Reachable Set Representation and Computation for Hybrid ... · There is a variety of methods for...

Reachable Set Representation and Computation for Hybrid Systems Prof. Dr. Erika Ábrahám Informatik 2 - Theory of Hybrid Systems RWTH Aachen SS09 Prof. Dr. Erika Ábrahám - State set representation 1/1

Transcript of Reachable Set Representation and Computation for Hybrid ... · There is a variety of methods for...

Page 1: Reachable Set Representation and Computation for Hybrid ... · There is a variety of methods for the verification of properties for hybrid systems. Most of them compute approximations

Reachable Set Representation and Computation for

Hybrid Systems

Prof. Dr. Erika Ábrahám

Informatik 2 - Theory of Hybrid Systems

RWTH Aachen


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Oliver Bournez, Oded Maler, and Amir Pnueli:Orthogonal Polyhedra: Representation and ComputationHybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 1569, pp. 46-60, 1999

Olaf Stursberg and Bruce H. Krogh:Efficient Representation and Computation of Reachable Sets for HybridSystemsHybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 2623, pp. 482-497, 2003

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There is a variety of methods for the verification of properties forhybrid systems.

Most of them compute approximations for the set of reachable statesin the continuous state space.Two approaches for computing states reachable by time steps (flows):

1 Discretization partitions the state space into a finite number of subsets.

An approximative evaluation of the continuous dynamics reveals which

elements of the partition are reachable.

2 Continuous dynamics can also be used to propagate the reachable set

iteratively from the set of initial states.

For the computation of states reachable by discrete steps (jumps) theconditions and effects must be evaluated.

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Computing reachability

Continuous dynamics

Given a dynamical system defined by x = f(x), where x takes values fromR

d, and given P ⊆ Rd, calculate (or approximate) the set of points in R


reached by trajectories (solutions) starting in P .

Discrete steps

Given a discrete transition of a hybrid system with state space Rd, and

given P ⊆ Rd, calculate (or approximate) the set of points in R

d reachableby taking the discrete transition starting in P .

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General reachability procedure

Input: Set Init of initial states.Algorithm:

Rnew := Init;R := ∅;while (Rnew 6= ∅){

R := R ∪ Rnew;Rnew := Reach(Rnew)\R;


Output: Set R of reachable states.

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Reachability approximation for hybrid automata


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State set representation

The geometry chosen to represent reachable sets has a crucial effecton the efficiency of the whole procedure.Usually, the more complex the geometry,

1 the more costly is the storage of the sets,

2 the more difficult it is to perform operations like union and intersection,


3 the more elaborate is the computation of new reachable sets, but

4 the better the approximation of the set of reachable states.

Choosing the geometry has to be a compromise between theseimpacts.

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Representation requirements

The geometry should allow efficient computation of the operations for

membership relation,




test for emptiness.

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State set representation



Orthogonal polyhedra

Oriented rectangular hulls



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The real domain


Domain: bounded subset X = [0,m]d ⊆ Rd (m ∈ N+) of the reals

(can be extended to X = Rd+).

Elements of X are denoted by x = (x1, . . . , xd), zero vector 0, unitvector 1.





X = [0, 6]2

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A d-dimensional grid associated with X = [0,m]d ⊆ Rd (m ∈ N+) is a

product of d subsets of {0, 1, . . . ,m − 1}.





2 5



42-dimensional grid:

{2, 5} × {1, 3, 4}

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The elementary grid associated with X = [0,m]d ⊆ Rd (m ∈ N+) is

G = {0, 1, . . . ,m − 1}d ⊆ Nd.





0 1 2 3 4 50





5G = {0, . . . , 5} × {0, . . . , 5}

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The grid admits a natural partial order with (m − 1, . . . ,m − 1) on the topand 0 as bottom.






















































0 1 2 3 4 50





5G = {0, . . . , 5} × {0, . . . , 5}

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The set of subsets of the elementary grid G forms aBoolean algebra (2G,∩,∪,∼) under the set-theoretic operations

A ∪ B

A ∩ B

∼ A = G\A

for A,B ⊆ G ⊂ Nd.





0 1 2 3 4 5012345

{(0, 4), (1, 2), (3, 3)} ∩





0 1 2 3 4 5012345

{(1, 2), (5, 3)} =





0 1 2 3 4 5012345

{(1, 2)}

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Definition (Elementary box)

The elementary box associated with a grid point x = (x1, . . . , xd) isB(x) = [x1, x1 + 1] × . . . ,×[xd, xd + 1].

The point x is called the leftmost corner of B(x).

The set of elementary boxes is denoted by B.



2 3


5B((2, 4)) = [2, 3] × [4, 5]

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Definition (Orthogonal polyhedra)

An orthogonal polyhedron P is a union of elementary boxes, i.e., anelement of 2B.



0 1 2 3 4 5 60






6{B((2, 4))} ∪ {B((3, 4))}∪

{B((2, 3))} ∪ {B((3, 3))}∪

{B((2, 2))}∪

{B((2, 1))}

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Boolean algebra of orthogonal polyhedra

The set 2B of orthogonal polyhedra is closed under the followingoperations:

A ⊔ B = A ∪ B

A ⊓ B = cl(int(A) ∩ int(B))

¬A = cl(∼ A)


int the interior operator yielding the largest open set int(A) containedin A, and

cl the topological closure operator yielding the smallest closed setcl(A) containing A.

