Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker

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Transcript of Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    , .Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 InooiceRECEiVEDBill To: F E B 26 2 0 1 0

    Office of the City ClerkAttn: Betsey RichardsonP,O. BOl( 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Leg i sl a ti ve Depa r tmen t lnoolce #: 00001906Date: 2/25/10Page: 1

    DATE DESCRrPTION .. AMOUNTOrde.-#535 ..- -2 / 1 8 / 1 0 Ad- 19" @$8.50 pc i "Rezoning: Mendenhall/Spring Carden" # 1859 - $161,50 (32/18/10 Ad" 9.5" @ $8 ,50 pci "Comp PIan: Mendenhall I Spring Gard en" #1860 $80,75 I2/25/10 Ad- 19" @$8.50 pci #1859 $161.50 "2/25/10 Ad 9,5" @$8.50 pci #1860 ~ J c Y ) 'b \ $80,75/"1 0 l- OjO: ; :L~ol . ~ - J . -d - - I /

    & f c . + o - f i(~StJ{ff{r~/

    L Z " T J l d z r : \{ ~ 7

    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount: $4S4.50

    Amounl $0.00Terms: C.O.D. Balance Due: $484 ..;0

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    punLiSHER'S AFFlDA VIT-JOlli~M.KILIMANJARO. . . . . . .,. . - . _"

    : ; 3 r - ( S S - - 4s ; 3)- 3 .---o H aw ful age; beingdu Iy -sworrr a c c o rd i l l g t ola w.d oth d ep os e-a nd sa y t ha t he' is ' PublisherofTI-IE CAROLINA PEACEMAKER an ew sp ap er p ublish ed in th e C ity ofG re en sb oro a nd County o f Gu il fo rd and Stateof North Carolina, and thatnotice, of whichthe annexed printed slip is a t r u e copy, hasbeen published in said newspaper,successively, for the period of 2 w eekscommencing on the~ day ofFebruary , 2010 an d that the saidn ew sp ap er in.w hic h su ch no tic e w asp ublished , w as, at th e tim e O f e ac h a nd 'e ve ryp ub lic ation , a new sp ap er m eeting all th ereq uirem en ts an d qu alific ation s o f S ec tion 1-5 97 o f th e G en eral S tatu tes o f N ortb C aro linaand w as a q ualified n ew sp ap er w ith in th em ean in g of S ec tio n 1 -59 7 o f th e G en eralS ta tu te s o f North Carolina.

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    Subscribed and sworn to before methi~ 25th day of FelJruary ,_1!WL.


    ~-)s,-- I J 1 c 0(0f,S1J

    o f la wfu l a ge, b ein g d uly sworn a cc ord in g tolaw , d oth d ep ose an d say th at h e is P ub lish erof THE CAROLINA PEACRMAKER an ew sp ap er p ub lish ed in th e C ity o fG re en sb oro an d C ou nty o f G uilfo rd an d Sta teo f N orth C aro lin a, a nd th at n otic e, o f w hic hth e a n n e x ed printed slip is a tru e c op y, hasb ee n p ub lis he d in s aid n ew sp ap er ,suc cessiv ely, fo r the p erio d o f 2 w eek scom mencing on thel1t__ day ofFebruary , 2010 an d th at th e saidnew sp ap er in w hich su ch no tice w asp ublished, w as, a t th e tim e of eac h and ev eryp ub lic atio n, a n ew sp ap er m eetin g all th ere qu ire me nts a nd q ua lific atio ns o f S ec tio n 1 -5 97 o fth e G en era l S tatu tes o f N orth C aro lin aand \ l , Ias a qua li fi ed n ew s p a p e r w ith in th em ea nin g o f S ec tio n 1 -5 97 o f th e G en era lS ta tu te s o f N o rt h C a ro lin a,

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    iiRHNSBORO City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136Details

    Carolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853 AMOUNT $ 484.50Greensboro NC 27420-0000

    V end or N um berP aym ent D ateBank No .


    C HEC K NUM BER 235696


    In vo ic e N um be rInvoice # 190 6, d ated 2/2 511 O .

    Amoun tO N umber D escrip tion484.50

    Invo ice N umber Account N um ber CBR Amoun t

    CJ4280 101010201 5221 484.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Bi!! To:

    Greensboro Zoning Dept.Attn: Frederick BoatengPO Box 3136Greensboro, NC Z7402


    Invoice II: 00001905Date: 2/25/10Page~ 1


    DATE AMOUNTESCRlPTIONAd- 33"@ $9 pci "Greensboro Zoning Meeting: 3-8-10"Ad- 33 " @$9 pei "Greensboro Zoning Meeting 3-8-10"

    / o \ - 2. 0 D I_ D j _ 5'"" '-- z, I


    $0.00ales Tax:$59,4.00


    Terms: C.O.D.

    Total AmountAmount $0.00

    Balance Due: S594.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    N OT IC E O F P UB LIC H EA RIN G O MZ ON lNG'M AP AMEN DMENT- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , " !

    , T t.a G re e n s bo ro Z on i 0 9 c :o m m i ss lO n . . ~ I cc n si de r o rd in a n ce s to cn a n g a l h e z o < ir . g e l . s s il i ca , " o n0 1 t h e !o I low lng p fO jl ar tl. s Q i8 la d in o rd e r 0 1 a p p e a r a n c e o n t he a g e nd a). P er so ns In te re s te din My a t th es e ita m s a re I nv it e d t o R~ end th e o un ue h ee .r ir .g 1 0 D e M id o n M O nd ay . Ma r c h 8,20 t o , a l 5 :3 0 p. rn. , in th e City Coun. ; l Chem " . r . Met v ln MUnic iPa l O ff ic e 8 li ld w. g. 3 0 0 Wes lW B sh i~ g to n S tr e e t. G re e n s 'O O ro , ND r t h C a ro li n a. 2 74 0 t. Arr t in div idua l ""h a disab i l i ty wMn e oo s a n Im B'llr et., o r o t tl er a ux i~ ar y a ld s o r s e rv ic es fo r t ~l. m a & Hn g m a y c on ta ct tt'$ Plann ingD e p a r t m e n t at (336) 373 2 t~4 O f (J3':i) 3336930 (TOO) .Z \ O -OO 001 2 3 30 FLEMING ROAD (Nor thea51 oor_ 01 t h e i n l e r s e c \' ,o n FlEMING R OA D a ndOLD AC R E COURT )RS- tZ (R " s id 6 < l~B I .s i n g l e F8 l J1 l ly \10 CD LB (Cond i t iona l Dls t r i c t L im l t ed BoJSIMSS)or HI us e sp e r m il t. e< l In t he L i m t te d B us in e s s I On l fl Q dlst r i

