Published monthly by the PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370 ...€¦ · events such as the Clunes Show...

DECEMBER 2020 CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS PAGE 1 CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS DECEMBER 2020 Published monthly by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc. PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. [email protected] FREE By Jane Lesock After a wonderful 30 years of teaching at Clunes Primary School No 1552, Di has decided “chalk down” and allow herself more time with family, grandchildren, reading, travel when able and reclaim her garden. Di started her teaching career late, attending Ballarat Uni as a Mature Age Student in 1980 and did her Diploma and Summer School over 4 years. First teaching position appointment was Emergency as there were no jobs around before going to Linton then Avoca and then Clunes in 1990. Back then Di was teaching 19 Pupils at Coghills Creek Primary School which was annexed to Clunes when the students 1 day a week would attend for special classes. Di has taught most Grades over this time, and in some cases has taught the 2 nd generation of a local families. Maybe Di can tell some stories on the Mums and Dads. Too many students to count over this time or staff but has Di has worked with 6 Principals. When starting at Clunes, Di can recall the very primitive amenities for both staff and students. The main building needed repair; toilets were outside, small Staff Room. Due to hard work by Staff, School Council and Parents over many years the Clunes Primary School is now 1 st Class with all the amenities you would want and more, so if you have never visited suggest making the time because you will be amazed. Di’s first love is being in the class room and teaching but also enjoyed the experience over 5 years doing what they called “Early Years Teaching” with the staff keeping them up-to-date with reading and writing methods from Prep age to Grade 6. As like all dedicated teachers, Di was involved in a lot more in the Clunes community with different fundraisers. The Clunes Primary School with Di as the Co-ordinator has for many years been involved in events such as the Clunes Show (25 years), Clunes Historical Truck Show, Clunes Booktown, Christmas Carols, Sausage Sizzles when Voting was done at School to Musicals held in the Clunes Town Hall every 2 nd year when every student was involved. When I asked Di what was the best part of teaching her reply was “I just love the kids and already grieving and the year hasn’t finished yet!!”. So “thank you” Di from past and present students and staff at CPS No 1552 and the Clunes community for your many years of dedication a wonderful achievement. Last Class for Di Bongiorno Photo supplied

Transcript of Published monthly by the PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370 ...€¦ · events such as the Clunes Show...

Page 1: Published monthly by the PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370 ...€¦ · events such as the Clunes Show (25 years), Clunes Historical Truck Show, Clunes Booktown, Christmas School to




Published monthly by the

Clunes Tourist and

Development Association Inc.

PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370. [email protected]


By Jane Lesock

After a wonderful 30 years of teaching at Clunes Primary School No 1552, Di has decided “chalk down” and allow herself more time with family, grandchildren, reading, travel when able and reclaim her garden.

Di started her teaching career late, attending Ballarat Uni as a Mature Age Student in 1980 and did her Diploma and Summer School over 4 years. First teaching position appointment was Emergency as there were no jobs around before going to Linton then Avoca and then Clunes in 1990. Back then Di was teaching

19 Pupils at Coghills Creek Primary School which was annexed to Clunes when the students 1 day a week would attend for special classes.

Di has taught most Grades over this time, and in some cases has taught the 2nd generation of a local families. Maybe Di can tell some stories on the Mums and Dads. Too many students to count over this time or staff but has Di has worked with 6 Principals.

When starting at Clunes, Di can recall the very primitive amenities for both staff and students. The main building needed repair; toilets were outside, small Staff Room.

Due to hard work by Staff, School Council and Parents over many years the Clunes Primary School is now 1st Class with all the amenities you would want and more, so if you have never visited suggest making the time because you will be amazed.

Di’s first love is being in the class room and teaching but also enjoyed the experience over 5 years doing what they called “Early Years Teaching” with the staff keeping them up-to-date with reading and writing methods from Prep age to Grade 6.

As like all dedicated teachers, Di was involved in a lot more in the Clunes community with different fundraisers. The Clunes Primary School with Di as the Co-ordinator has for many years been involved in events such as the Clunes Show (25 years), Clunes Historical Truck Show, Clunes Booktown, Christmas Carols, Sausage Sizzles when Voting was done at School to Musicals held in the Clunes Town Hall every 2nd year when every student was involved.

When I asked Di what was the best part of teaching her reply was “I just love the kids and already grieving and the year hasn’t finished yet!!”.

