.r. - Disability Studies · In Towor ~Ioto. 0 partlaularly impovort.n.d part of london. there wa...

I I I tl>e ........-... TM 1' ..... ""d COI>. a .... only 0"'" t""t 1 ""... ..,n .,., ....... ,Iy 'lrd; tM ... Ny boo Un facl ..,st CSI .. I.tnly 1 otM.... "y Int.ntlon I. not to "" .....u.tI H't of .rs_n. only to r.,..,..ldlt lth.to fo .... SoPrlncDO.n:I. fo .. dUc .... lon. ...,,"""'" PilO, II tM _n:1 U ... to __ thot we a'" ot dlsodY""t.t. In tM abl.-boClI.d .. Id .s It 1 •• this Js .t.t... nt of foet. altll Ttwo ""' or1el""t.d .t .. ac •• _ ... _I. d ...... st f ...... 0 NIt 10 dIIt"not"" .... dls"llIIonlogu In 1M .. ...,.. It sUUUU Ir>oon. 11wIt IH. _I b. e-...I- Itl..- " r"e". r.. t""r 1tw1 co-GlNr .. t- Iva. Il h.a .Iso. n ..... be.n htnted Ih" foct th.1 II h •• ." "ft.n ... od P1Oopl. "I,on tooy ".r. ,oylng ....... tMlng hu .. t'ul. Th15 .PlJlI .... In fact. 10 """.t of tM "",rd. or pnr •••• In thl. Il'l. OISAlllCD 1%: -. ... of tha Union of t ... Phy5le- .11, 1_I ... d "&alnst SOOe......... tlon .fT." INlt .- t .... _r.t. to.-s, one to ".crl the .. l .... lIt, """ """'t r to d.. crlbs ;0 .........It 0' the ....t _ ... t ted In .-.i.,t7. HIm<:e the, •• y tho,t U n:1 dl_l"" 10 gOOd ..- It 10 uMd to t""l _ 0 dt'-OIlIIIICl b, soclot,·. altltu<llt •• hUu to 1'"""1,, lIS .. Ith JObs. I .. tl ...... to preyldo US .. llh .. Ids ctc. CON: U.lnlt 0 1.<0 .. UWlt I. a!r-«ly In "". h.. t nol ....... l"5tOO<l to De ..... U.ctlon on socl.tY" """,'t chant ,t .. lnl\' poopl. .. III COf1tlnuB to ulS Il l,. "'1.., to U56 this ""'''d In"" .. r"g... tho ua .. of 1M pl,r"... 'Th. d15 .. 11lod· .. r,lcI> co"ju .., l ... zn 01 .. sort of j .. lllfl ..d of """'hL6Mt'l1 Ih.I ,ou .. I,.ht trip O""r out t ... "" If ,ou -"t ... teh o"tI lTt>1s .ho aprlllo. 10 100 I>hru. Ttoo h... I. PHYSICAlLY I_tRW I. t ... t .... tn.1 .... to ... fer to 1100 ,..llty. It Is t.hcoJ"'t to be .. stral&"t-fo,,""n1 t .... _ is ac:_bl...t 1>, a_ pref ... I"""1s In U.. field. CON, 1....... n1 I.... I.-.ot ,.,.. __ , ""I"Y •• socl.tlon. It UP In Tnesauru. If you'" doubtf,,11 and lote of peopl. u, It """j ....... UP I_r .• s of _. tiline r.ther nast, on" 103 ... 11, _I 11 l'£OPt.e IIIOl OISABIUlleS pilth It Puts ttoo ......., Pawle f1r.lt """ _en't eo->t.aln "", CQ\o03 .... ..., or do!nl.l. It .Is .. c ·t be et>ort._d to 'l.!le._- till""·. T re "t ..". tn.t If ,.,., .r 1>4... 1,_ f...,.. the In -... ttw:n In fac:t .,.,.. ..... to CON: Il <leaS CGh... , tl>o I"". that our lee, of aoilltl •• 10 It or our eon- <fltlone ... tI ... r t ...... t "".ult of OUr t.-.n_t b, socl.ty. The <flrwct .,,_ ...... t ttls 118"--' """ Is ,""",Ie to w .. a Is lhat It 10 r ..... th.t the objectl ... I. IlCtUIIlly ...... If t ... otIj<>cU"" Is to I:IIt f to 6. ttwn tl>oy Could do SO /';1 .<>clot, th.... wll"I"""r ... best ( •• en .. chdrl. NtYSlCAllY 1'1«1, It """ no Ilnrutotlo<>U, In'''' .... nt .. II'" .. nln&. ". dO tho oyll .. blo:. "'><I '1.. •• fO<QJ iD other word •• CUfl: Tho wnel. notion of difference '" froq t1, to... for _ ..... Ion _ n .. tv •• ftor ololotlc.ll, , t·. .. ""I"Y ..-. Is ph,sl",,11I <fllf "t f ..... every oU r. SO Il Is O... tt, unlnfone.>IIWG. f'tOPt.( W() -= OISllAlOCO fItld, It 1c t u.."t _ .re dhv •• IlA.>.! ".. t .... t Ihll ""rlhn ..... of lhe "'Ill"" ...... Ien Ilf _I. U>o'Cht _ covld trlOUle to SOCI.t,. p .... USOOly they woeld II .... Ior 'or us to dO .01. Cllf' TIM! t ... Is rlltt>sr r._r.1 dfllj "Wll .. to __ , dllr., ...... t nf [>oJ",,1 In socl.ly. 1MI', It thon. J h.lI""", It'I<>t ..... nced werd Or nhr.u thol \I( up lind " .... hGW, .. Ilh (1'10 ..... .. .haul ..... concena"a] ... " UI;)I In .. ll PI'Ol"'blllly It .. III neod to "e OOIOOthlnr. OCOlPlatel, fro.n. """"""'110. lOOri'>apa J CIIfl 1_ ,ou with. ph ..... I""t wY.> 0 Ulp of U... tonC'" on tloo I>4rt of .. 'rlend of .1"" _Urday. 5ho ... Ill '_1 •• ·1th I'OSS1bIIUI •• •• WIllI. It "". POsslbllltlesl I""'r.., C..... Gl. 110 Y(JJ WIHlll

