Renewable Energies Unlimited resources...Unlimited resources 2 3 The worldwide demand for power is...

Turning Ideas into Reality. Renewable Energies Unlimited resources

Transcript of Renewable Energies Unlimited resources...Unlimited resources 2 3 The worldwide demand for power is...

  • Turning Ideas into Reality.

    Renewable EnergiesUnlimited resources

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    The worldwide demand for power is growing. The cost of fossil fuels will rise in the long

    run; reserves are limited. Increasing CO² emissions are affecting the climate. Industry

    and private consumers require a guaranteed long-term energy supply. Reasons enough

    to choose power sources which offer many ecological and economic advantages: solar

    thermal and onshore wind power. Sun and wind supply power – free of charge, with

    endless potential and totally CO²-free.

    The great potential of renewable energies lies in the sustained supply of power, the

    emission-free production, and the fact that costs can be predicted over the entire life-

    time of a project. In addition, solar and wind power will provide thousands of green jobs.

    Bringing together the best partners, Ferrostaal enables renewable power to be utilised

    for the successful production of electricity and process heat. We develop and realise

    projects on an economically attractive basis and with proven technologies. With this

    in mind, Ferrostaal takes the lead and integrates the relevant market participants as

    partners. As an experienced general contractor, we ensure best practice in engineering,

    procurement, construction, operation, service and maintenance of large-scale solar

    thermal and wind parks.

    Renewable energyThe future of energy

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    Pressure differences on the earth’s surface result in wind which is perfectly usable for electrical power generation. The force of the wind alone would be sufficient to guarantee pow-er supply for the entire world. The advantages of power gen-eration by wind are obvious: the effort for the production and erection of the plants components is low in comparison to the effectiveness they have. Furthermore the actual space the plant needs is minimal and the area can still be used agricul-turally. That means that the costs invested in these plants can quickly be recouped.

    Feedstock for freeOil and gas will remain the world’s primary energy sources for many years to come. Rapidly rising global demand, lim-ited resources and investments necessary for support make it difficult to predict the cost and supply security. With the price of oil high, large-scale solar thermal and wind farms are already competitive today compared to oil-fired power plants. In favourable locations power from wind farms is already at base-load price levels. A further advantage: since the feed-stock costs nothing, the expenditure for solar plants and wind farms can be reliably calculated in the long term.

    Renewable energy supplyEcologically in the lead, increasingly competitive

    In many regions of the world, solar thermal plants and wind power farms already rep-

    resent an excellent alternative to conventional power plants. In addition to competitive

    power prices, these technologies have the advantages of high supply reliability and

    environmental friendliness.

    Cost-competitive CO²-free energy from sun and wind and the relatively low energy consumption in the production of their components make solar thermal plants and wind power farms leading technologies for clean energy production. In addition, the areas required are mostly on unproductive land, and recy-clable materials such as concrete, steel and glass can be used.

    Attractive power production by sun and windUnlike fossil fuels, solar energy is inexhaustible, and it is abundantly available in many countries in the earth’s sun belt, which are ideally suited for solar thermal energy genera-tion due to their natural climates. Increased plant sizes at lo-cations with high solar radiation will very soon make signifi-cant cost savings possible, thanks to concentrated solar power (CSP) technology. As a result of falling costs for key compo-nents like mirrors and absorber tubes, competitive power generation will be possible in the medium term.

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    Project Management

    Engineering Procurement Construction

    Detailed Equipment Mgmt.Bulk Local

    Project development


    O & M

    FerrostaalGuaranteeing tomorrow’s power supply today

    The demand for emission-free production of power will sky-rocket in the future. Efforts to protect the environment while securing the supply are factors driving the solar power mar-ket, as is the economic potential for the sun belt countries. The expected capacity of solar thermal power plants is pro-jected to rise from 1 GW in 2010 to 20 GW in 2020 – an in-crease of 35 percent per year. Thanks to our alliances we cover all main business areas along the value chain for solar thermal power plants as well as wind parks, participate in the develop-ment of future technologies and deliver customised solutions for widely differing regions of the world.

    Ferrostaal offers intelligent project development where every detail for the production of solar and wind power is carefully considered from the outset. In addition, we combine project de-velopment with the services of an experienced plant construc-tor and the financial strength of a large industrial company.

    Ferrostaal: Managing large-scale plant projects as a technology-independent system integrator for industrial plants

    Renewable energy is a core business for us. We focus on concentrated solar power

    (CSP) and onshore wind power, which both offer particular potential for cost effective

    utilisation. As an experienced general contractor, we cover the entire value chain for

    solar power plants and wind parks.

    Our services at a glance:

    ,Ferrostaal is an experienced and reliable partner for project development.