So “thank you” Di from past and present students and staff at CPS No 1552 and the Clunes community for your many years of dedication a wonderful achievement.

Last Class for Di Bongiorno

Photo supplied

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Submissions (incl photograph) welcome, preferably sent electronically to the email address above. Priority given to news items and are subject to available space. Name of group or individual will be printed with all items submitted.

News items, notices of meetings, results-up to 3 lines will be listed free-of-charge for Clunes social and sporting clubs on the COMMUNITY GROUPS page (space permitting).

Display ads are available to community groups at half commercial rates.

All material to reach the CTDA by the 10th day of the month.

Note: articles, photographs and ads are not to exceed 2mb in size. Hardcopy items can be left at the Clunes Newsagency, Fraser St.

Produced by the Clunes Tourist and Development Association Inc.

Email address: [email protected]


Business card size (90mm x 55mm horizontal only) $25 Quarter page (vertical) $40 Half page (horizontal) $80 Full page (vertical) $160

All ads to be supplied ready-made as Word or jpeg files. No PDFs please.

Discounts apply to CTDA members and for multiple month adverts. All advertising to be paid in advance of publication. Ads and payment can be made through Jason Judd [email protected]

Edited by Jane Lesock. Layout & copyediting by Kira Annear. Administration Support by Megan Jones. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the CTDA, its individual members, or its associates.

Clunes Community Newsletter Team

As this is our last Newsletter for 2020, we take this opportunity of thanking everyone that has

contributed to the Newsletter over the year. It is always full of local and up to date articles, so

please keep them coming in.

Thank you to our valued Advertisers; Pete Billing for printing, folding and getting to Clunes

on time for our friendly Posties Jane, Geoff and newest kid on the block Stace for delivering and

to Megan Jones dropping off at shops around town. Also to Lana from CNNH who contributes every month and working with us and promoting

what is happening around town. Well done and greatly appreciated.

The volunteers have a rest over the festive season and New Year, but will be back on deck for the

February 2021 Edition. The new Newsletter Team from February 2021

will be Jason Judd, Kim McClelland & Paul Fleckney and we look forward to their new ideas.

Don’t forget you can also read it “on line” at

We wish all our readers a safe and festive season with family and friends.

Cheers from Jane Lesock, Kira Annear & Megan Jones

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Hats off – again – to those quiet achievers who recently trailblazed the historical walk along the western side of the Station Flat section of Creswick Creek. Now they are mowing and maintaining it in tip-top condition. As noted, this walk traverses the site of Donald Cameron’s Station, Clunes’ first homestead, and it has triggered interest in the buildings that were there. Sadly, the imminent demolition of the old homestead in 1872 led the local newspaper to regret that “ shortly, all there was of Clunes before the discovery of gold will be obliterated.” However, a resident historian is confident that aerial archaeology will reveal the location of the homestead and its outbuildings and sheds, just as it has revealed long hidden sites in Europe. If this is true, it will be most interesting as the large Loddon district sheep runs of the 1840’s had to be largely self-sufficient and employed between 20-50 people as shepherds, hutkeepers, bullock drivers, carpenters, blacksmiths and general hands. Several people want Council to erect a plaque at the site. Perhaps an information board would be even better. But first, we need an archaeologist.


Congratulations to our newly elected Cameron Ward councillor Tessa Halliday and thanks to retiring councillor, Neil Newitt. Neil’s support for the Museum through the Warehouse Redevelopment, and for historical projects generally was invaluable. One of the highlights of his time on Council was his persistent and successful lobbying for the substantial funding to restore the Town Hall to its former glory in time for its 150th anniversary in 2023.

The Museum looks forward to continuing the good work with Tessa, Council and other community groups on public history projects. A priority is the refurbishment and expansion of Historical Information boards around town in tandem with the redevelopment of walking tracks. Another is action to save the former Fire Brigade Hotel (and long term drapery shop) from demolition by neglect – or failing that, a Plan B.


