Questionnaire ppw

As you can see the majority of the participants were aged 16 21. This suggests that my results are more from a 16 21 year olds point of view than a 31 40 year old so I have decided that my target audience will be young adults age 16 21.

Transcript of Questionnaire ppw

Page 1: Questionnaire ppw

As you can see the majority of the participants were aged 16 – 21. This suggests that my results are more from a 16 – 21 year olds point of view than a 31 – 40

year old so I have decided that my target audience will be young adults age 16 – 21.

Page 2: Questionnaire ppw

My results were pretty even with interviewing 13 males an 12 females there was only 1 person worth of different so I

chose to aim my magazine at both age groups but predominantly women.

Page 3: Questionnaire ppw

The current income of most of my participants was in the lower end of the graph this could be because the majority interviewed were younger and may

not have had a job. I have chosen to price my magazine at £1.99 as it is not too expensive and will have around 90 pages so the consumer gets their monies

worth and it is affordable for all people.

Page 4: Questionnaire ppw

The majority of my interviewees were single. This could be useful for making my magazine as publishing an issue with ‘Top Albums to buy your partner for Christmas’ wouldn’t

apply to my target audience.

Page 5: Questionnaire ppw

Most of my participants were students and/or worked part time which could suggest that putting my magazine over two pounds would put off my target audience so I should keep it t £1.99 to

appeal to my target audience.

Page 6: Questionnaire ppw

There is not leading music magazine here which shows my interviewees had different tastes in

music and music print.

Page 7: Questionnaire ppw

Most people would be willing to pay £1.00 -£1.99 on a magazine so my magazine will be


Page 8: Questionnaire ppw

This graph shows the type of music preferred within my interviewees as you can see rock, alt rock an country are the most favoured among them all where as Kpop, classical and

rap are in the bottom few.

Page 9: Questionnaire ppw

These two graphs show that the majority of people buy 1 or 2 magazines a week and 9 people only buy one per fortnight this could be effected by frequency of releases many music

magazine are only released monthly.