Rainbow December 2009

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Transcript of Rainbow December 2009

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    Raga Lalit is a dawn raga and is ragaputra of Raga Bhairav, the head of the first family of Ragas. The world famous Kangra School was born at the end of the 18 th century. There seemsto be a combination of the Mughal and Rajasthani paintings in this school. The main subjectmatter of Kangra painting is love which has been shown with rhythm, grace and beauty. Therewere many moral restrictions to be followed in the life of Rajputs. This was the reason why thekings encouraged romanticism in paintings which gave them some mental satisfaction.

    In the romantic scenes of Kangra all the sentiments and love acts have been beautifullydepicted through the symbols of flowers, clouds, moonlight, music, red and yellow colours etc.

    Ragamala paintings of Kangra are confluence of all. Kangra painters also followed Shastras to agreat extent to paint beautifully these themes.

    A folio from Ragamala painting of Kangra School, circa 1785-90 personifying this raga is thesubject of another Greeting Card and imprinted stamp on the matching Greeting Envelope fromthe set of 9 cards issued by India Post in 2003 based on original Indian Miniature paintingsdisplayed in National Museum, New Delhi.

    In this painting Raga Lalit is represented as a love lorn handsome young man standing near Lotus lake flanked by a pair of cranes. A Mango tree entwined by a creeper is also conspicuousin the picture. In Hindu mythology, Mango tree is a symbol of a lover while creeper signifies afrail young woman clinging for support to her lord, master and lover. And cranes symbolize truelove and fidelity.

    Todi ragini is usually portrayed as a lady playing Veena with deer in the forest. Germany(Scott 2007)

    Todi Ragini is wife of Raga Dipak and a 17 th century Indian painting personifying this painting iskept in Berlin Museum. It is also depicted on a stamp of Germany Scott 2007. This ragini isusually portrayed as a lady playing Veena (a string instrument like lute) with deer in the forest.Divided from her darling, most unhappy in love, like a nun renouncing the world. The Todiabides in the grove and charms the hearts of the deer. This charming painting depicted onabove stamp gave use of remarkable imaginative and attractive representation of the dove eyedragini.

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    Ragini Kamodi is also wife of Dipak raga and a 16 th century Rajasthani painting portraying thisragini is depicted on a stamp of Yemens Famous art of India set of stamps issued in 1973(non Scott).In this painting the impatient royal is seen entreating and driving the lady to hiscouch where they unite in love but lady, out of her feminine reluctant nature draws her handback. The passion in royals eyes has routed in and is well settled. It will satiate with nothingless than union in love. Ladys passion lurks in her eyes to yet have a definite shape. Unless thepassion lurking in her eyes reaches her heart, her feet will not route to royals couch. The ripebranches of trees and the greenery all adds to this mood of love being the soul of this ragini.

    Ragini Asavari is a morning raga and it creates a gently erotic atmosphere at the sametime tender and melancholy. Germany (Scott 2008)

    Ragini Asavari is designated as a consort or wife of Sri Raga in the raga-ragini system used bymany Ragamala painters. But the scale and melodic outline of Sri and Asavari are quitedifferent. Asavari is a morning raga and should create a gently erotic atmosphere at the sametime tender and melancholy. Another stamp of Germany Scott 2008 depicting Indian paintingkept in Berlin Museum, personifying this ragini portrays a fair skinned lady seated on a rockyoutcropping under a tree, holding up a black serpent, surrounded by further snakes of differentcolours wound around tree trunk with birds in the lotus filled river at the foreground backed by arocky mountain. The coiling bodies of snakes are symbolic of the emotional upheaval thewoman experiencing at the thought of her lover.

    There may be more stamps and other Postal stationeries available portraying Ragamalapaintings yet to be explored.