The set of orthogonal polyhedra forms a Boolean algebra (2B,⊓,⊔,¬).

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A ⊓ B = cl(int(A) ∩ int(B))



0 1 2 30



3([1, 2] × [1, 2]) ⊓ ([2, 3] × [1, 2]) =

cl(((1, 2) × (1, 2)) ⊓ ((2, 3) × (1, 2))) =

cl(∅) = ∅

Note: ([1, 2] × [1, 2]) ∩ ([2, 3] × [1, 2]) = [2, 2] × [1, 2]

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¬A = cl(∼ A)



0 1 2 30



3¬([0, 2] × [0, 3]) =

cl(∼ ([0, 2] × [0, 3])) =

cl((2, 3] × [0, 3])) = [2, 3] × [0, 3]

Note: ∼ ([0, 2] × [0, 3]) = (2, 3] × [0, 3]

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The bijection between G and B which associates every elementary boxwith its leftmost corner generates an isomorphism between (2G,∩,∪,∼)and (2B,⊓,⊔,¬).

Thus we can switch between point-based and box-based terminologyaccording to what serves better the intuition.



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Color function

Definition (Color function)

Let P be an orthogonal polyhedron. The color function c : X → {0, 1} isdefined by

c(x) =


1 if x is a grid point and B(x) ⊆ P

0 otherwise

for all x ∈ X.

If c(x) = 1 we say that x is black and that B(x) is full.

If c(x) = 0 we say that x is white and that B(x) is empty.

Note that c almost coincides with the characteristic function of P as asubset of X. it differs from it only on right-boundary points.

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The following definitions capture the intuitive meaning of a facet and avertex and, in particular, that the boundary of an orthogonal polyhedron isthe union of its facets.

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Definition (i-predecessor)

The i-predecessor of a grid point x = (x1, . . . , xd) ∈ X isxi− = (x1, . . . , xi−1, xi − 1, xi+1, . . . , xd). We use xij− to denote (xi−)j−.When x has no i-predecessor, we write ⊥ for the predecessor value.



xij− xj−


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Definition (Neighborhood)

The neighborhood of a grid point x is the set

N (x) = {x1 − 1, x1} × . . . × {xd − 1, xd}

(the vertices of a box lying between x− 1 and x). For every i, N (x) canbe partitioned into left and right i-neighborhoods

N i−(x) = {x1 − 1, x1} × . . . × {xi − 1} × {xd − 1, xd}

andN i(x) = {x1 − 1, x1} × . . . × {xi} × {xd − 1, xd}.

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Definition (i-hyperplane)

An i-hyperplane is a (d − 1)-dimensional subset Hi,z of X consisting of allpoints x satisfying xi = z.




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Facets are d − 1-dimensionalpolyhedra.

As such, facets are subsets ofi-hyperplanes.

The coloring changes on facets.

White vertices need special care(closure to the “right”). i


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Facets are d − 1-dimensionalpolyhedra.

As such, facets are subsets ofi-hyperplanes.

The coloring changes on facets.

White vertices need special care(closure to the “right”). i


Definition (i-facet)

An i-facet of an orthogonal polyhedron P with color function c is

Fi,z(P ) = cl{x ∈ Hi,z|c(x) 6= c(xi−)}

for some integer z ∈ [0,m).

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Definition (Vertex)

A vertex is a non-empty intersection of d distinct facets. The set ofvertices of an orthogonal polyhedron P is denoted by V (P ).



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Definition (i-vertex-predecessor)

An i-vertex-predecessor of x = (x1, . . . , xd) ∈ X is a vertex of theform (x1, . . . , xi−1, z, xi+1, . . . , xd) for some integer z ∈ [0, xi].When x has no i-vertex-predecessor, we write ⊥ for its value.

The first i-vertex-predecessor of x, denoted by xi←, is the one withthe maximal z.




y = yi←


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A representation scheme for 2B (2G) is a set E of syntactic objects suchthat there is a surjective function φ from E to 2B, i.e., every syntacticobject represents at most one polyhedron and every polyhedron has at leastone corresponding object.

If φ is an injection we say that the representation is canonical, i.e., everypolyhedron has a unique representation.

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Possible representation schemes:

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Possible representation schemes:

Explicit representation: an enumeration of the color values on everygrid point, i.e., a d-dimensional zero-one array with md entities.

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Possible representation schemes:

Explicit representation: an enumeration of the color values on everygrid point, i.e., a d-dimensional zero-one array with md entities.Boolean representation: based on all the formulae generated frominequalities of the form xi ≥ z via Boolean operations.

This representation is non-canonical.

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Possible representation schemes:

Explicit representation: an enumeration of the color values on everygrid point, i.e., a d-dimensional zero-one array with md entities.Boolean representation: based on all the formulae generated frominequalities of the form xi ≥ z via Boolean operations.

This representation is non-canonical.

