Recce - Micah

Recce Aoife

Transcript of Recce - Micah

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Recce Aoife

Page 2: Recce - Micah


For our short film there will be two main locations the girls toilets in the media block and the councillors office, I feel like these two locations will be simple to film in as there both in the college and therefor are accessible and safe, the equipment will be easy to acess and use as we will not be having to travel .

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Because were filming in the college sound could be an issue as students will be walking through the corridors being loud and there's also the chance of them walking into the toilets mid filming to avoid any of this happening its vital to try and get all our shots when people are in lessons.

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There is minimal natural light in both locations as there are no windows, all our lighting will have to be done through either ceiling lights, flash lights or the stand up lights in the media department can be used.

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Risks on location

Although there will be minimal risks as were filming on college ground this makes it safe there's still things we must be cautious of for example filming in toilets could be a potential hazard as there's water and we have to be careful of the equipment getting damaged, we will use the equipment in a sensible manor and keep it as far away from water as possible, filming in the counselling room will be safe as its only a small room with not much furniture.