Reading Comprehension Questions for Warm Bodies



A companion guide for Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion designed for students of English as a second language.

Transcript of Reading Comprehension Questions for Warm Bodies

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Isaac Marion

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This work was created for educational purposes only as a comprehension companion guide

for Isaac Marion’s Warm Bodies.

This EnglishCaddy™ Document

was created by Gregg Robert Salters and is available for free through


Strasbourg, France


Comprehension Questions for Warm Bodies by IsaacMarion by Gregg R. Salters is licensed under a Creative

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. To view a copy of this license, visit

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The 2010 Vintage Books Paperback Edition of Warm Bodies

(ISBN: 978-0-099-54934-5)

was used as reference

in the creation of this comprehension companion

and can be purchased at or at most major booksellers.

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“What wonderful thing didn’t start out scary?”… Warm Bodies is the first novel of Isaac Marion and follows the story of "R" (a zombie) who falls in love with Julie (a human). See any connection??? Simply put, this is a non-classic classic love story of 2 people from 2 different worlds that defy their social barriers and affect change through the power of love. While the zombie genre may be becoming stale in both the film and print mediums, Isaac Marion offers us a "breath of fresh air" for zombie enthusiasts in this delightfully quirky and gory romance. Why study Warm Bodies? The themes and parallels presented in Warm Bodies can provide for hours of discussion and contemplation, easily tying in to many situations, good and bad, that we see in our own world today... You will find this zombie riddled world both different in many ways from our own, yet, strangely similar in many ways as well. Furthermore, for students studying English as a second language, this engaging story is valuable in supplying new vocabulary; providing comprehension practice; and allowing total emersion in the target language through captivating, interesting and thoughtful reading. The following pages of questions and vocabulary are designed to help the reader chapter by chapter in targeting the language, themes and events important for a comprehensive and fruitful reading of the novel. How to proceed: Simply read each chapter for as thorough an understanding as possible (paying special attention to vocabulary, expressions, slang and grammar. along the way.) Then once you’ve completed the chapter answer the corresponding questions in the book. Answering the questions should be easy, but if you find questions that are difficult, simply go back to that chapter and reread wherever necessary so that you can easily respond to the question. All answers are in the novel. You may write your responses in this booklet, or you may want to create your own The Fault in Our Stars Reading Journal. There are many blank writing journals available for sale ranging from simple to fancy. The most important! The most important thing is to enjoy what you read. If you are a zombie enthusiast this book is perfect for you and you’ll find it’s very easy to become engrossed in Isaac Marion’s “post-zombie-apocalyptic” world. So immerse yourself in English and see what it’s like to fall in love through the eyes of a zombie! Other books by Isaac Marion: The New Hunger Boarded Windows The Hungry Mouth

Visit Mr. Marion’s site at:

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WARM BODIES By Isaac Marion


Table of Contents

Step 1 Wanting Chapter 1 1

Chapter 2 2

Chapter 3 3

Chapter 4 4

Chapter 5 5

Chapter 6 6

Chapter 7 7

Chapter 8 8

Chapter 9 9

Chapter 10 9

Step 2 Taking Chapter 11 11

Chapter 12 12

Chapter 13 13

Chapter 14 14

Chapter 15 14

Chapter 16 16

Chapter 17 18

Chapter 18 22

Step 3 Living Chapter 19 12

List of main characters







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STEP 1: Wanting

Chapter 1

1. How is R dressed? (p. 3)

2. Explain the meaning of the expression: “...ring any bells?”. (p. 4)

3. What injury does R let us know is lethal to a zombie? (p. 7)

4. What major difference from the other zombies does R possess that M is aware of? (p. 8)

5. Who does R meet on the conveyors? (pp. 10-11)

6. What has changed in R’s life by the end of this chapter?

Vocabulary: To learn the ropes (p.3) To grunt (p.4)

To groan (p.4) To whither (p.5)

Snug (p. 10)

“Once you’ve arrived at the end of the world, it hardly matters which route

you took.”

