -1. 1913 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO p£\jc Threa

Special Values In Every Department




H O U S E W A R E -G L A S S W A R E -fU G S -C U R TA IN S -C L O TH IN G I





with new

CurtainsVisit our biK Cur­

tain and Dnii'vry

sho]' . . . Vnu'll fimi ^

(lozciiH of .s m i i r l^ V

your liiiiiif more



Sulette SLIPSC'h(ios(‘_^n )n i white or twi rose, in this errand Kroup just unpacked. New Sulctlc f^aliii siip.s with htSr lex form fit back. KeRiilitr or halfsizes. ; i l i j

to ■!() ........ $ 2 . 0 0


Satin SLIPSContnustinK li'cc trim siUin-slips. Blue-pink or cream-black. Nylon

$1.49stitclied. SizL'.s

lo :J8.

Nfw SpHne Slifldf* Cofllrtlll

SPORT HOSEN't;u’ .spriii;! sliadc.s in wide color selection in tlii-'' newly arrived Ki'oii]) ank let .style s])orl iocks.

S f : ...........29C

-KINK IJt.ALlTV >^111. .%'^


s tr ic tly first (|iiality, fill! fashiimcci o f fine rayon in

Hcw sprisiK sluidcs. Sizes S ' - (0 1 0 'j . Inexpensive ci\imK'h for every (iuy. You’ll like fo r street 9 A m

or dress as well ....


I'HOM O l l l t HUSY


GIRLS’ OXFORDSHrown loop tie, waterproof compo sole. arc

sturdy .slioe.s tha t Rive lots o f wear. A O

Fine for school. Si7.c: \ to 0 .......... 9 7

New Styled fo r Spring

“SCAiMPAROOS”I ’uiiip or o.\ford .styles, w ith fine soft ui)per.s. Semi wed^'e heels, narrow or w ide A A

w idths. In size.i -I to t» ...... ...................



I ’a le iil k-alher.s the j;irls like for dress up, ycl sturdy

enough for school. Narrow or wide A O

w idths. Sizes -J to 8 ..............................

.Mon's Urown or Hlack

DRESS OXFORDS.Smart win«; liji, cap toe or plain in ihis lii^ selection

o f fine (|uality men’.s oxftjnis.

Size.s 0 to I I . Uybber hee ls ....... $3.99Men’s Compo Sole

WORK' SHOi;S.....jwii rctan uppcr.s, sturdy waterproof comjn) sole.s.

HeiiiforccU for lots o f extra wear ^ 2Sizes ( ^ o 11. W ide w id th s ...............

Hoys' Sizc.s 1 2 !i fo 0 ...................... .. $ 2 .2 9

Boys’ Moccasin Toe Brown OXFORDS.A .'iturdy shoe tha t w ill jjive lot.s of hard wear, yet .slay t-ood lookiiiK on trrowinK' ^

feet. S iz e s 2 U t o G .............................. 9 l « 9 9

CHILDREN’S SHOES and OXFORDSChoose from black or brown in oxford.s or .slioe.i in

W m b i« Krou^i. W nlerproof comi>o ^ « A

soles. Sizes 8',^. to 2............................... ^ A * ^ 7

Clilldrtn'i ralenl

STRAPSSmart looklnc, ulUi »lurdj- olc:i. &i:c3 ^ ^

a-, to 3 ........ $ 1 * 9 9 .


SHOESCliolce of blivck or white lace tliocs. Sl»s ^ « <• A i to 8 ...........


c q Y t o n s h o pV is it o iir new Cottim Shoj) in (uir iiii' lleady-to-U’ear nepartnieril nn the ine/.zanine. You'll fiiui luniiirfd-; «.l cuol. crisj) washable new coitori frocks for every ofca.-'imi. Siiiiiri |irini^ for home and streel wi^r.

C lever chnmbrays mid seprsiickers fur afternoons. A ll b rifjh l w ill; llu^

new Lulors, new florals of early sjirinK, an.d all low budKet i)riced.

Smarllv Siiaple

CHAMBRAY FROCKSCool couoii MiKly .nlrlpci, In .''il;, u i' iuililc rl; ......,youM lovr for nil (laylliiic or inloniml SUrj; ' Upl0 lo .I's. 3liii|)tj'. ycl Miiicrbly .’ilylcil lo fi'iiii r jou on [, Iniiy pccii.-!lo:i, \ I

$ 3 .5 0

Striiics. checks in ynulhfu l. 'J. jiii ci' stiilH w ith fl;itterinK swiiijf skirls, siiiocjlli fiiiiiiK ' jackcts . Wear them as a ilress. or a^ a .'<iiil. w ith blonsts.

.Sizes 12 lo 20 ............

New Skv 'I'ones in


You’ll love the soft shade.s in thu new

Sky 'I’oiies of these .'marl dot or j;ay

$ 3 . 9 gSizes ’l2 to 20............. '

CTrand Selection of New Spring Waslialile

COrrON FROCKSPluln.' , Miinll ur.i! l.irsr IlPnil;., rtoi.''.

111! Ilirr.p iiml more jon'll f'”'' >'l Ihk criilitl v- Ifciloii of rri.'p L'olloii uiir.ti Iroclis. I'foci;;. juii'll Wfiir for lioitir ilrcv.r.-, . . i.uccl riri-;.'.«, inliirmal ;iflrhiooiL';, of Complete :i:c r ii:Src tliom tncl:iy.

$ 1 .0 0 $ 1 .2 9$1-98

$ 1 -6 9

Shirtwaist Slvied


DRESSESClUKvr fri^ni ;,Ii;pr;. .-in

Uie r;\:.y lo 'l.iiilKlrr

frnct,. .Smnrl p'.n-tu'l ilctall.i


$2-98 $3-98

^ A L V E S in EVERY DEPARTM EN T d u r i n g t h i s

BIG STOREWIDE C. C A^iDERS©^^ DAYS EventKull A 01. .' anforitrd


low i.iylr $ 1 .3 9Kxtra llrivy

W O RK SHIRTSBlue clmmUrny, or Kfcy co-

9 8 c


SW EAT SHIRTSNitturnl Krry A Acolor only . y * * v U

nift>->i ri»ld

I'Tannel ShirtsIrlglit iilnld'i

li> Kny colors

Anollirr Slilpmful of

Zelan .lackcts'Iliciic cndii't nircl tlic ftrmya lilRh stamlnrds. Yo

^ i . 9 9Curity

DIAPERS1 dozen III C Awillrcl pnckncp y i i i f j V

7 riffc

BERRY SETSer\’lns bo-*l ftnd0 berrj’ dbhr-i ..


Snvc- $ 1 .1 9Gold .Sr«l tndlan

BLANKIiTSOny Jinliiiii (Ir imi!!. In mniiy rich colorr. A QiMii 70x80



> 1 .4 7Snonddi Wlinr Colton Shrel

BLANKETSFull 72x84 fliir tttilic cotton.

r r i s ; . $ 1 . 1 98 rifrr

SAL.V0SETSHancL'.ome .iwirl, pluln or frosted Elii.v.. Jll^t tlie Ihlnc

for glfta. .Srt

0\b1 frlnrrd-

RAG RUGSMnd (lowlu ol ur.c-1 for Uicis small. K00(1 lool;inK colorful

$ 1 .4 9Medium f

(;inj;ham and Sfcr.suckcr

2-PII«:CI<] SU IT vS/MII'CI' stniH / / ? r

li fiiiinK'7jV' :L , ,a^ a .'<iiil/ V 'if*> A;

$5.00v'‘7 lt

Ilraily to tlaiic

DliAPES•n>llnrf(I exlriv wtclr. lull 2 'j yiirdi loiii;. Lurt;c floni! put- icni.i In rlcli dnipory .ffibrle.i. All inllorrrt. liicVu'd nntl reiuJy lo lini'K in plncc. Color

$ 5 .9 5Hr.ivy' WeiKhl Clienllle

Bathroom RugsRich new colors you'll Ultc. I'Mll :4x30.Wwhiihlo . .

n'i>.«habte Color

THROW RUGSYou'll iicfil Rcvcral of tlir.'.e.

24x34 $ 1 .6 9Kronted Cry«l»l Glau

i ;e r r y d is h e sYoii ll wniii n doien ot Ihw. ttJicli . ..

New Shlpmctil

TABLE LAMPSHiui(t-.omc poltery baae tn mnny dcjirns. colors. With

■ Kobd looilni: C l <4 A.ihndr . .. . 9 ^ * 4 7

3 riree Neiled

■ ASH TRAYSt^rryone need* more ft-'.Ii irays. Tljrce plcco 9 A m nr.iled »et.\ .............

$ 4 * 9 S

Cril) I>hinkcts ■V l)alI^In.^


BAliV s h a w l sKtimrd or fllir-t roll ftool,


w o o l b o o t ie sKlilUnl C)l -(Unvii" «ool



Ij-Mcd RckiiKP

I-irsr Slic It»by

N CRIB BEDSAll I)rln •. f.tiirdy «ood coll I^l('ll(lIl ihrouKhoul L-inje

$1598Kull Site

CRIB MATTRESS.I-ll.i the nbove crlb.v or any itMulard «1» 6 9 A fi crH>................

Mcn’.H fi’uftrantccd Scrvlcc-Wcnr

h o s ie r y 5 PairsSolid dnrlc tones In rtEular or • ftnklet Biylc-1. smooth fliUtiR cotton hose, and 5 p.iln cuar- ant«ed to filve you S months service. Now -■.-ive on this fa- mous quality. SIks W lo


New Shipment •

w a r d r o b e slUndfome fiber cose.v with hftDKcr rod .'in top, TreaWd to l)e molh rcsbtant nnd da-it- proof. Tuck one of Uie.w atur- dy ca.ie3 Into any comer nnd havt aj\ txlrik tJoUiM tJosti.


$1.99JI!MIIO Size


A C. C. Anderson Days,.,. :,Feature From

OurBasement .

Bright New Patterns

Chenille SPREADS unpacked for envl

<lor.en.‘< o f new de.siKn.s, o r .selection. Single or liouble


New Sliipmcnt o f the fienuinc

PUUREY BLANKETSSij?; soft .spun r.nyon.\l5‘';- w.-irni wool niiiUo.s tins the finest, bljinkct of its type. Litrlil or

dark .solid color.-i.. . . \-------- ----------------

72.8-1 .... $5*95 TlixOf) .... $6.45never»ib!r Zi'i Wool

BLANKETSlove tills n'.inn U'o toi t, 72xW,


lOO f Wool— Soulh .Vmfrlcin

BLANKETSYo\i may never r.ce thr.-e rsalii. Extra heavy. vlrRln wool,

$ 1 8 .9 5New .Shipment Satin Corer

Down Comforts .

$21.50 $25«QQ

5’> Wool riald

. BLANKETS72x84 doubles In plaUI pat­terns, 7 popular colon, lUif.

$ 3 .2 9

MAIL ORDERSOur blE malt order department Is ilAffed «'lth experienced ahoppers whtf b1v6 ptrsonal Bttentlon to every order. Vic relund eicerj on pantflBC.

USE y o u r CREDITPour popular convenient bldget jmy plins lo suit anj- need . . . Come In ftnd lei us explain this tasy to pay system. Ko cui or obtlRaUon lor InlormiiUon.

Page 4: · HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy

Page Tour TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Thursday, Fcbru&ry 4,1943

A 1___ an r>k. II. liU. 1■ TU-fc aUMUiwJ I* ml. »«« tb. T»la r»H U IIM._ FgUUri


. tUool Blnrt T"la r r iw ^ iif CoMpMr-

. t» M»>». .»!« lb. »C« of M»rcli I. 1BUiucsirriDN iu tc s


DESPERATION PO INTW, L. W hile, an oclvlscr lo the war pro-

nucilon board on matters concernlnB rubber, •ft'arns lh a l- ln acvcn monVhs Uils counVry solve problcnu ih a l Qcrmaiiy lin.s faHcd to .solve in ficven years.

The '■despcrallon point" wUli regard to riib- ' ber is here. say.s Mr. White. The Uaruch com­

mittee warned that wc dare not let our buck- log .sink below 100.000 ton.s, and ft nppear^

r.o\/ that we. shall toueli tha t low .-ipot by

Sept, 1.Between now and that date American tcch-

noIOKlsti must crcnte a.R lRantlc chemical Indu-stry—not on p.iper, uutomoblle.^ can not carry men lo war work on paper

. tire.s, nor con nlrplime.s and tanks nnd Jeeps and army truclu JJsht on blueprint rubber.

What wc m» have l,s a funetlonlfig in ­

dustry producing butadiene and .■ityrenc. coni-

blnlng these into ayntlictlc rubber an d fnbrl- eating that s>’nthctic Into tires nnd other usable products.

nubber Director Jeffers has announced that already ve arc a month behind in our .syn­thetic rubber proRram because equipment

har. been dlvccted for more pressing war needs,

The time has come when, w ithout belittling those other requircmenLi. o u r lndu.strlnl

.struteglsts must moke very .sure th a t they actually are more pressing, Unless wc shtill have won the war before production can break down for laek of rubber, wc could

lose it for that lack.Perhaps the quandary h this: Shall we con­

centrate on other things, in hope of effective­

ly whipping the axis before our rubber re­serves shall have become pxhaii.strcl; o r shall we devote material and equipment to the sytithcllc rubber program, plannlup; on the lonK haul, even though temporarily tlil.s may

interfere w ith prosccutlon of Hie tlghtlnB war?

The choice Is a hard one. Whichever course Is cho.«n may prove lo be ih c wrong one,

and then there w ill have -to be ti Roat, a whipping boy. No wonder cverj-body hates to stick his neck out.

There is one helpful course which seems

inevltoblo. and which should get nobody Into trouble. Thnt is miserly hoarding of every mile left In every tire now available.

Ga-sollne Is rationed outside the ca.stern

seaboard area (or the .‘ olc pwrposfsji-loTclnB saving of rubber. I t docs save rubber.

Leon Henderson knows that, which could account for the viRor with which he con­demned Governor Jones of Louisiana for his

rccent gtisoline rationing,Unless Mr. W hite is all wrong, the time ha.s

comc when we have to be very harU-bollcd about rubber.

AS M AUCH IS UUAWrt N K A R Tliose nimbllnB.s of renewed In

the Rum l Income tax plan .Mgnlfy thnt March

. 15 next Is beginning to disturb the &lcep of our taxpaying citizenry.

In between tax dalc.s most of us can't be worried about the details of the system. But

now. with the rVlctory tax taking bites out o f every pay envelope and a huge Installm ent due soon on last year’s tax, we're beginning lo realize how much harder It Is to pay for

a dead horse than a live one.The Rum l pinn proposes that we pay mast

o f our Income tax as wo earn It. In th a t way we never would come up to an annual March 15 w ith a burdensome debt to Uncle Sam and nothing w ith which to pay.

The current system assume.s tha t wo tax­payers arc .siiperluiman enough to save up the money w ith which to pay a tax whose very size we cannot know until th6 savng period ha.s virtually ended, Joe Doakes, keeping hl.s New Year’s resolution, luys asld« SI a week lor the S50 Income Uix he expects to have to '

pay. Seeking to finance the war. next, Octo­ber or November, congress decides to up Doakes’ tax to 575. Of what avail were his Rood resolutions? 01 what benefit th a t he kept them? He still ha-sn'l saved enough topay the 'lax . ' • ..................

The Rum l plan recognizes this d ifficulty a n d recognizes also lha t human nature is weak and th a t most of us, however good our intentions, do not even .save up the $50 we thought we would have to pay. let alone the S75.

Itt 6 0 far tui wc have t lm d llRwrc a out, most of us realize that the tax next M arch Is going to h it us hard. Whether or no t we realize it, the tax a year from next Mftrch w ill be m uch greater.

We can't p lan on the 1014 payment. Wc 'w ouldn't be able even to guess how m uch It w ill be. All we eon do Is try. out of w hat l.i le ft after a 10 per cent bond deduction, a 5 per ccnt Victory tax bite, a 1 per.cent social

security tax. akyrocketlng prices for fooaand m ounting costs of most other things, to squeeze out enough for the 1043 Incomc tax.

W hile wc do that,.wc can be forgiven if we th in k now a n d then how m uch more pleasant I t would be if. Wfi had paid the 1842 tax week by week os w'e corned, and thns were o u t of debt to Unclc Sam.

- The closcr March 15 appmachcs, the more ■yrt can expect to fieor fibdut the R u m l p lan.

W >.W,lo n lijtalloii-tom clt- lUl bfjfey.lyHHfcohn W. Brlcket


W H IR L IG IGl/MTl'—The Ci/.ai3l»nc* conr*rcnc« einpha.M:«d Uie

»yprfme n»t(J ior drswlot Ruul& *nd Chin* clo*ef to lh« AnjlO'ABjerlcnn branch of ihe Unllfd .N»Uom.

tJulln'a failure lo atitntl. Iil-' »loot- nfis Irom the dfmocraclo in wajlnc «ar ftsalwi Jlltler »hd hu liisnfu to take on Japan »Ur «Jtne mltslvlnss here, CTiunEklng’s irrlU* tlon about what thry coruldcr Imuf- Iident aid U loo irtll-lcno»-n for commfnt.

A close f.tudy of ttie Idi'l-Icote cepoti—ami the Jlr-irM un» ilouW*dty will be broujht lo the i>er- r«nal attention of the flovin lead- er—reveal* one of many moifj to

BAT TTCKEB rra.-uiire the Kremlin. 7n the llr>i )-etir of theif e*port* Enjlancl wa.i almoJl ihr wle bfntlWary bfcau^'ot IfMupoilallon dllJKuUiff.. \l\i\ noa" ill' rr<l »rmy aiul 81av people are rrtelving ivlintx-.t itto billion tlnllan’ worth oul-of a eurrfrt nnniial Io!;il nf rlKht billion. ^

Ai our production .'lei» up and Mipplf ^liiM are clfired by Mii'covllr vlclorirs and Improvlnic v,Mtl)fr IhP irooiir. in IrniU of I-enlni;raJl. 6tallngrn/l nnd Rav tov will ob!.iln more plonea, iaiilc.i aiid onillery. De.

rfor>rnlnc of....................... . ....... .luable mater.Chians Kni-«hek'« valiant forcej.

ThfJe forlhcomlnff jirombes nnd pfrformaneea (ihoiilH Infliirnc^ the Slav and oriental ruler* more forcibly ilian the recent Rooaevelt-ChurehlU com­pact. It »lll not iJr *urprUlnB If the fulfillment of then jilMiif’ produce wi nlllrcl unity whlrh wa.', only par­tially achieved nl the north African "WTilte Houac.”

lUt.N'V—Hfpubllcan BovemorB of tho.'e state* which frciuenlly producr prrjldenllal poulbllltle* »hould Kunril tlirir hiulRet balances. It any. between noT,- and Itm. A White noiue Ciintlldiite whoie booka In ilir red will be n. ttrlrome lo tjvurv V. a TMt bctt v.iViUl

nie wnriilns appHe* r.-.pecliillyof Ohio and llioniM K. newey. The mldwe»U.....biillt up hh siirphw Uirounh tidy nianoKement. The Eniplrr -iiaie cliirf executive Inherited III* from pre- tlccwior ]lc:l)trt H- Lehmnn. T«o others who mny enter the "blir derby" wUh MmlUr aiuvti tire Oovs. E>l«'»rri Mtirtin of Peniwilvonl* and Dwight U. Green of IlUnoU,

•mil quartet triiut realize fullv Ihc advaiiLnpr of n reput.itlon akin to Calvin CooUdge'*. They ehoiild re- nirmber that the Vermnnt^r parlayed natloiiaj thrlftl- nrM ncrw.i ihe vollnff board for #11 and even more than it uaa worUi, Now Democratic political atraiegUu don’t care lo face an opponent who can campalKn on fcuch an luiir. ’niey are already making eyes al Mr. Deney'* and Mr, Bricker'* rejerve-v

Irv New York some urje (.lut. the extra cash b« \u,ed to rcdiiee laxM liialead of belnff kept for a rainy day. Few year,', njo an admltilslrallon columnlit almoit fmajlifd hl.t iy|>ewrller plllor>lng Mr. Drlcker because he woiilcln't oj>en tip and be a good fellow. But John held on to hl3 Jack pot,

DEUATE—Df.^plte all the hullabaloo about drafUnf •leener.', ivrmy-imvy loppera discover that Uiey were only » per criit correct on this controversial li.Mie. Tlic nilllUrj- blgwlKs are allghtly chagrined becaaie It wa.1 they who convinced a relucUnt admlnbtratlon Mid congress lo nmattr the boy* Just out of short panl.v

It Is now reported ihiit 18-year-olders, with few ex- reptlons, cannot take It. They are willing, obedient' and pliant. But iliev Ju.'t cannot coordinate properly. Tliat spilt j.econd which requires resourcftiil acUoti lo {ave a life or a platoon pa.Mea before they see it coming. In mechanical warfare Improper mental and phy.»leal reflexes often prove fatal. Mont of the lacM nf 10, however, meet traJnlng refi'ilretncnui. Althotifth sharp generallj*flon.i cannot^be mode, the adriliinnnl year makes a. viL-.t rtttterenec at U\Rt »lAse of tl'tir develnpmcnt.

Any fompelent p-'ydiolocL't roulrt hnve vourlvaled thl* mtnrrniilloii to Ihe leglslivtor.s Innt: nno, thereby fnvlnR time, tnonry. debate and lie.-»rtnrhr. But they were not asked for their advice. Todav the in-o r'-rMcea.

ftwl w W m l M1V formaJ directive, are rejevtlng many of the younser clajw.

LOAKEnS-Wllllajn M, Jeffers ond Donald M. Nrl- son are dbputliiK publicly regarding the que.'tlnn whether synthetli- rubber plant* .'hould be'given higher prlnrlUr.i than plane', e.'con ve.vieLi and other mater­ials, Tliey have iiUo enitaued In a bnck.\Uce cniitro- ver.'-y about nnottier mnitrr vliai to qt lea.-it one ofthe d --" •

.llrojulcr—and he', one of Uie be.M-wa. ar- lu-vtomcd t« the awnnklcn of even'thlna when tie leaded the Union Paclflr. flo he snorted when he :Ilmp^ed hb olfire in Wiulilngton and lmn\fdlMely ,ent In a dematnl that It l>e sound-proofed. But the var pro<luctlon l«.v. nr one of hLi nldes in diarge of oiinl cffccU. ri-plletl that ihL wm n frill which could

be dispensed wlih {pr lUe <Usrtvtloi\.A NeLsonlan who reviewed the paper* in Uie casn

wisecracked. -Jeffen U the one who need# to be wind-proofed, not ht.' office."

Now Elmer D.ivla has taken over Uie task of -muff- IlnK" Mr. Jeffera be<•all. c of the latter's Bolilpiorr ipttch »\ wlHth the of elt'tlca denounced army nd imvy -Inafrr' ' xiho. he charged, were holding up ili construction program. Tlie Omaha firebrand may oon rie|KiJ< Harold L. Ickes m the cham^on Caln-

ralser at the capliaJ. -

Otlier Points of View

HITLEB’.S ALLIES FALTERTliere Is no Indication, other lhan frantic appeals

lo them by the Oermiin radio to stand fwl. Uiat Hitler's Oernian Armlps are anywhere near collapse as a rcjull of Uielr rrpeited reverse* of Jate. and these may be IniencJetWor our ears rather than thoee whom Ihey are ojtenMb> addressed.

German troops are lUll tlghllnj bravetji-.aixl on all fronts. Even lUwe irappe'd near BlaJftigrad are fighting furiously after their numbers have been cut an estimated 73 per tent. Ever>-where the German soldiery resUt-i as we have come to eipect Uiem,

Not *0 Uie Hiller allie.i. ItaIl#Il^ have long aliown . wlUtiiRitca lo s^v rtwstr^ •hent 'eT they gov a chance, ind not. we are conlideni. from any lack of cour- ise. but from a toWl luck of «a l for the cause for iliich tliey are suppo.'td to fight.Now Hitler* allies on Uie Husslan front are sur-

renderlns In creai nnniberi whenever Uie ojiponunlty p:ejeni-> IIacII. The Kuitlana reported capture of SO.OOO prl^oners In one oper.^Uon the other day. Add­ing siKiilflcainly that only 3.000 of Uiem were Gcr-

iins. 7V6 oUieri were Jlmigarlans. and Italians. This ;tnud# has become the subject of some bltter-com- ent from Berlin,1! Hitler's allies begin deserUng. n big nddlUonal rain will be lmiXM«! on Ocrmaays (llmlnUJiln« man-

. 3wer os allied pressure Increases on aU major front*. AUd one asubu If'lliq OermanJ are In any condi- Uon to withstand Increasing pressure for long.—Nampa Free rrtis.

HANDY CBVING CHABT Business generally Is Just as good or bad as you

Uilnk It Is. For those who really enjoy CT>ing, Instead of going after buslne.-o In a businesslike way. wc re- p:tni U\e foUowlug hindy chart. »hlch. tA a slant* win.*upply the golden test for a good cry on any par­ticular month.

C\'cr>’ month b bud for business, because In January: "People are broke after the hoUflai's." Ptbruary; “Only 28 days, and ererj'body U In Call-

lomla anyhow,"MaixiJi: "Lient. and now income lax."April: '"niey’re all buying Easter clothes,”May: "The weatherVi too nice to stay indoors." June: "VacaUoiis Are comlnj.*July and August; "Exerybody away.”SepKmbcr; ’■People arc still troke from vaaiilon." October: "ytwibaU and winter clothes grab the

money."November; "Elecuona and the cost of coal have peo­

ple worried,■■December: ”Chn»unu shopping hurts my bixslneis.”

—Ooodlng Leader.

“nie majority of the Washington bureaus &re w muddled up in ihelr >oim red tape fhat they doni know wheUier or not they are to’lng to run a war. a farm producUon program, a labor convention or a poiiucal eaopalja-Wallace M la«.


FROM NEW YORKOE.U, - A Mceod 'March

lUCQe* — thli Umt br demoeraUe fcR«>--vaj M l In motion at the Rooterclt-ChtuchlU Casablanca ftrenee. n e mlUtsuy detalla.eo«r*e. hate not But U U inu lt lt to outUiM a routh •ketch of prob­able (aojor poUU- , cal strategT- ‘nie , rrrtkUoD U m«da I

Vo it ' nucts of th e . a l l « n under-1

crouod who. In I t«m are lo touch with allied to- bet^eea*.

The conc«pUon

I dlscloted.

iit P o t s h o t s



My dear Mr. Pov Shots: lUmember Grover Davu of -'count

, :er track.'( Ifotn airplane” lame? He Is the man. you know, t lu t come. around and ILsietw for ,%hootlng of

:k* before official aunrlse; the n that chcck.1 your bag of blrdi

-the official llcense-lookei , Davis b In dlitre.-LS.

hauling a mare In a trailer up Rock reek wny-m»ybe he wa* going to ount riifr trftck. again—when r ' lire jiimpMl out of the trailer. J ).vvn (Itx-.Mi'i know eiactly when lirre the mare jumped. He 1 .'.ked; he offered rewards; he qm iniied and he looked and looked Vid looVc l, b\it Jio &ign of U « cscap-

r<l unlmal,*• up this s.-ime Rock creek waj

lives one Lyman Sutmlller j Uncle Ham has a.iked

tr.-»pwuh bait, Tls said liia l liprw lakes llie beat bait for i '

Now ihfre In Ulk that our Mr. 1 I'" [xvir mare is dolni: her V part for Unclf 6am by baring her car-

3les Into Lyman's iraiw

TurMUiy there arrived by post a !tter to .Mr. Divu from Tonopah.

Nev., Informrng him that if he par- lakes ' himself thence he will find l\L< mare.' The trouble U that Mr. Davis credits a bunch of «0-and. .M for . ending thl* letter—for ihame. Mr. Dftvlj thinks that friends <71 of his are •'pulling his leg,"

Pots, will your legal de- adviJtl

V —a the Deputypartmep


Being one of 'llvose Qualnt reaj- \sli'Who Wo'K at the name of a place of business and believe that It has

rtlon with the merchandise therein. It was wlUt

lie btwilrirrmfnt that I looked 0 the window of a store labeled uto Bupplln” and saw before my •.1 nothing but women's cosmet- . As If that was insufficient a iple of blocks down the street the

dLs'lay windows of a competitive insillutlon cont&lned the sam« thing

valentines thrown in for good measure.

Of course, «e\e all heard that e nnist love and pamper our cars

fee the duration but valentines, cold ims and lo>.lon»-oh!—NoocpoU 1 me what I ’ve w n Isnt aol

—Jo.Je (be Jalnt


hat silly. repetltlDUJ, Iwesome. tiring, "the best tunes of all go to Carnegie hall"., , as perperrated by one cigarette company in radio pro- gnuns. 6o.-nebpdy should teach thcM ■lucks the value of restralnU


Ailde Jrom Die tact t>jt ?anre's pile of tcrap rpetal. ec^;i

3J)«).000-p at least I old-timer

> potn

:al wasn': the cc.c to on account bec*'.i-<

dametl stuff la no« frorer. » ground and the rievr

tirOMa to each other,The ta-o antique IteniS ' t

10 arc:;i) The fl.-st deUve.- - ws.'.

Twin Fall-v It was cirU by Allen Mercantile cc£r.;)iiy.

Oi Tin firs^ I'oawm ;a ite In Twin Fallv In its hejdir t-' ab was valuwl at »3iCC.10 ineese even In these Icose-rcr.

daj-s let alone the hard r i 1903. TJie hao-'som cab. .'a jj » mostl.v used for ihlriRi 'all Che way out to Ute from town.


The PubUc Facias eU/.cr.Uig Uiat his departnjen*.

questions. hand»d u.i a ex from Mr*. UBle Rlchardsor. at Wc; lelL . . _Mr*. Blchartlson asks i; ;~

Ions, one ot T:ithera we leave lo any cctjuiut; fho wishes to drop the lad: a

' She a.iks first of all, to js-.t;?' friendly arguirent, "What is s:fi:

party that U called a \Vhat goes on al asajofcer?" fCLiir. rhe sports dep«irtjnent tells 'i' .moker Is usually an exeat i;:r:'.v •d b>- males, often havUis ,other athleUc events as th- tr.-.r. tilnment althou*h the peccrw.T. rj ilso IM ncc-alhletJe, SaK-trr^ trr; jfien lhan not do«t h a 11 ir amoke, olthough that's o?:i:ral

The other Queries p»pour:v‘f.i i .t\e WetideU lady are; U Hold smoker*, do thej- a=cte »r ,ilay cards? Or Just -mhal :N do? .\nd whal chtirthes t.-.?,

irtlesfJust lo cofflplicate matten. i.”

ni-o wants lo too« ’■V.a*. rr':.,..-. o!T*nlraUors teach ajaJrJt the u: of tobacco or card piajln i. t.:.--; ir both.




fr.'-.t *:-.d i.“ dc\n1 crx i ■ rn- e'-e-ir.j. l^ey «on\ e •^lepSone. Usey srrx!

thrr 1 :er.a :21JTV4 th. .................