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    Rule-48 . The Philatelic Bureaux/Counters are supplied with date stamps with the inscriptions"Philatelic Bureau" or "Philatelic Counter" and a hand stamp with the legend "First Day of Issue".These stamps must be kept in the personal custody of the Postmaster/Asst.Postmaster/Supervisor/In-charge of the Philatelic Bureau/Counter and he Will be heldresponsible if the stamp is put into improper use. The types meant for this stamp should not beused for other stamps in the office.

    48.1 . The ordinary date stamp with the inscriptions "Philatelic Bureau" or "Philatelic Counter" willbe used by the Bureau or the Counter to cancel the postal stationary bearing theadvertisements. The stamp bearing the legend "First Day of Issue" will be used by the PhilatelicBureau and the Counter whenever new stationery with the new design is released. In case of Philatelic Counters these stamps will be used whenever special commemorative stamps arereleased since special cancellations cachets are not supplied to them.

    48.2 . A common design of the cancellation cachet to be used for the particular special/commemorative stamp(s) is sent to all the Heads of the Circles by Philately Branch of Postal Directorate, well in advance of the actual date of release. The Head of the Circle will getthe cancellation cachet for all philatelic bureaux in his jurisdiction manufactured and supplied soas to reach the bureaux before the date of release. The cachet should be in consistence with

    the specification indicated in rule 16 of the Handbook. The special cancellation cachets shouldon receipt and after checking be kept under the personal custody of the Postmaster. They mustbe used only on the designated dates.

    48.3. Care must be taken to see that cachets bear correct date, month and year before bringingthem in use. This should be checked up by the clerk and supervisor personally and they shouldplace their initials in the Book of Post Marks against the impression taken in token of havingcarried out the check. The use of ink of any colour other than black is prohibited. Thecancellation should be provided using black ink only.

    Rule-49 . Return of Special Cancellation Cachet: The special cancellation cachet after use

    should be returned to the Supdt. Postal Forms and Seals, Aligarh. The 'First Day IssueCancellation' on the First Day Covers continues to be provided for a period of four weeks fromthe actual day of release of the commemorative stamp. The special covers also remain on saleand special cancellations are provided at the nominated post offices for a period of one monthfrom the date of release. It may sometimes happen that some orders for the first day covers andspecial covers placed before the date of issue of stamp(s) and special covers may be receivedby post at the Bureau even after the date of issue. The philatelic bureau will retain the cachetunder the personal custody of the postmaster after the date of issue of the new stamp or thedate of the release of the special cover for executing the mail orders and for providing thespecial cancellation on the First Day Covers and special covers. The cancellation cachet should,however, be returned positively to the Supdt. Postal Forms and Seals, Aligarh after four weeks

    of the release of the stamp or one month in case of special cover after executing the mail ordersand supply to deposit account holders.

    Rule-50 . Special Place Cancellations : Sometimes special cancellations are provided by theDepartment at the places other than the philatelic bureaux and philatelic counters which have aspecial significance in relation to the special/commemorative stamp issued by the Department.Information in regard to such cancellations is issued by the Department in the form of circularsto the official agencies and in the form of newsletter/postal notice for the benefit of thephilatelists and collectors.

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    Places having special significance in relation to the commemorative stamp are described in thebrochure of the stamp. The collectors may desire to have the special place cancellation on thearticles carrying the commemorative or other stamps. The Post Offices at places of specialsignificance should provide their own cancellation on the article on demand. Whenever possiblea pictorial cancellation may be provided. It is not necessary to send the articles to the philatelicbureaux/counter unless it is asked for, if a pictorial cancellation is available at the place of posting.

