Quattro Design Architects - Communities & Living

collaborative culture sustainable buildings 30 YEARS COMMUNITIES & LIVING

Transcript of Quattro Design Architects - Communities & Living

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collaborative culture sustainable buildings


30Y E A R S


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Quattro’s regeneration credentials stretch back over the past 30 years, having completed large and small-scale regeneration projects all across the southwest and west midlands. Through our personal approach with clients we are able to engage in high level discussion around topics such as employers requirements, standard house types and bespoke sustainability standards. Our award winning contribution to regenerating and revitalising communities is exemplary and proven through schemes which were developed many years ago and are still acknowledged as being great places to live.

Cheltenham Regeneration Projects

Ranging from the redevelopment of tower blocks to the re-use of redundant garage sites, Cheltenham has been the focus for a significant number of regeneration projects. Our work in Cheltenham includes estate wide regeneration, which required significant in depth discussion and negotiation with stakeholders.Over the last 15 years we have completed 250+ homes providing a higher quality living environment, both internally and externally, for their residents.

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collaborative culture sustainable buildings

Local Asset-Backed Vehicle Development

Having been used by some local authorities as a way of unlocking prime development and regeneration sites, the LABV structure and strategy is fully understood by Quattro. We are well placed to provide a comprehensive service having had first hand experience of the intricate process of involving all stakeholders and dealing with multiple clients.

Ledgers Road, Slough

Having fought off a number of other high profile architectural practices through a design competition, we were commissioned to undertake the first residential LABV development in Slough. The 73 unit development will provide 23 affordable units for Slough Borough Council and 50 market sale properties that will be developed and sold by Morgan Sindall.Given the high profile status of the development, we have delivered an exemplar, bespoke scheme for our clients that sets the bar for all future Slough LABV residential projects.

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collaborative culture sustainable buildings

Open Market Housing

Quattro has considerable experience in delivering sites that have an element of, or are entirely made up of market sale properties. These developments have been a mixture of medium to large scale urban developments and smaller, executive type developments in rural locations.We understand and have the ability to create attractive developments which have great saleability and kerb appeal whilst gaining high values and deliv-ering maximum profitability.

Tennyson Road, Cheltenham

Working directly for a developer, Quattro were tasked with designing a layout that could be used as the basis of bidding for this site. Having put forward the most compelling offer to the vendor and given just 10 weeks to prepare and submit a planning application, we successfully obtained a planning consent for 35 dwellings.Almost all of the new houses were sold off plan before the development was completed. This is a testament to the success of this scheme.

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collaborative culture sustainable buildings

Non-Traditional Housing Redevelopment

Quattro have worked with a number of Registered Providers to aid in the co-ordination, design and construction of dwellings that are replacing non-traditional properties. The unique challenges of these sites include negotiations with private owners, consultanting with existing residents and integrating a new identity into the existing urban fabric.Our focus on each scheme is to increase density, ensuring financial viability and providing housing for more families in need, whilst also ensuring that the schemes enhance their existing communities.

Merlin Housing Society

This 7 year development programme includes over 500 existing units across more than 80 sites, with a minimum target of 150% increase in density. The first schemes have focused on community engagement and bespoke designs to ensure a successful development that is well received by those most affected.The client’s ambition to integrate resident-focused design at every stage has led to bespoke housetypes, a contemporary appearance and a unique sustainability strategy steered towards occupancy comfort.

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collaborative culture sustainable buildings

Rural Exceptions Sites

Rural Exceptions Sites require a sensitive and considered approach. Quattro understands the importance of early engagement with both the local authority and the surrounding community to ensure a positive outcome can be achieved.This approach has allowed us to complete schemes in conservation areas, greenbelt and politically sensitive locations outside settlement boundaries.

Severn View Road, Woolaston

The scheme saw a redundant garage site and land outside of the settlement boundary being brought together to form a coherent development. The scheme overcame significant constraints including drainage issues and lack of services whilst ensuring a low impact on existing views.Though the scheme had many challenges, we successfully achieved a modern design that sits well in its rural setting.

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collaborative culture sustainable buildings


Since Quattro began we have undertaken challenging refurbishment proj-ects, including works to Grade I listed structures. Our attention to detail and understanding that each project is unique allows us to create bespoke schemes that achieve the full potential of each building we refurbish or extend. Our talent for creating low-impact schemes that are simple yet effective ensures that an existing building acheives a new lease of life.

Ledbury Cottage Hospital

A carefully detailed refurbishment of the former cottage hospital in the centre of the market town of Ledbury. Overcoming the challenge of proving a high standard of residential accommodation whilst preserving the buildings key features was paramount to the projects success. This was complemented by the addition of two sympathetic extensions, which provided more residential floor space and flexible office accommodation.The project, which provided apartments, office and retail space was awarded the Building for Life Silver Standard – one of the first refurbishment projects in the country to receive this accolade.

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Involving the community in any project can be a beneficial process. Our passion for communicating in a way that is both accessible and sympa-thetic paves the way for schemes that create a sense of ownership for the community it effects.We have extensive experience of engaging tenants, private owners, local elected members and other key stakeholders. Our proven track record demonstrates that successful and well planned communication through consultation can be seen in our projects success.

Minchinhampton Woolaways

Having been brought in on the back of a previously unsuccessful consultation exercise we initially engaged with the client and a local resident group. The aim of the consultation was to develop a local plan that would lead to the successful estate wide regeneration of non-traditional properties. Through a series of consultation events and information gathering workshops an outline plan was prepared. Our consultation process has allowed the community to have a say in how the sites were developed. This buy-in has ensured a smooth transition through to planning approval and construction.

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About Quattro …..Quattro has a dedicated residential team, whose many years of experience in creating sector leading developments enable us to design and create outstanding architecture.

Our collaborative, sustainable approach - particularly when engaging with clients - ensures that we listen to and develop a brief with a shared vision. With a desire to fulfil our clients requirements we approach all of our projects, whether they are a modest rural development or estate wide regeneration, with the same proactive approach and methodology.

We have forged strong relationships with contractors and developers and offer a comprehensive design & build service that is underpinned by our dedicated and talented technical staff who are conversant with current technical design standards. This expertise, complemented by our understanding of the need to concentrate on buildability and value for money construction solutions, ensures we share common goals with the construction team.

Our high levels of repeat business from many of our established clients are a clear indicator of our successful, collaborative and professional approach.

Our desire to design and create exemplary, award winning sustainable architecture ensures that we endeavour to create the best scheme possible on every site, for every client.

collaborative culture sustainable buildings