Puget Sound s.

rl in s. YORK g GOODS, Pt. TOWII,' nd NEW OF AND OF ./ILLE Merchandise, .., AND DEALERS IN KINDS Keep (,onstantly on Hwnd ·MERCHANTS Facilities for Purchasing Leading Markets are Superior to any. :FRANCISCO At the 1II0St Libeml DiscOlUlt. & KATZ. THE LARGEST STOCK We 'will yi've (lilt! take Exclwltye 011 ALL General WATERMAN & KATZ, ING AND Our the Am;NTS Wells, Fargo & Company's Express Furniture, Lumber, Doors, Windows BRICK, 9' All Kinds of BUILDING J1fatcl'ial And will Sell CHEAPER FOR CASH, Than any House on Puget Sound SAN IJj-' YOU WANT Reading Matter Stationery of a.ll kinds School books Picture Frames, ALL Book-shelves & Brackets Oorner CarrJOs the Largest Stock ill the Territory ,,.. T. Sterming, door to IAub SuJlIIrtI.) a. MORRIS HAHKR. Barber Shop. 1:\ IIUU::iE BUlLDDW. de BCW1·0'WS. u.· ... CE AT n.l!U NTO.U;. LA. CO:" t;n, -, U. S. Restaurant .ONO Holel CUIlOlil w,\n:ll Jl.T.. l'O!t'l' TOWSS);SIl COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. ,Toseph £:',," SllIlvlllg. Hair Cutting. lind Color- lug, 110110 III u)'lt. DRUMMOND, PORT TOWNSEND. W. T. Bricklayer, Plasterer, and .:\In""on. Q" Work dnlle III nile.!. Jobl!lul{ 111'OlUllll)' IHlcndCl1 10. 16 PKYSICIAN AND STJRaKON. ALEX VINCENT. Proprietor ,\VA,.'.']'i::n. t>fTU::El·i'l."'. Port. Town.end, W. T. who A Itt.:'lt;lt\'t:u ASI) :oiICt: FAllIlIlc. Candies LA CONNKR DRUa STORK. .. r. c .•'CKEY lOS. AlEU.OER. J.Uce Fr s I"Uit Best Oi Dr T. C. Mackey, Go to James Jones. ... I'OHT TO\\ w. T.• FItID.\ Yo FEIIRL\I{Y". TIlB repairl to the Lady Lamson are progresliui rapidly, lI.nd Ibe will be alloaL IIglLin ill a few days, The pump. keep the \'ll.tcr down. -Vic toria .. Standard" A Iiule girl, luffuring from the mUlIlp', IRid lihe felt lias though 1 headlloh. had slipped do"n into her neck. 4.', (·LA.' .. , "ropl'lelor. We I lentl Imaoh ClLre anslet, in form 111 ullill 1I'r_,rlllllllll' IUHI Itl I) I rurnl_ll n;:", C!llIfI!I flffl.nll"','.. ·,· •• ,',',' img plalls to meet emergencies that 1!lllroll4. UllinII' 1I111!'1I'I)' "lllllltlllilt hl.-n.)' or Ileyer occur. 11(1"''''111)' Ihl! Iru"'U,,1l' IlIIhl\,·. II' lllllio "'1lI IlWII}'1I11tt ",1111 thu 1Jc.1 thlllllllrkul alfhrd... Hoo..." r\lr rllflllhcM. 'A'11l1 lmunl II)' 110 till)' or wet". U ,..--...,.._.' --- \V No had quality or vico carrie .. it!! Ol.":-IT I) IInnwlllul punilltllnent Iiollg with it moro lurol,. ST E R MIN C'S SAL 00 N lha.n helrt·)e.,ulli'. ARGUS SOUND Gen. Crook ill ollce more III the neltl. It ill his opinion that Sitting "ill bo eOllltJelled to cross o\'er lr,to United Statell ttlrritory un ac· COunt o( the licareity o( (ood. The general is 1I0W in tlte Jmilan territory 011 busincilil COllllected witb IlItli:All alfaira. It will be lIe(>n that the Republi oall Central Committee IlIl\'e \isued a cllll for party cun"cntiOllS to llomi lillIe clllIJllllttei (or scats ill the Con litutional UOllvcntioll. THOMAS Will not done until it beenma appilrelit thllt tile Dt:mucrI\t!1 had not ouly all OVllrtures that could re!!lult ill tile ett!ction uf 1l0n,plLrtill81l d01f'R"atcs, but wcre working seoretly alHI 1I11lJerllRlldedl, to furthcr the in toreM!!! of Lhcir OWII I"lrl.)· ca:lflidattlS Although til", Hepublicaus, on a strict New party yate, aro allllo:tl. sur", to elect tUll OUl. of liftoon delegatell, 1he)' were willing and IIIlJ.ioll!4 1I0t tu Cll gllgl' in parl.J strir. uut to juin ill clecting gO,K! men for hoth IJ;trties In return for this, the J)elllOOtlltic manager. have pretended LO oon sider this proposition and at the fame time flooded the Territory with a lIucret circular cAlling upon Demo crlte to IIl1lintllill their party orglLni Ziltion and seo to it as far IliI la,. in W.\T):n ST., Pf)llT TQWSS);XU. tbeir \)u"er, ,hat lJomOOfllLij were GOOll n;. .... -Ullllllotlllllon. Ilt CASU lUTES. electfH . elf has, therefore New Shoe Stor compoll,d lh, nopuhlic", '0 do.; e. they hll.l'c', if thl$.\' "ill follow II. '\V M. VET TEB .• "p 0 1 "o"""",,,)\' 'ho h." ."d ""0',' Fashionable Boot and 'Shoe Ma'er, The lIIay be well enouA'h collillettl1t lIIell III tho Territory th 1 as a TlIusir.1I1 di:lSllrninlltor, but "hal. people will sustain tbeir action.- the country llo"df!l ill theinuntion of some 80rt o( telephono which ma,. ---- . •. ba al)plied to hand·orKolJlI and \hin·. JOhll Jllcli:.lLud \ouf", have II DALGARDNO'S HOTEL tonet! pianol in !uch" malllll!!r as to new dramatlO cn.llIplll.l! WhlOh .• conduot Ihe musio lloisele!t!lly ulf l been organIzed In Sail Fran and dump it ill .ome way .lId will play a leaSOIi at plici where it will not be oR·ollliye. Ernerson'li opera houlle. II\t""; ,II' AI'\ 1:IlTl"I',,: fllll" '·Idl. I\r·t III"'rtl.lll ..•• ..... , 1 i"() .. ,II 1t1"!:·lth)ll.. .. .. .... .:.0 In hl-llli' In "',11ulllllU-1 I.' ''' ...... .. IlIo.. 1 iI., WAll ..... Ihl,. .... , .l.1. I ,. .,""'/1,,' " •. \ h'.A" ,,,11 J'I ",.{ II", l"rru"t\ ,., ."AD.MAW &. 'INMAN. \\ A' /.:' I \1r<III' •. , .. \T 1'14 "'It 1"lh.T,'N.. 11'1 ,I. -'11 I "I It.> a"" I I. \·I .. tr.l1). I 11"1•.' •. 1. ,., 1":' :'"111 "lInT,'.nl"u·I.W.T '" '. , •.•• , ,,' •• '" 0" "" ""'1 J d t. M- F dd-- Head of Urn'on ,.,_ ..._ !'s........ _ ••• '''.'''';1.1 h, .. trk1 f \\all \\.I'a, III ,III' U SO" Ql C a en, '" .1 •• " 1. ",.",h., '''' 1.' .. 1" .. , """'t ., ,1t1"""'. ,,, COUNSELORS.AT.LA' II Ilunlltl'lrkt _I .... 11k-.IMll" WI', I'NI., roluol I' "IIMllI ,I.T)', 'VV"hnr£ '_'<1' 01 hUflIlllalllljit c ••\11<1."1.: tilr llf'lf'-. (' .. 1-. _.-.,. "'" .. If11- ItJ 11If'\I'lloJl!lIlk;t.al 1"Il\etlllo. W. H. J.. BL,-\N-'C-H-A-n-D-, :..... A0 EllPORlll l'hellic1uor "llIlJl'olle Attorney & CoUDllellorAt-law I1J flJ if U l' l' A i! th. Ie J""'gllt,' (,.t ",,',-r)' lilt)" ca-t at 1hol "l\t!11 Ullle for lICWliIpaptr lllf'1I to 11I-t J:ellt!nll df'\'UolI. tlttth'r v.hkh "ltlll' 'ROCTOR IN ADIlIRALTY. illln their rt'1l11tlctiul !Ill t;lllillt"tlto elt;l.t IJclcAtl1le. .'1 runT W. T Iillllncn!r ,tils!,J.,. or CounIlCJ. 11c1f! 'litell'l Dr. Isaac N. Power irf',pro\'lJklllg tlhecll Ie the publiCi . Tile S{ uir" hal'ill r Jl'IllCIAL IllllTllll'T. thefr Iv PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. g I' r I II :o,1o:l11111IlI" " •• II O.·.·Wt: AT IHtllllitlel:ce Oil tiro len, I own til .•.•.••••• .................... x..A. OON'1\l'mFl... ".,... the l>ridg:lt o( IllS nOlie, ant! lIathercd WMIl:1 Waltn 1 T_ his eyehruw:! illto a scowl terrifying U In hdllltd, pronuunce. this orllc'lllar \llllillllll II II ctUlli ill ahe IJlurlll 11I1le-uaae used. !UO:oiU JUVICIAI, IJl';TllIl.'. ATTl)IISE\" A:oij) AT LAW II, Il SUll l1I pUlllpkius," as he ...• .................. •.•..• J I'roclor III Allllllmll)·. Il FlIr or lIine )'can l:..lI\litt 7 Mone)·loonlltl. Ileal OoUllllall(18OI1i e I r. ,. d dll:IIU!o;ll I,!", t'nl'mt 10 I.l'llile. of uur life w. ba\'c 111'C!d and atten KlkkiIIU ..••...•.•••• ..... ••• ..... •.• 4 t."hocuolllllllule. Con\·c)'Rllclng.ttl. to our .1111110t IL new.paper IAlwlt l'OIlT 'l'OWSS):SlJ. \\'. T. prill ted within or twellL,. mile. :i of us. If WI; could then IIIl\'e had ,1:"Cllk 6 Dr Tho. T Minor luoh a paper 18 the ".r\ ttnus" tu tuue .": ':.:: :::: :::: Kan .... :. "Arillt! If.pllal. ,howII Ull Ollr wurk, lIud to Ilanl TIIIlUJ Jl:IJlCI,\L H15TlUCt. pricked up a liLlI_, the worhl tlun't <:Jal1:t.nJ 3 J·orl; To'",ulj..,ud.",". T. know whnt we wuuld hlue L1one." , ..• , Oan IIlght or dAy, IL IIMI,111I1 'fIle PUl1IlCIlt. liAtiru l1ud hulo of CUll- <' CClltrltled Willdulll which !!urround. 31 N'"Onice honn Iloll:c:nlrnl lIo1cl lrom II th, aLJU\'e IIl1d illSi,IUIlll"S itaeJrhll. " !l toNA.)I .. lIl1l1rro,.. J'oill'lJI , .' I I 1\":0.: ••••• , •• , •••••••••••.••••••••• 11 t.wecn the t1lerenf 11IIds It I 011' :"[111 .I Will " CllU. II. LAKlIAJI&J:. C. II. UASVOMI) parallC'1 in tllll CIlIC of the cl\lishtelleli :-lllnltoml!lh 7 Larrabee .- Hanford. Inh"bitanb 01 a cerlllill portion or Whllll'OlIl, HJ DL thu Uuited Statts who cootilluetl tu '1110 "mmJl OOlliltlU liN I't'lllle!tctl 10 COUNS£LDRS .. AnDRNEYS AT LAWOl,e fur old •• JacKson for holl.! t1lclr l"OUIII,}' coll\"tmtl(olU 011 Thllt!l- ",V. T. Presitlollt twellty ,elLrs dtcr his da)'. Pclml:l.r)' 21. lSi.:!. l'nlClke In Ihll COurlllOr IlleSt! JDdlclallll.t. NI" ce Fresh deat:l. Their s.veral lHlllIPS of ltelf· U)' ol\lcr or thi: HClllIltllCtlIl TerrlrorIRI 1 1 esteem "oru etluallcl! in Il1IJ{lIitude U:I\{'I,! tlib 3J.'it dsy only II, th.ir cuntempt fur lIeVo'splL' 01 JllIlUIr)', 18ili. Ihsu:l. U"GUY, pen, and tlwy 1114\'0 left a &o1;I.r)· ClllIirhlPli. rl!!cord, berllrt o( emulatioll, until II chord IHruck II! the alltiljulLtcd genius or to' lilly, vibrllting back sell' tinulllhl ill fllorinu. harmully with their Own. 'ne ,1111, paradol. in tllil matter Sf'CIIIII to be 111 th. fact tllilt a pulJlic !,riut "as used todi emillile Ihi5 of intelli'lcllco inltellt! or 1l1lo"iuJ( it to Ipread throullh the lIlorc e:ll'odito alld tillle· hOll{mHlllletliullI of the negltbornuod tllulcrs. But tho suhlimity o( the IIpoctllcle rull)' be Ilartiflliy appre ciatill "hen we COil sider how very much peoplo han dCA"enerliteti in reKard to tlUWSpapflrtl sincu the Rood old Ii"ys of yore, when lIuoh frauds&lJ Wehslcr's "ert! Ic(t ill m.rited obscu ril' to{lelher with their IItrllit·jllcket rulell, Delpile all Wr" h\'e Iillid ill tho foregoingi in ttl!' flee of tho !llllire's withering, blight. ing IILrCASm. llud although we lila,. IHcsellt an ulleumilled III)eotlloli of fool hlLrdine5s, we havo decided that if the Iquirc ,IOC&II't want th" AltGUIi to ",nick him up, Incillhow him hi, work 1 ill Ihe future, it will not be (\r him to leave a public nlli- IlIlIce (emhlllKcrillg human li\'es) without a rellletly, ulltil it becomes Cur llU'I'Y al & journalist to admillitilcr the luli. PUGET The subjeot of Chinese immigra. tion 110" occupieR Iho &t\Cntion of the house committee 011 education .lId labor. Luun'll, Davis arKl \Vrtm aro elotl"ent in their denunciation oC IInlimitetl Mungolian immigration. Captain Cleyeland Hocltwell will take oharge of the hydrographical ,wrYcy alollK Lit" ColumbilL the COlli' iD&, aummer. will commence Operationa at Kalama lind .. ill wark up the riYer. "tln ... II. '" Tf'rrltor,. \, 1. I •• ; .... '\\. I: I U, '10l,"11 "I' 1·1("I·ltll.Tult roJ.. i. Puget Sound_

Transcript of Puget Sound s.

Page 1: Puget Sound s.








Pt. TOWII,' nd










Keep (,onstantly on Hwnd


Facilities for PurchasingLeading Markets areSuperior to any.

:FRANCISCOAt the 1II0St Libeml DiscOlUlt.



We 'will yi've (lilt! take Exclwltye 011






Am;NTS ml~

Wells, Fargo & Company's Express

Furniture, Lumber, Doors, WindowsBRICK, 9' All Kinds of BUILDING J1fatcl'ial


Than any House on Puget Sound



Reading MatterStationery of a.ll kinds

School books

Picture Frames, ALL SIZ~8

Book-shelves & Brackets


CarrJOs the Largest Stock ill the Territory

,,.. T.


(~cxt door to IAub SuJlIIrtI.)


Barber Shop.1:\ CU::;TO~t IIUU::iE BUlLDDW.

de BCW1·0'WS.

u.· ...CE AT n.l!U NTO.U;.LA. CO:" ~ t;n, -,

U. S. Restaurant .ONO Holel

(IO~I~ ~Jl::~~IC~ro~~h~~l'tl~I~)\~~~ CUIlOlil W~kw,\n:ll Jl.T.. l'O!t'l' TOWSS);SIl


,Toseph£:',," SllIlvlllg. Hair Cutting. lind Color­

lug, 110110 III u)'lt.


Bricklayer, Plasterer, and~t:onOj .:\In""on.

Q" Work dnlle III Ihlll"\I'e~1 n.~llOnllhle nile.!.Jobl!lul{ 111'OlUllll)' IHlcndCl1 10. 16


ALEX VINCENT. Proprietor

,\VA,.'.']'i::n. t>fTU::El·i'l."'.

Port. Town.end, W. T.

T":;I~~ll~J'~;oIWr~8~~~,,~':.~~IIS~\L~:"~~who 'lu.~iro A Itt.:'lt;lt\'t:u ASI) :oiICt:

~·,:;i~f;llltr~ul~~~ill~~dKo:_:r:~~:~~: FAllIlIlc.

CandiesLA CONNKR DRUa STORK. ~=, ..

r. c.•'CKEY • lOS. AlEU.OER. J.Uce Fr s ~ I"Uit ~ Best OiDr T. C. Mackey,

Go to James Jones.CO~8T1T10~... CO~H~TIO~.

I'OHT TO\\ :\~I'::\() w. T.• FItID.\ Yo FEIIRL\I{Y".

TIlB repairl to the Lady Lamsonare progresliui rapidly, lI.nd Ibe willbe alloaL IIglLin ill a few days, Thepump. keep the \'ll.tcr down. -Victoria .. Standard"

A Iiule girl, luffuring from themUlIlp', IRid lihe felt lias though 1headlloh. had slipped do"n into herneck.

4.', "'H,\~K (·LA.'.., "ropl'lelor.

We wastemallythou~htsandcl[TI:l~u~;:~·II~~~~~;~IIII~~~fI~:~~~llli~:fIlentl Imaoh ClLre ~lltl anslet, in form 111 ullill 1I'r_,rlllllllll' IUHI Itl I) I

rurnl_ll n;:", C!llIfI!I flffl.nll"','..·,·•• l'u",'.~.'ru,,," ,',','img plalls to meet emergencies that 1!lllroll4. UllinII' 1I111!'1I'I)' "lllllltlllilt hl.-n.)' orIleyer occur. 11(1"''''111)' Ihl! Iru"'U,,1l' IlIIhl\,·. II' lllllio "'1lI

IlWII}'1I11tt ~Ulllll1~tl ",1111 thu 1Jc.1 thlllllllrkulalfhrd... Hoo..." r\lr rllflllhcM. 'A'11l1 lmunl II)'

110 till)' or wet". U

,..--...,.._.'--- \V lil~~1~7\~I;~ I~ ~r~J~~lJ 1~~~II~'t~J \ll?I~I~No had quality or vico carrie.. it!! Ol.":-IT .\~ I) IInnwlllulpunilltllnent Iiollg with it moro lurol,. ST E R MIN C'S SAL 0 0 Nlha.n helrt·)e.,ulli'.


Gen. Crook ill ollce more III theneltl. It ill his opinion that Sitting~jull "ill bo eOllltJelled to cross o\'erlr,to United Statell ttlrritory un ac·COunt o( the licareity o( (ood. Thegeneral is 1I0W in tlte Jmilan territory011 busincilil COllllected witb IlItli:Allalfaira.

It will be lIe(>n that the Republioall Central Committee IlIl\'e \isueda cllll for party cun"cntiOllS to llomilillIe clllIJllllttei (or scats ill the Conlitutional UOllvcntioll. THOMASThi~ Will not done until it beenma

appilrelit thllt tile Dt:mucrI\t!1 had notouly refa~.li all OVllrtures that couldre!!lult ill tile ett!ction uf 1l0n,plLrtill81ld01f'R"atcs, but wcre working seoretlyalHI 1I11lJerllRlldedl, to furthcr the intoreM!!! of Lhcir OWII I"lrl.)· ca:lflidattlSAlthough til", Hepublicaus, on a strict Newparty yate, aro allllo:tl. sur", to electtUll OUl. of liftoon delegatell, 1he)'were willing and IIIlJ.ioll!4 1I0t tu Cllgllgl' in parl.J strir. uut to juin illclecting gO,K! men for hoth IJ;trtiesIn return for this, the J)elllOOtllticmanager. have pretended LO oonsider this proposition and at thefame time flooded the Territory witha lIucret circular cAlling upon Democrlte to IIl1lintllill their party orglLniZiltion and seo to it as far IliI la,. in W.\T):n ST., Pf)llT TQWSS);XU.tbeir \)u"er, ,hat lJomOOfllLij were GOOll n;.....-Ullllllotlllllon. Ilt CASU lUTES.

electfH .elf prot~ction has, therefore New Shoe Stor

compoll,d lh, nopuhlic", '0 do.; e.they hll.l'c', ~lId if thl$.\' "ill follow II. '\V M. VET T E B .•"p 01 "o"""",,,)\' 'ho h." ."d ""0',' Fashionable Boot and 'Shoe Ma'er,

The t~leJlhont! lIIay be well enouA'h collillettl1t lIIell III tho Territory th 1as a TlIusir.1I1 di:lSllrninlltor, but "hal. people will sustain tbeir action.­the country llo"df!l ill theinuntion of ·~Courier."

some 80rt o( telephono which ma,. ---- . • .ba al)plied to hand·orKolJlI and \hin·. JOhll Jllcli:.lLud \ouf", have J~lIled II DALGARDNO'S HOTELtonet! pianol in !uch" malllll!!r as to new dramatlO cn.llIplll.l! WhlOh.• ~asconduot Ihe musio lloisele!t!lly ulfl I~tel)' been organIzed In Sail Franand dump it ill .ome out.u(.th~ way C~ICO, .lId will play a leaSOIi atplici where it will not be oR·ollliye. Ernerson'li opera houlle.

II\t""; ,II' AI'\ 1:IlTl"I',,:

fllll" '·Idl. I\r·t III"'rtl.lll ..••.....• , 1 i"()

.. ,II ~uh"'''lllol'llt 1t1"!:·lth)ll.. .. .. .... .:.0

'I'",n~I"llt IIlht,rtl""'III'1I1~ In hl-llli' In"',11ulllllU-1 I.' '''......''I~.. IlIo..1 iI., m~h.WAll "~II,,""""III",.....Ihl,. •....,

• .l.1. I ,. .,""'/1,,' " •. \ h'.A"

,,,11 J'I ",.{ II", l"rru"t\ ,., ."AD.MAW &. 'INMAN.\\ A' /.:' I \1r<III' •. , .. \T 1'14 "'It 1"lh.T,'N..

11'1 ,I. -'11 I "I It.> a"" I 1· I. \·I.. tr.l1). I11"1•.' •. 1. ,., ~'. 1":' :'"111 "lInT,'.nl"u·I.W.T

'" '. , •.•• , ,,' •• '" 0" "" ""'1 J d t. M- F dd-- Head of Urn'on,.,_ ... _ !'s........ _ ••• '''.'''';1.1 h, .. trk1 f \\all \\.I'a, III ,III' U SO" Ql C a en,'" .1 ••" 1. ",.",h., '''' 1.' ..1" .. , """'t ., ,1t1"""'. ,,, !T1'ORNEYS~ COUNSELORS.AT.LA'

II Ilunlltl'lrkt _I .... 11k-.IMll" WI', I'NI., roluol I' "IIMllI ,I.T)', 'VV"hnr£'_'<1' 01 hUflIlllalllljit c ••\11<1."1.: tilr llf'lf'-. ('..1-. _.-.,. "'" ..

If11- ItJ 11If'\I'lloJl!lIlk;t.al 1"Il\etlllo. 1·IlKrT".~.r"I'. W.

~::'.:::;:~'I:~:,;~;";~:'~;;:~~~i~~'~;:'.~:,,:~~: H. J.. BL,-\N-'C-H-A-n-D-,:..... JIJ1,~mLERY A0 1111~lll EllPORllll'hellic1uor "'1l~"'n:~lloll "llIlJl'olle Attorney & CoUDllellorAt-law I1J flJ if U~ U l' l'

A "~IlIIl,'r1US.-="ow i! th. Ie J""'gllt,' (,.t ",,',-r)' lilt)" \tJll~1 ca-t at 1hol"l\t!11 Ullle for lICWliIpaptr lllf'1I to 11I-t J:ellt!nll df'\'UolI. tlttth'r v.hkh "ltlll' 'ROCTOR IN ADIlIRALTY.