Transcript of .r. - Disability Studies · In Towor ~Ioto. 0 partlaularly impovort.n.d part of london. there wa...

  • II


    "It~ tl>e ........-... TM 1' ..... ""d COI>. a ....only 0"'" t""t 1 ""... ..,n .,.,.......,Iy 'lrd;tM... Ny boo Un facl ..,st CSI .. I.tnly 1otM.... "y Int.ntlon I. not to pro~ld8"" .....u.tI H't of .rs_n. only tor.,..,..ldlt lth.to fo.... SoPrlncDO.n:I. fo ..dUc.... lon.

    ...,,"""'"PilO, II tM _n:1 U t.~... to __ thotwe a'" ot • dlsodY""t.t. In tM abl.-boClI.d~ .. Id .s It 1•• t~ this Js • sl~l..t.t...nt of foet.altll Ttwo ""' or1el""t.d .t ..ac•• _ ..._I. d...... st f ...... 0 NIt 10 dIIt"not"".... 1.t1~. dls"llIIonlogu In 1M .....,.. ItsUUUU Ir>oon. 11wIt IH. _I b. e-...I-Itl..- il~. " r"e". r.. t""r 1tw1 co-GlNr.. t-Iva. Il h.a .Iso. ll~ n..... be.n htntedb~ Ih" foct th.1 II h•• D~on ." "ft.n ...odb~ P1Oopl. "I,on tooy ".r. ,oylng ....... tMlnghu ..t'ul. Th15 .PlJlI.... In fact. 10 """.tof tM "",rd. or pnr•••• In thl. Il'l.