Every month six carefully selected newspaper reports of noteworthy events in Clunes 100 years ago are put on display in the Museum display window facing Fraser Street. It’s always worth perusing. Reading the October selection, which reported the appointment of councillor Philip Rowe as Mayor of Clunes for the fourth time in 12 years, reminded me that our new Councillor and our retiring Councillor are part of a long tradition of “fine spirited public men (and women) who have given their time and energy for the public good.” Indeed, among other commitments, Cr. Rowe found time to be President of the CTL (Country Townspeople’s League of Victoria, Chairman of the Back to Clunes movement, a member of the Public Library Committee and Secretary of the Hospital. Speaking of the public good, another article from the October display on Licensing Legislation reported that between 1907 and 1920, the Licensing Board delicensed 28 out of 36 hotels in Clunes!


Speaking of anniversaries, the 9th of December is the 147th anniversary of perhaps the most fascinating, and certainly the most controversial, event in the history of Clunes. For too long, the Lothair Mine Strike Riot was simplistically seen as an anti-Chinese riot that played a major role in building working class support for “White Australia” policies; in recent years, the emphasis has been on its importance to the fight for safe and fair working conditions through effective unionism. Nevertheless, it’s a complex story; just google “1873 Clunes Riot” to get an idea. Jerome Small’s online articles are recommended. As well, the information board at the site of the Riot at the entrance to town is well worth looking at. Only 3 years to the 150th!


The good news is that Council has approved COVID guidelines for gradually reopening the Museum. Thanks to Dot Keller for taking ownership of this. No doubt the “Covid Normal” world of 2021 will have its challenges; however, we’ll be back in the Museum doing research, cataloguing and curating as well as having face-to-face meetings. As well, the final edition of the popular Museum newsletter “Discovery” is out now and available from the Newsagency.

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Clunes Former Free Library By Phil Taig

Art Attack

This creative group has not been deterred by the Covid-19 restrictions applied to Victorian regional districts and has been able to work within the virus containment rules. As younger dudes know, ‘Art Attack’ as a Clunes group blends circus skills with creative activities in live performance, but live performances are currently not permitted. As a result Art Attack is creating a short film bonanza.

The Clunes Former Free Library committee has collaborated with this ‘Bunch of Champions’ (Facebook reference) and has been able to provide a ‘wardrobe’ facility for the many players who star in the forthcoming short film bonanza. It is understood they have some spectacular footage and we look forward to seeing these films in the near future.

‘Art Attack’ is led by in partnership with Clunes Neighbourhood House.

Friends of Clunes Free Library

It is universally accepted that without friends, life can be miserable, but not so with Clunes Free Library.

The Committee of Management would like to acknowledge the Clunes Free Library’s wonderful friends many who wish to remain anonymous. All local and known to the COM, one has cut the grass multiple times, and another has controlled growth in areas inaccessible to mowers. Thanks TT & MH.

The CFL Committee

Further expansion of the Committee of Management is being sought to help with ideas for restoring the building using funds that may be offered from benevolent sources this year. If you have recently moved to Clunes or are interested in helping to preserve one of Clunes iconic buildings, you are most welcome.

The Chairman of the Committee is Graeme Johnstone and he may be contacted on 0427 534 532 or via e-mail at ‘thedukesbb@bigpond com’ contacted on 0427 534 532 or via e mail at [email protected]

Clunes Booktown Festival Update By Richard Mackay-Scollay

As with many, many other events, we have done a large amount of navel- and crystal-ball-gazing over the last few months, and have decided not to decide – yet – about how we will hold a Festival in 2021.

We have, however, decided to proceed with the Clunes Booktown Festival on the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, 1st and 2nd May 2021. Exactly what format this will take, whether by then we will be permitted to hold a large outdoor gathering, with indoor author talks of up to 250 patrons, or whether we will be limited to an online presence only, remains to be seen. We suspect that it will be a combination of the two, with live sessions being held under social distancing guidelines, allied with online/streamed sessions, with remote panellists and speakers, and potentially some pre-recorded interviews.

We are also mindful that even by then, people may be apprehensive about browsing books in close proximity to others, so we are looking at possibly not using indoor spaces, but having all booksellers under cover in the main street. We’re drawing up a number of alternative plans which we can implement as the situation becomes clearer.

In the meantime, we are hosting free Booktown On(line) Sunday author sessions, with several taking place in the virtual world over the last few weeks. We will be resuming these in the New Year.

The office of Booktown, located at the Clunes Railway Station, has re-opened, and you will find either Sharon or myself there on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

We have a dynamic new Board and we’re looking forward to a bright new future!