~r14,,'1 illln their rt'1l11tlctiul allod~ii ~~~u\\"I~~ !Ill t;lllillt"tlto elt;l.t IJclcAtl1le. .'1 runT "IIWSl"t~S" W. T

Iillllncn!r ,tils!,J.,. thelllltcl,,~lt or the~t CounIlCJ. 11c1f! 'litell'l Dr. Isaac N. Powerirf',pro\'lJklllg tlhecll Ie the publiCi ~

. Tile S{ uir" hal'ill r l'1H~T Jl'IllCIAL IllllTllll'T.f,:~: rl;~·I:i~ ~pecucle~ (r~m thefr ~~hll~lhll1 Iv PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.

g I' r I I I :o,1o:l11111IlI" " •• II O.·.·Wt: ATIHtllllitlel:ce Oil "Il~ tiro len, I own til St'·'"CIl~ .•.•.•••••.................... ~.', x..A. OON'1\l'mFl... ".,...the l>ridg:lt o( IllS nOlie, ant! lIathercd WMIl:1 Waltn 1 T_his eyehruw:! illto a scowl terrifying \~·llhllIlHI UIn hdllltd, pronuunce. this orllc'lllar \llllillllll II

II ctUlli ill ahe IJlurlll 11I1le-uaae used. !UO:oiU JUVICIAI, IJl';TllIl.'. ATTl)IISE\" A:oij) cOU~St;I.MlIl AT LAWII, Il SUll l1I pUlllpkius," as he terlll!lI~llc~lnll:J ...•..................•.•..• J I'roclor III Allllllmll)·.~'to~' Il FlIr p.i~ht or lIine )'can l:..lI\litt 7 Mone)·loonlltl. Ileal t;~rnhl OoUllllall(18OI1i

e I r. , . d dll:IIU!o;ll I,!", t'nl'mt 10 I.l'llile.of uur life w. ba\'c 111'C!d and atten e· KlkkiIIU ..••...•.••••.....•••.....•.• 4 t."hocuolllllllule. Con\·c)'Rllclng•.ttl.to our bu~illes5, .1111110t IL new.paper IAlwlt ~ l'OIlT 'l'OWSS):SlJ. \\'. T.prill ted within lirllH~lI or twellL,. mile. ~r:bOH :iof us. If WI; could then IIIl\'e had ,1:"Cllk 6 Dr Tho. T Minorluoh a paper 18 the ".r\ ttnus" tu tuue ~~~I~~~~u;;\·::::.':.':::.'.": ':.:: :::: :::: 1~ Kan....:. HUl'lt~I:' "Arillt! If.pllal.,howII Ull Ollr wurk, lIud to Ilanl TIIIlUJ Jl:IJlCI,\L H15TlUCt.pricked ll~ up a liLlI_, the worhl tlun't <:Jal1:t.nJ 3 J·orl; To'",ulj..,ud.",". T.know whnt we wuuld hlue L1one." I~hllill , ..• , ~ Oan ~con'"ltetl, IIlght or dAy, IL IIMI,111I1'fIle PUl1IlCIlt. liAtiru l1ud hulo of CUll- ,J~l1'trsou <'

CClltrltled Willdulll which !!urround. ~l11g 31 N'"Onice honn Iloll:c:nlrnl lIo1cl lrom IIth, aLJU\'e IIl1d illSi,IUIlll"S itaeJrhll. ~!Li,"'.I " !l toNA.)I .. lIl1l1rro,.. J'oill'lJI

, . ' I I 1\":0.: ••••• , •• , •••••••••••.••••••••• 11t.wecn the lill~1I t1lerenf 11IIds It I 011' :"[111 .I Will " CllU. II. LAKlIAJI&J:. C. II. UASVOMI)

parallC'1 in tllll CIlIC of the cl\lishtelleli :-lllnltoml!lh 7 Larrabee .- Hanford.Inh"bitanb 01 a cerlllill portion or Whllll'OlIl, HJ DL

thu Uuited Statts who cootilluetl tu '1110 "mmJl OOlliltlU liN I't'lllle!tctl 10 COUNS£LDRS .. AnDRNEYS AT LAW•• Ol,e fur old •• Hi~lo:oryn JacKson for holl.! t1lclr l"OUIII,}' coll\"tmtl(olU 011 Thllt!l- ,",l':A~.l'TLE. ",V. T.

Presitlollt twellty ,elLrs dtcr his da)'. Pclml:l.r)' 21. lSi.:!. l'nlClke In Ihll COurlllOr IlleSt! JDdlclallll.t. NI"ce Freshdeat:l. Their s.veral lHlllIPS of ltelf· U)' ol\lcr or thi: HClllIltllCtlIl TerrlrorIRI

1 1esteem "oru etluallcl! in Il1IJ{lIitude ~lltrllll.:onllnlltl.'C. U:I\{'I,! tlib 3J.'it dsyonly II, th.ir cuntempt fur lIeVo'splL' 01 JllIlUIr)', 18ili. Ihsu:l. U"GUY,

pen, and tlwy 1114\'0 left a &o1;I.r)· ClllIirhlPli.rl!!cord, berllrt o( emulatioll, until II

chord "Il~ IHruck II! the alltiljulLtcdgenius or to' lilly, vibrllting back sell'tinulllhl ill fllorinu. harmully withtheir Own. 'ne ,1111, paradol. in tllilmatter Sf'CIIIII to be 111 th. fact tllilt apulJlic !,riut "as used todi emillileIhi5 stullOndou8piec~ of intelli'lcllcoinltellt! or 1l1lo"iuJ( it to Ipreadthroullh the lIlorc e:ll'odito alld tillle·hOll{mHlllletliullI of the negltbornuodtllulcrs. But tho suhlimity o( theIIpoctllcle rull)' be Ilartiflliy appreciatill "hen we COil sider how verymuch peoplo han dCA"enerliteti inreKard to tlUWSpapflrtl sincu the Roodold Ii"ys of yore, when lIuoh frauds&lJWehslcr's tlioliullllric~ "ert! Ic(t illm.rited obscu ril' to{lelher with theirIItrllit·jllcket rulell, Delpile all Wr"

h\'e Iillid ill tho foregoingi in ttl!'flee of tho !llllire's withering, blight.ing IILrCASm. llud although we lila,.IHcsellt an ulleumilled III)eotlloli offool hlLrdine5s, we havo decided thatif the Iquirc ,IOC&II't want th" AltGUIito ",nick him up, Incillhow him hi,work 1 ill Ihe future, it will not bela(~ (\r him to leave a public nlli­IlIlIce (emhlllKcrillg human li\'es)without a rellletly, ulltil it becomesCur llU'I'Y al & journalist to admillitilcrthe luli.


The subjeot of Chinese immigra.tion 110" occupieR Iho &t\Cntion ofthe house committee 011 education.lId labor. Luun'll, Davis arKl \Vrtmaro elotl"ent in their denunciation oCIInlimitetl Mungolian immigration.

Captain Cleyeland Hocltwell willtake oharge of the hydrographical,wrYcy alollK Lit" ColumbilL the COlli'iD&, aummer. n~ will commenceOperationa at Kalama lind .. ill warkup the riYer.

"tln T.".~...II. '" .~lIIhllr1.MTf'rrltor,.\, 1. I •• ;.... '\\. I: I U,

'10l,"11 "I' 1·1("I·ltll.Tult

roJ.. i.

Puget Sound_

Page 2: Puget Sound s.

\\" 0:" I. \r"" •

ALa_ W(lI

1_1 11'1..... _th, lof,,-

" .." \I.,r",' I' ,1M 01"".M. Jlftlh ~f....,l 4,...,.·

lin 1111' f~'.I<1.' at, 1 '{.or-.

I:" b .."..•• 'l11,t .. oDUl"

.To ..n.I",.) lI<ralllll mf.II_­I). l1li\, .,f _OC!'. lair"

Whl d.. blrdJ ,.11 to II" f,l_ler'"Wb, do motb.. I,. 10 lbll a'nlt"

Why do lIn' ",lull·lIr t111'.'.rd'­,'.n luu 11'1",: U"t'.te" nanu~'

Mit I, de (lu1.MtiT 'll'OQlfn;Mlllt khHU\'I,M '~)' the Tluk·.


Yet tollll (be IOlt _I,cll .'urll•.

And 'twill work, Ind work rll' IJ,('t,• Till Ille O('drl llI~d. Itlll iky;'Twill be writ (In IIJ1Ure', pl\lCl,

Till th' Ink 011 tbtllll kroll" dry.-.I,fI'lI II. lJ..lJlc111,

Learll Your HUSItIU3.

A young mlo in a leather slore usedto feci fcry impatient with Ilii elnJlloyerfor keeping him,,.ear after ycAr. fUf three!uril, "bandlingllidel." But beuw theUle of It in after Jear., wbt'o in.n C.tllJ­JiahlUeDt of hi. O~'O he ... _bhl W lellb" touch the enct quality of the gtX>dI'It ... oal, by IbOIe IhOUlllld, of rel.eli­Iloa. Ihlt tbe leuon wu learned, and 10" I••lIb eferJlblng 10 wblcb we .cqulreIkill, The grelt army of "incII)&blt'."i. large enou"lq we would nonc of UIwllliDgly join il. linIn, The b.H·in·formed. hlf".kllled in enrJ bUlineJoot.lullaber the olbers, docenl to oae. It... a.ood '.flgetlion, worlby of beingremtmbered, which Olniel WebllumadclO a JOUDIe tD&D wbo ..ked him if IbllreWill aUI ·'room 10 Ibe I~gal profeuloD,1IwrMte i. aI'I'a" room." .aid Ihe 8nat,tltelmlO,

Tbe llelttr 101 how JOllr bUlIn I thebettel JOIU cb'ncrs 10 rile, If Jou dronethroalb YflUtaUotted wkl without keep.log a wldt .wake lookout 00 III thatKoeI 00 abo_t 1011, JOOt progt... will IJeotedltNl, .10'1', \'flQ can gltber mucbin(ormatlon by making a wile UIe of'OUt eJu and un, aDd perhlp' be Ibleto 10rptlJe ,tlur empluJet in .11 emer·ItUcy i, .ttppiug ioto tbe "Dut m.o·...place &Dd diachargi'lg hi. dud••Ilti.­IloCtorll"

A lI11e little l.d.lOme t""ol"o ,eatlOld."" emploJed 10. telegrallh nfflce ID I&Illberll towo lut ,.ear wbeo the ,ello""'''er r"8ed 10 rcarfull} 10 tbat U'CtiOll.Aillbe operlti"tI were dowo·wltb It Andother'leot 00 bIthe comilADY were at­tacked. No Olle kDew tb.t tho I.d un­d toad the LUlineu. but he had pickedIt Ind kept upcommuoiclltiuo bttweenthe lQWD And the outer world all tbe timetile f.ver luted,

Es.·G()'eroor Morgan WILl once a clerkin a .lONllll Waterford, A trip to New\'ork: wu 10 eyellt i ... IhOie da,.! but theyotlng miD h.d pro"td IlO r.ubful thathe wu iOlrulted with aeveul commi•.alou.! .mollgtbem hclog one to buy COfD.

Ue came lJack iu due time 10 the old.tage co.cb, aed loqoiriu Wttl! m.de.bo\It the coru, Th, lirice 'I'M ,ery lat.,.f.ctor" but the old gtDtle.mao wu.(rald It could Dot be Rood atlO low IIlflee. A handful which tllC Jouug m'Dpulled (rom IIi, pocket coo'loced bimbutwbat W~ bi. amuemeot to llod tlillib, had boU¥!'tlwO cargoea!

"WhI. Edwin, wbat .ball we do wllbItI.. be _ed, 10 coo'1erDaUoo.

"I ban di.poaed oC all JOO dOQ'twa.al," uid Edwill, "at ID &dunce, Istopped lu ~IOft!l u I ea.e _Ioog, 1could but duoo.ed ort~ cargoe.. If 1bad bad tbem.w

Tb, prnftu were cle.r, IDd bl. em-

r,loIer laid tbe BUt moroiog: "We_Illet ~m,DO' lite do tbe ,weeping," .nd

Edwul -14 iliad, a partner uoder IweutJ'Dol.

EoorIIX 0,. YOl.'-ll. - All health,JOlltb '- oeeuaaril, ~tillical' yet DotIII efrothticaiJOlllb U ielll.h. 'Th, new.oeu nf lire ID Ih. phJlical f(lrce of un...doo; tbe WIGt ofaoollt.ide regiller bJ.hl~b to meutl~ tbe reillife depth of,.:110' betwelleD ItJelf .od nlhen; the un(­nnal belief wben we .re 10ung tbatOt,cr .Ince tbe world btgao h.. anJone.uWered, IO'ed, tojo1ed u I hne, becaukI 1111 10 ~1telf lbe whule .,nld, the cen.terof all Ilfe,aod Knol\' nothing luperlnr titor dlffereut from DI} own Jllle; the veryn~ of aU~eDt dewanded bJ IhI" .lrooK.ltl&llty. IJIII alm".t aJlwc.stfe And pre.l!Or.1in'llolt iOIIi'itJulliry; II.lIlhl" 1ll1l1.C',o~ng Jleilple loteoltl, egotlitic.l, jUitII.J It wllkell tllllOl t~,l1y amu:lf,1 IUlII 1l.1I~aill} dellre eed, Ami even "hI n be­loo[.oing to that datil koo"·11 M ,lIl/paUrll-.blell, b,. the 'A",J! i. nlll.) u'Iu1tJlI'tie10 uluch U Ulllf\'ll11tIC, und .I'lt:1'l not gi\'f'10 oluch II Illutrlich-uellllll'll "6 Ihllltbe 'IIme eKtlti.m. tbe II'IUlU self cellu:r.10& Intli~ldullli w, Ihoufl'b 111 uo nll'lIl1"lItC4.'Ha?JI eitber ..clthbuc',i or "lUll 01gellero.u,..

NOT ODe (1llawJer III tile Xe,,'IIJm,1.hire Seoa~,

" h...1

.,,.! I. T ..._,.1\. "I... Ilf .. I I I

lu,s Uf

1·lofI. \'

..... f u· "1 ... rII 0.:­

II l'I I 1 ..... " .. I t, til ,..1· I. 'I... -.11 .!. tI I II to ".. .', I.. " w'''.J I'" {•., 'l' f 1111 t1o-)',J III III.b ~ r _I I !toRI.,. h, .. ~I~ I." '.;110 f nt, re al" 0111.. ,. lu"b'lII~v b~I!N"'I.l,l,tI an.lln. oiCl:

II..... "n., aU- .. lllIp.: t"Jl:I't>I"I&J 1IIt'IrII",.' I, ... I. '" tOlII.. fr.'ln a url.ltt ,I.ir. f"U"". t'fftl, alth"ullh 11'''1 Itt' l,lrn'n,Of Cflur II i~ eii·\ I.. ,..,.., Ih.1 • IU '1

"\11i .u.oflllllo,,,,t',. ,,( i,I'ldl~Ul "'ill C,IIIIrllct I he.utilul f.ct' \lUI tlr Ilo.,mmi .

Inj: ",_t"rld.; but 1111_ In..' thtl IIo.illt,Whl&l f.t't·i~ Ihlt "'!lldl "1J11("11~ III tb('

Nlll....lf lit'1I11IY, f the ml<jllllty IIf mcn}~ot the I,hulill hlllnit)' lIt ..olorl..llllh,l_IftlJlh. ~lIt '~J bll.\01II COlIllll)' III ,.. ho hu "II Ihu IJeftUll,~J (If Wllich p'ltilJl!In/o{. bUI wlwlll !toltlll ,10 lIut wlorry.~lJt Ille Illok)'doll of thc IJlnk,

"'t'll love 100llf( tlyclIUlbcl!. ht.'cau!l! theyteem ttl Iddc Il. ,ccrut, l'tlculove Iholloeye~ ",'h!eh llrtl tfBlllIJl ,reut lind )"I't ,Ieep,!Jt'Cl\UIiU thUrit Ilell ill Ihum lI"nllllhin!l' ufIll" ullknown Ilud lIlJlIiIiCMOr14ble, lUUJ

II milO I"vo fllcc" tbllt tcl1 lltnri"'Il, Ilntl&IC Cll)', cootldill~, tllnlll11"il1g, with\'llyUlJ lIod ,ll;flllld elllfitioulll IJflM~ihllitic.hitldclI ,olUewhere Ilbout Ibe eXllIcuillD,

Wc Ilnll lIot ~tt.id Il word lI1JUut 1116 dc­&inuilltyof lllllrr)'lll!l' II WlJlIlllll ~ilh oneof thclICl tlf.lllllli"iu/: fllce. Dor of thedolirllhllll)' of Dllur11uJl It "OUllUI ~ilh

a pr4:1t1 fllCll It all. It i:'l Ilmnfit im·pl' iblc tol touch Ilpou thit hranch ofIlnl ~ul,jt'ct "'ithuul rell4:ltiu" the CUlU'OIfllll!ilt uf CUUllUl>uplllC(, l'bi~ 1Il1lJ be..id, ho"cy('r-~ plAill womllu who II.. 1\

cuhlfltLod LIDiu lind guud wte oughl.1 .. af' 10 btl !lulo to hold hl'f fj:roluudagululit prell1 ""omen. Emf,ti"Il,,11'I&rl6l1 bll' OlllCh llarrower Iimitl thaoilltell..-ctual'lule.ly.

)'Ill) can ruo O\'tr tile gamut of a""om"u', IOfes end hlte:t much .nUDerthan )'OU CliO melUure the cirelli of aeolti ...tcd IJll1palh,; and ouce JOuba"e uh.usted the po&l!-ible cord., theirnj)elitioo it likely to beeome • trifle,,"e.,llIOme. With good la.te come tbecharm. of arthlic drftl, pleulOl, fre.b,_mu.illg coO"llrutloo, and I Rtlcefulm'Doer, "hleh dOeJ fir morll uecutiouthan the victima of it illlllglne, Tbrougbher iDI~lIectual .ympatbi,.11 ""omAn en·larK" the horl10D uf her life, borrow. aDew Iwtre ror htr OWn 1IW!, aDd getscredit of III tbe .it .ad 8tl«:e "ud Lril·liloeJ whicb her extended .i,lul1 cOl·brllc....-llutf'l J/tm14.

A Sbue-up Hat.

Aftlt:an SllsiIl-Wood Ordeal, f

Page 3: Puget Sound s.



VA".U... tJ

Prlnc. Or,an••Watlr.' Orl.n,.




.. ...T W " .111..... "...n-. 10'-~.l lilt ~,.like.-.




A Second-Iuultl

.. ....T W.LL WI ••

AI.'r'" bad. 'fIWJ ..,.. "ocll


,.nut U" .. ICD ...&1••

~=rb ~200 per ~_

C.ek.r Piano.,Inlnl Plano.,



Paper and Stationery Warebonse.J'NO. G. BODGE & CO"


S27, S29 ad SU klllam. It., 1&11 hiliea-.

Fruit and

Till, ptellllloin '!J"II COII<llllon llOIl ..... JOlil oa.l7bel'.1lM t1laoorut wlllleil1<1 IIr..cure .l\IIIt!t ,1'8iI,


DlLLJm A mellARD,



AND COMPANY,733 IIIAKK£T ST., Sa" FraacllCo.

1tt..TATC••·ti1 'l'K~1I .. e:••UY•••••J..' Il*l'td Itol" Utrbl, 1Dll1iI1Ilpl, __IItIt4

...~lk Ibt Cuoel" ""'.or.. 'I'DtlIl., Old "''''.KIlf.llI.II.., uti dl_ of Ille TII"",l. t.ap•

U1'H, 80•• Ktd",., RlllJdfr.IIIOOlt, k n-.. "'nilIDd Ianl..II" .:0.'0....4 I......11 1l1O".Ul~SODf ,eDII.t.MI''''- fOllu.l.tq IN Ed.,,. 01 111OOCTtll rZRnF.!fASDlnz .. IbeOl~d.......""'"1'rlee Ul PfC' Willi. or til,... tl)r "'01. hilt InCRASE A BluonA.w ..<I c.... RICHAIlOllAOO

1I1li:JIl!IIol, Allea....... "'",,1IdIN.



Stoelu Bou.bt IUld Sold OD Co••11II1..100.

" ',1""'11 ".HII:!r.n r)" W\llGI'I1l1•••••• I_ ' .·, .. 11•.• '''_'''.... ',.' .1\"", ,~., II'.... .....

.... t ~.. , .. 1 • "'I'""" ......JII, lOt


I. M. COOPER,Stook Brok.or.

.. \\ .••..-. "I 'Ill .I' \'i "'1. \ ..u "




I "T 1 1\ t•


DItV01'Ir:D TO




I 1\ .....

" ....1"

It" ....... ",It ... "... rl'"•••

TlII~!:GUlli! III IImficlllll.




'nm ST. GEORGE HOTEl,112 I:I.nJ Ilr..t, ••n Trlllebco.

INTERNATIONAL HOTEL,••••Ad ••" "f'II"-OJ' I!II...... Wrllllle'_•

•••0.11(1 .....10 t'11l CAV.Y. O. t'ATttlOOll:. • • 1'1O,.. noa.

Twa tJ".,,"rd tl......h,... .,1" \h. lLAmo Dr Lb'

~~I1~:~;~..::~~:~..f: l':.l~I::lI1~·I~I~-::~:,..l Into lIie tlllli CC1i1Cb: It roa. do n..I.lllir will


~f\~\t\~BUSINESS COI.I.ECE,~20 1'06'1' ITRItItT, IAN ~IIA!'CllkXl. Til"~ oilletl .ad ..~ fOD',!e" eommerdll 0.01.lI'po.lh_. Ik.U1b&lIlI ..... tarIlIlIlN;IIIJIC'o....hllljfncll".; ,raCIIe.1 teIoCh.,.: 111,11 .l.loDIliDi... llh thl! pllhllll. IilqdlOIoi C&D ClOlDnUtil .t UI,Um., U", .od """lIln, -'&0_ ...1re.l.... IRq tillhd 'r.. tlallolllltllll(,oa,



, .U" til ''''H' ,,'un I,'''~' M" 1I11~:1f....................... 1 ...... ..-1 ......

---IIEIUJl~EIbOU~d1I,CYuy 'Imll)"

!lERDIS'! II oatur.·. ovra remedI,

U£K81SE I. I hOUtehOld blllI lolt,

8t1llltCalna tor tbe ('0'''''''',,"," dd_'t,lbeonl, ~lIlt1lt publltbt!4 devll~ to tbe l.ollOrquenloll oa tha trul prhlell'ltl. Prlte t:J,OO• ,eu, A :tkOIUlDO ..eell.l, JO,)urul. It COil.LiIlol .11 tbe 1.11.11 lII.rket nl~rLl. A44re..(,·."" .....rn.ll AtlltOl'lllr, (t.l6 1I0l.ll,lcOmU, '&Ieet,5101I "rudko. CIIl.

PnfSICI.l.NII of h\~b ltan41Dg uDb,.lta\!n2'If ,;1", tbtllr lndi)ntlnlellt to til. till' of tb,UratlrcobcrK·)bnll.U'. C.\bollcoo for aU reoDlIlII COWpIIIIlLl. Tbe ""e.k lod dehllltaleddod wood<ll'ulreller Imm. COO.lallt II'. ofthlt ....Iu.blo remad,. Sold bI.t1 druJl'I{YLI..I.oW ptt 00::1":::'.'- _

CUII.IID roa FOll• .81n--" Alt.tr .pndlo,;btlodredl of dollin rur lloc:tora' feu, I w..cured at I..tot rheum.tl.m blln...UUo/C fOllrblt.l.D.. hair; of Trappt.r'. todln OU."

.'011 ttilr ud .wollen jolnc",llout, lumt...to, ",I.lln, rl,eum.lllm. and all !awt:Qu,.nll pal... u..e I'M"n's AIK)UTION UIL,

Over1.aek1ng the Eneralee.Ill" nll\ "d\'IUll;d (or 111yO' us 10 O\'<lrlllk

Ollr ..no rll: ,.... f'Or/lOrul or m~nrllll, bUI III thtlealrer \.Urlllll 0 w~.l1ll (.Ir flllUd or kno"'·.I~dll:e, lOW' lII11ny t...n~.lCr~u tlll~ .. lutar.I'rIlIlt:. It UllIlll be II matiCI' or ~rt!ll Iml)()rt.IInt'e 10.11 who du '0 10 konw ho'" IlIe)' "lInreltaln thc\'h:or ~o rtltklu,I~' upt:ndt!d. Theremcd}'lllIcltllllr ('0.111 or uillhullio olllllhl,lI..ttllur·, Stunuch II tlcnl, l.toCUr.lIle Inever!' cllr. 10Wli .ud 1C1I1"1\";;nt h, A ,,,,,,1.·11.aod I rompenlll.tel I r • drlllll of Wdll)' orllIcnllll coer~r moro ll'~ctulllly lhan Knl' In.\'hcorllntu'llr Wt:ecrlbctl or .dvllrtbt!d, /.a.b.. rhllC nlllu.lIlblt!td. ItmlllllUl, JUllrmllhll4,Illw)'ur,. \'lcrj{}'llIcn, IJh}·"lcI'".,.1I lwar lc•.UnHlII}' to II. woudrllualr rCLlontlnr IlolI'era.It hll'rCa'Cli lhc Cllpllhlllllt!1i rur Ilndcrj.:'olnN't~l(jllllll, .nd counlerllCtl!l tilt) InJurloul l;l1t'':l''11uvuu tile I}'llt...m Ilf eXV'lIurtl, .edt:utaryb.bltA, 1I11111l11ltlly or wtlHJ'lnl{ .HIe.Uon., orIn hl.llluhrloll~ climate••lId I•• l!tlma ..I.tcrll(lYe. diuretic Iud bluod dCjlureut.

tt'fI .'

II Mlotr I ..«..aI 'If to. to;'

• t· ,.. .., .............. I II,

k ·.ot "'I rtatMi ... I .I~J• "I~I J ••• , ,..., I I• 1 IVI I(" t., 1 • loot, I r.,. ._.1,'I... l .............. t>o, " •• 11.. t_,,"

• I1M" 1'1 I. " ".1 r· 101 Iii< ~CiITS UO CANVASS£AS '" , .. T' ..

:::;~;..~'(. : ..:::i~.::itl"ll~.II. '.1 I.~",~" .~.tp 1 1.,1...,.. .. 1... 1, .\1'.11' ""I.. I~"" I"'~UIII '''K

l.tl,., 1M tal,. lho.lrl.I,lIlo r t. ~t .w - .... -:: <' Ct Urll.' tll.t II ••, ~ ..Irt. 11-. ~... \~.... ,., • ~ P. B. TDlB.!LL A CO...... _ .... _ HI .. tolo I••,>IIM 1t"11 tb. 'J I, J .. '~. , ...." ........ rt. I.ro.,......D••Jle...~a...