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    PlIBLlSllER:SAFFIDAvr{ ',.' ,,-:J OHN M . I DL IMA N J1 \R O _-- f .' ,~,,:-'. ._'r~'. ~ , .... d ,1-;-' ~r_ t: '" , .of lawful ~ge, beingdulyswornaccording toJaw , doth dep ose and say that he is Publisherof THE CAROLINA PEACEMAKER a

    ,1 - ".

    n ew sp ap er p ub lish ed in th e City ofG reen sbo ro and C ounty o f G uilfo rd and S tateof N orth C arolina, an d that n otice. of w hic hthe annexed p rinted slip is a true c op y, h asb ee n p ub lish ed in sa id n ew sp ap er,successively, for the p eriod of 2 w eeksc omm enc ing o n th e~ day ofFebruarv ~..1QlQ__ an d th at th e said


    , . f , ' ~ : ~ ~ p : : ; ~. " 1 ', . '~~ ~ . .~ - J . ~ - ;:; {j \ ;,t ./i J. . . ' ' : 11~ ,iI ~.~

    newspaper in w hic h suc h n otic e was, ,

    published, was, at the time ( ) J each and every. . . ~.: .p ub lic atio n, a !1,;W,spapeLmeeting a ll th erequ irem ents lind qualific atio ns of S ec tio n 1-5 97 of the G eneral S tatu tes of N orth Carolinaand w as a q ualified new sp ap er w ith in them eanin g of S ectio n 1-5 97 of th e G eneralS ta tu te s o f North Caroli na .

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Payment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerP O B ox 20853

    C HE CK NUMBE R 235909

    Greensboro NC 27420- 0000

    V e nd or N umb erP ayme nt D a teB an k N o.

    3813 / 5 1 1 0

    09 AMOUNT$ 594.00

    InvoicesI nvo ic e Numbe r

    Invoice # 1905 , d a te d 2/25/1 0AmountO N um ber Description594.00

    DistributionsI nv oic e N umb er Account Number CBR AmountCJ4388 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 5221 594.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    \" ." Carol ina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20B53Greensboro, NC 27420

    RECEfVF { " " , I. . - r _ T i A R [ ; 2 ft ; ;

    Bill To:Office of the City ClerkAttn: Betsey RichardsonP.O. Bo x 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Invoice II: 00001916Date: 3/4/10Page: 1

    DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT3/4/10 Ad- 20" @ $8.50 pci "Incentive! Maple Prof. Park" #541-1873 $170.00

    ~frrV Vf 3 8 ! -:"M~./ /Of-Olo;). -of. y- ;2_~::l ;~32 ~\W


    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount; $170.00

    Amounl $0.00Terms: C.O.D. B ala nc e D ue : $170.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    land was a qualified newspaper within the"" , (L . . ., ; .- ; : ; ,; " " " - , ,= . o ' ~ : ; ' : ;: : ; : : : :; - = , L , ,, ' -: , : -' : : ' : : _ " , : '" " " - : ~ = - ' ~ = " ~ : ' : : ~ ~ : : : ~ _ '_ ' f ; ,' ~ : , = , ~ : :: i $ = " . ' " " Y ~ ; .: ~ m o _ : ' _ = i u . -: = _ = _ , - : ";- , _ = _ ; , ; , ~ ~_,"",,-,=~"~~:;-'~~'=::=-_I~~ :meaning of Section 1-597 of the General

    Statutes of North Carolina.

    Subscribed and sworn to before methis ..l!!L day of March, __]QlQ_.

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Payment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO B ox 20853

    CHECK NUMBER 2 3 6 0 8 5e nd or N umb erP ayme nt D a te

    3 8 13/9/10

    09 AMOUNT$ 170.00Greensboro NC 274200000 B an k N o.

    IIIvoicesI nvo ic e Number

    Invoice # 1916, da ted 3 / 4 / I o . 170.00PO Numb er Description Amount

    DistributionsInvoice Number Account N umber CBR AmountC J4489 101010201 5221 170.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    L_~ ~ ~ ~


    Bill Tv:

    Office of the City ClerkAttn: Betsey RichardsonP .O . B ox 3 13 6Greensboro, NC 274023136

    invoice #; 00001932Date: 3/11/10Page: 1

    DATE DESCRIfYl10N AMOUNT3/4/10 Ad- 9.5" @ $8.50 pci "1112 E Cone Blvd - rezone" #54.1-1871 $80.753/1l/10 Ad- 9.5" @ $8.50 pc i #541-1871 $80.75

    -----..,6~l O l " " , O ! 6 ) - - - 01.

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    S l i f < I ?11c P i, _ I _ (o ( - 5 VUBLISHER'S AFFIDA VTTJOHN M. KILIMANJARO

    of lawful.age, being.dulysworn according tolaw, doth-depose and say that he is-Publisherof THE CAROLINA PEACEMAKER a,N,~TIC~O::'P~DUC:,HE~~IN;~ . . ' j

    , _ . . .' . . ~ .~ .~~_"c_ :~: ;~~ :~~ . :: ! ,~ '- :~~ ,\ ':Purs~anllD,aresolution or!he CllyCO~~Clir.d,9ptedilprjl:21,' 1 9 5 8 ' ; ' 1 1 1 1 8 ~~ouncelT'~CIf oc es T ue .d a y, M a rc h .1'1,~010,at5:~O p.rn.,IIs'lIie'vme an,n~e' C i tY - Co u 'n e i l C h a n -b e r , IMel,,:JiMunklp.iJ b ffiC &8li'J din g,JO O:W es t .WaSt \ inq i ' on '. : . . S ir ee k- Or ee ns bo ro ; , - : f ' ! o r t h~;Cilh";:2740{aS. 'INiilaoe ,'fCr:a :pubUc'~ t t ~ 9 m ~ / ~ t i ~ ~ . g % d ~ ~ ~ ~ I T ~ ~ ;, t h , , : ,' . ' ,_ Rezon i f : i j~ . ' t rom 'pt;);U\~(gO~lhlinal'Dislr:cHlght :lfliju~,lriil/l'to CD-~J }C :8rx1 i .t i o nalDistnct'~t;iht I n du 9 ln r uJ to r , a l l U Se 5 P e l minedin - t t i e 'Bu s in eSS , ' P r o l e s s io n a ' l a n d p er So na l, .ss rii&!s '. " ' {iig oiy . a" dl he , 'WhD Ie ~I ~ ;