Vertex representation: consists of the set {(x, c(x))|x is a vertex},i.e., the vertices of P along with their color.

This representation is canonical.

The vertices alone is not a representation.

Not every set of points and colors is a valid representation of a


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Possible representation schemes:

Explicit representation: an enumeration of the color values on everygrid point, i.e., a d-dimensional zero-one array with md entities.Boolean representation: based on all the formulae generated frominequalities of the form xi ≥ z via Boolean operations.

This representation is non-canonical.

Vertex representation: consists of the set {(x, c(x))|x is a vertex},i.e., the vertices of P along with their color.

This representation is canonical.

The vertices alone is not a representation.

Not every set of points and colors is a valid representation of a


Neighborhood representation: the colors of all the 2d points in theneighborhoods of the vertices is attached as additional information.

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Possible representation schemes:

Explicit representation: an enumeration of the color values on everygrid point, i.e., a d-dimensional zero-one array with md entities.Boolean representation: based on all the formulae generated frominequalities of the form xi ≥ z via Boolean operations.

This representation is non-canonical.

Vertex representation: consists of the set {(x, c(x))|x is a vertex},i.e., the vertices of P along with their color.

This representation is canonical.

The vertices alone is not a representation.

Not every set of points and colors is a valid representation of a


Neighborhood representation: the colors of all the 2d points in theneighborhoods of the vertices is attached as additional information.

Extreme vertex representation: instead of maintaining all theneighborhood of each vertex, it suffices to keep only the parity of thenumber of black points in that neighborhood. In fact, it suffices tokeep only vertices with odd parity.

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Vertex representation

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Vertex representation

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Vertex representation

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Vertex representation

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Vertex representation

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Membership problem

The membership problem

Given a representation of a polyhedron P and a grid point x, determinec(x), that is, whether B(x) ⊆ P .

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Membership problem for the vertex representation


A point x is on an i-facet iff

∃x′ ∈ N i(x). c(x′i−) 6= c(x′).

A point x is a vertex iff

∀i ∈ {1, . . . , d}. ∃x′ ∈ N i(x). c(x′i−) 6= c(x′).

A point x is not a vertex iff

∃i ∈ {1, . . . , d}. ∀x′ ∈ N i(x). c(x′i−) = c(x′).

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For d = 2 and x = (x1, x2) it means:

x is on a 1-facet iff

c(x1 − 1, x2 − 1) 6= c(x1, x2 − 1) ∨ c(x1 − 1, x2) 6= c(x1, x2).

x is on a 2-facet iff

c(x1 − 1, x2 − 1) 6= c(x1 − 1, x2) ∨ c(x1, x2 − 1) 6= c(x1, x2).

x is a vertex iff both of the above hold.

x is not a vertex iff one of the above does not hold.

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c(x1, x2 − 1) = c(x1, x2)∧c(x1 − 1, x2 − 1) = c(x1, x2 − 1)


c(x1 − 1, x2 − 1) 6= c(x1, x2 − 1)


c(x1, x2 − 1) 6= c(x1, x2)


c(x1, x2 − 1) 6= c(x1, x2)∧c(x1 − 1, x2 − 1) 6= c(x1, x2 − 1)

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Color computation

Lemma (Color of a non-vertex)

Let x be a non-vertex. Then there exists a direction j ∈ {1, . . . , d} such


∀x′ ∈ N j(x)\{x}. c(x′j−) = c(x′).

Let j be such a direction. Then c(x) = c(xj−).

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Color computation

Lemma (Color of a non-vertex)

Let x be a non-vertex. Then there exists a direction j ∈ {1, . . . , d} such


∀x′ ∈ N j(x)\{x}. c(x′j−) = c(x′).

Let j be such a direction. Then c(x) = c(xj−).

Proof: A point x is not a vertex iff

∃i ∈ {1, . . . , d}. ∀x′ ∈ N i(x). c(x′i−) = c(x′).

Thus j always exists. Let i and j two dimensionssatisfying the above requirements.Case 1: j = i: StraightforwardCase 2: j 6= i: For i we have c(xi−) = c(x) andc(xij−) = c(xj−). For j we have c(xij−) = c(xj−).Thus c(x) = c(xj−).

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Consequently we can calculate the color of a non-vertex x based on thecolor of all points in N (x)−{x}: just find some j satisfying the conditionsof the above lemma and let c(x) = c(xj−).

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Consequently we can calculate the color of a non-vertex x based on thecolor of all points in N (x)−{x}: just find some j satisfying the conditionsof the above lemma and let c(x) = c(xj−).


The membership problem for vertex representation can be solved in time

O(ndd2d) using space O(nd).

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Consequently we can calculate the color of a non-vertex x based on thecolor of all points in N (x)−{x}: just find some j satisfying the conditionsof the above lemma and let c(x) = c(xj−).


The membership problem for vertex representation can be solved in time

O(ndd2d) using space O(nd).

We must recursively determine the color of at most nd grid points.

For each of them we must check at most d dimensions if they satisfythe condition of the lemma on the color of a non-vertex.

Checking the condition invokes 2d − 1 color comparisions.