    OISAlllCD1%: -.... of tha Union of t ... Phy5le-.11, 1_I...d "&alnst SOOe......... tlon .fT."INlt .- t.... _r.t. to.-s, one to".crl the p~ple.. l ....lIt, """ """'t rto d..crlbs ;0.........It 0' the ....t _ ...t ted In .-.i.,t7. HImt.aln "", CQ\o03 .... ..., or do!nl.l.It .Is.. c ·t be et>ort._d to 'l.!le._-till""·. T re "t ..". tn.t If ,.,., .r1>4...1,_ f...,.. the In -... ttw:n Infac:t .,.,.. ..... ~-IIIlI. to "",I~.CON: Il o I"". that ourlee, of aoilltl•• 10 It or our eon-oJ",,1In socl.ly.

    1MI', It thon. J h.lI""", It'It ..... nced ~werd Or nhr.u thol \I( Ir'ln~ up lind " ....hGW, .. Ilh (1'10 ..... l· .. t"I~ln,; .haul ~....._I~ concena"a] ..." UI;)I In .. llPI'Ol"'blllly It ..III neod to "e OOIOOthlnr.OCOlPlatel, fro.n. """"""'110. lOOri'>apa JCIIfl 1_ ,ou with. ph..... I""t wY.> 0Ulp of U... tonC'" on tloo I>4rt of ..'rlend of .1"" _Urday. 5ho ... Ill'_1••·1th I'OSS1bIIUI•• •• WIllI. It"". POsslbllltlesl I""'r.., C.....Gl.

    ~tM 110 Y(JJ WIHlll

  • ,,, .._nt. It hils&J'O"" "..,. .''''1:& durine: 0-.. l ... t five~. Uld it. actiYiti...... ptU",g..... and " .......... in the _Dedi•• Th ,•• centzsl Coaaltte. ofthe IIolndlcap OrDl1l1 ...UOM, "nil they..."" ItO... wenty crg:anl..t1onl .. __~ .... ~ng t~ea 1. ~ .. ,.001.,ion ofth. V1aU&lLy HlIndlc&pped. of vhoo..Ywl.h Section I'. an aolt1ve "'lIbel". a.o".11 •••dl tl"fl their \411" -.pdne. III.va pth.....d that In DlCland the _i·upped h"". to ...17. lot on cllant,..aM tlwl hav. to P&7 tor t.I'..lI' tllCh-nloal ald. ~h••• I'. not .......tni. I. correct••Iac. I dan·t ~ alot .bou.t the .H...tion q.e .... a"t \M.ia 111 lapreasi"". In SIoedan. all ted:_"Ical ald••nt ~, but _ Me" to tl>to • doctor fi .... t. ao he 01' abe ear.j~ >erecl.t.o d n.t...te. &IV! the u- ... 'Jobafor Eval7oll&'. Of the vialallr ba,,",-I.capped. 0".. out of ten hal • Job"" _open ....rkn.


  • .... Il*n .1_ ... thit u.e_ ....11..'DaH, "o.pon tor u.. llind'. ,..., han.~rl"l'lt"" ... tth th..... daH, papere.reoordtne th•• on eaeeetta IODd. eendlD6Ule. ""t with tIM ordlaa:Q pope ..... ODepope .. ball bitt it lip t"r tvo~ _.IODd. hM 1>0 i"knU.... ot d.ropp1"11' H. Ithu -..;II Md.• .., t-"". 41ff.re~ tothe blil'lll! people 11>'1,,« i" that .......so-e peopll .., ..t. 'But 1.,,'t 1t.~ vi~ tbe re4i,,' , .... pt .......tbere'. But 4ur1... thlt le_r eCllltJictin ~1....h.n the papere .... re faced ... lththe pouU,llH)' of not o".ina- O\,1t be_ea_ or dHn""lUn ...ith the prl"U....the...... peopa e~ to~ _ -;'dthe ait_UOll .... lrMCC.ptabltl it...""Id be • d~r to _1.t7 H ". bad1>0 pepere•• to. So the)' v,'''' "'Ot pre_P'"d U, be ..tittled Yith tIM radiol