    Trade", ' ; ;u "ry6! lr i~ L I z on in g d l st r; :: f /a M M c i O i 'S; i!e5 i inaw an d u s e e ) (b o:r l, \an a Lindii~in9)lenot~s added c on d il io n sl l orp r o p e i tY l oCa ti j~ _ i tt . \ I I 2& :aS ! Cone Bo ule va rd, ,ge~raJly:d~s'c~l'edu 's o ulh ,01 E as l Con e \Bou lev~ rd ,,"doeesl o r Yanoeyv i l l e Sireel ' I'. ':>"",,>, { ~1 e ; ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ . ~ , ~ ~ z t ~ e . a ~ n , I I :. , , .. > Ariy, {1,0dI0C~~I~;il~':'a . dlsatilli~, ,:"hO IMOOS an,interpreter or otns r a u x il i a ry , . ,d s Dr i"''''ic"i;'fOr'-lhls meen;.g,r'aY'Contact Dlaro .i :.~h~;~~~~~~i~~r~~~J~~~'~~i';~~~~~-OH.ce;~af'-,373'239.!'J.o'::'~~,3jS9_30.;,(TDD).'~ub 'i 5 l i. : P e a c emak e . r 3 !4 i :! 91_9 ~3 (1 )i 201 0 . :T . ; . , ~ : 4 i : ; : F , } ~ : ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ r . ' n ; ~ 9 : ~ r , :

    newspaper published in the City ofGreensboro and County of Guilford and Stateof North Carolina, and that notice, of whichthe annexed printed slip is a true copy, hasbeen published in said newspaper,successively, for the period of 2 weeksconunencing on the _ML day ofMarch 2010 and that the said

    newspaper in which such notice waspublished, Wa s, a t the tim e of each, and everypublication, a newspaper meeting alltherequirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolinaand was a qualified newspaper within themeaning of Section 1-597 of the GeneralStatutes of North Carolina,

    RECEIV~,~J)M A R ! 2 2 0 1 0


  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    ~G R E E N S B O R O

    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 161.50Greensboro NC 27420-0000Ve nd or Numbe rP aymen t D a teB an k N o.

    3813 / 1 5 / 1 0


    CHECK NUMBER 236436

    I nv oi ce NumberI nv oi ce # 19 32 , d at ed 3 /1 1/1 0. 161.50

    PO Number D escrip tion Amount

    Invoice Number Account Number CBR AmountCJ4541 101010201 5221 161.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    'Bill To:City of G'boro -AdjustmentPLANNING DEPT.Attn: Loray AverettP.O. Box 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    In'lloiCt! #: 00001936Date: 3/11/10


    -~~ f\)wlt;~-'S"~10V P - s g l /I()- Z V 0 1 .- 0 I . ~Z z 1 /'130.@ /

    DESCRJmONAd- 9.5" @$9 pci "March 22,2010 Board of Adj Meeting"3 > O t ) , ~ I f f f m v . a t~t" ~...:t.


    Balance Due: $1:15.50~~--~-~


    Terms: C.O.D.

    Total Amount: $85.50 _ JAmounl $0.00

    Sales Tax: $0.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    GREENSBORO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTThe (:J~~'{r~ feql.ests have been received

    , and wJI be oors;derad at the next mee1ing 01Ihe GreenoomoBoard 01AdJ~slm"n' wh';:~I 5 scheduled tor Monday. Marc" 22. 201 D at5 .3 0 p .r n i n!h & C it y. C o un G" . C h a JT te r o f t heMelvin ~l,nlc,pal Oij,ce 8ulldll'9 .L 200 BLOCK ALMA PINNIX DRIVESal", M,'ikin. Agenl lor Fo urtatn ManorHomeowner'sllssociatlon reques t s 8va r t ancafrom Ih 9 maximum lenGe height rsqu Irementlor an isling fence which is pmposed toDe r ep laCQ( j along Alma PinN ' Or ive whichexceeds the rnaxrnum helght at 4. tem by5 addhional leel witt"n ts-teet of ~ AlmaPinnix 0 rive righlarway.

    ! 2 4g27 MARY STREET Giover i Ca r ando l a .ltd. d.b .a . Chost ie 's Cabaret lhlo""h itscounse l appeaa the lanin; ] i nterpr&I&1 'on bytoe oHic lna r y a.ds or se[\,.l~~e5for t hr s m e e ti ng may conlacl the Pla1)r11f19Departmenl at 3732144 IVoice) Cf 3336930(TOOl 0rll IJr.urm~"-rT -I " i

    SUbscri~e~ and sworn 10 ~cfore inethis __ t_uayof Marc , 20 t o


    of lawful age, being July swam according tolaw , doth depose and say that he is Publisherof THE CAROLINA. PEACEMAKER anew spape r publ is hed in the C ity ofG re en sb oro a nd County of G uilford and S tateof North C arolina, and that notice, of whichthe annexed printed slip is a true copy, hasb ee n p ub lish ed in said n ew sp ap er.

    I weeksuccessively, for the period of _commencing on the 11 t h day ofMarch 20 I 0 and that the said

    newsp aper in which such notice w aspublished, w as, at the tim e of each and everypublication, a newspaper meeting all the:requirem ents an d qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolinaand was a qualif ed newspaper within themeaning of Section 1-597 olthe GeneralStatutesof North Carolina.

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Payment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO B ox 20853

    V e nd or N umb erP ayme nt D a te

    3813 1 1 7 / 1 0

    0 9

    CHE CK NUMBE R 236654AMOUNT $ 85.50Greensboro NC 27420-0000 B an k N o.

    InvoicesI nvo ic e Number

    I nv oic e 1 93 6, d ate d 3 1 1 1 / 1 0 .AmountO Number D escrip tion

    CJ4678 85.50

    DistributionsI nvo ic e Number A ccount Number CBR Amoun tCJ4678 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 5 2 2 1 85.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    CITY OF GREENSBORO, NC Check needed ASAP-------IVendor #: 381HECK/CONTRACT ORDER Date 3/26/2010Contract No.: N /A

    PAY TO: Carolina PeacemakerDPartial

    Address: P.O. Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 EJFinal

    Accounling Use OnlyAmount$ 324.00 C/O#

    Description Fee for publication of inspector's hearing notice regarding property at:410 Beech Street and 1007 Bluford Street


    101-6014-03.5221 " e J ' < . . .3CL'u ~Iotal 324.00Return check to: Wanda Hovander, Local Ordinance Enforcement

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    r tCarolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 Invoice

    Bill To:

    Wanda Hovander-City of G'boroInspection Division1001 Fourth StreetGreensboro, NC 27405

    Invo-ice #: 00001981Date: 3/25/10Page: 1

    DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT3/11/10 Ad- 7" @ $8 pci "1007 Bluford Sf' $56.003/H/10 Ad- 6.5"@ $8 pci "410 Beech Sf' $52.003/18/10 Ad-7" @$8 pei "1007 Hluford Sf' $56.003/18/10 Ad- 6.5" @ $8 pci "4]0 Beech St" $52.003J25/1O Ad- 7" @ $8 pci "1007 Bluford Sf ' $56.003 / 2 5 / 1 0 Ad 6.5" @$8 pci "410 Beech 51" $52.00

    Sales Tax: $0,00Total Amount $324.00

    Amoum $0.00Terms: C.O.D. 5a1ance Due: $324.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Payment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 324.00Greensboro NC 27420-0000Vendor NumberPayment DateBank No.