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Consequently we can calculate the color of a non-vertex x based on thecolor of all points in N (x)−{x}: just find some j satisfying the conditionsof the above lemma and let c(x) = c(xj−).


The membership problem for vertex representation can be solved in time

O(ndd2d) using space O(nd).

We must recursively determine the color of at most nd grid points.

For each of them we must check at most d dimensions if they satisfythe condition of the lemma on the color of a non-vertex.

Checking the condition invokes 2d − 1 color comparisions.

However, this algorithm is not very efficient, because in the worst-case onehas to calculate the color of all the grid points between 0 and x.

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Induced grid

We can improve it using the notion of an induced grid: let the i-scale of P

be the set of the i-coordinates of the vertices of P , and let the inducedgrid be the Cartesian product of its i-scales.



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Induced grid

The induced grid is the smallest (coarsest) grid containing all thevertices.

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Induced grid

The induced grid is the smallest (coarsest) grid containing all thevertices.

Every rectangle in the induced grid has a uniform color.

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Induced grid

The induced grid is the smallest (coarsest) grid containing all thevertices.

Every rectangle in the induced grid has a uniform color.

Calculating the color of a point reduces to finding its closest“dominating” point on the induced grid and applying the algorithm tothat grid in O(ndd2d) time.

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Membership problem for the neighborhood representation

We introduce an O(n log n) membership algorithm for the neighborhoodrepresentation, based on successive projections of P into polyhedra ofsmaller dimension.

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Membership problem for the neighborhood representation

Definition (i-slice and i-section)

Let P be an orthogonal polyhedron and z an integer in [0,m).

The i-slice of P at z is the d-dimensional orthogonal polyhedronJi,z(P ) = P ⊓ {x|z ≤ xi ≤ z + 1}.

The i-section of P at z is the (d − 1)-dimensional orthogonalpolyhedron Ji,z(P ) = Ji,z(P ) ∩ Hi,z.

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Membership problem for the neighborhood representation

Definition (i-slice and i-section)

Let P be an orthogonal polyhedron and z an integer in [0,m).

The i-slice of P at z is the d-dimensional orthogonal polyhedronJi,z(P ) = P ⊓ {x|z ≤ xi ≤ z + 1}.

The i-section of P at z is the (d − 1)-dimensional orthogonalpolyhedron Ji,z(P ) = Ji,z(P ) ∩ Hi,z.

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Membership problem for the neighborhood representation

Definition (i-slice and i-section)

Let P be an orthogonal polyhedron and z an integer in [0,m).

The i-slice of P at z is the d-dimensional orthogonal polyhedronJi,z(P ) = P ⊓ {x|z ≤ xi ≤ z + 1}.

The i-section of P at z is the (d − 1)-dimensional orthogonalpolyhedron Ji,z(P ) = Ji,z(P ) ∩ Hi,z.

Clearly, the membership of x = (x1, . . . , xd)can be reduced into membership in Ji,xi

(P ),which is a (d − 1)-dimensional problem. Bysuccessively reducing dimensionality for everyi we obtain a point whose color is that of x.

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Calculating the i-sections for the neighborhood


How can the main computational activity, the calculation of i-sections, bedone using the neighborhood representation?

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Lemma (Vertex of a section)

Let P be an orthogonal polyhedron and let P ′ be its i-section at xi = z. A

point x is a vertex of P ′ iff y = xi← 6= ⊥ and for every j 6= i there exists

x′ ∈ N i(y) ∩ N j(y) such that c(x′j−) 6= c(x′).

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Lemma (Vertex of a section)

Let P be an orthogonal polyhedron and let P ′ be its i-section at xi = z. A

point x is a vertex of P ′ iff y = xi← 6= ⊥ and for every j 6= i there exists

x′ ∈ N i(y) ∩ N j(y) such that c(x′j−) 6= c(x′).Moreover, when this condition is true, the neighborhood of x relative to

Ji,z(P ) is given by N i(y).

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Lemma (Vertex of a section)

Let P be an orthogonal polyhedron and let P ′ be its i-section at xi = z. A

point x is a vertex of P ′ iff y = xi← 6= ⊥ and for every j 6= i there exists

x′ ∈ N i(y) ∩ N j(y) such that c(x′j−) 6= c(x′).Moreover, when this condition is true, the neighborhood of x relative to

Ji,z(P ) is given by N i(y).

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Proof: We prove: x is a vertex of P ′ iff y = xi← 6= ⊥ and for every j 6= i

there exists x′ ∈ N i(y) ∩ N j(y) such that c(x′j−) 6= c(x′).

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Proof: We prove: x is a vertex of P ′ iff y = xi← 6= ⊥ and for every j 6= i

there exists x′ ∈ N i(y) ∩ N j(y) such that c(x′j−) 6= c(x′).

Observe: x is a vertex of P ′ iff for every j 6= i

there exists x′ ∈ N i(y) ∩ N j(y) such thatc(x′j−) 6= c(x′).

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Proof: We prove: x is a vertex of P ′ iff y = xi← 6= ⊥ and for every j 6= i

there exists x′ ∈ N i(y) ∩ N j(y) such that c(x′j−) 6= c(x′).

