READING - DECODING THURSDAY Prep Learning Tasks Term 3 …

Gembrook Primary School Remote Learning Tasks Please remember, individual class Webexs run from9.30am - 10.00am each day, but if you have any questions regarding any of today’s learning you can login to our Grade Prep Question Time Webex at any time between 10:00am - 11.00am. Meeting link: Meeting number: 165 182 6974 Password: gembrook THURSDAY Prep Learning Tasks Term 3 Week 7 READING - DECODING This lesson will be run over our individual class Webex’s at 9.30am, but there will be no requirement to upload this task. Learning Intention: I can use decoding strategies accurately and appropriately. Success Criteria: I have tracked my thinking. Learning Resources Required: Workbook and pencils. Learning Task: Today your teacher will share a powerpoint of a bookon Webex. We are going to read the book together and discuss and revise all of our reading decoding strategies. Today when you read your reader we want you to focus on the reading strategy Tryin’ Lion. Tryin Lion says “Try to re-read the sentence. Think- What makes sense?” This means we need to back up and re-read the sentence to see if we can make it make sense. You will use the tracking of your thinking worksheet to share your ideas about the book. Record which word you used ‘Tryin’ Lion’ on today. If you didn't use this strategy, you can still record another one that was helpful! Maybe you stretched sounds together using Stretchy Snake. Answer this comprehension question: What was a question you thought of while you were reading today? Why... WhatWhereHow...

Transcript of READING - DECODING THURSDAY Prep Learning Tasks Term 3 …

Gembrook Primary School Remote Learning Tasks

Please remember, individual class Webexs run from 9.30am - 10.00am each day, but if you

have any questions regarding any of today’s learning you can login to our Grade Prep

Question Time Webex at any time between 10:00am - 11.00am.

Meeting link: number: 165 182 6974Password: gembrook

THURSDAY Prep Learning Tasks Term 3 Week 7


This lesson will be run over our individual class Webex’s at 9.30am, but there will be norequirement to upload this task.Learning Intention: I can use decoding strategies accurately and appropriately.Success Criteria: I have tracked my thinking.

Learning Resources Required:Workbook and pencils.

Learning Task:● Today your teacher will share a powerpoint of a book on Webex. We are going to read the

book together and discuss and revise all of our reading decoding strategies.● Today when you read your reader we want you to focus on the reading strategy Tryin’ Lion.

● Tryin Lion says “Try to re-read the sentence. Think- What makes sense?” This means weneed to back up and re-read the sentence to see if we can make it make sense.

● You will use the tracking of your thinking worksheet to share your ideas about the book.● Record which word you used ‘Tryin’ Lion’ on today. If you didn't use this strategy, you can

still record another one that was helpful! Maybe you stretched sounds together usingStretchy Snake.

● Answer this comprehension question:○ What was a question you thought of while you were reading today?

■ Why...■ What…■ Where…■ How...

Gembrook Primary School Remote Learning Tasks

● After completing the comprehension activity, read independently using reading strategiesto solve unknown words for 15 minutes.

Extension Task:Listen and watch Thelma The Unicorn the front cover


Learning Intention: I can write short texts to convince my audience.Success Criteria: I have clearly explained my point of view in the opening sentence.

Learning Resources Required: Workbook and pencils.

Completion Learning Task:● Remind students that the purpose of their persuasive letter is to convince your reader to

do them a favour. Have they given enough ideas to convince you?● Have they followed a known letter format? Starting with Dear…. ending with ‘From’ or


Gembrook Primary School Remote Learning Tasks

● Re-read their work and any planning brainstorms from yesterday. Discuss what they needto do to complete their persuasive piece today.

● If your child did not complete an opening statement and three ideas yesterday, that istheir task today. If they have, continue with the revision and editing lesson below.

Editing and Revision Learning Task:● Remind your child that every adult re-reads and checks letters and emails before we send

them! Great writers always revise their stories and improve the words that they have used.● Re-read the persuasive letter. Is it clear what favour they are asking for? Which tools have

they used?○ Strong opening statement○ Strong emotive language○ Three reasons why the person involved should help you○ The power of three

● Discuss how they could change something to make a stronger argument.● Discuss the following with your child as they edit their work:

○ Can you underline three words that you would like my help to check? Which wordsdon’t look right?

Extension Task: Add a strong closing statement such as “A nice, clean, organised bedroom willmake you happy, and NOT cleaning it will make me ecstatic! Thanks Mum! Love Ann ”

BREAK: Ensure students have a well-earned break with a snack, rest and a game/physical activity.

MATHS - APPLIED: PATTERNS (colour and shape)

Learning Intention: I can recognise natural patterns in the world around us.Success Criteria: I have observed repeated patterns within my home.

Learning Resources Required: Workbook, pencils and digital device.

Learning Task:● Today we will be continuing to learn about and search for patterns in our backyards (if

weather permits, otherwise inside the home is fine).● You will be going on a pattern hunt around your backyard. Look for colours and shapes

that repeat (e.g. leaves, petals, paving, fences, etc.)● Ask your child to search your backyard to look for things such as leaves, small rocks, pine

cones, pebbles, petals,etc.● Once they have found their nature objects, ask them to create a repeating pattern like the

one in the picture below

Gembrook Primary School Remote Learning Tasks

● In their workbook, get your child to draw their nature pattern.

PLEASE NOTE: If your child missed last Friday’s maths lesson or needs a reminder on what apattern is, please use this link (same video from last Friday’s lesson).

Extension task: Practice drawing a more complex pattern in your workbook, using repeatingcolours and shapes.


Learning Intention: I can spell common words correctly.Success Criteria: I have practised spelling my sight words.

Learning Resources Required:Workbook and pencils.

Learning Task:● Choose four gold words that you do not know and practise spelling them.● For students who have take-home spelling, practise the words in your diary.● Write them in rainbow colours, write them in bubble writing, say them out loud.● Write them on pieces of paper, and put them up around your house and spell them as a

password to enter the room!

Please note: If your child has spelling words in their diary, and would like new take homespelling words please contact Mrs Liston during our 10-11am Q and A webex and I will be ableto help you.

BREAK: Ensure students have a well-earned break with lunch, rest and a game/physical activity.


Gembrook Primary School Remote Learning Tasks

Learning Intention: I can use fundamental locomotor and non-locomotor movements and bodyparts to explore safe movement possibilities.Success Criteria: I have completed balance challenges and built on my locomotive skills.

Learning Resources Required: : Electronic device (mobile phone/ipad), open space to move.Learning Task;1. Warm up- do one of the following:

● Go for a jog/ run around your yard/house● Play a game of tag with your sibling for 5 minutes● Ride your bike or scooter for 5 minutes● Dance to your favourite song.

2. Watch the following video and practise your balancing focus with Cosmic Kids Yoga.

3. Choose one of the following balance activities to help support your learning.● Play Twister the game if available.● Don't fall in: Place items along the floor and imagine the floor is lava or water and you

have to keep walking on the items without falling in. (Make sure they are flat items so youdon't risk injury, for example, books, paper, pillow slips etc).

● Frisbee balance: Balance a frisbee on your body/ back/ hand/head and see if you can walkaround keeping it in control.

● Balance beam: Walk along a log or long beam, and practice stopping and raising your leftfoot and your right foot in order to test your balance!

● Ride your bikes in and around cones that are set up in a line.● Balance a tennis ball on your tennis racquet for as long as possible and then practice

moving around with it in the middle of your racquet.


Please select an activity to complete from the PHYSICAL ACTIVITY GRID (Resource

section on Compass)