    CHECK NUMBER 237283

    nvoicesInvoice Number

    Fee for Publication of inspector'shearing notice property at 410 BeechStreet and 1007 Bluford Street.1nrty at410 Beech Street and 1007 BlufordStreet.ln

    324.00PO Number Description Amount


    DistributionsInvoice Number Account Number CBR AmountCH4955 101601403 5221 324.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    . .Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 Invoice

    Bill To :Offi~e of the City ClerkAttn: Betsey RichardsonP.O. ' B m [ 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Inooice #: 00001980Date: 3/25/10Page! 1


    3/25/10 Ad- 29" @$8.50 pei "West Trail- Sewer" # 1874 $246.503/25/10 Ad- 29" @$8.50 pei "West Trail - Water" II 1875 $246.50

    3 ~ \ ./V r/ D t: O f O ) - . . . . (j I ' )~

    ~fv fCUf? ;Jc ,WV'W/

    (V,-. : : - ; - . I " l l ; ! S3 > ~ ' ~ , , \ : !Lr ,"

    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount $493.00

    Am01.Ul1 $0.00Terms: C.O.D. Balance Due: $493.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVITr:-f';=:='5'" __- ~ ~ ~ C ' P 0 - = - -N " " ? , T , , ; , , Y O _ F ~ G - : - U I L _ _ _ . ~ ~. . . = R = D _~=:;.;.. -, , ; ; :.: : .:,: ; : : : ..;. .~=;;. _~_O H N M . KiLlMAN JA R O: ,t ': f: ;r ': ~' ~: '~ ": ;~ ;: )< ;~B t~ fo FPROp d~E ~~ ?C ~LIMPROV IOMENTS -. . ' - ' , . .. : . t . 6 . 1 . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ { S ~ : ~ t . ; . i " . A ; ~ ~ j 6 . : ~ E . ' N S T A L l E ON WES .TE i 'lN TAAI~'FAOlll~;.~~c;!'~.i~~jNe l aw f ul a ge , b ei ng duly sw orn a cc ord in g toA1)l(n6: 'E~Tt;;A~:rA~tV)"9}PPAOXlMATELY500LINEARFEETEAsr , '. : V . ' - ' : : ' , . . . doth d po . d th t h . P bli h"'" '.' ","'-:"':" ,.,., . "' ..... :'. .'-''" : _ .. "" ec IOn 0 Ie eneral. " : : , .- ' ' _ ~ , .: ~ ~ " :~ ; _ 7 c . > j' ~ ~ ) . ~ .. ; : ~ . i ~ ' . ; ; ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ; ; ~ ~ ; . \ ; ~ - ;.; . ' ~" ; . ' : . ' - ' : ~\ _ \ : . . . . . . .' . : - . ; ' ~ . . ' , - ' : " _ : . '~ .Allobj~~)p.! '1e..~g!l~lY,8f,~~.~,0.~~iW,oflhe Imp!ovemcnls ""all be made i I l I 'HlUn~. slgned!n t ute s o f No rt h C a ro li na . ' pe r son or by attornoy"a"",m,~I' w.m Ine.C. ly .Clelk ~\ or bofore 1M tim e 01 t he public heaflng. A~ y! - ; l t i . ~ J . c , t i c ~ ~ t t ) : ~ & . ~ ~ : ~ J f ~ ; : ~ ~ T j t g i : . '.. , " - .. " , . ' . . . I

    'Jt:y'o~have;q ~e " t i o ' ~ s o r COnC911"1S '~ga id i l19 t I ) l i . a s ' s " ss rnent ra tes meli t kl ned he rc ln or con ce ma - I n 'o iV l ng I l s S o o ; i n e n i " b h a i g e s p i " a s a E a l l : : : l i 3 - 2 3 D 2 : : : . " , ' " . .}/~:2~~::;;)r{;~~;;(,~:~,:.' ;:~_...-t.:'~- - : : ' : ; , ~ ' - ~ < : " : : X ' " - ~ ; _ i i ~ ~ ! i ; l ; : . : : T : ; : ~ . _ ~. + " ' . . .IAnyindiVldua! wilh a dlBabilitywho necds . an"n t c rp rs t e r ,o rC l l l ' e r .Wi~ial)' a l d. o r se r v tc e s tor.thiam e e t i n g m a y e o r i t D c l S O t s e y Aictia;d~D;'.CilYcle;(o:i.:D;~r:~~SChreiDere put y C i lY Clerk 01373j i " f ~ ; ~ ~ f ~ : ' ~ ~ ~ rj k ~ ~ ~ ; ? : t f 0 W Ja? 1 . 1

    ~-; , : . ~ " - : - . .

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    : = = = = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ - ~ - - ~ - - ~ - ~ ' - - ~ - ~ - - ~ - ' - ~. .. ..~~~--~I. .~~ :~~~ r~ ;?~ ,;f~?~~~~;'L IMPROVEMENTS \ of law ful age, being duly sw orn according to