Observe: x is a vertex of P ′ iff for every j 6= i

there exists x′ ∈ N i(y) ∩ N j(y) such thatc(x′j−) 6= c(x′).

Assume x is a vertex of P ′. Then there isy = (x1, . . . , xi−1, z, xi+1, . . . , xd) such thatc(N i(y) = c(N i(x)) andc(N i−(y)) 6= c(N i(y)) with z maximal. Sincec(N i(y) = c(N i(x)), y satisfies the conditionas well. Since c(N i−(y)) 6= c(N i(y)), y is avertex of P . Since z is maximal, y = xi←.

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Proof: We prove: x is a vertex of P ′ iff y = xi← 6= ⊥ and for every j 6= i

there exists x′ ∈ N i(y) ∩ N j(y) such that c(x′j−) 6= c(x′).

Observe: x is a vertex of P ′ iff for every j 6= i

there exists x′ ∈ N i(y) ∩ N j(y) such thatc(x′j−) 6= c(x′).

Assume x is a vertex of P ′. Then there isy = (x1, . . . , xi−1, z, xi+1, . . . , xd) such thatc(N i(y) = c(N i(x)) andc(N i−(y)) 6= c(N i(y)) with z maximal. Sincec(N i(y) = c(N i(x)), y satisfies the conditionas well. Since c(N i−(y)) 6= c(N i(y)), y is avertex of P . Since z is maximal, y = xi←.

Assume conversely y = xi← exists and itsatisfies the condition. Thenc(N i(x) = c(N i(y), because otherwise, by theabove reasoning, there would be a vertexbetween x and y. Hence x satisfies thecondition.

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Theorem (Membership problem for neighborhood representation)

The membership problem for the neighborhood representation can be

solved in time O(nd2(log n + 2d)).

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Theorem (Membership problem for neighborhood representation)

The membership problem for the neighborhood representation can be

solved in time O(nd2(log n + 2d)).

nd log n to determine the vertices y which are xi← for some x ∈ Hi,z.

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Theorem (Membership problem for neighborhood representation)

The membership problem for the neighborhood representation can be

solved in time O(nd2(log n + 2d)).

nd log n to determine the vertices y which are xi← for some x ∈ Hi,z.

There are most n such points.

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Theorem (Membership problem for neighborhood representation)

The membership problem for the neighborhood representation can be

solved in time O(nd2(log n + 2d)).

nd log n to determine the vertices y which are xi← for some x ∈ Hi,z.

There are most n such points.

With the above lemma we can determine in O(d2d) time whethereach of those points are vertices of the section.

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Theorem (Membership problem for neighborhood representation)

The membership problem for the neighborhood representation can be

solved in time O(nd2(log n + 2d)).

nd log n to determine the vertices y which are xi← for some x ∈ Hi,z.

There are most n such points.

With the above lemma we can determine in O(d2d) time whethereach of those points are vertices of the section.

Hence it takes O(nd(log n + 2d)) to get rid of one dimension.

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Theorem (Membership problem for neighborhood representation)

The membership problem for the neighborhood representation can be

solved in time O(nd2(log n + 2d)).

nd log n to determine the vertices y which are xi← for some x ∈ Hi,z.

There are most n such points.

With the above lemma we can determine in O(d2d) time whethereach of those points are vertices of the section.

Hence it takes O(nd(log n + 2d)) to get rid of one dimension.

This is repeated d times until p is contrcted into a point.

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A similar algorithm with the same complexity can be used to calculate thecolor of all the points in a neighborhood of x.

The algorithm takes double slices (d-dimensional thick sections of widthtwo) of P , and successively reduces P into the neighborhood of x.

This variation of the algorithm is used for doing Boolean operations.

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Membership problem for the extreme vertex representation

The extreme vertex representation can be viewed as a compaction ofthe neighborhood representation.

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Membership problem for the extreme vertex representation

The extreme vertex representation can be viewed as a compaction ofthe neighborhood representation.

Instead of maintaining all the neighborhood of each vertex, it sufficesto keep only the parity of the number of black points in thatneighborhood – in fact it suffices to keep only vertices with odd parity.

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Membership problem for the extreme vertex representation

The extreme vertex representation can be viewed as a compaction ofthe neighborhood representation.

Instead of maintaining all the neighborhood of each vertex, it sufficesto keep only the parity of the number of black points in thatneighborhood – in fact it suffices to keep only vertices with odd parity.

We use parity(x) to denote the parity of the number of black pointsin N (x).

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Membership problem for the extreme vertex representation

The extreme vertex representation can be viewed as a compaction ofthe neighborhood representation.

Instead of maintaining all the neighborhood of each vertex, it sufficesto keep only the parity of the number of black points in thatneighborhood – in fact it suffices to keep only vertices with odd parity.

We use parity(x) to denote the parity of the number of black pointsin N (x).

A point x is said to be extreme if parity(x) = 1.

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Membership problem for the extreme vertex representation


An extreme point is a vertex.