'tIlI.Il' , .. Ih.._ ·r.... $(ru 'Iarnf'r I A'E.TI..;!"!I~~~lt~ .~.~lro~"::~!~~· BOOTS AND SHOES1.1 1M tOred,; 1 .\ b,lIl'.lIJlit .\jn, ••_·f II , 1.... (,.; r ..._ ,1(1';.IlU~ 'II .IL 1 C"oJf1llo(r. I UI 111111 1.1 ••1.........."H .. I ~·ll,~·tl'l r. If I" "0••1. CI.A Y aT••n.101..11.... 1. nolle'l n'l:\t, llJ" .. ~ II .. .M ..... ~' .... I...":~.... .... .....-. .........." 'AII ......,...lIOO.• a,.lloer.lauIOU Illtlll "'1j(1"UI III WilL'"'' ... "oo."T" "" "'''T't' "ONK r ----lUI( 1.1'11' !'of':·~""~ ..;::.::,~,::,..~~..t ,~.1::~('=;f dtftl~·rr~'':!~~~t:~fIoJ'" ,a-,".... &lid QlUo

• h' ( III "','k'" ....._1 T 1I11' ... \,rirt....u" OtIItnriltlMillolldl'tOl!lpll,tI1l'oll. AU _uoIAII,'r mote I .a nloe ,.ear, l) ... "'1.mal_l~ .. ".k." W em-. ..r "'''.''''11 ."..UUoM ...... IOt'IoeIO.__••"""'''--

• n.1 tlurin..: • truce I(,.uled hythe IIl1e· n,,' " ....n ....". <10.. ,. n('I.... T.... I•....., Il"'-llUtllU.''''-U IOlld 1I11ft11.ct....ful Utl'Chn, fur the Iuri.t o( Ue.:tOfj" ..IlIIllI ."I ..llitdN.oI ~""I"loI"'.'''ln1'IIf'd. 0

• I ( ,,. 'I 1·,"!,. 'IEITS I" " .." >ASTT'" ,..'" uS>. lKLllD POULTRY lAIDI,_t e ,rl<1'l! "".n tl fl.W, Ie ~. 1'1 ", t·,..·•__ nil .. r _ InkllllJ hu .Iil killed hI "'c.hlll". I u..1 AlOlr01n' 1~IJ'" ••u 'II. iQ""" p.k d,.,....f'1 Cor. 161h Ind Cutro Itl' l Oakland.

• . . (I i . I •• ,al.' II ..,. tiro-- • ----"rnl Ureclllll .1"lllr ~ I n lo\'c ""l A1J1RIlT 11l1:1l1l1t"(Y'k l.._I.u'I' ..n ...r.d ..<I,.., ..lto,rho......prtlJftt..l'ul '.lI'III, 1I~lor·. Iliitr. "n,1 tn ",In 1".liIwn....... blreel.Ch 101I:O, <lrll"i1f111lol"'l•• nrlf'(e.OII'U.~1

"" "ll,,«1 >;,h "" r'lh" ,,, 1'1 '" ;.. SILVER SUlIW CASES, 10'" ... LI.h, ."hm",rlllencethIJUn.oekltlmllkellfllCe, Whlle.D.W' Buf, Whltl and Putrid,.he '1\'.. III Ihe temlJIt! of :\1'0110. pn:. 0" ....1111\· ""'Cllll"'llJ~ )IA~U"'Af.,.t'I:IW Cochlnl, White Ind Brownl.nrio,LC fur Ihe Oll\rrillQc. I'ttrl .. Ihol " "",~'''~;'n~~~.~·~lr..:Tt'',1Il:-'':~~~ :;'~'J r- Lllhotnl, Dorklnll, POllthIlUlilollu11""n....' III hilll, which, "uidL,<1 hy rllt 1'.1« Uol, Ham bur 1'1 PI, m 0 u ttlIhe K()(! Apollu, 81ruck bltu lu thu htcl ~ Rocks, aam. and 8abrllhtIlod cllused hif duth. ~ 0: Bantam' l Brann Tutk.y••

1"1" butl" of Achille! W!l9 rescued. bl ' Plkln l A, I. I bur, and... • Rouln Ducks.

~J"MI~l1~lI~lh~lfl:e:~U.:~~~I~~~~'(~II~:~~~f~~; WOIII'IJIIIUU: Al'Tlm JMWAIn' t'lfl8T.

made by ,"ulClln c8pecitslly fOf (hi.......lIt) No Inferior Fowls Sold at GDy FrielIIhould be givcll 10 tilt! hcro .....ho Willi Matl.r..etl.a O••un'''~'mnll dClervlDg of it, unIt Aj..x lind~ BIRDS rr",,'fartll~rllll'l>,m'llon ... not .u:up rno Ill,••UIJllIletl atl ur," claim for It. A. 1II!1t.~t ,ntoo I l,clll.r, !<.\.iIW, II, IJA\·LEl·.I'. 0, Ito:. Ul.Ilumbet of ot ler GrtlChlD chlet. WCtcl - • 1!.~...ncI5C."'.~ _

appointed 10 I\wllrd the priote. TbllY J ..n."IYt!t1 trtllll ~.ruPl' 1,1).l1~naO~.m&n CunJ BANCROFT KN IGHTYnlut!\1 Yo iidom hcforc ".Iur. Illltl U.Vl;l fll.do. It tlttlllctd p('le....."d ro..... rd"'" to, W..UI, ,1:1 !I,:~ CO.,''''~:~Ir.::.:~r~.u!r~h:~:U.It.':; U.II.tlte .rlUor 10 L'I,ueli. Aju Wit! ao .. 1",-"

lll11flil\ctJ Ihltl hll kille<i hiUl~t!lf. OnIhe »llut vdltlre hl!t bloud ,"nk Inlo thccallI! a Ilol\"'r 'ptl\ng up, which i. cl\lIcJhy.clnth. It 15 .Rid Ihtre i. II. IIpecie. ofI.'nk.pur which r.:pretCnlll Ihe h,lcinthof the plel. in pre:;CIYIO/( the u,fmenlolit' Ihi,. 1lY('UI. tile /MpAillillm IIjIlC:'t.el. orAj is' L.rk"pur. Til hi d'l ... er lJt!11r1 UII ...."..lIett .ora anti Ill"""" IIII11IMolI&lrl"ui ... If' v"11 a IIIlIrk rcprelM:utinjl tins Il't· OlUbl.QIlMI. Atld.... ··c;U."I.. I "_.1'1.tn Ih', Ihc Oteek fur "",oc."-lli,/wp."', x ~ ",,~..~ 1T u: IjTUt:I(-LU,," rttu·&Il!! .

JlwriJl /lomt. FLO WE RS, PlA HTS, I__--'::':::·.::"::.·.::I-=',,'"::"::'..:".::"::.:::":.:~:.....__---~.- "

A ;;T"'" ;. lOhl ,f .,.".j,h Scotch· I TREES BULBS SEEDS &C.lllUl\lI ",!Ill tli..'!.1 tu "'ello hu 1~IBbluld .\1 nl\tf;"'llr. KTIIC: or n,. ~I~~ ~1.<t.,.1

from Ihe ~ublic hllu~ 1", eml)101Ulg her C~IIr.<'TL'· "1I1t14',,0 PHIC'UI, lOt

hrother h) IICI Ihe pMrtu( ftgho.llllld J H t" 'N .ftighlen .Illhn on hii """1 hnu,,:, "Who ames u chlSOn S ursenesare JOU!" saillthe guidmMn,fti the.p· OAIoI:LAl'"D. VAL.

pMrilioD mIe ~ftlfe hirn frnm behind. InD "0' CAUVI'IIL IJ,U.Luun '01 l.o:ahu~h. "l am Auld :\ick;' wu the rc'I '"'1 "Como .wo· Id J,"•. DIVIDEND NOTICE

~~:~~Id~:le~;a;!i~· I~ h:k~I:~~IJ'::. San Francisco Savio(s Unioos

1';.:12 Cnllfnrllht Str('('f, ('Or. "'lthh.c.:osnucKIMI Johnn, Hull', lI.uitude on

'he "'ar JlucitioD. Itt U~ caU him Wilt·in~ Hull.

!I r~, 1Ii1.)'ell.

,. Arm


\\ II allli Humor.

MtII. IIltyel CIIIIIIII)'e. no hllir·tllCII~er

11Iartlelicllll, bang hCI l'ronllu!.irn.ud IILlITtho rClIIlIlllclcr flll 101) (.If her I'elill. She'~IlI~ 10 hue II ririe "nlt uf hltlr, which III

TlI~: OC'At tor11hlll hltJ hcell told lin neally IlrrltllGld ill 1\ CHi! al the hack o(tbtllllUlUllln Ibtl cnlllplliKII iii thl\t of Ihu h.:r II.:Kd: htl frOll1 b.ir il broughl ."tOWIIman willi, 11""lnl( 10llt IliI .... lfe. Willi uketl ul)l'ln ht'r cheek II. cll ....:lillg the WlIlllleo.u ride CO the .l(rllYtl 'A ith hi~ tI",ther·ln· alld f."h:lletl jUtt lJchiml her ellr ItI"w. lie 1l1,jectL'(llIl t1fl1t. !Jut nllo"'L'!.1 ..... ILI IIO(JU lie 1",·culy.tlYe ,.earll Iince Lllcyhim"etr w llcl lIer~uadc,l. adlling, h"lI. Wehlj, flIthcr IIg.ll1 t Ihe wi.btll of hel<4I,er,"1 "'ant )'1111 III Utltlehlllnd Ih.1 iI IIl1rcolJ, nutflC,1 It ub. II ..)'.:,. lihelwllurollA lhi:o 1)(,'CR.'!loo of 1111 pl~"8\1r~ ("rlllu," hi.!! IUlatl ",jlh hcr hMIt ",,,,rn ju t II. it I.

"MAl' c...tr1 hllir In ,our honor'" hel,I," Ull", lind ~hc will oot rl k il~ 10d U, 11111nill III \rltl 1I\IIy.Ii"'kiu~ III Sir ('h",lc chlnge. It di5cin'fui ht. her frow {lIb·T.ylor'. IKI¥I'llcfl.'\1 alltl Il<'UlHtUllled cr wOIl\t'n. 1\1", ll.'eIl ""ute 110 orbll­Jo.:ko, "UlIII t....'er1 h.lr in lullr l1Onu(. menu uOlil rtcenll, ~he hu bee.. .eeu.bead 1)6 tnndle 111 light Juor sowl In with 1\ \'fty h~ntl.tlJlne. lIew·loodng ",lidJ(II)I'Y!" AllIl Ii l,c lto.·I...I, hltl io hKnd, oecklMce. She duel lIol ...·ur nr·flllg10 IlCkllOWI",<I~1 numl. MIIII dl.cl~f';1 II iii or brooch, :,be h a incer~ ]llclh.1t.1i tb4~ cW"'n-")l"y Ih.: blebt.'<l "irgia (;hrisli.n. and ~m.!l to lit.'IOllg to thllli\'e JUu more or Ihem!" Itlltl flbilluON porlloll of the church

'I\'hl"h falulrulilupllcltl of drt! , Ind. A 101 's ",'~n "a tllllllo: In tell ~ther I "I'ouhl Ik! borrilled It a Ik N"wm"o.

t.illmltl re.ltI~~'c., OOA--tt.'lI. 11~.t '.t ('~'IIl' '1\ hn would a1'l'ur It reuption. witb I~landetl a ... IUW ,of Ihe rM~I""'J IitaClUD. Pret.ch folded hal under hi, arm. lind in.

HUl th~~ d'~II" t milk" It IIny more "ile Ilidiu to tlrink wine "lIh him . .u,..ple:uant, ulIl I~e P;ll' "ho.lII'a ex,:' ~ell'l1I.n t1n.'Ue<1 in LI... k ,l'lnl. 1IilhlH.'CI~llo l'urcllll8e II. ' oh. ret",1t ,I"tll, white 1)<,iut.ll\cc .h..",1 IIId .h. tu.) h••t;'lp'ltd thtl O"'llt~. cunlltlclltl,: "lllUl\kea lIiawtlud".. ' .It ii" hero. \ llU ('Illl .tIlOti. 011 lhi The I'r"... ldent anrl Mft, 11 ye hue.!IOol' aad IICC en'r)'I ...I, thllt lUll the k " of II ft Melr .,.llil in alltl l\t.UlU'" tpetar I' I •

•• Itt!llIllht' }'uuutirl thurch. which I.tluite&'I':~.: da a Ihelltrical 1\,!;I·ocJ),-Ao lIeMr tbe Whitll lIou~c, allil dlle. oot ou·

$flht culcrll, "Wt!L1••ir. ""hl\l (lill I tin I'~ it..lr. the u..c uf thc currilUte 011 SUll­(ur !uut WII IiI y"ur lioeul IJtliln6"r Idltl, Thu (Iunil, 'ulk til Church, Itnu"'''ow comL'!.I" .ir." "Whitt JlIHI" lue Mill. lIayclO. '1\'111.1 hl\~ It ""ood VOiCl',jilill't~ "l' Inl" "Humlel. l\:it'J: '<tiMr'l ill Ihe.i0L;ioll' A, thlllsihe UI1I)· cultl·Hichclleu. Otllcl1t1!" "Hold Illl-Iho~ll "lIliuo IItr voleo hilI e,cr hili, Ihe dne.are 11111 IlIw Cl.lIIIC1Iy IIMrtJ," "Oun'l nolclllI herself lIlulilcat.uut shllwJ her"now If 111t!! lire or nnl. All 1 knuw iJ II.pprccllltlllD of ~,}(J(! lIIu81Cl _h~n pri!"11Ilult I umkc th.., I'uuplu Illugh when '1110ulllt-il ewll 1I1llUI hef "t Ihe J'.lI:l'Cfltn'tlpillY III Ih.:III." Mall~ioo.- WU,hJ/lg'f/,. /.tl/tr,

• Tl'llt'. whefo thl! IJIlIIi fie (lIr r(jnl'~"," Soelet)' ;;;--rrj'hulIl..taill Iho 1'IUft':ol.tor 10 Mfll, l'..rlillJ.Jlon. ---- .llOiotillR III II "chutll·hllwiI'. "I.)id thuy," r\n ono Clln RO Intu !Weillty 1(1 rer:o·uid Ihe uld 11111" with Unillll\t1nll. "Then lelilLod in the CUlIalr, ht)u~el of IrclMlldif Ihel til fllr CIlILI'I;C 1!(lIMO Ihtly wenl, withllut I;cillg .Iruck. bJ tht! h.lngulllIthu, dillll't 1I~llt I\lterwllfd~f' • "Yes," IIbit!IICe flf \'eIIloer which he WIll lIud..hi he, I!lmillu/l. I\ufl fMVUrillf{ lhl\lde· lucre, We Il~ 0,,1 IlICal1 thned cpull&ryceil; hllUI Ihu lilothl WIUf ....·ith the hcnd, hOIl8f1l lohlbued h, peuple 'I\'hll 'veldnul 'I\'1I1l Ihe b$llll.:' "Uullcll-tlid their leasUll rrgulll.rlJ In I.undnn,and whotheft" 1II1t! the old IlIdy, dlff~r ill no WII)' fromth" lII"1(OIilCi with

• . Ihelr houllC Iu Yorklhlre or ~u..tJ:. bUIBI:WAIil': o( pleUl\lIlrlet In llilldresnnlt Ihe fxm. fide Irillh coulltry liou'Ill-wbose

'Ilflag"..., I'ullcla tell•.11I ftuectlote o( OWDeu look Upt'ln l>ulilio lU their me.a YllOnK mllll II.t I lll\oCII IlIlroouced In • lrupollil Illd grt~.t IbupplO,q tuwo. 'ndpll.Uncr, ....ho.e n.me Ite did Dol Cilch, cOllllider an occ.. ionlll UtOlllh III IAJnJolI"lid tu whom he hid, "Arl IOU Aoill~ 10 &110 ",ent to be c1l11ltd wilh the r.mMIthll plR;Ktltyl" reforring to II h"U .... hlch III B.iILcrl ..uJ or thl tuur III 1t.I,. TbeWill. going to be giYt:':. l.Iy I ....ell·leoowD ,loitor to 0111 of Ibese hOIl')tlJ will RDt! DOf.In,Ir. ~r UIIWea. I .01 une of tbe .hlm-Ihere il "00 tJecoplloo:', Hi. ar•Illter. ~u tbo Imllrt ,reply, tho lGUol li ....l ",ill CIUse 00 RurrJ; he Will DOt belad, belDg beraelf a }II•• Ullage· kepl ",ailiog io thlt dra.lllg·roo,. wblll

A Nlr:lOlIBOU Il'Ilormed me tblt bl thtl IId1 of the bOUH! aod Ihe Rid. put!cDCW au Irl.hm.o who eDljlgod a phJ. liDllbiogtouchtt 10 their beauty. It lJIs1eilD to doelnr bit wife ffll a cellllD ten to onllh.t befnle be hu .ucceededlee, kill Or c\lre. Aller a tillle bit wife 10 nokiug laouDd from lb. btll-prob·died.llld thl dOClur ulilld (IJr bl. (... .1JI, broke"'- one II( Ihl 101l0g I.diea.

Slid tbe bef1!nt.od bu.bllld: "VOII "Ill hertelf Opell the dool, Illd with .11·didn't cure to,.- wif~ did 1°111" come beamlnJ( (rom tier !\OIIMt Itish gr'l

The doctor· 'lIill. ·:N'u." eJu at once IQlin Oil hll feelioi blftu.lf"Dill JOu kill herr' It bonte. There will be no (.IM pride, 110

TIll doctor W&Ii .Helll, .Dd 100t b1a fee.•ttempt 10 bide de(ecu. or tD mike up b, UP-K8INE pUlltlu tilt! blood.• brag of \X't'ertJ. ltlltbu will (1,111 be tJ:.

TRY. W.U•• u! ll.lfOIO it ~Itll.led c1/'J1l1 tncl(lfi Irom the .,erJ deftcleocl ,nd...,Ihe tlno rUlo of the Uathedr.I,lnd the Itr-0Ber will It once see Ihllt herecoalmlod. an InlctelllnK .,Ie..... nf Ihe tbtre 11 Otl dlnger of PUtcl1l1( hi. hOlt. lO.E1I'loft ~lIlb, but In the rnllnedilltl (ore- cOllf••illlJ bl demandlog wbllt i~ Dot towound •• lhu IIIIII~h burylog'gflluod, A be h,d. I(there i»hUI ODe man'lJCfnnt,lid, IIIYIII" rol~arketl 10 eric It"" )II. Ihe hOll will not conlplll.io of the II1neuThornlOn., II)' In~ulI)bcnt. thl\t It mUlt or lempnrlt' .b.eIlCI of II n11tblcal fOOl. lIEltUlS'E rOlltallll uothln/C IUJtllloth tobe ascllnc,hol, tIIll'e .0 oe.r the church· lIlln' if Ihe oue mlltl.aertilit i. tlp'l (a tbc II·tIW.IUd. rt:Celyed tho reply: ")lad.m.lherl lIut ~ncowm.u rccureoci ill tbe IlIlId of IIEKHINP. .houlrl not be rOllrollnded wltllU a lM'lHlIl(ul prOlpecl bc"ollll the Johll Jllmle.on) the hu.lt."lI will tlul lie tbeap 1I000LrURl. w.de 10 .ellll! 110. IlrlugtU6." lhe lean nh.metl of bcln~ dhtCleri 118.\ •

AT II reeent telithen' Cllllmlllltioll In lilliog tlit ml\ld to 11\J Ihe cloth .ud If· HEIt81:'.a: I. wortli ,5.ou • boUle to IllYeutll.ln COUIlI)' 10 thl. tltlllC, 1\ Il\dl rango dId dinucr.lllhle. IlerllOll who tlel.'I.i. I~ but I. oil.l ror f'J.OO Ill:r

who hlld hel,1 ccllillclHc (or the p:l"t Iivi "bolUt!. COL LEG EIe-III oolludcd WlllCnll.ln nil lhe ootlh A~ Iron moullh,in. Ilvlllinu 10 lize thl


by tliI' Nllrll~ Ktn, Kmr lAid Ihc 1'u ~':t. (lIll1UU~ 'mil mnuollliu,l,f Min'lI!rl. ,i reo 1!.:ItIll~E Ihouhl be In Ihe Illlnd or cver)' I ,Ihe IOllgl'll "~·I.r In Eutlliltl. Another purlcd lII.hll.vtl Ut:~n dl~,/.vcted In Uolfu! I1r.t·c1... drultl(l.l. ,\.k Iour drlllllll'l furold IURcbcr bCIIIU tl9kctluy tho f1upcrin. l;OUDty ~t!w )tCltUlO, I he ftlputcd pUf' II, .rld II he IU'i nOllt, tell him hI ordtr III IAN FBANCISCO,(eudcut whether Ihlll cuuntry WII.'i 1\ de· "Ily "f'thu oru. III CIIIIllC(lli"ll willi Iho dOlUll bottl.:., Bf~.~~il~IS~LfJ\I:,~I~..,~'~~;,.lI::'\:~:: 1~1~'7,.,r~.I.JrnIJCrllC)', ,cplh.'tJ: "No; LUI itwollLd h"Ke <Iuanlitiu of COlli I\lonuutlinsc 10 " •. -~, -. , i~ii~'::;:i:;r'~"::~~;'I',~~~,~;:,I,';.I::;I~I'~:~' .:lll~,·~~i~1bll\'(' 11t't'1l If Mr. 'I'iluclU IHut IJeClII elcct· colrllJl counl" mIke lhtl r.ru'l'eCh of ,J, \\. 811.\U YEll.\: COd OItnN SUI. 1"lU' .11"1', I'''' U.IIIuU"'1 ,·"m"I,,,. ,II. r",,,~,'I·ed. Mince Mr, JlIlYc, '" as ch:ctcd. it I. future hl{hl!ilrlt! iu thlll loelll t1 YcrJ en· CIUA 1t6 ~n: madu frum dtl~.t lIuvllnll To. l~~I~I~~~~'h"c ut" ".ll .,,,I~,,,l I,,,,,,,·. Il~u,l I.. r.. tC('lul"lic," t'(llIrll1flo~. 1Ilcco. !t:J ~.IcrllUcnIO,).t, :l..n rraucl!ltu. JOliN OAMBLE, B, A" Prllldp~l, I

\1, I~ I tt" I, Willi Cun l.-.. t ,f t t t, 'I~"' I" .~,I I,,, III

••".'.': ntl I.... I AI" .1. ,. p'"...".1 ("'I·'~ \. "it... .. , tt_, ......... 11..,..11, '.1 ("II I I ..~loy t e I.l'tr.... • t •• I lHrd. I.. •DC 1 ..1 .,.,....." "PI • '",

• '1 ~"'"f llw .'•• HUt .. f~,.,1 ,. I.....~.•••. t• .II(.'.i .. 1 I .. ""fjt... ..'''ftC' pll}I. I" .In I .... ",,"1.111 e'..... r "a,, I ...,", I", r, I. I.. (.hI ,....II.... Old 11:1 ..luW'W' fIt • 'II,.t~. «II"••••,.. lJ bot p". I

..... '••n " "·~II••' w .. II ~t"~ til I~ "1 l! .It Ibr • "",.... ",,,~

; VI" r'O III "01 I..r.. ' ''' I".. h.' II ra,M.II .. -.iI.,. '-t _ !11:1 ttHo., ,,,.fll·l ...11,1 I ,,. r... ""d1."'1" I nCht lalO tt.. a",1 t lit l~w,la ' ....II .,f 1lJIl! At IIiftt. 1Mff ......h..p..". .~. it f· ..ad 11~1(III t~ bll"~t • t It~ tH1II1 _,... d

«h'e ... i!t'.nlu lUI", .1111 ptth I~ t.-o .,rIbree of the ani, t'llawa~ t IIIJI we•. ·rh~•It woolll tl'll a hHIDt'at 1.1 n!"'ol. all\.l IhalII10000CDt woulol hll f.tal. fnr 1M 110' f,

S'll ,·"u\k.... ,-I·r '-')'h',i.1I 3Ii"blt:r; wuuld .wann ,......t tile ,Ite" Ind. aner •"I)",u'l JOII len"" it·. "u:kl'tl III ulch few wille loetr'l'(lu.1 .IIuKM:l... Il wuQldt1·h lin the 1ia1;1,,&lhl' :'ru II bur ~lJ('cur:nblu ill fllf'. IlId..,rlD be bhtu Itl

\11<11 hllfln:t h.d "rlffl aU the mmlllug). IJI~~ IUd ('.rtied orr Iu Ille f'Mr, 1li.."Whu' c,,11 hm' t\.hl' t:relllt"U c-.lch IIf the "nU _"'!, howut:r,

"J)oeroll, I alII fl.~lillg IIn""ell: nll't ",hclI tilt''' I{tlt nmull!: 'lime (11111'11 hru.h·"fIlU Ilu 1lO1IlClhlo;.t lor Iller' "rtf. I ",o,ld, Tilt C.l('krullcht"., _llldf'fI .011glleu If!. AII,lIh. Ict JIle /Ol.'t! )'lll1r 1'1lI111lt:. Olher in·,'CI~. llilltel\d of rllllnln~ rlU lltDladllOi (lI'UlfIlCh... llr,. 1111. )"", u"'er· .",a:" ",uultl bcultlll!tl frdhm l,IIII1ClletwOlk,.tl_,\·Cf"'"fkcd, llltl(IIUrI." l':ihel"nd 11'011111 !llclt:. Wlllill 1/111 ho.1 of .nl.dido't ""lIil for lhtlllrC~riplinn, ""ere occul'YIIIK.\I nle /(luulId LcurlUh.