    Rule-51 . Philatelic Exhibition Cancellations: Philatelic Exhibition Cancellations can beapproved by the Heads of the Circles on the occasion of the philatelic exhibitions organizedproperly by philatelic clubs, societies and organizations. Such cancellations can also beprovided on the occasion of philatelic exhibitions held by non-philatelic organizations, such aseducational institutions, clubs, and associations like Rotary or Lions International etc.Periodically, philatelic exhibitions are also organized by the Postal Department at the circle levelor district level. National and International Philatelic Exhibitions are organized by the PostalDirectorate, New Delhi. Heads of the Circles also have the power to permit to providecancellations in advance of the philatelic exhibition organized by the Department in order to giveadvance publicity for the exhibition. Such cancellations are provided at selected post offices inthe circle. The Postmaster General may approve special cancellations for philatelic exhibitions

    departmental or non-departmental in consultation with the Head of the Circle.

    Rule-52 . Pictorial Cancellations : Pictorial Cancellations are provided by the Department inpost offices which are located at places of major historical importance or tourist attraction. Suchcancellations are introduced on a specific date. Information in this regard, is issued throughcirculars/notices and newsletter for advance publicity so that the collectors know about theintroduction of such cancellations. These cancellations will replace the ordinary round datestamp cancellation of the particular post office and will be in use as a regular measure in thepost office until the discontinuance is ordered by the Head of the Circle. The Postmaster General may approve these cancellations in consultation with the Head of the Circle.

    To be contd.

    New Issues from other countries


    2 Nov 2009 Christmas 5 x 50c

    2 Nov 2009 Christmas 50c, $ 1.25 + MS


    24 Nov 2009 Charles Darwin Bicentenary of his Birth 3 x 55 Eur souvenir sheet

    Charles Darwin is known for his position that he took on evolution. He believed that evolutionoccurred and that the evolutionary changes took place over millions of years. He also believedin a process called "natural selection" which is one of the current concepts of modern biology.His final theory about evolution is that all species came from a single life form. His beliefs inevolution contradicted many religious beliefs then, and still do today.

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    2 Nov 2009 Christmas - The Nativity Scene


    17 Nov 2009 Charles Darwin 4 val


    5 Nov2009 Birds of Island 2val

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    11 Nov 2009 Tiger Year 2010 50 Yen 80 Yen


    4 Dec 2009

    2010 International Cat Show

    Organized by the Association Fline de Monaco, the 3rd International Cat Show will be held onFebruary 20 and 21, 2010 at the Rainier III Auditorium. The cat on the stamp is a Bengal femalenamed Junglewhisper Elia of Jaipurs Angels, winner of the world championship title in 2009.

    50 th Anniversary Of Ayrton Sennas Birth

    Ayrton Magic Senna was born in So Paulo in 1960. He is considered one of the greatestFormula 1 drivers of all time: three times world champion, he won 41 grand prix races and was

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    in pole position 65 times. A genuine idol in Brazil, Senna gave generously to his countryscharity organizations. After his death on May 1, 1994 at Imola, his sister, Viviane Senna,completed his project to aid the most underprivileged children by creating the Ayrton SennaFoundation.

    10 Dec Monte Carlo Int. Circus Festival 2010 - .70

    Organized and presided over by HSH Princess Stphanie, the 34th Monte-Carlo internationalCircus Festival will be held from January 14 to 24, 2010, around the theme of the traditionalcircus in its modernity.


    12 Nov 2009 Happy Times NT$3.50, NT$5.00 (10 stamps)

    Readers Right

    Editors note- The aim of this stamp newsletter is to provide instant information and facts onphilately to the readers and not to hurt anyones feelings. Readers may express their views,anguish and resentment through this column on philately. The platform is not used for anyvested interest to cause derogatory to philately. When writing your views be sure that it shouldbe related to philately only. It should not be used to express personal feelings between personsor groups in any manner.