Photo supplied

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A Message from the Clunes Fire Brigade Get ready for the bushfire season:

Develop a Fire Plan

• Decide which Fire Danger Rating is your trigger to leave • Decide where you will go and what you’ll do with your

pets • Plan for all scenarios – what will you do if your car won’t

start, the wind changes direction, roads are blocked, someone is hurt or people aren’t where you expect them to be?

• Create an emergency kit so you are ready to leave quickly and calmly

• Know how you will monitor for warnings and do this regularly on hot, windy days

• Always use more than one source to monitor warnings; ABC local radio, Sky News TV, the VicEmergency App, and VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226

• Defending your home requires at least two fit adults, at least 10,000 litres of water, protective clothing, and appropriate firefighting hoses and pumps. Most homes in high risk bushfire areas are not defendable on Code Red days. Defending your home is very risky – you could lose your life or be seriously injured

Prepare your property; it can minimise property damage even if you leave early

• Move furniture, woodpiles and mulch away from windows, decks and eaves

• Prune tree branches so they are not overhanging the roof or touching walls

• Keep grass shorter than 10cm. Regularly remove leaves and twigs

• Don’t have plants higher than 10cm in front of windows or glass doors

• Before you leave, make sure you remove all flammable items from around your home. Houses have been lost from things as simple as embers landing on a doormat

• Check that your home and contents insurance is current and includes a level of cover in line with current building standards and regulations.

At the time of printing it is not known when fire restrictions will commence in Hepburn Shire. Traditionally Fire Restrictions come into force in Hepburn Shire early in December.

This year the Clunes fire Brigade have made the decision to go ahead with their annual Calendar Drive despite Covid 19 restrictions. Brigade members are unable to personally deliver the calendars as has been done in past years. You should receive a calendar by the middle of December, if you haven’t received one by the middle of December and you would like one, contact Lindsay Pritchard on 0427 027 556 and he will arrange to get you a copy.

If you wish to donate to the Clunes Fire Brigade, we ask you to put your donation in an envelope and take it to the Clunes Newsagency and put it in the Clunes Fire Brigade donation box.

The Officers and Brigade Members wish the yourselves and the community the very best for Christmas and the New Year.

Clunes Fire Brigade, A Fully Volunteer Fire Brigade Serving

Clunes and District


It has been a while but delighted to say that come

1st February 2021, all things being as they should,

we will resume our Garden Club Meetings –


Meeting will be held upstairs at The Warehouse,

10.30am start, so if you could be there 15 minutes

prior to ensure a prompt start that would be


First meeting for the year 2021 will be a combined

normal and Annual General Meeting.

We will enjoy re-acquainting over a light lunch

and tea & coffee at the conclusion of meeting, so if

you are able to bring a small plate of food to share

that would be wonderful.

All community members with an interest in

gardening are warmly welcome to join in. Always

great to see new faces into the group and get know

other “Clunesians”.

If you have any queries, please contact

Sue on Mobile 0400 557 434.

Hope to see you 1st February 2021.

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Earthmoving or Landscaping need doing?

Allan Stacey 10 years

Is the man experience

Allan has all the equipment and experience for these

tough jobs when the ground gets too rocky, too hard

and just too big for you

No job is too small or too big

Site level & clean | Trenching | Post Hole Boring | Driveways

General excavation works & Landscaping

Allan services Clunes, Ballarat & surrounding areas

Equipment available:

5 Tonne Tip Truck | 2 Bobcats (Rubber Track & Tyre)

2 Excavators (2&3 tonne)

Please give Allan a call on

Mobile 0408 903 870 for a quote

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Karl Schaefer Mobile:

0418 508 558

Email: [email protected]

Your digital specialist Servicing Clunes & District

41 Years Experience Prompt Service & Expert Advice Satellite Installation & Service

UHF, VHF & FM Antennas Free Signal Test & Quotes

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Clunes Pottery Annual Sale


Saturday 5th December 2020


10.00 am – 3.00pm


Cnr George Street & Smeaton Rd


Lots of great Christmas gifts

June Johnstone & Tess Brady

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I would like to thank our amazing community for giving me the opportunity to represent you on council. It is an honour to be elected and be part of the team planning the future of Hepburn Shire.

I see this as the next step in my commitment to community work and I am excited to be part of the positive change happening throughout the Shire.

