R E F Mr 4 TBEG hcftunSSr- f WISCONSINufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01389/00733.pdf ·...

SUN FEBRUARY 1906 i 4 TBEG ylawa R stn vn E r F Mr tAlftCSVlLLE cr Act ot Coa- H McCREASY Editor Pablr Tie TwleaWeek Srx 1 year ii- UM Me single 5c- ADTIRTIRIXO RATA Lmul 15 cents a line the tie fm and 10 cents for each addi lineal adtertliement for three B aad 12 months at rates llaw faraUhed upon application Mania and Death fMt Obituaries 5 cent a line Ora CtrBBivo Liar 8o and the ThriceaWeek VT World one II 5- M sad the Atlanta Ga Weekly Constitution one year 1 75 M u aad the Atlanta Journal one 1 B and the SemiWeekly sUnioa one 1 80 will not accept tamr of a 4emo iBat oa 2 eents- Tkftak fortaaa Mrs Yerkes has at hMCcae4 op to it She has said that II aurried- Tk tMaty fekeel board hat been iafag txcelleBt work for the schools of Ateckaa eeaaty to aew stated that Miis Alice Mit U aid hasbasd tray spend Mir bMAyatoaa a Florida Try to haY M m eh with- y r cigkNri faults as acasible as aeifkbor may e ft few la you Cay W J Tucker ef Foil Pierce is Mttlag sway farerable ijtifrs re M4J K kin eaa4Ma y for Tk CesfreMaaa will soon TkaHltaa of Turkey is talkiag rf aiMtiaf Ute iMaraaee society so he Ins be presides sad get enough saeaey to pay ezpeMes Aa elastic eurreaey seems to be a efyteg teed of tke times but if we had ft raafeer earreaey there would soot be nurea gabber so Rich a remedy VMM tot kelp the mats of the people Katoiag horns ia Florida should a9T a geed kaines There will al wlfi be a deaMBd for the horse and H set eeet mack more t raise a Pies tits a steer and they always btiajf better price The people of Florida it would em eoaM raise ekickeae and sell aem H ckeaply as they oar IB Ten Yet there are thousands of ehiekeBS skipped from that State to Ik loathera part of Florida every There is before the city council of Ohieago aa ordinance to suppress Igarettea and adulterated tobacco gad to restrict juvenile smoking This I otviaaaeeis iateaded to correct au Til which is wrecking the health and of maay boys What a con j tract they are taking The told wares have been kept back very well so far this winter Cold i weather BOW will not do the damage- it would have done three weeks ago whoa cabbage and other crop were growing so rapidly But Texas his bees a great sufferer and at Corpus Christi the cabbage crop been abaut ruined X H Harrison of Jackionrillv bet- ter known as Monk Harrison being urged to enter the race for Railroad Coramiiiioner Mr Haiti MB is specially qualified for the poss tioa and should he consent to make the race bis numerous friends this section will him their hearty support There are some men who do not realize the worth of a good wife unto she has goae When they to pay a housekeeper who only keeps the boose io aa uproar then they realise the value of a good wife who frequent- ly keeps them oat of trouble A is an ezpeniire luxury a fceatewife a blewing Mare 1m- ftrLTI R or a J I t rt inserted r t O- De year F W I 1 i or nee t Jk r I t I I hit i I have ijiilrt j 1 hcftunSSr- oi 8eeeerler al IRIS as GatietWe raa- eaNeeeaelar aatisv 1eo st x bry I4ay aad Tbindsyp- x st Otises7Yle Tr1M- r TRRita 8raacRlrTioN copier advertisements notices t Ufa Ian i k fir 6 t patience yes del Irialies eeaveatles- r a a area r a e ra mete L yens L sr sera through- out give house- keeper sa 1 91 < ¬ ¬ > A LOGICAL ARGUMENT Under the a writer name A Public publishes the following in Th Sumter County Times the various articl pro and con upon the Buckman bit and have bern with the arguments rri- fentoi by the opposition not for their logic but for their and for the drain nf noplt 10 po a the great friend of the common people Did it ever tribe you that thre mutt somewhere be a nicper in the womi pile Surely om pocket book has bn hit and that prettily heavily there would not be such a dreadful howl op potr it liken other sections tXieo la county for example Why dont Some of th friends f of the public h ol children give u a few tnti tio Let u wherein they will b robbed or deprived of one tingle opportunity During the ie ion- I of the Legislature in 103 the State chool for over HWOO getting over 2Vv La t year thej ov r WT5WO notice the will you It had jumped from llSOCOil in 1901 to nearly 7rt iW in 16C5 Judging from the past by 10 i7 the loW hn been noting struck c or understand lake City i I asked I Jut I above heading giviag Schoo- lTeacher carefully very forc- ibly weakness fame ones else We why see asked for in- creases < > > over one million Why ihnuld it take million to and equip the University buildings at Gainesville Let us sup- pose that it dues require an even mil- lion to completely quip our Universi- ty then appropriate 1250000 a year to run it and the Female College and in ten years we f35000CO on it Sow multiply the amount demanded by the State