Proof: By induction on the dimension d. The base case d = 1 isimmediate. For d > 1, choose i ∈ {1, . . . , d}. Exactly one of N i−(x) andN i(x) contains an odd number of black points. Assume w.l.o.g. that it isN i(x). By induction hypothesis x is a vertex in Ji,xi

(P ). I.e., for everyj 6= i there exists x′ ∈ N j(x) such that c(x′j−) 6= c(x′). Since one cannothave c(x′) = c(x′i−) for all x′ ∈ N i(x), x is a vertex of P .

The converse is not true, i.e., vertices need not be extreme.

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An extreme vertex representation consists in representing anorthogonal polyhedron by the set of its extreme vertices. (Additionally,the color of the origin is stored in a bit. From this information thecolors of all extreme vertices can be inferred.)

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An extreme vertex representation consists in representing anorthogonal polyhedron by the set of its extreme vertices. (Additionally,the color of the origin is stored in a bit. From this information thecolors of all extreme vertices can be inferred.)

Note that for d = 1 all vertices are extreme and hence the vertex andextreme vertex representations coincide.

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An extreme vertex representation consists in representing anorthogonal polyhedron by the set of its extreme vertices. (Additionally,the color of the origin is stored in a bit. From this information thecolors of all extreme vertices can be inferred.)

Note that for d = 1 all vertices are extreme and hence the vertex andextreme vertex representations coincide.

Examples (extreme vertices are marked red):

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An extreme vertex representation consists in representing anorthogonal polyhedron by the set of its extreme vertices. (Additionally,the color of the origin is stored in a bit. From this information thecolors of all extreme vertices can be inferred.)

Note that for d = 1 all vertices are extreme and hence the vertex andextreme vertex representations coincide.

Examples (extreme vertices are marked red):

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An extreme vertex representation consists in representing anorthogonal polyhedron by the set of its extreme vertices. (Additionally,the color of the origin is stored in a bit. From this information thecolors of all extreme vertices can be inferred.)

Note that for d = 1 all vertices are extreme and hence the vertex andextreme vertex representations coincide.

Examples (extreme vertices are marked red):

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An extreme vertex representation consists in representing anorthogonal polyhedron by the set of its extreme vertices. (Additionally,the color of the origin is stored in a bit. From this information thecolors of all extreme vertices can be inferred.)

Note that for d = 1 all vertices are extreme and hence the vertex andextreme vertex representations coincide.

Examples (extreme vertices are marked red):

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An extreme vertex representation consists in representing anorthogonal polyhedron by the set of its extreme vertices. (Additionally,the color of the origin is stored in a bit. From this information thecolors of all extreme vertices can be inferred.)

Note that for d = 1 all vertices are extreme and hence the vertex andextreme vertex representations coincide.

Examples (extreme vertices are marked red):

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The membership problem is solved again by projection. For that we needagain a rule to determine which points of an i-section are extreme vertices.

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Lemma (Extreme vertices of a section)

Let P be an orthogonal polyhedron and let P ′ = Ji,z(P ). A point x is an

extreme vertex of P ′ iff it has an odd number of extreme


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Lemma (Extreme vertices of a section)

Let P be an orthogonal polyhedron and let P ′ = Ji,z(P ). A point x is an

extreme vertex of P ′ iff it has an odd number of extreme


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Lemma (Extreme vertices of a section)

Let P be an orthogonal polyhedron and let P ′ = Ji,z(P ). A point x is an

extreme vertex of P ′ iff it has an odd number of extreme


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Lemma (Extreme vertices of a section)

Let P be an orthogonal polyhedron and let P ′ = Ji,z(P ). A point x is an

extreme vertex of P ′ iff it has an odd number of extreme


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Lemma (Extreme vertices of a section)

Let P be an orthogonal polyhedron and let P ′ = Ji,z(P ). A point x is an

extreme vertex of P ′ iff it has an odd number of extreme


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Lemma (Extreme vertices of a section)

Let P be an orthogonal polyhedron and let P ′ = Ji,z(P ). A point x is an

extreme vertex of P ′ iff it has an odd number of extreme


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Lemma (Extreme vertices of a section)

Let P be an orthogonal polyhedron and let P ′ = Ji,z(P ). A point x is an

extreme vertex of P ′ iff it has an odd number of extreme


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We assume two polyhedra P1 and P2 with n1 and n2 vertices, respectively.After intersection some vertices disappear and some new vertices arecreated.

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A point x is a vertex of P1 ∩ P2 only if for every dimension i, x is on an

i-facet of P1 or on an i-facet of P2.

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A point x is a vertex of P1 ∩ P2 only if for every dimension i, x is on an

i-facet of P1 or on an i-facet of P2.


Let x be a vertex of P1 ∩ P2 which is not an original vertex.

Then there exists a vertex y1 of P1 and a vertex y2 of P2 such that

x = max (y1,y2), where max is applied componentwise.

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A point x is a vertex of P1 ∩ P2 only if for every dimension i, x is on an

i-facet of P1 or on an i-facet of P2.


Let x be a vertex of P1 ∩ P2 which is not an original vertex.

Then there exists a vertex y1 of P1 and a vertex y2 of P2 such that

x = max (y1,y2), where max is applied componentwise.