.. IlIy.l\ud.Ly, uV "lIull.l come IOlIIe IIf Ihe"(hi 1<1 Ihe alit. thou 1I111a-gllrl.l. 1111111 a nutll, fllllnwing Q'Vcr, lJnnch, KlIlltlrivin/(

~olltlcnllllllU 1\ 1rt\\Iljl wllu »"Uclte.1 ,hclp'l hdtirc IhClIIlhclr prl:llo tilt! enth of Ihe4'1 !clWW II IJct~cr thlllf.t: th~~ Ihllt,' ~l\I~ ~Ulall twl",_, where UOlhillj{ rWI"iucd fllrthe Irllllll'. wllh 1\ .... Ink, , Whllt J~ HI IhclII but llJ II!Kp. and thoy ....."uld Illll:lhtlUlkeol thtl ij:cutlclI\tlll. "Ill !ltlll'l II ."v· In Ihe Yl!fylhroug of tllcir f.tell, with thelay:. bl,nk," lill8'A'Cred tbtl IllllUI), result of LeluR; certain I, cl\uglll lIuli

"C.I.wK. po.....l\ld " ,.oungMlef jll~t pulle,1 In piCCC8." - PO/llIlflr ~jritlltd

,bOlJle ffllm IIcll1)ol. "how 11I/111' pu"" "re MOrl/hig.therc In II ))1111(' "lInw ('lUI Illlybo,lytell thl\'. you foolish hnr/" "I elln<4I'erl lilllC, II' ,nu dOIl't belitlve it,trl me." "Wcll. how 11111111 Ilre Ihetc.~1Je1l'" ".Iuilt one I' in CY.:r)' pillt, pu.·'

'''u •• \r U, 1111'11I \\1,·""",,1 _n.1 ,,'U'I t" ,. lit pl.n· It.... J' .,

Til'" l" 'Iln'rl·,nilu:,. "" I....y.I'" I'11~ 'HoIlh-r I .\,t.. • an I LIH', ~r Ilhi.....

\ \11I1".' "".IfI.1 f' III.' h.'.r II 11)1,' hllul:r. lo"t.1o .'lIt. " •dl'" 1.IUI"'''' h·, \ IIII' I • U.. III 1\

\ "IU'~tl' " .. Itotll"'1!> ,It It'l't f• • "r ..- kll 1~ ..(t> .. t AI" I 1~ tlw""" , ,.1 ufUlJ I '1', h It. 1.1,hll,..r'.1' ,tI.. III I hr .. «• '1" • ,,\,,-,1 ma., d....""" T,....

tol.1I rI. ,·1 11M .,"11. lJI"~" ,I I ~lw.l "a.. ~ II"

\\ .. ,T I' & d.' n.1I(1" 1...1. aP'~" itUII ....1 h.,..1 1II....IUf'n"f' ltaliI"" UM 1- 11,....1 all,III"'1.11 I hll. IIMItM ,.lhN I hll",1 "t 110,11..... t ih

AItlf''''''''. all'IIII" m tlfl,rKlIIM'Y I" Ill. fn hnl....I. atld "I-hla$(tIl .., .."'..... 1 It,.!:"' 'oj a frl"'lIll. ruI'D,I.....1hll h"utlanll ...It!. ,,\ ..11, II I IIv.·ttCt)f'.:.1" hac". hull.I:·

Page 4: Puget Sound s.





1'2.A. po B'p.



]))')" Goods,

Wholesale and Retail Ouler hI







For Sale,


{;00".1 Just Receil'ed,



])oo1's ~ Windows,

. L Fillc. 'Ioc!: of Holidltil

17 At s bM/:,"lilu, the hsnJ·llnl !led"'tl

eel" 110";;0 built bl J>oc.10rG, V.~

tit' Cu.lhoUIl, t.'Orttlllnlllg 0

W g'00!J IlmI Hoow!.



Cigar"" Tobacco,

.\lIll. La, g 0 Assortment lit

~11t.II-1~ IlOll'UllrnC",h.'1I, Wllkh we \\·III~Il·'


1 Plough, I Hay Pre••• I HayRake l 12 tons haYI Scales.

Forks, shovels. Etc.

'11 11 In,-',,, (r II"" ,...1.2.'" (,( \ (n,1,I .. · III, "1.(

1)\ \11111 rllt' \\IUHWIt\I\lIr) I ",.r 1If~ I";" l·v II.. hl~dd

.. r II.. 1111,.1 ..... Io,hl Ih~r;'t u(

\\ ~_l, '1""1 I, r 1..(\ 1111'.:111 I I' ·1nil' '.1111' .... II I. t' .. I....I''' ..Monday. tho 18th day ofF'ebrUGrr. IS7S•• ' I o'clock p. m

11 II l '''Ift II, 'I ... I,. ""tt I .." ... ·1' II,ll 1'00, I l'l'''llh, n I III tI"'· hlJ,%I.-1

I, " ... r. ,.., 1:" I , "I. III ,I.,. 1'''''1'' rit""11 II. ,~.. ,I, ,,( 'ol~II~uI"tUlol. 1"11'-HIIl:':1I1 Ih. I"ll,,"'h,:.: \,1.\1111

I I " .• , , '. ~tl '11 ..1 II I'" In' "''''1I'~ . HI, ._"",. I' .. ,~_ "'''''1'1

,,' I', I '...... ,I. ~. ·.. n ,_ ,.,......, I ..... ••'Iu_h, "'.11,(1"11"111'101 \\ 1t.....·'I' ..I.lllo.",Liltll." I •. II' .. ., I~"I.. :;, JI IIIt,l 1',...r" .••,,1'11' II Ih. nil':" 1 I rl If",I 'II',"'" r IOn,1 I", "UIlIo, r /0. In ..., 1'''1n, I".",hll' 11 I"""h, """,f,. I •• '1 1'",,1"I" I .111 I.., ...1·1 ,"1.1''' I I" 10 u'''rtll.I.(''II'I~"" 1' .. .,( I" tll.I ..•..,~·1 ,."In• 1!~7t:'r,~tll;': ~~;,-,::~,I::.:,;,',I..,tll;; .~"~~.~~'~: I1'11I I 1·1''''1' III ",.· .. ,1111" hI, I) ""rl h. nomc.. I.·.··I.l.ml ... l •• hl/l &lilt, n·...

1rl" ,,, 2. 1,'11_"11,,.. 01' "'oulh.I',1 'I''"'"'"r ,.f'h. "I,,,,'h,~,_, 'j'l 'rh·....1... \"Io,n I., /II".In '''''II_hI., 'hlrl) n"rlh. l'IIlIlI:ll I CIt". '''"1'11I11I11I'-f ..inn'l....

TI ,,·1 '''. ". l ,'"~I-llnI: tlr ,II,. ... ",th"·...1'l'ulr"'I'I'r'II...... "'tln""'r 'I'~"IH ,.111",' '",·Ih·:';:i~: :\:tl';~~·'~17Jlr~~:1~:I"I~:"111~:;~-';1,11I~1,'1I11~',i.:¥lIJI"'I'l·~.

,\1 I'"" "IU" 111II""n.II'I;tI... "llll... ~>I'1 nll6nlO,.III;( .." .. Iolo",,""'''I'I, ,.. "",lin 1t••• t,,,,,I.. r:

~:,':~t'~I~.;'~I"I~\~I,',Ir';::;li:IJ~';.~~llltti;1::~'I:tl~:ttl .~iro:~


ALl. I'EU'OXo\ kntlwlllK 1I1('1II....,I\.t.,/huldlh11 til tlK' lirm Qr l'I,.Ullh.·r-l.t, ";ll· -"r Xow nn h:tllli. wl!ll. lal1:I' nll-~J1111I1111,011 bllldll'l'! lin' hl'n'h}' 11I~111I, d '!Qt-:IIJ 1I11111l Ih.' 1U1,II'r,I,lClIl'll lIllIl ""11 It, t v.lltlon Ill:.. rr!yl', It filII ~lo.'ltIlldrlll'l.1IUllliIUlIIII'lllu,·II, Url.'}!'I.. I,JI1.. lt7'or .\Il''''' Clothln~."·Jl~IIIlj!' will IItJ lu,tllllh'li. wllhHlIL "'_,gllnl tu IlI"""OIl~. .J, A. Iinl:\', TO\\'.~S'L'."U. \V. T.

'\~""I, ..n"1" " ~.,l'ort TO.... ll-eml, fi'd" I, 1:l7d, :!w

,.. ,, (,

.h •. ..•

.IEUSEY HI·1.1.1I~)1I1 loYI'll ~cll'\;lld

Adl'N'A. U. IH \'I~,

nUIj:l:lll'~., W, '1'.

II • ~ ••'I .,1.11·1

I.. , ...



FOL' Salo,


I .:_ I

14, t,.

1.1 .... ' ..., .... , I.· ...II... I \ If I~' ~. r

,,,,W '. "" ••. ~, • h ,O',: .-1 I.I 11"1f'" I~ .I~:·.· A ,,\... r ,\. II hI' • 11 .. ,,',,·, .. 1 t " 1"',1(..r Ih.. h I,. ,I ...., '11I1 .1 •• "I,·rlo t' It I.. lIt \ tltl lin .... rt.1I It I'lh. \ "f" I..... 11 (, 'I'IT " • ..! I II ,.(::.10.1 J",I.lllll·nt ... 1 wI>, iI'" I' """"

~11,11·. IU"llI'rl" h"I,I,>,... ".1 "''','."111,1 nt,l lIfO I, •. 1\' \ ,If' lilt 'l.:h'll~

1lI"'~lIrf' dl'ltllll""tat 'I' tl.l" 1I..."t IIIlert)'; of th. 1111I1"f'.


SXOWFJ.Ala; l'ul'.\TO":S lor Ieh}' lilt' 1IIIlk,....lgllt'1J: '1'1.... ,. IloflUII,h ror0111' IIQUar, rIO';: palll: Ilr liHlr ll"II(l~ IJI.'rl){'t'k, Ilul1"I'''_'1IIIl~ bo:1Il1 e(Cll!UI'r III I'OttTl\I"II">l.!1l11. AlllO


II.\U' nUEElJ!\rlll 11,·lrer ';.. l\~,t.I:..1rl .....,,\.~.

I\;' Tilt; III"TI:lI'T l'"rllT t'IIU Tilt: 311,II I'll I \1. 1'1,,'1'1t111' lit· W \"'III'I,ru:rtTt.ltUI1'uU\', llVL\Il~li n:U)I .. ,\1' 1'0111''I"JW~,.t.'II.

1 hlr.' "h,Ik-Inl Il'.rrll·1 or I .WM~hln;(11II1 T,n-II"r)', ...

A. To ''''I. 1I1l~ 7111 dAy .r .In ••IlJ Y. A.. II., '''7/i

'l'Ut; 1It1l11' lvll'..1 hcl't'h, ~h'le" lIollro Orhl~ "I,,~,ln Ilnelll 1I.11,"IIlU' ,. ,•••1. II. ltul,,'I'1".'" 1;:,,,,luuIII,1I I'\J!lnll, In W,,·hl"ltrlJll T"rro';::~~;. 'i'~: :'~I"\ ~~~;~I ~':;I':'~' ill:'~~~IIh:~~, ll,~~;::,.::~.Ihu IJI~lrlct Courl ul "'-lid lli ..rrl'·I.

t:. t'. n:ltI.I·!4J:rt'.Jtllllt'" )h'~ll.t1:.chl.""tor...·'· 101' ,,~.I ...",~.

I'orl 'I·U...II""II I, W.1'., t\'h. 7.1";,1. lit


Port Townsend, W. T.Vf\IeN tAn !Ju ltll en II.", SUller', .uu,1l: 'lOre.



X,H'I!. D. JlII.I.. O. F. GEHRISIl

t, C. n.\UTU:I'I" .\n~:, m.:'......JI. I.. TIIIH.\I.S- ~, \\rAn:IOU~

t. F. 1'1••\ 1'1'.Sellator ~Iilchell is urulnubtetlh'

)0'0" ("lIy :\Inr.,;hlll t tht! most alllo amlacti"e 10"11 ill pub.II. S. M1I.U:U. lie life Itt prc!!ent workinJl fur the in

---- --- terelilll of Ore~fJn and \\·ll~llin.2tOlI

FHIIMY, FJo:llUl":\HY ".ISi~. Territnry, In hi I,tter te tile Port·land Board of Tratlc, publitihcd elsewhere ill this i85L1e, his \·iews lirefreely alld frankly gi\'ell cOllcernillg

~'hellil newspaper doe, violenc£' the relatiye clairlls of the Northem10 tho CHllllllflll dectllley of a COlli' 1

, . Pacilio HailrOid COll1pOIl,)"S 11111 RillmUllll)' it ought to lJe he d rl'spolI!ll' hiii own, 1I0W .wailillj! the decision1,11I fllr ill\ blse CUlHluct with lilt"

( , of L:on~res,. \V~ 1\'ill notaticllIpttt..lillie sC"erin' 0:1 1116 part n t lUI • r I• '.1.1 recRllilUIl\tion of the POllllS "et on I

Illlhlic as \\ould be eSel'C'lliCU towaru I ' ,in the t1ocument.lls it is, he ie"lll,i; 1 IIIlUI IJtTclldiu:;:, illdiddulll. Such It .

I II ('lIl1llill "u!.Jlic "'ill deem It UOI1('/':'jJl.blicilion huil'l( esilltel! f'lr Iluerll eS5Irf in "iew of the fact that the/I.omh, in Pori Tuwnsend, and hRY' .

SuoAtor's idf'u l\re exprcssed in hiin1! Cltrricd hs IiCiinliC 1i0 flir as to be· I I'" I .1 o"n IRIllJ'UaJtc SO clellorl,. til"" llere

comQ a reproach, a 1»', "orl .flu II "ill he ~o IRck of "eiJ:llt on thtirIllon,ling tl; gnl.ce to the town, ro· put or dllOA:er of misconstruction ou

minds us, Illnt if we longer negl~r.t the part ot other!!.to Lralld it A:! a puhlic,tllliillillCe our With a disinttlrested 3ml lirelessl'nn"ci('IICf" lIli! nnt .iudicate us devotion to Ihe interP.!lts of his 0011'from the charpe of lihirkill, respnnsi· 'ltimellhl, tho Seru'tor is very fl'fielent­IJility ill uphulding the right. ami de· I)" lookin,q', as expressed b)' hilU!!,lf.Iloullcin~ Ihe \YrOllA" 1I0t to tile "eAt elt'clillll Imt to tile

Tl\dllg itl hsua of the ht inst" HS I I (r'" 1b II (C\'t! "pm'"t 0 aCI "'It '"I t Hl nesta sample, and seleclillgo Ije&liolla) e decade for cOIl ... incill .... IJroof of tll~itt'llls therefrom, \vhu ..,ill delly the l"';

. d wiltlo/ll of his cnur c,llml prol't:r apusertitln that IIch obscenity all rreci.,tion 011 the lian of the puhllc,puerile filthiness illllt!moralizing, d8' "

I Had he been lookinl{ tv imlllell teIlrading 8nd corrul'ti.llg-especllil Y politiclli emolumenu amI IJI"QlJlllar)'to the YOUIl,!! .nd growing minds ill I'

....llin, ho\" elS)' hfO could I&\'C S('Clirelour mid t? It~ publishers ask for, ., '1 f Iand cSI>ert, IldllJillSion for their Rrti. his o!.Jj(,/.:t through the ai' 0 tie

, . powerful mou(lI)(Jly with \.hOlU 1In isc1es to the lire Hie. of our reilJl('Cla· I ,1 h 0' I>rescnt mea:,uring 8trcll,,;t I, alll.Ie cilh:elli. 10 be nad by cutewi.elilld daulZ'hler. and othcr OCClI whose !!upport he could hllVQ comvant• f dOIl;eitio circles. Those IIllnded 10 an extent limiled ollly ,,~.

'I' , their II.bility, ill return for his eill.1111 'bllen Cli/l shirk retlJlon ihl Ity IIIh' I I h <Itlenl, ant! Iblf' llh'ocl&cy of tltci,

t I l.tter 110 onger, as t ley lIye melSure!!. llut the Orctlun Seuator'llmped U\)OII t1l1'ir sheet a char:lcterwhich oug It to dohar them from e't'en is a far·seoinj;f statesman whnsl:' enll'a!Wuill reeD' lition b,. decenl Ilea. 8:ien~ious \'ie\"s of Ihe ri,!llitli IIncl1,- g h JlI \\" h' h' r \'It,1 1Iiterestll of the great common

p e '"yw "re. It somet Ing 0 I I I' I h ·'1'the y.lor allil cllllrRcteristics of a Welt l ••w IIC I 0, repl'lllclllS ~"I. 1l~1

certain errelltli"c animal, thi libel- "lIow hun 10 IIUl"e th,:\~ dCilltllt'lI HIIUU••1llCumelll backs itself up to lin)' hehalf of Jlersona~ .,n!.JILlon. or '.oen·or all illfliyiuUllls whoso pathi5 it rna)' hancc personal gam II, \~hetherKua·t:rau., and ehallellges them to com. ef'~s o~ tJefea~ IlttCnlht 1111 IllRslerl.yhat, IcnowinJ{ th"t II' Cllllllot be in. ~ftort III t!IC :S~lIate to prote.C't I?"hl.wjured, antl that thpJ' are suro to suf. 1~If\rests In tillS c.'le, he Will 11"0 1.11

fer discomfilure from contact "ith 11IitorJ'. l!l one .,,'ho Ill'rrurmcd ~I!IanylhinK so olfensi.,o in its nature, duty w~lh that (ltlthfulnelil ~nd Ihll.

With political upirll.til1ns.ltopping l1 willch alw818 charlletem:cs thenot ,llort of lucrati,'~ offices, ill lV~~thy ~lltl the llohle. .writers have "8Y~rlhcles!l dOlle more I ho II1~tory of the J111'l~ r.evt":.. l!l Iheto di gu t tile best men of ita )rO' fROt that 'tlSlLt IOtl.lit no IllJllsllce tilfe .ed pari., and lodh'ido sentirn~"t, I:oporate poWtor t~ u~e 11f:,,,orablc10" disoord and scatter the fore"lJ:lf ~nealls thro~.'Ch le~lslatlull, 111 pl~othe Delnocrats of this aeetir>n than InR out uf ~u ~e8 h In.v flPI,or~Ullltyany three Relmblicllll JlllJlCf'II cuulll to adn'lce 1!i5 lll~ereit at IlUh.ho ex

Ilouibl,. Ila\'e dOlle ill the lame ~n5ui IIHI In 'flOW ~f tlln ,n'CO!l'enp:lh of timf', With neither the c1"lled (Iactbtl~nltl.the ;\(' Ph' !~. 1t',\vllI

aLility nor illclination to llndilJl)' (" I! t Hl I." I 1I1.1l II I C1r rOlu III

argue their poillt • or mike JI.in long ItS p?S.'hle. It ht.h0C:","li Iill ",hoItraight·forward IItatementl ea~)abl~ hlt"" the &Uterl'~t ~f the ~orlhwlliit ~tof either refutatio" ,I 'I I,,,,arc to lUI t,) It that Illch IHh»I'o .oKlcn SUll b'," I. • Iport, they are content with the usc 'It'es are Iielll ~'It lin prolleruf IllliUhlllll "lid .hu,,'•• ,' I bnund , 'llahlr ~11I{'h8111 OTIC o(

lllllm( oel, I 'I I I'·' ,too ctJlilempliul~ in Iheir Illtlllre to t ,(' unas UllIlIlR' ,I IOUll ' .50.1\1 aUI.merit any kind of nutice. !lat! a capable men, of Ins ~lIIY, ~i5 )11'1t thene"'llllp r uf an)' rCllpectllbiht). cir person for thIS p~f·uh.r lUll! lUll.

culated uch slalClIlfnt as tb03enoted a few monlh.ago,about men J.t.(,;nll~' AI:(,l')IKn,-lfnn. Orlike 13. S. Miller, J. A, Kuhn, G, M, IUI~e Jacobs ha"id~lh'ercd a IJrief ar_Haller, IIIJ o\lIer equalh' respectable J[Ulllellt in ConJ,trcs, ")Jrilltcd copra.ud re ronsibJe in OCU~tl, the '·le· of which "''" hUD Il('en flH'ored with,tlllli wo.uld I!Ot hltv~ reueu "i~I't or in fllvor ur relloration, io the J.;'UYCrtl·

a1ay ullul their e11.rlcters were "i,,· u!eUI, of cerl~itl lands c1Kirn~t1 11.\' the n,,:c":1 r ":IJ cx-IJ,'ltntll, n Iltlll Int. fl(di~.ted. Uut as it _II!. noone elated :";. P. R, H. Co., for th" budthn$( uf t 'Itrl"'l', :! rallli :J'l'lv. Ih,' h..",,/ 1111,1 1II<I.tto lIlalee a second inquir}' about tht" their branch rOIll!. The principlli II,'-itnl,l,' ,1'0'11''' ..1 1~1I1t'm~ "lildl \\,' 1\111would be grne char~e,. The cr)' points e tl\bli hcd are. the impracti !.'oCUlI[ I'CIIl'trltnhl." IV\~' IJrI\,'". t" .. 11 ~;lrlfor ( .• bl m' I b'l' r 'I I I .1 I. to t'l't:UIC gtl,~1 h;)n·illll~.rauu amnng 1111 IC 0 cIa I' hu Cll I tty 0 a rill rOll t Irotl:.. I t If \\ .\TEH\I,\N. KATZ,heen SUII~ Up'1U cVl'r, cOllceivllble ~t1.tohtll. pass, and thllt Ihe Lranch ''',rI T"\\II~I.d. W. I'.ebange, aud with"ut cess.ll.tioll, the WAil is 0111),. Cl)"') ro:td, illtl'ml{'dIruthlul"f'lii5 m,wilt-Sle.1 LeilljZ I/oIJOllt for the I)cclluillrr hcnf'fi~ llf th" cn1l1''11I It liar witll that rtf 111I" IriUlII PhMllt!P:\I,y alone hy ellhtUlCillK tho vltlut!"talt~lIu'nt in la~t ""l'~'1t Ililtiun of of their termious prolx:rty at Ta·Ihe alle!'t tlll&l the rtcclIl cit,. decliolllcOlllll. The ItrJ.t'IIIl1ClIl is fluite- pl.:till l

rcaulttd in a .. grand tfluU'IJb o( Ol1r, forcible llill couclulli\ e.




Page 5: Puget Sound s.




and Cigar8,

, .muml


about Feb. 15th.

Port Townsen~l,

The First-class steamship

Port Town ••nd for Sitka.AIA3ka'l'crr). anti w",. J'oru,

o •• r .... ", ••• Sll.1 Me. __ 1lI

Olympic HotelMain Street. Olympia. W. T.

J, G Spa rks. Pro~rl.tor.




on or

Compete with San Francisco or


Uanufactured n.pre!llly (or our trade, by



pOJ·t Ton'lIsel/tI, nOC/slIi I/ytol/ Tel'1·ltol'lI,

Importers, WboluaJe .nJ Heuil lJealer ill


Exchange Bought and

hippino' and

Liberal Adyances ]Iade on Consignments

The Highest Price P id for Wool, Hides, Fursnd Produce.

HardwareCrockery, Stationery, Etc.


Dry Goods, Clothing,Boots and Shoes,

Ship Chandlery,Tobacco


WII.L Lt:A l'"

NOTICE. Port To",nStnd~ Portland. Ogn-- ft••bon. thl 2011l.r _b __ lb.

I 'I'AK.: f'C.:AdL:ll.: 10 state llult I Fur FrelKhc or l'lL~..age, APIII)' OIL Ho~",lutvC 11'II1l'lIcl~1 1111 budllt"l' Il:rUllll'h •Mt .I"!I. Itolll-t'hlltl ~ CO.. llml Illlit Ihl:)" I M tlr to aI1TIJ:ollUlI.IJ.t: 1.'0. A~leIlra.

haw ghtll 1110 cllilre ~lltl.h.Cllol1. 11,11..1')111'1I411r1ll III r+..'l."OJllllll'mli:a.tt t11~m 10 ('1l11­11111/. of \'I;.~lill"OIIIIIlJo;Illr~ '''II)'. h> nullthelll'lt:lv~oftht'ir lllltlllbll: ~rvICt·~.

J AIn''! S. 'I'H~.ll\l.\l I".~I:mcr ~hlJl \·Clltu~.

I'or~ 't'u't't'n.iCml, 1JI.'1:, 9, 1~;7.

For sale by

J I .• t1lOR kllowlng' them"<!lvet In·de U""h.oh'""no'lloth"'hlld.tCo. CAL I F 0 RNIAtill to Scpl~mber I. 1517. will Ule IheI.'lme lit Ollc.', III all lhe OIu.t:loudlllg 4c.1COIIIIL.(. Il~es llild t1t·btl or the old tlnD11m t be 8I'l'ltcl b~' February I, I~d. otlll:r'"witt lhe mll ",,\11 be hllnUed to.1n ~ltor­lie,. (or l'OlItIl:lloll.

U. l:. II. HOTIISCIIIT.U &: CO.Port 'l'o"·lIoclld. Ike. 2tl. I ~7i.

Will arrive


PERSONAL Coods Bought and Sold on Commission.


1-. O. J10X 31'.


FOR .K.()()l:! t'tauhcrrlf'.J go ttl ~Il:~r.t.