    ,Ferrostaal structures the financing of complex projects. In selected cases, Ferrostaal participates in the capitali- sation, entering financial partnerships with strategic investors.

    ,An efficient and reliable power supply is our aim – through the sun and the wind.

    ,Ferrostaal carries out the engineering, procurement and construction, offering all services from one source. As a successful general contractor, we undertake the con- struction of turnkey plants.

    ,Covering all parts of the value chain, Ferrostaal is also in charge of the commissioning, operation and mainte- nance of the plants.

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    Its major components are parabolic shaped mirrors, highly efficient absorber tubes and conventional turbines. The sun-light is concentrated on the absorber tube, located in the focal line of the mirrors. This heats a heat transfer fluid in the pipe to about 400 degrees Celsius and, via a heat exchanger, gen-erates steam to drive a turbine. As opposed to conventional power plants, it is not gas, coal or oil but sunlight that supplies the energy. Major savings are made on fuel costs. Consequent-ly, the field of solar mirrors can be seen as an investment in the lifetime supply of fuel and insurance against fluctuating oil price dependency.

    Power generation on a large scaleUsing parabolic collector technology, solar power can be pro-duced in capacities of between ten up to over 200 MW. The modular character of a solar field makes any initial capacity possible. From a commercial point of view, the larger, the bet-ter. Through the establishment of mass production for mir-rors and absorbers and the further development of heat stor-age methods, parabolic collector power plants will in future be economically comparable with conventional power plants in medium-load operation. With its decades of experience in the international construction of large-scale plants, Ferrostaal de-velops profitable projects with a focus on large-scale thermal power plants.

    Power around the clockSolar thermal power is the only renewable energy that is both easy to predict and allows economical storage. Unlike other technologies, the energy can be stored very cost-effectively as heat, not as electricity. Large tanks are heated during sunshine

    hours and release their energy during cloudy periods or at night. This way, solar thermal power plants provide constant, reliable energy when it is needed, decoupling supply and demand. Storage systems can even be optimised to especially cover peak-load hours, stabilising the grids when demands are highest – irrespective of the sun.

    Benefiting from its experience in the petrochemical indus-try, Ferrostaal installed a storage system for 7.5h of full-load operation at its Andasol 3 plant. Together with our partners, we are improving concepts for storage of both steam and high-temperature molten salt. Having successfully installed several combined cycle power plants, Ferrostaal is also opti-mising hybrid systems in which a solar field is integrated into an existing power plant. This promises high plant capacity factors, because the turbine can be fed both from the sun and from another source.

    Parabolic trough power plants have been in use for over two decades. This is currently

    the cheapest and most proven technology for solar thermal power generation.

    Concentrated solar power (CSP) is a viable sustainable tech-nology playing a significant role in the future’s energy mix:

    ,CSP ensures full dispatch ability,CSP offers high unexploited cost reduction potential,CSP concepts can be optimised for serving peak-load demand

    ,CSP allows hybridization with thermal power plants for 24/7 power production

    ,CSP contributes to grid stability through its supplied power quality

    Solar parabolic trough technologyEcologically and economically attractive

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    Solar field



    2-tank saltstorage

    Expansion vessel

    Hot salt tank

    Cold salt tank

    Steam turbine

    Solar superheater

    Steam generator


    Cooling tower

    Solar preheater

    Solar reheater

    Competitive technology: Solar thermal power plants with storage

    With the parabolic trough technology, between ten and more than 200 MW of electricity can be produced. Heat generates steam to drive a turbine and

    a generator that supplies the energy. The enlargement of existing plants, a location with high solar irradiance and falling costs of components will

    make power production competitive with conventional power plants in the medium term. A combination with thermal storage guarantees a continuous

    and reliable supply of electricity when demands are greatest.

    Feed-water pump



    Air inlet


    Steam generator

    Afterburner Preheater Chimney


    Gas turbine


    Cooling tower

    Solar field

    Heat carrier pump



    Steam turbine

    Synergy potential of hybrid power plants

    In hybrid power plants, solar energy is used in addition to fossil or biogenic fuels. Through this combination, solar thermal power plants can also op-

    erate continuously at base load even throughout the night. Here, the solar field acts as a fuel saver, supplementing gas, oil or other fuels to generate

    heat and consequently steam, when the sun is not shining.

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    Solar tower technologyHigh temperature and efficiency

    The solar tower technology works with mass-manufactured components which perfectly meet the customers’ demands – regarding project, region, climate and market. The customised project development and erection of the plant allows high levels of accuracy which thereby offers great cost reduction potential. The state-of-the-art technology permits high concentration and strong operating systems, thereby enabling high efficiency of conversion into electricity.