•n-j; mstes l::e > \'r.e«r,e th:ag fa- »a.v jl'I howew deroted t i her wvit w“* i*. Oc;?* ciit tJie b-T of her chci.-e.din.-ig w-.Ui iusi cc a::uns out tha ccf » heart-to-^ea-t t s i aiK ;l »«5e-*unt U-e-; r. r.±.-c;.> ur-rwiar.t to pUn- r--<. i;-.».-:T- r..g. n a tin r t;?. pc-.g


itroke. uUUilng certain featart* of our rtUUon# with Vlcliy wit arotdini lh« pttfalU. The plan U lor »a to take a leC from U duce'* book and-Uke him. wim his fr«. quenl copies of ihe techniquesold Roman empire—offer h is ___trymen a tempomy gOTerrunent ilmjlar to the ancient trlumrlrale onglaated by Caesar, Pompey and Craarei tn M B. c. The three figures tnenUoned for this Mecutlva board

Crown Prince Omberto. present commander of the home army'. Mar- ihal Pietro DadosUo. duke ot Addli Ababa and conqueror of Abysalnla and Dlno Orandl. a founder ol fascisn and ez-ambaasador to Brit­ain. All hare held high admlnlstra- Uve po8t.s and are still popular with KiMlUttsdei of !ollQw«r . Chtrttore Mussolini and hU Berlin master

nterfere with them, surface the orrangrmei

lacks like the Darlsn deal m trlpl this siheme enlUis both

ttghlht.1 and UltlsU. Delegatrs ol m »t powerful crganliationi

opposing Uia nirrent alliance with HlUer met W secret session In MUi rreently and framed an Itilli ”d»clar»Uon of Independmee," TTiey »oted that If the trio—or their coun- ttrparts In present coun circles— wmild accept three conditions adopt­ed by the meeUns the whole revolu-

mOTTmrnt TCuld colUbomtc vlth the proposed de facto rtUcn.

ALIEN—the demands of under- »T»r rebels are: l. Peace wlUi the iJnlted NatlOM and withdrawal of Klr.g Victor Bnmanuel’s wldlers tr«!i all naU halUe Helds, J. Ptt>. ftam of eeoncenlc reooven'. 3. Re»- toration of democratic llberlles to both societies and Individuals. Each acUoo must be stanr<l immediately. A fourth specUlcailon, illrecled at ihe alUes. thwt Italy yliaU be s«av. :med by her own leaders and not by Imported prcv-consuli—»jie has had her fill of forelcn managemenL

The blocs »hlch proclaim thb MiUn manifesto include f

ii importanl anil-Oerrna,._____t.*ir fascists, mhnr.e member»\re

ill holding office. AnoUier group the remnant of the Partllo Popo-

lalre of p,-ewar clerical partisans, which nlM> loathe.\ the Teutons. A third Is uhe JusticU e Ubert* partj', a co.illtlon of llberah and repub- hfans. The aoclaltsts, especially

frominrrthem Intluslrlal elt- th faciorles Seated by Uie ge.v coT.Mitate the fourth body,

ire the Innumerable rommun- how romrades constitute PO nt of Ihe concentration camp

paptilaUen. SludenU and inlelleelu- als are found In every division,

Hepreseniatlves of thb national front contend lhat ouliJde argti- menu and mlUtary pressure are not needed to cur^iltallani of fascism; II alwavs wu atl alien (Tt^cn super­imposed on people *ho by nature hate Its repreiwlons. The regime was kept In power first by black shirt guns and now solely by relch bay­onets. The Latin* are sick of li and wlU abandon It the mosntni, the> hare the chance. Tlie fsct Uiat con- Mmuves Join hands «lUi radlcali Is evidence that all dasics are eag. erly awaiting Uie arrival of Amert« csm liberators.

POLICY-Velieti hUiU have been cabled ftnjn overuM that ihe em­phasis placed on the words "uneon- dlUonal surrender” at Ctsablanca was intended to block peace feelers which Hitler was aboul to exlcnd W the United States and Great Britain through FinnWi or Spsnlsh Inter­mediaries. Tliose clo-e w the heart of stalecrar. circles admit lhat more than a single olive branch has been pushed aside.

One armistice trial biHoon con- oems Berlin and the Kremlin. Only tiulden recc^nlre the tiinlllcancc of tiie recent arrival In Htocklwlm ot Count frederlc von det Schul- enberg. Qermany'* ace negotlalor and former ambassador lo Mo:cow. He Is not a nnd but a member of Uie old school of diplomats who clncc the turn of the century lias always worked Jot closer jtUUons wWi Russia.

Friendship with the Muscovites U not an expedient wiUi the count; to !.ccure It b hb life ml.ulon. Eyc- brow.n may be rabed when It b noted that the VJllhi'lnwlra.ise .vpokesman cho'e a capital In which resides OTK of Ihe most able of Sta­lina ivoys.

Another heretofore unpublished fact Is Oie Jirong pro&jt!Jl!r that ChUng Kal-»hek's rlght-lmnd man, T. V. Soong, banker and foreign iffalrs expert, b coming lo Wash- Incton to represent the general-

mo in ajlled rounclb and to casli on^/iur norUi African prombe

of greater aid to China. He will frankly reveal news of the pressure being exerted on Chungking by In­fluential groups ot his countrymen to call off Uie war with Japan be­cause Tokyo at last t* fusewtlng favorable terms. E%-lrfenUy the_____ .imerlcan "keipolicy c

ROAP.S—In a lew montlis a barber may not be able to rpreart creamy foam on a customer’s fape. New York chemists s.iy that the rotps which will be placed on the 1943

rket wlU not laUier easily. Coco- oll from Uie Pacific Wand.s,

base of the old-time waslisland ewlty, ceni.Alns •'.shorl cut" car- Bcldn which produce the white

froth. These 'Ingredients are not found In Urge quanllUes In the eleaavlng tnaierlsb manufactured from cottonseed, wybeans. i>ranuts

id flux. Eiit the Kovcnimml pre­dicts there should be ho Imnirdlnto

if the new Mll). lltutr: be- , supply of Inrtllble grease

and lallow b now being ^upple• ileti by waste faU saved by pa- ac hou.-.ewlvcs and sold to Unclc


m-.-h a >*rt her




; I li'-tNl StTtre.vnd., lite ire cauiunx;y

.; 1= » «k ard ~ >uurt.; Tbesth’Jia iM n Needed

t\> are r..'5 as t>.oufhtful of -ntje g - j as we =u*St be. We

• lUr uVm t.-v» far granted.” '.htT Vx-t k Ut-e da«T>c»iV jome-

• I.'-'' ;?eikj ahcc*. l i wSthccl s'-m« 1 rsuV, x-i If they 5’SftX tV. y: ».t r»U.pi ah.- -. Uia» tco aikUS liey , l-Ti to ie ;rn airce S»' It U a2 « r r w*a Sk Uhose who

rj--. »wreiie«l a: the fror.t to the tu:a:Jcn c«. T^e g:rl

■ ?.f. feel a tit tke Uu£hL-.{. S .e u UT-.r< to kfep J^r troub>* u' arS that is vtruggle

‘ fir coe t-iriesed :ouI', ^el^; ar.\ «e-s addir^, It ra= ar .is tji eheer up and

'. sTjr cm; ftf ani be a sport.• tha g;:l to ■; 5 1 ws Is>3 5wsy. She neMs

vaXe ot 1

WASHINGTON. Feb. 4-Withoul WlIU^m M. Jeffei^ the rubtxi

aitrrlnbtrator. is proving lo be the canianker-

aenal of bureau* racy.T h la chunky,

nail-chewing rail- ro ad execuU\-e brlngi In from Uie west ihe tocUcs 0! the trlal.v bear, and they hawni y e t dlsWTtred here how to han- .die him. He show:

no awe. He speato right out against Donald Netvw, the army and na\-j •loafeni.” and talks right t-hrougl the shushing trowns ol OWI. Mr Jeffert Is fighUng on more fronti lhan any admlnUlxwOon official has heretofere dared. He makes the re­cent Leon Henderson seen by com- parvvn a well-trained house pet. althP'-Eh in pre-Jeffers da.« we used

think Lean was - tcwer.


poiUe:Whal I can't ucdersUrJ ahx;'.' tu; ”f»nn sale” U ^ ’

sell Uie farxa?

*cul feeling r.d aUow '.ier

;.5 te q-iiet when she want to be.she wU: nrrf » way .'tohig

;= the gtneraJ lecreauoa wtt.'ioji :ee'.in{ Cisiryal to the ahs*ni ts'v.

Staad By U Betp Deal ttfthrr 'Jiese t-Xs »iih

resiAs ahrut xhe ahcrt nersarifs cf =*n at the frcct- The gt:b is?w a:: absit thai and if they CSiX Usa Jsyally of ia»_ ,yo\:n«

•thing 1

—Tb* Dea

FAMOLS LAST LINX •.. .T «g »d i.»*- S IX **r tia .3

I pound of e«flee? -.TOE GEN-nJC*l-\N IN



IS YEARS AGO—FEa 4. IRSProspects for eitablbhlng a can*

ling factory al Twin Pall* and for markating small fruits and vegeta­bles at home will be discussed at a meellng of Uie Inilt growers to be! held la Uie Parish hall here today.

Mr. and MrsTw. c. Griffin and cue son. Billy, will leave ihls mom- i j on a motor Ulp to Bobe.

Mlu Velma L^Iue. high school .tudent, went to Burley lu t erenln* to Tbit wim home folks.

C. E. Booth'of the mercsnUle com­pany wui leave for New York wUh aonting.

V TEARS AGO. FEB. «. B it n,-, tbotisand

Tlously held In the T «ai n H s Nc«h Side project, will be throwa to public entry as hocaestead lisds within Io « weeks.

PrtcUcal farmer* of ihla will be interested In a *ertsa cf stereopUcon views sent ec*. by i i* IntemaUoaal EarrW-er coc;»ny. ahown each week to the sttalects ci the farm cnps clasea cf the hi^h school.

Mr. and Mrs- J . 51 Diswsd the partnu ot % ilat^atcr tcro' Sunday. Jan. 3Q>

tzKw;(d(« and l t » t,Th«3

____ ; Is bett to let the=» co Th?:re«n aad thetr owa d»-

at a t S * i i e this.NSsoij « a s»xt Ute« jvinc

tcea the srteT of a war. a.*h beec hS» own bu.-den.eath s a t ftsd ihe way tosear iv eoA a w h sluter his lot ease m s*. »*y. A’ ve can da 1* to i:asS St » a spSn o! irrfer- aiasi=* l>e5>ruS!ew ar>d leave th«a aians c i— tiey asK far he5> cr a .^ « . Ar>a « ahwiil be very carehj a^s;: tiax *dr:=fc

W» e*js be t o l . paueaV cnder. aa i aa as the er*

c=3tam a a3s». We eaa rearm- ber « « T » id lef *1 the J « , l Sen an e^ualJr hhd h=a aaS n 1* e « petniece to fctC? the cee to we:: as the oCat ter the hx:sr ecr cssntry.

,\a rrjsrance has eaU-saad that ih t »vtr»c»» tu a to

k tough <

vnien Mr. Jeffers .viWafcs of army \d navv 'loifeft" he tiocinl make

real’ c^ni;>:aliu xtry clear, T»it irciiib> wx\ that the army and navy xr*'llier» and Inspectof* were too

on the Job for the good of Mr. effers' rubber program.I\v in^lance. & manalactum had

everal o.-der» for ralves-all of them :rtent. some for Ui« army high-

octane prograra. ec*ne for navy es­cort ships, and seme for the rubber prccrwm. .^rtny and navy oftlcers on duty at most war plants w’DUld tee tn It lhat their o.-dera we^e^t«'hfd ahead. Sir. Jtffera had no {rtw of •rpedllers la fight for his Wdere. Mom of Uws* orders were *«con- L-acted ceenponents and the uched- liT^ was left to hlt-and-0lss meUi- Is in Uie field.

Du.-t.-< tiiat period, which la.Med until the early part of December. Mr. Jetlers dJd lake a beating. His bitterness at the aeiback hb Khed- uie s« b reflected In hb bu:er T^.arki at Baltimore a few days iCo about artny and navy ’ loaftn," illhough his complaint really ls that tney- m n too agireiJJir.

Donald Nelson had no thanks from Sir. Jelfen for rwulng him from that aituauon. About Dec. 1 Mr. Nel.'<on worked out a schedule which care aheaXte pratecUon to;?3 per cent of the Jeffen rubber pn.-«raa, Compaienis cf ^vnthelle- rubber machlnrr?- wwt scheduled aV'-ng »nh similar cesnponents of ICO-ottane plants so that both were aSie to tet pa« e>t thtSr eilUcai efl-iljsnenu n

Scheduilas for n c « Uian iO per «n t of u>e rubber pirocrain w u later vected out and was sent to James p. Bymea. dtreetor of cccoomlc (ta- btllrattaa. for ^ t « House apfroraL

. Jrffer I twller-That gavebreak Uian .... ..... .

1(1 have, and Under Secretary ot IT MU Patterson opposed It. Tlic war department believes that we are sllll lulng rtibber necdlei. ly. In be- Ing too liberal wiih commercial can, salesmen's cnrs. hauling trucks, and especially ^tlie big Inter-city buse.s, which are allnucd the finest rubber tires, of riirii-liirije tire.

The public allack-s of Mr, Jrlfers do not shake Uie army in its deier- mlnaUon to Increase producUon ca­pacity of lOO-octane Ka.'ollne, even ihoueh m&chlneo' tor It maM be ob­tained nl the eniwise nf deby In providing siniibr iimchlnery for the rubber procrani. Military plans call for steady lncrea. e in consumption- of airplane fuel throughout this year, anti artfilUonal productlnn ca­pacity Is Imperative. Around the war department they ore critical ot Mr, Jeffers for not IhrowlnK hb weight behind greater conser;'atlon ot ci­vilian rubber. Army i>eople crltlclw hl.m for going e,i.\y on railnnlng for traveling .ulesinea and telling farm­ers to Ignore Uie ration forms.

Some of Ihe more politically nerv- Dealers are b'^omlng a

Uttle » Mr. Jrffrr

ttlcd 0 whit t

g hlmrrlf a

lairr r.any lo the country. Some of them think Mr, Jeffers b getUng

y lo KO into iicllilcs. Thev ore Id he b cnllecilng hlm. elf some s A a.mmunlllon oul of the ar- 1 here Uiat will be fired bafk Wajhinjtoii_ljurcaui:rftcy-aflme_

lalcr day. which b not Improbable. ■


A son was bom lo Mr. and Mn, Matt Tolman.

Daughters were bom to Mr. and Mrii. lUlph Garrlage and Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Urie. Ogden,

A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs, Pete Melsner at the home ol Mrs. Alice Larton.

Mr*. Wallace A. Hale U In Burley at the home ot her wn-ln-law and rtaiighler. Mr. and Mrs, Melvin ' parketl, who are the parents of a

The gold and green ball ol Ihe juke and M.I.A. will be held

Friday night at the Rainbow hall.Mrs. R. H- Hale has relumed

home after * week's Tisll « the home of her .-on and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mra. Edsei Hale, Rus­sell l^ne,

OscarO^vaieln, Arlesian, w»s a caller at Oakley-

Mall TolnJAn, son 0! Owen Tul- man. who Is In the armed services in California, Is home on furlough.

The annlversarj- program of Un Doy Scouts will be held In the Oakley second wanl Sundsy eve- nlnf. Feb, 7. .

Page 5: · HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy

TliiirsiisivrAnisry 4, lalS- -T-IliES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Pasc Fivo



nplorrd [xir.Mblllilfs r»nKlns from tt KanKland .••curcli tor a lildilrn tuiif to sljiiple rolibtry Unl»y 1' wr-nlvfd mrlurc murdrr of tl.lnn- liairrd E^tcle Carey, 3t, "Llir Ctrl •Mir, krtw uW « 'f asn»ctJ- W Clil- eai;t>> tin<irr«.arl<l.

''llicrc nrr a iliousnml niicl M.e ftrc uvfrlookltis noiio . ll.frn” acilni: Capi. Wlliwm Drury •jild 'TliU Blrl knew all uic an

aiul Ml' «> "'i lu kiio*' that dlrcl wltJ> I’f . "

Tlip ixc-'lUlll'y Hint robbery wr tt.r nioilvc «a' Mik-i!olr(1 by

n dc.crnilln1 the ■Icllin'

ml %

[1 brcnd'^n'lr nnrt Ihrn ) ;oti:.<-cont nll.mip.

Kur Ml«itie

■■ C;irry, c:i I'.lii-'M n-.w:i.\ Nifl;

r nr I

:irr Cs[xiiic liinl) lukrlcrr, h;u' pni p ll.OW.ROO lie n:i

>th<•r miilctrrl t rxprmivr.-, n:i Ihrr;>I.'! of labor troiiljlr in tlirlr pl.'itilN.

IVur ItnncU l-'cund A .-.afc flcixi'.ll box Ilf Ibc (liuil

udiiuiii wn.'i oiidicrl >p.'lcr<lny. lull niilv jl.T.'K) 111 «nr Ixiiuli and wr- rrni'v ttii.i (miiul. Drury brllrwd till:. nii.v only n "ilroi) lii tlir biickrl" nf ihr rortunr llir ulrl v.lio:n Clr- n'll:» !md flimir liK •'cambllnc (jiirriV WB.S .',vi|iii(i-,fcl U. lia'c f.avrcl,

"Wp know llial thLi iiomaii was ClroMlaT. tt:inltpr," TJnir - .'SW. "llrr n-A’ii cut from Ihp nlplil cliibt niul raPkPt.', was SSOfI to »M0 a btpK. t hp

p nf iicr ntt ii jiUrdMill 1


FSA to Give First ^Priority to Loans

For Food Drive•;K0MK, I'cb, 4-Farm iiiobllilMrJKKOMK,

llnii iicpd-n In Jrmliir vpilpil bv tlif 1D13 r;rllPPl.-. Will 1)C KlVPIltiy tlip tanii irriirlty i R. VprI Uiiaiidrr, sii] ndmliibtrailoii In J

Irn priority mliil'tratlwi, rvhor of trip

•'Oi)pratlnc crpillt up tn J2.SOO lor c\piy farmrr iiliahlp In .vfiirc iipc- r:'ary fliiaiirltii; from PCA or lopal liiinVr. xtlU bp rxlri»lr<l lor pwrplia-’p of llvrniork, nitirliiiirry, l)iilldliit: rp- l>:ilrs nml atidltltun, fppd, .-ppd, fpr- llllrrr and any cikkIj Hint v,lll re. Milt 111 tliorp If)41 foott prndiictlon,”

rUstlliUUy TpqMtrpi faiMirr bp alilP to Im jirodiirilon lor iimr

iivlv \l\Rl thr•A■p war fixKl


illtm or Innsrr If a tfnant. lap luatp rrcxllL niul a^rrp to 0[M'r;il fiinn on ii .•niitul and liuMnr.v;

^ppplllt; all Kooil dairy roa-;I and inaclllllpry in full prwliip

tlirou^li piirpiijip . ciHTatt!) CiH)ppratlvc Ilians iflH'liltr kIvp; ■In! rniplijvM In infpllnK lilii atinn problptii-.." UiinndiT rp Pil. ■•Vnlunlarv rei;lMrntloiri r

■Riclv Greets Aii-plaiie Workers

lurlnc R lour of a Drlroit bombrr phni <'ap(, Kdillp Uipkrnborkpt py \o ttttx »nn\r womtn *ar VliSiJSr toliJ o{ HJt on ll«r front* and urcrd illII tfrratrr pf/orl im tlip liomr front.

DIES IN A C T il>EOJUA, 111.. IVb.

Norincii Cilblx., 'Ou) ,hrv IIP "ribbiKl 1. Ill nc to bccr.inr “iif o

irinan'd hU nu)t: to Join the nuirlnrv i

r Pearl SlarlJor,I.- WTLs only M iliPii" IipI K. QIIiLm lixlay. "lI

ttaiitrd to .-.iKn lip for . wlipii llip war ciiii i.ivrnt and In lilili t

bt'il ;» m->!v iwd !.Ai'l hv

Rupert Meet SlatedK<iiillipni Icliihii Aiiiprlran Jcrr

;attlr cliil> v.illJinltl

;irlirr;c. Tptl Wiii ■;-ntr. lvp. will I:p

;ilr, IMpcrl

11 lullow ll«


--- ril.ER

' Glllick 1 : 111

::>r Hill rli liniipr and nil Mr.v J

Ch;i[imcL will, Mr;.........

• C, K, l.iinriL'.tpr prp- ',lii;liilns

■ III hold lul a ruri-tti-li iwrty lor . J . P. Giillck Friday UP lionip of Mr. Uol.-liprl,

All, I>. K. O. SlMPrliood, Karl njini.'.py. Mrr;,

nil rniptl a

Import an I. HlsioricaS Dati........... !'• Imvp ft -Dill*'

part of KrUniiiO'. '........... c|i, .•,t.niiniip<i In the

nit* rnrjn a.-, ii iiiir.'.p nl Grrat FaUi

-T'iui.', wpVr-nuc.l).\rlv thp liiti.-r

h3l.’.s Dptli Ili.t

Injured Pilot ‘Crusli-Laiids’ Big Fortressiw u»:s <;,\i.i.Afiiii;u

ai.l i i;d h eauquaktkks in No n rn a f u ic a , ivb. :i <i)pia:

•iiir.i- nun biiChe:.

and t

:c:it flyliiK !c tixlny.I pilot w;v.'. C

pjiliil ;.lilp, a --li-l:uutPiI Ills Kly mniimiiln r,U!<- I [, lih IjonibartllP

nci’a b(i>li(MKl frlpiiil

■inj.ip. Okla.,

'hi'. llili;li II


Hclipf tJoclcty wa liplil ut ,.n-s. ohurcli. -nu- prc.:r:i:n n I'.lid of II hl:.lory of C;iiiip Fur 111! by T. S. I>:iI1.t:.iiii 1ilrs, D. !•:. A.Iail

n I--rati(I by

•nio ip.'.'itrip

. Iradcr. Mr.';. Ro.-- >. Coii.Mlliiilon. ilttrps ihroiicbriu :;.nl/lim- lo iirndiici

ml.Icllp ■viMird BlapKfixi

Mr. IOil) li.-i

d'A)piiP l'>r IliP pn linmp lor a \

l>prn fiiiptovpd In \Vor<l Im.'. bppi:

’yr-ili fiinilly tb ;'ht>

.;iwrriia-'l!p„i,rt!'iiitl lllit tliPliliiiny \Va(kpr. lia.-

r hU call to tlic Army

■fr:.. Dflmar Ol rn Inuc riM frt'in I^ris llpacli, Dcliniir 1ms brpn work- pii-M ypar anti a half,

■V (bp iirnipd forcpr: tlir J-Vbruary. n ,r OUpiii Mvp.s In Trp.Mnn nnil I thplr way limnr,Ir.'i. Jnck HpII ami fam- ■ bpi •

rpcrlvpd In- thp U Curth Pyrah. ■d 111 apllon ' liat Imprgvctl.

/tah-ldaho.C alif.-N evada-O reQ on

i O R D J R A N S F E R

2 2 7FCLLV LSSUnEI) cAimiKns.



I IVilh Van Servlpe Anywhere la Amcrlu

hi-lplnt; the c pll, wlilfh w;i cliiitp had bi'

1 U»- ;.Wv

rrjdyhHp I>;ill;

• ilif bninb:iriller ■iouu<l li«

of Uip cock'Til.iiillrd I

u.plloI Mk-

inpiiibpr:, ihpn dras- ijiirpil frnin tUr i lilp ■ liprr llo. UlL• Jill ' ilioin.iiul by a lirUI'.h tl ;.i'Pll ' IJlc ji:L- broiii:hi to ft 1

Snake “Hall”■ <lwjirf briii Miakr rolU llvrlf I hall and ran play c

Hi your

<J Iliilck Urx'Clal Spdnn, low- inlli

41 Kord Siippr Ulx Tnrdor

41 Ford Super DU 'nuUir

41 Mcrcury Tonn Ijc-daii

41 Kord DpIuxp Coupp

41 Chcvrolrt Sppc. Ulx Coupe 40 CllPvrolcl DU acdnii .

Chevrolet Coupe .

3S Ford Dlx Forilor Spdiin '

38 Forll SKI. ’nidor Spdan 40 Plymouth Coii|«'

37 Fortl Tiidor Spdan

34 Ford Ttidor Jjfdaii

37 Ford 00 Pickup, ' j Ton

30 For<l Plrktip.

3a Pord Plckui


a\M very tiM ery.ii i of MiltutULi- tuIp provldt a one*<lay cure for cun- taKlous imiwllgo. a .'kin lnfrctl'>n. wa.1 annoiuiced ycMPnlay in tlip Jiiuriml of the Amtrlcau Mrdiral luvoclaUon.

Dr. T. N. Harrl. Phlladplplvln, rp- ik.rtPd tiic iitw trcnimpiii lor the dL'<ajc. cawctJ by jilaphyloroccl bac- icrla almlUr to tlicxc which eniuc bolli.

He rjilil the treatmPlifn effcctlvp- iip.y Is due entirely lo the fliirnpr.'- of the i»wer, which l. prrp.ircd by rpducltiK ordinary Milfiithlaiolr crysinl.' to minute j>arilrlr.\. call'^d mlcntcryslals, by mcnn. of n re­cently ileveliipcd procedure.

Wiei) uied .a.i n rtrr.v.iiik-. tlie mIcrocO'ftalllne (lulfathlau)Ir con­centrates on the *urfncp of the Kiuie in about Oip conslM/'ocy of frr.ili muil and U niertly placcd Jii contact ulili the Akin le.'.lon.

■'Upon removal of the drr;..slnK hours jnlcr, the SeMon va.s ni« ay.i found tji be healed," Dr. Harris Raid. •'Ordinary nullonimilclc jxiw- dpr cftke.i on lesion.* of lm[>ciiKo."

He rriwrted Irea'tlnK 15 children wllh a total of 293 Irslotis nnd tald i>U Btrc cwrd. »ne earr in only '>5 lioun. Tlie .ilnKlp appllciitlon hIjio Mopped J.prcad of thf dl:,ensp. rltlier on Uic child or lo hl.i iiplKhbors.

Most Active VolcanoTlie most acllve volcano In Ku.

r[>iip, Siroinboll. rl. p.' more tliiiii 3.000 fppl above the Medliprrnticaii •'•p« and Is elKht rnllp.' hi clrcpm- fprence nt Its biusc.

West End Soars In“Polio”l''unds

A total of Ha:;o ,rf iwllo drlvpljytlirre«f miiiililps -- Until, c.v Clover-ua.v rr; ,rt<-,t ti ma K- liioaKPi;, taui ty chaii'nuii.

Mr;.. UlinlKc;; :.,nl AliliiuL.l. ii:>Mil(ia <>t

Charles Mitchell

Dies at Scdttle

tllC dcaUl of Clia

O. A. nurk. pionrcr:. n nnmlty: two ;.o;u, M, chPlI. Civiird’Alcnp, am Offlccr Ward Mllrhi ll, :

pliotosrapher, Alieka, and tvo daui:htprs. ML-j Mury Mltcliell. and Miii AllA Mltchpll. both of Bcattlc,

No Inquest Set in Elmore Rail Death

MOUNTAIN HOME. Feb. 4 <,D— Nt) Inque.-.l will b<- ciillpd In thp (ieaUi ot En\pvV Owcis Wlieilly. 46. who dlptl Monday after bi-liiK slnick by R train iirar HamniPti, 15 mtk* l•a. t of here. Wmorr county coroner Dr. Plillo Grppn •••aid today.

IMdpncp was iufflclpnl lo dctpr- nilne that Wli.atly wa:. walklni; fui tlir track.'' when he war, struck. Dr. Green said.

Deer, Elk in Need

Of Winter FeedBOISE. Feb. 4 (/IV-Thotisanda of

dctr and elk In Elmore county «r« In dsniier of slan-ntlon and maurad- Ini: co)otcj because of heavy snows. Chwlea V. Ornra. Roe^ Bar mln- liiK man, Mid today.

Oram :tixKPr,te<l an airplane be u.'.e<l to haul hay to the aiitm»h, as the reeton Ls Inaccessible with horjes.


(5;iy J’ockcl Vnk'iitincrtJ.

HandkerchiefsSpring !■'!■

I’ririt.s! 23c


Y O l’K W A R D R O H i::


$ 1 .1 9 <« S 2 .9 8

L E T ' S P L A Y T H E G A M E

Moking a li((lc cjo'o Ijn p

woy i$ a fascinotino

{jame, Penney cujlomer*

hod becft ploying it long

belorc if bccame a pa-

•JfiolfC duty. Penncy'j ho j

olways helped people get

v/hot ihcy need for whof

<hey hove Jo spend.

Nov/ in oddilion, yoi;

must moke what you gcf

lost a long liJne, by re-

poirino anylhino ihot can

bekeptinu jc .

Then, loo, you "most con­

sider well before buying,

going only lo s to rc j

where you con depend

on volue end wtj'oring

quality. Thai’s why Pen*

ney's is becomino ihc

fcvorile of more end

m_ore ihrifiy Americans

every ^ y .


iih rnyon In tailored i.lylr.s.

$1 .98

I ’liiin Ciiluri't^


$3.98Pfi^tlcal. 5porty—for Uip oHirr t an/^war.wotk. Hravy twill fabru: lot-', of flare In the >Klri. i}rlt;lii col

Speciiil Shipment -


$1.49Ileady-blockPd, iiicdiiim wl for work nnd wpur.

barsnln at thLi low [irlcp, !.

but hurryl

Penney’s Is Headquarters for Sturdy W ORK PANTS

Ilf;,\VV JEA.S CLOTH Eft.iy to launder.Tans and blurs ......

AK,M\%CLOTItBlUTdy line easy O O to launder.................... ^

GK.VKIIAL UTILITYSome wllh leather irlni on pocket.''. Doat Milpockcla... ................

nATTLf;.\.\E WHIlToiiKb, mixed creen fabric /or liard wear

BOl'UlEH con Dressy nnd durable—Ih' pant by

IIREIX’HES Made of hcivy bluc-src« coril fabric. For lot. of U'car____________

:-vrM A K E I T A j R A C ^ I C A f



The M n - l (;iri Ymi CmtM Thinli O f!

R A Y O N H O S I E R YI'tir Till' I.;ulv

Cr(..,i-sl To Vnur ilcarl!

Yciii I'an lie .'itii'i' you're KiviiiK h(T a new kind of Vnlchltiic

n lifh you rive liur rayoii.s! Tlirillinnly ituaiitiful sheers— service woijrhls. A ll beauli- fully .sliiiiH'ii— tiiey

art" fuli-fa.sliioiu'(i! D aim y

picol toi'.s— reiiifoi'ccd fee l!