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Chapter 2

1. Why does M hesitate entering the skyscraper with R? (p.16)

2. What advantages does R’s hunting party have over the prey they found in the skyscraper? (pp. 16-17)

3. What does R eat and what is the result? (p.18)

4. Who does R eat, and who does he meet in this chapter?

Vocabulary: Limb (p.14) To clutch (p.15)

To huddle (p.20) To cower (p.20)

To drag (p.21)

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Chapter 3

1. Where does R consider home? (pp.22-23)

2. How does R keep the Mercedes running? (p.24)

3. When observing M, what is R glad to be free of? (p.25)

4. What does R try to confess to Julie? (p.28)

How does she reply?

5. What feelings does R experience at the end of the chapter?

Vocabulary: To sum up (p.25)

Scorching (p.27) Upright (p.28)

To mumble (p.29)

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Chapter 4

This chapter is written in “flashback” which allows the reader a unique perspective as to what events have happened to the characters before the current point in the story’s timeline.

1. Whose history are we learning about in this chapter?

2. What has happened to this person’s mother? (p.31)

3. What reoccurring event does the author use as a vehicle to allow us insight into the past?

Vocabulary: Flashback (Not in book) Insight (Not in book)

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Chapter 5

1. Where does R’s wife take him? (p.34)

2. Describe the children’s lesson for the day? (pp.34-35)

3. What is the excuse R gives Julie for not letting her go? (p.38)

4. Where are R and Julie going? (pp. 38-39)

Vocabulary: Gutted (p.34)

Numb (p.35) Blankly (p.37)

Forearm (p.39)

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Chapter 6

1. What did Julie find to eat? (p.41)

2. How long has R been dead? (p.42)

3. What happens to R when he drinks the beer that Julie gave him? (pp.43-44)

4. Why does Julie think R is different? (p.45)

5. Explain the metaphor: “... the flatline of my existence...” (p.47)

Vocabulary: Food court (p.40) To be foul (p.40)

Clumpy (p.42) To stare (p.45) To skip (p.46)

Flat line (p.47)

“She is Living and I am

Dead, but I’d like to

believe we’re both human.

Call me an idealist.”

- Page 41

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Chapter 7

1. What is Julie teaching R to do? (pp. 48-49)

2. Who is cheating on whom? (p.50)

3. Why does R prefer vinyl records to iPods? (p.52)

4. How does Julie feel about Perry’s death? (pp. 54-56)

5. What do we discover about Julie’s past? (p.56)

6. What is unique about R’s last mouthful of Perry’s brain? (pp.60-61)

7. Of whom were Perry’s last thoughts when he died? (p.62)

8. What declaration does R make? (p.63)

Vocabulary: Stunted (p.53)

Off-key (p.57) Feeble (p.59)

Firefly (p.63)

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Chapter 8

1. What wakes R up? (p.64)

2. Why does the Boney give Polaroid photos to R? What do you think they are trying to tell him? (pp.66-67)

3. What is R’s implied message to the Boney? (p.67)

4. What is the mutual decision R and Julie come to? (p.68)

5. Name some of the word events that Julie says transpired before the zombie “apocalypse.” (pp.69-70)

6. Who does Julie tell R was a general in the army? (p.70)

7. What threat does Julie’s presence at the airport pose? (p.124)

8. According to Julie, why can’t R return home with her? (p.73)

9. In the conversation with M, what does M earnestly want to know from R? (p.76)

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Vocabulary: To lurch (p.64) Eerie (p.66) Astounding (p.68)

Breakdown (p.70) To gaze (p.71) Mirthless (p.71)

To wipe out (p.72) Mouldy (p.75)

Chapter 9

1. How do you think Julie feels about M? (p.78)

2. Who hinders R and Julie’s departure? (p.79)

3. How do they finally escape? (pp.80-81)

Vocabulary: Array (p.78) Mob (p.81)

Chapter 10

1. How does R know the route to the Stadium? (p.82)

2. Why does R exit the freeway and not continue directly to the Stadium? (p.83)

3. Why don’t zombies eat fat people? (p.85)

“Everything you see, you might be

seeing for the last time.”

