Rain Organisation Credentials Statement 2009

"Excellence is not an act, it's a habit" Credentials Statement 2009 © Rain Organisation 2009


Coaching credentials Earn More, Work Less, Be Successful and Enjoy Your Life

Transcript of Rain Organisation Credentials Statement 2009

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"Excellence is not an act, it's a habit"

Credentials Statement


© Rain Organisation 2009

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About usRain Organisation is an up and coming coaching company. We provide Whole Life Coaching: business, career and personal development coaching as well as goal mapping, workshops and mentoring.

Larraine is registered with the American Board of NLP as a certified practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and is a certified practitioner of Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy.

Rain are passionate about coaching. Our aim is to help you to earn more, work less, be successful and enjoy your life.

Whether you are an individual who wants to improve their life, a small start up business or an established business, we want to help you to achieve your goals.

If you would like to discuss a coaching plan either as an individual or as a business, why not contact us for a free consultation or speak to us about our specialised coaching packages.

Our contact details are set out at the end of this presentation.


"Who exactly seeks out a coach?  Winners who want

even more out of life"

© Rain Organisation 2009

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Our services What is coaching?

Business coaching

Career coaching

Personal coaching

Change in the workplace

Employee development

PA development

We also provide:

PA mentoring

Workshops and seminars

Motivational talks“Never neglect an opportunity

for improvement”

© Rain Organisation 2009

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What is coaching?Coaching is not counselling, nor is it therapy or mentoring. It does not make your decisions for you. Coaching is a supportive relationship. It focuses on future possibilities, not on past mistakes and helps a person to learn rather than teaching them what they should do.

Coaching will help you perform a new task, develop a new skill and even improve your performance. It will help solve a problem and help you find direction and balance in your life.

Coaching has been around for many years and comes originally from the world of sport. It is a powerful and versatile method for improving your life, your career and your business.

Coaching is about taking action, making changes and commitment. It deals with goals and achievements. It makes the person being coached focus on their life, their career and/or their business. It will highlight the habits that are holding a client back, whether they are a thought or an action, and help to change the direction of that client’s life. Sometimes it may only be one small change at a time, but over time, those small changes add up.

What does a coach do?

A coach will help the client to realise the path they are on and work with the client to discover the choices available and help them to take a new path. Over time, a coach will help the client persist with the change or changes in their life, their career and even their business.

“Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream


© Rain Organisation 2009

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Business coachingBusinesses today need to work extremely hard to keep up with, and stay ahead of, the fast pace of change in the business world and business owners are finding that they are having to perform a difficult and sometimes impossible juggling act. As well as the day-to-day running of the office and planning for the future, they are having to hire high-performing, motivated employees and keep those employees, customers and in some cases investors, satisfied.

A company’s success is dependent in part on its most valuable asset – its employees. Therefore your company’s success relies on being able to translate employees abilities, capacities and skills into results. This is where coaching can help you, your company and your employees.

Business coaching is becoming increasingly important. People are shifting their professional allegiance from their employer to themselves and increasingly investing in their own career which means loyalty to the company is no longer on their list of priorities. Companies, therefore, are realising that the only way to keep their best people is to invest in and develop them on a continual basis. Coaching is one of the best way to do this.

Coaching is a long term strategy:

for employees: it results in improved performance, clarity of their role, greater job satisfaction and enthusiasm for their role

for managers: it results in improved communication, planning, motivation and delegation skills

it can assist the business owner to view the business as a chain of human actions and commitments which relates in positive terms to the business’s employees

it can help a company define its direction and set long term goals

“Leadership is recognising that people need an

environment where they can be nice to themselves”

© Rain Organisation 2009

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Career coachingWhen people buy a car, a house, even a computer, they will usually spend a lot of time and effort gathering information, considering their options and making sure they have made the right choice.

When people choose a career, whether it is their first job or a career change, they often restrict their choice to what they think they can do and will often base their beliefs on looking at job advertisements. They will often decide on a job without considering whether it is a job that matches their abilities, will use their skills, fits well with their values and perhaps more importantly, will make them want to get up in the morning with a smile rather than a groan.

It can be difficult to discover what kind of a job or career change will make you truly happy. You may even have had a career change enforced on you or you may have taken the opportunity to make a new start.

Coaching can help you decide:

on what you want to do next

if you need a career change

if you are on the right career path

on your dream job

whether you have the skills you need to achieve your dream job or whether you need to study for more qualifications

what your values are

It is important that whatever career change you make, you are sure that it fits in with who you are and what you want from your life. After all, your working life takes up 50% or more of your time. Do you really want to spend 50% of your time being unhappy or unfulfilled?

“You never achieve real success unless you like what

you are doing”

© Rain Organisation 2009

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Personal coachingPersonal or life coaching is a series of discussions that will help you get the best out of yourself. It will encourage you in your personal or professional development by helping you to identify and achieve your goals. It is about your life and your personal development but, it’s not a quick fix. Personal development is hard work. You will need to look at your life with your eyes wide open and be prepared to commit and take action.

Do you feel as though you are living in the shadows of your own life? Most people know deep down what they really want out of their life, what they want to be doing but the majority of people normally keep those thoughts very private and hidden because they are thought of as impossible to achieve either through their lifestyle or due to their education and background.

