Put effective meta description on a blog drive

Put Effective meta description on a blog drive tariff from search result Many blogger's think search tariff is a lack of website.thinking is wrong as I know. if you flow propers guideline about Search engine optimization then you will receive huge tariffs from the search engine.Today's my topic is an effective meta description. Because meta description is one of the importance thinks on search engine result pages to attract search user appearance in your site.So we need putting effective meta description. others wise we miss the change good tariff from search engine and loss lot's of new user. Here I will explain more about meta description and few tips just read the full article. Meta description describes your article explanation to searching engine user.And a user easily understands your article topic.when a user appearance in a search engine using a keyword maximum user find a proper solution or useful information with search result site list.

Transcript of Put effective meta description on a blog drive

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Put Effective meta description on a blog drive tariff from search result

Many blogger's think search tariff is a lack of website.thinking is wrong as I know. if you flow propers guideline about Search engine optimization then you will receive huge tariffs from the search engine.Today's my topic is an effective meta description.

Because meta description is one of the importance thinks on search engine result pages to attract search user appearance in your site.So we need putting effective meta description. others wise we miss the change good tariff from search engine and loss lot's of new user.Here I will explain more about meta description and few tips just read the full article.

Meta description describes your article explanation to searching engine user.And a user easily understands your article topic.when a user appearance in a search engine using a keyword maximum user find a proper solution or useful information with search result site list.

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Its purpose is to describe the contents of the page to the searcher. The end goal is to convince and persuade the searcher to click through to your website. Any words that match the search term are bolded in the description. who has a good meta description inserted here article? they will receive good clicks from the search engine.


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I'm searching in google with "learn programming" keyword I will found lot's of result I will see all 1st-page result site meta description. Only one wikihow article has very effective meta description most of the user click this article.see the image blow


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Write Effective Meta DescriptionWhen you completed writing an article now you will write down a good description of your article with around 155 characters. when writing description use few techniques with verbs like "Learn," "Discover," or "Grab,", and follow it up with specifics of what exactly they'll get if they click.

One of important think when you writing meta description don't write down a lying meta description. because Google will display a snippet of text from the first paragraph of your page. If there's a search keyword in that text, it'll be bolded. if the paragraph is missing to find keywords then search engine mark and fall down your rank from the search result.

Besides a user will not find propers solution from your article that's means you miss guides. only descriptions need to focus on providing clear and concise copy about your web page, so avoid overusing terms simply because you think it's what your audience will want to see.

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Characters Limitation

Generally, a meta description should be under 155 characters. However, Google actually doesn't measure by characters -- it measures by pixels. That is, it'll cut off a meta description after a certain width.

If you confused to counting character here I will use Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool .now you can easily count Tittle, description.

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Fixed Meta Description

You can use Google HTML improvement tools to solve your meta description.here you will see your short, long & duplicate meta description details to the better performance you need to fix the issues first.

1. Login Google WebmasterTools 2. In Search Appearance section > Select HTML Improvements Tab

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How to Insert Meta Description

Almost every blogging platform has meta description input option. you just input your meta description text. in blogger platform simply insert your meta description into you post setting tab under the search description point.

beside another's platform like Wordpress, you can insert SEO setting page under the meta description tab.

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