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4. What does Julie notice about R’s eyes (p.84) and appetite (p.86)?

5. Where does Julie want R to spend the night? (p.87)

6. What happens when R closes his eyes? (p.89)

7. What parallel does the author draw between reading books and eating brains? (pp.94-95)

8. What does Julie do while R is looking for gas for the Mercedes? (p.98)

9. What won’t R say to the Polaroid photograph? (p.98)

10. Why has M left the airport? (pp.101-102)

11. Where are R and M going and why? (pp. 103-104)

Vocabulary: Freeway (p.83) On purpose (p.84) By accident (p.84)

To putter (p.85) Comforter (p.87) Ghoulish (p.88)

Off ramp (p.99) Overpass (p.102)

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STEP 2: Taking

Chapter 11

1. Around how old do you think Perry is at the first part of this vision? (pp.107-108)

2. Why does Perry wonder if it’s stupid to fall in love? (pp.110-111)

3. Where is Perry living during the second part of R’s vision? (p.112) (You will have to rely on contextual clues.)

4. According to Julie’s mother, what purpose do memories and hope serve? (p.113)

5. Why doesn’t R enter the boarded up house with M and the others? (p.114)

6. How does R get into the stadium? (pp.115-116)

Vocabulary: To chirp (p.107) To stalk (p.108)

Field trip (p.108) Firecracker (p.110) Ladder (p.112)

Discard (p.112) Gait (p.116)

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Chapter 12

1. What has happened to the sports arena? (pp.117-118)

2. Whose voice is R hearing as he walks through the city? (p.118) (i.e. pp. 118, 119, 120, 121 & 122)

3. What are the similarities between the schoolroom and warehouse in the stadium and the school at the airport? (pp.120-121) (Ch. 5 pp. 34-35) How is this ironic?

4. What does the dog try to do to R? (p.123)

5. To whom or what is Julie talking on the balcony? (p.125)

6. Why is it safer for R in Julie’s house? (p.127)

7. What is special about Julie’s bedroom? What do her and R have in common? (p.129)

8. What does R feel about the world outside of the stadium? (p.134)

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Vocabulary: Quandary (p.117) Hodgepodge (p.117) To wrench (p.122)

Curfew (p.124) Storey (p.124) Overhead (p.128)

Carpet (p.130) To wean (p.132)

Chapter 13

1. How did Perry’s father die? (p.138)

2. What does Perry want to do instead of writing? Why? (p.138)

3. According to Perry, what humanity’s debut in literature? (p.138)

4. What book of Nora’s does R “devour”? Why do you think he was attracted to this book? (p.140)

5. On what conditions does Julie allow R to tour the city? (p.141)

6. Why did Julie and Nora finally allow R to wear the tie? (p.144)

Vocabulary: Creaky (p.139)

To shed (p.139) To tiptoe (p.140)

To stroll (p.141)

“Writing isn’t on letters and

paper. It’s communication. It’s memory.”

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Chapter 14

1. How many people live in the stadium? (p.146)

2. What country does Nora think was the last to collapse? (p.148)

3. Where do Julie and Nora take R first? (p.149)

4. To whom does Julie introduce R there? (p.150)

5. How did Julie’s mom die? (p.150)

6. Why does Julie say her mom did what she did? (p.150)

Vocabulary: To scavenge (p.145) Hothouse (p.146)

Banter (p.148) Hilly (p.148) Brat (p.150)

To tug (p.153)

Chapter 15

1. What orders does Perry receive from General Grigio? (pp.155-156)

“It’s hard to take your life

seriously when you can see it all at once.”

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2. What is Perry looking for (that he seems to have lost at the death of his father) when he asks General Grigio; “Are we staying alive because we think the world will get better someday?” (p.156) Two other passages that might help you can be found on page 110 during the conversation with his father and on page 138 during the conversation with Colonel Rosso on page 138.