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    Letter to the Editor

    In the beginning of this year, when I did not get (in Toronto, Canada) my registered quarterlypacket of the philatelic items (FDC, Brochures, etc.) from the Philatelic Bureau (PB), GPO,Mumbai, India, I personally went at the Mumbai GPO during my India visit. The packet was withPB returned back undelivered from Canada Post (CP) since long time, with sticker - with twonotes: 1. Not admitted to Canada and 2. No sender name in Arabic Numerals and/or RomanLetters. About ten such packets to Canadian addresses were lying there undelivered - returned! Indian Post neither wrote to me of this return nor did they inquire with CP, why it was notadmitted - though sender's name was in English, still returned!. I wrote to India Post (IP) withsuggestions to avoid similar situation in future plus refund of the postage charges of plusreimbursement of actual expenses incurred. PB wrote that it is not their responsibility of either informing or refunding of the postage & reimbursement of expenses. Unfortunately, PB & IPare one organization! On my inquiry with CP, they told that it was not returned by them! After follow up, it was foundthat the Canada Customs (CC) had returned it with the above sticker affixed. CC told that if thesender's name/address is not completely/correctly stated at proper place, they return the item.After further chase with CP for neither informing nor reimbursing of expenses, they sent me aletter denying their liability! I am bringing the attention of your readers and all senders from anywhere of the UniversalPostal Union's (UPU) requirements to be complied. This educating is necessary, more so by thePostal authorities of all countries. Postal authorities, should not accept any registered items, if itdoes not comply the UPU requirements, to avoid any hardships later for the receivers as well asthe senders. Finally, to cut the story short, advice is to write the sender's (From:) name & address on the top-left corner and addressee's (To:) name & address in a specific style of first line - name, secondline - address, third line for City with State and Postal Code and last-line separately for thecountry name, all slightly above the bottom end, If using rubber stamp of the sender then thatshould also be on top-left only and not else-where as it confuse the postal sorter! I had to go through lots of troubles, time and money in locating, what happened where and whodid what! With the hope others don't have to go through similar hardship, I have written thisletter. Sincerely thanking you, Prakash Mody, Toronto, Canada--------------------------------------------Prakash ModyDaytime Phone (416) 491 5560.37 Tuscarora Drive,North York, ON, M2H 2K4,CANADA---------------------------------------------

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    Blogs & Websites on Philately

    http://www.stampmania2009.com/ - The website of forthcoming one frame National PhilatelicExhibition www.stampsofindia.com This is the website of India with complete information on Indianstamps.

    http://setenantsofindia.blogspot.com This is a new blog on se-tenants stamps of India by Mr.Shrikant Parikh of Ahmedabad.http://www.vadophil.org/ - Website of Baroda Philatelic Society.

    http://prashantpandya.blogspot.com - A new Blog in Hindi by Mr. Prashant Pandya of Vadodara. It is the only blog for philately in Hindi and created to have awareness about philatelyamongst philatelists as well as non philatelists.

    http://letstalkstamps.blogspot.com A new Blog created by our member Commodore VijayKapre of New Delhi.

    http://www.indianstampghar.com/ - A very popular Blog by Nr Vinod Sabharwal of New Delhi.

    www.rainbowstampclub.blogspot.com This is the e Stamp Club Blog to bring philateliststogether on blogosphere and share views with each other.

    http://www.myfavouritestamps.blogspot.com - A blog on my favorite stamps.

    http://mbstamps.blogspot.com/ - A Blog by Mr Mansoor B of Mangalore.

    The Lighter Side

    From the collection of Praful Thakkar

    Indian Commemorative Medals - Old Medal of Philatelic Society of India 'The Philatelic Society of India was established in March 1897 at Calcutta by a band of fiftyEnglishmen stationed in India. The first President of the Society and Editor of its journal was Mr.C. Steward Wilson (later Sir) who later became the Director General of Post & Telegraphs. Ithas a distinguished record of service to the cause of Indian Philately for a 100 yeas, being oneof the ten oldest philatelic societies in the world and probably the oldest in Asia. The first Indianmember of the Society was Mr. C.K. Dutt of Calcutta who joined in the year 1907.' Though there is a mention of this medal in the Mint archive, actual medal was not seen by me tilldate.