Conclusion: the candidates for being vertices of P1 ∩ P2 are restricted to:

V (P1) ∪ V (P2) ∪ {x|∃y1 ∈ V (P1). ∃y2 ∈ V (P2). x = max (y1,y2)}

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A point x is a vertex of P1 ∩ P2 only if for every dimension i, x is on an

i-facet of P1 or on an i-facet of P2.


Let x be a vertex of P1 ∩ P2 which is not an original vertex.

Then there exists a vertex y1 of P1 and a vertex y2 of P2 such that

x = max (y1,y2), where max is applied componentwise.

Conclusion: the candidates for being vertices of P1 ∩ P2 are restricted to:

V (P1) ∪ V (P2) ∪ {x|∃y1 ∈ V (P1). ∃y2 ∈ V (P2). x = max (y1,y2)}

whose number is not greater then n1 + n2 + n1n2.

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Intersection computation: Vertex representation

Computation of the intersection of two polyhedra P1 and P2:

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Intersection computation: Vertex representation

Computation of the intersection of two polyhedra P1 and P2:

Initialize V (P1) ∪ V (P2) as the set of potential vertices of theintersection.

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Intersection computation: Vertex representation

Computation of the intersection of two polyhedra P1 and P2:

Initialize V (P1) ∪ V (P2) as the set of potential vertices of theintersection.

For every pair of vertices calculate their max and add it to thepotential vertex set.

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Intersection computation: Vertex representation

Computation of the intersection of two polyhedra P1 and P2:

Initialize V (P1) ∪ V (P2) as the set of potential vertices of theintersection.

For every pair of vertices calculate their max and add it to thepotential vertex set.For each point in the potential vertex set:

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Intersection computation: Vertex representation

Computation of the intersection of two polyhedra P1 and P2:

Initialize V (P1) ∪ V (P2) as the set of potential vertices of theintersection.

For every pair of vertices calculate their max and add it to thepotential vertex set.For each point in the potential vertex set:

Compute the color of its neighborhood in both P1 and P2.

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Intersection computation: Vertex representation

Computation of the intersection of two polyhedra P1 and P2:

Initialize V (P1) ∪ V (P2) as the set of potential vertices of theintersection.

For every pair of vertices calculate their max and add it to thepotential vertex set.For each point in the potential vertex set:

Compute the color of its neighborhood in both P1 and P2.

Calculate the intersection of the neighborhood coloring pointwise.

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Intersection computation: Vertex representation

Computation of the intersection of two polyhedra P1 and P2:

Initialize V (P1) ∪ V (P2) as the set of potential vertices of theintersection.

For every pair of vertices calculate their max and add it to thepotential vertex set.For each point in the potential vertex set:

Compute the color of its neighborhood in both P1 and P2.

Calculate the intersection of the neighborhood coloring pointwise.

Use the vertex rules to determine, whether the point is a vertex of the


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Intersection example: Vertex representation

Vertex rule: A point x is a vertex iff

∀i ∈ {1, . . . , d}. ∃x′ ∈ N i(x). c(x′i−) 6= c(x′).

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Intersection example: Vertex representation

Vertex rule: A point x is a vertex iff

∀i ∈ {1, . . . , d}. ∃x′ ∈ N i(x). c(x′i−) 6= c(x′).

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Oriented rectangular hull

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Principal component analysis

Principal component analysis (PCA)

transforms some given data

to a new coordinate system such that

the greatest variance by any projection of the data comes to lie on thefirst coordinate (called the first principal component),

the second greatest variance on the second coordinate, and so on.

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Principal component analysis

Principal component analysis (PCA)

transforms some given data

to a new coordinate system such that

the greatest variance by any projection of the data comes to lie on thefirst coordinate (called the first principal component),

the second greatest variance on the second coordinate, and so on.

PCA involves the calculation of the eigenvalue decomposition of a datacovariance matrix (or singular value decomposition of a data matrix), aftermean centering the data for each attribute.

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Oriented rectangular hulls in reachability computation

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Given a vector of sample points X = (x1, . . . , xp) with xi ∈ Rn, its

arithmetic mean is

xm =1





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Given a vector of sample points X = (x1, . . . , xp) with xi ∈ Rn, its

arithmetic mean is

xm =1





We translate the samples such that their arithmetic mean becomes 0:

X = {x1, . . . , xp}, xi = xi − xmf.a. i ∈ {1, . . . , p}.

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Given a vector of sample points X = (x1, . . . , xp) with xi ∈ Rn, its

arithmetic mean is

xm =1





We translate the samples such that their arithmetic mean becomes 0:

X = {x1, . . . , xp}, xi = xi − xmf.a. i ∈ {1, . . . , p}.