    .Ii' , !, IATE~;~ INf i$ '~~ : i i~~~r i I .N~~E:~~ '~T~IL FFlc i~APR9PO SE.D"L INEAT6016W ES TE RN T RA IL T OA I'P .R OX IM AT EL Y 5 00 L INEARF EE T E AS T, ' c . .. " . ._ .: '. ~~ ~ ;~~ l~_S~~ ). ". j " . : : : ' ~ : \ . _ ' , : , : ' _ , ' . . - . .-I.A prelimillB,ydete'rrnlriBliiJr,.hasb een r r l a d e ttuiflh,jslreat or sireets sot D ul above tJIa withoutaYi";~; main: t h 6 : t " p u ~ c : i n i i j ; - { , s l. i n i i ~ e " " i t y r e q u i ! 9 that a " ' ; i u e r mai~ be m a o e 8Y8i labte onl t i e w - e e l : o i a t r o o i s \ . ; ~ t i i n . t.i{.;'lim ii>!h;';'; ~!ld tioa~aoUt t ing p!oPert)t will b e tienaiitod to ths,eXle,,! 'of ~ P a r y t i i , u , ; , c o s t. !h e re c il 1 ~ :\ l< ! B S S O S S e d against . ; c h aIltrtIing p ropo rty , .'. ~ . >.1. ".' : . ' r:" (~ ....~:.~~ .: 2. Th~ local i( l lpro.~!1i p r o pp s ~ t~b9 made on tM SI re a \ o.r stro..t$ sat OIJt above a re as~ . l : I '; W s , ., : , " < ~ . ~ : ' ; . X ; ' f ~ ~ : . l ! ? ~ i ; ) b >. . : of N orth C arolina, and that notic e, of w hic hWa t e r , Ma l n Improve l1 l f l n l s , . - "Th~ t a wat .t " -~ -. ""_ . ;" . _ , "" -" _ :_" :-_ " ": :" -- r ' ~ "I(b)Term.ofPa~enl. Th9asses$ lTlanlswi llb~p3yabla in tenequal .nnuaJi r \s lnI1mants ,which Irequiren ts d 1 '1 " : t' f S t' Ii ;' .u i il 'meMi! ;wmbea' in l er e si '! ll 'l h~mt eo f st .< " " 'Ge rT1p er ani 1Umt rO" 't hedat eo t con ri rma tlOn ' len an qua ILlea IOns 0 ec Ion ". o f ~ a sse ssm en t ro ll; prov!&,hhat a r . y " s t . < ; h ussesdnenl m a~ b e p~IC!lnM in c a s h wilhout !he !addi ti o n o t Imer~ }"iJlli.n. t h 1 r : i Y . ~ y ; , . ~ p ~~a d 3l e o f pubhca l ,on at the r>: lllceof th e confirmatiOn , 597 a f th e G en eral S tatu tes o f N orth C aro l in ao l,t~ e~ se ~""1 r ii IL ': ;~ : ::,., . ', ;~ . . ~ { S land w as a qualified new sp ap er w ithin the4. A publ ic h e al ln ll will be haid by \he City GourlCi l at 6:30 PM Tuesday, Ap ri l 6 , zino. In ih u; ~ a i ~ : ~::ber In the Municipal Office BuildingII) del.rm;ne f l n a l l yw tw t he r !h e l m p r cv e r rr e n ts m ean in g o f S ec tion 1~ S9 7 o f th e G en era l

    ,5, All ~jecti9ns I~ the e g alltyollhe mak f n g ol Ihe 'improvem.~I~ ~hali be made in wrtijllQ, signed .Starutes 0 f North C a ro lina,. : , pe r . . ," ; or by 3110mB '; , a nd ' fi . fo i l w i th ! t i e City Clarl< ot or OOIt :> iethi1 l l lTle oi I h "; ' p ub ll c hOD r i n g . IAn y such ob)wtions n ot . 0 m ad e ' ; '~I be W a lVD O , tf you h a v e q ue s t io n s Dr co nw rn s.~ ard ;n g ih e a . . ~s sm .1 \l re te s men,aned n e re in o r c on c er n si l1voi ' : ' i r1(1a~se"..m9n\ Cna r g e ~ , ple~~,~~I: 373-2302A n y in

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Payment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    V en dor N um be rPaym ent D ate

    AMOUNT $ 493.00Greensboro NC 2 74 20 -0 00 0 Bank N o.

    3813 / 3 0 / 1 0


    C HEC K N UM BER 237410

    InvoicesIn vo ic e N um b er

    Invoice # 1 98 0, d ate d 3/25lJ O . 493.00P O N um ber D escrip tion Amount

    DistributionsIn vo ic e N um be r A cc oun t N um be r CBR Amoun tCJ5016 101010201 5221 493 .00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    IpayTo: I SW~Oa t eN e e d e dB y :PaymentType: Check Order

    ..~Vendor#: 381Con t rac t # :Par t i a l :F ina l :c/o NO.

    Carolina Peacemaker/'

    jAm oun t j $143.00

    lo e s cr iP t io n _ : ____ " .. . A_m _o_u_n _ t. _ J iInv. 1982, Ad for Permanent Supply Hous i n g , 3/25 /10

    211 2201 01 5221 $143.00





    D a te E nte re d3 /31 /2010 -/P

    $143.00otalRequ i s i t i on :10584

    a r t m e n t

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    ,j 5?I';//)).#1/ SOlCirolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 Invoicef D ) ~ @ ~ R W [ ; u n

    I J I \ MAR~1 r I ! ! JBY : ~ .Hi{{ To:G 'bo r o Ho i . .. & C omm. D evAttn: Cynthia BlueP.O. Bo x 3136Greensboro, NC 2'7402

    Invoice 11: 00001982Date: 3}25/10Page: 1

    DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT3/2'5/10 Ad- 11" @$13 pc i "Permanent SUP~ Housing" $143.00

    tk- t c J - - - f e : t 0~

    't7.~'b) 't ~1)

    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount: $143.00

    Amount $0.00Terms: C.O.D. Balance Due: $143.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ~FOR PERf \. 1A .; .' 1E~ l . & . : . 1SUPPORTIVE HOUSING , . U , , ,_ ~ l " "

    0"''' 0"-:ru . . rH

    PUBLISHER'S AFFIDA vrrJOHN M. KlUMANJAROof law ful age, being duly sw am according tolaw , d oth dep ose an d say that h e is P ub lish erof TilE CAROLINA PEACEi \< IAKER an ew sp ap er p ub lish ed in th e City ofG re en sb or o a nd C ou nty o f G uilfo rd an d Stateo f N urth Ca ro li na , a nd t ha t n oti ce , of whichthe annexed p rinted slip is a true copy, hasb een p ub lish ed in s aid n ew sp ap er ,su cc ess iv ely , fo r th e p erio d o f ~.eLcommencing on th e 25th da y ofMarch 2010 an d th at the said

    T he C ity o f G reen sb oro req uests p rop osals fro m no n-profit a n d f or -p ro fi t e n ti ti es to c ar ry o ut p er ma ne nts up po rtiv e h ou sin g a ctiv itie s elig ib le fo r fu nd in g u nd erth e Ncrghborhood S ta biliz atio n P ro gram . S ub je ct tof un di ng a va il ab il it y, t he C it y a nt ic ip at es a wa rd in ga pp ro xim ate ly $ 600 ,0 00 to fu nd e lig ib le p ro je cts .A dd ition al fu nd s m ay b ec om e av ailab le. C on tac t CynthiaBlue. (33fl) 433-7376 fo r a dd itio na l in fo rm atio n o r toreceive a p roposal packet. P roposal form s m ay also bed ow nlo ad ed fro m the C ity w eb site: www.greensboro-nc . gov / dep a r tr nen i s/ h cdDeadline for R e ce ip t n f P rn po sa jsTh e firm d eadlin e for rec eipt o f c om pleted p ro po sals an da l l r e qu i re d attachments is 4:00 PM on M onday, April 12,2010.Public HearingsPublic H earings w ill be held at the follow ing tim es andp lac es fo r p ub lic c om men ts c onc ern in g th is req uest fo rproposals:C omm un ity R es ou rc e BOHrdT hursd ay , A pril l5 at 3 :00p mP laza L ev el C on feren ce R oo m,M e lv in M u ni ci pa l O ff ic e B u il di ng .