Congratulations and thank you to Neil Newitt on 9 years serving Cameron Ward which also included 1 year as Mayor. Neil was a valuable advocate for a lot of people and I wish him good luck with his next endeavour.

Upon meeting our new councillors, I believe we have a fantastic group of people who are all passionate about serving and engaging with the community. We have a lot of work to do in the next 4 years with the 10 Year Community Vision, 4 Year Council Plan, 4 Year Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, 10 Year Financial Plan and the Community Engagement Policy. Not to mention developing a Social Housing Policy, an in-depth Planning Scheme Amendment and an LGBTIQA+ Action Plan and Advisory Group. If I haven’t mentioned your particular interest group, don’t worry, there are too many to list in this small article but there are many more issues on my radar.

I would like to hear from you now to let me know how I can best engage with you. If I am seeking feedback on an issue or looking for community input into planning overlays and zones, would you like to be contacted by letter? email? Town Hall meetings? Every opinion is important and valid and I would like to capture the voice of the whole community.

I can be contacted via [email protected] or 0401 864 346. I look forward to working with you.

Cr Tessa Halliday Cameron Ward

Clunes Crime Wrap Up From 15 September to 16 November 2020 By Athol Chaffey

Hello peoples, firstly congratulations and thank you to everyone who has been Covid safe and Covid compliant. There have been a couple of reported Covid breaches but on the whole 98% of you have been wonderful, which keeps us all safe.


• Offender processed re Breaching Intervention Order, Criminal Damage.

• Theft of a Council bin in West Street.

• Offender processed re Breach of Intervention Order and emitting unreasonable residential noise.


• Theft of a Motor Vehicle (since recovered) from Victoria Street.

• Offender processed re Breach of Intervention Order. • Theft of Sheep from Dunach area. • Offender processed re Breach of Intervention Order and

emitting unreasonable residential noise. • Offender processed re Assault related offences. • Drug Search Warrant executed at a residential premises in

Clunes, offender processed re Possessing Drug of Dependence.


• Offender processed re Breach of Intervention Order and Assault.

• Burglary at a residential premise in Creswick Road. • Hit Run collision in Fraser Street.

As you can see, I’ve been busy processing plenty of offenders in the past couple of months. Some have already been dealt with by the courts and some are still awaiting their day in court.

I have attended a few motor vehicle collisions over the past couple of months, still issuing tickets for people not obeying the Stop Sign at Service and Bailey Street as well as the Stop Sign at West Street and Talbot Road.

With businesses and the like starting to come back to some sort of normality after the Covid issues, and with that the increase of both foot and vehicle traffic, please take care on the roads in and around the town.

I am pleased to say that the “Coffee with a Copper” mornings are back, 3rd Friday of the month at the Rotunda in Collins Place, last one for the year will be on the 18th of December, between 10 am and 11 ish…Come down, support the local coffee shops and say g’day, again thank you for the local

businesses who have supported my idea and put flyers in their windows.

I note that this is the last newsletter prior to XMAS, so in that I say I hope everyone has a very merry XMAS, hopefully spend some time with your families. Please travel safely on the roads, remember that those Melbourne lunatics are now allowed out and about in regional Victoria.

Thank you to everyone who has supported both Victoria Police and more importantly me over the last 12 months. I really do appreciate the comments, visits etc. You, the population of Clunes, are my eyes and ears as to what is going on around the place and I encourage and appreciate any info that you can pass on to me. It helps me keep you safe.

Until next newsletter, look after each other and stay safe. As I always say I am YOUR local copper and can be contacted on station number 5345 3211, mobile number 0427 683 940, fax number 5345 3794 or email at [email protected]

If you need police attendance for an emergency situation ALWAYS rings 000 Athol. (CHAFFS )

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Hepburn Shire Council’s and Customer Service counters have added an extra day per

week to their face-to-face services.

The Clunes Warehouse Hours:

Thursday and Friday – 8.30 am – 5.00 pm

Saturday 9.00 am – 12.00 pm

This is another step towards Council returning to regular pre-COVID hours.

COVID safety plans are still in place to lessen risk to team members and community.

We have additional cleaning measures, plus we remind you to wear a mask, maintain

physical distancing and if feeling unwell, stay home and ring us or use the online service.