For Valentines Give CHENILLE SPREADS

$6-90 Pajamas

$1.69 ///


Comfortable . . , butcher boy ityli or Mtt'atl n\!\t\-U\U- ored type,',-iill pert irlinnilnRs.


A ll Are Rich W ith Soft.F luffy TtifliriR!

CHENILLE SPREADSI Flower IJnuriiii'l.s on Soft. Cream

(irilUtMlsI '> Jlo lifs cm I’.-ustcl Hack-


ly" elipiiillP and rrnular liilth pile ■f elpvprly combliipd l‘i form lhP.-.r ilp;,lKii?.r Tlif t iptriuls wsU '.vvSi! iiy to your bpdrouiiis . - . and br

prnctlcal In the b.-irtaln! A fjulck .^udilnK nnd tllpyil drv-iolt and fluffy o.i ever. ariiprou.i for Mnicle or double


Red.spreads You’ll Re I’nmd to Own!Heavily tufted with an elftljoraic center floral di'i.lKn uKain'.t soil, crean\j' back-


l-ow ‘'I HiftinK rxtn'''"


A Sparkllnff Value fur V"ur Talilr;

LUNCHEON CLOTHSYlvacloux Cutlotx l’rlul% ill (U;

Hrhii- ■•June In Fcbniary" rl;;lit into voiir kltchrn, (ItiKllr vr bical;Ia:l nook I Sparkllni; Horal prliiU on ;.turdy. crrani colored totionl Dainty

twi'dllim :,ir.s or Uli; rplwlty l)rllit.-;. Neatly hi'MininL 51x51 In.

$ 1 . 0 0

Grand Buys!


Aiidtlier lii^r .siiiiimeiit. lic.'it towel vnlue.s in town. Lar^n i i ’c, extra hca\ 7 and niiiiic hy

"C imnon.” W h ile wHh piislcl borders..... 17c

Cay Colored!


Praclical u tility cuiitii covcr. .into robe or blanket, ^

G ive your mtin ;i vtvkidiue nud enjoy ^ ^ A f i

the w arm th nnd co m fo rt.....................- 9 ^

■ P E N N E Y ' S V ; S U ? P P - 1 I E H O M E F R O N T *■


Page 6: · HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy

P a tr e S ix T IM E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , ID A H O Thurs«lay, February 4,1943

DBS DM M N n n A f f lBy JOHN U CCTttU

WASHI.NGTON. Feb, 4 (UPJ-llie j.enatc commiu^c UivpjtlK«il‘>K H'c w#r cMort today blanieil Uif anmd forcM. ihp blK ..tffl toiiiii:viilc.i nncJ Ui.' war proUucUon board for llic ilMl RhorULc wlilcli M.-iii'. nl| of llir itrntfi;lr matiTlabsliortntcs.

■flic comniltier Jirudcil I'V Ilnrr}' S. Trumun. 13.. Mo. I inicrWi report to cornrcM, s;ild IJle ’'iilfH tliorlaKc caiiic very clo;.c to bcl/iK tllP RluilibllliH blofK 111 Un

r iirocliictlon prosraiii." and a<Id-

Giiardinff Our Back t)oor

cd;•■Die a'.lalioti Kxwllnr prosrani,

llic f)lK-lirtlc riib!)rr jirDhT-'"'. H'e MiIjiiiinK iirni;r;vni, tlir nircrnfi pro- Kram, all liuve t.ullercd Irom bck of jlccL

"Our furl oil mill Ka.'oUiic :-lio:t- aK«. o'lr f»rm mncjiincry ihorl:i(;r, oiir riil!rc;iil iiroblriiu, our lioii.-.liii; tllJflculllfJ, could bt rcllcvrd 11 aur flclenl strrl wrrc nvallublf.’’__

•’Ddiyftl Kxpanalon"ChnrElniT liint the lu-iiml fi>r('c«

big jtccl niKl WPD "<lrlaycil m<t1 rx- paiiiloii ahrt urr rr;.)>on;,lWr fi>i mil nirrcnt ilccl aliortanc." tlie rcpuri iuiil;

"Klril, iJie annrtl lorccs sffloualy uii<lcrr-‘llntiilf<Wl'e ntiumiil <>f -"' 1 llipy ttoiild nrcd under war coiidl-

" lloiu. . .•Tlic kfcoiiU caii:.c or dcby wiis

me dttlrr of the bli: itccl comiiaiiic.i to prevent any expiiiv.loii llial rract unfavorably iiKaliiii ilu'ir cuii- irol of tlic tied Inclu/.iry uftor tlic

"Tha Uilril contrJbuUm: factor . . . waa Uif delay of llie war prixluctioii boarxl In convminK Industry to a war buli. Untold loiu of siocl werr prnnllted to ht consumed In non- war prpductloii until far into ltH2,"

TrttntiviSoui AtcompllsUtneulTlic committee conceded Uinl

steel producUoa of 00,000,000 tons 1843 and an expected output (if

e man M,000,000 ton* in 10« '

ISAIVAEEIL■ I'Ma Tmv Om ) • •'

t.v.!. u «•»! proCucrd liere. hri;e.More ihan 60 per cent

i.f U rra-a areas now coplrol.^v U-.e J i;« inrv . About 18.000

u-a «c.T ini.wu-d from Dollvla. nreUmation

Nf4 "nrfTiAred" tin can.\*give nl- jrrjcvt rrc'^T.nUon. Tlul is,

'..Cl 7v-..;:5iv o: ii,T caru «i)l provide Sf . ;v->uno. of c.-ap itffi nnd 1.'..: CT e-!ia:f pouncl.1 of pure A:ur •IrUr.rUr.R. & tr.njor portion ot •J-.f s'.rrl scrap u ilirrddpd and lent :.i i;-.f copper rr.ine.\ to be lued ir

or copper tlirougli tli( r r-rrc:piutjai mfUioil. Cop- :v> u on the liit of Uncle Sani'; J tnfiaU. and lioo syjundi ot -rtil rr.iv l>e rrcovrrrd by tlie : ;.ax) {Vjundi of .•.Iirrddrd steel

Seen TodayWorried liu-'lxiiid .'itllnf: teaie-

ly ( : of 1u'Ue flrlvcx uuucti;iUii\Hy alutut

-Mn.wy- f-rpct . . . White-lialrrd eldrrly fellow, bundled In o er- coat and lieiivy -I'f’- ^t^ldlntf cliccrfuliy nlun;; In M;ow:torm mlnu.s n liat . , . Harl Ui^vmcr

■> Hoxy

. Un the '

r. Vic. UllUrJ GateH of DelSrUnr. e of \lcilanre as he stands lu r ij ilul

«itAl mriAl forsutntl

c-thfr course c: supply for this evrepj !he detlnntr.s of.tln

'n'iihou; vti Uiere ' ' ' ‘Tin

... V«» L'lere would beVio

!n Run.'. kV R^launllio.^. tanlw

Twin Falls News iii Brief

Uaplhm ServlreiIla|ill.'<ni ;,cfMc( ir 1,. 1>.


be held nl .■ii;''fii:K'le al 2 ]>. in. Iiu-li'd by H, O. Und,

•r was born Wedne.' clny I Mr.'. Dnlj TonillONOn, at ilie county htt''plt.'\l

t and_...t prcsentt pro.-.pect.'s for Ingot tonnag* "may bo viewed with' out undue alarm, uimough not ulih coniplaceno’.’’

-Tlie outlook for ;i)ccl!aijed lype.i of Merl, on tlie oilier hiind, f. not as promlsinc." It added, "A sufflelciit gross tonnage of inKot .. any way n.' jure Uiai bihtUIc iilluy stecLi and liardenejl steels, needetl for the various prosraim i*nd for trte aircraft program In pafllcular, will be available. Unlll the latter p»ri ot 1Q<3 lliere will continue be a .nhortnge of casllng.-i nncl electric nlloy steels, pMllcuIiirly mosc requiriiiK sj)eclal lieal-ircatlin: facilities and other ^peclal fnclllile.v"

Tills mlBlil have been overcoiiie. the committee believed, by more ac­curate anticipation of specific necil.-.,

Tlie committee reported Uiai since H. O. Datcheller became head of WPD's iron anil Med brRiich on Sept. 21. 1»«, lin liad proven eap- able and able and liad shown pro*' Ifrcis with the problem. Trior to Uiat time, the committee .'aid. the branch permitted "iwor allocatloij" and the priorities system " accom- plblj Its purpose."

Hunt Goes Ahead For Missing PlaneUOISE, t'eb, 4 or»—iVrsonnel and

resources of the entire accvnd air force. einbracliiK iirmy olr corps across the entire northwr.-.t, hnvo been thrown Into the liiuit for a mL^lng two-motored army bonilier whose crtw U known to be all»e somewhere in Uic vicinity of Uni-p, Capt. P. II, Fnriry. Gowen field operations ofllcer, .'aid today.

Capt. Farley made the announce­ment h) reply to Infjulrles a.< to pro- gre;-s of Uie .\enrch. but i.ald he could reveal no dellnltiJ lnfonn;itlon as to wiirre planr.s were actlvuv.

tndftsoc* Opaatlou .Mrs. N. J, Kiiule, ir.. underwe

un ap|>cndecti>my this nioriiint:Ihe avin rails liwiiltul. Her coii< tlun Ls good.

Alnrrlaie LIccnsc John C. I’aik, 23, and Juaiill.t

Scnfteii. Z2. both of HuUI. .'.rcii mnrrliiKe lIctnM' \Vfdnc:.i!.iy

Uie olllce pi <l!'‘ roiinty recordc-

Keturnt l-'rnm Coast Mrs, linrrid T. Juiir.v

clerkMf thr Twin K.ilh rouiily lecllir MTVlre Uiard N(i. I, li;;.i turned from a two wi'cm- vdcat trip to Las AiiKelra.

Decree A»kedA decree of community proi>rrty . Ihi- e.'.late of lio’.e llanii, win

died Jan. b ll );t'Il In n probnti court i.etlllon filed by Claud Haiiti Ulie i>roperiy Ibied L-. n Duhl towi litt. JiidKe .C. A. n.illev .■it tin liearinK for 10 a. ni, Feb, 13.

Ive Are Kfnedlinrry Coir, Mr.s, F. \V. T.Mcr-

brook, Lee Q. McCoy and I, D. Webb paid line;, of II each for liuvliitJ proi)er llKhi . II wa;. reported by .MiinMp:il Judtr J. O, I'liniphrey.

Steele j)o\!cd a J1 bond lor parliUlK Ills car :-o IL'; to block alley.

Truck follhle l:>uiultv inirl; dilvcn by Georse

R. llnlpln. -IGI Third nvrnue norti eollldnl with ii :rilnn ilrlvrn I ^ •^retl M. liinljiirn. nu-r. Wislnc;

ill uiMt five j)ol!il.I Ilie d;\niaKe to Hi t3.S iind that lu th llher driver Wiu In

DESIUllUKRS WlTIIDflAWN Demurrers tu be heard Tliur- dny

by Probat* Judge C, A, Bailey In the cafe ot Florelice LovIhb vs, noyol Clenne.'s and Tnllor.i were withdrawn, and thr defendant wm Klvcn five days to flic an .uuwer the suit. Tlie plaintiff nlleRes the delendanl u'-ed tcLv.or.' to leinove ^pot on ft dre.-j, and a. k.'' judKmei,. for HO, W. L. Dunn repre.-.ents the plaintiff, and Toni r. Alworth Is at- tomey for the defendant.

naylmr: trurk a Jured.

e I’elltlnn,'<-;nU)n lor decree e.'t.iblKhfns

title 10 vnnuuunllv property In the •of ihe late Ida C. Jbh;.cn lin.s

been fili d by I. L. Jlaiiscii. who setj lint he liiLi purcha.-.ed a lot I Jointly by Ida C, Han';.en nnd

F. P. Hiir',; eii. hrr .•iirvivlng hl^^bnnd. The lot L'. vslu'cl lit iOTO. Ptobale

C. A. n.ilky rrt the hearing tnr 10 a. ni. .March 10.

WEATHERT«ln fall* and vicinity—Oeea.<-

lonal tnovr (»dar and lonUhl. lllxh ycslerdtr 3<. low :2. Lo<r (hit mernlnr IT.

Votk \_

ClVOmnhs . ___

I Anlonlo ____

Ta’o Indian reservations li.ive Uielr salewtiys 51 miles rouUiwest of PhoenlT. Arlj.

Keep the flag of Safctu Fl]/lJig

*• Now 22 dai/s w ithout a traffic death in our M agic VaUev.

i / I S ON VERGE OP A i i U I l

irr.-i rt». Onr)Infiiniry lino bniile In an altempl 10 hnll the nilVAncc norlll alunc the railroad to HoMov, Kushchevk.t Is H3 mllrs .•nutliea.M of Rouov.

IlaKallon nouled ll ir Ra-sinn -•aid aiattallon cf

OeriTiaiis uiv.-. rculcil/Tnd 10 tank.i dcilro)ed in Dial : i^ i, and tlial In anotlitr •rctor of/lhr same front they Mnd klllH lOo German auto­matic riflemen who- tried to cut Ihrnu-:h Ihe ^ovlrl iHi-nicii.

KaKnlnU-skrva l.-, ti;i the KaEiUnIk river, the la-M natural barrier Jur the defenders of no.-,tov to if.e.

Tluu iiarcowed ihe trap ot\ Ra*.* tov, nlih otlirr cohimn.s perched 51 miles east and 70 mllrs north I'i the cliy. Tliere we.'c indlc.Hloni ilKii Soviet nrillli-ry now was In IxiMtlon lo begin shi'IlhiB II.

Naili t'orlhrr t'omprt^sed The remainder of the Caucasu* rnile.'i of the nxu wa-s helm: further jmpreyrd against Uie niack

coa:,t, T,-iih the tall o! Krasnoda: apparently Imminent and the esc.ipe alley nnrih Irom ■ovora•. l, k men­aced by tlie Rur.'.lsn Dlack rea fleet and the fed navy's nlr force,

Tlifre were reporLi that RiL-.'lan warships and plane.i already «ere sma-ililng al German Iransporw be­tween the Tninan peninsula and the Crimea.

Tlie Ru.ulans told of slashing fur­ther into the 23.000 axis troops eo- clrcled between Voroneili and Gor- shechnoe. n.v.ertlng that more limn 400 of the enemy were killed and '200 captured In Imo clashes.

Other Ritvilali armies arc within 1 mlle. of Kharkov, at ValuiU

and UrftfovB,

Sailor on L«4ieGale Donnld M.'hl-.-nt::::..

year-old .';illnr, I-;::.- o; ilay leave nitrr li.ivu;,: ;m:; in many navul u..Hiirbcr;

Comiilele* TrainingCalvin Creci:!:-.;:. .h-:-. .■! :

.Mrs. J. L. lireetli;--;. I'*- route three, his rt:'.:r.rJ, 'xhere V.!: C'-r.r.v.-'.c','. lliUt tralnlr.,: In i;;r NY.\ there. L.iter he vii: 1.-im- couvtr. \V;v'h. «l;ere !;e w. n war


les, jimauniiio.% ar.J T.n Is a romixiiient

ii iv r tl In electrical cv\.r.r\-u,-.r.... m plane.-.. iank.s ant o-.hfr T>;u;pn-.e:il

4-n 1! In the manufaC' f-ire c,' n.ibb;:t me;.\l. neer;.'.ao' Ic er.i.r.eA ana' laarhlnrry. Tin hs.' •wjj-.'.. such as in tin

o,' tin oxide, and aisc n^e.:;iir.a: Jubc-s cwialnlng niedl.

ts-.Txvtar.t on the iiaitlefleld TT-rre tv n.-i in,-n thing M a ,'yn- l;r.. .say WTB officials,

!.av1 It u-a.s e.sllmiited lhai »r,\-.'.x:s-.»;e;y one carlrvid—30.000 rv'— c.t jx-rpared lin ear

.•.Mppfv: o;;I ol Twin F.«:T>.l-s «-ouid a.■no;J. I C* p-Tf Un, Mid c* •.-.mided Meel r»-rap- to rcNc:a;» more ihan 52.000

p.-'-ni.i ei.' \-a:'.;ab:e c.-' arrre.-nent '

riT p.Tviurtic« rjoari! the l>o:tlln»- .-.v-r.px-.:r-. i n j beer dealers vill col >.•; aU ;\7>e,v o' Un c-in.', and wll rr\'f;iT :;-e rrr.'..-»i--ned from

'.ied t.bill was IMlng code as fJJtins r.-.- rle;s and to place r. cr. i z-., Interprmed Jsjsa." n * bi-en the suojcct o: u'lcri: ciK-es of opinion of the stale and t.-e

t-—e IT. larper jvipulaiion cenier.v


p.iriy fur boiui- or tiio $i0 bond ipiirch.vo In (me week . . . Anne .Mullni. Clilcago ad\ writrr here on Vf.i:. Klvui,; Tlmr •Ne-.'-. editorial Maff u liiiud by rr:idin;.- prool nftrr u.'.ual jirciolrrailrr ha.s an upj)enilect<)niy . . .. K.ilriy Kjlly emblem outside sluxil all but hidden by rlliinlni: «et now . . . Jnvuiilking jK-tlr trhui iKltIered by from tiiMlrab ulu-ils . Itc.-.iaurnn;,', t. km : a loatlng as pnlrcin.s', drip nil o;er flO<'rs . . . Anil Ji;il-;e Ihll Hailey courieouHy but linnly telling Irate woman whafi wl'.at over nl probate court.

Stockman Saves

Snowbound Herd

'.■ixzi letf Ic the fron: ir. cur fa' nlque aald."

Gen. Hec.-t H;: French ecsi=-.a:

i i Funerals

ENTEnS AIR FORCRS WENDELL, Feb, 4-Louls Tliom- 1. music iupervlwr In the Wen­

dell schools, has left for Sail Lake City to report for active duty In the nrroy air force.s. He expected to be ecnt to EanU Ana. CaUf.. for Lrnlnlng. Tliomai enlisted last May and alncr Uiett Ins been li\ t!« atr

* r ..............corps I 5 atfalUjij call

.Mcmben c c.l a

N'-r.:...: tr.:u:r !o Mn. ti;:r of Albert E.

Ve K^vrn a: grave. lde C'..; ^ ;i, ni. J-'riday

b;-Ji verxl:es cc r;. O. V Clart. lnl(

xnlcr citircr- c i i t j ft pivslble velo cf the r?re recelvirs the n-.c.': stter.ticn.

Lewij Wlllla.T.i. formercf ehai-'tab:e in-'tilutlons a ed that BcltDiric •Upheld Ihe dlsnliy ci the

Tlie govcmcf. hoieitr. hftviiiff tiiea any acuc= ea05 .v.ser'.ed br \Vi;---ctined furth


SAV-5I0R ')rus Store

•leep on in'- ua tlie ranch unlll

McVey -aid :l KO<xl .•.hapc wh ;.plte of Ihilr re prc.v.('<l the iipliImve ln-i;un lal.without Uic cm calf V

. ii;i(l iiid not reach iwii ol J,an. 2a.■;:c apjx-ared In I i;e .'..ivv ihun. In .ncl'-il il:et, but ex- i;;i tln-y Mould ii: III.' r.ipldly loon. :i;viK-y ratlOn-i. One

Thi- •■.-.nti-.v i.inl;' W.i> u.n-d lo nmkc 11 path UuuuKh Lie ;,iiow to move the cattlr iliu'e inllea lo wbal me McVejs rrfer lo as Ihelr "mid­dle ;ct nr building-:..” Tlii- bulldinsi will provide s:ic;;tT ar.d feed IcrUie r I Ilie u

Kefjulretl Week

’.as no word Irom the party ri-l; iifUT tlie r the trip to rnlng home a < alter Mart-

Tlierefor a h : ..............four left Ketchum li me bayn. McVey reti few hiffir.s out a «ci Ink’, Teleplione lines the ranch urea, the (illier co-o«-n-

waii a ueek for ncwi of the I'xpecJUlon.

Tlie snow maclilne w.t. leli at the ranch. It wa:, said at .Sun Valiev today, but 11 will be loiurned in a couple of d.ayi.

"We had a narrow cicapc Irom ■rious li>:.s IlKTi'." ,',al(l Gc>cr .Mc- ey, "but It tton'l luPix-n a;:;»ln. We

purcha.-ed .a north ride ranch a ;hort ••me ai;(i, alter ilecidlni: to change iir p:tit:!am, with the Idea of Mln- Tiim- .'.tOL-k thfre next vear. Tliafi Imt vir'll do next winter."

Relic of TrafaijarOne .••hip Mlilch took pari in the battle or ■rriilalmir In iKOj Ls k!1I afloat, n ils onlv remnant of ila

r- 1.-, the H .'m , S- Implacable used ns u trnliilnK ship.


scored Lt cpera'.i^ci ! : « i •CCA31. r»A*f a C x

shore, to the j i n u i : ci ten luilr as i £;.-C.t.U)ns tc.-^Sgn.

HaIUn.1 sjld »trf .\STTi.-aa pltaea aciti.-.j n *nea. r^<vl Slcllv. si;Cj. Whl

Calab.-la. a; t.-.f L.-« c: boot. »l;o mere a:t*:k»«i.

.UU« M il* r » c m x A I-' cc=:z-.-.:rii<-jf, trntc.- asS

list nuht by lie rtii-, tfe-.clareJi t.-.e i Z m =iv:e rs'.XTT a 1 t."ie south»fi: c; t.v S<ri3■>;ion. a rdr,<r c; h ilj arVh t>: O-^x'.Vix.The bul^eta al:« to-n.-i :tlvKy In t. .e =:cuiu:rj >fwveTi

Ou.^se;tla an.1 Kai.-t:ci:v =->> the southeos: aid M '

mWlone^ fcr ncrtis a iJ -Vrr-.-A. voiced cc.T.?;«te ec:irilt=.-r -cX;. late victory la tu iLi: rxc-;.';e to the F*o?:e c: rrirv^.

CoatUlnxl W tw r "To a^ 1 decUrr fcj I victory, cy- lieleiV C.

nine pericrj. nrcc'.l? been arri-itoi r.';;.-! sinailcn c! 'vVi;=iiri

cth-r Ken r.L:.thetr hcmen and tii.-'

Final Call Takes

F. E. Dandson

Poiiit Ration ; Educational ; Dtive Opens

T^.f opening gun In the T»ln I raUi eoiir.y raiinni.^i board's Ci;r.;»al£n to edueate the public In

: ;»r^.t r»tionu-.c inti be furd at 8 :P- Si. :.v:»y n.*ica principals of the c-.x.:r.t''J high schools and oUiers

I calmer al the office of me board.I T^t pnnc;pal.s and one woman . ilt-ip-jitrd -By eacli. will weet uiilj *K tj, Miller, newly-appolnted ; chatraan or the wc.-nen's caTimunlty I »erv«« of the board, who . •■Cl ti!trj,*t ihem in Uie new ra- U.-CA-.C trie^iod. They ;n turn will I ey.:ra."t others prtncJpally womeo, j *r.:i appear next meek before . crsc o.w.iiauon.v »er\-ice clubs,: pa.-rr.t-ieac.Vr as.'oelnilohs #nc ! cCier croups lo tppak on the ration' tag program

C irl N. Anderson, chief clerk ot . t^e boirt, laid mat Mrs. Mllltr'i

be under Ben A. Sueel, • .e «cir.s=er and public reUUor.s of tie board.

The e.Mer derk also laid that v.-=nea »-.ll be placed In Uie g •mr ttciTfi ta educate bMytrs

ratioT.lng.•We a-t cndeavortns to ha« the

«-f'.l :r.forme<! on point ra , ahi n It opens Marcli I,1 .Kr..-;er:-'n stated,; ;>e :-:i.! a '.arse part of the board', Urie «.U be devoted to making : TCkr-* :^r ir.'iUutir.g Uie new L;.-.r_-.£ here.

The Hospital

•'.cy beil.» nn'.y «ere nvall- •u-.n I'alU county gcn

i hip;;al r.iur.siay.

irt- S. .3. Ncs:l», K -. rrsnk JuiW. . Lc'uL' -s;iu:er. E.1 Fieldn. Joe r-;l and A;bert Slaiimson, all of r. ar.d Mr?. Jo'.eph Han-Wenie;;,

DlSMIS^ri) rs 0.^^n Patlersa.1 .and dauslu Mrv. liay Carter and dauchter. i'.» Ixur.don and Ml-.' Dscbani

V a;; CV' T-*:n Falb: Mr . Frnr.k .t. r.:rr. and Henr>- Scott. Eden.


OOUt:.N'. Feb. i (.r~Al lea.',I sev- ral thou-.and out-ot-.'Ule workers 111 b« needed to fill the call ot the

Oi:dcn-ulr tlcii-jt, IlIU field, for 10.- 000 empld.vf.s. tYed A. Schwendlman, Held civilian per. onnel repre/'entiv- llve. .-.aid today.

lvf<l ;ei.eral .vorc'Tip-n prrv •s tnr a

I. but

,kiv since a "lielp wanted” n|J- weeks uKO. lie

drop In theL Ju l

In all, both l«>:ally and by mall, than 1.500 x•r-'lll. have uppHecl

for Job.-,,Cull ,M-rvke olllre:, lluoUKtlWit le nation have been ifked to iiltl

111 recrtililni: labor lor the depo!. anil In Salt Lake City upproxlmateN COO npplirailcins have been handled by

le civil e^vlce office.E, D, KllLs, olllce si|pervlMr. nalrt

about I.OOO slnclc donnlior)- room.1 ? aviillable for out-of..Matc work* I nnd thni CiO family units would completed soon.



1039 FOHD nCK-LT Motor A-1. Has radio nnd heater. ^ speed trnn;ml;Jlon, Qood tires.

1010 FORI) li TON

Inick with Hat rack. Tires A-J, motor le;j lhan 3,000 milea, nr.'.t cln-'-s shape.


II Comer Shoiliene So. A :nd Ate. W.

Phono S53

four The bc^v :■

Iime.-il hj:::caieUtj. awai::::.


Page 7: · HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy

Thursday, I'cbniarj’ -1, 19‘13 TIMES-NEVVS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO..........-


BOISE. Frb. * Tlie IdaJio njprrmc court revcrvcd a dfcUlon (if llie foufUi dliU-lct (BlaJne county) foutl. In » caae In which Ilottaid c. Fat. cxccuior of the tslKtc of J. W. Fox. decctt-ifd. had laiiliuiccriiu action in Iniud sitnlnst W. K. Corsrlff, C. V. Miller »nd Oirur K. Tluunm. offlccrs of the

}anlc.ind conlcnded In hU null

U;.i[ Co.-Krlff, prcsldrnl and owner '>t Uo-Uilrtla of Uie stock of the b»nk, Mlllff, vice president, and Ttiaimn, c.vJ)ler. U>rough their ncrni CUarlt!' F. president oft!ie Cuinmcrclal National bonk of St, Anihony, nbo Inrvely o^Tied by CofKrllf, frnudiilrnlly advised him w lo thr vnlur of 35 shares of »t«k

Jlnllcy bnnk owned by J. W.

Sold at Lo»* lie conlemlcd that Uie officer* nd-

vlr.fcl him the Miarcs were v.orth *100 each, which renlly was Icii ihiin one.half their actual value, or about J310 rach. He then sold the rharq.i lo tht three bunk officer;., reiultlnK In « lo;j lo the Fox tatc, 7116 lilsh courl opinion, w ten Ijy Jiwllcc Alfred iludKe. and fu!icurre<I In by nil other Ju:;tlcr held Hint the lower court erred h MiMiilnlnK llie offlcer.i’ dcmurrrr; to Kox’ alleiCB'.loni and In dl.-.inlrA- hiK the Jrniiil iictlon,

Another Decision Ucvenird Tlie court rcvtr.'cd a decl.iloii of

the fourth dbirlci court dhmLv.lnj! iin iipiK-iil [toin probate court rivll Milt for recovery of pfr: IiroiKTty brounht by the Pacific Klniince eornonttlon of Callfornlu Vf, Albert V, Lainonte, Tlie probftle court ilcrlrtnl In faror of Uic cor li.iiiy. and Uiinonte then nppeiiled illjirlct courl, which dU-'nil.v.ed the appfftl On niollon of the company. Lamoiitc thrn ai>peiiled to the hitch

New M-5 Taidi in Action


Hie Wcnifii's Department of tlie Hcorcanlzcd ,L. D, S, church met at'lilt hotne-'Or'Mt.-...J.’ \V. Condlt. Mrj. Dana Olknorc. Mrs. M, a . rark.1, und MtJ. William Hendrlcl:- ron were oppolnted on a committee io arrniiBc lor a party -on Wix.ih- Instoiis birthday, ll ie proKram committee for the year wo-i iip- pointeil. It coaMsia of Mrr„ Slla.i Condlt. Mr.v William HendrJck.Min und Mr.i, Frank Dlcl:er:.on. Follow­ing Uie bu.ilncij HicctinK tlic uom- vn did lied Crovi r.cwlng.

The W, e, C. 8, mft at the home o( Mr.'. Van Heffner, 'riierc ucr( 22 inembcr.s and three Kue.M.s pre.'c enl. Mm. Fred noberw led the de- voUiinnD., Mr.v Flnyd Ku;.r,ell rlfclcd iire.'.ldcnt. Tlie other offltVrs had been electcd prevlou-’ily. Tliry arc Mrs. Fred noberLi, vice prcil- drnl, and Mrs. Paul Flnserson. rciary-trcnsufpr, Tlie next mccllnR will be Feb. 10 at the home of Mr*. Gus Conrad. Feb. 3 will be jin all­day <]ulltlnR at tlie church wlUi a tovfrrrt-dl.'h luncheon at noon.

Tlie lenlor c!ar,i of ^iaKcnnan hlKh i.cliDol Knvc a farewell parly

in honor of Uo of their members, llnrry Drnnl.' and Don ThompRon. llie cvcnhiK wa.i .^penl playlns KamcB. Prla',1 were won by Don 'numipnon. Paul Knarr, Trrr.u Mae Condlt. Klalne Viider and Nonna D.ihlqul.M. Ilcfre.'.hmcnt.'. were rcrv- ed. fJcu Tlioinp.%on, ,'on of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tlii)m|Mon. and Harry Dcunls, son of Mr, and Mrs. A. I. UcnnU. left fur Mowow. where they ulll enroll In the Unlvrmliy <if Ididlti,

•nic trade f.ehnol will be divided liuo iriu:id to eollrct old xllk nnd nylor. hose, nil.i collection 1,% to Ko to ninkc pariichuio for the arm­ed forcc.-,. liicli Kfoup of chlldn-n will be a-.slKncil dlflcrent r.ectlon.', of the U.WII Feb, 0,

A farewell party wan Klven at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. A, 1. Urnnls In honor of their wn, Harry. A number of frlenrls and reliillvcj were pre.^cnt, TJie evenhiR ua.i ipent pluylnt; same;;. Refresh­ments were fen-cd.