    3 00 W . W ashin gto n S t.AllY pt!rmn with disabilit ies or who needs all interpreteror other auxiliary aids or services for this public hearingshould contact Abby Feinstein a r 373-2109 (voice) or

    Subscribed and sworn to before methis 25th dayof March , 2010

    new spap er in w hich such notice w asp ub li sh ed , w a s, ill the tim e of each and everyp ub lic atio n, a new sp ap er m eeting all th erequirements and qua li fi cat ions of Sec tion 1-59 7 0r the Gen er al S ta tu te s of Nor th Carolinaand w as a q ualified n ew sp ap er w ith in th em eaning o f S ec tio n 1 -5 97 o f the G eneralS ta tu te s o f No rt h C a ru li na

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    C HEC K N UM BE R 237787

    Greensboro NC 2 7420-0000

    V en do r N um be rP ay me nt D ateBank No.


    09AMOUNT $ 143.00

    In vo ic e N um berIn v # 1982, Ad for Perm anent Supp lyH ou sin g 3 /2 5/1 O . 143.00

    PO Number D escription Amoun tCJ5188

    Invoice Number Account Number CBR Amoun tC15188 211220101 5221 143.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    Carol~na PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 Inooice

    B ill T o: RECEIVED! A P R ) 2 0 1 0 Im:roicr#: 00001992Date : t/1/10Office of the City C1erkAttn: Betsey RichardsonP.O. Bo x 3136

    Greensboro. NC 27402-3136 lejstattva D e p a r t m e n t Page.' 1

    DATE DESCRlmON AMOUNTOrder #542-lB76

    3/25/10 Ad- 8" @$S,50 pci "Amphitheater Construction" $68.004 / 1 / 1 0 Ad- 8" @ $8.50 pci $68.00

    . )~\/' t % .J e / - { J { O }--(J(. s - . n J . 1

    U J - - fiiO J c t l f o V /1 f /~ . o o

    (l/T , : O : ~ t i d ' : : ; ' l i d l ; : ; ,

    Sales T.u: $(1.00Total Amount: S136.00

    Amount $0.00Terms: C.O.D. Balance Due: $136.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    STATE OF i\"ORTH CAROLINACOUNTY OF GUILFORD P U B L I S H E R ; ' S AFFIDAviT,fOilN M.XJLlMANJARQ, . . ,. " ~.. ': .,,of h ~ ; ; ; f u l a g e ; 'belngduiy s w o r n ' 'according tolaw , doth d ep ose and sa y t hi tt 'h e i s Pub li sh e ro f THE CAROLINA PEACEMAKER an ew sp ap er p ub lish ed in th e C ity ofG re en sb or o a nd C o un ty 0f Gu ilfo rd a nd S ta teof N orth C arolin a, and that no tice , of w hic hthe ann ex ed p rinted slip is a true c op y, hasb ee n p ub li sh ed i n s ai d n ew sp ap er ,su cc essively, for the p eriod of 2 w eeksc omm enc ing on the 25th day ofMarch , 201Q and that the saidn ew sp ap er in w hich suc h notic e w asp ublish ed , w as/a t th e tim e of each and everypubl icat ion, a newspape r meeting al l there qu ir em e nts a nd .q ua li ( ic ati on s o f S ec ti on 1 -5 97 o f th e G en era l S ta tu te s o f N orth C aro lin aand w as a qu alified new sp ap er w ithin them eaning of Sec tion 1-597 o f the G en eralStatutes ofNor!h Carolina.

    Subscribed and sworn to before methis _liL day of_ApJlL, 2010

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Payment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    C HEC K N UM BER 237960

    Greensboro NC 2 7420-0000

    V en do r N um be rPaym ent D ateBank N o.


    09 AMOUNT $ 136.00

    In vo ic e N umb erInvoic e #1992, d ated 411110 . 136.00

    PO N umber D escrip tion Amoun t

    istributionsIn vo ic e N um b er Account Number CBR Amoun tC J5323 101010201 5221 136.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    CITY OF GREENSBORO, NC Check needed ASAPI Vendor #: 381HECK/CONTRACT ORDER / Date 4/9/2007Contract No.: NfA

    PAY TO: Carolina Peacemaker oPartialEJ FinalAddress: P.O. Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420Amount $ Accounting Use OnlyC/O#20.00 /Description Fee for publication of inspector's order regarding property at:604 Julian Street


    101-6014-03.5221 ol

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    &(Oljna PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 Invoice

    Bill To:Wanda Hovander-City of G'boroInspection Divishm1001 Fourth StreetG re en sb oro , N C 2 74 05

    lnooice #: 00001733Date: 12/3/09Puge; 1

    DATE DilSCRIPTION AMOUNT11/19/f1J Ad- 30"@$8pci"604JulianStreet" $240.00111'lb/ff} Ad30"@$8 pci $240.0012/3/f!J Ad- 30" @ $6 pci $240:00

    Sales Tax: S O . O OTotal Amount: $720.00

    Amount $0.00Terms: C.O.D. Balance Due: $0720.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Payment D e t a i l sCarolina PeacemakerP O B ox 20853

    V e nd or N umb erP ayme nt D a te

    3 8 14/12/10


    CHE CK NUMBE R 2 3 8 0 5 2

    AMOUNT $ 720.00Greensboro NC 27420 -0000 B an k N o.Invoices

    I nvo ic e Numbe rF ee fo r p uc lic atio n o f in pe cto r's o rd erp ro pe rty a t 6 04 Ju lia n S t. In v 1 11 73 3.Ju lia n S t. In v # 1733 .

    720.00PO Number Descrip tion Amount


    D i s t r i b ' l t i o l l S

    Invoice Number Account Number CBR AmountVC J5376 101601403 5221 720.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    CITY OF GREENSBORO, NC Check needed ASAP-------IVendor #: 381HECK/CONTRACT ORDER -: Date 4/9/2007Contract No.: N/A

    PAY TO: Carolina Peacemaker oartialEJ FinalAddress: P.O. Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Accounting Use OnlyC/O#mount $ 864,00

    Description Fee for publication of inspector's order regarding property at:1700 McKnight Mill Road



    /' rv ;(aJk_~4 / q l i D /Total 864.00Return check to: Wanda Hovander, Local Ordinance Enforcement

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Dm To:Wanda Hovander-City of G'boroInspection Division1001Fourth StreetGreensboro, NC 27405

    Innoice #: 00002015Date: 4/8/10Page: 1

    DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT3/'15/10 Ad- 36"@ $8 pci "1700 Mcknight Mill Rd" $288.004 J 1/10 Ad- 36" @$8 pci $288.004/8110 Ad- 36"@ $8 pel $288.00

    Sales Tax: $0.00Tutal Amount $864.00

    Ammml $0.00Terms: C.O.D. Balance Due: 5864.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Payment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 864.00Greensboro NC 2 74 20 -0 00 0V en dor N um berP aym ent D ateBank No.

