Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Transcript of Question 2

How does your media product

represent particular social groups?

In our film, the robber played by Rahys connotes the stereotypical view which is placed on the youth of today. Wearing a hooded coat and a mask it addresses the stereotype that teenagers today always appear to be hiding something and that they are up to no good.


It is typical of a thriller film of the criminal to be foreign. It goes along with the stereotype of not only the youth but of the belief carried by many people that foreign people just commit crime.

Our film retribution is similar to the opening of batman, and the robber in the batman film portrays a lot of the same characteristics as our robber. As in both films they are both wearing masks and both make reckless mistakes through lack of planning.

By Rhays wearing a mask it clarifies that he is the criminal and connotes a sense of danger as soon as he steps out in front of the camera because the audience cannot see his entire face they will automatically assume that he is the bad guy and he is up to something.

Another character that shares similarities with our characters is batman’s mother and father. Like the couple in our film the woman hides behind the man and seeks protection, whilst the man has to step up and stereotypically have to try and save the day. Unlike our film in batman both of the parents die however in our film it follows the more stereotypical view of the male seeking revenge after his girlfriend has been ruthlessly murdered.

by Katarzyna(Kasia) laying on the floor reinforces the stereotype of women in thrillers being helpless and depending on men. By her laying defenceless on the floor with a man looking over her protecting her reinforces the stereotypical view of most thriller films that women need a man for protection.