If you want to exude charm or confidence you’ll have to earn it. If you want to be a top sportsperson, you’ll need to work hard. You’ll need to learn and have trust and respect for yourself and you’ll need to show you have these qualities by taking action and making a commitment to change your life to the one you want to live. Remember, your current life is not fixed and absolute. You have the power to change the aspects of your life that you are not happy with. All you need is self-belief and commitment to change.

Coaching is a guidance tool you can use to achieve the changes you want:

it focuses on the here and now and the future. The past is the past – leave it there

it helps you think about your current circumstances and clarifies your goals in a balanced way

it allows you to explore your thoughts, feelings and experiences

it promotes learning and constructive actions

Most of all, coaching is a catalyst for the life you want to live. The main question therefore is:

Are you ready to make a commitment and take action to get the life you’ve always wanted?

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live

the life you have imagined”

© Rain Organisation 2009

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Change in the workplaceIn the current economic climate a company needs to move fast to keep up with and surpass their competitors. Your employees are the frontline of your business. If they don’t look good, then you don’t look good and so it pays to keep them happy, motivated and enthusiastic about their job, especially when times are hard and the future is uncertain.

A bungled restructuring or badly implemented changes in the workplace can turn a good idea into a disaster. But change is inevitable in business and a business’s ability to survive is determined by its ability to adapt to change. It could be that you have recently made redundancies or you have restructured. You may only need to implement minor changes or you may be introducing new job descriptions entirely. It may even be a brand new role or roles. Employee enthusiasm and motivation, already at an all time low due to the continuing uncertainty of the economy, is likely to plummet in these circumstances and all employees are liable to feel insecure and demotivated, even if their position is not risk as change in the workplace is an emotional and major event for both employers and employees.

Employee types

Human beings respond to change either positively or negatively. Whilst the reaction is unique to every individual, your employees will generally fall into one of four different types and some are probably a mix of two or more:

eager for change

embracing of change

hesitant of change

resistant to change

This is where coaching can help. A coach is a neutral face for your employees; they are not management and they are not HR. They are able to work with you and your employees and can help to implement your changes in a less stressful manner.

“Change is inevitable. Change is constant”

© Rain Organisation 2009

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Employee developmentKeeping employees motivated and enthusiastic in their work can be an uphill struggle at the best of times and in today’s climate, it is likely to be even tougher. Some companies have even stopped investing in their employees, resulting in suspicion of management, low morale and dissatisfaction amongst the affected employees. This has led to lower productivity and much higher sickness rates as staff feel undervalued and neglected.

Developing your employees, whatever industry you are involved in, is a fundamental requirement for a business to succeed, not only in this day and age but especially in the current climate. You may not think that your employees are in contact with potential or actual clients, but every employee in your business comes into contact with a potential or actual client every single day and if you have a workforce that you have invested in and developed, then the image they will convey of the company will be a positive image. Just think of how many times have you overheard people moaning about the company they work for, either on your way to work or socially, thereby portraying a negative image of that company? Could that be happening to your company?

Coaching is about helping your employees unlock their potential. We can work with you in the following ways:

the implementation of appraisals

defining and identifying specific and attainable goals

building their personal skills such as communication and management style

building confidence in themselves, resulting in confidence in their abilities at work

bring an awareness that change happens and that it can be a good thing and be beneficial

By establishing a co-ordinated staff development plan, your company will be seen, and be known to value its employees, with the result being a motivated and enthusiastic workforce that doesn’t just look forward to the weekend but also looks forward to Monday morning, a workforce with increased productivity and morale, less absenteeism and a greater loyalty towards your business.

“Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement”

© Rain Organisation 2009

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PA developmentThe role of the PA and secretary is changing. The 21st Century PA /secretary is just as likely to be working for a team as for one person. They are, now more than ever, expected to be the ultimate professional, able to multi-task and perform a whole new set of duties, often without any formal training. You may have worked with your PA or secretary for several years or they may be in their first ever job. It could be that you have recently promoted, or are thinking about promoting, someone, or a group of secretaries, to a PA role which will require them to become more involved in their position at your business.

As a leader and manager of a business you know that your business needs to evolve and so you may be looking at increasing your PA’s or secretary’s workload. By providing a structured career development plan for your PA or secretary, you will gain a more confident assistant who will be even more of an asset than they already are.

Development for PAs and secretaries

If you have several PAs or secretaries in your business, you may be considering giving them additional responsibilities that will involve them learning new skills, or perhaps enhancing skills you know that they already have, but are not sure how to implement these. Rain Organisation can work with you and your PAs/secretaries to help implement these additional skills by setting out career development plans and clear, focused objectives. This will give your employees the goals they need to work towards that are directly relevant to their current or new role, highlight any training they will need to undertake and give them the boost of confidence they need to perform the role successfully.

PA Coaching Packages

Rain has devised a specialised coaching package for PAs and secretaries and is also ideal for the newer PA or secretary who is just starting out on his or her career.

“Don’t stay a negative. Develop”

© Rain Organisation 2009

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Contact detailsLarraine Bennett

37 Constitution Road


Kent ME5 7DN

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1634 826036 (24 hr answerphone. Please leave a message. Rain will call you back)

Tel: +44 (0)7735 594614

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.rainorg.com

VAT registration number: 972 4278 93

“Excellence is not an act, it’s a habit”

© Rain Organisation 2009