school by ten and we have the mall um of J for ten years running the States schools Will it c ta much to maintain the University and Female Cnlleg for that time Even at flgur there would b a saving of f3S6 X i in the 10 years Instead of having seven or eight different school with all build- ings to keep up we will here only two which can be maintained at half the cost of the others Then instead of seventy tract will have only rive and instead of having to furnish posi- tions for political favorites at the ex- pense nf people we can secure men and women of national potation seal have something tv never hive had in Florida a University in fact of in imagination The Buckman bill will create real High School in every county hy rigid enforcement It Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh Unless Hands Were TiedWasted to a Skeleton Awful Suffering for Over a Worse Under Now WOULD HAVE DIED BUT FOR CUTICURA My little on vh sn nrxw car a half old bam t lines Mr H- OOOM out on bis law 1 hal n nhv wou for construct spend these then we the instead Its BABY COVERED WITH SORES I I YearGrew I DoctorsSkin I have Clear- S a find ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ¬ ¬ ¬ > < treat him but till siT r v- h gtn to nn h arms thru J oth r irt of hU- v Ixxiy and th n onu r uju on hi chft- thm tho hiM T i 1 rail ttl anon r Suit IK sTfxrnoix At t ftul of ay ir nl a half of grrw o 1 t t hb in cluthi it night to k him fr ra- cmti hin the tr l t anrs tl tl h He to a i r kd ti ii trs htrdly able tt walk My Aun- ft hi me try CUM yra Sup ird- Ointmenu S gr iit vi I T faith in i that he gave nn a ntull i of to and a little of Oint niMit I to k it h rn with t faith hut to plax hrI tri l it it K mitl to up the n little 1 to th tor an g t a cake of tht Sup n x nf the Ointment and fullow l th dr at the tn l of a t irhH the VTP bi wl H hn never ho i any mro of ar y kind iii He now a I and 1 ran ia rl1 t t r ly for jv ur w rful r my tr ifu hild wiuM ii l fr ni- th t rribl r I i l ni cake of Soap and alUt Ur of Ointm fu 1 Mr K- iKrt fciln II F l No 1 Woud- ille loon April l iV ltitn UY n tin of t i 1 i po v finn about tit h P r t t ant t I i I L ran 11tl mt I 1 I c Jrs h T rlf terry t Cot t a aJ 94e r its Ct t tmr 4 c A l l putf ring Itl n Sap try the av aril dry tire sent drug n- and a pony M ty r Lat ee only a1 it e t aid t ant nit tH a t rr t tr Intr i touYq wR t Ita test un tr Hd h trtult rtfrt ASt e wrr- C tr tt t trait p ttt- yrataac kt2Lar w tltrt a > > < > < > > < > < > < > > < > + + + will encourage the coaotry boy gad girl to stick to his home school until they have completed its course and they find themselves ready to enter one of our State schools longer will oir State iaititution be merely local schools doing preparatory work and as some have been not even good high Sow let the opposition a few facts and ir tead of abj e and po litical claptrap u the true in wardnet of their bitter opposition The people are not to blame if tho options had to be met And a grand crvme fell through of a rrnflt of thousand the action had to he on wrong Site of th nit i rh f r thi time We wil wit until we e some rigger from the felr FAVORS DRAINAGE The following leter tj U irernor- Ureward from Hon lame Wilson Secretary of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture upon the drain- age of the Ev rgades will be of inter- est to Fluridian Wahiugton 1 C Jan tf 1 B BrowarJ Governor Tall o resent Instead posted other Hon schools I sell reap- ing trap the ledger eon N ¬ ¬ ¬ > + hass e Fla hear Sir I have the honor to acknowlrdge the receipt of your favor of January 16th with in closures relating to the drainage of the Ererglatfe lands in your State The information given rn your letter and that contained in the two pam- phlet you inclosed indicate that you have undertaken a work which it of magnitude and will add im- raenely to the agrictiltural of the State if carried to beers ful completion I am much with the statements which appear to be well supported that the muck land j which it is proposed to reclaim will be a valuable acquisition to the of sugarcane lands of the South I ap predate the interest you take in the agrcutural development of your state acd also the fact that de- velopment of value to the I country I shall be glad to confer with any members of Congress from j your State regarding this subject and if the appropriation made by Con gres for drainage invetsl Ation is sufficient will be glad to cooperate with you in any way for th advancement of the project jou de iribe I shall also te glad to detail the engineers of thus department engaged j in drainage investigations for a con- ference with your mgineer from time to time for the OH of Jeterminng great I impressed such will I pair possibil- itieS area be en- tire pcs bk s ¬ > ¬ ¬ pan and mut practicable rthod tor