Qui and que are both used to describe something or someone. They can mean that, who, or whom. Ex....

Qui and que are both used to describe something or someone. They can mean that, who, or whom. Ex. J’ai des copines qui habitent à Paris. I have friends that live in Paris. Nous allons dans un café Qui Que Notice how the que is followed by a noun and the qui is followed by a verb. Yong Yang

Transcript of Qui and que are both used to describe something or someone. They can mean that, who, or whom. Ex....

Qui and que are both used to describe something or someone.They can mean that, who, or whom.

Ex. J’ai des copines qui habitent à Paris.I have friends that live in Paris.

Nous allons dans un café que je ne connais pas.We are going to a café that I do not know.



Notice how the que is followed by a noun and the qui is followed by a verb.

Yong Yang

1. Philip parle du film _________ il a vu.

2. Hope a un chat ______ a huit oreilles.

3. J’ai un copain/copine qui/que...

Complétez la phrase



Je vis Nous vivons

Tu vis Vous vivez

Il/Elle/On vit Ils/Elles vivent

Passé Composé: Vécu

1. Vous ______ à Belgique.

2. J’ai ______ mal.

3. Comment vivez-vous?



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