    3 8 14/1211 0

    0 9

    C HEC K N UM BER 2 3 8 0 5 1

    InvoicesIn vo ic e N um be r

    F ee for ublication of insp ector's orderproperty at 1700 MvcKnight M ill R d.Invoic e #2015, dated 4/8/1 O . 0M vcKnight M ill R d. Invoice #2015,d ate d 4 /8 fl O .

    864.00PO Number D escrip tion Amount

    DistributionsInvoice Number Account Number CBR AmountCJ5375 101601403 5221 864.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    CITY OF GREENSBORO! NC CHECK I CONTRACT ORDERPay To: Check needed by 4/13/2010

    /Vendor#: ~13_81 _DATE; 1 419 / 2010

    Contract Number I~ J PARTIAL

    ICarolina PeacemakerAddress:

    ACCOUNTING USE ONLYo FINALCfO# Imount $ 1 " . $567.00

    Description: Advertisement for Water Liens lnv, # 00002001


    / [ $0.00I501-7012-015425 $567.00~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - -. . $000Mail Check Direct: ICal ISylvia At 12320


  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420,"


    Bill To:

    G'boro Housing &Comm. DevAttn: Mary Lynn Anderson, NCCP - Legal Dept.P.O. Box 3136Greensboro, NC 27402

    Itl1Joice #: 00002001Dute: 4/8/10Page: 1

    DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT4/1/10 Ad- 31.5" @ $9 pci "Guilford Co. Utility Liens" $283 . 504/8/10 Ad- 31.5" @ $9 pel "Guilford Co. Utility Liens" $283.50

    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount: 5567.00

    AmDunt $0,00Terms: C.O.D. Balance Due: $567.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    .;- .Anderson, Mary LynnFrom:Sent:To:Subject:

    Kimel. JeffW edn esda y. M arch 24 .20109 :5 6 AMAn de rs on , M ary L yn nRE : U se o f Accoun t #

    Hi Ma r y .We can use 501-7012-01.5425 fo r Contracted Collections.Th a n k sjeff

    From: Ande r s o n , Mary L y n nSent: W edn es da y, ~1a rch 24 , 2010 9 :54 AMTo: Kimel, Je f fSubject: RE : Use of Accoun t #

    Ea ch ye ar we a dv e rt is e th e a ccoun ts th a t did n ot h a ve g ood m a il s erv ice be fo re we p ut th e m In a s Judg m e nts .Th e y run in th e p a p e r Zx. In th e p a s t fe w vca rs we us e d th e th e News a n d Re co rd a n d th is ye a r we we re r ,o in r , tous e C aro lin a Pe ace m ake r be ca us e they are ch e ap er . Th e y W ill run in th e Pe ace m a ke r o n Ap ri l 1"a n d ApriI81~.100',,",k,p.n). It is called NO TIC E O F U TIL IT Y L IE NS a n d it is a list o f the own ers n am e and th e a dd re ss o f the wa t e rbi l l . We t h e n fiie this second set of Judgments 30 days after the l a s t date cfthe pub l i ca t i on . So the 2nd s e t ofj u d gm e n t s will be put on re co rd on May 10'h.I hope this explanation clears up the con fus i o n . I may not have stated m y needs correctly in th e first e-mail.Thank yo uM ary L yn n

    From: K im e l , J e ffSent: Wedn e sda y , March 24, 20109:37 AMTo: Ande r s o n , Mary L y n nSubject: RE: Use of Accoun t #

    H i Mary L y n n .I d id not realize that you p ub lis h e d a water lien list. Once they get to the judgment stage theyshou l d have already b e e n advertised. D o we have to advertise again?Th a n k s .jeff

    From: Ande r s o n , Ma ry L y n nSent: Wedn e sda y , March 24 , 20108:39 Af' .1

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Payment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 567.00Greensboro NC 2 74 20 -0 00 0V en do r N um be rPaym ent D ateBank N o.



    C HEC K N UM BER 238050

    nvoicesIn vo ic e N um be r

    A dvertisem ent for w ater liens Inv#00002001 567.00

    P O N um ber Descr ipt ion Amoun t

    DistributionsIn vo ic e N umb er Account N umber CBR Amoun tC J5374 501701201 5425 567.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    Check needed ASAP-------I Vendor #: 381-:Date 4 / 14 / 2010Contract No.: N/A

    PAY TO: Carolina Peacemaker DPartialEJ FinalAddress: P.O. Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420192.00 /

    Accounting Use OnlyCfO#mount $ ,

    Description Fee for publication of inspector's hearing regarding property at:1700 McKnight Mill Rd



    /, ~14~~/ v I \ J . . . j l i b r--Total 192.00J

    Return check to: Wanda Hovander, Local Ordinance Enforcement

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Bill To:Wanda Hovander-City of G'boroInspection Division1001 Fourth StreetGreensboro, NC 27405

    Invoi ce #: 00001834Date: 2!ljjl0Puge: 1

    DATE DESCRlPTlON AMOUNT1/21{1O Ad- 8" @ $8 pci "1700 McKnight Mill Rd. $64.001/28/10 Ad- 8" @ $8 pc i $64.002{4/10 Ad- 8" @ $8 pci $64.00

    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount $192.00

    Amount $0.00Terms: CO ,D. Balance Due: $192.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Payment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    V en do r N um berPaym ent D ate



    C HEC K N UM BE R 238338AMOUNT $ 192.00Greensboro NC 2 74 20 -0 00 0 Bank N o.

    In vo ic e N um be rP ub lic atio n o f in sp ec to r's h ea rin g:Property at 1700 M cKnight M ill Rd.In v # 1834. Knight M ill R d. Inv # [834.

    192.00PO Number Descrip tion Amount

    istributionsIn vo ic e N um be r Account Number CBR AmountCJ5015 10[601403 5221 192.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    [pay To: I DateNeededBy:PaymentType: Check OrderVendor#: 381_ . ,Contract#:Partial:Final:C /O N O.

    Carolina Peacemaker

    IAmount I $198.00~jD_e_sc_r_ip_ti_on_; ~ 1 1 ~ A _ m _ o _ u n _ t ~ $ 1Inv. 2016. Ad for Landmark Designa1ion Pu blic Hearing. 4/1-8/10

    / 211 2201 01 5221 $198.00





    artment Requisition:10611

    Da te Entered r I4 1 1 3 1 2 0 i Y

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    ~ City of GreensboroUorth Carolina\ o ) ~@ m 1 t \V lm ~~ A P R 1 1 Z n 1 ~ l J l JBY: (/1 .