ROIII-dlll,1 & Co. 00 \.'tlllS lIer g:111011.

1 rruo 10 .lll!.•!Oll{lll for all klmls ot(rull; 00ruer ('1I-10lU lIou;oe.

00 to WU.h:tlll:L1l &. KII~ fur Ll~ IJel,tdqM!I.!. at rell.§Olllble prl~.


C~NSIQN[D TD RDTHSCHILD "co. Prices toFrenc~ Barr QoiIlnta.

N~:i~~:,~~r~~e~i~I'~r~fw, s~:;'Jell:"~~i"'rll _mho, ~I\Ol,~lhle for dubl. t''l>nl,.d(ll\by lheo~n nrl"""_.

!tUTU 'un.nlt CO., .tftnIt Tnllll~:I·X. Muter.

fort To'W'n!ICnll. J.n. M, Ii.'i-·







lhw. AI. Jo:cJl~. or tilt! Skokollll~h re.~r·

""UllIl. ('JUIIC llowll " rew (tar. AgO. RIllI"'Nit to IJIIIIW:-lJ6a to keel) the IllIllrln~

Itr:\l"ht tlllrlllg their gl'illlli .• Iloll.tell""hlch hJUH 1I0W IIlIU'0l{ttH tlown there

_I'd .r.·.....,. f·~I.....I••I'... or .I,r.A..- f·.UIII,., I'ebr""r¥ T,rllt, 1117".

JlOln' 'I'ow"~,,,,"II), Feh.... I~iil.

110:11\1 met It 1 1'.)1, I'l"e'cnt O. f

Om"h a". 11'111""" m"",,, Co..,,,I.. Costa Rican ShiD Hermann,aIOOl'n!. I~'I:ITlUm TilE ('AI'TAllri SOIt Tilt-: I·n·

The 10Uowlllg bill ",pre eXlmllled. lip- dl'rloll(ncd ,\ICl'nl" or Tile _!.Jon nlllllt'lipron.·d anll onlcral IlaW, ~wll: ~nIC;~~i~~.~::::,w;.'.::~~~::~r lIellll wn-

S'. O. 11111. atal1ontry. .... ....• 2 2J ~'I7'~.~1;W::t!l(ot),1"O. ...~~I:~"1;. C. 1J,artINt. Trea~lIrer. MaUOIl~ I'ort Tn..n~ntJ, Jail." l~~"

ery lUIII po-l:l)..~ &UlIl1p1 3 60

U" ""~', .""'"L. 10 Brine Kalie Flicrin"er,J A "lIh'l. l'rot..WJIMljte. III IIIIIl I~: ·

Icro(theln,.,1I1hynf It Uunk.. 10 40 to~ITnt:R 1"1110: C.\I·T.\I~ SUit TilEJ S :'\011'$. arre!'tlll~ It Unllk. In- "'111,,<1':~~~lif~ ~~;:~~u~f:r~':r~bl·.I:~·I~

Ill'. :1t 1.IMlloW' lind f,,'On\'eylnr tl'1&Cl~ II)" Ill" nlt\a·"'nrl·ro....tol'ort"l'owlueul! 10 ()() IU;Tllo1t·IIII,II.tOO.. AlIenli.RF. ,. ~ ,.··~~I , J. I"I.MA~. ~h~tllf.• Y"II. Ill, .. n "':"".... SII IIry I'on TO""Il"l'A,I, JUII. IU,I,,76per t11~m alld mlleMgt for I )'l':Ior 17 10

Walerm.n & KalL n."\.'Onl book.. ~ CtOWeekll AIlOUI, 'I'rea. nntke 10

lAX IlIlyenf, anti (ItX rf\:t:lpliI... 8 50II J. Tlbb:tli!, ~ l'Of'lj bark (or IIIUI

ltor 11.1111 clerk oillin l'OlIrt 0('Ike .........•................

MAr)' i"'c)"·ler. ex~utrlx t~t:lte Orf.: ~ Fowler. deC.• ror ~ut.. ..•. 2ll 60

l' '1' a1lllor, 1113111(f"lIl1m'O 01 l)flOrrrOlIl SOy. I, Ilfli. to J'lll tH.llfi8 , .........•. , ~:!OO

J ~1l\'OY, allllttor, II' emllng. Jail31. Ib7d 00 80Urden'll that tlae lollowlll}C 1l1'1l1al per­

10111 be ami hereb)' arc §elect«! OrumJ ami

H~\'. ,'110. 11":1 11\11 II0t reI urn from S.'11 rrll .: U:,\O.:H'IOSEJ) lIA \'1:'\0 ArranclR'O bllhe J)akOI:1 :1!J ""Il.. u(lt'\.'tal 11l'1I 011 tiM: laereiu"ncr lbcrlL.ed per-I r"AI,U'OnSIA WI~t:S, 1M PORTED BY US DiRECTLY l'nOM 'fIlEIll' \\'111 nerh~p!I be here 011 lhe Cltl Clf COllal 1Jrol~r1\', IIU\\' heklln WI'C lJy t1tClli I~. l'llle)'lIInl. III pll~ barrtll, or quanUtlet I••ull. . For ..Ie at SIDl'Allltlllll. IIn\1I the lI.rrh·AI of which 1:1" liJr l'Illtg' .., Ctir :Il..lY".tIl~ rrelght InLII!llOr- "'mncl'OO rau:s by ROTllSCJlILD 4; CO.

t::ull)ll. wharlilge IIlid "wrage !lOW llue audIMllpit wllllll(l'lt likely be 1""..'IIlIt. UUI~ld to lhe :UIIOUllt 0(.r1,::!d. ond 81tkl B,,:§'r .MiSOHT),1 EN"l' OF CA L IFOR),'IA lIANU."ACTUfiED GOLD

IINllCrty In\\'lllg ~III:1lllt!ll Iu alOm 1111- SeLl, .:lI.r HIIIg1, t'llilter Ring!, Breast llnd Cutl' PIIII', leeve alltl CollarTilE ullctloo ale of per~lHtl property t:tllcd rut. Jor a I~rlotl 01 lhlrty W)'i a'KI UuttOIlS, StlKl.s l.ockclJ. .tc., that hue evt!r been otrerctllnr .all on Pugu

",Iverll-<Nlto "',,"0 1111lCe l:l°t ~(I\",h,.. II) "11'''.I.nl, IIlter '11d chllrges bec4l1lI1j due. Sound. received by la t Alearnc", and tor Mle by RO'fUSCUILD Ii; CO~Ie;"n;. Rolh~,lltl.tCo.• amllhe Jlu~r SOW 01\'.: :'\O'l'I~E, Tim III per- .~========.';"'=====================~of 1I~ fr. Cltllfilrulrt. ""113 IlOflp0tlal Ullll! ""ILlIK:e 01 al\ I\C~ of the 'J'errlwriu.1 1"l'~I.. -

hltllre. elltltk.11. lUI 1I...'t (or the rellci' 01~IOIltLt)' lilt' :!..1I1 III t. l" ..IIlli.,jltm lIICn:hnlll8, don ICn!: "har(.

'''IiCNIIIIU w:llehOIlS(R1I:II. tlll:luntlenlglledOms" EA'"T.-l'm(. III1A"Il"" hMt'OlI "1011 aond.lll IIle Ria dltl or .'eb.

chllje(l to go t:a-t (or hli health, 110 will rullrl' l~jS, III the hour or II .·dod:!llArt III about t "0 "'"~k1. So 11 .\. 1 .• lit (he door oj tJle Seo", or Hoi b!i'~III! hi! plaoo ,,'111 00 \'Ic::\lIt Ilirtl fhllil« l'o., Itl the toWll 01 Port '1'OWl).

kllll, W. '.' .. ~Il jIIkJ prol~rty or to lillie"enoll~ll. thcn;'Il( Ii will iNlthry i!llill Chnl~ II.11t1

l'O-u:H IKllilk '11\.1.1011 to tJMj ht~1 t 1*.1-1I.'r 1M e:--II }told colli a! 10110\,.. to-wlt:VtlC Itllilk 111l1ll"OllIClItl! :l.Iul OUI: box II.lltl",'\.Illlellt•• marl'l'll '·Tholll:!.! c...urr)".'·lheAlIl11C tJclllg we;lrlllK 111'11l1~lltlili b'IIlKCU.elc. etc. E. l:. IIVGIU:S. 1·IIn!er.

HU'l'll::;4,;HII.LJ .bc.;O.. Agu.•Ste:alller l:llllorlllll.

Port 'I'owu5e1lt1 Jnlllll,ry. 21. I~itl.

i.7'1'he &llle oj' 1I:e llbovc Illeullont.'IlIlrop.'rly h:l. l-eel1 IltHtlKlII\'l1 to MUIIU3J.Ille ~,jtll ill~l:

Asr peNOIl hll\'ltl,IC II. good pluno toreili • ..::Ill 111111 lhe IJroper peNOll to 110 10II,)" noUfyhlK 'Mr, IIl1l1ry 1.lmld, nr fheIlrlll o( Hutlm:hlltl lot Co.

F..TlIt:1I C·l...,ry hll!llll'lile 10 \·lI11 ...'OlI\·er10 t:ollslllt with tho U1.4hop1lrl11101l "'Jill(!

llhun:h mntters. Ills Chlln:h hero will bo111111"1.": 011 Sl1Iltlny neXl.

'AI.I.III"011I111 Ht fhe ylltlkt'e nOflotlllllO,...01 Ollr XMOy llIlllltilt 10llr*llt with a vlIl­clItilie.

OI't:S lelOp"~I'l\llce m('('lIl1i rt~1I11l to­night. at the Good 'J'ellllllllrl' lIalt. IJou't(°llerl .

),111. Se..tblrt. of Olllllcne«, IJ About!!lArlin:: to tAlllornln for hi) heilith.

ASO"rmH AIM of flour at HOlll c111kJ It(;0., Jlln Arrlvcd.

1:7 mank Deed!l. M'orlglll;'CI. J..t'M6

alill 8111il 01 S:lle, I-'or ule III JlU. JOliet

0000 .tnther II.galn,


Mil ,r~rullil" .!'hilime-lit of 1I01atoo.1~1ll Otlll~~lIr' •• 1I11l111IllU 10 IlltOIlt :J,lKlOtli.l!hel, 'I'hr)' II I'e !lI1l1 tu be II very choice'ot.

'ClIl: ""lllltr 1'IIlllltOlll ,,'ent lip co Sclt­tk on 'rlletlllly o( thlJ wrek, to 1I1I11+..'t1l:OI'tpaln. In about a wttk or IClll..l.trS he_Ill ft>'lInie her 111....\1 0.. her fOrlner'",nle. with l~ me "1Il1l111g dllJ. alllikllel1ule Ihue, ('II pt. ll~, t:oupe will be1l1l'OllllllalllL We lu't.'Illct lur her 11 11fel,.ItA!OII :llld 1,lcllly of \fOlk.

M,UlIlIl:IJ.-11l lilt' I'lly fli 01)'1111111. onM"tdtlt'Ml"y••Jall, :JOth. IJI IiCY. ,1110. H.'J'hculll-"Oli. Air S:ulli. O. Ho"·!!. of 11~'lt

1"1Ct'.•Iul )tr.l. Ahtrnh II. l:IAI'I), of I'ljrtTO""h'Ciul. We Irt! U1MII'r obllJ(llllon lorflit m~'lJt or I "IOOlhoullltl r"eOllmJcr."1hJ, I~ II~mUI)I.' .llOkeu of ItneloloN lIil...."IDII IIl~I)puIllt.11 ~, 1111111)' ,outlllni 111­InbllJtnfj II( Ihl- Ilh.l't'. M If Ihry b:wcaltugll",I~II...... '"tl ufllfe III wllkhtoelljl)'tbe lie\\' rl'hUlou. ..----

Tin: IUlhJf'I·t o( HI·v. Jno. l'arH)n.· 5er­mouoo :,ulld'I "'t'I,llIK IlUlL ··lId.....l~C-Ir'J Ita•• or a vl~llltt1,"1 (ronl 0011."pru'etll4 ""r,llllo"bllllg (,oUI' .. It "'Il! 'I'm:lIU1ct.,looli ollliliioll WllIlr(hrt!1IIIlIII,d with Ibow'ht and :lobllll)'. The lwll ~Ill to Mr•.J. .f. Hunt. Hh:llltnl

~bjl,'t 01 hl~ Of!rlll~ll lIext ~IUltL1)' nCII~ , )fl'!lOlll.lcllllll Ixt..:k Ig~llI It hi, funnerIII( 1"111 b" .. AI./wIOlIl; or Ihe I,"t )'OlIIlK po!!t at lhi: COl!IIl(1)lJII~tl.

m_n." It ~'III 1I1lt10llhlt111,. II~n'e niltxltu.lvo Iltllrlll~. Mr.l'arjonilIH"t'ldlttl011 Suntll')' w(,or"'ug IIl'I. III t;hlllllll:llll1.

'1'11:·: re-I~)'IHI 1)1 "lIl1e crO!l~llIr 1101"11011 Walt'r ,trect Imllru,t:j the tlioroull:h­(II~ ooll~I,IClahly,

[J'\.Sf,·ft'Oo'I.'ll>le vle"·,,,t alllmlllJrUlllt11ulnlA 11Il l'lIKl't Holllld .t. l,;"nfurllla, (OJ",I. I' Jail, JUliell.·

'flit: .. c.;ollllllt'rdl1l U~IIOI'lCr," 01' I'ort­l.ml.On.oglllI. 01 lhu 2illh ulthuo. I... 011O\lr Inble. lIlIIl I~ f\llllllrkliblu III ILi COlliplelll lllatlstl~1\1 lufilrllllitlon l'Olll'Crnllll{Otegllll, III III gellcral I"Cmllrkli Oil lhe~loUl )'t'lir 1"6 notk(', III llvl,lcnw 01 thugrowth 111111 11I'O'ltl'rll)' or Ihc 1'\'ebrtlOl

kllk lilftt tl", VllllleOf 1111 o:rporu through«"'COIIIIl,blll rl\'t'rllllll)lIl1la1 toR 'Iu:lrter01' a IIlllllOll11vllnu 1II.lre tlurlllg tho J'urISi7 lhln tl", )'ear lu'e,·lolll.

"r.M'OSAI••-lJr. 1~'al' :'\. r'ower, atPl'tIelllt,,1 10I.'l1.~1 '" 1.:\ COI1I1Cr, vl!ltt.1.1I'on TOWIIK'IIII t1urllIg the 11l3t wet'k.11Ie 1..Iot.1Or i II prollll~IIl" )'Ollllg mlill.."orthy or ~lllU:f. lhl. ll. W. Mol'S(', orIbr Ilf'tlfl1ll lI~n::IUUIIII"C 1.Hl!lhlt'H II.t OakUlltOOr, UlOle n\'cr 10 relllt'lIuh hl~

NOCk. ami (,;"111 ••J. II. SI'·IR. lIlall-carrler..at Conllnd. \Uil ,1.0 III IOWI1.

Ova YOIllI5; wh:arflll~r. t1l1lln.lln a'lIl~1It'rall'll.ller. 1I11rry ·1·lbbal.. lIlet witha .lIllit ~"'1:hk!1Il 011 SlIlIIla)' al'temotlll.Wbtotl Ihtl Olkola came III. IJr .lIllllluga&1d '1ltalnlllK Ollt! or hl~ Inklet \'er)'tt'ttl'tly. Wllh 1:1:1 1I11al al1Iv(tr. ho...­neor, lilt! lH....r.tMoe IlIcllnaUou, he IIlrooutl a,ILn- It iii, 1111111)' kletl ~t oilIlity.

, ,

Page 6: Puget Sound s.

----~a ,

..311''''1'' Will ,......11.... Iatd ••1 1, .. 1

-"1 .. ,-., "III I 1i",1," I,. ,I. 11M·t" _l·.r.I.lltlu. t••• , ... I" t a Ilti

4. II nf ...{fllr••1 h.loll••• hI' btlllu-d aa ...1 taN u( ,,,.pl,,,, Uti I r .11,. Ii••r, .. ,.1 a' Ibt .'''hl.« bJUr. "II...1)....

.' III II' Ib crop.'" bt's"•

, ......."

....' .••...

I. f '"

• lletI .., Ut" ....

. '.1', "

\ \\1l.1.'t lih .11 1\111111';.


I 1'1"II "., u'" ,'01 ,

Tt I ,.1, I" I" I' I , •• ~

1'1 '10 _ "",' ,I • _ d:. .: 1\

"_1".1 f"_I'

I .';' n· cr • I .• '.

, It"lJlII ",.1 'a ..",Iii .\"nI,. fll'" .·11.'. u.Q1

\ r· "'I<A" !III .. H'U 110" ",.,. J a ...,11", b\i'ntll ......

1'1,," \''-. ~1'I'"r"r Ilf "'WY" ·I,"1t ,I,. " !.klll III thl' \\ illll,"". Ihmlt Allrltrtions." ,. r '~"Il n" III I I ..' I '

" "

Cllf II .. 1".,,-1 .,j "'11"" tht' Ilr .. n .... I.. II, w II't'l'l ,lilt' ",.'n .. "'011', Ilill I ILl ' !f"ft',\i,' I'le'i'" hl(t."hi~ "'"" ""',d"I 10.,- I I .1'> 111'" I I ,n """1' 't f I Ih••• ,. 'I_h ,.:,10".1. r lllll.,' ,t , ... " • 1111.,,, Jlt u.:ht "1'1' ··n.- tl,t' I Ullolf. m\lI~ ami ""til" IlUnel".n... :o 'UIl,· 'II t" .\lIm,', IIoI',j "'\' h"", IOUI'h it "'eh:h ..

"'~II , I ,.,t' \ r.~", "_',Im_l ,,1.1' II In tli Io~ \loll" I. 1'l' ha.l" pl(,1••ul lillI' 1'he\' 1 '1'1,.- IIltll' \\ hilI 14'llull lhu "",_, .,,:,I , .. 10. •• It 1/ '" 1..""1' n,o'fln- l h'.I" • ,L " ".. "I '!II • ,J. t -f .'01'.111..' " 1·lln • 1i''''I' _I nn~ IUl.:lll- t""I,.'II_.IIt:flun,lI.; II_b {Ill t..1\ ",11'1 lI.'Il" ~IIOlton Itnl "IIJlly~1 lllP '" i~ ""f. til M.~ thl' "1'f1,f...~ 'I"

_" 1,\ Ill,', • ,.1, .a _ II, I:.U" III. IHUl"11 "ll .. n _un. I. .,, I '" -It' I< _t 11I.. lnl'·llIUII.I,· It.t···lo~ of h""It" It.ln.•,I'II.III11 "III "Ill. I hil{ IUlkf" un,ler!lI11 /I •• 1 I ....' In',. • 'til, 10 II ~ t rlln l. ,,_ '0:,,:1 ~~ 11I.,luo 1111.,· III~ ",h" lUlU' IJeln rl,Irt',. 1If1,It'r tht· Ill' all11 1 '1lllt '" 1< till;! "'II)'"I;~ WiD"1""'. "'ll ,I "1 I .: I ~ f .,1 .'1 II' fl" ,11,1 a ~ "10;: ::Irlln ,~.(I '..... nh 1"'1 ..:" .. t'Uh'P "f a .1t·ru11'o1 f ,thl'r "",llII' th~.". l'I".llltt:.IIt-df 1'1 Ihe Jt0H III ~,ul'rl c JI~

, \. r .,,,. II \ .. ,I •• ttl' If 1"\'''11.1. 1.I.ur .•u,l tl" \' I"u I ,. 'II "tr"r \rl1 .. h: ..... ""It' ~1I11' ""I'''' j"r Ih.lr c1l1ltln·.... "'1.1" ·lu.l. nl Ifllllit 1\.. Ilth'llle lut'lr ioII ,•. ",1.\.1; "11.~.,<p,. '1":11"" hnl.d,- I' .•~ '1'111I\ 1• .tlllll,I·I,III1.:r .... ,II·'..."d"'h·'.,·.t•• lr.. 1I .11. lu 1I,lur. 11,t' f'IllIIJ Hut )Ir-, ~ihlfl'uu Ihe

... ,1 at It .. ':'''.. • II I II ~'" It. la I..... • •••••" u. tl,. -' \ Iii Ii'· f1.1 CIUI ",. hh II.' ~, 1Il- "f "H'1I1' 1ll,I u,,!.Il'·1l1' • Ull- 1~'ld, tto,1 pr:1t Ill" II h.III.,.", 'I .. IL~ I 1M)

I 11" It ,', IItl j til 'U~II I". ,h ,:.:h"·r ... l<hl',1 1111'" J I'll I.:r".11 ,"g,1 "r...lu('.~1 ",11.,1 "J' Ii 1.1t'III·t tile Ihllh< III lhin;.:·•..\ _h .. ,. Oil I I., I..... , I .:.~ ..I I,r. r ,I hnilln m'ICh I· .r <III If·flIl, r. 111I.ld a_lun' " "':'11/1" ." II p"'lr<"C"t III Dh, ....1 11 "' •• Ih,· rI,y t.·f"re Thl1lk~(;i"i":t

,n.1 I"''' I,uk I IIhi. II' \ I.· I',..1 '" t\ tI" ,I. "11' h"l1'" "'I I I • 11'1. In II,,' In"rn "r.· ,mIlOJhll, .. I. 111·1 III" f.., oll'r "'hn 1111,1 a/irl I I" -1111:

t , .1, 1 "' ..r,h llle ... tllli till" '\.1 "'': III. ,1,'1 I I... '" ""lin I .. , .. ,... ,j :\ .. "ur 1'11'11,-_ h ...,· 1Jt'1'1I I., n.. In O'lr III~ lu-r .'111 II turke~ hll,IIJluu;.:hl It.


",)o'UII."IJe'ldl. IIt_I d •• 11....u-"~lt C'hllol.h ....I. ... In. l:re t ,It:;.tll.'tl .1,1 I" lilt I,.tl nil "'llehe,1 II. IID,I."f,'..__... ,0 • "1"'- I' tl I·' .... '·", .: I, III t"'n ., I , 1 I '-':I '1ll1'1II' nl ,. I.' I..' I.~., I 1;'~1I Ill.. " I' tI1rh..r. II I ·uurk lI':iOl.tD·t tlte I ... I"t" l"UI-e" ;llIrh 1't'1.. II ...: IIH'! (','ul,1 not ·r...• flOJ ih "t',!.,!III••U oiI,...... <If 11 r I" r..t· .....·11I1"1 t'I I.., .. I"f'a "1.InrIJ U,ll"k" "n.1 J.: n",J., n, h,"c "I.. ,," urly tllU~ III 4" PIIOt'll) •.• III ... hlch 1'0.11",1 ill till! .tutling IllUpo.ilioD\11 ..1 1111 J. n... ' 1l"I"'l:n:"'1 .Id Ih.·y III hfOr II." 1" 'r', ••• 1111. d·nelo"u··"r ''''"' .t~ ••nl.llIt-I~.~I'litUlt·.... IIUdth«llh,l\I· .'Ih ",llIdl "'~ I.. ,,!:<uIn II,.. ph .. n lllllth't Ihink "I h'-hl',f a .I~·_ :o.~e '~Iltl ill,IIIIIC "tlK'rm~t .le'"~IILle It'i"'D~ "\\dl. i( r'lII 1"lI't Ihel"1.i~.t InlUl_!

