Rank Higher – 10 Tips For URL Optimization

10 Tips For URL Optimization Nowadays, marketers are doing everything what they can do to achieve the website rankings in search engine result pages. Some businesses just focus on social media or content marketing and avoid technical considerations which is very important part of effective SEO. Make it sure that your website is semantic and accessible to search engines. Here are 10 tips about url optimization: 1. Keep your URL'S short : Google hates long url's. If you write a post with long title just change it and write down small url with main words. Also, do not use underscore because Google do not understand it. Use spaces in your words. 2. Optimization of page speed : If you want a good ranking in your website than take a look on your website load time. 3. Javascript optimization : Javascript oftenly blocks search engines from crawling the important links. Search engines found difficulty to crawl and navigate the websites that are encoded with javascript. So, if your website is full with javascript functionality, make sure you are coding it in an unobstructed way. 4. Do not use capital letters : Do you know url's are case-sensitive? So, do not write capital letters in your url. Make your website user friendly and google friendly. 5. Usage of 301 redirects : If you have made changes to your website than tell it to google so that you don not lose your rankings.

Transcript of Rank Higher – 10 Tips For URL Optimization

Page 1: Rank Higher – 10 Tips For URL Optimization

10 Tips For URL Optimization

Nowadays, marketers are doing everything what they can do to achieve the website rankings in

search engine result pages. Some businesses just focus on social media or content marketing and

avoid technical considerations which is very important part of effective SEO. Make it sure that your

website is semantic and accessible to search engines. Here are 10 tips about url optimization:

1. Keep your URL'S short : Google hates long url's. If you write a post with long title just change

it and write down small url with main words. Also, do not use underscore because Google do not

understand it. Use spaces in your words.

2. Optimization of page speed : If you want a good ranking in your website than take a look on

your website load time.

3. Javascript optimization : Javascript oftenly blocks search engines from crawling the important

links. Search engines found difficulty to crawl and navigate the websites that are encoded with

javascript. So, if your website is full with javascript functionality, make sure you are coding it in an

unobstructed way.

4. Do not use capital letters : Do you know url's are case-sensitive? So, do not write capital letters

in your url. Make your website user friendly and google friendly.

5. Usage of 301 redirects : If you have made changes to your website than tell it to google so that

you don not lose your rankings.

Page 2: Rank Higher – 10 Tips For URL Optimization

6. Optimization of schema mark-up : In 2011, Google, Bing and Yahoo created html code in

order to understand the web properly. There are various types of schemas you can implement to

your website so that google know more about your products and services.

7. Avoid stop words : Do not include stop words like a, an, it, the etc in your url. People and

google can understand the meaning of your page without these words.

8. Unique Url : Make sure that each page of your website has unique url. Content management is a

key factor in website success.

9. Upload a favicon : What is favicon? It is a tiny icon next to your url in a browser. It has many

benefits like Favicons stand out in browser bookmarks, which helps in building trust and brand


10. Usage of canonical url's : Dynamic pages can sometimes create duplicate content. To avoid it

use canonical urls. For this add rel="canonical" to the head of your page.