th immetje area of Everglade land I i eaiy- ii from a t ti matter which you have inched me that careful invrsngitinn should he made with reference nut only to the engineering problem in vuUtfd but fertility nf the land proposed to b reclaimed and po IH agrixiiltiral xau for pro of crops adapted to that jit matt Occupying a they do a sub tropi al position in our country a pe- culiar interest attache to their recia atd sub qucti levelopinnt Assuring you of my Sincere inter et in your prn ard a i tanc- 8s I may in the future b able to am very repctfuly yoir J Vj the belt rtecllm 1tr Hli sat milt ion t h I > s- Scrtar far the ire the de ni ei3 ren- der > ¬ > > < + Tliomaji Pixoii Jr of Sea Y r jsay that the nrtro must bf removed i fruin fitd Crates or in few r than rifty tht white rnin vil have to right for exitenoe The State Pi nJ s Hoard wl i one coming frrn the State pr I trw tiny K K K Jfllll ATluV 11 JE r n of le F HI ef tt s f t sswirt t N t Ti 5 R J K If tk ii M r i FOR prauc ATI V- l tse fuou e- i 8 io r t atenttoa- ZX Alt Of V- H f r s t tr- X J Hrrr of n i I TI t t I r i t r t 1 rt I t j t Jr r 1r CI1 t c I p I i orttv retdea east J L I l Jar Ht r J Us I i set I I ta t I I ei rtWt to ut Ia ard I trac i Rtlf- I t PO HI trtch j oJ WLIE fp t e E t of f 1TJ it t- He < e Jxrr- 0I z j H fl1er St err RQJIOvO Hea- o the else years r have a i t e C I- Ie tit C G- raertte r rrdttte r r ar ra r r bAtturtr t rlt d t ett t e seeds t etlf tiet W Ikea at h C Barr i r e e tie rsaetteorn tttrtee Jt9r rat w4 I Lie t r a 1 RuutSu tittarLJ- T1 Lod otsetr alt tiRlere Fear rrr tivti e o here t tan tact Lned ter t4 to p CA yrprt r e as i rur e a de etvre 1tecer ajeirte S t 1 e i e resu tracc e o t e- e aueiur eAe t ad Iln 3eure a- tr 8l er F tit tc 4 i > > > < > > > > < + + + + + + WISCONSIN f TREASURER Uses In ills Own Family as a Catarrh Remedy W HONEY ExTra irrr of wil aqualnunco and cxtenriv ex- perience H hi ud Pornn In hU own family with th nit rratifylnii result c jiv it unqualitltil endorsement- a an a catarrh reimdy It testimony tin which ha irtven rtma Uh a liih standard in the estimation of tin American IUllU I lx lMe way t gainsay frank and nuine uTimnv Tht only way to account fr surh to- Mm ny n the fa t that rerun real JK what i rlaiimd fur it- t oau c it rel v catarrh it clear thf way Nature to rea tier i hy- ll f f- PERUIVA The Reliable Catarrh Remedy the and hu rid the system of a great many diiTcrrnt Catarrh i the tron hI I of lmi rin teen rsl tin y t in of catarrh and it I Veer dim alt indeed for diseae linger very lon Followed Dr Martmans Adtlce- Mr Jfhn Neton PaytonTnnt- 0l ri air imnini fiii1 r wti- in ill Federal Ainy lunn the vii War Contracted a oaeot rhiu mil in Tin Uiady was constant and per ittnt itiluiini the trent of- t vr atltinnt which al am- hrnic titer taking a C UM if- Pernna apt NVUoti writ Having Ntn painfuiir aiVl trT chriH1 rheumatism ani tii adun Mtv ni lioatuiu fur many year 411 1 alter hivn rectvrd many o and treatm nt with nly temjxtrary- rt iief I read your U ntui treatise on catarrhal disease At my request you rpvrrUod f r- nie a special c ur eof the IVruna nm die which I olo ely K J W d and am happy to report that y rh umat m and complicated ailments ere uMud and I feel young aaiu at the a e f ixtynine years Reason will accept your classifies tlon of catarrsal diseases as scientific and true and the Peruna remedies as- a standard treatment for them I thank you heartily for yourskllted and logical advice Pena Gin SIt lit ItlIsln a man tlf II I IIIJU t urh The u u I rt r I hr nle t11 CUt t nral m It I is fhat P h c for w t ovt tr i net t l i the dev r sal ¬ > > > > < ± + + + + + ± = + + ° + tsar CEO W MONEY Other Remedies Failed Peruna Efficacious lion W Honey Natlitul Chap- lain t V I KxchaplaMi hN n- ii Cavalrv IIxTreasuror rtat of Wi- ssuref T vi A I writ from i i Krt N V Wa hiurton I C- i f iili vv I cannot too highly rccomma4 your preparation for the relief oi catarrhal troubles la their various forms I Some members of my own tarn I have used It with most results When other remedies failed Peruna prnied most efficacious and I cheerfully certify to Its curative excellence- A I Hewitt J P tweet Merlin Vt writ 1 am hippy to h to writ yon i r ri riti n to what your Peruna ha ne fr my family tWlun I hrj ht the tlrt ttlo horn I found my wife and daiixhttr- Sjth k iy wife with iniiue iion and niydaiuhtr with a sevtre cold They were tth nrinl I ar wllm t tate that Ptrnna kn n tji nnin will cure the w r t a I hour aIn rqllarhrlll1tr 1 t alt rl t 3 ii ten rat d l Sly gratify- ing I f t < < > BIG ARM ROCKER Oak fan BEST at Ioirimvu post r to am c mt j ul out The lc r vt r tirf ivl for th inonov- IM 1 ONE or ONE HUNDRED Tht Pries the Sam WRITE Gainesville Florida I lnlU l Rot t I i I I t I S I 69 OAlnfSYIUf runnnuDf CO J Saliil St t ikt tl S