Friday the hlKli j-thool student bortv CRve a shnrt iwembly In honor o!-I>on Tliomivon and Harr>' Den- j\l\. Dna luiri Harry botli gave a farewell iipeech. Other number* In- elmlcd; Hradlni;, Helen Stcven.i; reading, Trc.’ft Mae Condlt. and two son;* by a trio consl.Ulnc of Melba Woodard, Norma Dahlciul';!. a Phyllis Ixiudtiulager, A i>ep rally

hflrt wiih Fairy Harleul and Hrntrlcc Price, yell

Arllr\ Oridtey. of Mrr.. Avcrl Grldley. has left for Wllll.-xms- burg. Va,. where he h tralnhiK In the navy. He W In the navy Sea-bees.

Mn, W. r. Dlrklnson war; priced liy a proup of friends that callrd on hcr-lo .ipend the lUier- noon. Tlie oecsslon wa.i her blrUi- day. Oueii.1 were .Mr.v Cora Sweet- land. .Mrs. H. O. Frailer. Mrs. Ro.m Finch. Mr>. OeorKe Marlin and Mrr> a , F, McReynold.i, The ladles brouEhl refre.ihmenUi and presented her with a blrthilay cake.

KelUi Clark of Uie U, 8. na^7 who was wounded In acUon l.i notv at Uie naval hMplial in Oakland, Calif. His psrenin. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Clark, and hi* .',l.itcr*. Ber- nlece Clark and Mrs. Dob Crawford. Nytsa, have left to vL',lt him.

Mm. Alice Jonc.i arrived from Taccipin, Wa.'h., where ahe has been vlsllltiB for\ Ihe past three month.i at the home of her niece, Mr*. Helen Frnl.', 8lie vWted relatives 111 Portland Freewater en route home.

Wallace Oauwlck visited at hlj home. He la employed In Shoshone.


Out Ts Cel<l< or Br»(IiUI TrTit*r{«>BKktfT'i Fi « m ■■CANAWOi."-H

Mlitura Actt Uk« a TUAS<Mr«j • frw rtnli toeUy *t tny n

SiSAilS: t5• Ccwpl* ef UM .t t>Mjllm«. Fm I i iMltnt po»»*rtui tlfaeifw action K>r*i thru throat, h«*d and bmncMaJ tubu.•fjni it cnc* to Isoan us thick, cMlf

Canasiot today. Yog {c| niMf IfutantV. SAV'MOB DRUG STO&£

(Official U, S. Army Photo from NEAi A ponerful liunkrr Jumper la She arm;'* M-S, the aprrcl)' new iltlit

Unk u<fd by alllri ajalii't Itommrl and In the north African cam- palcn. II Is more maneuverable and can hit harder than equivalent tnrmy tanks. \

“Impolite Attitude” of U. S.

Causcd AVar, Tojo DeclaresBy Tlie Avioclaled Pre»tToy.iO broaclc-v.l la:,l iil^ht

Qiiuied I’rtmlrr HlUikl Toji Ing Uie Jupanr;,c hoii;.e of

when II conv.iy i lo Muliiya w;i;i liclcclea two ihiy.s before Uie attack on l‘i-arl Jluibor. md that he "dUl not have conll-, dnice" tlien In'i :i;iipalKlia.Tlie brojidcait, dlrrcti'd

Jiipancjc empire rather i forelKn eninumptlon, w;l,-, ricorclnl by the federal communlcatloiu nll^1lon,

Tojo Mid v.cnt to Mlnnt Ihe U. S. and Urlliiln br- lU-’;? ul Uii; "ImpoUlo uitiliirlc Of

Uip Amerlciin novcnimi-nt.'"He mid Ihe peers "I wns drcplv Kicernc'tl with the opiTiiiliins in

Utinna. Mul.iya. Sumatra. Jav.i . . . as to i;ow much rllccc^1 we wouid attain. If ilu' i.urprL'c iiiiacl: on Pearl Hiiibor.and the l;indin„’ oper­ation at Maliiya i.liould Imve failed, wliat would have been the cnitrnniPV At that time I did not have- confi­dence In tlie.’.e ciimp;ilKn.-.

"To litve you an examiili', a ma. . of our latidlni: uniUi sent to Ihe Malay peninsula were dir cover­ed by the enemy on Dcv. <Dec. 6 Jn the U. e.i. I felt eo!d water run down my b.ick. 'Hien I felt fhnt Uie war would .Mireiy bir;il: out. by Dfc,-7. I was Kreatly In tlniilil a.% lo whetlier the landing ojiertiUnnr. hi Malnya wmild fucce«l.

•'Howevi , <lue lo he.ivenly aid, our force. cfimplr'ted i.'irlr landlii-.; oijerallim veO' .■;llccr.•. ful!y. 5,:iUt 8llcce , <■. 111 (lie wcup.itlan of .Ma-

1,1 VII. Jnva- and- KiiRiatia.n\” e Hciilevement.-. mucli beiier than «< rxi>rtti-d. Tlie.'.e operatluni wen curded out wKJi •ton. iderablc dun-

Final Rites Held

For John D. NimsjmO.ME, Feb. 4-Fiineral /,ei

Ice. niTe held iit Jerome Presby

rlun cliiireh for John Uiinl*'! Nlmi<.n pa >'•r man. Of/lratin

i ilev. Charles Horej!elerxyinanp;i.n<

It.’ariet, H. .Maine Shoun, n. B. ;am, Mr.v Wlllliim A. Prirrs .Mr;., .S, O, Davl\ fsiiR tv.

number;, nerompanled at llir plnii by Mrs. O. Plioeiilx.

ry p:illl>earcr.-, were R, E, -Shepheril, Frank Avcrv, Judce Clark T. Stanton, M. A. liI:.hop, C, D. PiTlilns and W. K. Sinclair.

Active pallbearers were Joe blilr- lev. H. !.. WalllRRlon, C. J. Curl-

Wllllam Klrth, H. E. Harry Judge William O, ComslocI:., n ie l O.O.F, and Ma-wnlc lodge

rtienibers attended In n body.


6 .Mlle.s from town. Fair home, bam. corral. 18 /cres pa.iturc. Balance very Rood r.oil. $ljo acre.

n iL L COUBKRI.YPh. «31K Kvra- 414 4lh Ave. N.


UCODINO. Feb, ^-Farmers of Ooodlng. LlrKola and Blaine caun- tk> wlU meet at Ooodiiig. Feb. 10, for the annual aloeUiolders' meeting of the .S'atlonal Farm Loan aa.iocla- lloivi. ApproxlmaKly 300 perjons are ex;>rcted lo attend tlie meeting atid luiiclieon, Leoii Weeks, itcreLar^- Lrel.^urer of the organliatlons. Dojnced.

Tlie annuaJ stockholders' meeting win convene ul 10:30 ajn. In tli< Melhodbl church. Charles O, Paul- M)n. vice president of Uie Sun Valley a.r,'.ocluUon. will preside. Tlie meel- liig will be parUclpated In by the Sun Valley. Nortlislde and touthem Ooudlng county awoclallons.

J. C. McCauitland. vice president of Uie I''ederal Land bank, Spokane, Wash., will t>e the principal s;>eaker at the morning se.ulon. McCa{ land will dlscuis tlie Federal bank's 1043 proerani and N.F.L..A. policies. NcBotlallon belnK made to have a member of tlie stftff of the Jaiianeie relocailon ceiilcr at Hiint Rive u nljOrt talk oa the 19« labor problem* In this area.

Luncheon to Be Served A complimentary luncheon will be

servea at the Methodist church fur members, borrowers and contract buyers, their wlvc.i and oUier invited RiitM--. This luncheon will be .'.cn’ed by members of the W.S.C.S. of Uie church.

The Mockholtias will reconvene lifter lutjcli for reporta on tlie ynir's bijslne.M and directors will t>e elected for the conilBg year. The meeting will clor.e at 2;30 pjn.

Present directors of Uie three as; o- clitioiis are: Nortlislde, Juhus Schmlti, president: R. L. Hooden- pyle. Ilalijli Faulkner, all of Gooding. Hiid J. W. Jack.'.oii. DlLvi: Sun Valley, Frill Brown, Carey, president: W. lU Illtirr,.l5ho.\hone; Charles P.iubon, nichfleld; K. F. AJmu.«en, Wendell, and K. A. Koot. Haserman, and souihrni Ooodlnj counly, L. J, Hiiiihr.v Wendell, vice president; R. W. King, Wendeil. and James De

dfc, HaKermali.Three Vacancies

Dlrnctor.i will be elected lo lake le pl:ire of E. L. Slmonlon, Wen­

dell; .shrrnian Larson. Wendell, and It.iy Adanu, GoodliiR, wlii loiiner iiockholders.

'Ilu; Appleton and Shoshone I*iills iiailoiial f:trm loan aixxiaUons,

recently coiuolldaled wlili the aj.'orlailon;. In Uie Gooding

office, will hold their annual meel- Letlon hall in Jerome


Handling Mail Service for

Prisoners Red Cross ActivityTlie Inicrnailoniil ___

through luj iiKiuiry imd infoi lloa ;.erUfr.-„ funiLMu'. I'lr mrans for lending mall lo u sweeUieari l.T iin t canii), It U polii;ed o menl L•-ued by Ur, Cl cholrman of ihe Itcd Cuvi war fund drive to bejllii March 1.

1 have • tuldrUr,



soldier prbotier."'"you can i.rad him ma regular postal clianni-: the mall lhrou ;n Uic Red Cro.s. •na-. M';\ mlntJi of bolh clilli: oners of wnr.

Zi Word Me^^s(r ■'If jour p.-oblrai L-. iine i

mL' iiiR in aciloii, you cai mci-ni;e of nut mure ttian wordr, to the In'.crnatioiml Itrvi Cro-.v who will wulcli Uic military prl-.uner-of- war lh;. . if hb iinnie co;ii<-.-, up as a prjjoner. your nics.-.iKr will ro Uiroiigh to him. and he v,ii| Jiave the privilege of answrrln;: U.'

Altnough thb opcratida m;iy lake montli.v Dr. Scolt :.:vlil, about 10 luch mr;JaKC. huip tjriii ;riu from Twla J'alls lo the Pacific area, Sev­

ere rwhed to Kan I'r.ini'txo In hopes Uiot Uiry iiiIkIu be c.irru-d on tlie Gtl|K.liolm wlii ii It j.uiliU to UVK Pliilllplncs .' ii’,o!i:ii\ ;h-d,

Four Chr!i:mii;, i;rrci!in:r, wrre're­ceived from boy in. the •■crMni on far-nw.iy Ixiltic irunt... •im, !•, a sendee of the Held dirrr;or m ihut battle iiriM, and tii;inil ihroui:h Red CruM chnnneb,

Soldiers from whom been received for iiioiillis ran ^om( times be located by the Itc<l Cro; authorities in Waihlnglon, D Scolt Mid. By Roing Uiiwich wr department records they can ofie supply desired inlo.'maiian,

Coramunicallon Medium "Tlie International Red Cro.\.s aUo

act.v a-s a medium for comaiunka- tlon belweea civilians la occupied comiirlc.s and llielr fjmilift America." Of. acolt explalai d. "V-- mc:jnge b tent to Geneva, from where It b forwarded lo llie lied Cro;j society In the country where your relatives live. One mcv..-iKp re­cently wa.» received hi Hai'.M-n from relaUves in Germany. Tlie laM word the Haiiien people had rcL-rUed f-oni the members of the fiiailly In Germany w.i-i hi October, lini. and all the words were bhicked oui by Ihe cen.%or except "Merry Clirist-

"Tlic letter Just received Ra\e hi- formatlon of boUi the huiband’s and

families. Tlie hu^ had supposed his moUier was not llvuiK.

li the jne;~age liifu:ai(d luin Uiat had been written day or two

after the celebrated her eiKhtv.fKUi blriliday, and Uiat Uie wu.s wrll."

sold lour ^Urll nirs,\:ij;rs from Holland rcUii\r.%

of Twla Fulls Ijeople, and I,e',cr;il from Germany. One such aie. •ai:e

army. Tlie lied Cro.-.i for-.vardrd ihe me:jafc lo him. and then tran.'mll-

reply lor lilm. but seal it ui


pre». dlspatche-1 from Paris had re- SKjrted today Uiat Uie whole French

black market Is engaged In frantic liquidation O.S Uie result of the Idea f.preadlng Uiat the war Li going ClMl Aoon.

WlUi Uie end of Uie war. ParUiaiis tell one anoUier. t.hl|vi fra-a A lea and Africa will brlnn food, arcttei, drygoods aad oilier a rials. As A rv.suU gooils niil the market-s lor months ore making tlirlr appearance and Uiere U a rr.-.[>ondlng drop la prices.

aiie corre.spondent of one evenln:: Madrid new.''p;iper railed the w of sfllhii? II "slranxe plieaom'',..,. of collective imbeclllly" and .aid It bih-an after the ClinrchllMtu veil conference at Cii;.abbne,i

•'Nobody in Paris t.ilbi ntjout any­thing else." he said.

Black market prlce.s were ;.;il., have been MIced In half la ii»ai^ in.'tanres a.s a result of tiie liiiynu-

vr to turn Iranca into fiirnUuro something rolld and dunibie.It's not Uie llrsi time such a ten-

saiion of irlumph has hit Paris.- ■'le corropoiident wrote, "but never •Ith the ,'i)ontanrlty of the pres.ent

though he were a civilian In order >are his Gennan relaUves per-


Fifth Son From

One Family Heatls

For Post in NavyW’ENDEXL, Feb. ♦—Tlic fiftJi son

of Mr. and Mrj. Harry A. tYlUi

en route to a naval training camp loday after poising liU Ilnai physi­cal ex.-imlnuiion at Uic Idaho re­cruiting hendquarters In Boise.

Tlie 17-yenr-oId youth calUted In Twin Falls last Saturday.

Two of hl.s brothers are with Ihe P.tclflc fleet while the other two are at naval canijis In the United Stairs.

AL'.o iicrcji'.ed fur enllsimcnt at liouc were flonald Charles Smith. Mia of llaymoiul F, Smiih. Wendell. He will fttiend u naval leehnlcai school.



Cieorge Wa;,liinRton’,s blrUiplace, national monimient In Virginia,

nv vL'.lte;l by 4G.C1G perrons during 1940,


Farm I.«ani 4'; — C'lij ami tiub*

urban Loam i ' i , Quick Service

and Liberal neparmeni Privilege.

See LEM A. CHAPIN140 Main Avenue Norlii

9< EACHsho . u c c , Blnek or B rojn. ,

3P r» .9e27 inch • . ^

„„|rB=w W «hsorted colon »nJ

S h ,r tD o H on S c ..7 P o « .l^ ;‘J ; „

„ „„ .,.5 .op . S>"I»snncs instnntly ........

Fibr. W in d " " " I t

0„=hc.. o l 9=

d 9 .

, „ o , . . d Splcc. "■'J

Safety Motcho* j jof 9e Hammer Handlo».......... 2 lo

19< EACHiit t ip Ji

W oH . j ' S . 19t

;S O A P S A LE !Over o ‘1 .0 0 V a lu e

f Sonp for every need. 1 9 BIG BARSbar each of the follow-

Lifebuoy, Baby

Castile, Coronet Bultei;-

milk, Wrisley'i’alm Oil,

Mnrva Oatmeal, Flower Bath Tnblct, Wris-

ley Lflnolatcd, Mnrva Rose Scent, Wood­



G R O C E R Y V A L U E S !Elephant Brand Peanut Butter. 1'/ Lb. Jar 39ePeanut Crunch Peanut BuHer........1 Lb. Jar 35cHolsum Salod D re u ln g .......... ............Quart 39cMammoth Olivet .............. 16 Ounce Jar 39eBorc!on's Heme 1 Lb, Jar 59e Rinto. Lnr^e size . 2 for 43c lux Flakes. Large cite . 25c

I Lux Toilet Soap . 3 Bars 20c I Swan Soap Per Bar 7eI Hy-Grade Matches,

6 Boxes 23c _________



P I C T U R E P L A T E S P E C I A L !A >1.00 V a lu e

An oltrnctive sou- " vcnir plate picturinR historic scenes. Larco lO l^ inch sire. At- 1 trnctive underRlnie j f i colon on an off-white baclcground. A value you'll be proud to



* 0 9 9J m PREPAID ^

E vo ryth in g You Neod To S tart Your Backyard Flock

• 50 As-Hotchod "AA " Grade Baby C h l^ i '

• Two 34 Inch Fibre Board Chick Feeden

• One 30 Inch Fibre Boord Chick Feeder• One 50 Chick Copaclty Mosonlle Brooder

• One Gallon Stoneware Fountain• 125 ChUk Tabi• Free Guide to Baby Chick ProPits

ChooM (torn 10 money makins bre»d>. Do your p«rt ir raiiini nur* ehlclct for Victory. W« proud to ict u

" .................fornifhlni thm■ Ecnti for th« lllinol* St*U HalchtflM chickL Br**d flocki ar« U. S. ipptovt and pullonim tMted.


5 3 3 9 9100 Mlxrtod -AA” quality baby <S«i*d 90% pullcti. Thr«« 34 Inch fibr* botrd chlek foMlm. Ont 30 Inch f>br« bo«rd On* 100 chick ciptclty Mitonil* •Itetriebroodv. Two 1 (allon iton*war« fount«lni >nd SOO chick Ub*.

PAUUU.' OBOn OAMILTf BONOr^'tAST CMOU NOWI Cboln of 14 moMj Pay only Sl.OO dowo

.ftt 100 chick*.

S O C K SALEme;, wool .!r«. .ocV*. SUditly lrr«^l«r. Very JipKiil. I

C O M B I N A T I O N ,

OFFER!0 « ld C r .U M aa lli Waih and OembU't TMth Fait*.


39<A 69e Value

Includ« Ursa Ifi ounc* botti* of moulh waih and Gimble'i Oum Miu«c« TooOipMt*.


IN a U D E D w i t h i t b .



CREAM. All For

Page 8: · HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy

_Eage-i£jgiit . TIMfS-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Thursday. Kcbruao’ ■*. 13-13


35111 imiDiDE ONBIEiZICnV

LONDON, rrb. i WV-Hoyal air forcr bombrrj lifivll)- atUckcd

Ilnmburs lu : In « mid infthlch IG pUrifN nrc inL-.Mne. llie Uritbh nlf nilnl.'.to’ mitioiincrtl lo-

V iir comnnmlfitir fulJ Ui*l "laa’c Ilro wcrr Mi

Tl.e north Clrrrnan prtv-lou-'.ly l>rr;i bcilili'sl only laMS.iltirclay nijti;.

•nit Urliini iiKllciitcd R - ■ forcr o', upwsrrt.': i'! 300 tiomCcrs on

ihB pri ..................... 'ihe ■r ol fivi


r bo:nl)rrr. 1:lm ■ aln-rnlt «


Slfikr »t KacloHr-i

Tlie mill, llir SOili on HiimLurc tiiicc Utc M.-vn Ilf lilt »;ir. civiTlrtl ori Uic HAK*|)nli;ii nftuIii.M Uie U-boAl by Mrlk

■Die Bria-li said ihal Hambti; blR slilp-lJiillillin: ‘“f“ 'more U-bcxiU ili-m aiiy other pi;III Ccmiiiiiy, liutiilJiiri; I.' Gcritmi i.fcoml city. ttUh H iKJpulnllon 1,700,000,

Tlic JtAK ai:.icknl Haniburic Jiour.i afirr 11 hud im ColoKhc v.ICO blofk-lnuiliiK <.000-pound bon niid Uiou\niuts of liiccndlnrjcs.

n i f Ocrmaii ncaj nurncy DNll rrporlnl lim Hit IIAF npimrciuly

Jollowlns ihroiiKh »Kli a dnj light mid,

Krport AiU Hurls •■A ilTons {o;m.illoii of Ilrltl-i

bpnibcrs lodiiy Jlcw ovrr ilie Ironllrr of ucsirrn Ofnimny,'' Lie nnciicy iBld- Tlie ralilm. DNIl J..ild.

. enKin:«J ui»n cfOi.'lnK i!ic Irmiilcr ' hy -slranK’ Crriimn fiKlitcr.'s" "vlolrnl nlr durlj lollowKl." Ii •clftml llml Uit "ciiciiiy MifJcrcd consldernble '*iid that "tlibiatlcmiilcd dnyllctit t.ild cnn be re garde<l aj friiiUaU-d."

FiirUirr Incllc.itlDiu llmt lltc Orlt- lili and ixivJljIy llic Unllwl Btulr; air force Mere niakliii: one of tin bl£Br*t <I:iyllRhl olr offcii-'lvc.i o U\e uar cisuc 'iUfii nUlr l btiiubct: and flKhters Rere htird roarlri: ncro« the strall of Dovrr. Tlicy iip- |)enre<l to be hp:idhiii In the direc­tion of Abbevlllr.

Mcaiiwlille, there au-i lluhl rnrniy activity over foa\lal arras of north' ea-'t CnRlntid IiuM niKhl.

SoniUs uere dro|)|)cd at Rcnlterri polnt.\ but It wn5 stjitrd nuUiorlta' lively tJicy caiisfd only lllchl duni-ftRe,

Idaho Bond Buvei-s ill Pay for Repair of Gallant Boise ILKRECEIVEOBYPOPILSINJEROi^


This Lh the heavy cruuier l'S 6 BoL<e. whirh made navy

history when il sank six Japanese warships in m inutes of vioicnl, action aeaia'^t a force covennc an enemy land-

inK operation in the Solomon UU nds. N o» Idaho be ^ork- inf: to lake care of it.s own. The IJo ns dub s are cunductinc n bond drive to .secure money for repair <Jf the cruL»er. all

in M ccss of the s ta lc ’.s S2,000.000 quota lo be u>ed for th a t

purpose. Tw in FalLs Lioas w ill operntc a liond sellinc booth at the Orphcum theater all next week, w ith a free m idn ight }4iow Feb. for a ll purchasers «( lx>nds a l the booth o r

from an y other bond aRcncy since Jan. ."H. tO ffic ia l 1‘. S , navy photo— s ta ff enRravinR)


e of 11 loLiI a


Mrs. W. D- .Stanner ami her 11- ycnr-oKl dauglilrr. Verda, exiKcl I rrtum MKm frnin S.iU Lake, whn Mrs. HlaiiKer look the child tv, lierloi tiRo to rrcclvr lutther Irenl ment of n rhrwilc comlltloii of ^e1 erdf years kIhiicIIiik',

Mr. and Mr . T, K, Oallry ha\ lelt for (in extrnded vIML at |>olnt»

. whri thryrelallvr.'., Mr. Onllry'.i heallh <lr- mnnded a chance of cllmaic (or r Wille.

Mrs, Charles Wiseman U ui'arlnt her rlKl't arm In n slhiR brcnu.’.r o: a ln)l on Oir boiird 'naXn In On rear of lior lionie. Her daiiclilcr Mrs. Floyd Jotits. Twin Fnlli. vLv lle<! her mother.

Mr, and Mr.v Cliarlr.i UllK hav< moved from Uitlr fanii norlh»T^t ol

e they linve Micnt niln few

1 Mrs.• hiM n yr,' Mr,

M r.« e It n

1 Mt.v Carl

ml Mr, Keliiirlli O.irrr uere liaiU lo Ihr Thiorlilr chib wiih three raiilei ^ ftl^d iil [iliiy. !!< nrrc t.iken by Mr. ami .Mr.i. man llirmle. Hank •nmmrri liarold Dannhik-, Mrs. KiiKfilr Drown received iriivrlliK: i'rlst.

A hlsh .v:hool danre b behii; ranKed nt the aiidiiorliim of sciiool FrUliiv liV Ihr losliiK- ‘s liended hy Oixk Unrrl.s, In tlckrl f airs for tlir Kluibfily "ma of dlnir.s" bn,-.l:ctl)a!l ^Harrb Li one o( ihr .'thool Irnder.i. Tlir «.lnnlni! i.lde liradrd by Dornlhv Ki>rnvi<U.

Ticket;, nr.- iiiiw on -.ilr for , falllcr-^on^ biiinnct. Mlilch vlll br held by tlir HanM-n OrnnKr nr.r WcdrxeMlay M tUr Grntice luvll. Tai Scott, Jr.. I'i rhnirmnn of tlckf ronimllire. Oilier' nWlni: in nr r,int:emrni5 are Mr>. Smtl, Mr. an Mr;., F.irl Rnrnr.' and Mr. and Mrs. KenneUi Navlnr.

Mr, nnd .Mr.v R. H. Ilambo, Mur-

of 16 couiitie.i of releiL-.ed by the jU tr Cliaaitrf oJ Commerce showed t«la>.

Toi> aurlcultural [icrceiilase ttcnt lo,0>yhce cou.n:y Ui IMJ 75.<?'jw rm*. .of she lolal valiiaticr. v,V Ji3tta ncrlculiurat proprr.r. I'ayettc county Jum ra iij«l irufctr.; the n ih county »llli a vrore cf O M |)cr criit »hlle Shmhctnt cour.iy lia i only I.:: i»r cent agricultural ir-1 57i5 per crnl mimr.s vali:a;ic:i.

:R.7 Per O n t of Vilnr.•ur tlir slate aj u uliole. U“.e rr-

potl blio'jed aKtlcuUural rcl):c. cnlt<l 38.7 per cent m IWt com;xire.l »llli 38 98 per ce.T. la 1D<0, alUiDUKU dollar' \alue hlKlirr In the Ule: jear. !M5;:c u:il- liy projxTllrN rankrtl jrcoiiU 27.3 per crni. (olloArd by ba:;r.e%i proiK-rly IH5 per cent. prujirriy 10 S3 i>rr cent, minins p.'op- crty 4 i>er crnt, luniberlia: pro;>- rrty 3,Ib i>rr cent aild uticlasalfleii properly 5* l>rr cent. Tlie to:al a.'- •srvol vali;.-illon «a- J333.SMJT3. K< IOC Uic total valiialtoa noo,ir;,tM.

Third in Kke CasollnAlmost nactly one-thlrtl cf the

toUil valuation of tlir u four..!In five ci)Uni;c-v Tliey are .'ila. J33J17.4I3; IJanno,-lc.

Knlb,*:i.039.4:e; Ci:i>t:i.t::.- iibMB'. jn a o i iw . w j.:.I130j0j,031.

•Hie IrailliiK aKrlcultu.-al co'-u-.Urs. aocordlnK (o«c:r; Tain F.ilU. J12,537i»3o; Ca;;- von, »I0,CW.:75; lk)iilievlUe. Ujjro,- 0C3; Ulnslum. »7.7':t;.7aj; Latah, JT.-

,i:2; All*. 57,C3(iiS2. da coulitv led the slate Ir. a-’- ;e<l v.iluitlo!i of

lock, |j.SCG.O Canvv;

ir. H,0H.3i3; 430i8H.

Resuscitator to Be Presented at Game on Friday

American Troops Jubilant as

Thev Beirin Afi-ican Offensive8» XOLVNP socr.AARn

v\TT«i- rc i;rr> :n sol-tj?-

wmorrd TTx 'o; ;


anl sewci ;;

.^S!e^lcan fliMters are In the .•.klr\ meet dlve-lxunbrn. there Li notlu: to «orT>' about on Uic ground r\< «r.rn the dradly lire of Cleminn sullLticler Buns ranned [viM Ihrm

The cool, .steady nerve of vdw; .Vmcncanj.. many of uliom hi.I brc Jerked from civilian life only a Ir no.^Ul.'. apo ar.d .>«xne of wbdrti v.t .•.reiri llirir ftn.l real action aK 'iii O'.e enemy. «un »ell dbpl.-.>rd i the amtlery baiter ' 1 occomp:i:il> advanred ulthln ran^r of Sc:'.[ uhlir n lonK column of u n tt kum

' fool < llllll I

nre on Tankiilnute after thr 5!i a i.llKht rL r i; •Jiey ■s.tre jvv ‘ of the rr:■ Uirre nillex a«,i ir. thr :i tJir Amcrl:.-i;i

e foolhllU



^a^!.^ al;

. F5r'..1 Dviriln,

Three Addresses Feature Banquet

Stalled in Carey

n<-aU IlaitT r.rlrral•:;.1 Lieut. O n lllr C. Ilaiuer :i. Neb. josiird in 'vlHi tli i.-ition that ihe fiSs lilsii vrlo :a\e 11 a l.-rinendoui r

, but 1 qu


'Bfrr Mr^, Lilian Cillfr- Mrs. -Os-r H.V. Mrr Mar-

ilrv R-Tj Lj T j—rr. Mn. I l l i i M.-3. Cil-

Mrj. .•ilr-M VV.:i:x=-..o.n xz-.i M.-% M»f Sc.Vil. Nfx f-_-;aL% ar.d ;ei ^.vJ i»»a c^?>-.r<! trMn>, L» T'jrr.rr ar.. M^^ Hrr.rr

t-r rr.V.i



GE?.-. MacARTHUR'S IIEAD- QLWnTUtS. A'j't.-aUa, 4 rUJ^

i'-jhrir.; ui t>.e roujth country iL-ound Wa-,:. 31 nilles .v>'jlli»r5l of Sala-

:r.»ua tn Neu Oui:ie». Axrtrallan ;.-crev \Vra.-w--.-;av kUlo! M J«;an-r.<- i7\x';v.. w;;i,r aiUr<l hcmbe.T

val- t

Kood .'liare "Nrvrr 1;

bank ha.-. I had Mirli 0 loam," ;jJlrt Iki’

Hr reiw.crf t

Spi'fcuie. p fcur Paril.r -i in Korp C3.->.

r Ifl years t>.e in oprratscc h

iiy rtpajaent c

a;i S7JC0CCC.

i » is adiifd X

n Au.i

NL-- Mfr;.r '

r. Mr^ r er:;-

I rtr«T«a rTt>etUrd

i : rL'r- .r“'}j'rin. ar^l s.x_: l>r ar.i, Mrj. C.-T-r.-.- rrr':;rr.!, m-l-

; nROTju:R ni»:sGOODl.VC. Krb, 4-Millarcl Mld-

I Gv-», recelvetl «urd. of U'-.P <ir.-v;.*i of !iii hrothrr. F. E. ' M'~S’.r-.T.-.r*,y;. a\ Tnnidaii. Colo. I Mr- Mi.iiter-unrtii bom nrarI r.ei\Trl.-.«r.. • Prr.n.. Dee. U. ISfil. I Hr rr..i\rd to Trir.sdad la IJOS. and I hai Ti..:;rsS r-.any aith hLi

Burial; HolJi , Mn.

It •flnrr^ ; proleMed th , addlUwiid coiUi if prk-r:, ate lncre;u-.txl St ii I price rrlllii;; on ;.iii;.ir Cr.Mini; ft bouil of ;.0 < drr<l¥.rlKlit.

Tlie ttsrtcullure d< iikcd li»;/0.000 ucrc bP planted UH.S yrar Kith BB7.000 ncrra : year.

, In I Vrtcfl r nil:.ui<leriU»nd»iK" m Uie eiut thui tUKar bcel production la beln« resiroliii-d.