    Operated with water or saltToday two types of systems are applied in solar tower technology:

    • The receiver is run on water and directly produces super-heated steam: Multiple towers feed their steam directly into a centrally located turbine, avoiding efficiency losses through heat exchangers.

    • The receiver is operated with molten salt: This technology has advantages when integrating a storage system, as it operates at even higher temperatures. This allows great energy density and yield from the salt, enabling such systems to produce base-load electricity.

    Tower technology is already in operation and proving its com-mercial attractiveness to utilities. We believe solar towers will play a major role, not only in solar power, but for electricity production in general. With this versatile technology, Ferrostaal is engineering an attractive solution to the future challenges of our customers.

    As a technology-independent general contractor in industrial plant construction with

    know-how in project development, project financing, project management and EPC,

    Ferrostaal implements turnkey plants based on solar tower technology. Solar tower

    technology is considered one of the most promising future technologies with great

    potential for further efficiency and cost optimisation.

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    As it benefits from the best levels of solar irradiation and a legislatively guaranteed feed-in tariff, Spain has taken a lead-ing position in the solar thermal power plant market in Eu-rope in recent years. In Andalusia, southern Spain, we realised the largest complex of solar thermal power plants worldwide together with our partners.

    The latest of the three power plants, Andasol 3 came online in September 2011. It now supplies 200,000 people reliably with sustainable and environmentally friendly electricity. The Andasol 3 plant, which was projected by Ferrostaal, stands out due to its two large salt tanks, each 15 metres high with a di-ameter of 40 metres, enabling thermal storage. The thermal storage tank can hold 30,000 tonnes of a special mixture of salts and allows a continued base-load operation and reliable electricity generation of the plant for seven and a half hours after sunset or during cloud cover.

    Ferrostaal contributes to using the full potential of the sun for its customers. We are

    present in all countries which are rich in sunlight and realise large-scale projects

    for solar thermal power generation. In Spain, we are showcasing the future of clean

    energy for our customers with the 50 MW solar thermal power plant Andasol 3.

    Type of project Solar thermal power plant: Parabolic trough

    Type of contract EPC Turnkey Lump Sum

    Business approach Project development

    Project scope General contractor

    Customer Marquesada S.A.

    Output Power: 165 GWh per year

    Project value EUR 350 million

    Time schedule Sept 2009 – Nov 2011

    Andasol 3Following the sun

    Andasol 3: A milestone for Europe

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    Wind powerProject development and EPC for wind farms

    Ferrostaal’s services in onshore wind power start at an early stage and comprise both greenfield and pre-developed projects as well as wind farms ready to be built. We base our tailor-made solutions on customer requirements and a location-specific environment. Our timely involvement ensures high-quality project development and a comprehensive execution concept, which also convinces international financing institutions and investors. Together with our renowned and reliable partners, we put projects on a solid basis worldwide.

    Our feasibility studies cover bankable wind measurement campaigns, permit engineering, wind turbine selection and economic analysis in promising regions in South Africa, South East Asia and South America. With thorough conceptual engineering, we get involved in the projects early to ensure a smooth realisation process. For our customers we develop individual, efficient and transparent financing strategies including the management of investor relations. In renewable projects we also get involved financially and participate with equity in selected undertakings.

    Wind is one of the most important regenerative energy sources, offering enormous

    potential. Ferrostaal knows how to tap these possibilities: We are the right partner for

    wind power farms, providing the whole value chain to our customers.

    Our wind project services at a glance:

    ,General market analysis and identification of project sites including wind measurement campaigns

    ,Project-specific studies like topographical and soil analysis

    ,Approval management, land acquisition and negotiation of power purchase agreements

    ,Wind turbine selection, layout optimisation, contracting, construction, site management, installation, commissioning and project management

    ,Project financing and investor relationship management

    ,Logistics and insurance concept,Service and maintenance concept,Handling of the Clean Development Mechanism / CDM (CO² certificates)

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    Managing EPC for wind projects As general contractor, Ferrostaal handles projects right from the start including engineering, procurement and construc-tion (EPC) of wind farms. With our customers and partners we have a strong and reliable relationship which pays off in the projects’ success. Furthermore, our special engineering com-petence for renewables and our supplier-independent busi-ness approach enable tailor-made solutions for our customers. Due to our international network with strong local presence Ferrostaal offers full construction and erection services, e.g. the construction unit in Portugal has already erected more than 300 MW in wind power farms of known suppliers. Certified project managers guarantee timely execution of projects within budget and agreed quality. Furthermore, Ferrostaal deploys trained teams for on-site service and main-tenance of the installed wind turbines. While we source the core components from reputable international manufactur-ers, we ensure as much local content as possible, thus adding value to the local community. Often it is an important corner-stone to our clients – not only in terms of industrial policy, but also due to the fact that it contributes to local employment, thereby ensuring a high level of acceptance of our industrial facilities.