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    Obverse and Reverse of this medal which had been awarded to Mr. G. Norman of Ceylon in1908. On obverse, Lion & Palm Tree are shown which are usually seen on British British GoldMohurs and different medals.

    - Praful Thakkar, Ahmedabad

    For Autograph Lovers

    Autograph PleaseA Guidebook for Autograph Collecting by Santosh Kumar Lahoti ,has been recently published by Reesha Books International, Mumbai. The book gives variousdetails about autograph collection. It is a very useful book for those who love to collectautographs. Many postage stamps also show autographs with the photo of eminent

    personalities which can be also collected. The book illustrates autographs of many famouspersonalities and some stamps with the autograph of famous personalities. The author of thebook Mr Santosh Kumar Lahoti has been collecting autographs for the last 30 years and hasbuilt a collection of more than 4000 autographs of all conceivable themes. His name has beenentered in Limca Book of Records for having the largest collection of celebrity autographs.

    For more details about the book contact [email protected] or [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Promotional section

    ITS Stamp News edited by Suraj Jaitly The stamp journal dedicated to ThematicPhilately

    For more details Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]

    INDIAN THEMATIC SOCIETYMIG # 3464, PHASE TWO, DUGRI ROAD, LUDHIANA - 141 013. INDIAMobile: +91 98728 51244 Telfax: + 91 - 161 - 2521244

    Mobile PhilatelyWhat it is?

    Mobile Philately is mobile technology based philatelic community with short messaging service(SMS) that allows the community members to get latest updates related to Indian Philatelydirectly into mobile message box.Type your Name, Mobile Number, City, Pin Code, Email ID &Collecting interest and send a SMS to 09890373344 or you can also email this information to

    [email protected] For More Details Contact: Deepak Narendraji Modi , 1-09-123,Dr.Rajendra Prasad Road, Badi Sadak, JALNA 431203 (M.S.) OR Log on towww.mobilephilately.webs.com

    Current Philatelic Magazines Newsletters

    -Stamp of India Collectors Companion - Indias first and most updated weekly e-newsletter edited by Madhukar and Savita Jhingan from Stamps of India, New Delhi. E-mail:[email protected] Website: www.stampsofindia.com

    VADOPHIL October 2009 edited by Prashant Pandya & Timir R. Shah, Published byBaroda Philatelic Society, Vadodara E mail : [email protected] Websitewww.vadophil.org

    e ZEP Newsletter Editor : Dieter Leder email [email protected] website www.eZEP.de

    Editor s Mail Box

    Hemant Kulkarni, Milwaukee USA

    November, 09 issue has been very nice. I found that Anil Dhir's contribution (without a stamp)

    has been brilliantly written with an emotional touch. Also, the new Constellation (Astronomyrelated) sheetlet from Aland reminded me of a 2004 USPS issue.

    Naresh Agarwal, Bilaspur (CG)

    For me the November issue has so far been the best of the bulletins of Rainbow so far. Thisshowed that Rainbow has achieved and acclaimed the status of highest recognition. Though it islate to react but I could not resist giving my reaction and comments on it.

    Firstly The Last Post by Sri Anil Dhir has touched the hearts as he showed his love for an old junked letter box, a treasure which he discovered under a sacred Banyan tree probably last

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.mobilephilately.webs.com/mailto:[email protected]://www.stampsofindia.com/http://www.stampsofindia.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.vadophil.org/mailto:[email protected]://www.ezep.de/http://www.ezep.de/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.mobilephilately.webs.com/mailto:[email protected]://www.stampsofindia.com/mailto:[email protected]://www.vadophil.org/mailto:[email protected]://www.ezep.de/
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    operated 10years back. The observations followed by efforts and then the thoughts he put inthe article shows his selfless philatelic interest and dedication. He in fact, paved a way todifferent field of philately I will call it Physical Philately. Thanks to Mr. Dhir who has writtenand placed such nice thoughts.