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MOUNTJOY WOOL Garry Mountjoy

: Any quality of wool bought

: Prompt Payment & Service

Mob: Ph 0417 510 228 or Ph 54488 470

151 Sargeants Road, Epsom

MOUNTJOY WOOL Shed 2 Wiltshire Lane, Delacombe

Open: Tuesday & Friday

9.30am – 4.00pm

Contact: Garry 0417 510 228 or

Hayden 0408 308 845

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Federal Member for Ballarat

Standing up

for the



Electorate Office: 5 Lydiard Street Nth, Ballarat 3350 Ph. 5338 8123 Authorised by Catherine King Australia Labor Party 5/9 Sydney Ave Barton ACT

Notes from the Past Supplied by the Cllunes Museum Research Department


Talbot Road, Clunes

Good Accomodation. Free Stabling. In connection with the above Hotel is the

British Hay and Corn Store

Best Quality only Kept.

J.C. WEICKHARDT, Proprietor

N.B. —The only German Hotel in Clunes


— Geo. Chapman & Co.,

IRONMOMGERS Fraser Street, Clunes.

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LOCAL A GRADE ELECTRICIAN All types of electrical work

Paul Milne

0407 857 486


5 Castlemaine Road Creswick

Ph: 0343 110 101 Barbara Henderson BVSc

Companion and Farm Animals

Please call for veterinary attention

Earthmoving contractors

Bobcat for hire

Tip truck & 5 tonne excavator


Driveways - Small Excavations - Horse Arenas - Post Hole Borers - Gorse & Light Scrub Clearing

Contact GEOFF on 0409 958 853

Anytime Anywhere Earthmoving

builtt builders

0418 579 946 Robbie Allen Director [email protected]

Registered builders licence number 59811

Mick Gray’s Automotive

Servicing & General repairs, brakes,

exhausts, Tyres new and repairs

Located just out of Clunes

Phone Mick on Mob 0418 142 022

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Hepburn Shire Council is putting local businesses front and centre producing a series of online videos, to promote the Go Local First initiative.

Hepburn Shire Council CEO Evan King said the new videos feature businesses and townships across Hepburn Shire, showcasing the very best of our region.

“From your local electrician, butcher, florist and pub, Hepburn Shire is lucky to have so many great businesses and now is the time to continue showing them your support,” Mr King said.

“Don’t forget to keep an eye out for the Go Local sign when shopping right across our Shire.”

Go Local First encourages and reminds us to choose local businesses when purchasing products, goods and services to help get the economy back on its feet, keep locals in jobs and money in local communities, said Mr King.

“We know that our small businesses are the heartbeat of our community and, when they thrive, we all benefit. “With Christmas only a few weeks away, what better way to support your local townships than buying your presents locally.

“Support the businesses that give our towns their unique character and show them how much they mean to you.”

The four new videos can be viewed on the Hepburn Shire Council website and will be released over the coming weeks on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

“Thanks to all the businesses who have take part in this initiative - it’s great to see Hepburn shire on film,” said Mr King.

It’s not too late for businesses to get involved in the Go Local First initiative. Just complete an expression of interest here:

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Clunes Golf Club By Ray Skinner

My final article for the year and personally I am quite relieved to have reached this point.

This year has been one of mixed emotions for the golfing Community and

nowhere more than Clunes, if I may say so. The Club has experienced deep sadness with the loss of two of it's Members.

Vale Michael Cheshire ..... Vale Margaret Fox.

As we approach Christmas let us all remember families who have lost loved ones this year ( not only to Covid ) and also those who have endured serious illness and wish them a speedy and full recovery.

As far as our Club is concerned it has been a remarkable year despite the restrictions of two Covid lockdowns. Participation in Club events has again increased over the previous year and we are in a strong financial position. With the support of major sponsors, Bendigo Bank and Whitehead Timber Sales we have erected a new timber Deck overlooking the 4th. Fairway. This has been well received by all Members.

We have also managed to complete a number of our Annual Championships and following is a brief summary of this years Winners

2020 Eclectic held over (3) rounds Winner - Andrew Cox Singles Matchplay Champion - Karson Osborn-Purser Pairs Matchplay Champions - Ian Rowland / Dean Marshall

Club Championship held over (2) rounds "A" grade Winner Dean Marshall "B" grade Winner John Horner Overall Nett Score Winner John Horner

Monthly Medallist of the Year Finalists D. Marshall, R. Skinner, K.Steart, L.Lees, K. Osborn-Purser, J.Johnston, G.Johnstone Winner - Kevin Steart.