•There la no restriction.- lie udd- ed. "dlrccl or indirect, on plnniUiK of -MiKar becLi elUicr lii.-sl ycjir ctr ihLMTie whole problem I;, one of la­bor und COM of production,"

He ;.ald tliiit -'Uiruuk-hoiil f Iiavo lound only n niiwiUiriic nitlludo al the departjncm laword the sroA-


•lU:;, v,trt ;.eired in iduho jn 514'^ ind two m 1941. Ihc trca.- uo' di'- jiarUiirnt. rrixjrtcd. None was found

U ta h . ................................. j

HELPS PREVENTP n i n C Dtvalopmgy l l L U O ...Acthefir3tjnee». snilTIc or sipi of n.isal irriutlon.put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol up cadi nostril. Its quick notion <rJ>v<X ' aid]rviturr'sdefcn.v3 v ifw c (, S i 1 acainjt colds. Follow ’ * • * ? - - ^ .1 4iircciions in folder. VA'iRO'NOL

mnriKaire conx.ra;;c the land bank. Tli- trom «:.noo.000 in

Jerome P.-T.A. to ; Hear Missionary

ulufp piirclia.-r wa.i .•;>oix.-orrc e till- Falls LW:w c;ub. ttu; t iiftlrlallv prt-.senljxl lo the v-::y v: ;

1 Fall' brlnrrn li.-\ive-v pf I F.ilb-Jerome lKc-ir-..V. , ‘ : In ll’.r hlsh school iO~;-a- I *' lu-rrt'rkUy iil^hl. !

lai dlniicbrolheMrs. Will Hanilx).

Mrs, Carr \Vl;emnn h.i.' It \ -hnnie ol lirr parrnt.'-in-law.

.Mrr., Charlr.-, Wl'i-mnn, »thr sprnl Ihe time Mnrr brlnt: n from the Tuln Fall' roiiniy t htvplliil. Shr iiiiclrnvrnt nn atlnn nn nn In/rclrd Ja«- nprrvlni

of :r-ln-lftw. Mr.

Ml;. >, Filer.[rrror^II.v, 'Mmjurir-ni.mlxrMi:

.Sh.irp wn.' nil Kpaorth Icasur mrm l>er In Hau:ei\ rtutUvK tlvt time he motlirr wns i.ponsor of the uroup,

A firr.t aid claui illl cel iinde way In Han^en rnon If enough In trrc-'ted pprso;i' will roul.-lrt th Iii.stnu'lor, Mi s Maude l.ivrivk, ac cordlnK to the RPneral llrd Cro;.i unit chairman, Mr*, W. McMaxler. Tliose inlerestert are oskrd to com- munlcnlf with Mlr.i Uycock at ilir followljitf phone ntimbrm, 75J3 or 05. highest prices

for tnfiic or wild


— SKINS—Drlns In j-our deer iUns. t^ol

Idaho Hide & TallowTwtn F«ns - Goedlor • Ropert

Hagerman Grange Hears AddressesHAGEHMAN, FVb. «-T;;p H.

lan Vallry Gr;vmcr h-V. irrthiK ttiiii M.-vs:rr llo-*:

ford preseiiiln;: the Jiicakt we.T .\t. D. Jfi.’ p;i;i. Ch\-a: senllnK the DUpr.'ty Cher: porntlon and S C. Ward.)f the Jerrmr Coojvr.ilive c Tl ey .'JiuRrd pict-re.-.■'m dairy .salliialion. M:.'te> M j Et;v romedy um .'ho'iTi fcr t.‘;e Urr.r:;: I l>ir.'r rrvrirts 3( the children. There »e: inately 100 In

Ne» »rfetire»pptat! la laokivirclca.

uljd dreiiinj* aaJ trcipet jcuU

tnjojr the tmoo(b flavcr aad uc jr

itMcI StJuUiag MaUivL x

<ik. ■■ -

S c f i i l l i n g* TOBiiHorpiae

M ltKTail C ii is . .-\!l Bramis

4 39c

CRACKERS“P re m iu m ”

Klakcy W a fe rs * 9 ^ ^

2 Poumls ............

. JELLY■‘Toa GariK 'n"

... 27c

CHEESECiialleiiire KuIJ Cream

ro iin ii................32c

Baby Cereal 14cO'Cedar Self Poll.slilnK. PInl Can and

FLOOR WAX ........43c


RAISINS :^ cn•.iv.on■5 Seedle;.'..


Bakins Powder St" 17c

_ TO.MATOESL'tnh Solid P u-k


NOODLKS“Sunris i.'"






UQUID SMOKE Qiian DoUle , 59c

SQAP CHIPSW h ite EaplL'

i:r ^ ... 47cTOILET SOAP

ra lm o livc K cp u b r

3 or 21c

Granulated Soap"PecLs”

I’arkaijf .. 50cMechanics’ Soap

Anvil. A W h ite Kinff


I-arKO B ur ..............

Use our free delivery service — Groceiy phones Xo. 0 and No. 1. Only one delivery to each home each day.

IDAHO DEPT. STORE“I f It Isn’t Right, Bring I t Back”

Page 9: · HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy

Thursday, February 4, 1313 TIMES.NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Nine

S O C I A L . E V E N T S , a n d C L U B N E W S

Your Help Requested To Seiv for Red Cross

Plans Are Complete Challenge

For Benefit ConcertTho V ictory quin tet, Negro artis ts from the nouthluml,

will be licard in conccrt tiic n igh t o f Feb. 10 n t 8:15 p. m. iindcr the aponsorship of the Am cricnn Legion auxiliary

# ’ These singers have been ucclaimcd by thousands of people on a recent tou r o f the northwest and O in ada where (.hey did evnngelislic work in addition to the ir free entertainment,

for thousands o f soldiers

along w ith public appear­ances. These artiflts dedi­cate much o f the ir time to

hospital.s and shut-ins.Final ttrrniiKrincnla for the ben­

efit conccrt by Uils Kfoui) trrc com- [ileietl ul Uic retoilnr mcelinif of Uie American LcRioii nuxlllary WfdnKclay cvcnlnK.

Mrs. GranV K\5S» atxS MwOvm; Davln wrrc npimlnlcd commlltoS'In ctiarKC of Rale of UckeLs. Mr.i. Kun- kle announced Uint tlckeLi would be on tale nt llie neawiund nt the RoRerson hotel, and aL o from an; mtmber of Uie Buxlllnr>'. Tlclcet: may be purclinieil at Uic door U« cvenlnB ol Uie conccrt.

Mrs, H. A. aftlWbury. Mrs. Orrln I-'uller. Mra. Ilay Treadwell, Mrs. Pearl McKcun, Mra. A. C. Victor. Mrs. AlU Dickey. MUi* D. Marie Aukermnii. Mrs. E. P. Johnwn. Mr>, R. E. JoMln. Mrs. O. J. Ko-Mer »ml Mrs. W, W. Froiili aro the conim/(fe« /n charge ol Kc:ierftJ «r*

I rnngemenla.

■Mrs. d Eldred

Reelected HeadAt a meellns ot Pylhlftn Slaters

*oclftl club held at tlie horn# or Mrs. A. C. Zftchnrltii. Mrs. Clemcnce Eld- rtd «aa rpclected prer.lricnt. wid Mrs, E. If. Mnlier .lecrctary. New of­ficers fleeted were Mrs. Millie Mer­rill. vlcc president, Mm. E. A. Mln- ncrly, treiisiirer and Mrs. C. A. Wer- nick. reporter.

K Ttpovt WlUl IfMl on W\t TCCCUt •rtrlvf nnil prc.-.enifttlon of Pylhlw Siller tcmplM In Llie Unllwl Slntes, of B completely equipped ambjjiance

. lo llie armed lorcc.i. One fourlli of tlip cnUre nmoiint donitcd lowiird Die fund from Idaho wn.i from tlic Twin Falh tpffiplp.

* >f. *Youngsters Present

Red Cross ProgramRed Croffl protfrnm was pmentrd

k by tlip first, r.econd and third sriide } tln-ww of Uie Lincoln !<hool la.M

week. Tlie toy orclir.itra of members of Mr.i. Helen C. Tivylor's first Rrflde room. ML'.i llu lh McClusky prr.sent- ed liT piipll.i In dioml rcndlnss. ■

Beverly Qcrberi «nn« "Oiir Flag, icrnmpiuilrd by Llnea Lnclcry an' a r:»fety skit and u .'iifety wnu wcr prcienied by Uie room. .

Friends Ai-range

B r id a l Showers For Enid RichardsA serlM of Aho-Aers lias Uecn ElV'

en for Ml'J Enid Illcliarda, whoii cngnKPincnt lo Utul. Harvey M. Coot V.M rccrnUy annouiKWl al i

•11 at her home.Members of the Initial club ar-

ranBed a dessert lunclifon nt ihi home of Mrs. Alton Youns iMt wefk Before openlnR the sifts .MIm lUch- nrds w«a required to ttll the con- VcnU of each.

At conUact bridge, prlK.i were wor by Mrs. H. E. Ryan. Mrs. June Kirk-

an and Mrs. A. a. Jleiuon. Monday cvcnlnK Mrs. D. Han'cy

Cook entertained for Mlu lUchord.i nt a [«n towel shower. Oui'M-i also wrote and pre.iented thtir favorite recipes I* Uie bride-to-be. Each Suesl Kvu lo supply mLvlni;words to complete a "sliort sliori storj’" about Mtw Richards and her fiance, me flnuiied «wrlts proved

Marian Martin . Pattern

BervliiB Uible was cenlered with -n lllumBiftt«l American flai; and red, white mid blue lighted tapers fonned a V.

Mlsa niehords will leave soon for aarkwlnle field. La- where Lleui. Cook Is RtAiluncd. and where ilie weddUiR will take place.

0. E. S.* Program

Fojtures LincolnJEROME. Feb.'1-0. E S. ch.ip-

ler met "niesday evenliiK In rccular JCMlon. wlUi Uie wortliy matron,

lin Harlihorn. itrc-'ildlnK. .Mrs. JI. E. Harry had charsc of Uic proKram on Abralitun Llncoliir-Ar-

clc;i on LlJicoln'a Ufo were read by :rs. J. D. Noland, Mrs. H. E, Harry 1(1 .Mrs. Slilrley MaUnud. Aiinounccment was miide that at p. m. Feb. 22. Uie members of the

O. E. S. chapter are cntcrt.ilnlns nil Mnsonlc members, any other vLiiUni; EiiRtemSM.r members and thflr Uu.',- bands or partners. Tlic occa.-'.lon 1; the aiiniiivl dinner for hn-ibniid-i and guests of O. K a. members.

Filer Red Cross Convenes Friday

A .ipcclnl Red Crow meeting of tho FUer branch la scheduled lo 1: held ai 7:30 p. m. Friday at tli hlKh scliool. It was nnnounccd by Ilev. C. A. Carbon, chairman.

lie said Uie meeting i* "Impor. liu if and Uic Flier public U In­vited to fttlend.

* >/■ *Derean cla.M of the Church of

Uic UrcUircn will meel for an ftPTWs !\nd overttU pnily Friday evening nt the 1io.tio of .Mr. nnd Mr.i. Vem Melton. 1228 Kimberly road.

A Ifttrr hM been received hero from .Marlon M. Snlffen. director of the nutrition service of the Wfvtern ol Iht AmtTicnnRed Cra-j.

• It octnirs to u.*." the letter read-v "ihat T»ln i'alls Bilfiht become a ^txaltjic point In de- ffiLie ojierntlons and hcnce would have iici-d ol an adequate Can­teen corps to Uke care of mass fcedhiK.

“Our recofd.1 sliow that you have m women who have com­pleted Uie stiuidard 2fl hour nu- irlUon coursc, but oifct 17 wlio have continued with Ihe 20 hou.-

e have ived c. . ble them

Uke the wponsiblllty for can­teen unlt.1. In any miw feeding operation many perrons be trained In order Hint the hours may be sluKtcred. Since you liavo so mwiy women who have al­ready coinplrlcd the course, wouUl 11 not be |xy,slble for you to them In compIctUiB Uielr 20 hour canteen course?"

TliLi letter pre. enls n chaUenRO

Ing mu.M foil If a disaster should occur. Twin Falls has a compe­tent In.'trucipr In .Mrs, nus-'cil Miller, who will teacli Uie first at 2 p. in. Monday at the Idttiio Power Budliorlum.

llie coll for cojiteen workers JiiLi fioue oul before, but only a few replied, Time wishing lo Join the cla-'jes may call Mrs.-If. H. Tanner.

'Early Pioneer

Modern Menus

FOR U’OSIEN AT WORKHere It Is-Uint lainofflclal” uni­

form for canteen duty or other ncUvc « i r work. Paltem ,0323 by M.arlan MarUn make's a r.mart, hcroelrock. Tho pracUcal buttoned frtDt is (tlven trim lines by an In- KCt belt. Make Uie head-bnnd t o ^ It ktep' your hair orderly.

PatieiTi D322 may be ordcrtd only In’ and women's Kiwa 12, H, Ifi, 38, 20, 30. 32. 31, 38, 40. Sire 16 requires 3\ yd*. 35-ln.‘ Send HI.VTEEN CENTS In coins

far this Marian Mnrtln paltem.• Write plainly K17.E. .NAME. AU.

DRES.S and STYLE NU.MBER.Jujt out—our Spring Paltem

BookI A pracUcal sewlns culde. .-ahc makeover deslsiu: smart, slm- .ple-lo-jew work. aporU. and drru- jupaiylrs for all ages. Pattern Book, Cten cents.

Send your order to Tlme.s-News .-raltem Departoient. Twin PVilti.

Uy MRS. CAYNOR MAHBOX NEA tiervlee .SUff Writer

Life Rors oil in wartime and r>o dof.i love. Bo keep up tliB tradi- llnnal celcbrnllon.-. for the Rake of morale. For Die boys on leave nnd their girl friends. kIvb » VolcntlDc'i' party.

By u.’.lns miulirooms. nut meals and rice, you can extend your chicken .lupply In bulk and nutrl- Uoii,. plus flavor. 6er;e the fol­lowing wiUi hot bhculu and a dcll- cMc WRiercre-'j salad.

Special Clilelifn Cawrcle (ServM C-8)

le-hnlf cup diced eeleo'. ‘1 pound mu.'.hroom.s allccd. ‘i cup minced pimento. cup minced green pepper. 3 tahlf.ipooai bui- ■" or oUier fat. sail and pepper

latte. 1 cup broken walnut, kernelv 2 cups cooked rice, I cup diced cooked chicken. 3 cupi white «uce. mnde with chicken alock.

Cook, ctlerj'. niui.htoom*, pVmrri- to and creen pepper In me fat un­til tender. Sen.'.on to t.-ute. then combine with other IngredlenLi and plnco ja“bnkIjiK'-dUh. DaTte al'350* F. for 30 lo 40 mltiule-1. or until mixture la ihnrouKhly heated.

Htrt's ft hean-shaped Jrult and ffelaUn mold designed for AS'cel- heart appeUtes.

Cherry nnd Graprfrult SUld (Serve* 0)

One packflgs cherry-flavored gel- flUn, I pint hot water ond cheny Juce. H euj) see<led. canned white cherrlM, i>; cuiii Ircsh grapefruit secUons, free from membrane,

Dltsolve gclaUn In hot water and cherry Julcc. ArranRe cherries in mold. Pou. on nelaUn. being carc- ful not to di.iarrange fruit. Add gmpefrult. Chill unUl firm. Un­mold. OamUh with (rrapefnill see- Uons and mlnL For large mold, double redpo but decrease hot wa-

to 3!j cups.Tiko cups of any canned fruits r A.worl«d fruits may be Uf<d for

above recipe.

Walta Cochran

Weds Army ManMI--1 Walln June Cochran,

aUKhlcr of Mr. nnd Mrs, JI. J, Coclirnn. 031 A;’h street. Iwc.imn the brlile ol Ski. A. B. Cook, of Eldor-

Ark,. who Li stationed wlUi :'ni;liieer’s corp,i nt RoKcnon. at p. Ml, cen-mony read by R'-v. Cl. Chirk in Uio Prcjbyterinn ;v.II- cnuplr w.Vi allentird bv Cpl.

Don SanKer ami Floyd .Miller. nur.'.L-, were MKi Mar>- Wilker; ml Cpl. Harry Stiles and

bride's moUier.Mr.";. Cwik wore a c risiKO

v.hlie Knrdenla. . Biic l.i nl pro.-.' n student <if Uie IV ln F.ilL-i hifh iicliool, SrrRcant Cook, coii of .Mr, nnd .Mrs. A. D, Cook, sr., Rrndu.itcd with tile of 1038 from th( }; ldarado hlKh school.

Jf. ^

CalendarAcirema club will nieet with

Mrs, Frank Kellogg nt 2;30 p. m. Friday.

H- H- H- V. M. club ivill meet I-'rldny

wilh Mrs. A, I.:-Hiicl:cr. 3irFourUi avenue east, for n 1 p. m. lunch-

A conlinuHtlon of Ihe Hickel rchool P.-r. A. nimmaKc sale will he lie!d S.iturday at Uie Town Ahop.

¥ >(■Oe;ii Stale .■.ocliil will meet nt

1:30 p. m. FrUlny for a dcs-'.crt hmchcoii lit the home of Mra. Clarcncc Woltcr.

^Twin Fall? Homes Economics

nr.-.ociaiion will meet at 6 j), m. Friday nt Uic home of .Mrs, Ru-'.- scll .Miller, 253 Eighth avenue north.

WikOilnKton P. T. A. room mothers mil meet at 8 p, m, Frl- <lny with .Mr.v Kennetli Dencll.

To cquall;r. wear nn folcl.s of bed Vnd Lible linen, nlternntc miuiii

hlch Uiey are foliled, I'-or li :r. one time fold thnn in haU t .

ihcn quarters; next In Uilrds, Uicn slxU s.

¥ ¥ *To keep coverlnK of electric cords

from unnece.'.sary we.u, coll Joor.eiy •cr smooth pen when not In; !ver drag the cord over IronhiK

lx)iird or floor when ironing swecpUiff.

Mr*. PhfM Klilnell. Jerome, w celebrated her Ulh blrUidny • rfii\Jy. iSiaU Eniratinc)

Mrs. P, Sidwell, i_

Pioneer, Marks

84 th BirthdayJtRO.ME, Feu. 4-One of llii'

enrlii-:,i iHiiiuer women of Utiili nnd Td;ih(i 1-. Mio. Phcn;i SkUuH. who laM cc’rbrau-d her UUh hlnh- diiy an:ifiVr:..iry.

■•Gr..iidnin"Sldttdlcan rcc.ill viv­idly llu- irlltuliilions of the pioneer ixoplr of Ul.ih when Uii;y wcru at- lacked by Indian;,. Not only wa.s Mr.s. aidwrll u pioneer of Utah, but K n pKnitfi o5 JvroMt ccww-.-, nwl ha.-; hpcii liwiorcd by ihi- I)aiii;)iicr:. of the UI.1I1 PloneiT.1 ort:anUa[ioii, the memb'-rs havhiK luinic-d lln-ir Ci;;ii|i afti-r lier, I*heiia-Cox-aidwcll

ahc IV

Flrtl p:e;i(k-nt clelyofthe L U, ir! cliTk, Ml:,,

L.1SI wee):, on II birthday, tin' mn .llcl...%yclcly .honor prrscnlcd a Kift li

A blrUul^y c;iV uranddiiUKhlcT. M

MTVed «llti r

of 23

Have >ou an nlieniwn a fteek vnu lun Klve lo a te»l »ar need?'11\r sfv,ls\s o! il'.i UtdCfi.--i U in urireiil nerd rf more wuiker.i ftccordins lo word from .Mr-.. H. U Hoi:«ett., A great many hos>ii»l fupplle% arc needed iiuw by itie armed force.', and our quota here U fallins behind badly. 100 sufKlcal gowns

t; yet

Louise Starkey,

Shelby Williams

Marry at BoiseBUHL^I-eb, niul Mrx C, \V.

St.iikry, Huhl. aiinc.,1iuv ttir m:irrl- I1K<- of their d;uu;IUf:. Lovl^r aiarkcy, lo Shrlby Willlniiv', Jr.. son of S. E. Wllli:inM, Dulil. The mipUnts


Nearly 3.00t) yards of IlghUeicIi colton ore waltlnK to be made i:it sleep'DB gannenl,''. and underclH'Ji Ing for needy and hoiiic;e,-.\ i» n;i tom areas. ClothlnR b an nrcr, to the.'.o unfortunates n.s li fot.d.

Don't wait for a group of ,;oii friend.', to get orsanlied to tom and hew, urges Mrs. Hnssell. Tli ncwhiK room Is ojx-n at Uif Itbrar Wrdne.vlay. Tllur,^dlly, l-'ruiuv tin Saturday from 1 to 0 p. ni. Mr>, . A. Sinclair Is hi chiirne of Uie t nInc ! 1» 1 have •uiDK r

iiyllrv, Lon I, Clia cluirrh iu.';,oi

ir bride ftore arcrj.-iOrleA, n

IK lo thi- hrldc's tr.uidi .ML-.-i Ruby Lou Wli:i,iii 1C bridenrouin, wiui ma -. Slie wore a blue .Milt

of 1040 and a ale I

attr dr.l Al- launhthint)

the pa;.t half-tenn ch(X)I. Mr. Williams t a gmliiuic if Huhl hiKti f-chool and Ihe College

of IdiUio,THO couple win m.ikfihdr home a the WiilUuvi mncU (.ouUi ot

Iltihl. Ilicy are awaUini: the com- Iilriloii of their new liwnc at Uie




Lieut. Helen Bond Tells Of Her Work in WAAC

IJeut. Helen M. Dond, WAAC. diiugiiler of, and Mrs. A. C. Victor, I;, here \i-.lllnK lu-r p:ircnti. on a 10 day leave. Lieutenant/Dond la .-.tallonrd at Fcirt Dt ;, .M(Jhii-:., la„ whrro tJie enllited last September.

Tr;ichlru: uri:ranis niei,-i nmiiaKciiieiit Is ihe work of Ueuienant Bond. After lhe.^c women have fhibhed ihelr cours<*»they are nent to camps

•r the ■e Klve vohii

rvlce nr for Q

nant Bond. ".My work Is very

Kreigh, Stroud

Marriage Told

In It keep Uack o nboiit-s of mcniln-n. < who aio In .ren’ici-—tli Wave or tho Spar a:

siillor. or mari:

num .. J-Vb. 4-Mr. I'- .Hiroud, liuhl, ai lain- of ihi'lr datn


. .ildirr,of till- mosl „ - .mailed from forcli:ii ixv.ix

Jot down Bonic of tin- r.iliniilii:; nilr-c liIKl r<'KUlutl'>ll>—lilr ! arci- tlrii, Uic lnconV<.'tllrixc\ I'.uch n'. heal nt tl5, si>ecdomcl<r ul 3ii.

Include Uie war «o;k of cvrrj- oni- In Uie family. Tell about the ^oclnl life. Uie c:ir-,-harli)t: ihL- IcnsUi of time It tal:r„ m drj niyon stockings.

If yt'M woHl to 5>rnlii't vl',rn you mink Ui<- war will nui-M-i doivH your predJrlJojii, ir.iic of the mo^t thrilling nr-A.-.ixijxr Btorii's Uiat como out of tlie war,

Krfi> track of the Uilii|;i v<ni nn- skeil ib fi.-ive—nllk .■.locKiiuis for

powder bniij. bacon KTra.'i.- lur rs- plDilve,n, tin can:;.

Tell on whnt date the bak( r.i Mo;i. pcd slicing bread, and <k-fh;c "plr.i-

atlrnded the Buhl

ailiiiil.- Of nier iijile lire mnkini e Kreliih farm.


Card Club Honors

Kimberly CoupleMr, mill Mii, I t K, Ju-.lln, who re-

iTiitiy iiioird 16‘Kliabcrly frum Uielr i,ii;<h wT. t cf Twin FalU, we.-e re- ( i;il'-ii!.'. of a turprL« fiun- il:iv. meinberj of Uielr cardriiib arrivrd iit noon with dinner

wife .Mr. and ,Mra. 11. IL Cu)-.i. .Mr, nnd Mrs. Waller Miller, .Mr. anil Mrs. Herman 01e:e, .Mr. iiMl Mr.v Arch Coiner, Mr. and Mrs. Jt>hn Parl-.h, .Mr. nnd .Mrs. Tlioma.i l!;i'l;;iu, .Mr, and .Mrs, Hirl .Miller ar.ii Mr, and Mr,v W. R, Chiic, The iiltc.'iioon Hill spent playing cards,

>t. * *

Temple MarriageOAKLi;y, Feb. 4-MLis DlanchB

Whltrlc-,-. (iai)t;hlrr of .Mr. and Mr;i. J. V-ul WhUeley. OaV.Wy. nnd tollU JoMry HueKleld. f.on uf Fred A, .s!ielli<'ld, Kiiysvllle. Utah, were iiiarrlcii feb, 1, In the S.ilt Lake temple.


'c have a limited supply ot ew KIclni with the ‘Triple

iDa^iinj: feaiure,*

K. W, BN^TiER'S Sewing Mach. <5: Vacuum Shop

Service for All Makes Phone 1534-n 821 Main XV.

Mariners Hold

Evening MeetWhen the M;>r

Tlie ML'.^Lvlppl 1.1 the 13lh lonp- it river In the world, wlih a length

of 2,400 mile.s.

ffiiat AbODi Tlie Old Foftt?Whta tli«7'ra sot so actlr* asjnara

or tortutinx fsa (at ADLERIKA. Wd bara xhmbj letter* from tbaaWol Biert *ho ar» for M tl islddlftHV*. Tour druccUt h u ADLBHnCA.


N g W uadtr-arm


Stops Perspiration

2. No<iIiinstoJ:T.Cinh«iii(d sijhtifitttlin'Hf;.

S. Iniiinilri<orip«>rirationf[>r I to-J tliyl. I’rtrenu CKlof,

4. A pute, vliiie, Jlioielex, Jtiialcii v«iiUliinsce*m,

5. Aw«deJ Arr'o..! Se.l of ^tricinIn»iiiurcr.fLiuncJ«.^n foc beuifihunlcH

WcC-rinn jiarlors. ttir ;

wlUi Uic Mnriiic.-r.' li R. .Smllh prfsrnl<'d n that pliiycrt lour iiuiv

Tlic .study jierioii 1 lands between nurih Amerlwi.” uns led Saur. Mm. Lome 1’. .Mr.H, Luther J

for the evniliu-. The. Kloiiji V

DaUy Mae ind n Vak'ii

I f your dog likes his food in meal form, lie’ll tovc iliii new CBO-rUP. It’» mnde from.lho same successful formuln used for the ribbon fonh ORO-PI;P. I l l Rtcal lor doE* of all ages,,. proviilcs every mlnerarotul vilnmiti nwded for growth and vigor. Moncy- Mvine. tool Fed as directed. 2 boxes is all you noed buy to last nn avernge IS-pound dog a full week. Get cko-pup at your trocct’s today.

bf luim't I* Bt'tK Cntk

mke enough lor future use, saving time and fuel. If y6u have our Uiiichcr crack the bones, you'll ret the benefit of Uie mar-

Stnp In nnd let Helen Vidor helji with your food menu and biidKcl problem.'!. Glie b well known ihruout Idiiho na it food aiid nutriuon exiwri, nnd will be glad to offer gestioiu. No charge or olj. liKaUon, or course, and i.he Is In our store every day. 0 a. ni, lo fl p, m,


■; cup butter. 1/3 cup sugar. I tea- poon vanilla. 1 egg. well beaten, 1 cup flour. l ‘i tea- r.poons baUinfc powder. U tea- siK)on salt. 1/3 cup milk. '3 cup thick Jam (apricot, slraw- brro'. ra.'.iiberry. etc.) Cream butter, sugar nnd vanilla to- Kclher until fluffy. Add egg. beathiK' unUl ' smooth, tlft Hour. 'racRiiUtc and f.ltt ngaln with baking powder nnd salt. Add to creamed mixture aller- iinlely with milk. Pour Into a

“ KTcnsed and floured B Inch rough cake pan. Spread jam over batter nnd rprinkle wlUi cramb topping. Bako at 375*. 30 minutes. Serve warm. Serves C.

Crumb Topplnt

3 tablespoons flour. cup sugar, 'i ten.'ipoon clnmimon. 3 Ublespoons butter. Mix aU Ingredients togellier until they lorm a crumb like mixture.


Incrtdlenli for all the sbove mlpe* »rc offered al your

Coniumen MarkeL

J.r Mill THlpt Mud nj

. IUp»fl«itr r



I’ANC'AKIi FLOUK.Sjirrry'r.—4 !b, I’aeknge . . 33c

CHEESEKraffs AMirrican or Vtlvee 2 5 cMAYONNAISERMt Foods - Quart ....... 5 5 cPEANUT BUTTER.School I!oy — 2 Pound Jar . . .. 55c

SUNBIUTE CLEANSEK 5cPRU N ES,Gold nar — 2 lb, Pkg, . 33c

TOMATO SOUP - 2 5 cCnmpbeir.'. Famous ........... C.iiw ^ of Fre.‘<h Pork

is r e c 0 m m e n d e d

1 his wi:ek. It i.s jilcn-

.ifiil and of a .select


F irst step ill meat consnrvatioii i.s biiyinfr Ti>p Quality , w ith little \va.ste and lots more food

aliie. O tir m arket specializc.s in Top (Jiiality meats, a t IGw price.s. -15cComplyiriR W illi Govt. Uetjucst.s — W c Rc.servc R ic l i l To L im it Quantltlcsl

ORANGES‘■Gold RucUlc’

xcil — to aid kcpliii 200 Sl:r,



i l l .....■2 ,„25cTURNIPS


Pound ........... 4 ®

Urge SunkM


Chnlee Atlxon^


6 , „ ..2 5 c 'Keedlesi Snnntald



CASH IF YOU H .IV E IT— Credit ir you need 111




Page 10: · HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy

Page Ten TniES-NEW'S, TWIN F.ULS, IDAHO iiiursUiO, rcoruttO

Event to Be Sponsored by Javcee Ciub

JE ROM E . -J — Thefir>l outlaw ki.«ki'tbal! tmir- rarr.<.T.l in .‘ outh c<’!^tr.'il Id a ­

ho in two years w ili Ih- Maj;i

I',ore on Friuay :inti S;iUinla, F.'b. 12 and ir.. it w .s ni rounccd tmlny ) y xv.c J fn m Jayceo-s .<ro:;.-orii;K’ or^'aiiiza-

Ju'tli'MJV. A:v.

I.ljhi rlatrr Umll

Jack Huih Sti-aijiht Referee Says Booin« Should Go to Coaches

••r:;) f.


lxir.e lr--c •J'.r

Thp lirM canie of the louniair.rri' cn mclar n» ' Pi"-

yvtiuzh UiUi a:s lUuli Ri'u.Ya'' l-.u:!'.. I' '[wbAblr

s'lil .v-K7.r club:. »l!l I*' Pl 'siTT.ti o:\ fo: trim rv.rnM

M.-r-ilax. rrb. 8. a:ii! t.’ic <lra«ir . •»;U be ISr nrU <; r.