3. How does Perry react to the names on the list of the members who will be on the salvage mission he’ll be leading? (p.158)

4. How are R and Perry now connected? (p.160)

5. Why would Perry want to help R (his murderer)? (pp.160-161)

6. Whom does R encounter after his vision in the cemetery? (p.163)

7. How does Julie avert the danger of R being discovered? (p.164)

8. What is Julie’s nickname? (pp.164-165)

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Vocabulary: Foster parent (p.155)

To salvage (p.155) To mope (p.157) To croon (p.159)

Junior High (p.159) To creep out (p.162

To stiffen (p.155)

Chapter 16

1. What is the Orchard? (p.166)

2. What does R notice about the football games on the TV’s? (p.167)

3. Why did Julie say R was Nora’s boyfriend and not hers? (p.169)

4. What does R confess to Nora? (p.170)

5. What does Nora confess to R? (p.170)

6. Where did Julie get the vodka for the drinks? (p.171)

7. Who is Julie talking about on the mini-cassette recorder? (p.174)

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8. How do the two men from the Orchard provoke R? What does he do to them? (p.175)

9. What does R purge himself of after attacking the guard? (p.178)

10. What does Julie thank R for when she finds him back at her house? (p.180)

11. When did Julie first start drinking? (p.180)

12. What does R present to Julie? (pp.184-185)

13. Why does R apologize to Julie? Why did she give the response that she did? (p.185)

14. Why does Perry thank R for what he did? (p.185)

Vocabulary: Catwalk (p.166) Contraband (p.172)

To saunter (p.175) Flesh (p.176) Bloodshot (p.182)

Lacking (p.169)

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Chapter 17

1. What was the cause of the commotion in the Stadium? (pp.187-188)

2. Who calls on the telephone? What does he want R to do? (pp.191-192)

3. Why do R and Julie need to be outside of the Stadium? (p.192)

4. Who will keep Julie safe? (p.193)

5. What does Colonel Rosso announce? (p.195)

6. Who orders R and Nora to come out of the bathroom? (p.197)

7. How does he discover R’s true nature? (p.198)

8. What does Julie try to explain concerning the Dead? (pp.198-199)

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9. How do R and Julie escape? (p.200)

10. What does Julie mean by “Dad’s dead, Rosy. He just hasn’t started rotting yet.”? (p.202)

11. How do R and Julie escape from the Stadium? (pp.202-203)

12. What awaits R and Julie in the grassy field? (pp.203-204)

13. Why does Colonel Rosso return to the Stadium? (p.206)


Breach (p.187)

To stutter (p.188)

To unravel (p.189)

Shrill (p.195)

Squawk (p.200)

To backtrack (p.200)

To rot (p.202)

Inhaler (p.203)

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Chapter 18

1. Why can’t the Dead return to the airport as R wanted? (p.208)

2. What is M’s plan to deal with the Boneys? (p.209)

3. Why are the Boneys after R and Julie specifically? (p.212)

4. Why does Julie head back to the Stadium? (p.213)

5. After R and Julie enter the Stadium who do they look for? (p.216)

6. How does Julie’s father communicate with her? (p.218)

7. Where do R, Julie and Nora retreat to? (p.220)

8. Why does R say he’s been there before? (p.220)

9. What happens when R kisses Julie? (pp.222-223)

“But what wonderful thing didn’t start out


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10. What does General Grigio order Colonel Rosso to do? (p.224)

11. “Just skin stretched over a skull.” Who does this describe and how is it ironic? (p.224)

12. Who “claims” Grigio? (pp.225-226)

13. Why is it significant that R is bleeding? (p.228)


To betray (p.208)

To snuff (p.209)

To warble (p.210)

Windshield (p.213)

To leap (p.214)

Greed (p.221)

Waif (p.227)

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Step 3 Living

Chapter 19

1. According to Colonel Rosso, what is the plan to cure the Dead? (p.234)

2. Who believes Nora is the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen? (p.235)

3. What are the children doing at the airport? What affect does this have? (pp.235-237)

4. What name does R choose for himself? Why? (p.238)

Vocabulary: Tape (p.235) Leftovers (p.235)

“We smile because that’s how we save the world.”

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Good job! You have successfully completed all of the questions. Connecting to the story of this book is important, so take some time and write down your initial feelings after having finished the book.