    MEMORANDUM\ 1 3 8 1~/rXlolOf.:G).~,

    Dak: April 12, 2()10To: Vera FunderburkFrom: Mike CowhigrSubject: Ad [or. Landmark Designation Public HearingAttached is an invoice for advertising of a public hearing in the Peacemaker for theLandmark Designation for the American Exchange National Bank Building, 102 N. ElmStreet. The invoice is approved for payment

    Thanks for your help.

    PO. Bo x :11:'16' ( Ireensbur, NC 2740231%' . (33G) 37:JCl 'l 'Y (2'~9) T' l'Y # ::;33{j~:!o
  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 llll 'oice

    B ilJ T o;

    G'bom Housing &Comm, DevAttn: Mike CowhigP.O. B o x . 3136Greensboro, NC 27402

    hmoice It : 0( lI)02016Da te: 4/8/10Page: 1

    DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT411/10 Ad- 11" @ $9 pci ..American Exchange National Bank Bldg" $99.004 / 8 / l 0 Ad- 11" @ $9 pci $99,00

    ( ) f - ~~ISales Tax: $0.00

    Total Amount S198.00

    I , ! Amounl S O . O OTerms: C.O.D. Balance Due: S19B.OO

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    Notice D f Public HearingT~" Gree~.t:oro CIty Courdl wJ Ihold a publich ea rl 1g t o oonsider a oo pt io n 0 1 a n ordinancedesignaiing [h a Am~r:can Exc;nange Nat iOnalBank Bu I iding. 1001 112 Nortn E:m Street.Greensboro. NC. asa G",lIord County H~lOticl.3IndmatK- On t y 1110extennr ja~ad~$ of t t - , c ' ! !E~$t Mwkel and Nanh Elm Sue.: ~Ieva\ion.would b < > designal"dLar .dmaJ" des ignat ion b tee 1M ewoer to L 1 ! lto a 5 ()% defer ra l o t Ci~1and County P'OI'ertyt ax es t o e n co ur ag e i nv e SU i'1 dr lt in mg:01ef1anC901 ttle bui'~lr;J Upon ~esigna\ion Ih~ ownermeet obtain a 01Appropr'ateness

    , from the GUilfordCcumy H,slcric PreservatiooCornmi.90n bef(>fB lhe bu:lding can bemaWia ll y a ICe

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Payment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 198.00Greensboro NC 27420-0000V en do r N um berPaym ent D ateBank N o.



    C HEC K N UM BER 238337

    nvoicesIn vo ic e N um be r

    Inv #2016, Ad for Landm arkD esig na tion P ub lic H ea rin g 198.00

    PO Number D escrip tion AmountCH5016

    DistributionsIn vo ic e N um be r A cc oun t N um ber CBR Amoun tCH5016 211220101 5221 198.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    5 liD"..Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 In vo ice

    Bill To:Office of the City ClerkAttn: Betsey RichardsonP.O. Bo~ 3136Greensboro, NC 274023136

    Invoice #: 00002024Date: 4{15/10

    DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT4 / 8 / 1 0 Order # 543 $178.50...* 3 5 7 -d- 21" @$B.SOpci If 1877- Rezoning: Oakland Ave4/15/10 Ad- 21" @$8.50 pcill1877 $178.50Order # 544Ad- 22" @$8.50 pci Wafer-6016 Western Trail" #1878 $187.00Ad- 23"@ $8.50 pci "Sewer- 6016 Western Trail" J I " 1 ' l $195.50

    Jr'~ < 6 1 /10( - c > 1 C ) ; l - - 01. '?)-~(

    e P - ~ r . : J r - ( n-[)St;u~R E C E : : 1 ' V E : t : JA P R 1 1City. e 2 0 1 0 C l G r k . ~

    s o r n e f )

    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount: $739.50

    Amount $0.00Terms: C.O.D. Balance Due: $739.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    ~J ~:..'


    as a q ua lifie d n ew sp ap er w ith in th e-r. " ing of S ection 1597 of th e G eneral

    S1tbS1r~~ and SWI)~1 to ~ffore me 2010this __ t_da y of prJ. , _A P R R @ 2 0 1 0

    a. ty ~J)s Ob

    4 & N ~ ~ / ] '

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker


    STATE OJ? NORTH CAROLINACOUNTY OF GUILF'ORD , (, PUBLISBER~ S AFFIDA VITJOHN M. K lL rM A N JA R O .'~~-. "" ... _ . . ,"' ,',n. .:.,::.'. 'i:;~~::;:ol!.;/,l'.f';ll'''i~I'!lge,e in g du ly sw orn according toI , .)\ : ;~~~Es6~~~~~'~~:[~~1~i(~~~b~~~~~~.;~)' ~ ~ i J ~ e ~ k ~ . ;il dep ose and say that he is' P 11 blisher_..b;~;~~~;~~~t~~6,~~I;~~{l~~~:~~;~~'l r t t f 6 ~ ~ 1 ~ 6 ' : '. t.IN~At;~~~~:~~~~ER~\f~~:J~!~~::~,;.~~~S~5p:~:q:N'E,. e " , < ; : ~ j . i ~ i : ~ < : ~ t : . , :' . CAROLlNA PEACEMAKER a~".~,',~:'."'I;f-;::~'L''';' l IJ,,J. ...r:~:~.l,.- .I :.' ''_.~' ::":"~_".:~.~_ .. ~--:- r/: ~.r-~".t.,>!.'~~~ ti -~ ~~~e~~~a :'~ -4 "th n,.o ,n .! he .6 th .ja y~ tA~) ;2 #1~'.~ I~ :3 ~ _ , p er p ublished in the C ity of/.~~~8l')!)_,Jt1~,.~~~~IP~~S.9;.~!fI1Ing !I,~i9~e,o/.inerty 10~ ~Se?:I'I.";,'. . . '. ... .:. t/), .emcn ts \md ' qual if ica tions of Section 1-

    th e G en era l S ta tu te s o f N orth C aro lin a. . ~~'"

    Subsc~ibM and sworn to J;lefore metbis~dayof Apul 2010A P R X e z O t o

    C i t y . C l e r k l l s O f f i c s

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    Subscribed lind sworn to before methis lSt:hdayof April 201Q,

    A P R J l f Y 2 0 1 0aty Cl~k!l5 Off ioo

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notices 1 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 739.50Greensboro NC 27420-0000Vend o r N umbe rP aym en t D a teB an k N o.

    3814119/] 0


    CHECK NUMBER 238505

    I nvo ic e NumberInvoice #2024, dated 4/15110 739.50

    PO N um b er Description Amoun t

    Invoice Number A ccount N umber CBR AmountCJ5110 101010201 5221 739.50