    © Nordex SE

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    FerrostaalCompetence is the key to success

    Development and financingOur services start at an early stage – with the business idea. We put the project on a solid basis with feasibility studies, market analyses, a business plan and the search for strategic investors. With thorough conceptual engineering, we get involved early in the projects to ensure a smooth realisation process. In the contract phase we do the preliminary work and devise strate-gies for the central questions. In the financing phase we develop a customised, efficient and transparent financing strategy. In selected cases we also get involved financially.

    Project management for EPCFerrostaal generally takes on overall responsibility for a project, frequently as the general contractor controlling the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of the plant. A partner-like relationship with customers, suppliers and financial partners, which is based on transparency and trust, is essential here.

    Ferrostaal is increasing its value added and broadening its scope in solar thermal and wind parks. Our procurement department equips these projects with components built to last – globally sourced and with quality assurance from our international offices. With large local workforces, Ferrostaal is capable of offer-ing full construction and erection services.

    Partner for constructingDue to its stakes in technology companies, Ferrostaal is the partner for these companies for constructing solar thermal plants. With a long track record in constructing power plants, Ferrostaal covers the conventional parts of solar thermal power plants as well as the whole plant periphery (balance of plant). We regard our international position and long-term presence in relevant markets for solar thermal and wind power onshore plants as our key assets.

    Ferrostaal is a global provider of industrial services in plant construction and engineer-

    ing. With our project development, we support our customers in forging new paths

    along the entire value chain. Our services cover the entire process, from planning to

    financing to turnkey handover.

    © Nordex SE

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    Ferrostaal acts as a technology-independent system integrator

    ¹ Engineering Procurement Construction; ² Operation and Maintenance

    Project steps


    · Provides basic/detailed engineering · Provides global procurement · Plant construction · Coordination of partners,

    as general contractor · Commissioning


    · Operation· Provides technical and commercial


    Project developer

    · Develops project concept · Provides market analyses · Provides preliminary works

    and feasibility studies · Searches for strategic

    investors· Gets involved

    financially in selected cases

    Our services cover the entire process, from planning to financing to turnkey handover.

    Project Management

    Operation & Maintenance


    Basic Detailed

    Equipment Bulk


    Mgmt. Local



    Identify sites and evaluate key conditions:irradiation, land, grid, water, offtake

    Define timelines, milestones and budget

    Create Special Purpose Company (SPC)

    Generate project development structure: division of works, costs and profits

    Sign project development term sheets

    with all relevant partners

    Secure sites

    Technical and commercial feasibility studies

    Full conceptual study execution

    Full project development and execution, until construction stage is complete

    Financial engineering

    Turnkey construction

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    Ferrostaal acts as a technology-independent system integrator, providing our custom-

    ers with the best methods and components for their projects. In the areas of industrial

    plants, equipment solutions and automotive, Ferrostaal is globally linked to many of its

    customers by a long-standing partnership.

    Our worldwide organisation has built a solid business in the industrial equipment sector, which allows us to have a long-term and continuous presence in many countries. On the basis of this presence and our worldwide employees, we inter-link our global and regional know-how in our joint work with customers and partners from all relevant economic sectors.

    Vast experience in plant constructionThe growing demand for power and fuel is a decisive driver of our business. Whether in the areas of solar thermal plants and wind power farms, gas-fired power plants, petrochemi-cals or oil and gas: our large-scale projects around the globe speak volumes about our competencies as project develop-er, financing expert and general contractor. For decades the quality of German engineering has counted for us as much as reliable, sustainable solutions. We ensure that large-scale

    industrial plants are profitable on a long-term basis. They are created with the professional know-how and ability of our cer-tified project managers and our long-term knowledge of our markets. Project development, engineering, procurement and construction as well as operation and maintenance are exe-cuted from one single source, mobilising work forces in many regions and managing the entire large-scale project. We con-trol performance and quality, time and costs. Environmental protection, health and safety are our guiding principles.

    At home in the sun belt and relevant wind power markets, we are the best partner when it comes to solar thermal and wind power onshore farms.

    FerrostaalTurning Ideas into Reality.

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    Ferrostaal GmbH

    Solar Energy

    Phone +49. 201. 818-51 03

    Fax +49. 201. 818-35 14

    [email protected]

    For further information visit

    Wind Energy

    Phone +49. 201. 818-28 60

    Fax +49. 201. 818-35 14

    [email protected]

    Ferrostaal headquarters

    Ferrostaal locations worldwide


    Ferrostaal GmbHHohenzollernstr. 2445128 EssenGermanyPhone +49. 201. 818-01Fax +49. 201. 818-39 70 Pu



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