In matrix form:

X = (x1, . . . , xp) =

x11 · · · x


· · ·· · ·· · ·

x1n · · · x



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X = {(0, 0), (0, 2), (2, 0), (2, 2), (2, 1), (4, 1), (2, 3), (4, 3)}

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X = {(0, 0), (0, 2), (2, 0), (2, 2), (2, 1), (4, 1), (2, 3), (4, 3)}

xm = 1



i=1xi = 1

8· (16, 12) = (2, 1.5)

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X = {(0, 0), (0, 2), (2, 0), (2, 2), (2, 1), (4, 1), (2, 3), (4, 3)}

xm = 1



i=1xi = 1

8· (16, 12) = (2, 1.5)

X = {(−2,−1.5), (−2, 0.5), (0,−1.5), (0, 0.5),(0,−0.5), (2,−0.5), (0, 1.5), (2, 1.5)}

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X = {(0, 0), (0, 2), (2, 0), (2, 2), (2, 1), (4, 1), (2, 3), (4, 3)}

xm = 1



i=1xi = 1

8· (16, 12) = (2, 1.5)

X = {(−2,−1.5), (−2, 0.5), (0,−1.5), (0, 0.5),(0,−0.5), (2,−0.5), (0, 1.5), (2, 1.5)}

In matrix form:

X =


−2 −2 0 0 0 2 0 2−1.5 0.5 −1.5 0.5 −0.5 −0.5 1.5 1.5


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X = (x1, . . . , xp) =

x11 · · · x


· · ·· · ·· · ·

x1n · · · x


we define the sample covariance matrix

Cov(X) =

Cov(x1, x1) · · · Cov(x1, xn)· · ·· · ·· · ·

Cov(xn, x1) · · · Cov(xn, xn)


Cov(xi, xj) =1

p − 1



xki · xk


for all 0 ≤ i, j ≤ n.

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In matrix form:

X =


−2 −2 0 0 0 2 0 2−1.5 0.5 −1.5 0.5 −0.5 −0.5 1.5 1.5


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In matrix form:

X =


−2 −2 0 0 0 2 0 2−1.5 0.5 −1.5 0.5 −0.5 −0.5 1.5 1.5


Cov(x1, x1) =1




1 · xk1 = 1

7(4 + 4 + 4 + 4) = 16


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In matrix form:

X =


−2 −2 0 0 0 2 0 2−1.5 0.5 −1.5 0.5 −0.5 −0.5 1.5 1.5


Cov(x1, x1) =1




1 · xk1 = 1

7(4 + 4 + 4 + 4) = 16


Cov(x1, x2) = Cov(x2, x1) =1




1 · xk2 = 1

7(3 − 1 − 1 + 3) = 4


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In matrix form:

X =


−2 −2 0 0 0 2 0 2−1.5 0.5 −1.5 0.5 −0.5 −0.5 1.5 1.5


Cov(x1, x1) =1




1 · xk1 = 1

7(4 + 4 + 4 + 4) = 16


Cov(x1, x2) = Cov(x2, x1) =1




1 · xk2 = 1

7(3 − 1 − 1 + 3) = 4


Cov(x2, x2) =1




2 · xk2 =


7((−1.5)2+0.52+(−1.5)2+0.52+(−0.5)2+(−0.5)2+1.52+1.52) = 10


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Cov(X) =











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Eigenvector and eigenvalue

Given a square matrix A, an eigenvalue λ and its associated eigenvector v

are, by definition, a pair obeying the relation

Av = λv.

Equivalently,(A − λI)v = 0

where I is the identity matrix, implying

det(A − λI) = 0.

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Principal component analysis

Each non-zero eigenvalue of the covariance matrix indicates theportion of the variance that is correlated with each eigenvector.

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Principal component analysis

Each non-zero eigenvalue of the covariance matrix indicates theportion of the variance that is correlated with each eigenvector.

Given a set of points in Euclidean space, the first principal component(the eigenvector with the largest eigenvalue) corresponds to a line thatpasses through the mean and minimizes sum squared error with thosepoints.

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Principal component analysis

Each non-zero eigenvalue of the covariance matrix indicates theportion of the variance that is correlated with each eigenvector.

Given a set of points in Euclidean space, the first principal component(the eigenvector with the largest eigenvalue) corresponds to a line thatpasses through the mean and minimizes sum squared error with thosepoints.

The second principal component corresponds to the same conceptafter all correlation with the first principal component has beensubtracted out from the points.

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Principal component analysis

Each non-zero eigenvalue of the covariance matrix indicates theportion of the variance that is correlated with each eigenvector.

Given a set of points in Euclidean space, the first principal component(the eigenvector with the largest eigenvalue) corresponds to a line thatpasses through the mean and minimizes sum squared error with thosepoints.

The second principal component corresponds to the same conceptafter all correlation with the first principal component has beensubtracted out from the points.

Thus, the sum of all the eigenvalues is equal to the sum squareddistance of the points with their mean. PCA essentially rotates the setof points around their mean in order to align with the first fewprincipal components. This moves as much of the variance as possible(using a linear transformation) into the first few dimensions.

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Cov(X) =











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Eigenvalue computation for 2 × 2 matrices

The eigenvalues of a 2 × 2 matrix A =


a b

c d


can be obtained by the

characteristic polynomial



a − λ b

c d − λ


= (a − λ)(d − λ) − bc = λ2 − (a + d)λ + (ad − bc)

with solutions

λ =a + d

(a + d)2

4+ bc − ad =

a + d

4bc + (a − d)2


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Cov(X) =


a b

c d













λ =a + d

4bc + (a − d)2





λ1 =18


λ2 =8


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