    Secondly, the interview of Sri Pradeep Jain has been found very nice which shows the clarity of thoughts,vision, honesty and truthfulness. Such interviews of stalwarts of Indian philately willguide and give way to Indian philately which needs proper guidance and direction looking in tothe future trends for development of this hobby and trade.I hope in future we will haveopportunity to have such interviews.

    Thirdly, the article of Dr. Satyendra Agrawalhis offerings are always an attraction to wepeople as every time he come up with a new title from his philatelic treasure. In fact, his deepknowledge on each and every small subject of thematic field of philately places him apart fromothers. I eagerly look for his article in the bulletin. The art of Khmer is wonderfully elaboratedand described philatelically. My thanks to him.

    Mr Ajit Kumar Dash too deserves thanks for his efforts to tell us about rules and regulation of deptt. of post for issuance of special covers. Such information is really a necessity of the day. I

    request him to keep enlightening us on other such matters too.

    Last but not the least,the editor of this bulletin, deserves all thanks for providing this platform tous and giving her valuable time, efforts and energy.I hope the future bulletin will also have suchphilatelic gems.

    Naresh Agrawal , Bilaspur (C.G.) Ph 09425530514 email [email protected]

    RAINBOW STAMP CLUB This is a blog of e-stamp Club www.rainbowstampclub.blogspot.com . The idea of this blog is toextend philatelic fraternity in all corners of the world. Readers may write about themselves withtheir collecting interests and share new ideas with other philatelists. Those who are interestedmay send following details for publication on blog. If they wish they may also send their photofor publication. New Post on recent issues, news on stamp activities and Contribution bymembers are published everyday on this blog.

    NameCity/Country..E-Mail..Postal Address.Collecting Interests. Brief write up about yourself

    Readers may also express their views on any philatelic matter which will be published under Club News at Rainbow Stamp Cub Blog. Philatelic Clubs and Societies may also send brief write ups. News about new issues of India and abroad and other information related withPhilately are regularly posted on this blog. Readers may send reports on new issues, specialcovers, cancellations & philatelic activities of their area for inclusion in this Blog. - Editor

    mailto:[email protected]://www.rainbowstampclub.blogspot.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.rainbowstampclub.blogspot.com/mailto:[email protected]
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    Courtesy- News and Image Resource to this issue - Stamps of India,International Stamp News, ; Shrikant Parikh- Ahmadabad, Prashant Pandya-Vadodara, Dr Avinash B. Jagtap - Switzerland Mobile Philately Deepak Modi, Pradip Jain Patna; TerryMtchelle; Dieter Leder, Germany;Ajit Dash Praful Thakkar, Ahmedabad; Pradip Mohanty Cuttack; Jigar Desai Mumbai; Leeza Padhi - Cuttack

    All the images of this issue have not been included here. For detailed images related to this

    issue Please Visit: http://www.rainbowstampnews.blogspot.com/

    Address for communication:

    Mrs . Jeevan Jyoti, c / o Mr. Ajay Srivastav, Director, Great Himalayan National Park,Shamshi, Kullu (H.P.) PIN 175126 India

    E-mail [email protected] or [email protected]

    Last date for receiving write ups 25th of every month. Kindly send images in jpgcompressed format & text in MS Word only.

    If you liked this issue please forward it to your friends and help in promotingphilately.

    A Request to Readers & Contributors-

    Please do not send the text in scan form. Send your write ups in MS Word only.

    Please do not send forwarded messages for promotional section if you want togive any information for promotion please write personally with brief write up. Asthis newsletter is not used for any commercial purpose in any manner.

    Attention -Please send limited number of images in compressed jpg format only with your article.Please send text and images separately. Please do not send text or image for publicationin PDF.

    Till Next Month ..Happy Collecting

    Rainbow Stamp News is edited and published monthly by Jeevan Jyoti, from Kullu(Himachal Pradesh) India.

    http://www.rainbowstampnews.blogspot.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.rainbowstampnews.blogspot.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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