Transcript of R E F Mr 4 TBEG hcftunSSr- f WISCONSINufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01389/00733.pdf ·...

Page 1: R E F Mr 4 TBEG hcftunSSr- f WISCONSINufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01389/00733.pdf · Journal one 1 B and the SemiWeekly sUnioa one 1 80 will not accept tamr of a 4emo




ylawa R stn vn E r F Mr


cr Act ot Coa-

H McCREASY Editor Pablr

Tie TwleaWeek Srx 1 year ii-UM Me single 5c-

ADTIRTIRIXO RATALmul 15 cents a line

the tie fm and 10 cents for each addilineal

adtertliement for threeB aad 12 months at ratesllaw faraUhed upon applicationMania and Death

fMt Obituaries 5 cent a line

Ora CtrBBivo Liar8o and the ThriceaWeek

VT World one II 5-

M sad the Atlanta GaWeekly Constitution one year 1 75M u aad the Atlanta

Journal one 1

B and the SemiWeeklysUnioa one 1 80

will not accept tamr of a4emo iBat oa 2 eents-

Tkftak fortaaa Mrs Yerkes has athMCcae4 op to it She has said that

II aurried-

Tk tMaty fekeel board hat beeniafag txcelleBt work for the schools ofAteckaa eeaaty

to aew stated that Miis AliceMit U aid hasbasd tray spend

Mir bMAyatoaa a Florida

Try to haY M m eh with-y r cigkNri faults as acasible as

aeifkbor may e ft few la you

Cay W J Tucker ef Foil Pierce isMttlag sway farerable ijtifrs re

M4J K kin eaa4Ma y for

Tk CesfreMaaa will soon

TkaHltaa of Turkey is talkiag rfaiMtiaf Ute iMaraaee society so heIns be presides sad get enoughsaeaey to pay ezpeMes

