Question 2

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  • 1. How has yourHow has your media productmedia product representrepresent particular socialparticular social groups?groups?

2. My magazine represents a particular genre of music and its content reflects the interests of a certain group of people. Therefore my music magazine would not be bought by people who do not listen to rock music or know of rock artists such as country lovers, r&b or pop listeners. 3. My music magazine genre is rock. I made my magazine appeal to rock lovers and people interested in the expressive and controversial manner of rock music. I have created my magazine to be unisex which means that there isn't a biased gender my magazine is trying to attract. However, I think the majority of people buying my magazine would be the teenage demographic as older generations may not have an interest in this type if music, also this genre of magazine generally uses colloquial language which would appeal to the teenage demographic as oppose to an older audience. 4. FRONT PAGE Here you can see distinct similarities between my magazine and an existing rock magazine. For example, the white background, simple but bold colour scheme, quirky masthead font and layout. By having similar features rock fans would instantly know what my magazine's purpose is and what genre it is as they can see this with existing rock magazines. I have also used known rock artist and bands such as Stone temples, Arctic Monkeys and Linkin Park on the front cover lines which will attract my audience as they would be likely fans of them. This represents a stereotype towards teenagers as they are known for obsessing and fangirling over celebrities. 5. I have included in my contents page articles and content which would interest my my audience such as competitions to win tickets to festivals and gigs that rock artists would be performing. I have dont this so that the content of my magazine appeals to my target audience as when researching my audience profiles I found that a lot of their interests were festivals and gigs where they could see their favorite rock artists perform live. Therefore this would grab their attention as they could be in with a chance of winning tickets to these events. I also know that the majority of my target audience would be teenagers and students therefore they would have little money and would be attracted to the chance of winning free concert tickets and also the use of colloquial language would appeal to the teenage demographic. CONTENTS PAGE 6. The colours I used throughout the front page and contents page were, yellow, red, black and white. These colours are fairly gender neutral so would appeal to both genders. The reason I used the colour yellow is because it is a bright and fun colour which I wanted to that to reflect the ethos of my magazine and also it is not seen as a particular gender orientated colour and therefore would appeal to males as well as females. I also chose this colour scheme of yellow, black and white because when asking my target audience what colours they would most like my magazine to be this was the most popular colour scheme and thus I wanted to give my audience what they wanted as this would make the magazine appeal to them. COLOUR SCHEME 7. MODEL My main model is a girl which will appeal to both genders as the males will be attracted to her while the girls will aspire to her. Moreover, I chose to use a female model because I wanted to challenge the typical convention of rock magazines that I found when researching existing rock music magazines, which was that the cover artist was usually male. I think the fact I have used a female will make it more appealing as it is different from the usual rock magazine. By making my model wear a black tank top and black eye liner it reinforces the typical features of rock artist appearances but also the black clashes with the bright colour of her hair making her appear fierce and interesting. This is enhanced by her pose as she is looking straight at the camera and her body is angular making her seem fierce and in control. I chose my model because her look is very rock inspired andher fierce poses will make my audience aspire to be independent and expressive as she is.