Are we back to normal next Year?? Who knows!

Our Club has adapted to and adhered to Covid restrictions this year. In 2021 we are all hoping for an effective Vaccine. Whatever we face we will manage because the continuing success of our Club is paramount.

On that note I sincerely wish everyone the best possible Christmas you can have. Whenever and however we are permitted, get together with family and friends. Let us look forward to 2021 with new resolve and enthusiasm.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!

2020 Clunes Show Online Competitions

Even though no Show this year we had a bit of fun running an Online Pet Show and Photography competition.

We had over 100 entries for the Photography Competition that brought back many happy memories.

Congratulations to Andy Shugg who was the winner with a terrific photo of the Ag Society Committee running the Bar on Show evening.

With the Pet Show we were overwhelmed with over 300 plus Entries.

There were heaps of categories to choose from – too many to list so best way to see photos of these amazing entries is go to website and click onto the Facebook Page.

Congratulations to all our winners and a big thank you to those who entered, to the judges and volunteers who made this happen.

We will see you again in person at the Clunes Show in 2021 “Best Show Ever “

Date: Saturday 20th November 2021

put it in your diary now

Page 20: Published monthly by the PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370 ...€¦ · events such as the Clunes Show (25 years), Clunes Historical Truck Show, Clunes Booktown, Christmas School to


COMMUNITY GROUPS All Nations Masonic Lodge Every first Tuesday except January. New members most welcome. Contact Secretary: Peter Billing, 0413 213 596 or [email protected]

Anglican Church St Paul’s, Templeton St. Worship- Eucharist for all ages 11am on 1st & 3rd Sundays, followed by bring & share lunch. All welcome. Enq: Father Chris Keast Home: 0353 324 723 Mobile: 0427 911 792 Email : [email protected] for baptisms, weddings & funerals.

Art Attack / Circus Primary school students from 3:30pm - 5pm and Secondary school students 5pm - 7pm Tuesday afternoons at Clunes Football / Netball Club during school terms. Call 5345 4078.

Carpet Bowls Indoors at Clunes Senior Citizens Hall. Each Wed and Sat from 1.40pm. New members welcome. Come along for a fun afternoon. Enq: Eileen Bradsworth on 5345 4097.

Clunes & District Agricultural Society Meet 8pm 3rd Thur of month from Feb - Oct. Nov meet Thur before Show & Thur after. President-John Drife Ph. 0427 434 233 ; Secretary-Gayle Wrigley Ph. 0400 907 506 Homecrafts-Julie Spittle 5343 4201. Website

Clunes & District Young Farmers Meetings every 2nd Tues 7.30pm at the Young Farmers club rooms at show grounds. A friendly, social environment for anyone aged 16-30. Contact Jenny 0400 613 153.

Clunes Angling Club All welcome. Meet on the first Monday each month 7.30pm, old SMB building behind Clunes Mechanical Repairs.

Clunes Artists' Group Meet 1st Saturday of the month starting 10.30am and every Thursday at 12.30pm as a working group. Venue: Lunch Room, Clunes Neighbourhood House. Enquiries: Marlene 0409 355 857

Clunes Bowling Club: Mark Vorbach 0421422 895 Email [email protected]

Clunes Book Club Enq Karen ph.: 5345 3703. Book Club meets 7:30pm on the 2nd Thurs of the month at the RSL.

Clunes Crafternoon Mondays Meets 4th Monday of the month at the Clunes Neighbourhood House 12-3pm BYO lunch + craft projects, all crafts + kids welcome. Join Clunes Crafternoon Mondays Facebook group for more info.

Clunes Field & Game Enquiries to Eric 5345 3571.

Clunes Football & Netball Club Enq: Chris Hill 0420 780 588 or Kath Milne 0448 453 665. Email All welcome.

Clunes Free Lending Library Meetings held 4th Thursday of each month at 7.30pm. The Chairman of the Committee is Graeme Johnstone and he may be contacted on 0427 534 532 or via e-mail at ‘[email protected]’.

Clunes Garden Club Meet on the first Monday of the month at 10.15am. Outing days will meet at 9.15am. For info please contact Secretary Susan McVeigh 0400 557 434 or President Pam Shackelton 0409 202 636.