Aa elastic eurreaey seems to be aefyteg teed of tke times but if we hadft raafeer earreaey there would soot be

nurea gabber so Rich a remedyVMM tot kelp the mats of the people

Katoiag horns ia Florida shoulda9T a geed kaines There will alwlfi be a deaMBd for the horse andH set eeet mack more t raise aPies tits a steer and they alwaysbtiajf better price

The people of Florida it wouldem eoaM raise ekickeae and sell

aem H ckeaply as they oar IB TenYet there are thousands of

ehiekeBS skipped from that State toIk loathera part of Florida every

There is before the city council ofOhieago aa ordinance to suppressIgarettea and adulterated tobaccogad to restrict juvenile smoking This I

otviaaaeeis iateaded to correct auTil which is wrecking the health and

of maay boys What a con j

tract they are taking

The told wares have been kept backvery well so far this winter Cold i

weather BOW will not do the damage-it would have done three weeks agowhoa cabbage and other crop weregrowing so rapidly But Texas hisbees a great sufferer and at CorpusChristi the cabbage crop beenabaut ruined

X H Harrison of Jackionrillv bet-ter known as Monk Harrisonbeing urged to enter the race forRailroad Coramiiiioner Mr HaitiMB is specially qualified for the posstioa and should he consent to makethe race bis numerous friends

this section will him theirhearty support

There are some men who do notrealize the worth of a good wife untoshe has goae When they to paya housekeeper who only keeps theboose io aa uproar then they realisethe value of a good wife who frequent-ly keeps them oat of trouble A

is an ezpeniire luxury afceatewife a blewing

Mare 1m-









r t











t I






ijiilrt j 1

hcftunSSr-oi 8eeeerler al IRIS as GatietWe raa-

eaNeeeaelar aatisv1eo st x

bry I4ay aad Tbindsyp-

x st Otises7Yle Tr1M-r

TRRita 8raacRlrTioN










t patience


delIrialies eeaveatles-











through-out give


sa 1 91






Under the a writername A Public

publishes the following in

Th Sumter County Timesthe

various articl pro and con upon theBuckman bit and have bern

with the arguments rri-fentoi by the opposition not for theirlogic but for their and for thedrain nf noplt 10 po a thegreat friend of the common peopleDid it ever tribe you that thre muttsomewhere be a nicper in the womipile Surely om pocket bookhas bn hit and that prettily heavily

there would not be such adreadful howl

oppotr it liken other sections tXieola county for example

Why dont Some of th friends f

of the public h ol children give u afew tnti tio Let u whereinthey will b robbed or deprived of onetingle opportunity During the ie ion-

I of the Legislature in 103 the Statechool for over HWOO getting

over 2Vv La t year thejov r WT5WO notice the

will you It had jumped fromllSOCOil in 1901 to nearly 7rt iW in16C5 Judging from the past by 10 i7


loW hn been noting




understand lake Cityi


askedI JutI

aboveheadinggiviag Schoo-lTeacher


very forc-





We why



for in-





over onemillion Why ihnuld it take millionto and equip the Universitybuildings at Gainesville Let us sup-pose that it dues require an even mil-

lion to completely quip our Universi-ty then appropriate 1250000 a year torun it and the Female College and inten years we f35000CO on itSow multiply the amount demandedby the State school by ten and wehave the mall um of J for tenyears running the States schools

Will it c t a much to maintain theUniversity and Female Cnlleg for thattime Even at flgur therewould b a saving of f3S6 X i in the10 years

Instead of having seven or eightdifferent school with all build-ings to keep up we will here only twowhich can be maintained at half thecost of the others Then instead ofseventy tract will have only riveand instead of having to furnish posi-

tions for political favorites at the ex-

pense nf people we can secure menand women of national potation sealhave something tv never hive had inFlorida a University in factof in imagination The Buckman billwill create real High School in everycounty hy rigid enforcement It

Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh

Unless Hands Were TiedWastedto a Skeleton Awful Suffering forOver a Worse Under




My little on vh sn nrxw cara half old bam t lines Mr H-

OOOM out on bis law 1 hal n nhv

wou for













YearGrew I













> <

treat himbut till siT r v-

h gtn to nnh arms thru

J oth r irt of hU-

v Ixxiy and th n onur uju on hi chft-

thm thohiM T i 1 rail

ttl anon rSuit IK sTfxrnoix At t ftul

of a y ir nl a half ofgrrw o 1 t t hb

in cluthi it night to k him fr ra-

cmti hin the tr l t anrs tl tl hHe to a i r kd ti ii

trs htrdly able tt walk My Aun-ft hi me try CUM yra Sup ird-Ointmenu S gr iit vi I T faith ini that he gave nn a ntull i of

to and a little of OintniMit I to k it h rn with tfaith hut to plax h r I tri l itit K mitl to up the n little

1 to th tor an g t acake of tht Sup n x nf theOintment and fullow l th dr

at the tn l of a t irhHthe VTP bi wl H hnnever ho i any mro of ar y kind iii

He now a I

and 1 ran ia rl1 t t r ly forjv ur w rful r mytr ifu hild wiuM ii l fr ni-

th t rribl r I i l nicake of Soap and alUt Urof Ointm fu 1 Mr K-

iKrt fciln II F l No 1 Woud-ille loon April l iV

ltitn UYn




ipo vfinn

abouttit h


t t antt

I i


L ran 11tlmt I



c Jrs h T rlf terryt Cot

t a aJ94e

r its Ctt

tmr 4c


l l

putf ringItl


Sap try theavaril

dry tiresent drug


and apony



r Latee only


it e t aid t antnit tH a t r r t tr Intr itouYq wR t Itatest un tr Hd htrtult rtfrt ASt e wrr-C tr t t t trait p ttt-yrataac kt2Lar w tltrt a






>> <


< >









will encourage the coaotry boy gad girlto stick to his home school until theyhave completed its course and theyfind themselves ready to enter one ofour State schools longer will oirState iaititution be merely localschools doing preparatory work andas some have been not even good high

Sow let the opposition afew facts and ir tead of abj e and po

litical claptrap u the true inwardnet of their bitter oppositionThe people are not to blame if thooptions had to be met And a grandcrvme fell through of

a rrnflt of thousand theaction had to he on wrongSite of th nit i rh f rthi time We wil wit until we e

some rigger from the felrFAVORS DRAINAGE

The following leter tj U irernor-Ureward from Hon lame WilsonSecretary of the United States Depart-

ment of Agriculture upon the drain-age of the Ev rgades will be of inter-est to Fluridian

Wahiugton 1 C Jan tf 1

B BrowarJ Governor Tall









reap-ing trap

theledger eon







hass e Fla hear Sir I have thehonor to acknowlrdge the receipt ofyour favor of January 16th with inclosures relating to the drainage ofthe Ererglatfe lands in your StateThe information given rn your letterand that contained in the two pam-

phlet you inclosed indicate that youhave undertaken a work which it of

magnitude and will add im-

raenely to the agrictilturalof the State if carried to beers

ful completion I am muchwith the statements which appear tobe well supported that the muck land j

which it is proposed to reclaim will bea valuable acquisition to the ofsugarcane lands of the South I appredate the interest you take in theagrcutural development of yourstate acd also the fact that de-

velopment of value to the I

country I shall be glad to conferwith any members of Congress from j

your State regarding this subject andif the appropriation made by Congres for drainage invetsl Ation issufficient will be glad to cooperatewith you in any way for thadvancement of the project jou deiribe

I shall also te glad to detail theengineers of thus department engaged j

in drainage investigations for a con-

ference with your mgineer from timeto time for the OH of Jeterminng









be en-


pcs bk






pan and mut practicablerthod tor th immetje

area of Everglade land I i eaiy-ii from a t ti matter

which you haveinched me that careful invrsngitinnshould he made with reference nutonly to the engineering problem invuUtfd but fertility nf the landproposed to b reclaimed and po