    lie .... 1100~ to ..tal-Heb the baaoti-c.p __"t u a rtt&J. perl ot au-_iti7. aoHthll1l1' tc oount on. '!'btrei ••o....,h ror to do :r-t. \11th the....... f..,i_ " p11lf1' lOp ell 0.........._ to be .trone: Nod. ~t.4.I don't -... tr ,.".'v, baeJ'd about thec.... of the lle.-" touritt vbo .~at .. hotel i .. ere.... .m.re th..... vae• CNlIP of SV'IOdieb halI4ioaP"f'G'l ,..,ple.She toand 1t 41&taetatul to .taT atthe hotel .. U-, aDd _ ebesot h eha bl'U"Cllt the _tt.,.. tocou.rt. h_ina- he........7 bo.4t 1'ToIIthe t l acelOC7 ....,.".. ller bol14.&)'he4 t.U 'l!>e court

  • In Towor ~Ioto. 0 partlaularlyimpovort.n.d part of london. there wa •..., ..ait1n& dovwlopll'8nt at tt,.. ~nd af lastysar. A coupl0 of comnuntty ~rk.ro toldthstr ~n.goment aomm1tto. t~t It waon'tup ta th. eomm1tt.. to deaide ""at theiro~ant.atton aould do for t,Y.D.P. but UPto paoplo wHh dinbil1t1u tt_.. lv...A. a ""suit. on. of th~ got tog.. tn.. r airouP of uO to diso".. wnat _ ...nt.a •..Hh tn. I••dershtp contng from w!thtn thsirouP. nat frono n.r.

    What has _ri.a out of thto 10 on.xtn... ly powerful group a.lIod TI1E llUT~ ABOUT RI~TS GROUP Of PEOPLE ~lTHOISASILITIES,wniah i. aampoi,ning forimprcvoa ooea•• ta oublia ~uilatnl••na....Unl. in th. borouln ""d for a "PO'chltransport .enon. that ..ill fill tho n.oasof tM.. who aen't ..0 pulll10 tren"P'Orta~ navon't RnOUln ncney for Cob",

    Tn. group hos eI .....dy aCQuirea .. t".1..dapt.a to t.k. wh••lenoiro. end ha' h..da fow bits of Publlolty tn local peporo.

    SPERKING OUTTh[~ pteae of writing g[ve~ ~e theopportun1tr to get on th& plat~onn ano,,"y ."""thlng to the peopla who thlnkthey have 0 speech problem Qr cgnnun_loation har-l\_up not to gtve up tJle fll!to be llbera !.Collective,

  • • '!'l'&de. \I'IltOll CO,,«",N llllI' CoM....t>o••to be lIeld b LoDdoll. Oil. JUI,. n.t. \till beoo,..1d.rtq Jlropo..le for. "'n«e of poao_t .. to ...t the 1M"' of peoJlle vitlldieabtltU .

    &e v.ll p.....ntattv•• froD affilia~~to.... dt.abllit,. orsanl..tio... viII bet"..ite

  • Animals

    have Rights


    Since jinin« th Lil>coruio" Network ofPecplc with nli.liti .. at till. point ."rfeel .hat "his.m... h """,,dill if ClU"Ur"r .hdr CU ....bll.idu ...c ." be raomd(1Ddced uYi.nl; 1I.ucular D1nropbr 1 \lsed ."thI .... this arsell). 1 _ reallse tu,.... vbah thill.(. about curu i. a Vl'.t .rllb-nrc. tll"w ailllll. tllq>'l1 __ rillll .. coor.'T" •• till. nti.ud• ....y. 'Y cc"'pt_.bl. the ...,. ,.........." Jt _ t reslrrobl.. lfIdcll 1& tbat the w ld 1& ju.tnot bu.ilt r"r p.opl. iA ...lI«1cbo..i.ra. Ir.&lite

    Co."d". ho,..eloo!d clu.".rl. 'oil.trie, andHnI,n products arc ill t .. ted "" an1&ols.Nut sub...."".. ar" dripped Into rabbits'

  • -

    'I·~f;·;~fI!' 1 llii<Ii. r .. 3

    tgu:r-i :o §.:l:ilq t ...r'·H~.'! ~lIn" =~:'1",/'..... 0: .... _ ,.' . '! ,,/!~i:lq"1' ... i-... .. ."._. ,Go ... .., .... fi

    • I [ ••., : .. ;;:: .....~ .. ,=i1o;-·ell.<~i i r't

    i'f'''[l" !e

    ~Pi"~;:".. ", ... 2.,...... .. ~.-, -'.- -r'.. -" .... " .... ~." .. n ...c" .... '• < •'fFi:s..... ~.. ..

