Pull Out All Stops for House Security

Pull Out All Stops for House Security Anyone interested in human behaviour would be familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and the progression that humans make from our fundamental basic needs through to what Maslow calls self-actualisation. One of these basic needs is for safety and security, and in our society, that is mostly achieved through having a safe place to live. Whether we are renting a dwelling, or living in our own, being able to leave that dwelling to go out somewhere, and come back knowing that all our belongings will be there, safe and sound, is vital to our sense of security and well-being. Unfortunately, there are some people in this society who don’t value the privacy of others, and have no hesitation in finding a way to enter a dwelling with the intent to steal possessions and money. The days have long passed where people could sleep with their doors unlocked and windows open, and taking a proactive stance against burglary is the best way to protect your property. There are a number of initiatives that householders can take to deter burglars and the most common one is the use of security screens and doors. Originally designed to keep out flies and insects, the screens and doors have become more robust over time and are now available with strengthened frames and insect screening that resists illegal entry. Screens also can be supplied with locks, and any locksmith Brisbane city would recommend these for high crime areas. Security doors must always be locked, even while the occupants are there, as many crimes are opportunistic and occur while the occupant is out in the back yard or the garage. Sensor lights are another relatively inexpensive method of deterring burglars. They can be placed in unobtrusive locations along paths and driveways, or throughout garden beds and can be either solar or mains powered. Because they are only triggered by movement, an intruder is unaware of their presence until they come on suddenly and illuminate the surroundings, including the

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Page 1: Pull Out All Stops for House Security

Pull Out All Stops for House Security

Anyone interested in human behaviour would be familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and the progression that humans make from our fundamental basic needs through to what Maslow calls self-actualisation. One of these basic needs is for safety and security, and in our society, that is mostly achieved through having a safe place to live. Whether we are renting a dwelling, or living in our own, being able to leave that dwelling to go out somewhere, and come back knowing that all our belongings will be there, safe and sound, is vital to our sense of security and well-being.

Unfortunately, there are some people in this society who don’t value the privacy of others, and have no hesitation in finding a way to enter a dwelling with the intent to steal possessions and money. The days have long passed where people could sleep with their doors unlocked and windows open, and taking a proactive stance against burglary is the best way to protect your property.

There are a number of initiatives that householders can take to deter burglars and the most common one is the use of security screens and doors. Originally designed to keep out flies and insects, the screens and doors have become more robust over time and are now available with strengthened frames and insect screening that resists illegal entry. Screens also can be supplied with locks, and any locksmith Brisbane city would recommend these for high crime areas. Security doors must always be locked, even while the occupants are there, as many crimes are opportunistic and occur while the occupant is out in the back yard or the garage.

Sensor lights are another relatively inexpensive method of deterring burglars. They can be placed in unobtrusive locations along paths and driveways, or throughout garden beds and can be either solar or mains powered. Because they are only triggered by movement, an intruder is unaware of their presence until they come on suddenly and illuminate the surroundings, including the person sneaking around the property. This makes them an excellent deterrent.

The other obvious methods involve the actual types of door locks used and digital entry locks are the latest weapon that technology can provide to increase home security. These devices offer the security of an automatic dead latch and the convenience of a remote control to provide entry without scratching around in a handbag or pocket looking for keys. There are many different models on the market, all with their own unique features, but they all provide that extra level of security as a shield against potential intruders.

Having these increased levels of security protecting property allows householders to leave the home to work or enjoy social activities without being on tender hooks while they are away. They can enjoy the journey home knowing that there will be no awful surprises when they get there.