IH agrixiiltiral xau for proof crops adapted to that jit

matt Occupying a they do a subtropi al position in our country a pe-

culiar interest attache to their reciaatd sub qucti levelopinnt

Assuring you of my Sincere interet in your prn ard a i tanc-8s I may in the future b able to

am very repctfuly yoirJ Vj

the beltrtecllm

1tr Hlisat

milt ion

t h


> s-




thede ni










Tliomaji Pixoii Jr of Sea Y rjsay that the nrtro must bf removedi fruin fitd Crates or in few

r than rifty tht white rnin vilhave to right for exitenoe

The State Pi nJ s Hoard wli one coming frrn the State prI trw tiny

K K K Jfllll ATluV


JE r n of le FHI ef tt s f t sswirt tN t Ti 5 R J K

If tk ii M r

i FOR prauc ATI V-

l tse fuou e-

i 8 io r t atenttoa-

ZX Alt Of V-

H f rs

t tr-

X J Hrrr

of n



t t

I r i

t r t1 rt

I t jt Jr r

1r CI1 t

c I

p Ii

orttv retdea eastJ L

I l JarHt r J Us Ii setI

I tat



ei rtWt to ut Ia ardI trac i Rtlf-I t PO HI trtchj oJ

WLIE fpt e E t of

f 1TJ it t-

He < eJxrr-0I z

j H fl1erSt err


the elseyears

r havea


t e C I-

Ietit C G-raertte r rrdttte r rar ra r r bAtturtr t rlt d

t ett t e seeds t etlf tietW Ikea at h C Barr


e etie rsaetteorn tttrtee

Jt9r ratw4ILie tr a

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Family as a CatarrhRemedy

W HONEY ExTra irrr of

wil aqualnunco and cxtenriv ex-

perienceH hi ud Pornn In hU own family

with th nit rratifylnii resultc jiv it unqualitltil endorsement-

a an a catarrh reimdyIt testimony tin which

ha irtven rtma Uh a liih standardin the estimation of tin AmericanIUllU

I lx lMe way t gainsayfrank and nuine uTimnv

Tht only way to account fr surh to-

Mm ny n the fa t that rerun realJK what i rlaiimd fur it-

t oau c it rel v catarrh it clearthf way Natureto rea tier

i hy-

ll f f-

PERUIVAThe Reliable

Catarrh Remedythe and hu

rid the system of a great many diiTcrrnt

Catarrh i the tron hI I of lmi rinteen rsl tin y t in of catarrhand it I Veer dim alt indeed for diseae

linger very lon

Followed Dr Martmans Adtlce-

Mr Jfhn Neton PaytonTnnt-0l ri air imnini fiii1 r wti-

in ill Federal Ainy lunnthe vii War Contracted a oaeot rhiumil in

Tin Uiady was constant and per

ittnt itiluiini the trent of-

t vr atltinnt which al am-

hrnic titer taking a C UM if-

Pernna apt NVUoti writHaving Ntn painfuiir aiVl trT

chriH1 rheumatism ani tii adun Mtvni lioatuiu fur many year 411 1 alter

hivn rectvrd many o andtreatm nt with nly temjxtrary-

rt iief I read your U ntui treatise oncatarrhal disease

At my request you rpvrrUod f r-

nie a special c ur eof the IVruna nmdie which I olo ely K J W d and amhappy to report that y rh umat mand complicated ailments ere uMudand I feel young aaiu at the a e f

ixtynine yearsReason will accept your classifies

tlon of catarrsal diseases as scientificand true and the Peruna remedies as-a standard treatment for them

I thank you heartily for yoursklltedand logical advice


Gin SIt lit ItlIsln a man tlf


IIIJU t urh

The uu




hr nle t11 CUt







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Other Remedies FailedPeruna Efficacious

lion W Honey Natlitul Chap-lain t V I KxchaplaMi h N n-

ii Cavalrv IIxTreasuror rtat of Wi-

ssuref T vi A I writ fromi i Krt N V Wa hiurton I C-

i f iili vv

I cannot too highly rccomma4your preparation for the relief oicatarrhal troubles la their variousforms

I Some members of my own tarn Ihave used It with mostresultsWhen other remedies failed

Peruna prnied most efficacious andI cheerfully certify to Its curativeexcellence-

A I Hewitt J P tweet Merlin Vtwrit

1 am hippy to h to writ yoni r ri riti n to what your

Peruna ha ne fr my familytWlun I hrj ht the tlrt ttlo

horn I found my wife and daiixhttr-Sjth k iy wife with iniiue iionand niydaiuhtr with a sevtre coldThey were tth nrinl

I ar wllm t tate that Ptrnnakn n tji nnin will cure the

w r t a I hour

aIn rqllarhrlll1tr1






ten rat d


Sly gratify-ing









at Ioirimvu postr to am c mt j ul out The

lc r vt r tirf ivl for th inonov-




the Sam


Gainesville Florida


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