AU ramrt «IU l>c M IJCTsr hull

Wyoniiiig ?S’ips IS Five

37-36 ScorePliillips

ByIJESVnV TVb, \ IT—Wyowlr.:

ur.l«rri:t\'» Cjabo}3 drlralfJ thr M Olif.-s l.v.t nlK!-.:. T. to :s.

tcs: iSra-xvrVirr ct fc.t«T>-Kame Ir.faii-.llf r'f- »m ij brnffll baNtrlfcall TlifjcfftTue»i>r Wl. « >0 « •

Fom-ard Krnry- Sallurs <anil r.%- foK^-cn-ir-cJi Mi’.o KcCTcr.Ith.CotU'r cfr.irr. fcrji' In

'trt*. half. 'oiVh Ihrrf ’ f ir'l'tj'jxAi' »p:w.

Tl:t 1m4 char.Ert bands t'.sV.'. tlr.w *r.d iJic fcorc aas (:«J Jil'ur t^r.n la tSf finit period «!-.!ch rt>JKl 19 W 16 In WMimir.K J t-iM'r.

m ihfuTic.U in a roT by rori.irxl liucl ItcirrJr.K Kid clo-rin b-,OUirU Kml rn J lf and Guard \V;1- Ue C!"'f Eari!r .\:UrOkU. trxn « Ihrr^-polr.l advar.:- t i t 3 50 :o.

n o fln ;-“io:x by F.iraarxl Jlr;i \V(L- »nd lorx hfavf^ l-y

Private Beals Serjjeant—and Arriiv Is Happv

LONDOf>‘.Uvi>. 4 u';:yMcHaIc .or U5 j\, Ihr rrnj

•Ha:c ‘J i Cnclf Sa.T.\Up l)<.u I'.'.r blA.-r-' <

cranl u\:i r.<,>6od,v c\c

•mate's.l! l?lf KrJ Crvv.i ctub ’—i*.. ehltc U:ht a::d IC thal r;^a:fJ New Yo;k'i

M.Mll-'on { (iuarp Cirrifn.P%-;. MclU> ar.d S '^ I Sjl. r:ar.V .cf «Tr.; a: li ;:i

League Prospect

Oakley Wins Fi-om Rupert High, 40-15

O A K L E Y . Fob. I — Coach Mor.k HaU:i.i.vV 0:.kU'y ? Hornets U st tir.-u- a l i p b i : : « “ X " o u 'r o f

two ticfi'a ls on ftu it 5>.“aco:'. rvc.rd o f I I .

in .'ronl o; a tc- >:opp:r.5 to;;;r p’.sy. la fast tLOctinj ta m:ej

■ ' ' ■ ar.oUi- by ncQ ciiny

i.'ficljLL-jr atew d t-f > worttd »t Ifas:iri.'. ■ Ar.d IVS sr'.ilr.i• s;i ;?:f Iw mM. -Jh7i -..y UV JudrSfS*. ar,; ;v X; oj ihpit JCKili a

:hf roo.' o:f hi

Jerome Boxers Take Decision „ From Indians

jm OM E. Frb. 4 — hlfhE-.v.'.-i’ .STTS «orttS k V5

dt\-i:.\Ta cvrr U-.p inradlns »oahcr.e huh -vhool cl'jb here list nish:

1 a <-a:iia:y crt3»d'\a Ihp loeaJ

T «a lU ailtea. 1!; lUQis. T t u KUh t«cUL pUj» hailtt-t>all U fcrrp In 'o ' hurtaO. b \p»rt ^ Ci.tb«t iun*d tnc vls> vttro hr tin. T»b. C r»T» J totbo un aad WTittanf SIS. b k flm havaia. aad c«a<

» bli Irxvc

Gimp Graut Giaie Team Rated Tops

Rickey Sees No Reason to Quit Baseball

B t j c d s o n B -u u r NEW VORK. r»a. 4 (iJV-Ose

of cpusilsia has »ottadfd * CT7 basrtan ilace Uie

W JbaEjMwf axnmisi»a taws! lu o; nca-esscsUat >i!».

11 c»=* l i « Ut^x litsa Siraai* Rlctry. prtaidwt of the BrooUjT DoletJi. «bo tu:«>£led IW T*Jue of

a x t i t asd old. i t U « n a :s l j ta b« airu=ied l-*ut the gPT« Tist=t did not le»« <«l U”" >ab t^uMnatlon of baitbalJ p lv en br ovrrMthL”

Tatr< 4ssye the pesii=ibtie mrUcisa or e;her buJcc lear-i* OTseri. Rlctrr aisrT.ed that tS Uie «ss*,~pt:oa «rrr ccrrect Ciat ecnU- Uaa of bawbaU as rj»-<ssfnllaJ •«-is TM> crt-rr^Sl. •^tTi U^t ti pc-Brr rssasiiiswa C ijt h»Te be:

■ AaX «Tt*ln activi- ta the field of rccraiioM

Lia be coaUr.urd aa l that acUrtUfa properly *»crJi«td> *crcl» la th* laaLu tsas;« of Use nshtlrjr bo:»Ip. rot ORly oi esir 5p « lo a i'ta t of our arT=f<l fcreea la Aatrtc* and tiro-jtboct i*e trarid. . . We thiaK that «£a*.CT<T ktrps t:p the fplat of ctir pecT-ic U a r » d Cilr.s."

Spw ti C*otino* .- S > x u arr continuing ta Great

Br.:aL-i and la Bu^ia. he ssUd. “At l ie Ttry u s e «hta the ilr je of l,»d ar.d Motccnr ictrt ico:t

r.isfc » n a p of ioKtz la the s:»diun in Mar«>*

lUTuled by approxlsutely i(M.WO people."

*If are pertnitJed to Lnlrr*•re rraolejy ta tlie m elfori thr>' !2KJd no: be tolerated fw one ir-.-ite." i f aaid. bci U they eon- r.-.;e » i a hp:,"-* arrr.t la the

r.eld of p;iblij iscolp, nhea they i*CKiVi be cnNur*crd aad rjiialned by :he eoirras^rr.i ivelf. And tnosl }-;itT;y. JO Jor.; ai there U doubt aSMc: It. u ir j;-_-pi'Jr-n siiccld be ».-ird IS :»'«■ oT p-bHi jMraJp.

Otl>er Cesuaeat Fnxa cfl^nab f . tAhtr dabs

ca=;e eos^tst:Warrra Giles. CiaiSasaU Rrd»—

r r txare tlalsxtd I

c:a.-k GrJ;;'.h. Vra.\hlriloa Sea- a:.Tf»—-I h57«> sw.e nearJ caa be f.xjTid 10 tcr.tinut the sport.”

.*;a: Gxl’.a£her. Chlfa^o Cute— -: d.^a•: belint t.'iere a.-* xaore C'.aa S3 la the esii™ coun­ty cnrr cjaf; aje capableci pUysvc rsa.’c.- Jrar.* bxseball."

. IfM Lhan 1*0 R-.iauirs I i;Liv. -n.

■n-.fti tOvltti VTjcr.'.ir.i; i ’.r.-dcnp pclaL

. j-n be.'nrr the e-d. a l.'n; ty DmTmlr.E of the 0;;l^^ roUc\l arcund the biOiPl .n.'n (il\d fr’l.i".;!.

Carey Wins From Bellevue,'43-20

C.\REV. tlcb. +—Cft;ry d(-:r,i;rv; BfLtrut here' lir:^l. 43-:o. aflrr

a :t-6 Ihi'fl at the h.ilf. Ber.-.tii h»d-l< for Carry

aid Drtyer .- 'en tnr nr"<-vi;f. la I rv-'' SMifr. Ca:n- ac:i. 3i-lC.

BltaPKT('.rre ;;r'ipn i.'irt- clx'

. P\t.riun; o! an corr^v^.i

C44 Ivi'thrr rr.rz-.rr.■n.\r.s: CO him ter >f::- 5 an u. kr.a»-n a\ Mcll.V.e o«e.-

TTv prnate l.vk chartP ar dIP rroad :va.-rd .v he la.-;drd >;-•

'C.cW,e:-.clft,* ll'.f a.'-'Cr.'j-.rJ T---

Tl'.p rtv.: :.!;cvi; «;^rn l^ !, Me I..!cs l-int! »a.i nx-f.1 u-, la olhrr feju;re bcuL. C.r

,r:-v rj C:^xp;.«n;l ta'oc•\t, D.ur Orn-r.Ur^. C:e\e'.v.:S. . ,; :r : !; ir i:- ;a n d lM . Fr-r.t V--r;;.v. c>\c:ii-.,i, tM j ..

Wc;: •.Miltrr.. Tfr.r..Fan tntroduped

1:; tr.;c G^

Bowling Scores j .-a S '>i!xoi: Lrxr.iJ ; K- rvvral

wovk-' I'V r;r.c '.he-ii-v-jrv

t."-.* H c r rc : ' tr;rK'.i o;it

r«.o-ri Vy :«•.

T>e b>>,;is »err Q- iie erra:f.-.;;;:: .-vU ^ p ttar t.“-.ns:»h w.; f,-.:y iTO taa-i^uti. sccced by J<: on;e tx-iys, .ca the lu ll;;aa

Nrrt Ivr:: fin ,(.he ‘Ocal schwlule 1 ar»:n;i WenieVinPit Wexlr.r'day.

ot Uy, r.'.jh’.'r. hif.'.t-.-. Van r3;!cti.’-te. Jerrae. df i-ycn

ed CaL';o-.;n. ft«ih>«e.Ptrcrj:. SWiujr.-oa^. ore

Bartr::, Shvflj^e. oa decv.-'a. f.-.rr.t :cr|.,^^horr.


'■I'ir*'- J<'rr-a-.r, .-,\>reO |4,(frr i'h...

; La.-vn. .»pn*-K KerLvIa.-..I .Maasa, !jV ,JfrtK:;c,i Ni.J-.:aaki. SjJt'hDre.] H. n.\r:w.

i"w ^ ::a !

• j I t r-v^er, 115. Jp.-c=-.e.• BL;rr.-.;.-n. Shaihonf.

; ; n. &r.i!.h. S.-.cfl-.g.r.e, ie;'.-• i ed K. »'.;--aN;:tfts J<-.-c=-.e,• 1 .Vrt>fl:rr. l« l S.".<v-hcTe. d rL'. t f i K;r.?,'.i:her.'Jerccnp.

. 1 C.-,rd.v.. UT Jertsp. dr.-:-:c I U‘~r>\ £?Ki£-*;p.I J. H-.;n-,ruVl-l J3S. derL-io.-.fd W r;.-..-:.-:- S.h.-vi.‘;ane.

• ( E;;; Barrt*. 155. decis;ccod

TTj:' l-r.\ C.v Fn.-.o.”L-rr ;a c.\i.v

a-. Ca=-.7 Gn=:. hJj to a v. ;;; ;.-.e »ir::.-r •.■■.Mklsnicra VCarr.p* Grvk- S c^srn Ku:; i* '.ptt

Fv-.' ;r. U-.r-. *a!’.tr'' e> c.-. th? r_vf t:

\va.-Tu.-> .^ixp -BTO : : - rr.; ulArtT j.rhev:i;'vJ ii.1 IT. a

r'V."--' * rv-r.-.r-. i--d t

-i.-= »; G.'pii U i f .

Jerome Meets "Bruins Here wj Friday iSight

S:a;f . tvT-j

bp%t Jertsre hi»h school cape ; teis: Svary: jrar?. «U1 siake 1 ta;UA: ar?eara»rfcd t.V waMsi tipre I CO. Fr-.dA,' r.iih'. ajatait I,-.* T»ia ' rall^I Thr r4=-.e^ibf:.-.r pa.XTd fcr the ! iwr.p:;*. o: fcn'Twia Fii:i eouaty : rc—-■> Tjrid WMi ret pMveed*—al] , fi.-rr-t *13 c',* *:*5rrc=a th 1 r."sai :uh>Jtfaa:;> pa.-3L'V>» ; an-'-N-i fg to l'r-ii '; r>.p JtSfoJae Quuf.ft. BUdel-p =.a.'U.v cif i-id J'irI ha.5 t<rn is-.proxra'.eaiI la r.ri.*:T eitrr ci=if all ipnirx1 li eTpp\-ied to bn a a to

U:e S.-.i:a:',l • • zr. ir.f jr».''»'itPt-'Tita,r»Ci

elp<l c- i a,'t;tr*>if.«L'i by ral-



i-rr.r.1: J.-r-r,

■ J I ! m NS BT KMVKOIT< ••: .-I rCFl— ANZ- Orr. F^b; tpo f5 ' Ycv< C;;.'.

By Rt'Ci] »TWJl:tiTl)X.' Jr.NDV Y0nK.\Fr'b{'4 O'—

Jrcea the liiti at ei..A\.l-.'.c-.r-. ecattitj «ho haXT 'J^ ii !ct^©'P.iTj'i nti'' J'-iv*!'. i^Tpparatcr; ifh.'X'l; rrcer.U,v. ihcrt'U bo pic:;;;.

ih o ^ c l" I.'-,;:;. • - So I.'- -■s.'*'.!

•Wa.'iOD prep';? Ut- riv>;Ca;: *r«r5 api: t»:i. don't r-.tip a; ilic

athrcl caiap. It tr.ay be a bf;;r: tea--a t.>an M-.:'.f:-Cla . . . n;i:. o'- aisj t.‘-.i: t:;r 4r»y air T'r.-rs ttchaKU cvizia'.Mvi. "j-.vU Ihi=alt'dosa « iSotiaU Iful ta;:. Sim U, “ajta* ary real coa;?r:;;n'

-*;*3.*ta i u j Gen. Jsrob E.'T;:tf; rrcciWy to:* sosi* pretty good Oo-t- e.T’otit ,cf Texas aa-.ateia^tccnii. s=^ats lad wiped out a clba.’itftiaJ lea.'as ly c>.i:fri;;K ihi; "ao ealli‘.ed caa ia this dutn,-; caa reaipete la aL*-.:etics ot; tht

The MiaJppi eoUfte board, *hkh UiX year rr>fle<! a pUn U voftrA laUTttiUesiale aih- letki at UaU InaUlstiona far the tfarat>»a. l i cotuJderint it ac»lo aad haa taU athleUc dlrert«r%M to Btakt any ae«r ctjolracla■ntfl after Ue M anh merOcf .

' ...BMk Ole Mba utd MIsalulppi SU»e nrfcH « a pa«-ai-7ea-r« kaib lilt fMlfaaa seaxea and { •(a dn te rtedpts «en cnstuti. . . . I te c«att r u n ) hks ruled Utal BEhl.ttaT7veixli( Champ G n Leaterieb can't flthl. eren •a Wj aim Wiat.' S» bis Feb. » M »{t)l ret. Melu Bcttlna M « it atr . . . T«> flfOT it Aet, «e cast

-u.-_ r.-c

Toi>.\r.'< r.ixsT CMfte nprrick. ^ l>Wx»

tCalit,! Tribaae..<iio: T ^e .SL LouU CaTilliuU are t*_da.thclx »;\rinc trxlnias la C«lr«, IIL. dr- bribed In a \\T.\ hxodbwjfc a» beiRf In a Uale »f *jratle deray." .\‘eedlevi t» ia«. Ibe Cardi hope the lame fata donat befall thctn."

.SEBMCE DtTT.Ma^aanl Hartoy a.- Ray

Sc.-jald:. eo-captaias cf t.he 15J3 i:ruTtr?;ty c! Yirj-.r.U bosia.? tpa.-a, botii B.-e tu.*iu.-j; Li tr-e batt;p. Car- Ha-'lo* of tl;p a:^T air cc.-t« hl. icrn cor-'^derable arttua cntr Sp’r Gu-.r.ea ftr.i EaM^a Schsiiii'. li cv:.“>- o.'rictr aboarf a deiU-oyer . . . .^aoUipr forser ccUeje bc^er. l i . Ceorvtt V. Pyies. a k a ^ artist a: Mai^ laad. tas tilled jecer.Ur la actua over Chiaa after barijta; t.'uTe Jap :ero plaaea . . . Becauie .'O serxlce tea.T. are expect d to rater the tatlocal ie=l-pro bate* fcalJ tcuraaaen; 'next ix:s=er. -•«- Tice taea la uaifcaa rot ecly »iU be adailiUii free bvi t.'-.erU be s^ca

ratios carxl cood tor cse bott> of pep. m hoi t 05 ar.d a j a i i ol peanuts . . . An est.*a strrire chi.te > cl«Ulan faaa «m pay fee It.

Laundryi'^'akes Gooding's . Bo\vlin<; Title

GOODINO. Fra. t —, Na^-na: Lai_“-1.'\- ix-alpr-, af.h a rflt' S xl.-:c.-.e:« and i r drfeaij. l>j

«-.>i aad IT dtrca-.vfo:r.r.i hcaan foe tie r.n-.

half of t .e wa.-« seat to SiTWk. I;a5 Tf-h 173 po:aia. Bracks »:'.i lU SAi Ji. Lfoa with in ,

IW h th.-et~Fi.=» ir r .a wesl ta

ROV E . SMITH .\(toroc7 at La«

asae^ara macraj of d cTTjR fr«a the Hctoi BIdj. to

StTTt IL r iD n jT T N-irl.B.1.NK BLDG.

Far General m etic* ef La«.

rilr.c r.9

C= -ri-jsr,X1.-1 TTi.;e ^ .d

viGrahaiii Opnosed to =I Listing Ball as

Essential BusinessS.KX ^R.^-^•C:SC0, Feb. 4 -dr —

C ;ir :« Grahiai. owner cf l.';e Son Fraac-i.-,-o Scais. t«lay brardpi* aj

prppcBils that kirrball ar.i p.T>:psd«u: a' .'.ftes te

fht'>-ed as esjentiaJ under u“:p ne» trv n-.aa;>j a t .* mllar> and said that thp Pv-ine Oaas: bojeMH leaj-j*

^~era*.e Uvls ie iii'a "cr.^ if the s-jO” JearJes do."

*!la.TbaU dws Co: want to be aj aa errer.lla: fca>l.-;e',%"

Onhant said. coMJer.tla^ cn re-

•It hardly «e:r.i to add s:p-ihe }.y» of «trsra and phjTical^. drfi.-ieat wen rc^kinc In war UTdtis- tr fs and harjij »tle*^*«dlfd txn pUv bx-ebalL-

Ornhani &ald he persona::? dcub;. r«i If o.-ranl2rd ba-vb*:! wo-jM be fSiUaafd ta I>43. bet added t.\at

Sea'j pixy evea M thelexr^tt. trca i up—in Satur^iiT and f-rday cisses. with! the rla'^erj s'a.-ti.-.; t r r ^ Bt warpliatsIS between.

Hevbuni Qiiiut Rallies to Nip Albion High

liEYBtnw . reb *-C.-».-h rvtn C-ari^ M:h Kh-v: raa- .fTJ ea=.e tT«Si ler.:c:i h»r» T:f3i»y nua: la the «f^-.rr t.' trr the h;.:h-:v»---.i Ait^-a ,Kh.v; c:- a and v-'.-rr a 2>-» r.rt-%-r

Th.? Br.:e t>r<Cl had i.:: th.t wa-t uh.-wi?h a:»l were la frrnt .M a: the <;'. xner. IS-’.? at tht hjl* and 1>-:T a*. :5e*. ci lie iu-.

TT-en a Piau'.rr rallT. l?d ir Dwa=ie Stisprv-n, fa ll tsr.c.-r. S-.:sip<c V-'Ored U prtnts. «hi:e Tiiisen hAl,a=:r f,- the w.a=er5. T?eca.nse arl R,-'* r»;h nZiCiPi srtra

"r^e K r b ^ c-'-a ?: hen^ ca rr-tay asd r

taikle l>.e Biica'j

RE.\r» TOtES-?3WS Tr.\ST ASS.

=- r-,-cr. S .^- i h ^ U-.e Bn. -----had ra .n trj l - U ." . ^

Thty b«^;paii'l--.; '.W » XO

,-n.-e ri-J\ to^pblcy. Oatlfj' va«d

F.r?t t a s v V - '^ a thMj/Twla rtV.v aa4.v^» J'=ir.tLhwA-

f j fir-t Ji-t-baek c< the se*3crf;Tist WTft »bea :: to the Buhl te- ;rrkn hr. is eipected to pit for*Ji .Vi=.p cf Its beit tra»d t f baitetbaa a this cane.

Serweca hahra of the Hrela-Tlcw fvae the TVa Tails Llans ehib wlU —i t r edTinal prcjeatatj.-n ef a re- iii.T.u:nr to the ci\j ef T«la Falla.



W< arr ia xs» xsa;«xt daSy.’

CALZ, OS SES . . .


T ra r^ai r te c » - it t . c » a is n a a iOOSn fca B

Brown’s Goals in Last Period Lead CasUeford to Wnf^vsTLJTOSD. rvb. *-na::i»:fr

-.=v.---krd a axse dt.'pn.>< oa Casl>- fcrd TVo^-a Isere Tupsiay nl£ht aad fx ih.T« periods it Mpeared •_ e ssaiecf » t««yto the visllsnt. BawtTcr. the W olm easa v.’i ^e^«^ p3»taa the n a il penad to tnusph. r-ct

ILiZiiicr Irf. 5-i at the ead of


Tfd Wrjener, prtildrnt of the Idaho Wltdllfe Jedcrallon. taya tlin or?anUallon ttlll ’'nKlil to ihe la:it ditch- the rreentlj- Introduced bin In Ihe JeElalattire thav ^tjuld end tjia flTt-roan flih a«I game eommls*SlOfl.

That's the rlEnlipim and ihmiKJit —but II dne^n't mean Qint Uir rr;.t. of us jhould sit bjck and Itt n.itiiro tike its coune.

U b nnbtllerable (o ihe arer- ace ■portssian that turh a bill to unde all the (ood ttiat lias been done for Idaho wildlife in the past “ foM- yeart could po^ lbIy pa*s U>n>o»h both hou%e> of llie lesK- Utore and then tel the co'frnor’* . aimatore.

But such Uiint< have been known to happen And Uiere l.i tio rri»:.on why tile jpwi.-mrn .Oioiild Uike a chance on havillK rvrolliliin tiny l>*ve built up m rtcrni yviirs torn down.

So my plan U tliU;Hh-eo' .•l‘ort.% orduilwtloii In U:r

state ;hnii!(l call uii liiunrdliilB meetlnc lo jo oa record il% ohixx'.- Inff Uie bill cnUlllK for iibiindoiiliiJC of tiie fWi nnd same coinmli,\lon.

Then when wch aelion lia« been lalen.'lhe mulU thoulil be wired, written and Irtrphoned in to Ihr lesUUleh tram that teclor.And if that l;ji‘i enoucli. Uicn ev­

en' 5port.wj.ia la .■•outlirm Iduho should make ii a point lo j.ixnil ii JewTOlnutes and n len- rent. lo wlro a rrprt’-vntatlve or sciiaior Iroiii j-our county.

In ihat way yon may ure Ida- h»'a wildlife.

.\nd do it now—before It’i loo Ute. _Lefty Gotnez. Tiho tisrd to jervo W

'em tip In Uie oW Uttai-IdAUn leaRUe. formmnrr of. Uie Pluaci-f loop. U on tile doa-n iu-lnK aad liiio been ro!d Covn the rlrrr- bv llin New York Ynukets lo Uic IJcolon B.-aTes.

While Lefty was lUtray.'S a top- notch pitcher for the Boiiibcri. JiLi ready wit made him one of Uic nio.*t. tciorful hwlers la tlie majnr lengurs and probably liplped proloaK hU slay with the Vanlu.

l it i slortp* are Ipstnd around the Innior clretilt atxd the sportit wrlbes liked nolhinp belter Ilian t» he able lo recall a few of them when the lonf, lankj hofler left U>e loop.Here are a few lolns the roiind.'i:When Lefty reported to tlie Yimka

his first year up, he ttTlshcd iiu more tlian IJJ pounds. Prrslrtmt Ed Barrow suRRrsicd Uiat lifl pul.on 20 po-jr>ds and make the boys forKCt Jaek ChP^iro.

“I p jl on 23," eriilnlned Uie r.e- nor, “and alnicti tti;wlc Uivsn lor;;tV Goenes.-

It u-as GaTip* who t K the t.U

I. ne iloppc<l prorrrillni:.s iind i o:i tlie mound lo ttalch ii

plane el.t-lui; hi^ii oviTlifnd,Xn 15U. »Jwn Gftmes was fad.

Inf. C w h Arl netehpr advlwd him ta threw hardpr.

T m Ihrowinc Iwlre ai han! a<1 errf did." u id Lffly. “only not a\ fait.-

the nr?t quarter. 11-8 «i tiie Imlf and :M 7 with ihree-tjuarier!; of the fa.-ne Knne. Dul brRlmilns Uie -««> 'quarter. Grnc Bros-n koL n lorjt ba.'.kel and llipn n lay-ln lo Klve hh tew a lead that it never relinqul-hed.

Broun made nine polnti, two Jess than Lflnalnc, Uie IlolIUtrr center, CaUtn Gtavliead had eSuht for the home team.

The Wolves ulll play t .berly Saturdaj- nlcht, '»-hl|e 1___ter will rttam hrro on Feb. 18.

■ at KT i- lille liollls.

r 'w y r 'w 'w '^ '^

A T T E N T IO N ! •Cash PaidFor Worthless or Dead

Cows, Horses and Price of PcJls for Dead Sheep

CaU CoUect t^carcst Phone TWIN FALLS JI4. GOOHINC 4T

RVrF.RT 51


XI Wrecking___ THIS \STEK IS TW IN FALLSa D0I>GE PICKIT. Meter, trass- <iin. %Z ta cx<i sia;*. Bajr. ff=deJa. wbeeK »ad s=ii3 parts, ai: scCd -iS tS OLDS COCTC- sua tax* paru far es*. PrrtCr CwS tS«rie too.55 cttKTSLBB COrPE. Left aWe cair. r « * t aT edfr yora & top tSape.5« n COCTE. Bo<iy. ffsdera. a3 =«tsr a=d chissii piTJ. Get here DODGE. TJ»aa, tlirt. aad bc<y a2 ta r*» i a i a ^ R « r *iaisss CE y. Na cotor.

Tw in Falls JeromeA u to W recking A u to Partsr t e t is:. T«{B Bax »U 1 fb ia a UL Jum ji

_ W rite . W ii« , or Phbce. W e Sh ip C . a

HORSE SALEM O N D A Y , FEB. 8thW ill have a verj- good assignment of

horses, all local. Several matched

teams. Southern buyer will be here.

Bring in those you want to sell.


Page 11: · HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy

Thursday, FtfDruarj- 4.1943 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Pafi e Eleven

Ration Suit Designed to Aid Temjjers

NEW YORK, Ptb. 4 «■)—Cranes

No relal!o:>«o tlic'xoo:. It b tie-

' ftlsned to fnd r»tlon-book bulges »iid ttcar and la r on IH= wallet,

pockets »nd lemixr.Th»i ruKT old tw»cd you lore

can be »d»plcd u well aj a amartly. cut pin »tripe, AU U*t U needed U a few pieces or !ilnsU« and a 111- Ue Ailichlng.

The procedure U this; Count your ration booki. social eecurity. »clec. Uve tcrMce atid other Ide^Jlcatlon cardi. Then have >our wife or your tailor make on Ihc UnUiS ot the cmU rront a »erlei ol ellm. wallel-Uke potkeu, lulnj iho Wnglaas os the

, outatde pocket wall.' It's New Vork'a conUlbuUon to

the merchant tailors and design, era aswclallon emement/ wor con­ference In Cfilcago nexl week, and the brain child of I'* president. Tony Wllllanui.

WllUamj *ald the Idea wos bom or neceaslly because cUJtomere'com- plalned that their carerully tailored BUlta were ruined by the In- creadni collection or bonkJ and cards tlie eovemmfnt decrees they: muit earn'-

Bills Passed

T m s CURIOUS W OR I.D---- B y W illiam Ferjuson


BD <8 by Williams, R.. Blngham- ne[H-alliix the voluntaiy coaunlt' nieiil III*-.

60 S3 by fducallon andVducation' a] InjlltulloM rMimlllee—Provld' inu Uiat a teiichrf's certlJlcat* shall not Iniv'P while holder U In Uv: mil- Uao’ service.• SB :a by Cre;i, n . Idaho-Ai.iend- Ing present Inwj to permit enlist. inent of youUis 16 years of *?e In the at4te mllltu under certain con*dtttont.

SB 43 ')y Bchwrlder. R.. Boruie- ville-ProhlbUing ilifl adrertlilng of

The Times-News



Fnrmers • Auctioneers

Thla column carrlea a daily lljt- Ing or every fann u l« advertised In th« Tlmes-Newi Protect your tale date by cettlng your ndver- tuement in early.


Watch this column dally . . . It carries Date ot the Major F^rm Sale* in all Maslc Valltj,





IS A7'7a^As A ys.

Chippendale, rumlturc; Stradivari,

IN THE HOUSE J "8 by reclamation commlttce— itinK Ui8 Kovemor authority to

. ,r Into a compact with the slate of Nevaita end the United Stales to dctcrmlnr water rights and distri­bution ot water ot Salmon Falls creek.

im *7 b>- Andnis. 0.. Bonneville, and ChrUtensen. R , Ontlda—Re- p<-;vllnB agricultural relief act of io:is.

IIIJ 00 bs- Porlcr, D.. ;.Iu<ll;.on/aiid Anrtni', D.. Bnniirvlllr—PcrniHtlnK piirchnjr of loi.i In cnnrterj- dhtrlcl. by person.'! living without the dls-

17 by Wllllnms, R.. near Uke —ChttiiRlnB the minimum number of inhabltanti necc«ary to incor-: pornte a village from 200 to I3S.

SB 43 by Iniurance-Amcndlns 'Ute in.'urance ,lund law.i to vide that the fund fholl br u| able for paj-ment of premium reinsurance.

IIB 57 by Vaiinhn. R„ Payette, Morgan. R.. Tft-ln Falls, and “ ' R . Minidoka—Amending law: provide that one levy .ih.lll Ix: i by hlKliwny board of coniml«loner» for both ro;i<l imd brldKi" purposes, which tt-ljfn applied (o the amount ot le\y made by county oonimli.lon

ers, ahull ool cxcccd 32 ccnt-n per UOO,N HB 71 by Velter, D.. Kootenai, and Monlux, R., Ada—Amcndlns laws to permit a dccrpar.e In the amount or milk fat ntid nilifc solid In Ice cream when fruit, nuts, cocoa or chocolate, maple syrup, cnkn or contcctlom are used for fliivoring.