.. :.. '. "'IIl. hr.....I••11' r;.l' .tr I:vht II,,-~I .. mun: lit n I ..hilli. huu,lIe. (If. thil,1 til h"'elU 1)~r1 ..(bIUI ·1f...1,,·0 Ju.. t I. thutlio:" il "'''j ll:lIinu til hurt yogh_.\ I....1""IIt"I.1 th.. w:u1de. II~ io); Ill. I) .Ir ,,"I \I\~'II... "ut ·h,· ,",1 III lin ht·trl, h~ l~lt.. nl\" I Itt mAli e·hlt" ~1l+1 ~t rl. .n~· tn IlIk.. Ihi. IJili1 til lb.· I'nrllt'r and

ban,l ul~'n tI,,,, tillite' _ UI'I.IJ" ft'ln thtt ""hil_' btl li"t"l. nn In~r,· I,.""t_ wUtll,1 1I1~11U the .,,1101 10 I till' (ur hllll-elf. he !.I.rlc!' Ill' "'ellt.m 1\. Ill' ~t"" lIIe l!1IfIk.The 111'\'1 ill.taOt. "'lIh • ! .. :I til 1 IIt'I t foO the "I.. "u·l, It <~." i( l\ Iij.lbt III be 1I111 til he gll"t:rlI""IIJJ tl".-'lIe f"lfl! in~ ".ftl leu~ly I"r II 1",le tf, trlUvl illto,

..ollll,led Ilkt. Ilw .hth·k tI(. ,!l'ml 11. Ih...hiDiQ[t Illr""vh hi" lOll..", ..nulol 1"II:.,:hl It'~,"n'. c"mID!.,!,.~ the! lI,vt', Lllr. III re.llt),. rm tl", 11m IDI, Whicb.'''101n'[ ,"t1lhiuk I e.o mUIII!::f' h' [tf't l.:1I .. 1"11f~ .....1 bl- 1U1I-t'ln:.: l"r"ltr,1. I{ .:ht !.,!uil'l,! Iht:lIA •• h·I~·IDltl lit.. hllb·" .\h,1 f~lIl1lllll' hi'. IIf dl,!",rl~ I'l\'~ ,,"HIII ... ~hl'n I f"II~,I. I m 1116 UOOC uf iD pLlttlG"

Ihr. ueh .... 11.1'111 o,lt'lln tlll'lIn,lr,·.~ulli IhlolU:,:h the ..colle .. I Ih... enl"!lmpuhllt 'I, Iter '" 'Ichlll,!: II~ Ihd t.. .. ly"r lId I .. 1II1111111lOns nlll' '.,,11 II·. Jet. l·tlm Inw tllh,'CIIII,'n It !JIlin I bill forilled (or,""

",'.1 fIllt,l ~I'l<~ .\rtI", lIker. , ". ,. I fath"" IIcclJnltn!! til Ihe cu-t IIti IIf 111.'r Inulliu" Wilhou,r ,,"u Letter Illlturc. ",til "'t!j<.hi,1U" II IUlk __ , III hOl1l"I I Ihlly "elll.lhOi'k lilt n.'C... I m' uy I IIlk. - I I I I ~ ~

"I Illinil. I kill." IIn~... ('re< II; ColID- 3itll' by .1,11'. IMlIlI,If'. unUllt ",.,,~ bUrlloJ. he laitl ,1"""/1 eV.l·r PIIIVI.' a tlltcio:ulml am ...11 d~. ""I _ I IIUllS tim I,r·lom IIllIdle t.1 Ihe gILl-1"11,,11. .. With t.ll'ry ""lInll /Of tlll'h hl'I.~~· felt n.t I",.t Ihr"lI.;h II'tl lioy; hlll "h"11 III ",fdJ ClltfJ u....hrllll~h: e~,,?IIDll U3 JI·t It! • "ill' I'H'!J. "ofl .. Ii,1 11 ttlun~ in

"Then r Illdl J!:" lhrnll!!,h ..... Ith you. I lUi I.... 11. hi' ,,,1 til,' t, nitk ,til uf lilt' ni:.{ht 1~·Il. lU,,·C, ll.Dd h;.:htin~ cm,llc, I til 'Ut'I"'.,,fully re-I-I lilt! 11I~1''''~1I~ CI!. IlIl' luul' Ilnlil it hltoh'nc....'l.1. By IILi~ tiole..aill Ihr ollice'. wI,h .I,'lflrmlnltllllll. riuer~ lll(' 'lIIplllli•.•1 liv the ,h HI' pu.a 'Jf pl/lced it in th" '" illlluw uf IJer C"ltll.1o!1.'. nO:tclunl'nt... uf telllpt~llIlll. "11I1l) It 1111 wete ClirmUI ", &ee .'I,at I Wlb aboat.

..t -tt·n. Ihero aln't II mIll! o· the C'IIID. III" 1J1;lld Irum Indr -,e.."h'~rlt III I.uy Itl. ,,, tll.I it lIli~lLt he q~ell !.Iy nD' li~h~r·l·hlltllll lie the "le3In' III ~nclllcfltc thl:' lei' 1 tllen 1i~l.,,1 II '" ire tu the lIuke,-.1IJ .e 1\ hey ler!l"n O"'er Ihllt 1I1n't JUat dllln who loud 10 the WilY, 1Illlll cOlllin~ III (Iilm II.'U. 1I0U guhlu him ",m! u( 1Il llrlllLty LIII,I "1:lUIIIU. lultl Witch (ttl't "'ud hlluked it '0 thltt h _'''uld lid",wlIrmin' .illl rethkin6. 1 nct'er.« 'I ooJ I f h IlIlIf"IJ intn the IUlrwr. :'tht 10111 II)' lite Ity precept "od tXllmplc clIch dc·lrttble nn t110 broolu·lullI,llc. Ncxt I WJl" flu.IlIlinJ 00 'tllll II_ I did III~t ~it:ht. ONl!! On the~ r e, 1.lnle two UriUlI! n~te-, cIIllllle rtll nh:hl IIn,1 Irllllllll... 1 it. I'llill 1-''8~un. buw lUllch mnte dt:llrllillu II Is 10 inUl Ulill Ih:c,1 it in Ihe 11111 C WIIJmhcht btl "hIe ler git Ihle ..· allli~ht; uut flleu, fUICUlK ~helr .ltlt,.. l~ ov,er

lblll1.1II1; lapun: UUI whc,,' Ih~ lIllY dtlwned. ~he ~ nlld thi~ L, m:lkillC llOllIe Ilttrlu:livef When litO brU(1l1l ...·,iilllicely l>~llInc(uJ'

tlto'J lre juat .!>out arlin tcr beY lhlir hllrll

reil'lthroup:h tie vJ') ClllllPdu t 16l1sttlO·

1I'ocnt 10 hed ttlld illlll!. Chlldrell nrll ftlr mure IIpl to lellm IHld I hUllJoC tllu turkey on the IIroom end 0;

lifted:' . 6~~( WLtt,!OU. ~". lie r ,hell !~ll~ coune. As IIlllnj blluk!! U Sl16 hll!1 ~Ilutl hd',jrc rememl1cr whrtl theylletl Ihllll whllt IlIOJ Iht· lUick, two lucile, from Ihe !.IlIlllocin"NcYcrlhl.ll~!. I IULut tttke the fl6k. lire 1.Lldlttlhl "cro 1~IlIllC-,",rtt;k~Il,",,to

d\! fur her lI.il, hrelld. IIII' "!HIIl !l11l1. mul h~'lr. uml g:ellcrlilly wlilit Illell!u tho uye 100'1. ThlH! I hUll" Ihe tllIt,iron II. ,b",

, t two (frill! "haulom-lIktl r l U~ 1'1I o,~ ' k ". . 'r,', ,.... . "llJwlfe whom Ihll\'enot leen lor WO I el

• \ ef

untloter tobuyllerlllj.{ltllycllIl,lle: IIlId UIII .. ,.11 tI!\lJug IlIIprtJulUu. lI~tJCIlIg uther 8111e lIud Ihll,urlitw.lllDKlIlltilit>t I_ la 'I,'iu~ tit th~ puillt of dClllh I\·ith- t l.ro~ I Iho enCllml~llh)llt. l cw rC-

1frum th~t tillle 10 Ihl •. ,,,t lIt'tJ yeUl'8, Ihe CII·C. h.,w lItlCC~·IH, it i~ to lUllke unlanced tilc lurkc),. NUlIt I llItJuured

III I1I;tlntlred miltt of me, nnd I 1II116t see lam plescnt:i tlf l!llllli ellllugh 1.0 SIWllt thruu~h yOlllh Dl~turity 111111 "J,!Ul:ll ~hc hl1luc find itll IIl1rrounl!illg5 fUlIllctil'e. Iho di~tllllue nf-tfllJ IlIrkey IIIllI IIl1t.ironher III all hll~IHdl," . ~~r~w~ ~t th~,~OI05CI:~:~:: :~t~~ I:~l~~~: .:1,10 hall turuu(1 lI'igll,t 11Itil dll)', IJllll h; Ih.. flllm IIIIl hlllllncllllllo"II, llllli flluml that

"lntlverhedhartler""(Ifklcrgltlhrew a,6.I.he8 f{1l • rl" c CC~18nfllv'SIIlIlIlIOf"lntcr. tlHou!I'h llrvllul! 'I'hel.lllcl'lt Agofl)'. tllu Illrkl·yllullfoCtwlllur:hc lultithellllt_iOIlJlmy life thlln I hed ll\St night." per· fro~lltr cO:I~:er.ulltlOnhbut I well bll( tni8t~. deeepli'i'tl nlo.,"llL.tllt lIud ~ulcm" irun dgoht hwht!i4 fwul Ihll hnlOlllciD$t.llIted tile /oluillu. "I liin't much .keery p&!l ICJlIlll le,~ ~el\c . . . ,JarkncIIs, tlltit tllJrlh..ru 11IIdjf'r hilS lIev(jr POl/It I,n'u uIltteu5 IIrtl ..om I.y llrillr:l. lo"p. Thill WII! 1111. I IUIII fuund Ihca7. l "co'l thiDg, but I tell )·OU. c",p'o,llLe On they rode l out 1010 tbll dark prlllrle nDce lJ<oen willlHIII the lit(llluf he' cutlllt'. JlX:ke,. ClIP~ tlf velvet IIro ","orn lIy ""I'il!lIl nf the turkey, alld tolll Ihelll:hill Wlttllry'. i1lvtl witb U.CIlI red 1'lIr· 1)e)·o.Dd, fO'llInllll'l/ uuhllrmed. Aftcr j How mUIlY livt!ll ~ha IIv,,1 h1 Ihl; (1111· lilllllllll")'~' Twenly-fulIr IlIlunll•.miul•." " IUltkl~~ a crlllilic It mil~, thoy pllused die. anrlla(1W mllny mOlll. IIhll WillI lIy it l'1'''lks life lnude alm()jt eutirely \If "Uo !Ull 'pllllti I'm ~oing 10 lIeliull

I'Hutl.haU mllke the ~ttcmpt. ~at. IInll Iblcued. ~lIr oohlOll Ihti1 hCllrtl for the IIt!'trving (.mille, .. t' 111l! 1ll/lItUlen, ll;,:ull.'d cluth6. all thlt ttllllfiluicryl It dlle~n'l ",eiKhYou gut Ihrnusr" Illfe l"lt OIghl; ._we mar Upt'.11 Ih~ ol"hlltlr Ihe IOIlUdll..of punult, iti! ilDl)(l!isihlll to IllY. II .. w lI1"ny Ilurk A flew !·liti. bonnet i.'1 cltlled thu more'lI tweDtJ. I kDn",·. Ilcre. Magglllldo 10 I.-<tll)·. Come, let'. !)(!utr_ I" fhey rt! wakell oJ> nt hlill. remKrktKi uiw:ht..llhl' liithermen, dep~ulliug 011 ii, "(;mf) )lrtri4." 1'1Ik" thill uut lind 3.k .\IIJIO tu 1\'eign It

',r..u telled ser je t l7. ·ti~••0' If y.r tbo guide .... Ith II (11I1I·t chuckle. "We'lI hue ~Nnt: Ivrtlr, calltlut now UI! toltl. (;1t:1t hllill lIrhll! !tre awoog Ih(' nUl'el· for YUII."u, ..... 1'01 re.rly t<l ,urt.'· IlIt!sr to III~ ril(htltu' thcDlIou!,[eoll 'em: Tiler, It .tood, legulltr M Il IlIChl·hull~. tiCi in lIoonet.. "1'11I 1,11101('.1 if he hUll" lIit it ailOllt

Tbe .peaker Ina ~at Hugglu... w,lI· Tn the rl~bt we .,ooe. utllli tho dull IIteAdllylU COOjtltnt care coult..1 m.~w II. (j",rlllflll, of Ilumlllicg-blrds .dorn the rllo:hl," ltliid till' fill mer willi hllilliruulilbtk.ouwn acout, ..bo,. ror more tbllo teo Ihll. of theIr horlel boof:l ul)Oo Ihe 10ftIAlwsy. brighter wllell d!tylll(hi wllntll, lDnllt .I,II~h hili.. the tllrk~y. "lIlw tlill JUu ihtd f)uU",ean. III,d mllde bl' helld quarle,.. It e.rth ""ll~ the 0111, ."und they he rd, the Ibllermeo had ollly II kl.'ep it c..n· SlAte. I-t' IJ III1lI or ol{c are fulllnnlllJle "WclI. )'011 H'C," lIid I. "lIlt llat.iroDFort )f~n. on the beadwaters of th~ Uere Ihe, p,ukl.(l to allow thci, hor es IIlant1!ID vicllt" aDti werll ...,,,: Ihere "'.1l1 cOOlI,iuAlillu IIf cnlor. hM II dj.t"ure ,ix 011 it; Ih.t ,bow. itLhl~I.. . I tll l!Olke hre"lh. rCLou... illlC Ihe utldle alld hut l'nt: tbUlL:' to illtcrcl'pl 1t,III111 thllt "'"~ J.1I,lie· tUr\(lilMr-~hell portl·mollllie.. 11I1~t: ""ei$:h .i~ Ilflll,"lil. XOI"", if the lurie,~at ",'U II Jlezlcan h.U.breed, weigh- hridlo frflm the capI.in·"! borie IhM he the H·lCk. Howtlver fllr they mighl have tiu! wlih:h in the toll had unt •·.. illhc\l moru thno Ih" llat.ilUo

10,1( U,UI more Iliao ?iDel1 ))OUn~i4, IIUnUt mh:ht roll: tbeu th"y '''1110 mounted .ud Igooe Hut t.ll:ieL they hlld tJlll! to beur . The DC~ "Illminctf' friDge ill ofwlteled IheJ Wf\uhl Iill\'t blthlDcetl ach olhc;tin tcet ICO InchUlo hl:Jght, wLth hmiC, rode to",ard6 tbo furt. do..o fur that lI)fhtttl wlndo , l&fId thOlllillk••nd b 1'err elel:lI11t. tile line di.lllllce fWOl Ihot b.lanciDgconN hllr. keen black eyeJ, r.!te.1t IlIu'l At d"ybre/\lt they came to aUttle Siream Iwere ,.ureor a 11ft! ell trance tn lilt lIarOOr. . UlllCk S""eduh ~lo•.ea ."( llodre<oied loup; uut Ihe turkey ...... 11 the hell1'ier.lI!rn ja.. s, 1I0d ..lIuw, beardleM cbttk.t. of "ater wfI"IO tlleJ .toplM....J tn I~rmit Hut wh.t du 1116 bollltmell It.nd 00It.1- kId Itre IlOlmllir (or dt:Il.l·tflllol, Ito ( hili I 10 Ullll'tl thl' lI"t-irtlll ODt (or.

It. rode a larte, power(ul must.nlt", their bO;If'~ 10 drink aDd to nll03d Iheir men'" ..i'e! think of thi~~ Do Ihey lIlt)" 1"11". ·lult.le·ot:e:k......1 prillCC!\S dr!! _Cf Iher, At III _II~C llialllllce (rllln Ihlloop'wilhoul uddle or bridl4"; I(lIidiog the re,ol,er.: (ut theJ did oot upcct 10 reich Ihe pour ","OOlIlU~ Xli: Ille! 81e 'ery life tli., m~t IJliill fur c\·ellllll.[ .·C Ir, •• tlul IUrktlJ (11\/1 iodll!A), tli" tt'lt·iroo&%Iinllli coUrel, bJ plllUiDg bi, kDees tbe (11ft ""ithl>lIt as ID cDcoualeriog their pOlJr; but poor or rich. Ihe, k/l<lw bt'tter I Tht tlnly peri,llIllIle hlllCk cr.pe is 110... pullal .ix PflUDd,l 'f~i~ht. .ud .1 e.erJ"P:1io t il .Id~. Xicely bailloced be· pliraUtrl, .. thlill tbut. Uti the, thllllk ber~ Xu. Per- rrrlnl ..hed alld IlIlide w.ter-pl'Ollr'. lvhlitlon o( tlillt diJIltlllce it would pUll(0,. biDl. bc c....rled a long, munlerous- Thu. the, jllurnenr! until sUDriae lIap6 Ihey tblDk Ihat thlluk. uf tbdr. LI~III. l1utr,· (1!IIthe". 111'111 b,· II gold IX pound. llIIIre. TIIU:l, at four iocheslook inK KeotuckJ rille, bett.vily mounted wbell the guide rode ilii mUIII.nfO 10 til; "'ould lie ,in.deqllllie 10 uprClI IhcirIJlOl'er ur leaf, .r.....·orn III the hair ror Iit pullet) t·! IMltlndl: lit Ji.l iDcbel f'igbl'.dtb 11"r, aad 1.0 bi. belt. pair ofD&Vy lOp of the dirille and Rt~ed I~Dg .nd gratitude: or pelbllJW long yeui line enDing. eeu ptlUntl : "'Dd Itt e1~ht iochf", t"'eo-f'f"ol'ell. CllnlUtly o....er tb~ couoln. At Idt bit matle Ihe Iil(htell c:a.eloeut 10' r4mllllllr, PriCtlJ of i1r ~kl.l Are IO"'cr thi,. I!-fflur pllomb, At tlllil di t.nce it

lilt cnmpAnloo, a,ooeS nitta, IClircely kcen eJt' detected four -(lr ti't! ttDlky thllt they IrKlk "IKIII it 4" UI tter 01 If('3,o0 th.n theJ bllt'e beeu rOJr Jeu" j'ht Iilllllnred Iht· IlIrkeJ. Ihu. pn''fiog,weuly·lh., ,e,,, of~. bad tb..1 IOUIO· furm io Ibe dim diltllDte anti Ii tily dc-, CJlOrIC:. IoJld fnrget (ur thl! timu the I)ltlicot pa.l. Ihlliit ",dJ.{lll~ I __,'.lag rt.'CC\,etl 10forwatIOu tb.t bi. .",Ife, OD .cending. tbe two once ~ore urged their wlt.tchtr ",·ithlo.-J,e..n IRgiWM. Sitle ,I~illltlril.t tire WI'U" of l:uj.,'C '·Well. M.,lu;le. whll.' doet A!.bro ..,t"bel' "'J to jolu him. ,,'q detlUDN .t aniWIII. forw.rd at Ihe top of their IM!O'1. r ho'(. III \\ ItUUU plCllf, on IIIJIUh cu;- "TWCDI!'(lIur ,)Ouo. OIUIII, repliedFort )(...oa b!a daDgeroul iIID . It I 0 the eDt ver the f1lCD 1.lu Dl'ti.i In Old 1'm)'l!I. tUlIIte. MII,Q'f.:le.c"nllll'C In .

• w.. Ib" delerwiuatloo to returo witb the .tl y w '! I g K . Some IIf the handlOmthot importet! bom- "\\'tlll. I Kh'e oP."lIahl M13. Sinlpioo;.COllt .. 110 had brougllt tile De .... Ih.t thell hor~~ .teeml:! a mon hJ J, 10I 10 ,peakin{C of (!L'I')rge tlerbelt. who oet" .r6COIIIIJl.litkl Cl1lird,. 01' IlU'gu dllto· lIod 5110 tlill••0<1'11 do 1_1111 oellliQle.p,e riM to the COD ....... rMotion recorded greal.... ('If.pc , lived ill the time flf J.mCll I, we tuld Nk ro.el. -fl. J/. ,":hmA. in ,st. NldwUlI.al.Ml~. I ~~. 0 Jf?u bold out b If Illl hour ~OOR- bo.... be put off" hill floe IlIk cllvaHer·. A Dew materi,,1 for IrimmiDg II Ih,'

"C<tp·o. Jou'd ought te, be.- an CICOrt. ed 10f)uued the f(uldt:, througb hi! 8tlt dre.llll ...·beo htlleft tb. C'lurt aDd IItlWlu. !ltlt'LIC plume." Iud ml'! IJc u"cil ill II TlJe i\1h'ltlltill;:"e;c or ":larly VO\'erLy.or .lleut IWtDty meo l if Sou .... iII g '''I teeth. II country gentltmllll. 5111111 "'6 DU'N lee nriely 01 w.!_.remlrk ...'t1 the guide. "l Ilnn't knllw," Will the In,wer, II Iiule of the "aJ in which lOme o( the It ii fLU frOlll hOltlulf IIl ...."'Jot II di!ft(I'ltn·

oITtJelllJ muut" queried the officer. ··rou roU!tI," WIUI the ltern repl}', and Kr.ndeel u!lCl.l tlldrus io thMe c1ayd1 lIol..~ell(lltl IIlntol, tll",elll J"IIIlK tIlen Ihllt th ...y _llOu\l1 com·"Why, tbtlre ar. oDI, 'ilty weD III the 00 they rOfhl, Ihe wtllltAn~ ttppartlutl, foil Sir W.lter Ihleigh wore II. white UtlD lIlcllCCI IIru Itl ptll'l.'rty. III el:plllnation of1....1. Nut 0.011 CRII he 'Ilared, fllr tire ,,( endur",oc~, the Qllic"r. bono DearlJ pinked veilt. ctOlle wIC'''ed to tile wrillt; X£\·P.:1t Illtrt yOllr rire wilh nil. Ihi,. l!tll }.'tlllnintr IlIArt Chnmidt I'y,:pot1tl. IikulJ to lIell.ullcked IH III1J tiole." 1.1I0"'0, ,,'or tile hOlly II brown doulllcl, Uuul,. I(mllO:O;1I of an1 kind Iihlmld he WII l,cd 'I'he ",,,rllt thill'" Ihllt CUll hlljJI't:rll to a

"That'll lru6 cap'n' there don't 'I!Cm "Hold I' tight relll, an' doo't lie afraid fluwered lIutiernbruldcred "'hh Ilt:ArI. III in cold IUdlllllld nrtt rilllMltl. YOlllllo( nUIlI In I'ollcgtl b to hlll'u " f.,hferter uu nn olber'w., d~. thar1 Will 1'111 of the 1')Off," SlIld Kilt, ~13ncinll be· Ihe fUlllher of hill hilt thtHlI "Ill a l"r"6 or Il1Hthl!r 811 illJ"lllil:illOIl IUllo keell him

, '" d h' T" 'I ., I.. 1II1t·lron.luu rllll"h. rull them ","ull Irud, ter .tart. W. 1I1hl" h,ve ter do, lOrD. .. ley re C/JIlIlI -Ii (07.cn r,',y 8ntl''1url drO\lllt Ihe hottom of tile " 1101"" '"I"Jllll,1 wilh ,lllCket.lIIoue" Iwith nit, IInll it will mllkt: them w(llIth. b1000U 1",11 ridio', au' I doo'l ja,t Iikll the on '.,m." . 6lJrig, io ",Iacit IIf Ii. JIlttnu; hi trunk hOfe I. fl\tul I" Ilutliolill 11111... 111, aDd ill t e101'11: l!f IhAt critlcr e' youro." "lie clln't holtl out longo,' tIIL1t1~lcll t1~~ or hlet.'Cheil, ..... ith ki.l .. tllCklngll IIml rib- I .. ~'ou ",r6urryin.~ II corpet f,.r Ilurll' elill Jtl.:lIctlllly 1111111 III govd UlOIIIIIl.

"Not do l; but he hill the most enduro CRplltlo. ll~m"kIDg tbe une.uo galt ofhl5 I)lm J(t1rlen. Wt're frlnJ(lltillt thtl entlull bilitJ•.I'IIU lllUllt chuO:lQ ,rnllll lig:uru. Thl~ III e111llllly tiro ClIlKl with II younlCAnee of ,oJ aDlm.1 .t Ihe poIt." horte. whlta; t1lul buff 8!l00,. with white rlhboll, A lilT Ilflll&P rllhhed on Ilin hillllC' 11I1111 ill lI11tiutI .." wlw I. 11I1It1e to feel

"Tbllt m.y be, lIut h'. liteI'd he', gill "lie m\1itl" Will tht' only IInlwer. On /o!r/!It court dlt)'a ho wurll hill8hoet '0 of dOIlt.t will prevellt tbt:'ll froLII CTe"k· III him "lllll!trJ I, 1111 ulljeet"-Ihll.ler btl,. too, lo'litem legs er too Itocky Un. on the, rodt. It W81 lor 11ft lin",. co,ere.1 with prl.'Cil'II' i1tOlll' "' til h"v\! In,l:. W(lalth, fllllu·r·. pllne III Itlll'ay. OpeD toter lilt very f..I." alld they kne...· h. Ikhinll were Ihcir t!ltcl.'\'tIud thtl Yllluell( i:!J,600i 1111,1 be hllli 1'.u:r. cold ltnlletl anlmon. (lIck It InlO bl. mOlit eltra"gant dtmlllld". Ntlth-

"VUI or nOl, hc·. IUl have, lud I puriuer•• ncb momCll1 w:aiDiDg un them.••uh o( armor o( MIIJ '111'cr. 1"11 ."r'lt! .hretla, bake it III l'lAper C1181!10r IU • iOJ! t.Iu.elofM a !lItlng mlln Iika fightilg.•h,lI take the rl.k. Ir w,'re .ttacked, Neck .Dd Deck ,pet) tile t"o hohtl., aoJ belt Llniug ~dth di.OII1DtI~, rtlbil!ll I!AI.!, and Itlue ",ith l1Iu51lt11olUI . hi uwu "'ay III tile worlt!. 80lllupurWI mu.t light our ••y Ihroultb; there', "On, I( h, 0111, could bold out:" 1,lhe t\UrI pe.rll, or &1l't'eIl.i1!, lOme br~lnK air of ad...el'lC

h " • J 'f , b \) f ~Ir.V'HI.lIt. UK"HDr.-Pre,1 ro hMN- d' I ""f' t ,'f.II00t I'r WIJ. tboU~ht or the ('lIplllln," be turDS. do-- Kin\( IItnei. 1I,0r teo t, uke Il .urrouo 10iC" 'll~ U to mot mea,• W 'I'd he •.- d I'd' I radl h, b .. ttr.tLnll 1I0d milltl" iu ,iIII" I ' b I' " ••• e 0 t val"e kin, cap·a. No" .palr na look behind. y~. thf'l ....&&:U Uucklnj:Cbam, h. II' IIIIDOIIl ~ tMeltetl <l Ill... ~ t I~y arll to Pllt ,urt lIcit .... 10. pnw_.