    '" .. g " ..'f' ..... ::fl...... ..:::"'i' ,.I .. -.g.!S::[ ...f~rh!:--',,'"'i"l~ i, ... --'.

    U·I::·!:lU·.", n. _. ".; .. !Ii· ,n,Go..... Ii .... !._.... ". .. ..,'" .1 ..... "",.,, ,'0". .. I '• ., S:;;8 lti

  • -,,... lIu.awr'. OffiDa,'"'* S-tU_nt,C_,led.,.,.

    1 A,r! 1 l!i'81

    ...hod...... P• .....-lS...l ..r starr ........... 0111:

    l)oOar (011 ,

    1 .. _... 1.ho.JI .. 11tt1. ....lieu..... tob.... ~t • na. or the e1 ..ld, ... MMpd ttl pt_ .:n:alle"t pIIotopoaJlb-.

    QD.1te ho U'. the tbov.e:bt of kaTtn«the 41..bl 011 the &a.,,'U... h red1)'tol,,« too tar. 'l'tle ...UOll h

  • '!'o _k to .'boll .... _II (0.- of HcreptlOfl particulerl)' inftl>e&ti""""l ..ttl,. U>OI .... idMltlal 1...111I1U.......

    '!'o •••k .111•• ~.t obl••bodlod ~pl. (i ••• ,.opl. ~ viii~.Ip ... to fili>I for o"hoh.. - not on our "!>AIr).

    To .~k eooplote •• lr-d.t.~lnatlon end cOntrol o.e.. ollr ...pro••n_toUon In the _011. (T.V. book_, nl.... aduru nc.) end t. h.uoo.. lr"Ol o.e .. lnf...-t1on put Cllt about ....

    '!'o w di ..bilitl... to t"il!ht for" 0_" polle)' of Iito."U..,. ('!tit.eon nol detracUng or_l..ti_ r.- \lMi .. ortsl...1 .ta.o ••1._ieel _rch, if u...e d_ .... COIIpl.-nt&Q to u.. __ot).

    "'" rk out .. juat __Ie ,.,lIe, UU"ll' into ...,.......1 that with'l'I,h,teUleU_ ".....,Irl•• h. particular•• oIi_billt,. "Ul ..qui ..nino ,,,,,_ to _\1"" u... ~ ....... to ....." tIw _ et&n4a:rd of hylncu .ble_bo,H.,j 1II'0pl•• ,mU.! _t the _ UM the a_taUy.~of unllr>ll: ..lno,. cen .""1..... _pie wl\ll .. cortaln"«we ofdiMMitt)' fr". _kin/\' en equ&l conirlbllUan to vork.

    Tg Infa~ •• aanl poapl. ~It~ dIMhllltl.... po••lbl. ot th-lrr1r.t>h. In partl"ul.r th_ Inc Iud" 111 tl>a Unlt.d IlaU.....1'e"'.....t1on ot H..... fll",t. tor Ol_bled , ...........

    '!"o """OIl "",I. vtth '1••hIHtlu \.0 orl:lUlt.. \h_1'o.. In\.O... Un pe >1111..." ~ill '\..,.... 0-... lo...Ike.U ot odIte..il\ff Wirr'~t••t In~rnatlonal. ftatlonel. ~ local 1 1•• &cd ..111 ...kto "t.e,..,.., or I ..n......,.. ,,_IU......round U- e.e"ordlftlrll.

    To ...... 111.. ot. end be .111.. to "II ot/'wr opp"'&MId .......,...

    • I ..l~ to .....,rlbe to .J.. ,...,. -no. Col'" tor 1 7""t () 1_.) &JlIII.""1.... (\.2'0.1 .,.., to be