Mr ; 1 Mrs. Ed Harding ’. C. Orow

home in Tahi FaUs.Mr. and Mrs, A, W. Harger arid

r.un. Vcral. and daughter. Mrs. Wll- fo.'d Archlb.ild, and Mrs. Mllilrrd Ihmihsm wecf In Lewiston. Uiali. Mhcre Mr. Harter'a brother klllrct in an nccldcnt In a munitions taclo.T,

John Prlluclk ftac called to nuhl. where hl.i fntlief sufferol u lltiht stroke. He Is recovering .ilowly.

Pfc. Edwin Machadek and v,lfc. LUtlc Rock. Ark, who arc vUltlm: lirre for a week, were dlnnrr and overnight gue.sti at the A\lx-rt Ko- Is.'ik Home. Evening visitors wcjo Mr. and Mn. Tom T^erdy and fam­ily and Mr, and Mrs, Ed Monroe and son.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L«th en- ifrtiilncd at a pinochle p.irty lor Mr. and Mr*. Elvln Koh. .Mr. and Mr-v Chesier Noll. Mr. and Mr.i. Rudolph Peterson. Mr. and Mr*. ii7ir.n Voss, Mr. and Mr^, Kenneth Knercher. Mr. and Mr.', Ilalph Piper, Mr. and Mrs. Frank South- ulck. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. John Baty, Mr, and •Mrs. Charles Latham and .Mr. and Mrs. Dick AUlns, Prl.-rs wrnt to Mr'. Rudolph Peterkon. Elvln Noli. Mrs. 'Chnrle-1 Utham, Kennelli Karrcher and Frank SoiiUiwlck. Iirfrnlimrnt.1 were .ier\eil.

.Mr. and Mr*. E. II. Pember cele- hnitpri their 40th weddhiK aniilver- .'ar>' Bimdav with a dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peniber and fam­ily. Mr;.. Tucker, DoLsr. and Patty Oll.b. Iliihl,

■Hif Modem Woodmen'.t rifle t<am met at tha E, It, Pember ranch for the monthlv shoot for illstrlct comoctltlon. Mm, Sedlvy liml Mrs, Fordhum accompanlt'rt

■Ir liusbsnd.i and after the ahoot were enjoyed followed by ftfi

.ter Mipprr, The Buhl team plac- flrst In the ^WIe for Uielr a)ioot- ; lit l>rrmber. The nexl regular einik' will he held Feb, S at the

r.ilrvlfsv Oranqe hall.



Markets at a GlanceNr.w YonK. r.b i tr—

NE\V YORK, Feb, 4 ...V—Mild re­covering crept Into the stock today after most leaders had fiwiil the greater part of the sewlo allghUy lower levels.

The drift was a trifle down at the start. Dealings i.*ien slowed and. when It became evident sfllliiB urgency was absent, a number of buyers took on scattered lavoritrj at Jrucllyiifll advances. AUhouKh the lone of the llji stiffened in the final hour, losers were plenil ful ne:vr the cla-r. Trairter:, tteri around BW.OOO .iharrs

handful of ,Mf«rk« touchint: n I- 1942- I tops •c Ohio Oil,Pullman. Budd Mff.. Wu.n;er Bros' and Omnibus Corp. Occasional ^tstance wu displayed by Wmi

m. Great Northern, Standard Oil. N, J. and American Smeltmg.

Backward at Inlenalj were U, 3, Blee), Bivnia Fe. Amerlc.m Trie- phone. Monlgomer)' Ward. DouRlaj Aircraft, Ou Pont. Wooluortli, Dow Chemical and International Hi









Mr. and Mrs, Jack Moore hav Konc to Bremerton, Wiu-li.. «hi-r Mr. Moorr will be employed,

Melvin Tiickcr. who recently re turned Ironi a iwo-year million In IlraiH, made a business trip to Salt Lake City.

ClirLitlan Ei'ide.ivor.s of the Bur. ley ChrliUan church will be horts

banquet Friday night In hoii of C, E. week. Arrangements are rhftVKe 0? Mtx Emma Oothnour nnd Ml. ■, Anna Joha-'on. and gue. ui from Rupert ivnd Hunt peeled.

George Eipe, who has completed his pre-medical courre at Pori land, Is vMtlng hli parents. Dr, and Mrs. G, O. &.pe.

Garth Payne, who has been at- tendlnic SouUiern Branch nl Poca­tello. Li vL ltlnu hLs mother, Mrs, lu ie iu Piiync, prior to hlx Induc­tion Into the armed wrvlce,

Mrs. Max Hork has Rnw to \yina, An?., to Join her husband who was drafted In November.

DouKla.s Par!;i', former Hurley prhiter now rmplovcd In California vbltcd his cou.',ln, Mr.i. .Margnrc! Jacob.i. Before going to Ciillfornla, Mr, P.irke spent f.everiil year.i work- ins on a newspaper In Alaska.

Mn, Pred Tlinmiv.on entertained at a blrUulay partv In honor of hrr niece, Reni-e Flllniorr.

Un Ounderr.i)n. who lia.n been I'inployed in Ogdtrf., reWrntd to hLi home,

Lieut- Vernon Daw;,on. who vtsll- ed hL'. pari'nt--'. Mr. ivnrt Mr^. A. R, ■' Im;. rci>ort(-d for duty nlCamp Walter.-;, Tcxa^.

■ :k Smith, Instnictor in Junior hlch ;ichool here lo^t year, has been

mUfloned ii.i n second Jleuten- In the air corps.

. . Maty Harris and Mrs, MaO' Cur! of Hnrler- wtrp Tisltors here.

Mr. «ud Mrs, F. E. Woodle and ' dauBht- r.', Yionnc, Patty and Marl, lyn. were callers at the home of Mr. imj. Mr;., Robert IlrKT^ JUnl-

Mi\, Allwrt TraPy. "r,Ir.--. Irl; Woodip, .\ir«. Kalherlne Powers, Mrs. Roiiiild Reed. .Mrs. Nettle Averlll, .Mr;.. Galla Mahone.v. Mrs, Dnrlinra AlbirUvjii. Mrs. Mary Ney- man. Mrs. Zclla ChBtburn. Mrs. .Meredlili McVlcker. Mrs. June fihurtlllf and Mrs. N, N. Nash

TiV a brlrisf luncheon held at the home of Mr*. Richard Aver- III. Mr . Powers won all high. Hltil prlrc.i were riven to each table with .Mr.-, Tracv. Mr.i. Reed and Mri* Albi-ii.on wiiinrrv

Earnr:'t Alhert. .in nnd farnllv HarrUcii. were callers at the honii of Mr. nnd Mr. Cy Alberison.

Mr. mid Mrs. Gene Mahoney ant! dauKhter, Ronntp, were bu;.lner.' caller;, in Burley,

Mr, and .Mrr. niiiiiie Wlnlii nnd SMnlly have rtVuTried niier nTieiid- Ini: the funeral of Mr. WUhf; r.ithiT of I!rl«hii;a Cllv. UCih.

Orville Hull:-'<l ■win

■ Enelckln



75 Head of Shire afid Belgian horses. Lots of sorrels,

blacks and bays in good matched teams! Good br ok e !

Weights 1500 to 1700 lbs.

Friday, February 12AT OUR B A R N S - B A C K OF HO LLEN B ECK ’S SA LE YA RD , T O IN F A L L S


J2T30 P . M.

This is an outstanding bunch of horses, and all are Wash­

ington horses. Ages 3 to 7 \


HUGHES & SMITH-------------- i-O W N ER S --------------—


Hurry I'all.u

Mr. and Mrs. I) announce ilie arri' ter. The parent' arrival Sandra Jne. nn- KncleklnB.*. formerly of AltjivJii Rubens.

CuUierlm’visitor ai the home ot her'

par»-nti, Mr. and M.-s. WillU fi»ar Fred Horsfl'.i, AlOlon. wr

to Sodi -SprliiKr. where si; will iinderKo a nui)or openiUon.

Mr;i. Lena Prlrr taken lo Ihr Biirlev Cottac; '^rloujly II!.GeorKlna A^hrr nnnr of her 13th

were played an served.

Tlie Albion Grnuije met In Uie Albion hlBh jchnnl recre.iilon liall Refre.'(hment.<i nrre .renrd by Mr. and .Mr.v Wallure Averlll, Mr. and Mr.v P. G, Suiler and.^on. Jack, and Mr. and Mr.s. j . u. Chaibuni.

Vord Chatbuni ha left for BoL'e to aerve on the Rrniid Jury there.

Mr*. Kales LoAe wju a caller In Albion,

Mr. and Mrs. F. L'. Woodle and Mrs. J. Earl Powers and daughter, Nancy, -were callers in Rurlcy.

Muiing Stocks



, She Is

arty In


GROWERSpet our fluotatiTCs before jrou lell. We are iilways la ibe markcL \


nCJVEB for t t tL ZI.MMERLl


-Mr. lUid Mrs. Harry Egbert have relumed from Callfonila where tJiey made an extended visit wlUl friends and relaUve.v

Herbert Ewen has returned from Portland where li« was called bj- the

us tllnerj of his father. Mrs. .. .1 wUl remain In PortUnd two werk--

.Mr. and Mrs. C, C. Clawson en- Tialnrd Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Moor- an at dinner. Tho aflMnoon was

.wni llsienlnK lo ths recital given liy .Mr*. Cllnuin Luke's piano «tu- '•:il.< at Uie L. D. S. church..Mr. alid Mrs. Oscar Cox have re­

turned fromVOsden where they transacted business.

.Mrs. A. A. Tolman Li spcndlnj the eek In Twin Fall* with Mr. and :rs. Prank Egbert..Mlr.i Jean Cranny wa* a recent

.. lesi of Mr*. Roger Tolman. Miss Cranny's home Is in Ogden. \

Mrs. Clauda Earl aod fasUly hive moved to Ogden where they will make thtlr home. Mr. EarJ has been working In Ogden for atTeraJ month*.

NEW YORK. Feb. 5 iJJ-J - The market closed lilgher.Ala^a Juneau ---------- «Allied fitcrea , ......... ........... 7Allis Clialuien ----------29‘i''Auicrlcau CanAmerican Locomotive ........—American Metals.................American Rad. 4: 5id. San. ._American RoUlng Mllb .....American ameli. «t; Refining.American Tel. i i Tel..................rican Tobacco B ..........Anaconda Copper ................Atlantis Reflnmg .............Baldwin Locomotive .........,nalilmot« <5: OWo .............:Hendlx Aviation .............. -....Bethlehem aieel ............. .Dulova ......................... NBurrough* ........................Callfonila Paclllc ......... .NCanadian Paclllc .........•:......J. L Ca.-e Ca .................. NCerro de Pa-sco Corp....... ....

jipeake Si Ohio ............Chrj'sler Corp.......................Coca Cola .....Colorado F, 4: I.....................Cotntnettlal 6olvcnt.i -----Coiijolldated Copper ........Consolidated laison ........Con-solldaKd Oil .................Conllnental Can ... ...........Continental Oil .................Com Products .....................Curtiss Wright .................Du Pont .... ..................Firestone Tire A: Rubber Freeport Sul|)hur .. . .General lOeeirlc ........—General Poods ...........General Mown. . . ....Gillette Safely Raior ....GoodrichGoodyear Tire & RubberGrtyhound Cp........... . ..Homton Oil ................Howe Sound\,ip. Copper...................Iniematlonal Hanciter ... International Nlekel International Tel. A: Tel.Johna Manvllle ------Kenneoott Copper >— ,K t- gB .........LsrTUord ....... -Mack TrucksMlatnJ Copper................

No ;

Montgtimcry Ward _Nish Kclvinalor___National DlscuKailonil Cash Reglsur .N’ Dairy ■Pioduc la _ National DUllllers----

Nortli American Aviation — i... PacificOhio oa ........ - - _Packsid .Motor*Paramount-Pub............ ............J. C, I’cnney CoPeiiiijylvanla It, R......-............Peoples Gas ......................Nophelfw Dodge ...I'lilUiiiJ Petroleum ... .......... . Public Service of N. J ..........._...I’ullman ... . .Pure 01! ........ -Radio Corp. of Amcrlca______Radio KelUi Orpheum ...........Republic ateel .Reynolds Tobacco B ................iicars Rocbuck ...-........... ..... ..Slirll Union Oil.tjimmons Co.......................... .Socony Vacuum ............-.....-Sout!icn\ Pacltvc .......-............Southern Itallwny — .... .........Kperry Corporation-------buunlard Uranus ....................Stiimliird Oil of California......Standard Oil of Indlium.........S;ond«d Oil of New Jersey ....SiiideDuker ........................... .Suiuhliie Mines .Swllt .V Co......Texiis Corporation .................Timktn Ruller Bearing ...........Trunj;uncrlcti . i;uloa Caxbldi;Union Pacific .Unitfd Aircraft CP ............United AirlinesUnited Slates Rubber ............UnlUd Blate.i Steel ........... .Wnmrr Brothers .................. ..Wcitern UnionWe^llnghou:e Elrctrlo ...........r. \V WoolworUi ......... ........

N. V. CVRH STOCKSBur?Str'lHll-Sulllwn--.:;.:.«oChlfi Service ................ ........Electric Bond A: Share

THlCACf) LivnsTorK

SPOT CASH kFor Dead or Worthless Hone*.

Mulu aad Cow*

Cali CaUeet 028S-JS, Twto Falb


CATTLE AUCTIONS ATU R D AY, Feb. 6thHnvo coiiHipncd the entire herd of Hyttc Barnes*

Wilkinft Shorlhorn Cattle consistinfr of 40 head.

This hcni i.s tcstetJ and arc all good. RcRistcred

m ilk strain bull, 18 m onths old. fj bred sows. 40

feeder piB.*!, extra good, 125 pounds each.



LO* ANRrLM L IXI,-. AMiKl.W. K.h, 111. SI«iV.t Nf»tl*-CA

FI rnonucE b. « (U.SDAl— chm. 41,SS0 lu,.-


Trlbuanl, Wilmington. Del., and Jimmy McDinlcU, Loa Angeles fought a 10-round draw a i the Olympic auditorium last nlEht Trlbuanl weighed M8>j and Mc­Daniel* U7‘.,

MANY PEER SEEN HAILEY. Feb. 4-Ma:iy deer are

;een from the highway aa they make ihelr wav ihrouRh the heavj- *no\mons the fir trees on the motir Mi\ .•ldr. belwcen GUulel and Kci ■hum. Tlie slope. are covered will 1 myrbd of tralU made by the



ent demand for wheat f.-ca hocsta which usually buy for mills pished contraclA up about x cent today.

The ilrenglh In the brea^l etreal was reflected In other cralsa. « tc e small gains were regUtWed. Ejir; ' which had sold olf early, came back to Ko ahead of the precedtof so- Mon's cla e.

Whey closed 4-1 cent hliher. May ll .« '» .t t .« . July «39S . com was 'i-S higher. May nsti advanced rye waa ur.c.^ant- ed to up and Jojbeaw were net traded.

ICACO,«• TADi-r:

o'pili' ■ ii'iia u-r

f )iundr»Tl-tl<ht. R-osL-j


lAiio rAi.L3. r.h. 1 .JV-.V; uvi«r •tlUr rt tJaho;


I COP"*- ofJrflza^

UIIIIU |rvl< «ubw (D<] ttSO'Srt

Trlumj.hi. II.K ',

Potato and Onion Futures

(Courtesy Sadler. Wec«Bcr u d Company. Elka SIdr, Pbone 9I«l

BuHerand Epgsy

Bills Introduced

IN THE SE.V.\TBSJM 6 by agrlculliyr—Meraertal-

lilng cougress to suspend c^icratlca of Uir acrlcultural adjarmlnLstratlon foi the dur»tlet : the

T vin Falls Mai'ketsuvrjTOc*

omcRin»rl«» Ml* tlumita «M

taul "loUerrnm <<iUf (iHm 490i«< Ui ? te« M tl(raa smuiMm 1I»u< Ktowl. htrthlcii'^Jad illsbt-

Ka oTuiTb** •***

Sl<Kk IM -

(On* dMWr quoixll

ntA.sB Crwt NcTtS«m», Sn. > —

Kertb«rat. l<«, 1 _ ^* Im auot*4l

r i»< a-- .-O--- —(Fin <lM)«n ««eudj

“ S S t :s = - —tT>v dul«n queUii)

SB M by Judlciarr and ccrycra- Uons—Amending laws to prchftlt divorces upon default of defer.dasa.

SB ai by Judiciary and corpcra- Uons—Amending laws rtla ilc i lo appeals to luprrme court.

SB 02 by In. ura.’—.^ulhoriilng director of Ir.-urance to revcte U- censea of Insurers fw tr*.-.!<*«l.-j: ba lnf.-.s fo w.'ilch tl;* insun^ tj not Ucrnstd.

SB 02 by L-rlgatlon and ^ t e r re- sources-<iran:in8 authcrttyno c«a- mLviloner of reclamallcn to ext*=d time within whle.*! work shjaU completed upon provlalors of a per­mit to appropriate the public waten of tJie state.

IXTUEnOl-SE’ im 131 by fore-'lry and pcblic

land* commlttet-^Relatin? to l-*it aale ot timber from eta:^ Unds.— requiring Uie use of the srallnt method In lieu of crtilalns 'when- ever feasible.

MB 133 by fcrcalry and puhUs lands—Amending the lav to allow the atate lard ctja.-nlsalener. with consent ot ilate land booid. to ae3 dead or down Umber tor ccmraer- clnl purposes.

IIB 133 by public htaliix »ed pub­lic aMlsiance commlttec—.^niead- Ing Uie lav relailve to «Ph»Isen bj' providing that a llcnae lasstd !n any oihtr uate be sufncJent r»1- dence for a license In Idaho. «cd tlxlng the fee for said Ucecae.

HB 1S4 by rtvence aad tw U en ccsamlttee—Amendla* Uwa rilattnx to the'delennlnatloa ot agcamt of mines license tax.

HJR 8 by rivenue mnd t » » t J « commlttee-Aaiendlns it»t« w n t l- lutlon to permit m nonJ of cxezc^- Uon on utUlUe* and prJPerty osed

operated by munldpil naandprevkJln* thalpreptrty*t

United SUtes than not be «*- . empt frtsm tantloa wbea toa pto* rUloiu of consns pcn&it tbe sutta and local CQvcminents to tax taxA property. . - \

Page 12: · HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy

Pape Twelve TIMES-NLW5. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Thurs3.\r. February 4.1048


• S E R IA L S T O R Y


Dorm.f: i.iri:CUM 'H il XXVI

A!, 1 ll-UT r:U(!, Il'.c r--.f

Hv llir 1loo;.r-ma

' -.T-' '■

' (if I

Ilf :|WT(|i, I.■laiinyt.iIlK

In ruii'rr.’^tli'ii. Mv ri.rnilUinrf aiiilltl In I'lir.LTs n< jircrl'ss 10 be i>rilRmlf, hr \Kiu!d Klvr tl>p liiiiirr.'-'.lini <i[ IlillikliiK rnrrfiilly l»'Inrr iitlrnrii; llir slm- plf.M n-iiinik.

■nirr*’ rniulliV'l tlir fiirr.■ No'i It b plainly Itur Ihiil llirrr livr (lliniwiiulN Ilf mill nlu> fi.iilil nrvrr I'cv.'lWv .Mirrrnl «lUl MU'linil iiiiilcrtnkllii; ii;. I li;i<I iLV.uiiicd. ■Dip r.froii::!)- nuirkrd {iirr. dhllii. KiiWif I I)v_uim.'\ml li'Hiy Mnir- ttirp, l>y Icrlli rlthrr rriii:irk;ilil,v Iiand:.ninf rr uiilialiiLuiitir, liy l)lrniL'lir.'. i>r ('il nr cMiiiirnltal dfparlu^r^ (rniii llir luiriiini raii- liul f.Vlly br (lL-sul%rd.

My oaii apprarnnrr roiilil lirM lw> <l.'»rrlbrd a.1 coilim'Jlipli'C'' rx. rrpl for Itto llilnics: my Hklil- foiornl linlr and ' my vrrv liUir ryp.\, Tlir hnlr n .'.Implp m;il- irr. Thr pvm orrp mil.

Kor Ilir f)T-s n:r llir n krv to Ihr tilfp. All ckp u nllprrd, nnd llir pyr.v Icli rliniiKril. nnil Hip rp.'Ull b i Kiil;p ftlintcur.

r o/ dnrkriiril Kin.'’.


Xt As: PCrA*.sc ___V, vA V CA ii.PC S?^a\ T A K S ilV lJS SEA C rS y ^ CcTE5k\v\vr;t^:— TU& . ' 'DOE5. V .a j^ R .*-- >

•FT-’J- ?:£\CTS,C?:CCTJSt £-rV ^T'.>iCA%Sr _^T>V£V\---Ota < ^ i ^ •

^ NSSTV'- -d^O SCT C ^ 1 CA'i'T pc vi C5JT ccv,n»D 'OJ \ v: >.'cc\05T^^r=>-ru=6Si£ACKf ;-^7XT3;^s\E ^



Soldiers (.uests

1 At Kot'irv Meetinir

J3 a .T w?! aAS;. aa?=:.'si--»s;; s c L . ' iC H - :( E v s * r a a 3 w T v’ wwkTv,ar>cur» - ^

•>cu '

xr*s ;4 > ,T C » =Ai^iSMi£Si>


§ i

?£s.'ak:>bv' wcMiXucEinAu 1 WK3W WS RICE PSS»A <3W5V.%€5S


!%•= «scr■o T ^ £ 8 o t t : > a c fr *S-ITSVCY s:t«^-s.3; iTY- . x TcXAu.. r.« ma: ,W^T BcCOtvS u:/ rp»jrv£a-csi>;>»,'.*

1 tc

( ;l a n ( i-;<GASOUNE AI.LKY By KING

Mirh Ip urol'


1 h Tlirrp Upff. llirti, «;n

Irm. I Ulril mMi: ilir li^r (if xsrloin !nrIi-;„ of f\f-rliiumid r\Ptl MidillllK HlP rMidi clirmlrat (L nrK>ri> of tliP'P th;iic\ Vii\: in I :.ill5fyl:ii;. imt nKalii, I

y rlili-f

yi)p of ,>i)rr-

And 1 ' p.illnirr

iJiiiM Irlvolini llriii In n run 'filoiL'i roUinili I'f Mi'« rl II lion [ilcturp colimv.

WAllrr niMoti, tliP nrti lircn cn^l In tlip rolr of :iii lr;vn Indlnii fnr ii iirw ; III.' firs «rrc blur, niid



rev— -Xv-E W "v"/^ f'. \\s“ £4 i ~VCVC -*.>05 f -nS ■‘■TE C-O^ I !=CC-\\ - — ~ -L

5 3 vvvcct Tve\- 5.VC *>c THtS

» iV \ rc?\.c?Ss NA>

*K'■-.? ?E A.-wi.OO K--5TVi£s.rct\ K4;;i VR OA?E y

£\? FOU.' ;----


c v-C

‘ '?5s?-SKS5L-Sr_

4“A-Y E P '


ALLEY OOP By Y. T. HAMLIN BOOTS AND HER B l'B O lFS By EDGAR MARTIN= ccv* p trsATv-T •• r-cs=>~. -r=£

: ^--=s:ro |=C-'':'CK'<X. •- ' : •.\cv',rN.'T = £ • - - - . - . - i=-o ^ — ■ ' -

' -’r s . N v v v v > -TO 'PRWi.vr:


S C O - v r ^ A V=JC?5.W.VS.\. Vi?i CX>i--------I. VN MJ v-r.V' »•>«tn y b W ?C3^vi& ._________-

?Wr^.i:«>pC5 V C t^C C :^ KVO= V-CU CnS.


^ VOv.VH O if

jV KN'i'c.


Page 13: · HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy

Thursday, February 1. 1913 TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Page Thirteen




LOW COST I ____________ ^


Bo: k1

1 tfay ---3 <lai s J.__8 clays---

Q Cwt*per-*ort______ie per *or<J

. 4c per *-urd per dM

Sc per «w J per <!»T

A nUnlmum oi 10 « o ^ la re«}iUr«J la an j ooi eUiiilled ad



Phone 38 or 39


• u n a

«2 i Emi eio' ' V.t’ohir

‘ ---- - ^DEADUNtS

Week daj j. 11 a. tn.Sunday. 6 p- m- Saturday

Thlj paper »u&jcrtb« to me cOdc of eiiucs ot UiG Auoctat:un of Newjpaper CUwiJled Adver- UiinB Monaicra and rwerxea Uie right to edit and leject »ny ciu- tilled adverUiine- •Blind adi’ carrj'ins a Tlniea-Netts box num­ber ore »tncUy conlldeniml and no inlorniniion can be Rivca la rfjard lo the advcrliscr.

Errufi Miould b» reported Im- mrdi;Hcly, No alloaance will be

icle tor more than on« Incor- r« t inieriion

, YOUR ravoflte tnastunt <ub-v:rlp-' lion can IK- oOtalnrd rv-onoinlral-

Iv. quukb- tlirt>mli j- Hill. 637-W

Tliy our inalimK lenice. BalQli Turner'? Slicie I?r;i.iir al Hudion- Clark’*. T»ln FolU.

Life’s Like That' By Neher SEEDS A N D PLANTS

200 DUSJIELS Of PwJcratlon alif; 3'. rn« Waahlnglon school. Ilu'i ard Johiiion.

•'It'3 not lor Jorelsn relief. . . lU lo help pay


COLLIERS. American,Woman'i Hon)© Coiniwnum. M nioiiUu M.W, S3 WucA, J. UlU. M7-W.


PREPAREDNESS Is Hie prrvcn'- kryiiete! Prrp.ire Inr i»k.itu»>» oi^enlns dailv by iniliim,- ni the T»ln mil-. Biiiinf-'-N UnlvcnJty.


X-RAYS n-'.- rt necuratc ndj\i5i menu. Df. Kartlln. 150 Miln nnrUi.- Telephone 3326.


BCTRA special pflcQ* on all penu- nenta. Deauty Arts Aced<iai-*Ar- Ustie Beaut; Saloa.

PERMANEIiTS. H-50- MO Jpffersco Pfioac 163W Uaj-me Klaaj


BPECIAli—*9,00 oU permanent. »3X: oU peraa&eni t2.&0Idaho Barber and Oeautj Shop Pbonv «a«.


PURMTURE laleunan. S*Ur>' ar.J CMWiVwlon. .Sppis' Palf* Siean' Itocb'jck JIO.-C.

EXPERIENCED m»n ExcflK^^ uorklns cwdiuor.'. co < pay. Ciaipbeirs Cafe.

WANTED WimedUlc;?-


JEN or »omfn. Full w r'irs tkoft m Mcinuv oi Tuw r»:L'— lo sell orijlnil Utah WocCea Ml', lii.e of clothins and bUnkeu. & or coRUct McuU ^>nrt Side tna. Jerwre.


TIIitKE roc


THREE ro •;a . Oi; lieai.-ti;*. Clc« 2053-W,

la. Tf.e?*cnf



TOUR roo.Tj. Heat. ho*, u'ater, |5i.


SEVTN r«xn houje, clo-se in, tm rierxA heat. Small «io»i nif:u. <19 n n ii Avenue <'a.-.l

GOOD hmi'e In choice location. J^ 'c l»r;e rootiu. sleepins [wrcli, lar,;e biienifnt. furnace, double tariiki'. C.fvxl ifTOiv Rrtv-n 0. Plclrlity

\Y. E. Saltier.

6 ROOM new i..oOrni home, lull liajentnl. PMmace .uul stoker. HiMtt-ood floors. Dullt-m ciibl- r.etj. niu« Lakes addition.

4 room new modeni. Tao iKflrryiiii'. CoT.trrte hasemenU hurc!'*(KKl rof'.'s, lots of buUl-ini- Blue Uki:,

jxe modem' excrpt ln'ii\\>:i located.




■VELI. located IM ncrr.\ £oo<l Iimd. WfU. electncUy, Will dIvKlo llih in tao aixl lell separately. Ciiii

_takf tT.'jdrn.-c nr smaller tract land pail r.i\me:it. Tar. 60's for rent, crop slxart. Ray Mann. Jei-


UlilD Krlndlns (Phono calls oti KriiulliiK). Phone 218. Filer. MurC' land Mlillng Bcfvlcc.

Krrd Krtndlne-Brlnd anvwhfre Over 2 ton* Be. Phonr oin-ni. MILLER MILLING SERVICE


YOUNG work hcr;,e.s ftrnJ marcs. ALo bean culUvnlor. *. Kouth South park, Carl Woolley,

REOISTERED IS week Duf-oc bo:ir. Kliu- Orion line. Phone M-J2,nirr.________ _________________

OIIAV horsr. 6 years, uelsht inoo; nuiic. 3 years, iinbroki'; Midtll'- niatr, 0 years. L, C. Meyer/Route I, iliihl,

GLtDINO, cnmlnK 5, uelsht I.*W; rldliiK mare. 8 year;.; jcilr vmooih moiiih nuili-.s. E. .M. llo<Ii;aen. ea-l HaTrlton.

TCAM nmir.s. 1,800 Ib si>otieO MVi.-.. fiirrn hog ISMbs. Huttorll


DIRECTORYAbslracts iMimcographinrf

T. y ’iT aE Anb-ni,\cr co.

Addini/ JHac/u'ncs

CiLili nrsl-'.ltr.s. adcllii: m iclunr^and typenTltrn repalrrd, Siipp;ipj. 44] Main E, Phone «3(I-J,

Appliance licpairing

Bathe and Masaaycs11\e Sta.Well. 651 ^

Bicyclc SalcR and Scrvicc


Inscct I'Jxtvrmimtor

Dcd BiR fumlBallon. T. K floral Co.

Floor Sandiiitj

r. 733 Lociut. Pli. 10(4-J

ucr rent by lir. O.inilile;.

FtJR SAf-K; 300 head ranchli lamln nnd 40 hnirt feedn iitw. Mrs, )lenrj' SUUimet; rii. Idaho,


■KN Nearllns White Roi-k bri-edlii oockni'l;., Ulrc'ct from Tluiinpio at Ilojv, Indliina. 200-250 .vluhi, Si.50 each. Pullonim te.<i«-<. Phone 3:203, Deepcreek Sloe>'anii. niihl.


PUoi : 1C2,

WANTKD: Scvenil Palomino soil<lli hor:f.% .s[alllnti.v celdlnp. n: mare.’,, l i lo 16 hnlld*-l,050 l.i.'iO ix.iindn-a to 8 years nlil Mii:i be traine<l. louiid and Inn uiilinui bleinbh. kckxI cniiloniia tton and EOlclin color with whli' nuntv, and t.-ill:,. Write lull par Ilndars and price to Box 34 Tlmr.i-Ncw, .


BABY chlcLs uv.illalile c.irh Wed- nr:<lay. ■STrlft and Comiuny. Phono 1G5, Twin falla.


lnn'rove!iifn:.s— irej Vtriv-lly, .v-liwl nuiJie by dOk>r,

J . E . W n iT I'

f.kl rack loit i-.itiir een Sho^hoI^ 'and E •.>e . l rr«a!(l. N 1. E, Bulil.