- • " ' .. I I d t b h • "lIr. the .am••• for l.ble Ilur'''lo(I:I, lind Th 'I 'I' I d ".,u er, ",KrIU J: are glllnlDg 00 thew; Ilere·. no (oubt 1100.1111 00, 10 "" leO • C II~ tn .ba e" I I Ih I I b tr Ii " tiC I mao" 1(' r. uurlle<" an pe U!U

"ner ridllliabout Ihe mil... Nat .DL)- ,bnut th.t. 11ft' a ICW OD the Rrlluad. h" une! t..ok ·PP y. 0 "em!J. w eo I. ate or (N'm Inf'Ill', &Ilil "hieltlotl froOl bat-deDIJ baited. D1.0I0UIIUDg, be placed Old Nat .0ddenlJ t.Ik'4 bit hand, lIad lhem baclt -.cala. IIi. cloalu 'Went Ib I I .l~ I ·t~~led. or I~e 7~t .liea tll.- tllDf( wllh Ib" wo,ld, uner r.111J ItIII..blt.1 Ll,t the rrOQDd. pniGU wltb bl. Ion". booy 11011 r .llOQlc. trimUled .. iUI gre.t dllmoad bulloD", pa n "' 0 e arm or I uti { • to .tand erwl and wallt alo",. I~ bl

"Wh..t \a hl"' a• .liotUIJ iaquired tbe tbiDK 00 1h. dlll.Dt prairie befor. thea.•Dd dlalDood bat.bud~ cockMiea .ud "'MUT T.U~ UI I.lsu.-To ....0"1' .D! th..~ btt I .trippt"l o( hit l.ber,&Idollc:u. '·Wh.tllllll 1 .II ,~....ltabucvlll- .ar.rl0Ki. Joked .ltb gttat KJI~ IDd them. rub tb. J*ft liD I'll(b lid. with ..ealth••Dd b.. to le.r. to IClye uti I"'.

".. leja. a.p. 'TaI.·t • tboll..."d pulol!.. k.,u.o( pc",I.. II. haJ t"ealy ""eo fellow II.-Po tbe. tie lip a pi.ce of I ..rl bud It.ock. lilt. 01114"1'I, be ""rlJ Ill·}ant. ahe.d••Iu.er-. Cu't ,oa bear ·t.r "Look &«I'., old r.llo". loolt ariD; .uh.u( clMh.. lb. ric"', that ...broM· uh III die ckKh, ele.. aad eoak ..,II I. "a" pel uDder la Ih, Ittllnl ..y

80Q Iltteoed. 'TbenI •• no .t.talt••D· k.p tbllt "nrM ..ellia hud." Iery, lau,lIllt. nl.-.t,. .i1"'er. COld &ad hot "at«. tor boil, l"aNk upo. natl'. be &401!1"1D rwgainJ h! ha.o......t., \be tn.p of.DMod bar-. llpoa tbe Agal. U•••mow look... but ... .olb· fetIU COtIld ••It, 0 .. of 1M. w.. a tbe ltalDCd p-rt to \be In ,t air .'lIlllbe (~ton. baa I~& --<OYff'td t"'" aMado I•• ud 'IlIer.IM.11 .. II, .. ,,-..y u.·t _bite GOUI HI""," all Oftf botb, It 1ftDOftd, ~ 1,.11 u.. W Ib, ud tftdi"

.. " t caa we dot" ...loul} ..lted yOll t.lI .. _bat ,_ - laltd tloall.•• lUt dl .....d. _CII'$ IlCtlt, M'U OOii n. En:t.m.-r.t a I an o( tbi. ~'I', at poor -'"•taM C'afJt&!.. "s.e., ...1" .aUen 1l.kI~ ~ .. 't tIkMI....d potI.....~ a ~I falbet tprlOtIf'tI1 0( blat-It tN I an "til .... Snrl,.Utaf tIM' • ,..e*I~ 1I"'tdt: kaobd abotIt ..I. rot. f•• '1M .... Ibat t .. a 4JI.·' TIt..f. the. .IK all w,d, dl l,. M ..ere 1lU'I' .... It --rh boall • ~.tun. \.t.,-"-.,. poor ... , --.

.~"".Idla,,"bled( ...dul.... 014)1•••'.,'*1'1 ttN •••• pod ..... In vn1..lrdW. t .......,..". ~h UraM Ill_~ •• U j9i.l1l1 hu h........ It .. ,,....

...d Ir Jd' ....'t .. try .p thai t C4n,« at ....... ..ar. k.-, h ,. .U t ~ r ~ .. .n. .U. t..... 01 • rid ..... "We ~ t. ,he IIt.apanal UII nt,·,. et*t.· ........ u..r uk, tlae ..".,;.. Ute It II'''; lit • tile " •• lIf" .IUt tIM • .~ ..,. .....

·icbleo tlMec""" 'ea That·• • iltd'" I lftll No.·. ~ 1('" ., ... I' r.'I1' ...... b a.Ill I. ".Oray H • o.., ricln...d u..r ,1m' E'-~J "".wi rAi"'" to , ... I.. r. to~ a~ a ... a.-ur H••••t w.,k .., .Iarn a-M"r Iell W.U.'I I't ,..t .... btt .. I'''' ..... d ud .-1..... . """" L ..... II tot I J "'""w-...,..... ta ..utr~ to d,.,.. '... lll.& .t II" .""1 w....tr-..d • ,.1I ..""an.lII",k. b, ~at... I .a,,,"&('" .al II lilt ".1.. '

..a.I..- ....t.ltdll.1c'lt··..,MttIJ ..,..· .....Ir.. .-Jw "" " II .... ~. YW,.. .........ked U.. uptai. U. aU'" .... pl. \oJ ,_ lIt '''Itt ...,-. _1.1" ... I•." I ....1.. , 'N ,

""h eMll'M ta. nn " ,.1••• i If.ft 1. j ••t.. .t,,"•••. ..". kl ~ ,. tb '.,. dr, 'a bl ...... pI ...... , ,j J'. 'I T....1..--1 It .. tv "btt ,I •• tlw •• fen .... ia&t, t

tallll,' bt1'fo, Ute,'1 'Atd ......", 10 .000' I I'" "U... ,. 1 • tf''':1_. "1 ,,-,, I ~ I I., t'1'rt ,,,, ,.,..Ir. WI." ..We

,-- - IOrt at., t_ " • '-' • I --I ...:b"""alUi..tIftWl.DtI boU .. tli tlot' • •• ,- t ......,... 1 .'Ia, ,"".... tI,_. II....1.,. 't" ~ -, fl. It I '4 -tt." ...f. Ilot, .'ltllt.l fur lbf I~ ,.f iI, ...'" I " •• t .. I. '":::-:'7:~:::hi "-'. '0' ,,_It-t., 11-.1 " I lr b r J. Ii I t _•• II.. Ilr I".an .. It••••<J4','''''1l-1 tile it, I., A II t. , .....' .',,1)1- ,. I..w.o. ,I ... "1M" II ,." of \.t It crill,..

'I¥IH I ••••tlll.'...dtbe. l.fl.t1 Ihtt I .,.Itt a.p ." J ,11,.£o,J... II'.dlU.nu..llh ..... _,1ft II .lfl'•• h'.'... I'" "'4.

11.- d.ull,...... 1..1 111I ... I I , ......-lLr, ,·r., l I 10) I" I p' I II" I. "",• GII II. lap 're.'" UM I,,,.. II TNIIIlrkia, , 'lit"...,. 111 II 1t..llPo .. ",. •


Page 7: Puget Sound s.

BOT 11'1

For ."tell.



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1q DlPLOIlA&

Smrl! Gold Iledall'

T,.. "~"'.II .. '.It:.kthlflll••Tlu,......... 1..... I.~

."1011 .. " .. I•• ;If." •. ", ntl,'...... ,.' 1 .





t:...pllrl. " ..r ••"' •• 1" 111•• ("II...• " .. IIll ... r ...

~_1I111l1 .~.. n. • Ihlllll' "1, lit ..... W_II ""toni pll""'..I..... 1"* ......

IIOPKI ••. T lY O •••·0.... I. lo-A.",,,,,, It.. .........a-.

....." ... .(,.. A",n" ."=""'7::--=-:=-",,'7-DOWN WITH HIDH 'RICElt

CIIICAClO SCAtE CO.,ts. 10 Welt a..,. 11., Q.ietp..

0.1 fo, ".mIIJ UONPAREIL""TRAL""DEVOE •• tn... '''' ••

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IIA!'l KIo:r.~ .un, f.lI Til





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.... rl'· 01111... 11 .. II ... ".'''-Il." ..r .... u ........ I ...." .. II .....' ...

('..\111,0"1 "'IIITt:. 1"""1"';"'0".



Nos. 525 a.nd 527 Market Street,




N.CURRY & BRO,111 ,

....,'I_ I III

1l~"I)M& rlUlf"ttIId. __ b'lIlt a ,..atl..• ..,. I' a l'l,::e IlIllt't_~ .Alban,ud hnt'C,~ly...id "IAI 1a.1... r.IfIK .. 'n_hlll", .bo had heto.!tlll.sr•• I. a bart.t'l Ih"p. rvaMd tip...J~IJ "I .. Dtw,U,atlllllttll tR')~"

...,•• ttt. "'1'.1'" I. t ("r N•• 'vrll~J 11M b.lllICr "nil t ....

'"'_ If:".•.-.' "11M .... r tIM' Grwtt

Itl~. ...... t""~ I•• r.... ba",u-" r... ,.. I d (I( let tiM .'lfallt. ut....J,I t. Il .."U... t. •.." I ,. I U"ly.. hI ~,.. '.or ••J 1.....1~.••...........t ....I t (, ..I."

A ,.1I .. ,a. I ."'If I .. If" "ly _",y...lh)d'II.IU.r•. I" .'1 ••' :\.".111 •• .hll ttt•••, t ...II I'.. ". \t 1.I""'._rlIl.a.'..lt.,' HI th..........1 p"rh.1I... Jt!.ld,.u ~, H.• hllltlr ,"'t.r.. 1O, t tt,f' ,""11 I"" hi-fi' 1. l

""rll...1 _elll.t. 1I'lll'. Ir. ''''t ,1tl••I"DI .. ,IrIlIl'II"r f'I.,t,·ful, r'tk,l

"llh It... _b1.U- '" \, _h· ••,111.11101o, •• I• i. y"I' Itr't It" I I 1', UHI!1 II'

ptat 11M 0- thl fl'Ut('''

_••10,,_ \lIo-IIlI..r..... I' u.

"'ood (or '·01\'lii.

•;Ill'" J'" "'It....... _ etlrl..,,. ••1Id.H.tft l.n'ln.. _bMIll1~ It etltberC-MMl,j .. , r I. d.. 1111 11k tU 'I

I, ,,-.tIll.. "Ill« .ft1 .,,(1. II

...... "'" I" ...~.I .1..... nwJ ,..enl.. h "'_. nlll'- aput

_ ....lIwll • ..c:.,..ly d...... III•,pt""",1 I. [,~fletl I,y • 'm".u,d,

".. tk~' I " .0/ (~ 'I. uJ 1M....,.• .,. lllJM.tlR t..( a ,0( III"~ Ii it,

rcrdlu,l: ('Illl!e. fare of .'llrlll lll\cllilu·r)'. A Sew $(lC('If"-8. I'l'llrf\ 1)(IDrh'nt (If the Jl!/rIrj ."1111 Jli'fl! t A HrillUi Dli~l"kc if in nIH til king WI\Y IIn1l'O JlI;;;-b ~ Uenf):ia, theT Ire

III; e),llt'rit'nt.'u in rtl'\lill~ c till! 1\" 1",,1· proper ('ure of mlchin,,)' pllrclmlcil. CI)Ill'II"illin~ or a fltt wilich hlL-<i' ele·Inn ..If 111<,.\' IHI' f Ollltllmti."lufled!\n1l Tlike the cOLIn try tlJrou,t:'h. anll mow I.. l'elol.ed .t.nniD!:(' pri11M!lllilin. They

t nlhl"" ll~r\ttl. lIW)' \00111 IIIllIn Je'" 1l-.et1 up lIy Ilt'~kct timl I\"u.... Ihllll hy rMIl him III" WlI' fll.l. "yinl{ hI' ClI.m\;daruu~h lIlt' I',,,rr- ul"r:tllll~ nil Ihelr IlctuII1 ..eniee.•\IIOlllcl puint on "ldell "ith Ihl' IO'f'Mdiul' lUDI}' yt'ar.. lI.~/l. 11·,11·~ I, .. hi 1tt.,lll!: IlIr II, I ."1" 1)11 \'oIUII we '1\.1)' IH' ..ell ~t'lI!itlve I~ tlilt flrmt'llI Ill" from ~e"" "urk, ~ltlCt' lih'n he hll~It Ilr'lun,1 rim'. II' Illy "'llt:n t'lI(,l' I~ IlIiol arc 11111 lutrticulllr t'lIC1ugh III Icuaiul-;' IJI~I ~itll incuncci\'lllJle rIlJli,lill'. :1.1,\1Ibm l,u,lwl .. I !tilt' mr" '~t'l"'" III f'lur bu\\ 10 U_t' implcmellt.! afltr Ihcy IHC hH Iill'llllly drino Iitlt tilt' lIIulje~l. iu·f'i)UllJ ('lIioll.I·. tlloullh 1111 ,j\'cr f,"(,l IIf Ilurell'...'.1. .\/lyhlltl)' eMil 11 .....• Ii thinlof IIffi'nih·t. old·flt,llion,,1 !iuh: JErllY Illl.

~1lC' In, II .111 pHur ~or1lt' Ihllll thc ("I IN.'; tlut '" ill "JIII".t If" 1I1UIU'. Inn '" h"n re· thlt lon'~'nl, clbil)' .Alipril..1 vlglllril,uttll~ I"" ft''I'I11 r Dlll-t Wlunl Kg III1-t. .\1 I'llh !t.lId Ii helllll "l'lmtll'r ,m'rr'jlilred. nllt 1II1l\' IJoI,l H'rml,,1 "lhe r,It OIf llIlr'u}' ~I\I' til h "UI' Il lit'); In I,illl ...... lf. IIlIlUy lay thelllu-hie 1111 m.II·llle" "llel. f.tI,cr ,'.' A roMc lumule.· lit'le IIlIlenl

;1 )"'1 kll,'lIf ht e~t. "'" 11"1 you f.(,,1 him. Til IIII1.tr II::; llnl' uf II~ Ilfllt rt':I'...·U tIl/In "ur liu,P r;it uf "llte·lwllll1ll tllllV:td .r~ 1)1l'l'CII't''''hll. 1111'11I In 1.H.'ln;.: !it·,1 1I"'·nc.11lI Iltil \'il'lOl1\' ""Iloj in U-t· lIel 1'''11 lu".II)' 110 imolt:ined. lie Wh Ie IIIP fWIIl c"hl'''; I t III I" llIlt c"n'CllI~ .. t "th"r fHIll,'r~. ~11"lli,llIut 1m,' II "'11111, c:epl~1 ~'ilbout a murmur. llnel Itllh'_b~u y.lu I..):ill ttl ..e,l. till 1I1t'U1 tI" III .Itll Ie. lICret t I ('ul Ul:h ·YI'.tr. h. I tlikeD aoj It ""rt uf Itlt!llo-...llIt j'lkf'. III'.i.zht 1111\1 I.~t Ih, In rUII I....~e III tile !Ill ~"t11 ')ut Ihl'ir .. lJlill 'II..... It meld, tl;:uret in hi~t'JrY Ii .. Ilt.~·t!lIt. t.;clltlt!••.e. JIY, "t.'('ll lhtm Wl'lI Ilt'IltIt·ll. "'1It1 hl.'1l1lllr\,,1 I.... TllMlI .'11'1 would D\llkr manl\" rAt that cr.cked .n lI(,cl~l, II IIDefer .UIIW .. Ij,'g ill Iheir In..H... or Ibill",~w"rk.,,"J oolllinued til d,,/o:".,,1 gorliin of oorn. or licked ll~rup. olll'"iuyou ~'i11 I..,.e mueh III the 1II1111UIt! Ihl!y _(Irk ~ilh It nulil "I'Xlr'Illl" III rCI,I,wll IItl1llllc (rom bi 1.11 thul he hll,1 Iln'rlledIlIlke, Illllllhllt ",llh .lhem il II hlg ill'lIl'llhc partt worn .1ll1 clIllltl no 11I1I!.!"r t.e Inlo '~lJIe "H.'d jug. lie dill DO hUUl1Wbru y"ur ~ll'lI.. he~m In ~et 1/10 hut III Hlltlilne'!' The aamc InJivhhuII oon. .nd Yolh liked lIud tolet¥lcd Oil 1111 - -be bt.'11lthy. ('11'1l11 nul .lIlllu,ul .llre... t til Iitruel~ I hor.e fork 1Jefurll IWl.ltlntt!d illln,h. Hut thi n,w rlt. born ill the IT 'iI'''1l _ :.i It", '.nl:.... ud r"IlIr.rtl r.•"I1I1I I' • t··· .'. " v-.'''' ~ "~"I'''''Wi!.ltn.hUI JtllI WlllIl Ille 1I111nurc, IIIIU were kno .... n, It Wll~ lnerely a larllt! thml' of the r...uIUlloo ~rl..t ~nl"lnj.: til.. 1......ln' I- I. nil .JIf(r • "·01 .1I.ur .Ju.t,l;I.,r·. u ~Ir 01'.' .'. II I,. oI,/ ..r "'."0111111

In COll1lntllCinl! ttl fl.'Cd, if ,y01l intend (ork wltllu by It 101llck'lIIith wilh II. lift. l illllilllhu fierce turbulellce of thi~ !lItter IOlT"'1 "1':". Ill"'tUr.,.. ilit'.10 feed Ih'f! Ilr Il'mOnUlll. tlon'l f..",,,1 tOOl in" rope .tt"dled nl"lr Ih~ f,.rk. lind" Ihly, il II blolx.! tllll'fll)' 1I0d ,,1,nftrm.1 fll' l.mll~,,.11 h'r..r'...I....u.u....l••un.....'.. (lll'.rt'd.~" ...

hell\'yllt thl' ~I"rl. IJlitj.:rll~ull.ly i~C'~"H~c cll7" Illtllched 1It'lit lilc ell,1 ufilltl hlndle. ~ouDdreJ. lit: c1~lli!tt"s (h~ lull.l I1UlI C Li.. ~~OS ~:IT,....10 '" 1lI1~ IlI.'loy them, "lit I!! dlthclIlt lin hi,. hll.lltl~ thili tlllie implclIIClI1 1"'81 U1u~ty cotn, Ot t!le trall'l tlll JIllIl \l1Jf1O __.--,... VV .. ~.,&.1 mll.kc prlllit nn one Ihllt hu bCCll o\·cr· ,"ery efTt!clhe uuul bent'r tlllt:i cliultl be willeta the rllt III our rllther~ ftlll •. "UII _ ... ,. ,(t!d tlr ftlulH.I,·r~tl. Fur t .... o )'l'llr. 1)lbt 1 1Iltlliiocl!. I hllVC kll"wn IIIl'chlue_ ...ld It'lll:-' "11110 II chicken Illr IUllcl,eoo Willi II 1-. ('t. nux ~~. I. • • , • • .. 1'\.\:'ti 1 It"~CISCO.ha~e been turuill" mine off It IIVII t.1 f'lf II mllre trill~ !n 110 botlcr work In rtllllicity frig-b1ful to ,,'itne., Tht!!ill .ru.IlIO andll hlilf JCIIf'lf old, llt fr"1II tUS III Dew hllfl{l~ thlill th~ lIew Ulle!! purchllJcd dell:. c"n .wim .. crl.'~·k. Ind nOllllll,i[t7d, IInlllllwll)" Wilh lltisflletiwi III Ul'· 10 tllke Iheir pl'lce•. Tile lilUlI 1I~8 nut ~l.'CIlI~ 10 Slnl) thero. TheS lUlike .mo!eIeltllllllllll.llllltlel "'1I11 hlllllll~ tllelll. 10 llIllch in tlJcllllllllllltllffllrlll ll1achlnely light mi,l!! ill lile country, m.uvlug UI

I once tuellII Ihrec· )'cIIl.llld .FCl1llt st~r IlIl1de II" Iho Illllllilcr ill whit'h Il I~ 1I~\1. tru.,p! l}f II !lCtlre or pu. ClIrrJIllf; ~Ill'unlil he Wil' fOllr )'1'111" lI1d, Wllh 11'101 uf While It III alw'Ylt Ihe re\'chctJf l'COllUlIl)' ~lrlJc118111O IIIOlmro)'lmlll aud gfltllllrlC~, A If•• 1l~1l b1

10URJ.{ !!fll.dell, Till' W"llc~ lIIllilu "gltln to Imy whul i~ n"t lWIUltll)' lIl!cdel"l, lhlll IUIlI tOll~tcrnlltion III thclilcck llllt! 1.I'III' OF ACORBETI"faw IlIluo(l. Clu:h III tCIl 1Il'lllthli IIncl ill CnlK.'Cillll)' tru" 'If e.• peu!li\'e lllIlChillerY'ICIl1ll1J1'111111 tilt.!! of the rurlll dllitrlel". PR , , IIlI'O dllya, IIUd tho,cI'uh IlIl1lle·I:.!:! p"lInr18 It ill ,IiIIiClllllo tell \\'hich error ill oftCII' Tilt}' "In I\.IlKCk a lIlAIl ""IIUII !lrene,1 li:lrl_lnl~lIlh"pra-in the 1I111llU tillwi lin" Ihruujl:h Ih" feed· eSI cOlllmille.J, IJU}'inU tOO Iflrj(c1y of i1n. Inlll :.to coruer. lind IJit~, if.l\ccr/l~llrJ' 1." n .....rIDle iell(lI11 hc lito Ihro.'tl Ilt'llllll~ m"rc t,f )lleUlc"tl! ur gelling tllon~ tlfler II fll"hlcllJ fclf·ddcnce-lhe CUlwtlllttlOll III thullliIeltlllCr ,hly tlllllllllly ..Iller ill lilt I... , lIilhtJllt :uch Il!! /Utl fellil yneCllll.llrYl(; llnpltl.l.'IlI'ltllllltil'li bdng Ihllt thulr bitl! H~tchinsEBB'.nd I think full II much hll)', Ihllll/o;h I'rllllluhle fllrlllil1q.-JlII.!ltllldllllll., II )l0I"ollou:o.that .... lIi nUl. ","cil(ht'll, lie wdgllctl III • - . -" I -(uur ,clIl" ....1.1 1,4Ulll"lllnlI1, l4ud .01<.1 lit :-lceneij III IL ChlllP~e (;II~·. Tl'IlImll .JUiTll·r;.-Tlot: Albllny J..,~ HI.!: IlIG}OULTRY41J' c'l'llla l"·r fl'1\I11l1, '\hile the tll'U 81111 • .' • Jvtu'''/lll,rilill the 1i)llnwilll1 cxtrHct (rolll'~"lftllllllhllif yCII",.nl,1 1I\'enl~cI) uvcr .Atfllvelerllll:/lI1111tllustleKrlllt'liNIlD- .Ilc.lllHlllllllnuplc hltll'r: To A Turk II1.400 Ut/llIl\I~. rallil ....ld fit :J ccnt;o~ In kllll:: I Cllfl t/1l11.cOlllllll.le thc hl~lg. jl,;UUrl ~If juntic'c. in the AmcriclIlI lie. Horle Manure,ft'll.lill~, II fow ruttlbllgll~ IHe II. Weltt help. OIl!rtlW . slreets. gllll} Ued~kcc.l ~ llh cept.tion 011' tile lerDI. II a thillg Ull· "rt... 60 ..."t. I .U.....fly Hop."t h. noon••nd tHh. U ....." ••Il.y Illli cOfll·l;ltidct Icd 1IIterlllllc!y .• re b:lght HI4"0~'. IIn,1 htlrdl'~''t1 wltl.1 ~Irllh~~. kllllW n. 'I'll!'}' IlI'V" tioilih II c"u~~ I.t .'he ':tu~JII':r'lw:~.r.il'1,~te~d:i~tr,::lr":!J~~'III fllrrt' ...·)'..,. 1'II01~,t ••""1110. .\d<l...... !·OICI.l.C Se.l~prrbettt!r Ihllll tlltl ...r alone. 111 10)' "Jllllllln, ".IlIt:3, .,ullllc"I.ltlll"'t1 ~.IIIJ gllJ llU·~II!lIC'll.! lir"t h':IUillJ{, nor 110 tboy rend-=r lin 1m.011 (Irmer who fcl.... I. ~mdu :olhorthurn. tl~ gllZI~lg In a klllctd"',Ctol)(l, bv,ry /IIICtli.tlltl dcclSlon; but .lter 1111 tho lCiiti·judicl"u~ly. 111111 hlkl'!t l'lIle 1<1 get Ihe ~loll ot tmtle WI~ Ihere-bllrlJera \ita"" Olnuy hll~ bt.'OCD ulTert.-d the klll1i (jud)Ze)hucflt tlf 1II111111lf', _illl'\'cr neell credit. 1lI~ p.lell. or. ""Ill dllDKcrt!Ud IUflklu,l(: "djnurnll the fUrlh~r trial of Ihe MetlonA. (ur Krull., f1~ht .hy uf them. fllr if knl.ll. Ilod bru~.he.. c1c.n'lIIg the ellr" ulltil Il"mo foture time. for the kOOIllDtbe market I, dU\llllld"lu....', yuu lire com· Anti ese. of tbClr ~u .. lomer,,; joullley, pUIp'hle of lltrurdial:: the IitiKllnl. lin 0'"pellLod to 'II rur I .Ihllll tllfO)' cosl. and mcn cobble~. tlcklug lin t!IC iOl~ of JMlIlunitJof ml.kiog him prrlenw. TheseIIflrlnQl. uutlcr .oy c1rcum"t.Dcl't. 1.1 II Ihnes fvr WIItlDK IlItru~ ; ltlll~d ftltlune 11.e KCCpW Iroln botb p.rtit', and IIIpreldt. tellers led by boy. iJtrlklu¥ lItt! iODg'. uint!IJ.nine caRli oU\'(l( I. bundred the

the .ymOOI of tbelr clllllnJl; ctlllf\.'C· dedlltlo I In (1l"0' nf the perlOn 'iI bUlletl~lIefl ~D.I fruit lel1~ra. each ~IIDed gift i. thtl mOlt ."Iuablo. There uud to~ltb a diU 001 to grluf~ tbe pubhc c1~. 00" judb"t D.mec.1 K,imll Puhl. (be is

