Reflective analysis

Reflections on TV Adverts(DeodoRUN) Questions: Advert: Screen Capture 1)Is your production fit for purpose? E.g does it fulfil the codes and conventions of a TV advert? Is it 30-60 sec? In my opinion, the advert I have created for DeodoRUN fits the purpose as it delivers the message very clearly to the audience. I have used several techniques in the commercial such as persuasion and most commonly repetition. When writing the script, I thought it would be best if the girl that talks, addresses the solution of the issue, while naming the product as many times as possible without it getting too annoying. I have tried to keep the advert as short as possible, making it only for 26 seconds. I believe that the shortest the advert is, the less possibility there is of boring the audience, so I made it very short, while addressing the point quick and smooth. Every commercial I know have logos that are very memorable. Our product itself is a deodorant, so we used the word as a base for our logo, while only changing



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Reflections on TV Adverts(DeodoRUN)

Questions: Advert: Screen Capture1)Is your production fit for purpose? E.g does it fulfil the codes and conventions of a TV advert? Is it 30-60 sec?

In my opinion, the advert I have created for DeodoRUN fits the purpose as it delivers the message very clearly to the audience. I have used several techniques in the commercial such as persuasion and most commonly repetition. When writing the script, I thought it would be best if the girl that talks, addresses the solution of the issue, while naming the product as many times as possible without it getting too annoying. I have tried to keep the advert as short as possible, making it only for 26 seconds. I believe that the shortest the advert is, the less possibility there is of boring the audience, so I made it very short, while addressing the point quick and smooth. Every commercial I know have logos that are very memorable. Our product itself is a deodorant, so we used the word as a base for our logo, while only changing the last part of the word with something memorable and similar to the original. I tried to involve the logo in the commercial so I put it in the bottom right throughout the whole of the advert.

2)Compare with original intentions – have you achieved what you set out to? Refer to your pre-production; script, storyboard, shot list and shooting schedule

Our original plan was to not involve a person in particular in our advert. The idea was that we wanted the audience to feel as If they are literally in the shoes of the person in the advert, so by showing the person's face in the advert, we would ruin that intention. In our production, we did just that. As far as filming went, we had some difficulties, but we

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managed to get all the footage in time. We filmed most of the footage on Wednesday just as intended, however we filmed the last bit with the actual product itself a few days later. Despite that, we finished everything in time and it did not have any impact on our final production.

3)Technical qualities – are there any flaws in the filming or editing? Does the advert look professional?

In my personal opinion the advert looks professional due to the fast pace, smooth flow, product showcase and script. Most of the time, the script fits with what is happening on screen. For example when the girl says that you sweat with every step you make, on screen we can see a person walking. The voice of the person we have picked sounds very calm and persuasive which adds up to the professional look of the advert. Also the advert is straight to the point so it is very unlikely to confuse someone. The biggest flow of the advert is that sometimes the camera is a bit shaky. If I could redo the advert, I would definitely make the camera stable so it doesn’t look as clunky. The last shot was pretty hard to film and despite our efforts, it doesn’t look as we intended. If I was to redo the advert I would retry to recreate the last shot a bit better.

4)Accessibility to Target Audience – does the show seem appropriate to the audience that you identified - how/why?

Our initial intention was to not show anyone in particular in our advert. The idea was that everyone could put themselves in the shoes of the person in the advert, literally. By using this technique, the advert is pretty much accessible for everyone, targeting almost every type of

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audience. The logo has the word 'run' in it, so it suggests that the targeted audience are athletes but that is not only for them. The script suggests that everyone sweats, so the product works as efficiently on everyone. The footage is appropriate for every one no matter what age group someone belongs to. The advert does not contain any kind of offensive language or sex and violence.

5)What were your contributions to the advert? How did you divide up the work? Did you feel like you worked well as a team?

In my opinion we worked well as a team, as we divided the work equally between each other. My contributions to the advert are the script and my feature in the commercial.(something that I don’t do too often) Elijah produced and printed the logo, while Calum filmed me in the advert.

6)What have you learned from making your advert? Is there anything you would do differently next time?

What I learned after producing the advert is to rely more on the people in my group, rather than to produce everything all by myself. If I would to redo the advert, I would definitely make the camera still rather than shaky and also I would redo the last shot of our advert until it looks perfect.