Clunes Golf Club Inc Ph: 5345 3499. Contact Ray Skinner 0428 056 509 or Lawrie Lees 5345 3034. Course 18 holes, sandscrapes, par 70, all year round play. Non members $10 green fees for 18 holes. $5 with Member. Under 16 free. Visitors welcome on Sunday/Wednesday competition days.

Clunes Landcare and Waterways Group. New members always welcome. Contact Chris O’Donnell 0408 034 017 or [email protected] for information.

Clunes Library at The Warehouse-Clunes, 36 Fraser St (next to Collins Place). Open Mon & Thur 10am-6pm, Wed & Fri 10am-4pm. Sat 10am-3pm & Sun 11am-3pm. Closed Tue. Ph: 5345 3359.

Clunes Men’s Shed Open from 10am Monday, Wednesday & Friday at the Community Gardens, 18 Alliance St. A safe and friendly space for men to meet in a workshop setting. Enq: Peter Chandler 0438 222 095.

Clunes Museum Seeking volunteers to help catalogue the Collection in the Museum Workshop from 10am each Thursday. Committee meets every 2nd Thursday of the months at 10am in the Ulumbarra Room at the Warehouse. Enq. The Warehouse 5345 3359 and leave message for Museum.

Clunes Neighbourhood House Youth, art & community programs. Printing services, free internet, gallery available for hire. 70 Bailey St (at Bottle Museum) Ph: 5345 4078, Email [email protected]. Open 9-3 Mon-Fri. See our website for more details.

Clunes Playgroup Fun & friendship for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers & their parents/caregivers. Clunes Health Centre Wed 10am-12pm, term time. Enq Bec Clowes ph. 0437 497 432

Clunes Pre-School 109 Fraser St. Enq 53453228 or clunes.district.kin@

Clunes Probus Club The Combined Probus Club of Clunes is in recess at the moment and we will restart the Club activities as soon as we possibly can. In the meantime membership inquiries can be directed to the Secretary, Ron Thomas, on 5345 3344.

Clunes RSL Membership enquiries to Secretary Mr Lindsay Pritchard on mobile 0427 028 556

Clunes Senior Citizens Club Inc Further information from the Secretary, Eileen Bradsworth on 5345 4097.

Clunes Tourist & Development Association During COVID meetings will be held online. Contact President Darrel Drieberg on mobile 0412 513 068 or Secretary Damien Whitten on mobile 0458 553 200 for any enquiries.

Clunes Trekkers Regular weekly town walks for any fitness level. Varied bush walks for medium to experienced walkers. Contact Lois Nichols 0467 331 136

Clunes Writers' Group meets second Monday of each month except public holidays 1.00-3.00pm at Clunes Neighbourhood House (in the lunch room) 70 Bailey St, Clunes Contact Patsy 0407 377 610

Community Garden 70 Bailey Street, Clunes. Meets Tuesday and Friday at 10am.

Creative Clunes Inc. Organisers of the annual Clunes Booktown festival and monthly Booktown on Sunday author talks. Volunteers always welcome. Enq 5345 3947 or at the Railway Station, Service St.

Lee Medlyn Home of Bottles Management Committee Meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at the Bottle Museum, 70 Bailey Street, Clunes at 10.30am. Visitors are welcome.

Mad Chatters Club meet every Wednesday at 2pm to 3.30pm for casual get togethers alternating between Widow Twankeys and Rose and Oak cafés. Contact Sue on 0400 557 434.

Monday Night Netball Clunes Every Monday evening during school terms. 2 seasons per year. Enq Lana 0427 781 080 or Liz 0429 453 808.

Spare Parts Club Meets 1st Tues of month 2pm to 3:30pm Clunes Community Health Centre. Enq Georgina 5345 9150 or Barbara 0410 946 095.

Tourello Red Cross Meetings as required. Please contact Janet Harrison for information. Ph 5345 3060.

Uniting Church St Andrew’s. 12-14 Service St (Wesley Campus) Worship services at 11am on 2nd and 4th (Holy Communion) Sundays and last Sunday of school term at 4pm including meal and activities for all ages. Everyone welcome. Enq: Rev Rosemary Carter 0431 286 285 or [email protected]

Yoga Classes Clunes Senior Citz every Thursday at 7pm. All levels welcome anytime. Enq Lily 0459 138 797, or [email protected],