:\ .riter in tbe !'iew \'ork UU'fIld !IIY ue of du~hle tlr .atblog fur th~1f dead Dnw) ..-ho did Dot R'O throu~ll theIf heu .re richly eared fur tlua elllJuld 10".11"1; dnrol)(.l(Il,,~ IIl1d qu.elli. wblle f"rtJlllity tlf IiIt~ninK to Ihe evlduce.ply from WO to 300 perceot. proat I.S la,. acore8 uf UeJ[glltl, 1000tblOID.e to look lie WIl5 therefore rq,rulled by the etlm.en. They nlllll ot/t bti IIl0h.'d •• to .paCt. 00. recoulaetl tlit! Illory of Ihelt IOrNW, ·OIIID pCtlV1e utile alOU leorned k.di thatDor too 1ll""Y kept tngclher. If conrilleci IJ:efore the d~1'l! of Ihe .hop.. In thc eYt:r Ilvl:4.l. f,lt. taid thef, tae uadeulood1.110'" .t leut I. '1lure yard to ellCb fuwl. IIde IrceUi _ere Ill'Du.ftlClOrl~8 fur bu· the K'lfl/l 110 l\orflugblJ tbat 110 couldJmltalCl u cIQ~ly. IlMiiblc Ihe cundl· keta, bed,,: cbllln, Dllulng. h'll, llllUCl. render II deci.ioll Loelore. p.rticle uf U:1i.tlon tlf the heD III t\lIlUncr••ntl ,upl'l.)' 11ll1M!r. r.11I COltl1. buek,v, meuuru, tinuID1 hl.d lJctll preIieDtl.,<1 b1 eitherby art1liiilli me.DI tilt) ",.nt.tl which nllt· umlorellllll .od ICreeD•• all marie frolll pllrtJurt! ,ollpli In ••rm wuther. and hen. the n... tiou·... 'Crelltett !Juoo-Ihc bambo..,; •will 1., ill .IDler, I,et the tluur til' 11.1: wWDuf.Clori for the-celebrlltell X.nkl.'eubao btJule be of dry clrth, ,,\th. bus of cloth. beuutifullIllio'.II:.ud, .illll, deli- ,WUltS' Mr. Arcblbll~ F,'rbu met Sirdirt .od ..hI!. for Iheir lUlU11 "-III, " ...-ep CltC CfI)'lt'J lind g ...y nbbllnl; ChiD'I~anIUellUkt:raod bll1\lfe Ull thtlir reotheir qll"rlen chltlo by remflVlu'l' tht'ir Clip•• pl.ll. "IOOIlJ, jUll" jllr I.od ba. turn frflm Alf1C~. the clner eor~nponll.dropphl/(ll At lean 111rl--.l tlOlt'S I week. linli being fllSllioow. p...IUlffi .uII glllZed; c.~t ~M1e tlnl 'lUgular ."ltllcntttltlO tbltGl,~ frcc 'enllh,lion. StipP' II )IIlH hen.. coffin warehoUJei. 1lr!1!J1;!-'f ~tHIIl.'UltJren'll~ ~llmueti ....·ho h~d hV~ 00 OlljlDU'ltl A. P. HOTALING & CO••t. be In "1)011 oinflillnn III1fI hullh ",,11t'n ltlltclltmlthl. ~rvCr.1l alld lpeeillcic n Wlltc~ or ~l0ntnl. too except 00 to -.u_ Americiln Sewing Hach1n. 00.they C.lllltoCIICe IIIJlng. Ij:i.ll' thcm tlill ruker.-.l1 Jllmbl~llOgclller Ilud bu.)' Ihe .tyle 10 whIch lhe l1l'lit (r1cd ",Ie htl CRANE .I: BRIGHAM. G. R. WOOD.llaaae-r •

• 1t Chit ,. h u beet brad elll"n fllr 1U1IIt)' yUri W/Il c, ....k~ ""~ rlt.llllCbCO.l,IL.pllll)llr I,K)( II "eel) I em llO, uc."" ~Ill . lind thlll I.d, Ua,llcr, wuu hw:1 wo,.. I..... FIrTH lfrltEf.1' I,U rRAlIlCllCtl

" ".. I " ,~ 1'01" ""'11._ fUr Krll~'" !rool Illdl. hlll..n. • • •• , • ,'Ou Wleat .re t III lII'tt ~n II • "t 1I11lg I 1'1100001.-\)fATI01'I Ill' TU\I: S\l:W KI:w Ol" ,lIck III Afriell., could hartlly Ood an,.(or v.riety othu grlC'n~ III uti be Kht!ll. 1T.\l.T.-KIIIK llulIIUcl"t lutll i~.ucd the ttliuK hright llod lJeAutiful enollg11 io Mr. ItER! CO - - Sole Proprietors I c:r........ A."'". W•• I'" ,••11 .,,_.Oive (JOked ftcd In YllriOUil wilY' eVer)' f'llltJ",ing IJI"chultlltiuo: "11.lillnll: Tht: Worth'illilelier til deck her~lf wilh. " • r"tl

l." T~t't'lI""T,

dllY· MIl~h Illc\ctlilenl••t 1I11iO frelh mel'l grute.t lllillli"tunu Illlhudtl"nly"dlllhlll Got tho Bo... : POWLETTS.ATM.OSP.!ICRIC.ndKtllplfrnm tho kilchen, Twu or Ull. Vlct..r Emolllllilel. foun.ler CJruu,l TURBINE WINDMILLthreo time!! II week ghe rrlJdh l.Hllle. lIml KillgdrllIl uf hilly 1111I1 it. uuity, hilS Ocen UII: brick IlOules reol in Turonlo fllrHrtllInd It'lllC'', ..... 1111 /olftl¥CllllllllJrokt'1I IlIkt'll fl'tJlll Illi. I n'Crivl'11 hi. Itl.t Iil,l{h,.~.'.'~".'''.''.".h.,~~~~~~~~~_~.I?"~..~puyllcr .II!!II•• alwlI)'1I wilhln rellcll. All. which WIIS f,)r Ilu~ Nltli'lIli Iii. lut wlille. -pIC8.CllUbllJ.l"tlturnlpolllu.1 onllllltt. rllwur .t'", ,',' '" TI•• ;ltll,·or or 11I.1 11. Mil" lC"bultnconked. will tHl n.:lI11hl'lJ. The hiler ill .... ell· I"r I Ie IllJ11J Ut'll' II III ,....up C, Iii " ...... r. , ·1....... ~ .. "' .1'" I I Y"ICC. lIlllt'l1 wlll "I""II}" rc ,,\I uti III Ill)' "(11%( J'"IUIIIl 'if Til' /'111,611.1'/711 l'o-tf

h•1l1l J,",lll"1 ~'II\Hllel',eCl til ',",thu uUHer bellrl, bltlllllltl III ••rhIUllih ~urrow. and I "'T' ", "...., )IH~. '

• II w, cOlllnlUU tu (ly, flnl I.v "rClller I rI' d I . 101,0\ .1. _ 111'1'1'''' IlW, lUlli. 11;1 Iwill ueth.. 1J0lforiully ill th~ ,i,.tl of n IC~lcli III) uty••\t Ill. l.tloment l 1i"·I~)'"lrl"~I!"rlhrltll,hl.1 luulll",.h.l·\hI \ I" I I '1\ Ihere III ullly vile cu",ultttioll, uAlllely: It\ • , 3/,'11"., Ill' H. lu. nil! 'tI, t",. "f.ll\,..." .... Iltl.... r'It:t t'~~., .t )l'~1t :1Ll( Mil It'll WI • av· hilltr ollrltl)lve. IlItlrthy of him; I. uy rul it:~~,\rll~~~'J.:j~:r'.~~IIlt.::;lr".~·'itl~i'~lU~':~~:f :::~

er·Hll tr'llll HlO til 1010 ('K'C' • ,tllr, but I...... inK In IllS fO"I~tt!II! ••nd }'IIU. I.y t .... /t....h••1I1II1 l':.blt"U""I"kl .1 1'llllall"lpltll la 1-.lI.to llVttll~l\ t!llli. Il l\ui:k lllUnt hl'ftl. '1:\111(1 Illainin 1I,'lotl',1 ttllhlN! civil ,lrtllCi by :Ju~~:!:"Il~:.~lli:::::r.;:~:::":ii..;rlo:I'~~I~.ure, TIllck IItl~r Inllk ur buttermilk I. the II~"I III ,,11'11 ILtl acCllllljllhll ....1 thll 't. lit" d ~,t~ ••, .. , .." ........1) lI.tIt"l, .~.. "' M~•ll tl('elh'nl IIrtlrl,' \If li,t! thlouJlh the . ..r UI, rum "fl'III u, b... ntu 1.'IIl~ _rrd ,... ,,~

, Ilt00coit t.·k ..1 relldtrln~ 1'11'\' il'l'll alii Ihe.I~11 .II~"O. nUl 1I0tlll.nl .re ,"try Iullited, I _h ...11 IHlllllntJful 01' hi'llrllaclprulltlc auel .11I Iln,1 " !ot:re.l dull. of elllJnl,le III J~vollull til C<IUUtr,. tun orc;,ld. bllt thllY 1011 l IJe IIt'l't dry, 1h~ plogtbl, .ntl f..ilIl io hl..er.llnltitutlonil.Ilymnuth lti'"ICk. IIPllnlt t c. ""Iut.lay whleh are the \"ide of m, hnUM!. )11eft U,J I .r 4:tlU!tnenlf'lIt lIl.ell. 1 heir 10111 .mbltl....D • II lte 10 dllM"t'''e tit. Iont'J'r' ar" 11.1'J.'i" .nd ttrJ .."n ID .'tt. Iif Dl1 J*lpl~Altbcltllrh tlit-" (r.ml' I. nlll MI Illrl(lI all 11.11.011 Your ftl t klog a. delU.l. Ill,~::' lJuh.... they ale ..ore Jlhna,) &lid .1ICc:......W.. III flrOY. II' yuy th.t IO.liIY.

t • , II, lItI.' d.J alll dM!. IAt li uaht, hi Ihllbour (lr lIP.' .rrn•• let u••If.a,thr•tll.l f'0I1l ril _hieh b...1"'11 baa ILe.ahad"D (0{ 1t,ly"--

I " •. U',,,,TN" I",... nun 1.11"t to. 'ill n f I. )I I'''T1'':-:'I-U ,~ ... r .. 1..

I".. (r 1111 ..1"",1 ....1 1.,.ly IIMl ("". r,or tl, '.'II! HUI"11 1lI,1 Irra, lOOT ",I. .... I hall d.bot ~". "'I' .n.ltr II'tflal. bal h. wtll n..t·ltl .. ul It. 'IV ••I II II _It .. 1'" b.t AotW_I. y al1llrnpr ,.t· ult I.,.....n·1 I.rltrty tl ..r I"" ,I DIft' 3•. u ..... , ~ TI It "" , •• ", ...

_I t .. '. (or I G~" I. H ..)lul'. l.blCU II draal" Itl'. J""'A" J).t.. lf '1' ,. I· "t • '"

Till. t1. • "rral I .,. hit,. ,ta.....U of ,.... '" I TH I. IW"'" of ,..'It,. .~.. .-a .... II....n.lli' t. I

1i.,1 II'. I I' .,,,J til_ b.'.,.. •• ,t..... r 1"'(-. "'.1.....11 1

• \\. Io.k f.ff_ nl til' II.. 101 Y.'atal 11 1 .nIJ,•• _ ll.oIt. 11ln'l&n .,'..• 1tt til h\ i~ I,nly.

Page 8: Puget Sound s.





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AND THU '"'F.3;

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Arliel.. used for tho

t7 PtClCrlptlon, c:are(ullypouutled.

QuIck lal......ma" P,ofltt







i Uprigh



r. ,.110 ...

II t f rrt It


Church,Hall j




CORNISH a. CO.,WaN\I"llon, •• ~.

,,1:1 ......._ .......... h:l, ".'T"t.o& LW..­.......PIAN08 FROMORBAN8 FROM

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A'll(. '.10""'111. lit~'III, :10Oll. '.'0

A,'A'. ",\UII. 90l'oo-'111. III'1\1. III~


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1"1. !I00.1. '!~

Oil ftrrh,tl.

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J'oU'r 'I'QW:SSF:SO, W,'I'.

Am:. '!II:-0'1'1. hi, '1'1. ~':I

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WlJldl [email protected]

AliI(. InAliI(. :11I!-t'III. ~1IOcl. 10

Pioneer Bakery,



----,---!Io\S'II""~t·loo<v.l'T.Tu":--.SD. \'11'-01110\.

l'InT...~.···MlI'·'!il ••IUlIl' 11"1. !4t'I'l.tll'lllnllllfol' ••1f1,·n11lIm:nll·lOullIh,)". 1111' i'l'~l1Il1'N ...·111 fIllllMn)· 1\1, June 1',~·ll1. ~MJllll(1 I ..','. '.MJ.

l'll.~('Il~"r,.; fmlll PorlhIIIlIUl1tlllp·Sl1llllllIIOIH wllllllkn 1'11~I't :0;011I111 1111111 1<r"IlIlU'rIIUtI IIl11ke l~lllllt.'l·rlt'lI willi til" Gil)' 01 jl'aUlIlnll at \·kltlthl. SIClIIller !Jakolllg,N'~ IhrollA:h 10 Ulrlllilla.

'1'111"'1' 'Icamerol Ipn\'c \'ll·torlll nt 1I00m')11 1111' ,Ill}' 1I,1".'rtl-<... I, 'I'kk{'r'+ 11m ,!t0lK!nlllr 011 the $tC:l111CI ror wilidl tin:)' nreIllln·lI:m'tl. IIIlI! lin! Ilot 1r:lllolfl'rllllle. "-orfrclghl or p:I'_:Ig:t' alllll}' 011 !lImN!. or to

11. .. 'l'lllUAI$.Gellcl'lll A~elll fur "UJ.tCf Ntlln!l.

l'on 'l'OWIl!l('1Il1.

&'tOA.::IXI._.h.:l.p DnkotA.2100 Toni. 1l.t;. .)!Lln.. t:. l·t.I)Ulo\~Il):II.

'YI~'I~~rl;,~.~'~I~;Il:-:~: Tilt: HATt:S lIt.ltt:





A l.AHGE ~rr()(:K or


Steamship City of Pa nam a.I GOO toni. w. tJ. St:,\lll'ltr.t--·U)t)l.\~I":N

'VI~;:;~I:.t:An: os TIIt~ rUI.J.O\\'Il"1l


The Lowest Rates for C.sh.

H. L. T ••AL.Pu. t 'S U 11 lui.


Commission Merchants Prices Lewer lh~n Ever Before


II. 11. rrlUlJi\IJ8 &CO.'8SUl'.ElUOn 'l'EA~IS

VC:'IJoICl" ]JllOlch:"vcd.Pro1Ch.. OOUOOlOd.

Teaming of all kind. done,.1 .lowN.'" ....' I '*110.

• ...1'11111 .I.

'."'11.... '.111 11 \,"n•••, "'IIiS atf' -J"- I,.II~ 1...

(;'~I:':I~i~ \~~I:...":~~'''III U, \\!OI

'rUllrrllr 11,\,.

J. F. SHEEHAN.Im....-, of TIa Pia L-

!rOD, 00 r ZlDe. "'eoTID. Win.

'OV., 11' II ..... hi.' I f I. ,It

I'll" I ".. '1 '."• ·'\'41"'.11

O~O'"aV ~.&.

H II F.,.",.,.!Hanl.",1'(.11'1 To" n 111.1, \V. ·1.1"

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........n':a:a. n. po:n.od "'I 11aNNI.,.." •

)f \ R , UTT. ""/ "

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Of all Kinds.



v .~ II I








Hoosc and Sblp Carpcnter's Tools,SHIP CHANDLERY,



Boots and Shoes,

Taylor's Sulky Rakes,


L :I: Q U C> ::n. s,

., ,,.. ,,.. ~!IIf .... V '\I l.ur

•• I.. }I W.... 11.\





Sweepstake Threshers,


Mitchell's Farm Wagons


...r tnat


Wholea.,le and HClnlJ tlctller III




IInlllt:l: II' UlrrllUnlJ~r, I",!It'll men u e !'iUdl:lM Allllli!!uity In 1Uf'Ulfllli,o (llll.'·half tilt' .livilll·l\· 1111-

~\,r lilt' IU'lll·til uf III fl',," (If ,nllr pnillt"d nr!-l'ullIf"'ll lj?ail1-' ~il1: ,iI"lITJt'"~llIllwr lIll'lI whn jjr~' !;.l antHlUlC it 1,t'('flIlH' ll'llllllt' of f lr"ll~" dllltI" J:l·t Il":ly (rlllll orliullil,t.'C'. Ifllli nudlt lint In 1.,. left ill lilt" \\11\' tn,h.1 jU",lIN' 11111I."1,,. ~()IH' tll .\Ir. Ii fl'. BUI the bllfly or hi., Cl.I!f(' ....innB",.('IIf'r, ",.. r'·IIIII.I~ .. h IllS ("'lllrlltl~c. put him in tlpl'rl "llI.,l:'lIli~lIl to IIIl'li'll! flf tho' ..-i,ll'I.'" ('1f{·11!~IC,J. n"~'~I~' Ilt"ro"j.", lh.lI. lJli~h~ dnuble their IIfOt! 1"""1l h'lltlrl" of Ill" lit' ..... lcllar" 'itrf'II~lh 1,,, Ill'; .1Iet:lllllcl".IItf''': "'e tf'lHe-t the th,.oln~iC"al ah,.rra-

n\lTI\IIlllt:' J'lll. 10._'1'11(' r,lllo\\'llIl! tiOll~ IIf liny Illlin ,,1m Cl'n emlllllluulI,lt~'r "a· T\,\,'hl,I.\l·-I,·"h~· hy Hc", ~'r, tho puhlic l"lir, lind C"Ill"Cililly of sUl"h~l.lrrl>('oll, ~Il("r uf Ihe ·'I·N"·b,-1o f;;Ul Il min.'" Bc(Orh~r, The hllull' f ,r\\ {'t.klJ:" riahleousn.e"J:-t i:-. hart! (,lIotl~h III die

III:nn.-"',,. X, Y., .fMlI. iI. 1";". hf'~.I, It 15 110 .!lhall~ fir.::ht 011 till'

'h HUll ~h:, :\IOI:IlI"O~· It I; III(I)n. ,\huWI of pr"lla~loli lur th~, IIIl1U~I··:, r lIu.ll1)l\· ,.'11"11:11111('11 -houltl lIlf'nt of wOlld£'rln~An!!.Il::. I h£' 11f,,1I·

tTIr.lb t, , " , " tl "'lIrd fnr{'f',i Arl" 100 111111)' ItllIl too,,1I(lW 1111'11I" n"l III Il' t'XCl I~ u\ W • I J' r ' I

( , , ' ""I 1I11a 11. to lite. relll Orr'l0l.:' '1 ora·J )llfk.klh~II1lI·n'llOlrl~r I I{' 1"1)01' cr·. 1 • I ' " I_

I b. I 10rll'Il scnlllll"lIlA Ity. nuna 1llf'Il,tIll' ,\ ...... ll..ll1ttl I n....... ~1\t1l1.· I·~ ?ll ridilw 011 tilt' l"wl'lIill,l: tille uf Ilu!irthtlllill trlr.ll'll to Ul}' :-<,llthll.I"II ...... :)~ plI"5i~n~, IJreak Ic:Hb6 from th..!irIWl'tlty·lh·,' ~·l':I"'. III .pfllllf"li \0Iu1IIe·, .1- II1nnrill~!I "ml drift out to !f"a tooWI'I! n~ 1"'111 the Ilulllll. I lJa;c "n.1Idk~1 r"'llil)' lind too frefJlIentl)', withoutlllld Ilrlllll'l, III twrr l,.,\lllt,·IVlIull'lt'rlll. ha\·in,., !!IIch • colossal ~oul AS Beech.Ihc with 01 Ihe hl-lllrJllolI Ilr tile ~1('~1 er sl;lting alollg' on til. ~torrny

~rillrn~ the nl·tt'u,'e :.lIti ~~~','rlllllellt heach iu the mists .nd J!.thmill~elGOIl.lhel1oclrhll'. or lh<o Irlllity null ,l:loorn for tim purpn~e of elluin~1lll,tlh'llIlIy of Cllrl-1 'I~ ,"pry 01111. tile llWll.Y thl" Im..cr hlllC of tlle lIi"inely'1l111\·e~,1 IllflllnMolul'IlI, lIlt: tllfllll'IIU'1I1 aPI)oillted tav!!,nfUJrl.t, I Ill.! tk...·lrlul:o(:t dlllll~" orlll':lrr.1 __C'_~_..,. _IlIecnklldou~ hulllCUl'\! or rIM' Iioly Spirit A polite lIIt1rl has been \'cry lip·III "'~llel'f1ll:'olI. lIuli lilt' tlnrlrlllC or II I'{'· proprilltlll)' Ilclilleu as ouc who willIribulloll h~lIh heN 111111 hpt('ltllcr, It I. listen lttlcllli .. el.,· to l\ description ofIrlle 111'1 tht· '111\'"11"11 ..rille nltllll'e o(lIl1f· lIolllcthill,lr h,. kllOws all nhuut, h."(,'rlll!:'.thclll~,~I;:tlrlJl!II:llly.lUllilhellllC;:. olle ,,110 kno"s nothing of "llltt h.Iltlll of lu dtlnnl"tl. I han: oI1·1't1~~~1 \\lIh speaks.Illdl h,ll:III:lol 1 111111. Ilellyll1~ Ihllt 1\11 thl' .:..--------------­light 11,1t! fI't Ilnl~cll olltofhol}' Scrlptun·;f.fill nrlon" IlOilll,~ Ihllt It {'OlIllIhletl. '1'11('ehrttgl·.O( :1111£,1'111. 1l111lIdll.'. UIlI\·e",nl·I'm. Ihd~1l1. 111" Illttll\! hy 11I911 wllo kllOWIIflllllllf(, IIl1tl 1\'11<11:110 110 IMlu3 10 IwolI"IUI,'1I1ul'. •• E.\el 11fl\'c the)·.·· ('(c. _f.\,\,~,kllllC ympllthlf>.; go willi Ihe e'·IUl~d·l\.'lll olthOilox 1I1Inl-tr.v. 1 I'(!ht<:e (0 heIlPhI li\ l111l.,..t~lIt·)· with 1111)" do'..::mllh:~}·~tt'm of throJogJ orlhe l"tH. 1401 \\'It/lCllrlll tllll.l'jl1llu Cahill; I atll wltll Ar·nllllluol alKllIIlfolln;.t I\rlllillin·; I alii ",1111t:1J1ot.'Orlll{·}'; I am wllhthe HOl1la11 CllIln:IrallllltWIIII;t i.-my object bellig IIOt tohulld or 10 tWfdllllluy Sf tem or theoln~,.

fit Jr(I\"t!nllnI'IlL bllt to bring mell I1I;'r (0GOIlalillbulloillteljllll,ltllr.holhle;fJ of Port Townsend.1Ife. JI~~N\' WAHl) Ut;£CU£II.

Th~ Ke" York ~I. E. UAdvocate,"

a leauing religious ne" p'per, incommendug upon Doctor Beecher.


With • ~tnil&s (or rhetoric andgUlh and "uh a heart large el1ou~h

anJ 'Itrong tnou$l'h, were it onl,.riJthll... hllrneSlieti with logic. (0

draw ill the natiulls or the earth uplow.rd IL beller life, he is pre·elni,I1l"nllJ fitted for J,(l'Iuinl[ into troublewhere impulses are treated 8~ pur·posel••nd tij{lIres ot tancy Me meas·ured by the la\'t" of definitions. 1nthe ".r '$l'ailut lin he ill not .. c.n·lion but II load of hay. Rillhlly usellhe would feed the artillery alUl 10help efficientl)'j bllt when h. i,ptuhed up to the frollt .as the rep~e·

Icntlti ...e orthodoxy ho 18 put at dlll'.lh.nt'ge, .ml may be ffillue to lub·"illt the ent'llly'M cavalr)' as well a&,hit of hi. friends,

He hn been .c1l11ulpt! in .. mORt,... me t w.y. Gut.1 has b~en tr1ingto teach hilll, hv tbe thill$tl he hasIHllfereJ, o"eth~lIt" to the CUltOItHI oflOei@ty .hit'h hi,lu immensity h.tlnr.lapped; oh~dl('nce to the aceun(jl" 0"," human thflught u con­d~nltd in the dlfillltinn of c..enl.urielof til lW"ej .n,j ul>f'dif'nce to th~

I••, Inti ri ..\ o( ulhf"r IIIUl(JI in ,b.UM! r( tt III ,.mu h,ina Il ~b • 10 1.11 lau", that h

d 1\ I til .. 11. .ho .....D" • I!.of t.~ l.hlC'h,. tk.Il tw .... 01 ,. It•• , J.t .IM 01 .,.