EXPERIENCED fnnn hand de.Mrr. n»Yk. Married, Inquire lO Wi-oi

XtXPERIHNCED hanil wants yea: ^ reiinrt fnmi Job. 221 Cattjoii St. W C. H. Bullock.

EXPERIENCED lxx.kl.eri>er-ito . raplier deMrr,\ ivv'luixi. prrferabb' local. Cox 3i, 'limej.Ne*i.

EXPERIENCED txx>kkr*- r • j oerapJier lf lrt•5 pfv'ltion. Good rfva-nniendatlon. Box 40, Tl. r. • News.


\ WANTED; FMll i\me lady ollice .•>. ■•.tjtant at F. w\Woo;wcrth Com

COOK, rxperlenceii iufticienlty lo iwejwre lunchfon\mtalj. Prrpare 111 ba^e.^letll klltlien. Inquire Ur.iniwkk. \


ace.s of 21-and 35. expentticed In fountain, beer, cljar store or nite club work. Steady, rr- jpectKblc. lop wort.Gl\e cwiplele Intotrotitlon lij. dudlns qu.illficallon.v ase. es;. petlence. !oro\er emviloytrt-. etc. In fir>l letter. Acldreu P, O. Dat 52. Bol'e. Idaha

.1 Iiuf.U-.ed »:-u:-..wr.' tok'r Her.. Cur.::.;oi A»rr,'.;' e»jt.



FOUR room

Ptior.e ICO.


t roc«xv CJa«

nrUlniAL I--»:vl Bjnk farm tui' niiV.s Irom O acres culu\ated. M acr.' rijatfd i^jsii

■ood Canal u dwflllns,

«,000.fair eutbulWtnjs, TrK ^.ib-'tantlaj rtoa-n p.ij-nii a! temu oil b»!:in.-e, ^Bllonal F.iT n Uvm .Vvociaiions. Goodins, Idaho, r:ione 2J.



1« ACRES. Equipment fur Must hare relfreiiee and f Olto KL-nberly.

llArtlns Goodins. reqtrtred. C. H.

Insurance-OT Mro and Cmualiy In.Mir.wce Surctj- and Flclclily Dundo. see Sivlm Investtnetil Co.. Bau£H DMk,

Key Shope Key bhop. 12G Second slreel

NOuUi. back ol I. O. 8:0

r. F. Builijess Unlversltjr. Tnone 214.

Moncu to Loan

SALARY LOANS Strictly coiillcIt.iti.M

J3 to *50 lo employrrt i»-op'.e on vour own ilgnatiire

CASH CREDIT COMl’ANY Room X Burkholder Blrtj- l’:i.

Ostcopathic Physician

Dr, O. W Rose 330 M N Pli D37-W

Plumbing and Heating

AtjDotl riumbhif: Co.

jurncr niK-cialbt.-., (

Taxicab Scrvicc

CHfciCKER CAU-l’lioiie 3J0.


Gem Trailer Company. Phone 433.


Sliarks Never Entered Mind of

Sailor After Ship TorpedoingCAREY. Feb, «-Tllousllti of bt-

Inc ca-M Into Uie ocean at tin merry of sharks haunted the life of Adrian Smith as a sailor.

Rut when Uie Carry joulh iially found hhiv.elf In the couili Pacific supported only by Jacket after the alnklns ol his slilp, the U. 3. S. Northampton, In tin Salomon l.ilands battle Uie fear ol r.liarks never entered hts mind,

TliB son of Mr. nnd fin . Jes'. Smith, who Lt home on I1U Ilrs! lra\fl since enlbllrs in Uic navy ir, April, 1341, told of hlj expericncts in the battle.

I,rtl ?tDO Deliind A.sUrt *liat was his .■cn.xallnn

uhrn he reallied Uiat the Norlhainp- Ion uii.' sltikhiE. Adrian, a first rla ' liniiian, said: "I hud only out Ihnusht—tlint ot crtllliK iilf lilt ship. I even forRt>t almul Uie S«C I li.iii' in niv loilccr. '

He !4»icl that he lloaied around m


7-aid mortcage Is of record In Book i;i <il MdriKaniv. At ii;ii:e 2C5. record: nt T«lii Falls County. Slate of Idaho, and coverr. the lollowint de- .•crlhcd real proiwrty iUiinirtj m l'.vin Kalb County. Elate ot Idalio, lo-iUt:

llie En-'t Half ot the Nortlieasi piarler. and the Wr.M Halt ol itie Sonihposl Quarifr, of :-<clinn Twenty-llirrr. Toan- ship Eleven South. Ranse Six­teen. East of the BoUe Mcrl-

1 service, Pli. 90



CRANE shallow well piimiUiis s

Inj. Alio Kood 1 brlt.1. G(m: Twin FiiUs. Phon

ru'Jber bell lion ol end' wbiick Co,

KHIGIDAIRE \wparl ninil r; aUdliu; >

BRING 111 that bmken window U 0 tlicrc ill It ihorta;;u ol charjc for bciUnc. Piiune


133 niuc Lnkr.s,

TURKEY poillt.VEooltU-ii; nil

liver}’. Olobn-ercil . Inr Ainil (If and I'Vid Com-

AUSTRA-WHITjri. Neiv Miirej. 300-eKB R. O, P. ; horiu. Rock.-, ra<-li I'Vlmiary nth. H.ur., 1!j

( ;0 0 D TH IN G S TO E.\T


a ACRES Kood bean and .'piid l:»nd for ca-Mt m il. Qool me t u w . b in i. Une chKken 1 PJ50.1# 563. Robert aiKl Her

;iir>te:.Y fuTi'.U'.’ied. : rac^e. relrtitra* Iter. ,Mso I nxea

p:-.«-.e n .


PARMER for farming arvl itoek rnix-fi. lUcerman. Rtfcrencrs.P. SkUlem.

TWO ME.V WANTED WANTED: Twonicn In 4-Fcljis*

sificatlon or over 38 years, ex- penmced In fountain, beer, cl­ear store or night club «ort. Sirsdy. rtspecublf. top p4.vlns work. Olvf complete Inforroa- Uoti ineludlnE qu»llIJc*tlorv% ase. esperlcntt. lormfT essv.V.oy* ers. cic, in first letter, .^ddr^s3 P. O. Box 95. Bol'^. Idaho>




rxcr.^.H Ier jwd. etc. Ret.Vret;uir‘.mrnt and i lrn’v m u farm. Aruwer 05. Goodlnc,



O-IEO ACRE firm. eq-iti?»eai and stock funa\;iM. Hate own help, retertnctj. Irvin Woods. Rou‘.« X 13 mUes east Jert«:e at rwk how .


WILL buy or Jeaje acrrajf '•Ith ta>- protertieais. near KimVfOr. E. D. Conwell. Rural Canter Na ‘ Klaiberly, Idaho.


see rtcou aad hath. Dou!>:e m an - Thrtr blccfa tree* postotTlcr » ,• 500. tioo cas.x uo per Weh a « ne* houses tor saie.


"^i: TTLXCTOn—tood nibber and iao;or In cood cosidlUnn, 3 .Miles «Tit. ti(\rih of Buhl. Hisliway SO. Ral[>h BaU£h.nian.

IS'INCIl Papfc hav chopper. J200; a-iricA Wood Brot.'iers thresher on njbtoer. crain. bean, wrd atuch- Kfnti. tsoo. Phone OlSiRl.

BINDER, fteld cultivator, dump ulte. MiClne betl puHtr. 3 Soulli : v rn South park. Phone 03S7J4, MU’j .

iIrt»RMICK-Derr1ns e I e-c I r t c erraa wpamtor. Almost ns*. Tn-o '■ay hQT» p5ow Melvin Walter. Murtauth.


TWO A roccn house* In BuhL Will tntf® for Twin Falls property. E., A Moon Ucil Estate. 301 Main' Wcjl.

WASHING machlni-;., tors, coal ransr.-., v ers. Wcjlcm Auto,

WAftTED: Wood t In coud condition or Notlon.-ij plant



nnd oil lu-au-r,-.. lurnace: W-orimc'ntot.'.i«.wimMyp<- 111(1 iwed. Robert Lee Snlr*.

FEW rAftcks 0 Write or pi Phone 0280-

mON. ell kinds met cotton mattrr.v.i-.-

CASH paid for twed fu.TiUure, itoves •nd clrrulatlns heaters. Moon Phone 5.

\ \VE PAY CASH fur your car

DeOnOPP.WOOD MOTOR 351 Main East



PICKUPS-We pay hlEhr:,t cH.'Ji prkT.s m town. CHANEY MOTOR CO.-Ph. 1818



lUMBER two McCormlck-Deertng crcam sei>aralor. Oood condition. Phone 029W3. H.;P. Butcher.

STOVE repalri. order them oowl S»Mf» PumlturA Store.. Phonem •,

. WOOD for aalc out by Hlslop’i Or-clianl. See Mrs, Miller, call

I 032-J3. .



WART-Wnrner S'i foot refrlj;. itor, Il^^l chiAs condition. Field,

t end Miiiu.

lamp, bed, chr;,t, We;.lr;ini;i-. niii and |iiid, dai.....

ul)-!. coflci- Uible. Cull 10I3W


havlnV ciftlms ncainst the raid dr- ceusedXtO exhibit tlirm mtli ihi nacc.'.'nVi' voucliers wiilini .'U >fii monttw After the llrst piibllcaUtm 01 this notlcc, to ihe uiul Ina E Schrelber\ Admlnktrairix. at •luir falls Daiik nncl Trmt Crinii.uiy Cltv of Twin Falls, County <if TxMii Falb. Stnte of Ii^aho, tlih bfiiiK th place fixed for the iran:.aciiun i tlie bll inens of said e.vtale.

Drtled Jnmiary 0. WO.INA E. sc im niir ji,

Adminli.trulrl.x of the cr.i;itc ofEr»-ln Schreiber, dcteasrd,

CHAPMAN A; CHAPMAN. Attorneya for Atlmlnl:irain\. Rrsidencr; Twin KalL>, Iilalr).Pub: Jan. 14. 21, 28. Keb. 4, II. inn





Robert H. Wllllanivl>ccca..f >.:iicl ilav of hereby

, piin.unnl ieCourt, made January. IPi:Blven that .MoikI:^. tJir i .mh i of l-’cbruarv, l[lll. al Trli nVl A. M , nl s.iid at Uie CiRoom of :.alil Cmitt, at the Col hour.e In the Ciiv ot 'ivm V-. County 01 -nMn l-'nlb, lil:ilii., . been apiyiintcd the time 1 place for iiro-.hii: Ihe Will nl Robert H. Wl!lMm. . (lerr i.'cd. i for hrarlni: the- appllraUon l’hncl>e Willliim'. lor thr i-.-.uani'e

MAliV ,

V iVr ivim^ii

PllblWi: . l-'rli. 4, II, lfil3


THi: i ;m ; v k n t h ju d ic ia l DISTHICr OF THE STATF; OF IDAHO, IN AND KOI! THE COUNTV Oi- TWIN I-WLI .

THE ki;d i:i!AL i .and hank ofiPOKANL, a cari«jratli)ii,


All u nnd V r riKlii.i

proiierty and however ei

Tc,:ether »llh nil nnd jlnciil fur .uch further relief n. r rd (or and deemed proi>rr by the Court, nil of which Rill mnrf fully nppear from the verified complaint filed herein,

WITNESS my hand and the fifal ot ,vald Dbtriet Court, thU Olh day o( January. 1543.


IVIn Fnllr;, Idaho,. C. PRESTBYE,

Welch Builcllnc,.siydiiiiie. Wii.-.hlnston-

-MTOI'.NEYS TOR PLAINTIFF. Publbli: Jnn. 7. 14, 21,28. Frb.4.1S4J

............ for 12 hours aft«r th imidnight order to abandojj »hlp. He wan rescued by sn Americancrul.'<r.

"Slwtts never entered my mind until I was aboanl the cruiser." h« Mnicd, "and I probably wouldn't ha<,e thought about tliem tlien tr ■‘.omcone hadn't uked me If I harf r.crn any, I w».i baretooted and someone •UEgested tliat they had eaten oft my ihoes: 1 had to teU thfni that I left them on the dcek 0! ihe ,‘ liip."

Jap FIthti to Death Asked about the morale of tJ e

Jnpo, he replied: "They don't kr.ow nhat it u to quit. They are sent on a mL-.slon and If they don’t do It nnd return they low their lives anyway—.-,0 they Just do or die."

Adrian said that the naUvu of tlir Solomons arc large.

-.Many of them welRh over 2t» iminids," he suited. "Tliey are blade with red hni . An InteresUos thing about them i.i that they.>rcm to rapiurr. Jap snipers bart-handed. You nevrr nee them carry any wrapon-1 whrn Uiey ro out for Jap.i.' but in»«t aiwaj.s come in carrying one tiert to poles as we do deer. Tliev will not kill the Japs buc they muiilnte Uiem before they bring thrm in.

Too Many Jap f:ar»•Tlie marines started out lo make

private bids of 75 cenU ■ pair of

luniv Conscquenilv their offer wn.'< rhniiRed to cigarcltes and cannedKOOd.S.

"Ttie naiivt-s Jiut can’t ..seem lo uiiilerstnnd how food such as peach- c.N and tomnioes can come out of a can and ttlll be cood to eat. Many of the people talk very good En** ll ll and jet some can not speak Ihe language at all. They have a Kfcit respect for the American men ihd salute them and stand a.slde iliilr thry pa.-s wlietlier Uiey nr#

olilcer* or not."


•aif ownwi by Allan Blaralres fell nlo the flume that runs from

Sand aprlntrs to Ttiotisnnd springs power plant of the Idaho Power company, and both died soon after they had been extricated by aU len required for the Job.Death rc.Milted from shock, in­

duced by the cold spring water.



For the (’aleiuisr Year F.ndlnt January 4lh 1941

ASSn-S: 'Ca.'.li cm Hand ....................Cuncnt AvrMncnis Urc . Deiiniiiirnt A.-Aessmrnts Itee. SUlc Tax Paid .Contrai-t.'. IlriTlvable Warninl,^ Hrcrlvnblri Accouiil-. R/Celvablel Hond;. iirChar.r ml tla

.Ai'wunta . t 48.4S2.D8 ..... 164.244.44 . - 45.703.20

015,10 .... 15,011.63 ... 7,451,IB -, 35jsaj4 . DSI.S00.C(>


f.IAUILITlES: Wiunilil:. Payable . Accoum.'i Payable .

Paynblc .

Total * 48,492.0s

1C4.244.<M 45,783.20

C1S.16 IS,0I1.G8 7.4SM8

32.SSQJ41 30IJOO.OO 22.023.00


.. J723,31328 »2,058,50331 «,818JH0.58


I 7,451.18 32,411.00

. 37,COOOO ..... 1J15.00 .. . 75.000.00

. 2,004.00 ncU 40,471.44

l.OODOO .... 5:C.BG2CC

l.n > <,Itllly II

$72831533ir above

nill llf^rvolr Ul:.:.-,t ol our kiiowlcdKc and belief.

J. H. BARKER. Secretary. II. E. SHEPHERD, Presldrnt.

Feb. 4, 1343

7,451.18 3J,4U,00

833.000.00 1.515.C0

"3,(»0.00 2.004.00

40.471,44 1,000.00


»2,038,505.3I M.810310.59 sintrmrnt of the fiiiniiclal

•let as of jnnuao- 4ih.M043.


RIC.SI’ONSIBLE pelthereof. Phone


ONE li)30 Dodse truck. Motor nnt tirr:, ;.ri- tood. Inquirft W. G. Wai- ijurn, Wen. Idiiho,

HUPMOniLE. Fair Urn. rap, I block west. 1 norUi SuIj- lion. George Clements.


1040 P . TON Chevrolet truck A-1 condition, Kood rubber. Phone 268RI. Jerome.

GOOD 1038 Dodge truck. Inquire Ca.vilcford Pastime. Phone 511. Ca.Mlrfoi-d.




DECEASED.Notice Is hereby given by Uie un­

dersigned AdmlnUtratrlx of iho ■ tale of Erwin Schreiber. dccea.sed,

the t:rcdltors of and all iwrtoiu

Ell:abeih !!>an a.-, of thr r;lslr nt U dc-ccft.'e(i: l;ilMbell iiv,; Waller M Hyj

hand n, ll>ai uilno;

heirs ol D,-imr| K.

; Holli't.r, Hvnri. cilonal Far coriKjrutlmi; Ji;d 'Ilu' unknown owners of the l-:;i;.t Halt of ihc Northea I Qii.irtrr. nnd tlir Wot Half ot Ihe Soutliea:.t Quarter, of Section ■I'ncnl>-tlnic, Timii.. shill FJevrn Soiiili. RnnK'- Sistrcn. EnM ol ilii- Bul-.c .Mpriclian. In Twin Falls Cwiniy, Idaho,

Dclniilnntj. 'Hie Siatr ol Iiliiho .-cniL'. urect-

hiKs to the aboir named tlefen- danLs:

hereby notified Hint 1 h.-i;, bren tiled ncainM

. , , , ni.Mrlct Court of thiEleveiiih JudklaJ Dt'trict of the

■ ot Idaho.,iy ol Twin FuiU by ihe above •d plalnlllf, and you ure lirrtby

ilirectfd lo appear and plrad lo the lid complaint within tweiiiy days : thr i.crsicc of.this iumnions; Id you arc further notified Ihnt ilr.v. jou f.o appear nnd plrad lo lid compl:-int within the time rreln specified, the plnlntllf will

jiKiRmrni nctilnst yoji m pray­ed in

Said purix);

aid c •.plaint.Ls brought for ihe

a Judcment for

t5.000.00 dated the 12Ui day of April, 1524, rnnde. executed and de­livered by Daniel E Byan and Re­becca L. Ryan, then tius&aud nnd wile, tno v boUi rtettwedi lo ihe plalnUff herein, wlUi Interest, ad­vance.''. attorney fees and costa, and

forfcla-e Hint ceri.nin morlEnKe en lu secure said note, which

I g l i

•SDlutlon Of Ytilerdiy-a Puzzle

VovtrB DOWNlm»rlc»!i 1. CUmbfd, t Aby.ilntiB

etrdi a Trap,

a TiiM >sr4!

r r r -M mctit

Page 14: · HELP REPAIR THA? CRUISER BOISE Buy an extra war bond ' for a gallant navy

I 'u u r le e n T iM E S - N IiW S , 'I'W IN t 'A L L S . ID A H O - Thuntlsy. Kebruarj- ■—

J D f f l l N f i l S

jiiwny .

:u. nmons:

1:, •'culns to! ant] ndvL-.liis on t <i! clvlltaii *arllnic

'••'ntL'IcatlliiR food ■ mnniifii'ilirir ivflxrni.'.l:)C chlM,-. f«lsy after

of Mjrvpys sn'I (lrlll»ff»lloiia«' Tlir public uill bf Ju-i as »ell In-'

foniird —|»Th»p.' U-Ilrr-oii I • luffs in !>'' 'in jirfUoii? > nnd aiiirrtLlHi: ulll Ix- Uir main factor III ciL.trlinJiiii;: iliL-. Iiifuntii. non. It Mtw"' KPiifrally ni:rrril.

CilMoinrr ir.lerc.M lui' fmiiicl lo be KT'-iit'-r tlmii rirr In nclvrr-

f(Kxl iirtxlud.'. ultli Ilip short isllnn«I tt-ar--*orV’.1ti;; iwipiilatlnii .M'aniiliii' Ilir lll^ to find siiti-.tltii- linn.', ftiid nll(lltU)Il- _ lo it.', <lin.

To Kffp Nimm Allvf

TaklnK tlirlr c;ll fri.:i'i Wiu.hlns- Ion, fiifKl niar.iifuciurrr.’ arr en- (irivo.'ini; to iiiifKfutc tliclr ndvfr- llilnf jirournniJ ftllli llir Kovrrn- nicnf.'. nitiuiiiiiK iilaii butIII sn doltiK fi>fxl n'liiiiantr^ alii kcry

flllvp niiii''-lJriiinl <uiii[ictlilon, tlicy indicated.

Morr cifr bcforr, fcKxI com- p.•lntc lire ;.wlnsiHK if> iristltulloniil iidvcribliiiC. Nf*i In iiiuKirtiiiicT will l.f iiwlnicllvr ailvprtL'liii:. Inform- uix ttip imbllc on ilir inr of nrw lirtxhici--.. Mjivtliiiif.-. and iiiUturo.'<

Advrrtl’liit: lunKianiN alrcft<ly arc lirlnir-ffnlcrrd on (lie folloivlnK lirodiic-tA: C«rr»L*.. drlrd iniir-Eitrinf. liiiiicr imiltipllcr.s. k IhIIi'p. .offer f,iiU-.lltulfs and inlMiifr.'> nnri i;rhjdratf<l focxK.

If? .New PrtKlurl^Mennwlillr, rr.'.rari'lirn liair hrrii

In^inified lo t.ike a lone view of I>fkv.lblc .'liortncrs and iirejinre to mKt llle^e dcflclrnrlp^. One ciini-


nack frcm (iuwlilriinal aber« Jie roromandfd a marine liillallon^ I.«. fol. J'uller (abotfl la ji1ms llian t.KiO Jap* remain nn llial ialand. Arm; tupplanted marlnei.

jiiniv. nli)nr. Jix' (li'vcldix-d ID new food Ilro<lucL wtilrli <loiil;tlr.u will r plated on lHf innrkrt after the ar rrnardlf.y dl »licllirr n need )r UicM- food.' de'.el(il) diirinB the ar years.AdvertWnE men siy llmlTtwtrftfl- rnhlnR in tlie ne« je»r win be

lilKhly rdiiratiwml, iirysworthy and realLitlr. Tlirrr Is iio liiillcutlim of ft le:. rnln : In <nler[)rl-e In either the iniinufai:tiirp nr [i;omotion of food.i.

Hi;AD -n.Mts-Nnw.s want a d s .

Friday and Saturday


Ski Jackets

2 C i f f i l Of A n r a i i E i R i iSALT M K E CITV, Keb. < l-V—

Tao llfe-terrn Ut.ili roiuiris were convlctnl by a district Juryliul iiislil of o.v.iiuIlinj t»() pri.'.un gunrd* durliii! ii pr-..v)n br<-a»c hi't July *—0 conviction Rli'.ch carnej a matidaiory Oei<th j>eniili>

Tlie tao arc nioriia.\ Nciiilrr. :4, and Norman StsiuJard, l'«l> sen - InB life terms as hiihlnial rrlmlnuls. A ihJrd-xonvlct, Pnt 30,*na knif'd wlien tlir rar In »lilt;)i Ihe three were fleelni; tncrliiilieil.

Tlie i:-man jury tlpijaird three and one-hnlf tioiir.-,.

Under Ulah law iin. loiiiia i.ei v- ■ /ng a life lenience nlio 1 lon'lcted I of wsnultlne a iirl-on Kn.itd mu't I be sentenced lo ileatli,

TJie Jury foiind ili'- cni/'i' t.s KUilty | of a.vatilili)K Frank C. Ciimii, turn-1 key. and Clarence W. p.iit. Kiiard. during the break.

TJie tliree prlr-.ncr;, stnlc nn iiuto- ' mobile ouL-.idc tlir prl-cjn »nlK iiikI i made u dash lliroiiKh the fliy. A ' pursulnc inllco

an Otden. Ulah. police detecllre l-'eb. I). 1941.

Lait July 30 Donald Condlt. died before a flrliis iquiid far the murder of ■ man who had picked him up on a hlKh*uv. Under Uuli law a condemned man b given choice of Ihe flrtns jquad tiwixtiis.

COURT TKHM S».T JHIOME. Feb. 4-Winter lenn

of (Iiitrlct court ha. been 6et for Monday, Feb. a. Jutlte T. Dailey l>-e, Burley. *111 preMile.

CAN7 KEEP GRANDMA IN HER CHAIRSh»’i a* U m Ijt ai • Younsat*. —

Now h«r Backaeh* U b«tUrMmsy tullnrra WWIm

convlctA' vchlck to tl downtown slrret nlicr of shoLs anil lii ir>l away, the prlMiner.?' am

One man already b . at the prison. Walter lioix-rl Av 31, Lj jche<lulrd tn ly .-hot lo de.ttn ?tlday mornlns for ilir nuiiler of

I'lirlj on aII .'xrlianKe-

to lltKlKr «i(htlmn lUwa lUr* U tomcOilac <>v«< «iU> )ouf Of ^

out WMU Iroo blixJ. G.l Ji:k.

WEYENBERGShoes lor Men

$ 1 . 9 8

Regular $3.98 to $5.00 Value.s

Wind-prouf! Water-proof! Just the jacket

you need for outdoor activities. Some have

parivas to match. Coloi's of white, red, blue and natural. Sizes M to.20.


■r■. \ . . . . . .

Friday and ScCtQrday

Arrow Shirt Clean-up

63 ^

Arrow Shirts

You oarer u w values

Uka IbeM 1111411 Bhooi

— vnleia, of couraa.

you'ra alieadf a Weyanberg fan. Aa imartly

deaignod &■ a modem atieamllQar— and just as

comioi^abla. Ansailng TsiuM. Coma In and soel

^ ^ I

M iT '

Odd and end patterns and some sliglitiy , soiled. Thpre iivo both svhite and pattern

shirts. All Arniw’s fine quality and fit. ;

Every one‘sanforized shrunk. Sizes 14 to ; 17. Keg:u]ar $2.00 tu 82.50 values.

To Clean Up '

and they slU mean n ^rt. coti^fort for you \Ucre arc lii.rcno ns why no ixher shoo c.»ii

provide any real .vub«iiuic (or Or. l.ockc aimfort.

And do remctnber ihcte fcaiute\ itc hised

on the proTcn principles offjnic'I

Dr. M. W . liii-ke.

Fir Comai Fir\f-in Of. l.ukc .shoet tiure ;i a

tlifferent last f<V different i>pe.« ol Irei.

Curv* for Cotnwrt—an innard tur\r lir'ciiiped m

place body weiglit on the eutmit (he arih

where it slioulU he.

Bolanc* forSir«nslh—Dr. I.ncke Shoe* help balance

(he heel and ankte bone), lhu> ilrcnj;ihcninf;

oNcenorked muiclei.

Sfobility for BaHsr Po»lura—Dr. I.ncLr .Shoei helf

maintain an even step and enablr<](4)u lo cain

body ncij*ht more casiljr anil pfacclulii.

Correct Alignmanf—Dr. Locke .Shoei ate deiiRned

«> jwing the problem foot back to niniral line-

Th«*-Poin» Centotl-Dr. LockcShon help restore wciRhl-bcarinK point* to normil poiitiVm—thuj

feliere attain and Vriction.

Hnnd.somc New Styic.s In C iilf— Kit!— Gabcrdiiu'

B lack— Brown— Blue— CiLstomVan . . ,

New Shipment of


llf;i\y 8 ounce (li;nim in blue and }iii;k- ory -ilriix-, l.iliiit of i pair of n nizc to

a iiiisUjiiiiT. Sirc.H :: lo




PANTSFancy .slripc.s a n

tweed pallcrn,'^ in bliii',

fjroy. Krt'Cii aii<l l)rouii.

Very R o o d -<|ualily

corduroy. Si/.c-.s I to

$ 2 9 8 Rcceivcd!

■\ New Shipment of Ladies’


ri'-lo-llio-minutc .'ityh’.'! . , . Per­

sonally .•'clcctud by .''Ir.-. Turiicr. our

ri’atiy-lo-wi'itr Imyi-r tmw in New

York City. TIhtc nre .-(ill ))k-nty of

cold wintry day.' alifad lo ui-ar

warm coal.-;. The vi'i-y nrw.i'.^t fash­

ions in eiUuT fiU i’i5 or ho.M'd hI vU-s.

(-olor.s of bci;.: , blue ur reii.

$12.90 $14.75




4 9 cfl. r,.irin. fhitfy. ndjii-.tal)!'- r.trel h.nid.



A (leavy wciKhl cotton

whipcord in two color.s.

Dark f;n'y a n tl

preen. panl.s arc

full cut w ith boat sail pock-

ct.'i. ScrKi'ti scams, bar

tackcii at a ll poinl.-; of .strain

nnd sanforized shrunk. A ll


$ 2 4 9O t h e r s $ 2 . 9 8 lo $ 3 ^ 9 8

rc'osoMV i3.\s»;m en t IXONOMV d ase .m i:nt

New! Dark Outinirs!

2 7 c v,i.

Men’s Part Wool WORK HOSE

X 39cPI,ml-, aiui ,iin-;. in lombiiiaiiun of blue, N'atnfal color. .'10 wool, rnv- (.-rrni, red iifKi (/loaii. ;>•<; ’ wide, fdc.u for »»• ton liiins Koul iia /r /o r c.vtra comfort C0UT3 and Kaiiiitni llninKS. , WnrfTlth.


s WoolBlazers

O ur .slock is .still quite complete in Heavy welKht

M ool plaid and navy Tjlue blnzens. 2'1 inchc.H long.

I 'u l l zii>per front. H a lf bolt back. Side take-ups. Very attractive patterns. .j

$3.98 $4.45 $4.9SjMKN'ti STORE


SHEEP LINED VESTSHere is one of tlie w’ nnder-Kannciils you can h|iy .nnd one that is hart) for us to buy today.

TL liii:; a full zi]>|ier'frnnt, 2 i>ockel.s and made of a ;:w»i i^uality.,^^li^i']):;kin.

Sir-e.s ;1G to ■!(; ............... $3.45


, . . F R O M r u n


Tlie heavie'^t collon

ribbed, liui;; .-.Ici'M'.

loiiK' le^' union.'uil wc

carry. Made from a

lonK'stapl<‘ vutt(iii. i'ull

cut in I'cru cii|i)r. All

1.25■ '■ ■

im v GOODS imi'T. \

Ladies’ Tuckstitch

Pants and ''


10 t o -10'.; wool. Tea rose.. Small, m edium and larK’c

and extra larKC; From . . .



Ladies’ Outing Gowns and Pajamas

W hiles, plain .sliai^vs and prints. From

9 8 c

$2.49A.'^sortctl sizes from

:i l to -IS.

. . . r n o M T u rl;i ONO.MV HASt.Mt.NT


W inter


89cI'ATii color, fine rib

Knit, l<tn>: sleovo. an ­

kle, Sizes ;IC> to .■>().


y jOFF

. On All ■ Bedsock.s

Inclutlln jj all uoo l and

brushed rayon.s. As.-<orl-

ed styles and colors.




Ladies* Warm


A nicc a.s,><ortment o f nil w-ool .«ocks in brijriit colors w ith novclly tops. Assort­ed sizes, 9-lOi.M.

9 8 c

DRY f^OODS ni;iT .


Latlii's and C liildren’s all w-ool'antl part wool novelty mittens. A;'sorttHl colors and paltcnis.

6 9 c




Underwear \In uiiiicr pants and under­shirts. Silk and wool

$2 .98 ...h All Cotton.t

$1.79 -d ' $ 1 .9 8

In red. also a few t.nn. Sizes Small, medium and large.